The Islander Magazine - March 2019

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islander MAGAZINE Yacht & Captain Abby Emery Stuart Pearce Profile Viper 6.40 Comes to Palma Superyacht Security Dusseldorf Boat Show Review Caribbean Recovery After Hurricanes Irma & Maria

Shenandoah © Stuart Pearce




Dear Islander, Writing this in brilliant early Spring sunshine, is a reminder of how lucky we are to live on this wonderful island, able to sit outside for lunch, whilst Northern Europe is shivering in freezing temperatures. Talking of which, our trip to Dusseldorf Boat Show (Boot) was a tad chilly, with heavy snow falling on the second day, making moving between halls a bit of a challenge. We have a full overview of the show later in this issue. We also have an article on the new boats in town, the Viper 6.40 fleet, taking Palma by storm. This boat is going to attract a lot of interest over this season, with yours truly having a go too! Also featured, is a profile on our very own Stuart Pearce, renowned international photographer and friend of The Islander. We are very lucky to have many of his shots adorn our front covers, for which we are very grateful. He is a super guy and great photographer. He is also the photographer of Vijonara, the beautiful Hoek design, which we also feature in this edition as she has recently won a design award! Also featured this month is an article on the recovery still taking place in the Caribbean and BVI’s after the visit of Irma in September 2017. I guess we tend to forget the devastation caused by the two hurricanes, Irma and Maria, but for many of the islands the entire infrastructure was decimated. Antigua was the exception, missing both storms, which has meant they have had two busy seasons. Back home, the refit season is going at full tilt, with most local contractors super busy until May/June and work already booked in for the winter. Happy Days!! Let’s hope the charter season kicks off well, with their springboard being the MYBA show in Barcelona in May, immediately after the Palma Superyacht Show. We have now been allocated our stand for this years Superyacht Show, right at the end of the floating bridge, so we look forward to seeing you all there. The evening prior to the show, Friday 25th April, we have been asked to help organise a charity dinner evening on behalf of The International Superyacht Society. We will have confirmation of the venue and costings very soon, so please keep your eye on our website and social media for sponsorship opportunities, raffle prizes etc We hope to raise a huge amount for deserving charities. Fair Winds

Islander Magazine S.L. - B57952517 Calle San Magin 22, Entre Suelo, Santa Catalina 07012 Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, España Deposito legal: PM 146-1997 Editor: Simon Relph (+34) 607 911 898 Sales: Damian Raxach (+34) 615 992 203 Accounts: Helen Relph Whilst the publishers have taken every care to ensure that the contents are correct they cannot take any responsibility for any losses incurred by readers as a result of any editorial or advertisement. The opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers who therefore cannot take any responsibility for any opinion expressed. All rights are reserved and no part can be reproduced or stored without written permission. La revista The Islander no se hace responsable necesariamente de todas las opiniones vertidas por sus colaboradores.




Heineken Regatta – S/Y Clare 2014

YACHT & CAPTAIN – ABBY EMERY Abby is from what society loves to call a ‘blended family’. Born in 1991, in Redditch just south of Birmingham, her parents split when she was an 18-month-old toddler and stepdad entered the frame by the age of three. He brought with him a twin brother and sister, and two older sisters – including another Abbey – and life was good. “We hung out, played out in the woods, made dens, had mud fights and were very happy,” says Abby. “Sadly, mom and stepdad also parted company when I was just 11. As something to do together as a hobby, he took us all on a dinghy sailing course at a local lake.

It started on my birthday and the weather was really grim. I spent a lot of time capsizing and feeling pretty miserable. We sailed every weekend for six or eight weeks and it appeared I had natural talent, so my stepdad bought a little dinghy to keep on the lake.” “In time, we added a Topper to our fleet, which I raced every Tuesday and Sunday until I was 16. That was it, GCSEs in hand, I knew I wanted to sail for a living – but my mom had different ideas. She insisted I complete my A Levels so I had a backup plan - which I now know was the right thing to do. Reluctantly, I rattled through two years more education and then worked my

Abby and her big sister – Weymouth 2005 – her first time sailing on the sea!

butt off pulling pints to fund my Yachtmaster.” “I knew my passion was for sailing, to be on deck, but, despite my Yachtmaster, every potential employer wanted to send me below deck. I had encountered my first bout of nautical sexism. So, in an attempt to stand out from the crowd, I shelled out for some mile builders and passed my Yachtmaster Ocean. I now had all the tickets but none of the experience – that became my next priority.” In October 2010, Abby took a flight to Palma believing it to be the right place and right time to find a sailing boat preparing for an Atlantic

