Health and Safety Policy

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Health and Safety Policy

Whole School




March 2024

March Board Meeting

Owner Director

Version Number: Ver10

Working Date:

Legal Sign-off by: n/a

Legal Sign-off date: n/a

Type of Policy: Board

Authorised by Exec:

Authorised by Board: 11/03/2024

Effective date of Policy: 11/03/2024

Circulation: Internal, Regulatory Authorities

Page 3 of 18 CONTENTS STATEMENT OF INTENT 4 AIMS...................................................................................................................4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4 HEALTH AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS...........................................................11 HEALTH AND WELLBEING ................................................................................14 LIST OF OUTSOURCED AREAS RELATING TO HEALTH & SAFETY 17


1.1 This Health and Safety Policy is a statement of the aims, objectives, principles and strategy for ensuring Health and Safety at Jumeirah English Speaking School (JESS or the School)


2.1 It is the intention of JESS to provide a healthy and safe environment for learning and working, for the whole School community including students, employees, parents and all other people who come onto the School premises.

2.2 To ensure that all members of the School community understand and are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining a healthy and safe environment.

2.3 The success of this policy and the establishment of a healthy and safe environment relies on strong management, vigilant supervision and cooperation of all persons.


The following roles and responsibilities have been assigned to the various people groups at School campuses.

3.1 Members of the School community:

3.1.1 Familiarise themselves with the School’s Health and Safety Policy and their responsibilities within the Policy

3.1.2 Familiarise themselves with and adhere to instructions and guidance for safety within the School.

3.1.3 Use common sense at all times and to take responsible care for their own safety and that of others.

3.1.4 Report potential hazards without delay.

3.1.5 Ensure that access and egress routes are clear, emergency equipment is not tampered with and clear signage exists giving instruction in the event of an evacuation.

3.1.6 Take an active role in promoting a positive health and safety culture throughout the organisation

3.1.7 Be vigilant and good role models.

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3.2 Board of Governors:

3.2.1 Take reasonable steps to ensure that the School is following the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures through regular discussion at governor’s meetings.

3.2.2 Approve the whole School budget which includes Policy requirements.

3.2.3 Work in close partnership with the Director and Senior Management to support the approach to health and safety.

3.3 Director:

3.3.1 Approve the Policy budget requirements.

3.3.2 Ensure compliance with the Regulatory Authorities.

3.3.3 Ensure that there is an effective Health and Safety Policy in place and that staff are aware of their responsibilities and adhere to them.

3.3.4 Ensure that there are procedures in place to respond to any emergency situations, and that these procedures are practiced on a regular basis.

3.3.5 Undertake regular site inspections to ensure that a healthy and safe environment is maintained.

3.4 Headteachers:

3.4.1 Take responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of the Health and Safety Policy.

3.4.2 Ensure that assigned responsibilities are accepted and adhered to at all levels.

3.4.3 Liaise with other Headteachers to ensure standardised procedures across all Schools.

3.4.4 Ensure that emergency procedures are in place, accessible and understood.

3.4.5 Undertake routine inspections of the premises to ensure that equipment, buildings and grounds are safe, secure and well maintained.

3.4.6 Manage and monitor the day-to-day use of the School bus service (Secondary Headteacher).

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3.5 Deputy Heads:

3.5.1 Develop guidelines and procedures to ensure the day-to-day implementation of the Health and Safety Policy and assign responsibility.

3.5.2 Communicate responsibilities to the assigned persons and ensuring these responsibilities are accepted, understood and adhered to at all levels.

3.5.3 Develop guidelines and procedures to allow day-to-day School activities to take place safely and ensure that these are communicated to the relevant persons.

3.5.4 Develop guidelines and procedures for safeguarding children during School trips, residential trips and off-site events and ensure that these are communicated to the relevant persons.

3.5.5 Develop guidelines and procedures to ensure that supply staff and volunteers are fully aware of the School’s Health and Safety Policy and the implications for them whilst on the premises.

3.5.6 Manage and monitor First Aid trained personnel to ensure adequate coverage.

3.5.7 Undertake routine inspections of classrooms and teaching environments.

3.6 Assistant and Department Heads, Senior Teachers, Year Group Leaders, Senior Managers and Administrators:

3.6.1 Develop written departmental guidelines on safe methods of working and teaching, monitor and review the guidelines as required, including but not limited to day-to-day routines, start and end of day safety checks of the working/teaching environment. Where departments are considered as higher risk areas (including Foundation Stage, PE, DT, Art, Drama, Music and Science) these procedures must include precise instructions on protective equipment, risk assessments, specific emergency procedures and routine equipment inspection, including new installations and maintenance.

