Baby&KidStore Temmuz 2019

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July 2019



July 2019

July 2019



July 2019

Tulay Textile, founded in 1987, is primarily operating in women’s, men’s and children’s underwear and sleepwear sectors. Tülay İç Giyim and Devino are leading export brands, which play an important part in overseas exports, and important values for the Turkish Textile Industry. Today, we-Larice Club Larice Kids, as a third generation, are pleased to present our new products. We are all dedicated to bringing you the strong and assertive production infrastructure in the area of children’s pajamas, underwear and home wearpajamas. We are managed by dedicated professionals having rich industrial experience with a passion for innovation and excellence. We are equipped with the young and dynamic staff to be a world-wide brand. While we are preparing Larice Club and Larice Kids branded products, we always ask ourselves one question: How to make childrens happy? Our source of inspiration is the smile on children’s face. We, as Larice Kids, believe that if children are happy, then the worlds is happy, too. And we also know that the things we are designing today are the best investment value for our future children. Here we are... We are all childishly excited to begin our work together. Детский мир с Larice, становится цветнее. В этом году внутреняя энергия детей, встречается c дизайном. Фирма Larice, впервые со своей коллекцией Весна-Лето, ожидает выставку CBME “Мама”и”Малыш”. Коллекцию этого года, украшает незаменимая для Larice веселая и живая тема. С проектом развлечения и поднятия настроения детям, отправляемся в путь. В этом процессе, душевной и денамичной одеждой, хотим открыть мерцающий мир в глазах детей. B коллекции приятный дизайн смешивается с живыми цветами. В этом, году внемание привлекают мальчиковые и девочковые наборы, даполняющие друг друга. Оригинальные узоры одежды - самое красивое отражение веселого детского мира. На одежде, для девочек элегантные штрихи совмещаются с гармоничными цветами. Узоры цветов, в этом году занимают не последнее место. У мальчиков , Larice настаивает на динамичные полосы и живые цвета. Используемые в расцветке нейтральные тона, придают особый вид. Дизайн, привлекает внимание подборкой гармоничных цветов. Иногда контрастами, а иногда переходящими тонами. Larice, в новой коллекции предстанет перед нами в новом виде. В сфере создания узоров на уровне марки и на модельной основе идет в тему. В этом году, мы увидим и комбинированные модели используемые в группе с отдельными изделиями. Во время создания этих комбинаций,следовали тематическим путем. И в следствии этого, появились изделия имеющие целостность и историю от узоров до полос и цветов. Будьте готовы раскрасить лето с Larice! Основанная в 1987 году под названием Tülay Tekstil, наша фирма начала набирать активные обороты, опираясь в большинстве на производство мужского, женского и детского нижнего белья, а также пижам для детей и взрослых. Заработав особое место на экспорте товара заграницу, наши марки Tülay Tekstil и Devino с особой значимостью продолжают своё развитие на текстильном рынке Турции. На сегодняшний день мы с радостью представляем вашему вниманию новое, уже третье поколение нашей организации под именами Larice Club-Larice Kids. Под маркой Larice Kids, на основании сильного и конкурентоспособного производства, наша фирма дает высококачественное обслуживание в области нижнего белья, пижам и домашней одежды для детей. Имея за спиной многолетний опыт и не теряя в себе стремление к усовершенствованию, вместе с молодым и энергичным коллективом мы ставим перед собой цель достижения успеха мирового значения. В каждой разработке марок Larice Kids и Larice Club мы задаемся вопросом, как благодаря нашей продукции мы можем подарить детям радость. Прекрасные улыбки на лицах детей- это наш самый главный источник вдохновения для создания новых коллекций. Для нас, сотрудников Л Larice Kids , счастье ребенка означает счастливое будущее для всего мира, на что 5 July 2019 и направлены все наши усилия. Мы знаем, что то, что мы сегодня посеем , то и будем пожинать в будущем для наших детей.


KALİTESİNDEN, PRESTİJİNDEN, GÜVENİLİRLİĞİNDEN TAVİZ VERMEYEN İLHAM KAYNAĞI BİR MARKA LARICE KIDS gibi her bir detayıyla beraber ister evde vakit geçirirken, ister sokakta oynarken, ister uyurken kullanılabilecek yani çok geniş bir alanda kullanılabilme özelliğinde bir çeşitliliğe sahip. Üretim aşamasında ne gibi kriterlere dikkat ediyorsunuz? Hangi ülkelere ürün gönderimi yapıyorsunuz? Bu alanda birçok farklı kriterimiz var aslında. Ama bu kriterlerimizden en önemlisi sağlıklı ürünler ortaya çıkarıyor olmak. Buradaki önemli etkenlerden biri kumaşın kalitesi. Kullanacağımız kumaş organik pamuk olmalı ve Türkiye’de üretilmiş olmalı. Sağlıklı, organik boyalarla yapılabilen baskılar çalışarak hijyenik ürünler üretiyoruz. Larice Kids olarak, başlangıçtan itibaren ihracat ve yurt dışı tabanlı çalışan bir firmayız ama üretimimiz Türkiye’de gerçekleşiyor. %100 yerli sermaye ile kurulmuş bir kadın girişimci firmasıyız. İhracatta, Orta Doğu şuanki pazarın en büyük dilimini oluşturuyor. Ama biz, Orta Doğu ülkelerine alternatif olarak farklı kıtalarda farklı ülkeleri de hedefliyoruz.

Kendi içinizde Larice ailesi olarak kuruluşunuzdan bu yana geldiğiniz noktayı nasıl anlatırsınız? Tülay Tekstil’in tarihi 32 yıllık köklü bir geçmişe dayanıyor. Tülay Tekstil olarak, Devino Club markasıyla yetişkin ev giyimi üretimine başladık. Çocuk ev giyimini de yaklaşık 5 yıl önce Larice Kids markasıyla hayata geçirdik. Bugüne baktığınızda Ortadoğu’nun ve birçok ülkenin vazgeçilmez markaları arasında yer alıyoruz. Larice Kids olarak, yola çıktığımız noktadan vardığımız yere kadar kaliteden ve kaliteyi meydana getiren hiçbir kriterden taviz vermeyen bir firmayız. İlk günden bu yana, mevcut kalitemizle birlikte elimizdekini her zaman koruduk ve gün geçtikçe de bu mevcudun üzerine her zaman yenilikler ekledik. Çünkü en büyük değerlerimizden biri, yenilikçi bir firma olarak çağın yeniliklerine uyum sağlamamız ve müşterilerimize her zaman yeniyi, beğenileni, arananı sunmamız. Bünyenizde yer alan ürün grupları nelerdir? Çocuk ve teenage yaş gruplarına yönelik pijama ve ev giyim ürünleri bünyemizde yer alan ürün grupları. Günlük ve rahat olarak tabir edebileceğim ürünleri Larice Kids çatısı altında bulabilirsiniz. Bizim ürünlerimiz, aslında joker ürünler olarak nitelendirilebilir. Çünkü bu ürünler, rengi, kumaşı, dokusu


July 2019

A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION THAT DOES NOT COMPROMISE ON ITS QUALITY, PRESTIGE AND RELIABILITY LARICE KIDS As Larice family, how would you describe the point you have reached since your establishment? The history of Tulay Textile is based on a long history of 32 years. As Tulay Tekstil, we started to produce adult home wear with Devino Club brand. We started children’s home wear with Larice Kids brand about 5 years ago. When we look at today, we are among the indispensable brands of Middle East and many countries. As Larice Kids, we are a company that does not compromise on quality and any criteria that make up the quality from the point of departure to the place we reach. Since the first day, we have always maintained what we have with our current quality, and we have always added innovations to the present day by day. Because one of our biggest values, as an innovative company to adapt to the innovations of the age and our customers always new, appreciated, wanted to offer. What are the product groups in your organization? We offer pajamas and home wear products for children and teenage age groups. You can find daily and comfortable

products under the roof of Larice Kids. Our products can actually be described as wild products. Because these products, color, fabric, texture, with every detail, such as spending time at home, playing on the street, or sleeping can be used in a very wide area that can be used in a variety of features. What criteria do you pay attention to during production? Which countries do you ship to? In fact, we have many different criteria in this field. But the most important of these criteria is to produce healthy products. One of the important factors here is the quality of the fabric. Use will be made of organic cotton and fabric to be in Turkey. We produce hygienic products by working with healthy, organic dyes. As Larice Kids, we make production as a company based on export but we produce in Turkey. We are a women entrepreneur company established with 100% domestic capital. In exports, the Middle East has the largest share of our current market. But as an alternative to Middle Eastern countries, we also aim to export to different countries on different continents.

July 2019


BEST KIDS SETS THE FASHION THIS SEASON WITH ITS MODERN DESIGNS The brand, which offers different pattern in perfect harmony with designs, offers a rich selection of color palettes this season. Keeping the line in the design, Best Kids exists amongst the leading brands of fashion in years and is confronted with an ambitious collection for the new season. The brand that blends and reinterprets the trends in the world with its own line of design, is the candidate to dazzle in the fair with its product groups for boys and girls aged 0-2, 2-6 and 6-14 age range in this season. Best Kids enriches its products with colors and designs consisting of comfortable, chic, popular, modern and stylish design. Yusuf Gürel,Best Kids General Manager, informs about their new collections, which prepared dye and fabrics that contain carcinogen free material and mother can use for their children mind at peace, he said, “We bring out the

modern style of classical and casual children’s clothes by bringing together the details in quality fabrics in the children’s wear sector. While collections are being prepared, customer expectations and marketability play a decisive role. Most of our collection is exported to various countries of Europe and Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Dagestan, Lebanon, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Tunisia, Kuwait, Egypt and India.” Production enhanced by technology Manufacturing its collections in new plant of 2.000 m2 in BomontiSisli, the firm offers quality products to consumers through retail outletsacross Turkey and world. Best Kids has 200 corner sale pointsin Turkey. Continuing to pursue itself with its new technological machinery, Best Kids is following the fashion and advancing its stylish and high quality line day by day.

Best Kids, which in its branding period positioned itself as “Turkey’s pioneering brand in child fashion”, follows world trends, and its young and dynamic team prepares classic and unusual designs with the chic and comfortable suited for modern life. Best Kids produces the modern style of classic and casual children’s wear by combining attention to detail with quality fabrics and today presents its collections designed according to various customer demands to its clients through its selling points abroad and all over Turkey. Our company, following technological innovations in our sector closely and regarding investments in training as the most important investments, continues on its way by acting on this understanding with a management policy that always maintains top quality standards.


July 2019



Merkez Mah. Fırın Sok. No.67 34381 Bomonti-Şişli İstanbul-Turkey

Meşrutiyet Mah. Şair Nigar Sok. No.31-33 34363 Nişantaşı İstanbul-Turkey

T. : +90 444 5 944 F. : +90 212 221 65 16

T. : +90 212 230 30 40 F. : +90 212 234 18 98

July 2019





+90 532 172 32 05


Letter From Editor Every step with baby & kid store leads you to a different country… Hello to everyone from July issue of our magazine, which is only trade magazine in Turkish baby and toddler market, heartbeat of the sector in nation and breath of our country in international fairs!

baby & kid store ile aldığınız her nefeste farklı bir ülkeye… Türkiye’de bebek ve çocuk sektörü deyince akla tek gelen, yurt içinde sektörün kalp atışı, yurtdışı fuarlarında ülkemizin nefes alışı olan dergimizin Temmuz sayısından herkese merhaba! Kış geliyor, dondurucu soğuklardan yakınıyoruz; yaz geliyor, kavurucu sıcaklardan bunalıyoruz. Arada bir sitem etsek de; şikâyetçi olmadan, bıkmadan sarıldığımız tek şey, sektörümüz moda… Uğrunda her sabah gün aydınlanmadan dükkanlarımızı açtığımız, geç saatlere kadar mesailere kaldığımız ama yine de en büyük motivasyon, heyecan kaynağımız… İşte o, sektörümüz moda, iyi ki var… Geçtiğimiz ay Haziran sayımızla, dünyanın önemli fuarlarından İtalya Pitti Imagine Bİmbo ve Playtime Paris fuarlarına misafir olmuştuk. Bu ay da Temmuz sayımız ile, İstanbul Kids Fashion ve Junioshow Bursa fuarları aracılığında iade-i ziyaretleri karşılayacağız. Gelecek zaman modasından avanslarını çekmiş tasarımcılarımızın özgün koleksiyonlarını, bu fuarlar sayesinde tüm dünyaya sergileyeceğiz. Kendimize duyduğumuz özgüvenimiz sayesinde, kapılarımızı, çekinmeden tüm dünya ülkelerine bir kez daha açacağız. Endişe duymadan üretmenin, ürettiğini sergileyebilmenin yaşattığı bu özgürlüğün hayranıyım! Ülkemiz fuarlarından sonra, Rusya’nın şifa dağıtan kenti Pyatigorsk’a yolculuk edeceğiz. Güney Rusya Moda Fuarı ile sektör firmalarımızın ismini farklı bir bölgeye daha yazdıracağız. NASA gibi, isimlerinizi bir çip içerisine yükleyip Mars’a götüremesek de - şimdilik - bulunmanızı gerektirecek yerleri çok iyi araştırıyor, tüm yıl boyunca sektörün odağında olmanıza olanak sağlıyoruz. Ne mutlu bize! Yaz sıcaklarına aldırış etmeden, çevirdiğiniz her sayfada, tatlı bir bahar esintisini hissettirebilmek dileğiyle… Keyifli okumalar!

When winter is coming, we are complaining of freezing temperatures; when summer is coming, we are overwhelmed by the scorching heat. Even if we have a reproach once in a while; without complaining, the only thing we hold without hesitation is our sector which is fashion... The important element for us to open our shops for the sake of enlightenment every day, work until the late hours, but still the greatest motivation, source of excitement is our sector, that is fashion. Late last month, we distributed our June issue in the world’s leading trade fairs of Italy Pitti Immagine Bimbo and Playtime Paris exhibitions. We will be at Istanbul Kids Fashion and Bursa Junioshow fairs this month with our July issue. We will exhibit our unique collection of fashion designers for the whole world through this exhibition. Thanks to our self-esteem we will not hesitate to turn once again to all world countries. I am a fan of this freedom of producing and displaying the products without worry. After our country fairs, we will travel to Pyatigorsk, Russia’s healing city. We will represent our sector in a more different region with South Russia Fashion Fair. Just like NASA, even if we can’t load your names into a chip and take them to Mars - for now - we ‘re looking for places where you need to be located, allowing you to focus on the industry all year round. How happy we are! Wish to feel the sweet spring breeze with every page you read by ignoring the hot summer... Enjoy your reading!

Duygu Sazan Editor

Publisher: H. Ferruh Işık on behalf of İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. General Manager (Responsible) Mehmet Söztutan Coordinator Mehtap Akyel Editor Duygu Sazan

MAY YOUR PRODUCT BE GOLD… Even if they are pearl and coral… It will not do any good if you don’t promote as good as your competitors or even better. You will follow them minimum one step back if you are not presenting your message through the most contemporary media with the best way to the right market or markets. It would be a pity for your efforts, for your team’s efforts, for your investments, time, and everything. As not making promotion is a mistake it is even worse if you do it wrong by using wrong media. First of all the message should be right, then comes its professional design, it should have a manifestation to capture the eyes during a little glance, its passion to stick in the mind, most importantly, the right medium and its efficiency. This is what the vision of Baby & Kid Store. It delivers what your product deserves so much so that you enjoy the pleasure of business and branding, It’s our honor and success pride to promote you with the best way. Our philosophy is to carry the message of your quality products and honest services to the right audiences. The rest is up to you! The only thing I can say is enjoy your accomplishment!

Mehtap AKYEL C o o r di n ato r

Design & Graphics Furkan Yaldız Correspondent Tayfun Aydın Foreign Relations İsmail Çakır Chief Accountant Zekai Turasan

Subscription İsmail Özçelik

Finance Manager Mustafa Aktas

Head Office İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Evren Mah. Bahar Cad. Polat İş Merkezi B Blok No:3 Kat: 4 Güneşli Bağcılar - İstanbul / Turkey Tel: +90 212 604 51 00 Faks: +90 212 604 51 35 Printed By İHLAS GAZETECİLİK A.Ş. Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Caddesi İhlas Plaza No:11 A/41 Yenibosna–Bahçelievler/ STANBUL Tel: 0212 454 30 00


July 2019

July 2019



Cantoy, Avrupa sahnesinde kalitesiyle göz önünde! Bursa’da tekstil sektörünün öncü firmalarından olan Cantoy, Babydola markası ile katıldığı Pitti Immagine Bimbo Fuarı’nda ürünlerini sergiledi. Marka Avrupa’daki satışları ve fuarlara katılımı ile ihracat ağını genişletiyor.

Tekstil sektörünün üretim kısmında ilk akla gelen şehir Bursa oluyor. Yapılan fuarlar, etkinlikler ve B2B görüşmeleri ile Bursalı firmalar piyasayı canlandırmaya devam ediyor. İhracat ağını genişleten firmalardan biri olan Cantoy da iç piyasadaki konumunu koruyarak yurt dışı pazarlarında marka bilinirliğini sağlıyor. Cantoy Firma Sahibi Yunus Emre Otman ile yaptığımız söyleşi ile 1980’den beri sektörde varlığını koruyan Cantoy’un kalite ve ticaret anlayışını Babydoll ve Babydola markalarına aktarma süreçlerini dinledik. Cantoy’un markalaşma yolunda attığı adımlar neler oldu? 40 yıldır aynı sektöre hizmet etmenin verdiği tecrübeyle bir Cantoy çizgisi ve tarzı ortaya koyduk. Kendi zevkimizi yansıtan konsepti oluşturmak için ciddi bir Ar-ge sürecinden geçiyoruz. Araştırmalarımız sonucunda birbirine en uyumlu ürünleri bir araya getirerek bir koleksiyon oluşturuyoruz. Bütün bu seçimlere kaliteli ürün ve doğru fiyat politikası da eklenince Cantoy oluşuyor. Babydoll markasını ortaya çıkarma süreciniz nasıldı? 2012 yılında üretim kararımızı hayata geçirmek için bu konuda işini bizim gibi aşk ile yapan bir firma ile işbirliği yaparak ‘Babydoll’ markası olarak bir yola çıktık. Bu markayla yaptığımız ürünler hiçbir tedarikçimizin ürünlerine benzemiyor. Biz bu yola çıkarken kendi tarzımızı ortaya koyup Avrupa’da tanınan ve bir Türk markası olarak dünyaya ürün satan bir firma olmayı hedefledik. Bu çalışmaları yürütürken de bu süreçte insanların saygı duyacağı bir iş yapmak istedik. Bizim temel üretim alanımız yeni doğan ve 0 – 2 yaş grubu bir bebeğin, çocuğun ihtiyaçlarını kapsamaktadır. Hâlihazırda 550 farklı materyalden ürün üretiyoruz ve Son 4 yıldır kendi ürettiğimiz ürünleri de müşterilerimize sunuyoruz. Bu ürün gruplarımızla fuarlara katılıyoruz, yurt içi ve yurt dışı fuarlarda tanıtım pazarlama çalışmalarını sürdürüyoruz. “İşini iyi yapan bir firma olmak, çok para kazanmaktan daha değerlidir” ‘Babydola’ markasıyla İtalya Pitti Immagine Bimbo fuarında yer aldınız. Sayılı Türk firmalarından biri olarak neler hissettiniz? Yıllar önce koyduğumuz bir hedef vardı. Bize göre Pitti 14

July 2019

Immagine Bimbo dünyanın vitrini. O fuarda dünya markaları ile yan yana yer almak bizim için bir onur meselesidir. Biz tüccarız ve farkındayız ki, dünya çapında, uluslararası bir organizasyona katıldığımızda üzerimizde bir formayla, bir bayrakla gidiyoruz. Ben her şeyden önce bir Türk iş adamı olarak ülkemizi temsil ediyorum ve buna bağlantılı olarak firmamda sattığım ürünlerin kalitesi, sergilediğim ticari duruş ve sunduğum müşteri hizmetleri olarak toplamda Müslüman bir Türk iş adamına yakışır olmalı diye düşünüyorum. Bizim için bir yerde Cantoy, Babydoll, Babydola markaları adı geçtiğinde, işini iyi yapan güvenilir bir firma olarak anılmak bizim için çok para kazanmaktan daha değerlidir. Babydola ile dünya pazarında varmak istediğiniz nokta nedir? 2014 yılında Milano’da küçük bir ofis açtık. Tanıtım, satış ve tasarım ofisi de diyebiliriz. Ardından da Madrid ofisini açtık. Kumaş ve renk tasarımlarımızı bu ofislerimizden yürütüyoruz. Babydola Madrid patentli o yüzden bir İspanyol markası olarak biliniyor. Tasarımlarını Avrupa’da hazırlattığımız ürünlerin çoğunluğu Bursa, bir kısmı da İstanbul’da olmak üzere, üretimin tamamı Türkiye’de yapılıyor. Varmak istediğimiz istikamet ise, Avrupa tezgâhından dünyanın değerli noktalarına ulaşmak. Avrupa bize göre bir sergi, satış, bir pazar alanıdır. Biz Avrupa’daki fuarlardan farklı ülkelerin A segmentlerine hitap etmek istiyoruz. Babydola ile dünya bebeklerini giydiren bir marka olmayı hedefliyoruz. Babydola dünyanın 192 ülkesinde ürünlerimizin satın alındığı, güvenilerek ve sevilerek kullanıldığı bir marka olsun. Bir üretici ve ihracatçı olarak yurt içinde ve yurt dışında karşılaştığınız zorluklar nelerdir? Yurt içinde söyleyebileceğim şey insanların işlerine yeterince değer vermemesi. Maddi hırslar için kendilerini zora soktuklarını ve ticari ödemeleri aksatarak özel hayatlarındaki lükse öncelik verdiklerini görüyorum. Yurt dışında yaşadığımız sıkıntı ise uluslararası rekabette yaşadığımız sorunlar. Dünya çapında ithalat yapacak bir firma Çinli ya da Malezyalı bir üreticiden aldığı gibi benden de ürün alabilir. Birçok ülkede gümrük koşullarımız aynı değil ve biz pahalı kalıyoruz. Gümrük birliği anlaşmaları rakip üreticiler için ciddi avantajlar sağlıyor ve bu da bizim rekabet gücümüzü azaltıyor. İş gücü maliyetlerimiz arttıkça uluslararası piyasalarda rekabet gücümüzün daha da azalacağı bir risk görüyoruz.

