Being Goan - April Issue 2024

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Akshata chopdekar

Akshata Chopdekar: From pharmacist to Instagram sensation, captivating followers with Goa's splendours and culinary gems.

Alusha fernandes

Alusha Fernandes brings the spirit of Goa to life on Instagram, with engaging posts that spotlight local culture, cuisine, and collaborations.

Atharva naik

Atharva Naik, Goa’s lifestyle influencer, serves up fresh takes on food, travel, and autos, building community with every post.

amrita naik

Amrita Naik merges love for Goan cuisine with serene travel, highlighting hidden locales and cultural richness to inspire discovery and connection.

Volume 3 Issue 4 April 2024

April showers sprinkle Goa with fresh blooms and a symphony of vibrant cultures, a canvas of life being painted anew. In this issue of Being Goan, we unfurl stories of local talents who stitch together the essence of Goa with threads of innovation, heritage, and passion.

Our cover story blossoms with Akshata Chopdekar, a pharmacist who has turned the tides by becoming an Instagram influencer, bringing to light the allure of Goa's beauty and gastronomic delights. Her journey is a cocktail of authenticity and innovation, a tale that captivates and charms her audience, illustrating that passion can indeed redefine one’s path.

We also weave through the inspiring narratives of Alusha Fernandes, whose Instagram canvas celebrates Goa’s vibrant culture and cuisine. Her engaging content has not only captured the hearts of her followers but has also woven strong collaborations with local businesses, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between tradition and modern storytelling.

The lively pulse of Goa is echoed through Atharva Naik's vibrant lifestyle influence. From the thrill of food and travel to the exhilaration of automotive adventures, Atharva shares with us the raw and authentic experiences that foster a deeper sense of community and connection.

In a similar vein, Amrita Naik, a passionate explorer and preserver of culture, takes us on a journey to unearth Goa's hidden culinary spots and serene landscapes. Through her eyes, we find the urge to discover and preserve the heartbeats of Goan culture that exist in the quiet corners of our state.

Our narrative continues with Jesdica Fernandes, a nurse whose heart is married to the wanderlust of travel influencing. She blends her healthcare expertise with a love for exploration, uncovering Goa's hidden gems and knitting a fabric of community through her authentic storytelling.

Dwena De Melo, an engineer whose heart beats to the rhythm of content creation, shows us the balance of passion and profession. Her love for Goa’s culinary richness spills over her content, illustrating the dedication and resilience it takes to marry one’s love for their craft with the demands of a professional career.

Lastly, we take a stroll through Dale Pereira's artistic odyssey. Dale’s brushstrokes are imbued with the hues of Goa's nature, her watercolour paintings a dance of vibrancy and innovation. In her creative sojourn, she embraces the authenticity of inspiration amidst the crescendo of digital challenges.

Each tale in this issue is a vibrant thread in Goa's tapestry of spirit and ingenuity. Let the April air guide you through tales that inspire, innovate, and reflect, showcasing the rich potential and diversity of Goa.

Well, that's all I have for you from my desk this month.

I hope you enjoy reading this month's issue of our e-magazine. Do share it with your friends all across the globe.

Until next month, cheers!


Goa, the tiniest state on the western coast of India, boasts golden pristine beaches, palmfringed avenues, flavourful food, delicious Portuguese-influenced sweets, and warm, hospitable people. Also known as the Ibiza of India for its partying. A tropical paradise of flora and fauna, from the very famous 'almi' (mushrooms) endemic to its forests, that grow only on the red mud anthills, to the solar prawns that are fished immediately after the monsoons, Goa is unique. Tourists are also attracted to Goa for its cultural heritage - from the famous old Portuguese churches like Se Cathedral in Old Goa, the 16th Century Safa Masjid in Ponda and Shree Mangesha Temple in Mardol, the legendary Arvalem or Pandava Caves where the Pandavas of the Mahabharat fame lived, to its two unique festivalsCarnival and Shigmo. Goa plays host to many festivals - the International Film Festival of India that promotes cinema, the Serendipity Art Festival, Sunburn Music Festival, The Grape Escapade to name a few. To showcase this varied heritage of culture, art, tradition, food, and people, in 2015 ItsGoa was born. The main aim was to make it the premier portal for all things Goa. We were able to showcase Goa like never before. Soon our blog-based website transcended the virtual space, with the ItsGoa magazine – a sought-after resource for visitors to Goa from countries like Norway, Germany, UK, USA, UAE, etc.

Chief Editor

Jessyl Fernandez


Donald Fernandez

Content & Social Media

Saviola Dias

Fay De Souza

Renata Fernandes

Graphics & Layout

Shashank Parab

Latisha Govekar

For advertising queries:

+91 7887330620 / 9370502124

ItsGoa Media Group

Nordic Intent HQ - Floor 3, PDA

Colony, Porvorim, Goa 403521



01 Akshata Chopdekar 02 Alusha Fernandes 03 Atharva Naik 04 Amrita Naik 05 Jesdica Fernandes 06 Dwena De Melo 07 Dale Pereira Index
Editorial Team

Akshata Chopdekar cover feature

Akshata Chopdekar, a pharmacist turned influencer, showcases Goa's beauty and culinary delights on Instagram, blending authenticity with innovation to captivate her audience.

Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Akshata Chopdekar

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A Journey of Flavourful Exploration

In the dynamic world of social media, where influencers abound, few carve out a niche as distinctive and captivating as Akshata Chopdekar. A pharmacist by profession, Akshata's journey into the realm of influencer marketing began with a love for exploration and a palate yearning for diverse cuisines. Through her lens, she shares the vibrant tapestry of travel and gastronomy, with a special focus on her beloved birthplace, Goa.

Unveiling the Essence of Goa: A Proud Goan's Perspective

For Akshata, Goa isn't just a destination; it's a way of life, a symphony of flavours and colours that resonate deeply within her soul. Growing up amidst the lush landscapes and vibrant culture of this coastal paradise, she developed an innate appreciation for its richness—the aroma of spices lingering in the air, the rhythmic beats of traditional music, the warmth of its people. It's this deep-rooted connection that fuels her passion for showcasing the beauty and vibrancy of Goa to the world, inviting others to experience its magic through her eyes.

Choosing the locations and eateries to feature in her content is a seamless endeavour for Akshata, a natural extension of her innate ability to curate beauty from the world around her. With her authentic style and engaging approach, establishments frequently approach her after being captivated by her previous work, eager to be a part of her narrative. This organic outreach ensures a natural alignment with her aesthetic, eliminating the need for active scouting as she effortlessly weaves a tapestry of experiences, each one more captivating than the last.

Engaging the Senses: Strategies for Captivating Content

Engagement for Akshata transcends mere tactics; it's about authenticity, about inviting her audience to embark on a sensory journey with her. While she doesn't rely on specific strategies, she meticulously crafts each post to offer a feast for the senses. From showcasing her eclectic wardrobe choices to capturing the intricate details of local cuisine and the enchanting ambiance of hidden gems, every element is thoughtfully curated to captivate and enthral, leaving her audience craving for more.

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akshata chopdekar akshata posing for a shoot

akshata working with one of the best designers like karleo fashion

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Collaborations are more than just business transactions for Akshata; they're opportunities for mutual enrichment—a chance to forge meaningful connections and create lasting memories. By partnering with local businesses and tourism boards, she not only enhances her content but also fosters a sense of community, bridging the gap between cultures and inviting others to join her on this journey of discovery. Whether it's a sponsored post highlighting a new restaurant or a partnership with a tourism board to showcase the hidden gems of Goa, each collaboration is an opportunity to expand her horizons and create content that resonates with her audience on a deeper level.

Staying Relevant in a Dynamic Landscape

Memorable Experiences and Gentle Challenges

In her journey as a travel and food influencer in Goa, Akshata has encountered countless delightful experiences—moments that have left an indelible mark on her heart. Collaborating with warm-hearted restaurant owners and staff, she has had the privilege of delving into the soul of Goa's culinary scene, uncovering hidden gems and culinary secrets passed down through generations. Yet, amidst the tapestry of memorable experiences, there have been gentle challenges—moments where managing schedules and navigating inadequate lighting during shoots have tested her resolve, serving as gentle reminders of the dedication required in her craft.

Instagram: The Canvas of Choice

For Akshata, Instagram isn't just a platform; it's a canvas—a blank slate upon which she paints her adventures, inviting her audience to immerse themselves in the vibrant hues of her world. Its visual-centric nature allows her to showcase the diverse landscapes, cuisines, and cultures she encounters, captivating audiences with every post. From breathtaking sunsets on secluded beaches to tantalising glimpses of culinary delights, each photo is a window into her world—a world filled with beauty, flavour, and endless possibilities.

In the ever-evolving world of travel and food, staying relevant is paramount—a delicate dance between innovation and authenticity. Akshata achieves this by staying attuned to emerging trends and incorporating unique approaches into her content creation. From creative exploration to leveraging trending audio and interactive features, she ensures her content remains fresh and engaging, capturing the zeitgeist of the moment while staying true to her unique voice. itsgoa_ Itsgoa Enriching Experiences and Expanding Horizons
akshata for restaurant promotion endeavors akshata for kids promotional shoot at first cry, goa

akshata’s ethnic photoshoot attire

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The Creative Process

From ideation to publication, Akshata's content creation process is a journey of immersive experiences—a delicate balance between inspiration and execution. Drawing inspiration from the unique ambiance of each location, she crafts content that seamlessly blends her personal style with the expectations of her collaborations, resulting in posts that resonate with her audience on a visceral level. Whether it's a meticulously curated flat lay of culinary delights or a candid snapshot of a local market bustling with activity, each post is a testament to her creativity and passion for storytelling.

akshata striking the pose for a lavish sundowner restaurant droplet goa

Navigating the Economics of Influence

akshata walking the ramp for aqua goa mega fish festival

While passion fuels her endeavours, economics play a role too—a delicate balancing act between art and commerce. She sometimes earns more, and it depends on how many shoots she gets. As a travel and food influencer in Goa, it's a testament to the value of her content and the relationships she has built with brands and businesses. However, she maintains a flexible approach, especially with newly opened establishments, charging modest fees to support and promote their ventures while ensuring that her content remains authentic and true to her vision.

