Jewish Dayton Magazine Apr/May/Jun 2018

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magazine VOLUME




April/May/June 2018

Israel! Happy 70th


magazine The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton 525 Versailles Drive Centerville, Ohio 45459 (937) 610-1555 |

Agency Leadership


ne thing is certain – change is inevitable. What has changed so significantly for our Jewish world in such a short time is the relationship between Israelis and American Jews. In 1948, Israelis were the pioneers of a new country of Jews from all over the world. American Jews were their staunch supporters. Cathy Gardner CEO Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton

Jane Hochstein Director Jewish Community Center of Greater Dayton

Tara Feiner Director Jewish Family Services of Greater Dayton

Janese R. Sweeny, Esq. Director Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton

Magazine Team Editorial Staff

Katie Lehner

Emily Snyder

As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, we look to the many faces of Israel then and now. Our Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration, on April 15, will feature many facets of the Jewish state including a photo exhibit from its earliest days as a nation. Additionally, we are right at the edge of popular Israeli culture by serving the “New Israeli Cuisine.” We hope you will enjoy reading about how we as an organization bring to our community in Dayton a varied and interesting look at Israel. Someone said recently that in its 70th year we should celebrate 70 faces of Israel. Our Jewish Federation and its agencies are committed to sharing many of these faces with you in this magazine and in the months to come.

Cathy Gardner ceo, Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton

Table of Contents 3-5

Jewish Federation (JFGD)


Jewish Community Center (JCC)


Jewish Family Services (JFS)


Cover Story: Art Project Brings the Magic of Israel to Life


Jewish Foundation




Community Catchup

Holocaust Education, PJ Library, & Birthright Israel

2o18 Film Fest & Israel @ 70: A Community Celebration

Claims Conference Restitution & A Trip to Israel

Jodi Phares

Alisa Thomas

Staff Contributors

Cheryl Carne

While we continue to support Israel financially, politically, and socially the relationship has changed dramatically. The politics have become more complex. At the same time, Israel’s economy has grown exponentially and the country has been touted as the “Start-Up Nation”, a nod to the innovations propelling a strong and vibrant economy.

Assuring Jewish Futures & Endowments

Where do Annual Campaign Funds Go Overseas?

Juliet Glaser

Check out what's going on across the Jewish community

Students visit Prejudice & memory At the National museum of the USAF with Renate Frydman. Photo courtesy of Renate Frydman.

Holocaust Education Key to Informed Teens Renate Frydman has made it her personal mission to help schools advance their Holocaust curriculum Jodi Phares

Project manager Alisa Thomas

Executive assistant Each spring, hundreds of people from the Dayton Jewish and non-Jewish community gather together to remember those who perished in the Holocaust, hear from survivors and their families, and share stories of hope. Renate Frydman, honorary Ph.D, renowned for her active role in providing Holocaust education in the Miami Valley, recalls the first Yom Hashoah remembrance program quite well. The Dayton community was home to many Holocaust survivors, including Renate and her late husband Charlie. “In the late 1950s many communities around the country began holding Yom




Hashoah remembrance programs. The survivors in Dayton decided we needed to have one,” says Renate. “The first program took place in the basement of Beth Jacob Congregation on Kumler Avenue. There were maybe 30 to 40 people in attendance.” It was an extremely emotional program. There were many tears. The stories were tough to hear. And certainly then, survivors were reluctant to tell their stories. “It was hard for people to talk about the most difficult moments in their lives,” Renate says. Around this same time, local schools began to contact the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton inquiring if someone could come to their classrooms and speak to their students about the Holocaust. The Federation contacted Renate. “I was put in contact with a teacher from Wayne High School who asked if I would speak to his class. I tried to give the students some background about the Holocaust, but they just stared at me in amazement.

Local children ~ grades 5 through 12~ are able to artistically express their own feelings about the Holocaust through the Max May & Lydia May Memorial Holocaust Art & Writing contest.

After the class, when I approached the teacher about this, he showed me their textbooks. There were only a few lines pertaining to the Holocaust in the entire book. I knew then I had to do something to help the

Charlie’s experiences. Challon Roberts, a teacher at Alter High School, who was teaching a nine week course titled The Problem with Evil, encouraged Renate to make her presentations more personal. According to Renate, the

If we can get one child to change his or her thought process, then we have done our job. Renate Frydman ~Local holocaust educator students and teachers get more information.” It was this incident that planted the seed for the idea of a Holocaust Education Committee and years later, the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center.

teacher wanted her to tell more of her personal story because, “that’s what the children need to hear to connect the large numbers of those killed to an individual story.”

Over time, Renate continued to receive calls from area schools asking her to speak. For many of the students, Renate was the first Jewish person they had ever met.

Things changed dramatically once Renate opened up and talked about her family. The students began to perk up and listen intently. Renate even began to bring personal items with her to the presentations, including her own passport.

In the beginning, Renate spoke little of her own personal experience or of her husband

By the early 1990s, it became clear it was time to develop the Holocaust Resource Center

Named after Renate Frydman’s grandparents, the works are displayed at the Yom Hashoah remembrance program, with selected pieces displayed later in the year at the Dayton Art Institute.




that Renate had imagined years prior. Originally located in a small space in the Hillel Academy Library, the center consisted of one desk, a filing cabinet, and a few shelves. After ten years at Hillel, the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center was invited to relocate to Wright State University. It is now housed in the Charles & Renate Frydman Educational Resource Center in Allyn Hall. In addition to the Holocaust Resource Center, Dayton is home to Prejudice and Memory: A Holocaust Exhibit located at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Originally meant to be a four-month temporary exhibit, it has been on display now for almost 20 years, and has been viewed by millions of people. The exhibit contains artifacts from local survivors and their families, liberators, and rescuers. “Every story, every artifact that I received had a very emotional story attached to it,” says Renate, curator of the exhibit. Currently about one dozen volunteers give their time on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to act as docents for the exhibit. In addition to regular visitors to the museum, the exhibit has been viewed by thousands of children through scheduled school programs.

education work is to provide people with accurate information and to make them more accepting of others. It also provides a great opportunity to talk about things that relate to present day life. “When we give presentations to school children, we speak about bullying and racism, because those topics are unfortunately relevant in today’s world. They were also root causes of the Holocaust. If we can get one child to change his or her thought process, then we have done our job.” Renate’s hard work and desire to educate people about the Holocaust continues to inspire others to discuss their own experiences. This year’s Yom Hashoah remembrance program’s keynote speaker was reluctant early on to share his story. In the late 1980s, Holocaust survivor Dr. Felix Garfunkel was asked by Dr. Eric Friedland to talk about his experience with a class Dr. Friedland was teaching at the University of Dayton. The decision to speak was a pivotal moment for Felix. Felix now feels that by telling his story, he is acting as a voice for those who perished in the Holocaust. His wish is that people who hear him speak will come away hopeful. “Those of us who survived were lucky. We endured horrific circumstances, but our ability to survive and the drive to save ourselves was very strong,” says Felix. Despite all that has happened to him, Felix tries not to carry the pain of the past. “It is important to find the joy in the present.”

