St. Patrick's Day Special Irish Arts & Entertainment 2022

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I r i sh Am er i can H er i t age M on t h

Vo l . X X X # 4

St . Pat r i ck 's D ay 20 22

Proclamation on page 3

M ar ch ` A n M ar t a

Los Angeles I rish Civic D ay Set for M arch 18

M ar y O 'N ei l l & Pat r i ck C assi d y T o B e H o n o r ed

M ar y L O'Neill

Th e 147TH. An n u al Ir ish Day Civic Cer em on y Will Tak e Place At t h e Th e Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach . Ir ish M an an d Wom an of t h e Year C) Pg 19 an d a h ost of Ir ish Com m u n it y Hon or ees w ill be r ecogn ized. Full Coverage on 16 PatPgr ick B) 9 Cassidy E) Pg 22

Tommy and the Brothers Set to premier at T H E W REN soon! See Feature on page 18 & T icket link in calendar H) Pg 8

Ken O'M alley, Ter r y M cCar t n & Den is M u r r ay t oget h er again as THE M ULLIGANS Pg 31


St . Pat r ick 's Day

Expan ded Calen dar G) Pg 23 St ar t s on Page 31

BEST BETS in Calen dar !

Ir elan dWeek an d Scot t sFest w ill be bot h be back in M ay!

For Over FIFTY YEARS!! The Hollywood Ir ish Impor t Shop has been St. Patr ick's Day HQ for SoCal's Ir ish Community! All your favor ite Goods & Tr eats ar e in Stock! DROP BY or CALL FOR FREE DELIVERY!

Sain t Pat r ick 's Day HQ

N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N OUR NEWLY IMHPROVED O PEN M A RC 16

WEBSITE IS UP!! w w ish im por t sh

w w ish im por t sh

MORE of INSIDE THIS ISSUE Pu blish er 's Let t er Ref lect ion s on t h e Year s of t h e Lock Dow n Page 6 Joh n M cNally Com m en t ar y on t h e r ealit ies of t h e f ilm BELFAST

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice 2 For 1 Of f er & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Pages 41 & 42

Th e View Fr om Ir elan d By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case Par t 2 of Th e Hiber n ian by Gr eg Pat r ick Th e Ir ish Poet r y Cor n er

A New Film f r om Ow en Dar a

See Wells of Lif e on Page 32


T h e M u l l i gan s @ M aggi es' Pu b L A I r i sh C i v i c D ay & L u n ch ar e b ack ! T O M M Y & T h e B RO T H ER S

A N ew M u si cal T r i b u t e t o T h e C l an cy B r o t h er s an d T o m m y M ak em

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A Pr ocl am at i on on I r i sh - Am er i can H er i t age M on t h ,20 22 - PRESI DEN TI AL ACTI ON S For cen t ur i es, I r i sh Am er i can s h av e pl ayed a cr uci al r ol e i n h el pi n g def i n e t h e soul of our N at i on , an d t oday, n ear l y 1 i n 10 Am er i can s pr oudl y t r ace t h ei r r oot s back t o t h e Em er al d I sl e. W i t h h ope an d f ai t h i n t h ei r h ear t s, t h e f i r st i m m i gr an t s f r om I r el an d cr ossed t h e At l an t i c i n sear ch of l i ber t y an d oppor t un i t y. I t w as t h e dr eam of a bet t er l i f e t h at br ough t m y an cest or s ? t h e Bl ew i t t s of Coun t y M ayo an d t h e Fi n n egan s of Coun t y Lout h ? an d coun t l ess ot h er I r i sh i m m i gr an t s. Li k e so m an y I r i sh Am er i can f am i l i es, m y gr an dpar en t s car r i ed t h e spi r i t an d m em or y of I r el an d i n t h ei r h ear t s ? a pr i de an d passi on t h ey i n st i l l ed i n t h ei r h om e i n Scr an t on , Pen n syl v an i a. Th r ough t h e j our n eys of t h ei r ow n m ot h er s an d f at h er s an d i n t h e l esson s t h ey passed on t o m y m ot h er , Cat h er i n e Eugen i a Fi n n egan Bi den , t h ey j oi n ed I r i sh Am er i can s i n ev er y cor n er of Am er i ca i n h el pi n g t o w r i t e t h e n ex t ch apt er of t h e Am er i can st or y. Th e st or y of I r i sh Am er i can s h as al w ays been on e of st r en gt h an d per sev er an ce t h r ough adv er si t y. M an y I r i sh i m m i gr an t s ar r i v ed on Am er i ca?s sh or es t o escape t h e Gr eat Fam i n e, on l y t o f ace di scr i m i n at i on , pr ej udi ce, an d pov er t y. Despi t e t h ese h ar d t i m es, t h ey em br aced t h ei r n ew h om es i n ev er y cor n er of Am er i ca ? f r om t h e At l an t i c t o t h e Paci f i c, acr oss t h e M i dw est an d t h r ough t h e Rock y M oun t ai n s ? an d h el ped bui l d an d f or t i f y our N at i on i n t o w h at i t i s t oday. I r i sh Am er i can s ex pan ded t h e Am er i can m i ddl e cl ass, bui l di n g l adder s of oppor t un i t y t h at f ut ur e gen er at i on s coul d cl i m b. Th ey becam e t each er s, f i r ef i gh t er s, pol i ce of f i cer s, l abor l eader s, f ar m er s, busi n ess ow n er s, an d m or e. Al on g t h e w ay, I r i sh Am er i can s con t r i but ed en or m ousl y t o t h e Am er i can l abor m ov em en t ? ch am pi on i n g saf e w or k i n g con di t i on s, adv ocat i n g f or ch i l dr en ?s r i gh t s, an d f i gh t i n g r aci sm , pr ej udi ce, an d i n com e i n equal i t y. Th ey br av el y an sw er ed t h e cal l t o ser v e, def en di n g our Un i on an d i t s v al ues i n ev er y bat t l e. Th ey con t i n ue t o w or k on beh al f of t h e Am er i can peopl e as publ i c ser v an t s ? ser v i n g i n t h e Con gr ess, t h e Supr em e Cour t , Feder al agen ci es, t h e W h i t e H ouse, an d i n St at e an d l ocal of f i ces acr oss t h e coun t r y. I r i sh Am er i can s h av e en r i ch ed our cul t ur e an d n our i sh ed our h ear t s an d soul s t h r ough t h e ar t s an d h um an i t i es, ear n i n g r ecogn i t i on as N obel an d Pul i t zer pr i ze- w i n n i n g poet s an d aut h or s, aw ar d- w i n n i n g m usi ci an s, st or yt el l er s, an d dan cer s, an d cr i t i cal l y accl ai m ed act or s. Th ey h av e bl essed our N at i on w i t h t h ei r i n dom i t abl e spi r i t , f ai t h , an d l ov e f or f am i l y t h at h as been passed dow n t h r ough t h e gen er at i on s. Th i s sen se of com m un i t y, h ospi t al i t y, r esi l i en ce, an d passi on ar e i n t egr al pi eces of Am er i ca?s cul t ur al t apest r y.

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An Márta

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Th e Un i t ed St at es an d I r el an d ar e deepl y an d f or ev er i n t er t w i n ed: l i n k ed i n m em or y an d i m agi n at i on ? i n j oy, sor r ow , an d r esi l i en ce ? by

our com m on l ov e an d com m on dr eam s. W e sh ar e, i n ev er y h ear t , an un r el en t i n g opt i m i sm ? a f l i ck er of h ope t h at gui des us t h r ough ev en t h e dar k est of n i gh t s. As w e cel ebr at e I r i sh - Am er i can H er i t age M on t h , l et us h on or t h e j our n ey an d con t r i but i on s of I r i sh Am er i can s w h o h el ped sh ape t h i s l an d of oppor t un i t y an d def i n e w h at i t m ean s t o be Am er i can . Let us r eaf f i r m t h e l egacy of f r i en dsh i p an d st r on g f am i l y t i es bet w een t h e Un i t ed St at es of Am er i ca an d I r el an d ? un i t ed by our com m on pur pose, by our h i st or i es, an d by our f ut ur es. N OW , TH EREFORE, I , JOSEPH R. BI DEN JR., Pr esi den t of t h e Un i t ed St at es of Am er i ca, by v i r t ue of t h e aut h or i t y v est ed i n m e by t h e Con st i t ut i on an d t h e l aw s of t h e Un i t ed St at es, do h er eby pr ocl ai m M ar ch 20 22 as I r i sh - Am er i can H er i t age M on t h . I cal l upon al l Am er i can s t o cel ebr at e t h e ach i ev em en t s an d con t r i but i on s of I r i sh Am er i can s t o our N at i on w i t h appr opr i at e cer em on i es, act i v i t i es, an d pr ogr am s. I N W I TN ESS W H EREOF, I h av e h er eun t o set m y h an d t h i s t w en t y- ei gh t h day of Febr uar y, i n t h e year of our Lor d t w o t h ousan d t w en t y- t w o, an d of t h e I n depen den ce of t h e Un i t ed St at es of Am er i ca t h e t w o h un dr ed an d f or t y- si x t h .


