Being Goan - February Issue 2024

Page 1

Volume 3

Issue 2

February 2024


chetan morajkar Chetan Morajkar, a celebrated Goan photographer, highlights Goa's culture through his impactful work (@directedbynishi), including notable projects with Tomorrowland and GQ magazine.

Cover Image: Chetan Morajkar

Abhijit naik Abhijit Naik, founder of Abhijit Fitness, inspiring a global audience through online coaching.

Kareena shirodkar A Goan Athlete who won a gold medal in the National Games - 2023.

ANWAR ALVAREZ SHAIKH Anwar is a Goan fitness buff & the winner of Mr. Goa Congeniality 2023.

highlighting his evolution from humble origins to a beacon of health inspiration.

Anwar Shaikh's journey is a captivating chronicle of resilience. From being a Goan fitness enthusiast to earning the title of Mr. Goa Congeniality 2023, and his subsequent rise in the acting world, Anwar's life illustrates the power of authenticity and versatility.

Editorial Dear Readers,

As we embrace the fervour of February, Being Goan is excited to bring you another edition brimming with stories of triumph, creativity, and cultural pride. This month, we celebrate the individuals who embody the vibrant spirit of Goa and inspire us all.

On our cover, we feature Chetan Morajkar, a celebrated photographer whose work, particularly his ventures with Tomorrowland and GQ magazine, captures the essence of Goa's rich culture. Follow his journey at @directedbynishi and discover how his lens brings to life the unseen narratives of our homeland.

We also share the inspiring tale of Kareena Shirodkar, whose journey from Taekwondo to clinching gold in Pencak Silat at the 2023 National Games is nothing short of remarkable. Kareena's story is one of true empowerment, as she breaks barriers in martial arts while pursuing a law degree and setting her sights on civil service.

Abhijit Naik, a seven-time Mr. Goa and the founder of Abhijit Fitness, has been motivating a global audience through his online coaching. His story is a testament to the balance between fitness and community well-being,

From the artistic realms, Debbie Fernandes continues to make strides, supporting Goan integration in the Netherlands while advancing her artistic pursuits. Her work post-art and animation studies is a blend of cultural advocacy and creative expression.

Julius Mesquita, a renowned actor and editor from South Goa, seamlessly merges his business savvy with his passion for Konkani tiatr. Known for navigating the industry's challenges with humour and grace, Julius's aspirations to create content that resonates with truth and resilience are truly commendable.

Finally, we're thrilled to announce a press release on Echoes of Earth, India’s Greenest Festival, that made its mark in Goa. This was a celebration that not only promised outstanding music and art but also pledges to leave a trail of green footprints.

Well, that's all I have for you from my desk this month.

I hope you enjoy reading this month's issue of our e-magazine. Do share it with your friends all across the globe.

Until next month, cheers!

Jessyl Fernandez



01 Chetan Morajkar

02 Kareena Shirodkar

03 Abhijit Naik

04 Anwar Alvarez Shaikh

05 Debbie Fernandes

06 Julius Andrew Mesquita

07 Echoes of Earth Festival


Goa, the tiniest state on the western coast of India, boasts golden pristine beaches, palm-fringed avenues, flavourful food, delicious Portuguese-influenced sweets, and warm, hospitable people. Also known as the Ibiza of India for its partying. A tropical paradise of flora and fauna, from the very famous 'almi' (mushrooms) endemic to its forests, that grow only on the red mud anthills, to the solar prawns that are fished immediately after the monsoons, Goa is unique. Tourists are also attracted to Goa for its cultural heritage - from the famous old Portuguese churches like Se Cathedral in Old Goa, the 16th Century Safa Masjid in Ponda and Shree Mangesha Temple in Mardol, the legendary Arvalem or Pandava Caves where the Pandavas of the Mahabharat fame lived, to its two unique festivals - Carnival and Shigmo. Goa plays host to many festivals the International Film Festival of India that promotes cinema, the Serendipity Art Festival, Sunburn Music Festival, to name a few. To showcase this varied heritage of culture, art, tradition, food, and people, in 2015 ItsGoa was born. The main aim was to make it the premier portal for all things Goa. We were able to showcase Goa like never before. Soon our blog-based website transcended the virtual space, with the ItsGoa magazine – a sought-after resource for visitors to Goa from countries like Norway, UK, USA, etc.

Editorial Team

Chief Editor

Jessyl Fernandez

Content & Social Media

Saviola Dias


Donald Fernandez

Graphics & Layout

Shashank Parab

Zara Dias

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Colony, Porvorim, Goa 403521

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photographer & filmmaker

chetan morajkar Chetan Morajkar, a celebrated Goan photographer, highlights Goa's culture through his impactful work - @directedbynishi, including notable projects with Tomorrowland and GQ magazine.