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Alusha Fernandes, a Goa-based influencer, celebrates her hometown's culture and cuisine on Instagram, engaging audiences with captivating content and fostering collaborations with local businesses.

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Alusha Fernandes lifestyle influencer Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Alusha Fernandes

A Journey

Through Goa's Culinary and Cultural Delights

Meet Alusha Valonia Fernandes, known affectionately as @lushalonia on Instagram, a captivating influencer who has carved her niche in the vibrant realm of travel and food. Her journey into the world of influencing wasn't premeditated; instead, it unfolded organically as she sought to share the splendour of her hometown, Goa, with the world.

The Genesis of an Influencer: From Aesthetic Feeds to Collaborations

Alusha's venture into the realm of influencing commenced innocuously, with a desire to curate an aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed. However, fate intervened when she received an invitation from a local cafe for collaboration. Seizing the opportunity, Alusha embarked on her influencer journey, initially exploring offbeat locales and documenting her culinary escapades with zeal and enthusiasm.

The Heartbeat of Goa: Celebrating Culture and Cuisine

Goa's rich cultural tapestry and delectable cuisine serve as the cornerstone of Alusha's content. With a deep-rooted pride in her heritage, she endeavours to showcase the lesser-known facets of Goa, guiding her audience through picturesque landscapes and hidden gems. Her passion for Goan cuisine, with its tantalising array of flavours and rich culinary traditions, fuels her quest to unearth culinary delights and share them with the world, offering a tantalising glimpse into the heart and soul of her homeland.

Curating Experiences: The Art of Selection

Alusha's selection process for featured locations and eateries eschews rigid criteria. Instead, driven by her innate curiosity and love for gastronomic adventures, she meticulously explores every nook and cranny, savouring each culinary encounter with gusto. From quaint cafes tucked away in narrow alleys to bustling street food markets teeming with life, Alusha's discerning palate and keen eye for detail ensure that her audience experiences the very essence of Goa's culinary landscape.

Engagement Strategies: Captivating Audiences with Creativity

In her quest to captivate and retain her audience's interest, Alusha employs a diverse array of engagement strategies. From crafting transition reels that seamlessly transport viewers from one locale to another to informative voice-overs that offer insights into the cultural significance of a particular dish or tradition, she keeps her content dynamic and her audience engaged. Consistency is key, with regular postings interspersed with captivating stories that offer glimpses into her vibrant world, fostering a sense of connection and camaraderie among her followers.

Navigating Challenges: Learning and Growing

Every collaboration presents Alusha with unique experiences and challenges, but she approaches each opportunity with enthusiasm and determination. From mastering the art of food itsgoa_ Itsgoa
alusha’s collaborating work with raki
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alusha brunch hosting at brizo, vagator

photography to overcoming logistical hurdles, she embraces the learning curve with grace and resilience, emerging stronger and more adept with each endeavour. Through perseverance and a willingness to adapt, Alusha continues to push the boundaries of her craft, constantly evolving and refining her skills as an influencer in the everchanging landscape of social media.

Platform Prowess: Leveraging Instagram and Beyond

Alusha's primary platforms, Instagram and Facebook, serve as conduits for her captivating content, attracting a diverse audience spanning generations. Embracing the ephemeral allure of Snapchat, she expands her reach, ensuring her content resonates with a broad spectrum of viewers. By leveraging the unique features and functionalities of each platform, Alusha maximises her reach and engagement, cultivating a loyal and dedicated following that eagerly awaits her next culinary and cultural adventure.

Collaborative Synergy: Fostering Partnerships for Growth

Alusha's collaborations with local businesses and tourism boards amplify her reach and enrich her content. Through symbiotic partnerships, she showcases the diverse tapestry of Goa, while local establishments benefit from increased visibility and engagement. By forging meaningful connections and fostering collaborative relationships, Alusha creates a innovation, Alusha continues to captivate and inspire

alusha’s collaboration with seashells by james restaurant
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villa collaboration in anjuna

Behind the Scenes: Unveiling the Creative Process

Alusha's content creation process is a fluid amalgamation of spontaneity and creativity. Drawing inspiration from her surroundings, she conceptualises and executes her ideas with finesse, imbuing each post with authenticity and allure. From ideation to publication, she navigates the intricacies of content creation with passion and panache,

to 18,000 rupees, she navigates the fluctuating tide of earnings with pragmatism and perseverance. By diversifying her revenue streams and staying attuned to market trends, Alusha ensures the sustainability and longevity of her influencer career, paving the way for continued growth and success in the competitive world of social media influencing.

Conclusion: A Tapestry of Influence

the heart of Goa. With each post, she celebrates the essence of her homeland, leaving an indelible imprint itsgoa_ Itsgoa sundowner hosting at goa’s newly opened sundowner beach club droplet candolim

Atharva Naik

Atharva Naik, a vibrant lifestyle influencer from Goa, shares authentic experiences in food, travel, and automotive adventures, fostering engagement and community connection.

Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Atharva Naik lifestyle influencer

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A Lifestyle Influencers Journey in Goan Culture

In the bustling realm of social media, where personalities emerge and trends fluctuate, Atharva Naik, a 22-year-old dynamo hailing from Margao, Goa, stands out as a beacon of creativity and authenticity. Through her vibrant content on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, Atharva has carved a niche for herself, captivating audiences with her infectious energy and passion for food, travel, and automotive adventures.

Embracing a Multifaceted Lifestyle: Atharva's Content Preferences

Atharva's content spans a delightful array of experiences, ranging from gastronomic explorations to exhilarating travel escapades and thrilling automotive adventures. With a keen eye for hidden gems and a relentless pursuit of value-driven experiences, she navigates the culinary landscape of Goa, unraveling its rich tapestry of flavours while ensuring her audience experiences the essence of authenticity. Whether it's uncovering quaint eateries tucked away in labyrinthine alleyways or embarking on adrenaline-fuelled road trips to picturesque locales, Atharva's content resonates with her viewers, offering a tantalising glimpse into the vibrant tapestry of Goan life.

Engaging with Audiences: Atharva's Recipe for Connection

Crafting Captivating Content: Atharva's Creative Process

Atharva's content creation process is a seamless fusion of meticulous market research and daring creative experimentation. Armed with her trusty iPhone, DSLR, and drone, she expertly captures mesmerising visuals that ensnare her audience's attention from the very first frame. Her editing style, characterised by audacious innovation and out-of-the-box thinking, infuses her content with a distinctive flair, setting her apart amidst a sea of mediocrity and clichés.

Consistency and Commitment: Atharva's Secret Sauce

Consistency is the cornerstone of Atharva's success in the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation. With a meticulously crafted posting schedule tailored to her audience's preferences and a keen understanding of algorithmic dynamics, she ensures a steady stream of engaging content, keeping her viewers eagerly anticipating each new upload. Through unwavering commitment and dedication, Atharva cultivates a loyal following, cementing her position as a trusted source of entertainment and inspiration.

At the heart of Atharva's content strategy lies a genuine desire to engage and connect with her audience. Her unique brand of humour, characterised by playful antics and jovial commentary, strikes a chord with her viewers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection. Through interactive polls, captivating stories, and spirited interactions, Atharva not only entertains but also listens intently, actively gauging her audience's preferences and desires to ensure that each piece of content resonates deeply with their interests.

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living life in drive

atharva naik in the frame

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Fostering Community: Atharva's Path to Building a Tribe

Atharva recognises the intrinsic value of communitybuilding in the digital age. By fostering a culture of transparency, authenticity, and inclusivity, she transcends the traditional influencer-follower dynamic, transforming her followers into an impassioned tribe. Through regular engagement, open dialogue, and collaborative decision-making, she nurtures a sense of belonging, empowering her audience to actively participate in shaping the direction of her content and fostering meaningful connections amongst themselves.

Feedback-Driven Growth: Atharva's Quest for Improvement

Feedback serves as the lifeblood of Atharva's creative journey, fuelling her relentless pursuit of growth and improvement. By meticulously analysing comments, messages, and performance metrics, she identifies areas for enhancement and fine-tunes her content accordingly. Whether it's enhancing audiovisual quality, refining storytelling techniques, or exploring new avenues of creativity, Atharva remains

Building a Personal Brand: Atharva's Journey of Self-Discovery

Atharva's personal brand is a testament to her unwavering authenticity and steadfast commitment to her roots. Through her content, she endeavours to champion Goan culture, promote local businesses, and advocate for meaningful connections. Her brand values of honesty, integrity, and relatability shine through in every video, earning her the trust and admiration of her growing fan base while establishing her as a leading voice within the lifestyle influencer sphere. atharva and his sleek companion itsgoa_ Itsgoa
atharva naik striking a pose

pretence, Atharva Naik stands as a shining beacon of to the digital limelight serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of passion, persistence,

embarking on their own creative odyssey, she offers a simple yet profound piece of advice: "Be real, show

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atharva capturing moments on his bike

For reservations: 0832-2456231 +91 7447499070 | +91 7447499069 Odxel Beach, Dona Paula, Goa- 403004

Amrita Naik travel influencer

Amrita Naik, a passionate explorer from Goa, shares hidden culinary gems and serene landscapes, fostering cultural preservation and inspiring discovery.

Article by:Team ItsGoa Images by: Amrita Naik

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Delving into the Heart of Goa: The Inspirational Journey of Amrita Navnath Naik

In the vibrant tapestry of Goa's cultural landscape, Amrita Navnath Naik stands out as a guiding light, seamlessly blending her affinity for secluded destinations with an unwavering passion for authentic Goan cuisine. Originating from the picturesque town of Curchorem in South Goa, Amrita's voyage serves as a poignant testament to the magnetic allure of offbeat locales and the culinary treasures they hold.

Embracing Solitude: A Quest for Unexplored Gems

Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, Amrita finds solace in the tranquility of untouched landscapes. As an introverted soul, she is drawn to the serene beauty of isolated spots adorned with sweeping sea views, pristine beaches, and majestic mountain vistas. Her wanderlust propels her to seek out the hidden corners of South Goa, where she discovers a sense of peace amidst nature's embrace.