Th e con cept w as br illian t an d it h as been br ou gh t t o f r u it ion in bot h An Ir ish Ch r ist m as an d St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d; To Cr eat e Th e Exper ien ce Of BEING THERE! An Irish Gathering of musicians/singers/dancers: A musical night was, for generations, the

highlight of Irish social life: music, song, dance, storytelling, good conversation and merriment flowing freely. Musical nights were a community event and a great excuse for a gathering! We continue this unbroken tradition of merrymaking ? any excuse is a good reason to drop everything, take to the dance floor, pick up your instruments, prepare to give a song, sharpen your ears for hilarious storytelling or a serious poem, and off we go ? unbridled fun! Please visit online: w w w.k er r yir ish pr odu ct ion m

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm

Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Joh n M cNally Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld

Press Relations Al Geien er

Graphics/ Ad Design Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s

Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick

Layout & Typos Jim &Pat r ick Con t act Us Via Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyr igh t s 2022 M cDon ou gh M edia

An M ar ta

Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers

Happy St . Pat r ick 's Day Last year at t h is t im e, w e w er e w or k in g on ou r Alon e/ TOGETHER Live St r eam ! Th e con cept w as sim ple. w e w an t ed t o alleviat e som e of t h e dr ead t h at m an y people w er e exper ien cin g ow in g t o t h e Pan dem ic. Th e idea f or t h e Live St eam w as bor n of t h e r ealizat ion t h at a lar ge n u m ber of people w er e w or r ied abou t t h e appr oach in g St . Pat r ick 's Day becau se t h ey f elt alon e an d lock ed ou t of t h eir n or m al lives. Sadly, a lot of t h is is st ill t r u e an d n ow w e h ave t h e ver y r eal t h r eat of a savage w ar in Eu r ope an d ser iou s econ om ic pr oblem s t o cope w it h . All t h is is ver y dif f icu lt f or m an y people. Pu bs an d f u n w elcom in g Ir ish Even t s ar e r eally im por t an t t o m an y of u s especially du r in g u n cer t ain t im es. Th e loss of t h ese im por t an t social ou t let s w as r eally t ou gh . We alw ays h ear f r om a lot of people bu t w e n ot iced a dr am at ic u pt ick in em ails an d calls over t h e cou r se of t h e past year . People ar e st ill lon esom e. We plan on doin g m or e ou t r each t o t h e Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican com m u n it ies an d ou r r eader s. We ar e set t in g u p a You Tu be Ch an n el. We ar e also en cou r agin g ou r r eader s t o get m or e in volved in all f or m s of ou t r each an d volu n t eer in g. Becom e join er s! Bot h t h e Scot t ish Fair in Cost a M esa an d t h e Ir ish Fair in Lon g Beach ar e on f or 2022. We ar e look in g f or volu n t eer s t o h elp at ou r boot h s. M u ch m or e on t h is in ou r u pcom in g issu es.

To all our fr iends and reader s, we wish you a ver y special and Happy St Patr ick's Day! On page 21 of this issue, we have links to all our Facebook Pages. Please L I K E/SHARE and COM M ENT. We are wor king on our expanded M ighty I r ish Networ k and we will have details for you on that ver y soon too Jim M cDonough, Publisher ir

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The 147th Annual Los Angeles Irish Civic Day Ceremonies M ar ch 18 @ 1:0 0 p m PST Fo r al m o st a cen t u r y an d a h al f t h e I r i sh A m er i can C o m m u n i t y o f gr eat er L o s A n gel es h as co m e t o get h er t o cel eb r at e o u r gr eat h er i t age an d t r ad i t i o n s an d t o h o n o r so m e o f o u r m o st acco m p l i sh ed an d ap p r eci at ed ci t i zen s! T h e cer em o n y an d p r esen t at i o n s t o t h e I r i sh w o m an an d M an o f t h e Year an d t h e I r i sh H o n o r ees f o r 20 22 i s sp o n so r ed by :

C o u n ci l m an M i t ch O 'Far r el l T h e I r i sh Fai r Fo u n d at i o n & C EO Gr i f f i n H eal y

I r i sh C o n su l Gen er al M ar cel l a Sm y t h I r i sh M i n i st er f o r A r t s an d Gael t ach t Jack C h am b er s Ev er y o n e i s i n v i t ed an d f am i l y an d f r i en d s o f Aw ar d s an d Reco gn i t i o n ar e u r ged t o at t en d O w i n g t o u n cer t ai n t y ab o u t r est r i ct i o n s at L A C i t y H al l , t h e ev en t h as b een r esch ed u l ed t o L o n g B each at t h e A u l d D u b l i n er Pu b

w w w .au l d d u b l i n er .co m Please see page 16 & 17 for names of Award W inners and details on the new location.

Piper An dy Scot t w ill be playin g & t ak in g r equ est s Paddy 's Day af t er n oon !!!

OPEN 8 AM on M ar ch 17 St . Pat r ick 's Celebr at ion ALL DAY

Ir ish M u sic w it h THE CHANCERS Bagpiper & Ir ish Dan cin g!


M arch, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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THE M ASS by Pat r ick Cassidy Wor ld Pr em ier e Con cer t In celebr at ion an d solidar it y w it h t h e people of Los An geles, Fir st Con gr egat ion al, Ir elan d Week an d Th e Reson an ce Collect ive pr esen t Th e M ass: a pr em ier e per f or m an ce of Pat r ick Cassidy ?s n ew m ajor w or k f or Or gan & Ch oir . Martin Sheen will lead the evening and narrate The Mass, bringing his trusted voice to the culmination of many historical moments into one evening. Cassidy says about the work, ?I wanted to write a Mass setting in order to create spaces for the listeners to sink into themselves as the complexities of life wash over them.? By reimagining the traditional Catholic Mass text in the context of universal solace, he has created a work for the ages that will offer healing to our city today. David Harris, director of the ensemble, adds that ?The piece brings focus and healing amidst a number of notable events including the ongoing pandemic, its two-year anniversary, Ireland?s centennial of independence, and the continuing energies of so many to fulfill promises of equity in our pluralistic society.? The concert will be held on March 19th, 2022 at First Congregational Church, which houses one of the world?s largest organs, a true L.A. treasure. The performance, with Christoph Bull on The Great Organs, will be directed by David Harris, with soloists from Lau de an d voices f r om t h e Fir st Ch u r ch Cat h edr al Ch oir . Other ensembles from across Los Angeles have been invited to participate.

An event of this magnitude, serving both as a celebration and remembrance, and as an opportunity to bring a work of this scale into the Classical community, happens rarely. The uniqueness of this evening is more pronounced as it comes at the end of the period of the Omicron wave among residents of the World?s Cultural Capital, Los Angeles. This project is dedicated to all who suffered

Patrick Cassidy?s contemplative, majestic, and peaceful work is the first symphonic setting of ?The Latin Mass?by an Irish composer. The Latin Mass evokes a universality transcending time and place. In the language of classical antiquity, it remains today an influential aspect of our civilization and culture. Cassidy?s mass setting with music drawn from Irish roots honors the history of the text and illuminates its themes for a 21st Century audience. With its underlying principles of peace, mercy, justice and hopefulness, it is a work that speaks to a secular audience as well as to those within the Catholic tradition. These universal messages make the oldest Protestant Cathedral in this secular-identifying city the perfect choice for the premiere. The premiere will also serve as a second album release for the Laude, Harris and Bull recording of the work. Cassidy?s large-scale symphonic gestures and filmic lushness ring fully and majestically on The Great Organs whose pipes, under Christoph Bull?s virtuosity, create the rich textures that carries the premiere into a vaulted space.

through the pandemic, whose lives were immeasurably changed and will be marked by this magnitudinous event: may this project, drawn from the tumult of our time, bring you comfort and pause as it has done for us. As the end of our poetic translation of the Credo reads: ?I confess to a universal hope for the healing of all people through humility and compassion. I seek unity with those who have gone before, and with all life now and to come.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

The premiere recording of Patrick Cassidy?s The Mass for choir and organ grew from the challenges of quarantine, and became a symbol of lasting beauty sewn in hardship. During the Covid-19 pandemic, as the world struggled, we were fortunate to have the opportunity to sink into the healing beauty of The Mass. Even with the challenges of virtual recording, we needed to feel the shared experience of bringing new art to life. This piece and this project demonstrate the human potential to persevere, and our spiritual capacity to grow together and find beauty even in isolation. The rendering of the album reflects the uniqueness of this moment in recording history. Every track came from a different studio. Each of the singers and organists became their own engineer. The choir director became the primary mixing engineer, utilizing directorial skills through the slow process of integrating one line at a time by contrast to the uplifting joy of hearing voices unite in communal decisions. The organist had to fully envision the work as the first recorded track

Th e Com poser Pat r ick Cassidy

Pat r ick Cassidy is a knight of Italy, conferred by the President of Italy, and bestowed with the title of Cavaliere dell?Ordine