3.6.2 Ensure guidelines are current, accessible, accepted and understood by everyone within the department and communicated to other persons accessing or using the department facilities.

3.6.3 Undertake regular inspections of the department and raising health and safety awareness within the team.

3.6.4 Ensure that the guidelines and procedures in place for safeguarding children on School trips, residential trips and attending off-site events are communicated and adhered to.

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3.6.5 Develop a system to ensure that new staff are introduced to the department, informed of emergency procedures and Health and Safety guidelines and that they understand and accept their responsibilities.

3.6.6 Ensure that supply staff have access to a safe teaching environment and sufficient information pertaining to the students in their care.

3.6.7 Hold regular departmental meetings with health and safety as an agenda item.

3.6.8 Undertake routine inspections of furniture, equipment, toys, fixtures and fittings for signs of fatigue or failure.

3.7 Teachers & Teaching Assistants:

3.7.1 Ensure that they follow and adhere to departmental guidelines at all times, including those for trips, residential and events.

3.7.2 Undertake visual inspections of classrooms and teaching environments prior to use to ensure that they are safe for use.

3.7.3 Actively contribute to departmental meetings regarding health and safety.

3.7.4 Promote Health and Safety amongst students ensuring that they are conscious of their responsibilities in taking reasonable care for their own safety and that of others.

3.8 Accounts Manager:

3.8.1 Support the Director with the budget requirements to provide a healthy and safe environment.

3.8.2 Manage and monitor contractual compliance of outside users.

3.8.3 Manage and monitor contractual compliance of the School bus service.

3.8.4 Ensuring that the School has all the necessary insurance in place at all times

3.9 Facilities Manager:

3.9.1 Ensure that, as far as reasonably practical, the School environment is well maintained, clean, safe, secure and fit for purpose.

3.9.2 Manage and monitor all contractors who access the site and ensure that they are familiar with site rules including health and safety, evacuation and lockdown procedures and that contractual obligations are met and adhered to.

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3.9.3 Ensure safe and secure storage of potentially dangerous equipment or materials.

3.9.4 Ensure that the School fully complies with all Regulatory Authority requirements.

3.9.5 Develop emergency evacuation and lockdown procedures and ensure that School staff undertake training in procedures and are aware of procedures.

3.9.6 Ensure emergency evacuation and lockdown procedures are visibly displayed in all classrooms and other appropriate areas. Ensure all equipment associated with activating the lockdown procedure is tested regularly and in good working order.

3.9.7 Work with colleagues who have a responsibility to develop guidelines and procedures with an impact on health and safety to ensure that they comply with the Schools aims.

3.9.8 Undertake site inspections and risk assessments in conjunction with the Director, Headteacher’s, Deputy Heads, Assistant Headteacher’s, Department Heads, YGL, teachers and administrators regarding health and safety implications of the site or any School event or activity.

3.9.9 Liaise with the School’s Senior Management Team through regular meetings with Health and Safety as an agenda item.

3.9.10 Manage the School’s in-house facilities team.

3.10 Facilities Team:

3.10.1 Undertake close supervision of maintenance contractors whilst they are on site.

3.10.2 Undertake routine checks and maintenance of buildings and equipment.

3.10.3 Respond promptly to complaints and maintenance issues.

3.10.4 Ensure that the requirements to support the day-to-day running of the School are organised with safety as a priority.

3.10.5 Undertake training as required

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3.11 Health Office:

3.11.1 Ensure that all aspects of the Health Office comply with Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Dubai Municipality (DM) regulations.

3.11.2 A Health and Safety lead will be appointed within the health office team as per DHA guidelines.

3.11.3 Ensure that ‘Medical Alerts’ with information regarding students at a higher risk are communicated to all relevant staff and that the provision to deal with an emergency is available, known and understood.

3.11.4 Ensure that there are stocked First Aid boxes at various locations around the School and that these are checked on a regular basis.

3.11.5 Ensure that all medicines are kept in a locked cabinet within the Health Office and that the administration of these medicines is controlled.

3.11.6 Ensure that all accidents/incidents are reported, and the appropriate documentation is completed, and colleagues informed, including SMT.

3.11.7 Ensure that parental permissions are received for all students.

3.11.8 Ensure that the Health Office is inviting and welcoming for students and parents.

3.11.9 Always ensure confidentiality, in accordance with DHA Health Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy.

