The Observer Vol. 89 No.4 – April 2024

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Campaign Update: March Mitzvah Madness Scores Big!

On Sunday, March 17, the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville held its kickoff to the 2024 Annual Campaign – a NCAA March Madness-themed event called “March Mitzvah Madness.”

I have been fortunate enough to participate in manning the phones for Tzedakah Tzunday for years, but it was a completely different situation experiencing a fundraising event like this from “the other side.” I always enjoyed hearing each solicitor strike up a conversation with our donors and tell the story of all the good that the Federation does for our community. And it was lovely seeing those moments come back after so many years. I was certainly impressed by all the folks who came out to support the Federation – it was truly a multi-generational effort, and just like my family many years ago, some of our callers brought in spouses and children. I’ll never forget the first time our kids got to join us manning

Continued on page 12

Rabbi Tamar Manasseh to Lead Social Justice Seder and Focus on Building Resilient Communities

Rabbi Tamar Manasseh knows something about resilience. It took her 13 years to become an ordained rabbi, and in fact, she was the first woman ever ordained through the Israelite Academy. During those years, and in the years since, she founded an organization, Mothers/Men Against Senseless Killings (MASK), that combats violent crime in her home community of Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood, one of the roughest parts of town. Over the years, MASK has evolved into a valuable asset for the community by helping the community gain access to various community services and assistance programs.

Rabbi Manasseh’s work, which began by simply showing up on the street

corner with a folding chair, is the inspiration for this year’s Social Justice Seder, presented by the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville’s Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC) and centered on the theme of “Building Resilient Communities.” Deborah Oleshansky, director of the Jewish Community Relations Committee, says, “She is a tour de force. Her primary work is outreach to the community and being on the street. Being out in the community is the best tool we have addressing anti-Judaism.”

Manasseh will lead the seder, which includes a Haggadah, or seder prayer book, created especially for this year’s program. There will be the traditional ritual foods on the table, and music

Continued on page 6

Local Grassroots Groups Keep Focus on Israel and Hostages

In the chaotic aftermath of the October 7th terrorist attacks in Israel, Nechama Brand-Schuman did what many Israeli Americans did, she tried to figure out how to help her family and friends who were impacted by tragedy. “Both my parents made aliya and I grew up in Israel. When it happened, everyone was figuring out what was going on and what was needed.”

What Brand-Schuman learned was that the wives of soldiers who were killed were under tremendous stress. She began to send Shabbat care packages to these women to help bring some comfort to them. “It was hard for them to suddenly be on their own,” she says, “So I found some flowers, cake, chocolates, whatever was available in Israel.” Brand-Schuman focused on impacted communities and utilized woman-owned businesses.

The feedback for the effort, known as Israeli Women of Valor, was swift and

Continued on page 13

Vol. 89 No. 4 22 Adar II - 22 Nisan 5784 WWW.JEWISHNASHVILLE.ORG A Publication of the
OBSERVER THE APRIL 2024 Nashville Holocaust Memorial Honors Sculptor Alex Limor, page 4 Update from P2G, page 2 The Gordon JCC’s Annual Big Night Out was a Huge Success, page 15 Guilt and Gratitude: A Ukrainian in Nashville Continues to Adapt, page 8
Rabbi Tamar Manasseh will lead this year’s JCRC Social Justice Seder on April 11. Tennessee Stands with Israel helped organized a solidarity rally in Legislative Plaza. Pictured l. is Leeron Resnick, and r. is David Zilberman The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville’s Jason Sparks and Ethan Levin score big wins at March Mitzvah Madness campaign 2024 kickoff

Update from P2G

The Hadera-Eiron Israel Partnership2Gether (P2G) Joint Steering Committee held its annual meeting March 10-13 in Chattanooga. This meeting is when our Israel Partnership Consortium determines the budget for the upcoming year and evaluates which programs and initiatives we will pursue over the course of the year to achieve the Partnership’s goals.

As the US Community Coordinator for our Partnership region, I went to the meeting with Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville Community Relations Director Deborah Oleshansky and Nashville P2G Committee Chair Christie Wiemers.

Representatives from Charleston, Chattanooga, Florida’s Gulf Coast, Greensboro, Jacksonville, Lee & Charlotte Counties, Nashville, and Richmond participated alongside four Israeli participants: P2G Director Shimrit Orgal, P2G Israel Co-Chair Alon Kloss, and past P2G Israel Co-Chairs Elisha Hosman and Dorit Zini. Kloss and Hosman are currently in active service in the Israel Defense Forces and took a week off of their service to be able to travel among the Partnership communities and demonstrate their commitment to our Partnership.

The Partnership offers diverse programs that touch on the following five pillars:

1. Educating its community members about Israel and Diaspora Jewry

2. Promoting Jewish peoplehood and mutual responsibility

3. Creating awareness and strengthening Jewish identity

4. Building deep and meaningful relationships

5. Increasing community engagement

Nashville’s own Fred Zimmerman has been serving as P2G US Co-Chair for the last three years and presided over the meeting alongside Kloss.

Before the meeting, the four Israeli representatives toured some of the communities in the Consortium, including Richmond, Greensboro, Charlotte, and Nashville. This was Kloss’ first time visiting these communities and the visit was eye-opening for him about how connected our communities are to what is going on in Israel.

“The meetings throughout the visit, the discussions, and the understandings expressed a love of Israel and a belief in the righteousness of our path as a people and as a Partnership,” Kloss said. “I was impressed by the hard work [the communities] are doing and the commitment to our special Partnership.”

Zimmerman said that Hosman and Kloss’s presence at this meeting during wartime underscored how meaningful this Partnership is to everyone involved.

“The fact that [they] went to the effort to make this trip to our region, at this time, in this environment, speaks volumes,” Zimmerman said. “Our friends left behind the critical things they’re doing in Israel to tell us, in person and face to face, that we need each other, and that everything we have built over the

years means more than we know.”

As part of the programming from the meeting, Wiemers participated in a panel of lay leaders who shared with the rest of the group what the Partnership means to them and how they got involved. Wiemers shared about her relationship with Adi, with whom she was connected through the Partnership’s Local2Global (L2G) exchange program.

“My L2G host Adi is an extension of my heart and of my life,” she said. “Every time I think of Israel, I don’t think of Israel anymore, I think of every individual touchpoint I have ever had. On October 7, it wasn’t ‘oh my goodness this is happening in Israel’, it’s ‘oh my goodness this is happening to my family there.’”

As Zimmerman steps down from his position as P2G US Co-Chair, he and Kloss agree that the relationships and connections born out of our Partnership are more crucial than ever before.

“This is not business as usual,” Kloss said. “Partnership as family is not just a fantasy. I felt it.”

“Partnership is a great way to get involved,” Zimmerman said. “You get such a different view of things when you

can actually talk to people as opposed to only reading or watching the news. You get to know Israel by knowing Israelis.” If you would like to be part of our Nashville Partnership committee or host Israeli teens from our Partnership teens the week of July 14, please email me at or call me at 615-354-1664. •

After October 7th, Moishe House Provides Connection and Comfort

Nashville’s local Moishe House has become a fixture among young Jewish adults since its inception about four years ago. There have been some changes to the regular residents, but the mission remains the same: to provide meaningful connection and programming for adults in their 20s. Since October 7th, Moishe House is providing more than just programming and social connection. Jackson Gruber, for instance, turned to Moishe House for comfort during a very difficult time. “I felt like everyone I knew didn’t understand what I was going through. I felt very alone,” he says.

Gruber moved to Nashville three years ago to attend Middle Tennessee State University. And while he was raised in a very involved Jewish home just outside of Chicago, his main focus when he arrived in town was his education. “I had a beautiful Jewish childhood and loved being part of the Jewish community, but when I moved here, I wasn’t really looking for that,” he says.

After October 7th, Gruber says it was his parents, who had relocated to Nashville as well, who suggested he do some research to find Jewish companionship. “I found Moishe House and the week after October 7th, Ruthie sent me a message about a Shabbat dinner.” Gruber said

his mother was nervous about his safety and asked him not to go. “In hindsight I wish I’d gone, but a couple of weeks later, they had a Friendsgiving Shabbat and I went. I met two people who are now good friends. It just felt like we always knew each other, it was very special.”

Ruthie Perlman is one of Moishe House’s new residents, having recently returned to Nashville after graduating from Vanderbilt and spending a year in Denver. She is no stranger to the connections that can be made there. “Actually, the first person I met when I went to Hillel’s move-in open house weekend was Rose Capin.” Capin was one of

Moishe House Nashville’s first residents. Perlman says, “We did a lot of Moishe House programming together. She just brought me in, and I was a very enthusiastic and committed attendee at first.”

The other new resident is Ellie Shafron. She moved into the house during a period of transition when there were only two of the previous residents living there, both of whom were among the original group. It was also a time of transition among the participants, something that Shafron says also changes with the times and the residents. Being new to town presented some challenges, so she can also relate to Gruber’s feelings

of disconnect. “Moving in not knowing anybody in Nashville, making outreach a goal of mine was difficult. But as we’ve had more and more events and more young people have moved to Nashville and discovered Moishe House in whatever way they have, it’s been really cool to do more personalized outreach for various events.”

That personalized approach, including personal texts and messages rather than broad social media posting, is part of what drew Gruber to Moishe House, and what keeps him coming back. “I love the casualness. It feels like walking into someone’s home. It’s people with common Jewish experience coming together,” he says. Perlman says that feeling is very intentional. “There is a lot of overlap with NowGen and NowGen is doing a lot of those larger events. Moishe House is where people go when they want to be in a home in a community that feels very organic.”

Shafron says being on the organizing side of Moishe House is particularly rewarding for her, as well. “It really does feel like having a big group of friends over and just hosting the Jewish community. It’s so heartwarming to have a room full of people singing the Shabbat blessings.”

The programming at Moishe House is not always centered around Shabbat

Continued on page 4

2 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Pictured l. to r.: P2G Director Shimrit Orgal, Immediate Past P2G Stateside Co-Chair Fred Zimmerman, P2G Israel Co-Chair Alon Kloss Shimrit Orgal, P2G Director, speaks to the Joint Steering Committee Attendees at the 2024 P2G Joint Steering Committee meeting. Jackon Gruber pictured with his girlfriend and Moishe House participant, Nicole Milafsky. Pictured l. to r. are current Moishe House residents Shea Northfield, Ruthie Perlman, Ellie Shafron.

Letter to the Editor

The Work of the CRC Focuses on Jewish Values in Our Community and in Middle Tennessee

Last month’s Observer included a Letter to the Editor calling for realigning the work of the Jewish Federation’s Community Relations Committee (CRC) to bring about a “new and sharply narrowed focus for its work.” The signees proposed that the CRC “respond to anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist attacks and threats” and not to the “more nuanced and controversial moral issues of the day.” Their letter suggests that the sole mission of our CRC should be to defend Jewish life and Jewish lives here, in our Nashville community, and not engage with other organizations on other matters, even if those “issues of the day” also dramatically impact Jewish lives.

The letter did not reference, among other programs, four community-wide CRC programs on antisemitism held over the last three years, a program for high school students and young adults with Oren Jacobson, founder of Project Shema (canceled in January due to weather); and, immediately after the October 7 massacre, and then after the Nashville Jewish professionals trip to Israel, the Federation sponsored the well-attended community-wide meetings about the conflict in Gaza. Nor did the letter acknowledge that behind the scenes, the Federation’s Community Relations Director is constantly engaged in oneon-one conversations with faith, ethnic, and political leaders across the spectrum in Middle Tennessee when she learns of antisemitic statements or ill-informed initiatives critical of Israel.

c c c c STAFF

Publisher Jewish Federation

Editor Barbara Dab

Advertising Manager Carrie Mills

Layout and Production Tim Gregory

Editorial Board Frank Boehm (chair), Teena Cohen, Laura Thompson, Scott Rosenberg, Liz Feinberg

Telephone 615/356-3242

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The Jewish OBSERVER (ISSN 23315334) is published monthly for $36 per year by the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, 801 Percy Warner Blvd., Nashville, TN 37205-4009.

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This newspaper is made possible by funds raised in the Jewish Federation Annual Campaign.

The Jewish OBSERVER is a member of the American Jewish Press Association and the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

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Clearly, the rise in antisemitism and the confusion and criticism regarding Israel’s response to the horrors of October 7 has been and must continue to be addressed.