An M ar ta

on his own, buffeted only by the wise ears of the composer, his sole audience. The mastering process relied on the time consuming joint creativity of engineer, director, organist and composer who had to envision new approaches to creating choral/organ recording synergy, and getting everyone into the ?same room.? Just as the project grew from the quarantine experience, it is for those who have lived it. This project is dedicated to all who suffered through the pandemic, whose lives were immeasurably changed and will be marked by this magnitudinous event: may this project, drawn from the tumult of our time, bring you comfort and pause as it has done for us. As the end of our poetic translation of the Credo reads: ?I confess to a universal hope for the healing of all people through humility and compassion. I seek unity with those who have gone before, and with all life now and to come.? The full album is available for download on major streaming platforms

della Stella d?Italia (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy.This Irish composer came into prominence with the release of the Children of Lir, the first major symphonic work written in the Irish language. Recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra, it remained at Number One in the Irish Classical Charts for over a year. Following his graduation from the University of Limerick in Applied Mathematics, Patrick released his debut album Cruit in 1988. Cruit featured music by

FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Founded in 1867, First Church is the city's oldest continuous Protestant congregation, and is committed to the goals of equity, diversity, justice, and inclusion. It shines in the heart of L.A. as the city?s center for progressive Christianity and contemporary spirituality. The Great Organs of First Church, situated in the enormously vaulted Sanctuary, together constitute perhaps the largest church musical instrument with approximately 346 ranks, 265 stops, 233 voices, 18 divisions and more than 20,000 pipes. In 2019, the Los Angeles church made history when it elected its first female Senior Minister (Rev. Laura Vail Fregin) in its 150 plus year history.

17th and 18th century Irish harpers, arranged for Irish harp and baroque ensemble. From this foundation emerged his epochal work The Children of Lir which resulted in Patrick being bestowed with the Medal of Honour and Distinguished Alumni Award from The University of Limerick. Other works include Deirdre of the Sorrows and Famine Remembrance, which had its premiere at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, New York.

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RESONANCE COLLECTIVE AND GOLDEN THREAD Th e Reson an ce Collect ive is an active exploration on the intersection of spiritual and artistic practice, both historically and for artists and audiences today. The Resonance Collective is not a religious group and we ascribe to no set of specific beliefs; rather, our goal is to cultivate curiosity and bring a sense of sacredness to our creative lives in an inspiring and supportive social environment. We further this mission through three methods: creation, curation, and education. ? We create interdisciplinary, theatrical narratives grounded in spiritual transformation as part of our Original Works program. ? We curate exceptional music from traditions around the world through the Golden Thread Concert Series. ? We educate creative musicians during the annual N.E.O. Voice Festival, a week-long celebration of the human voice with a focus on redefining the oratorio as a modern sacred storytelling form, holistic contemporary vocal performance, and compositional techniques.

w w w.r eson an cecollect ive.or g

Pr em ier of Th e M ass by Pat r ick Cassidy M ar ch 19 at 7:00pm M ar t in Sh een , Gu est Host David Har r is, Dir ect or Ch r ist oph Bu ll on t h e Gr eat Or gan s at Fir st Ch u r ch Lau de an d Cat h edr al Ch oir f eat u r in g Lau r el Ir en e, M olly Pease, Elizabet h An der son , Tif f an y Ho, David Gar cía Saldañ a, Jam es Hayden , an d Fah ad Siadat , soloist s Pr esen t ed by Fir st Con gr egat ion al Ch u r ch , Los An geles,

Ir elan dWeek , an d Reson an ce Collect ive In f o an d t ick et s at f ccla.or g/ t h e-m ass-albu m Tier ed seat in g: $50+pr e-con cer t cock t ails w it h com poser $35/ $25, an d $25 vir t u al A por t ion of t h e pr oceeds go t o h elpin g t o cr eat e an d su st ain t h e n ew Golden Th r ead Con cer t Ser ies, a m on t h ly even t t h at f eat u r es LA-based ar t ist s f r om var ied t r adit ion s an d br in gs f ocu s t o t h e r it u al, cer em on ial, an d spir it u al elem en t s f ou n d in diver se ar t ist ic expr ession s. All pat r on s com in g on t o cam pu s m u st be f u lly vaccin at ed, sh ow pr oof of vaccin e, an d be m ask ed.

Fir st Con gr egat ion al Ch u r ch of Los An geles, 540 S Com m on w ealt h Ave

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

IRELAND WEEK r et u r n s t o Los An geles t h is spr in g f or it ?s delayed 4t h it er at ion .

ABOUT IRELAND WEEK Having originally been pencilled in for a regular scheduling post of November 2021, pandemic uncertainty and questions around U.S. travel restrictions meant the organisers pushed the series of Arts, Cultural and Business mixers back to May 2022. The series of events will run from 11th May ? 23rd May across various venues in Los Angeles. IrelandWeek live from Los Angeles aims to continue to showcase where Ireland excels, in the fields of Entertainment, Arts, Culture, Tourism, Tech, Food, Fashion & Business. New challenges, new ways

of communicating and new ambitions have transformed our approach to IrelandWeek, now planning its fourth iteration.

An M ar ta

Many of IrelandWeek?s firm favourite events will return such as the Music From Ireland Showcase, The Irish Theatre readings and much much more, as well as announcing a new anchor event, ?The Ireland Connects Networking showcase? an entertainment b2b event where Irish and U.S. leaders from Entertainment, Tech, Arts, Business and Culture will connect and do business. Once again, this year will see dozens of events happening across Los Angeles, covering Live music, Theatre, Visual Art, Film and TV, Sport, and Animation as well a many other areas of interest not just to the Irish diaspora here in Los Angeles, but to those keen on doing business in these fields in Ireland.

Th e Video Lin k t o t h e lef t is f or Ir elan dWeek 2019! An in f or m at ive r ecap aw ait s w h ich w ill give ou r r eader s a sen se of h ow am azin g t h is w ell plan n ed clu st er of even t s w ill delve in t o t h e cr eat ive en er gy an d oppor t u n it y t h at is con t em por ar y Ir elan d

M arch, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Ir elan dWeek is com in g in M ay! Th is ser ies of even t s w ill give you a ch an ce t o m eet an d m in gle w it h som e of t h e best an d br igh t est of Ir elan d's cr eat ive t alen t . An im pr essive lin e u p f r om m an y en t er t ain m en t , in n ovat ion an d t ech sect or s w ill par t icipat e; . ln clu din g:

Ear ly Tick et Sales NOW

M u ch M or e on ln e: w w elan dw eek .com

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Multi-Talented Owen Dara's Third Feature Film A new Film by Award-Winning Filmmaker Owen Dara is Coming Soon Following the success of two feature films shot in his home city of Cork, Owen Dara is busy at work on post-production for his third feature film. The film (currently using the working title ?Landscape?) which was also shot in Cork, stars some familiar faces from his previous films ?Choosing Signs?and ?The Holy Fail?. Jessica Lancaster, who plays leading roles in Owen?s earlier films, takes on the role of Sophie, an American shopaholic who has temporarily emigrated to Ireland. ?This is the quirkiest role she has ever played? says Owen. ?It's also my favourite because it really shows her range as both a comedic and dramatic actor ?. Also returning in different roles are Stiofán Wyley, Alan Riordan, Frank Predergast and Máirín Predergast. Fans of the earlier films will recall Máirín's stellar performance as Sister Assumpta in ?The Holy Fail?. ?I love working with actors who can inhabit different roles and who I have built up a trust with? says Owen. ?I feel we?ve been very lucky with our casting, and just like the other films, there isn't a single bad performance in this

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment one? except maybe by me of course? he adds with laugh. Just as in his previous features, Owen plays a leading role in this one, along with some new additions to the team, including veteran stage actor Ber Power, Dungarvan native Michael O' Mahony, and Dublin-based Paula McGlinchey. Paula, who plays Owen?s wife, was a lucky find according to the film's producers because after their having auditioned several actresses who didn't have the right take on the role, Paula walked in with a pitch perfect reading of the scenes. Her instincts were spot on throughout the filming, and her performance, along with those of other members of the cast, will be worth checking out upon the film?s release early next year. There are always challenges when shooting an independent film, including the weather? which in Ireland is always so unpredictable? but according to Owen, the memory of those stresses tend to fade when the scenes cut together well. As he?s been editing the film, he finds himself recalling the creativity and professionalism put forth by the same team that brought us the acclaimed films

?Ch oosin g Sign s?& Th e Holy Fail?, which includes Yoshikatsu Yasaki as cinematographer, Michael Shipley as executive producer, Derry O?Leary as associate producer, and Richard Warren Baker as assistant director.

M hár ta

OWEN DARA (ABOVE) IS ALSO A SPLENDID IRISH M USIC M AKER Having just finished the first cut of this new 90-minute feature, Owen is currently working on the soundtrack. He is writing some new music and is also placing some songs from his recent album ?Moments I keep?which he recorded during lockdown. Writing and recording songs for his films is nothing new for this versatile filmmaker, and doing so has brought him a number of accolades, including multiple best soundtrack awards, and in 2020 four of his original songs made the Oscar list of just 75 songs in the running for an Academy Award for ?Best Original Song?. Owen?s recently-released album, ?Moments I Keep?, which includes one of the Oscar listed songs, as well as songs that will be featured in his upcoming film can be streamed from links at ow en dar / m u sic.h t m l Be sure to keep an eye out for Owen?s upcoming film, which is set for release in early 2023.


