Hort Couture 2015 Collection

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Hort Couture 2015 Collection‌ Avant Garde Annuals




These gorgeous Summer Snapdragons are a genetic breakthrough With two two flowers that are so hot! A mixed container must have..




(n.) 1. Famed, fashionable, adorable and learnĂŠd. The beautiful people. 2. The most amazing interspecific Geraniums on the planet.




These girls have their party dresses ready to go for a fun early Spring of color and fun. Themost outrageous Primrose ever developed.

Little Black Dress Petunia PANACHE™… compact grower, rich color

Blueberry Petunia GLAMOUFLAGE™… a unique addition!

Stainless Steel Psuederanthemum‌ a thriller like no other

Black Dragon Calibrachoa KIMONO™… amazing, huge black eyes

Sunfish Coleus UNDER THE SEA™… a brighter Bonefish

Sea Weed Coleus UNDER THE SEA™… there is nothing like it!

Blue Mountain Salvia MANNEQUIN™… diploid with huge flowers


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