Dr. Felix Garfunkel to speak at the 2018 Dayton Area Holocaust Remembrance service.

Photo courtesy of PETER WINE. Come hear Dr. Garfunkel’s inspiring story at this year’s Yom Hashoah remembrance program on Sunday, April 8, at Beth Jacob Congregation. Entries for the Max May & Lydia May Memorial Holocaust Art & Writing contest will be on display at 3pm. The program begins at 4pm.

Juliet Glaser

Campaign Director For many families, PJ Library serves as an entry point to Jewish life. Through PJ books, families can learn about the values, ideals, and traditions that have sustained and enriched the Jewish people for millennia. Through stories, families gain familiarity with Jewish holidays, customs, and life cycle events and discover how other Jews have lived around the world, in both the past and present. One area of focus for PJ Library stories is to build a connection for children and families with Israel. PJ Library sends children books that feature Israeli people, culture,


this program, please contact Jodi Phares, Project Manager at (937) 610-5513 or

Renate says the goal of her Holocaust


For more information on

Connects Children and Families to Israel geography, language, and so much more. Along with Israeli stories, PJ Library also features Israeli authors. The books that arrive are age specific and range from board books like When I First Held You: A Lullaby from Israel by Mirik Snir, to stories for older children like Stork’s Landing by Tami Lehman Wilzig. Stories such as these help build a bridge between children and families in Dayton with Israel.

For more information on PJ Library please contact Rachel Gilbert, PJ Library Coordinator at (937) 610-1794 or

When I First Held You Written by Mirik Snir Illustrated by Eleyor Snir

Stork's Landing Written by Tami Lehman-Wilzig Illustrated by Anna Shuttlewood

When I First Held You celebrates the unique and immediate connection between parents and newborns. The story follows as the tranquil natural world welcomes a new baby with greetings of beauty and harmony. The illustrations depict calm and happy animal families comforted by each other’s company on simple backgrounds of patterned color. Hear love and joy come to life in this sweet Israeli lullaby.

Israel has one of the largest populations of migrating birds, and in this story, one of them gets stuck in a net in the fish ponds and breaks its wing! On her kibbutz, Maya and her dad discover the injured bird and decide to save it. A heartwarming tale of caring for animals and the natural beauty of Israel, the story also teaches a handful of Hebrew vocabulary words.

LOCAL YOUNG ADULTS CONNECT WITH ISRAEL Taglit Birthright builds lasting bonds between Israel and American Youth Director of External Relations Alisa Thomas

Executive Assistant Each year, thousands of Jewish young adults between the ages of 18-26 travel to Israel for a free, one-of-a-kind trip. Since its inception in 1999, Birthright Israel has sent 600,000 participants to Israel. The young adults come from 67 countries, including the U.S. and Canada. According to their website, Birthright Israel seeks to strengthen Jewish identity and Jewish communities, and create connections with Israel. Trips are operated by different organizers to appeal to a variety of interests. However, all trips focus on three core areas: + NARRATIVES OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE + CONTEMPORARY ISRAEL + IDEAS AND VALUES OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE Many young adults in the Dayton area have taken advantage of this wonderful program. We heard from several of them, who were kind enough to share with us details of their journeys. A frequent attendee at YAD events and co-president of J-shoft, a medical school club for Jewish students, Brandon Schwartz went on Birthright Israel in December 2016 with a healthcare-focused group. His most significant moment in Israel was traveling to the Western Wall on the first night of Chanukah. “I felt so connected to my heritage at that moment and felt

the energy that surrounds Jerusalem and the Jewish people.” Brandon, who grew up in Los Angeles, did not grow up in a very religious home, and rarely went to temple. Birthright sparked a new desire for him to be more deeply rooted in Judaism. Ariel Ya’akov Berry, a Kettering native, attended Birthright in the summer of 2016. The impact the trip had on his life is immeasurable. “I feel Birthright helped me become more ritually observant. I now keep strict kosher, observe Shabbat, and pray three times daily. I feel much more connected to the world’s Jewish population, be they in the diaspora or in Eretz Yisrael.” Melanie Brenner, who grew up in the Dayton Jewish community, described her 2009 Birthright trip as a homecoming to her Jewish faith. “After my Bat Mitzvah, I lost the desire to grow in my faith, and went through the motions of being Jewish, instead of living Jewishly. Coming home from Israel, I realized just how rich our Jewish faith and history is. My trip really reignited the fire in my heart to live a Jewish life.” Others shared similar sentiments of the reconnection to their Jewish culture and faith. Etana Jacobi, who is originally from New Hampshire, went on Birthright in early 2017. The trip helped Etana reflect on her own Jewish identity and relationship with the Jewish community. “This past Chanukah, I attended a celebration at a friend’s home. While lighting the candles, I found beauty in reciting ancient words that came back to me so easily after so many years.


Cheryl Carne

Photo courtesy OF JFNA.