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Th e 147t h An n u al Los An geles Ir ish Day Civic Day Celebr at ion an d Aw ar d Cer em on y w ill t ak e place at 1:PM on Fr iday, M ar ch 18. Rat h er t h an post pon e t h e Ir ish Aw ar ds an d Com m u n it y Gat h er in g f or t h e t h ir d year ow in g t o Covid r est r ict ion s; t h e or gan izer s h ave w isely m oved t h e even t f r om LA Cit y Hall t o t h e Au ld Du blin er Ir ish Pu b in Lon g Beach , CA Aside f r om r em em ber in g in son g an d r eadin gs t h e am azin g con t r ibu t ion t h at Ir ish im m igr an t s an d Ir ish Am er ican s h ave m ade t o t h e f abr ic of t h e gr eat exper im en t in diver sit y t h at is Los An geles an d Calif or n ia; t h e Civic Day r ecogn izes in dividu als w h o h ave m ade im por t an t par t s of t h e Ir ish con t r ibu t ion t o societ y.

For 2022, the Irish man and woman of the year are:

Pat r ick Cassidy an d M ar yL. O'Neill.

A h ost of deser vin g in dividu als ar e also h on or ed f or t h eir in dividu al ou t st an din g w or k an d ef f or t s at lar ge or on beh alf of t h e Ir ish Com m u n it y an d Ir ish or gan izat ion s.

For 2022, the IRISH HONOREES ar e: Gr an t Woods, Kevin Kear n s, Jay Har t , St eve O'Lau gh lin , Ch r issy Geck , Scot t Well, Lau r a Cr ock et t , Diar m u id Har t ley an d Ter r y M cCar t h y.

Ir ish Wom an of t h e Year 2020

Ir ish M an of t h e Year 2020

M ar y L. O?Neill

Pat r ick Cassidy is pr of iled in a

Mary L. O?Neill is the managing partner at O?Neill, Huxtable & Abelson APC in Los Angeles, CA. Her practice emphasizes the areas of general real estate litigation, eminent domain (exclusively representing property owners); property tax appeals, probate litigation and estate planning. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Los Angeles County Bar Association Trust and Estates section; member of the Executive Board of the Mandatory Fee Arbitration and Mediation committee and has served as chair of the Land Valuation and Condemnation section for the Los Angeles Bar Association. She has served on the Taxpayers advisory panel for the Los Angeles County Assessors office. She volunteers with the Constitutional Rights Foundation and in 2008 she received Coach of the Year award for her work with the Mock Trial Program.

r elat ed f eat u r e st ar t in g on page 9.

Continued on page 17

A dist in gu ish ed gr ou p of Ir ish / Celt ic ach iever s ar e h on or ed t h is year . All of t h em ar e w ell k n ow n in t h eir f ields of en deavor an d m an y ar e act ive in t h e Ir ish Com m u n it y at lar ge. A br ief n ot e on each f ollow s.

Gr an t Woods, publican and auto enthusiast, Woods is the owner of Sonny McLeans in Santa Monica and Classic Auto Sales (formerly in Santa Monica) and now located near LAX

Kevin Kear n es, publican and owner of the Auld Fella in Culver City. Kevin is a long time pub manager who is well known and popular with pub aficionados especially on the West Side. Kearnes passion is acting and he has appeared in many memoeable roles at The Odyssey in WLA and the Celtic Arts Center.

M arch, 2022

M ar y O'Neill Continued from 16 ln 2018 she received Attorney of the Year from the Constitutional Rights Foundation. Ms. O?Neill is a member of the Irish American Bar Association in Los Angeles and has served on it?s Board of Directors since 1986. She also supervises the Irish American Bar Association?s Federal Court externship program which brings students from five of the Irish law schools to Los Angeles to observe State Court proceedings and to extern in the chambers of Federal District Court Judges each summer. The program will be celebrating its 33rd year this year. In 2010 she received the Irish American Bar Association?s Daniel O?Connell award for her service to the Bar and the Irish community. In 2018 she was recognized as one of the LEGAL IRISH 100. O'Neill also regularly advised and assisted the Consulate of Ireland in San Francisco, and the Honorary Consul in Los Angeles on a variety of legal issues and services needed for Irish visitors and residents. Ms. O?Neill?s grandfather, Hugh O?Neill, was born in County Tyrone and immigrated to the United States in the early 1900's where he met and married Florence. They had one

child, Francis H. O?Neill, an attorney, who is Ms. O?Neill?s father. He married Kathryn O?Rourke, whose grandparents had immigrated from Ireland. He shared his love of Ireland; it?s people and it?s culture which has forged a bond between Ms. O?Neill, Ireland, and her extended family still living there. She travels regularly to Ireland to visit friends and relatives. She is married to Joseph Montoya and they have three children, Meghan, Joseph and Kevin

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IRISH HONOREES for 2022 are: Ch r issy Geck , a talented and well known bagpiper, devoted to Celtic and Irish culture and music. Chrissy is especially well know to Irish Fair goers and AOH members. She is tireless and generous with her time and piping skill for many Irish events .

St eve O'Lou gh lin ,

an extremely talented artist, his work is world famous and appreciated especially by residents of South Bay and the West Side. He has done a lot of murals and street art in Santa Monica. Best know perhaps is 0'Loughlin's stunning Holy Nativity Triptych in

w w w.h olyn at ivit ypar ish .or g/ .

Jay Har t , Chief of Police for the City of Torrance in Southern CA. Hart is also Active in the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), and an Irish Fair volunteer.

Scot t Well, is well known in the Irish Community as a founding member of the Irish band Craic in the Sones, and as a prominent attorney.

Lau r a Cr ocket t , is a true Renaissance woman, one who is interested in all things. Crockett is a published writer, lecturer, storyteller, Seanachie. long time member of Toastmasters International, singer and historian. She resides in SoCal and is very proud of her Irish and Latin heritage.

w w w.lau r acr ock et t .com

Terry McCarthy, Journalist; Writer; currently CEO of the American Society of Cinematographers Retired War Corrorspondant for CBS News, Four time Emmey Award winner. BA University College Dublin

Diar m u id Har t ley, Irish immigrant, arrived in the US only ten years ago and has achieved acclaim as an engineer. Designer of Geothermal Museum at the George Lucas Museum. At present, he is Managing Partner at AlfaTech in Los Angeles.

Don n a St ew ar t , Dublin native Donna Steward is very active in Outreach for All Things Irish and represents the import brand Lost Irish Whiskey .

h t t ps:/ / lost ir ish .com

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Aer L ingus have great Sale fares from L os Angeles to Dublin! L et?s go to I reland and embr ace the breathtaking views L et?s go with Special Sale fares L os Angeles to Dublin From $619* * r / t in cl. t axes & f ees Tr avel M ay 12 ? Ju n e 15, 2022 Book by M ar ch 24t h Check out our Summer fares too!

LAX service restarts on May 12, 2022 w w w.aer lin gu

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment News

Mí Márta

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T he Clancy Brothers & Tommy M akem Brought to life in

and their ultimate rise to international success....beyond their wildest dreams.

Tom m y an d t h e Br ot h er s -

Ken O'Malley has honed the four of them into a cohesive group who are spot on as they play the same instruments as the original members.

A New Tr ibu t e t o Som e Old Fr ien ds By William Pennington The theater goes dark and as the blue light comes up there are four figures silhouetted and they open the show with a very apropos song as the glorious sound of four harmonizing Irish singers fills the intimate theater with the unmistakable style of The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem. It is a well produced and performed tribute to the four most famous Irishmen of the 60's, telling the story from their beginning in Greenwich Village through to the Ed Sullivan Show and beyond. It is a magical, nostalgic night of music and stories for those who remember them and a fine introduction through this wonderful tribute "Tommy and the Brothers", for those who are just learning of them for the first time. "This has been a four year labor of love" says Thom MacNamara, writer, producer and director of the show. "I started researching in 2018, wrote it in 2019 and then COVID shut the world down. Ken O'Malley has been with me from the beginning as my producing partner and as Musical Director for the project." Ken added, "We started and stopped a couple of times, losing people as we did, but I have to say we are blessed with the cast we have. They are outstanding. They have worked very hard and not only do they have excellent voices but they are all professional musicians." The show runs about two hours with an intermission and covers the group, from Ireland through the break up in 1969 and the reunion tour of 1984. There are a few surprising mentions of people before they were famous and the group's attitude when they first started out is interesting. All in all, it gives you an excellent perspective of these guys as they adapt to New York life, acting on and off Broadway, singing their way through the pubs and clubs, raucous late night sessions

JUST IN!! Lim it ed seat in g, get you r t ick et s soon : Click Here For Tickets www.tommyandthebrother

Th e sh ow st ar s Sean Faye Cu llen

as Paddy Clan cy, Dan n y Ober beck as Tom Clan cy, an d Joel M an k ey as Tom m y M ak em & Dalt on M alt z as Liam Clan cy Dalton learned the concertina for an especially dramatic version of Tommy Makem?s ?Four Green Fields? in the second half. Thom MacNamara?s direction is balanced between honored respect and conspicuous expose. The result is a wonderful revealing story of four talented men who rode the rollercoaster of fame and fortune, while embellishing their musical culture with the sounds and high energy of the old American union folk songs and leaving us some of the most beloved Irish songs ever recorded.