3.11.10 Liaise with parents regarding health issues.

3.11.11 Liaise with colleagues where students are identified as ‘at risk’.

3.11.12 Promote healthy living and lifestyle choices through the PHSE curriculum and advice to parents.

3.12 Students:

3.12.1 Develop a growing awareness of health and safety.

3.12.2 Be vigilant around the School.

3.12.3 Adhere to the School’s procedures and follow instructions from staff members.

3.12.4 Take an active role in student councils where health and safety issues can be raised.

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3.13 Parents:

3.13.1 Ensure that children attend School in good health.

3.13.2 Support the curriculum by allowing their child to participate fully in all activities, particularly activities which involve physical activity such as PE, camps and/or residentials.

3.13.3 Provide prompt information to the School about absences and illnesses.

3.13.4 Ensure children attend School regularly and do not take time off during term time beyond the authorized 10 days exceptional leave of absence.

3.13.5 Provide support for the behaviour and discipline procedures within the School and the role of the teaching staff.

3.13.6 Ensure that the School has up to date contact information and that any changes to details are communicated to the School.

3.13.7 Ensure that early contact is made with the School to discuss major changes in family circumstances or other issues that affect the welfare of their child.

3.13.8 Ensure the School is advised if both parents are planning travel outside of the UAE and provide the School with next of kin details and insurance medical card for the child/ren.

3.13.9 Follow the instructions of staff members during an emergency.

3.13.10 Ensure that appropriate equipment and clothing is provided, including the recommended footwear and PE kits.

3.14 All other members of the School community:

3.14.1 Ensure that they comply with the School’sHealth and Safety Policy at all times and follow the instructions of a staff member whilst on site.

3.14.2 Familiarise themselves with emergency procedures of the site.

3.14.3 Adhere to any contractual obligations they may have with the School

3.14.4 Operate any activity in a safe and secure manner.

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To ensure that a positive health and safety culture is established and maintained, the following arrangements are in place which are reviewed regularly

4.1 Fire Protection:

4.1.1 Civil Defence approved contractors are appointed to maintain the firefighting equipment and the fire alarm system. Compliance is monitored internally by the Facilities Manager and externally by Civil Defence.

4.1.2 Firefighting equipment including hose reels, extinguishers and fire blankets are positioned at recommended locations around the School premises. Both sites are inspected annually by Civil Defence and issued with a fire safety certificate to confirm compliance.

4.1.3 The School is linked to 24/7 response, which is a direct link to the emergency services in the event of an alarm sounding.

4.1.4 Access and egress routes are monitored to ensure they are always free from obstruction and clearly signed.

4.1.5 Fire Procedures are displayed at various locations around the site, together with fire action posters advising the location and evacuation route with a ‘you are here’.

4.1.6 Evacuation procedures are practiced termly, with at least one drill per year in conjunction with Civil Defence. Evacuation drills are reviewed, and any issues highlighted are actioned promptly.

4.1.7 There is 24/7 security on site with at least 1 person within the team fire trained plus an on-site caretaker with in-depth knowledge of the buildings and systems.

4.1.8 Fire training courses are being run as part of a rolling programme to staff.

4.1.9 PAT testing is carried out every two years on all school owned electrical appliances. Once tested and provided the appliance passes, it is tagged with a sticker indicating the date tested.

4.2 Site Security:

4.2.1 24/7 security provided by an externally appointed company approved and licensed by Dubai Police. All reasonable steps have been implemented to prevent unauthorised entry.

4.2.2 A network of CCTV’s monitored by the security guards.

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4.2.3 A combination of outside and indoor parking is available. Indoor parking is accessed via a security barrier and the staff entrance to the site is access controlled.

4.2.4 All guards are equipped with 2-way radios enabling them to communicate with each other.

4.2.5 Routine patrols are conducted within the School campus and along the external perimeter of the site. Patrols are carried out regularly and monitored using the ‘Guard Tour System’ which is installed at both sites, tracking guard movement across both School campuses ensuring that all areas are checked frequently.

4.2.6 During School hours, outside of the normal drop off and pick up times, visitors are requested to enter via Gate 1 and sign in at Reception who will issue a visitor’s badge.

4.2.7 In addition to security there are on-site caretakers to assist in the event of a breach of security.

4.2.8 Staff are requested to be vigilant at all times and should investigate anyone not wearing a lanyard or any unknown persons.

4.2.9 All maintenance is undertaken outside of normal School hours except in an emergency, in which case the contractor is supervised by either a member of the facilities or security team.

4.2.10 Staff are requested to ensure the safe keeping of their personal belongings and lock away all valuable School assets at the end of the day

4.2.11 All security guards have been issued with JESS Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) which contain site specific information.

4.2.12 Site rules and information is provided for all users of the School premises.

4.2.13 An emergency plan and rapid response procedure is in place to deal with any emergency situation.

4.2.14 A lock down procedure is in place and practiced enabling staff and students to be familiar with how they should respond to a threat. The procedure is displayed around the site.