Article by: Saviola Dias

Images by: Chetan Morajkar



GQ's elegant ensemble beams charisma; a moment captured in time

In the quaint village of Pernem in Goa, a visionary

@directedbynishi: A Canvas of Transformation

artist found his calling amid the lush landscapes and the vibrant tapestry of Goan culture. Chetan

The creation of @directedbynishi on social media

Morajkar, known in the realms of photography and

marks a significant chapter in Chetan's life,

filmmaking as Nishi - in honour of his grandfather

symbolising his transformation and a renewed vision

Nishikant, is a storyteller at heart, whose journey

towards his craft. The name 'Nishi,' representing the

from a captivated child listening to folk tales to

dawn of new beginnings and a connection to his

becoming a celebrated visual artist is nothing short

roots, became the emblem of his artistic and

of inspiring. His path, marked by intuition, passion,

personal evolution. Through this platform, Chetan

and an unwavering dedication to storytelling, leads

shares his journey of capturing life's moments,

us through the evolution of a boy enamoured by the

stories, and the myriad expressions of Goan culture

power of visual narratives to a man on a mission to

and its people. His intuitive approach to selecting

capture the essence of life through his lens.

subjects—whether it's the rich traditions of Goa, the music festivals, or the everyday stories of its

The Spark of Inspiration

inhabitants—reflects his quest to explore human experiences and the environment we inhabit.

Chetan's artistic journey began with an unexpected encounter with a Canon 550D camera during his

Immersed in Goan Culture

teenage years, a pivotal moment that ignited his passion for photography. This experience, combined

Goa's culture, landscape, and lifestyle are the soul of

with his studies in commercial arts and a major in

Chetan's work. From the dramatic intensity of

photography and filmmaking at The One School

traditional performances to the serene beauty of its

Goa, laid the foundation for his artistic exploration.

landscapes, every frame he captures is infused with

Under the guidance of pioneering photographers

the essence of Goa. This deep connection not only

and educators, Chetan honed his skills, focusing on

influences his photographic and filmmaking style but

documentary photography and delving into the

also drives him to create work that honours and

dynamic world of DJs and the music scene in Goa.

preserves Goan traditions for future generations. His

This exploration opened doors to freelancing

storytelling is a bridge between art and social

opportunities and collaborations, marking the

consciousness, aiming to inspire and evoke change

beginning of his professional journey.

through the power of visual narratives.



Pordho painter crafts tiatr backdrop, artfully blending life into scene by Nishi

Dj Alesso ignites Tomorrowland 2018, a sea of fans under starlight photo by Nishi itsgoa_ Itsgoa

The Artistic Process

eleventh-hour client requests to adapting to the everchanging digital landscape. Chetan views these

Chetan's creative process is a meticulous journey

challenges as opportunities for creative growth,

from inspiration to execution. It begins with an

navigating the delicate balance between client

idea, evolves through extensive research and

expectations and the integrity of storytelling. His

planning, and culminates in the dynamic act of

approach to building a dedicated team and fostering

capturing and weaving stories through his lens.

collective imagination underscores the importance of

This process, balanced between planned

collaboration in the creative process.

strategies and spontaneous inspiration, showcases Chetan's ability to adapt and

Advice for Aspiring Artists

innovate, creating emotionally engaging and visually spectacular narratives that resonate with

For those looking to make their mark in the industry,

audiences worldwide.

Chetan emphasises the importance of passion, learning, and humility. He advocates for a deep understanding of the craft, encouraging aspiring photographers and filmmakers to explore their unique perspectives and break the conventional rules with purpose. Engaging with the audience on a meaningful level, beyond the metrics of social media, is crucial for creating a lasting impact.

A fusion of AI and Photoshop conjures an ethereal digital masterpiece by Nishi

Memorable Milestones

Among Chetan's most memorable projects is his experience photographing at Tomorrowland, marking him as the first Goan photographer to capture the essence of one of the globe's most iconic music festivals. Additionally, his collaboration with GQ magazine stands as a testament to his versatility and passion for visual storytelling. Photographing celebrated actors, musicians, and cultural icons has enriched Chetan's artistic journey, allowing him to delve into the personalities behind the public figures and capture their essence beyond the screen.

Navigating Challenges

Ranveer Singh exudes charm, claiming The journey of a photographer and filmmaker is

Actor of the year at GQ, captured by Nishi fraught with challenges, from managing



DJ Nucleya ignites the stage, fiery beats at the last show, captured by Nishi

Sonic Solstice with nucleya show by Nishi



Envisioning the Future

Looking ahead, Chetan's vision for his work is fuelled by a desire to explore new narratives and techniques, with a focus on contributing positively to the community. His upcoming documentary series on Goan culture and collaborations with various artists reflect his commitment to storytelling that connects, inspires, and transforms. As technology continues to evolve, Chetan remains open to integrating new tools like AI generative art into his creative process, embracing the endless possibilities of photography and filmmaking.

Chetan Morajkar's journey from the serene village of Pernem to the global stage of visual storytelling is a testament to the transformative power of art. As Nishi, he continues to capture the soul of Goa, weaving narratives that transcend borders and invite us to see the world through a new lens. His work is not just a celebration of Goan culture but a call to preserve its beauty and stories for generations to come, making him a true ambassador of Goan heritage and a visionary artist in the world of photography and filmmaking.