Our CRC currently provides ongoing targeted leadership to that challenge as it also nurtures relationships within the broader Nashville community on issues important to Jewish life and Jewish values. For example, the annual CRC Social Justice Seder brings together hundreds of attendees

from throughout Nashville who learn about the Passover message of freedom and liberation. A recent CRC and Urban League co-sponsored event at the Tennessee State Museum focused on the Rosenwald Schools, funded by Julius Rosenwald, that educated Black children throughout the South.

These relationships create networks and support for dialogue on many controversial topics important to our Jewish community. As one member of our Jewish community recently shared, “I

depend on our Community Relations Committee to be the educational bridge between our Jewish community and our Nashville community.”

At this critical time, we need to leverage those networks and relationships. The CRC has an opportunity — or, perhaps an obligation — to continue to reach out, to engage, to convene, to educate and, yes, to defend as necessary. The CRC is critical to promoting the values and goals of our Jewish communi-

Continued on page 6

Community Relations Committee

Last May, Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC) hosted a book group discussion and program with author Dara Horn, related to her book, “People Love Dead Jews.” The book has been awarded several honors and in his Jewish Book Council review of the book, Jonathan Fass writes: “Horn comes to the conclusion that anti semitism has reemerged in America because “the last few generations of American non-Jews had been chagrined by the enormity of the Holocaust which had been perpetuated by America’s enemy, and which was gross enough to make antisemitism socially unacceptable, even

Corrections Policy

The Jewish Observer is committed to making corrections and clarifications promptly. To request a correction or clarification, call Editor Barbara Dab at (615) 354-1653 or email her at

Editorial Submissions Policy and Deadlines

The Jewish Observer welcomes the submission of information, news items, feature stories and photos about events relevant to the Jewish community of Greater Nashville. We prefer e-mailed submissions, which should be sent as Word documents to Editor Barbara Dab at

Photos must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and should be attached as jpegs to the e-mail with the related news item or story. For material that cannot be e-mailed, submissions should be sent to Barbara Dab, The Jewish Observer, 801 Percy Warner Blvd., Suite 102, Nashville TN 37205. Photos and copy sent by regular mail will not be returned unless prior arrangement is made. Publication is at the discretion of The Observer, which reserves the right to edit submissions.

To ensure publication, submissions must arrive by the 15th of the month prior to the intended month of publication.

For advertising deadlines, contact Carrie Mills, advertising manager, at 615-354-1699, or by email at

shameful. Now that people who remembered the shock of those events were dying off, the public shame associated with expressing antisemitism was dying too. In other words, hating Jews was normal.” In the banality of this explanation, the reader comes to the conclusion that sometimes the truest answer is both the most painful and the least satisfying.”

In the JCRC ongoing pursuit to better understand, confront, and combat growing antisemitism, Horn is only the most recent expert to address us on this topic. Horn was preceded in Nashville by programs with other leading voices: Deborah Lipstadt, Bari Weiss, and Noa Tishby. These local programs with national experts, are designed to provide context, education, perspective, and insight into modern antisemitism and how we can work collectively to support each other in the Jewish community, and to develop a framework for how to engage with the general community on this vexing issue.

But it is not a new endeavor. The hatred of Jews is very old, and the throughline of antisemitism has been the denial of truth and promotion of lies that lead to conspiracy theories. These conspiracy theories portray Jews as collectively evil, with no right to exist. The propaganda and disinformation ascribe to Jews whatever is hateful in any society, which is why Jews can be vilified as both communists and evil greedy capitalists, how we can be both subhuman and omnipotent, both vermin and powerful. And why so many of us now feel vulnerable in new ways. We are being targeted and we are overwhelmed by the hateful rhetoric and images. And while many of these conspiracy theories and vicious images are not new, social media algorithms spread these lies exponentially faster than ever before. As Horn has said, “Doomscrolling through horror is very old.”

Through her ongoing research, con-

textualization and focus on the topic, Horn continues to make the case for standing ever more proudly in our Jewish tradition and values, in the face of antisemitism. To share with others more, not less. To reach out to those who need to better understand who we are really, rather than how we are portrayed, more broadly, loudly, and proudly.

In her recent remarks at the ADL Never is Now 2024 conference, Horn addressed the crowd by the reminder that Jew hatred is not new and that each one of us has a responsibility to push back on those who seek to destroy us by investing in teaching people the truth. We need to create and provide expanded education about living Jews and Judaism, sharing our truth and our foundational core, including our rich history of social justice, resistance not only to idolatry, but our core resistance to tyranny, refusal to bow to tyrants, and the radical idea, thousands of years old, that we should all be free.

Telling the truth requires courage.

In her closing comments at the conference, Horn reminds us of the section of the Haftorah at the conclusion of the Torah in which God says to Joshua, “Hazak v’amatz.” Be strong and courageous. We are well served to remember this blessing as we step into our truth, and use our strength, courage, and social capital to tell our story and demand our right to exist.

The upcoming JCRC Social Justice Seder on April 11 is a local opportunity to come together to share our tradition, values, and truth with others. Rabbi Tamar Manasseh, a living example of bridgebuilding and respect for multiple identities, will lead us as we delve into our history and tradition to find the strength and courage to maintain our right to fully express our Judaism, and for each of us to become confident in it for ourselves and with others. The Seder allows us to take Horn’s counsel and step up even more proudly into our tradition of social justice, and to share those lessons and foundational values with others. All are welcome to join us for this meaningful event as we highlight and amplify the story of the exodus, the imperative to pursue justice, the eternal quest for freedom, and the refusal to bow to tyrants. •

The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 3

Nashville Holocaust Memorial Honors Sculptor Alex Limor Please Join Us

For many visitors, the “Book of the Jewish People” sculpture is the most memorable part of Nashville’s Holocaust Memorial. The enormous bronze book features pages that are twisted and burned with a large section of pages torn out from the middle. The Book is designed to reflect our history as well as our future as a Jewish community. Its designer and sculptor, Alex Limor, created it in honor of his father, Irvin, who survived the Holocaust and settled in Nashville after the war. Irvin was an iron-working sculptor, and such a book was his lifelong dream. He and his wife, Elizabeth, were among the pioneers of Holocaust education and remembrance in Nashville. The Limor family were among the original founders of the Memorial in 2006.

Over its 18 years, the Nashville Holocaust Memorial has become the address where hatred is challenged as we welcome every visitor. Our goals are to

educate and create a much-needed spark of respect and compassion.

We have welcomed and educated thousands of groups and individuals, including elected officials, educators, senior groups, Nashville tourists, university students, Church groups, Metro police officers, scout troops, and a Jewish women’s motorcycle group.

In 2022, Alex created an artistic Butterfly Tree to enhance the Memorial and intended to remember the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust. His most

SAVE THE DATE Yom Hashoah Ceremony

The Yom Hashoah ceremony will be held Sunday May 5th at 3:00pm at the Gordon Jewish Community Center. If you are new to the community and have ties to the Holocaust, we would like to include you in this event. Please email Deborah Oleshansky, deborah@, to add your name to our list, and for additional information. •

Moishe House

Continued from page 2 and holidays. With summer just around the corner, Perlman has plans to create a garden in the backyard that can be enjoyed by the community. “We’re planning to prep our beds to create a quasi-community garden back there,” she says. “I want to have a garden where people come for a program and leave with a bundle of kale.” And in true Moishe

House fashion, they are looking to some of their community members to show them the ropes of gardening. “We have a lot to learn,” says Perlman.

Shafron, who is currently a graduate student at Vanderbilt, is looking forward to focusing more on Moishe House programming this summer while she is on break. In fact, she passed on a job at her lifelong summer camp and opted to stay in town. “It’s been a hard balance this year and I’m excited to be able to give a

recent contribution is a three-panel sign that more clearly marks the entrance to the sculpture garden and Memorial site.

On the chai (18th) anniversary of the Memorial, the community is honoring Alex for his artistry, dedication and numerous contributions, including giving tours to countless visitors.

Please join our Nashville community now as we recognize and honor Alex for creating a meaningful and beautiful Nashville Holocaust Memorial on the grounds of the Gordon Jewish Community Center.

Life has taught us time and time again that what each of us does matters. That together we are more powerful than we can be alone. Our community built our Nashville Holocaust Memorial and we are proud of our accomplishments. But, in today’s world we have so much

little more this summer.” Perlman chimes in, “We’re going to make Moishe House feel as much like summer camp as we can make it.”

This diversity of programming is something Gruber says keeps things interesting. And for him, provided an added benefit. “The second event I went to they brought in a hibachi chef. It was on the porch and my two friends were there. I also met a girl, Nicole Milafsky, who is a PhD student at Vanderbilt. She

work that must still be done. Help us update and improve our Memorial. We have a goal to raise $200,000.

The celebration is a luncheon on Sunday, May 5, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm at the Gordon JCC, immediately followed by the annual Yom Hashoah commemoration. Chairs are Bobbie Limor and Emily May. Honorary Chairs are Moshe and Libby Werthan. Invitations will be sent via mail to the entire community.

For more information on the event, or to arrange a docent-led tour of the site, email NashvilleHolocaustMemorial@

Please join us to commemorate the 18th Anniversary of the Nashville Holocaust Memorial and to Honor Alex Limor. Kindly respond by April 20 when you receive your invitation. •

messaged me the next day and we went on a few dates and we’re still dating. Without Moishe House I wouldn’t have met her.”

Of course, always in the background, for Gruber, is the October 7th tragedy. He is grateful he found Moishe House just when he needed it. “I finally feel like I’ve moved in,” he says, “Moishe House has done so much for me, I don’t know how to repay them. They opened up my life.” •


Facebook: Hadassah Nashville


4 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Book of the Jewish People sculpture, created by Alex Limor to honor the memory of his father, Holocaust survivor Irvin Limor. New entrance to the Nashville Holocaust Memorial, designed by Alex Limor
The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 5 HAP PY PA SS OV ER FROM O UR FAMILY TO YO UR S. Real Estate | The Pargh Team Franklin Pargh M: 615.351.7333 Lana Pargh M: 615.504.2685 @theparghteam @parghteam Partnered with The Row Title & Escrow Jennifer Ghanem | Attorney, Founder & Owner | 615.751.0949

Robin Cohen and Stan Fernandez-Schklar will be honored at JFS annual Chesed Dinner on May 9

Robin Cohen and Stan FernandezSchklar are the recipients of Jewish Family Service’s 2024 Chesed Award, given each year to acknowledge the contributions the recipients have made to the Jewish and broader Nashville communities. This year’s dinner co-chairs are Meryl Kraft and Anna Sir. Chesed is Hebrew for “loving kindness,” and occurs when the command to “love your neighbor as yourself” is fulfilled. Nashville could not be luckier to have Robin and Stan as neighbors, as they are prime examples of what Chesed means.

“Robin and Stan live and breathe the essence of Chesed! They both share their talents freely with so many organizations both in the Jewish and broader community,” said JFS Executive Director Pam Kelner. “One of the aspects I love most about the Chesed Award is the opportunity to share with the entire community what our amazing honorees have done to impact the quality of life for so many in our community. People who attend the dinner always walk away inspired by the honoree’s accomplish-


Continued from page 1 will figure prominently into the event. Cantor Tracy Fishbein of The Temple, is organizing the musical aspects of the seder. “Passover in its nature lends itself to so many relevant themes about where we are today in the Jewish world, and in the global sphere,” she says.

This year, the musical presenters include Cantor Josh Goldberg of Congregation Micah, and song leader Julia Motis of local community group Jewsic City. “Musically speaking, the three of us reflect our community here in Nashville,” says Fishbein. She adds that the music itself will be diverse. “Themes of Passover can be expressed through music that is Jewish and secular. Not all of us are free and there is power in using


Continued from page 3 ty by engaging with all Nashvillians in dialogue and in coalitions that support common goals. We cannot afford to isolate ourselves and expect others to have our backs.

We can support our CRC with three categories of work:

• Increase the dialogue within our Jewish community regarding the history and complexity of what is happening in Israel and the whiplash of international opinion;

• Convene and facilitate constructive dialogue within our non-Jewish Nashville community regarding antisemitism and the complexity of what is happening in Israel and the whiplash of international opinion;

• Continue the work of focusing issues critical to living a wholesome, safe Jewish life.

ments, and I promise that Robin and Stan will be no different.”