Gastronomic Delights: A Tribute to Goan Cuisine

At the heart of Goan culture lies its rich and diverse culinary heritage, a delightful fusion of Indian, Portuguese, and indigenous flavours. Amrita passionately champions the iconic dishes that define Goan cuisine, from the comforting Xitt-Codi to the flavourful Goan fish Curry. Through her social media platform, she endeavours to showcase the authenticity of local eateries, celebrating the

amrita naik camping along the river bank in south goa itsgoa_ Itsgoa
amrita naik

Symbiotic Exploration: Where Travel and Food Converge

For Amrita, the journey of exploration is inseparable from the culinary experiences it entails. Whether she's traversing the hidden treasures of South Goa or indulging in diverse gastronomic delights, each adventure offers a holistic tapestry of discovery. Through her travels, she seeks to uncover the symbiotic relationship between culture, cuisine, and the natural landscape, enriching her understanding of Goa's multifaceted identity.

Preserving Tradition: A Cultural Odyssey

Beyond the Beaches: Unveiling Goa's Hidden Charms

While Goa's beaches may be its most renowned attractions, Amrita encourages travelers to venture beyond the shoreline and discover the hidden gems that lie within Goa's hinterlands. From enchanting waterfalls to breathtaking mountain vistas, Goa's natural splendor beckons adventurers to explore its lesser-known wonders. Through her exploration, Amrita seeks to inspire others to embrace the diversity of Goa's landscape and uncover its hidden charms. Amidst the joys of exploration, Amrita acknowledges the challenges inherent in balancing her passion with itsgoa_ Itsgoa
amrita naik showcasing style at misu, ribandar

amrita at angry sardar courtyard restaurant for the Punjabi restaurant promotion in anjuna goa

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Memorable Escapades: Tales from the Trail

Amrita's most cherished memories are born amidst the wilderness, where she forges lasting bonds over shared adventures and communal meals. One unforgettable expedition takes her to the GoaKarnataka border, where she and her companions cook dinner over a campfire, using leaves as makeshift plates—a testament to their resourcefulness and camaraderie. These tales from the trail serve as enduring reminders of the transformative power of exploration and the beauty of human connection.

insights, she invites others to join her on a journey of discovery and exploration

Monetization and Beyond: Navigating the Digital Landscape

In the digital age, Amrita's passion for exploration transcends mere monetary gains. While collaborations and sponsorships provide financial stability, her true wealth lies in the relationships she cultivates and the experiences she shares with her audience. Through her authentic storytelling and genuine enthusiasm, she navigates the digital landscape with integrity and purpose, inspiring others to embrace the beauty of exploration and

vazra sakla waterfall at goa karnataka boarder

TRAVEL influencer

Jesdica Fernandes

Jesdica Fernandes, a nurse and travel influencer from Goa, blends her healthcare expertise with wanderlust, showcasing hidden gems and fostering community through authentic storytelling.

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Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Jesdica Fernandes

A Multifaceted Journey

In a world brimming with diverse talents and passions, Jesdica Fernandes emerges as a striking example of versatility. Combining her expertise as a nurse with her fervour for exploration, Jesdica dons multiple hats, embodying the essence of a modernday Renaissance individual. Let's delve into the fascinating narrative of this spirited individual as she navigates through the realms of healthcare and wanderlust.

Educational Background and Professional Pursuits

Jesdica's journey commences with a foundation rooted in healthcare. Currently undertaking her education in General Nursing Midwifery (GNM), she exemplifies dedication towards honing her skills in nurturing and healing. With a decade-long stint as a nurse under her belt, Jesdica's commitment to alleviating suffering and promoting well-being stands as a testament to her compassionate nature. Residing in the picturesque coastal haven of Goa, she infuses her daily life with the vibrant energy of this idyllic locale.

jesdica fernandes

Goa, with its magnetic allure, serves as the canvas upon which Jesdica paints her travel tales. Beyond the well-trodden paths lie hidden treasures awaiting discovery. From the sun-kissed beaches to the tranquil sanctuaries of temples and churches, Goa offers a tapestry of experiences for the intrepid traveler. Yet, it's the pulsating nightlife of North Goa that adds a dash of excitement to the serene landscape, captivating visitors with its effervescent charm.

Exploring Goa's Hidden Gems: Cabo de Rama Cave

capturing paroda: through jesdica’s lens

Amidst the myriad attractions, Jesdica's discerning eye gravitates towards the lesser-known marvels of Goa. Among these gems, the enigmatic Cabo de Rama Cave stands out as a testament to nature's artistry. Nestled in South Goa, this secluded enclave beckons adventurers to unravel its mysteries, offering a glimpse into Goa's untamed beauty.


jesdica wanders through quepem’s hidden gems

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Content Creation: Crafting Tales of Wanderlust

For Jesdica, content creation transcends mere documentation—it's a journey of storytelling and inspiration. Guided by a passion for unearthing the extraordinary, she meticulously curates her content to showcase destinations and experiences that resonate with her audience. Through captivating reels and mesmerising photos, Jesdica invites fellow travellers to embark on a voyage of discovery, igniting their wanderlust with each post.

