Irish Arts & Entertainment SPECIAL HALLOWEEN ISSUE!

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Vo l . X X X I # 10

See Page 3

O ct o b er N ov em b er

I r el an d 's Eer i e Em an at i o n s: Ex p l o r i n g t h e 13 M o st H au n t ed Pl aces o n t h e I sl an d

20 23

M id October Halloween Special!

PUB EVENTS & CELTI C ~ I RI SH CONCERTS Expanded Calendar starts On 23

Treats in the Shoppe. Par ty in the Pub B) Pg 9

K er r y I r ish Productions' Upcoming Winter Season Hellf ir e Clu b , In t h e

Starts on page 7

m ou n t ain s ou t side Du blin , legen d says you m igh t m eet t h e Devil f or a gam e of car ds f or

you r sou l. Story on page 4

Lof t u s Hall, In t er ior , locat ed in Cou n t y Wexf or d See page 4

INSIDE THIS ISSUE! Th e Secon d Year of a THREE year lon g pr oject of Jam es Joyce even t s an d t r ibu t es is u n der w ay. Explor e an d lear n abou t t h e en du r in g legacy of on e of t h e w or ld's gr eat est lit er ar y f igu r es.

G) Pg 23

See page 12

Ou r r egu lar f eat u r es: M au r ice Fit zpat r ick 's View f r om Ir elan d

Calen dar Lin k s & List in gs Starts on

Starts on page 16

Ir eln d. lot of f u n on a bu dget . See page 26

Irish Trends & Commentary by john McNally See page

Celt ic Cam er a & Ou r EXPANDED Celt ic & Ir ish

Psge 24

Pat r ick

Weld's Favor it e M USEUM S of


Special Su bscr ipt ion Of f er f or NEW & RENEWALS, See Page 34

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Marketing & Sales Director

Jam es M cM ah on Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Joh n M cNally Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld

Press Relations Al Geien er

Graphics/ Ad Design Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s

Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick

Layout & Typos Jim & Pat r ick Con t act Us Via Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyr igh t s 2023

I n our September issue we announced two ver y exciting developments; our anniver sar y celebr ation and our plans for expansion. Our plans for both ground to a halt when I came down with Shingles and complications from same, about three months ago. I am slowly on the mend. We r un a tight ship here r un with a few wr iter s and some freelancer s but as the Publisher, and Editor, I also do most of the wor k; so this has been a challenging few weeks. Our plans are still alive j ust slightly delayed. Our content has always been about great I r ish topics and events so that will remain. Repr inted from September : However, we have been fair ly Califor nia-centr ic on our cover age of events through our year s of publishing and that has changed. We will star t wr iting more about local events and per sonalities around the United States. Our Calendar will be expanded and our adver tising base will continue to grow. M uch more as things are figured out and new paths are taken.

Jim M cDon ou gh

Our content has always been either I r ish or Celtic interest from any source so we are well positioned to increase our area of cover age throughout the US and even into I reland. The events and I r ish Celtic news-stream are liter ally endless so we will have more than enough to keep busy. To pull this off, we need help. Please email me at: j if you are interested in becoming a freelance wr iter. We pay per assignment and we share a lot of the per ks that we get with our wr iter s. We hope you enj oy this HAL L OWEEN I SSUE. Please patronize our adver tiser s and please subscr ibe! We exist because of your suppor t through subscr iptions and telling our adver tiser s that you appreciate their ads in the I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment!

M or e In side Th is Issu e

TRIVIA, w e h ave a list !

Th e M on t h ly Calen dar f or t h e Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach is on Page 9. Th ey ar e doin g m or e t o k eep t r adit ion al Ir ish M u sic an d Dan ce in t h e f or ef r on t t h an an y pu b in SoCal so please su ppor t t h em !

See OnGoing Calendar! Som e of ou r f avor it e ar t ist s an d Gr ou ps in clu din g Lor een a M cKen n it t , Gaelic St or m an d Celt ic Th u n der ar e t ou r in g! See Calendar Section.

w w lddu blin er .com

Deireadh Fómhair

Ou r avid & loyal r eader s w an t t o k n ow abou t you an d you r bu sin ess! Get you r m edia k it n ow : Em ail u s at : ir ish m issive@gm Or call Jim , ou r pu blish er at 951 216-1493

October, 2023

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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T h e L i st o f t h e T h i r t een M o st H au n t ed Pl ac es I n I r el an d I reland is a land steeped in r ich histor y and ancient folklore. This enchanted I sland also boasts an abundance of haunted locales that send shiver s down the spines of even the most seasoned tr aveler or ghost hunter !

L eap Castle Our All Hallows' Tide Explor ation begins in County Offaly, at L eap Castle which is often her alded as one of I reland's most haunted locations. This imposing for tress has a dar k histor y, stained by betr ayal and mur der. The notor ious " Bloody Chapel" within the castle is said to be haunted by the spir its of those who met a gr uesome end. Over the past centur ies Countless Visitor s repor t feeling an over whelming sense of dread. M any visitor s and some guides and staff have encountered spectr al for ms appear ing throughout the castle's cor r idor s, and rooms.

LEAP CASTLE in Coolderry, County Offaly, Ireland, about

6 kilometres (3.7 mi) north of the town of Roscrea

RUGBY Th r ou gh Oct ober 28 "

TRIVIA Live M u sic Th u r sday , Fr iday, Sat u r day & Su n day! HALLOWEEN PARTY!