When reflecting on her involvement with JFS, Robin said, “My time spent serving JFS and its community has been more rewarding and fulfilling than I could ever have imagined. Over the years I have witnessed JFS grow from an organization almost completely dependent on the grants of other organizations to become a strong nonprofit operating and standing proudly on its own two feet. I have participated in this growth and leadership committed through its own Board doing the fundraising. Witnessing the staff seam-

secular music in worship, even songs on the radio.”

The terrorist attacks of October 7th will figure prominently into this year’s seder theme and lend an extra weight to the historically joyous nature of the retelling of the Jewish people’s journey from slavery to freedom. “Passover will have a special meaning this year,” says Fishbein, “It will be a really poignant experience.”

Another key aspect to building resilient communities is a recognition of the diversity of the Jewish world. Manasseh, who is Black, believes that Black Jews are an underutilized resource. “Become the bridge between the white Jewish community and the Black Christian community. Right now, we need each other. Antisemitism and racism aren’t going anywhere. Right now, Black people in this country and Jewish people

We should anchor this work in the current CRC mission as stated in the Jewish Federation by-laws:

“…to advocate for Jewish interests and values, dedicate itself to the safety and security of the State of Israel, and to foster constructive relationships within the Jewish community and among people of all faiths and cultures…”

Please support our Jewish Federation Community Relations Committee as it continues all of this important work. •

List of Signers to the Response:

Felice Apolinsky

Fabian Bedne

Liz Berger

Mike Berger

Kitty Calhoun

Sharon Charney

Teena Cohen

Delilah Cohn

Erin Coleman

Please support the businesses that advertise in the Observer and help support our community in all ways! Make sure to let them saw their ad here!

lessly respond to the crisis of the day/year is inspiring: switching to a virtual platform during Covid to counsel and assist local shut-ins and then settle and resettle Israelis since October 7, provides me with memories of how JFS always comes to the rescue of so many vulnerable individuals. JFS support of LGBT adoptions has never wavered. My pride for JFS and their dedicated leadership and volunteers has grown in leaps and bounds. It has been an honor and a privilege to work alongside the leadership of this organization.”

When asked about receiving the Chesed Award, Stan responded, “It’s truly an honor for me to be recognized at this year’s Dinner. And it is such a special honor because it comes from an organization which I’m truly blessed to be a part of. JFS is full of caring people, both Staff, and volunteers, that I truly look up to, and that motivate and inspire me every time we meet, or work on something together. Each time I attend a meeting or work on an event at JFS, I am just in awe of the people I’m surrounded by, so many good people. There are so many facets to

in this country have the same monster under the bed. And it is white Christian nationalism,” she said in an interview with the Observer early last year. Goldberg says, “It’s really great to bring guests who can shine a light on how diverse we are here in Nashville.”

The seder is being co-chaired by Quin Evans-Segall and her husband Josh Segall. Evans-Segall, who is also a member of Metro Nashville’s City Council, says she was galvanized into action after the Covenant School mass murders last year, and again after October 7th. “After Covenant, I founded [the organization] Voices for a Safer Tennessee, right in our living room. It’s turned into something I never imagined,” she says, “And as a community, sticking together since October 7th is more important than ever.” Evans-

Donna Eskind

Jeff Eskind

Sherry Essig

Susan Foxman

Judy Freudenthal

Faith Haber Gaibraith

Ron Galbraith

Cindy Gold

Michael Gold

Deana Goldstein

Debby Gould

Pat Halper

Lynn Heady

Ron Heady

Benita Kaimowitz

Renee Kasman

Susan Kay

Irwin Kuhn

Ruth Lebovitz

Sally Levine

Ellen Levitt

Michael Levitt

Betty Lichstein

Kenny Lichstein

this organization. And there are so many caring folks here, reaching out in so many directions, to help so many people, with so many diverse needs. JFS is truly a lifeline for people in our community.”

Invitations are in the mail, so be on the lookout to RSVP. To learn more details about the dinner and honorees, and to RSVP or donate, visit jfsnashville. org/ways-to-help/chesed-dinner/

The Chesed Dinner is the primary fundraiser for Jewish Family Services, one of Nashville’s oldest social service agencies. Last year, JFS served over 1,800 individuals through its 21 services and programs in adoption, counseling, psychotherapy, financial assistance, senior services, information and referral, and family life and community enrichment. In addition, JFS responded to the October 7 massacre in Israel in numerous ways, which will be highlighted at the Chesed Dinner on May 9.

For more information about JFS or the Chesed Dinner contact Pam Kelner, Executive Director at (615) 354-1644 or visit the JFS Website at •

Segall says Manasseh is the right person at this moment to be this year’s seder leader. “She brings energy and passion to everything she does. Being able to do this with Rabbi Manasseh and be part of her work is amazing.”

The idea for a social justice seder was brought to Nashville by the late activist Avi Poster, who spearheaded a similar event in his native Chicago. Support for the seder comes from a fund created in his memory. Goldberg is pleased to be part of carrying on Poster ‘s legacy, “Avi would be so proud of how the seder has blossomed, and become a staple program in our community.”

This year’s social justice seder will be on April 11 at the Gordon Jewish Community Center. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www. •

Sam Lorber

Eric Miller

Terry Minnen

Nina Pacent

Susan Pankowsky

Sylvia Rapoport

Michael Richardson

Nancy Richardson

Ceci Sachs

Judith Saks

Josh Segall

Mary Shelton

Susan Simpson

Anna Sir

Martin Sir

Howard Rosenblum

Terry Katzman Rosenblum

Rob Stein

Ruth Tobin

Mitch Tobin

Steve Venick

Irwin Venick

Hedy Weinberg

Bruce Zeitlin

6 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Robin Cohen and Stan Fernandez-Schklar to receive this year’s Chesed Award from Jewish Family Service on May 9.
Learn more about the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville at
The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 7

Guilt and Gratitude: A Ukrainian in Nashville Continues to Adapt

It has now been two years since Russia invaded Ukraine. To date, over 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and millions more have been displaced and dispersed throughout the world. One of those families made their way to Nashville. Inna Shulkina and her mother, Lilya Krasnopolska, fled their home city in eastern Ukraine at the start of the war. Their first stop was western Ukraine, where they hoped to wait out the war. Once it dawned on them that the end was nowhere in sight, they made their way to Israel, where they have family members.

Eventually the pair decided to move to Nashville, where Inna’s daughter and son-in-law live. Today, Shulkina and Krasnopolska are settled in to their apartment in South Nashville and are gradually building new lives far from their homeland.

Shulkina, who is a teacher, continues to teach her Ukrainian students virtually, though many of them have also been displaced. “Some of my students have already been in Europe for two years. They’re used to it and are building new lives.”

Others of her students remain in Ukraine, with four in her hometown. “When I start the class, I’m always nervous about the internet connection, about the sirens. I’m relieved when I see their faces,” says Shulkina.

Shulkina says the students in Ukraine have become used to the sounds and inconveniences of war. “It’s heartbreaking. At 16, 17 years old, they are so used to it they don’t care anymore. It’s so scary that at such an early age they are not living a normal life.”

As the war rages on, Shulkina says she does not know how long her students will remain displaced. Those in Ireland received permission to stay an additional year, but those in Switzerland and other parts of Europe are unclear about their status.

Meanwhile, Shulkina worries about her other family in Israel. “On October 7th, I called my cousin, who said she wasn’t concerned, it probably wouldn’t

last more than five days.” Still other cousins live in Ashkelon, where she says, “My cousin said it was on fire. I told them to come here, but they won’t leave Israel.”

In addition to virtual teaching, Shulkina works at Nashville International Center for Empowerment (NICE), where she is an educational support specialist. She also teaches English as a Second Language classes three times a week at Glencliff High School. Among her favorite classes is the adult classes where the students come from Africa, Cuba, South America, Afghanistan, and many other countries around the world. “It’s interesting to teach international students,” she says, “I learn so much about so many things.”

Shulkina and her mother arrived in the United States under the Humanitarian Parole status. She was able to apply for family reunion since her daughter lives in Nashville. She recently received her Employment Authorization Document which allows her to live and work in the country until 2029 and hopefully by then, she will have received a green card.

Krasnopolska’s status is not the same. She remains under Humanitarian Parole, with an expiration date on her passport of June 11, 2024. Shulkina says they are hoping for an extension. “For now we’ve applied for Temporary Protected Status, and recently we were authorized to re-apply for Humanitarian Parole.” But she says it is stressful waiting and not knowing how things will turn out for her mother.

“My mom still can’t accept the situation,” says Shulkina, “It’s not easy because she lived her whole life across the ocean. She wants to go home, and I can’t tell her there’s no home to go back to.”

Shulkina and her mother have had success building a life in Nashville, making friends, working, and spending time with her daughter. Her mother has learned English and is very active. Still, Shulkina feels weighed down by constant fear and guilt. “When I feel life is good, guilt overtakes me. One of the things that keeps me awake is that at home people are dying every day, and I’m here living a normal life.” •

Justice Takes Center Stage at Jewish Middle School Yom Iyun

The path towards academic excellence at the Jewish Middle School is not just about hitting the books – it is a journey marked by exploration and personal empowerment. At the heart of this ethos is the Yom Iyun program, an initiative JMS began earlier this year.

Translating to ‘a day of study,’ Yom Iyun offers students a dedicated platform to delve deeply into subjects that resonate with their lives and interests.

Last fall, JMS kicked off its inaugural Yom Iyun, built around the theme of harvest. This month, the spotlight has shifted to the concept of justice.

As part of the Yom Iyun, students stepped out of their classrooms and visited Nashville’s Federal Courthouse. There, they met with Henry Leventis, the United States Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee, and the Magistrate, Judge Alistair Newbern.

Leventis and Judge Newbern peeled back the layers of the federal justice system for students, shedding light on the profound importance of accountability. Leventis was impressed by the JMS students, applauding their engaging demeanor and probing questions that cut to the heart of the Justice Department’s work.

Back at JMS, students delved into Jewish texts, exploring the intricacies of terminology used to describe justice. They debated the finer points of recent cases adjudicated by the US Supreme Court, and created vibrant illustrated interpretations of the Bill of Rights.

Rabbi Daniel Hoffman, the Co-Head of School at JMS is passionate about igniting students’ curiosity and giving them the opportunity to immerse themselves in experiential learning. He explained the objective of the Yom Iyun on justice. “Our aim is to instill in students a comprehensive understanding of

justice across various contexts and allow them the chance to bring their own perspectives to the discussion.” Co-Head of School Alene Arnold adds that the Yom Iyun program, “offers students the opportunity to explore subjects from multiple angles and perspectives. Through a diverse array of mediums, students get to engage with the material in ways that resonate deeply with their individual passions and interests.”

The Yom Iyun program is a pedagogical game-changer. By immersing themselves in experiential learning, students are not just expanding their minds – they’re diving headfirst into a world of curiosity and learning. And as they grapple with complex topics, they are not just absorbing knowledge – they are shaping the very fabric of tomorrow’s leaders. Yom Iyun is about empowering students, fueling their passions, and molding them into the informed, conscientious leaders that our world so desperately needs. •

8 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Ukrainian Inna Shulkina teaches adult ESL classes. Inna Shulkina, pictured far right, with her ESL class and their families. Inna Shulkina teaching her Ukrainian students over Zoom. JMS student Hank Newman tries out the judge’s seat, while fellow student Edwin Gordetsky is sworn in, while touring the Federal Courthouse.

Vanderbilt Hillel Celebrates the Start of its Building

Renovation with a Groundbreaking Event

To celebrate the start of construction on its building renovation, Vanderbilt Hillel hosted a groundbreaking event on February 25. The event began with delicious appetizers and drinks, catered by Goldie Shepard, followed by a formal celebration ceremony. Ari Dubin, executive director of Vanderbilt Hillel, welcomed everyone and expressed his appreciation for the Schulman Foundation and Hillel’s generous donors. He explained that because Vanderbilt Hillel has surpassed its initial fundraising goal, the organization is looking to make additional improvements such as renovating the back patio to create an outside program space. Steve Goodwin and Karen Schulman spoke on behalf of the Schulman Foundation and reflected on the dream of Ben Schulman in making the Vanderbilt Hillel building a reality.

Alyssa Hassenfeld, Secretary of the Hillel Board of Directors, and Hillel alumna, expressed appreciation on behalf of the board to the generous donors, volunteers, and staff for making this renovation a reality.

