Facing Challenges as a Leader | Jeffrey Althoff Hunting

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12/15/22, 2:16 PM

Facing Challenges as a Leader | Jeffrey Althoff | Professional Overview


Facing Challenges as a Leader by Jeffrey Althoff | Dec 15, 2022 | Jeff Althoff Hunting, Jeffrey Althoff Hunting, Professional Overview

Today’s business environment is complex and demands that leaders constantly adapt to manage their responsibilities. Without the proper habits to handle the threats that come with this environment, they will be unable to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively.

Not addressing one’s emotional and physical needs can lead to various health issues. Although it can be very challenging to maintain a positive and effective work environment, there are still ways that leaders can improve their well-being. Here are some ways that you successfully navigate challenges as a leader.

Depend on close relationships Leaders must make time for their relationships, as hybrid work environments can limit in-person interactions. Studies have shown that social relationships can help lower stress and boost well-being. https://jeffreyalthoffhunting.com/facing-challenges-as-a-leader/


12/15/22, 2:16 PM

Facing Challenges as a Leader | Jeffrey Althoff | Professional Overview

Being in close relationships can also help protect us from various life events. It can also help delay the physical and mental decline later in life.

Understand the triggers of your emotions A clear understanding of the factors contributing to your anger, anxiety, or frustration can help you develop effective strategies to manage your situation.

A study conducted by the Leadership Development Institute revealed that the most common triggers that can affect a person’s emotional response in the workplace are being perceived as being untrustworthy, unappreciative, self-centered, and abrasive.

Awareness of the body’s response to a stressful situation can also help you identify the type of emotions you are experiencing. Although physical signals are often easier to recognize than one’s emotional state, experiencing negative emotions can trigger various physiological responses. Some of the most common responses include a flushed face, increased sweating, a rapid heart rate, and a sinking feeling in one’s stomach.

Name the emotions that you’re feeling Identifying and labeling your negative feelings can also help you think creatively and effectively when dealing with situations. According to studies, those who can put their feelings into words are the individuals who can recover quickly from a stressful situation.

The act of naming an emotion helps the brain move the part of the brain responsible for handling physical threats to the areas used for creativity, problem-solving, and relationships.

Breathe Most people believe that their breath can help calm their emotions and minds. However, many people need to focus on maintaining a steady breathing rate.

Breathing and emotions are closely related, and they can help you feel better by letting go of negative feelings. Attempting to talk yourself out of a situation or using thoughts alone can’t help you shift your https://jeffreyalthoffhunting.com/facing-challenges-as-a-leader/


12/15/22, 2:16 PM

Facing Challenges as a Leader | Jeffrey Althoff | Professional Overview

emotions. Learning to breathe can help you regain control over your emotions.

Focus on what you can control A leader’s internal locus of control is determined if they believe they have the authority to control what happens in a certain situation. On the other hand, if they believe that they have no control over the situation and that external factors are to blame, they have an external locus of control.

Your internal locus of control can affect how you respond to situations and your motivation to take action. According to studies, people with this type of control are more likely to perform well in their organizations.

Leaders with this type of control can take responsibility for their actions and reach their goals. They are also more likely to feel confident in facing challenges.

The goal is to create awareness by identifying the things that we can control and the areas where we can make a difference. Then, take action.

In the pre-flight announcement, the flight attendant said that if the cabin pressure drops, put on your oxygen mask first before helping other people. This concept applies to leaders as they must attend to their own well-being and physical needs to care for themselves effectively and lead others. Search

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Facing Challenges as a Leader | Jeffrey Althoff | Professional Overview

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