Jap Sam Books - Catalogue 2017-2018

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Jap Sam Books is an independent, international publishing house based in the Netherlands.



author Steven ten Thije preface Birgit Donker editors Mirjam Beerman, Steven van Teeseling design Stout / Kramer

Jap Sam Books publishes titles that explore developments in architecture, art, philosophy, design, photography, and theory as well as the fields that touch them, such as urbanism, landscape, sociology and history. Our publishing house has been established to reflect, connect and respond to developments in these fields,

hardcover 88 pp. 12.4 x 18.6 cm English ISBN 978-90-76936-49-9 € 15.-

by bringing out a range of critical and reflective publications for an international audience. Our publications are not only educational and inspirational, but also very beautifully designed, and all produced in close collaboration with our contributors. The following pages contain a complete catalogue of available publications,

together with a list of forthcoming titles.




The Emancipated Museum Lonely Planet. Campania Felix. Susan Kooi Lonely Planet. Yamatai-koku (邪馬台国). Susan Kooi Ik weet niet wat jij gaat zeggen I Don't Know What You Are Going To Say Home Reassembled I wonder if they 'll laugh when I'm dead. Tirzo Martha




6 8






Verborgen landschap






12 Evidence


14 16

Footprint 20 & 21 Gwangju Folly III. see play eat walk



Play the City

p r e v i o u s ly a n n o u n c e d a r c h i t e c t u r e















The emancipated museum

In The emancipated museum the art historian and researcher Steven ten Thije engages in a personal inquiry into the importance of art museums in a society that is becoming ever more fragmented. In spite of the unprecedented success of museums in attracting masses of visitors, the future of the museum is uncertain. Museums may appear calm and self-assured to outsiders, but not even this noble showcase of art is immune to the cracks in society. The tensions between high and low, newcomer and native, rich and poor insidiously worm their way into the museum foundations like concrete decay. Society is adrift and the museum has to follow in its wake. Ten Thije looks for a new future in which art museums can become part of a new emancipation movement; a future in which museums offer an open environment that gives priority to the quality of the museum visit and challenges visitors to make their own choices.

Steven ten Thije (1980) is an art historian, curator and author. He is associated with the Van Abbemuseum as coordinator of the European museum confederation L’internationale. In 2013 he was one of the founders of ‘Stone in the pond’ to research and debate art and democracy. This is the twelfth essay in a series of essays commissioned by the Mondriaan Fund. – www.mondriaanfonds.nl

Also available The Myth of Artisthood Camiel van Winkel ISBN 978-90-76936-40-6 Creativity and Other Fundamentalisms Pascal Gielen ISBN 978-90-76936-39-0 Wild Park. Commissioning the Unexpected Jeroen Boomgaard ISBN 978-90-76936-28-4 Post-Propaganda Jonas Staal ISBN 978-90-76936-22-2 Koolhaas in Beijing Edzard Mik ISBN 978-90-76936-27-7



Lonely Planet Campania Felix Susan Kooi * This publication accompanied the solo exhibition 'Lonely Planet' by Susan Kooi, curated by Marloes de Vries, at Showroom MAMA in Rotterdam. * This alternative travel guide tells the tales of the artefacts that are found and made by Susan Kooi in the Italian region Campania. –



concept and idea Susan Kooi authors Susan Kooi Hanna Bervoets Maurits de Bruijn Nathalie Hartjes Vincent Hunnik Tommi Vasko Marloes de Vries editing Guus van Engelshoven translation Italian Maria Rosaria Di Lecce translation English Jason Coburn photography Tomas Mutsaers design Tommi Vasko producer & co-publisher Showroom MAMA softcover 82 pp. 12.2 x 19.6 cm 38 bl&w & 31 fc illustrations English | Dutch | Italian ISBN 978-94-90322-82-3 € 21,50.Made possible by the Creative Industries Fund NL, AFK Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Fornace Falcone officia -

softcover 112 pp. 15 x 21 cm 30 illustrations Dutch edition ISBN 978-94-90322-89-2 English edition ISBN 978-94-90322-91-5 € 17,50.-

softcover approx. 82 pp. 12.2 x 19.6 cm English ISBN 978-94-90322-93-9 € 21,50.-

With the support of Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen, Bijzonder Onderzoek Fonds, Universiteit Antwerpen, Academie voor Kunst en Vormgeving St. Joost, Breda/’s-Hertogenbosch, Antwerp

With the support of Amsterdamse Fonds voor de Kunst, Mondriaan Fund, Saga prefecture.

