2018 WOW Reykjavik International Games

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Laugardalshöll, 28. Jan. 10-13 The 2018 Reykjavík International Games Olympic Weightlifting competition will take place in Laugardalshöll Sports Hall on January 28th. The event will be broadcasted in the national TV (RUV) on competition day. The RIG Weightlifting meet is invitation only. 10 men and 10 females will participate in total weight lifted in Snatch and Clean and Jerk according to IWF regulations. Prices are given for the top 3 lifters in the male and female category due to Sinclair scoring. Olympic Weightlifting have pursued in Iceland for several years and The Icelandic Olympic Weightlifting Federation a part of The National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland since 1973. Iceland has had representatives competing at Weightlifting in four Olympic Games. Iceland had two lifters at The World Weightlifting Championships in 2015 and 2017. The sport of Weightlifting has grown tremendously amongst kids and young athletes last couple of years which was clear when Iceland had 12 athletes competing at The Nordic Championships for Youth and Juniors in Finland, 2017.

ÓLYMPÍSKAR LYFTINGAR Laugardalshöll, 28. jan. kl.10-13

Ólympískar lyftingar hafa verið með á Reykjavík International Games síðan 2012 og sjá Lyftingasamband Íslands ásamt lyftingafélögum landsins um framkvæmdina. Tíu karlar og tíu konur keppa í samanlögðum árangri í snörun og jafnhendingu samkvæmt reglum IWF (Alþjóðalyftingasambandins). Verðlaun eru afhent fyrir fyrsta, annað og þriðja sæti samkvæmt Sinclair stigatöflu. Ólympískar lyftingar hafa verið stundaðar á Íslandi í fjölmörg ár og Lyftingarsamband Íslands hefur verið innan ÍSÍ frá 1973. Íslenskir lyftingamenn hafa keppt fyrir Íslands hönd á fjórum Ólympíuleikum. Ísland hefur átt keppendur á síðustu 2 heimsmeistaramótum eða 2105 og 2017. Einnig hefur orðið mikil upplyfting innann íþróttarinnar meðal yngra fólks og áttum við meðal annars 12 keppendur á Norðurlandamóti unglinga 2017. Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á heimasíðu Lyftingasambands Íslands lsi.is


Ólympískar lyftingar voru stundaðar í fornum egypskum og grískum samfélögum sem grunnþjálfun og náttúruleg leið til að mæla styrk og afl og þær voru á meðal íþróttagreina á fyrstu nútíma Ólympíuleikunum í Aþenu 1896. Weightlifting has ancient origins. It featured at the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. As a means to measure strength and power, weightlifting was practiced both by ancient Egyptian and Greek societies. It developed as an international sport primarily in the 19th century and is one of the few sports to have featured at the 1896 Athens Games.

Skipuleggjandi / Event Manager Hjördís Ósk Óskarsdóttir Sími: 822 3848 lsi@lsi.is

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