Jumeirah English Speaking School (Updated 2023)
2025 will celebrate the 50th year of Jumeirah English Speaking School in Dubai, having opened in a villa in Safa in 1975 to serve English speaking expat families working for major companies in Dubai. With the development of the original primary school and the addition of the primary and secondary schools in Arabian Ranches in 2005, JESS has forged a stellar reputation as a leading not-for-profit school in the region.
JESS takes pride in being one of the longest standing and most trusted schools in Dubai, with a superb track record. There is an inherent confidence and ability to be innovative and dynamic, recognising the need for continual development to best serve and prepare our young people for the ever-changing world around them. The years 2021 and 2022 were dominated by the Coronavirus pandemic which shook the world. Organisations and institutions across the globe took time to reflect, review and assess their purpose and goals, redefine their mission and give clarity to their direction going forward.
JESS is no exception to this. Strategy planning days by the school Executive and the Board of Governors are a regular occurrence.
The aim of this document is to outline the direction of the school for 2022-2030 and the associated plans around educational provision, facilities’ development, finance and infrastructure.
The DNA of JESS will not change. The school takes great pride in the outcomes that are produced year on year, both academically and holistically. These outcomes are driven by the high expectations and ambitions the school constantly purports.
JESS proudly caters for a broad range of student abilities consistently enabling young people to grow, achieve and succeed in a powerful culture of nurture and aspiration.
Being one of only a few not-for-profit schools in the region gives JESS the ability to invest 100% of the school’s resources into the students’ educational provision.
Plans and strategies discussed in this publication will explain how JESS will continue to maintain and improve an already outstanding education for all students. An ever evolving JESS will continue to be a beacon of excellence for education in Dubai and the UAE.
Under the banner of ‘Three Schools, Two Sites, One JESS’, our leadership works closely together to ensure the ethos, ambition and high standards we strive for are a constant running through each school from age 3 -18.
The redefining of the JESS Vision, Mission and Core Values was a project that took over six months and involved stakeholders ranging from the Board of Governors to staff to students.
The aim is that these statements form the constant reference point for everything that we do as a school and every decision we make, whether it be strategic, operational or in the classroom.
The concept of ‘Making a Difference’ resonated strongly with everyone involved in the process. Our vision does not make claims of greatness but reflects a humble determination that every action we take is taken for a reason and a positive purpose. The difference may be to a friend, family, a movement, or to oneself.
No matter how big or small an action is, it is taken for the right reasons, short term or long term, and could impact one person or thousands. Making a Difference ‘in the World’ makes the idea global, so very appropriate for our geographic and cultural position in the world.
Making a Difference is a narrative that can be applied at every level on any scale.
We are so proud of the young people who exit our gates at the end of their JESS education. We want them leaving us as confident and determined individuals who have a passion for lifelong learning and who can and will Make a Difference.
Mission statements are designed to detail what happens within an organisation on a daily basis to achieve your vision.
We focus on two levels - individual and community. To focus on every child and develop their particular gifts and abilities whilst supporting their every need is our responsibility. The sentiments of respect and belonging at JESS are a constant priority. Giving our young people the tools and confidence to act in a meaningful way will pull all of these strands together to realise our overarching vision.
By sending our young people out into the world prepared and determined to make a difference, JESS will have done its job well.
The JESS Core Values have been carefully selected and worded. They embody the JESS culture of nurture and aspiration.
Each statement is carefully worded to allow them to be applicable and transferable in any situation.
Our Core Values provide an important reference point to enable JESS to achieve its vision of Educating to Make a Difference in the World.
We do the right thing, even when faced with difficult decisions.
We embrace differences and celebrate our unique identities.
High expectations drive all that we do.
We are excited to learn and have the courage to explore.
We are dedicated and persevere in every undertaking.
We act with empathy and compassion towards people and our planet.
Integrity is one of JESS’ six Core Values and probably the most relevant when describing the trust and reputation the school has garnered as it has grown and matured. This is in no small part down to the Not For Profit status and approach that the school strictly adheres to. There are no shareholders, receivers of dividends or profits and indeed no owners. JESS is governed by a Board of unpaid trustees, most of whom are JESS parents, past or present, whose sole interest is to oversee the quality of education delivered and the development and direction of the school. Every dirham that comes into the school is channeled straight back into the school to realise these goals. This commitment has driven the school to great heights. People new to JESS say that you can feel the Not For Profit difference immediately. Both the Board of Governors and the JESS Executive hold this ethos as an absolute priority.
All decisions and plans outlined in this document are designed to create a sustainable model that will enable the provision of an education second to none, constantly evolving and improving for the benefit of every JESS child and family.
