Spring 2024 Newsletter

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This year, our Annual Meeting will be available online & IN-PERSON!


October 26th, 2024 at The Leaves

Can't join us in-person?

You can watch the video* of Annual Meeting Presentation on our YouTube channel at your convenience:


*Note: the video will not include COP talk or The Effulgence Foundation Film & Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee Isaiah 60:1


Learn more: theleaves.org/2024annualmeeting



2:00pm - The Leaves Annual Meeting Video Presentation

Like the past few years, you'll hear first-hand from The Leaves' Christian Science nurses and staff We hope you’ll enjoy seeing the healing and progress happening here at our facility

2:30pm - Talk by COP George M. Nutwell III, CS.

George is the Christian Science Committee on Publication for Texas. After we watch The Leaves' Annual Meeting Video, George will give an inspiring talk to the group.

3:00pm - The Effulgence Foundation Film.

We're pleased to announce that after George's talk, we'll be showing The Elizabeth Earl Jones Story, a film produced by The Effulgence Foundation. Read about this movie an Effulgence Foundation at theeffulgencefoundation.org.

Annual Meeting Theme & Schedule - p.1

Lunch at The Leaves / Healing is Happening - p. 2

Workshops / Hospitality / Meet Our New Board Member / Spring Appeal - p. 3

972-231-4864 info
1230 W. Spring Valley Rd. Richardson, TX 75080 S P R I N G 2 0 2 3
W H A T ' S I N S I D E

Join us every other month, as we break bread with our community.

Come have lunch with us and see all the updates and progress at The Leaves. You’ll also enjoy a metaphysical talk, some live music, or other entertainment

Healing is Happening

“A little while ago, my young son had a deep cut on his toe He seemed to be very alarmed by the blood and was afraid Other family members were around and offered their support both physically and prayerfully. My son was getting even more worked up and one of the family members reminded him that we've seen so many healings in this family, and to notice that God is already here. She then suggested that we say the Scientific Statement of Being by Mrs. Eddy from the textbook out loud together. This helped each of us to calm and center thought on God

I felt like we were being welcomed and cared for by family; there was such an atmosphere of spiritual witnessing, holy comfort, and tender love

I was praying and focusing on my son's spiritual origin/conception I felt no fear My son asked to go to our local Christian Science nursing facility, The Leaves, where we could get proper bandaging for the foot, and that seemed like a good idea I also called a Christian Science practitioner who immediately agreed to start giving prayerful treatment

When we got to The Leaves, the Christian Science nurses didn't ask us to rehearse the mortal history but, instead, they focused on calmly and skillfully cleansing and bandaging the area We could just feel the love that they poured in

At home we kept prayerfully working, and also spent some precious time together as a family sharing meals, playing games, laughing, and expressing joy. One of the Christian Science nurses came to our house and cleansed and bandaged the toe again the next day. By the third day, the cut had closed up. My son joyfully went back to school and exclaimed to his teacher and the other kids, "Miracles happen at our house! God stitched it up!" and pulled off his sock and shoe to show the proof of his completely healed toe

I was prayerfully giving gratitude to God for this healing, when God said to me, "This moment will be so solid in this boy’s thought that he'll look back and rely on it for the rest of his life" I know deep in my heart that this moment here is a victory This moment here is Christian Science in action Not only was this a healing victory for my son, but for all of us who were part of this demonstration and I'm grateful to The Leaves for their love and care of my son

- a grateful Dallas parent

Reminder P l e a s e R S V P a t t h e l e a v e s . o r g / l u n c h
food fellowship fun

The Latest Progress & Activities

Workshops focused on caring

So far this year, we have given workshops out of town in Kansas City and California! Learn more, read the full workshop descriptions, and RSVP at: theleaves.org/workshops We’re still open to scheduling workshops Please get in touch if your church would like to host one

Hospitality expressed

Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting special guests from The Mother Church in Boston: Manager of Christian Science Nursing Activities Audrey Sentinella, and Assistant Manager of Christian Science Nursing Activities Vanessa Campbell We also hosted the 2024 Philanthropy Forum conference. It was a joy to connect with friends old and new - all united in supporting the ministry of Christian Science nursing.

Spring Appeal

Meet our new board member!

We are delighted to welcome Lisa Wyly as a board member. Born and raised here in Dallas, The Leaves has been close to her family’s heart for over 3 generations. Lisa shared, “More recently with my twin sister working at The Leaves as a Christian Science nurse, and the offering of several workshops informing our Texas Christian Science community about Christian Science nursing, I have a clearer understanding and appreciation for The Leaves and the important work and healing that is ever active there. I’m looking forward to serving on the Board.” Lisa currently serves in her branch church as a Sunday School teacher and her Reading Room. She works in the Deaf community as a sign language interpreter. She says, “As a Christian Scientist, I love the practice of seeing my clients in a spiritual light and often see limitations conquered”

We are continuing to beautify and improve The Leaves facility and grounds. We are in need of a few items to continue these improvements:

a new fence ($15,000) food service cart ($2,200) specialty wheelchair ($600) maintenance shed ($2,500)

At The Leaves, healing is our goal Everything we do is to help and care more Give at: theleaves.org/contribute Why?

or donate here


To efficiently move into the future, we’ve organized our idea the Plans to Prospe Campaign We invite you to prayerfully and financially support this effort

Learnmorea theleaves.org/plans
workshop at Mankowski Homes
theleaves.org 1230 West Spring Valley Rd. Richardson, TX 75080 972-231-4864
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