The Wal Wal Arbitration by Pitman B. Potter (1938)

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"Tliereafter, as tl1 e fusillade l1 ad been l1eard i 11 tl1 e can1p, helJ) reacl1 ed us. Just as ,ve w �re tall<:i11 g ,vith the soldiers ,vho ha.d con1 e to hel 1) us about tl1 e fusil­ Jade, the I tal1a11 troops, l1 aving pt1rsucd us again, firecl shots on us, after surrou1 1d­ ing us on the rigl1t and left. vVe defended ourselves as best ,ve could. "TJ1is seco11 d dispute l1aving tal<:en place near our can1 p, about ninety n1 en l1ad come to l1 elp us. During tl1 e seco11cl fusillade, t1-vo soldiers ,vere killed and tl1ree ,vounded on our side. After exchanging sl1 ots for about half an hour, tl1e Italian troops ,vitl1 dre,v. 1"hereafter ,ve returned tal<: ing ,vitl1 us our dead and ,vouncled." )'Otl gone before that day to n1 oun t guard?" QUESTION: " Ilad l<.EPLY: "Before t11 at day, I t1sed to go up to the line ,vl1 ere our sentinels ,v·ere keeping guard and inspect. After n1,:tking the inspection I returned. But ,ve 11 ad 11 ot l 1 ad any ro,v after that ,vl1 icl1 occurred previously (-i.e. 011 19 'l"a.hesas). ,.l'I1 e day ,tfter tl1 e quarrel 011 21 Ter, t,vo aeroplanes, after flying round for about t,venty 1ninutes 11ear r'\fdub, returned in a soutJ1 erly direction." QUESTION: "Before that day, l1 ad you see11 an Italia11 aeropla11e coining to observe at Guerlogubi? '' REPLY: "Si11ce tl1e <la)' of n1y arrival at Guerlogubi, during the first ,veek:, it made a reconnaissance morning and evening, but later it ca1ne every third or fourtl1 day. I sa,v only three bon1bs wl1 ich l1 acl 11ot burst and ha.d been dropped before our arrival, bt1t 110 bo111 IJ was droJ)ped after our arrival." TJ1is declaration was read to l1i1 n and l1 e corrol)orated it by affixing l1 is sea.I. Guerlogubi, 13 Yekatit 1927, Year of Grace. Seal of I-I.ti.ILE \iVoLDE GUEBIZIEL. LORENZO


3. GUEDRE MIKl\EL I(ELEL, police1nan at Dire-.Daoua, after ]1 ;:1ving S'vvor 11 in tl1e 11 ame of the E111 peror to tell the truth, gave the follo,ving re1)l)' to our ques­ tio11 s: "In the mornir1g, l1 aving bee1 1 tolcl to go and 1nou11t guard, I left tl1 e ca1rq) of Guerlogubi ,,ritl1 five persons of ,vho111 I ,vas i11 com111 ancl, and ,ve reached the place 'vvl1 ere our sentinels ,,,ere n1ot1 nting guard. I thinl<: that ,ve were t,venty­ four 1ne11 ,vl10 were res1)01 1sible for 111 ounting· guard. \Vhen ,ve reacl1 ed the line, we told a certain Ecl1et€:, a policen1 an fro111 Degal1emedo, to climb up a tree. After l1e l1 ad clin1bed the tree, he told us: 'Three Italian soldiers on the other side ha,,e seen n1 e and ha,,e clescended fro111 the tree.' rfhen ,ve told him to co1 ne do,vn fro1n tl1 e tree quickly and he ca1ne do,vn. I1nmediately after, ,vl1ile ,ve were standing in our line, the Italian soldiers ca1ne up to us at a very rapid pace. vVhen tl1 ey ca11 1e 11 ear us, they insulted us first by sa:r1 ing: 'vVhere would you be going?' and tl1 en an order a terra ,vas given and a ,vl1istle. At that 11 1oment they fired shots at us, after }1 aving st1rrounded us. Thereafter we defended ourselves by retreating. After w e had ,vitl1dra,vn to a great distance, help arrived (about eigl1ty or ninety n1en). As the rei11forcen1ents ,vere questioning us abot1t ,vl1 at had happened, tl1e soldiers, ,vl1 0 had pursued us, surrounded us, a11d, after again giving a signal by whistle, fired volleys at tis. As tl1e place \Vas wooded, I could not make out the number of tl1e Italian soldiers, but tl1ere ,vere several sl1ots.

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