Engagement and Audience Interaction: Fostering Connections

At the heart of Jesdica's digital presence lies a thriving community bound by shared experiences and aspirations. Through authentic storytelling and genuine engagement, she cultivates meaningful relationships with her audience, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie. From sharing travel anecdotes to hosting interactive Q&A sessions, Jesdica's commitment to her followers transcends the virtual realm, resonating with authenticity and warmth.

Challenges and Triumphs: Navigating the Path Less Travelled

As a travel influencer, Jesdica confronts an array of challenges, from creating unique content in a saturated landscape to navigating negative feedback

with grace and resilience. Yet, through perseverance and a steadfast commitment to her craft, she transforms obstacles into opportunities for growth and self-discovery. By striking a delicate balance between content creation and savouring the travel experience, Jesdica exemplifies the art of living in the moment while capturing it for posterity.

Collaborations: Forging Bonds, Creating Memories

In her journey as a travel influencer, Jesdica has forged lasting bonds through collaborations with brands and fellow influencers. One memorable collaboration stands out—the Black & White brand partnership, where she not only expanded her network but also forged enduring friendships amidst unforgettable experiences. Such collaborations serve as a testament to the power of community and collaboration in enriching the travel experience.

Tips for Aspiring Influencers: Nurturing Growth and Authenticity

For those embarking on the path of travel influencing, Jesdica offers invaluable insights garnered from her own journey. From investing in high-quality content to fostering genuine connections with the audience, she emphasises the importance of authenticity and perseverance. By staying true to one's passion and remaining steadfast in the pursuit of excellence, aspiring influencers can carve their niche in the dynamic world of travel influencing.

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jesdica capturing raia’s sunset beauty jesdica’s mobor beach

Favourite Travel Memory: A Tapestry of Moments

Among the myriad adventures that adorn Jesdica's travelogue, one memory shines with a timeless allure—the South India road trip encompassing the picturesque landscapes of Chikkamagaluru and the enchanting states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. It's a journey etched in her heart, a mosaic of experiences that continue to inspire and uplift her spirit.

Future Plans and Wanderlust Dreams

As Jesdica sets her sights on the horizon, her wanderlust knows no bounds. From traversing the ancient heritage sites to unraveling the secrets of hidden gems, her future holds a tapestry of adventures waiting to unfold. With upcoming projects spanning Ladakh, Hampi, Malvan, and Manali, Jesdica's journey promises to be a symphony of exploration and discovery.

Financial Aspects: Navigating the Business of Influence

Delving into the financial aspects of travel influencing, Jesdica elucidates the nuances of earnings in a dynamic landscape shaped by audience engagement, brand partnerships, and content quality. While figures may vary, the key lies in fostering authentic connections and delivering value to both audience and partners alike. exploring broadwalk honnavar

content creator

Dwena De Melo

Dwena De Melo, an engineer turned content creator, celebrates Goa's culinary scene through captivating content, balancing her passion with her profession with dedication and resilience.

Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Dwena De Melo

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at antonio’s 31 exploring the local bars of goa

A Journey of Passion and Inspiration

In the vibrant state of Goa, amidst its rich cultural tapestry and scenic landscapes, resides Dwena De Melo, an Electronic and Telecommunications Engineer by profession and a passionate content creator by heart. Known as Dwen on Instagram, Dwena's journey into content creation began as a personal exploration of Goa's culinary scene, driven by her love for discovering new places, particularly charming cafes with aesthetic interiors and delectable food.

From Engineer to Creator: Dwena's Story

Dwena's upbringing reflects the diverse cultural influences of Goa, with roots in Merces, Panjim, and Margao-Navelim.Her transition from being a patron of cafes to becoming a recognised presence on Instagram exemplifies her dedication and creative flair. While her weekdays are devoted to engineering, Sundays transform her into a creative force, curating content that celebrates the beauty of cozy cafes and the artistry of their culinary creations.

Celebrating Goa's Culinary Tapestry: Dwena's Mission

What sets Goa apart is not just the abundance of cafes, but the unique ambiance and attention to detail that each establishment exudes. Dwena's content aims to showcase this uniqueness by immersing her audience in the enchanting world of Goa's cafes and their aesthetic delights. Through captivating imagery and thoughtful commentary, she captures the essence of each cafe, inviting others to join her on a journey of discovery and delight.

Favourite Culinary Discoveries: Gems of Goa

Dwena's culinary adventures in Goa have led her to discover hidden gems like Star Bar in Ribandar and Ulas Ross Omelet in Margao. At Star Bar, she indulges in fresh seafood and breathtaking views of the river, while at Ulas Ross Omelet, she savours the fiery flavours of the iconic Ross Omelet. Each culinary discovery reflects Dwena's passion for exploring diverse flavours and sharing her experiences with her audience.

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shooting content for cafe’s

a brunch spread for a collaboration with bombay coffee house goa

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Balancing Passion and Profession: Dwena's Approach

Balancing a full-time career with her passion for food and travel requires meticulous planning and dedication. Dwena utilizes pockets of time during her daily commute and evenings to create and curate content for her audience. Effective time management allows her to maintain consistency in sharing her culinary adventures while juggling the demands of her engineering job and personal pursuits, including fitness competitions.