Cantoy dazzles wIth Its qualIty In the European market! Cantoy, one of the leading companies in the textile sector in Bursa, exhibited its quality products at the Pitti Immagine Bimbo 2019 Fair with its Babydola brand. The brand is expanding its export business with its sales in Europe and participation in trade fairs.

As a city in Turkey, the first thing that comes to mind in the production sector of the textile sector is Bursa. With the fairs, events and B2B negotiations, the companies in Bursa continue to revive the market. Cantoy, one of the companies expanding its export business, maintains its position in the domestic market and provides brand recognition in the international markets. We had an interview with Yunus Emre Otman, Owner of Cantoy. He shared quality and trade understanding of Cantoy operating in the sector since 1980 and brand process of their Babydoll and Babydola brands. What are the steps for Cantoy towards branding? With the experience of serving the same sector for 40 years, we have shown a Cantoy line and style. We are going through a serious R & D process to create a concept that reflects our own style. As a result of our research, we create a collection by bringing together the most compatible products. When quality products and the right price policy are added to all these choices, Cantoy is formed. How was your Babydoll brand born? Cooperating with a company that makes its business with love, we set out in order to realize our production decision in 2012 as Babydoll brand. The products we make with this brand are not similar to any of our supplier’s products. In this way, we aimed to be a company that is well-known in Europe and sells products to the world as a Turkish brand. In this process, we wanted to do a job that people would respect. Our core production area covers the needs of a baby, a newborn and a 0 - 2 age group. We currently manufacture products from 550 different materials and we have been offering our own products for the last 4 years. We participate in trade fairs with these product groups, and continue to promote marketing in domestic and international fairs.

in an international organization around the world, we are going with a flag on it. First of all, I represent our country as a Turkish businessman, and I think that the quality of the products I sell in my company, my commercial stance and the customer service I offer should be worthy of a Muslim Turkish businessman in total. When Cantoy, Babydoll, Babydola brands are named as a company that does its job well is more valuable for us to earn a lot of money for us. What is the point you want to reach in the world market with Babydola? In 2014, we opened a small office in Milan. We can also call it promotion, sales and design office. Then we opened the office in Madrid. We carry out our fabric and color designs in these offices. Babydola Madrid is patented so it is known as a Spanish brand. The majority of the products that we prepare their designs in Europe, including a portion in Istanbul, the entire production is done in Bursa, Turkey. The point we want to reach is to reach the valuable points of the world from the European bench. Europe is an exhibition, sales, market place for us. We would like to address A segments of different countries in fairs of Europe. With Babydola, we aim to be a brand that dresses the world babies. Babydola is a brand where our products are purchased, trusted and loved in 192 countries of the world. What are the challenges you face in the country and abroad as a manufacturer and exporter? What I can say at home is that people don’t value their business enough. I see that they are forcing themselves for material ambitions and giving priority to luxury in their private life by disrupting commercial payments. The problems we have experienced in the international competition are the problems we have experienced abroad. A company that imports from around the world can buy products from me as a Chinese or Malaysian manufacturer. In many countries, our customs conditions are not the same and we are considered as expensive. Customs union agreements provide serious advantages for rival manufacturers, which reduces our competitiveness. As our labor costs increase, we see a risk that our competitiveness in international markets will be further reduced.

“Being a company that does its job well is more valuable than making a lot of money” You took part in the Pitti Immagine Bimbo in Italy with your Babydola brand. What did you feel as one of the leading Turkish companies? We had a target years ago. In our view, Pitti Immagine Bimbo showcases for the world. It is a matter of honor for us to participate in the exhibition side by side with world brands. We are traders and we are aware that when we participate July 2019



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Ticaret hayatına 1979 yılında başlayan Cantoy, 1996 yılından itibaren bebek çocuk giyim alanında faaliyet göstermeye devam etmektedir. Cantoy, Bursa’nın Vişne Caddesi’ndeki 2800 metrekarelik alanda, 40 çalışanıyla ve Laleli’de 5 katlı binasında sekiz çalışanı ile 700 metrekarelik alanda hizmet vermektedir. Her şeyden önce güveni ön planda tutan Cantoy, iş dünyasında adil bir ticaret anlayışı ile hareket etmektedir. Cantoy’un en önemli çalışma prensibi, üreticileri, müşterileri ve tedarikçileri ile iletişimde güvenilir, açık ve net olmaktır. Cantoy Tekstil, dünya standartlarında ürün yelpazesi ve profesyonel hizmet anlayışını samimiyet ve ciddiyetle devamlı hale getirme çabası içerisindedir. Bu zamana kadar değerlerinden asla ödün vermeyen şirket, var olduğu sürece asla bu değerlerden vazgeçmeyecektir. Bu başarısını kendi ülkesinde gerçekleştiren Cantoy Tekstil, bunu dünyada da adım adım yapmak için gayret sarf eden global bir şirkettir.2010 yılında vişne caddesine ilk adım atan şirket olma özelliğine sahip CANTOY katıldığı 50 ye yakın uluslararası fuar ile Babydola ismiyle yaptığı üretimi ile hali hazırda 80 ülkeye ürün pazarlayabilmekterdir. Babydola markasının merkezini bir pergel ucu gibi Avrupa’ya koyarak şirket genel merkezini Madrid/İspanya’da 2017 yılında açmıştır. Böylelikle tasarım vE üretim standartlarını Avrupa dizayn ve kalitesine uydurarak tüm dünyaya hitap etmek hedefine sağlam bir temel oluşturmuştur. Hedefi daima geçmişinden aldığı tecrübe ve birikimi güncel teknik ve donanımla revize ederek çok daha güzel bir gelecek hazırlamaktır.

Cantoy started its commerce life in 1979 and has been active in baby and kids wear since 1996. Cantoy offers its service in an area of 2800 square meters in Visne Street of Bursa with its 40 employees and in an area of 700 square meters, 5 storey building in Laleli with its 8 employees. Cantoy prioritizes trust before anything and acts in the business world with a fair understanding of trade. The most important working principle of Cantoy is to be reliable, straight and clear in communication with manufacturers, customers and suppliers. Cantoy Textile is striving to make world class product range and professional service sense with sincerity and seriousness. The company has never compromised its values until this time and will never give up on these values as long as it exists. Creating this success in its own country, Cantoy is a global company making efforts to realize this step by step in the world. Cantoy, the first company taking the first step to the Vişne Street in 2010, has been able to market its products to 80 countries with its production under the name of Babydola with nearly 50 international exhibitions. Babydola has opened its company headquarters in Madrid / Spain in 2017, putting its headquarters in Europe as a compass point. In this way, it has established a solid foundation for the aim of addressing the whole world by adapting the design and production standards to European design and quality. The goal is always to revise the experience and knowledge gained from the past with current techniques and to prepare a better future. Cantoy, которая начала свою коммерческую деятельность в 1979 году, активно занимается детской одеждой с 1996 года. Cantoy имеет площадь 2800 квадратных метров с 40 сотрудниками на улице Вишне в Бурсе. И восемью сотрудниками в 5-этажном здании площадью 700 квадратных метров в Лалели Истанбул. Прежде всего, Cantoy, который отдает приоритет доверию, действует в деловом мире с спроведливым пониманием торговли. Самый важный принцип работы Cantoy - это быть надежным, ясным и понятным в общении со своими производителями, клиентами и поставщиками. Cantoy Textile стремится к тому, чтобы ассортимент продукции мирового класса и профессиональное понимание сервиса продолжались с искренностью и серьезностью. Компания, которая никогда не скомпрометировала свои ценности до этого времени, никогда не откажется от этих ценностей, пока она существует. Cantoy Textile, которая реализует этот успех в своей стране, является глобальной компанией, которая делает шаг за шагом в этом мире. CANTOY, являясь первой компанией, вышедшей на Вишневую улицу в 2010 году, смогла продать свою продукцию в 80 странах, производя продукцию под названием Babydola, на почти 50 международных выставках. Babydola открыла свою штаб-квартиру в Европе в качестве компаса в 2017 году в Мадриде / Испания. Таким образом, он заложил прочную основу для решения проблемы всего мира путем адаптации своих стандартов дизайна и производства к европейскому дизайну и качеству. Цель всегда состоит в том, чтобы пересмотреть опыт и знания, приобретенные в прошлом, с использованием современных технических и аппаратных средств и подготовить гораздо лучшее будущее. 18 July 2019

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Elsima Türkiye’nin modern çocuk pijama ve eşofmanları üreten bir tekstil markasıdır. Elsima 1 ve 18 yas arası pijama ve eşofmanlar üretmektedir. İlkbahar - Yaz ve Sonbahar - Kış olmak üzere 4 mevsim yeni koleksiyonlar tasarlamaktadır. Şirket 1995 yılında kurulmuştur. Özgün tasarım, kaliteli ürünler, en iyi fiyat ve çocuk sağlığı firmanın temel vizyonudur. Günümüzde Elsima ürünlerini 63 ülkeye ihraç etmektedir. Şirketin hedefi dünyanın en çok tanınan çocuk markalarından biri olmaktır.

Elsima is a textile brand which produces modern child’s pyjamas and sweatsuits in Turkey. Elsima produces pyjamas and sweatsuits between 1 and 18 ages. The company creates new collections as Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter in 4 seasons. The company was founded in 1995. Unique design , quality products , best price and health of children are vision of Elsima. Today, Elsima exports its products 63 countries. The company aims to be one of the well-known kids brand in the World.

Elsima это турецкая текстильная компания, которая выпускает модную спортивную одежду и пижамы для детей. Elsima производит спортивную одежду и пижамы для детей возрастом от 1 до 18 лет. Нами разрабатываются новые коллекции для 4 сезонов, включая сезоны весна-лето и очень-зима. Фирма была создана в 1995 году. Оригинальный дизайн, качественные товары, самые лучшие цены и здоровье детей лежат в основе нашего видения. На сегодня компания Elsima экспортирует свою продукцию в 63 страны. Цель компании - стать одним из самых узнаваемых детских брендов в мире. 22

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Elsİma manufactures hIgh value added products Turkey has an undeniable success that concerns non-textile sector. In the lingerie sector, “Made in Turkey” products are ranked in the first place in Europe. Elsima, a long-established company, Yesildirek, Istanbul, exports to 80 countries children’s home wear products. We talked the point of the textile sector that Turkey reached with Esref Geyik, owner of Elsima Textile Turkey has an important level in the socks and underwear sector after China now. What are your views on this? Turkey in the underwear sector comes in 1th in Europe and ranks # 2 in the world. We estimate that we came to this point because there is a lot of work in the perspective of Turkey. “Made in Turkey” products are popular in the world. I believe that if we make products with high added value, we will have more foreign exchange inflow to our country. We are a team walking together as a sector. The state always supports us. When you reach a certain quality, you can no longer go down. As Turkey gains a momentum, we begin to see the side effects of performance. What can you say about this? As I have seen in my overseas visits, our products are especially imitated by Chinese firms. In fact, there must be character of brands as well as character of people. The value of branding should be understood. Despite the changing economic conditions in Turkey, how do you manage your long-term stability as Elsima? We do not sacrifice quality in our products and reveal

them with the right time and price factors. By analyzing the consumer profile correctly, we are always looking at the events by the glass. You are delivering your products to 80 countries. Addressing different cultures and geographies requires enormous labor. Can you tell us about your R & D and feasibility studies? It is very important to determine the customer’s expectations and the characteristics of the market we are going to sell. We shape our production as a result of our market researches taking into consideration the color, body and pattern factors. “Every product has a story” What inspires you by creating your collection? How do you bring children together with fashion? There are three areas where children used clothes in Turkey. The first one is inside the house, the other plays around the house, and the last one is for daily use outside. As Elsima, we design our products to be used in these 3 areas. Elsima participated in the fairs of Linexpo Istanbul and CBME Turkey and showed their spring-summer 2019 collections. It is possible to see that Elsima does not break its classic line in the new season collections.

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THE RISING ACTOR OF EXPORTS ‘BREEZE GIRLS & BOYS’ Starting its operations as Öz Riga Tekstil in 2003, the company manufactures clothes for children and babies aged 0-12 years with its Breeze Girls & Boys brand. The Breeze brand’s product range has stylish and affordable products that families can choose for everyday use. Breeze serves the sector with its 300 employees in its factory with 7000 m² closed area in Güngören, Istanbul.

reliability. Audits in the sector have become quite frequent in recent years, so there is no problem with textile, unchecked periods called carambole textiles. Now the sector is very sensitive about supervision and export is very intensive, so products are subject to continuous testing.”

Breeze keeps alive the sector with its retail Breeze brand products are exported to about 60 countries, mainly Romania, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Poland and Bulgaria. Responding each country’s different preferences, the company participates in international exhibitions overseas through its representatives and distributors and not take part in domestic fairs. Yilmaz Taş declares their priorities as follows: “As Breeze, we produce everyday clothes for boys. Our route is domestic market, wholesale and overseas sales. We have 21 retail stores. With retail, we keep the pulse of the product alive and reach our products directly to our customers. We developed our own retail chain because it is difficult to reach customers in the domestic market. Our preference is for the shopping center and the street shop. When you plan your site selection correctly, you get high efficiency. We easily provide our products to our customers due to we open our own retail chain, so that we reach our target success.” Breeze is the key to customer relationships; ‘Infinite Trust’ Basing their relationship with customers on the basis of trust, Yılmaz Taş, said, “Our company policy is to keep trust and customer satisfaction at the foreground. Our relationships with our customers are based on endless trust. We have achieved quality standards and our customers are aware of the importance we give to quality. Most of our customers are ordering by looking at their photos without seeing our product closely. We do not have any problems for our customers, we are approaching. We conduct our business with utmost

Our company, Öz-Riga Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd., has been founded in May 1996, and it is one of the leading companies in Turkey with the departments of R&D, design, production, marketing, and sales in children’s apparel textile sector, thanks to 22 years of experience and know-how. Maintaining a significant place in the global market with Breeze Girls and Boys brand, our company has a production capacity of 7000 m2 and employs 243 specialists in the textile sector. While we are following closely the latest trends by manufacturing innovative products and prioritizing the customer satisfaction, we are offering stylish and high-quality products for children and babies from 0 months to 12 years through our chain stores as well as distributors. Our company, which manufactures 1500 pieces for the collection during the season, prioritizes the principle of manufacturing quality and best products for our children while exporting Breeze Girls and Boys branded products to Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia and other countries of the world.


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The story of socks from generatIon to generatIon crowned wIth DEFNE BABY Partnering with many global brands since 1994, Gulecyuz Socks offers its production experience and all knowledge with its brand, Defne Baby… Gaining a good sales chart in short time with Defne Baby babies & children socks and laundry products they offer to the domestic and foreign market, General Manager Mustafa Güleçyüz shared their success stories with us. to make production to different brands and talked about themselves in the sector, now carries its knowledge and experience to its own brands, Defne Baby. Güleçyüz Çorap, now employing many people in Bayrampaşa factories and even receiving outsourcing production support, stated that their aim was to work in the sector with the right moves at the right time. While the company continues to invest in Defne Baby, it continues to make production to famous brands such as Mothercare, Zara, JohnLewis and Mango. “Defne Baby gets its name from the smallest member of the family” Getting name of the family from the youngest one, Ms. Defne, Using the experience and knowledge of years, we are producing socks for many world famous trademarks and companies. Gulecyuz Socks manufactures and markets all its goods internally. The company is represented by well-known distributors in this field in Germany, France, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, England where the products are present in the most important shopping centers in Europe. Mustafa Güleçyüz stated that they grew up in this business together with his brothers and said that in 1994 they made production more professional. Güleçyüz, which started who was born 3 years ago, Defne Baby products appeal to babies 0-2 age group with socks and laundry products. Defne Baby, whose quality and original designs are at the forefront, is offered to the consumers with its color, design and varieties in its collection. Mustafa Güleçyüz said that they plan long-term investment in meeting all the needs of babies from stroller to feeding bottle, from pajamas to t-shirt. Mustafa Güleçyüz said, “We managed to take place at all sales points in Turkey soon, as we gained a good sales graph. Our team continues their work in a controlled and systematic way. In addition, Defne Baby began to make a name for itself in the foreign market. In this direction, we export to countries such as Germany and Serbia and we are planning to work to increase the number of regions and countries we export. We also export all of our products from our factory to every point of Europe with our exporter company DevTeks.


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Gulecyuz Socks is experiencing the excitement of sharing its knowledge and experience with our valued customers for more than 15 years of production and export. Since its inception, our company, which has a specialized staff who produces socks, is located in Bayrampaşa, İstanbul, we produce 100% natural fibers pattern, weaving, quality control and ironing package operations in our factory which is built in 2200 m2. In 2016, we produce and sell short socks, booties, pantyhose and underwear with our Defne Baby brand which we have established in our company.