Through our shared language and history, that prayer dissolved the strangeness of reciting foreign words with people I barely knew. In that moment, it felt good to be a member of the tribe.” Federation Board member Hannah Schwartz went on Birthright in 2010. Originally from Tennessee, Hannah has become very involved in the Dayton Jewish community. She is a member of the Jewish Dayton Chorale and very active with YAD. Her birthright trip had extra special meaning. “The best part of Birthright for me was being able to see my brother, who was a lone soldier at the time. Hannah added, “I was able to see some of the places I have heard about since I was younger. Seeing pictures is so different from walking down


a crowded Jerusalem street or stepping into a bustling Tel Aviv mall. There is a sense of connection that I now have that wasn’t present before, and that is a priceless gift.” Birthright Israel is supported in part by the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton’s Annual Campaign, through a yearly allocation to the program. You can read more about this incredible program at

If you would like more information about YAD, or would like to connect with Jewish people in the community, please contact Cheryl Carne, Director of External Relations at (937) 610-1778 or


April 8 - Yom Hashoah Observance April 9 - Peace by Piece June 3 - Presidents Dinner


2018 2018

What's in store? BAGELS OVER BERLIN APRIL 24




Jane Hochstein

JCC Director

almost that time of year! Grab some popcorn, a drink, Iandt’s kick back at the Dayton Jewish Film Festival. This year’s festival will take place from April 17–May 10. We showcase some of the greatest cinematography and award winning feature and documentary movies currently offered.


This year, we are excited to show two fabulous Israeli films. Eran Riklis’ edge of your seat thriller Shelter follows the relationship that develops between an Israeli Mossad agent and a Lebanese informant, that is exposed to the threat of terror that is engulfing the world today. You can check out Shelter on Sunday, April 29, at 5:15pm at the Neon (130 E. 5th St 45402).


On Wednesday, May 2, join us at the Neon at 7:15pm for The Cakemaker, directed by Ofir Raul Graizer. Winner of the Lia Van Leer Award for Jewish heritage at the Jerusalem Film Festival and Ecumenical Jury prize at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, this tender film explores relationships, forbidden love, and the human desire for connection.

If you would like to attend the JCC's Film Fest, please contact Karen Steiger at (937) 610-1555 or purchase tickets online at







G 15 - Israel @ 70: IN AApril Community Celebration April 17 - Film Fest Opening Night June 4 - Summer Camp Shalom starts

NITY U M M A CO ION T A R CELEB Jane Hochstein

JCC Director

In previous years, the Jewish Community Center has celebrated Israel Independence Day with musical acts, guest speakers, children’s entertainment, and delicious food for purchase. In honor of Israel’s 70th birthday, we are turning up the volume and planning a Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration like no other. Join us on Sunday, April 15, 4–6pm for an afternoon of music, food and FUN! An array of activities will be available for ALL ages: + DANCING TO ISRAELI POP MUSIC WITH DJ MARK GORDON + A SPECIAL PERFORMANCE FROM THE DAYTON JEWISH CHORALE + COMMUNITY MOSAIC PROJECT + AUTHENTIC ISRAELI CUISINE + CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES + TRADITIONAL ISRAELI SINGING & DANCING We will be joined by Israeli chef Morris Zrihen, owner and chef of The Breakfast Club (located in Moshav Shavei Zion in Israel’s north), and his kitchen director and pastry chef, Hadas Hay. Chef Morris and Chef Hadas, who come to us through Partnership2Gether, will whip up authentic Israeli cuisine. Chef Morris was most recently in Dayton in 2015 for the Jewish Community Center’s inaugural Women’s Seder. This year’s unique celebration will also include a photo exhibition featuring works from renowned photographer Shimon Rudolph “Rudi” Weissenstein. Born in 1910 in Czechoslovakia,



Sunday, April 15 @ 4–6PM Boonshoft CJCE (525 Versailles Dr., Centerville 45459) $10 in advance $15 at the door. 18 and under are free.

Rudi arrived in 1936 at Jaffa Port with a press photographer’s certificate and a set of cameras. Shortly after, Rudi relocated to Tel Aviv where he met his future wife, Miriam. As a true partner, Miriam assisted Rudi in his photography businesses, acted as a private chauffeur on occasion and was Rudi’s close assistant for 55 years. Since Rudi’s passing in 1992, Miriam has continued working with and expanding the photography archive. Her grandson, Ben Peter, recently joined her and has been entrusted with the task of preserving the rare negatives and digitizing all the visual and textual information gathered in that archive. The exhibition includes a variety of photos which capture the rich history of Israel and the Jewish people. The pictures will also be displayed at area synagogues and organizations throughout the spring. After the exhibition, the photos will be available for purchase. The JCC will also present a slideshow throughout the event featuring photos from community members' trips to Israel. If you would like to submit pictures for the slideshow, please contact Jodi Phares at (937) 610-1555 or We hope you will join us for this very special celebration. This program is presented in association with Beth Abraham Synagogue, Beth Jacob Congregation, Chabad of Greater Dayton, Hadassah, Hillel Academy, Jewish War Veterans, Temple Beth Or, and Temple Israel. Don’t miss this exciting celebration!

If you would like to attend the JCC's Israel @ 70 event , please contact Karen Steiger at (937) 610-1555 or purchase tickets online at

Chef Morris in Israel. Photo courtesy of chef morris.


A Young Sam Lauber.

All Photos courtesy of Sam Lauber.

Claims Conference Restitution Provides Peace of Mind for Dayton-area Survivor JFS Provides Guidance and Support Throughout the Process Tara Feiner

JFS Director I recently had the privilege of spending an afternoon on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base with Sam Lauber. Some may know of Sam because of his beautiful photography, which can be seen from time to time on display at the Boonshoft Center for Jewish Culture & Education. However, our conversation focused on different topics that particular afternoon. Sam, who served as a civilian social worker for the federal government for 36 years, was gracious enough to take me on a tour of the base. As we toured, I found myself in awe of his professional accomplishments. Sam’s civilian work began in 1967, when he separated from active duty. During his tenure, Sam earned two military medals ~ a “Meritorious Service” award, and an “Outstanding Career” award. He was responsible for coordinating and supervising resource networks for military members at bases in Europe and the U.S., as well as developing and overseeing models for Family Advocacy programs. Sam also presented “Suicide Prevention” briefings to all units on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, training 80,000 military and base personnel over four years. As Sam continued to tell me about his successful career, I was intrigued at the special connection he had to one particular responsibility. Under the auspices of the Family Advocacy program, Sam was responsible for placing military children, with command approval, into military foster homes. Living in Brussels, Belgium, Sam’s mother made arrangements in 1943 with the Mother Superior of a local convent to