Lonely Planet. Yamatai-koku (邪馬台国) is the second part of the Lonely Planet triptych, and the book consists of the work that Kooi made during her residency in Arita Japan. Arita is the birthplace of Japanese porcelain production with a rich history dating back more then 400 years. –

terracotta, Showroom MAMA (MAMA is supported by the City of Rotterdam and the Mondriaan Fund).

Lonely Planet: Campania Felix is the first part of a triptych in which Dutch artist Susan Kooi (1988) travels to Italy, Portugal and Japan to work with various traditions of ceramic crafts. The project reflects on how artefacts signify meaning during their lifespan and are carriers of meaning for extraction in the future. The artist seeks evidence of the objects' use and meaning, both real and fictitious, with the resulting stories forming a publication. Kooi’s project presents the (user) object as a time machine and speculates on how the object can have multiple truths and merge different timelines. For the first part of the Lonely Planet triptych, Susan Kooi travelled to Campania,

author Erik Hagoort design Jean-Michel Meyers Co-publisher Track Report

concept and idea Susan Kooi authors Susan Kooi Yoriko Ishizawa Hangil Jang Fukae Ryohei Colleen Morgan Youngbin Kim design Carolina Aboarrage Photography Susan Kooi Mirjam Watajima

Lonely Planet Yamatai-koku (邪馬台国) Susan Kooi


where history is palpable and old crafts are still practised. She worked at the Fornace Falcone terracotta works in Montecalvino, searched for objects in Naples, and found ancient graffiti in Pompeii. Susan Kooi completed her bachelor’s degree in VAV at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2012. Her multidisciplinary practice includes music, video, sculpture, installations, text, and fashion. Her interest in notions of (pre) history has a cheery existentialist perspective. What are the objects that lay claim to existence? – www.showroommama.nl www.susankooi.com

Ik weet niet wat jij gaat zeggen I Don't Know What You Are Going To Say Erik Hagoort * Dit boek en de daarin opgenomen bijeenkomsten maakt deel uit van het doctoraatsonderzoek in de kunst Ontmoetingen hernemen van Erik Hagoort, aan de Universiteit Antwerpen en de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen, verenigd in ARIA. * Track Report documenteert het artistiek onderzoek aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen – Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool. * This book and the gatherings documented in it is part of Erik Hagoort’s PhD art research under the title Resuming Encounters, at Antwerp University / the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (united under the name ARIA). * Track Report documents artistic research at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp – Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool. –

Dit boek geeft een beeld van wat er hardop werd gedacht tijdens enkele bijeenkomsten die Erik Hagoort initieerde. In essays bouwt hij voort op gedachten over nabijheid van onder anderen Ilse Bulhof, Emmanuel Levinas en Cornelis Verhoeven.

Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA).

This book provides a picture of the ‘thinking aloud’ that went on during several gatherings initiated by Erik Hagoort. In a series of essays, he builds on ideas on closeness that originate from Ilse Bulhof, Emmanuel Levinas and Cornelis Verhoeven. I Don’t Know What You Are Going Ik weet niet wat jij gaat zeggen bevat To Say contains disarming lines ontwapenende gedachtegangen die of thought that prompt further aanzetten tot verder denken over thinking on aspects of encounter: facetten van ontmoeten: onbekomuninhibitedness, embarrassment, merdheid, gêne, verwondering en astonishment and responsibility. verantwoording. In addition to researching conditions Naast een praktijk waarin Erik Hagoort for encounters in art, Erik Hagoort condities van ontmoeten in de teaches at the Royal Academy of Fine kunst onderzoekt, doceert hij aan de Arts in Antwerp and at the Master Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Institute of the St. Joost Academy of Kunsten in Antwerpen en aan het Art and Design in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Masterinstituut van de Academie – voor Kunst en Vormgeving St. Joost in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. www.erikhagoort.nl – www.track-report.be




editors Aleksi Malmberg Annuka Vähäsöyrinki artist Anssi Pulkkinen translator Susan Heiskanen proofreading Susan Heiskanen Aaron Bogart design Thomas Soete co-publisher Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux

Home Reassembled On Art, Destruction & Belonging * The starting point for the book’s texts are the different interpretations of Anssi Pulkkinen’s contemporary artwork, Street View (Reassembled), a touring artwork commissioned by the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux. * Pulkkinen’s art work as well as the related Home Reassembled book form part of Mobile Home 2017, a joint project of the Finnish Cultural and Academic Institutes in Paris, Berlin, London and Brussels that explores the many meanings of home. * Home Reassembled was launched at the Habitare Fair at Helsinki Messukeskus, 13-17 September 2017. –

Nine essays on home, identity, and ruins. Writers, artists, curators, and researchers discuss homelessness and war, utopias of free movement, reconstructing cities and their histories, and the ethics of art. Viewpoints from Benelux, Finland, and Syria are bound together by artist Anssi Pulkkinen’s Street View (Reassembled), a mobile installation of a ruined Syrian home. The essays offer surprising perspectives into timely themes in today’s world.

softcover 104 pp. 13 x 19 cm 1 b&w illustration English ISBN 978-94-90322-85-4 € 19.50

'The concept of home is in constant flux and deeply political, and it holds within questions of gender, ethnicity and social status. Many people live without a home or in between homes, voluntarily or by force. The middle-class utopia of a mobile home, epitomised by the motor home, easily turns into a travesty of itself.' - From the foreword by editors Aleksi Malmberg and Annukka Vähäsöyrinki – www.finncult.be

With contributions by journalist Umayya Abu-Hanna, architect and writer Marwa Al-Sabouni, islam scholar and professor Jaako Hämeen-Anttila, art historian and professor Hanna Johansson, visual artist Anssi Pulkkinen, writer and lecturer Max Ryynänen, visual artist, gallerist, documentary filmmaker Issa Touma, design journalist and researcher Rosa te Velde, critic and curator Vincent van Velsen and the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux.





editor Rob Perrée artist Tirzo Martha translation Jane Hall Michael Meert design Mainstudio (Edwin van Gelder, Patrick Sanders) softcover 304 pp. 16.8 x 23.5 cm 31 bl&w, 204 fc illustrations English ISBN 978-94-90322-88-5 € 29.50 Made possible with the generous support of the Fonds Ars Antilliani administered by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, the Mondriaan Fund and the Harten Fonds.

I wonder if they’ll laugh when I’m dead Tirzo Martha * With text contributions by Tirzo Martha, Kitty Zijlmans, Annie Paul, Jennifer Smit, Michèle Dalmace, José Manuel Noceda Fernández, Carlos Garrido Castellano, Orando Britto Jinorio, Yacouba Konate, Adi Martis, Rob Perrée, Alex van Stipriaan. * From 13 October 2017 to 4 February 2018 the first solo exhibition of Tirzo Martha ‘No Excuses!’ in the Netherlands is on display at Museum Beelden aan Zee in Scheveningen. * With a beautiful design by Mainstudio, Amsterdam. –

The first monograph for artist Tirzo Martha (Willemstad, Curacao 1965), this artist book offers a compelling complilation of his art works, mixed media performances and installations. Tirzo Martha’s urge and necessity to create art has its origin not in his ability to be creative but in his humanitarian and social engagement. He saw in art the space and the infinite possibilities for strengthening his voice, and the urge to communicate.
 Much like an anthropologist, he went into all the details that comprise the big puzzle of how people exist. Besides all of the oral and physical information that he gathered, he was also getting visual information that would be the point of departure for his artworks. He considered the living-conditions and the way people coped with their space and objects; their strength to visualise dreams, hopes, disappointments and states of mind. He would translate such information into ideas and structures that would become his body of work. This brought him to the installations, videos and performances presented in this publication.