Singer Badshah's style radiates confidence, captured by Nishi

An enticing glimpse of Nishi’s forthcoming pictorial documentary on Dashavatar. itsgoa_ Itsgoa


Kareena Shirodkar Kareena Shirodkar, from Goa, clinched gold in Pencak Silat at the 2023 National Games. Moving from Taekwondo and supported by her family, she promotes martial arts among girls while pursuing law and eyeing a civil service career, symbolizing empowerment and ambition. Article by: Saviola Dias

Images by: Kareena Shirodkar



In the vibrant state of Goa, known for its sandy beaches and cultural heritage, a new hero has risen from its heart. Kareena Shirodkar, a 23-year-old law student, has not just shattered the glass ceiling but has also redefined the boundaries of martial arts in India. Winning a gold medal in Pencak Silat at the National Games 2023 is not just a feather in her cap; it's a testament to her relentless pursuit of excellence, a journey that transcends the mats of martial arts and ventures into the realms of personal growth, empowerment, and aspiring civil service ambitions.

A Journey From Shyness to the National Spotlight

Kareena's story is not one of overnight success but of gradual, hard-fought battles. Beginning her martial arts journey with Taekwondo in the third standard, she was a shy girl who found her voice and strength through the discipline and rigour of martial arts. Her transition from Taekwondo to Pencak Silat, under the guidance of her coach Siraj Khan & Anthony Braganza, marked a significant pivot in her journey. It was a shift from the familiar to the unknown, from safety to the challenges of a

Kareena with her coach

sport that was newly introduced in Goa in 2017.

Anthony Braganza

Yet, Kareena embraced Pencak Silat with open arms, driven by a desire to excel and a curiosity for this intricate Indonesian martial art.

Her journey underscores the pivotal role that a nurturing family environment and community

Embracing the Pencak Silat Challenge

support play in the making of a champion. It's a narrative that resonates deeply in the Goan

Pencak Silat demanded of Kareena a blend of agility,

context, where community and family ties hold a

strength, and strategic thinking, integrating elements

special place.

from boxing, Taekwondo, and Judo. The sport's complexity and the physicality intrigued Kareena,

More Than a Medal: A Vision for Pencak Silat

pushing her to master its nuances. Her determination saw her overcome significant hurdles,

For Kareena, winning the gold medal at the

not least of which was meeting the stringent weight

National Games was more than a personal victory;

category requirements – a testament to her

it was a platform to spotlight Pencak Silat, a

discipline and the unwavering support of her family

relatively obscure sport in India. She views her

and coach.

achievement as a means to advocate for the sport's inclusion in young people's lives, emphasising its

The Role of Family and Community

benefits not just for physical health but also for mental and academic development. Kareena's

Behind Kareena's success is the story of a family's

success is a clarion call to young individuals,

faith and support. Kareena credits her mother's

especially girls, to embrace martial arts, not just for

belief in her and her father's cautious yet steadfast

self-defence but as a medium for personal growth

support as the bedrock of her achievements.

and confidence building.



Kareena with her mother after winning the gold medal at the national games - 2023



Beyond the Mat: Dreams of Civil Service

It speaks to the power of perseverance, the importance of embracing change, and the impact of

Kareena's aspirations extend far beyond the

familial and community support. Kareena's story

martial arts arena. She is a young woman with a

transcends her achievements in martial arts, touching

vision for her future, aiming to serve her country

on themes of personal growth, women's

through the civil services. Her pursuit of a law

empowerment, and the pursuit of service to the

degree is a strategic step toward achieving this

nation. As she continues to tread the path of

goal, blending her passion for martial arts with a

excellence, Kareena remains a beacon for young

commitment to public service. Kareena's story is a

individuals everywhere, exemplifying that with hard

compelling example of how sports can serve as a

work, support, and a heart full of dreams, nothing is

foundation for broader career ambitions, fostering

impossible. Her legacy is not just the medals and

qualities like discipline, resilience, and a sense of

accolades but the lives she inspires along her

duty toward the nation.

journey, making her a true prodigy of Goa and a pride of the nation.

Empowering Young Women Through Martial Arts

Kareena is not just a sportswoman; she is a role model, advocating for the importance of martial arts in empowering young women. She believes in the transformative power of sports to instil confidence, discipline, and a sense of security in girls, enabling them to stand tall in the face of challenges. Her message is clear: martial arts and education should go hand in hand, each enriching the other, paving the way for well-rounded development.

A Beacon of Inspiration

Kareena’s journey from the quiet lanes of Panjim to the pinnacle of national success in Pencak Silat is a narrative of inspiration.

Kareena with her medal at the national games held in Goa - 2023

display of Kareena’s Awards & Medals



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fitness coach

abhijit naik Abhijit Naik, Mr. Goa winner 7 times, founded Abhijit Fitness, inspiring a global audience through online coaching. His approach emphasizes balance and community wellness, motivating others with his journey from humble beginnings to fitness inspiration. Article by: Saviola Dias

Images by: Abhijit Naik



In the heart of Goa, a story of unwavering

fitness in him. He champions a lifestyle that

determination and passion unfolds, epitomised by

balances physical, mental, and emotional well-

Abhijit Naik. From humble beginnings with merely 35

being, mirroring the essence of Goan life that

rupees to his name, Abhijit's odyssey in fitness

celebrates vitality and balance.

transcends the ordinary, marking him as an exemplar of perseverance and excellence. Today, as a 7x Mr. Goa

Innovation in Training

titleholder and the visionary behind Abhijit Fitness, his narrative is not just about physical transformation but

The challenges posed by the pandemic saw Abhijit

a beacon of inspiration for thousands across the globe.

pivot towards online fitness coaching, a move that not only showcased his adaptability but also

