Annual Review 21/22

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Jewish Care Annual Review


The last year has been a remarkable period of recovery and change for Jewish Care.

We adjusted to a new, more stable phase of the Covid-19 pandemic which was reflected in a cautious return to normality across our services: fully open but with testing and safety protocols remaining in place.

We have seen a huge bounce back and return to many of our in-person services, relative visits, activities and events, and despite the pandemic, we continued to progress the longer-term strategic vision we set out in 2019.

Despite some ongoing challenges emerging from the pandemic, we are delighted to be seeing such a positive return to activity across Jewish Care.

With the generous support of our community, our lay leaders, and our hardworking staff and volunteers, we have much to look forward to. We are incredibly grateful for the contributions that have been made, ensuring that we are able to continue to support thousands of older and vulnerable people and their families each week.

2 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022
The Lord Levy Life President Jonathan Zenios Chair Daniel Carmel-Brown CEO Steven Lewis President
Contents Our Vision, Purpose, Values and Strategy 3 Aims and achievements 4 Future Aims 14 Year in numbers 15 Compliments 17 Finance Report 18 Board of Trustees 26 Key Stakeholder Groups 27 Fundraising committees 29 Patrons 31 Friends 34 Young Patrons 38 Legators 40 Thanks 43

Our Vision, Purpose, Values and Strategy

Our Vision

For Jewish Care to be the care and community services provider of choice for older people in the Jewish community and to support family members every step of the way.

Our Purpose

To deliver excellent care and community support services to the community that are Jewish at heart, either directly or with others.

Jewish Care is an organisation where Jewish culture and values are shared and celebrated throughout our work. The Jewish values of care and respect for others run through all we do. We will be distinguished by the Jewishness of the services we offer, and people will choose us because of this.

Our Values

Our values are central to the way we work. They are what make us distinctive and drive how we act as individuals and as an organisation. They shape our culture. They are:

Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 3
Our Strategy sets out the seven priorities we want to achieve across the
1 Jewish Care will be distinctively Jewish 2 Jewish Care will be recognised for quality and innovation 3 Jewish Care will be integrated in our community 4 Jewish Care will be the customer’s choice 5 Jewish Care will be an employer of choice 6 Jewish Care will be the champion of volunteering 7 Jewish Care will be a continued leader for the community for generations to come Excellence Innovation Compassion Inclusiveness Integrity
Our Strategy
organisation from 2020-2025:

Scan the QR code below to watch Melvin’s story

Melvin, 85, moved into Jewish Care’s Kun Mor and George Kiss Home in February 2021. Melvin is living with dementia but is still able to recall the days when he worked as a sports lawyer and represented the likes of Sir Geoff Hurst, Bobby Moore and George Best. Melvin says “I feel at home here, they look after us and it’s a great place to be”.

4 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

Aims and achievements

Care and Community Development

What we said we would achieve in 2021/22

Continue to deliver a distinctively Jewish experience to residents of our Care Homes and Retirement Living units.

What we achieved

Throughout the year, we have been able to continue to provide a distinctively Jewish experience to all our residents, tenants, and staff. Working closely with our Spiritual and Pastoral Lead and the Living Well teams across all our resources has enabled us to ensure that we are able to celebrate all Jewish festivals including inperson Seder nights for the first time in two years.

Continue to innovate and improve quality by enhancing catering and housekeeping services, providing those living in our care homes and Retirement Living facilities with an enhanced dining experience and nutrition that meets a wide range of dietary requirements and suitable to those with physical or cognitive impairments.

As a result of our focus on innovation and quality improvement maintain Good CQC ratings for all our Care Homes and Retirement Living and we strive to maintain a compliments to complaints ratio of at least 7 to 1.

Secure Jewish Care’s future for the community for generations to come by increasing occupancy to levels equating or surpassing the pre-pandemic levels and by increasing efficiency and reducing costs whilst maintaining quality and customer satisfaction.

Our hospitality departments are using more cuttingedge technology in our resources to help make staffing more economical and streamlined. Robotic hoovers are being trialled across Retirement Living and our new food and nutrition digital tool is being used to create wider and more diverse menus focussed on our residents’ changing needs.

All Homes and Retirement Living units have a Good rating from CQC. Care Homes compliments to complaints ratios was 5.6 to 1, Retirement Living compliments to complaints was 2.9 to 1 and Hospitality compliments to complaints across all services was 11 to 1.

Care Home occupancy recovered post pandemic and average occupancy in March 22 was 460. This was 19 more than the start of the year and only 2% below budget. Retirement Living occupancy also improved over the year as Pears Court which opened in June 2021 filled up, and Wohl Court occupancy improved. Average occupancy during March 22 for Retirement Living was 127 which was 53 more than the start of the year and 7% below budget.

Additional Achievements

On 19 April 2021 Sunridge Housing Association Limited became part of Jewish Care as a subsidiary under a business combination agreement. With the joining of forces of both organisations, Sunridge Housing Association Limited will have access to greater resources to provide a higher level and wider spectrum of care now and in the future.

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What we said we would achieve in 2021/22

Successfully implement ‘Back to Better’, which is an initiative to introduce a hybrid working model (between 1-3 days in the office) for staff largely in support services, currently working remotely from home.

What we achieved

Hybrid working plans were delayed due to the government guidance for office-based workers to remain working from home until February 2022. Since that time, our office-based staff have adopted hybrid working on a trial which will be reviewed this year.

Launch our ‘Performance Plan’ with managers to develop their skills and ability to maximise the potential of our staff and more effectively manage performance of their teams, again linking to our long-term strategic plan of being an employer of choice in the sector.

We have created seven core management courses, two are face to face and five are online. Twenty courses have run with 280 staff attending the training. In addition to this, there has been a programme of mental health awareness to help managers better support their teams. A selection of senior management staff has also attended training on conducting investigations, grievances, disciplinary hearings, and appeals.

Continue to develop our equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) through active network groups.

An EDI survey was completed by staff to hear what they would be interested in learning more about. As always, we celebrate Jewish and many other faith festivals. This year, we also celebrated neuro diversity and International Women’s Day. We have developed equality & diversity content online and 378 colleagues have accessed this. We have also reviewed and re-launched our family friendly policies along with the introduction and launch of a menopause policy.

Maintain voluntary staff turnover at less than 20%.

Our annual voluntary turnover is 16.8%. The total turnover is 22.4%, and 18.7% in Care Homes. This is significantly lower than the average for the care sector which is 28.5% (*as outlined by Skills for Care in October 2021)

Our aim for the future is to continue to review pay rates on an annual basis to maintain rates of pay that are sufficiently competitive to attract and retain people who will provide the quality of care we promise to give to those in our care.

We were pleased to offer all staff a year-on-year increase of 3%. For front-line workers who received a significant interim adjustment to align them with the London Living Wage in October 2021, a further pay increase was given at the annual review in April which for many resulted in a year-on-year increase of 14.6%.

*The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England (

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Fundraising & Community Engagement

What we achieved

Continue to be recognised for quality and be the customer’s choice by:

Maintaining revenue fundraising income at £15.4 million and legacy income at £4 million.

We surpassed our target at £15.541million. This was despite missing the legacy target by c.£700,000 and having not sent a Passover direct mail appeal (to allow for the community to support World Jewish Relief’s Ukraine appeal). Our major gifts portfolio was particularly strong with income of over £10.1m and more than 20 new patrons with our Friends portfolio income remaining at £1m+.

Maintaining legacy income at £4 million

Continue to be integrated in our community and champion volunteering by:

Formally completing the re-naming of Stella & Harry Freedman House from Lady Sarah Cohen House.

Re-establishing a calendar of in-person fundraising events.

Despite a strong legacy pipeline, the total legacy income was £3,312,788 a shortfall of £687,212. This was mainly due to cash flow due to slow property sales of properties left in wills. There was a formal re-naming ceremony on 20 July 2021 followed by an internal programme of name changing across the care home.

Business breakfasts, Woman of Distinction, Young Jewish Care social events, Young Property dinner and Local Angels events all returned in-person. Particular highlights were the Young Patrons Dinner and Topland Business Group Luncheon, which both saw record attendance.

Secure Jewish Care’s future for the community for generations to come by:

Achieving a capital gifts target of £3.3 million and ensure that all capital donor signage for Sandringham is complete, alongside individual plaques and dedication events.

Continue developing the Giving in Memory Portfolio and creating a Legacy Advisory Committee.

Start a Redbridge capital fundraising campaign.

Capital fundraising had a good year surpassing the target, raising £4,472,832. In addition, we successfully established a calendar of dedication events and plaque unveilings alongside a programme of updated capital, donor, and site signage.