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deir dehr Fómhair



Perched on the windswept Hook Peninsula, L oftus Hall in County Wexfor d is infamous for its spectr al residents. L egend has it that the Devil himself once visited, leaving a lasting impr int on the mansion. Tour s of L oftus Hall recount tales of ghostly appar itions and unexplainable occur rences, making it a must-visit for those seeking a spine-chilling exper ience.

High in the Dublin M ountains, the Hellfire Club perches ominously over looking the city. This 18th-centur y hunting lodge is steeped in dar k tales of occult pr actices and debaucher y. M any believe the spir its of the club's infamous member s linger, making it a magnet for par anor mal investigator s.

Photo on our cover and above: source: Visit Dublin DUNL UCE CASTL E

(Photo source: L oftus Hall)


(Photo source: Char leville Castle) Nestled in the hear t of County Offaly, Char leville Castle is an elegant Gothic revival master piece with a dar ker side. The castle is said to be haunted by the spir it of a young gir l named Har r iet, who tr agically died in the building. Visitor s claim to hear her laughter echoing through the halls, adding an eer ie layer to this histor ic site.

On the r ugged Nor ther n I r ish coastline, Dunluce Castle stands as a haunting silhouette against the cr ashing waves. L egends tell of a banshee who roams the castle grounds, foretelling doom for those who encounter her piercing wail. The castle's precar ious location and tumultuous histor y add to its ghostly allure.

Duncluce Castle Nor ther n I reland Online _________________________________________

M AL AHI DE CASTL E On the outskir ts of Dublin lies M alahide Castle, a picturesque estate with a haunting past. The ghost of M iles Cor bet, a for mer owner beheaded for his role in the execution of K ing Char les I , is said to wander the halls. Visitor s have also repor ted str ange sounds and glimpses of other spectr al figures and human shaped opaques bodies.

Oct ober , 2023

I r i sh Ar t s & En t er t ai n m en t

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" Over looking the spectacular Antr im coast, Ballygally Castle Hotel is j ust 26 miles and a wor ld away from Belfast! This magnificent proper ty is famed for its resident ghost, L ady I sabella Shaw. Guests claim to have encountered her wander ing the halls, seeking retr ibution for her tr agic fate. The hotel embr aces its haunted reputation, offer ing a unique

Ventur ing to County K er r y, Ross Castle stands proudly on the shores of L ough L eane nr ar K illar ney. This centur ies-old for tress is said to be haunted by the ghost of a woman who drowned in the lake. Some claim to hear her mour nful cr ies on misty nights, adding an eer ie char m to this iconic I r ish landmar k. The natur al beauty of the area and the amazig architecture of Ross Castle will make this a mystical visit!

blend of luxur y and ghostly intr igue."

(Photo source: Ross Castle

CARRI CK FERGUS CASTL E (Photo and content source: Ballygally Castle Hotel)

BELVEL LY CASTL E I n County Cor k, Belvelly Castle stands as a testament to time and the super natur al. The spir it of a for mer owner, yet another of I reland's ghosts known as the White L ady, is said to haunt the castle, with sightings repor ted by those who explore its ancient halls. One of our subscr iber s told us a few year s ago that she awoke to a chill breeze and saw the White L ady standing at the foot of her bed! The castle itself was built in the 1400's and is one of I reland's oldest Tower Houses. The style is unusual and today it is a pr ivate residence. The cur rent owner s reconstr ucted and stabalised the str ucture in 2019 at a cost of ?5million.

Car r ickfer gus Castle in Nor ther n I reland. This medieval Nor man for tress sur vives from the 14th centur y. An amazing and imposing castle over looking Belfast L ough, it is said to be haunted by ghosts and other str ange par anor mal activity! One L egend tells us of the Grey L ady who is said to be the ghost of a woman who was impr isoned in the castle dur ing the 17th centur y. She is often seen wander ing the halls and is believed to be a for mer pr isoner who met an unfor tunate end. There is yet another myster ious lady in white who drowned in the L ough near by and roams the for tress to this day. M any visitor s and wor ker s have witnessed encounter s with these appar itions, adding a layer of myster y to this histor ic landmar k. (Photo source: Belvelly Castle)

M u ch m or e on lin e: BELFAST TOURS

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair / Samhain

K I NNI TTY CASTL E This castle and hotel is located in County Offaly, I reland. I t is probably the most haunted place that you can can stay in. The castle built in the 1300's has two residents that never check out! The Phantom M onk: One of the most famous ghost stor ies associated with K innitty Castle involves a phantom monk. I t is said that a monk was hanged at the castle, and his ghost is said to roam the halls and grounds. The Ghostly L ady in White: There have been repor ts of a lady in white, believed to be a for mer resident of the castle, appear ing in var ious par ts of the castle. M yster ious Noises and Cold Spots also entice visitor s. K innitty Castle has embr aced its haunted reputation and is a popular destination for par anor mal enthusiasts and those seeking a unique, spooky exper ience.

Th e Caves h ave a dar k past an d t h e geology is a

w on der so n ot t o be m issed on you r Ir ish adven t u r e!

WI CK L OW GOAL L ocated in the hear t of Wicklow Town; it has a gr im histor y as a for mer pr ison. The spir its of for mer inmates are said to linger within its walls, and guided tour s delve into the chilling stor ies of those who met their untimely end behind bar s. The tour and guides are fascinating and the par anor mal forces are strong.

DUNM ORE CAVES Beneath the rolling hills of K ilkenny, Dunmore Caves hold a subter r anean secret. L egends tell of a Viking massacre of the native I r ish that took place within the caver ns, leaving behind restless spir its. Guided tour s offer a glimpse into the chilling histor y and eer ie beauty of this haunting natur al wonder.