Defne Baby wind in socks fashion It is possible to say that socks have recently become a fashion. The socks selected according to their colors and patterns became parts to complement for the combinations. Informing about their production process, Mustafa Güleçyüz, said, “Traditionally, pink for girls, blue for boys is more preferred. We use clearer, less eye-catching patterns. Emphasizing that they have at least 20 audits per year, Güleçyüz emphasized the health criteria they pay attention in production by saying that “we eliminate the substances that may be harmful to the babies during the production phase and we are more careful.”” Our goal in 2019 is to start to produce Defne Baby products in its own factory Mustafa Güleçyüz mentioned the 2019 targets as follows: “For Defne Baby products, we have prepared a production plant of 16 thousand square meter in Hayrabolu, Tekirdag. However, due to the economic fluctuations in our country, we have postponed the start of activity of our factory for a short period of time. Our biggest target in 2019 is to start production in this factory and increase our production portfolio by including different product groups.”


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Our products are made of first-class raw materials, considering the health of your baby. They never contain harmful chemicals for your baby. It has international manufacturing techniques and safety standards with Azo-free paint and nickel-free accessories. High quality standards are certified with OekoTex certificate.

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Interview ZEYLAND EXPANDS ITS EXPORT WITH ITS INVESTMENTS IN R & D Zeynep Tekstil, which is engaged in production on children’s textile, adopts a production activity that focuses on great collections and attaches importance to R & D. Alp Kullelioglu, Chairman of Zeynep Tekstil, pointed out that they have renewed their collections every 3 to 6 month periods and have the share 20% of turnover for R & D. Environmentally friendly production Alp Kullelioglu said that Zeynep Giyim was founded in 1970 and he said, “We have two factories in Istanbul and Corlu. Our garment factory in Istanbul produces over 60 thousand pieces per month for children and baby clothing. Our factory in Corlu operates in printing and dyeing field and in apparel manufacturing facilities in the market by subcontracting. It has a capacity of producing 12 thousand kilograms of knitted goods and 40,000 meters of rotational metering pressures per day. We have 120 people in our printing dye facility and approximately 90 people in our garment facility in Istanbul. Kullelioğlu said that they have production capacity of a thousand tons of water per day. In addition, Kullelioglu underlined that the factory uses natural gas energy and produces its own electricity with the cogeneration system. Declaring that they produce cotton polyester fabric printing and dyeing at Çorlu plant, Alp Kullelioglu said, “We can apply digital printing techniques on developed stenter, chord, sanding, brush, calender and sanfor machines and


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being subjected to finishing, reported and customers through quality control tests.” He talked about the production process by adding further more, “We are producing in accordance with OEKO-TEX Standard 100 certificate standards and our products are offered in about 200 children’s stores.” “We market our products to the whole world” Stating that they make trade through dealership in Turkey, but export sales has an important part of the volume, Alp Kullelioglu said, “We know, no company can survive without exporting things. Markets such as Europe and the Middle East are important to us.”

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Founded in 1978 with the aim of producing knitwear and wholesale, the company succeeded to bring its successful vision of the knitwear and textile sector up to daylight through its experience. Showing its success in adapting to the changing sector and market conditions by protecting its corporate identity, the company renewed itself in many ways and continuously improved its standards. Combining the trend of the market with the deep experience in the knitwear market, Danışan Tekstil managed to be one of leading companies in the market. Providing high added value to the economy of our country, the company continues to work with many companies by getting their corporate identity popular all over the world by working successfully in production-marketing. It continues to contribute to the country and sector by producing indirectly with many corporate companies in the market. Producing weaving and knitting groups with the products with care, Danışan Tekstil is also very ambitious in timely delivery. In order to achieve customer satisfaction at the highest point by combining the best quality production with the best cost and price experience, in addition to making the collections with the international registered trademark Baby Mio, Danışan Tekstil offers for domestic market and export. The company will integrate its deep experience with today‘s evolving technologies and will continue with its valuable customers in the sector and grow even bigger. 1978 yılında triko üretim ve toptan satış yapmak amacı ile kurulan firma, tecrübesi ile triko-tekstil sektöründeki başarılı vizyonunu günümüze kadar taşımayı başardı. Değişen sektör ve piyasa şartlarına kurumsal kimliğini koruyarak adapte olma başarısını gösteren şirket birçok konuda kendini yeniledi ve standartlarını devamlı yükseltti. Danışan Tekstil, triko pazarında, derin tecrübesi ile pazarın trendini birleştirerek kendisini piyasada üst noktalara taşımayı başardı. Ülkemiz ekonomisine yüksek miktarlarda katma değer sağlayan firma, kurumsal kimliğini tüm dünyaya kabul ettirmiş birçok firma ile üretim-pazarlama konusunda başarıyla işbirliği kurarak çalışmalarını sürdürüyor. Söz konusu pazar içerisinde yine birçok kurumsal firma ile dolaylı olarak üretim yaparak ülkemize ve sektöre katkıda bulunmaya devam ediyor. Danışan Tekstil, dokuma ve örme gruplarına ait ürünleri itina ile üretmekle beraber, gününde teslimat konusunda da bir hayli iddialı. Amacı kaliteli üretim beraberinde, en iyi maliyet ve fiyatla tecrübelerini birleştirerek en üst noktada müşteri memnuniyetine ulaşmak, bunlara ek olarak uluslararası tescilli kendi markası olan Baby Mio ile koleksiyonlar hazırlayıp iç piyasa satışı ve ihracat yapmak. Danışan Tekstil derin tecrübesini günümüzün gelişen teknolojileri ile bütünleştirerek sektör içerisinde daha ileriye, değerli müşterileriyle birlikte yürüyecek ve daha da büyüyecek.

Компания была основана в 1978 году для производства трикотажных изделий и оптовых продаж. Благодаря своему опыту компания смогла реализовать свое успешное видение в трикотажно-текстильном секторе к сегодняшнему дню. Компания преуспела в адаптации к изменяющемуся сектору и рыночным условиям, сохранив свой фирменный стиль и обновив себя во многих областях, постоянно повышая свои стандарты качества. Данышан Текстиль (Danışan Textil), объединив глубокий опыт рыночного тренда на рынке трикотажа, сумела подняться на вершину рынка. Обеспечивая высокую добавленную стоимость для экономики нашей страны, компания продолжает свою деятельность, успешно сотрудничая со многими компаниями, которые создали свой фирменный стиль во всем мире в области производства и маркетинга. Компания продолжает вносить вклад в нашу страну и сектор, налаживая отношения со многими корпоративными компаниями на данном рынке. Данышан Текстиль (Danışan Textil) относится с очень большим вниманием к производству продукции ткацкой и вязальной группы, но также очень амбициозна в вопросе доставки в тот же день. Цель состоит в том, чтобы достичь удовлетворенности клиентов на самом высоком уровне, сочетая опыт с лучшими затратами и ценами с качественным производством, в дополнение к подготовке коллекций с собственным всемирно зарегистрированным брендом Бейби Мио (Baby Mio) для продажи и экспорта на внутреннем рынке. Данышан Текстиль (Danışan Textil) объединит свой глубокий опыт с современными технологиями разработки и будет идти вперед со своими ценными клиентами в этом секторе и расти еще дальше. Миссия: мы считаем, что каждый имеет право носить качественный и безопасный для здоровья трикотаж. Мы работаем вместе для этого с нашей семьей клиентов, поставщиками и деловыми партнерами. Видение: мы являемся ведущим производителем экономичного трикотажа в нашем регионе с нашим инновационным, рациональным, принципиальным и ответственным подходом. 34

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AN INNIVATIVE BRAND WITH RELIABLE IMAGE LUGGI BABY We provide you with a long-established brand that can be described as years of experience in wholesale and retail baby clothes sales: Luggi Baby! We had an interview with Filiz Gulen, Public Relations of the brand, which has a reliable image in the domestic and international arena, on baby and child textiles.

First of all, even in the difficult situation of our country, what owes him to stand up to his usual upright stance? First of all, I would like to point out that we did not turn the sudden rise in foreign exchange into an opportunity and vice versa. With this method we have implemented, we have protected our suppliers and customers without harming our company. Instead of the current cost policy, instead of keeping our company alive with real cost policy, we tried to realize our growth and investments in this direction by following the markets closely.


July 2019

Which countries have you recently exported? Are there any new country markets you are targeting? Branding and of course our first aim was to start activities in order to continue our work with Turkey market. We continued to introduce our brand to our overseas market customers. Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Sarajevo, Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Greece, Slovakia, Albania, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Israel, Dubai, Kenya, Saudi Arabia. as well as countries in Asia and Central Asia and some European countries have taken our product groups. Luggi Baby is a developing brand and, as you know, the markets of the European countries play an important role in the development of the brand. When we come to other countries we have targeted, we have carried out various promotional activities in these countries and we continue our negotiations. At what points can we access Luggi Baby products? We deliver Luggi Baby brand products to all our cities, especially in metropolitan cities such as Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. We sell our products in many stores and store chains such as E bebek, Joker, Baby Mall and Botti. Our brand continues to provide services with its new dealers, except for the companies that have continuity in the overseas market.

July 2019



BİYOTEKS CONTINUES TO ADD NEW ONES TO EXPORT COUNTRIES “Hard to find garment worker” Stating that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find garment workers in the textile sector, Kara said, “We are planning to expanding our factory, but we have trouble finding staff to work. We need young people in these areas. Specialists need to deal with these issues.” “Turkey has to produce cotton” İbrahim Kara also talked about the problems experienced in the sector. He said, “In fact, need to solve the problem radically. Production cotton in Turkey will reduce our dependence on foreign sources. We spend the amounts we get from the export to buy the raw materials again. By producing raw materials by ourselves, we can both reduce the amount spent on imports and provide employment in our country.”

BiyoTeks offered products with stunning packaging style and vivid colors to consumer in CBME Turkey fair. The company, which took its place at Linexpo Istanbul fair, added new ones to the countries it exported abroad by the bilateral meetings at the fair. Stating that they are a family company first of all, BiyoTeks Company Owner İbrahim Kara said, “We added the name of the company by combining the initials of our names. We are doing a strong team work with our modelists and employees. When you build a solid team, things go faster.” It is obvious that parents consider their children more than themselves. Pointing out that families buy the best quality and the most beautiful ones to their children, Ibrahim Kara said, “We are developing ourselves every day and we are facing the consumers with our collection of vivid colors.”


July 2019

July 2019


About us Tri Elektronik was established by Remzi Büyüknalçacı in 1972. It stepped into the printing sector with the manufacturing of steel cliché first in 1991. We started exporting raw material of steel cliché in 1996. We started domestic distribution of VISPROX pad printing and screenprinting inks in 2000. Right after this development we signed sales and service agreement of pad printing machines with Comec Italia SRL in 2004. We continued to take our recognized place in the sector as Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. in 2010. We started to make assembling of EAZY 90 in 2013 and EAZY 130 machines provided from 100% Comec Italia SRL in 2015. We are proudly continuing to be a company improving its customer potential with the fame every day thanks to our adherence to quality, customer satisfaction and brand reliability from the very first day. We have currently been operating in the printing industry and manufacturing imports of main elements such as machinery and inks and manufacturing of consumables such as silicon pads and steel clichés. We have also been providing the service and after sale services of the materials that we sell.

Фирма “Три Электроник” (Tri Elektronik) была основана в 1972 году Ремзи Бююкнальчаджи. В 1991 году компания сделала первый шаг в полиграфической промышленности, выпустив стальное клише. В 1996 году мы начали экспортировать сырье стального клише. В 2000 году мы начали продажу красок для тампопечати и трафаретной печати VISPROX. Сразу же после этого, в 2004 году, мы подписали соглашение с Comec Italia SRL о продаже и обслуживании машин для тампонной печати. В 2010 году фирма ООО “Три Электроник Сан. Тидж.Лтд.Шти” (Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.) продолжала занимать свое место в этом секторе. В 2013 году мы начали осуществлять монтаж машин EAZY 90, а в 2015 году -EAZY 130 на 100% продукты Comec Italia SRL. Мы гордимся тем, что продолжаем быть компанией, которая день ото дня увеличивает потенциал наших клиентов благодаря нашей приверженности качеству, удовлетворенности клиентов и надежности бренда. В настоящее время мы работаем в секторе печати, импортируя основные компоненты, такие как машины и чернила, производя силиконовые тампоны, расходные материалы, как стальные клише. Мы также предоставляем сервис и постпродажную поддержку для всех продуктов, которые мы продаем.

Tri Elektronik è stata fondata da Remzi Büyüknalçacı nel 1972. Nel 1991 è entrata nel settore della stampa con la produzione di cliché in acciaio. Nel 1996 abbiamo iniziato ad esportare materiale grezzo di cliché in acciaio. Nel 2000 abbiamo iniziato la distribuzione domestica degli inchiostri da stampa e serigrafia VISPROX. Subito dopo questo sviluppo, nel 2004, abbiamo firmato un accordo di vendita e assistenza per le macchine tampografiche con Comec Italia SRL. Nel 2010 abbiamo continuato a tenere il nostro posto riconosciuto nel settore con il denominazione Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.. Nel 2013 abbiamo iniziato a montare EAZY 90 e nel 2015 le macchine EAZY 130 fornite 100% da Comec Italia SRL. Stiamo orgogliosamente continuando a essere un’azienda che migliora il potenziale dei suoi clienti preziosi ogni giorno grazie alla nostra adesione alla qualità, alla soddisfazione del cliente e all’affidabilità del marchio sin dal primo giorno. Attualmente operiamo nel settore della stampa e produciamo importazioni di elementi principali come macchinari e inchiostri e facciamo la produzione di materiali di consumo come lastre di silicone e cliché in acciaio. Forniamo anche servizi e servizi post vendita per i materiali che vendiamo.


July 2019

TRİ ELEKTRONİK BREAKS TABOOS WITH LOW COST TAGLESS PRINTING! We talked about Inkprint Tagless Printing which starts a new era almost in all sectors, with Ilker Keser, Marketing and Sales Manager, Tri Elektronik… and frictions and does not shine the tag background on synthetics as in hot transfer system. The product can be printed as single colour or two colours. With regard to health, the inks used do not harm the user, do not harm and do not contain any carcinogenic substances in any way. We also have test reports and certifications.

Which markets do you receive inquiries regarding your printing machines? In this regard, it is not possible to limit the sector diversity. Almost every sector can use the printing machines we sell, so that we can make a variety of prints, such as marking, labelling on their products. In this context, machines have some optional equipment. We offer these equipment to our customers according to the specifications of the products they produce. ‘If you used Inkprint System, no one can remove your brand from your product!’ Can we get a little more detailed information about Inkprint Tagless Printing method and user advantages for textile sector? Inkprint Tagless can be applied on final products such as seamless clothing, underwear, t-shirts, shirts, pants, socks, sportswear, swimwear, hats it can also be applied before sewing of these products. The fact that printing machines can print directly and permanently on the fabric, it is no longer necessary to sew a label on garments in the textile market. Inkprint Tagless Printing is resistant to washing, stretching

Inkprint tagless printing machines achieve savings in time and labor costs. The printing process has no drying process. There is no extra process for ordering labels. Already one of the most important feature that separates the inkprint from the hot transfer printing is the speed of the machine. Additionally, these two methods are separated in terms of safety protection. Our machine is electropneumatic. Here, there is no temperature like in hot transfer printing. This means a safer work environment in the production area. It also provides significant advantages to the User in terms of usability. For example, you can print on the elastic waistband directly. Inkprint tagless printing system does not need any heat to transfer the print, so the the elastic waistband is not deformed. Finally, when you use the inkprint tagless printing, your brand visibility in the product is permanent. If Users are uncomfortable by the labels, they cut it. By this system your washing instructions are printed on fabric, there is nothing to cut. Which countries do you export machines to? We mainly export to the Turcic Republics and Middle East. As a matter of fact, we don’t have a limitation, but since we’re a distributor for Turkey and Turcic Republics , we are also able to sell some Middle East Countries. Our main foreign customers are in Uzbekistan, Kirghizistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Macendonia, Algeria, Jordan and Lebanon.


July 2019


Abdullah CANBEY - Manager

What are the product groups you offer? We started this journey first with outerwear, but for the last 5 years we have been focusing mainly on pajamas, underwear and homewear for 0-16 age range. We produce laundry for four seasons and pajamas for two seasons. In addition, we work actively in school seasons, especially in Russia and Ukraine, and we produce school uniforms for schools. In the domestic market, we have a production line for school uniforms and school tracksuits. This production arm is of course not limited to schools. We can produce uniform, apron-style outfits for every sector. In accordance with the incoming demands, we can produce using special fabrics as stain or non-staining. We produce special products for our customers who want to sell their products with their own label. There are some chain store customers that we produce in this way abroad. We provide, if such a demand comes from the domestic market. After all, we are a manufacturer company, we can produce all kinds of products for everyone who wants. What about your export activities and goals? We continue our activities with many countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Sudan. Generally we work in the Middle East region. In the coming period, we intend to open up to the European geography. We have targets for Spain, Italy and similar countries. In the medium term, we plan to open a concept retail store in the domestic market. Then, we have a goal to grow by branch. What are your goals for the upcoming periods? In the short term, we plan to participate in the upcoming fairs and to continue our R&D activities with our marketing team, especially in European and African countries.


July 2019

Or your identity in the market is always your brand and we are working to place our Matilda brand in minds with a quality product concept. Our targets include the domestic market as well. Although we are a foreign-focused brand, we intend to enter the domestic market slowly. In the domestic market, we target brands that are retail chain, rather than wholesale companies. In fact, our aim to appeal to the whole world with e-commerce.

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July 2019



PAPULIN BABY BOOTIES AIMS TO BECOME A GLOBAL BRAND BY ESTABLISHING DEALERSHIP IN EVERY COUNTRY Offering its exclusive baby booties for the many parts of the world from the North Africa and the Arab countries and in all regions of Turkey, Papulin Baby Booties is proud of it, continues to grow at a rapid pace. Ismail Kalacoş, Papulin informs us about how they differ from other companies and what they are more sensitive about. Declaring that everything is progressing in a systematic way during production, Kalacoş said, “The most sensitive point is that the products are suitable for health because the products we offer especially are baby products. The raw materials and accessories are used to comply with all health norms and no chemicals are used in the products. Addressing babies in the 0-1 age range requires more attention to all health elements.” Another important element for the brand is trust. Kalacoş recorded that they always approach the situation with a solution-oriented approach to stock update and after-sales support due to trust. With its extraordinary design and quality, the company has set a target for exporting more product abroad and has progressed successfully in this way.


July 2019

July 2019




Starting its confident steps in 2019, Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı opened its European side Masko branch in Istanbul. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı shows ought to be how a baby store that serve customers in Turkey with this concept store.

the demands and satisfaction from the consumer with our subchannel and understand the correct production, import and consumer expectations.” underlining that they implement these advantages in both production and import.

The store, which has 1000 square meters, is designed for every detail from the children’s playground, mother breastfeeding room, baby pacifier and baby room furniture.

Since 1994, Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı has been continuing to crown the textile, cosmetics, care, equipment and toys produced for 0-3 years old babies with export and import. The brand has more than 900 dealers in Turkey and exports to more than 40 Middle East and European countries.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, continues to open retail stores throughout Turkey. Continuing its location works in Europe and Asia side of Istanbul in the first phase, the company aims to accelerate its branch openings in a short period of time.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı further develops its growth rate in import and export by focusing quality on domestic production. Offering its products to more than 40 countries and close to 800 sub channels, Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı grows every year by developing itself. The brand that keeps its targets last year continues to work without stopping for next season.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı increases its retail stores Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı reached its goal of increasing the number of retail stores in the first half of 2019 with the opening of Masko store. Stating that they will continue their retailing activities, Saraç said, “After 24 years of satisfaction with our final consumers, we are planning to open a retail store for more people to benefit from our retail service quality. We have the advantage of minimizing the margin of error because we share

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, which will continue to serve its sub-channel in the best way this year as it did last year, plans to add a new model to the collection in 2019 by giving more weight to domestic production.


July 2019

“We achieved our targets one by one” Declaring that they have achieved the targets of last year in exportation, Saraç said, “We aim to present our high quality products that we produce and import besides the textile, treatment and cosmetics with the lowest prices to our dealers and final consumers.

