Sidhu - Twisting the Truth

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Attention Republicans Defense lawyer Shawn Nelson has twisted the truth.

Here are the Facts:

Conservative Republican Harry Sidhu pledged to reject any and all union money, as acknowledged by OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh, April 19, 2010.

Shawn Nelson got over $25,000 in union support then voted for a 50% increase in union budgets – all at taxpayer expense. [Source: OC Registrar of Voters; Fullerton City Budgets.]

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Sound familiar? Don’t be fooled by the campaign of shady defense lawyer Shawn Nelson.

See for yourself… “Harry Sidhu is the candidate I trust to protect taxpayers and reform the whole government pension crisis. Don’t be fooled by negative attacks by opponents. Harry Sidhu is the proven conservative and taxpayer advocate.”

H Shawn


Former Republican Party Chairman

“I have worked with both Harry Sidhu and Shawn Nelson! And, I know that I can only trust Harry to protect residents and taxpayers. Harry Sidhu is committed to keeping taxes and fees low, defending property rights, and bringing new jobs to Orange County.”

H Curt


Anaheim Mayor

Defense lawyer Shawn Nelson twisting the facts to fit his own n Shawn Nelson “says” ... he’s a “victim” of attacks by unions.

The Truth? Shawn Nelson has a history of getting union money. • Official records show Shawn Nelson got over $25,000 in union support. • Then he voted to increase union budgets by 50% – all at taxpayer expense. [Source: Orange County Registrar of Voters. Fullerton City Budgets.]

terest in in d te s e v a e v a h e “W er sits v e o h W . n o ti c le e this ntrols on the council…co ts…” our pay and benefi Harris Union Boss ChrisShawn Nelson

ort for discussing his supp

ister (10-10-2002) Orange County Reg

The truth is, we can’t believe or t

is an expert at confusing and needs. But here is the truth: Shawn Nelson “says” ... he will protect taxpayers.

The Truth? Shawn Nelson is no friend of taxpayers. Just weeks after being re-elected to the City Council, Shawn Nelson began raising fees. • Raised Water Rates

[City Council Minutes, February 15, 2005]

• Raised Water Rates Again – total 20% increase under Nelson [City Council Minutes, June 16, 2009]

• Raised Airport Fees [City Council Minutes, May 20, 2003] • Even raised the local swimming pool fee [City Council Minutes, May 20, 2003]

• Then he voted to create Fullerton’s first ever sewer fee! [City Council Minutes, September 6, 2005]

City government spending grew by a whopping 67% under Nelson’s tenure. [Source: City Council Minutes and City Budget Documents]

trust what Shawn Nelson “says.”

Harry Sid

Endorsed by th

l Harry Sidhu is a proven businessman and conservative tax fighter.

l Harry Sidhu built his business from the ground up and now employs over 120 people in Orange County.

l As a City Councilman, Harry Sidhu has consistently opposed tax and fee increases.

l Harry Sidhu and his family have lived in Anaheim for over 16 years.

On June 8, Vote to Elect Harry Sidhu A true friend to the taxpayers

dhu. Trusted, Respected and

he California Republican Assembly. Join us in supporting Harry Sidhu for Supervisor


Congressman Dana Rohrabacher


Congressman Gary Miller


Board of Supervisors Chair Janet Nguyen


Board of Supervisors Vice Chair Bill Campbell


State Senator Tom Harman


State Senator Bob Huff


Assemblyman Jim Silva


Assemblyman Jeff Miller


Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle


Orange County Taxpayers Association PAC


Former Republican Party Chairman Shawn Steel


California Republican Assembly * partial listing

Paid for by Harry Sidhu for OC Supervisor 4th Dist. 2010 P.O. Box 19019 • Anaheim, CA 92817

Prsrt Std US Postage PAID Permit # 734 Anaheim, CA

: T C A F

Orange County Taxpayers Association PAC supports and endorses Harry Sidhu for Supervisor, NOT Shawn Nelson.

: T C FA

California Republican Assembly supports and endorses Harry Sidhu for Supervisor, NOT Shawn Nelson. Founded in 1

934, the Ca lifornia Rep Assembly (C ublican RA) is the o ld est and largest Rep ublican volu n teer organization in C a lifornia. President R onald Reag a n c alled the CR the “conscie A nce of the R epublican P arty.”

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