Giving in Memory raised £89,000 compared to £110,000 in the previous year and £51,000 the year before. The legacy advisory committee is yet to be formulated but is part of the plan for 2022-23.

During the financial year 2021-22 we secured our first key pledge of from within the community, a multi-year commitment totalling £5m against the total £25m expected cost of the new Redbridge Care and Community Campus development. Further approaches to potential donors continue to take place.

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What we said we would achieve in 2021/22

Scan the QR code below to watch Manfred’s story

Manfred is 92 years old and a member of Jewish Care’s Holocaust Survivors’ Centre (HSC). Despite the horrors that Manfred and his fellow members at the HSC endured, he says “having the opportunity to meet up with like-minded people who shared similar pasts is an absolute life saver.”

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Community Services, Community Engagement and Volunteers

What we said we would achieve in 2021/22

Continue to be the customer’s choice, recognised for quality by reopening community and day centres for people living with dementia in a way that recognises the risk posed by Covid

What we achieved

The centres began reopening in July 2021. All of the centres opened in a phased way to monitor any spikes in Covid-19 transmission as well as to recognise that some members may not have felt confident to meet others in public. Following the confirmation of the Omicron variant, daily testing was introduced for all members, volunteers and staff. This has since been relaxed in line with Government guidance. Reopening has been greatly welcomed by the community and the ratio of Community Centres compliments to complaints was 19.7 to 1.

Develop a meaningful and rich programme in our newest community in South Herts, ensuring that The Ronson Family Community Centre at Sandringham is fully utilised.

Continue to be the champion of volunteering by restructuring the Volunteers Department to provide support to all resources with the recruitment, training, and development of volunteers.

The Ronson Family Community Centre at Sandringham has gradually increased to being open three days a week with further community programming planned as well as youth programming.

The department has now recruited a dedicated manager who has reviewed all policies and processes. There is now a formalised handbook for volunteers. A Managers Handbook will be ready for circulation in August. There has been an independent assessment of the work of the Volunteers Department carried out by Hayes Macintyre and the department has been restructured to reflect the outcomes of that assessment.

Continue to secure Jewish Care’s future for generations to come by continuing to review each service individually based on attendances and usage of the services and as currently operating a reduced service, where attendance and demography suggests there is an opportunity to consolidate/ reduce our opening days.

Opening days at Southend and Westcliff Jewish Community Centre and at the Brenner Stepney Jewish Community Centre have been reduced to reflect the number of total members. This has proved successful and consolidated the attendance on the opening days.

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Joan, 85, is a member of the Redbridge Jewish Community Centre. Joan attends every week, and was thrilled when the centre reopened in March 2022 so she could see good friends outside of her computer screen. She says “seeing everyone over Zoom was great, but it doesn’t beat seeing everyone face to face and being back together again.”

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Scan the QR code below to watch Joan’s story

Marketing, Communications and Customer Engagement

What we said we would achieve in 2021/22

Continue to be the Customers’ choice, recognised for quality and being distinctively Jewish by launching a community centre reopening campaign which raises awareness and generate new members for our community centres.

Continue to be the Customers’ choice, recognised for quality and being distinctively Jewish by launching a new awareness campaign for both our care homes and Retirement Living schemes.

Further streamlining the admissions process by digitising the application experience to help increase occupancy across all our care homes and Retirement Living schemes.

What we achieved

We successfully launched two major awareness campaigns integrated across multiple online and offline channels. The first campaign focused on the reopening of our community centres, where we have waiting lists across multiple community centre sites.

We launched an awareness campaign for our care homes and Retirement Living schemes. In March 2022, occupancy was at 84% in our homes and 92% in our Retirement Living schemes.

The admissions application process has seen digital improvements but is also tied to our website launch so whilst actioned, will not be completed and live until December 2022.

Launching a new website which will include an event booking and ticket sales system, virtual community centre and digitised version of the helpline.

Creating a Quality Assurance framework to help the organisational reflect and take forward learnings at a strategic level and take it from a reactive to proactive support function for the organisation

By the end of the financial year, our new website had reached build stage and we expect it to be live in October 2022.

Whilst we have improved the customer experience across the organisation with clear quarterly plans targeting different parts of the business in place and holding action plans to account, we have not yet created a framework. This will come following further quarterly review meetings.

Secure Jewish Care’s future for generations to come by achieving full occupancy at Pears Court and increasing occupancy at Wohl Court via open days.

Pears Court, which opened in June 2021, filled up during the year. Occupancy at the end of the year was 44 which was four less than budget and capacity. Wohl Court occupancy also improved during the year and by the end of the year was at 26 which was six higher than the start of the year and three below budget.

Secure Jewish Care’s future for generations to come and further integrate Jewish Care in our community, by setting up a Marketing & Communications Expert Group, made up of lay leaders with expertise and skills across this area.

A Marketing & Communications Expert Group was created, and their inaugural meeting took place. The Expert Group now form a critical lay function to Jewish Care’s Marketing & communications team and are currently working on a two-year strategy.

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Future Aims for Jewish Care 2022/2023

We have five major objectives for Jewish Care for the current financial year commencing 1 April 22:


We aim to recruit and retain excellent staff in order to be an employer of choice by providing great training, development opportunities and fair rates of pay.


We aim to strengthen and standardise the organisation’s core processes via digital transformation in order to be recognised for quality and innovation and be the customer’s choice. Specifically, we want to strengthen and standardise our employee and customer journey processes.


We aim to maintain high occupancy across our care homes and Retirement Living in order to be the customer’s choice.


We aim to increase community engagement and development and raise £16m from the community. We aim to be integrated in our community, a champion of volunteering and a continued leader for generations to come. We will continue to increase the number of days our Community Centres, day centres and centres for people living with dementia offer, and re-establish all in person fundraising events now that the risk from Covid has receded.


We aim to get ready to build our new £25m Redbridge facility and invest in existing facilities in order to be a leader for generations to come. We aim to secure donors for Redbridge and prepare start building in 2023 by obtaining planning permission, appointing a lead contractor, and securing financing.

14 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

Facts and figures March 21-April 22

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Scan the QR codes below to watch Phyllis’s and Marie’s stories

Phyllis, 92, lives on her own in Southend-on-Sea. Phyllis relies on Jewish Care’s meals on wheels to deliver the only hot, kosher meals in the whole area, it’s her lifeline. After Phyllis’ husband passed away she started to attend Jewish Care’s Southend and Westcliff Jewish Community Centre where she can meet friends, knit and natter, enjoy entertainment and company of others.

Marie recently celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends at our Brenner Stepney Jewish Community Centre, which she attends every single week. Marie was also a volunteer for Jewish Care for over 45 years and was awarded Jewish Care’s Unsung Hero Award for ‘being a positive force within the Stepney Jewish Community all her life’. Marie says, “The people at Stepney are part of my life, they’re like family.”

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What people said

In the last financial year, we received 667 compliments and 77 complaints, which is an overall ratio of 8.66 to 1, compliments to complaints.

A further breakdown is below:

Organisational Total

2021-22 2020-21

8.66 to 1 667 compliments 77 complaints

Homes & Regulated Services

Community Services

4.57 to 1 261 compliments 57 complaints

19.66 to 1 236 compliments 12 complaints

Some of our compliments are as follows:

35.79 to 1 1396 Compliments 39 Complaints

19.16 to1 594 Compliments 31 Complaints

322 to 1 322 Compliments 1 Complaint

“Now that we are home I wanted to thank you and your wonderful team of carers for the kindness we were shown when visiting my Dad. It was a very busy time and we so appreciated their hard work and dedication, all carried out with a smile. Even the security at the front desk made our comings and goings easy and pleasant.”

“ You made a very hard time for us all so much more bearable. You all treated Mum with so much love, respect and dignity.”

“I would like to thank you and your team for providing such a wonderful service. Mum is noticeably happier when I speak to her after she has been to the Centre. She enjoys all aspects of the day.”

“I am writing to thank you for your inquiry yesterday, which brought home to me several points about the work you all at Jewish Care do. There is only one word that comes to mind, ‘’pure hesed’’. You all care about what you do, but more importantly, who you do it for and why.”

“Mum moved in last week and I can honestly say the staff have treated her like a queen from the minute she arrived. I am so delighted and relived that mum has moved into Pears Court and I am so happy that she now has people to mix with and is making friends. Thanks to you all for you hard work and dedication.”

“ The Virtual Programme is excellent; this week he thoroughly enjoyed the talk about Churchill, the coffee and chat group and the musical entertainment. This is particularly significant because his is unable to return to the centre, so the virtual programme is his main contact with other clients.”

