CSA 2024

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Supporting the Catholic Service Appeal!!

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Catholic Diocese of Jackson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. –Romans 8:28

Every day, those who serve in our diocese embrace the purposeful work of the Lord by providing for those in need. As you know, the work performed by the stewards of our Catholic faith through 14 Catholic Service Appeal ministries delivers assistance to our brothers and sisters who are seeking spiritual, emotional and physical help. Many in our communities are vulnerable in need; and thanks to your generosity, we are able to faithfully serve. In the beginning of 2023, I asked you to support the work of the CSA, and over 2,600 of you responded with the largest financial backing we have received in over 10 years. Your faith and trust in these services and ministries have fueled our mission of Hope Rising. Please take time and review the following report that illustrates the difference you made by generously sharing your financial gifts and supporting the work of the Catholic Service Appeal. Your financial partnership and generosity will be needed again in the coming year, and in future years, until the need no longer exists. With your help, we will not stop these important services. Please know that we have been good stewards with the money that you have entrusted to us. The graphics illustrated in this report provide essential information about where your gift to the CSA was allocated. With this, you can see that every dollar entrusted to us through the Catholic Service Appeal promotes our Catholic faith in action. Our first 2024 CSA mailing was sent out in January 2024. I continue to ask for your prayers for these ministries and those we serve. As collaborators in the Lord’s vineyard let us faithfully pray for one another. Most Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz


$ 350,000

For over 60 years Catholic Charities has been a visible sign of Christ’s love to those who are unable to help themselves. With over 15 programs in Jackson, Gulfport, Natchez, Greenwood, and Vardaman. 85% of families served live below the federal poverty level and struggle to meet their basic needs. Your support helps bring hope to their lives.


$ 40,000

Our youth live in a diocese that is only 4% Catholic, Youth Ministry allows our Catholic youth to gather at retreats and conferences, so they interact with other Catholic youth, engage in their faith and learn the importance of developing a relationship with God. The Youth Office assists Youth Ministers around the diocese so that our Catholic Youth are engaged in their faith.


$ 175,000

As each of our seven seminarians move closer to ordination. Your gift to the appeal helps with the cost of tuition, books and health insurance as these men prepare to become a priest in our diocese. The Office of Vocations helps to guide those who are discerning a call to a life of serving the church. It is through prayer and your support that people are responding to God’s call.


$ 30,000

The Office of Family Ministry provides programs and resources to affirm the sacredness of life and sanctity of marriage. Engaged couples attend the Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend program to prepare for their lifetime commitment to the sacrament of matrimony. Other activities include the formation and continued support in the areas of pro-life, marriage enrichment, Natural Family Planning (NFP), and family support. The mission is to promote marriage, family and the culture of life!


$ 286,803

Clergy Healthcare and Assistance Program: We honor our active and retired priests by ensuring they get the best medical care by providing assistance through supplemental health insurance, long term care needs, and out of pocket medical expenses. This safeguards the health of our faithful pastors. Operating Grants: Parish and Catholic School Operating Assistance Grants are made possible by your donations to the CSA. These grants give support to our smaller parishes and financially struggling parishes by providing priest and staff salaries, operating expenses, and faith formation programs. These grants also provide support to our Catholic Schools to help with tuition assistance, teacher salaries, and curriculum needs. Office of Intercultural Ministry: Your gifts to the Office of Intercultural Ministry works with Black, Hispanic, Vietnamese and Native American Catholics in our diocese to develop leadership, celebrate diverse cultures, and strengthen parish engagement. Office of Communications: The Office of Communications provides the Mississippi Catholic newspaper, in both print and digital, to all parishioners in our diocese. Bishop Kopacz uses this media to evangelize throughout the diocese and to deliver local, national and worldwide Catholic news to all parishioners, in particular those who are homebound helping them stay connected to their faith.


$ 150,000

Our 21 retired priests are very important to our diocese. We continue to care for them by providing retirement benefits. We are thankful for these priests who continue to serve our diocese.


$ 10,000

The Permanent Diaconate program supports the seven men who are currently in spiritual enrichment and formation preparing to be ordained as a deacon to serve our church. At this time, we have 13 active deacons and 1 retired deacon.


$ 50,000

Together your support of Campus Ministry reaches out to our young adults at college. Students are able to continue to practice their faith with believers who also have a desire to live out a Catholic Christian lifestyle through Bible studies, spiritual growth opportunities, Mass and social events.


$ 40,000

You help bring people into a closer relationship with God through educational and experiential opportunities for encounter. Parish volunteers become certified catechists so they can work with adults and youth. Our parish lay ministers and Catholic School teachers are involved in catechesis, RCIA, Liturgy, Lay Ecclesial Ministry, and/or Pastoral Ministry. They all receive training, certification and spiritual retreats to help them better serve our parishes and schools.


$ 20,000

You spoke and we listened. The newly formed Young Adult Ministry provides our 18-35 year old parishioners a place to form joyful missionary disciples who continue to develop an authentic relationship with Jesus through prayer, Scripture and the Sacraments.


$ 10,000

Catholic prison ministry provides Mass, the sacraments, and devotions. We provide Bible study and a religious education program for men who want to enter the church or who want to learn more about the faith.

Message from the Stewardship and Development Director As we embark on the 2024 Catholic Service Appeal, let us come together in prayerful reflection, remembering the 14 ministries supported by this annual appeal and the individuals touched by their service. The annual report provides a glimpse into the impactful work carried out by these central ministries, each playing a vital role in our Catholic faith. Under the theme “Hope Rising,” we invite you to consider becoming a beacon of hope by supporting the Catholic Service Appeal. Your generous contribution serves as a source of hope for those benefiting from the thoseministries. Bishop Kopacz has reached out to all parishioners in the diocese through mailed letters, urging your support for the Catholic Service Appeal. If you haven’t received your letter, please don’t hesitate to contact the Catholic Service Appeal Office. Additionally, you can make your contribution conveniently online by scanning the QR code with your mobile phone or by visiting csa.jacksondiocese.org. For those who prefer, a second collection will take place during the weekend of February 10-11. We express our heartfelt gratitude to the committed individuals throughout the diocese who selflessly contribute their time and efforts to make a positive impact on the lives of others through these invaluable ministries. May God, in His infinite grace, bestow upon them the wisdom needed to continue their noble service with unwavering dedication and compassion. We extend our sincere thanks to all those who have generously contributed to the Catholic Service Appeal, enabling these vital ministries to thrive and flourish. Your support plays a crucial role in fostering the growth of these ministries, allowing them to continue their impactful work within our community. May your generosity be blessed, and may these ministries continue to make a positive difference in the lives of many. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact me at 601-960-8477. Warmest Regards,

Ways to Give Please make checks payable to: Catholic Service Appeal Mail: Send your pledge to: Catholic Service Appeal P.O. Box 22723 Jackson, MS 39225 Online: Visit our secure online site at: csa.jacksondiocese.org At your parish: Place your envelope in the collection by Feb. 11. Stock/IRA contribution: Call (601) 960-8477 Call us at (601) 960-8479 Text “GiveCSA” to (601) 202-5979 Sign up at www.jacksondiocese.org and become an ongoing monthly donor and be like St. Francis, the Patron Saint of the Enviroment by reducing paper cost normaly included with monthly postal pledges.

Rebecca Harris

Catholic Service Appeal distributed $1,161,803 to parishes, schools and ministries throughout the Diocese of Jackson

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