"Taxer" - Paul Biane for Supervisor

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In the race for Congress, Washington Insider and former government healthcare lob byist Elizabeth Emken has severely distor ted the facts.

Washington D.C. special interests are funding Elizabeth Emken’s attacks against conservative tax fighter David Harmer.

That’s because Elizabeth Emken worked to pass portions of the ObamaCare healthcare takeover, and now she is trying to deflect attention away from her support for government funded healthcare.

Elizabeth Emken falsely claims David Harmer was “paid by a Wall Street Bailout Bank” and he “ripped off taxpayers.”

Here are the Facts: David Harmer worked on co nsumer protection and regu latory compliance for several U.S. companies. One of them w as Washington Mutual. During the financial crisis, Washington Mutual was bo ught by JP Morgan Chase. Washington Mutual NEVER took a dime of bailout mon ey, and JP Morgan Chase was never in financial trouble.

Elizabeth Emken got he

r facts wrong.

Elizabeth Emken is the one who ripped off taxp ayers by lobbying for passage of government funded health care mandates. Taxpayer groups support Da vid Harmer, not Elizabeth Em ken, because David Harmer is th e only candidate they trust to protect taxpayers.

“…Her previous role will leave some wondering if she played both sides of the fence.” Stockton Record, March 24, 2010

to achieve “There may have to be a federal mandate necessary reform.” – Elizabeth Emken Stockton Record, March 24, 2010

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Paid for by Friends of David Harmer, Inc. 6920 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 219 Pleasanton, CA 94566


“We need strong pro-taxpayer representatives like David Harmer fighting to stop the runaway spending in Congress.”

“David Harmer is the candidate we trust to push for enforcement of our immigration laws.”

“David Harmer will cut wasteful government spending and fight to balance our federal budget.”

“I’ve had enough of the negative attacks. They do nothing to solve our problems. We need to focus on getting control of our border, our budget, and our skyrocketing national debt. That’s what I intend to do.”

End Illegal Immigration l Complete the border fence. l Send the National Guard to the border. l Strictly enforce all immigration laws.

“David Harmer will fight on behalf of taxpayers and families, and restore sanity to the national budget.”

Dean Andal

Former Assemblyman and Member, Board of Equalization

l No drivers’ licenses. No sanctuary cities. No amnesty. Stop the Overspending l Rescind unspent stimulus funds. l Devote bailout repayments to debt reduction. l Place a tough, effective cap on the budget. l Repeal the trillion-dollar healthcare takeover.

“David Harmer will fight to streamline government, cut the waste and excessive spending, and protect us from higher taxes.”

David Harmer

Reagan Republican For Congress

Governor Mitt Romney Paid for by Friends of David Harmer, Inc.

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