(Photo source: Discover I reland)

w w w.w ick low sh ist or

October, 2023

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Ker r y I r i sh Pr oduct i on s T o Of f er T w o Spect acul ar Ch i r st m as Sh ow s f or t h e 20 23 H ol i day Season The Sound of Chr istmas Sing-Along, a treat for the whole family! AN I RI SH CHRI STM AS, a Califor nia and Ar izona Tr adition! This amazing production, now an annual tr adition gives the audience the exper ience of a lifetime, br inging all to I reland to celebr ate Chr istmas through the magic of music, song and dance!

K er r y I r ish Productions has gar nered a well-ear ned reputation for excellence with their stage shows. An I r ish Chr istmas honor s the tr aditions of the best of the Chr istmas Spir it while holding tr ue to our I r ish Roots and tr aditions. The wor ld class dancer s, musicians and singer s are all exceptional and seasoned professionals. Combined with the instincts and talents of K er r y's founder and director, I r ish native M ar garet O'Car roll, these shows are a must see for 2023.


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

The Sound of Christmas Sing-Along Sing your way into the season with j oyful holiday favor ites. A fun-filled sing-along with orchestr a and choir, and a wonder ful way to celebr ate the holidays with those you love! Your favor ite Chr istmas Classics will include:

Jingle Bells, Deck the Halls, I ?ll be Home for Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, White Christmas, Silent Night, Ding Dong Merrily on High, and many more. Song will r ing through the theatre as orchestr a, choir and audience j oin forces in a delightful celebr ation of the festive season! A per fect family event! The Sound of Chr istmas Sing-Along will include Emmy-nominated conductor Char les Fer nandez, and the Sound of Chr istmas Chamber Player s and Choir, and nar r ation by I r ish Actress Sheelagh Cullen and YOU!!

The L os Angeles area concer t will take place in Thousand Oaks at: The Fred K avli Theatre at the BofA Per for ming Ar ts Center in the Thousand Oaks Civic on December 22nd at 7:30PM , On December 23r d at 2:00PM , the Clar k Center hosts the concer t in Ar royo Gr ande, CA

See ad and links on page 11 and in our calendar of this issue,

The Joy of Christmas in I reland No one celebr ates Chr istmas with more j oy than the I r ish. K er r y I r ish Productions is excited to be back on the road spreading that j oy to audiences here in Amer ica with their magnificent Holiday show.

Deireadh Fómhair

M usic and dance are the hear t of I r ish culture, and they are at the core of this show. The company features top-flight dancer s including River dance professionals, wor ld champions, regional and national champions, as well as musicians Anna Colliton (Cher ish the L adies, Eileen I ver s, Comas); percussion and Alasdair White, fiddle and the Kerry Voice Squad. An incredible team! The stage production which has been broadcast on PBS, is a celebr ation of family and community that showcases some of I reland?s great tr aditions including blessing the butter chur n, chasing the wren, and dancing on the half-door. A segment of the show features sean-nós dancing, an old style of dance or iginating in Connemar a, that str ips down the conventions of I r ish dance with an improvisational approach that focuses on the r hythms and the j oy of dancing. As a special treat for San Diego audiences, the producer, M ar garet O?Car roll has invited Jeannie Thor nton?s Clan Rince School of I r ish Dance to j oin this amazing production in a super b Act 1 finale. I n addition, Sar ah Dillon and Elizabeth Ger har dt who tr ained at the school will be featured. Sar ah has been dancing for twelve year s with the Clan Rince School of I r ish Dance. She has competed at the Wor ld Championships three times and achieved placements in the Top 10 in the West Region and Top 15 in Nor th Amer ica

Elizabeth has been dancing since she was two! As an Open Champion with the Clan Rince School of I r ish Dance she has competed at the regional and national levels

An I rish Christmasis a labor of love for its creator M ar garet O?Car roll who fell in love with I r ish music and culture growing up in County K er r y in southwest I reland. When M ar garet was asked about why she put this show together she said:?I t is extr aor dinar y how closely connected we are to our past. We are a product of so much that came before us, and our tr aditions infor m who we are now. Our I r ish culture matter s? we come from it, we are shaped by it, we identify with it, we dr aw from it and we must celebr ate it!"

October 2023

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The Auld Dubliner Irish Pub & Restaurant 71 S. Pine Street Long Beach, CA 90802 562 437-8300

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M o n d ay, T u esd ay, W ed n esd ay & T h u r sd ay : 12 N o o n t o 11:PM Fr i d ay : 12 N o o n t o 2:A M Sat u r d ay : 9 :A M t o 2:A M Su n d ay : 9 :A M t o PM

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deidear h Fómhair


ED NOTE: See Calen dar t h is issu e f or en t er t ain m en t an d even t s in t h e Kin g's Head Pu b an d f or m or e on t h eir n ew Cof f ee Bar CLICK HERE

October, 2023

Th is on goin g ar t s pr ogr am m e h as Jam es Joyce?s m ost f am ou s n ovel Ulysses celebr at ed acr oss Eu r ope. -Som e 18 Eu r opean cit ies h ave com e t oget h er t o cr eat e ULYSSES Eu r opean Odyssey, a m u lt i-ar t s pr ogr am m e in spir ed by Joyce?s m ast er piece w h ich w ill r u n u n t il Ju n e 2024. At h en s, Ber lin , Bu dapest , Clu j, Copen h agen , Der r y-Don egal, Du blin , Eleu sis, Ist an bu l, Leeu w ar den , Lisbon , Lu go, M ar seille, Ou lu , Par is, Tr iest e, Viln iu s an d Zu r ich . Ou r Novem ber Calen dar w ill det ail t h e r em ain in g segm en t s.