place Sam in a foster home for the duration of the war. Sam was very fortunate. His parents and sister survived the Holocaust and in the aftermath, the family reunited. In 1948, they left everything behind and immigrated to the United States, arriving in New York. Although the circumstances around Sam’s foster care placement were different than those of the children he helped, Sam was still able to relate to the many emotions they experienced. In fact, Sam credits his own journey as an inspiration for his career path. By going through foster care, it helped nurture his compassion, awareness and understanding for people. At the end of our tour, and after hearing about Sam’s accomplished career, I began to reflect on my own work with Jewish Family Services. We work every day to provide individuals and families within the Miami Valley with tools and services to lead happier and healthier lives. Sometimes we are privileged to help people, like Sam, take advantage of programs and services of which they may otherwise not be aware. One such program is the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, known as the Claims Conference. Since its first agreement with West Germany in 1952, the Claims Conference has paid more than $70 billion to over 800,000 Holocaust victims. While no amount of money can erase the suffering victims faced, or bring back those who were murdered, the payments serve as acknowledgment of the crimes committed against them. Currently Holocaust victims in 80 countries and territories receive direct payments from Germany. There are several compensation programs, including the Article 2 Fund, Central and Eastern

European Fund, Hardship Fund, and the Child Survivor Fund. In addition to the pension funds, Claims Conference grant funds provide free, lifeenhancing services such as light homecare and house-keeping, dental care, home safety modifications, hearing aids, and medical adaptive equipment. The services allow Holocaust survivors to live in their homes independently and age in place with dignity for as long as possible. Knowing Sam's history and having established a rapport with him, I informed him of the grant program. While at first he was interested, after reviewing the paperwork, Sam decided not to complete the application. However in 2016, Sam contacted us at Jewish Family Services to pursue the application process. For most Holocaust survivors, the paperwork to access these grant-funded services is minimal. The key is that the Holocaust survivor must be recognized as a survivor by the Claims Conference. Many survivors have already received a one-time restitution payment and, in some cases, a monthly pension. However, in Sam’s case, he never applied to the Claims Conference for a one-time restitution payment and pension. So before we could apply for grant-funded services, we needed to first complete the Claims Conference Unified Compensation Application. Jewish Family Services was able to support Sam through the process. Sam and his wife, Ellen, gathered the required documentation and started the application. Jewish Family Services assisted with preparing the application for submission to the Claims Conference, indexing appendices, obtaining notary stamps where required, and creating and submitting an affidavit as alternative

Would I encourage other people to do it? Absolutely. It's a long process, but there are supportive, helpful people to assist you.

JFS & Local Social Workers Journey to Israel

Sam Lauber ~Local holocaust survivor

Tara Feiner

with social work colleagues in a different culture.”

Imagine traveling half way around the world for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from others in your profession who practice under very different conditions than your own. Several social workers from the Dayton area were recently presented with this very scenario.

Heather was excited to bring what she learned back to Dayton. “I am looking forward to learning more about Israeli culture, what social work practices and interventions are like in Israel, and to see how they work with trauma. I hope to be able to bring back information to my team here at Dayton Children’s that will be relevant and help us strengthen our social work skills and interventions.”

documentation. The desired outcome was for Sam to receive a one-time restitution payment and be recognized by the Claims Conference as a Holocaust survivor. The actual outcome far exceeded our expectations. The Claims Conference notified Sam that he would receive a onetime restitution payment and a monthly pension. Sam said, "I never expected to receive a one-time restitution and a pension. I thought I would just receive a one-time payment. It was wonderful news." Through the grant, Sam was able to receive a hearing aid, reimbursement for dental and medical services, and payment for a motorized scooter. Sam is getting the medical support he needs without having to deplete his savings and retirement. When I asked Sam whether it was worth completing the application, he replied, “absolutely.” “Would I encourage other people to do it? Absolutely. It’s a long process, but there are supportive, helpful people to assist you,” said Sam. Jewish Family Services is grateful to Sam and his wife, Ellen, for allowing us to share Sam’s story. Claims Conference grant funds are available to support Holocaust survivors who live independently outside of a care facility. Jewish Family Services of Greater Dayton works as the local contact and coordinates with Cincinnati’s Center for Holocaust Survivors, which manages the grant locally. Whether a Holocaust survivor already received a one-time restitution payment with or without a monthly pension, or if they have never received a one-time payment and have not been recognized by the Claims Conference, Jewish Family Services is here to support survivors through every step of the application process.

JFS Director

From March 4 – 8, through the Federation’s Partnership2Gether program, myself, Sharon Guenther (Manager of Social Work Services at Miami Valley Hospital’s Department of Integrated Care Management), and Heather Hackett (Medical Social Worker at Dayton Children’s Hospital), traveled to Israel to participate in a social worker seminar at the Galilee Medical Center. The mission offered us the unique opportunity to observe Israel’s social work model, understand the services provided to Holocaust survivors in Israel, and extend those conversations to our services in Dayton. In addition, the mission allowed the social workers to participate in and facilitate conversations about how we work individually and how we can work together. Prior to our departure, Sharon said she was thrilled to have such an amazing opportunity. “I’m excited to explore social services in Israel, and to understand the challenges and opportunities social workers face in another country. I’m also looking forward to establishing relationships

Partnership2Gether (P2G) is a program of the Jewish Agency and the Jewish Federations of North America, promoting people-to-people relationships through cultural, social, medical, educational, and economic programs. This partnership is between the 14 communities of the Central Area Consortium (including Dayton); Budapest, Hungary; and Israel’s Western Galilee. Its mission is to promote mutually beneficial endeavors forging relationships through programs that build Jewish identity and strengthen ties and connections among and between our communities.

For more information about Partnership2Gether please contact Jodi Phares, Project Manager at (937) 610-5513 or


If you or a loved one is a Holocaust survivor and would like more information about grant-funded services, please contact Tara Feiner, JFS Director at (937) 401-1546 or




April 24- Dine Around @ Thai 9 May 17 - Winan's Factory Tour

L to R: heather hackett MSSW, lsw, Dayton children's hospital; JFS Director Tara Feiner; sharon guenther MSW, lisw-s, miami valley hospital. Photo courtesy of Jodi phares.