Overcoming Challenges: Dwena's Resilience

Despite facing challenges such as travel expenses, weekend rushes at establishments, and managing work leaves, Dwena remains resilient in her pursuit of sharing authentic experiences with her audience. By proactively addressing logistical hurdles and implementing strategic solutions, she continues to navigate the complexities of being a travel and food influencer in Goa, inspiring others with her passion and perseverance. Dwena's memorable culinary experiences include a Goa, where innovative offerings like Avocado Crudo and PT & G (Peanut Milk Tomato Savory Granola) left itsgoa_ Itsgoa a snap for a brand collaboration - freakins India
bungalow, made dining at The Second Crudo House

Monetization and Income: From Passion to Profit

While Dwena initially pursued her passion for food purely out of love, she has recently begun to monetize her content through collaborations with

engineer to content creator exemplifies the power of

invites others to explore the culinary and creative wonders of Goa, one cafe at a time. As she continues to inspire her audience with her adventures and discoveries, Dwena's legacy serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring influencers and travellers alike. itsgoa_ Itsgoa

dwena de melo itsgoa_ Itsgoa Advertise With Us ItsGoa’s E-Magazines For more details Contact : +91 7887330620 / +91 9209005127

dale pereira

Dale Pereira's artistic journey, rooted in Goa's nature, flourishes through vibrant watercolour paintings. Her creative process blends inspiration from nature with innovative techniques, embracing authenticity amidst digital challenges.

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artist Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Dale Pereira


The Vibrant World of Dale Pereira: A NatureInspired Journey of Creativity

Dale Pereira's artistic journey is a vibrant tapestry woven with colours inspired by nature's boundless beauty. From her roots in the picturesque landscapes of Goa to her innovative techniques in watercolour painting, Dale's art speaks volumes about her passion, creativity, and dedication. In this exclusive exploration, we delve into the depths of Dale's artistic soul, uncovering the inspiration behind her captivating creations, her unique artistic style, and her aspirations for the future.

A Glimpse into Pereira's Artistic Odyssey

Dale Pereira's love affair with art began long before she could articulate her emotions in words. Growing up amidst the lush landscapes of Goa, Dale found solace and inspiration in the rich tapestry of nature that surrounded her. From the vibrant hues of tropical flora to the intricate patterns of indigenous fauna, every aspect of Goa's biodiversity became a source off fascination and wonder for the budding artist. Dale has always been known as the artistic kid in school and college, and always being immersed in some creative project or the other interesting school

and college activities. Dale's upbringing in such a vibrant and diverse environment laid the foundation for her deep connection with nature, which continues to influence her artwork to this day. As she navigated the winding paths of childhood, Dale found herself drawn to the colours, shapes, and textures of the natural world, instinctively reaching for a paintbrush to capture its beauty on canvas.

Nurturing Creativity: The Evolution of Pereira's Artistic Style

Dale Pereira's artistic style is an eclectic fusion of nature-inspired motifs, vibrant colours, and innovative techniques. Her paintings exude a sense of whimsy and charm, inviting viewers into a world where imagination knows no bounds. Dale’s preferred medium, watercolour, serves as a versatile canvas for her creative expressions, allowing her to capture the ethereal beauty of landscapes, plants, and animals with effortless fluidity. Dales art style is not about making things look real, but showing her own colourful and unique view of the world around her in her artwork. The negative space painting

customised wedding invitations

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Dale’s workplace itsgoa_ Itsgoa
the mollem serirs - the malabar giant squirrel

technique used in her watercolour works is a method that involves using the unvented or white areas of the paper to define shapes and forms, creating a dynamic interplay between positive and negative spaces. Over the years, Dale has honed her craft through experimentation and self-exploration, pushing the boundaries of traditional watercolour painting to create pieces that are uniquely her own.

Exploring Themes: Nature's Endless Canvas

Nature serves as Dale's inexhaustible muse, inspiring a myriad of themes and subjects in her artwork. From botanical wonders to intricate fauna, Dale's paintings celebrate the diversity and splendour of the natural world. Her keen eye for detail and her ability to infuse each piece with a sense of life and vitality breathe new life into familiar subjects, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of discovery and exploration. Besides nature related themes, dale also delves into other subjects like architectural elements and textured abstracts.Dale has  been creating textured artwork for clients homes and offices, as well as architectural render illustrations  for real estate companies

From Concept to Completion

Dale acknowledges that starting with a blank canvas can be daunting for any artist, herself included. She begins by envisioning the final form of her artwork, trusting her instincts to guide her creativity along the way. Dale emphasises the necessity of a tranquil and solitary space, devoid of distractions, where she can fully immerse herself in the artistic process. Hours pass at her desk, yet she savours each moment, finding fulfilment in the journey, sometimes even more so than in the end result. Rather than attempting to conform to external expectations or forcing herself to produce work she doesn't resonate with, Dale remains true to herself. Her focus lies in crafting art that authentically reflects her style, evokes joy within her, and speaks to her personal narrative.