JESS emerged from the Coronavirus pandemic in a strong position. Examination results have not faltered, the standard of education remains outstanding at all levels, the school remains heavily oversubscribed and is a leading school of choice in Dubai.
The educational landscape in Dubai is unrecognisable from when the original school was established in 1975 and has changed significantly since the building of the Arabian Ranches site in 2005. Whilst consistency and stability are important factors in the success of JESS, complacency and standing still are two concepts that do not enter the JESS psyche.
The JESS Executive and Board of Governors have identified three strategic areas to focus on as planning has been put in place to see JESS flourish and strengthen further through the next decade. The areas that will shape our development are as follows:
· Staffing
· Curriculum
· Buildings/Site
Within these areas the school has identified some key strategic priorities for planned investment and development in the coming years:
· Student Academic Support – appropriate additional staffing to support, challenge and stretch students within a changing and diverse demographic with an increasingly broad ability range.
· Student Services – wellbeing and pathways. The 2020’s see our young people exposed to an increasingly daunting environment where their vulnerabilities are regularly tested. Social and emotional counselling and university guidance are key areas being addressed.
· The Performing Arts is a priority across the three schools with a drive to build a broader base of experience as children move through the school and offer the best opportunities for our leading musicians, performers and artists to excel and pursue their dreams at the highest level.
A clear direction has been set as we travel towards 2030. Many decisions going forward will reflect these priorities.
JESS emerged from the pandemic in a strong position. Despite student losses in the early days of the pandemic, these places were quickly filled and led to the school pursuing a modest growth model.
The secondary school now sits at an eight form entry of 24 students per tutor group. Class size will not exceed 24 in Years 7, 8 and 9 with core subjects often having more than eight sets and therefore some smaller classes. Tutor groups remain at 24 through Years 10 and 11 with class sizes normally being no greater than 24 and often less, depending on the subject. Years 12 and 13 tutor groups and classes do not exceed 16.
The decision was taken to maintain the class size that existed throughout Covid in the primary schools at 24. Well documented research shows consistently that any effect on academic and personal progress in such a change of class size is negligible. In fact, our own experience at JESS has seen standardised testing results remain the same or even improve throughout the pandemic with class sizes of 24 and COVID restrictions in place.
The increase in the size of the school has enabled a sustainable financial model that will allow investment in staffing and facilities that will see the school being able to continually develop and improve academic provision in the classroom, holistic support and facilities. We need to continue to invest to progress.
The next two years will see the school reach its optimal level in student numbers on the present premises. There will be no further growth in student numbers as we look to maintain the ambience of two very special JESS sites.
We have a programme of additional staff appointments in place to support our priority areas. New appointments continue to be made.
Top quality staff in identified priority areas will always remain the key investment for JESS.
Support Assistants in Primary Classrooms
A high level of in-class support already exists in the lower primary schools with Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) supporting the teacher in every class. This was further extended with LSAs appointed in Key Stage 2, resulting in two adults in every classroom for every Mathematics and English lesson across Years 3-6.
Outside of English and Maths lessons, these LSAs are deployed in targeted areas of need in these year groups across the broader curriculum.
As a continued drive to provide specialised support across our ability range, particularly SEN students, four new positions for Inclusion Support Assistants (ISAs) were created last year. The additional ISAs provide further in-class support, individual and group interventions and IEP tracking and monitoring for students. This forms part of a growing infrastructure providing individualised support at every level of JESS.
In House Speech, Language and Occupational Therapy
Speech, Language and Occupational Therapy appointments were made this year to bring this service in house, which further strengthens our levels of provision and expertise whilst creating a more affordable specialist service for JESS families.
2021-22 saw the appointment of Heads of Instrument for Piano, Brass, Woodwind and Strings together with a Head of Voice. These new roles have proven an enormous success with an enhanced instrumental programme for every student in Years 3 and 7, growing numbers in ensembles, orchestras
and individual and group lessons with immediate evidence of higher standards in performances and concerts.
A specialist Dance teacher was appointed in line with the Heads of Instrument model and will be joined by another in 2023-24. These new positions enable a course of Dance and Movement experience for all children from FS1-Year 9 across all three schools each year. They will also enhance our ECA offering in Dance, create the opportunity for private individual or group paid lessons and provide advanced performance opportunities for dance enthusiasts. They will also support school performances. This foundation will look to build towards Dance eventually becoming an option at GCSE, IB or BTEC.
Student Services – Social and Emotional Counselling
September 2021 saw the school increase the counselling provision across both sites. The level of provision is being constantly reviewed as the challenges faced by our young people grow. Our drive in this area looks to allow our counselling service and pastoral support to become more and more proactive, not just reactive.
