Sales funnel operation

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Sales Funnel Operation The use of the idea of a funnel in marketing is just an image though an effective one. The wide bit of the funnel is at the top which collects your potential subscribers and customers. As they go through your funnel there are less and less of them, until at the funnel's thin bottom part, there are usually much fewer than started at the top. Here's how to think about your funnel.

First, think about it as a complete operation. It operates in terms of all the visitors who enter, whether they are temporary in some way or become long term customers. Now, most of those entering your funnel will buy something if you follow up with them with some thought and care. Usually, marketers put too much continuous and fast pressure on subscribers, meaning people leave quickly after only receiving a few emails. Second, the concern, linked to the first point, is to lead people through the funnel to the end as a customer. This can easily

get out of hand selling-wise. It's better to educate about your business and product, develop your credibility and trust, and provide them with offers that are increasingly compelling. Once they feel they can trust you and that they know you as a marketer, and your products are what they need and want, then they're much more likely to buy from you than someone else. Try these: 1 Keep adding new free stuff and entry products into your

front end. So you have more points of entry. 2 Work out your email campaigns to you keep those more likely to become long term customers. 3 Have over-lapping campaigns so you're not losing potential customers too early. 4 Are your products through your funnel, useful to your subscribers and customers? That is, are you providing new value others are not? Get more here:

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