At the risk of sounding gushing (and it will), I must say that to get to know Landings resident Trevor Kelliher is to love him. This young man is a beacon of inspiration, courage, honesty and kindness. From the moment I was greeted by his sparkling blue eyes and warm smile, I was eager to learn how his Cerebral Palsy was the impetus for transforming his life and the lives of others with disabilities.
At the age of 20 (he is now 24), Trevor, his father Greg, and his father’s friend Paul, created All Friends Network (AFN), a non-profit dedicated to connecting and enhancing the lives of those with disabilities through what Trevor calls “The Three F’s: Friendship, Fulfillment and Fun.” His stepmother Roxanne is also a devoted member of the AFN team that is working to grow their
membership exponentially.
J: Tell me about your disability and your early life.
T: My mother and I nearly died when I was born because her uterus ruptured.
Thankfully we were in a major hospital and our lives were saved. Oxygen deprivation was the cause of my Cerebral Palsy (CP).
J: Oh, my goodness. Thankfully you made it. Please describe CP.
T: It’s a group of neurological disorders which affect movement, posture and speech. Most people with CP are completely normal cognitively. There is a lot of misunderstanding about us because of our impaired speech but our cognition is not affected at all.
page 12
later, Spanish. While in high school, she worked as a camp counselor and nurse’s aide. As a teen she played basketball, volleyball, softball, and was on her college swim team. She also played guitar, piano and was in a glee club and folk singing group.
Judge and went on to serve as legal counsel and staff attorney with several Minneapolis law firms.
MA, multiple book clubs, the Jewish Federation Sarasota-Manatee (JFSM), JFCS, and several presentations in the Netherlands.
LUCA POLITI, 12 page 20
Many of you know Agnes from reading her book, “Sabine’s Odyssey: A Hidden Child and Her Dutch Rescuers.” She also made a presentation about her book at The Landings Learning College a few years ago. Did you know that she speaks several languages, is a world traveler, had a long and interesting career as a journalist and attorney, was a legal writing instructor and college athlete? Her final position, before her retirement and move to Sarasota was as Legal Counsel for the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.
Early Years
Agnes’s parents were German and Dutch, living in the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation. Her father was part of the Dutch Resistance who helped save her mother from the Holocaust.
After the war, they married and emigrated to the U.S. settling in Westchester County, NY. Her father started a Dutch flower bulb importing business that her brother continues today as Colorblends.com.
As the oldest of five children, Agnes spoke Dutch at home as her “first” language. She went on to attend elementary school in Harrison, New York, and middle through high school in New Rochelle. She went to a boarding school for one year in the Netherlands and spent a summer with her German grandparents in Germany where she gained fluency in German. While back in school in the U.S., she also learned French and
She went to Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY. and then to NYU at its former Bronx campus where she majored in Political Science and International Relations. She minored in art history. One of the most influential experiences she had in college was her year abroad, where she studied at the London School of Economics.
Following college, she worked for a year with the American Crafts Council, before continuing her education for a master’s degree in journalism at the University of California, Berkeley.
When asked why California and the San Francisco area, she said: “My father, who traveled a lot, sent me a postcard of the Golden Gate Bridge when I was seven. I thought it was beautiful and was determined to see it one day. In grad school, I could view the bridge every day from my home in the Berkeley Hills.
After getting her masters, she worked for seven years as a reporter and editor for several afternoon papers in Southern California.
In 1973, she got married to a medical student and they later had four children. They moved to Minnesota for her husband’s fellowship training. As journalism jobs were scarce there, she decided to go to law school. She had enjoyed covering court cases as a reporter and initially hoped to specialize as a legal reporter.
She completed her law degree at the University of Minnesota and ended up practicing law. She started as clerk with a State Supreme Court
When her husband was offered a job at Duke University, they moved to Durham, N.C. and Agnes continued to practice law and became a law partner. They then moved back to Rochester, MN where Agnes began her 15-year career as in-house counsel at the Mayo Clinic.
Agnes has 4 children who live in Maryland, North Carolina, Colorado and Alaska. She also has five grandchildren and another one on the way.
After her divorce, she met John Carson who had been a human resources director at 3M in St. Paul, MN. They married and when Agnes retired, they moved to Sarasota. When Agnes was asked how they decided on Sarasota, she said they both did a lot of research. What attracted them to Sarasota was the breadth of cultural life and especially the presence of an opera company and symphony. The fact that Sarasota had reasonable housing and was picked nationally as a best place to retire, was icing on the cake.
The Landings
Their realtor showed them The Landings. They loved the location (being close to downtown) and the beautiful mature landscaping. The Landings felt like a very friendly and active “community.”
Agnes got involved. She took up tennis and for a while was on the 3.0 team. Her first volunteer activity in The Landings was serving on the board of her condo association and later on the LMA board. She recently joined the LRC board. Her book opened lots of doors. In addition to speaking at The Landings Free College, she has made presentations for the Ossining Library in NY, the Venice Jewish Center, Congregation Shirat HaYam in Nantucket,
When asked about what she likes the most about The Landings, she said: “I like the sense of community here. When I walk, I meet a lot of neighbors and friends who are so welcoming. I love the fact that I have a great view of sunrises and sunsets from my condo on Phillippi Creek and enjoy water aerobics, exercise classes and our lending library.” When asked what could be improved in The Landings, she mentioned that she wished The Landings had sidewalks and pickleball courts.
Agnes has also been involved as a volunteer in the greater Sarasota community serving as a guide at the Ringling Museum and as guardian ad litem for the Sarasota Courts, working on behalf of children. She serves on the Land Protection Committee of Big Waters Land Trust (formerly Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast). She is also co-chair of the Jewish Federation’s Generations After Group of children of Holocaust survivors and co-chaired the community 2024 Kristallnacht Program.
