Website traffic – choose a method

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Website Traffic – Choose A Method Once they have their website up a lot of people then find it difficult to get traffic to it. Here are some suggestions. Choose one or two methods and focus on them. If after, say 60 days, they're not working for you, then choose another one or two, or some other you've found. Keep trying out methods until you find one or more that work for you and your business. 1 The basic method is to make

sure you have your site optimized for the search engines. Usually, this traffic is targeted as they have clicked on your link in the search results for what they're looking for. Use a silo structure and have internal links between pages to guide the search crawlers around the site. 2 Use content marketing on other sites as well as your own. You need to be using keywords relevant to your content and your audience. Again, it provides you with targeted traffic so that if you send them to something they are looking for and find it on your site from your content, then you'll

have repeat visitors as well as buyers if it's an offer. 3 Find forums in your niche and post helpful comments for those asking questions about problems in your niche. Check out each forum's rules and stick to them, including about placing links. The advantage of forums is that these are where some of your market go on the web. So you can speak to them directly. It's also another way of building trust as members see the quality of your posts. This leads to getting link clicks, and it's what you can build on if people join your list.

4 Get traffic from your email list. Your freebie on your opt in page might simply be the ability to join you list. Send them regular communications to build trust, credibility, and niche knowledge. You send them to your site from email links so they can get more about the email topic. Generating opt ins and growing your list also means you're growing your traffic. Click the link to read: What Generates Your Traffic? hat-generates-your-website-traffic

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