Microteaching transcription

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MICROTEACHING TRANSCRIPTION Valeria: Good morning students. Students: Good morning. Francisco: Hi Everyone. Students: Hi! Francisco: Good morning, sorry. Everyone laughed Valeria: How are you today guys? Students: Fine. Valeria: Fine… tired… do you want to work now? Students: Not really. Valeria: Not really? Can you please open your notebooks? We are going to work but, in a different way. We are not going to write a lot today. We are not going to think much. We are going to work with this now. Javer… Francisco: Ok guys. All of you have your copybooks? Students: YES! Francisco: OK, based on this (ppt), what can you say about these pictures? Students: Magazine. Valeria: Do you know what a magazine is? Students: No… Yes… No… Valeria: For example, who knows what a magazine is… Student: A book with pictures, articles, Francisco: Ok Valeria: Which magazines do you know for example? Students: TWO Valeria: YES! Very good! Any other magazine? Students: PEOPLE, CAGNAMO, VOGUE Valeria: Yes… Everybody laughed again. Francisco: Ok, according that, what can you say about magazines, watching here, if you see this. Do you know what a cover page is? Students: Yes… Something… Francisco: Ok, who can say what is a cover page, what a cover page is, sorry. Students: That one! Valeria: Yes! Like this. Very good. You are very smart today! Students: Today? Valeria: As always!... jajaja Ok. In a cover page which people are usually the protagonist? Students: Models, Famous people Francisco: Famous people… what else? Student: Actors… Valeria: Yes! For example, a singer… Who do you like? Students: Beyonce. Valeria: Beyonce is always beautiful.

Francisco: Any other? …. Sorry? Students: Rihanna. Francisco: Ahhh good! Valeria: Any sportmen? Alexis Sanchez, for example. Student: MOSSA. Everyone laughed Francisco: Yes! Good, maybe. A businessmen. Yes! Valeria: Farkas, for example. Student: Las Kardashian teacher! Valeria: YES! So, what do they have in common? They are… Students: FAMOUS Valeria: Yes, very good. Now we are going to see…. For example, if you have to design a cover page. You have to find out an interesting person, for example, a famous person. Francisco: Then, you have to research about important aspects of life by looking for their biographies. Valeria: What is a biography? Student: The story of the life of a person. Valeria: Yes, for example, what do we need for a biography? The first thing. Students: Where they were born, the name, birthday. Where are they from. Valeria: Yes. Student: What do they do. Valeria: Yes, for example, their careers. Students: Were they were born… Photoshop. Valeria: Photoshop! Do you know what photoshop is? Students: YES! Valeria: Can you explain it? Well, it’s a program. Student: It is a kind of app in which you can edit photos. Valeria: Yes… In order to… What is the purpose of photoshop? Students: Make photos more professional, to erase mistakes. Valeria: Yes, what do you think about photoshop? Student: It’s overused. Valeria: Is that good or bad? Student: It depends if you use it too much. Valeria: What do you think about the models for example, who use photoshop in their pictures to seem skin or skinner than they are? Student: Sometimes they look like unreal person. Francisco: Do you think that can be inappropriate or appropriate according that? Student: As Angela said overused I think it’s not good because, inclusive for example, some actors also they said that when they see their own pictures they said that they realized that they are different. Valeria: Ok, thank you for your opinions… well, at the end we need to put like a tip like a title for example, “Rihanna rocks” or something that is attractive for people that going to buy the magazine. Francisco: What else can you say according that picture, it is a good title, what else.

Students: Subtitles. Francisco: Ok, subtitles; news, details and the… Students: Pictures! Francisco: PICTURES! Very good. Valeria: So now, we are going to work so, please, form groups of four. You can work here. Francisco: Ok, I need group of four, very fast, very quickly. Ok, 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. Ok. You four…. OK. Now, what you have to do… please, your attention here. What you’re going to do. All of you are working in group of 4 people, except this one. So, I need you to choose or reorder you who is going to be the interviewer and who is going to be the interviewee. Do you know what that is? Students: YES NO Francisco: The interviewer… Valeria: For example, I’m a famous Francisco: You are famous. Valeria: Yes. Francisco: And I am the journalist. So, who is she? Students: The interviewee Francisco: The interviewee and I am the interviewer. Good. Valeria: Very good. Francisco: I’m going to give you some little pieces of… Valeria: of paper because I want you to help you to speak with each other because you are are not use to speak in English and we have to start practicing, speaking. It is because it is very important for your knowledge about English and your pronunciation. So, for example, you have this. Francisco: Here… who is going to be the interviewee… (every group) Student: teacher… do we have to answer this? Francisco: Yes, the idea is that you have to ask the question. The idea is that you have to pretend that you are the journalist. So, you ask introduce yourself and then you ask her and according that you can answer those questions. (each group) Valeria: (helping some students) I am from… She is… Yes… very good. You have to speak in Enlgish. Ask and answer in the language. Can you speak? Nice! Good job! Are you finished? Students: Yes.. No Valeria: No yet? Ok, now you have your relevant information and now I need you to decide as a group which is the most popular or the most interesting people that you need to choose for the cover page Ok? You have to design a cover page. Teachers give paper to design cover pages Francisco: Does anyone need colours? Valeria: What person do you need? This one? So, you have to stick it on your cover page. Student: Do we have to create the titles or we just have to copy the answers? Valeria: You can use the information that you have in your interview and you can look for extra information if you want and also I have few pictures if you need and if you are not good at drawing. For example, what did you choose? Student: Rihanna, but teacher, do we have to invent the name of the magazine?