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Our Year in Photos

18 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022
01 03 05 02 04 06
01. Pamela and John Maxwell at Jewish Care’s Sam Beckman Centre for people living with dementia.
On Yom Hashoah, members of Jewish Care’s Holocaust Survivors’ Centre lit candles and said Kaddish, for their families and all those who were killed in the Holocaust.
Jewish Care Women of Distinction Special Recognition Award Winners 2021. In the run up to Pesach, our Meals on Wheels team in Redbridge delivered over 1,000 meals across the community.
Residents celebrate Purim at Anita Dorfman House at Sandringham.
Residents at Otto Schiff care home, Muriel, 95, and Dinah, who turned 100 in July, were accompanied to vote in May’s Local Elections.
Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 19 07 09 11 08
07. Jewish Care community centres are reopening member Janice Field with programme assistant Jackie Davies at Southend & Westcliff Community Centre 08. MIKE Awards 2021
Sheila enjoyed shaking the lulav and etrog with staff member Ben Horne on Succot at The Ruchi and Zalman Noé Centre for people living with dementia at Sandringham.
Keith and Pam Hubert at the Zalman and Ruchi Noe Centre for people living with dementia
Redbridge Day Centre members are delighted to be back for in-person activities.
Residents at Otto Schiff enjoy plant potting activities.
20 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022


Our income

For the year ended 31 March 2022

Donations And Legacies £22,686,000

Capital Project Donations £4,491,000

Charitable Activities £35,318,000

CJRS and Infection Control Funds £1,470,000

Other Trading Entities £21,000

Investment Income £1,012,000

Disposal Of Property £11,226,000

Acquisition of Subsidiary £6,482,000

Our expenditure

For the year ended 31 March 2022

Fundraising £3,040,000

Care Homes £40,109,000

Day Centres £4,335,000

Home Care £922,000

Independent Living £5,962,000

Social Work £2,221,000

Indirect Community Services £852,000

Mental Health £2,605,000

Project Costs £211,000

Investment Management Fees £219,000

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Financial report

Our Bottom Line

Our Income Total charitable activities income for the Group before donations and other income was £35.3m (2020/21 £29.5m) with total charitable expenditure before depreciation of £53.3m (2020/21 £52.2m) resulting in a net operating loss before depreciation, donations, and other income of £18.0m (2022/21 net loss of £22.7m). 2021/22 remained both a challenging year and a year of achievement with the efforts of all our teams from our carers through to our fundraisers.

Donations were £14.7m (2020/21 £18.1m) representing a 19% decrease on the prior year. Fundraising was strong in 2021/22 with the decrease as expected with the receipt of £4.1m of one off receipts from an emergency appeal and the receipt of funds from the winding up of an external charitable foundation in 2020/21.

Legacy income was £8.0m (2020/21 £4.3m). This includes an accrual of £3.6m at 31 March 2022 to recognise income due but not yet received.

Capital project donations were £4.5m (2020/21 £6.9m). This funding source consists of capital donations applied directly to our capital construction projects. The capital project funding received during the year was towards the development of the Sandringham campus at Stanmore, the final stages of which was the opening of Pears Court Retirement Living scheme in June 2021 and the Ronson Family Community Centre in September 2021.

Property Disposals were £11.2m (2020/21 £2.9m) 2021/22 saw the disposal of two closed care homes, Rubens House and Clore Manor, the proceeds of which will be used to reduce organisational indebtedness.

Charitable expenditure in our care homes was £40.1m (2020/21 £38.9m). The increase in expenditure relates to the implementation of the London Living Wage in October 2021. Covid-19 also influenced additional staff, agency and enhanced overtime rates to cover periods of self-isolation and infection control measures throughout the year but to a lesser extent than 2020/21. Some mitigation of these costs included the financial support given by the Government as part of a package to support the entire care sector in the form of Infection Control Funds and access to PPE from local authorities.

Our Expenditure Expenditure on our charitable activities (including depreciation of £3.9m) for our care homes, day centres, home care, retirement living, and mental health resources was £57.2m (2020/21 £55.8m). The care sector has seen many challenges over the years to include recruitment and retention. Everyone at Jewish Care was paid at least the London Living Wage from October 2021 equating to an additional annual cost of £1.7m.

Charitable expenditure in our day centres was £4.3m (2020/21 £5m). 2021/22 saw the continuation of the provision of Day and Community Centre Services in a digital and virtual format up until September 2021. September and October 2021 saw a transition back to in person services with the slow and careful re-opening of our Day and Community Centre hubs.

Charitable expenditure in our retirement living service was £6.0m (2020/21 £4.7m). 2021/22 saw the opening of our newest Retirement Living scheme, a 48 unit scheme, Pears Court making full use of our latest campus development Sandringham in Stanmore welcoming new tenants from June 2021.

22 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

Financial report

Further analysis of the Group Charitable Activities (Operations) is as set out below:

Year ended 31 Mar 2022 £’000 Year ended 31 Mar 2021 £’000

Charitable income and expenditure

Charitable activities income1 35,318 29,528

Charitable expenditure before depreciation2 (53,289) (52,247)

Operating charitable loss before donations (17,971) (22,719)

Other operational expenditure Depreciation and amortisation (3,928) (3,568) Total other operational expenditure (3,928) (3,568)

Net operating loss before donations and other income (21,899) (26,287) Other Income3 1,470 1,812

Net Income from donations and investments

Donations and legacies (includes one off emergency appeal monies in 2021) 22,686 22,435

Fundraising expenditure (3,040) (2,554) Other Trading entities 21 6

Investment Income 1,012 1,153 Investment fees and other investment related costs (219) (192)

Total income from donations and investments (net) 20,460 20,848

Net operating surplus/(loss) 31 (3,627)

Net realised and unrealised gains on investments 2,897 6,492

Property disposals 11,226 2,882

Capital project donations

Sandringham 4,491 6,399 Leila’s House (JAMI) - 465

Total capital project donations 4,491 6,864

Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking3 6,482 -

Actuarial gain/(losses) on defined benefit pension scheme 6,119 (3,909)

Net movement in funds 31,246 8,702

1 Charitable activities income consists of local authority and private residential fees, grant income, retirement living rental income and day centre attendance income and related charitable expenditure.

2 Other income relates to government funding for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and Infection Control Funding (ICF).

3 The acquisition of Sunridge Housing Association Limited to include a fair value uplift on identifiable assets and liabilities acquired, which is in substance a gift.

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Fund movements

Funds at 1 April 2021 £’000 Funds movement for the year £’000 Funds at 31 March 2022 £’000

Unrestricted funds 29,194 22,569 51,763

Restricted funds 3,570 (3) 3,567

Endowment funds 16,884 141 17,025

Designated funds 106,942 2,172 109,114 Pension fund (14,408) 6,367 (8,041)

Total funds 142,182 31,246 173,428

Tangible assets 142,483 (156) 142,327

Investments 31,550 2,793 34,343

Net current assets /(Liabilities) 3,107 17,492 20,599

Defined pension scheme provision (14,408) 6,367 (8,041)

Amounts due after one year (20,550) 4,750 (15,800)

Net assets 142,182 31,246 173,428

Summarised accounts

for the year ended 31 March 2022

From our Trustees

The summarised accounts are a summary of information extracted from the annual accounts and contain information relating to the Statement of Financial Activities.

These summarised accounts may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity.

For further information, the full accounts, which received an unqualified audit opinion, should be consulted. Copies of these can be obtained from Jewish Care, Amélie House, Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Campus, 221 Golders Green Road, London NW11 9DQ.

The annual accounts were approved by the Trustees on 25 October 2022.

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Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 25

Board of Trustees

Spanning the period of 1st April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

Life President The Lord Levy

President Steven Lewis

Honorary President Dame Gail Ronson DBE

The Rt Hon Lord Young of Graffham CH, DL, PC Stephen Zimmerman

Trustee Board Chair

Jonathan Zenios


Graham Edwards (res. Nov 2021)


Jonathan Zenios (Chair)

Rachel Anticoni (res. Nov 2021) Julia Bekhor

Linda Bogod (res. May 2021) Michael Brodtman

Adam Dawson

Graham Edwards (res. Nov 2021)

Simon Friend

Harold Gittelmon

Leah Hurst

Gayle Klein

Jonathan Rose

Dr Jonathan Shapiro (appt. Jan 2022)

Marcus Sperber (appt. Nov 2021) Arnold Wagner OBE

Matthew Weiner

Amy Woolf (appt. Jan 2022)

26 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022
Chief Executive Daniel Carmel-Brown

Key Stakeholder Groups

Jewish Care would not be able to do its vital work without the dedication of its staff, lay leaders, expert groups and committees.