The WREN THEATRE 742 Vine St. Hollywood, CA See complete listing in Calendar section

March, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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An Mar ta

The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:

ir Ou r piper pal An dy Scot t w ill be at t h e Har p In n Ir ish Pu b t h is Th u r sday af t er n oon .. St . PATRICK'S Day!!

A gr eat pict u r e of a UNITED IRELAND f r om t h e Space St at ion ! Now n o lon ger ju st a dr eam bu t a gr ow in g pr obabilit y. NASA Photo


also in t h e w or k s

BAND ANNOUNCED f or t h e Ju n e Ir ish Fair !

Th e Ir ish Fair w ebsit e is bein g u pdat ed w eek ly t oo:

Th e You n g Du blin er s Th e Fen ian s & Cr aic in t h e St on e A Bu sk er St age is

Con gr at u lat ion s an d M an y Th an k s t o Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s an d t h e br illian t cast m em ber s f r om St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d 2022 f or t h e gr eat sh ow s pr esen t ed t o u s in a ch allen gin g t im e!

March, 2022

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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WORTH THE WAIT!! Pict or ial Feat u r e of t h e Hon or ees at O'M alley 's On M ain Ir ish Civic Day lu n ch in Seal Beach in lat e Febr u ar y.

Cer t if icat e. f or t h e Ir ish Wom an of t h e Year f or 2020. For m an y year s, sh e h as been a t ir eless Ir ish Fair Fou n dat ion coor din at or an d volu n t eer .

Top Left: Gr if f in Healy of t h e Ir ish Fair

Th e aw ar d pr esen t at ion s w er e all m ade in lat e Febr u ar y at an of t -delayed gat h er in g f or t h e Ir ish Com m u n it y at O'M alley 's on M ain in Seal Beach .

Fou n dat ion an d Ir ish M an of t h e Year f or 2020, Jim Har t Top Right: , Cor ey Solot ov an d h er

Gr if Healy an d Ir ish Hon or ee Ch r ist oph er Tagu e at t h e 2020 Covid delayed Civic Day Lu n ch . Ver y

Special thanks to Stephen Gugerty for the pictures.

deser vin g Ir ish Hon or ee, SoCal based Cor k n at ive an d act or / f ilm m ak er Ow en Dar a

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Th e Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case

Legen d of " Th e Cr u sader "

M hár ta

M em en t o M or i

By Greg Patrick Th e Legen d of " Th e Cr u sader " is In spir ed by t h e m u m m ies of Sain t M ich an?s Ch u r ch , Du blin ?Th e Cr u sader w as qu it e t all f or t h e t im e, six an d a h alf f eet t all, a gian t back t h en , an d h is legs h ave been br ok en an d f olded u p u n der h im t o f it h im in t o h is sm all cof f in . ?-At las Obscu r a " M en ar e h au n t ed by t h e vast n ess of et er n it y. An d so, w e ask ou r selves: w ill ou r act ion s ech o acr oss t h e cen t u r ies? Will st r an ger s h ear ou r n am es lon g af t er w e ar e gon e an d w on der w h o w e w er e, h ow br avely w e f ou gh t , h ow f ier cely w e loved?"

Ph ot os f r om St . M ich an's, Du blin t h an k s t o Dor ot h y Fr edet t e

-Odysseu s (Tr oy) Cr ypt of St . M ich an's Ch u r ch , Du blin in t h e Year of ou r Lor d 1314

Th is is t h e 3 & 4 of Fou r Par t s. 1 & 2 r an in ou r M ar ch issu e LINKED HERE Tow er of Dar k Wh isper s Tidin gs of t h e Raven m ast er ?Th ey u n der st ood, as f ew h ave u n der st ood bef or e or sin ce, h ow f leet in g lif e is an d h ow poin t less t o t r y t o h old on t o t h in gs or people. Th ey pu r su ed t h e w on dr ou s deed, t h e h er oic gest u r e: f igh t in g, f u ck in g, dr in k in g, ar t - poet r y f or in t en se em ot ion , t h e m u sic t h at accom pan ied t h e h er oic dr in k in g w it h w h ich each day en ded, bew it ch in g or n am en t f or on e's per son an d possession s.? ? Th om as Cah ill, How t h e Ir ish Saved Civilizat ion Ch r ist en dom w as in t h e clu t ch es of a volcan ic w in t er . " Th e devil's br eat h" cast t h e r ealm n t o pu n ish in g cold. Lon g h ad t h e st ar s been obscu r ed by t h e ash en clou ds, cast in g t h e lan d in seem in gly per pet u al w in t er . Th e w in t er bef ell t h e lan d lik e a cold sacr if icial blade, leavin g f ew u n scat h ed.

Cr ops f ailed an d beast s died, yet t h e Nor m an lor ds w er e u n m oved by t h e su n k en ch eek s of t h e su bju gat ed an d ser f s. Wh ile t h e dispossessed f r oze an d st ar ved, t h e n obles dr ew closer t o t h eir r oar in g h ear t h s an d f east ed on ven ison , boar an d plu n der ed h ar vest . Th eir r apacit y k n ew n o bou n ds. To ever vigilan t eyes in t h e f or est , t h e solit ar y f igu r e, leadin g h is h or se t h r ou gh t h e sn ow -sh r ou ded f or est m igh t be t ak en f or a w ayw ar d pilgr im , yet som e f ell pu r pose dr ove h im abr oad t h is eve. A sw or d w as slu n g at h is back an d ar r ow -loaded qu iver an d sw or d bou n ced at h is side as h e st r ode....He w as clad in f or est er or t at t er ed pilgr im 's r obe t o sh ield h im again st t h e elem en t s or Su spiciou s eyes of Nor m an k n igh t s t h at m ay cr oss h is pat h . No ou t law sen t in el of t h e r ebel's bast ion s of w oodlan d m oved t o h in der h im . He st r u m m ed absen t -m in dedly at a h ar p as if car essin g an old h ou n d, h is voice h au n t ed an d dist an t . He h ad t h e bar dic gif t an d it s cu r se. Th e son gs t h at cou ld r ally h ear t s t o w ar or lu ll t h em t o som e m easu r e of elu sive f leet in g peace. As ?t h e Cr u sader ? r ode t h e past r aven -clu st er ed oak s lin in g h is w ay lik e gian t f u n er ar y bou qu et s, alar m ed at h is gallop, t h ey r ose an d sw ir led cyclon ically ar ou n d h im .

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Not r eign in g in h e r ode t h r ou gh t h em , let t in g t h em sw eep over h im in a t or r en t , t h eir f eat h er s f ell lik e t ear s of m idn igh t , h ailin g h im . Sen sin g deat h t r aveled w it h t h em t h e r aven s f ollow ed lik e an aer ial ban n er . Lik e dar k em issar ies bear in g f ell t idin gs of a black k n igh t t h ey sw ept by t h e ch illed sen t r ies on t h e bat t lem en t s an d obscu r ed t h e m oon , cast in g a spell of dar k n ess on t h e cr ow d assem bled f or an execu t ion .

Th e Raven m ast er Aloof f r om t h e h ellish spect acle of t h e bu r n in g t h e m yst er iou s f igu r e of t h e Raven m ast er Lu r ch ed f r om t h e sh adow s of t h e cast le?s t ow er s. Wh en h e spok e, it w as in a cr oak in g gr avelly w h isper ? He w as sh r ou ded in a dar k cow led r obe t h at con cealed t h e gau n t f igu r e an d w izen ed disf igu r ed f ace. A gr eat black r aven of m an y w in t er s w as per ch ed on h is sh ou lder as h e h obbled aw k w ar dly on m issh apen lim bs an d a gn ar led oak en st af f , h e m u t t er ed cr ypt ically. ?Alas f or t h e lor d an d h eir s of t h e k eep, I

An M ár ta

bear f ell t idin gs f r om t h e t ow er ?s sh adow ? Lo you r dow n f all com es h it h er ? .?He r aised h is ar m s lik e t h e sk elet al br an ch es of w in t er t r ees, as if in t h e act of Necr om an cy or con ju r in g. An d lik e a gr eat dar k w ave, a h or de of r aven s ar ose in a dar k spir al t o t h e f ir e-r edden ed m oon . Sen sin g im m in en t car n age, t h ey w er e silh ou et t ed in dar k r evel again st t h e pale or b of t h e m oon lik e t h e Raven m ast er ?s on e sigh t less eye. His ot h er ir isless eye t u ck ed sh on e ben eat h h is cow l, en t r an ced by a dar k vision , sh im m er in g lik e a ligh t less em ber r ek in dled. He dan gled a k n igh t ?s t alism an on a claw lik e f in ger n ail bef or e f ast en in g it t o h is old r aven an d r eleasin g it t o t h e sk ies. ?M ak e su r e ou r good k n igh t get s it w ill you n ot ?? He ch u ck led sar don ically bef or e w h isper in g lik e a dar k r u m ou r t o t h e n igh t ? ?Wh en t h e m u r der of cr ow s t ak e f ligh t an d cast t h eir sh adow lon g on t h e w alls? on ly t h en w ill dar k n ess r edeem it self in blood an d t h en t h ese w alls an d ban n er s f all? ? At t h e last t ollin g of t h e got h ic cat h edr al bell, t h e t or ch w ou ld f all t o ign it e t h e k in dlin g piled at h er f eet .

VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate! Order NOW:

jim @pu bgu

ONLY $150. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

The crowd chanted in feverish expectation ?Burn witch burn!? The executioner ?s gloating eyes shone behind his dark grimy hood. The executioner faltered, jarred by a shrill and aquiline horn, heralding an unknown rider. Wolves in the dark wood choired his horn in primal eerie heraldry, shrill as a descending falcon. As if the soundless motions of her lips had conjured a champion. From the donjon, the throaty bray of war horns arose thrice in alarm. He seemed to be an outrider of the approaching tempest. Iron-shod hooves struck sparks from the cobbles. His Andalusian warhorse reared as he drew reign abruptly. The crowd made way before his advance in terror of being trampled. A flurry of excited whispers greeted him. ?The Crusader!? His crimson Templar insignia was bared like a reopened wound. ?Hold! In God and Saint Patrick?s name Hold!? he cried hoarsely. ?You mean to speak for her innocence then?? ?By my soul and my life,? He dismounted and strode he doffed his helm. He drew his sword and planted it point-first into the ground. ?I invoke trial by combat. I will champion her.? She was ashen-pallored, haggard from the ordeal of captivity, bound painfully tight to the stake. Yet her head was held high, proudly and in defiance of the mob. She was tragic and beautiful to behold, like a moth in an aerial dance with the fatal light. She seemed to float over a crimson sea of swaying torches. Her eyes caught the light, yet they seem to burn of their own fires. And as their eyes met a tear like a reopened wound streaked down her cheek. ?Hold your head high daughter of the Celts? he eyes bade her. Like a song unsung haunting his eyes he gazed at her impossibly green eyes in heretical adoration. The crimson-robed inquisitor confronting them struck a pompous and imperious figure, portly from delicacies and fine wine he gorged on. Like a blood-fattened leech he seemed. Silk banners flowed grandly from his high spectator box. A face that may have once been aquiline, scarlet cowled, beady hog eyes, pouting lips muttered. Ranks of burly crossbowman raised their weapons to hold the challenger at bay,yet their hands trembled. He was flanked by black-robed and silver-masked guardsmen. Their masks were illuminated in crimson and eerie pallor in intervals by the dance of torchlight. One of with an assassin's calculating eyes, he appraised his adversary. His guardsman leaned and whispered in his ear. The grand inquisitor had no intention of losing...It was an era that knights were pawns to

An M ár ta

bishops. ?You may proceed but I feel obliged to offer this caveat: My champion has never been bested in duel or joust. Mayhap your challenge has been offered too hastily? The witch-finder has been most insistent on her guilt? ? ?I will not yield? was the answer, uttered with grim finality. The Templar sighed? his breath steaming in the chill air. She looked on. ?Executioner hold then,? the inquisitor ordered. The flame drew away from her and the executioner like a childish bully was deflated like a sadistic child deprived of tearing a butterfly apart for the beauty of its wings. And she was radiant to behold? the very essence of a Celtic bard?s inspiration. The inquisitor dropped a scarlet handkerchief. ?Lay on!? The serpentine hiss of drawn blades followed. The inquisitor ?s champion was silhouetted in spectral malevolence, like a lord of damned souls. The Templar ?s consecrated sword seemed to shimmer in reply to an unhallowed presence. He gripped the sword in gauntleted fists and lunged to meet him. He had not been fit to ride, much less to duel an infamous champion of the blade, but he cast a look to her to rally his heart. Nervous liveried servants released a great lumbering beast of a warhorse that had trampled a number of grooms and squires. Hastening squires armed the dark champion with a pennoned, spiraled lance. and crimson shield emblazoned by a crimson scorpion emblematic of the torture chambers he ruled over. They both mounted their warhorses and couched lances. As they red-spurred towards each other at the shrill of clarions, they passed torches that merged in a crimson streak? The Crusader steeled his arm for impact. Suddenly the warhorse's nostrils snorted blood a lance tip had broken in its chest. Fragments of broken lances flew like shrapnel at the spectators to collective shrieks. Yet as he charged the great stallion snorted blood from a lance head that had impaled it in passing, imbedded in its chest, and faltered in stride before crumpling and throwing its rider, who somersaulted awkwardly over its great maned head. Unhorsed, he rose and swayed painfully, yet steeled himself to endure. The squire pressed the hilt of the sword into his hand before recoiling as the Inquisitor ?s champion meant to ride him down. Too accomplished a horseman to be crushed by his falling stallion, he rolled away from smiting iron-shod hooves..

Conclusion on page 39

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An M ar ta

Repu blic of Ir elan d

Pr est ige Aw ar d Pr esen t ed To Ber n adet t e Clan cy Founder of Crafters of Irealnd and Irish Business Consultan Bernadette Calncy has been signaled out for her excellent networking skills on behalf of her many clients. "Bernadette cannot put into words how thrilled she is to have been so honored", says her dauaghtr Larissa Clancy who helps outs in the family run business doing Social Media. Clancy was awarded Business Management Consultancy of the year by the Republic of Ireland Prestige Awards. in late February. She is the founder of Crafters of Ireland - A company which specialises in PR and promotion for the Crafts sector in Ireland. She has also been the managing director of Solutions Consultancy Ireland since 2015. Bernadette set up Crafters of Ireland in 2020 during the height of the pandemic. It is a support Con gr at u lat ion s t o Ber n ie Clan cy f r om all of u s at t h e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t ! Well Deser ved f or su r e!

ED NOTE: Clancy also supplies this paper one of our most popular features, our frequent profiles of various Crafters of Ireland.

service for craftspeople in Ireland and Celtic craftspeople from around the world. The concept of Crafters of Ireland was innovative and she quickly found five channel partners who were happy. Not only to promote craftspeople in Ireland, but celtic craftspeople around the world. Bernadette also promotes Ireland as a destination to tourists globally and she is happy to highlight the Irish hospitality sector to people travelling to Ireland. Now for 2022 Crafters of Ireland's brand new and improved website will be launching soon. This website will be much faster and more user-friendly. This is welcome news because we always want to deliver the very best service to our vendors and customers.

Ber n adet t e Clan cy Ou t st an din g Ir ish En t r epr en eu r an d f r equ en t Irish Arts & Entertainment contributor This brand new service caters for Irish and Celtic crafters from around the world. Are you a celtic woodcarver or weaver? Do you make pottery or jewellery with Celtic designs. If so, and you would like to avail of our service, simply email us at

w w af t er sof ir elan

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Mí Márta

THE VIEW FROM IRELAND By Maurice Fitzpatrick

Ulysses St ill a Scan dal a Hu n dr ed Year s On ? M any people associate the publication of James Joyce?sUlyssesa hundred year s ago with an iconic picture of the author when it was published in Par is in 1922. Joyce?s glaucoma required multiple sur ger ies and, in the photogr aph, he has a patch over his r ight eye. He is seated beside Sylvia Beech. Beech was the Amer ican publisher who (more than anyone) was responsible for br inging Joyce?s great fiction into the wor ld. The public responded to the publication by tur ns with amazement at its br illiance, bewilder ment at its complexity and r age at the perceived offences in it. I n the photogr aph, above Joyce there is a poster with text that reads ?The Scandal of Ulysses?. The text is appropr iate enough given how much of the debate aboutUlyssesover the past centur y has centred on its explicit language and themes. Despite that controver sy, the book sits at the top of most lists of ?Novel of the Centur y?.The plaudits heaped upon the novel may have more satisfied Joyce?s inexhaustible appetite for mocker y than his vanity: even as solemn adj udicator s of liter ature proclaim it as a classic, they aver t their gaze from the scur r ilous and obscene par ts in the book. Never one for modesty, Joyce claimed that ?I fUlyssesis not fit to be read, then life is not fit to live?. Yet Joyce was making a ser ious point. An authentic render ing of the inner lives of human beings is not capable of sanitisation.Ulysses, aside from being widely accepted as the greatest novel of the 20th centur y, is a nuclear blast against censor ship. I n our time when career s are ended over the alleged misuse of a pronoun and more and more wor ds are rooted out of acceptable discour se, the ?classic?status ofUlyssesenables it to tr anscend censor ship? despite its use of wor ds that, in another context, would be vilified today. Even a centur y after its publication, it would be easy to publish reams ofUlyssesout of context that would elicit complaints about the ?filth?. That is, par tly, what James Joyce?s foremost biogr apher, Richar d Ellmann, meant when he wrote: ?We are still lear ning to be James Joyce?s contempor ar ies, to under stand our inter preter ?. The book is a famously difficult read and it is surely the classicmost often?left aside for later ?. Yet its complexity belies a simplicity that is humane and tender. Set on a day in Dublin, June 16th 1904, it follows inner thoughts of a ser ies of char acter s, in par ticular a mar r ied couple, L eopold Bloom and his wife M olly Bloom, as well as an ar tist/teacher, Stephen Dedalus, who appeared in a previous fiction by Joyce,A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man, as an autobiogr aphical char acter. The couple have been r iven by the loss of their son and pronounced differences in their char acter s; they ser ially betr ay each other.