July 2019


About us

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı has over 900 stores in Turkey and export over 40 countries in Middle East and Europe world brand “Safe Line” is in elite baby stores underBebe Çeyiz Sarayı

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti 1994 yılında kurulmuştur. 0-3 yaş aralığındaki bebekler için; bebe tekstil ürünleri, bebe kozmetik ürünleri, bebe bakım ürünleri, bebe araç ve gereçleri, oyuncak vb. ürünleri üretir, ihraç eder ve ithalatını yapar. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, bodyden emziğe, beşikten bebek arabasına yaklaşık 10.000 çeşit ürün ve 120 markanın aynı çatı altında toplandığı firmadır. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, yurt içinde 900’ü aşkın bayi sayısına sahiptir. Yurt dışında ise 40’tan fazla Ortadoğu ve Avrupa ülkesine ihracat yapmaktadır. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, bebek ve çocuk alanında mağaza açmak ve bu alanda firmasını geliştirmek isteyenlerin tercih edecek olduğu, dünyanın göz bebeği İstanbul’da hizmet veren ve eşi bulunmayan bir işletmedir. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, kararlılığın, güvenin, kalitenin ve dünya çapında bebe markalarının aynı çatı altında buluştuğu ve yılların deneyiminin markasıdır. Bu marka, % 100 yerli sermayenin ürünü Türkiye’nin tescilli markası “Sebi” dir.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti ist 1994 gegründet. Produziert, importiert und exportiert babytextilien, baby- kosmetik, baby- pflege, spielzeuge, kinderartikel für babys 3 bis 3 jahren.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic.Ltd.Şti was established in 1994. It is for babies between 0-3 ages: It produces, exports and imports baby textile products, baby cosmetic products, baby care products, baby equipments, toys...

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist die adresse von 120 marken und ca. 10.000 produkten von body über schnuller, wiege bis hin kinderwagen. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı besitzt im Inland über 900 fachhändler. Das Unternehmen exportiert im Mittleren Osten und Europa in über 40 länder.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, it is the address of around 10 000 type of products and 120 brands from bodies to pacifiers, form cradles to prams. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı has more than 900 dealers in Turkey. It exports to more than 40 Middle East and European countries abroad.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist ein unternehmen, das von denen, die beabsichtigen, laden im bereich baby und kind zu eröffnen und ihren betrieb in diesem bereich weiterzuentwickeln, bevorzugt wird. Das Unternehmen geht seinen Geschäften in der Weltstadt Istanbul nach.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, it is a unique enterprise rendering services in the apple of world’s eye Istanbul, and which will be preferred by those who wish to open Baby and Children’s stores and to develop their firms in this area.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist eine marke langjähriger erfahrung, in der sich entschiedenheit, zuverlässigkeit, qualität sowie weitweite baby-marken unter einem dach zusammentreffen. Diese marke ist ein produkt von % 100 inländischem kapital. Die eingetragene marke ist „Sebi“

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, this is the trademark where stability, reliability, quality and worldwide baby brands come together under one roof and has many years of experience. This brand is the product of 100% domestic capital and it is the registered trademark of Turkey “Sebi”.

“Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Учредено в 1994 году. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Осуществляет производству, эксопрту и импорту любые виды Текстильные Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Козметические Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Изделия для заботы для грудных ребёнок 0 – 3 года. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является адрес более 10.000 (ресять тысячь) виды изделий и 120 торговых марок ; с утки для движения – по соску, с люлки – по повозку . Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı имеет более 400 дилеров в стране, и кроме того экспортирует свою продукцию в более 40 стран Ближнего Востока и Европы. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одно незаменимое предприятие и оказывающее услуги клиентам в городе Стамбуле являющем зрачку Мира для предпринимателей хотящий открывать магазинов и развивать своих фирм в областе изделий для Грудных Ребёнок и Детей. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одна крыша решительности и надеждности, где встречаются Мировых марок для изделий грудного ребёнка и многолетных опытов в этой областе. Эта марка является продукция 100 % инвестиционного капитала Турции и зарегистрирована под названием «Себи». 50

July 2019

July 2019


Since its establishment in 1996 Hamleteks Textile, which is start the business with Baby stores. In the year of the 1996, it created Funny Baby brand and it produced baby booties. Funny Baby which is one of the leading company in baby booties sector. Hamleteks Textile is creating new goods inside of the baby textile and shoe sector. It is always creating new product groups, doing new models and increasing the productivity. Hamleteks Textile main goal is, create the new mentality with their high quality and innovator models of the goods in all around the world. Funny Baby also adapted to quality management system for customer satisfaction on its sales and after sales organization. Because of that, Funny Baby care the human research , education and productivity. Funny Baby is also chosen by the out of local market because of their quality, production and power. OUR VISION Funny Baby will continue the business with its professionalism, best service, high quality production and wide range of products in the future. Hamleteks Tekstil, 1996 yılında “Funny Baby “ markası ile bebek ayakkabısı üretimine başlamıştır. Ardından Türkiye’nin ve dünyanın büyük markalarına özel üretimler yaparak, kurulduğu günden bu güne sektörünün ileri gelen üreticisi olmuştur. Hamleteks Tekstil, sektöründe yenilikler yaratmakta, ürün yelpazesini ve çeşitliliğini sürekli geliştirmektedir. Çalıştığı firrmalarla ortak amacı; yüksek kalite standartlarında üretilen, yenilikçi, özel isteklere cevap verebilen ürünlerle, Türkiye’de ve dünyada yeni ufuklar açabilmektir. MİSYONUMUZ Hamleteks Tekstil, satış ve satış sonrası hizmetlerinde “Müşteri Memnuniyetini” en üst düzeyde oluşturmak ve devamlılığını sağlamak için Kalite Yönetim Sistemi’ni benimsemiştir. Bu amaçla da, teknolojiye olduğu kadar, insan kaynakları, kaynakların etkin ve bilinçli kullanılması, eğitim vb. konulara da gerekli önemi göstermektedir. İş ortakları, müşteri ve çalışanları ile olan ilişkilerinde dürüstlüğü ön planda tutmaktadır. Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk ilkelerinin, sürdürülebilir gelişmenin olmazsa olmazları arasında yer aldığına inanan Hamleteks tekstil, içinde yaşadığı topluma değer sağlamayı temel sorumluluk alanlarından biri olarak görür ve bu çerçevede tüm ticari ilişkilerini sosyal uyumluluk ilkeleri çerçevesinde yürütür. VİZYONUMUZ Hamleteks Tekstil, üstün hizmet anlayışı, yüksek üretim kapasitesi, geniş ürün yelpazesi, model, çeşit ve kaliteden ödün vermeyen ilkesi ile yükselen değer olmak için profesyonel ve modern yönetimi ile çalışmalarını devam ettirecektir. 52

July 2019

July 2019


From Editor


Ne demiş eskiler; bilmemek ayıp değil öğrenmemek ayıp. Bu söz geçmişten yola çıkıp onca yıl kat edip bize ulaştıysa demek, illaki vardır bir değeri… Hiçbir iş, hiçbir emek zirveden başlamaz; öncelikle sıfırı tanımak gerek. Sıfırı tanımak gerek ki başlayacağın noktayı bilesin. Eğer sıfırı tanımazsan, her an onun bir parçası olabilme riskindesin demektir. Ve sonra sırasıyla tüm sayılarla tanışmak gerek. Sıfırdan yüze kaç saniyede çıkıldığı önemli belki ama hız ibresi hiçbir sayıyı atlamaz, işleyiş mutlaka ki her bir sayıyı ayrı ayrı sindirir… Şuan baktığımızda, sektörümüz de böyle değil mi aslında? Kimi firmamız çok hızlı çıktı basamakları, kimisi daha yavaş… Ama başarıya ulaşmış her firmanın ortak noktası, her basamakta sağlam adımlarla yol almak oldu. Ve her basamak çok şey öğretip çok şey katmadı mı markalarınıza? Yeri geldiğinde ileri bir adım atıp sonrasında beş adım geri gittiğiniz hiç olmadı mı? Şuan bu satırları okuma imkanınız varsa demek ki o geri gittiğiniz beş adım size çok şey kazandırmış. Bilmediklerinizle gocunmayı bir kenara bırakıp, öğrendiklerinizle övünmüşsünüz. Ve sektörü almışsınız sıfırdan, kim bilir kaçlara kadar taşımışsınız, daha ileri taşıyacaksınız da… 54

July 2019

Hepimiz farkındayız ki aslında altın değerinde bir tekstil piyasasına sahibiz. Hammaddemiz var, işçiliğimiz var, tecrübemiz var ve her şeyden daha önemlisi aklımız var, fikrimiz var, değerlerimiz var. Burada dönüp kendimize bir soru sormamız gerek: ‘Biz her şeye herkesten fazla sahibiz belki, peki hak ettiğimiz yerde miyiz?’ Bu sorunun cevabını dilinizden dökmeyip, içinizden ‘yani…’ diye geçirdiyseniz; bence kelimeler birkaç cümlede buluşmayı bekliyor demektir. Ürettiğiniz markalarla içinde bulunduğunuz sektörü kimi zaman elbirliği ile kimi zamansa rekabetinizle yücelttiniz. Hep en kaliteli olma hedefiyle hem kendinizi hem birbirinizi geliştirdiniz. Ve şimdi 24 ayarda üretim yapıyorsunuz, ihracatta rekorlar kırıyorsunuz. Belki bile demeyeceğim, açıldığınız dünyadan çok daha fazlasını almayı hak ediyorsunuz. İşte tam da bu yüzden bazı zincirleri kırıp tüm dünyaya yanlış bildiklerini unutturmak gerekmez mi? Siz bizi bilmiyorsunuz ama bilmemek ayıp değil, öğrenmemek ayıp dememiz gerekmez mi? Bence kelimelerin davetine icabet edip görülecek değerin hakkına ulaşmanın vakti çoktan geldi. Bu dünya piyasasının değer kazanmaya hala ihtiyacı var!


Koelnmesse GmbH Türkiye Temsilcisi tezulaş fuar dan. hizmetleri ltd. şti. | Bağdat Cad. 181/6 | 34730 Çiftehavuzlar – Kadıköy/İSTANBUL Tel: 0216-385 66 33, Fax: 0216-385 74 00 |

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Kind + Jugend 2019 excellently positioned Around 1,200 providers from around 50 countries expected once again

With top providers, start-ups and innovations in all segments, the upcoming Kind + Jugend from 19 to 22 September 2019, Koelnmesse is once again expecting excellent exhibitor participation from Germany and abroad. With around 1,200 providers from around 50 countries, Kind + Jugend is the world’s most important trade fair for the baby and children’s outfitting industry. More than 85 percent of exhibitors come from abroad. In addition to top providers in all segments, many smaller and medium-sized companies will be showing the innovations and further developments we can expect in the coming season. In addition to this, start-ups will enjoy more visibility at the trade fair in the context of pavilions. With the baby carriage, children’s car seat, children’s furniture, textile and care outfitting, hygiene item, educational toys and toys sections, Kind + Jugend covers the entire product spectrum for the first years of babies and toddlers.

New exhibitors or returnees in 2019 once again include Bugaboo, Mattel and Silver Cross. Samantha Newton, Global Chief Marketing Officer, Silver Cross: “Silver Cross is pleased to return to Kind + Jugend this year. This is a fantastic opportunity to present our new, exciting collections to international partners from the whole world. This year we will present our first complete vehicle safety collection, in addition to our latest baby carriage developments. This simplifies the purchase of car seats and offers solutions from birth to the age of 12.” For the first time, the Trend Forum is also the stage for the representation of international consumer trends, which will be presented by experts and cooperation partners from various countries.

Among the key players exhibiting at Kind + Jugend 2019are ABC Design, Alvi, Angelcare, Artsana/Chicco, Babybjörn, Babymoov, bibi/Lamprecht, Bébécar, Brevi, Britax Römer, Cam il mondo, Cybex, Delta Children, Diono, Dorel, Doudou et Compagnie, Ergobaby, Easywalker, Foppapedretti, Geuther, Haba, Hartan, Hauck, HTS Besafe, iCandy, Infantino, Jané/ Concord, Joie/Nuna, Joolz, Julius Zöllner, Kaloo/Juratoys, Kidsmill, Lässig, Leander, Mayborn/tommee-tippee, Melissa&Doug, Micuna, Munchkin, Mutsy, Nattou, Newell, Nuby, Odenwälder, Paidi, Peg Perego, Pinolino, reer, Roba Baumann, rotho, Schardt, Sauthon, Sterntaler, Thule, Tobi, Uppababy and Vulli. July 2019


04.04.19 11:49

VİŞne Bebe provIdes added value to natIonal economy In wholesale Fatihim Textile Company was established in 1987. The company manufactures and sells baby and children’s clothing for 0-16 age group. Today, Fatihim Textile exports its products to more than 40 countries worldwide. Fatihim Tekstil gives importance to all health elements and quality standards in production and draws an active profile not only in Turkey but also abroad. Exporting to more than 40 countries in the world, Fatihim Textile provides added value to both the national economy and the sector. Fatihim Textile draws a strong profile in both production and wholesale Fatihim Tekstil A.Ş., which has always expressed that there was a need for continuity in the creation of a brand at every opportunity, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors İsmail Çolak stated that they would benefit from Vişne Bebe brand and they are in every aspect to support branding and they would be on the agenda with the aim of moving the brand forward.

Vişne Bebe toptan satışta ülke ekonomisine katma değer sağlıyor Fatihim Tekstil şirketi 1987 yılında faaliyete başlamıştır. Şirket, 0-16 yaş arası bebek ve çocuk giysileri imalatı ve toptan satışı yapmaktadır. Bugün Fatihim Tekstil, ürünlerini dünya çapında 40’dan fazla ülkeye ihraç etmektedir. Üretimde tüm sağlık unsurlarına ve kalite standartlarına önem veren Fatihim Tekstil sadece yurt içinde değil, yurt dışında da aktif bir profil çiziyor. Dünyadaki 40’dan fazla ülkeye ihracat yapan Fatihim Tekstil hem ülke ekonomisine hem de sektöre katma değer sağlıyor. Fatihim Tekstil hem üretim hem toptanda güçlü bir profil çiziyor Marka oluşturmanın süreklilik istediğini her fırsatta dile getiren Fatihim Tekstil A.Ş. Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı İsmail Çolak, Vişne Bebe markasına fayda sağlayacak ve markalaşmayı destekleyici her mecrada yer aldıklarını, markayı daha ileriye taşımak adına sürekli yeniliklerle gündemde olacaklarını belirtti. 56

July 2019

July 2019


H’A Kids Club, ticari hayatına 2003 yılında İstanbul’un Merter semtinde 30 metrekarelik bir mağazada toptan alım & satım yaparak başlamıştır. Firma, 2016 yılında patentini aldığı H’A by Hilal Akıncı ismi ile ve HA Kids Club unvanı ile ticari hayatına devam etmektedir. Toptan ağını genişleterek sezonunda ortalama 1500 ayrı modelle yurtiçinde 81 ile ve yurtdışında 52 ülkeye ihraç ettiği ürünlerini her yıl 1.5 milyondan fazla çocukla buluşturmaktadır. H’A Kids Club, 2019 yılında faaliyete geçirdiği 3. mağazasıyla Merter Lalebahçe Sokak’ta hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir. H’A Kids Club started its commercial life in 2003 by buying and selling in a 30 square meter store in Merter, Istanbul. The company continues its commercial life under H’A by Hilal Akıncı name patented in 2016 and under the title of HA Kids Club. With an average of 1500 different models in the season by expanding its wholesale network, it offers products for more than 1.5 million children from 81 cities in Turkey and 52 countries abroad each year. H’A Kids Club continues to serve the sector with its 3rd store in Merter, Lalebahce Street which they started trade in 2019.

Как HBA KIDS CLUB, мы начали свою коммерческую жизнь в 2003 году с оптовых покупок и продаж в магазине площадью 30 м2 в районе Мертер в Стамбуле. С момента своего основания наша компания была преобразована в бренд My Kids & Baby в 2010 году и в настоящее время продолжает свою деятельность в сфере внутренних и международных оптовых продаж в Стамбуле Мертер, 400 м2 торговых площадей, 1000 м2 закрытых площадей, проектирование, планирование, производство и логистику. My Kids & Baby расширяет свою оптовую сеть в 2012 году, поставляя свою продукцию в 81 страну и 52 стран за границу с более чем 1,5 миллионами детей каждый год. В 2016 году H патентA Hilal Akıncı продолжает свою коммерческую деятельность под именем Hilal Akıncı. Наша компания, как H daA Kids Club, работает в основном в арабских странах, а также в Центральной Азии, Европе и Америке. Основные страны, которые мы экспортируем; Америка, Германия, Азербайджан, Босния и Герцеговина, Болгария, Алжир, Эфиопия, Марокко, Палестина, Франция, Южная Африка, Ирак, Великобритания, Иран, Италия, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Ливия, Ливан, Македония, Египет, Молдова, Нигер, Нигерия, Узбекистан, Россия, Сенегал, Сербия, Саудовская Аравия, Тунис, Украина, Греция и др.


July 2019

H’A KIds Club Strengthens Its PosItIon In baby textIle sector We talked with the owner Hilal Akıncı about the details of this solid progress. 0-16. In particular, we claim that we have a successful line on the special groups we call the daily evening dresses. Besides, our bags and hats are in our range of product groups. What criteria do you pay attention to during the production process? The most important criteria in our production is our fabric quality and range of suitable European standards body. At the same time, as I have just mentioned, originality and being dazzling are very important concepts for us. That is why we are very careful in the production process. Apart from that, we attach great importance on timing in production. At this stage, our team of friends motivation is very important. We always take care to keep our employees highly motivated. As H’A Kids Club family, how do you describe the point you have come since its foundation? What is your company’s potential in the sector and what makes you stand out in the competition? In 2003, we started first to operate in a showroom with 30 square meters in Merter district of Istanbul. Then we again opened our second store in 2016 in 400 square meters in Merter too. We continue to serve our esteemed customers with our third showroom we opened in May, 2019 in Lalebahce. We produce high quality of my products, carefully avoid any content that will harm our children’s health and carefully select all our fabrics and utilize them on our machine.

Which cities H’A Kids Club products are offered in Turkey and how many stores you have? Do you have a store abroad? We offer our products in stores of Turkey’s 81 provinces in the country and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. We have three stores in Merter, Istanbul. We are exporting to 52 countries with our customer network which we have expanded day by day. If we rate these values, we can say that 70% of our products are offered at home and 30% of our total production is offered abroad.

Our company manages to collect on the original model and inspire confidence in our customers’ interest and attention to posture. Our customers are in any situation, any time know that we are behind our product. I think that this sense of trust makes us more connected to us. At the same time, we can say that we are a brand that can appeal to customers’ hearts and visions with a wide range of products and colors that our customers cannot find in many stores. What items are in your range of product? We are producing all kinds of clothes suitable for today’s fashion for all children and young people aged July 2019




With the excitement of offering its summer products with its pajamas collection, Donella is inspired by the vibrant spirit of the summer in design alongside a suitable choice in cotton fabric type. The brand, which gives importance to the health of children’s sensitive skins, keeps away from the polyester fabric and turns to the healthier cotton fabric. The brand that will offer their products in its new store of 900 m2 area in Laleli, Istanbul as from January, 2019 diversifies its product range by raising the success bar. With online sales Donella is now in retail! Donella, popular with its product range and style, is now showing its orientation to the retail side after its success in wholesale. Donella, which set the new marketing strategy, started selling online. We asked the new project, Ali Kondu, Donella, “Donella is also quite a popular brand for moms. We stepped into a new project with reference to this trust and brand awareness. We established, online shopping website. The app of this system was also made. We are in all channels to be easily accessible. Donella, which draws attention with its uncompromising brand identity in quality, carries pajamas and underwear collections to many points of the world. Kondu said that quality is one of the decisive factors at this point.