The Genesis of a Fitness Visionary

expanded his influence beyond geographical confines. This digital leap allowed him to touch

Abhijit's foray into fitness was sparked by a blend of

lives globally, establishing him as a pioneering

adversity and inspiration. Once a skinny football

fitness trainer in Goa with an international

enthusiast, he found himself at the receiving end of

footprint. Through this, Abhijit continues to

teasing, a pivotal moment that steered him towards

innovate, bringing fitness closer to people

bodybuilding. Inspired by Abhijit Shirodkar's confidence

irrespective of their location.

at a bodybuilding competition, he embarked on a journey that was to redefine his destiny. Joining a

Trials, Triumphs, and Transformation

government gym, he embarked on a relentless pursuit of self-improvement, laying the foundation of what

Abhijit's journey has been anything but easy.

would become a remarkable career in fitness.

Starting alone, with no guide but his own resolve, he faced the challenges head-on, securing a silver medal at his first inter-college competition. This

The Goan Influence

victory was more than a medal; it was a testament Goa, with its serene beaches and vibrant culture,

to the power of self-belief and the start of a

profoundly shapes Abhijit's fitness philosophy. The

journey marked by numerous accolades in

region's emphasis on outdoor activities and a diet rich

bodybuilding, including the prestigious title of

in fresh seafood has ingrained a holistic approach to

Mr. Goa, seven times over.

Abhijit Performing exercises on the beach



Abhijit showing off his muscular biceps



With training sessions that start before dawn and end late into the evening, he embodies the commitment required to excel in the realm of fitness. This rigorous schedule is balanced with meticulous attention to nutrition, recovery, and client engagement, showcasing a holistic approach to health and fitness.

Expanding the Horizon

Abhijit's commitment to fitness has transcended personal achievement, evolving into entrepreneurial ventures that aim to spread wellness. From online training sessions to a nutrition store in Margao, his endeavours are laying the groundwork for a healthier community, setting a precedent for the fitness industry in Goa.

Vision for the Future

Abhijit exercising on the beach Fostering a Fit Community

Beyond personal achievements, Abhijit's engagement with the Goan community through social media stands out. By creating content that is as entertaining as it is educational, he has made fitness accessible and enjoyable, sparking a movement towards health consciousness across all ages and backgrounds in Goa.

Empowering Aspiring Fitness Enthusiasts

Abhijit's advice to those embarking on their fitness journey is simple yet profound: "Dream, believe, achieve." He advocates for consistency, self-belief, and embracing the journey towards self-improvement. His own life serves as a living example of how perseverance can lead to transformation, offering hope and inspiration to many.

A Day in the Life of a Fitness Maestro

Abhijit's personal fitness regime is a testament to his discipline and dedication.

Looking ahead, Abhijit sees the fitness landscape in Goa expanding beyond traditional gyms to include wellness retreats and community fitness programs. His ambition is to lead this transformation, making fitness more accessible and fostering a holistic wellness culture that leverages Goa's natural beauty and lifestyle.

A Message to the Goan Community

To the readers of "Being Goan," Abhijit shares a powerful message: prioritize your health and embrace a lifestyle that fosters physical and mental well-being. In a world that often overlooks the importance of health, he urges the community to take proactive steps towards fitness, harnessing the natural advantages of Goan life to lead a balanced and fulfilling life.

Abhijit Naik's story is more than a narrative of personal success; it's a call to action, a testament to what can be achieved with passion and perseverance. As he continues to inspire and transform lives, his journey serves as a reminder of the transformative power of fitness, not just on a physical level, but as a pathway to achieving one's dreams. In the spirit of Goa, he embodies vitality, balance, and an unyielding commitment to wellness, making him a true fitness maestro whose legacy will inspire generations to come. itsgoa_ Itsgoa

abhijit posing on the beach



actor & model

anwar alvarez shaikh Anwar Shaikh's rise from Goan fitness buff to Mr. Goa Congeniality 2023 and actor showcases his resilience and the power of authenticity in achieving multifaceted success. Article by: Saviola Dias

Images by: Anwar Alvares Shaikh



In the picturesque landscapes of Goa, a tale of resilience, passion, and transformative journey unfolds through the life of Anwar Alvarez Shaikh.

ethos, thereby marking his entry into the realm of holistic self-expression and continuous personal growth.

Anwar's narrative is not just a story of personal achievement but a beacon of inspiration for many,

The Impact of Winning Mr. Goa Congeniality

demonstrating how determination, support, and embracing one's uniqueness can pave the way for success across the realms of fitness, modelling, and acting.

Winning the title of Mr. Goa Congeniality was a watershed moment for Anwar, marking his first significant triumph on a grand stage. More than just a victory, it represented the culmination of

The Genesis: A Quest for Fitness

hard work and the beginning of a promising journey into the entertainment industry. This

Anwar's journey into the limelight began amidst the global upheaval caused by COVID-19. It was during these challenging times that he recognised the paramount importance of health and wellness. Witnessing firsthand the adversities faced by many,

achievement not only bolstered Anwar's career but also underscored his journey from fitness enthusiast to celebrated model and actor, weaving a narrative of achievements that have shaped his professional trajectory.

Anwar embarked on a fitness journey underscored by the belief in a healthy lifestyle and nutritious eating.