Student Services – University Guidance Counselling
This provision was also increased. To grow and provide this essential service to JESS students is a continued focus.
Additional new subject specialists have been appointed to serve the growth in student numbers, further strengthen expertise and improve the student/teacher ratio.
JESS continues to attract high quality staff when advertising jobs at every level.
JESS has for many years been a beacon of academic excellence whilst taking great pride in being a fully inclusive school. The academic outcomes produced by the broad mixed ability intake is remarkable year on year. To further embrace the Dubai inclusion agenda, JESS is making adjustments to its curriculum to create multiple pathways with the aim to support every child through their education from ages 3–18. In recent years, an average of 25% of 18 year old leavers in the Secondary school began their education at JESS in Foundation Stage. This is an astounding statistic in a city noted for its transient population. The primary curriculum is based around a strong UK model (and through to Year 9) contextualized to living in a global environment and relevant to 2022 and beyond. We are fully committed to the UAE National Agenda goals with a strong focus on Arabic language, Islamic Education and Moral, Social and Cultural Studies.
The Secondary school curriculum will create more pathways for our increasingly diverse range of students to enable a continuous
3-18 experience for as many students as possible.
The IB Diploma and GCSE remain the staple in the JESS diet as it has been for the past 12 years, and will continue to be the pathway for most JESS students. JESS has a tradition of excellence in the IB Diploma, always maintaining an exceptional standing in the UAE and a global reputation. This does not change. Students may also pursue a bespoke IB courses programme.
JESS has successfully implemented three BTEC courses in recent years: Art, Sport and Business. 2023-24 sees the introduction of a new BTEC Programme in Creative Media. Also, in line with our focus on Performing Arts, JESS is exploring Dance curriculum opportunities, should there be a demand.
The BTEC curriculum is more coursework based, vocationally oriented and a specialised route for students. Students can focus on one discipline or a hybrid route. BTECs have allowed many JESS students to access leading UK Universities or afforded them a pathway into other tertiary education internationally or directly into the work-
place. BTECs are also being discussed as an option in Key Stage 4 with a Science BTEC already in place.
2023 saw an increased number of students taking GCSE Arabic or completing an ASDAN certificate in Arabic language. This raises the profile and importance of Arabic language at JESS whilst providing a valuable and impressive qualification for our 16 year old's.
Both JESS schools are fortunate to benefit from attractive sites and buildings which help create a distinctive and unique ambience. Constant maintenance, refurbishment and upgrade programmes are in place to maintain and improve facilities. Recent years have seen the building of an exceptional Sports Centre at the Ranches, rebuilt Administration blocks at both schools and the redevelopment of the outdoor sports/play space at Jumeirah.
2022-23 saw the beginning of an ambitious building and refurbishment programme across both sites running through to 2030. The first phase saw the creation of an impressive FS/Y1 outdoor learning space at Jumeirah. The Ranches campus will see plans to address traffic congestion, flow and safety concerns whilst creating modern teaching spaces in the secondary school to give our students fit for purpose and inspirational learning areas. Children presently in the primary schools will benefit from these developments as they move up through the secondary school.
Landscaping and an adventure playground with learning areas within the Foundation and Key Stage 1 areas. Complete overhaul.
In line with the changing demographics of our Jumeirah student body, we are building an Arabic A and Islamic Centre. This centre will serve as teaching space for both Arabic A and Islamic Studies lessons, as well as additional and larger Prayer Rooms for our Islamic students.
A three-phase major development is planned at our Arabian Ranches site and details will follow.
*Please note that all projects marked with an asterisk are subject to Governor, KHDA and all regulatory approvals. The order and pacing of projects may change over time.
A three-phase major development is planned at our Arabian Ranches site and details will follow.
A complete overhaul is planned to upgrade what is a standard assembly hall to a contemporary, multi-purpose venue with staging, lighting, retractable bleachers and a complete refit, including backstage facilities.
A substantial teaching and flexible learning space to incorporate an examination hall which releases the Sports Hall and Auditorium during the exam season. We will also be planning for upgrading the Science laboratories.
Designed to bring the Primary library (at present located in the Secondary school) into the Primary buildings along with specialist Art teaching space.
This project will see a complete overhaul of the existing Auditorium at Arabian Ranches to create a purpose built Performing Arts centre with full staging and green rooms, lighting/sound and comfortable tiered seating with increased capacity to rival the best in schools in Dubai. The Auditorium at present is a multi-use space which does not realise our ambition in the performing arts.
Major Build in Jumeirah. Sports Hall/ Reception to School/plus Underground Car Park*
Reconfiguration of Year Groups with major upgrades which will allow for the build of a long desired indoor sports space and an enhanced Oasis space.