July 2019

There’s Donella everywhere in the heart of the trade! Assessing the wholesale circulation of the stores in Yesildirek and Laleli in terms of customer circulation, Kondu said, “We are at both locations where the heartland of business. The store in Eminönü Yeşildirek usually comes from many Arab countries. The domestic market also prefers the Yeşildirek store. In our wholesale store in Laleli, we welcome our customers in Eastern Block countries.

July 2019



July 2019

July 2019


About us

1995 yılında İstanbul’da kurulan Lara Tekstil, Laleli’de DONELLA ve DONI markalarıyla iç giyim sektörüne giriş yaptı. Şirketimiz kadın ve kız çocuklarına DONELLA markasıyla, erkek ve kız çocuklarına DONI markasıyla üretim yapmaktadır. Ürünlerimizi Rusya, Ukrayna, Kırgızistan, Polonya, Romanya, İran gibi ülkelerle 80’in üzerinde ülkeye ihraç ediyoruz. Ürünlerimizde kalite ve sağlık gibi standartları ana hedefimiz olarak tutuyor, mevcut modelleri özel model ve tasarımlarımızla yakından takip ediyor, müşterilerimize 0-15 yaş arası kız ve erkek çocuk iç çamaşırları için en iyisini onların beğenisine sunuyoruz.

Lara Textile, formed in 1995 in Istanbul, Laleli, has made an entrance to the underwear sector with the brands DONELLA and DONI. Our company produces female and girls’ wear with DONELLA brand and male, boys’ wear with DONI brand. We export our products to over 80 countries with countries like Russia, Ukraine, Kirghizistan, Poland, Romania, Iran leading on this list. We hold standards like the quality and healthiness of our products as our main goal, and we follow the current fashion closely with our special models and designs and we offer our clients the best of 0-15 years old girls’ and boys’ underwear choices to their liking.

Лара Текстиль, учреждённая в 1995 году в Стамбульском районе Лалели, дебютировала в секторе нижнего белья с торговыми марками DONELLA и DONİ. С маркой DONELLA выпускается бельё для женщин и девочек, с маркой DONİ – для мужчин и мальчиков. Наша продукция в общей сложности отправляется на эспорт в более чем 80 стран мира, в том числе в Россию, Украину, Кыргызстан, Польшу, Румынию, Иран. Мы предлагаем клиентам оценить наши изделия, нижнее бельё для девочек и мальчиков возрастной группы от 0 до 15 лет, с собственным уникальным дизайном и моделями, с сохранением на первом плане чувствительного отношения к вопросу качества и здоровья, и следуя тенденциям современной моды. 64

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WITH A BIG SHARE IN EXPORT NK TEKSTIL ADDRESSES MANY DIFFERENT CULTURES Moving its stores in Umraniye to a better location with 700 m2, NK Tekstil provides excellent customer service with its new concept and wide range of product. Products that Turkey’s textile sector offer is delivered to almost every corner of the globe. NK Tekstil products meet children from many countries around the world from Panama to Uzbekistan. NK Tekstil Company Owner Necip Koca said, “Our biggest aim is to make our merchandising more valueadded and sustainable. We aim to get Turkey to a position that can build brand and value not engaged in only contract manufacturing,” he talked about their export target. With a big share in exports, NK Tekstil addresses many different cultures. Declaring that every season, they had to design different products to different regions, Koca said, “Planning and designing the products according to this variety requires serious labor. In order to keep up with this, we have completely changed our design process in the last 2 years. We introduce our collection to our customers much earlier, we diversify and strengthen them according to their feedback. In the coming periods, we want to bring ourselves to a better point in the design and production processes and meet the increasing expectations.” We will develop street retailing Indicating that the retail sector is not good enough due to increasing costs in 2018, Koca said they were impressed negatively from Shopping Malls’s increased rental costs, 66

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he said, “We think the rental cost is high for our sector to. Therefore, we want to postpone our shopping target in shopping malls for a specific time and we tend to street stores.”

July 2019



KIDS & BABY EXPO, TÜRKİYE’NİN MODAYI BELİRLEYEBİLECEK GÜÇTE OLDUĞUNU HERKESE DUYURACAK! Dinamizmi zirvede yaşayan Çocuk Giyim sektöründe, yeni bir anlayış ve farklılaşma düşüncesi ile yola çıkan Kids&Baby Expo, Nisan ayında yaptığı organizasyon ile 2019’un ilk yarısında da adından övgüyle söz ettirdi. Organizasyonun kurucu firmaları ile sektöre yeni bir soluk kazandıran bu organizasyonun detayları hakkında konuştuk… Yaptığınız girişimlere de baktığımızda olarak sektöre katkıda bulunabilmek adına oldukça özverili çalışmalar gerçekleştirdiğinizi açıkça görebiliyoruz. Bu bağlamda organizasyonu ve katılımcı firmaları biraz daha yakından tanıyabilir miyiz? Kids&Baby Expo, 2017 yılının başlarında bebek ve çocuk giyim sektöründe kendi alanlarında uzman ve öncü olan firmaların bir araya gelerek çocuk giyim sektörüne yeni bir anlayış, soluk katma ve farklılaşma çabaları neticesinde kurulmuş bir organizasyondur. Vizyonumuz; sektörümüze öncülük etmek, bebek ve çocuk modasının Türkiye’deki en büyük temsilcileri haline gelmek ve Türkiye’den tüm dünya ülkelerine bunu taşıyabilecek standartta bir iş yapabilme kabiliyetine ulaşmaktır. Bu doğrultuda, 7 başarılı firma olarak bir araya gelip sektöre öncülük edebilecek ve erkenden sezonu açıp sektöre yön verebileceğine inandığımız kendi özel organizasyonumuzu yapmaya karar verdik. Aldığımız bu karar neticesinde, tüm iş alışkanlıklarımızı bırakıp çok yoğun bir şekilde erken koleksiyon hazırlıklarımızı yapmaya başladık. Eksiksiz ve zamanında yetişmek için tüm firmalar gece gündüz yoğun bir şekilde çalıştık ve Best Kids, Çimpa, Nanica, NK Kids, Pamina, Rolly Polly ve Yümese ile birlikte 3’ü Antalya’da, 1’i Kıbrıs’ta olmak üzere 4 başarılı expozisyon gerçekleştirdik. Kids&Baby Expo sizin de tasvir ettiğiniz gibi sektöre adeta yeni bir soluk kazandırmaya başladı. Böyle bir organizasyonun oluşum fikri nasıl ortaya çıktı? Sektörde gözlemlediğiniz hangi gereksinimler sizi bu organizasyonu gerçekleştirmek konusunda teşvik etti? Hazır giyim sektöründe Türkiye olarak, dünya çapında adını duyurmuş bir ülkeyiz. Kalite ve fiyat dengemizin iyi kurulmuş olması ve hızlı üretim kabiliyeti ile günümüz trendlerine çok hızlı cevap verebilmekteyiz. Bu noktada sektör olarak çok öndeyiz. Eksik kaldığımız bir nokta var, o da ürünlerimize katma değer katabilmek! Bebek ve çocuk giyim sektörü, içinde bulunduğunuz sezon için hazır ürünlerin alınabileceği bir pazar olarak biliniyor. Bu algıyı değiştirmek istiyoruz. Bizim amacımız Türkiye’nin modayı belirleyebilecek güçte olduğunu herkese duyurmak. Bu süreç için mevcut tüm üretim süreçlerimizi en baştan tasarlardık. Müşterilerimizin beğenisine sunduğumuz koleksiyonlarımız ile tamamen sipariş odaklı üretim sistemine geçtik. Böylelikle hem profesyonel alıcılar için doğru zamanda ürün sergiliyor hem de eskisi gibi stok maliyetlerine katlanmak yerine doğrudan sipariş odaklı üretim yapabiliyoruz.


July 2019

Organizasyonun içeriği hakkında biraz bilgi alabilir miyiz? Sektörde yeni bir anlayış ve farklılaşma yolundasınız. Bu vizyonunuzu Kids & Baby Expo dahilinde yaptığınız ne gibi çalışmalarla vurguluyorsunuz? Antalya, ülkemizin toplantı ve kongre alanında adını dünyaya duyurmuş bir şehri. Çok kaliteli tesislerimiz var, bu güzel şehrimize gururla dünyanın dört bir yanından müşterilerimizi davet ediyoruz. 5 yıldızlı otelde her şey dahil konaklama ile müşterilerimiz hem biraz olsun gündelik hayatının stresinden kaçıyor hem de rahatça bir sonraki sezonda nelerin trend olacağını takip edebiliyor. Aynı zamanda müşterilerimizin de birbirini tanıma fırsatı oluyor. Kendi aralarında fikir alışverişi yapıyorlar, sorunlarını tartışıyorlar yeni fikirler üretiyorlar.

koleksiyonlarımıza yaptığı yorumlar da bizim için çok önemli. Onların beğenilerine, belki de en çok eleştirilerine ihtiyacımız var. Bizim müşterilerimizden en büyük beklentimiz bu. Kullandığımız aksesuarlara, renklere, trendlere müşterilerimizin yorum yapmalarını istiyoruz. Tasarım ekiplerimizle onları bir araya getiriyor, son kullanıcıdan aldıkları geri dönüşlere göre her bir yorumu tek tek not alıyoruz. Bu nedenle elimizden geldiği kadar çok müşterimizi davet etmeye çalışıyoruz. Ayrıca, mevcut müşterilerimiz ile birlikte sektör fuarlarının geç tarihlerde olduğunu belirten yerli-yabancı büyük alıcı gruplarını da davet ediyoruz. Hali hazırda düzenlenen fuarlara yoğun katılım olsa da; hazır ürünlerimizi sunduğumuz için, bizden çok önce siparişlerini veren büyük perakende zincirlerine, fuarlarda yeteri kadar hizmet veremiyorduk. Expozisyonumuz ile artık büyük alıcı gruplarına da kolaylıkla ulaşabiliyoruz.

Etkinliğimizin son gecesi “ne kadar büyük bir aileyiz” dediğimiz bir gala gecemiz oluyor. Dünyanın dört bir yanından tüm misafirlerimizle hep birlikte eğleniyoruz, çekilişler yapıp hediyeler veriyoruz. Organizasyon ile hedeflediğiniz müşteri kitlesi hakkında bilgi verebilir misiniz? Kids&Baby Expo ziyaretçilerinden beklentilerinizden nelerdir, ne gibi ayrıcalıklar sunuyorsunuz? Kids&Baby Expo ile ilk önceliğimiz, müşterilerimizin beğenisini kazanabilmek. Koleksiyonumuzu planlarken üreteceğimiz ürünün adedi kadar müşterilerimizin

July 2019



KIDS & BABY EXPO TO ANNOUNCE EVERYONE THAT TURKES HAS THE POWER TO DETERMINE THE FASHION! Kids & Baby Expo, which started its journey with the idea of a new understanding and differentiation in the Children’s Clothing sector, which drew dynamism at its peak, praised its name in the first half of 2019 with its organization in April. We talked about the details of this organization which made a new breath to the sector with the founding companies of the organization Could you inform us about the content of the organization? You are on the road to a new understanding and differentiation in the sector. What kind of work do you emphasize this vision with Kids & Baby Expo? Antalya, the city announced its name to the world in the meeting and convention area of our country. We have very high quality facilities, we proudly invite our customers from all over the world to this beautiful city. With the all-inclusive accommodation in a 5-star hotel, our customers can avoid the stress of their daily life and also follow the trend of what will be trendy in the next season. At the same time, our customers have the opportunity to know each other. They exchange ideas among themselves, discuss their problems and produce new ideas. On the last night of our event, we have a gala night, that got us to feel “what a great family we are.” We have fun together with all our guests from all over the world, we make sweepstakes and give gifts.

What about your target audience? What are your expectations from Kids & Baby Expo visitors and what privileges do you offer? With Kids & Baby Expo, our first priority is to win the appreciation of our customers. When we plan our collection, our customers’ comments to our collections are as important as the number of products we will produce. We need their likes, perhaps the most criticisms. This is our biggest expectation from our customers. 70

July 2019

We want our customers to comment on the accessories, colors and trends we use. We bring them together with our design teams and we take individual comments from each user according to the feedback they received from the end user. Therefore, we try to invite as many customers as we can. In addition, we invite large groups of domestic and foreign buyers, who indicate that the sector fairs are on a late date with our existing customers. Although there is intense participation in the already organized fairs; Since we offer our ready-made products, we could not provide enough services to the big retail chains that gave their orders long before we did. With our exposition, we can now easily reach large groups of buyers. Doing their best to improve our organization which is formed with these ideas and thoughts, our valuable customers’ contributions and the information they provide to our firms are quite important.

5th Baby & Kidswear Exposition



Luxe e D e ra cord Con sort La Re


Ultra All Inclusive Hotel




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Surprise Gifts y

Rezervation & Information :

+90543 372 60 60 July 2019



Ekin Expo A brand you can choose to enhance and upgrade your brand image at the fairs you participate With good quality with fast delivery service for Exhibition Stand Design and Implementation, Ekin Expo has been one of the leading companies in the sector since 2007. In Turkey, the show followed the development of the exhibition industry, exhibition stands sector this situation is developing in parallel renews itself every day. The Turkish sector, which has become the window of Europe to Asia, is growing rapidly and important projects are being signed with each passing day. In particular, the fairs that have been concentrated abroad have increased day by day and the exhibition stand sector has renewed itself and became competitive with European companies. The first element of the compa-

Ekin Expo Service Values * 100% customer satisfaction * To provide reliable and honest service * To provide quality, economical and fast service * Maintaining solution-oriented activities * Keeping up with the variable aspects of the sector to inform customers * To provide the best service by paying attention to the corporate sensitivities of the companies * Providing customer oriented solutions by making one-to-one interviews with companies

nies to represent and promote themselves at the fairs they participate in is the participation of a beautiful and stunning booth. Ekin Expo Fair Stand Services, which come into play at this point, provide services to the participating companies with professional architects and by completing the project which will best represent the company by examining even the smallest details about the company in order to prepare the design and project suitable for the company. Acting with the principle that the success is hidden in small details, Ekin Expo architect and application staff apply the same oneto-one of the project to the fair area without skipping the smallest detail. Ekin is also aware that not very long setup time of the Expo, in the days prior to the workshop to prepare the proj-

Exhibition Stand Services * Special Wooden Booth Design and Applications * Modular Stand Design and Applications * Maxima Stand Design and Applications * Product Display and Package Stand Applications * Stage and Platform Design and Applications * Stand Storage and Storage Service * Exhibition Material Rental 72

July 2019

ect is to make the installation process only in the exhibition area. Company customers have the chance to follow the stage of the stands at the Ekin Expo workshops. Using the advantage of being close to the exhibition area, Ekin Expo offers customers to have the opportunity to intervene in case of a disruption in 15 minutes. The firm has its own “special wooden stand ”, “special modular stand” and “special Maxima stand” and prepares and implements projects . Ekin Expo serves in a closed area of 1500 square meters located in Beylikduzu, Istanbul. The firm, which aims to design and implement the most suitable stand with the highest quality and without sacrificing quality, produces complete solutions to its customers.

Interior Architecture Services * Office Interior Design Project Design and Applications * Showroom Project Design and Applications * Store Project Design and Applications

Digital Printing Services * Indoor and Outdoor Digital Printing * Foil Printing and Cutting (Font, Letter) * Vinyl Printing * One Way Vision Printing * Led Signboard * CNC Cutting * Styrofoam and Plexi Fonts - Text

July 2019



Atılgan Tekstil “We are growIng every year wIth concept of customer and qualIty-orIented servIce” We talked about the sector and the targets of the company with Ramazan Atılgan, Chairman of Atılgan Tekstil. Quality and standard price policy important Emphasizing the issues that they pay attention to in their products, Atılgan said, “We are very sensitive about quality and standard price. Besides our stability in our quality, our price policy has remained the same since the day we were established. We have a single price and we offer the same quality with the same price to our customers and they always meet the guarantee with this.” All customers were invited Atılgan informed that they had prepared their collections for CBME Istanbul 2019 fair to be held this year and that they invited their customers one-on-one to participate in the fair and informed themselves about this. Atılgan also said that they attend fairs abroad in Germany, France, Holland, Italy, England, EU countries and Dubai and they follow the important fairs all around the world and they closely followed the retail shelves almost daily. Stating that the company was established in 1980 and becomes dealer of about 100 distinguished brands in the region, Ramazan Atılgan said that the company has become the biggest textile company of the Mediterranean Region with its customer and quality-oriented service concept, he adds they will continue to provide services by differentiating themselves from the competitors. He recorded that, “We are quite assertive with all our brands. We are a leading company that is followed in an absolute way in terms of both quality and price. What makes us different from the companies in the sector is quality, service, reliability, truth and honesty.”


July 2019

July 2019


About us


July 2019

BOINC TEKSTIL AIMS TO INCREASE ITS EXPORTS BY EXPANDING AND OPENING UP NEW EXPORT MARKETS Reaping the benefit of innovation, Boinc Tekstil expands its export volume by entering to new country markets in 2019. Declaring about their 2020 winter autumn collection, Yusuf Zeynel Özkan said, “This summer, we have a unique product group, which is made with unusual design approach. In addition to our classic products, we will present this product group to the customers in the fairs in 2019.”

Following fashion closely, Boinc Tekstil uses technological developments and vitality of fashion. The brand that appeals to the 1-12 age group offers children both elegance and comfort. Boinc offers competitive price in order to be able to appeal to all target groups. North Africa after the Middle East Building a good brand recognition in the European market, Boinc plans to expand to North African countries in 2019. As a result of the agreements to be made with countries such as Morocco, Algeria and Lebanon, both the Boinc and the Turkish markets will be more activated. Being aware of the image brought by the fairs and new customers to be won, Boinc will exhibit its 2019 springsummer collection in CBME Turkey, Children Baby Maternity Expo, JunioShow, Bursa, Baby – Kids Readyto-wear and Kids’ Necessities Fair that will take place in January 2019. Boinc goes beyond standard Utilizing production with top quality fabrics with the best machines, Boinc attaches great importance to the products that are designed by following the world fashion closely, to make children look stylish and to wear healthy clothes. Offering more varieties and product groups to its customers every year compared to the previous year, Boinc is ready for 2019 with its new models! July 2019


Observer A COUNTRY WITH ITS DEEP CULTURAL ACCUMULATION, ECONOMIC POTENTIALS AND AN IMPACT ON THE WHOLE WORLD WITH ITS POLITICAL DECISIONS RUSSIA With an area of 17,075,400 square kilometers, Russia is the largest country in the world and covers one-eighth of its size and world living space. It is the ninth most populous country in the world. Russia has 23 UNESCO world heritage sites, 40 UNESCO biosphere reserves, 41 national parks and 101 nature reserves. According to GDP, the Russian economy is the ninth largest economy in the world and the sixth largest in terms of purchasing power parity. Although Russia has one of the world’s largest mining and energy resources, it is the largest natural gas producer in the world. Russia is a politically important country; A permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, G8, G20, the Council of Europe, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the World Trade Organization is a member of such organizations. He is also a leading member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.


July 2019

According to Teble Foreign Trade news; In line with the results of IMF reports; The Russian economy began to grow again in 2017, largely due to the extraction of mineral resources and personal consumption, after a few years of recession due to the declining capital outflow, the fall of the ruble, the decline in oil prices and the Ukrainian crisis, due to the sanctions imposed by the western states. Growth is projected by the IMF as 1.7% for 2018. It is foreseen to continue to increase by 1.8% in 2019 and 2020 with the support of increasing credit and disposable income. Structural weaknesses, low investment levels and a weak demographic view; real GDP growth is well below 2% per annum in the medium term. However, according to preliminary estimates made by Rosstat, GDP growth increased to 2.3% in 2018, the highest level in six years. Rosstat announced the surprise figure with a sharp upward revision in the increase in construction production.