Another aspect of Agnes’s unique life and history is her love of dance. She has been taking ballroom dance lessons for several years at the Fred Astaire Studio. She also loves to travel and has been to Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Bali, and most of Europe. She is looking forward to several additional trips she has planned for next year to Egypt and South America.
Be looking for Agnes
When you see Agnes out and about, tell her you read this article and talk with her about what you learned or what else you would like to know about her interesting life.
Born and raised in The Landings, there is nobody better qualified to handle your residential real estate needs. With over $300 million in residential real estate sold in my career, I have both the local and global connections to get your home sold. My clients receive white glove 24/7 concierge service to ensure a
and positive real estate experience. With a proven track record of exceptional results, I can help you achieve top dollar for your home. Call me today for a free consultation.
Evan Danzig
Dear Neighbors, 2024 was quite a year, full of accomplishments and challenges for your Board of Directors and residents alike. There were simply too many issues to list, so I will sum them up by saying that the fact that we exit 2024 in a strong financial position, ready and willing to complete initiatives and take on new ones, is possible only because of the strong resident support demonstrated this year for your volunteer Board of Directors
and many committee volunteers. We thank you for your support. Your Board of Directors wishes our residents a Happy and Healthy New Year as we look forward to a bright future for The Landings.
Jeff Smith for your volunteer Board of Directors, Sue Camins, Eddie Goldstein, Louis Goncalves, Judy Greene, Hans Hawrysz, Jackie Massari, Elida Ramberger and John Schmidt.
On Thursday, February 6 at 6 p.m., at The Sarasota County School Board Administration Conference Center, 1980 Landings Blvd., Sarasota FL 34231, the Annual Meeting of the Association will be held, and the Organizational Meeting of the Board will immediately follow. The agenda for the Annual Meeting is:
1. Call to order
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Proper Meeting Notice
4. Approval of Minutes: Annual Meeting February 1, 2024
5. Certification of Proxies
6. Election of Directors
7. Adjournment.
The purpose is to elect five directors for a two year term of
office. These five seats are not contested; therefore, the five candidates will be elected by acclamation and no election will be necessary. While all owners have the right to attend, only the President or another representative appointed by the Board of an Association may cast the votes of that member of that Association. Immediately following the Annual Meeting, the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors will be held for the purpose of electing officers of the Association and such other business as may lawfully be conducted. The agenda for the Board Meeting is as follows: 1. Certifying quorum – Call to Order
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Proper Meeting Notice
4. Approval of Minutes: February 1, 2024
5. Presidents Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Committees Reports
8. Election of Officers
9. Old Business
10. New Business Scheduling the LMA Reception
11. Adjournment.
Pinnacle Community Association Management for the Landings Management Association Board of Directors Jeff Smith 914-484-5238
P resident Jeff Smith
Vice President Judy Greene
Secretary Elida Ramberger
Treasurer Hans Hawrysz
Director ........................................... Sue Camins
Director Eddie Goldstein
Director Louis Goncalves
Director Jackie Massari
Director John Schmidt
Property Manager......................... Emily Riddle
-Pinnacle Management Company
LMA COMMITTEES & CONTACTS: A ssociation President.............Suzanne BeDell Circle (APC) Liason
Digital Communications ....... Eddie Goldstein
Eagle Newspaper Norman Olshansky
Emergency Task Force Jeff Smith
Environmental Maralyn Kaufman
Finance Hans Hawrysz
Governance John Schmidt
Hazardous Waste.......................Harvey Greller & Community Hauling
Kayaks................................................... Jackie Massari
Lakes and Drainage............................ Jeff Smith
LINCS Taskforce (Info for Communication/ Security- Jeff Smith, Judy Greene, Eddie Goldstein
Landscape........................................Paul Weiner
Maintenance.................................. Judy Greene
Nominating, Special Projects.......Sue Carnins & Compliance
Roads........................................ Elida Ramberger
Safety & Security............................Judy Greene
Social................................................Jackie Massari
Website..................................... Eddie Goldstein
For contact information, see Landings Resident Website: residents.thelandingsofsarasota.com
Welcome back snowbirds, and everybody hold onto your hats – we have an exciting LRC social season heading your way! Here is the 2025 program lineup…
January 23: Happy Hour and Piano Sing Along –come hear your favorite melodies, and maybe sing along with our enthusiastic pianist Tommy Orr! Complimentary event for LRC members. BYOB and appetizer to share.
February 9: Super Bowl Party – come cheer on your favorite Superbowl team and watch the game of the year on your choice of big screen TVs in Lakeside and Poolside rooms. Trash talking allowed!
March 7: Rock and Roll Caribbean Pool Party –come and dance under the stars with Lisa Rott and her rock band. Our largest, most popular event of the season!
March 14: St. Paddy’s Day Party – enjoy delicious corn beef sandwiches and maybe some beer on tap! This favorite event will follow one hour after the popular Triples tennis event in the afternoon.
March 28: Calcutta Tournament Draw Party – The Landings will hold their first weekend Calcutta Tennis tournament, organized by our local Tennis Pro George Ulrich. Come to the draw party on Friday night preceding the tournament to bet on your favorite teams, then watch the fun pplay out over the weekend.
More details to follow!
April 9 or 10: Happy Hour – details to be finalized. May 3: Kentucky Derby Party – wear your fascinator hats and Derby finery to bet on your favorite horse, while enjoying traditional Derby cocktails such as Mint Juleps and Lillies. What’s not to like!
May 26: Memorial Day Barbecue – a long time Landing’s tradition with a tasty barbecue and patriotic songs to honor our Veterans.
Popular LRC games and activities are underway including Mahjong, RummiKub, Canasta, Trivia, the Landoliers, and Free College, along with a new event, a Movie/Book Club on the second Tuesday of the month, chaired by JT Thaler. No excuse to be bored at the Landings!