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

October, December, 2023 2022

I r ish I r ish ArAr tsts & &Enter Enter tainment tainment

I RI SH M U SI C News & Reviews

2023 / 24 Tou r Lor een a M cKen n it t L oreena M cK ennitt?s ?eclectic Celtic?music has won cr itical acclaim wor ldwide and gold, platinum and multi-platinum sales awar ds in 15 countr ies across four continents. Star ting in Ohio at a sold out Columbus concer t, L oreena will br ing The Visit Revisited Tour to 23 Amer ican cities in the U.S. Nor theast, par ts of the M idwest and concluding in the Canadian pr air ies this Fall., The concer t in Cincinnati at The Taft Theater, on November 2 has a few seats left. M y hometown and it would be great to be there! L oreena will be accompanied on tour by long-time musical companions Br ian Hugheson guitar,Caroline L avelleon cello, Hugh M ar shon violin and Dudley Phillipson bass. Per for mances will include ever y song on The Visit, (in the or der they appear on the album), as well as other fan favour ites from across her catalogue.

h t t ps:/ / lor een am ck en n it t .com / t ou r /

L oreena M cK ennitt is one of the most talented and amazing ar tists of our time. I f you can make it to one of these concer ts, you will be rewar ded with a highly enter taining and uplifting evening. I n 2024, The Visit Revisited Tour heads to Europe and concludes in L ondon in ear ly Apr il. Visit her webite for details on tickets and concer ts and to or der her music:

St ay Updat ed Get n ot if ied of Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s t ou r dat es an d u pcom in g even t s


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

Exciting details for the Irish Fair in Torrance in the South Bay will be detailed in our November issue!!

October, 2023

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Gh ost Wh isper er of Du blin

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The Apparitionist

By Gr eg Pat r ick ?The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.? ? W.B. Yeats

Dublin, 1916 The medium remembered the night war came to Dublin. Patrons sheltered in the theatre as its walls shook from explosions and windows lit cr imson in inter vals as besieged rebels fought the crown's forces. The conflict was no concer n of his, he told himself. The eve before the pubs were closed for the holiday men dr ank to numbness or for mer r iment? to drown out the keening of their womenfolk who had stood huddled and j ostling in the chill r ain as lists of names were posted by unifor med men. Fr ightened eyes scanned the lists and some left with a relieved sigh of cautious optimism, offer ing a consoling touch or wor d to those whose eyes locked on a name with a gasp as their head fell, dar k makeup streaking like the ink in tr ailing over the lists as r ain mingled with tear s? L ists of those who fell in the trenches and the bereaved oblivious to the cold till a child who would have to grow up quickly escor ted her away. I f the fallen was higher-r anked a shadow would fall over a br ightly-coloured door among the gr and Geor gian buildings and the much-dreaded knock would be hear d on the door. But r ain and tear s would not extinguish the fires of war. The dar k city seemed a necropolis yet the shadows were haunted by the living not the dead. Ghosts of flesh haunted by the fier y hell of war, cr ied out in nightmare tor tured sleep or waking visions. The incessant car nage of the wester n front was taking its toll. Tor n by loss the bereaved tur ned to seances and mediums. I n a lonely theatre dressing room dar k eyes looked back at a tired reflection. A lilting voice inter r upted cheer ily. " M r. O'Neil it's your cue!" his assistant bur st in cheer ily. ?Thank you M iss O?Hanlon,? he replied in monotone. He donned his tr ademar k black felt hat. His assistant helped him into his long tailcoat.

" You'll amaze them. You always do!" she gushed. He avoided her eyes in the mir ror and slowly rose. I t was only when he donned his mask did he regain enough confidence to r ise to his per sona. " I 'll announce you!" she beamed. He strode the hallway br ightly lined with colour ful theatre poster s of famous magicians. With a deep sigh he reached a red cur tain and closing his eyes par ted it to take the stage. Outside street preacher s protested his act. They delivered fier y ser mons implor ing the eager crowds not to patronise necromancy. The stage manager encour aged it. The notor iety and publicity was gold. The expectant mur mur of the audience ceased in excited anticipation as the medium made his entr ance. No applause greeted him. Only a breathless hush of anticipation from the unseen audience. He stepped into the spotlight in elegant black gentlemanly attire. Only the centre stage was lit with the circular table as the centrepiece isolated in a sea of dar kness. After pulling a r andom note from a black felt hat he read a name aloud. A man rose from the audience and approached the stage. The gentlemanly figure looked back cynically at the composed enigmatic figure opposite of him. The medium gestured with a gloved hand to a chair. ?Well? Do you wish me to contact someone among the deceased on your behalf?? the medium asked solemnly. ?I would dear ly wish to speak to my late sister M ildred,? came the reply. There was an expectant hush as the medium seemingly fell into a tr ance. After a moment of intense concentr ation, the medium opened his eyes. ?Well?? the patron asked. ?There is nobody in the beyond answer ing to that name related to you....why might that be?? the medium replied with a wink. ?I nability???Or a r use on your par t. You don?t have a sister named M ildred do you?? the medium asked patronizingly. ?You recognised me!? the undercover magician declared accusingly.The crowd was with the medium. ?Good people? ? the guest appealed. He was answered by j eer s in the audience. ?We are completely unacquainted I assure you sir,? the medium replied. The patron was a for mer magician now dedicated to exposing char latans preying on the vulner ability of the bereaved. As he was booed off the stage, he whir led around pointing an accusing finger . ?I ?ll expose you for a charlatan yet!? he declared. ?Per haps we should switch chair s? Your shouting is enough to wake the dead,? the medium smiled. L aughter and applause er upted from the audience as the medium rose and bowed before gestur ing at him dismissively. The patron glared and stor med out.