Influence of Goan Culture

This commitment to health and well-being laid the foundational stone of his multifaceted career.

Anwar's journey has been deeply influenced by the vibrant culture of Goa. The state's emphasis on a

The Leap into Modelling: Embracing Uniqueness

healthy lifestyle, coupled with its friendly and diverse culture, has played a pivotal role in Anwar's

With a newfound dedication to fitness, Anwar stumbled upon an opportunity that would mark the beginning of his modelling career—an advertisement for the Mr. Goa audition. Despite initial hesitations about his bald-headed appearance and standing out

success in both the Mr. Goa pageant and his acting career. The essence of Goan life, with its stories and colours, has enriched Anwar's performances, guiding his choices and shaping the values he brings to his work.

among traditionally "handsome" competitors, encouragement from his wife propelled him to take a leap of faith. Her belief in his cheerful personality being his unique strength led Anwar to not only participate but also shine as he clinched the title of Mr. Goa Congeniality 2023 among the top 15 finalists. This achievement was a testament to Anwar's charisma and the allure of genuine selfexpression

Transitioning to Acting: A Natural Progression

The accolade of Mr. Goa Congeniality was more than a title for Anwar; it was a gateway to the world of acting. The recognition and confidence gained from the pageant opened doors to numerous opportunities in acting, ranging from Hindi music albums to South Indian movies. Anwar's foray into acting was characterised by a seamless transition that saw him

Anwar at Rubaru Mr. India

embrace roles that resonated with his persona and

Championship 2023



anwar at Cat Walk fashion Week - Poster



Advice to Aspiring Talents

To the youth of Goa with aspirations in fitness, acting, or modelling, Anwar's message is one of action and perseverance. He emphasises the importance of seizing the opportunities provided by the informational era, breaking down difficulties into manageable tasks, and embracing challenges as stepping stones to success.

Engagement with Social Media and Fans

For Anwar, social media is a platform for genuine interaction with his audience. He views his followers as an extended family, engaging with them in real conversations and valuing their support. This

Anwar for a Commercial Photoshoot

interaction is crucial not only for his career growth but also for building authentic relationships with his supporters.

Balancing Multiple Facets

Beyond Professional Life

Juggling careers in fitness, acting, and modelling alongside family responsibilities is no small feat.

Outside his professional endeavours, Anwar finds

Anwar attributes his ability to maintain excellence

solace and joy in motorcycle rides, exploring new

in all these areas to the unwavering support of his

places, connecting with people, and teaching his

wife. Her encouragement and assistance have

children new things. These hobbies enrich his life and

been crucial in preventing burnout and enabling

influence his professional journey, providing a balance

Anwar to excel in every aspect of his life.

that fuels his creativity and passion.

Overcoming Challenges

Looking to the Future

Anwar's journey has not been devoid of

Anwar's future in the entertainment industry is bright,

challenges. From managing time efficiently across

with aspirations to delve into diverse acting and

his diverse roles to breaking stereotypes in the

modelling projects that challenge and highlight his

modelling industry due to his distinctive

versatility. Additionally, he aims to contribute to the

appearance, Anwar has faced each challenge

well-being of others through fitness and seeks to

head-on. His solution has always been rooted in

collaborate on initiatives that benefit the Goan

leveraging his support system, embracing his


unique qualities, and viewing every obstacle as an opportunity for growth.

Anwar Alvarez Shaikh's story is a compelling narrative of transformation, resilience, and success. From

Inspiration and Motivation

embarking on a fitness journey during the pandemic to becoming a celebrated figure in modelling and acting,

Reflecting on his past, particularly the years spent

Anwar's journey is a testament to the power of

as the sole breadwinner for his family, serves as a

embracing one's uniqueness, the importance of

potent source of inspiration for Anwar. The

support, and the impact of perseverance. As he

journey from those early struggles to the present

continues to inspire and aspire, Anwar's tale is a

day, where he can pursue his passions, motivates

beacon for anyone looking to make their mark in the

him to seize every opportunity and cherish the

world, reminding us that with passion, dedication, and

ability to follow his dreams.

a little bit of courage, anything is possible.




debbie fernandes Debbie Fernandes, from Goa, supports Goan integration in the Netherlands and continues her artistic endeavors post her studies in art and animation.

Article by: Steve Antao

Images by: Debbie Fernandes



Hailing from the beautiful South Goa village of

Somehow, she landed in Ireland. Over there, Debbie

Rangalli in Baradi-Velim is Debbie Fernandes, a

used to volunteer at a community centre as an art

young Goan artist who has been enthralling art

instructor. Throughout her stay in the country, she had

lovers with her brilliant works of art. Apart from

a good time and enjoyed a pleasant experience with

being an artist, Debbie also works for an agency in

the Irish people.

the Netherlands that assists Goans in obtaining jobs and settling down in the country.

Her Move To The Netherlands

Her Journey As An Artist

In 2020, Debbie received an offer to work as an intern for an artist in The Netherlands. She decided to take

After completing her schooling, Debbie completed

up the offer and contacted her school friend who was

her B.Sc. in Animation and VFX through distance

already working in The Netherlands. Her friend helped

learning. She also pursued her Bachelor's degree

her to get a job and accommodation in the country.

in Fine Arts, (specialising in mural design) from the

She moved from Ireland to the Netherlands in May

Goa College of Art at Altinho-Panjim.