Art Project Brings the Magic of Israel to Life Jodi Phares

Project manager Earlier this year, several of us from the editorial staff for the Jewish Dayton Magazine were sitting around a table discussing potential covers for the upcoming Israel at 70 publication. I, along with Katie Lehner, Marketing Director and Alisa Thomas, Executive Assistant, wanted the cover to be more than just a run-ofthe-mill map of Israel, like something available in a textbook or encyclopedia. Katie had seen an art project the children in Early Childhood had been working on and she had a suggestion: have the children create a topographical map of Israel, and photograph it to create a one of a kind cover for the magazine. Agreement was unanimous, and everyone moved to make it happen. I approached Early Childhood Director Audrey MacKenzie and Mishpacha Cheder Lead Teacher Katie Lagasse with our idea. They enthusiastically agreed to the project. A time was scheduled for myself and Katie Lehner to meet with the four-

year-old class to plant the seeds of creativity and bring this project to life.

different aspects of Israel. The children paid attention not just to color, but texture as well; sand paper was used to symbolize the desert, and corrugated cardboard was used for the fortresses. Various colors of green and blue tissue paper were layered together to represent land and sea. It was exciting to watch the white foamcore outline of Israel transform and come to life. I think the final product is spectacular.

While the children learn about Israel throughout the course of the year, this experience was different because they were able to hear stories from someone who had been to Israel. Katie Lehner loaded her iPad with images from Israel that showed different landmarks and topography. We hoped the images would stir the children’s imagination for their map. They were impressed with the desert, the Kotel (Wailing Wall), and the buildings of Tel Aviv, but they were most awestruck by the Dead Sea. They were amazed by images of clothing that was submerged in the Dead Sea by Israeli artist Sigalit Landau for a period of time and were transformed into white, floating statues coated in layers of salt. I felt our time with the children was terrific. They had thoughtful questions and I was amazed by the insightful observations that these four-year-olds had of Israel and its people. The project took a total of three weeks to complete. The class was very resourceful in representing

Recently, I asked Katie Lagasse how the project impacted her class. “Israel is always a big topic of conversation in our classroom, but physically making the landmarks and creating the textures of the different regions in Israel really brought the images to life for the children – it was truly a big picture moment for them,” she said. Special thanks to the 2017 – 2018 Mishpacha Cheder Class: James Anthony, Joseph Davis, Jonah Dorf, Rolana Dorf, Kennedy Ford, Charlie Lyle, Madelyn MacKenzie, Evan Mowery, Rohan Nanda, Ella Ng, Lena O’Neill, Luke Rabb, Anna Roth, Sam Sierschula, Andrew Simpson, Sebastian Watts, and Samantha Woll and their teachers Katie Lagasse, Diane Blevens, and Kim Darner.

For more information on bringing Israel into the classroom, please contact Jodi Phares, Project Manager at (937) 610-5513 or

Israel is always a big topic of conversation in our classroom, but physically making the landmarks and creating the textures of the different regions in Israel really brought the images to life for the children – it was truly a big picture moment for them. Katie Lagasse ~Mishpacha Cheder lead teacher

Photos courtesy of Mendy fedotowsky.


7FACTS70 favorite

for Israel's


Jewish Boston put together a list of 70 facts about Israel for its 70th birthday, our editorial staff picked out our favorite seven!

1. Israel is the only country to have more trees today than it did 50 years ago. 2. After Tokyo and New York City, Tel Aviv has the most sushi restaurants per capita. 3. Thanks to its national snack Bamba (think peanut Cheetos), babies in Israel are 10 times less likely to suffer from peanut allergies.

4. There are more than 40 kosher McDonald’s in Israel. The only kosher one outside Israel is in Bueños Aires.

Peace by

Piece Art as a Catalyst for Social Justice Alisa Thomas

Executive assistant

On Monday, April 9, the Jewish Community Relations Council and The Dayton Art Institute will present Peace by Piece: Art as a Catalyst for Social Justice, an evening with Israeli origami artist Miri Golan. Thanks in part to a grant from the World Religion Foundation, the program will explore the connection between art and understanding our differences in today’s world. Tickets are available for $20 per person, and include a panel discussion, selfguided tour of the exhibit Above the Fold: New Expressions in Origami and a dessert reception. Miri Golan is the founder and director of the Israeli Origami Center and founder of Folding Together, a program that brings together Israeli and Palestinian children through origami. The program encourages participants to break down the barriers of fear and develop mutual respect for one another. She also trains math teachers in Origametria which helps teach students geometry through origami.

HOW TO GO Monday, April 9 7–9PM @ The Dayton Art Institute

5. The glue on Israeli stamps is kosher.

(456 Belmonte Park North Dayton, Ohio 45405)

$20/per person RSVP to Karen Steiger at (937) 610-1555 or online at

6. Israel celebrates Mother’s Day on Shevat 30 (February 15), the birthday of Henrietta Szold, the founder of Hadassah. Henrietta Szold

7. Every year, an Israeli Arab hotel manager named Jaaber Hussein buys all the state’s chametz (leavened products) for Passover. Photos courtesy istockphoto & wikimedia creative commons.

Photos courtesy of THE ARTIST.


LIFE & LEGACY in Dayton: Assuring Jewish Tomorrows, Today TM

Janese R. Sweeny, Esq.

it is imperative we prepare for the future now.

“This organization is a constant in my life.” “This place is my second home.” “I come here to be accepted and be who I am.”

A program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, LIFE & LEGACY is a four year partnership program that assists communities across North America, through partnerships with Jewish Federations and Foundations, to promote after-lifetime giving to benefit Jewish day schools, synagogues, social service organizations and other Jewish entities. As one of 52 other communities across the country who are investing in their collective future with the guidance and support of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the Dayton Jewish community will plant seeds for the next generation.