Martha started his education on Curacao at the local Academia di Arte Korsou in 1985. From there he received a special grant to study in Utrecht, the Netherlands, at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten where he moved towards fashion design, and in 1989 (until 1991) he was selected to follow up on his education at the private Frans Molenaar Fashion School. In the period 1991–1992 he decided to turn around his career and went back to Curacao, to develop himself as a socially engaged artist. He is a co-founder of the Instituto Buena Bista – Curacao Center for Contemporary Art and exhibited his autonomous work and public interventions in the Netherlands, Curacao, Germany, Portugal, Martinique, Santo Domingo and the US. – www.tirzomartha.com





editors Andre Dekker Caro Delsing Hans Jungerius Jaap Kroneman design Jaap Kroneman co-publisher Stichting Verborgen Landschap softcover 200 pp. 17 x 24 cm numerous illustrations Dutch ISBN 978-94-90322-83-0 € 27,50 Made possible with the support

Verborgen Landschap Vergezichten voor een landschapspark in wording – kunstenaars verkennen een vergeten landschap * With contributions by: Atelier de Lyon, Atelier Veldwerk, Marc Bijl, BiOP, Frank Bruggeman, Buro Harro, Catalogtree, Robbie Cornelissen, Martijn Duineveld & Michal Merzel, Marten Hendriks, Esther Kokmeijer, Jaap Kroneman, Heidi Linck, Observatorium, Erik Odijk, Hester Oerlemans, Gerco de Ruijter, Arnold Schalks, Marena Seeling, Pier Taylor, Hans Venhuizen & Margot Schuster, Rob Voerman, Jeroen van Westen & Jan de Graaf, Ester van de Wiel & David Hamers, Hans Wijninga. * Perception of landscape is central to this publication. * An inspiration for spatial planning, this book provides insight into a research methodology in which a period of isolation leads to imagination and vision to inspire planning, cultural history and the arts. * This book is of value to planners, policymakers, artists, (landscape) architects, students and lovers of landscape sciences, visual arts, tourism and cultural heritage. –

Verborgen Landschap (hidden landscape) describes the paradox of isolated, yet publicly accessible forests, fields and grand forest lanes. It indicates the anomaly of a twilight zone between international brands as Sonsbeek, Van Gogh, Burgers’ Zoo and Open Air Museum. This latent landscape park is located prominently halfway between Randstad, the conurbation of four big cities of Holland and the Ruhr Valley metropolis. On a local level it sits between Sonsbeek Park, well known for it’s public art quadrennials and Kröller-Müller Museum, famous for it’s setting in the National Park and collection of Van Gogh. This is a very intriguing area. During World War II Germany built right there the largest airport in Europe: Fliegerhorst Deelen. More than 900 buildings were constructed over 200 of them are now national heritage. The Germans camouflaged these buildings as farmhouses (called ‘Heimatschutz style’). This book reveals the history of forests and fields full of fascinating stories big and small. It presents a collection of unique historical maps, artistic drawings, artisticdocumentary photographs and intriguing studies by explorers from the fields of landscape architecture, art and design.

of Gemeente Arnhem, Provincie Gelderland, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Gelderland and Stichting Stokroos.

Since 2013, Stichting Verborgen Landschap has invited artists, researchers and landscape architects to do reconnaissance from the heart of Buitenplaats Koningsweg in Arnhem, a former military site which has been transformed to a cultural enclave. The majority of the explorers are independent artists or researchers specializing in landscape who strive for a land-use, which appeals to the imagination. Their findings form the core of this book. Scholarships enabled them to work in the relative seclusion of the woods ands fields around Schaarsbergen, north of Arnhem, guided by their curiosity, their professional expertise and their imagination. Needless to say they were all quite lonely in the hidden landscape most of the time. – www.verborgenlandschap.nl





concept, photos, editing Jan Dietvorst & Roy Villevoye authors Andrea Cinel An van. Dienderen translation Dirk Verbiest layout Gerard ‘s-Gravendijk co-publisher Argos Centre for Art & Media, Brussels softcover 172 pp. 15 x 20 cm 148 fc illustrations English ISBN 978-94-90322-90-8 € 15.Published with the support of the

EVIDENCE Jan Dietvorst & Roy Villevoye * The work of Roy Villevoye (Maastricht 1960) has its origins in the encounter with other people and cultures. It has gradually evolved as a testimony of uncomfortable encounters between two a-synchronous cultures, beyond the simplified scheme of progress, the primitive and mythical and the conventional assessment of values and manners. His work reflects on the interweaving and complexity of this interaction. He often makes films in collaboration with Jan Dietvorst. * Jan Dietvorst (Bergen op Zoom 1953) studied sociology at the Radboud University Nijmegen and visual arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam. He makes images and drawings. Together with Roy Villevoye he made around twenty films. His texts on various cultural-critical topics are published on his blog on his website. He also writes texts about other artists. * Argos is the leading national institute for art film and video in Brussels. Argos was the first – and still is – the most complete art centre devoted to this recent art form in Belgium. Argos’ expertise with regard to the conservation, restoration, production and presentation of art films and videos is widely recognized. _

Mondriaan Fund.