On e of t h e f ir st pr in t in gs of ULYSSES Jam es Joyce's w or k w as ban n ed in Ir elan d. Now , Du blin is t h e Cit y of Jam es Joyce an d h e is celebr at ed. t h r ou gh ou t t h e st r eet s t h at h e w r ot e abou t .

M arch, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Through these char acter s the wor ld of Dublin opens up.

We encounter salesmen, dr unks, j our nalists, scholar s, doctor s, impresar ios, romantics, nationalists, teacher s, sailor s, pr iests, singer s, pauper s, lover s, liar s, bullies, madames, prostitutes, savious, no-hoper s, humanitar ians, policemen, gambler s? I could go on. Joyce presents the thoughts, stor ies, hopes and desper ation of these char acter s in, by tur ns, a sensuous, uproar ious, intellectual and passionate affir mation of language and life itself. Throughout the novel his ar tistic gifts tr ansfor m mundane obser vations and occur rences into something beautiful: ?The heaventree of star s hung with humid nightblue fr uit?. Joyce also deploys a dazzling var iety of styles to achieve this aim, above all using par allels with Homer ?sOdysseyto str ucture the novel. The result is a book that has a contempor ar y feel, even a centur y later. I t is so full ofconundr ums, ambiguities and provocationsthat both for the gener al public and scholar s remain hooked. Joyce claimed, plausibly enough, that none of his char acter s were wor th more than a hundred pounds. Out of that pover ty came desper ation and failure. I n one encounter in the book, a younger sister of Stephen Dedalus, Dilly, shows an interest in lear ning French, which was apparently incongr uous with the pover ty of the family. Yet Joycewas also steeped in middle-class I reland; even as his father kept losing money,he somehow wr angled a place for his eldest son in the?best?I r ish schoolsas well as a univer sity education (par tly in Par is). Joyce acknowledged, gr udgingly, late in life, that his wor k was?middle class?and there are tensions between the subj ect-matter of his wor k and the point of vantage from which he wrote. The finale ofUlyssesis M olly Bloom?s soliloquy in which Joyce pushes the stream of consciousness technique he deployed in the novel? an attempt to freely r un through

h t t ps:/ / jam

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his char acter s?thought processes? to its limit. The result is what the famous psychologist Car l Jung called ?a str ing of ver itable psychological peaches?. Jung wrote to Joyce in 1920, wonder ing if anyone else knew as much about female psychology and readily admitted that he, Jung, did not. Decades later, Jung was called upon to comment on Joyce in a professional capacity. By that stage, Joyce had died and his beloved daughter, L ucia, had been committed to a psychiatr ic hospital where she was to remain for the rest of her days. Jung related Joyce?s ?obstinate reluctance to have her cer tified?to Joyce?s own ?unconscious psyche [which] was so solidly identified with her that to have her cer tified would have been as much as an admission that he himself had a latent psychosis?. Jung maintained that Joyce, by contr ast, channelled his own schizophrenia into his ar t and that saved him from going ?over the bor der ?. Whether it was the madness of I reland or a latent psychosis in his own mind, we can be gr ateful that Joyce found that way to use it in his ar t. I nUlysses,Joyce produced an imper ishable master piece that, now at the centenar y of its publication, still r ichly deser ves to be read.

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An M ar ta

BELFAST Th e Film : React ion an d Con t ext By John McNally M ost of my fr iends in Belfast have mixed feelings about K enneth Br anagh?s quasi-autobiogr aphical film BEL FAST, with comments r anging from too sugar y to a load of cr ap. I t?s har d to bag on the film with its lovely I r ish actor s and soulful Van M or r ison sound tr act, the feel-good movie of the year. But some people in Belfast aren't feeling it. August 1969 was a devastating and deadly time for I r ish Catholics in the Nor th. Protestant/Unionists, angered by the uppity I r ish demands for civil r ights, fueled by I an Paisley preaching hatred of Catholics and under wr itten by decades of an anti-I r ish apar theid system, went ber ser k. 1,505 mostly I r ish Catholics were dr iven or bur ned out of their homes, 133 were shot, and eight died the fir st week. Over the next three year s, 60,000 I r ish Catholics were forced from their homes, in the lar gest refugee cr isis in Europe since WW2. (ED NOTE: Till this past week) As with the Famine/I r ish Holocaust of the 1840s through Bloody Sunday, the Br itish, with the suppor t of the media, have always found a way of washing their hands of responsibility.

Pict u r ed h er e, t h e w or ld f am ou s m u r al of Bobby San ds on Th e Falls Road in Belf ast . The mur al was painted in 1998 on the walls of the Sinn Fein press office. M arch 1 was the anniver sar y of the star t of Bobby Sands' Hunger Str ike. He was a M ember of Par liament of the United K ingdom and a member of the Provisional I r ish Republican Ar my. He died on hunger str ike after 66 days while impr isoned at the M aze Pr ison on M ay 5, 1981.

Now, when a film is finally made with the Belfast r iots of 1969 as its setting, it?s about a good protestant family standing up to the mob while dancing and singing with barely a mention of the ethnic cleansing happening on their own street! Had the film been titled M ountcollyer Street or M y L ife As A Dog, it probably wouldn?t have attr acted so much flak, but by being called BEL FAST and highlighting the Troubles, it hits a r aw ner ve with the people who know what happened that Summer in Belfast . Th is m on t h , ou r f eat u r ed w r it er an d Ir ish Com m u n it y Act ivist an d Colu m n ist sh ar es h is t h ou gh t s on t h e f ilm BELFAST. Dif f er en t opin ion s an d view s ar e essen t ial in an y. f r ee societ y. We deeply appr eciat e ou r pr ess f r eedom s. Now , m or e t h an ever , it is im por t an t t o h ave Ir ish Com m u n it y act ivism , diver sit y an d in pu t .


I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links JUST IN f r om Cr aic In Th e St on e: Su n day, M ar ch 13 f r om 11-3 at t h e Bow er s M u seu m Fam ily Celt ic Fest ival in San t a An a. Th is is a f am ily f r ien dly FREE ou t door even t w it h Ir ish dan cin g, bagpipin g, an d Ir ish M u sic w it h Cr aic in t h e St on e.. Th u r sday, M ar ch 17 f r om 7-10 at t h e SENSES St Paddy 's Day Block Par t y in Old Tow n New h all. Th is is a FREE ou t door st r eet f est ival f eat u r in g Cr aic in t h e st on e f r om 7-10PM

M ar ch 17 f r om 9 PM ? 1 AM M DT

Tast e of Ir elan d w /

High lan d Way Jam u l Casin o

Body text

Cr aic In Th e St on e...deligh t ed t o an n ou n ce t h at t h is gr eat Ir ish gr ou p w ill be plyin g at t h e Ir ish Fair in Lon g Beach in Ju n e!

M ar ch 17 Gaelic St or m Con cer t

h t t ps:/ / h igh lan dw ay.u s/

Live St r eam f r om t h e t ou r !

M eyer Th eat r e Gr een Bay, WI

w w w.gaelicst or m .com

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Apr il 4 @ 1:00pm

Ir ish n at ive Pop-f olk son gw r it er Kar l M cHu gh is t h e am algam at ion of h is u pbr in gin g in Don egal, an d h is cu r r en t h om e in t h e San Fr an cisco Bay Ar ea. Cof f ee Galler y Back st age Alt aden a, CA

Ticket s & In f o

EXPANDED CALENDAR Th u r sday, M ar ch 17 @ 8:PM PST Door s open at 6:PM


Th e Coach Hou se

In f o & Ticket s w w ish r ep.or g


Th om M acNam ar a & Th e Wr en Th eat r e present:



7:00 PM? 9:00 PM

742 Vin e St r eet


(At Ir ish Im por t Sh op),

3:00 PM? 5:00 PM SUNDAY,APRIL 3

Hollyw ood, CA

7:00 PM? 9:00 PM


M arch, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

w w w.sin n f ein .com FRIDAY, M ARCH 18, 2022 AT 7 PM ? 10 PM M DT

Th e Day Af t er

St . Paddy 's Day Sh ow Delighted to be playing again, come join the fun! Packinghouse Brewing Co. 6421 Central, Riverside, CA

Spor t ive Tr ick s

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M arch, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Donate Your Water Bill

World Water Day, held on March 22nd, raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. This World Water Day we are challenging you to donate the equivalent to your water bill for the month of March. For millions of men, women, and children, reliable access to safe water will transform generations to come. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to aid in our efforts to provide clean water to communities in need. This year, your World Water Day donation will be matched until we reach our goal - talk about double the impact! By committing your support for clean water, you give time, opportunity, education, and empowerment. When a community receives clean water, they are given the resources of health, hygiene, and time to create a more sustainable society. The people of Uganda thank you for transforming the lives of their children and community!