Committees of the board

Clinical Governance Committee

Rachel Anticoni (Chair)

Suzanne Joels

Asher Steene

Julian Kurer

Luci Daniels Simone Shelley Simon Caplan Laurence Gold

Community Services & Volunteers

Gayle Klein (Chair)

Harold Gittelmon (Trustee)

Ian Grant

Linda Bogod Matthew Kayne Michael Blake Michael Radbil Tamara Zenios

Finance, Audit and Investment

Graham Edwards (Chair)

Michael Brodtman

Jonathan Zenios Stuart Roden David Marks

Fundraising Governance Committee

Linda Bogod (res. as Chair Oct 2021)

Gayle Klein (appt. as from Oct 2021)

Leah Hurst (appt. Feb 2022)

Steven Lewis

Gerard Cohen

Philip Freedman CBE, KC (Hon)

Suzanne Jacobs

Amy Woolf

Jonathan Zenios (res. Oct 2021)

Human Resources sub committee

Arnold Wagner OBE (Chair)

Richard Fox

Paul Godfrey Lucie Roth Jeff Wolfin

Internal Audit, Assurance & Risk Committee

Julia Bekhor (Chair)

Arnold Wagner OBE Ian Colletts

Stephanie Cooper Paul Godfrey Daniel Lehmann Simon Mann Daniel Pike Simon Wagman Warren Taylor Daniel Johanan

Nominations Committee

Jonathan Zenios (Chair) Simon Friend Gayle Klein

Arnold Wagner OBE The Lord Levy Steven Lewis Stuart Roden

Property Expert Group

Michael Brodtman (Chair)

Matthew Weiner

Jonathan Rose Geoff Springer David Pollock Peter Sasha Jon Gershinson

Remuneration Committee REMCO

Arnold Wagner OBE (Chair)

Jonathan Zenios

Adam Dawson Graham Edwards

Residential Care Services

Simon Friend (Chair)

Jonathan Zenios

Rachel Anticoni Amy Woolf Helena Little Dr Vivienne Gould

Retirement Living

Leah Hurst (Chair) Matthew Weiner Jonathan Rose Alex Cowan Debra Yudolph Michelle Minsky

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Key Stakeholder Groups


Dementia Consultative Group

Dr Vivienne Gould (Chair)

Dr Joan Bayes

Rabbi Amanda Golby Michael Rose

Disability Services

Alex Cowan (Chair)

Simon Davies

Andrew Goodwin

Oliver Natelson Rabbi Gideon Schulman

Jewish in Jewish Care

Harold Gittelmon (Chair)

Rabbi Miriam Berger Rabbi Elchonon Feldman

Laurence Gold

Rabbi Menachem Junik Lauren Keiles

Michael Radbil Rabbi Akiva Rosenblatt

Marketing & Communications Advisory Committee

Heidi Johnson-Cash (Chair) Russell Bahar

Patsy Bloom Andrew Freedman Andrew Layton

Michael Sobell Jewish Community Centre Advisory Group

Michael Radbil (Chair)

Brian Bradley

Dr Jerome Cohen

Marcus Franks Rony Sabah

Karen Simon

Diana Toeman MBE

Lea Winegarten

Patrons Committee

Steven Lewis (Chair)

Linda Bogod

Harold Gittelmon

Jonathan Zenios

John Heller

Andrew Klein

David Pollock

Stephen Zimmerman Neil Hasson

Nicola Loftus Alex Midgen

Quality & Customer Experience Committee

Harvey Zemmel (Chair)

David Brodtman

Marshall Cope

Stephanie Cooper Michael Dashwood

Marilyn Russell (res. Jan 2022) Karen Simon

Redbridge Jewish Community Centre Advisory Committee

Jon Jacobs (Chair) Richard Bronzite

Sally Caplan

Rosalind Gold

Ian Grant Howard Kemp Martine Groman-Marks Alan Weinberg MBE

28 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

Fundraising Commitees

Thanks to all on the following committees who do so much to support Jewish Care.

Alzheimers Disease Golf Society


Harold Sorsky (Chair)

Michele Cohen Anthony Gerver Sandra Sorsky

Bridge Extravaganza

Patsy Bloom (Co-chair)

Susan James (Co-chair)

Loretta Burns

Adèle Goldstein

Jacqueline Lawson  Ruth Masri

Jenifer Rosenberg OBE

Arlette Shamash

Nathalie Shashou

Rosalyn Springer Ghita Tarn Shirley Young

Bridge Queens

Jacqueline Lawson (Co-Chair)

Linda Bogod (Co-Chair)

Sandra Birnbaum

Tina Cole

Lisa Meir

Lois Winter

Business Group

Lord Howard Leigh (Chair)

Tracey Alper

Michael Beagelman

Michal Berkner

Lee Cory

Beverley Cummin

David Curtis

Andrew Freedman

Elliot Gold

Gemma Godfrey

James Harding

Lucinda Kemeny

Daniel Lehmann

David Reitman

Gary Rokenson

Bill Shaul

Mark Simon

Stephen Ziff

Stephen Zimmerman

Derek Zissman

Family Fun Day Committee

Katie Neville

Bradley Krom Zoe Lyons

Jordanna Hamilton-Levi Marilyn Albert Michael Albert Nicky Starkowitz Amy Woolf Amanda Dysch

Jenna Kay Lisa Azouri

Coral Crann Dee Beth Mervyn Beth

Friends of the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre

Tracey Kyte (Chair) Freddie Knoller BEM (Honorary President) (Z”L Jan 2022) Michael Blake Debra Kluk

Juliana Mann

Lisa Torns

Friends of Rosetrees

Rita Roth OBE (Chair) Anne Phillips

Friends of Sidney Corob House Lady Charlotte Polak ( Chair)

Jonathan Ainley

Rebecca Davidson

Ian Cohen Nicki Cohen Dalia Freedman

Friends of Stella & Harry Freedman House

Rosa Begon (Chair) Sally Abraham Estelle Conway

Stephanie Dickens Keith Gilston

Sheila Lawrence

Brandon Malinsky

Jackie Midda Gloria Morgan

Norman Nygate

Jill Pivnik

Stanley Russell Toni Steele Raymond Turner

Friends of Stepney & Brenner

Janet Foster (Chair) Denise Alexander Sharon Ben-Hur Julia Da Costa Heather Duffy Marie Joseph Sandra Brandes Joanna Towlson Claire Hartley

Jewish Care Families Amy Woolf ( Chair)

Jewish Care Tots & Juniors

Jenna Kaye ( Chair) Lisa Azouri Coral Crann Amanda Dysch

Local Angels

Gayle Klein (Chair) Bernice Selby Carley Chitticks

Karen Leibovitch

Mandi Dobias Mandy Cassen Sam Meadows Michelle Lucas

Suzanne Kaye Yochy Davis Maureen Diamond

Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 29

Fundraising Commitees

Options Committee

Sany Cohen ( Co-Chair)

Paul Littman ( Co-Chair)

Barry Bloombaum

Linda Bloombaum

Andrea Kaplin

Ruth Allen

Judith Littman

Adrienne Harris Brian Rothfeder Helen Rothfeder

Pro-Am Golf Tournament

Jeremy Curtis (Chair) Charles Curtis Richard Leslie Mark Pears CBE

Property Investment Breakfast Club

Matthew Weiner (Chair) Nina Epstein John Heller Oliver Kaufman  Philip Lewis Steven Lewis David Marks

Jonathan Salt Edmond Schama Hayley Scott Richard Starr

RAGS/Redbridge Sports & Entertainment Committee

Andy Green (Golf Chair)

Andrew Klein (Committee Chair)

Adam Shafron

Barry Soraff

Daren Burney

Eddy Collins

Phil Spencer

Steven Goldstone

Simon Brody

Vince Goldstein

Southend and District Aid Society

Geoff Cohen Derek Silverstone

Topland Group Business Lunch

David Pollock (Chair) Chaim Aziz

Emily Bernstein Stacy Eden Asher Golker

Benjamin Greenwold Caroline Hanouka Mark Kingston Nicola Kravitz

Steven D Lewis Steven Lewis

Michael Marciano Jonathan Marks Peter Shasha Ryan Springer

Woman of Distinction

Danielle Hess (Co-Chair) Danielle Lipton (Co-Chair) Miki Caplan

Natalie Cesman

Marcia Green

Emma Krais Hannah Lewis MBE Lynn Lindsay Philippa Mintz Jenifer Rosenberg OBE Alison Toffel

YJC Essex Committee Josh Wynne Josh Dobias

YJC Property Committee

Mark Kingsley (Co-Chair)

Jack Margolis (Co-Chair) Ben Lewis Emily Angel Sam Gilman

Jonni Glick Jake Rinsler Joe Rosenblatt

Joshua Perlmutter Marc Charles Oliver Brecher Aaron Reid Roni Rosenberg Holly Nineberg

YJC Social Committee Jess Gee Anya Meyerowitz Bianca Bush Erin Klein Jonathan Baron Talia Fenton Elkie Ben Hur

Young Patrons Dinner Committee

Rob Sher (Chair) Emma Gold

Daniel Dangoor

Jenna Harris

Jonathan Schogger

Natalie Dangoor Nicole Grossman Sara Goldstein

Tamar Lehmann Deborah Abram Tate Edwards Hayden Grossman Yasmin Sadik

30 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022


Jewish Care wishes to thank the following Patrons for their unstinting generosity.