For almost twenty years the Dutch artists Jan Dietvorst and Roy Villevoye have been exploring issues as diverse as anthropological representation, the conventions of documentary filmmaking and culture as a means of adaptation and re-enactment. The publication EVIDENCE is published on the occasion of their first major solo exhibition EVIDENCE in Belgium, which was exhibited from 14 May to 16 July 2017 in Argos, Brussels. The method of editing used in their collective film work has been applied in this book to 148 photographs from their archives. In his contribution to the book, art historian and curator of the exhibition Andrea Cinel discusses the nonnarrative and non-linear way in which their work makes connections and creates meaning. Filmmaker An van Dienderen, who obtained a PhD in Comparative Cultural Sciences, places their work outside the traditional documentary genre that she considers characterized by a predictable claim to reality and a fixed relationship of authority between filmmaker and subject. Her text is a plea for the cinematography of visual artists. _ www.jandietvorst.com www.royvillevoye.com www.argosarts.org





editors Karan August Lara Schrijver design Meagan Kerr co-publisher Architecture Theory Chair (TU Delft) and Stichting Footprint softcover 122 pp. 19 x 25.7 cm 19 bl&w illustrations English ISBN 978-4-90322-84-7 € 25.-

Footprint 21 Trans-Bodies / Queering Spaces This issue of Footprint aims to introduce the latest developments in the field of queer theory into the realm of architecture and urban design – and vice versa, to make architectural and urban design concerns an element of queer studies. Next to uncovering hitherto hidden or repressed histories and practices as part of an agenda of inclusiveness, we consider an introduction of queer theory to architecture as engendering a radical reconceptualisation of the architectural discipline: That is, to upset and replace any conception

of architecture as an embodiment of essentialist identities, forms or types, in order to move towards an understanding of architecture as a practice engaged in consistent transformation. Such a reconceptualisation of architecture views difference in terms of process, foregrounds liminal situations, their metamorphosis and transgression. –


editors Robert Gorny Dirk van den Heuvel design Meagan Kerr co-publisher Architecture Theory Chair (TU Delft) and Stichting Footprint softcover approx. 100 pp. 19 x 25.7 cm bl&w illustrations English ISBN 978-4-90322-92-2 € 25.-

http://footprint.tudelft.nl www.tudelft-architecture.nl/chairs/ architecture-theory

Footprint 20 Analytic Philosophy and Architecture Approaching Things from the Other Side * Footprint is a peer-reviewed journal presenting academic research in the field of architecture theory. * From this perspective, the journal encourages the study of architecture and the urban environment as a means of comprehending culture and society, and as a tool for relating them to shifting ideological doctrines and philosophical ideas. * The journal promotes the creation and development – or revision – of conceptual frameworks and methods of inquiry. It is engaged in creating a body of critical and reflexive texts with a breadth and depth of thought which would enrich the architecture discipline and produce new knowledge, conceptual methodologies and original understandings. –

This issue of Footprint explores the potential role of analytic philosophy in the context of architecture’s typical affinity with continental philosophy over the past three decades. In the last decades of the twentieth century, philosophy became an almost necessary springboard from which to define a work of architecture. Analytic philosophy took a notable backseat to continental philosophy. With this history in mind, this issue of Footprint sought to open the discussion on what might be offered by the less familiar branches of epistemology and logic that are more prevalent and developed in the analytic tradition. The papers brought together here are situated in the context of a discipline in transformation that seeks a fundamental approach to its own tools, logic and approaches. In this realm, the approaches of logic and epistemology help to define an alternate means of criticality not

subjected to personalities or the specialist knowledge of individual philosophies. Rather the various articles attempt to demonstrate that such difference of background assumptions is a common human habit and that some of the techniques of analytic philosophy may help to leap these chasms. The hope is that this is a start of a larger conversation in architecture theory that has as of yet not begun. With contributions by Karan August, Lara Schrijver, Tim Gough, Pauline Lefebvre, Borbála Jász, Andrea Alberto Dutto, Sean Pickersgill, Fabrio Bacchini, David Macarthur. –