2022 and settled down in Limburg, a region located in

Most of Debbie's works of art are either on

the southern part of the Netherlands. Debbie couldn't

religious themes or based on personal

pursue her internship in the Netherlands as the place

experiences from her life. Some of her prominent

of work was far away from the place she was residing

artworks are “Render” which was showcased at

in. So, she decided to give up the internship and

the 4th edition of the Students’ Biennale art

continue with her main job in the Netherlands.

exhibition which was organised by the Kochi

While on a holiday in Goa last year, Debbie came

Biennale Foundation in 2021. Debbie has also

across a post regarding a job opportunity in The

designed the Stations of the Cross installation

Netherlands. She got in touch with a representative of


the company who was based in Goa and gave an

artwork seen on the main altarpiece at the

famous Holy Cross in Baradi as well as the

interview for the job. But when she met the CEO of

Stations of the Cross installation at the same spot

the company in Goa, that's when everything changed

have also been designed by Debbie. In addition to

for her.

this, Debbie runs her own art studio at her residence in Baradi. The studio is called De Artistic Bee Studio.

Apart from creating and designing works of art, Debbie also does logo design and other digital artwork for clients in India as well as in various parts of Europe.

Moving To Europe

Being an artist, Debbie always aspired to travel to different places and experience different cultures. Having been born before 1961 in Portugueseruled Goa, Debbie’s parents managed to obtain Portuguese nationality for themselves and through them, Debbie obtained the same for herself. When Debbie made her decision to migrate to Europe, she had two countries in her mind where she wanted to settle down: Ireland and The Netherlands.

Debbie’s Glass Fiber Artwork



A Self-portrait of Debbie itsgoa_ Itsgoa

Debbie’s artwork called “Mother” The CEO of the company offered her a new role

Life In The Netherlands

in the Netherlands. Debbie was assigned the responsibility to connect with Goans aspiring to

Debbie says that she likes The Netherlands as it is a very

migrate to the Netherlands and to help Goans

eco-friendly country. There is a strong bicycle culture in

arriving in the Netherlands to integrate into the

The Netherlands, and it is also a land of some of the

country. She currently works as an onboarding

most beautiful flowers in the world. She also adds that

coordinator, specifically for Goans. The company

one can live and work in the Netherlands without being

has a group on Facebook where Debbie gets to

proficient in Dutch since English is widely spoken in the

connect with members of the Goan community


and assist them in settling in the Netherlands.

To those Goans planning to migrate to the Netherlands, Debbie says that the country is a very nice place to live

Debbie’s Art & More

and work. “If you live peacefully with the Dutch people and respect their culture, Goans can enjoy a nice and

Debbie Fernandes, a Goan artist, is charting a

balanced life in the Netherlands”, she says.

creative course across Europe, leaving her artistic imprint in various cultural landscapes.

Future Plans

Her journey recently took her to Manchester, where she proudly represented Goan artistry at

Looking to the future, Debbie wants to continue with

a local association event. There, she curated an

her passion for creating art that impacts a lot of people's

art stall that not only displayed her diverse

lives. She plans to explore new styles of art, collaborate

range of works but also highlighted a piece she

with other artists and constantly evolve her creativity.

holds especially dear. Debbie's art, characterized by its vibrant expression and connection to her

With regards to work in Netherlands:

Goan roots, continues to captivate and engage

audiences in Europe, reflecting her dedication to

Contact no: +31 682053707

her craft and her heritage. As she travels,


Debbie's art becomes a bridge between


communities, showcasing the richness of Goan


art to an international audience.

Instagram: @_de_artistic_bee_studio_



Debbie’s Arwork of herself in her happy place




Julius Andrew Mesquita

Julius Mesquita, a celebrated actor and editor from South Goa, blends his business acumen with a passion for Konkani tiatr. Known for his comedic talent, he navigates challenges with support from family and mentors, aspiring to produce meaningful content that underscores the value of resilience and authenticity in the arts.

Article by: Saviola Dias

Image by: Julius Andrew Mesquita itsgoa_ Itsgoa

In the scenic village of Cansaulim, South Goa, a star has been quietly and consistently shining in the Konkani tiatr stage and beyond. Julius Andrew Mesquita, a name synonymous with humour, dedication, and talent, has carved a niche for himself in the world of acting and editing. With a Bachelor of Business Administration from MES College, Zuarinagar, Vasco da Gama, Julius's journey from a boy with dreams to a man fulfilling them is a tale of passion, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

From Dreams to Reality

Julius's journey into the world of tiatr and entertainment was kindled in his childhood, inspired by the myriad of tiatrs and dramas he attended with his mother. These experiences laid the foundation for his dream to make it big on the Konkani tiatr stage. The gift of a Nokia camera phone from his father in his late teens was the catalyst for his experimental foray into the world of photography and videography, eventually leading him to become a full project editor while nurturing his acting skills.

Professional Pathways

After completing his higher education, Julius embarked on a professional career that spanned roles from an Administration Executive to his current position as an Administration Officer in a software company. Balancing a demanding job with his passion

for acting and editing was a Herculean task, but one that Julius navigated with his characteristic diplomacy and humour.

