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CPS teachers have cancelled classes on October 17 2019, and is still cancelled. Students have been without school for about a week. This affects some students negatively because their sports season has been cancelled due to no school. Students who are in sports, also are being affected because their seasons are cancelled. This doesn’t affect me because I am no longer in the CPS system. It does make me wish that I did not have school like my CPS friends. I support the teachers striking because although it affects students and the teachers themselves, it will benefit everyone in the long run. This does, however, affect students in CPS because they lose hours of learning. To be fair, the teacher’s strike takes away time from the student’s learning. Students have lost over 60 hours of school. Sports players have been denied going to the playoffs this season resulting in fewer credits for college. The teachers are doing the right thing by protesting because it shows that they care not only about themselves, but the students too. They’re asking for more things for the benefit of the students than they are for themselves. Lots of people think that teachers are on strike because they want higher pay, but they want smaller classes, and nurses. It doesn't make sense to have a nurse once a week because if a student gets sick on one of the days that the nurse is absent then the kid would have to be sent home or just stay at school. This is not right because the student would just miss school because there's not a nurse to help out. CPS is also asking for more teachers so less kids can be cramped in a classroom because it can be too much for one teacher to deal with 30+ students in one classroom. I have gone to CPS schools all my life, and I’ve seen these things happen. In elementary school I was feeling really sick and I couldn't get help because the nurse was not there. Also the strike of 2012 cancelled several days of school in result those days were made up at the end of the year and a lot of catching up was done. I talked to one of the teachers from Skinner north and she said “All the police and firefighters don't really acknowledge the teachers and people that are striking” She said she thinks that the city told them to not give the strikers attention. This means that government officials don't want law enforcers to encourage strikes even though they

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