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The Aparitionist Continued

I r i sh Ar t s & En t er t ai n m en t falls on you..." he said.

After the cur tain fell the medium?s assistant asked him if he wanted company. He awkwar dly blur ted out a no and regretted it, looking after her in the r ain. He looked back desolately at his reflection in the lightbulb fr amed mir ror. ?char latan? echoed in his mind as he tr udged home to his lonely Geor gian flat where he lived reclusively. ?Charlatan? ?The medium repeated the wor ds in a whisper. Away from the br ight stage light and shadows where his commanding presence oozed mystique he felt painfully awkwar d in the real wor ld as the theatre door was locked behind him and the marquee lights flickered out. He was a solitar y figure foreground of r ain. He lingered in the r ain before sighing deeply. The medium did not feel of the people? he was an enigmatic and myster ious presence to be held in awe not in anything akin to familiar ity. He only concer ned himself with the illusions of theatre not the realities of their lives? Just unseen props to distr acted eyes? the tear s, pub laughter, wakes and embr aces? A pang sometimes of regret or cr aving but he was concer ned about what new tr ick he could cr aft... He couldn?t linger too long? Aloof so long in her mitage of his study brooding over ways to conj ure wonder s that would ever be enigma to the ever tr anscend their awareness? the ar t of magic...illusion? ar icker y. He tur ned away from the crowds of the city, the individual faces and stor ies behind the sadness, smiles, or anger. Reality was their lot? M agic was his. He looked for war d to the fleeting comfor t of his old haunt at the pub. There would be no familiar ity with the other patrons. There was no fr ater nising with them. His reflection was cast dar kly on the wet cobblestones as he tr udged through the shadows and r ain. His father and brother had been famed mediums. He remembered approaching his father once and confiding that he was j ealous over the gift of conver sing with the dead.

Deireadh Fómhair

Yet gift or cur se the power of ghost whisper ing had eluded him. The only thing that tr uly haunted him were the wor ds: " char latan" . The echoes of the j eer followed him into the night on his solitar y walk in the shadows and r ain. Preoccupied, he was j ar red by a voice from a str anger who suddenly accosted him. He was j ar red from his brooding as a str anger emer ged from the shadows. " Are you the fellow who can talk to ghosts?" the man asked. The medium quickened his step past him. ?No more pleasantr ies. Halt. You either talk to ghosts or become one,? he bar ked. ?Are you ar med?? the medium asked. ?I am indeed Sir,? the man replied menacingly. ?You?re a Fenian?? the medium asked noting the badge the str anger was wear ing. ?Something like that? ? he replied. There was a linger ing tense silence. ?L et?s go somewhere to talk and get out of the r ain,? the medium said at last. ?Alr ight. Where to then?? ?Well, I was on my way to my favour ite pub,? the medium hinted. ?That will do well enough,? he nodded. ?Two pints Sean,? the medium told the morose bar keep. ?For me and my new fr iend here. M r ? ? the medium continued. ?M r. none of his business? ? he replied.

"Gift son?" his father echoed sadly. "I t's a curse. Pray that it never


October, 2023

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

The medium always remained aloof from the other patrons as they laughed and made mer r y. He only indulged in a pint glass that he seldom more than sipped at. ?He's looking at you str angely? ? the str anger obser ved. ?They always do? A man gets used to it,? the medium replied with a sigh.

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dawn,? the str anger growled. ?Are you sure I can do it?? His tone changed to one that betr ayed desper ation and sadness. ?Save her...please,? the str anger pleaded. The medium sighed deeply.

?Cheer s,? the medium offered as he r aised his glass. His companion lift his untouched.

?I will,? he said.

?Enough of the pleasantr ies. On to business,? the str anger pressed.

?They have thwar ted at least five rescue attempts. You are not the fir st. At wor st you may be the

?I ?m j ust a stage medium,? he insisted.

last,? the str anger said.

? Not accor ding to this pamphlet. Quite some credentials there. Prestidigitation, illusionist, master of disguise, illusionist, escape ar tist extr aor dinaire? j ust the man I need,? the str anger smiled.

?Any of them successful??

?You?ve been vague all this time. For what exactly?? the medium asked.

The voice was more confident than he had been in memor y.

?Go. Quickly. They are tr anspor ting her tomor row,? the str anger ur ged.

?She isn?t deceased? ? the str anger answered.

They tur ned a cor ner and the medium halted with a gasp. There illuminated in the spectr al glow of lightning stood K ilmainham Jail. A foreboding glower ing grey edifice looming in the dar kness hailed by punishingly cold r ain. Thunder gr umbled like the belly of a famished ogre. I t was the one place no I r ish man wanted to see the inside of and it was the one place he was attempting to break into.

?I ?m afr aid I don?t under stand? ? the medium replied.

?To get in. You will need the j ailer ?s key,? the str anger said.