A Flourishing Acting and Editing Career

Julius's acting career began in high school with a role as one of the Three Wise Men in a Christmas play. Despite an initial setback, his passion for acting never waned. His participation in village shows, college functions, and stand-up comedy competitions paved the way for his entry into the tiatr scene. Directors like Rons Tavares, Colly Col, and Pascoal de Chicalim recognized his talent, offering him roles that showcased his comedic prowess and endeared him to audiences.

His performances in tiatrs such as ‘Sopon’, ‘Kolakaram’, and ‘Forever Yours’ have been lauded for their authenticity and humour, earning him a cherished place in the hearts of tiatr enthusiasts. Beyond the stage, Julius has ventured into television, making a notable appearance in the cookery show ‘Kuznantlim Zogddim’ on CCRTV, further expanding his repertoire and audience reach.

Support Systems and Collaborations

The road to success was fraught with challenges, including criticism and the politics of the entertainment industry. However, the unwavering itsgoa_ Itsgoa

Julius Attired for a comedic role in the tiatr "Hav Goemcho Saiba" by Pascal de Chicalim itsgoa_ Itsgoa

support of his parents and friends, along with the guidance of mentors like Luis Bachan, helped Julius navigate these hurdles. Collaborations with notable directors and actors in the Goan tiatr field have been instrumental in his growth and success as an actor and editor.

a comedy film and a web series that not only entertain but also provoke thought about societal truths. His journey is a testament to the belief that quality work is the best form of marketing and that staying true to one's roots and being humble in success are the keys to lasting impact.

Overcoming Challenges

A Message to the Youth

Julius candidly shares the challenges he faces, from logistical issues related to reaching tiatr venues on time to the personal struggle with costume fittings due to his physique. His solution has always been one of resilience and creativity, whether it involves meticulous planning for shows or finding the right costume. The challenge of eliciting the desired emotional response from the audience—laughter or tears—remains his ultimate measure of success.

To the youngsters, Julius's message is one of hope, resilience, and authenticity. He emphasises the importance of acknowledging one's origins, pursuing unique and creative endeavours, and maintaining humility. In a world where social media friends are many but real connections are few, Julius reminds us of the value of genuine relationships and using one's talents for a greater good.

Role Models and Dreams

Julius Andrew Mesquita's story is more than just a tale of personal achievement; it is a beacon for aspiring actors and editors in Goa and beyond. His journey from watching tiatrs in awe as a child to captivating audiences on stage and screen embodies the spirit of Goan artistry and creativity. Julius stands as a testament to the power of dreams, the importance of perseverance, and the impact of laughter in bringing people together. As he continues to explore new avenues in entertainment, his legacy is a reminder that with talent, dedication, and a sense of humour, no dream is too big to achieve.

Admiring the likes of Luis Bachan for his dual excellence on and off stage, Julius aspires to embody the same level of respect and professionalism in his career. Meeting international stars like Dwayne Johnson and Rowan Atkinson remains a dream, symbolising his aspiration to reach global acclaim while staying grounded in his Goan roots.

Future Aspirations

Looking ahead, Julius harbours ambitions of creating

Julius at a Candid interview with Meena Goes, hostess of the CCTV Channel itsgoa_ Itsgoa

julius Dressed up as a goan couples with meena goes for a carnival folklore Play



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ECHOES OF EARTH FESTIVAL Echoes of Earth, India’s Greenest Festival, to Leave a Trail of Green Footprints in Goa

Article and images by: Echoes of Earth Festival



Have you ever felt distraught at the sheer quantum

Taking place across an expansive 100-acre stretch in

of non-biodegradable waste generated onsite at

the forests of Chopdem, North Goa, the Echoes of

popular music festivals?

Earth has ensured that there is minimal disturbance to the environment by implementing a ‘no-plastic,

Then how about visiting a music festival that takes

no-flex’ policy. Instead, handmade signages utilising

immense pride in its sustainable ethos and believes

junk and scrap materials will be placed throughout

in showing you how beautiful the Earth is, from the

the site to guide attendees to various activities and

tiniest ant to the ponderous Asian elephant and how


important it is to protect them? Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

“Echoes of Earth prioritises ‘circular design’, repurposing materials from prior editions to craft

Combining the joy of human excitement of attending

festival decor, epitomises a commitment to

a music festival with the pleasure of knowing that

sustainability. Guests can make use of biodegradable

your attendance is a boon for the planet, Echoes of

cutlery and crockery while adhering to ‘mindful

Earth, India’s greenest music festival, sets the

consumption’ and making use of food waste

benchmark that large-festival formats ought to

management kiosks for sustainable disposal. There


will also be a flea market featuring sustainable brands. No plastic bottles are allowed on site, but

Designed as a ‘festival-for-all’, including children

there will be RO stations available for attendees to

below the age of 10 – who are allowed free entry to

fill their reusable bottles for free. A robust waste

the venue – Echoes of Earth’s upcoming first edition

management system will also be implemented by our

in Goa on February 2, 3 and 4, after six editions in

long-term collaborators, HasiruDala Innovations,”

Bangalore, is steeped in sustainable initiatives that

said Roshan Netalkar, festival director and founder

highlight the importance of Goa’s rich biodiversity

of Echoes of Earth.

and the Western Ghats, one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots and a UNESCO World

Inculcating the importance of environmental

Heritage Site.

conservation among the youth is one of Echoes of

A soulful moment as a musician captivates the audience under a tree canopy, blending melodies with the serene surroundings at a past edition of the Echoes of Earth Festival.