Clothing Markets in Russia and Turkey Declaring that Turkey aims to become one of the world’s top five fashion centers, Hikmet Tanriverdi, the President of Istanbul Textile and Apparels Exporters’ Association (IHKIB), states that Turkish brands want to grow their own brand with Russian companies in this way in 2023. Tanriverdi said, “Turkish brands have begun to gain a serious success in Europe, Russia and the Middle East today. But we need a process and time. In 2023, our goal is to become one of the world’s top 5 fashion centers with our brands. Our brands are settled, but with our designers, collections and Russian ready-to-wear brands, we can grow much faster, and one of our next biggest goals is to bring Russian ready-to-wear brands together with Turkish brands and make them grow here together. Our exports have declined a little and these declines have declined, but we have to keep in mind the fluctuation in the rubble, so many companies did not take their orders in an environment where they were volatilized, but it was canceled. when Volatile decreased, and ruble become a little more stable, trade with Turkey would increase quickly, I think.”

July 2019


Fair CJF 2019 AUTUMN, 23RD INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION FOR CHILD AND JUNIOR FASHION Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear will be held on September 24-27, 2019, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow.

The 22nd edition of the CJF – Child and Junior Fashion. Spring has completed its work. We thank you for your participation in the exhibition, and we do hope that it has given you a new impetus to further development of your companies and brands.

Since CJF was launched within the Mir Detstva Exhibition, it has rightfully earned its reputation of an effective venue for making business, an indispensable marketing channel, an effective tool to increase sales, and a reliable way to make profit from investments.

340 exhibitors from 25 countries have presented their collections this season. Manufacturers and distributors from Austria, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, the UK, the USA, and other countries – all together more than 400 famous brands – demonstrated clothes for children from 0 to 16 years of age, school uniform, footwear for children, accessories, and headwear.

The CJF – Child and Junior Fashion Exhibition is a unique communication tool for professionals of the children’s fashion industry from all over the world. The exhibition helps to strengthen the existing ties with partners as well as to sign new deals. The recent marketing research indicates that buyers are keenly interested in the growth of the exhibition for clothes and footwear for children, teenagers, and expecting mothers.

After a very short time, the pavilions of Expocentre will host the professionals in the children’s fashion industry again. We’ll be pleased to meet you again in September at CJFChild and Junior Fashion. Autumn!


July 2019

Taking into account market conditions and requests of our exhibitors and professional visitors, Expocentre has come to a decision to held CJF twice a year – in February and September – starting from 2010. These months match the time of wholesale purchases in the industry.

July 2019




The Mir Detstva (World of Childhood) international exhibition has won the Golden Teddy National Award for the best goods and services for children. The awarding ceremony was held in the Federation Council. “We are happy to win this award”, emphasized Sergey Bednov, Director General of Expocentre AO, addressing the award winners honoring ceremony. “We are glad that the industry has highly appreciated our efforts. This year, we hold the 25th Mir Detstva exhibition. It is one of our best projects. The exhibition enjoys worldwide recognition and has been awarded badges of honor by the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry and the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs”. Mr. Bednov expressed gratitude to the Federation Council and the Association of Children’s Goods Industry for their support of Mir Detstva and invited


July 2019

everybody to the Mir Detstva 2019 anniversary edition to be held at Expocentre this September. The Golden Teddy National Award for the best goods and services for children was instituted in 2010 as an industry award for goods and services for kids and families with children. It is awarded to companies, governmental and non-governmental organisations and public figures that have significantly contributed to the development of modern national childhood infrastructure. President of the Russian Association of Children’s Goods Industry (ACGI) Antonina Tsitsulina said that this year, more than 100 companies presenting more than 200 goods and services in 22 categories took part in the Golden Teddy Competition.

July 2019


MONART AMBALAJ MOVED TO NEW FACTORY Monart Ambalaj, which was established in 2003, continues to serve you valuable customers with corrugated cardboard box and box sector in Istanbul Tuzla Leather Organized Industrial Zone. ‘’We provide not only packaging but also solution, therefore the value you will acquire as advantage with our cooperation is important for us’ With corrugated cardboard, triplex boxes and offset box production, As Monart Ambalaj, we offer solutions in the industry in our 5,000 m2 production space providing a technological printing, cutting, stitching and gluing machines for domestic and international markets. All corrugated cardboard used in our production is 100% recyclable, water-based dye that we use in printing we continue to use our resources efficiently with the use of eco-friendly products and services. We offer quality and competitive price service adopting a contemporary and innovative corporate culture with our new machine purchases we have done in 2013 with R & D work and our working principle of customer satisfaction. We are pleased to see our valuable customers by protecting our total quality understanding and growing and enhancing our company...

New brand from Monart Packaging! The brand incorporates a new line of business in 2019. Talking about their new brand, “Çocuklar Dünyası”, (Children’s World), Çıkan said, “Our new brand, which will operate in many fields of business such as toy, dressing, stationery and education, will offer products for the 0-15 age group. It will be sold internet and through chain stores.”

ONE OF MONART AMBALAJ’S INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS WHEELED BOX IS A POPULAR PROMOTION TOOL IN FAIRS One of Monart Ambalaj’s innovative products, wheeled box is a popular promotion tool in fairs and we prefer it too. Declaring the solidity of their products, owner of the company, Murat Çıkan, said, “Being compact and upright of groove in corrugated cardboard boxes provides great solidity for our product. By increasing the weight of paper, we increase the strength to a much higher level. We have products with carrying capacity up to 500 -700 kg.” The brand, which carries out its production with the latest technology machines, delivers its quality products to its customers in the fastest way with competitive prices. Stating that they are planning to increase their exports by 30% in 2019, Çıkan said, “We are aiming to increase our exports to the highest levels, especially in the European region by cooperating with stronger companies.”


July 2019

We Produce Solutions, Not just Packing. Standard A Box Carton - Segmented Boxes - Food Packaging Offset Box and Bins - Special Produts

Sadece Ambalaj Değil, Çözüm Üretiyoruz. Standar A Box Koli - Kesimli Kutular - Gıda Ambalajları Ofset Koli ve Kutular - Özel Ürünler

NEW ADRESS İstanbul Deri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Kadife Cad. No:45 R-1 Parsel Tuzla İstanbul

July 2019



IT IS TIME TO TURN THE CRISIS INTO AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ÇINARLAR AMBALAJ Offering a wide range of quality products and services that meet the needs of customers, Çınarlar Ambalaj addresses every sector from textiles to cosmetics. Nuh Temel, owner, Çınarlar Ambalaj, who has been serving in the sector for 18 years, summarizes the secret of success as follows: We do our best for it. We offer quality to our customers with competitive price together. In 2019, the plastic bags used in the markets to be charged for the protection of the environment will encourage citizens to use more cloth bags. In the new year, which is foreseen to increase the production of cloth bags, Çınarlar Ambalaj will turn this situation into an opportunity and diversify its cloth bags. Çınarlar Ambalaj will diversify the cloth bags with different designs. Çınarlar Ambalaj continues to produce its products in its factory in Esenyurt. The company exports to Balkan countries such as Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Middle East countries such as Libya and Algeria. About Us Çınarlar Ambalaj offers superior quality products with competitive prices. Our production infrastructure has been created using state-of-the-art production equipment to produce the highest quality products for our valued customers. We are aware of the fact that quality and speed and quality of service are very important nowadays, so we are very careful about timely delivering within our standard term. Although each product we produce is different from each other, our approach to all our products is based on the same basic principles. We also expect you to benefit from this privileged service. “Personalize your product” Personalize your product with a wide range of models, colors and accessories. Different material options such as plastic, nonnowen and raw clothing help you find the product for every budget. All that remains is to determine the appropriate color, accessory and printing method. Our experienced staff will guide you to the right choice. “Variable order quantities” Our company applies variable prices for order quantities ranging from 1000 pieces to 10,000 pieces. Thus, while you have a low price advantage in your high numbered orders, you will have reached your special products without lowering your needs. 86

July 2019

July 2019


WHERE IS UKRAINIAN MARKET IN IMPORT AND EXPORT, SHOULD I BE IN THIS MARKET? I would to remind that Ukraine identified as one of the priority countries in the years 2016-2017 by the Ministry of Economy before starting export relations between Turkey and Ukraine. In this article I will talk about the first half of January 2018 the export of relations between Turkey and Ukraine in June. In the next issues, the first half of 2019 will be determined and we will compare the last two years and make evaluations. Last year today where we were in Turkey-Ukraine - import-export relationship? Ukraine is a country with an export volume of over $ 2 billion. Since the early 2000s, Russia is the country’s largest trading partner in both imports and exports.


July 2019

It is obvious that Turkey’s exports to Ukraine fluctuated. Exports, which were $ 2.2 billion in 2013, were $ 1.3 billion in 2017. In the January-June period of 2018, exports reached $ 656 million. When we examine our trade with Ukraine in recent years, we observe a foreign trade deficit against our country. Our foreign trade deficit is $ 1.5 billion as of 2017. In January-June period of 2018, imports from Ukraine amounted to $ 2.8 billion. The products we import to Ukraine include iron products, ferro alloys, corn and soybeans. Main products we export, ready wear and apparel and textile products are recorded.

Knitted fabric: 29.58% Woven fabric: 22,80% Yarn: 18.33% Fiber: 0,78% Other textile products: 28.53% Evaluation: Exports of textiles and raw materials worth $ 70.9 million in January-June 2018 to Ukraine were realized. From this point of view, Ukraine has become our 18th largest export market with our total textile and raw materials exports worth $ 4.2 billion.

When considering the rate of the ready wear and apparel market… According to the information received from the Ministry of Economy, İHKİB and Trademap; Ukraine ranks 56th in the world’s ready-made clothing and apparel import with a value of 0.10% and $ 610.5 million and $ 467.5 billion, respectively. The largest import share worldwide is 21.18% is for the USA. The closest follower of the USA is Germany with a rate of 8.99%. Ukraine’s garment and apparel supplier in China with $ 164.1 billion worth of imports and 26.9% share. Other important suppliers of Ukraine are Poland, Bangladesh, Germany and Belarus. Turkey ranks fourth in the rankings with a 8.1% share of Ukraine’s suppliers. The export value of Ukraine in the first half of 2018 was $ 67.5 million. To evaluate this share categorically; Outerwear: 75,92% Underwear: 8,88% Sports and swimming clothes: 5,71% Baby clothing: 3,07% Socks: 2.14% Other goods: 3,81% Other articles of clothing: 0,47% Evaluation: In the January-June period of 2018, Ukraine exported 40% of total clothing and apparel worth $ 67.5 million. In this context, we can say that Ukraine is our 22nd largest market in total ready-to-wear and apparel exports worth $ 8.7 billion.

If you are planning to enter the Ukrainian market; • Review and strengthen the distribution networks in Ukraine. • Considering all sectors in Ukraine, you should take into account that the working capital of the firms engaged in trade is generally low. • When setting up your first contacts, you must send a Russian or Ukrainian letter to the addresses you have received from the Trade Counselor and support them with the catalogs written in the same languages. • Even if the official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian, you should remember that Russian is used in commercial and daily life. • In your first export links, you should generally enter the market with small trial amounts, re-evaluate the market and re-evaluate the sales opportunities after you have measured the reliability of the trading partners. In this respect, you can make the necessary changes in your plans before they are late. • You should consider that a significant portion of the companies engaged in trade in Ukraine do not want to use the letter of credit payment, and you must secure your own trade. For this, you should investigate whether the companies you are exporting to are members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the region where they are located. However, you should be aware that the number of members of the chambers is quite low as there is no membership requirement in Ukraine. • In your job interviews in Ukraine, you must submit a concrete proposal for the purpose of your interview. If you are going to present a gift to the other party during your meeting, it may be a gift item belonging to the values of your own country. • Due to it is cheaper to export to Turkey and imports from Turkey, you should know that the road is mostly used to become a maritime and air cargo, you should organize your transfer in this direction.

When it comes to textile products markets… Ukraine is also the largest supplier of textile products in China as well as in ready wear and apparel. Ukraine imports $ 208.5 million worth of imports from China. This ratio corresponds to a 19.2% share of the country’s textiles imports. Other countries that have a significant share in the Ukrainian textile products export market are Germany, Poland and Italy. Turkey also ranks second as one of the most important suppliers in this market of Ukraine. Our country’s imports are worth $ 135.3 million and the market share is 12.4%. When the textile products are categorized into their own categories, the export shares of the products are as follows: July 2019


BABY PRODUCTS FAIR & CHILDREN’S FASHION FAIR, 10-12 SEPTEMBER, 2019 IN KIEV Baby Products Fair Baby Products Fair is the largest business event for the market of baby and mom products in Ukraine. Safety for babies and comfort for their parents are its keynotes. It showcases everything needed by babies from the very first days and parents to make baby care much easier. Innovative products are increasingly offered by exhibitors wishing to move with the times and meet today’s requirements. Baby prams and strollers are becoming more lightweight and mobile, body care products more effective and flavourful, and diapers more absorbent. Baby Products Fair creates a mixed impression. On the one hand, showcased products catch the imagination with their functionality, up-to-the-minute technologies, compliance with the latest trends in child education and psychology. On the other hand, lots of ruches, bows, sparkles, tiny smoking jackets and teddy bears are so cute! And anyway, why not? Customer goodwill is your key to success. Due to our international partnerships, foreign manufacturers wishing to enter the Ukrainian market are regular exhibitors at Baby Products Fair. Buyers and distributors have an up-close opportunity to sign the most lucrative contracts right there. So why waste money and time searching for new partners throughout the world? We at Baby Products Fair are doing it for you! Due to its reputation as a major event in the market of children’s goods, the fair annually attracts thousands of 90

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business visitors. They clearly aim at finding new partners and trademarks to be supplied with wow products for their stores. Each exhibitor gets thousands of target customers. You have a little left to do: attract them to visit your booth. So why waste time searching for new distribution channels? We at Baby Products Fair are doing it for you! Children’s Fashion Fair 2019 Fashion shows of children’s wear, footwear and accessories are one of the most popular events of CHILDREN’S FASHION FAIR. Children’s defiles always arouse a keen interest of visitors and media representatives; the business audience gets a clear idea of the style, quality, practicality and other advantages of the models. Who participates We invite manufacturers and distributors of children’s wear, footwear, headwear and accessories of domestic and foreign origin, as well as leading and novice designers. The show demonstrates not only mass-market collections, but also unique designer models and “feather samples” of young talents. A special place is devoted to school and business wear. Advanteges of Participation Defiles are not just a demonstration of wear; it is a show, an event, thanks to which the designer can express his idea more clearly and brighter. With the help of music, the work of stylists and directors of the show, the audience is transferred to another world. And everyone knows that any item is sold better and more expensive if it is followed by an image and a story.

July 2019


About Us Kare tekstil is one of the Turkish manufacturing company that produce socks,tights, pantyhose, legging, hosiery products and underwear for children from 0 to 14 years.The company is present on the market since 2001 and is a leading manufacturer in its field. The products are manufactured in high-quality equipment in accordance to quality certificates and goes by four names ARTI, KATAMINO, under property of KARE TEKSTIL SANAYI VE DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI that includes factories, workshops, warehouse, showroom, several stores in Turkey. Our brand that parents and children choose safely started its activity in 2001.Our socks and underwear we produce in our machines compatible with the latest technology. We have two wholesale stores in Istanbul, our sales office in Ukraine. Many representatives in Turkey and abroad. And our always updated website for our valued customers. We have more than 190 High technology Sock knitting machine and other sewing machine. Production, Boarding, labelling, Packing and other all process is doing inside of factory. We have more than 130 employees. The company’s partners are representatives of Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, European countries, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Iran, Iraq and African countries. Every year our company, which is trying to respond to increasing demands with recent investments increased our machine count. We also add value to our country’s economy. Our products do not include carcinogen substance certainly. Our cloths are producing certificated naturel cotton yarn using without chemical substance.Our products are made pre-wash shrinkage - SANFOR tested and Metal dedector. We love children. We always do the best for them.

Our Mission Our company, which has the philosophy that “ children deserve the best “ brings together the customers with unique quality in original designs in kids & baby socks and underwear. “Even to such seemingly secondary elements of children’s wardrobe as tights, caring mothers make several demands at once: that the material is durable, but at the same time soft and elastic; the drawings are beautiful and diverse, and the products themselves are comfortable for children. All these parameters correspond to the products of the brands Arti and Katamino, production Turkey. In the assortment you will find a variety of tights, leggings and socks. Beautiful elastic products will be an important part of the elegant or casual image of a young lady. “ Our Vision & Values We are willing to first coming to mind at domestic and abroad with quality and reliability in kids & baby socks and underwear. • High quality • Prompt and accurate service • Reliability • Advanced Research and Development standards • Innovation • High responsibility • Respect to each and every employee individually • Equality • Security • Freedom to suggestions and complaints

Мы являемся турецкой компанией производителем детских носков, колготок, леггинсов и нижнего белья от 0 до 14 лет. Компания присутствует на рынке с 2001 года и является ведущим производителем в своей отрасли. Наши фабрики оснащены современными высококачественными станками. Продукция производиться под торговым марками ARTI и KATAMINO. В собственности KARE TEKSTIL SANAYI VE DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKET входят фабрики, мастерские, склад, выставочный зал, оптовые магазины в Стамбуле и офис в Украине.Партнерами компании являются представители Турции, Россия, Украина, Европейские страны, Азербайджан, Центральные страны Азии, Иран, Ирак и Африканские старны. 92

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AN INNOVATIVE BRAND WITH ITS EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS ‘Artı & Katamino’ We had a good interview with Cansu Isil Ferah Bozyurt, Brand Design Officer, about Artı & Katamino brand which creates original designs by combining international trends with its own line. determined among the companies that have the necessary documents in this direction. We are an integrated company engaged in 100% domestic production. We carry out all the processes of our products from R & D to the shipment stage. Our products are periodically tested in all stages of production, such as height testing, tensile testing and pre-combustion. At the end of the production phase, we carry out our final checks through metal detectors. ‘We are planning to open a sales office in Russia after Ukraine’

What about your range of product? We have a wide range of products for the 0-14 age group including socks; cotton socket and pantyhose, micro modal, thin group pantyhose socket & golf, towel pantyhose socket, mesh & school, accessory thin & cotton, baby crawling socks are available. In addition, our hair accessories stockings are also included in our product groups. We also have a developing laundry production beside socks. We produce slip, athletes, boxers and their sets. Our production weight is for socks today but we also plan for laundry groups. In particular, we have works to get the name rights of the characters that the children are interested in. What criteria do you pay attention to during the production process ? What percentage of your products are manufactured in Turkey? First of all, I would like to state that we use materials that do not contain carcinogens in our products. Our suppliers are


July 2019

As Artı & Katamino, in which cities do you offer your products in Turkey? How many stores do you have abroad? We have stores in Laleli and Yesildirek in Istanbul. Our head office is located in Bayrampasa, where we also produce. 80% of our total sales are made abroad. We are also selling our sales from our three sales offices. Abroad, we have a sales office in Ukraine. Our primary goal is to open sales offices in different countries including Russia.

