Fall 2024 Newsletter

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This year, our Annual Meeting will be available online & IN-PERSON!

Saturday October 26th, 2024 at 2:00pm at The Leaves


Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon

Learn more: theleaves.org/2024annualmeeting


2:00pm - Janet Horton - Opening remarks

We're honored to have Janet Horton kick off the festivities Janet was the first woman to enter the military chaplaincy as a Christian Scientist

2:15pm - The Leaves Annual Meeting Video Presentation

In this video, you'll hear first-hand from The Leaves' Christian Science nurses and staff

2:45pm - Talk by Texas COP George M. Nutwell III, CS.

George is the Christian Science Committee on Publication for Texas After we watch The Leaves' Annual Meeting Video, George will give an inspiring talk to the group

3:15pm - The Effulgence Foundation Film

Next, we'll be showing The Elizabeth Earl Jones Story, a film produced by The Effulgence Foundation. Learn more at theeffulgencefoundation.org.

p. 1 Annual Meeting Theme & Schedule

p. 2 You can help shape the future of The Leaves

p. 3 Plans to Prosper

p. 4 Planning Sessions / Healings

p. 5 More healings / New Board Members

p. 6 Team building trip to Boston

You can help shape the future of The Leaves

We are here for you, and because of you. We’re listening to the wishes of our church community and meeting the needs.

Together we can create something incredible for our community. We’re listening to the field, and there are questions about how we as Christian Scientists can best position ourselves for the future, and questions as to how The Leaves is going to meet the needs of our church community in the future

Here for you. Listening to you. We want to hear from you! So thank you in advance for your valuable input


Take the survey now.

Open the camera on your phone and scan this box Then click on the browser link to take the survey

Thank you for participating in this survey which will help us gather input on the design and features to meet present and future needs at The Leaves Your feedback is needed to help us create a space that meets our community's needs and preferences

As you may know, The Leaves is envisioning a bright future through our Plans to Prosper Campaign Learn more about these exciting plans at theleaves.org/planstoprosper.

This outdoor courtyard will be a space for families, neighbors, and friends to connect as a community in this beautiful, functional garden We’re in the process of getting new concrete, moving the pool fence, removing tree stumps, adding 2 BBQ grills, and picnic tables

Plans to Prosper Matching Grant Double your impact!

Thanks to a very generous donor, we have a Matching Grant for $150,000

Brother Birds Garden

Plans to Prosper Campaign

Our 3-pronged approach to ensuring the future success of Christian Science Nursing at The Leaves

Inspired by

"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11.

Evidence of Growth

The Leaves’ mission is to provide skilled Christian Science nursing to our community now and into the future. We've been making great progress. To the right are the numbers so you can see for yourself (These are results from the progress we’ve made since 2021)

Please consider contributing! Learn more & donate: theleaves.org/planstoprosper

from 4 patients and residents early 2021 to 12 current = 200% increase

from 2,236 patient days in 2021 to 4,254 in 2023

from 9 Christian Science Nurses in early 2021 to 24 currently = 167% increase

from 3 Christian Science nurses in our training program to currently 11


we want to build

The logic: The more Christian Science Nurses we have, the more patients we can help. But those Christian Science nurses and their families need somewhere to live. That’s where you come in.

Ask Questions at Planning Sessions

It can sometimes seem like there's a lot to know about planning for the future... especially as a Christian Scientist.


As a Christian Scientist, you may have some questions about how to best prepare Let us help.

*Schedule your one-on-one consultation today to discuss one of the following: Medicare and Insurance Power of Attorney Planned Giving because wisdom guides our preparations

These planning sessions are free and our gift to you.

Schedule your appointment and learn more at theleavesorg/planningsessions

*DISCLAIMER: Please note that The Leaves is not a legal firm The Leaves employees are not legal professionals, and this is not legal advice We are not accountants tax professionals financial advisors, attorneys, or any other type of qualified professionals We do not provide tax legal accounting business or similar advice All guides and information provided are for informational purposes only

Healing is Happening

Stroke symptoms healed

Recently we had a patient admitted with what the patient believed was symptoms of a mild stroke He could only stand and walk with the aid of a Christian Science Nurse, as he was listing heavily to one side A walker was introduced as a temporary care idea

Together with the support of his Christian Science Practitioner and his commitment to working toward healing, he continued with his prayerful work After a few days he started to walk on his own, and shortly thereafter went home completely healed God is good!

Continue reading on the next page for even more healings.

Healing is Happening

Rise & Shine - practical healing demonstrations

The topic for our upcoming Annual Meeting this year is “Rise & Shine” which is taken from Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee”

Rise & Shine sounds nice, but how do we make it practical? How do we rise and shine?

As a work family, it came to us that it truly means demonstrating God’s power and the healing truth of Christian Science in our own lives

To demonstrate our understanding of this, the video presentation you’ll watch this year will include testimonies of healing from the Christian Science staff at The Leaves. We felt it was important to show that these are all recent healings (all from the past year) to illustrate that we are practicing this Science, and that the healing Principle is vital, operative, and effective today, just as in Biblical times.

This is special. It is truly significant to witness each staff member at The Leaves actively engaging in and documenting their own healing practice, a unique commitment that aligns perfectly with the purpose of The Leaves, naturally expressing our deep gratitude for God’s goodness. In the video, our staff shares their personal experiences of healing, demonstrating God's power in everyday life.

Some of the testimonies you’ll hear include:

Wound from dog bite healed

Workplace frustration healed

Painful eye condition healed

Cold symptoms healed

Strained neck healed

Feeling of burden and lack healed

Back pain healed

Intense shaking healed

And more! God is good!

Read more healings at: theleaves.org/testimonies-of-healing

Welcoming Nancy Henger New Board Members

Nancy Henger is a life-long Christian Scientist She was raised in Jackson, Mississippi and attended The University of Mississippi, and later moved to Dallas in 1985 She uses Christian Science daily as a business owner, raising her family, and in her personal life Nancy is currently Second Reader at her branch church

Welcoming Colby Howe

Colby Howe has a great love for Christian Science. Originally from Washington State, Colby graduated from Principia College, and later moved to Dallas in 2015 He has work experience in city planning In his free time he enjoys praying, spending time with his family, and riding motorcycles Colby recently finished his term as First Reader at his branch church


A huge “thank you” to John Borin for his service on The Leaves Board of Trustees. His prayer and dedication made a difference. We are grateful to him for all he shared!

The Leaves Board of Trustees

Gifty Aboro

David Boone

Nancy Henger

Colby Howe

Peggy Lange, CS

Lisa Wyly

Executive Director

Jennifer Johnson

1230 West Spring Valley Rd.

Richardson, TX 75080


Staff trip to Boston

A small group of staff took a team-building trip to Boston. It was inspiring, joyful, and at times, deeply moving - bringing tears to our eyes

Christian Science staff members embarked on this journey together to learn more about our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy We toured Longyear Museum, The Mother Church, the Mapparium, four of Mrs. Eddy’s houses, including 400 Beacon St.

Our gratitude for Mrs. Eddy and her life’s work was deepened immeasurably.

In the spirit of team building, we partook in a group cooking class one evening, read aloud, and answered team-building question cards during our car drives, ate together, played games, and laughed a lot!

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