Jewish Foundation Director

These are just a few of the responses I heard while attending the LIFE & LEGACY team meetings at the beginning of January. The teams ~ from Beth Abraham Synagogue, Chabad of Greater Dayton, Hillel Academy of Greater Dayton, the Jewish Community Center, Jewish Family Services, Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton, Temple Beth Or, and Temple Israel ~ came together to design their Legacy plans and discuss why they feel the LIFE & LEGACY program is vital to the Dayton Jewish community. The responses were quick and passionate. Although they varied, all shared a common thread. In order to ensure the survival of a vibrant, thriving Dayton Jewish community,

The program allows dedicated community members to make a significant difference during their lifetime and ensure community organizations have the ongoing funding they need to continue serving the community’s needs long into the future. We are fortunate to live in such a compassionate and driven community. These feelings were very evident to me at the recent LIFE & LEGACY training session held in January. Team members


“As my ancestors for me before I was bor n, so do I plant for those who me.

will come after ~ Ta’anit 23a

LIFE & LEGACY is a partnership between the Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation in collaboration with the Dayton Jewish community


from all of the participating organizations joined together with Tammy Dollin, our LIFE & LEGACY Community Consultant. It was such a pleasure to hear what motivates individuals to invest in securing a lively and thriving Jewish community. As the Director of the Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton, I realize how lucky I am to work with wonderful community members and lay leaders who genuinely care about our local organizations. Although Jewish Dayton has changed, the passion is still palpable. We have seen a recent influx of young Jewish professionals move into the area. There are numerous families in the area who are working to instill Jewish values in their children. People rely on community organizations to provide cultural, religious, and educational experiences for not only themselves, but the Dayton community at large. Our more seasoned generations are as active as ever. When I look at Jewish Dayton, and ask myself “Why invest in our legacy?” these are just a few of the things that come to mind. Why do you want to leave a legacy? I encourage you to reach out to your organization’s staff and lay leaders and share with them what you love about the Dayton Jewish community, and why you feel it is important to be an active community far into the future. It is a privilege to hear your stories, and a privilege to help tell our community story.

For more information about LIFE & LEGACY, contact Janese R. Sweeny, Esq., Foundation Director at (937) 401-1542 or

ENDOWMENTS : Creating a Lasting Impact 1


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Endowments provide a source of funding and support Jewish programming while ensuring Jewish culture is sustained for future generations. Here are just a few of the programs and experiences that endowments through the Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton help fund:

1. Young actors perform in the JCC

Children’s Theater production of Tarzan! 2. Students from JCC Early Childhood Care & Education create a mural of Israel for the Jewish Dayton Magazine. 3. JFGD Board Member Daniel Sweeny, Foundation Director Janese R. Sweeny, Campaign Director Juliet Glaser and JFGD Graphic Designer Emily Snyder attend the 2018 General Assembly in Los Angeles.

4. Jewish Dayton gives back as members of the community participate in a JFS Mitzvah Mission. For more information about Foundation, contact Janese R. Sweeny, Esq., Foundation Director at (937) 401-1542 or

PHOTOS COURTESY of peter wine, Mendy Fedotowsky, AND Juliet Glaser.

WOLFE MARCUS TRUST YOUTH TRAVEL TO ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP Endowments through the Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton help support a wide variety of programs and services provided through the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton, Jewish Family Services, and the Jewish Community Center. Several funds were established to provide scholarship opportunities to local youth, including the Wolfe Marcus Fund, which was established to provide scholarships for local youth who are planning to travel to Israel. Legacy gifts help the Federation and its agencies meet their missions, and provide programs and services for generations to come.




Where do Annual Campaign dollars go overseas?

Juliet Glaser

Campaign Director The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton’s Annual Campaign revolves around fundraising to support and carry out our mission of caring for those in need, strengthening Jewish life, and creating connections among Jews-acting locally, in Israel, and around the world. Our impact is felt locally through the vibrant programming and events that happen within our Jewish community, as well as the critical services we sustain. And while the majority of our campaign dollars stay local, a percentage of our annual campaign supports our mission overseas and

connects us to the broader Jewish community, Klal Yisroel. Our Federation connects with other Jewish communities through Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA). JFNA acts as the umbrella organization for all Jewish Federations within the United States and Canada. Outside of North America, the Federation system relies on three main organizations to carry out our mission around the world. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) acts as our humanitarian assistance organization, and works in more than 70 countries and in Israel to improve the

well-being of vulnerable Jews living in hardship, provide disaster relief, and create meaningful connections to Jewish life. World ORT acts as our education and vocational training organization, providing skills, knowledge, and training to build economic sufficiency in needy communities. Lastly, the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) was instrumental in creating the State of Israel, and today works to connect Jews around the world with Israel, and Israel with Jewish communities around the world.

These four organizations work together to create and sustain Jewish life around the globe, and our Annual Campaign helps support their work. It is a vast system, with many moving parts, and it’s easy to lose sight of the very real impact that our campaign dollars have. Every day, in every Jewish community, the campaign dollars that we raise locally make life better for Jews living in Israel, Latin America, and the Former Soviet Union, along with myriad other places. In Israel, JAFI works tirelessly to achieve its mission to do all they can to ensure that every Jewish person feels an unbreakable bond to one another and to Israel no matter where they

IMPACT: ENABLING TEL AVIV YOUTH TO CHOOSE TOMORROW Growing up in a poor neighborhood in south Tel Aviv, 23-year-old Shai Pinhasi worked hard to get to college. Now, as a participant in Federation partner The Jewish Agency for Israel’s Choosing Tomorrow scholarship and service initiative, he has developed the Thinking Far program for fifth-graders.


During four sessions at his old school and another one nearby, Shai and other mentors help the vulnerable students take practical steps toward achieving their dreams, from graduating high school to choosing a career. “I was inspired to create Thinking Far by members of my own family who have not realized their personal

potential for success, because of regional influences,” he said. “I think it’s very important that Choosing Tomorrow provides training and support for generating social change, and a chance for students to initiate their own projects in their own neighborhoods.”

IMPACT: STRENGTHENING FAMILIES IN ISRAEL When 8-year-old Itzik first met Shimrit, his mentor, he was so shy he could barely look her in the eye. But after three years of working closely with her, Itzik’s confidence grew tremendously. He’s now active in school, and much more willing to reach out to family and new friends. Shimrit was paired with Itzik through Youth Futures, a flagship program of The Jewish Agency for Israel, a Federation partner agency. Youth Futures’ staff provides community-based mentoring for at-risk pre-teens and adolescents across Israel. During the 2012-13 school year, 400 mentors worked with 12,000 students and their families in 35 communities. The need for Youth Futures is high in Sderot, where Itzik lives. The desert city is a target of frequent rocket attacks from neighboring Gaza, and many residents suffer from PTSD. Sderot also has large immigrant populations, particularly from North Africa and Russia. Many adults work long hours in factories for low pay, meaning less time at home.