July 2019




Going back to the year Krakow was Poland’s capital, I want to take you Wavel Castle: Hosted the Open coronation; adorned with Gothic, Baroque and Romanesque architecture the splendor of the long white and looking down into the city, the historic cathedral in Poland referred to the National Shrine as... This historic palace overlooking the Vistula River by going into a cave with stairs: ‘Dragon Cave’. According to legend, in King Krakus period in the caves under palace, there was a dragon called Wavel Dragon living. People who want to get rid of the cruelty of this giant dragon are sacrificing a girl from every family every month. As a shoe master named Dratewka made a clever trap for the dragon to save the King’s daughter. Dratewka makes the dragon thirsty by eating a sheep full of sulfur. So the dragon drinks almost all of the Vistula River, and that’s the end of it. Dratewka has been declared a hero with this story. Wavel Dragon has become Krakow’s most famous urban legend. He even sewed a statue into the city. This is why when you go to Poland to almost allshops selling souvenirs and stuff you encounter the dragon figure dragon plush toy... Now, when I think about it, this urban legend is clichéd enough, and the country needs new stories. When you think that textile is one of the important industries of the country, Poland has a market that you can brand your brand if you go with the right strategies like Dratewka. The country, which is a traditional textile & apparel manufacturer and exporter, has become a net importer since the end of the 2000s and the free market conditions brought by the EU have been very effective. Today, many companies in this sector continue to operate in this country. More than half of the country’s exports are with Germany, the Netherlands, Russia and Ukraine. Turkey is among the countries exporting to Poland. An important part of the ready-made clothing products exported to Poland by our country is knitted apparel, non-woven clothing, leather and 96

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fur clothes and shoes. For Polish firms are occasionally woven labels for textiles or ribbon style tags also can be requested from Turkey. If you are aiming to enter the Polish market; • Poland have no logistical obstacles that may prevent you from doing business with Turkey. • As Poland is one of the leading beneficiary companies of EU structural funds, you can benefit from the commercial opportunities offered to you. • According to the FDI report, Poland is one of the most favorite countries for investors. Especially when we consider that the Poles in textile sector have a positive approach to Turkish textile companies, Poland is a market where investors can set big targets for them. • When you decide to take the first step in trading with this country, you should consider the foreign languages spoken by the country. You should also keep in mind that it will be of benefit to you that interviews are usually conducted through a consultant. Some of our companies are preparing to take the first step in Poland, while others will be accelerating their trade steps in this country. In the meantime, we will be looking forward to discovering the potentials of the Polish market and increasing its market share with the right strategies and to see the nationwide legendary brand.

July 2019


The best prams and strollers toys and products for chIldren to be dIsplayed In KIds’ TIme 2020 Over 20,000 meters, 564 companies from around the world and 9 exhibition halls - the jubilee and at the same time the record-breaking International Fair of Articles for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME hosted over 8,200 visitors. The world’s smallest pram, a car seat with air cushions, wooden magnetic blocks and programmable robots for the youngest. Everything mothers and children need. Kielce exhibition and congress centre’s expo halls have again become the kids industry one-stop-shop. Europe’s rankings runner-up among all child-product business sector expos is now over; this year’s edition has proven to be a recordbreaking one. The number of exhibitors has increased by over 10% compared to last year’s expo - over 20,000 meters of exhibition space in the 7 regular expo halls complemented with the 2 extra pavilions built for the purpose was the display for producers and distributors from 19 countries, including Belgium, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Russia, the United States, Great Britain and Italy and other countries. Thus, KIDS ‘TIME has advanced to become one of the most international exhibitions in the Targi Kielce’s portfolio. Foreign companies account for 20% of all exhibitors. Following previous years’ example, the expo was held in the b2B format. - We keep returning to Kielce and prosper for new customers, find new business contacts and new markets whose representatives mark their presence in Kielce. Every year we bring back new collections which closely follow the global trends - said Grzegorz Gajewski from Sofija. The exhibitors can themselves assess how effectiveness is the expo - (...) all exhibitors want the expo to yield as many orders and contacts as possible. And this is what the Kielce expo delivers. - says Łukasz Kot from the Eko. The best prams and strollers, toys and products for children win the KIDS’ TIME STAR statuettes. 98

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Following the previous editions’ tradition, the most innovative products win the KIDS’ TIME STAR statuettes. The Jury Panel chaired by Marek Jankowski, the publisher of the BRANŻA DZIECIĘCA magazine, the expo media partner selected the winners. 4Kraft, Avionaut, GRANATOVO, Scandinavian Baby, G3 and MARIOINEX have now entered the award-winning companies fellowship. Artyk and Tako celebrated their anniversaries at the jubilee expo. MARKO, Euro-Trade, PLAYMOBIL, “Children’s Branch” and “Świat zabawek” - the companies which have participated in KIDS’ TIME since the first expo edition were also honoured.- We have been here for 10 times in a row. We started with 12 metre expo stand that has expanded to 700.We gained the nickname - the expo godfather. We were the first large company so closely associated with this trade fair - said Janusz Musioł, owner of Marko, the strategic partner of KIDS ‘TIME. KIDS’ TIME has traditionally hosted representatives of the foreign press and media from Russia, Sweden, England, Germany, Turkey and the USA.They published their observations in, Lek & Babyrevyn, Nursery Online, Toys, Toy Book and Baby&Kid Store. In addition to journalists, the trade show was graced with the presence of official delegations from Spain, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia and China. The guest list included: Olga Kirillova - Chief Specialist in Export Support Management at the Moscow Export Centre the Russian Federation and Darja Gaidenraich - President of the Children’s Industry Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Director of Detstvo. The 11th International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME is held in Targi Kielce from 19 to 21 February 2020. We look forward to seeing you.

B2B only

The 11th International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child

19-21.02.2020 Kielce, Poland Strategic Partner:

Main Media Partner:


Targi Kielce SA, Kielce, Poland e-mail:, tel. +4841 365 13 19 July 2019



FİYAT DÜŞÜRMEK Formül incelendiğinde, müşterinin elde edeceği değeri arttırmanın yolları çok açıktır; 1. Kaliteyi arttırmak, 2. Faydayı arttırmak, 3. Hizmeti arttırmak, 4. Fiyatı düşürmek. Bu bağlamda kaliteyi arttırmak kolay değildir çünkü çoğu zaman satıcılar zaten üretilmiş olan ürünlerin veya tanımlanmış olan hizmetlerin satışları ile ilgilenirler. Dolayısı ile bu aşamada müşteriye kalite anlamında farklı bir sunum yapmak mümkün olmaz.

Pazarlama en temel anlamıyla, doğal kaynaklardan yararlanılarak üretilen ürün ve hizmetlerin en son tüketicinin eline geçene kadar gerçekleştirilen faaliyetler olarak tanımlanabilir. En yaygın tanımıyla ise pazarlama, kişilerin ve örgütlerin amaçlarına uygun şekilde değişimi sağlamak üzere, ürünlerin, hizmetlerin ve düşüncelerin yaratılmasını, fiyatlandırılmasını, dağıtımını ve satış çabalarını planlama ve uygulama sürecidir. Doğal olarak pazarlama kişi ve kurumlar tarafından dar veya geniş anlamları ile ele alınmaktadır. En geniş anlamı ile pazarlama bir işletmedeki işletme faaliyetlerinin bütünü olarak ele alınmaktadır. Pazarlama, faaliyetlerini yerine getirirken her zaman için müşteri tarafından elde edilen değere odaklanır. Zira bu değerin yüksek olması, ürün ve hizmetlerin tercih edilmesini sağlar. Bu bağlamda da pazarlama literatüründe birçok farklı araştırma, müşterinin elde ettiği değeri tanımlamak üzere gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu gün, bu değeri tanımlamak için kullandığımız temel formül şudur;


July 2019

Hizmet ise pahalıdır. Satıcının vaat ettiği her yeni hizmet (örneğin daha uzun garanti süresi, daha fazla teknik destek, özel bir satış temsilcisi gibi…) bir maliyet yaratacaktır. Üstelik birçok sektörde satıcılar rekabet seviyelerinin yüksek olmasından dolayı zaten verebilecekleri tüm hizmetleri müşteriye sunmuş durumdadırlar. Dolayısıyla satıcıların elinde fayda ve fiyattan başka alternatif olmadığından satıcılar en kolay alternatif olan fiyatı düşürmeyi seçerler. Fiyat düşürülerek müşterinin elde edeceği değer arttırılır. İşte tam da bu nokta, aslında faydaya daha fazla odaklanılması gereken kısımdır. Müşteriye ürün ve hizmetin faydaları daha fazla anlatılmalı, düzenli olarak ürünlerin ve hizmetlerin fayda analizlerinin yapıldığı toplantılar düzenlenerek satış ekipleri silahlandırılmalıdır. O harika sloganı lütfen hatırlayın; “özellik tanıtır, fayda sattırır!”.

KOSGEB’DEN YENİ GİRİŞİMCİ PROGRAMI KOSGEB Destekli Yeni Girişimci Programı, ‘Geleneksel Girişimci Programı’ ve ‘İleri Girişimci Programı’ olmak üzere iki alt programdan oluşuyor. ‘Geleneksel Girişimci Programı’na; Girişimciliği Geliştirme Destek Programı kapsamında verilen Geleneksel Girişimci Eğitimini tamamlamış olan girişimcinin kurduğu işletme başvurabiliyor. Bunun için yerine getirilmesi gereken şartlar ise; • Yeni Girişimci Programına başvuru yapılabilmesi için ilgili girişimcilik eğitiminin işletme kuruluş tarihinden önce tamamlanmış olması gerekiyor. • İleri Girişimci Programına başvuru yapabilecekler tercih etmeleri durumunda Geleneksel Girişimci Programına başvuru yapabiliyor.

Geleneksel Girişimci Programı Performans Desteği Performans desteği, işletmenin vergi mükellefiyetinin devam etmesi ve istihdam sayısına göre belirlenecek olup; destek tutarı hesaplanırken ilgili dönemde Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu nezdinde 4(a) kapsamındaki tüm personelin tahakkuk eden prim gün sayılarının toplamı dikkate alınmaktadır. Performans desteği, program başlangıç tarihinden itibaren birinci yıl birinci performans dönemi ve ikinci yıl ikinci performans dönemi olmak üzere, performans dönemleri sonunda işletmeye geri ödemesiz olarak sağlanıyor. Her performans dönemi bir yılı kapsıyor. Aşağıdaki tablolardan ileri girişimci desteği oranlarını inceleyebilirsiniz.

• Girişimci veya işletme Geleneksel Girişimci Programı veya İleri Girişimci Programından sadece birinden ve bir defa faydalanabiliniyor. Girişimcilik eğitimini almış birden fazla girişimcinin aynı işletmede ortak olması durumunda işletme programdan bir defa yararlanılabilir. Aşağıdaki tablodan, geleneksel girişimci desteği oranlarını inceleyebilirsiniz:

Makine, teçhizat ve yazılım desteği için destek oranı %75’tir. Destekleme kararı verilen makine, teçhizat ve yazılımın; Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığınca 13/09/2014 tarih ve 29118 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan SGM 2014/35 sayılı Yerli Malı Tebliği’ne uygun olarak alınmış ve fatura tarihi itibariyle güncel yerli malı belgesi ile tefrik edilmesi durumunda, destek oranına %15 ilave edilir.

July 2019


Fashion There’s a fashIon rainbow In the aIr! Inspired by the yellow of the sun, the blue of the sky and the sea, the green of the trees and a thousand colors of flowers, we are ready to meet summer fashion. We took a baby’s light smile and filled all our energy, suitcases with summer clothes. All colorful, all alive!


July 2019

In these days, where dresses of all colors adorn the shop windows, the aura of colors comes together with the energy of children and a rainbow fashion emerges. This summer fashion all colors of the rainbow. The sparkle of colors on children of all ages on the streets, houses and beaches dazzles us.

Hundreds of shades of each color are combined in harmony and the elegance race begins. Chirping yellows, greens, pinks; classic white, navy blue and red creates a distinct fashion breeze. Children of all ages create their own fashion, according to their own tastes, with their own colors. Beautiful sunglasses, hats, bags and all other accessories continue to add elegance to children’s elegance as it does every summer.

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Children also have a style that they have set for themselves, and when determining their style, they evaluate all the alternatives offered to them. While some of them reflect their style with cartoon characters suitable for the world of imagination, some of them can come up with jeans, leather jackets, cool sunglasses and text-printed t-shirts designed for adults in the first place.

KIds forward are also very fashIonable thIs summer!

Cool patterns, charismatic colors and dynamic designs that grew up this summer, children are very fashionable ... Fast maturing and growing faster than the new generation of children’s clothing designs often began to appear. Now children’s fashion is complemented by parts of adult fashion.


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The activities of the new generation, the activities he is interested in and his hobbies play an important role in shaping fashion. That day’s trendy accessories shed light on clothing designs. In fact, children are growing up with fashion or they are growing children’s fashion with themselves…

July 2019



Ilker Oztas, Chairman of Hosiery Manufacturers Association ‘As long as our design power grows, we renew our targets’

Declaring the contributions of national and international fairs to the sectoral development, Ilker Oztas, Chairman of Hosiery Manufacturers Association, “As Turkish socks industrialists, we are striving to bring the Turkish socks sector to the point they deserve by promoting our sector correctly and expanding our export channels. In this

sense, the URGE project we organized with the organization of IHKIB and the fairs we participated in were also very valuable for us… Fairs directly related to our sector such as Las Vegas Magic and Linexpo, offer a wide range of opportunities to expand our customer network and diversify our portfolio. We can see ‘what is the world following, what does the customer want?’ in the international fairs. We are meeting our potential customers with impressive presentations by conducting a pulse at the fairs organized in our country. To the extent that we can reflect the power we received from the design to our products, we can speak of the presence of the Turkish stocking industry on a global scale. Therefore, it is time to expose our value-added products in order to be able to spend the next exhibition efficiently. As long as we blend our diversity and distinctness with design, we will increase our export targets to a much higher level.”

Turkish garment escaped from subcontracting

Declaring that as design increases, added value of product would increase, Jak Eskinazi, Aegean Union of Exporters


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Coordinator, said, “There is no value-added export without design. As design increases in a product, then added value increases. We have to design exclusively first. Designing is not an easy task. You need to design according to the buyer, not your own. We need to know the customer and the market of the customer, to know and control our market. We need to give focus to the buyers. If we do not have a design for him, we will remain a subcontractor. We sell goods designed by someone else and cannot provide added value to our country. However, design potential advanced for 10 years in Turkey. Turkish apparel escaped from subcontracting and sells its own brands. The world wants to see the designs of the Turks. We’re preferred. Industrialists and designers did not know each other very well, and if we continue to be together, we will get to know each other.”

Leather exporters to focus on Far East market The international migration of capital from west to east around the world leads exporters to the Far East. The Leather and Leather Products Industry will also focus on the Far East via South Korea in the coming period. Pointing out that South Korea has the potential to be a very attractive export market in the coming period for the leather industry, Erkan Zandar, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Aegean Leather and Leather Products Exporters’ Association, said they plan two sectoral trade delegation for South Korea. Stating that they are trying to get more share from e-commerce whose share in trade is increasing every day in the world, Zandar, completed his words as follows: “We organized an e-Export Summit in Aegean Exporters’ Associations, firstly and then in Swissotel, Izmir, with the participation of 1138 people. We have become a pioneer union in e-export. Our goal is that our exporters will increase their exports by adapting to electronic transformation and we will continue to work more on this issue.”

Technopc, now ‘Design Center’ the world, to designing products with next-generation technology in Turkey and on behalf of bring innovation to the industry.

Offering technology solutions for a broad range of industry from health, banking, education to defense for over 20 years, Technopc, which has Turkey’s first domestic goods document for computer production, carried out “Design Center” approved by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. In this way, a big step further has taken for

Stating that they will undertake more advanced works from now on with Design Center of Technopc, Managing Partner Murat Yücel said, “We will make purchases for products that will create added value and competitive advantage, aiming to increase, develop, improve, differentiate the functionality of products or products activities, innovative activities, national or international patents, utility model, trademark registration documents. Our goal is always to produce a new generation of world-class technology and contribute to the national economy.”

“Design should be supported for better production”

Erkan Zandar, President of the Aegean Leather and Leather Products Exporters’ Association, emphasized the importance of marketing in textiles, “The period of abundance of material and money is over. The period of how we deliver the valueadded product to the consumer has started fast. We, as designers, are as ready as the designers. The next processes are important. When you go through these processes, I think we will have a better time with friends like you. When preparing a collection, we should prepare it according to customer’s expectations and tastes,

not to our own taste. If you are not involved in marketing, you cannot design a product to be sold in any way.” Expressing that design is the profession of the near future, Burak Sertbaş, President of the Aegean Ready-Made Clothing and Apparel Exporters Association said, “Design is necessary in all sectors so design students have the chance to find great jobs. We are able to continue exporting with design. Our future is in good hands. But we are committed to supporting the production of textile production on behalf of the

IHKIB keeps a close watch on the US market Garment industry which has strategic importance for Turkey’s economy, keeps a close watch on the US market with annually about 100 billion dollars, in the position of the world’s largest garment importers. Istanbul Ready-Made Garments Exporters’ Associations (IHKIB) which organized a trade delegation to the US within the scope of the Promotion of International Competitiveness Development Project (Ur-Ge), brought together Turkish ready-made exporters with leading US buyers in New York. During the two-day Trade Delegation meetings, Turkish companies attracted great interest. bill with no possibility to leave us.” Declaring that they do work to change the perception of the textile, Elvan Unluturk, Board Member of Aegean Clothing Manufacturers’ Exporters Association, said, “Textile and apparel sector has suffered years of erosion. Our image has changed from 15 years ago. We are working to change the perception of textile. We need both the right and left brain in our sector. Designers are our right, engineers are our left brain. Without designers, it’s not possible for textile to live. Textile apparel industry promises future.”

July 2019


TURKEY We are counting 365 days, sometimes sun is shining and sometimes snow is falling. The leaves in the trees are yellowing, or sometimes blossoming. The sea, the straits are fizzing and gurgling… And the mood of nature witnessed every moment, both from Europe and from Anatolia…

Turkey is a country which hosts millions of tourists for years. Natural beauties, historical artifacts, culture, food and many other features of many nationalities have been the eye of many nationalities. Turkey the country of 4 seasons with those who are dying to come once, ones visited one and those who count the days to visit once more, got different cultures within its borders, also added something to different cultures…

Textile is a tradition inherited us from the Ottoman Empire Today, Turkey has become the most ambitious in the history of the textile industry in the international field goes back many years. Weaving is a tradition inherited from the Ottoman Empire. The fact that our country has both raw materials such as cotton and wool in its own structure and the high levels of labor force are the main influences of the success achieved in this sector.

Of course these visits were not limited to tourist trips. Both international trade fairs, as well as numerous meeting has also become the center of business people meeting event with Turkey. The increase in the workload of metropolises with the continuation of the development of the cities, the transformation of small cities into big cities with investments, the success of industrialization and technocity projects with the state incentives made to the most back of the beyond, and many others. When all these points are combined, the big picture is clearly revealed: Labor spent, strategic development, cooperation … Turkey excess itself a little more every day.

A good progress available in the framework of a win-win thinking and working across sectors in Turkey. Serious textile investments are made especially in the east of cities such as Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras, Malatya and Adana in order to contributing to the development of cities. Our country, with these investments, provides a high level of employment in itself, quality production and craftsmanship in the international arena is strengthening the perception of reputation. So both Turkey is gaining, and employees is gaining.


July 2019


Quality in textile production in Turkey starts from A but does not end in Z ... Turkey, a country the textile industry in the days went by pushing the limits. The surplus of production demands from foreign countries is the proof of this situation. The use of high quality raw materials in production, speed of delivery, R & D studies, increasing technological investments, the perception of reliability created by after-sales services are the main reasons of this demand surplus. In addition, proximity to markets is also an important advantage…

Employment of Turkey textile sector As the textile and clothing industry in Turkey meets 25% of manufacturing employment and welcomes the 6% of overall employment Turkey. With 40% female employment rate, it is one of Turkey’s most democratic sectors.

Dedicated works on behalf of a manufacturer company that ensures quality in production in Turkey is certain, however, is not limited to those who have never done things to do. We see each passing day and we testify that over time, the quality bar in every stage of production will be carried to higher heights and will continue to move… Following these developments, the distance of advertising and marketing activities and branding efforts started to increase. Turkish textile companies have stepped up their steps to introduce their brands to the whole world and to get the quality as they deserve. Because now it is time for production for 2 seasons, quality for 4 seasons!