The ceremony continued with Nathan Appelbaum, student board president, giving a short sermon from the week’s Torah portion explaining how it reflects the day’s event, and introduced the Jewish Life Committee (JLC). The JLC led everyone in prayer and song and celebrated the transition of Vanderbilt Hillel’s Torah scrolls from the Ben Schulman Center for Jewish Life to its new home at the Student Recreation Center. Recognition gifts, engraved hammers, were given out as a thank you to donors and supporters. The ceremony ended with event attendees each having a chance to break down a selected wall with a sledgehammer.

For the last year and a half, Vanderbilt Hillel has been fundraising for its 20th Anniversary Campaign. The building is now in need of upgrades in security, the meat kitchen, and office and programmatic spaces. Thanks to a large grant from the Benjamin D. and Ruby G. Schulman Foundation and gifts from generous Kitchen Naming and 20th Anniversary donors, Vanderbilt Hillel has raised over 2 million dollars for the renovation.

Many Vanderbilt Hillel stakeholders are excited about the project. The students are looking forward to the upgraded programmatic spaces, especially Ethan Sherman, Class of 2024, who commented, “I’m excited for the new building. It

should be a nicer, safer place for Jewish students on campus. All my favorite spaces in the building will be improved, so all the things I love about the building future students will continue to enjoy.”

The security upgrades are an essential part of the 20th Anniversary campaign. Marvin and Sonya Slott, parents of a current Vanderbilt student, are looking forward to seeing the security changes. “Thank you for your strong commitment and dedication to making Hillel a safe environment. We are excited to see the enhancements to security and safety.”

Vanderbilt Hillel is continuing to accept donations towards the 20th Anniversary Campaign. For more information, please contact Shannon Small, Development Director, at shannon. •

The Jewish LOCALLY ROOTED. GLOBALLY CONNECTED. Wishing you joy and many blessings at Passover and throughout the year. 1979 – 2024 Zeitlin Sotheby’s International Realty 615.383.0183 | OWNER | CEO | BROKER OWNER | COO JESSICA AVERBUCH SAM AVERBUCH NAN SPELLER Happy Passover! Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliate in Tennessee Years of Local Expertise Family Owned. Female Lead. 45
Vanderbilt Hillel donors and supporters receive gifts from Vanderbilt Hillel at Groundbreaking Event. (Left to Right): John Hassenfeld, Heidi Hassenfeld, Alyssa Hassenfeld, Ethan Hassenfeld, Sylvia Shepard, Nathan Appelbaum (Vanderbilt student), Goldie Shepard, Steve Goodwin, Karen Schulman, and Ari Dubin. PHOTO CREDIT: EMILY ALLEN

Heart of the Matter

ning seders typically go late. We use an abbreviated, large print Haggadah made with older adults in mind.

Nashville Jewish Community can be seen and felt throughout the event.

I t is that time of year when we will soon gather around a table with family and friends to celebrate Pesach by sharing a meal, reading the stories of our ancestors, and performing rituals that connect all of us together. Community and religious connections are important for everyone, but especially for older adults. Jewish Family Service offers a Senior Seder the Thursday prior to Passover every year. The Senior Seder offers a daytime lunch option, since many older adults have difficulty driving at night and eve-

Most importantly, the Senior Seder is truly a community affair. Each of the Nashville synagogues takes a turn sending a Rabbi to lead the service. Last year Rabbi Flip led the service alongside Cantor Josh Goldberg, both from Congregation Micah, and this year, Rabbi Kullock from West End Synagogue, will lead the service. Last year classes from the Gordon JCC preschool and Akiva performed musical numbers, and decorations and favors were provided by the JCC preschool, The Temple religious school, and the religious school at Congregation Micah. The love and connection of the entire

Last year was my first Senior Seder with JFS. What stood out to me the most about the Senior Seder was the effort and care that the older adults put into it. Gentlemen who usually wear jeans and T-shirts wore slacks and sport coats; women broke out their favorite accessories. Older adults whom I had never met attended and said that this event is the one event that they always make it out of the house for. The room was full of joy and laughter. As the kids performed, the older adults talked about being reminded of their children doing similar activities — some even had grandchildren who were there performing. I heard the phrase “I remember

when...” countless times, as the seniors shared stories of their lives with each other.

This year will be our 16th Senior Seder. Drs. David and Lynn Barton help make this event possible in memory of their mothers, Hannah Kayser Palmer and Fannie Leone Barton. It seems fitting to honor these women with the same regard that we honor all our ancestors during the seder. The Senior Seder will be held on April 18 at 11:30 am at the Gordon JCC. The cost to attend is $10 per person. RSVPs are required. We are always looking for volunteers to help with set-up, serving food, and clean up as well. If you would like to RSVP or volunteer, you can contact Jamie Maresca at or (615) 354-1686. •

10 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
As you celebrate Passover, may you
blessed with Good Health, Peace, and Happiness! Chag Pesach Semeach Your Friends at The Tennessee Holocaust Commission
The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 11 For four generations, we've been honored to be a part of and serve this community. Thank you. Happy Passover Sincerely, The Zander Insurance Team LIFE·IDENTITY THEFT·DISABILITY·BUSINESS· HOME ·AUTO· LONG-TERMCARE 800.356.4282

Mitzvah Madness

Continued from page 1

the phone banks – who could possibly refuse increasing a pledge from a sweet 2-year-old?

I’m deeply grateful for all the work of all of the JFed team on this event, but especially our Donor Engagement Associate, Ethan Levin. He stormed the court, did the research on how previous events were operated, and helped us successfully execute the event – I’d call it a slam dunk.

Obviously, so much has changed

over the years, through the pandemic, through the rapid evolution we have experienced in Nashville, but one thing has not – the needs of our community here, in Israel, and all over the world have only increased. And we must grow as an organization. What worked well 10 or 15 years ago may not be what we need in 2024. We can’t be afraid to try new things and evolve. We also must listen to our community across the generations.

I’m so excited to be in this role, to be working with the great team here at Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, and I look forward to all the good work we will do together! •

12 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Michelle Biesman, NowGen chair: I’ve been making calls since I was a little kid. I come from many generations of Federation volunteers, including my mother and my grandmother. Rami Weismark: I have been making calls for 45 years. It’s important, so I do it. When I ask for myself, I don’t ask for much, but when I ask for Federation, I ask for as much as I can get. Robbie Lasky: I like writing thank you notes. I like the feeling of the community coming together for a common cause. We appreciate everything the Federation does. Marsha Raimi: The Federation is the best way to have the most impact across the community. It is the coordinator for all our Jewish organizations. I give to other causes, but I always give to Federation. David Bockian: I came to support the community. It’s so important, especially in this tumultuous year. We have to give back this year.
Wishing you a happy and healthy passover – The Sprintz Family spr NASHVILLE & COOL SPRINGS SPRINTZ MAKES YOUR HOME DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER HOMES. SPTZ-53OB PassoverAD_2024.qxp_SPTZ-48OB PassoverAD_2023 3/4/24 2:09 PM Page 1 Please support the businesses that advertise in the Observer and help support our community in all ways! Make sure to let them saw their ad here! Navigating Life’s Transitions. Together. | (615) 356-4234 Please join us for the Senior Seder led by Rabbi Joshua Kullock In memory of the mothers of Lynn and David Barton: Hannah Kayser Palmer and Fannie Leone Barton THURSDAY, APRIL 18 at 11:30 am at the GORDON JCC 801 Percy Warner Blvd, Nashville, TN 37205 JFS Senior Seder Open to Seniors of All Ages in the Nashville Jewish Community $10 per person Please RSVP to Jamie Maresca at 615.354.1686 or 801 Percy Warner Blvd Nashville, TN 37205
Community members of all generations helped dunk on the 2024 campaign goals.


Continued from page 1

overwhelming. “One woman said she had been waking up with literally no strength. But there was a knock on the door with the delivery and she immediately felt better.”

Brand-Schuman does most of the leg work herself, with a few local volunteers. All of the items she sends are donated as well. And while the need is slowing down, she continues to send regular care packages when she hears of a woman in need in Israel. “There were times we said ‘thank God we’re here,’ we can do more than if we were there,” she says, “It’s the minimum I can do to help family and friends.”

October 7th spurred others in Nashville to action. David Zilberman was born in Israel and eight months later, his father was killed in the Yom Kippur War. His mother brought him to the United States not long after and he grew up in California. After a stint in the Israel Defense Force (IDF), he returned to California where he started a business and a family. He made the move to Nashville in 2020 after a tornado destroyed his company’s local offices, and the Covid19 pandemic shut down the world. “I knew there was a Jewish community here, but it was so hard to meet anyone at that time,” he says.

When the attacks happened, Zilberman and his family were on vacation in New York City. “I reached out to my unit to see if I could serve, but they told me I was too old,” he says. “Those first days were really horrific, I just wanted to help.”

Zilberman joined forces with other local Israelis and members of the Jewish community to form a nonprofit, Tennessee Stands with Israel. One of the group’s founding members is

Leeron Resnick who is both Israeli and American and is on the staff of The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville.

“In the aftermath of October 7th, I felt helpless living here in Nashville, living so far away from Israel and so many of my loved ones. After the initial shock, a fire started burning inside of me and I knew I couldn’t just sit and not do anything to help.” The group began by gathering and hanging flyers of the hostages. Momentum built and before long, they helped organize a solidary rally held at Legislative Plaza in downtown Nashville and attended by several hundred people. “It was important to me to get boots on the ground to be seen and heard,” says Resnick.

The next event organized by TSWI was a stroller march to bring attention to the children who were held hostage. “We had 36 balloons for the 36 children in captivity,” says Zilberman. And over the past six months, and since the initial release of some of the hostages, events have grown to include a Women’s Rally


Run for their Lives organizes weekly run/ walks to raise awareness of the 134 people still being held hostage in Gaza. in honor of International Women’s Day. “Our top priority is to bring the hostages home and to end this war. 134 people including children, women and elderly are being held hostage in Gaza and too many soldiers and too many innocent children have lost their lives,” says Resnick.

Zilberman says other activities included support and partnerships outside the Jewish and Israeli communities. “I had various invitations from the Christian community to attend the National Religious Broadcasters convention.” And he says two Christian women from Hendersonville opened a Nashville

chapter of the Run for their Lives, which organizes weekly run/walk events to raise awareness of and call for the release of the hostages. Zilberman says he is pleased to partner with anyone who supports Israel. “Politics and religion don’t matter. We can stand side by side to support Israel regardless of other policies.”

At press time, it is nearly six months since October 7th and there are still 134 people being held hostage in Gaza. And for Brand-Schuman, Zilberman, Resnick, and others involved in grassroots efforts, there is the sense that time may be running out. “Every person has the power to make a difference, and I wish for us all to stand up as proud Jews, speak up for our people and to not rest until all 134 hostages are returned home,” says Resnick. •

The medical system is changing. Can your family navigate it? LET US

As we celebrate this Passover, take time to speak with your family about your plans for medical care should the need arise.

The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 13
… because your memories matter 479 Myatt Drive, Madison, TN 37115-3024 615-712-9521 •
A stroller march helped keep focus on the 36 children initially held hostage in Gaza.

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Join e Temple as we celebrate Passove r.

The Gordon JCC’s Annual Big Night Out was a Huge Success

TThe hilarious and glamorous Big Night Out 2024 was a huge success! The event took place on Saturday, February 24 with a cocktail hour, dinner, and improv show from the number one name in comedy, The Second City. Guests came decked out in their finest mid-century modern duds and enjoyed 1950s-inspired cocktails and appetizers in our swanky lounge. After a welcome by board president Jeremy Brook and Hamotzi by Rabbi Saul Strosberg, dinner, a Chicago-style buffet, and an homage to The Second City’s Windy City roots was served. Attendees dined on wedge and Caesar salads, eggplant parmesan, pesto pasta, and other Italian-style items, catered by Goldie Shepard. In lieu of our annual auction, we tried something new

with a live ask and surpassed our goal of $25,000! The Second City put on a wonderful show, funny and poignant, complete with audience participation. The evening’s entertainment was underwritten through the generosity of the Jane & Richard Eskind and Family Speaker Fund in loving memory of Richard Eskind.

Thank you to our sponsors: Argent Trust, Brown Brothers Harriman, Capstar Bank, Ghertner & Company, Gold Skincare, Holland & Knight, Kraft CPAs, Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute, Pinnacle Bank, and Zeitlin Sothebys.