Children get a chance to engage in educational workshops at the Greener Side Zone at the first-ever Goa edition of Echoes of Earth, India’s greenest music festival Earth’s main aims. The Greener Side Zone at the festival will offer children and adults educational sessions on Goa’s biodiversity, including workshops on butterflies, bugs, geckoes and mangroves. Participants can also engage in activities like music workshops, face-painting and a guided festival walkthrough for students from surrounding areas.

drainpipes, repurposed cloth and metal while incorporating state-of-the-art technology — ‘The Kraken’ and ‘The Big Beak’ paying homage to the

Giant Pacific Octopus and Great Indian Hornbill, respectively, by artist Siddhartha Kararwal and ‘The Ghost’ honouring the Horned Ghost Crab by artist Muzamil Shairff.

The diverse music lineup features the mesmerising sounds of 40-plus international and Indian artists. Visitors can look forward to grooving to Satori, Glass Beams, Oden & Fatzo, ((( O ))) of Sundrop Garden, Garden City Movement, Space Dimension Controller, Balkan Bump, and more on the international front.

A distinctive stage, the Jungle Bar, is set up in a quarry at the festival venue to showcase the surrounding natural beauty and will provide the audience with an immersive experience of the music performances.

Talented Indian and Goa-based artists like Leaxan Freitas, Merak, Elvis Lobo, Dualist Inquiry, Discokid, Vairaagi and Shantam & Steffan bring their tunes to the mix. Rooted in Goa's music culture, many of these artists either hail from the region or have played a pivotal role in shaping its vibrant musical heritage.

Visitors can also look forward to seeing 20-plus sustainable and captivating art installations crafted out of upcycled junk and scrap materials by renowned artists, a few of which are the ‘YellowLipped Sea Krait’ by well-known herpetologist and artist Nirmal Kulkarni, ‘Praying Mantis’ and ‘Olive Ridley Turtles’ by artist Yadhunandan, ‘Purple Crab’ by Mechanimal, and ‘The Indian Gaur’ by artist collective AltNative.

There will be three intricately designed stages sustainably crafted with junk, scrap, bamboo,

The whole ethos of the festival is grounded in Circular Design, with assets crafted from old, itsgoa_ Itsgoa

discarded, and repurposed materials from prior

The Campaign consisted of a series of eight

editions, exemplifying a commitment to

workshops and activities facilitated by experts from

sustainability. Over 550kg of waste that was

the field of conservation in Goa, like herpetologist

crowdsourced has been used across the festival,

Nirmal Kulkarni, ecologist Parag Rangnekar, scientist

much of it being incorporated into art installations.

Snigdha Sehgal, birder Mandar Bhagat, marine

The upcoming festival was also preceded by a wave

biologist Gabriella D’Cruz, offbeat activities

of green initiatives that gave the Goan public an

organiser Khoj-aao! Adventures headed by Bipin and

insight into the festival’s green offerings.

Pooja and former Goa Deputy Director of Agriculture Vitthal Joshi and partners from the Goa

Echoes of Earth’s curtain-raiser event, ‘Ensemble of

State Biodiversity Board (GSBB).

the Wild: An Evening of Art, Culture, Music and Meaningful Conversations Around Conservation’,

“We are extremely supportive of this collaboration

provided a platform to raise awareness through art,

with people and partners who take the conversation

music and panel discussions with local conservation

on conservation besides environmental activists, like

experts about sustainable ecotourism and

Echoes of Earth, as conservation takes place through

biodiversity conservation in Goa and the Western

awareness. When the public is aware and cares, that


is when change happens,” said Bhagat, founder and former president of the Goa Bird Conservation

The festival’s Greener Side Campaign, which took


place throughout January and recently concluded, highlighted the importance of the occasionally

In celebration of National Tourism Day, Echoes of

overlooked aspects of Goa’s diverse ecosystems, like

Earth partnered with Goa Tourism and BLive Tours

stingless bees, dragonflies, damselflies, butterflies,

to host an e-biking tour of Divar Island to promote

avifauna and mangrove forests.

regenerative tourism and explore Goa beyond its beaches.

“Exploring Diwar through e-biking provides a refreshing perspective on tourism. It enabled us to connect with nature and embrace the vibrant Goan culture. Riding past picturesque Portuguese houses and engaging with the warmth of the villagers truly amplifies our appreciation for the diverse essence of Goa beyond its famed beaches,” said a Goa Tourism spokesperson.

Hence, Echoes of Earth sets the bar for implementing sustainability coupled with conservation in large-format festivals both across the country and worldwide.

“Our purpose extends beyond organising a festival. It's a joint effort towards environmental awareness, fostering responsible tourism and resource

A vibrant festival signage crafted from recycled waste and reclaimed wood, embodying the spirit of eco-friendly festivities at a past edition of the Echoes of Earth

conservation. We believe that, together with our partners, like the Goa Tourism Board, Goa State Biodiversity Board and WWF-India, we can make a meaningful difference and inspire positive action for the community and the environment in Goa,” concluded Netalkar.









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