Thanks for all the hard work by our LRC Social Event Chairs:
Kudos to Ingrid Wiemer for organizing the first ever Landing’s Oktoberfest, complete with bratwurst, German beer and wine! 88 raucous LRC members joined the merriment, donning dirndl dresses and checkered shirts, to toast the fall season with a rowdy “Hoi Hoi Hoi!” that could be heard blocks away!
A big thank you to Jill Eisner and her team for organizing our amazing 2024 LRC Holiday party which was a sellout with over 100 people who danced the night away with DJ Karolina!
Remember when Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Becall uttered that iconic line, ” Play it (again) Sam”? Well, the LRC isn’t going to take you to Casablanca, but we are going to invite you to listen to Sarasota’s own key-thumping aficionado, Tommy Orr. Tommy is a modern-day Sam. Classically trained; he can just as easily play Sam’s “As Time Goes By” as pop/ rock melodies.
Orr effortlessly riffs any tune, be it Sinatra, Adele, or Foo Fighters, you name it. He loves to take re-
quests and have guests sing along. So, plan to join this fun evening to listen to and sing your favorite songs.
Tommy will be playing in the Lakeside Room at the LRC Happy Hour on Thursday, January 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The event is complimentary for LRC members but follows typical Happy Hour norms, which means, bring an appetizer to share and your own beverage. The sign-up sheet will be posted in the clubhouse.
Don’t miss the Thursday Arts Collaborative, a welcoming space for artists and crafters of all skill levels. Every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Lake Side Room is open to participants, to work on their projects and share ideas in an inspiring environment. This is not a formal class but an opportunity
Six weeks of classes
Monday, Jan. 6 – Monday, Feb. 10 1-3 p.m. in the Lakeside room. Please contact, Betty Greenspan 941-780-1528, for more information.
to connect with fellow creatives. Whether you are painting, drawing, sewing, working on mosaics, or exploring digital art, there’s a place for you.
For more information, contact Marie-Louise McHugh at (518) 698-3642.
the advertisers.
To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES
Reviewed July 14, 2024
This a cool little spot in a strip mall on Tamiami Trail. There's ample parking and a couple of tables outside under the store rooftop. Inside is a nice dining room and bar seating facing the kitchen. A small "market" with fresh fish and shellfish is located at the rear of the dining room. Very casual.
We were in for lunch and there was only one server, but service was excellent throughout and she was extremely knowledgeable about the menu and products like the canned non-alcoholic beverages.
We started with Devon's Lump Crab Cake which lacks any filler as advertised. Basically held together with some mayo and served with a grilled lemon and house remoulade. Delicious! We took two home!
I ordered the grilled triple tail (any fresh fish available grilled or blackened) on a melt in your mouth brioche bun with a little tartar sauce. Excellent!
My wife went with grilled snapper tacos and she was very happy.
Of course, we saved room for the famous key lime pie which was undoubtedly the best key lime pie we have ever encountered.
They have a good wine list and beer selection as well as some interesting non-alcoholic choices! If you're looking for fresh fish, GO!
The popular Landings’ Free College will offer another series of weekly speakers in 2025. Presentations will begin on January 9 and end on March 27. Attendance is free to residents of The Landings community.
Weekly presentations will be held in the LRC (Lakeside Room) on Thursdays from 2 – 3 p.m.
The roster of invited speakers was selected by the Free College Speakers Committee (Mona Poyta; Teresa Manteiga; Frank Pipers; and John Bruno – Chair).
Collectively, the presentations target a wide range of topics, including art, science, world affairs, travel, and local culture. The presenters reflect a mix between residents and Sarasotabased professionals.
For your convenience, we list the 2025 schedule by date, title, and speaker.
Jan 9
Creating Art with AI
Elisabeth Trostli (Artist and Teacher)
Jan 16
The Sarasota County Mosquito Management Program
Carly Dufficy (Community Outreach
Jan 23.
Embracing Our Differences
Sarah Wertheimer (President & CEO, Embracing Our Differences)
Jan 30.
The Modern Politics of Ancient Egypt
Jean Thaler (Egyptian Scholar)
Feb 6
NASA Space Plant Biology and Artemis II: Mission to the Moon and NASA’s Promise to Humankind
Dr. Edward Rosenthal (Space Technology Hall of Fame)
Feb 13
Globalization, Industrial Policy, and the Changing World Order
Harry Moser (Founder & President, Reshoring Initiative)
Feb 20
The troubled life of Svetlana Alleluyeva,
The second meeting of the Movie Book Club will take place on Tuesday, January 14 from 7-8 p.m. We will discuss “All the Light We Cannot See.” To participate, ahead of the meeting read or watch this selection, and sign up at the LRC office. We probably will meet at the LRC Poolside Room.
Book: “All the Light We Cannot See” is written by Anthony Doerr (2014). The story, set in WWII France, features a blind heroine. The novel is a Pulitzer Prize winner, a #1 NY Times bestseller, and National Book Award finalist. The book is easily borrowed at the Sarasota Public Libraries.
Netflix: “All the Light We Cannot See” is a mini-series of four one-hour episodes (2019). The series stars Aria Mia Loberti, Louis Hofmann, Lars Eidinger and Hugh Laurie. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month through May, 7 p.m. Future dates will be February 11 (“The Perfect Couple”), March 11, April 8, and May 13. “The Perfect Couple” mystery novel is by Elin Hilderbrand (2018). The miniseries on Netflix (2024) consists of six episodes and stars Nicole Kidman and Liev Schreiber. The story is set in present-day Nantucket. We welcome suggestions and feedback for
Stalin’s daughter
Dr. Irving Kushner (Emeritus Prof Medicine, Case Western Reserve)
Feb 27
Let’s Talk About Space
Robert Rosen (Retired NASA & Aerospace Industry)
Mar 6
The Story of More
Dr. Frank Pipers (former Assoc. Prof Veterinary Med; Tufts Univ)
Mar 13
10 “Rules of the Road” • Principles of investing that can help you achieve your goals and avoid common investing mistakes
Kurstan Fox (Financial Advisor at Edward Jones)
Mar 20
AI: Maybe We Should Remove the ‘I’???