Drawing Inspiration: Nature's Endless Bounty

In Dale Pereira's world of art, she gets lots of ideas from many different places. Nature is a big one—she loves how the colours, feelings, and textures in nature inspire her. She takes what she sees outside itsgoa_ Itsgoa
dale’s latest botanical illustration

and puts it into her artwork, making it come alive. Dale's art is also about her own life and what she notices around her. She's really good at telling stories through her art, making them fascinating and magical.

She finds beauty in small things, like the sound of leaves moving in the wind or the colours of the sky at sunset. Dale is great at showing the special feeling of nature in her paintings. It's because she pays close attention to everything around her and really cares about it.

Dale gets her ideas from many places too. Nature is also important to her, and she loves using its colours, textures, and shapes in her art. Dale's paintings also express feelings, like peace and calmness. She enjoys playing with different colours to make her scenes look beautiful. Adding texture to her paintings is something Dale likes to do too—it makes them interesting to touch. Lastly, she looks at what other artists do to get new ideas and learn new ways of making art.

Cultivating Creativity: Rituals and Habits

Dale Pereira's creative process is anchored by rituals and habits that foster an environment conducive to artistic exploration. From maintaining a clean and organised workspace to sketching rough studies of animals in her sketchbook, Dale's habits reflect her commitment to excellence and her unwavering dedication to her craft. Calm music serves as a soothing backdrop, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity and focus as Dale brings her artistic visions to life.

In the quiet solitude of her studio, Dale finds sanctuary, a space where she can escape the distractions of the outside world and immerse herself fully in the act of creation. Whether she's experimenting with new techniques or fine-tuning the details of a masterpiece, Dale approaches each session with a sense of purpose and intention, allowing her creativity to flow freely and uninhibitedly. itsgoa_ Itsgoa
the mollem series- slender loris
some of dale’s commisioned acrylic textured art

The Influence of Masterpieces: Pereira's Inspirational Icons

In the vast tapestry of artistic expression, Dale  finds inspiration in the works of masterful creators who have left an indelible mark on the world of art. Artists like Ira Sluyterman, known as Iraville, and Georgina Taylor serve as beacons of creativity, their vibrant compositions and innovative techniques inspiring Dale to push the boundaries of her own artistic journey. Discovering new artists is a source of endless fascination for Dale, as she explores new ideas and techniques to enrich her own creative repertoire.

Navigating Challenges: Striking a Balance

As an artist in the digital age, Dale Pereira faces the dual challenge of staying true to her creativity while navigating the demands of social media algorithms. The pressure to produce content that resonates with online audiences can sometimes overshadow the

purity of artistic expression, yet Dale  remains steadfast in her commitment to authenticity. Balancing her online presence with her artistic integrity is a delicate dance—one that Dale approaches with grace, resilience, and unwavering determination.

In a world where likes and follows often dictate success, Dale refuses to compromise her artistic vision for the sake of popularity. Instead, she focuses on creating art that speaks to her soul, trusting that genuine passion and authenticity will resonate with audiences far more deeply than any algorithm ever could. By staying true to herself and her craft, Dale Pereira navigates the challenges of the digital age with grace and poise, emerging stronger and more resilient with each passing day.

Reaping Rewards: The Joys of Artistic Expression

For Dale Pereira, the rewards of artistic expression are manifold. From the simple pleasure of creating something beautiful to the profound impact of sharing her artwork with others, Pereira finds fulfilment in every brushstroke and every colour palette. The ability to connect with audiences on a deeply emotional level,  to evoke a sense of wonder itsgoa_ Itsgoa
a commisoned textured art piece

caption and awe through her art, is a privilege that Pereira cherishes with every fibre of her being.

Whether her art hangs in a gallery or adorns the walls of a private home, Dale takes pride in knowing that her creations bring joy and inspiration to those who encounter them. It's a feeling that transcends words, a deep and abiding sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing that her art has touched the hearts and minds of others in ways she never could have imagined.

Embracing the Future: Aspirations and Dreams

As Dale looks to the future, her aspirations are as boundless as the skies above. She dreams of expanding her reach, showcasing her artwork to a global audience, and making a meaningful impact on the world of art and beyond. With plans to launch her own website and exhibit her artwork in local galleries, dale is poised to embark on the next

chapter of her artistic journey, one filled with infinite possibilities and endless horizons. Dale was fortunate to take part in the Mollem Campaign, using her artwork to highlight the importance of preserving the environment and showcasing the rich biodiversity of Goa. It was a fulfilling opportunity for her to witness how art can inspire positive action and share meaningful stories.

From the bustling streets of Goa to the farthest corners of the globe, Dale's art is a testament to the power of creativity, the beauty of nature, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. With each brushstroke, she paints a vivid portrait of a world filled with colour, light, and possibility, a world where dreams take flight and imagination knows no bounds. As she continues to explore, create, and innovate,Dale's  journey serves as an inspiration to us all, a reminder of the transformative power of art and the enduring beauty of the natural world. itsgoa_ Itsgoa itsgoa_ Itsgoa itsgoa_ Itsgoa Advertise With Us ItsGoa’s E-Magazines For more details Contact : +91 9370502124 / +91 9209005127
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