4 Daughters Charitable Trust

AdMacro Ltd

Anthony Abrahams

Claire & Michael Abrahams

Stephen & Hayley Allan

Lord Alliance of Manchester

Lisa & Paul Althasen

René & Lance Anisfeld

Argo Real Estate Limited Edward Azouz

Leo Baeck Housing Association Limited

Adrienne Baker

Ghila & Nori Bali – Bosphorous Foundation

The George Balint Charitable Trust

The Paul Balint Charitable Trust

Rebecca & Ed Barnett

Nava & Jonathan Barnett Suzanne & Keith Barnett


The Eric & Jean Beecham Charitable Trust

Julia & Alan Bekhor

The Benecare Foundation

Lesley & Michael Bennett Jaime & Daniel Benton

Jonathan Bergwerk

The Pauline and Harold Berman Charitable Trust

Benson Black Memorial Trust

Carolyn & Harry Black

Debra & Neil Blair

Nicola & Julian Blake Su & Michael Blake

Sir Victor & Lady Blank

Gisela & Tony Bloom Linda & Tony Bloom

The Patsy Bloom Charitable Trust

The Bogod Family

The Sir Clive Bourne Family Trust

Bettina & Michael Bradfield

Brampton Charitable Trust Brecher

Peggy Brett

Evan & Claudia Brieibart

Consuelo & Anthony Brooke Doreen Brown

Howard & Lesley Burkeman Paula & Daren Burney Susan & John Burns Jackie & Richard Caring

Mr Alex Chesterman OBE & Mrs Angela Chesterman

Sir Trevor Chinn CVO & Lady Chinn CBE

Sir Ronald & Lady Cohen Wendy & Andrew Cohen

J Coller Foundation Simone & Simon Collins Rhona & Simon Conway

The Harold & Daphne Cooper Charitable Trust

Katie & Marcus Cooper

The Sidney & Elizabeth Corob Charitable Trust

Erika Crocker

Malcolm Dagul

David, Michael, Robert & Elie Dangoor

Brigitta & Manny Davidson

Sir Mick & Lady Davis

Beryl Davis & family

Rita & Stanley Davis

Sir Evelyn & Lady de Rothschild

Jonathan Dennis Richard Desmond James Diner

Marion & Anthony Diner

Sir Harry Djanogly CBE

Dollond Charitable Trust

Sir Lloyd Dorfman CVO CBE & Lady Sarah Dorfman

Dame Vivien Duffield DBE

In loving memory of Alfred A. Dunitz

Wendy & Michael Dunitz

Ruth & Martin Dunitz

NJD Charitable Trust

East City Investments Graham Edwards & Georgina Black Emmes Foundation

The Esfandi Charitable Foundation

The Feldman Family

Beverley & Jonathan Feuer Jacqueline & Steven Fine Lord & Lady Fink

The Fisch Family S and V Fobel

Debra Fox

Claire & Michael Francies

Michèle & Keith Freedman

Suzanne & Simon Friend

Shoshana Lyn Fuss

Galloway & Mann families

Sir David Garrard

Jackie & Michael Gee

The Nigel Gee Foundation

Harold & Jacqui Gittelmon

Jonathan & Rebecca Glassberg

Mrs Evelyn Rose Glazer

Lynn & Stuart Glyn Pierrette & Michael Goddard Michelle & Paul Godfrey

Laurence & Josyane Gold

Alison & Avi Goldberg

Alan Goldberg Carolyn & Michael Goldhill Grete Goldhill Norma & Alan Goldman

Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 31


Family Goldmeier

Adele & Michael Goldstein

Ann & Ronnie Goldstein

Edna & Peter Goldstein

Susan Charles & Richard Goldstein

Sharon & Jonathan Goldstein

Nicola & Vincent Goldstein

Jordan Max Goodman Charitable Trust

Adrian Gordon

Tracy & Ian Grabiner

Green/Lawson Family Tina & Philip Green

Natalie Greenwold and family in loving memory of Philip Naomi & Jeffrey Greenwood Emma & Antony Grossman

Ben Grossmann

Gundle Philanthropic Trust

Rochelle and Nicholas Hai

Caroline & Allen Hanouka

Jacqui & John Harris CBE

Richard Harris & Esther Isaacs

Mr Jonathan D Harris CBE & Mrs Jeniffer Harris

The Maurice Hatter Foundation

Lynda & Albert Hay

The Ernest Hecht

Charitable Foundation

Sir Michael & Lady Heller Susan & Andrew Heller

Dr Terry & Mr John Heller

Reva & Nigel Henry

Ian Karet & Sara Hoffbrand

Many & Tim Isaacs

Sir George Iacobescu CBE & Lady Iacobescu

The J Isaacs Charitable Trust

Linda & Michael Jacobs

Charitable Trust

Louise & Alan Jacobs

Susie & Barry Jacobs

The Jaffe Family Susan & Stephen James Valerie Joels

Norman & Doreen Joels

Abbie & Mark Joseph

USACA Charitable Trust

Susan & Neville Kahn

Helene & Clive Kahn

Lord & Lady Kalms MBE

Michael and Ilse Katz Foundation

The Kaye Family

The Klein Family Dawn & Michael Koby Gerald Kraftman

Lauren & Michael Kraftman

The Kyte Charitable Trust

The Lambert Charitable Trust Anita & Brook Land

Zara Land

Alfred Landecker Foundation (made possible by Peter Harf) Candy & Gary Landesberg

Jackie & Melvin Lawson

Shirley Lawson

Laren & Mandell Families Jane & Brian Leaver

The Lee Family Morris Leigh Foundation

The Kennedy Leigh Charitable Trust Sharon & Henry Lennard

The Leslau Family

Lord & Lady Levy

The Ralph Levy Charitable Company

Dr Julian Lew QC & Mrs Margot Lew Alicia & Steven Lewis Hannah & David Lewis Michelle & Steven Lewis

Hilda & Cecil Lewis Charitable Trust

Lewis, Press & Feinstein Families

Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust

Lord & Lady Livingston

The Locker Foundation

Lockton Real Estate and Construction

The Loftus Family

The Betty and Aubrey Lynes Family

Lynne & Brian Magnus Paula & Paul Marber

Lorraine and Geoffrey Margolis

Rosemary & Michael Marks CVO, CBE

Selina & David Marks

The Alan Mattey Charitable Trust

Alison & Mitchell Mendel

Lord Mendelsohn & Lady Mendelsohn CBE

Jane & David Metter Karen & Alex Midgen Milton Damerel Trust

The Mintz Family Elizabeth & Ashley Mitchell Diana & Allan Morgenthau

Moss Family Charitable Trust

The Brian & Jill Moss Charitable Trust

Mr Jonny Myers & Dr Karen Grossmark

The Rosemarie Nathanson Charitable Trust

Nimrod Capital LLP

Sue & Leo Noé – Rachel Charitable Trust

Louise & Michael Norton

Jennifer & Robert Ohrenstein

Peter Oppenheimer & Joanna Myers

Sonja & Tony Page Midge & Simon Palley

Heidi & James Paradise Nicola & Harold Pasha

Pears Foundation

The Peires Family Foundation

Gail & Alan Philipp

Sara & Paul Phillips

Sue & David Pollock

Caroline & Lee Portnoi

Dr Simone Shelley & Michael Posner

Janis & Barry Prince & Family RAGS

Alyson & Richard Rains

The Ramar Charitable Settlement

Caroline & Justin Randall

The Rapp Family

The Raven Charitable Trust

Regal London

The Reuben Foundation

32 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

R&H K Foundation

The Marc Rich Foundation

The Rind Foundation

Bianca & Stuart Roden

Rachel & Ben Rogoff

The Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation

Marcelle & Jonathan Rose

Stephen & Roberta Rosefield

Cecil Rosen Foundation Ruth & David Rosenberg Sue & Elliot Rosenberg

The Rosenfeld Charitable Trust


Lynne & Nigel Ross

Lord Rothschild OM GBE

The Rubin Foundation

Marc Rubinstein & Judith Vandervelde

Roberto & Renata Ruhman

Lindsey & Gary Sacks

Lily Safra Nina & Roy Sandler

The Stanley Sanger Foundation

Sonia & Roy Saunders Isabelle & Ivor Seddon

The Selig Charitable Trust Bari & Alan Shaffran

Elena & Eli Shahmoon Jane & Peter Shasha

KC Shasha Charitable Foundation

David & Sandra Sheinman

Wendy Sheridan Simon & Julia Sherrard

The Archie Sherman Charitable Trust

Melanie & Michael Sherwood Charitable Foundation

Shoresh Charitable Trust (Dr Ruth Borchard Gift)