John McFetridge (Director, Technical Marketing Corel)
Mar 27
SEA Change: Celebrating Mote’s 70 Years of Global Marine Science
Andria Piekarz (CDO Mote Aquarium) and Evan Barniskis (Assoc. VP Mote Aquarium)
Special note: Following the Mote Aquarium presentation, the Free College and Mote Aquarium welcome you to join us for a wine & cheese reception from 3-4 p.m.
future titles. Possibly for March: “Here,” a graphic novel by Richard McGuire (2014) and a 2024 movie starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright. The movie is getting attention for using technology to de-age the actors.
Other possibilities include: “A Time to Kill”, “The Boys in the Boat”, “King Lear”, “Unbroken”, “Bad Sisters”, “Fingersmith / The Handmaiden” and “Dracula.” Anyone is welcome to lead a discussion for a title where he or she is knowledgeable or excited. Questions or indications of interest may be addressed to jeanathaler@gmail.com
A one-of-a-kind home in Country Club Shores. Completely renovated from top to bottom, this home offers four BR, four BA, and an office. Outside it only gets better! The seawall, dock, and 13,000lb lift were all installed in 2016. This home’s location and features are hard to beat! Sold at $3,185,000
The Club resumed its regular activities in December, kicking off the month with a wonderful holiday party. The decorations, food, and music were all fantastic. Thank you to Paige and the Social Committee for an excellent experience!
Tennis events were lively with the First Friday Triples and a Round Robin, culminating in a professional exhibition. The kayaking group hosted a party to inform and recruit new members. Additionally, the Arts Collaborative showcased its first art show in December, highlighting the incredible talent of our local artists across various art forms. We also enjoyed Trivia,
Happy New Year! I trust everyone had a safe, happy & healthy holiday season. As a reminder, the Landings Racquet Club Annual Meeting will take place Monday, January 20, at 6:00 PM in the Lakeside Clubhouse. You should have received the annual meeting packet in the mail a few days ago. Please sign and return the proxy to the Club at your earliest convenience. We need a third of the membership present by proxy to establish a quorum so the meeting can take place.
Contact me by phone or email at LRCTennis@hotmail.com if you haven’t received your mailing or
have questions about it.
All members are invited to be present at the annual meeting in person or by proxy. As a reminder, the board doesn’t make day-today operational decisions at this meeting. If you have a concern or an idea, please share that with me or attend the regular monthly board meeting.
The Club hosted the USTA National Father/Son Clay Court Championships at the end of November. The quality of the tennis is truly outstanding year after year. This year was no different. We saw a lot of familiar faces and lots of new ones, also. One notable newcomer in the
Happy New Year!!!
Jen, Sandra and I want to thank you for your generosity over the holiday season and we are looking forward to helping you with your tennis game in the new year. We have seen tremendous improvement in our team players strokes and understanding of competitive play.
Here are some simple tips for the new year. When you practice your game always work on hitting the ball to a particular part of the court. That way it forces you to watch the ball and contact the ball at the correct time.
Always try to hit the sweet spot on the strings. Basically, that is the center of the strings.
When you don’t hit the sweet spot consistently you will eventually feel some pain in your elbow. The sweet spot gives you easy power and the control that you are looking for.
Also, when you hit the sweet spot, you can feel the difference and it sounds great.
Finally, always work on your footwork so that you can give yourself a chance to play with balance, good posture and use your big muscles correctly. Tennis is a full body sport. You are basically dancing with the ball.
Our new lesson rates will start January 1. Private lessons, team practices, cardio clinics or any other clinic have increased by $5 for members. The nonmembers will have to pay a $10 court fee instead of the current $5 for any cardio or other clinics.
If you have any questions, call the pro shop.
Our social round robin and pro exhibition will be on January 24 from 2-4:30 p.m.
Sign up at the pro shop. See you on the courts
Senior division was Bruce & Bruce Man-Son-Hing from California. They defeated the Molinas in the final 6-4, 6-4. In the Super Senior final, Jerry and Brett MorseKarzen defeated the Morgensterns 7-6, 6-3. This was the 8 th gold ball here for Jerry & Brett. In the Ultra division, Jimmy & Chris Parker defeated Michael & Andrew Stewart 7-5, 7-5. The Parkers have also won the tournament here a total of eight times, over the years. Thank you to all the Ambassadors that help make this a special tournament for the players. I would also like to thank the volunteers who work tirelessly the week of the tournament. Last but
RummiKub, the Movie Book Club, and a Koffee Klatsch as part of our diverse activities.
We are currently testing a new app that will allow you to check your match schedules and M/W/F tennis times, as well as pay your bill online. While we hope to eventually use the app for court bookings, that feature is not yet available. A reminder to all Club members: please ensure your dues are paid by January 1. Elections will also take place in January. Thank you for actively participating in all our club activities!
not least, a big thank you goes to Valentina Valentini and Dorothy Citro for the incredible dinner party they catered for the players. It certainly takes a village to make the tournament successful each year.
You should have received an invoice for the LRC annual assessment in early December. The annual fee for the Racquet Club for 2025 is $2,210.00. It is a $160.00 dollar increase ($13.33 per month) over last year’s assessment. Thank you to those that have already given me a check.