In-kind sponsors:

Best Brands Inc., Branches Event Design and Florals, Red Spirits and Wine, and Tennessee Brew Works. •

The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 15
Past President Cindee Gold and President-Elect Dara Freiberg lead attendees in the Big Night Ask The room was decorated with Mid-Century Modern flair Pictured l. to r.: Karen Yazdian, Mimi Friedman, Renee Geltzer Board President Jeremy Brook welcomes guests Guests enjoyed a hilarious improv performance from The Second City
Passover HAPPY Wishing youajoyous passover with family and friends. Dr. Hecklin and Associates Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry (615) 356-7500 Accepting new patients now
The cast of the Second City posed for photos before their set

Artists around the world unite in support of Israel:

The Star of David social media page seeks to spread love, understanding, and truth

AA local graphic designer knew that she could not effectively reach people by reacting in anger to the events of Oct. 7, so she decided to use love and kindness instead.

Franklin resident Ellen Monen created The Star of David, a social media page of collective art that she said seeks to inform about Judaism and Israel, at the end of January. Not even two months later, the group has amassed 118 artists from five different countries.

Monen was able to connect to local artists through Jewish Franklin, a group she created to meet other Jewish community members.

“It’s just kind of how Jewish geography works,” Monen said in an interview. “We’re artists; we all have our own networks and connections. Those networks are not even always people we’ve worked with.”

Those involved in contributing to The Star of David include a “huge range” of artists — painters, ink artists, caricature artists, digital artists, fashion designers, visual sound artists, musicians, and pastry

chefs — and journalists, podcasters, event planners, rabbis, and history teachers and professors who specialize in Israeli studies, according to Monen.

The art featured on the page consists of a variety of abstract and realist paintings, collages, paper cutting, charcoal drawings, wearable art, graphic design, and digital art. Each piece of art is overlaid with text that conveys a message about Judaism and Israel.

Robbie Lasky, a retired teacher living in Nashville, now creates art full time. One post features her painting of koi fish

swimming in a pond, underneath text that reads, “I’m Jewish, and hate is not part of my vocabulary. That is why you don’t see me hating on any races or religions right now, even on the days when I’m angry.”

Lasky said Monen asked her to share her art after the two became friends on Facebook.

“I was impressed with what [The Star of David] had done … that there was an opportunity to use art to get their messages across. I thought that was a great idea and I wanted to be a part of it,” Lasky said. “A lot of my paintings are getting a second chance to do something totally worthwhile.”

Monen, who owns and directs a branding and graphic design studio, said she uses these artistic skills for The Star of David.

“Sometimes I come up with ideas. Other times, people feed them to me. Something inspires each one. Something we see or read, or even the emotions we feel — and then I create the graphic message around it,” Monen said of her posts. “I find the art that works best with the message.”

She added that she hopes to correct the narrative surrounding Israel by sharing fact-based posts online and combat misinformation.

“There are a lot of people I like to call kind-hearted souls who have chosen terror inadvertently because they’ve trusted what they see out there, mostly in

Continued on page 18

16 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Robbie Lasky’s painting of a koi fish is part of the Star of David social media project. Ellen Monen uses local artists’ work to inform about Judaism and Israel through the Star of David social media page.

B’nai Tzedek Teens Celebrating

he B’nai Tzedek Teens had a very
and happy
residents at
Garden! Everyone had a great time meeting
delivering Mishloach Manot to the residents. •
Richland Place and Abe’s

Star of David

Continued from page 16 propaganda, but sometimes even in the media; sometimes even the media can be really biased,” Monen said. “We’re trying to spread the message of what’s really going on with the Jewish people and with Israel.”

What’s really going on, Monen said, is a humanitarian crisis to which the world should pay attention.

“Some of [my posts] are just thought-provoking ideas to help people understand that this is a humanitarian crisis, that Israel is no longer allowed to defend themselves,” Monen said. “If it’s okay with you that Israel can’t defend themselves against atrocities that happened like Oct. 7, then what’s going to happen when the same thing happens in your community?”

She added that the Israel-Hamas war is not limited to Gaza.

“There’s a bigger picture to this. If you don’t like Israel, fine. If you don’t like Jews, fine. What happens when this hits you? If they allow this sort of stuff to continue, that’s what will happen,” Monen said. “This is a bigger humanitarian issue than just a political issue or an antisemitic issue.”

Elana Drasin, owner of Sugar Magnolia Bakehouse, creates edible art from her Spring Hill home. In March, her batch of superhero-themed sugar cookies was featured with the message, “Brave artists band together in an effort to save the world with the raw, honest and kind truth. Why? Because nobody else is doing it.”

Monen said she tries to stick to factual and emotional messaging rather

than messaging that comes from a place of anger when it comes to posts for The Star of David.

“What you might notice, if you’ve paid attention to many of the social media accounts that are pro-Israel, is that they’re written by people who are very passionate about what’s going on, but they’re written in anger. And they should be; we all have a right to be angry right now because the whole world is terrorizing our entire population and it’s really scary. Anger is the rational way to respond. But we are doing everything in our power not to post in anger because anger only attracts the angry,” Monen said.

Monen said she vetoes any strong language that an artist might suggest for a post, in favor of using kinder words to address the masses and try to remain unbiased. She emphasizes the importance of “heartfelt art”: “This is real art that people are spending a lot of time creating.”

Lasky said the visual aspect of art draws attention to the page’s message, which hopefully leads viewers to think critically.

“I feel like it’s an asset to the Jewish community,” Lasky said. “This page, I hope that more people follow it. … I think that the art causes the people to stop and read it rather than if it was just words.”

Monen and Lasky both said they hope The Star of David has a positive impact on its viewers.

“Everything is love-centered, because there’s a lot of nastiness out there,” Monen said. •

You can see the artists’ work on Instagram at @starofdavidartists and Facebook at The Star of David.

A Rabbi and a Doctor Discuss the 10th Commandment

Frank: Mark, I have always been fascinated by the fact that it was the Jewish people who gave the world its first introduction to monotheism as well as laws which God instructs us to follow by giving Moses the Ten Commandments.

I have also noted that, while many of these Ten Commandments are most often quoted, such as “honor the Sabbath, honor your father and mother, thou shalt not murder, steal, commit adultery, or give false testimony,” the tenth commandment, “thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s house, his wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor,” is not well known, not often quoted nor well understood.

So, I want to ask you, a learned Rabbi, what does this commandment mean, and why is it included in this famous giving of laws to the Jewish people?

Mark: Frank, our sages compared the temptation of coveting to a certain type of idolatry. This carries two risks and exposes two vulnerabilities within us.

who wrote the widely read book, “Catch22,” that their billionaire host made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his extremely popular book. Heller responded with, “Yes, but I have something he will never have.” “What is that” responded Vonnegut. To which Heller responded, “Enough.”

Mark: Frank, you have really hit on the reasoning for and the eternal wisdom of the tenth commandment. Envy can destroy our ability to recognize and appreciate the blessings each of us enjoys in our own lives. Jealousy of others can severely mask our ability to be content with our own precious gifts that often lie right before us, even right beside us. There is a difference between ambition for ourselves and adoration for the achievements of others.

We only have this one life. Why should we expend so much of our time, focus, and energy in craving what we perceive exists in the lives of others, rather than cherishing and honoring what we already claim to cherish and enjoy in our own?


First, to envy another human being, or to lust after their spouse or to covet their possessions or property, was akin to idol worship, in that we might fall prey to obsessing over neighbors’ possessions or their better lot in life than ours. We come to worship them as opposed to our Creator. Those we envy or covet demand the same things our God would demand of us—namely our time, our focus, and our energy, each in all-consuming ways.

Second, and perhaps even more importantly, our coveting of others makes us less grateful for our own blessings we have in each of our own lives. We tend to overlook or even ignore those cherished relationships we should honor, uphold, and safeguard within our own hearts, including those relationships which are sacred to us and to those we love. We become less grateful to God for the gift of each new day we draw breath, and for all other blessings in our own lives that truly are beyond measure. We come to believe that “the grass is always greener on the other side,” all the while discounting and disregarding the bounty of our own harvest.

Frank: I like your explanation and it makes me wonder why God did not just put as number ten, the commandment, “thou shalt be grateful.” By being grateful for what we have, we are, in a sense, honoring and thanking God for all we do have in our lives and thereby avoiding envy and jealousy and the desire to have what others have and we do not.

There is a story that I have always enjoyed telling and that is emblematic of the premise that we should be grateful for what we have in our lives. At a party given by a billionaire friend, Kurt Vonnegut, a famous author, tells his friend Joe Heller, also a famous author

And here we touch upon the heart of the matter: When we come to covet the relationships that we see in the lives of others, we come to worship them, we do so at the risk of neglecting the relationships of our own. Some may even do so at their own peril, endangering the connection to those most close to them. Some will covet in the most painful of ways: they will violate their obligations to their spouse or other loved one in pursuit of their neighbor’s husband or wife. In doing so, though they may claim to worship God, they are, in fact, bowing down to their own desires, worshipping themselves rather than their Creator.

Frank: No matter how much we have in our lives, there are always others who have more and while it is understandable to seek to increase life’s advancements and bounty, it is imperative that we find a way to be grateful for what we do have and that is the over-arching message of the tenth commandment. Gratefulness is a virtue that leads to a life of meaning, contentment, and peace and directs us to a path of loving ourselves and thereby loving God.

The first three of the ten commandments address the need to love and honor God, and these commandments are followed by honoring the Sabbath and our parents. The next four deal with specific actions for us to avoid. The last of the ten commandments returns to the demand that we believe in and honor our God, and to do this, we need to be grateful for what we have, all we have done, and all those we have loved. Although being placed last, it is understandable that God put “thou shalt not covet” in the top ten.•

Rabbi Mark Schiftan can be reached at

Dr. Frank Boehm can be reached at

wonder where the people with all the answers ge t all the answer s?
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Monthly Shabbat Program at Belmont University

Vanderbilt Hillel has invested its staff and resources in partnership with Belmont University to provide a monthly Shabbat program. Once a month, Belmont students gather to celebrate Shabbat as a community. In addition to services, Goldie Shepard provides a catered kosher dinner.

Belmont students plan the monthly themes and this past February, they had PJ Shabbat for a casual program experience. Belmont University is known for its art and music programs, and some of the students have changed some of the melodies and prayers to bring something new and personal to the Shabbat service experience. This is a way for Belmont students to express their talents and interests. On average, Belmont has approximately 16 students attending Shabbat services and dinner monthly. In addition, this year, with the support of the Belmont administration, the Jewish students had the first ever Yom Kippur service at Belmont, which over 30 people attended. Because Belmont is a Christian university, students obtain points for their involvement in religious services, so there are several non-Jewish students who come to Jewish services for a different religious experience.

Belmont students have a lot of enthusiasm for the monthly Shabbat program: “Belmont Shabbats are the highlights of my week and mean the absolute world to me, because they are the opportunity for me to get together with other students and build a community where we feel safe, uplift each other, share lots in common, and are able to engage in meaningful practices together that we may be missing by being far away from home,” says Daniella Cohen, Belmont, Class of 2026.

Isabella Cohen, a junior at Belmont is proud to be a part of the Shabbat program. “To be able to hold Shabbat services on campus is a dream I did not

think I would see come true during my time at Belmont, but I am so glad it did. I appreciate getting to spend the end of the week with fellow Jewish students, celebrating our joys and processing our pain together as a community.”

Malka Desale, Vanderbilt Hillel’s Jewish Agency for Israel Fellow in charge of Belmont programming, reflected on her time with the Belmont students this year, “I see how the students want a Jewish community, and how important it is to them to build a Jewish group. When I first started, I was a little concerned that I would be the sole Vanderbilt Hillel staff member in charge of this group. I learned quickly that most of the work comes from the students, and that students do it because they miss having a Jewish community and want to meet the other Jewish students. I provide the resources and opportunity, and they do the rest. I never have to push them; they are already motivated. I am so happy working with the students as they plan Jewish events and programs at Belmont, especially the Shabbat program.” •

The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 19 Thursday, May 2nd 6:00pm at The Temple 5015 Harding Pike Dinner to follow Join us for this important panel discussion on the variety of ways people become parents (or not) RSVP to JOURNEY TO PARENTHOOD… OR NOT Trusts & Estate Planning Wealth Management Investment Management Retirement Plan Consulting Oil & Gas Management Philanthropic Services We are a leading, independent, (615) 385-2718 3102 West End Avenue Ste. 775, Nashville, TN 37203 Vice Chairman, Argent Trust Company Senior Vice President, Wealth Advisor e perfect setting for your most memorable event. Weddings | Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Roo op glass enclosed banquet room for up to 64 people. Spacious suites as well as beautiful standard rooms Complimentar y expanded breakfast | Free internet access Seasonal outdoor pool | Free parking 615-777-0001 2324 Crestmoor Road | Nashville, TN 37215 Behind the Mall at Green Hills Belmont University students enjoy monthly Shabbat programming.