James Shulman

The Slavin Foundation Elizabeth & Nigel Sloam

The Sobell Foundation

Sir Harry & Lady Solomon Angela & Harvey Soning

Sir Martin Sorrell

The Spalter Family Rosalyn & Nicholas Springer Patricia & Howard Stanton Annabel & Joe Stelzer

Ingrid & Simon Sterling Lord & Lady Sugar

The Monty Sumray Family Trust

Samantha & Asher Svirsky

Romie Tager QC & Esther Tager Francine & Selwyn Tarn

Julian Taylor Topland Group

Simon Wahman & family Walters Family Trust

Suzanne & Matthew Weineger Lucy & Matthew Weiner

Anna & Paul White MBE

The Hon Charles & Mrs Wigoder

The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation

The Wolfson Family Charitable Trust

The Wolfson Foundation Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust David Wolfson QC & Louise Wolfson

Lord Leonard and Lady Estelle Wolfson Foundation

Ruth, Lady Wolfson Joanna & Charles Wolfson Townsley Vivienne & David Woolf Worth Charitable Trust

Karen & Anthony Yadgaroff

The Rt Hon Lord Young of Graffham CH DL PC & Lady Young

Mr Poju Zabludowicz & Mrs Anita Zabludowicz OBE

Dorit & Alex Zak

Sol Zakay

Eddie Zakay

The Deborah Louise Zamet Charitable Foundation

Tamara & Jonathan Zenios Laura & Stephen Zimmerman Liya & Mike Zlotnik

We also thank our anonymous Patrons for all their generosity and support.

Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 33


Jewish Care is grateful to our Friends of Jewish Care for their continued generous support.

Fabiana & Miguel Abadi

Mandy & Bradley Abkin

Claire & Michael Abrahams

Patricia & Antony Abram

Acacia Trust

Philippa & Laurence Ackerman

Stephen Adlert


Hermione & John Allen

Ruth & Henry Amar

Tirzah & Paul Arenson

Aspect Charitable Trust

Pauline & Daniel Auerbach

Nicola & David Avery-Gee

Thomas Badian

Madeleine & Warren Baker

Rosamund & Paul Balcombe

Earl & Countess of Balfour

Diane Barnett

Emma & Alex Barnett

Hana Rayner & Lionel Barnett

Suzanne & Keith Barnett

Fowzi Baroukh

Arlene Beare

Lord & Lady Bearsted

Donna Bengio

Jeremy Benisti

Elizabeth & Rupert Bennett

Lucy & Jack Bennett

Ann & Geoffrey Berger

Tracy & Stuart Berkoff

Gillian & Robert Bernard

Natalie & Nigel Berney

Daniel Bloch

Gisela & Tony Bloom

Gabrielle & Nigel Bobroff

Joshua Bouaziz

Karen & Oliver Bradley

Andrea & Micky Breuer-Weil

Helen & Peter Briess

Briess Rayner Charitable Trust

Caroline & Alan Brill

Mrs Cheryl Brodie & Mr David Brodie OBE

Brendan Brown

Gail & Anthony Brown

Professor Edwina Brown

Sasha & Adam Buchler

Jenny & Elliot Burkeman

Pauline & David Butterworth

Monique & Lewis Cadji

Susan & Patrick Campbell

Naomi & Daniel Carmel-Brown

Cecil Rosen Foundation

Valerie & Brian Chalfen

Helena & Martin Clarke

Basil Cohen

Hilary & Roger Cohen

Joy & Daniel Cohen

Marie-Helene & Andrew Cohen Merlis & David Cohen

Smadar & David Cohen

Tina & Michael Cole

Lord & Lady Collins of Mapesbury

Rhonda & Richard Collins Sue & Frank Collins

Sharon & Toby Coppel Erika Crocker

Zoe & James Croock

Elaine & Jeremy Curtis

Norma & Jack Cynamon

Gabrielle & Lee Dagul

Rebecca & Gilles Dahan

Annette & Simon Dalah

Daniel Dangoor

Libby & Simon Dangoor

Elisheva & Daniel David

Rebecca & Jack Davidson

Benjamin Davis

Rochelle & Stephen Davis

Davis-Rubens Charitable Trust

Debbie & Adam Dawson

Janneke Scholten & Adam Dawson

Elisa & Alex Dell

Mr Paul Dewinter & Mrs Judy Dewinter BEM

Mr Jonathan Dimson & Dr Jane Neerkin

Professor Elroy & Dr Helen Dimson

Saul Doctor

Joshua Domb

Danielle & Brian Donne Alessandra & Marco Dwek Elana & Eden Dwek

Daniella & Adino Ebrahimoff Dara & David Ebrahimoff

Sophie & Paul Eden

Mr Daniel Ehrlich & Dr Louise Howard Adrienne & Mark Ehrnreich

Sarah & Eli Elias

Frances & Paul Elster

Beverley & Steven Emden

Mr David Ereira OBE & Mrs Vivien Ereira

David Esterkin & Marli Stein

Fairacre Properties Tania & Howard Falk

Claudia & Richard Fetterman

Cassie & Mathew Finn

Mr & Mrs Edward Fleischmann

Barbara & Stephen Forman

Dr Geoffrey & Mrs Margaret Forman

Clive Fortes

James Fox

Judy & David Fox

Melissa & Scott Franklin

Philip Freedman CBE QC (Hon) & Rhona Freedman

Michelle & James Frost

Pamela & Alan Gabbay

Natasha Garbacz

Nathan Gelber

Mr Jonathan Geller & Ms Karen Mattison MBE

34 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

Ruth & Mark Geller

Caroline & Alex Gerbi

Karen & Joseph Gerrard

Amanda & Mark Gershinson

Mr Zachary Gertler & Mrs Candida Gertler OBE

Leslie Gilbert

Lindsey & David Gilbert

Mr Michael Gilbert & Dr Shelley Gilbert MBE

Glentree International


Sarah & James Glyn

Debra & Mark Gold

Michelle & Jonathan Goldberg

Ms Ylana Roback & Mr Michael Goldberg Juliet & Adam Goldin Ann & Ronnie Goldstein

Ann Goldstein

David Goldstein

Lara & Michael Goldstein

Susan Charles & Richard Goldstein

Galit & Steven Goldstone

Loretta & Michael Goldstone

Sir Roy Goode CBE QC & Lady Catherine Goode

Talya & Grant Gordon

Elizabeth & Lawrence Gould

Gilly Gray

Ruth & Melvyn Green

Ruth & Nicholas Green

Susan & Ellis Green

Emma & Antony Grossman

Grovepoint Investment Management

Mr Henry Grunwald OBE QC & Mrs Alison Grunwald QC

Deborah & Kevin Gundle

H M Sassoon Charitable Trust

Barbara & Michael Haringman

Loretta & Ronnie Harris

Marilyn & Michael Harris

Sheila & Howard Harris

Tracy & Mark Harris

Lisa & Stephen Harrison

Danielle & Trevor Hess

Jacqueline Hill

Sandra & John Hilton

Elizabeth & Michael Hirst

Simone & Barnett Horwitz

Jess & Eli Houri

Sara & Phillip Hyman

Gina & Vivian Imerman

Dan Irroni

Frances & Barrow Isaacs Mandy & Tim Isaacs

Mr Marc Israel & Miss Carolyne Ellis

J & M Trust

Debbie & Andrew Jacobs

Professor Howard & Mrs Sandra Jacobs Suzanne & Nigel Jacobs Daniel Jaffe

Carolyn & Nicholas Joels

Dr Suzanne Joels & Mr Andrew Morgan Denise & David Joseph Gabrielle & Adam Joseph