If you haven’t submitted your payment, please keep in mind that it is due January 1. Late fees and
interest will be charged February 1 on any unpaid assessments. I would like to see everyone avoid that if possible.
The Landings Free College is scheduled to start their weekly lecture series on Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. beginning January 9 and running through April 24. The weekly topics will be advertised in the email that I normally send out every Friday along with other events at the Club. If you would like to be added to my email list, please contact me in the Pro Shop or via email at LRCTennis@hotmail.com.
In conjunction with the Landings Racquet Club, the following activities will be upcoming in January & February; mark your calendar and be sure to sign up at LRC:
January 18
CPR/AED Training at LRC Lakeside. See article in December Eagle. LMA is underwriting the cost and there is a strict limit established by the trainer. Sign-up sheet will be available Jan. 2. Limit to one person per family. Another session may be offered if there is a demand.
January 26
subscribed so if you sign-up, please notify LRC if not planning to attend as last time people were turned away but could have been accommodated.
February 15
Dog Parade- a fun activity for the whole family. This year the dogs will be accompanied by a vendor providing hot dogs- for the humans!
February 16
Current counts indicate that there are approximately 100 children residing in The Landings, mostly in the HOAs where there are single homes. Prompted by Jessica Albert, a new resident with three children, the LMA Social Committee has decided to explore options to determine if a need exists to develop more activities in The Landings for the younger set.
To that end, there will be an exploratory meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the LRC Multipurpose Room. This meeting is open to all parents of school age children.
All ideas and volunteers are welcome. If it is determined that there is sufficient interest for a committee to move forward, then we will need your support to begin the planning and the implementation. It is our belief that parents have the clearest picture of activities that their children would enjoy and attend (we do acknowledge that not all children may concur with that assumption!), so this will be a committee that will follow that lead.
Musical Cocktails- Trill Seekers- 3 p.m.
Sign-up sheet available 1/2/25. Our November Musical cocktails was very well
Celebrating the Valentine season by the presentation of a play called Love Letters. Initiated by Linda MacCluggage, LMA and LRC member, she will provide more details in the February Eagle. This will be accompanied by a reception and a discussion.
The agenda is open-ended with the intent to explore ideas and suggestions and to determine if there is enough interest to move forward.
If you are unable to attend, email your ideas/suggestions and eagerness to participate to Social Chair, Jackie Massari, at jackiemassari@yahoo.com. Join us for an hour on January 7!
After a year full of ups and downs, Sarasota and Siesta Key are ready to embrace the new year! At Abel’s Ice Cream, their team is excited about the fresh changes and new experiences coming your way in 2024. They’re bringing in freshly ground coffee—perfect on its own or perfectly paired with ice cream. Plus they’ve added other delicious treats and unique souvenirs to help you remember your trip, or find that perfect gift for the person keeping an eye on your home while you’re away. And as always, our friendly team is here to serve you with a warm smile and a scoop of happiness! And speaking of flavors, Abel’s is Peppermint Flash (A festive swirl of creamy peppermint ice cream with crunchy peppermint candy to add that perfect holiday touch.) and Stellar Coffee (A rich and decadent coffee ice cream with delicious fudge, mini dark chocolate coffee cups, making it the ultimate pick-me-up.) Come by and treat yourself to a cup or cone today! We can’t wait to scoop up some joy for you.
Abel's Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon-9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at www.abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.
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Our initial Musical Cocktails was quite the success with Jim Martin and his jazz ensemble performing in November. Jim, and his fellow musicians, provided an entertaining hour of popular jazz tunes.
Over 100 Landings’ residents attended the performance and the wine and cheese reception which followed. This provided an opportunity for attendees to chat with new acquaintances while reconnecting with old friends.
The second Musical Cocktails event is planned for January 26, at 3 p.m. in the LRC Lakeside Room. In January, we will be entertained by the Florida Trill Seekers. This flute quartet performs music from J.S. Bach to the band Chicago, using all the instruments in the flute family. Flutists: Karen Ciccone, (a resident of The Landings), Virginia Katz, Chris Sims, and Suzanne Wieland look forward to taking you on a musical journey through time. There will be a reception following the performance.
Again, please plan to join the event by signing up in the LRC office. We look forward to seeing you there at 3 p.m.
The Kayak season begins anew on Jan. 1 for all those who have been assigned to rent berths for the upcoming year. If you did not renew your kayak berth, then please remove your kayak from its assigned berth by Dec. 31. If you have been assigned a new berth, then you may remove a kayak that is in your newly assigned berth and place it on the ground. All those no longer renting a berth have been apprised of this rule.
Pinnacle is sending both bills and contracts; I have already received mine- so please be sure to send the completed contract form when you submit your payment. All current kayakers have been sent a list of their berth assignments by the Kayak Committee Chair. This information will also be posted on TeamReach and on the LMA Bulletin Board outside the LRC.
The Kayak Committee hosted a party on December 7 for all kayakers/ interested kayakers. The gathering allowed the Kayak Committee to thank and recognize the following volunteers who have done a yeoman’s job of saving our kayaks during the brutal storm/hurricane season: Roger Blanken, Wayne Trotter, Jon Demos and Dan Callendar. These folks have been there when we needed them as well as when they saw a self- initiated need! Additionally, recognition was given to Tina Greenberg who is instrumental in keeping track of the berth assignments and waitlist details. Wayne Trotter has volunteered to organize a “slow kayakers” group and John McFetridge will once again lead adventures out onto the bay. It takes a village, and these folks are the epitome of that!
The South Post was struck and damaged by an unknown individual. There was no video available. This incident continued the unreliability of the mechanical operation of the South Gate. As a result, LMA has reduced the hours of operation from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., placed the barrier arms in an upright position, and added a security rover to provide security during this time. The South Gate now has new technical equipment (cameras and readers) in place, and we are awaiting the installation of new barrier arms and swinging gates.