That’s where Youth Futures comes in. Each mentor meets with 15 individual families each week to discuss ongoing familial, economic and social issues. They also help with personal finance, parenting and relationship skills. “Our mentors are there in addition to their parents,” says Noa Barkley Asher, local director of the program. Itzik may still be shy and softspoken but, Shimrit attests, he has transformed. Itzik describes Shimrit as being “like a sister.” Last year, he says, “I had trouble making friends. Shimrit helped me, and this year I’m having an easier time.”

IMPACT: SUPPORTING A HERO IN NEED When he was just 16, Gregory Margolin joined the Red Army in the Ukraine as his family fled the Nazis. When, at 86, a rebel missile destroyed his house in eastern Ukraine and killed his daughter, he knew his family had to flee again—this time, to Israel. Since fighting broke out in the Ukraine in 2014, thousands of Jews have made aliyah with the assistance of Federation partner The Jewish Agency for Israel. From providing pre-aliyah counseling and securing travel arrangements in

Ukraine to temporary housing, Hebrew lessons and social services once in Israel, The Jewish Agency helped ease the elderly veteran’s delicate transition every step of the way. Gregory and his family now live in safety with his niece’s family in Ramla. Thanks to Federation, they and so many other Jews affected by conflict now live in safety, comfort and dignity.

With Federation support, the Jewish Agency is extending Youth Futures into new initiatives in schools and building even more supportive networks for Israeli children and their families. “It takes time but I can see it,” says Asher. “If we give these kids the right attention, they blossom.”

are in the world. It is through this mission that JAFI is able to help perpetuate our Jewish story. JAFI focuses on four main objectives to help achieve this goal: connecting young Jews to Israel and their Jewish identity, connecting young Israelis to the Jewish people and their Jewish identity, Aliyah and absorption (Israeli immigration), and supporting vulnerable populations in Israel. All are supported by funds raised by Jewish Federation Annual Campaigns. JAFI programs help us care for those in need by helping over half a million underserved Israelis gain access to education and housing. Nearly 5,000

at risk children and teens have received guidance from mentors through JAFI’s Youth Futures initiative, and 47,500

for over 200,000 young Jews. Additionally, 325 schools in Israel are partnered with twin

Every day, in every Jewish community, the campaign dollars that we raise locally make life better for Jews living in Israel, Latin America and the Former Soviet Union, along with a myriad of other places.

Israelis have benefited from a project that addresses the acute shortage of subsidized public housing. Programs like Birthright and Partnership2Gether foster connections to Israel

schools in Jewish communities worldwide to create shared programs and new friendships. Dayton’s Partnership2Gether region in the Western Galilee has provided opportunities for programs ranging from medical, artistic, and educational in nature.

As Jews, we have a responsibility to care for one another. The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton cares for our local community, as well as our global community. Every contribution you make to the Annual Campaign has an impact on Jewish life in Dayton, in Israel, and around the world.

For more information on how your campaign donations help our community and Jewish communities across the world, please contact Juliet Glaser, Campaign Director, at (937) 401-1558 or

ALL Photos courtesy of JFNA.


Beth Abraham Synagogue Beth Abraham will celebrate 125 years as a vibrant center of Jewish life in 2019. While much has changed since its first location in a small wood framed building on Wayne Ave., our core mission has remained the same: to be a welcoming and embracing congregation for families who wish to participate in the joy of Jewish communal life. Our synagogue’s namesake, Abraham, truly reflects who we are. Jewish tradition teaches that Abraham’s tent was open on all four sides so that he could welcome travelers approaching from every direction. Abraham’s spiritual greatness was that he saw God’s image in everyone – friend or stranger. In Abraham’s presence, everyone felt welcomed and embraced. Abraham’s open spiritual posture allowed him to become av-raham, the father of many. This is the inclusive and welcoming spiritual posture that Beth Abraham – “The House of Abraham” - has continually practiced for nearly 125 years. Please come and visit with us and enjoy our tent of hospitality.

Beth Jacob Congregation Social Action We volunteer our time to serve dinner at St. Vincent's on the 4th Sunday of each month. Please contact Tammy at or (937) 274-2149 to sign up to help. Recent Events Renowned east coast chef and baker Paula Shoyer came to Dayton on February 17th to talk about her new cookbook, The Healthy Jewish Kitchen. Thanks to an Innovation Grant from the Federation, a diverse group of Jewish women took over the beautiful kitchen at Beth Jacob Congregation and prepared a selection of delicious recipes from Ms. Shoyer’s book to taste. Ms. Shoyer discussed The Healthy Jewish Kitchen having been borne from her want to recreate the iconic Jewish foods from her childhood without having to use the unhealthy ingredients that had been staples in her grandmother’s kitchen. All who attended agreed that it was a delicious endeavor! ‫ב”ה‬

Chabad of Greater Dayton What Is? Rethink everything you know about our universe. A new six-class series from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, beginning, Monday, April 23 at 7PM.

Ap ril 23


IMAGINE that you were able to rethink everything you knew about the universe, the laws of nature, your own consciousness, and the very idea of existence and reality. Imagine the new insights you would gain, the fresh perspective with which you would embark on the journey of life each morning. What Is? does exactly that.

Is the world real? What is time? Where does our sense of self come from? Why does evil exist? If G-d already knows what we will do tomorrow, is our “freedom of choice” nothing more than an illusion? Does the word “Gd” actually mean something, or is it just our way of referring to whatever it is that we cannot explain?

Drawing on the wisdom of Chasidic teaching, the most basic building blocks of existence are reexamined from the bottom up, revolutionizing our understanding of life, reality, and our place in the world. For more information or to reserve visit or call (937) 643-0770.



Community Catchup MORE INFO/ REGISTER

Dayton Jewish Chorale The Dayton Jewish Chorale would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support of the CommUNITY Shabbat program at the Dayton Art Institute in January. We look forward to creating this type of event again in the future. We hope you will join us at our next performances: Community Yom Hashoah Program, April 8, 2018 at Beth Jacob Congregation Community Yom HaAtzmaut Program, April 15, 2018 at the CJCE


Jewish Cultural Festival, June 10, 2018 at Temple Israel Do you love to sing? Contact Hazzan Jenna Greenberg at for information on joining the group. Want to show your support? Make a contribution to the Dayton Jewish Chorale! Tax-deductible donations can be sent to and made out to JFGD, with Dayton Jewish Chorale in the memo line. Any new donations will be matched up to $1250.