Brenda Josephs

Rosalind & David Judah

Miri Freud-Kandel & Jonathan Kandel

Sophie & Justin Kaplan

Jackie & Michael Karp

Rachel Karp

Lisa & Roger Kay Adam Kaye

Lucy & Sam Kaye

Angela Kearsey

Vanessa & Simon Kenley

Clare & David Kershaw

Ann & Charles Kessler

Lisette & Mark Kingston

Klahr Charitable Trust

Eva Klein

Mr Saul Klein OBE & Ms Daniella Jaff-Klein

Gemma & Jason Kluk

Marcia & David Korman

Kramer Charitable Trust

Caron & Ian Krieger

Dr Julian Kurer & Dr Michelle Kurer

Jonathan Kustow

Sacha & Max Kyte

Rosalind & Barry Landy

Tracy & David Landy

Roberta & Ben Lane

Shirley & Lewis Lane

Maurice Lawee

Berta & Leon Lazarus Sandy Boss & Ian Lazarus

Helen & Freddy Lehmann

Alan Leibowitz & Barbara Weiss

Robert Leigh

Ruth & Phillip Leigh Ilana & Marc Lester

Pamela Lester

Emma & Martin Leuw

Elizabeth & Lionel Leventhal

Gillian & Dennis Levine

Joanne & Steven Lewis

Lauren Levy & Benjamin Lewis

Linda & Geoffrey Lewis

Victor Librae

Anne Joseph & James Libson

Danielle & Sam Lipton

Louise & Darren Litton

Marianne & Herbert Lobl

Dina & Stephen Lucas

Samantha & Jonathan Lustig-Feldman

Lee & Raymond Lyons M & C Trust

Mactaggart Third Sherrill & Barry Maisel

Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 35

Belinda Marks

Maxine & Stuart Marks

Jeanette & Michael Marx

Fiorella & Stephen Massey

Emma & Brian May

Jacqueline & Michael Meller

Alison & Mitchell Mendel

Claire & David Menton

Heather & Robert Meyer

Michaela & Nathaniel Meyohas

Lesley & Leslie Michaels

Joanna Millan

Eileen & Mendel Miller

John Miller

Sharon & Malcolm Miller

Susie & Andrew Miller

Carolyn & Mark Mishon

Joyce & Edward Misrahi

Ben Missri

Robyn & Gary Mond

Mr Leslie Morgan OBE DL & Ms Rebecca Rubenstein

Susan & Howard Morgan

Jennifer & Andrew Morris

Myra & Philip Morris

Robert Morris

David Morrison

Maxwell Morrison

Ilana & Rob Murray

Mr Jonny Myers & Dr Karen Grossmark

Elizabeth & Tristan Nagler

Louise & Saul Nathan

Martin Nathan

Fiona & Peter Needleman

Michal & Zvi Noé

Dr & Mrs Dean Noimark

Caroline & Morris Nourani

Melanie & Saul Nurtman

Alison & Edward Olins

Juliette & Michael Overlander

FriendsRabbi Daniella Kolodny & Mr Robert Owen

Melissa Sherling & Benjamin Paisner

Lord Pannick QC & Lady Pannick Ms Laura Marks OBE & Mr Dan Patterson

Karen & Ian Paul

Susan & David Pearl

Michelle & Adam Plainer

Claudia & Jonathan Plant

Lior & Craig Pollack

Lynne & Mark Pollack

Josephine & Laurence Prince

Sandra & Jonathan Putsman

Greg Rack

Claire & Robert Randall

Tori & James Reichman

Philip Reid

Mr & Mrs Rembaum

Martin & Linda Reuben Lorraine & Melvin Robinson

Shelley Jacobson & Brendan Robinson

Pamela & Nick Roditi Kimberley & Nick Rose

Mrs Jenifer Rosenberg OBE

Linda & Harvey Rosenblatt

Mr Ian Rosenblatt OBE & Mrs Emma Rosenblatt

Hilary & Clive Ross

Joanne & Lawrence Royston

Anne & Daniel Rubin

Loretta & Brian Rubins

Nicky & Michael Sacher

Caroline & Gerry Samuels

Gail & Michael Sandler

Hayley & James Scott

Mandy & David Seal

Josephine & Richard Segal

Fiona & Jonathan Seitler

Ian Selby

James Sellar

Masako & David Semaya

Samantha & Daniel Sevitt

Michal & Roy Shaby

Gabrielle & Steven Sharpe

Andrea & Timothy Shaw

Debra & Barry Shaw

Louise & Benjamin Ewan Shaw

Paul Sheldon

Chantal & James Sheridan

Katie & Ben Shooter

Masonic Lodge of Tranquility

Helen & John Simon

Sylvia Slifka

Lilian Slowe

Adrian Smaus

Mandy & Lewis Smith

Natalie & David Smith

Hana & Brian Smouha Karin & Richard Solomons

David Sonn & Alison Fine

Sandra & Harold Sorsky

Elizabeth & Boris Sosna

Jane Spack

Hazel Spear

Denise & Ivor Spiro

Shirley & Anthony Spitz Toni & David Spitz

Elaine & Geoffrey Springer Emma & David Stanton

Leonie & Philip Stein

Max Steinberg

Mr Tim Steiner OBE

Annabel & Joe Stelzer

Meytal & Morris Stern

Nicola & Andrew Stewart

Philippa & Jimmy Strauss

Josef Sucharewicz

Janice & Peter Sugarman

Livia & Lawrence Sugarman

Sarah & Richard Sultman

Hannah & Alan Summers

Natalie & David Tahan

Jason Taitz

36 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

Nufar & Yaron Tal

Beverley & David Tankel

Angela & David Taylor

Karen Ackerman & Warren Taylor

The Colonel W.H Micholls Dec’d Charitable Trust

The Jane & Mike Grabiner Charitable Trust

The Kohn Foundation

The Latet Giving Group

The Manifold Trust

The Michael & Ilse Katz Foundation

The Mishcon Family Charitable Trust

The Muriel & Gershon Coren Charitable Foundation

The New Era Endowment

The Ramar Charitable Settlement

The Rapp Family

The Rose Foundation

The Sefton Myers Charitable Trust

The Sheila & Denis Cohen Charitable Trust

The Sol & Lillie Teff Foundation

The Taurus Foundation

The Tuesday Club

Carole & Paul Tisch

Jenny & Laurence Tish

Dr Jan Toledano & Mr Daniel Toledano QC

Michael Tory Rochelle & Marc Trup Rita & Barry Tucker

Raymond Turner George Tyrrell

Vernon, May and Joyce Cohen Charitable Trust”

Michele & David Vogel Simon Wagman & Family

Mr Arnold Wagner OBE & Mrs Sandra Wagner

Denise & Geoffrey Walters

Marion & Michael Warshaw

Jonny Waxman &

Samantha Waxman QC

Carolyn & Miles Webber

Françoise & David Winton

Michelle & Richard Wolff

Anna & Clive Wolman

Shelley & Merrick Wolman

Dr & Mrs Robin Woolfson

Stas Yoffe

Karen & Alon Zakaim

Naomi & Simon Zamet

Suzanne & Michael Zeitlin

Clare & Daniel Zinkin

Debbie & Derek Zissman

We also thank our anonymous Friends for all their generosity and support.

Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 37

Young Patrons

Jewish Care is delighted to have the support of our Young Patrons.