At 7:20 p.m., three individuals on motorized bikes sped through the entrance followed by a Sheriff ’s vehicle with emergency lights flashing in pursuit. Residents at the corner of Heron Way and Landings Blvd witnessed this but were unable to identify the individuals because it was
dark out. At some point, the bikers reversed course after driving up on a grassy area and the pursuit continued in the opposite direction. At 7:40 p.m., the Sheriff advised our Security Captain that he had been following three youths who had been driving in a reckless manner through the Landings Shopping Center, further, that he had broken off pursuit fearing someone would be injured because one of the individuals had fallen off the bike before promptly getting back on and disappearing.
There was no video of the incident so identifi cation of the individuals could not take place.
Two noise complaints were made concerning landscaper/contractor activity on Peregrine Point Way after 5 p.m. Security investigated both incidents and saw signs of work being done but no workers were present at that time. On 11/28, there were no
signs of work being done.
An unknown contractor dumped construction debris (broken up boards) on Pintail Way.
Identification by residents could not be made. (LMA Security Committee Comment) In all these incidents there were no video feeds available. That is changing. All gates will have high resolution video feeds, including night vision, available in real time and reviewable. License Plate Readers will be at all exit gates as well as the main gate entrance. Going forward, in each of these incidents we would capture the video feed, the license plate (not for the bikers), time of entrance and time of exit.
The artists residing at The Landings hosted their annual Art Show on Friday, December 6. The event offered something for everyone to appreciate by offering a diverse array of media including photography, beadwork, painting, sculpture, jewelry, watercolors, and glass mosaics.
Rudiger Blohm displayed new photographs capturing fall scenes in New Hampshire.
Nancy Friedberg exhibited painted shells enhanced with beadwork and whimsical small birdhouses. Sandow Miller presented paintings characterized by bold, dynamic strokes.
Nancy Solar contributed several glass mosaic pieces with intricate patterns. Allison
Small offered a selection of jewelry, small beaded mixedmedia paintings, and decoupage magnets. Dianne Verrinder shared a series of colorful acrylic paintings. Fern Vaughn displayed watercolors incorporating subtle commentary on the art world.
Marti Grinberg, a newcomer to The Landings, presented a collection of colorful and upbeat acrylic paintings.
Roberta Zimmerman exhibited landscape paintings inspired by European destinations, and Karen Gundersheimer brought very small sculptures made from found objects.
Betty Greenspan shared her work in sculptural wood or
stone, incorporating natural elements like silk flowers. MarieLouise McHugh showcased her signature pear paintings alongside new pieces featuring gold leaf.
The event provided an opportunity for the community to support local artists and celebrate their creative endeavors. If you missed the show and are interested in these artists work, please feel free to contact them directly. They are listed in The Landings Directory.
Join fellow residents and guests on a casual bike ride followed by lunch on Saturday, January 18. This is a touring ride at a comfortable pace, suitable for average riders.
We will meet at the Racquet Club at 9:30 a.m. and ride from The Landings along the bay through beautiful neighborhoods with luxury homes, ending up downtown. For those who want to extend the ride, we will go over the Ringling Bridge and back to the First Watch restaurant on Main Street. If you do not want to ride over the bridge, you can go directly to the restaurant.
Please let Norman Olshansky
know if you will be participating and how many will be in your group. Sign up at the LRC, or contact Norm at nfpconsultingresources@gmail. com 941-685-1690 for additional information.
New owner(s) in The Landings since the last issue:
Megan & Jim Medenis at 1562 Landings Terrace.
other Landings information when available. If you want current information, use the website’s online directory!
For current owner information, use the online resident directory on The Landings website: (www. thelandingsofsarasota.com/login) as their source for current directory listings and Landings information. Directory information is updated on the site no less often than weekly and changes are made to
I encourage every resident to check their online directory listing for accuracy. Additions, changes, or corrections to the online directory may be requested by filling out the change form on the online Residents Directory page or by e-mail to: landings.directory@gmail.com.
By: DeeRicapito
My New Years resolution was to read more. So, I put the subtitles on my TV. My neighbor just yelled at her kids so loud that I even brushed my teeth and went to bed.
I heard Donald Trump wants to make New Year’s Eve Great Again. Dear God, my prayer for 2025 is a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don’t mix it up like you did this year.
I was going to quit drinking for the New Year, but then I remembered no one likes a quitter.
At the drugstore, she says, “It’s the fi rst day of 2025 and my husband is complaining of cramps, headaches chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Do you sell earplugs?”
So, here’s to resolutions that were as fleeting as leftover cookies! It’s not about keeping them; it’s about making them sound good on Instagram. Cheers to another year.
Thanks, Dee
Sarasota CHURCH of the PALMS 10:30 am
Sarasota 1st METHODIST CHURCH 10:30 am
Aznavoorian Duo Cello and Piano Duo
13 Celil Refik Kaya Guitar
Lakewood Ranch CORNERSTONE CHURCH 11:00 am
Sarasota 1st METHODIST CHURCH 10:30 am
Lakewood Ranch CORNERSTONE CHURCH 5:00 pm
Venice COMMUNITY CENTER 10:00 am
20 Aquila Sol/Jacob Kerzner Broadway Singer and Pianist
27 Ravon “Steely” Rhoden Steel Drums
Changing American Attitudes on Foreign Policy: A Challenge to Policymakers Jeremy Shapiro
During the last decade American attitudes about foreign policy and security have changed significantly. Jeremy Shapiro, research director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, analyses this challenge for policymakers and this new isolationism.
The President’s Inbox Charles Lane
What are the major foreign policy issues facing President Elect Trump, and how did President Biden handle his? Charles Lane, Deputy opinion editor and columnist for the Washington Post, provides an intriguing answer when he looks at what’s in the Presidents’ Inbox.