LET’S TALK RETIREMENT! (…because it’s not just about the money!)


Just as the Passover Haggadah tells the story of following the order during the Passover holiday, so this Retirement Haggadah details considerations for those who are looking towards retiring.

Gather round as I share with you portions of some of the lessons learned from people who experienced their exodus from the world of full-time work. I offer these to each Jew to fulfill the mitzvah of ‘having a leg up’ so they may be ready for what lies ahead.

After all, Retirement can be considered like the Passover story because retirees are brought out of slavery in the work-a-day world to the freedom of no obligations, no rigorous schedule, and a large swath of time to do what they want to do when they want to do it.

This Haggadah is specifically offered to the 50+ with the hope of bringing them into the discussion. May it will be a starting point for a conversation that will emphasize the importance of planning ahead.

First, the Four Questions:

1. Why do I have to eat only healthy foods starting in my 50s when I still enjoy a good burger, fries, and a milk shake?

what really makes me feel satisfied and fulfilled when everyone around me always asks my opinion?

Because when you do something that is truly fulfilling, you feel satisfied and not just full of yourself.

As the Passover Haggadah points out, not everyone relates in the same way, and we must meet people where they are. Hence, here is how to more easily share the telling:

FOR THE WISE 50+ -YEAR-OLDS who want to know what specifically is meant by this need to inform at such an early age.

[To these I tell of people who did not plan and found when they retired, time was wasted figuring out what they really wanted rather than being ready for the adventures ahead.]

FOR THE WICKED 50+-YEAROLDS who immediately give back this Haggadah, telling me to go and find someone who is old.

[I say this information does apply to you. You will realize it when you begin to feel restless and start wondering, ‘Is this all there is?’ It will probably be around the same time you start noticing that most of your co-workers have never heard of Elvis.]

FOR THE SIMPLE 50+ -YEAROLDS (not that there are any) it may be best to shorten the discussion by putting the information into a different delivery.

Because watching your diet will help you stay healthy - and save money for the future by not having to buy new clothes.

2. Why do I have to start thinking positive about getting up early to exercise when I’m still young, good-looking, and accomplishing?

Because positive people are more resilient and can better handle future birthdays, gray hair, and forgetting someone’s name.

3. Why should I make new friends with similar interests outside of work a priority when I hardly have time to take care of things at the office?

Because when you make time to do things you like with new friends, you will have fun and stop talking about work all the time.

4. Why is now the time to consider

[To best get the attention of this (fictious) group, I tell them it’s a good topic to discuss with their followers, and I’ll send the information via text, email, and an Instagram post.]

FOR THE 50+ -YEAR-OLDS WHO DO NOT KNOW HOW TO ASK and turn away perplexed as to why I feel this is so important.

[Here, I remind them that often things do not work themselves out based on discussions at the retirement party. I tell them that when they are ready to talk, they can contact me for help in planning their path forward.]

This Haggadah is full of lessons learned on the retirement path. I hope it will help with avoiding the potholes.

Wherever you are in the 50+ category, I wish you a successful and fulling retirement. By the way, Happy Passover!• Loretta

Kvetch in the City

Watching the Oscars last month really wracked my brain. From the most offensive acceptance speech I ever heard in my life from a filmmaker refuting his Jewishness after winning an award for a film he made about the Holocaust, to moments later finding myself nodding my head in agreement when Robert Downey Jr. accepted his award thanking his terrible childhood.

I have to say, I totally related to Robert Downey Jr.’s speech. Follow this thought and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

I remember hearing the term “quiet quitting” for the first time during Covid. People doing as little as possible at work. People basically fed up, wanting more life/work balance, etc.

Then, it seemed the term moved on. Next it was “quiet luxury.” Most noticeably, in the fashion commerce world where the term is now applied to dressing in the most expensive clothes in an unassuming way. For example, a person could literally spend $2,000 on a Gucci sweatshirt that looks exactly like the same sweatshirt at Target, except made with better fabric and without the designer logo all over the sweatshirt shouting Gucci to the world. Wearing Gucci without others knowing it’s Gucci. That my friend is “quiet luxury.”

Upon reflection of the “quiet” this and “quiet” that movement, I realized there’s one that’s been happening for quite some time in the world. I’ve decided to call it “quiet anxiety.”

I first noticed it when people started waking up to the reality of climate change. Next, it reared its ugly head during the 2016 elections. And of course, the whole

Continued on page 26

20 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER C Chu hu huck ck k & H &HHeideide e C Crra a awwffoorord id eiid i eC w or Crawford Funeral Home 2714 Grandview Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37211 (615) 254-8200 www.craw fordserv

Nashville’s congregations

Here are the websites for all five Nashville Jewish congregations, with information on services, upcoming events and more:

Congregation Beit Tefilah Chabad,

Congregation Micah,

Congregation Sherith Israel,

The Temple – Congregation Ohabai Sholom, West End Synagogue,

The Observer provides congregational listings of events and services as a complimentary service to the community. If your congregation is not listed, it is because we did not receive the information in time to meet our publication deadline. Please give your rabbi, executive director, or synagogue volunteer a gentle nudge.

@ Chabad /Congregation Beit Tefilah

Chabad of Nashville will be hosting a variety of Passover events that will be offered to the Jewish community for people of all ages, including study, ritual, cultural and spiritual. For more information go to

The following are some of the programs that will be offered at Chabad of Nashville for Passover 2024:

Rabbi Tiechtel to complete Tractate of Talmud

There is an ancient and widespread custom for the firstborn to fast on the day before Passover. This fast commemorates G-d’s kindness towards the Israelite firstborn; when G-d slew all the Egyptian firstborn males He spared their Jewish counterparts.

This fast is treated leniently. Thus, if there is a festive meal held that is connected with a mitzvah, for example, the celebration of a circumcision or of a siyum (the completion of a tractate of the Talmud) the firstborn son participates in the meal rather than fasting.

It is therefore customary to arrange for a Siyum, which is the completion of the study of a tractate of the Talmud to take place in the synagogue after morning prayers on the fourteenth of Nissan. The firstborn sons who are present (and anyone else who is interested in enjoying some refreshments...) participate in this festive meal and, having broken their fast, are free to eat for the rest of the day.

On Monday morning, April 22, the morning before the Seder, Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel will be making a Siyum, celebrating the completion of 112 pages on the Talmud of Ketubot, following the morning service at Congregation Beit Tefilah Chabad. It will be followed by a light breakfast snack thus giving the firstborns the opportunity to partake in a meal of a Mitzvah and permitting them to break the fast of the first born.

For more information go to

A Cliff Note Seder at Chabad

Chabad of Nashville invites the Nashville Jewish community to its 27th annual Community Passover Seders, which will take place in the magnificent ballroom of the Genesis Campus for Jewish Life

On Monday, April 22, at 7:30PM, Chabad will host a A Cliff Notes Family Friendly Seder. It will be an interactive family Seder, a warm, fun and thought-provoking event, which includes a Passover Experience in a Royal setting, handmade Shmurah Matzah for each Seder participant, an abundance of exquisite wines for every pallete, an elegant royal dinner, which will include authentic gefilte fish, Bubby’s Passover Brisket, and array of salads and side dishes, catered by one of Nashville’s premiere chefs.

Reservation can be made at

A Chassidic Seder for the Inquisitive Mind

On Tuesday, April 23, at 8:00 PM, Chabad will host “A Chassidic Seder for the Inquisitive Mind.” This will be a full Chassidic Seder with many insights to the Haggadah and various Chassidic tales and melodies, and an exquisite Seder feast. This will be a learning Seder, where participants will delve into the deeper meaning and dimensions to the Passover Exodus and making it personal to their own lives.

This Seder will take place in the Bernard Ballroom at the Genesis Campus for Jewish Life, 95 Bellevue Road, and will be catered by one of Nashville’s premiere chefs

There will be a limited number of seats and first come first serve. Reservations can be made at

At Our Congregations…

Get your own personal Shmurah Matzah for your Seder

In honor of Passover, Chabad of Nashville is giving out a free Passover Shmurah Matzah for your Seder. All you need to do is email your name and contact information to and you will receive your free Matzah gift box for your Seder.

For more information call Chabad at 615-646-5750.

Sell your Chametz with Chabad for Passover 2024

According to Jewish Law during Passover all types of Chametz (leavend foods) are prohibited to be owned any one of the Jewish faith.

So what is one to do with all of the leavened food in their home during Passover? The rabbis in ancient biblical days have come up with a solution. One can authorize their rabbi before Passover to sell their Chametz to a non-Jew, who is permitted to own it during Passover. After the holiday is over, the Chametz is sold back to the rabbi, and one is permitted then to benefit from it.

Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel at Chabad of Nashville is offering to sell the Chametz of anyone wishing to fulfill this special tradition for Passover, thus taking Passover 2024 to the next level.

Go to by 5:00 PM on April 19, 2024 to fill out the online form to sell your Chametz for Passover.

Chabad to host the Moshiach Seudah

Passover begins with a meal and now ends with a meal. On the last night of Passover, on Thursday, April 30, at 7:00 PM, Chabad will host the Moshiach Seudah (the Messiah’s meal). All are invited for the traditional feast, inspirational stories, songs, matzah & four cups of wine. In anticipation of the future redemption with Moshiach.

Instituted by the Baal Shem Tov 300 years ago, the traditional Moshiach’s meal includes the eating matzah and the consumption of four glasses of wine, toasting to a futuristic era of redemption. The Baal Shemtov would make a festive meal at the close of the holiday, dedicated to the coming of Moshiach. Since then Jews throughout the world come together on the last day of Pesach to celebrate this unique custom.

For more information go to

Chabad to host a TGIS celebrations in April

Start your Shabbat off right with good friends, great conversation, and excellent kosher cuisine, all seasoned with the perfect amount of spirit and joy.

TGIS is a Club Med Shabbat: An all-inclusive Shabbat experience. Enjoy a Friday night Shabbat dinner replete with traditional dishes. Blended with spirited singing, a Chasidic tale, and a chance to meet some wonderful new people. TGIS will be held on Friday evening, April 12, at Chabad of Nashville.

There is no cost to attend the TGIS Shabbat experience, however we kindly request that you RSVP by letting us know you will be attending at

Caffeine for the Soul on Shabbat Mornings

Get your Shabbat morning Caffeine for the Soul at Chabad of Nashville, with a most inspiring lesson in the weekly Torah portion, taught with wisdom of the sages and chassidic mystics.

Each Shabbat morning Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel gives a 25 minute lesson on finding yourself in the weekly Torah portion, and enriches your journey in life with these tidbits of wisdom.

These lessons include Talmudic, Kabbalistic and esoteric teachings, and a weekly story that ties it all together, and gives you just the right dose of Caffeine for the Soul.

This takes place every Shabbat morning at 11:00 AM at Congregation Beit Tefilah Chabad. All are invited to attend, Young and Old, men and women, and all who are seeking to enrich their lives spiritually and materially.

Congregation Micah - an inclusive, innovative synagogue exploring and celebrating Jewish life - is committed to building community and repairing the world! We offer creative and diverse ways to live a Jewish life in Tennessee and beyond, using the rich beliefs and practices of Progressive Judaism as our foundation. Visit our 30+ acre campus or access our virtual programs from our website, www.congregationmicah. org. Like us on socials: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @MicahNashville; sign up for our e-blasts; learn and pray with us in-person, or livestream our service on our website, YouTube, or Facebook. In our tent, there is room for everyone!

Weekly Events

Sanctuary Shabbat Services: Fridays at 6 PM

At Micah, we approach God in many ways: the inspiration of words, the beauty of sacred space, the authenticity of our intentions, and through the power of music and Continued on page 22

The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 21
@ Micah

At Our Congregations…

Continued from page 21

song. Join us in-person or virtually for services this month that will be as diverse as they are engaging, as moving as they are participatory. Come early and schmooze with us starting at 5:30 PM! Light refreshments are served.

