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October 12, 2013 | Vauraddeancho Ixtt mercy,” remarked Felipe. In front of a shocked crowd and in front of Pope Francis, who looked at him attentively, the Brazilian told how he was in coma, breathing through a tube, while his community offered prayer intentions and sacrifices so he would heal. Finally, when he became conscience, the fi rst thing he did was ask for the Eucharist and after receiving it, he recovered rapidly. But Felipe, who was then bound to a wheelchair, stated “this is my cross, the cross the Lord sent me to come closer to him, to live more openly his grace and love.” When the three million youths broke out clapping, Felipe interrupted

English Konknni Mix Bhaji

Plastic Smile fades in while We were told a simple smile will go for miles. Now it has changed to plastic smile, which last only for a while. Every Goan will know what a plastic smile is meant to be. You see these more often than the real ones. For a photo-shoot, smile please is a dictum. Or say cheese, to show off your teeth, for the click. The more splendid, is always candid- just as you are. There are enough photos of us in the world of collections. But is there you- one and special. ‘Don’t click a photograph of me, click me’ is a statement, I have still not forgotten. My perception, to look at the people through the lenses, changed forever. It was like discovering a new paradigm. ‘When you are sent to collect the wasted plastic, please don’t forget to collect the plastic smiles of people’ Could not hold it any longer; and had to suggest to this to a friend. Some are professional in offering a plastic smile. Of course it is different from putting a brave face. But what hurts the most, in a fake smile and also being told that you are fak-akau. Today, it is no longer termed as Coalgate smile. Yes real smile is ever contagious. And it can spring a surprise. But the world today preaches a different tact to sign a pact. Most important is the pact and the fact is you are one of the element that complete the deal. Due to such deals, smile has started to lose as a value. But it is a starter forgotten to shape real life. Smile will never go out of fashion. But the challenge is to give others more reasons to smile. Mix Bhaji is just a tease to give one such reason in every season. Smile please! Chick! Click! Enough. Now, let’s go candid!

Feroz F

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Story from World Youth Day 2013 T

he young Brazilian Felipe Passos moved the hearts of three million World Youth Day participants, including Pope Francis himself, when he told the story of how he became bound to a wheelchair and discovered “the Cross.” Felipe, 23, spoke at the World Youth Day prayer vigil July 27 at Copacabana Beach. He told how at the end of the past World Youth Day, held in Madrid in 2011, he made two spiritual promises. He promised to stay chaste until marriage and to work hard so his prayer group of Ponta Grossa, in Brazil’s southern state of Paraná, could participate in this year’s World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. With few resources, Felipe and his friends began saving money by working several hard jobs at the same

time that they prepared themselves spiritually: praying, adoring the Blessed Sacrament, fasting and doing works of solidarity. Then a horrible thing happened. “In January of this year, two days before turning 23, two youths entered my house, armed, to rob the money we had gathered with so much sacrifice,” said Felipe. “I thought of the months of great efforts, of my family’s sacrificing, of my friends and colleagues… in what would have been snatched from us and I decided I would not give it,” he added. Felipe saved the savings of the group, but received a gunshot wound that almost ended his life. “I was clinically dead, I had several cardiac arrests, and the doctor told my parents in the hospital ‘this boy has no hope,’ but I’m here and my community is here because of God’s

The Acorn Planter In the 1930s a young traveller was exploring the French Alps. He came upon a vast stretch of barren land. It was desolate, forbidding, ugly. Suddenly, the young traveler stopped dead in his tracks. In the middle of this vast wasteland was a bentover old man. On his back was a sack of acorns. In his hand was a four-foot length of iron pipe. He was using the iron pipe to punch holes in the ground. Then from the sack he would take an acorn and put it in the hole. The old man told the traveller. “I’ve planted over 100,000 acorns. Perhaps only a tenth of them will grow. “The old

them. “Silence!” he said. “Let’s listen to the Holy Spirit!” The 23-year-old then asked each of the youths present to take the cross they had hung around their neck, to hold it and look at it. Felipe invited them to meditate in silence on the questions: “What is the cross that the Lord has given me? What is the cross that he wants me to carry for his love?” Everyone present, including bishops and cardinals, contemplated their own cross around their neck. The wheelchair-bound young man’s words created a unique moment of profound silence along the entire Copacabana beach. Felipe finished his testimony asking for prayers as well as for Pope Francis’ blessing. If you believe you can, you can!

man’s wife and son had died, and this was how he chose to spend his final years. “I want to do something useful,” he said. Twenty-five years later the traveller returned to the same desolate area. What he saw amazed him. The land was covered with a beautiful forest two miles wide and five miles long. Birds were singing, animals were playing, and wild flowers perfumed the air. The traveller stood there recalling the desolation that once was; a beautiful oak forest stood there now – all because someone cared. We each have the ability to do great things with our lives. What small thing can you do today to make the world a more beautiful place?

Suduko - 027 baabaulyaacyaa #aoLaMtlaI baavalaao AanaI baavalaI daogaaMya jaaNaaM baabaU vaaMgaDa AcakIt #aoLUMk AayalaIM baabaulyaacyaa hatak Qa$na haMsatalaIM naacatalaIM Qaalaao fugaDI GaalaUna

for Qa$na GauMvatalaIM baabaU hMasat haMsat talaar taLyaao maarI baavalaao baavalaok pLaovana madIMca ]D@yaao maarI

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#aoL rao#aDao qaaMbalaao baabaUk AayalaI jaaga baavalaao naa baavalaI naa baabaU rMgayatalaao sapnaaM

iBakajaI GaaNaokar

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