Don at e You r Wat er Bill You r Don at ion w ill be M at ch ed Dollar -f or -Dollar ! Follow t h is Lin k

Wells Of Lif e is t h e of f icial Ch ar it y of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment Fou n der Nick Jor dan w h o w as bor n in Ir elan d an d h e h as been an ar den t su ppor t ed of t h is pu blicat ion an d w as a loyal adver t iser w it h h is Real Est at e en t er pr ise f or alm ost 20 year s. We w er e ver y f or t u n at e t o lear n abou t Wells Of Lif e at t h e t im e it w as st ar t ed an d w e h ave f ollow ed t h eir pr oject s an d t h e am azin g am ou n t of good t h at t h is f ou n dat ion does f or 10 year s n ow , , We even h ad t h e h on or w it h t h e h elp of ou r r eader 's don at ion s in playin g a sm all r oll in dr illin g a w ell. Th is m on t h w e w ill lau n ch an in it iat ive in co-or din at ion w it h ou r Alon e/ TOGETHER Ou t r each f or St . Pat r ick 's Day. On ce again , w e ar e ask in g ou r r eader s t o join ou r 2022 WELLS OF LIFE CAM PAIGN.

Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck back each Tu esday f or ou r u pdat es, CALENDAR UPDATED WEEKLY

Sen d list in g each w eek t o: ir ish m issive@gm

Page 36

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

An M ár ta

Tourism Ireland is holding off on promot ing it s Greening of t he world t his yer out of respect for t he Russian Aggesion and war in Ukraine.

St . Pat r i ck 's D ay O PEN f o r I r i sh B r eak f ast @ 9 :A M Corned Beef & Cabbage All Day

In side din in g an d pat io w ill be open ! NOW WITH FIVE BIG SCREEN TVs

BEST IRISH COFFEE PERFECT PINT GUINNESS A message from Willy Th is w ill be a St . Pat r ick 's Day t o r em em ber ; So if you f eel lik e bein g w it h u s on Paddy 's Day, dr op by as w e celebr at e bein g back t oget h er again ! Lim it ed seat in g so com e by ear ly! Ser vin g you r ot h er f avor it es t oo! Sh eph er ds Pie or Fish & Ch ips. We ar e h u gely gr at ef u l t o ou r com m u n it y f or h elpin g u s su r vive t h is! #t ak eou t #ir ish pu b #f ish an dch ips

O'BRIEN'S IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT 2226 Wilshir e Blvd SANTA MONICA, CA 310 829- 5303

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Mí Márta

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

dark figure astride his great horse cast aside his lance and took up a spiked flail, swinging it over his head as he sought to ride down his unhorsed opponent. The inquisitor ?s champion closed his eyes, expecting in anticipation of the satisfying crunch of the flail shattering his opponent?s skull...

bright steel as the Templar drew his sword from his pale cloak with a matadorian flourish. The Inquisitor ?s champion went down with his horse, narrowly evading flailing limbs. Squires rushed in to help him to his feet? He shook off their solicitous hands and lunged at his opponent. ?Hold! The duel will commence on foot. Knights draw your swords.

Then when it eluded him, he opened his eyes to see a flash of

?Lay on!? the Inquisitor commanded.


He watched impassively as the

M arch At the serpentine hiss of blades, like a frenzied masquerade's danse macabre, they weaved around, slashing at each other. Their shields were reduced to shards before being cast aside. They commenced mauling one another with their blades. Swords rang as they crossed deafeningly and sparkingly. Their shadows were cast gigantically on the castle wall. He ralliedon his muse. The memory like a talisman, he held her as closely to his heart as he once held her.

She was rejuvenating to behold, like the day he first her, illuminated radiantly by the Midsummer ?s eve bonfire, engarlanded by spring flowers. That night when he said ?Take my hand this night of the fires and together we will throw back the darkness.? Even weakened, he was the better swordsman and eluded his adversary?s blade maddeningly. His technique and form had been perfected in the howling carnage of battle and siege, when scimitars vastly outnumbered swords on blood red dunes. He remembered her arms splayed, surrounded by candles in an underground shine. The pastel light filtering through a stained-glass window illuminated her radiantly as he shed his armour and embraced her. Like a radiant vision forming in a restless scribe?s Illuminated manuscript to light the dark ages. The torches seemed to constellate her. He stole a glance at her like promethean fire and pivoted to confront his opponent, teeth bared lycathropically into a battle cry.


w w w.SAVEigh m .or g/

And thunder seemed to ventriloquise his fury in crescendo and it was sonorous in his ears.

March, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

,The flustered squire appeared rather less ceremoniously after the harrowing ride after his master. Colliding with torches by the force of a two-handed blow of an enraged sword stroke, the Inquisitor ?s knight?s robe caught aflame.

Seemingly oblivious to the fires consuming him, he slashed wildly at his adversary, before running and screaming like a red ghost. He drove himself down the length of the Templar ?s brandished sword to the hilt, trying to yet slay his opponent like a cold-blooded thing in thrashing death throes? Then he shuddered spasmodically, blood sputtering from the sliver- masked face like a gothic fountain.

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He was not unscathed. His surcoat was torn into bloodied shreds. She knelt by his side as two Hospitaller knights raised shields to shelter them from the rain. Like a castle ruin he was haunted by visions of every moment and face that vexed his conscience and soul. Like a series of mirages seanced from memory? screams of the slain shuddering in his soul. As the darkness closed, he announced his confession. "She did not seduce me...I violated her...She is innocent. I yield my sword for all time...?

The sword fell limply from his black-gloved hand, before his silver-masked face sank to his chest. Like a spectral free-floating face, it seemed to hover before him. Through the soulless silver mask, he looked defiantly into hate-crazed eyes. The Templar kicked him off the blade with grim finality. The body lay on the ground, enveloping in flame. The shocked silence was broken by the clang of the axe thrown down by the disappointed executioner in disgust. You know you are truly returned home when you see your own battle cry and enemy?s last breath in the chill air before you as he falls to your blade. He felt awkward and coltish suddenly, like the eve they met, as he approached her to ask her dance. He approached across a line of torches in the chieftain?s hall and the bard played in the background haunting the moment. In bewitched rapture, he was seemingly oblivious to the chill rain as the crowd looked on. As he stood before her, against a silvery foreground of rain like pent-up tears hailing him. Like a sleepwalker he strode over a dreamscape of flame. He severed her bonds and she collapsed in his arms. ?My Lady, you are free!? he declared.

h t t p:/ / t r u et h om / w eblog/

Sain t M ich an , Du blin


TAKE ON ?TOO M UCH TO ASK? Irish up and coming neo-trad band Strings & Things are set to release their first track off their highly anticipated ?Re: Works? EP ?Too Much To Ask? Speaks of longing for the sunny days, the distaste and bitterness towards the dull skies and rain from the heavens. Written in 2016, this is a track from their first original album, ?Turbulence?, that Strings & Things felt deserved to be updated to their ever growing & evolving unique sound. This song has a dark, mysterious undertone which develops throughout and opens up into a grand chorus.

with vocalist James O?Meara taking us on this journey, singing along the lines of a great Irish conversation starter, our never ending dispute on the weather. Band sound engineer & Bassist Eoin Salmon says ?It's interesting to be able to take the experience that we gained from recording ?The Unsolicited Dance? (2021) and use it to give these songs a fresh lift?. This is the first of 3 tracks that Strings & Things will be releasing from their new release, so keep up to date with everything on their facebook page or Listen: Spotify Apple Music Follow : Facebook In st agr am You Tu be Tw it t er Ban dcam p List en t o ?Too M u ch To Ask ? on Sou n dclou d Her e

The mood throughout the song is carried by the dynamics and key changes between the verses & the choruses,

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $100. per qu ar t er or per even t !

Con t act u s u s f or det ails Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

jim @pu bgu

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Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY

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The VIP program is a very important component of our subscription program. It has a multitude of positive factors built into the program. It serves as a bonus/reward system for spending hard cold cash on our publication AND it is a good networking tool for the Publisher. We are able to attract subscribers and advertisers to our publication and keep them interested while delivering great Irish interest content and information to our readers. The advertisers benefit by having a readership interested in our exciting niche market and they can target our readers with special offers. The volume makes it worthwhile for them to participate. The Pandemic has set us all back a bit in one way or another and we are rebuilding our VIP benefits package. We were counting on discounts and deals at pubs and events but that plan is now on the back burner as there are few events and pubs need volume to make the discounts practical. In the meantime, we are working hard to line up new offers for our subscribers. Throughout this Buying Guide, we have some listings on good deals and we will be adding special offers to our website as we find them.One VIP, we have now of interest is Buy ONE SUB and get a Gift Subscription! Be sure to check out the Very Irish Perks each issue and on our Facebook pages.

VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become

members of our VIP Group. Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.

At Pr esen t :

Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber ! An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion . Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm

O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase.

w w w.obr ien

Go t o t h e m en u click h er e


W e i n v i t e our r eader s t o si gn up t h i s m on t h f or our Paddy' s Day Deal ! Ri gh t n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s on Pr ev i ous Page

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