?You can contact people from the far thest reaches of hell? .Now I 'm asking you to go to the dar kest cor ner of hell to reach her ? She's j ailed in K ilmainham. She'll hang,? the str anger explained.

?And how am I to acquire that pr ay tell?? the medium demanded.

?I need you reach my sister M ar y,? the str anger said. ?Then why not come to one of my per for mances like ever yone else? Why all this??

The medium almost spat his dr ink out. ?K ilmainham? Do you realise what you are asking?? ?I do and I 'm not asking really,? the str anger replied. ?What will you do if I refuse?? ?Do you want to find out?? ?No, I guess I don't,? the medium answered. The last people to tr y to challenge me .I shot them down? a Br itish officer and some of his lackeys,? the str anger boasted. ?And you are proud of that?? ?Yes. Yes, I am,? the str anger replied. ?You may want to contact a solicitor instead,? the medium suggested. ?I can't affor d one,? the str anger replied. ?I 'm sor r y for you and your family but this is no affair of mine,? the medium answered. ?I t is now. She was taken pr isoner after the r ising. She has been sentenced to har d labour. There's talk of her being hanged,? the str anger replied. His voice betr ayed pain. ?I have a confession to make? ? the medium began. ?Save it for a pr iest,? the Fenian retor ted. ?I don't really talk with the dead. I t is a talent? a gift that r uns in my family. M y gr andfather and father and their father s before them? but not me. I 'm the black sheep of the family. The talentless one? ? the medium replied. ?Are you finished already? I t's getting later, and she only has till

?That lout frequents a local taver n along with his mates from the bar r acks. You will simply need to steal it r ight under their noses and then retur n here,? the str anger said. ?Simply he says. Just waltz r ight in and get it he says,? the medium gr umbled. He donned a unifor m he str ipped from a soldier that had passed out from dr ink in the alley. As the medium approached the taver n, he could hear boisterous singing from outside. Some soldier s were standing around a piano and singing ?God Save the king.? Other s played dar ts. ?That one of there,? the str anger pointed him out. ?Hey mate come dr ink with us!? a soldier called out. When he shook his head, they didn?t take no for an answer. He was pulled over to the table. A toast to the king was called for. ?God Save the K ing!? He r aised his pint glass. ?Eh wait here a second? ? a solder said suspiciously. ?This here bloke is wear ing Todd?s unifor m? ? another soldier said. He was sur rounded by soldier s. M en who could kill him without recour se. ?I ?ll ask you one more time. Who are you and why are you wear ing Todd?s unifor m?? a bur ly solder pressed. ?Are you a Fenian spy? A Fenian spy or are ye snooping for the kaiser ? Answer quickly!? he bar ked, dr awing a gun from his holster. Just then, fate inter vened as suddenly a man bur st into the room. He was tr aumatised from war in the trenches and r aving. ?Get that gun off of him!? a soldier cr ied out.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

?The Jer r ys are over r unning our positions Fix bayonets! Fight to the last man. For king and countr y!? the man howled. The medium took advantage of the moment and escaped out the back door. A sleight of hand and the keys to the cells j ingled at his finger s. The medium and his companion strode to K ilmainham and halted in its cold shadow. The r ain had ceased and the pr ison?s glower ing shadow was cast long by the moonlight. The entr ance was flanked by soldier s. ?M ight as well be the por tal to hell itself,? the medium said glumly. ?Be on your guar d or it may ver y well be. Executions of the rebels are already star ting. You?ll need the passwor d,? the str anger said. ?Oh, j ust that too?? ?Yes,? the str anger said as he whispered it. ?Now go? in God?s name for her. Please,? he begged the medium. who sighed deeply. ?I will,? the medium said. The voice was more confident than he had been in memor y. He passed the heavily ar med sentr ies after saluting and cor rectly stating the passwor d. He infiltr ated the gr im pr ison, at last coming to a lonely cell away from the other s. He opened the door and peered inside. He greeted the pr isoner inside with a whisper. Her eyes blinked in the sudden intr usion of light. ?M ar y?? ?Aye?? ?Come quickly...I was sent to get you out of here? ? the medium ur ged. ?There is no escape from here.? she groaned. ?Tr ust me? Get up? Soldier r ise!? the medium or dered. She did, swaying. She was fr ail from the or deal. ?L ean on me. Put this unifor m on and the cap,? he told her. ?I am escor ting this soldier to the infir mar y,? he explained when challenged. ?Come on. Get under the sheet,? the medium bade. They made their escape then and it took ever y magician?s tr ick he knew. Passing the shadow of the pr ison?s brooding gates, they fled a relentless pur suit under cover of dr iving r ain and dar kness. At last, they paused, satisfied that they had eluded the soldier s. ?Thank you good Sir,? she said at last having regained her breath. ?But tell me? Who sent you?? ?Your brother enlisted my ser vices,? he explained. ?He is here now,? he continued. ?M ichael? That is impossible. M y brother was killed dur ing the r ising. There is no one there. Only shadow,? she said. ?Tell her M ichael? ? the medium ur ged. ?Who are you talking to? He was shot dead dur ing the r ising? I never got to say goodbye,? M ar y said sadly. ?You can now if you want? ? the medium offered. ?I thought you said you were a char latan,? the ghost said with a wink. ?I am never wrong about people,? he continued. The par ting wor ds spoken as if they had been uttered by a

Deireadh Fómhair

living man would have been steaming in the chill air like a smoking pistol of a duelist. The ghost tur ned to j oin shadows awaiting him in r anks as they filed out demater ialising into the night, more like spilled blood than dr ink. Their shadows passed away as if reclaimed by the dar kness. L ike gentlemen at a twilight stroll r ather than a man sur render ing to be executed the ghosts whistled and sang in duet to echoes:

?Óró, sé do bheatha bhaileóró, sé do bheatha bhaileóró, sé do bheatha bhaile..A bhuí le Rí na bh Feart go bhfeiceam muna mbeam beo ina dhiaidh ach seachtai.? The medium closed his eyes then. He hear d the echo of hundreds of voices call to him from the depths of like cur rents in vast fathoms in a midnight r adio frequency only he could hear. He shivered in r apture as the choir of ghostly whisper s mer ged into a roar. He shuddered as if in the midst of a cold r ain. He opened his eyes at a voice. ?M r. O?Neil,? his assistant greeted him. ?You can call me Patr ick. I n fact I r ather than you would M iss O?Hanlon,? he replied. ?Clare please then,? she beamed. He smiled back at his char ming assistant. ?You were with a lady I saw? ? she said. ?A client only? Care for dinner ?? the medium offered. ?I thought you would never ask? ? she glowed. He took her ar m. ?I know j ust the place. Only the best for you? ?

K I L M AI NHEM PRI SON , Dublin Today, a dar k and for lor n museum. I n 1916, a place of death, despair and inj ustice. This delightful, hopeful and perfectly timed HALLOWEEN TALE comes from the sparkling imagination of our contributor and talented writer, Gr eg Pat r ick . You can buy Greg's books online, just click below:

Th e Tidin gs of t h e Falcon Lor d of t h e Red Keep

The Celtic Camer a

Page 21

We are here looking for you!

September ~ M ean Fomhair

Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:



Am er ican Foot ball Fan s in vade Du blin ! See f eat u r e an d lin k s t h is issu e, Wor ld r ecor ds w er e set !

GO GREEN! Visit ou r Tr avel Par t n er AER LINGUS

w w w.aer lin gu

PUBLIC SERVICE & IRISH COM M UNITY LINKS an d LISTINGS ar e FREE! Bu sin ess an d Pu b Calen dar list in gs ar e FREE f or Adver t iser s an d $100. f or f ou r m on t h s/ ver y cost ef f ect ive f or Non Adver t iser s! Cell: 951 216-1493 Em ail:

ir ish m issive @gm

Page 22

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

Ken O'Mal l ey's Hal l oween Tour t o I r el and

The City of Derry goes all ou t t o celebr at e Hallow een an d r ef lect on Sam h ain .

Th e Spook y Look in g Tr im Cast le/ Did n ot m ak e t h e cu t

f or m ost h au n t ed!

Ken O'M alley is t h er e n ow w it h h is t ou r gr ou p! We w ill k eep you in f or m ed on f u t u r e Ir ish t ou r s.

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

In t r o t o Ir ish Lan gu age On -Goin g .Th is on lin e class assu m es n o

pr ior k n ow ledge of t h e Ir ish lan gu age; if you h ave alr eady been exposed t o it , t h is class m ay ser ve as a r ef r esh er cou r se on t h e basics. Th e pr im ar y m at er ials ar e " Pr ogr ess in Ir ish" an d " Gaeilge Gan St r o - Low er Level" , bot h of w h ich m ay be pu r ch ased on lin e. Th e cou r se in st r u ct or , Jam es M u r ph y, w ill be cir cu lat in g t h e in it ial cou r se m at er ials as w ell. Th e f ir st f ew classes w ill f ocu s on pr on u n ciat ion .

If you ar e in t er est ed in par t icipat in g or w ou ld lik e m or e det ails, please em ail

u s at lan gu age@ celt icar t scen t er .com .


Kr is Colt , solo as Th e Lady Black Rose each w eeken d in Oct ober : w w w.k r iscolt .com

Page 24

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

M ORE TRIVIA Wedn esdays Th e Har p In n Ir ish Pu b Pou r Hou se Tr ivia Ever y Wedn esday Even in g at 7;00pm THE HARP 130 E. 17t h . St . Cost a M esa, CA

w w w.h ar pin n .com See O'Br ian's Pu b above f or t h eir Wedn esday det ails

Su n days M acLeod Br ew in g Tr ivia Nigh t w w w.m

h t t ps:/ / am er icaspu bqu /

Th e colu m n r ecen t ly abou t t h e Ir ish Lan gu age by ou r gr eat f r ien d an d Ir ish Ar t s an d En t er t ain m en t colu m n ist M au r ice Fit zpat r ick r eally r eson at ed w it h u s, I u se t h e m on t h s of t h e year in each issu e bu t m y Ir ish is ver y lim it ed. In f act , w or k in g on t h e f olio (t h e t op of each page) t h is issu e, I f or got t h e w or d f or Oct ober in Ir ish an d h ad t o look it u p. I f ou n d t h is r eally in t er est in g You Tu be video an d sh ar e t h e lin k below. I w ou ld lik e t o ch an ge m y lack of Ir ish t oo. so st ar t in g in ou r Novem ber issu e w e w ill be of f er in g ou r r eader s a f ew w or ds or ph r ases in ou r M ot h er Lan gu age. Also, if you ar e in t h e LA ar ea, t h e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er h as on goin g Ir ish lesson s. CLICK ICON FOR A QUICK LESSON

October, 2023

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Peace Lut h er i n Ch ur ch

Page 25

IRISH COM M UNITY LISTINGS ARE FREE!! Sen d t o: Pat r ick @ ir ish m issive@gm For all com m er cial lin k s/ list in gs & ads: Con t act Jim at Jim @pu bgu