4.2.15 A lifeguard is present during swimming pool operational hours.

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4.3 Student safety on arrival and departure from School:

4.3.1 Parking restrictions apply to the perimeter of the School.

4.3.2 Designated drop off zones are demarcated.

4.3.3 Pedestrian crossings at each gate are manned by security and senior teaching staff at peak times.

4.3.4 School buses are limited to secondary students only, and available to all School students for visits and trips. JESS School buses conform to RTA regulations and are strictly monitored by teaching staff.

4.3.5 Cycle racks available at Arabian Ranches for use by students who live in the Ranches community. This is supported by safety campaigns including cycle checks, helmets being mandatory and cycling proficiency tests.

4.4 School Cleaning:

4.4.1 All cleaning is outsourced and takes place after hours. A detailed scope of works is documented, is managed by Facilities Management, the Cleaning Supervisor and the cleaning company Account Manager.

4.4.2 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) information is held for all chemicals used and are approved for use in Schools.

4.4.3 Male and female cleaners are provided to clean the toilets, social areas and kitchens during operational hours on a rotational basis.

4.4.4 Accidents involving body fluids are cleaned immediately by the caretakers using specified products and hazard kits.

4.4.5 Primary year groups have access to disinfectant and wipes for cleaning tables before and after snack time. General cleaning equipment is provided to enable them to maintain a clean environment throughout the day.

4.5 Site Maintenance:

4.5.1 Majority of site maintenance is outsourced. All maintenance outsourced includes a detailed scope of works and preventative maintenance schedules Maintenance contracts are managed by Facilities Management and the individual contract Account Managers.

4.5.2 A list of maintenance contracts relating to health and safety is outlined in Section 6.

4.5.3 Service reports are submitted, and cross referenced against the scope of work in the contract for compliance and effectiveness.

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4.5.4 General maintenance is outsourced or undertaken by in-house staff.

4.6 Health and safety during operational hours:

4.6.1 Supervision of students at all times, including breaks and playtimes.

4.6.2 School Health Offices monitor weather temperatures and determine outside activities and play.

4.6.3 All staff including volunteers and outside hire companies are vetted with respect to police clearances, work permits, visas and qualifications.

4.6.4 Daily registers are recorded, and absences monitored.

4.6.5 Guidelines and procedures are in place for drop off and collection of primary School children.

4.6.6 Guidelines and procedures are in place to ensure safety of students during School trips, residential trips, events and activities.

4.6.7 Health and safety site walks and inspections are carried out at regular intervals.

4.6.8 Guidelines and procedures on safe practice in a teaching environment are adopted and adhered to.

4.6.9 The Design Technology department is deemed to be a high-risk area and has enhanced safety measures in place such as additional ventilation and emergency stop systems.


5.1 First Aid:

5.1.1 A fully equipped Health Office is available on each campus which is staffed according to Dubai Health Authority (DHA) regulations.

5.1.2 Medical declaration forms and parental permissions are completed and submitted by parents.

5.1.3 Suitable locked storage is available for medicines and clearly signed. The administration of medicines is controlled and documented.

5.1.4 Staff members who are certified First Aiders are available to support day-today School events and activities.

5.1.5 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are available in strategic locations throughout the School. The AEDs are inspected and a checklist is logged daily for each AED.

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5.1.6 First Aid boxes are available in various locations throughout the School. These are checked and stocked termly or earlier if required.

5.1.7 Each student has an individual health record.

5.1.8 Medical inspections are carried out in accordance to DHA regulations.

5.1.9 Health Education is provided to students throughout the School year.

5.1.10 Medical alerts are issued to teachers/teaching assistants about students with specific medical conditions including appropriate action to be taken.

5.1.11 The Health Office staff instruct teachers/teaching assistants on the use of adrenaline auto injectors (Epipens).

5.1.12 Medical waste and sharps are removed from site by an approved contractor on a regular basis in accordance with DHA regulations.

5.2 Personal Hygiene:

5.2.1 Provide a PHSE programme to promote high standards of personal hygiene

5.2.2 Regular cleaning of toilets throughout the School day, fragrant air misters in all washrooms and quality tissue/towel dispensers.

5.2.3 Sanitary bins placed in toilet cubicles for use by Year 5 girls and upwards. Sanitary bin waste disposal and sanitizing is contracted to an approved contractor. This takes place weekly during term time.

5.2.4 Sanitary products are available from vending machines in girl’s toilets throughout the School and from the Health office.

