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BD, LH, & JCA 5/13/19 Drama Scene 1 Act 1 Setting: It’s a sunny afternoon on May 14, 2019. There is a cute little cafe spot. When customers walk in, it has orange booths with gray tables. In the middle of the floor, there are the same gray tables and black chairs with metal chairs that have designs on them. Also, some artwork is in the background. There is a clear, glass door that customers enter in from. Jesus walks in the cafe and notices that no one is there so he walks all the way in and makes himself his own beverage. He sits down and stares at his phone, reading an article about equality between men and women [close up on his phone]. Then, he falls into a deep sleep. We wake up in Jesus’ dream. He is doing the same thing staring at his phone. Then, Nora and Elizabeth walk in talking loudly. Nora: Have you heard that men are still supposed to taken more seriously and treated with respect? Jesus: (​looks down at his phone and back up at Nora and Elizabeth. He realizes they are in the article he was reading.​) Um, am I dreaming? Elizabeth: Even in this time? Jesus:(​He slaps himself to make sure and then yells out their names.) ​ Nora Helmer and Elizabeth Blackwell. Nora and Elizabeth walk slowly over next to Jesus. Elizabeth: Yes, what would you like to know? Nora: We can tell you anything because remember, this is your dream.

(Nora and Elizabeth sit down while listening to Jesus) Jesus: I know this is a dream, but I have this assignment coming up and I need to know if men should work and provide for their family while women stay at home and be a typical housewife. Elizabeth: (​claps her hands​) This is great! Well, let me tell you what I think. I have worked so hard to get my medical degree and to be the first woman in the USA to have it. That doesn’t happen everyday, darling. Nora: Yeah before I left my husband Torvald, I would’ve loved the idea of being a housewife. Now that I’ve gotten away from him and I work for myself, I think women should work harder than men and go farther than men. Jesus: I get what you’re saying,but I would like if I could provide for my family and my wife wouldn’t have to do anything. Wouldn’t that be great for her? Elizabeth: Are you kidding me? Nora:(​slams her hand on the table and stands up shouting loudly​) We have both worked too hard just for people in your time to be saying things like that. Elizabeth: Wait. (​As she puts her hand over Nora’s stomach to make her sit down) L ​ et’s just talk about this. Jesus: Jeez, woman! It’s only my opinion. Nora: This hurts because when I was little, my father looked at me and treated me like I was a little doll. I never had the chance to believe in what I believed in. I was just a puppet! Then, I went straight to Torvald’s house. I listened to him and he treated me like a toy, too. When I finally realized this, I had to leave everything to explore and understand who I really was inside.

Elizabeth: When I was a kid, I was never interested in medicine because my teacher showed us a bull’s eye and I was over it. When I got older, I just settled for being a schoolteacher which was an acceptable job for women in my time, but soon realized I wanted to be more than just that. I wanted to study medicine. Everyone told me that I couldn’t do it, but now look at where I am. Jesus:

Where, dead?! (​Nora laughs)

Elizabeth: Haha very funny (In a sarcastic tone). Elizabeth : I have a question for you. Jesus: Yeah? Elizabeth: Do you feel like women should stay at home because men want to protect them? Jesus: Yeah, I mean they need somebody to protect them. Nora: So they can just be someone’s little squirrel, huh? Elizabeth: Jesus, you see me and Nora right? We’re powerful and strong and guess what? We did all alone with no man’s help. Jesus: Ooooh, is that why you all are dead? Elizabeth: (takes deep breath) We’re saying that women can work just as hard as men and if they chose to be a housewife and take care of kids than that’s what they wanted but for women who want to work they should have that option. Jesus: Oh I get what you mean. I never saw it that way maybe they should have the option. Nora: Yeah plus if she’s providing for your family, then you will have double the jobs and more money.(dances around while saying money)

Jesus: Oh, I really like that. Well thanks guys I’ll see you through my phone screen. Nora and Elizabeth: You’re welcome. Bye.(They walk out the clear door)

Scene 1 Act 2 Setting: It is 9:00. ​We are in a classroom with red chairs and long white tables. It has a colorful painting on the white walls. There is a big tv screen and a white clock that makes the most obnoxious noise. Jesus wakes up from his nap. He realizes that he was actually in class sleeping. He wipes his mouth and gets back on his phone. When he realizes he had just had a dream about his assignment. Jesus: Oh my god I forgot my dream again. Noooooooooo.

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