Jandwee Journal issue 6 - Reliving the 90's

Page 45

Laughter has proven to be the best remedy for all

finding my niche felt like this was all meant to be.”

kinds of ache, and a sure way to get to people’s soft

Freddy’s comedies are usually varied, ranging from

spot. Freddy has stolen the likes of many through

the warm slapstick humor that compliments the

his channels, and his journey hosting countless of

lifestyle of the chinese community, also playing up

parties that makes every moments unforgettable.

parodies of the pop culture phenomenon. “I don’t

Through his inner wacky sides, Freddy manages

know how to exactly brand my comedy, I believe

to garner thousands of loyal followers the leads

as long as people find it entertaining, you can call

to millions views for his Youtube channel, filled

it what you want”. There are cover songs, funny

with comedies of life. “I got lucky to be given the

sketches and even advertising pieces that truly

opportunity to get involved in the radio industry

highlight Freddy’s talent as a triple threat talent.

from the get go. I was recruited as a DJ, music

Some of the most popular pop culture parodies are

director and a lot of other roles that now fueled me

The Conjuring with Freddy playing as Valak slightly

to create a better content each time. I made my

groovier version of Valak, cover songs of Selena

first few videos out of fun, and I never expected it

Gomez, and of course a lot of bloopers that brings

to went viral, but I fell in love with it all and I guess

even more comedy to the light.

Jandwee Journal // 45

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