Hadassah, Dayton Chapter

Happy 70th Birthday Israel! Israel is the heart of Hadassah and the ultimate beneficiary from its fundraising programs. It was Hadassah that---even before Israel became a state---established a care infrastructure and unparalleled standard of excellence. Over 100 years ago Hadassah was the first to bring modern medicine to the Middle East. Hadassah gave Israel its first: modern health facility; university hospital; cancer institute; embryonic stem cell research center; medical nursing and dental schools; liver unit; organ transplant unit; skin bank; trauma unit; ambulatory surgery center; and ER unit for premature babies. Hadassah inspires passion for and commitment to its partnership with Israel’s land and people. Because it’s so integral, Lorraine Kotler and Phyllis Levine are both vice presidents on our Hadassah board; Lorraine of Zionist affairs and Phyllis of Israeli health. Today Hadassah’s hospitals in Jerusalem take pride in being the city’s largest employer. Shimon Peres, former president of Israel, praised Hadassah: “Your organization does wonders…Hadassah combines Zionist realization with moral values.”

Hillel Academy of Greater Dayton Students Get Up To Code At Hillel Israelis are among the world’s best at robotics coding. Hillel’s 4th and 5th graders are following that lead by becoming robotics programmers during their Tuesday recess and lunch periods. Hillel alum and Oakwood sophomore, Sammy Caruso, uses his study hall and lunch periods to guide and mentor our students as they learn to code their Finch and Sphero Sprk+ robots. Students use the Snap block programming language to control sensors and servos to accomplish some challenging tasks. We think it is a fabulous way to practice two Hillel habits - teamwork and problem solving! Academically driven, culturally inspired, Hillel is growing Jewish values - naturally. More information can be found online at

Community Catchup


Hillel at Miami University Hillel at Miami University is the central voice for the Jewish community on the Miami University campus and a vital partner with the university enhancing Jewish life. We seek to engage, connect, and empower Jewish students enriching their Jewish identity, creating a vibrant Jewish community, and inspiring the next generation of Jewish leaders. It envisions a world where every student is inspired to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning and Israel. Jewish students at Miami are actively involved in Jewish education; Israel advocacy, education, travel and study; Leadership development; Social justice initiatives; Jewish Greek Life; Building community. As one of the most active organizations on campus we have received numerous awards for its service to the campus community. We've also maintained a strong relationship with the Dayton Jewish community with many current students and alumni proud to call Dayton their home. Hillel at Miami University is affiliated with Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, the largest Jewish campus organization in the world serving Jewish students at 550 campuses in the United States, Canada and around the world. Need more information? Call (513) 523-5190 or email Marcy Miller, Executive Director at

Jewish War Veterans We hold our military veterans in special esteem for the sacrifices they made on behalf of our country. Memorial Day is our one time each year for the entire community to give special honor to Jewish veterans no longer with us. Every year, JWV members place nearly 600 American flags on the graves of our deceased Jewish veterans at our four Jewish cemeteries. The entire community is invited to participate. The graves of veterans can be identified by the flag holder we place at the headstone. Please join us next Memorial Day weekend if you can.

Temple Beth Or All are welcome for a special evening for adults at Temple Beth Or. Jeans and Jewels, Encore! is set for Saturday, April 14 at 7 p.m. Several giving levels are available. Visit our website or call the office for more information. Temple Beth Or is proud to be a warm, welcoming community and we would love to meet you! Call our office at (937) 435-3400 or visit www.templebethor. com to learn more about Rabbi Judy Chessin, Rabbi Ari Ballaban, our religious school, our interfaith activities and these other upcoming events: April 29: Estate Planning Program, 10am to noon May 5: Music CafĂŠ, 7:30 pm May 20: Shavuot Service and Brunch, 10 am June 3: Annual Meeting, 10am June 29: Annual Community Picnic, 6 pm


Community Catchup

Temple Israel Temple Israel's eighth annual Jewish Cultural Festival, set for Sunday, June 10, 2018, opens the door to Judaism for all who wish to learn more about our traditions and our faith. In past years, over 2,000 people turned out to enjoy music and stories, learn about rituals, Torah, and holidays, taste brisket and falafel, play games, shop for crafts and Judaica, dance and laugh. Each year, we strive to create a more meaningful experience for all that are involved, while maintaining a family-friendly atmosphere. With our friends from all faiths, we enjoy a beautiful day at Temple and learn that we have a lot in common. Highlights for 2018 include the Oy Vey 5k, education sessions focused on Israel and liberal Judaism, live eclectic entertainment on two stages, Jewish food from regions around the globe, craft beers, an Israelithemed petting zoo, arts & crafts, and more! All the info at festival. Jewish Cultural Festival Sunday, June 10, 2018 11AM – 7PM

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Winter Happenings 2018 2



1. The JCC Children's Theatre production of Tarzan on February 10 & 11 swung us into a new groove. 2. PJ Library & Hillel Academy of Dayton welcomed singer and performer Chris Rowlands for their Woodland Creatures event on


January 9. 3. Lori Cohen deals blackjack at JCC's A Night in Vegas on March 3.

4. Marshall Weiss, Editor and

Publisher of The Dayton Jewish

Observer explored the mysteries of Jewish Dayton with JFS on January 28. Marshall’s book, Jewish Community of Dayton, will be published this fall.

PHOTOS COURTESY of peter wine & RAchel Gilbert.

Community Catchup



Jewish Federation



OF GREATER DAYTON 525 Versailles Drive Centerville, Ohio 45459


DI NNER 201 8


t h e

SAVE DATE Sunday, June 3, 2018


LIOR R AZ ISRAELI ACTOR AND CO-CREATOR OF THE CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED NETFLIX DRAMA SERIES, FAUDA JOINS US FOR A PROVOCATIVE EVENING. Lior Raz is the lead actor and co-creator of the critically acclaimed Netflix drama series, FAUDA (Arabic for “chaos”). The series was created by Raz and Avi Issacharoff and is based on their real-life experiences serving in the Israeli Defense Force’s special forces unit. The Israeli drama, which Netflix picked up in 2016, stars Raz as the commander of a mista’arvim, a commando unit trained to operate undercover in the Palestinian territories. FAUDA became one of Israeli television’s biggest hits when its first season premiered in 2015. The show won six Ophir Awards — the Israeli equivalent of the Emmys — including best drama in June of 2017.

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