Also available Footprint 17 The ‘Bread & Butter’ of Architecture ISBN 978-94-90322-61-8 Footprint 18 Constellation of Awakening: Benjamin and Architecture ISBN 978-94-90322-64-9 Footprint 19 Spaces of Conflict ISBN 978-94-90322-72-4 With the support of Delft University of Technology.





editorial team Eui-Young Chun Uoo Sang Yoo Jinbok Wee Hongsung Kim Eleonoor Jap Sam design & co-producer Kerb, Seoul softcover approx. 250 pp. numerous illustrations 13 x 19 cm English | Korean 978-94-90322-86-1 € 15,- (W20,000) Published with the support of the

see play eat walk Gwangju Folly III: Where the everyday and the unexpected intersect * With follies by Hoon Moon (Korea), realities:united, Tim Edler & Jan Edler (Germany), ByoungSoo Cho (Korea), Jinwoo Jang, Changjoong Kim & Siyon Jin (Korea), Hyoung-Gul Kook + Sue Gyong, (Korea) Leif Høgfeldt Hansen (Denmark), and Winy Maas MVRDV (the Netherlands). * Four different covers focusing on the verbs: see, play, eat and walk. * The design of the book embodies the creative possibility which urban folly can make for the city through unexpected encounter of photography, illustration and typography that evokes the diverse layers of the city. An active use of grid system allows organizing various materials, such as photographs; drawings; maps; and essays from curators, architects, artists, professors in multilingual texts set in both English and Korean. * Kerb also created all illustrations and cartography for the book. _

Creative Industries NL, CROWN-HAITAI, A Confectionery Group, Gwangju Biennale Foundation.

Founded in 1995 in memory of the April Revolution in 1960 and the May 18 Gwangju Democratization Movement in 1980, the Gwangju Biennale is one of the oldest and most renowned modern art biennales in Asia. Under the direction of such prominent curators a Yong-woo Lee, Massimiliano Gioni, Okwui Enwezor, Charles Esche, Hou Hanru, Hong-hee Kim, Kwangsoo Oh, Wan-kyoung Dung, Young-chul Lee, Kerry Brougher, Suk-won Chang, and Harald Szeemann, Gwangju Biennale has established itself as a major player in the international contemporary art biennale scene. Gwangju Folly project was initiated as part of the 2011 Gwangju Design Biennale led by co-artistic directors Seung H-Sang and Ai Weiwei. Following its second edition in 2013 with Nikolaus Hirsch, 2016 Gwangju Folly III is conceived by Eui-Young Chun and introduces a series of new follies in the urban space of Gwangju in South Korea. Under the theme of Folly & Everyday Life – Taste and Beauty, Gwangju Folly III designed verbs to experience taste and beauty. This book presents the four follies, new commissioned works from architects and artists to challenge the perception of public space: View Folly, GD (Gwangju Dutch) Folly, Cook Folly, Fun Pun Folly and Mini Folly as a sub-folly. Gwangju Folly III perceives follies as a new and creative spatial alternative that is able to overcome the contextual limitations of

GD Folly ‘THE I LOVE STREET’, courtesy MVRDV

existing urban cities and facilitate greater communication with the public. The Gwangju Folly III Project, thus, attempts to create an unconventional and participatory project where the everyday and the unexpected intersect. The GD (Dutch Gwangju) Folly is created by Dutch architecture and urban design practice MVRDV. This folly was initiated by the Gwangju Biennale Foundation and the Netherlands Creative Industries Fund NL. The folly, which consists of a series of different pavements that can be used for sitting, painting, jumping on trampolines, playing in sand, has been installed

in front of the main gate of the Seosuk Elementary school, keeping the street a pedestrian-only zone. It is expected for children and citizens to gather, relax, play, and engage with their surroundings. _ www.kerb.kr www.gwangjufolly.org www.gwangjubiennale.org




author Ekim Tan editorial assistants Mehdi Comeau Adam van Heerden illustrations Lucas Brallsford Play the City Courtesy design Mainstudio softcover 392 pp. 17 x 23 cm numerous bl&w illustrations English ISBN 978-94-90322-87-8 € 30.This publication has been made