Climate Change and Health: The Cost of Inaction Bob Bunting
Sunshine is good, except when too much isn’t. Sunshine creates heat and that increasingly impacts human health. What can Floridians expect in the future? Bob Bunting, Chairman of the Climate Adaptation Center and its team of climate scientists looks at why the future may not be so bright.
Space as a Warfighting Domain Wendy Whitman Cobb
Space is the final frontier where future wars could be fought. Wendy Whitman Cobb, a Professor of Strategy and Security at the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, looks at how Russia and China, among others, and commercial companies like SpaceX have become pieces of this future puzzle.
Ukraine: Standing Firm with Our Allies to Support Democracy Amb. Eric Rubin
The future of the U.S. relationship with Ukraine could change when President Elect Donald Trump takes office. Ambassador Eric Rubin, drawing on nearly 40 years of experience in the region, offers his analysis on the possible outcomes of the nearly three year long war.
Iran: New President, New Policies? Mohsen Milani
Iran has a new president which begs the question: how might this change Iran’s relationship with the United States. Mohsen Milani the Executive Director of the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies at the Univ. of South Florida provides his insights.
Does the West Have a Future? Charles Kupchan
Political polarization poses an internal threat in the United States. Charles Kupchan, Professor of International Affairs in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, says America and its allies need to get their houses in order while managing the threat from China and Russia.
Major Challenges for Europe Martin Walker
Europe is facing its most difficult challenges since WW II; Ukraine and Russia are in the third year of their war; The main European economies are stalled with the future of the Atlantic alliance unclear. The respected Journalist Martin Walker provides an analysis based on his research.
J: Where did you go to school and what was your life like growing up?
T: I grew up on Boston’s South Shore. I attended regular classes with the assistance of an aide. I had a lot of friends during school hours. However, I wasn’t included in my fellow students’ weekend activities. I only had one friend, who was autistic, that I sometimes socialized with outside of school. So, I felt quite isolated and lonely. Thank goodness for my friend Chase. Once I graduated from high school I lost my social network.
J: How does one join?
T: Anyone can join. It’s free and all our activities are free. We raise money through our nonprofit to pay for meals and entrance to all events. To join, one can register at allfriendsnetwork.com. or through our TeamReach app.
J: Tell me about your programs.
J: How much time do you spend running the organization?
T: My dad, Roxanne and I spend a lot of time. But we love it. I spend an hour each day creating new content for our website. Then, of course we’re involved in creating and scheduling events and running online games. We communicate with our members through AFN Live-link on TeamReach.
J: You also work, don’t you?
J: I’m sorry to hear that. When did you move to Sarasota and The Landings?
T: My father and I moved to Sarasota in 2018.
J: How was that for you?
T: Well, I became very lonely because I didn’t know anyone and didn’t have any way of making friends. And then Covid made it even lonelier for me. That’s when I talked to my father and came up with the idea of starting a nonprofit friendship organization for people with disabilities.
J: What a wonderful idea! How did you make it happen?
T: My father, his close friend Paul and I spent a weekend brainstorming about how we could bring together young people with disabilities for the purpose of building friendships by engaging in fun activities. We decided to call our membership organization All Friends Network and to have both online and in-person components.
J: How did you get the word out?
T: It was slow at first. It took about three or four months. But a few network news outlets did stories about us and that helped us really take off.
J: How many members do you have?
T: In the Sarasota-Manatee area we have between 40 – 50 members who regularly attend our in-person events. We have about 300 – 400 online members from around the country. The age range is 18 and up. Most of our members are between 18 and 40.
T: Online we organize team games on Zoom two nights a week for both verbal and non-verbal members. And we hold a variety of in-person events in this area once or twice a month. They include sharing meals, going to sporting events, movies, a boat excursion and many more activities. We also have an annual golf tournament that I participate in. We’re hoping to introduce an annual pickle ball event, too.
J: How has creating and running this organization been for you?
T: Wonderful! I thought that I was the only person with a disability who had difficulty making friends and who suffered from loneliness. I now know that most people with disabilities feel very isolated. People assume that they aren’t intelligent or interesting and don’t include them.
J: Have you made some good friends through All Friends?
T: Oh yes. I talk to my best friend Korey every day. He has CP and lives in West Palm Beach. We’re very close. He started a nonprofit called Korey’s Krew that arranges for people with disabilities in his area to attend concerts together. I have other wonderful friends I have met through our organization as well.
J: How has the experience been for your members?
T: They are very happy to be part of our organization. Some of their parents have told us that their sons and daughters have come out of their shells and are more social, more communicative and seem happier since they joined us. At our gatherings they feel included and not judged like they often feel by people on the outside who don’t know how to relate to us.
T: Yes, I do medical billing for my father’s organization 20 to 30 hours a week.
J: You also play pickleball and golf?
T: Yes, Landings residents can see me out on the pickleball court playing doubles with Landings friends.
J: What do you hope for your future?
T: I want to keep growing AFN and eventually raise the finances to run it full-time. It is my calling! I also hope to one day live independently, to get married and have children.
J: Trevor, given what I have learned about you I am certain that you will achieve every goal that you set for yourself. You are an amazing, inspiring young man! To learn more about All Friends Network go to allfriendsnetwork. org. They welcome donations as well as volunteers to help with their live events.
