Portfolio Júlia Claveria

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Júlia Claveria Baro


Hola! I am JĂşlia, designer + creative + engineer fascinated by ordinary timeless products, (un)intentioned design details, the link between technology and crafts, and design as a tool for change. I was born in Tarragona, land of roman ruins, human towers, seaside and sun. I moved to Barcelona for studies, and after spending a year abroad in Milan and a month in Senegal, I came back with a broader vision on societies and our surroundings. My design is influenced by all this mixed cultures and by a deep interest on sustainable developement.

Could be me, but it actually is the emblematic giant of Tarragona →

This portfolio is a rÊsume of my work as a designer and engineer that I am, but also an excuse to make a zine filled with photography, illustrations and poetry. Thank you for having the patience of having a look inside, where you will find —with no intention of giving spoilers— a mix of functional objects, furniture, formal design, ingenuity little designs related to circular economy, social design, packaging, interiors and many other design disciplines. Some of these works have a speculative format and some others a finished product design developement. And all of them have been executed with big doses of dedication, passion and care for detail. I hope you enjoy it!

DESIGN PROJECTS → Quartera → Barada & Casilooroo → Chaises Colorées → Artifact. A–BT001 → Tubo → Joey's light → Roda'm → TATA → Letter opener → Toga → But dust

QUARTERA is a scale for weighing powders.

Quartera estimates grams; quartera has its own weight; quartera balances flour; quartera makes cakes.

Quartera is both a centerpiece and a scale.

CARROT CAKE 4 eggs 75 g of olive oil 150 g of brown sugar half teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder 2 teaspoon of powdered yeast 150 g of flour 150 g of carrots

Quartera is, in essence, a mere object more; it is a delicate and eternal balance; it is also a beautiful element. It is a celebration of the noble, everyday and honest product design.

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BARADA & CASILOOROO Taking "teranga" (hospitality in wòlof language) as the Senegalese identity symbol, Diaspora Project recreates two ritual moments of this culture —"ataaya" tea ceremony and sharing meals from a central platter— through the objects Barada and Casilooroo. The project transforms industrial and static products —an electric stove and a kettle— adapting their functional core to basic, nomad and accessible heat sources. The pieces have instructions to be rebuilt; the ones presented are made by local craftsmen from the recycling of nichrome thread of electronic apparatus collected in the streets of Barcelona. Barada




Two heating pieces that finalize the DiĂ spora project, a six-month tour, going in depth in a reality that so far I had set aside: the untiring struggle of migrants in Barcelona. Nomadic objects conceived to reach the local Senegalese culture and to foster a proposal design that understands migration, not as a problem, but as an opportunity to bring value to the new mixed societies that make up. At the same time, it proposes democratizing industrial objects to bring them closer to people and to empower them to build their own everyday objects, in cooperation with the network of local craft producers. Migration is not just for the birds, Philippe Legrain

CHAISES COLORÉES One–day furniture session at Lamine's workshop in Noto, Senegal. We had "carrapit" (colored buses from Dakar) leftovers, and from that we made emblematic chairs.

Proplast Industrie, Thiés, Senegal

ARTIFACT. A–BT001 Products reduced to actions.

How many beer taps will be manufactured today? and how many of those will need to be repaired or replaced? We do not want to mass produce another beer tap, even more when we can actually build it from existing objects. The aim of the project is to design an accessible, open-source, do-it-yourself, upcycled and not mass–produced beer tap, in order to transform an expensive and high maintenance object into a simple one, so that it can be accessible to everyone.

Based on the research of emergent movements born as alternatives to a mass industrial production in crisis, we came to a significative conclusion: that a lot of objects could be defined with actions and, therefore, simplifed for the makers to be produced by themselves easily. In the case of this project, a beer tap reduced to actions. These actions that nowadays describe the beer taps and many other objects, in the past were designed by industries with complicated solutions that were not accessible for the population to be selfproduced. With Artifact, we have tried to start from zero, to rethink at a very low stage the design of an object. That is to say, to question each element and its uselessness, trying to minimalize though the complicated elements.

Ideation of first concepts by using collage.








Conventional beer tap Almost all beer taps have this same structure and these elements, where beer goes through and is served from the barrel to the glass.




Elemental beer tap However, a beer tap can be simplified much more; we need to take a look to its function and understand the purpose for which it has been designed.

link to the vĂ­deo: vimeo.com/388581055


TUBO All–in–one modular diy bathroom kit designed for the refugee camps.

+ Portable bathroom kit. + Simple installation. + Facilitates the use of water. + It favors hygiene.








Tubo Kit: 1. Tube; 2. Seat; 3. Shower Support; 4. Basin Support; 5. Faucet Support; 6. Soil; 7. Sink; Hose; Tank; Tank Support.

link to the presentation: docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D2mvnJ0TkVA-WKeBxKmpC3lFaS83ANm9idgbzp4xCEs/edit?usp=sharing

JOEY'S LIGHT —Jooooey, turn the light off!

A domotic organizing system that helps roommates save on household energy costs and share their achievements with the community.

Joey’s Light kit is made up of several products connected to each other, forming a home automation system. At the same time, there are other Joey’s Light connected to each other, creating a global community of flats that join efforts to reduce the light consumption.

RODA'M ABC learning as a game. Could children learn the alphabet in an autonomous way? Roda’m (“Roll me” in english) is based on Montessori’s methodology and consists of different stakable modules, distributed in levels of difficulty.







TATA Rethinking fries. TATA is a packaging for seasonal fried potatos. This product aims to approach people to the potato itself. Based on the four seasons, the project reflects each one with a type of potato and a kind of sauce. Therefore, a palette of colors is associated with seasons and each one related to a potato, a sauce and a shape.


TATA's pack: + 4 types of fried potatoes, one from each season. + 4 packagings containing the seasonal fries. + External packaging. + Explanation of the concept.

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LETTER OPENER Letter opener, an introduction to formal language. Proportions, ergonomy and usability.



A letter opener? Why would someone want one nowadays? Well, maybe he/she is chained to the 20th century. Maybe he/ she loves the physicallity of cutting when opening a letter or maybe he/ she is studying design and it turns out that designing a letter opener is a good introduction to formal language. Composed of only straight edges and faceted faces, the material and the process (aluminum sheet folding) talk by themselves, successfully dealing with the tricky part of the project: emulating the language of a knife without making the letter opener look dangerous.


TOGA Toga is the third skin inside a temple: it envelopes you in a protective and warm way. This piece of clothing is what hugs the individual in his meditation. It has been specifically designed to fit the space as an element of garnish, as well as to be easy to put on and wear.

We are all made of particles, as well as the objects around us. Entities become such, due to the accumulation of particles. They live in the form of these entities and after a while, degrade, disappear and become dust again. Life is just an endless dust-entity cycle. The same way we state everything is dust, we believe that dust is everything. Join the temple to feel the cycle.

BUT DUST Would you ever buy trash? Would you ever buy your own trash? What if your waste returned to you? How can it be that dust is considered waste and has no value nowadays? What if the unvalued of today turns into the valued of tomorrow?

Nowadays we consume in an unsustainable way, where materialistic value prevails over the ethics of matter. This proposal is a critique to the wrong consumerism of today and to the apparent and materialist perception we give to things. But dust is born to question the real value of the objects that surround us. We want to raise awareness as well as consider the ethics of our daily consumerism.

→ juliaclaveriabaro @gmail.com (+34) 622 80 81 83

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