July 2019



‘BURSA EXHIBITIONS Make Great Contributions to Bursa Economy and Export’ İlhan Ersozlu, General Manager of TUYAP Fair and Fair Services, informs about Junioshow, one of the most important fairs in the sector and the contributions of Tüyap Bursa Fair Organization for the sector. The main source of income of the company is domestic and international trade fairs. Tuyap Group by over 700 employees and over 100 professional organizations with long-term business association, owned and operated by 9 fairs in Turkey is preparing 51 different subjects at the center of trade fairs regularly. Apart from Istanbul, the fair area, which started from Bursa in June 2001, was continued with other provinces. Today, we have exhibition centers in Istanbul, Bursa, Konya, Adana, Diyarbakir, Samsun, Erzurum, Eskisehir and Kayseri.

Can we get more information about Tuyap? In which cities do you organize exhibitions for which sectors? Founded in 1979, Tuyap fair group has been operating in the field of fairs in our country for 40 years, today the group have become the largest organization in our country by operating 9 trade fair center, organizing close to 100 exhibitions a year, with over 700 employees, and with its domestic and international offices. Our company, Tuyap has come to the forefront with its high quality and reliable service to the customers with the fairs organized in the sector. With its exhibition organized in Turkey, Tuyap has entered the agenda of the country as a regular commercial activity. Since its foundation in 2018, it has served to 316,315 firms from 125 countries with 1,700 domestic and 39 countries and has hosted 60,394,313 visitors from 211 countries. It is the only private sector fair organization with its own fair exhibition center in Turkey.

What about Junioshow? Can you share us the story of the emergence of this fair and its current situation? Bursa and its environs where we organize fairs; is an industrial region which has great potential for many sectors, especially automotive main and sub-industry. Bursa manufacturers are providing approximately 80% of Turkey products belong to baby kid sector, which is the most important sector among them. We call Visne Street as the heart of the sector in Bursa. Almost all of the companies operating in the sector are on the street. Together with BEKSİAD Association and Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which was established in order to act in unity and solidarity of the sector and to be the voice of the sector, a fair that the sector has been waiting for for a long time, will bring a new breath to the baby and child sector and draw attention to the potential in Bursa in the field of ready-made clothing. We acted with the idea. Combining our powers, we realized our first fair in 2006 with the names BURSA BEBE AND KIDS READY WEAR FAIR and BURSA KIDS 2006. In 2011, we took a break for 5 years after the year 2011 and started to organize the exhibition with the spring - summer year concept in 2016 under the name of JUNIOSHOW. We started to organize two exhibitions in the product group as summer and winter for two seasons, and from 2017 to January and July. In January 2017, we will be organizing spring-summer and autumn-winter concept as of July. We organized the first meeting of JUNIOSHOW, which brings together textile fashion and latest trends with the professionals of Bursa, between the 9th and the 12th of January 2019. The record number of 200 participating companies, four days for 64 days from 1.150 international buyers from 64 countries, a total of 26,424 sector professional visitors to break their record, Junioshow, a colorful atmosphere was lived with 2-day Junioshow fashion. The second meeting of this year, 3 - 6 July 2019, 4 halls, more than 120 companies with the participation of more than 12 thousand visitors are preparing to open its doors. With the fair which have been growing every year and became a brand fair in the sector, we are preparing to host the buyer delegation from 60 countries with TUYAP overseas offices, work of TUYAP offices, organizations to be realized within


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the scope of International Competitiveness Development (Ur-Ge) projects supported by the Ministry of Commerce. Why should companies participate in Junioshow? Can you explain the benefits of this fair for the sector? The Junioshow Fair, which we will perform for the 13th time, has become a trademark. In addition to increasing their brand values, our companies participating in the fair which stands out with their international quality should take their place in the fair with the aim of opening up new markets and increasing their existing market shares. Briefly we can itemize following; • Reaching under the same roof for professional visitors from countries where the sector develops from abroad • Establish new business contacts and partnership agreements • To follow the developments and expectations in the sector closely • Capture new investment opportunities • Reinforcing its prestige by taking part in effective organization • Creating a brand and opening up new markets • Identifying new areas in the market • To be able to evaluate competition • To introduce new products, to observe the success of the market • To make customer analysis What about Junishow supporters and collaborators? As Tuyap Bursa Trade Fairs Inc., we have organized 284 fairs since our establishment. Of course, we have a partner who spends a lot of work together with us. Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in which we combined our forces in recent years, took important steps in terms of gaining new fairs in the sectors in which we are strong. As a result of the


July 2019

impressions we have obtained from the Fairs such as Block Marble, Building and Real Estate, Home Style and Coho, which we have carried out hand in hand at Junioshow Fair, we are making positive contributions to the trade volume of Bursa with fairs that are organized with this cooperation. In addition to our partner BTSO, we work with the subject of every fair and the rooms, associations and so on. For the Junıoshow Fair, we are in cooperation with Kids Apparel Sector Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (BEKSIAD) since the first year of the fair. We are also benefiting from the Ur-Ge project supported by the Ministry of Commerce on the introduction of buyer committees from abroad. I would like to thank Bursa Governorship, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality and KOSGEB for their support. Could you inform us about your Ur-Ge project and the contributions of this project? UR-GE Project (Supporting The Development Of International Competitiveness) is a sectoral cluster project for developing export capacities of Turkish manufacturer companies. The companies gathered by the Exporter Association, by the sectoral associations and federations that they a member of, participate in activities approved by Ministry of Economy, to improve their knowledge of competitiveness. The export volume of baby and kids wear fashion sector increases with international buyer delegations organized exclusively for the Junioshow Fair, within the scope of the Urge project. The project contributes significantly to both Bursa and the country’s economy.

July 2019


Baby - Kid Materials Journal

April - 2019

The Only Trade PublIcatIon WhIch BrIngs Sector ProfessIonals To You

Bimonthly Baby & Kid Store magazine is the only trade publication of the baby kid product industry and serves to reach the new dealer channels of the mother-baby-children goods sector. Thus, it benefits the formation of a new customer portfolio and the improvement of existing dealers’ channels. International publication, Baby & Kid Store brings together supplier firms of manufacturers, importers, exporters and wholesalers from care products to the textile group, from metal products to furniture group with ads and reports and it is delivered to target audience in the retail point of sale and owners of companies. These are independent boutiques, chain stores and multi-storey shops. Moreover, Baby & Kid Store is distributed to all exhibitors and visitors from its stand in the related domestic and international fairs for the sector.

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Bebek çocuk sektörünün tek ihtisas yayını Baby & Kid Store aylık olarak yayınlanmakta olup Anne-Bebek-Çocuk Gereçleri sektöründe tedarikçi firmaların yeni bayi kanallarına ulaşmasına hizmet etmektedir. Böylece yeni müşteri portföyünün oluşmasına ve var olan bayi kanallarının ise iyileştirilmesine, geliştirilmesine yönelik fayda sağlamaktadır. Uluslararası yayınımız Baby & Kid Store, bakım ürünlerinden tekstil grubuna, metal ürünlerden mobilya grubuna kadar faaliyet gösteren tedarikçi firmaları (imalatçı, ithalatçı, ihracatçı, toptancı) ilan ve haber bültenleri ile bir araya getirmekte ve hedef kitleleri olan perakende satış noktasındaki, ilgili satın alma departmanı yetkili isimlerine ve ayrıca firma sahiplerinin adına kargo etmektedir. Bunlar; bağımsız butik mağazalar, zincir mağazalar ve çok katlı mağazalar olarak gruplandırmaktadır. Ayrıca sektörü temsilen ilgili yurt içi ve yurt dışı fuarlarda Baby & Kid Store standından tüm katılımcı ve ziyaretçilere dergi dağıtımı sağlanmaktadır.

InternatIonal Face of

baby & kid store

CBME Turkey Children Baby Maternity Expo

26-29 June 2019 İstanbul, Turkey

CBME Turkey is the leading children, baby and maternity products exhibition in Eurasia region. The show gathers thousands of high profile visitors from all around the world with more than 750 brands each year. Being the most recognized baby and children trade show in Eurasia, CBME Turkey is definitely an international marketplace for buyers to source producers with high quality and good price. In 2018, CBME Turkey attracted 17,742 visitors from 120 countries and succesfully delivered its task of gathering them with more than 582 brands which makes it the most international industry event in Eurasia. CBME Turkey is a unique opportunity for producers to connect with new customers and re-connect with existing contacts from the region, and to present their new products to the trade visitors. In addition, CBME Turkey provides an opportunity for trade visitors to discover Turkey’s potential. The 37th International Istanbul Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo is taking place on 26-29 June 2019 at Istanbul CNR Expo Center!

3-6 July 2019 Bursa, Turkey

Junioshow Baby Kidswear & Kids Necessities Fair Comes true, Junioshow Bursa International Baby, Children’s Clothing and Children’s Needs Fair, which organized with joint organization of Tuyap Bursa Fairs Inc. and Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), with in cooperation Bebe and Children’s Clothing Sector Industrialists and Businessmen Association (BCCSIBA), with support of T. C. Ministry of Economy, KOSGEB and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. The fair which will introduce the spring & summer concept creations for baby and children’s clothing by nearly 200 exhibitor company with their special decor stands, will present an international platform focusing on both design and innovation. Bursa who carrying the power of production beyond the borders, continues with sure steps to being model the world in baby and children’s wear.

Pentex Combed Textile and Tecnologies Fair

23-26 January 2019 Gaziantep, Turkey

PENTEX fair is visited by abundant number of visitors from the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Balkan Countries and Caucasian Countries. A very wide range of products from combed textile products to apparel products, from yarn to laser cut and digital print machines, from combed textile machines to weaving machines, from apparel dye and auxiliary chemicals to professional publications are exhibited in the fair which is organized in Gaziantep. PENTEX, which we believe shall be the most extensive and efficient meeting point of the sector in the coming years and which is the first and only fair of the sector, shall offer attractive opportunities to the producers who are in search of new markets. PENTEX Combed Textile and Technologies Fair is organized at Gaziantep Middle East Fair Center by AKORT Fuarcılık, with the support of Gaziantep Chamber of Industry, PENKON Combed Textile, Apparel and Ready Wear Association.

Linexpo Lingerie-Hosiery Fair LINEXPO is organized by TIGSAD- one of the reputable textile associations in Turkey- and IFM Fuarcilik. LINEXPO, a lingerie exhibition originating from Istanbul and addressing the entire world, is organized only once a year. LINEXPO is organized with the aim of increasing global sectorial awareness and increasing the business volume of our country holding the leading position in textile. Fair will be held at Istanbul Expo Center. 12-15 February 2020 İstanbul, Turkey July 2019


20-22 June 2019 Florence, Italy

Pitti Imagine Bimbo The debuts, participations, returns and special projects at Pitti Immagine Bimbo 89, the headquarters of kids’ fashion & lifestyle. Childrenswear trade show Pitti Bimbo, which will take place in Florence from June 20 to 22, will feature 560 collections, of which 337 will be from outside Italy, including the first showing of Emporio Armani’s junior spring/summer 2020 collection, marking the designer brand’s debut at the event.

29 June - 1st July 2019

Paris, France

Playtime Summer is coming and we very much look forward to sharing this 26th edition of Playtime Paris with you! From June 29th until July 1st, the reference fashion and lifestyle show for childrenswear creatives and creators will be returning to its lush green abode at the Parc Floral de Paris. Inspired by the energy of spring, the show will be exploring the theme of «Metamorphosis»: the kind that returns immutably every season and the kind that is born in the imaginations of our children, to whom nothing seems quite impossible.

19-21 February 2020 Kielce, Poland

Kid’s Time Over 20,000 meters, 564 companies from around the world and 9 exhibition halls - the jubilee and at the same time the record-breaking International Fair of Articles for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME hosted over 8,200 visitors. This year’s KIDS ‘TIME offered sport excitement in a vintage unveiling... the special zone was created for the first time. That was the realm of retro toys and the best board games. The 11th International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME is held in Targi Kielce from 19 to 21 February 2020. We look forward to seeing you.

Bishkek Fashion & Textile

24-26 February 2019 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


July 2019

Bishkek, which is the largest wholesaler market in Central Asia with about 40,000 wholesalers, shops and boutiques, is located in Bishkek; Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, East Turkestan and Siberia, especially as the trade center of Central Asia. Approximately 75% of the apparel and textile products imported into the Dordoy market are known to be exported to the Central Asian markets, mainly in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, East Turkestan and Siberia. The fact that Kyrgyzstan was able to deliver goods at a more affordable price and easier and faster way, and that Kyrgyzstan had established a good air, road and rail transportation network for all the Central Asian markets to open the way for trade as the state policy has a great impact.

24-27 September 2019 Moscow, Russia

CJF Child and Junior Fashion Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear will be held on September 24-27, 2019, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow. The 22nd edition of the CJF – Child and Junior Fashion. Spring has completed its work. We thank you for your participation in the exhibition, and we do hope that it has given you a new impetus to further development of your companies and brands. 340 exhibitors from 25 countries have presented their collections this season. Manufacturers and distributors from Austria, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, the UK, the USA, and other countries – all together more than 400 famous brands – demonstrated clothes for children from 0 to 16 years of age, school uniform, footwear for children, accessories, and headwear.

10-12 September 2019 Kiev, Ukraine

Baby Expo Fashion shows of children’s wear, footwear and accessories are one of the most popular events of CHILDREN’S FASHION FAIR. Children’s defiles always arouse a keen interest of visitors and media representatives; the business audience gets a clear idea of the style, quality, practicality and other advantages of the models.

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KITTI A BRAND THAT COMES TO FORE WITH ITS RICH COLLECTION, QUALITY AND DEPENDABILITY We have realized a pleasant interview on Kitti brand with Yusuf Alkan, Deputy Executive Chairman of Board of Akal Ticaret ve Tekstil company, which pulls attention with its dynamic structure from the first day. What criteria are important for you during production stage? What is the ratio of domestic sourcen in the production? Would you share about your export activities and targets? Which countries are your target markets? In production phase, every thing is important and critical, including the color of yarns, the sizes, thickness of the woven products, and their weigh per sqm, the patterns, usability, and several risks while using these products. 80 percent of our production is made domestically for both collections, summer and winter. Earlier the ratio of domestic production versus imported parts was 40 to 60 percent, so 80 percent is an advantage for us. We have been visiting our target markets and fairs to increase our exports every year. We are currently exporting to countries such as Serbia, Australia, UK, Germany, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, New Zealand, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland. Belgium, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Belorussia, and America.

How started the journey of foundation of Kitti brand? Started to trade in 1987 AKAL, has made a great stride in 1993 by investing in production. The Kitti logo has been started to be used in1998. Thanks to the demand the brand registration was realized in 2001. Aiming to be a leader when it was established the firm has hit target with innovations it made in the sector, its business ethics and its trustfulness. Today, it serves with a staff of 80 working in the factory of 8 thousands sqm to industrial buyers both in the country and abroad via wholesalers and on the Internet. What product groups are in your portfolio? We, as the brand, have a wide range of product portfolio, including the hats, beanies, scarves, gloves, beach bags, ponchos, straw hat group, mercerized hats, beach towels etc. addressing every age group from babies up to adults. What is the process of developing collections? What are the main source of inspirations for your designs? While preparing our collections we start with the international themes forecasted for the season and try to develop fashionable designs by deciding on the main colors and combining them with the trendy accessories. We prepare two collections one for summer and the other for winter, one after the other. As an example we prefer cotton fabrics that has sweat repellant characteristics in our summer collections. The patterns that will be printed or knitted on these products are chosen by our design team. 122

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How many stores in how many provinces in Turkey are selling Kitti products? How many stores do you have in abroad? We have three sales store in Istanbul, but our products are sold in many retail shops, retail and market chains in the 81 provinces of Turkey. We have a sales office in Germany.

What are your major channel to reach your consumers? Wholesalers are our major sales channel. Additionally, we have our own stores, retailer, chain stores, Internat and B2B wholesales.

What do you think about the points that you are the most powerful and differentiates your company among competition? We saw our firm and especially our brand Kitti as a leader in the sector. Our corporate culture, business ethic and dependability, the richness of seasonal collections that are offered to the buyers are the main factors that distinguishes us from our rivals. Baby and kids textile industry in Turkey is growing steadily. How do you evaluate the position of the industry? What kind of developments can be expected in the future in your industry? What is your plan to contribute these developments in your industry? Textile industry in Turkey is growing and developing every day one step ahead continuously. For sustainability, we should act more dynamically in the opening to markets abroad. To this aim, we should emphasize on trade fairs. We aim to participate in these kinds of trade fairs to exhibit our product variety and quality and represent both our firms and our country proudly. July 2019



b2b Satışına Başlıyor! Tekstil sektöründeki serüvenine bir aile girişimi olarak 1978 yılında İstanbul’da başlayan AKAL TİCARET VE TEKSTİL SAN.LTD.ŞTİ. , iş ahlakı ve güvenilirliği ile kendine saygın bir konum edinmiş; 1993 yılında ise büyük ölçekli üretim yatırımları ile, bugün uluslararası düzeyde on binlerce tüketiciye ulaşmasını sağlayan büyük bir atılım gerçekleştirmiştir. Tekstil aksesuarları alanında, takım ve eşleştirmeli ürünler imalatı yapan ilk firmalardan biri olarak tanınan AKAL TİCARET VE TEKSTİL SAN.LTD.ŞTİ; Küresel çapta popülerlik kazanmak ve dağıtım kanallarını güçlendirmek amacıyla ürün gamını sürekli yenileyerek aksesuarın her alanında modayı


şekillendiren koleksiyonlara imza atar. Aralarında Türkiye’nin en büyük spor kulüplerinin ve dünyaca ünlü moda devlerinin de bulunduğu birçok markanın için üretim yaptığı gibi, Kendi bünyesinde birçok tescillenmiş markası bulunan AKAL TİCARET VE TEKSTİL SAN.LTD.ŞTİ, KİTTİ, SUYUTTİ , SYT, KEEP gibi bir çok marka ile üretim yapmakta, yazlık ve kışlık aksesuarlardan oluşan koleksiyonlar hazırlamakta ve bunların yurt içi ve yurt dışı satışını gerçekleştirmektedir. Eminönü ve Merter’de 3 adet mağazası bulunan firma ürünlerinin daha fazla noktaya ulaşabilmesi için ve günün şartlarına uygun olarak b2b satışına başlıyor. Şu an hazırlıkları bitme aşamasına gelen b2b sayfası üzerinde artık müşteriler istedikleri zaman siparişlerini verebilecek ve bu sayede daha hızlı bir şekilde KİTTİ ürünlerine ulaşabilecekler.

Akal Ticaret ve Tekstil San. Ltd. Şti. Yenidoğan Merve Mah. Akabe Cad. No: 16 34791 Sancaktepe / İSTANBUL July 2019 T: 444 10 47 F: 216 422 35 49

Kitti b2b Sales Begin AKAL, having entered its adventure in the textile sector as a family enterprise in Istanbul, in 1978; has gained reputation with its business ethics and credibility. AKAL started up as a family enterprise in Istanbul, in 1978 and entered its adventure in the textile sector. During its business life, it gained a respectable position with business ethics and credibility. In 1993, it made a major breakthrough with its large-scale production investments, today reaching tens of thousands of consumers at an international level. AKAL, recognized as one of the pioneering companies to

Trio Sets

Caps and Hats


manufacture products with grouped and matching products in the field of textile accessories; has been working as a producer of many brands, including the biggest sports clubs in Turkey and some of the world’s famous fashion giants. Kitti has 3 local stores in EminÜnß and Merter. To reach more customers and more regions, Kitti start to sell products via "b2b sales".With b2b sales, our customers will be able to place their orders easily and at any time they want. In this way to reach Kitti Products will be faster and more safe.





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July 2019


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