5.2.5 Hand sanitizers are located throughout the School.

5.3 Healthy Living:

5.3.1 Guidance to parents on suitably packed lunch box contents is provided via ‘fact sheets’

5.3.2 A clear ‘no nuts’ policy is communicated to parents through the parent portal and the School contract.

5.3.3 Drinking water is available to all students.

5.3.4 Water dispensers are sanitized regularly.

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5.3.5 Catering is provided to staff and secondary students in a Dubai Municipality approved cafeteria. Catering services are outsourced to a Dubai Municipality approved contractor.

5.3.6 To adopt a whole school food policy, which will ensure that the entire school community and the wider public understand the ethos of the school in relation to food and drink, both within the curriculum and in food and drink provision. JESS will aim for a culture of healthy eating and positive modelling by all adults within the school.

5.4 Accident and Incident prevention, reporting and investigation:

5.4.1 Accidents are to be reported to the Health Office and an incident form to be filled in for any students that require additional medical care(e.g. fracture or serious injury)

5.4.2 Staff and students are to report any potential risks or hazards to the Facilities Manager.

5.4.3 Prompt corrective action to be taken to address reported potential risks, accidents or incidents and near misses.

5.4.4 Medical Emergency signs outlining Ambulance, Police and Fire numbers together with nearest AED/First Aid kit are strategically located around the School.

5.4.5 Signage will be installed around School in compliance with the Dubai Universal Design Code.

5.5 Online Safety and Wellbeing

5.5.1 JESS has carefully considered its approach to online safety and wellbeing and provides a consistent online safety message to all members of the School community, through a variety of media and activities that promote whole School input.

5.5.2 A planned online safety education programme takes place and is fully embedded in all aspects of the curriculum in all years and in other School activities, including extended provision. Students understand the risks associated with the use of mobile technology and are encouraged to be responsible users, both in School and beyond.

5.5.3 All staff participate in mandatory National Online Safety training annually

5.5.4 JESS actively monitors and promotes the wellbeing of staff through the Wellbeing Committee and the monthly Wellbeing snapshots.

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6.1 MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing)

6.1.1 Conduct maintenance programme to plant and equipment on scheduled frequency as prescribed by the OEM or as deemed necessary.

6.1.2 MEP maintenance to be outsourced to a qualified service contractor.

6.1.3 Maintenance of specialised plant and equipment to be carried out by agents, representatives or specialist contractors.

6.2 Pest Control

6.2.1 Carry out pest control in accordance with Dubai Municipality regulation

6.2.2 Pest control to be outsourced to a Dubai Municipality approved contractor.

6.3 Water Tank Cleaning

6.3.1 Carry out bi-annual water tank cleaning and water analysis by a Dubai Municipality contractor.

6.4 Swimming Pools

6.4.1 Swimming pool maintenance will be undertaken by a suitably qualified service contractor.

6.4.2 Swimming Pools will be cleaned 6 days a week and deep cleaning undertaken during School holidays.

6.4.3 The contractor will provide daily water analysis for temperature, PH levels, chlorine in accordance with Dubai Municipally parameters.

6.4.4 Full water analysis to be carried out every 2 weeks.

6.4.5 Engage an independent third party to undertake a full microbiological water analysis every 2 months.

6.4.6 Ensure that all swimming pool chemicals are stored safely and securely, MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) information for the chemicals used are available and the service company provide their employees with the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for use.

6.5 Water Dispensers

6.5.1 All water dispensers are to be routinely cleaned and tested by a suitably qualified service contractor.

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6.6 Landscaping and Grounds

6.6.1 A full-time gardener to be assigned to each site 6 days a week, to be supported by a full team of gardeners and irrigation specialists on a weekly basis.

6.6.2 Grounds and plant growth to be monitored by the Facilities Management to ensure that pathways and signs do not become obstructed.

6.7 LPG (Low Pressure Gas)

6.7.1 Ensure LPG gas bottles are contained in secure external housing and clearly signed.

6.7.2 Carry out quarterly tests for leaks, pressure fluctuations and test gas sensors located in all relevant classrooms.

6.7.3 The LPG supply to be interfaced with the School’s fire alarm system. The automatic gas cut off function to activate on fire alarm.

6.8 Waste Disposal

6.8.1 General refuse to be segregated for recycling purposes by cleaning service contractor and collected daily.

6.8.2 Recyclable waste to be collected on a weekly basis during term time.

6.8.3 Medical waste to be collected on a weekly basis during term time.

6.8.4 Hazardous waste to be collected by an approved contractor and disposed of in accordance with Dubai Municipality regulations.

6.8.5 Teaching staff are to refer to COSSH Risk Assessment data sheet (located on the Staff Handbook under Facilities) for appropriate waste disposal where required.

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