Saturday Morning Torah Study: 9 AM on Zoom

Deep conversations about the text with thoughtful and caring people led by the clergy.

Mah Jongg: Tuesdays from 12:30 PM- 3:30 PM

Join our players for an afternoon of fun in the social hall! For more information, contact Paula:

Schmooze & Views: Thursdays from 10:30 AM- 11:30 AM

At Micah, we keep politics off the pulpit but not out of the building. Share your views in a round-table discussion on current events facilitated by Rabbi Flip and Dr. Bob Smith.

April Events

Micah Reads: Monday, April 1, at 7 PM In-Person

Education Director Julie Greenberg is joined by author Sharon Cameron for a discussion and book signing for her book “Artifice” at Congregation Micah.

Broadway Shabbat: Friday, April 5, at 6 PM

Wilkommen, bienvenue, and welcome to this special Broadway Shabbat Service. Don’t worry, we won’t make you steal any bread for your food – you can join us for our pre-neg starting at 5:30 for light hors d’oeuvres. Put some of those millions of minutes to use worshipping a Shabbat filled with Broadway references you don’t want to miss.

Micah-Nections HavDOGlah: Saturday, April 6 at 7:30 PM

Join Micah-Nections for HavDOGlah (dog friendly) Havdalah service. Bring your dog and bring in the new week with us! (Please only bring dogs who play well with others.)

Freedom Deferred - A Passover Experience: Thursday, April 18, at 7 PM

Join clergy and leadership from Congregation Micah and The Temple as they lead us in exploring the themes of captivity and freedom in a post-October 7th Passover time through story and song (formerly the Women’s Seder, this program will focus on women but is meant for a co-ed audience). Scan the QR code to sign-up!

Passover Seder: Tuesday, April 23 at 6 PM

Enjoy the company of the Micah community on this special Seder service. This family friendly event features good food, song, and great company. Space is limited, so make sure you find the registration link on our website.

Micah Minis: Saturday, April 27, at 9:30 AM

Sing and Dance with our clergy! This family-friendly Shabbat experience is aimed at ages 7 and younger.

@ Sherith Israel

Wednesday Night, April 3

Torah Mitzion Beit Midrash

What is Real Freedom?

7:30 pm in the Shul library

Wednesday Night, April 10

Torah Mitzion Beit Midrash

The 4-Cast. The Four sons Throughout History and Art 7:30 pm in the Shul library

Monday Night, April 22

Annual Community Seder

Hosted by the Rosenblatt and Rosenberg families

Catering by Sova

For more information, visit

Tuesday Night, April 23

Hosted by the Strosberg-Pressner and Chovav families

Catering by Sova

For more information, visit

Thursday Night, April 25

Chol Hamoed Barbecue

Catered bt Sova

For more information, visit

@ The Temple

All programming can be accessed via unless noted to be in person only

Pirkei Avot: Jewish Wisdom for Today’s World

Every Friday from 5:00-5:40 PM

Get ready for Shabbat with a little text study! Each week we will study a piece of wisdom from Pirkei Avot, The Ethics of our Ancestors, an ancient Jewish text still relevant in our own times.

Available in person at The Temple and via zoom.

Zoom Room:

Shabbat Schedule for April

Our Shabbat Services will be held in person at The Temple. You can also watch via zoom from

Friday, April 5th ~ 6:00 PM


Friday, April 22nd ~ 6:00 PM FAMILY SERVICE

Friday, April 26th ~ 6:00 PM

Golden Lunch Bunch

Will meet at Temple from 11:30-1:00pm on

April 2nd: John England

April 16th: Bryan Cumming

RSVP to Jamie Maresca at 615-354-1686 or via email at helpinghands@

Chevrah Torah Study

9:30AM on Saturdays

Join us for our weekly Torah study on the portion of the week, led by the clergy. You can join us in person at The Temple or via zoom from

Hike and Havdallah

April 13th

Starting at the Edwin Warner Park Nature Center on HWY. 100. Plenty of parking! See the spring bloom! Bring friends! Meet at 3:45 PM for a family friendly walk on a paved trail followed by Havdalah at 5:30 PM. All ages! Bring friends and family.

For more information or questions, please contact Anne Davenport at adavlaw@

Women’s Torah Study

April 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th

10:30 AM

Ongoing weekly women’s Torah study led by Patty Marks.

Available in person at The Temple and via zoom through

Lunch with the Rabbi

April 4th, 11th, 18th

Lunch at 11:30AM

Program12:00-1:00 PM

$15 per person for lunch

Engage with Rabbi Danziger and guests in a discussion of current and important issues from a Jewish perspective.

RSVP on or by calling the Temple at 615-352-7620

Available in person and via zoom.

Zoom Room:

Monday Morning Mah Jongg

Join Us for MAH JONGG Mondays at The Temple!

April 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd from 10:00 AM - Noon+

Drop in for Mah Jongg. We’ll have coffee and water. Bring your friends, a card, and a set and have some fun. Mah Jongg cards and sets are available for purchase in The Temple Gift Shop.

Temple Annual Fundraiser

Sunday, April 14th at 5:30pm

Comedy Night with comedian Rabbi Michael Danziger

Go to to purchase your ticket.

Meet the Author - Marlene Trestman

Tuesday, April 2 at 7:00 PM

at The Temple

Marlene Trestman grew up in New Orleans as an orphaned foster care client of the Jewish Children’s Regional Service, the successor to the Jewish Orphans’ Home she chronicles in her new book, MOST FORTUNATE UNFORTUNATES: The Jewish Orphans’ Home of New Orleans.

Using rare archival images and alumni interviews, Trestman will discuss the rich and colorful history of the Jewish Orphans’ Home of New Orleans and its ties to Tennessee. The Home sheltered and educated 1623 children from across the mid-

Continued on page 23

22 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER

south, including 155 Tennessee children, during its 90 years from pre-Civil War through World War II. Her books will be available for purchase and signing. RSVP via

Passover at The Temple

• Pre Passover Franklin Brunch on April 13th at 10:30am. For more information, see

• Tot Shabbat Passover-April 13th at 10:00am

• Women’s Passover Experience in partnership with Congregation Micah on April 18th at 6:00pm at Congregation Micah.

• Congregational 2nd Night Seder on April 23rdat 6:00pm. Led by our Temple Clergy.

$45 for adults • $15 for children (3-11) • $55 for all non-member guests. We hope you’ll join us for this festive, family-friendly evening. RSVP at TheTempleHub. org or by mailing a check to The Temple. Go to or to access the Zoom link.

• LGBTQ+ and Allies Seder on Saturday, April 27th at 6:00pm. A fun, music-filled Seder experience for the LGBTQ+ community and allies.

$36.00 per person. Seder Led by The Temple Clergy. RSVP by Monday, April 3, at or by mailing a check to: The Temple, 5015 Harding Pike, Nashville, TN 37205

• Passover Shabbat Morning Study and Service with Yizkor on Saturday, April 27th- 9:30am Study Session and 11:00am Service and Yizkor. Both In-Person at The Temple or virtually via

For more information on all of our Passover programming & our updated Seder schedule, please visit or

@ West End

For links to the following online services or programs, please email office@westendsyn. org or visit our website calendar for more information https://westendsyn.shulcloud. com/calendar

Pesach 2024

4/22 – Erev Pesach 1st Seder – 6:00 p.m.

Join us for a unique Passover seder led by our Engagement Rabbi Rav Natan. Register at

Passover services

4/23 - First day: 9:30 a.m.

4/24 - Second day: 9:30 a.m.

4/27 - Shabbat Chol haMoed: 9:30 a.m.

4/29 - Seventh day: 9:30 a.m.

4/30 - Eighth day: 9:30 a.m. (with Yizkor service)

There will be a kiddush lunch after each of these services. Join us!

4/3 - The Sandi Goldstein Learn & Lunch Program for ages 60+ - 11:00 a.m.

Reservations required, catered lunch following the presentation.

Speaker: Jean Roseman

Lunch catered by Goldie Shepard at 12:00 p.m. Cost: $3.00 RSVP 615-269-4592 ext. 11 or

4/3 - Women’s Torah Group (on Zoom) –11:00 a.m.

Rabbi Joshua leads our Women’s study of the book of Deuteronomy.

4/5 – USY Kabbalat Shabbat & Potluck

Dinner – 6:00 p.m.

Bring a pareve or dairy dish to share with friends. Please RSVP to so we know how many people are coming.

4/6 – Room in the Inn Shabbat – 9:30 a.m.

All are invited to join us in honoring our dedicated volunteers for the Room in the Inn project. D’var Torah by Adina Barocas.

At Our Congregations…

4/6 - Kid’ish Club, aka Jr. Congregation –10:30-11:30 a.m.

Inviting all 2nd – 7th graders for Kid’ish Club Shabbat morning March 6th from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Kiddush lunch to follow.

4/7 - Beit Miriam Consecration – 11:00 a.m.

Join us as we celebrate our kitah aleph (first grade) students who have been learning the “alef bet” and they will share the story of where God gave us the Torah.

Levi Coleman, son of Claire and Jason Coleman

Liana Kay, daughter of Jen and Brad Kay

Shiloh Lebovitz, daughter of Dani and Michael Lebovitz

Minha Lubovich, daughter of Netta and Ron Lubovich

Dylan Sacks, son of Jennifer and Daniel Sacks

Andrew Stahl, son of Rochelle and Mike Stahl

Ariella Stinson, daughter of Cassiah and Thomas Stinson

Teddy Vanhooser, son of Andrea Fishkin and Kenneth Vanhooser

4/7 – Handmade Craft Club – 10:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.

With host Teena Cohen. RSVPs are requested but not required and can be done at

4/7 – ShulCloud Training – 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Do you have questions about accessing, updating, or using ShulCloud? Come to WES for this interactive learning session. RSVPs are requested but not required. Go to to register.

4/11 - Men’s Torah Group (in person) –12:00 p.m.

Join us for our Torah class for men. We are currently studying the Second Book of Kings and will be eating pizza.

4/12 - Tot Shabbat/Oneg – 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Friday night Shabbat services for Families with Young Children led by Nili Friedman & Sharon Paz. RSVP to

4/13 – Dolma Losel Bat Mitzvah

4/14 – Social Action Day

The biggest Social Action event of the year in which WES members of all ages will participate in volunteer opportunities throughout the city.

4/14 – Sisterhood Walk the Greenway –11:30 a.m.

With host Ruth Robin. Meet in the lobby by the main sanctuary at 11:30 a.m. Approximately 4.5 miles in 1.5 hours. RSVP at so we know to wait for you!

4/17 - The Sandi Goldstein Learn & Lunch Program for ages 60+ - 11:00 a.m.

Reservations required, catered lunch following the presentation.

Speaker: Rav Natan Freller

Lunch catered by Goldie Shepard at 12:00 p.m. Cost: $3.00 RSVP 615-269-4592 ext. 11 or

4/19 – Woodlands Shabbat Dinner

Rescheduled from January. Already cleaned your kitchen for Pesach?

Join us for a vegetarian Indian Shabbat Dinner after services. We will have Indian and non-Indian food. Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 16th at ShabbatDinnerApr24. If you have registered and paid for this program in January, please rsvp using this link select the option already registered!

4/25 – Sisterhood Book Club – 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Join Sisterhood for a Zoom discussion of A Little Liar by Mitch Albom, hosted by Martha Segal. RSVP at to get the Zoom link.

4/26 - It’s Shabbat 5:30-6:30 pm

Friday night Shabbat Celebration & Oneg for Families with Young Children led by Amber Ikeman, Rabbi Joshua & Sharon Paz. RSVP to

Continued on page 24

The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 23

At Our Congregations…

Continued from page 23

4/27 - Kid’ish Club, aka Jr. Congregation –10:30-11:30 a.m.

Inviting all 2nd – 7th graders for Kid’ish Club Shabbat morning April 27th from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Kiddush lunch to follow.

4/28 – Sisterhood Safety and Situational Awareness – 11:00 a.m.

Talk and hands-on demonstration with speaker Richard Luntz. There will be refreshments of packaged Passover desserts and tea. A $5 donation in cash at the door or via Venmo is suggested. RSVP at

Ongoing Programs

Sisterhood Challah Sales made by Melissa Sostrin

Sign up on the Google form linked below or text Jessica Kullock at 615-881-4455 by WEDNESDAY AT 9:00 p.m. each week to pre-order for pickup Friday during synagogue office hours.