Valeria: Yes, yes you have to, and also the title. Maybe if you want you can stick the pictures. Francisco: Ok guys, I hope you are working very hard because at the end when you finish your activity we are going to choose whose the best one. Ok? Whose the cover page. So, you have to make an effort and make them very pretty. Ok! Who’s your interviewee? Student: Alexis. Francisco: Good! Valeria: Three minutes to finish. Francisco: Ok guys, three minutes so make effort! Student: Alixis! Valeria: It doesn’t matter if you have mistakes because what I need you is to see what you achieve in class. Francisco: two minutes left. Valeria: What a nice drawing! I will give you two extra points because I love Rihanna (laughing) Teacher writes the name of the magazines on the board Francisco: Girls! All of you can do something. Someone can write, someone can colour Come on! Work! Student: Don’t worry teacher. This is a black & white picture. Valeria: You have one minute left. I need you to come in front of the class to present your famous person. Francisco: Ok guys. Time’s up! We’re going to check your cover pages. Now you have to present in front of the class all of your pretentions. Who’s first? Valeria: The first is “The Pichanga Magazine” please. Francisco: Ok “the pichanga magazine”. Valeria: Are you ready “The Pichanga Magazine”? Students: No teacher! We’re photoshopping. Valeria: Ah ok, you are with photoshop. OK another volunteer to present? Student: We are ready. Valeria/Francisco: Ok, good, thank you! Valeria: So you are… Celebrity Magazine. Student: Yes Francisco: So, you have to show your picture, your cover page, your celebrity and the idea is that you have to present all those things. Students: Ok, this is our magazine called “Celebritiy” and they chose a title with this… We have the singer of the year Valeria: And… Who is Rihanna? Can you tell me some information about Rihanna? Students: She is a singer, she is 28 years old, she is from Barbados, she live in New York Francisco: She lives. Student: SHE LIVES Valeria: And Gabriel, another extra information? Student: I don’t know I didn’t do the interview for her. Everybody laughed

Valeria: But, do you like Rihanna? Student: NO! Valeria: No? Student: Sorry. Valeria: It doesn’t matter. Thank you! Francisco: You did a good title, so very good! Valeria: Nice work! Thank you! Ok! Another group? Francisco: Ok girls. Go ahead. Student: This is our famous person. She is Kendall Jenner and she is a model she became famous because she participated in the show “Keeping up with the Kardashians” and our magazine is called “beautiful people” and the title is “Kendall arrives in Chile” because she was here last month Valeria: Very good job! Thank you! Francisco: Who’s next? Over there? Ok, come on. Students: Ok, our character is Gary Medel. The name of our magazine is “Red Hot Chiliean Players” and the title of this is “The most dangerous Chilean pitbull” Francisco: What can you say about your famous? Students: He is 28 years old. He is now living in Italy and he is a professional soccer player. Valeria: Do you like Gary Medel? Students: Yes.. No. Valeria: And César, can you tell me something about Gary Medel? Student: I don’t like football Francisco: But any of you know what team he is playing for is? Students: Milan Francisco: Milan and anything else? Valeria: But he doesn’t like Football. (Everybody laughed) Thank you guys. Good job! And the last one. Francisco: The last one is “The Pichanga” Students: Our interviewee is Alexis Sanchez, he is the king of England because he is the most important player of Arsenal and now he is living in London so, he is considered by the interviewers the king of England. He is 27 years old… Valeria: You cannot read. Student: He was born in 1988 Valeria: Where? Students: Chile, Tocopilla and he lives with two dogs Valeria: Angela, can you tell something about Alexis Sanchez? Maybe Do you like football or something? Student: He is a very good player Valeria: Yes! Very good, thank you Francisco: Thank you guys. Valeria: So, we have to decide. Francisco: Now, as I said, we are going to choose the best one. Valeria: I need you to give us applauses in order to choose the best. But be honest! So, “The pichanga”

Francisco: “The Red Hot Chilean Players” Valeria: “Beautiful People” with Kendall Jenner and “Celebrities Magazine” with Rihanna Francisco: So, we have to finalist. It is between these two. Applauses for “The Pichanga Magazine” and applauses for “Celebrities Magazine” Valeria: So the winner is “The Pichanga” Congratulations! You worked awesome today so, see you next class. Francisco: Thank you guys.

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