The Irish Arts & Entertainment Th is past year w e celebr at ed 30 year s as Calif or n ia's pr em ier Ir ish pu blicat ion ! We st ar t ed in San t a M on ica in 1992 as t h e Irish News of California We alw ays w an t t o h ear f r om you , you r com m en t s, even t s list in gs an d su bm ission s ar e alw ays accept ed. St ar t in g w it h t h is issu e,

w e ar e en h an cin g t h e exper ien ce of bein g a su bscr iber by expan din g ou r Ver y Ir ish Per k s an d by t h e f ir st of 2024, w e w ill f u lly lau n ch ou r M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k . Th e f ledglin g sit e is alr eady u p an d su bscr iber s w ill be sen t det ails abou t it t h is m on t h . Com m en t s & Qu est ion s, please em ail:

jm cdon ou gh 44@gm

w w w.f r ien dsof sin n f ein .com

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

h t t p:/ / t r u et h om / w eblog/

PUB QUIZES & TRIVIA M ondays Th e Au ld Du blin er Ever y M on day w e h ost Tr ivia Nigh t , gat h er you r f r ien ds an d com e in t o com pet e an d en joy a pin t . Th e Au ld Du blin er 71 Pin e St . Lon g Beach , CA

w w lddu blin er .com

O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b

St an dar d Tr ivia Nigh t s ar e M on days an d Wedn esdays

M on day st ar t s at 8PM t ill 10:30PM WED: 8PM t o 10PM For m a t eam or t r y t o f or m on e at t h e pu b. Play f or cash pr izes of $150. No en t r y f ee O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 2226 Wilsh ir e San t a M on ica, CA

w w w.obr ien

Wedn esdays Ye Olde Kin g's Head Br it ish Pu b & Rest au r an t Tr ivia in t h e pu b at 7:30pm 116 San t a M on ica Bl San t a M on ica, CA

October. 2023

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Br ou gh t t o you by t h e Dan delion Rebellion

Page 27

Click Her e To List en


11110 Victor y Blvd., Nor th Hollywood, CA

The Mayflower Club

w w w .cel t i car t s cen t er .com


October, 2023

TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 7 FRIENDS Of IRELAND Br eak f ast You 'r e in vit ed. Join t h e cr aic an d get t oget h er w it h a gr eat bu n ch of f olk s an d sh ar e you r love of Ir elan d & all t h in gs Ir ish . Th e br eak f ast s ar e ver y good t oo! Th is n ext Tu esday an d t h e Fir st Tu esday of ever y m on t h Br eak f ast is at 9.30 am at Ken os Rest au r an t at 2661 West La Palm a Ave, An ah eim , Ca. M or e in f o an d t o get on t h e m ailin g list : PETE WALSH pbeir ean u a@at t .n et +1 714-200-7365 PUBLIC SERVICE & IRISH COM M UNITY LINKS an d LISTINGS ar e FREE! Bu sin ess an d Pu b Calen dar list in gs ar e FREE f or Adver t iser s an d $100. f or f ou r m on t h s/ cost ef f ect ive! Cell: 951 216-1493 Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 29

Page 28

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

SATURDAY, DECEM BER 23r d. at 2 & 7 PM

TICKETS ON SALE NOW Fr iday, Decem ber 22, 2023 at 7:30pm Fr ed Kavli Th eat r e Ban k of Am er ica Per f or m in g Ar t s Cen t er Th ou san d Oak s, CA Box of f ice: (805) 449-2787

Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s pr esen t s An Ir ish Ch r ist m as, a celebr at ion of f am ily an d com m u n it y t h at sh ow cases som e of t h e gr eat Ir ish h oliday t r adit ion s an d f eat u r es aw ar d-w in n in g dan cer s f r om Riverdance, Lord of the Dance an d Celtic Wings.!

BUY TICKETS Lober o Th eat r e:| box:of f ice@lober o.or g| 805.963.0761

Th e Kin g's Head in San t a M on ica h as added a COFFEE BAR!

Cof f ee Lover s r ejoice, t h e Kin g's Head Sh oppe an d Baker y ar e n ow ser vin g som e of t h e best select ion s of cof f ee an d specialt y dr in k s in all of San t a M on ica an d t h e West Side! Th ey ar e also pu r veyor s of exclu sive cof f ees in bu lk ! Ch eck ou t t h e gr eat select ion , all et h ically sou r ced.

October, 2023

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

VERY IRISH PERKS VIP GROUP All subscribers become members of our VIP Group. Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e. At Pr esen t : O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien Go t o t h e m en u click h er e

An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d Decem ber 23r d. an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion .

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Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY IRISH PERKS (VIP) PRIM ER Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em . On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s each issu e an d on ou r

Facebook pages.

Th e M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k an d Irish Cyber Spaces We h ave a f ledglin g Ir ish Social M edia Sit e an d you can join u s by sim ply su bscr ibin g t o t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment. Su bscr iber s also becom e m em ber s of t h e M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k an d you ar e en r olled in ou r

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Ver y Ir ish Per k s, (VIP) deals an d discou n t

Be par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

Su bscr ibe NOW an d you ar e au t om at ically en t er in t o ou r M on t h ly Su bscr iber 's Dr aw in g! Plu s you SAVE $15 On ly $20. f or ONE YEAR....bu t w ait , t h er e is m oe! You get en r olled in ou r VIP Gr ou p...see n ext page f or det ails!


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