Flavors: Plain, chocolate, cinnamon, cinnamon raisin, zaatar, poppy seeds, sesame, bag of 6 challah rolls. Plain is $8/each, all challah with seeds toppings are $8.50, and the rest are $9/each.

Learning Opportunities

Talmud on Tuesdays

Rabbi Joshua leads a lively Talmudic discussion at 7:30 a.m. in person and on Zoom every Tuesday, immediately after morning minyan. Come and join us!

Monday, April 22 - 6 PM

Join us for A unique Passover Seder led by our Engagement Rabbi, Rav Natan!

Be prepared for a journey into our tradition, filled with music and creative innovations to captures everyone's hearts and minds throughout the night!

Thursday Torah Study & Breakfast

With Nechemya Rosenfeld every Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. following morning minyan at 7:00 a.m.

Torah Reading Class with Rav Natan Freller

Thursdays from 6:15-7:15 p.m. at WES. Come learn how to read and chant Torah with Rav Natan! Prerequisite: You must know how to read Hebrew.

Religious Services

Shacharit (in person)

Our minyanaires are always looking for more people to strengthen the only egalitarian minyan in town! Sunday services are at 9:00 a.m. and Monday-Friday at 7:00 a.m. Thursday minyan is followed by breakfast.

Mincha/Ma’ariv (on Zoom)

Join us for daily Mincha/Ma’ariv at 6:00 p.m., Sunday-Thursday.

Kabbalat Shabbat

You are invited to join us every Friday for Kabbalat Shabbat in person at 6:00 p.m. As part of our Friday night services, we are currently studying Jewish ethics through an in-depth reading of Pirkei Avot..

Shabbat Morning services

You are invited to join us every Saturday morning in person or by Zoom at 9:30 a.m. Great davening, insightful learning of the Torah portion and a yummy (and nutritious!) kiddush lunch following services! •

Community Listings

East Side Tribe:

East Side Tribe is a grassroots social and spiritual community fueled by Jewish values and rooted in East Nashville. For more information or to RSVP, please visit

L’chaim Time Happy Hour — Thursday, April 4

A casual happy hour with East Side Tribe. Newcomers welcome!

Spring Wildflowers With East Side Tribe — Saturday, April 6

If you have never given lovely spring ephemerals much thought, now is the chance to learn all about them. This will be an easy/moderate walk and is intended for all ages.

Rosh Chodesh Nissan — Wednesday, April 10, 7-8:30 p.m.

Our theme this month is “Moving Towards Freedom: Lessons from the Prophetess Miriam.” This monthly gathering is open to all who identify as women.

Monthly Potluck Shabbat — Friday, April 19

Our regular community Shabbat dinner, open to all! Please bring a dinner dish to share. (We’ll provide challah and wine.) Feed your belly and your soul.

Interested in Jewish kids programming on the east side? Our “East Side Tribelings” gather every month for music and activities. Email for more info.

Jewish Murfreesboro

The Jewish Murfreesboro group will be hosting Shmurah Matzah Sunday, April 14rh from 11am to 1pm.

Free Shmurah Matzah will be gifted to registered participants, courtesy of Chabad of Nashville.

Please go to to register. •

24 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER REGISTER AT THE LINK BELOW OR SCAN THE QR CODE “My job is to make your life easier!” JANE R. S NY DER ersonal Assistant, Concierge & Family Advocate • 615-557-6277 OMER SPECIAL: 20% o your rst 10 hours [4 hour minimum] Advocacy • Administration • Project Management Learn more about the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville at

April in the Galleries: Featuring the work of Paul Slivka, Daniel Hall, and Yom Hashoah

The Janet Levine March Gallery will feature the work of Paul Slivka. Slivka started painting houses in high school while developing a career in music as a bass player. In his early years, he traveled the world playing bass with a handful of bands and remains an active touring musician. Throughout his travels and his career, he became an avid art collector. One night in 2021, he picked up a brush, some acrylic paint and canvas and completed his first painting. Slivka has since created over 400 paintings and remains prolific to this day. His work is currently in the collection at The Red Door Gallery in Key West and has been shown at Wonders on Woodland in East Nashville.

The JLMG2 Gallery will feature the work of Daniel Hall. Hall is an upcoming portraiture artist whose medium is graphite pencil. His realistic style perfectly captures the uniqueness of everyone with a meticulous attention to detail. This is his second exhibit at the J Galleries.

The Sig Held Gallery will feature an exhibit of archival and modern art honoring Yom Hashoah. Known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah (Hebrew: האושה םוי, Yiddish: האושה םוי) and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, it is observed as Israel’s day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. In Israel, it is a national Memorial Day.

The Senior Lounge will feature the work of Robbie Lasky.

The House gallery will feature the Under One Roof collaborative exhibit.

The Exhibition Dates are April 2 –30th.

The Artist reception will be held on April 10 from 6-8 pm and feature music by DJ Joseph Harris and Henna by Seemi.

The exhibitions are free and open to the public. For more information, contact the GJCC at 615.354-1699, Curator Carrie Mills at, or go to •

“Always the right
The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 25
Clint, by Daniel Hall Bouquet, by Paul Slivka
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Move Management Services
3500 Years, by Carrie Mills
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B’rit Mitzvah

Levi Hudson Orley

Levi Hudson Orley will be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah on Saturday, April 6, at 11 a.m. at The Temple. He was born on February 6, 2011 in New York City. He is the son of Laurel and Ethan Orley and grandson of Geoffrey Orley of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Klarika Orley of Karkur, Israel, and Nancy Miller Kozeradsky of Cresskill, N.J.

A seventh grader at Harding Academy, Levi enjoys basketball, lacrosse, mountain biking, sleepaway camp in Canada, making Michelin-star style steaks with fancy salts, traveling and spending time with his dog Oliver.

For Levi’s mitzvah project, he is supporting Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee. Levi raised over $2,300 for the food bank and is volunteering at Second Harvest throughout the month of March. He will be assisting with evaluating, sorting and packing food donations from grocery stores, food drives and farms for distribution across Middle and West Tennessee.

Miles Rubin

Center’s mission is to help young people in Middle Tennessee move into a happy, healthy, and productive adulthood. They build relationships that advance youth wellbeing, amplify youth voice, and inspire action toward a just community.

Eva Zeller


Fay Robinson Gluck

cousins, Julianna Hoffman and Owen Hoffman; special friend, Sandra Bonomo, and numerous other friends.

A celebration of life will take place in Nashville in the future.

Eva Zeller will be called to the Torah on Saturday, April 13, at 10:30 a.m. at Congregation Micah. She is the child of Amy Stone and Christoph Zeller, the sister of Marlo Zeller, and grandchild of Janet Stone of nNew York, and Beryl Zeller of Germany.

A seventh grader at Meigs Middle Magnet School, Eva enjoys art, costume design, hiking, and cooking.

Norah Frances Clarke

Condolences to the family of Fay Robinson Gluck (Faygele Malka bat Avraham Yehuda), who died on March 8. Fay is survived by sons, Joel Gluck (Linda) and Richard Gluck (Beth); daughter, Lori Gluck; seven grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Robert Gluck, and her parents.

Alex Morgan

Tributes may be made in Alex’s memory to SMART Reading, The Trevor Project, the Brain Tumor Network, Congregation Micah, or the charity of your choice.

Miles Rubin will be called to the Torah on Saturday, April 6, at 10:30 a.m. at Congregation Micah. Miles is the child of Joanna Teplin and Jeremy Rubin; the brother of Marlowe Rubin; and grandchild of Gail and Marvin Rubin, and Sari and Stu Teplin.

A seventh grader at Holy Trinity Montessori, Miles loves to learn about history, and hang with his friends and help others. Miles chose to cook a meal for 25 youths at the Oasis Center. Oasis

Norah Frances Clarke will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 20, at 11 a.m. at The Temple. She was born on October 17, 2010, in Santa Monica, Calif. Her parents are Clare and Robin Clarke. Her grandparents are Carol and Henry Levy of Memphis, Tenn., Suzanne Clarke of Petaluma, Calif., and Jonathan Clarke of New York City.

A seventh grader at University School of Nashville, Norah loves playing sports with friends and on her school teams. She especially enjoys volleyball, swimming and soccer. She loves art, particularly photography, drawing and painting. She also loves cooking and baking. And she loves hiking and skiing with her family.

For Norah’s mitzvah project, she collects unused and leftover flowers, arranges and repurposes them into new floral arrangements. She delivers them to residents at Richland Place on a regular basis.

Condolences to the family of Alex Morgan who died on March 7. Their parents are David Morgan and Karen Bloch. Alex was born in Nashville on December 1, 1998, and attended the University School of Nashville. A quiz bowl champion and a cofounder of a social justice group, they were named Senior of the Year.

After a trip to Mount Hood, Alex fell in love with the Pacific Northwest and graduated from Reed College in Portland, Ore., in 2021 with a degree in comparative literature. Shortly after graduation, Alex was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, and with grace, humor, and fortitude went through treatments in Nashville, San Francisco and Portland, all while studying for a master’s degree in library science at the University of Washington.

A scholar of Chinese culture and language, Alex studied in China at Peking University in 2020. Until weeks before passing, Alex was also studying Yiddish and Spanish.

A faithful adherent to Judaism, Alex reveled in and took comfort in the mysteries of faith and even the unknowable. Alex lived by their own lights and convictions, authentically and truthfully, an inspiration to those around them.

In addition to parents, Alex is survived by fiancée Jessica Riaño; brother, Nicholas Morgan; grandmothers, Bobbye Morgan and Doris Bloch; aunt and uncle, Janet andRalph Hoffman;

Phyllis Rose (Phrose) Seligman


Condolences to the family of Phyllis Rose (Phrose) Seligman Raphael who died on March 3. She is survived by her daughter, Elaine Kuhn; and grandchildren, David (Melanie) Kuhn, Gina (Gabriel) KuhnDeutscher and Amy (Brian) Katz.

Iris Weissman

Condolences to the family of Iris Weissman. She is survived by her children, Sari Barton (Daniel) and Adam Weissman; grandchildren, Jonah and Ruby Barton, and Marc Weissman.

Tributes may be made in Iris’ memory to Congregation Micah Memorial Garden. •


Continued from page 20

world was united in anxiety living in the worst of the worst Covid years. Not to mention social unrest and now war.

Not only does it appear that societal anxiety has not gone away, but it also seems to have gotten so much worse. It feels like a chronic, silent, slow burn condition now. Practically everyone I know seems to be taking medication, or doing CrossFit like maniacs, streaming shows, or watching dumb Tik Tok videos for hours on end to find relief.

It occurred to me the other day, I’m somewhat of a pro at “quiet anxiety.” Upon reflection, it seems I was at the forefront of this movement starting way back in childhood. I think my form of “quiet anxiety” was embedded in me by the lack of adult parenting and the dysfunctional life I was subjected to during my formative years. I remember my first “quiet” anxiety attack in the car. I may have been around six or seven. My mom was behind the wheel. She, in her own, not-so-quiet single-mom-being-overwhelmed-by-life moment, had apparently had enough of my sister, my brother and me, drove and screamed, “One day you’ll wake up, and I’ll be gone.” My little kid self could not wrap my head around that reality as I sat there, teeth silently chattering. I mean, my dad was there one day, and gone the next. Was she serious? It was one of many moments living in a world of out-of-control adults, wondering what my unstable environment held in store.

A lifetime of therapy, self-help books, and the fortunate gift of being a creative person somehow helped me navigate my way through life in a seemingly, somewhat successful fashion.

However, like Robert Downey Jr. and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad childhood, I have decided to use it all to create a winning life, as best as possible, because the way I look at it, it’s the only one I’ve got, and quite honestly, I’m glad to have it, “quiet anxiety” and all.

Well, that is as long as spiders don’t crawl on me while I sleep, and oh yeah…I don’t turn on the news. •





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The Jewish OBSERVER • April 2024 27
Seniors and Post Hospital Care

Pass the plate. Pass down the stor y.

Happy Passover.

Get ready to prepare the feast and share in the seder. And don’t forget the matzo ball soup! Star t planning your Passover meal with recipes for traditional favorites.

Get inspired at

28 April 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER

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