Play the City Games Informing the Urban Development * A new book by Play the City. From Cape Town to Amsterdam to Istanbul, the book sheds light into the particular applications and outcomes of City Gaming in diverse planning and city making regimes worldwide. * Following Ekim Tan’s PhD work on city gaming, this book has been designed to make her research more accessible to all. The book features a chapter dedicated to unravelling the city-gaming method as developed by the Play the City teams, with case studies from Shenzhen, Cape Town, Amsterdam, Almere and Istanbul. * In addition to Play the City’s work, the book includes reviews of select influential city-games from around the world, and is enriched with personal interviews from gaming experts such as Eric Gordon, Pablo Suarez and Mohini Dutta. –

possible with the generous support of the Creative Industries Fund NL, the Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting.

“New generations of city officers will speak the language of games and they will play to plan their cities. We, the experts working for the city, need to adapt our methods to fit a new generation of policymakers and city makers that are born into a world that not only contains, but is reshaped by, the likes of Minecraft, Pokemon Go and Foursquare on a daily basis. Interactive maps, mixed realities, 3D environments, and multiplayer settings are the new mediums through which an entire generation perceives the urban world. Imagine a future where cities are modelled, tested, designed, and reshaped through interactive, collaborative games. At Play the City, we are working towards creating this future. This book therefore will inspire not only the city officers or experts in city making, as architects and planners, but anyone who feels interested and responsible for their living environments.” - Ekim Tan, founder Play the City Foundation

Born in Istanbul, Ekim Tan relocated to the Netherlands after having worked and studied in the United States, Syria and Egypt. Being trained as an architect, her growing interest and passion in cities and games led to a doctoral degree at the Delft University of Technology, titled ‘Negotiation and Design for the Self-organizing City: Gaming as a Method for Urban Design’. In 2008, Ekim Tan founded Play the City, an Amsterdam and Istanbul based city consultancy firm that helps governments and market parties effectively collaborate with stakeholders. Since developing the City Gaming method during her doctoral research at the Delft University of Technology, it has been applied in projects worldwide, among others, in Istanbul, Amsterdam, Tirana, Cape Town and Brussels. – www.playthecity.nl



P R E V I O U S LY A N N O U N C E D - A R C H I T E C T U R E | T H E O R Y

P R E V I O U S LY A N N O U N C E D - A R C H I T E C T U R E | T H E O R Y

auteur Tony Fretton design Joost Grootens softcover 160 pp. 13.5 x 21 cm <75 illustrations English ISBN 978-94-90322-70-0 € 27.50 With support of the Creative Industries Fund NL.

A E I OU Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes by Tony Fretton * Tony Fretton was Chair of Architectural Design-Interiors at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands 1999-2013. He was visiting professor at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard in 2005-2006, at ETH Zurich in 2011-2012 and Oslo School of Architecture in 2015-16. –

A E I OU Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes. The name itself says something of the nature of Tony Fretton’s collected writing. As an Architect he has said: ‘Words, the most collective form of communication, thread their way through the projects, in explanations to clients and constructors, and as my means, along with drawings, of explaining the projects to my collaborators, to myself and to the wider world.’ As Professor of Architectural DesignInteriors at TU Delft, he wrote: ‘Interior design accommodates peoples physical and emotional comfort and rituals of use directly in the material of buildings, and offers freedom, directness and social meaning to Architecture’.

Between these two professional poles lies a series of articles on other architects, essays on the historical currents in architecture, interviews in which Fretton lays out the developing bases of his practices, and out-takes: ideas and phrase retrieved from early drafts and unpublished writing. Tony Fretton is a principal of Tony Fretton Architects with James McKinney, David Owen and Guy Derwent. Buildings designed and realised by the practice include the Lisson Gallery London, Red House Chelsea, Fuglsang Kunstmuseum in Denmark, which was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize, the new British Embassy in Warsaw, Solid 11, a multi-purpose building in Amsterdam, and most recently two apartment towers in Antwerp Harbour and the City Hall in Deinze Belgium. Buildings and their Territories a monograph on the work of the practice was published by Birkhauser in 2013. – www.tonyfretton.com




[A] Arabic  [C] Chinese [D] Dutch [E] English [F] French  [G] German [P] Portuguese  [S] Spanish

Demystified. The European Ceramic Workcentre as Centre of Excellence Nick Renshaw ISBN 978-94-90322-71-7  € 33.00


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