Lauren & Daniel Abrams

Taliya Ambalo

James Ashton

Lisa Barash

Misty & Joey Barnett

Charlotte & Alex Baroukh

Sofia & Jamie Beale

Jeremy Benisti

Olivia & Henry Bennett

William Beresford

Stuart Bernstein

Joe Binder

Rachel & Ashley Blake

David Blanga

Jonathan Blausten

Lewis & Natalie Blitz

Gabrielle Field & Ben Blume

Oliver Brecher

Emily & Oliver Brill

Dean Brodesky

Tom Cantor

Emily Caplan

Joshua Cohen

Annabel Coleman & Sam Sutton

Emma Collett

Malie & Michael Conway

Colette & Robert Cowan

Louise & Garry Crystal

Nicole Dallal

Grace Davidson

Adam Doffman

Adam Dreyfuss

Tate Edwards

Phanella Mayall Fine & Richard Fine

Simon Fox

James Fox

Shelley & Paul Frankel

Reina & Andrew Freedman

Raphael Gertler

Alfred Gherson

Amalia Gherson

Aurora Gherson

Richard Gold

Lucy Goldbart

Avi Goldberg

Emily & James Goldstein

Cassie & Guy Goodall

Hayley & Daniel Grant

Patti & James Green

Benjamin Greenwold

Josh Greibach

Marcus Grossman

Natasha Grossman

Nicole Grossman

Jamie Harris

Jemma & Richard Harris

Jenna Harris

Georgia & Edward Harrison

Samuel Heitlinger

Sam Helfgott

Maxwell Heller

Lauren & David Hirschfield

Sara & Jonathan Hirschfield

Lauren & Mark Hirschfield

Georgina & Daniel Hirschovits

Lucy & Oliver Jackson

Emily & Tony Jacobs

Emily & Sam Jacobs

Adiva & Samuel Kalms

Vanessa Kandiyoti

Susie & Eliot Kaye

James Keisner

George Kestel

Alan Kestel

Adam Klein

Samuel Koch

Joanne & Gideon Krotosky

Ashleigh & Daniel Lasry

Jayne Lawson

Charlotte & Mark Lazarus

Daniel Lehmann

Ilana & Marc Lester

Viv & Andrew Levene

Lynsey & Benjamin Lever

Danielle & Jonathan Levine

Rachel Levy

Martha Levy

Gabriella & Ben Levy

Abigail Lewis

Zak & Tamar Linden

Amy Lipman

Jacob Loftus

Sara & Adam Margolis

Simon Marks

38 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

Cassy & Mark Martell

Jodie Mattey

James Meller

Jonathan Meller

Sam Mintz

Gemma Mishon

Simon Mostyn

Julie & Simon Murray

Robert Myerson

Katie Neville

Sarah-Beth Neville

Adam & Ana Newman

Clark Norton

Jake Norton

Charlotte & Mark Pasha

Adam Paulden

Tania Pears

Sophia Phillips

Marianne Phillips

Michael Pine

Tommy Pinhas

Leigh & Anthony Plaskow

Talia & Oliver Pollock

Ben & Emily Poster

Hannah-Beth & Daniel Price

Jess & Jourdan Rajwan

Alexandra & Dan Rickman

Claudia Roden

Nat Roden

Ben Rodol

Ethan Rosen

Natasha & Michael Rosen

Jessica & Daniel Rosenberg

Lani & Jonathan Rosenblatt

Abigail & Daniel Roston

Natalia Sassoon

David & Sophie Schogger

Caroline Sciama

David Searle

Lucy & Jonathan Selby

Samantha & Daniel Sevitt

Sophie & Adam Shafron

Amanda Shahmoon

Lauren Shahmoon

Alex & Lara Shamash

Lana Landenberg & Benjamin Shem-Tov

Rob Sher

Antonia & Ralph Sherman

Ruth & Maxime Sieradzki

Max Silver and Thibault Mangin

Zack Silver

Shoshi & Benjamin Silverblatt

Brooke & Shaun Simons

Nick Simons

Rina & Sam Sinyor

Charlotte & Jonny Sitton

Daniel Sonn

Amelia Sopher

Alex & Anna Springer

Benjamin Stelzer

Roxie & Daniel Sterling

Jake Sugarman

Lisa & Darren Swabel

Suzanne & Joseph Tager

Richard Taube

David Tawil

Jamie & Ben Teacher

Emma & Alex Telford

Naomi Testler

Michael Tucker

Joanne & Jacob Turner

Anthony Vickers-Collins

Suzy Margulies & Benjamin Vos

Aaron Wachsmann

Louise & Ben Waidhofer

Joanna & Paul Walker

Verity & Gabriel Weisz

Jessica Cohen & Elliot Werth

Timothy West

Baruch Wiesenberg

Jemma & Adrian Winburn

Joanne & Simon Wolanski

Daniel Zakay

Sophie & James Zimmerman

We also thank our anonymous Young Patrons for all their generosity and support.

Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 39


Jewish Care send their condolences to the loved ones of the following people who sadly passed away and generously left a legacy to Jewish Care – for which we are deeply grateful.

Irene Adler

Janet Alkin

Jack Allen

Vivien Barnard

Michael Barnett

Paul Barnett

Michael Benjamin Will Trust

Rivetta Benson

Cyril Bernstein

Cecil Bloom Phyllis Breger Murray Brookes Anne Brown

Benita Brown Woolf Caplan

Alex & Anne Carson Simon & Justin Carson Edna & Jeffrey Carson Sidney Carson Sonia Caselberg Lewis Clein Arnold Cohen

Eric Cohen Sally Cohen Martin Compton Margaretta Cooper Hugh Courts

Herma Curzon

Freda Davis

Joyce Diamond Manfred Durst

Albert Elton

John Epstein

Barnett Fleishman

Sybil Foreman

Joan Freedman

Jack Freeman

Solomon Freiman

Netta Galvan Martin Garland

Valerie Gerrard Elliot Glicksman

Pamela Goldhill

Jeffrey Golding Marion & Malcolm Goldman

Ronald Goldstein

Davina Good

Anne Goodwin Rosalind Goulden

Mildred Graff Renee Graham

David Green Molly Green Ruth Green Thomas Gribbin

Max Grossman

Herbert Haberberg

David Harris

Faye Hyams Malcolm Jones Anita Kogan Marietta Koncz Rachel Laddie Bernard Lee Sylvia Lee Freda Leigh Audrey Levy Bryan Lipson

Jeanne Lipstone

Sally Manley

Margulies Discretionary Trust

Anne Marx

Hanni Mazar

Barbara Michaels

Brian Morris

Sylvia & Stanley Moss Trust Leonard Muscat

Gerda Nash Michael Nathan Sonia Nathan

Pearl Peters Hilda Pinkerton

Liliane Politzer

Betty Posner

Joseph Quittner

Norman Raffles Phyllis Raphael Renee Rogol Elaine Ross Jacob Sachs Joyce Saffron Bella Schryer Erna Scott

Valerie Scrase Anita Shapiro Judith Shaw Sylvia Simon Pamela Simons Flora Somekh Frank Sonkin Alfred Sparlin Laurence Spevack Margot Spiers Myrtle Stone Ivor Topp Grace Weinstein Lothar Weiss Anthony Woolf

40 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022
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42 Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022

During these financially challenging times, Jewish Care remains grateful for the continued support of the many organisations, charitable trusts and statutory bodies which continue to fund our work. Income of this type permits us to maintain our services and helps us plan to respond to emerging changes in community needs.

We would like to thank (in no particular order) the Department of Health and Social Care, the London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Bromley, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Harrow, Havering, Hillingdon, Islington, Kensington and Chelsea, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Wandsworth, Bedfordshire County Council, Birmingham City Council, Brighton and Hove City Council, East Sussex County Council, Essex County Council, Hertfordshire County Council, Kent County Council, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, Westminster City Council, the Sidney Gold Community Trust Fund, the Rayne Trust, the Maurits Mulder Canter Charity, the UJIA, Barnet CCG, Enfield CCG, Haringey CCG, Harrow CCG, Redbridge CCG, Tower Hamlets CCG, NHS Central London (Westminster) CCG, Barnet Carers Hub, Age UK Barnet, Compassion

in Dying, the family of the late Maurice Lawson, the family of the late Betty and Aubrey Lynes, the Jewish Volunteering Network, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the English Community Care Association, the National Association of Jewish Care Homes, Barnet LINK, Councillor Caroline Clapper (Watling Ward) of Hertfordshire County Council, The Childwick Trust, The Hirschel Foundation, Skills for Care, Jack Petchey Foundation, J E Posnansky Charitable Trust, The Ian Karten Charitable Trust, The M.K. Rose Charitable Trust, The Jewish Joint Burial Society, the Children’s Aid Committee Charitable Fund, All Aboard, Ellis Birk Youth Trust, The Hobson Charity Limited and The Hospital Saturday Fund, The New Era Endowment, The Rose Foundation, Vision Foundation.

We are grateful for the continued support and advice given to Jewish Care by the Community Security Trust. We would also like to thank the Committee for Jewish Claims in Austria and the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, Inc.

And finally, thank you to all our individual donors and volunteers without whom so much of our work would not be possible.

Jewish Care Annual Review 2021 – 2022 43
ThanksThank you to everyone whose support underpins everything we do.

Jewish Care has achieved so much over its rich history born out of working in partnership with others thanks to the incredible kindness, dedication and commitment of our supporters, volunteers, staff, committees, expert groups and members of both the community and wider community.

We are grateful to all those who support us and make our work possible.

You can support us by calling 020 8922 2600 or email

You can volunteer with us by calling 020 8922 2288 or email

You can lead with us by lending your skills and expertise by joining one of our many committees by calling 020 8922 2288 or email

You can follow us by Liking and Sharing our posts on social media.

Thank you for all of your support this year, we could not do what we do without you.

Jewish Care

Amélie House, Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Campus 221 Golders Green Road, London NW11 9DQ

Telephone: 020 8922 2222 Charity Reg No. 802559

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