Jeff Althoff | Sports Trends on the Rise

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1/20/22, 11:09 AM

Sports Trends on the Rise | Jeffrey Althoff | Sports

a Sports Trends on the Rise by Jeffrey Althoff | Jan 19, 2022 | Baseball, jeff althoff, Sports

The sporting industry is constantly changing, with technology taking the front line. Consumers have become more demanding with high expectations. Sporting entrepreneurs and business people understand the need to adjust to emerging trends. Let’s delve into the current vital sports trends gaining traction globally. Globalization Most sports are going global, making everything from fans to the media, to be globalized. The world is intertwined and connected, making borders irrelevant. Viewers want to enjoy their favorite teams and players from wherever they are. Clubs scout for new players globally, making global reach a must for many sports. Traditional to non-traditional


1/20/22, 11:09 AM

Sports Trends on the Rise | Jeffrey Althoff | Sports

The new Generation Z (Gen Z) is taking the world by storm. Traditional sports such as football, soccer, and hockey show a decline in participation rates due to changes in demography. Gen Z has little patience with things. They are not into traditional sports since they find them boring and taking up most of their time. Instead, the generation is into esports, adventure sports, and spin-offs. E-sports The e-sporting industry is gaining ground globally. E-athletes are becoming more popular, with more people paying attention to the games. With an average of 16% annual growth, the sport is steadily rising. E-athletes practice their sports for more than 8 hours daily to perfect their craft. Just like ordinary athletes, they have nutritionists, coaches, and strategists. Data analytics and sensors Data analytics and sensors are the new kids on the block, taking the sporting world by storm. The data generated by sensors is integral in several sporting areas including, media, fan engagement, health, and analytics. In addition, sensors help to transform data using live real-time analysis to ensure athletes perform at their optimum to achieve the extra one percent. Real-time live betting in the arenas Sporting fans are looking for more entertainment, while clubs and investors are looking for alternative income streams. Online betting has become more popular globally, with more people looking towards real-time live betting in the stadium. With more excitement in the games, the industry can generate more income, while fans enjoy winning bets while supporting their favorite teams. The sporting industry continues to revolutionize with stakeholders maximizing technology. Therefore, entrepreneurs and business people need to stay abreast with the emerging trends in the industry to help them make the right investment choices.

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1/20/22, 11:09 AM

Sports Trends on the Rise | Jeffrey Althoff | Sports

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