Grouper Sandwich … $21 Salmon BLT … $20
Mahi Sandwich … $20 Chicken Sandwich … $14
Cheeseburger … $14 Vegan Burger … $13
*Prices subject to change* Outdoor Water
Baby Back Ribs … $25
Orange Pecan Chicken … $17
Filet Mignon … $25
Filet Mignon & Stuffed Shrimp … $35
Filet Mignon & Maine Lobster Tail … $50
Stuffed Shrimp & Maine Lobster Tail $42
Twin Maine Lobster Tails … $55
Coconut Shrimp … $23
Large Gulf Shrimp … $21
Fish & Chips … $20
Fried Combo … $29
Shrimp & Crab Scampi … $25
Salmon Pasta … $22
Chicken & Shrimp Curry … $22
Sweet ‘n Spicy Chicken & Shrimp $22
Jambalaya … $23
Pasta Primavera … $16
Turtle Pie … $10
Key Lime Pie … $10
Sample Platter … $13
Ice Cream Bar … $7
Do you play any instruments? I play percussion in the school band.
Do you have brothers and sisters? One brother Eli, 8
How long have you been in The Landings? Since the end of May
What do you like most about The Landings? I like to walk or bike on the nature trail and see crabs and birds. I like that you can fish from the dock, too.
Ice cream: Mint chocolate chip
School subject: Math
Book/s: Holes
Video game: Brawl Stars
Sport: Swimming
Sport Team: USA Swimming and Summer
Color: Purple
Movie: Avengers
Food: Olive Garden’s bread sticks
Least favorite food: Mashed potatoes
One word to describe you would be: Rebel What do you do in your spare time? I lift weights. What do you want to be when you grow up? A professional swimmer
Do you take any lessons? I have been with Sarasota Sharks for 6 years.
Is homework necessary for success? No, I’d rather have 30 minutes more of school than homework. If you could do something like your Dad/Mom do, what would you want to be able to do? I’d like to have both of their personalities.
If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have? I’d like the power that Marvel’s Venom Symbiote has. He latches on to a person and gives them super speed or super strength. Also, I’d like to turn into any material that I touch.
What do kids your age think about most? Brawl Stars (video game)
What is your biggest dream? To make it to the Olympics
Who is the most inspiring person you know? Mom
Favorite place to visit? Cape Town, South Africa
One thing you have always wanted to do but haven’t yet? Make it to the Olympics
One great thing about your family? They put a roof over our heads, feed us, and are the best parents and brother, ever. I have a pretty OK brother!
Favorite thing to do on the weekend? Swim practice
If you could be president for a day, what would you do? I’d buy a mansion for the family to share and a Lamborghini.
If you could, what two animals would you combine? A cow and a pig – pow!
What’s the best thing about being a kid? That we don’t have many responsibilities
What is something that you don’t understand about grownups? Why they drink so much coffee!
What is the greatest thing ever invented?
Electricity for lights in the house and for a safe way to cook
What’s something you’d like to learn how to do? Rollerblade
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
Paint ball is so scary. I saw someone get hit in the ear and started crying.
What was a favorite vacation? Costa Rica. One time a monkey dropped a piece of fruit on my head. It was a very memorable experience. Also, in 2022, in Ireland, we did an 8-mile hike.
• 10,000 feet of showrooms
• 25,000 gallons of freshwater, salt water and coral.
OF THE MONTH Ball Python Python regius Serving the Florida Gulf Coast Since 1975 Welcome to Seascape Aquarium & Pet Center. We have:
$40 for regular ball pythons. Special pricing on assorted "morphs" (patterns and colors)
Ball pythons are by far the most popular pet snakes for good reason. With a generally placid disposition, they are the perfect snake for beginner and expert handlers alike. Also known as Royal Pythons, they are typically so easy going that ancient Egyptian aristocrats used to “wear” them around their wrists and necks as a sign of high status. The more common name, Ball Python, comes from their tendency to curl up like a ball with their head in the middle when threatened. Youngsters typically start out on a diet of live or “frozen thawed” fuzzy mice and work their way up to larger rats as adults. Captive care is relatively simple as they don't need much more than a snug hiding place, a source of heat, clean water, and a weekly meal to thrive.
Typical appearance and behavior:
• Ball Pythons are bred with a near endless variety of color morphs. Depending on the animals’ genetics, they are available in thousands of unique colorations and patterns.
• Ball Pythons are typically nocturnal, so they are much more likely to be out and about at night when then lights are o .
• Like most other non-venomous snakes, Ball Pythons are constrictors, meaning they quickly grab and coil their bodies around their prey before swallowing the prey whole.
• Adults are typically as easy going as it gets; a Ball Python is happy to snuggle up around your neck or arm for as long as their handler pleases.
Located in Gulf Gate 2162 Gulf Gate Drive
Store hours: Monday-Friday 10 AM - 6 PM Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM Sunday 12 - 4 PM 941-922-0914
ByThe FishWhisperer
Thisone’sformartinifans. ThisDirtyMartiniPastawith BlueCheeseunitestwoMediterraneanstaples—olives andpasta—it’ssalty,tangyflavorswithcreamypasta.
2 TBSP. extra virgin olive oil
3 TBSP. unsalted butter
1 Cup pitted Castelvetrano olives, jarred, plus 1/3 cup olive brine
2/3 cup heavy cream
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound spaghetti, cooked al dente
1 lemon zested
1/3 cup vodka
2/3 cup parmigiana cheese, plus more for serving
1/3 cup parsley, fresh and chopped
1/4 crumbled blue cheese
Sauté garlic in olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
Add olives, lemon zest and vodka and cook
Stir frequently, until fragrant, 3 to 4 minutes, until reduced by about half
Add the pasta, Parmesan, cream and olive brin
Cook tossing constantly until pasta is coated and sauce is emulsified, about 2 minutes.
Stir in until butter is melted, season with salt
Top with more parmigiana, parsley and blue cheese crumbles before serving.
Note: Gin can be used in place of vodka for a slight juniper flavor in the sauce.
Now is the best time to sell your home in The Landings. Call Judy and Tara today.
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