Abby and her dad – The reason she sails – flotilla holiday – Greece 2008




Attempting to get a serious charter profile photo on S/Y Clare 2013

crossing. A spot of dockwalking led her to 31 metre sloop Ocean’s Seven² shortly departing Antibes for the Caribbean. It was unpaid, but Abby knew she needed the experience, that first job on the CV. “It turned out to be the most disliked Atlantic crossing of my career. I desperately wanted to leave but my new-found friend persuaded me to stay. It was character building, an eye opener, and a realisation that the superyacht industry did not come sugar-coated.” “Upon arrival in Antigua, I was immediately unemployed so rented a small cottage with aforementioned new-found friend and one other of the crew. It was an epic month. I got so suntanned and had the best Christmas of my life – that rum punch is marvellous. Then, in

Abby and her little sister – Weymouth 2008

January, I joined 38 metre motoryacht Andrea as a deck-stew.” “I was overqualified, but it was a means to an end. I needed both income and experience and, as a seasonal Caribbean-only position, it had an end date. I hated being without sails and was happy to be headed to Palma to take up a deck-stew role on 37 metre Beaugeste for the summer. Another seasonal role, we sailed through Sardinia, Corfu, Malta, and more, before the yacht hibernated in Palma for the winter. I also went into hibernation recuperating from a vile gastro bug I’d picked up somewhere in Greece.” “2012 heralded my 21st birthday, so I put off my next role until I’d recovered from a lively shindig, then joined 44 metre schooner

Hiding in the stay sail – Somewhere in the Caribbean on Swan 90 “Alix” 2016

Abby and her siblings - her best friends, and absolute rocks




Prep for Kite Drop - Heineken Regatta – S/Y Clare 2014

Lethantia as mate. Lethantia was in refit in a shipyard in Italy, so there were only two of us on board – myself and the captain. All very well, but the owner would turn up willynilly and expect a full lavish meal on the table. Rather odd. In any case, this job came to a very abrupt end on 22 June when said owner let go of a rope supporting a 230kg hydraulic piston. Regrettably, my hand was between that piston and a winch. That night I had an emergency operation in an Italian hospital, followed by two in Germany, and eight more in the UK. I was off work for a year.”

Winning the Women’s Division of Harken Grinder Challenge at Americas Cup World Series Event in Portsmouth. Presented by Annie Lush - 2016

“Naturally, I engaged the services of a lawyer to fight my corner, but the owner knew every loophole and had too much money to throw at the case. Not usually the sort to get down or stressed, I found myself in a tough place mentally, so chucked the towel in on the fight. In May 2013 I was ready to go back to work – albeit with a bit of shoulder pain and a slightly bent hand.”

Same 2017 delivery – SO MANY LAYERS! Very rolly and wet Bay of Biscay crossing

“With employers sceptical of my capabilities with a dodgy hand, I struggled to get work on a sail yacht. Having sworn blind I wouldn’t go back to a motoryacht, I joined Princess 85 Brodsky in Corfu as deck-mate. The Russian owner was on board for the summer and didn’t appear to be my biggest fan, although the captain and I got on very well. The gig ended in September, so I jumped off in Marbella and flew back to Palma.” “I found day work babysitting a Swan 112 and promptly missed a step in the cockpit and earned myself two huge black eyes. The next day, I had an interview on Oyster 885 Clare. I advised the captain that it really would be best if I kept my sunglasses on throughout. He congratulated me, said not many people would be brave enough to turn up to an interview in that state, and I was hired.” “Clare’s captain was very hands on, keen to coach and mentor me, and it rapidly became

Exhausted after a long stint on the wheel – Fastnet 2015




Taking hiking out very seriously – Heineken Regatta – S/Y Clare 2014

my favourite job. We crossed to Antigua, did a couple of trips round the Caribbean, took part in the St Maarten Heineken Regatta and then the annual Oyster Private View at St Katharine Docks. It was foggy, cold and miserable, but to sail up the Thames was an awesome experience. The captain left in May and I took over as skipper for the rest of Clare’s warranty period – my first real skipper gig at the age of 23 – and then I too left in July.” “Next up was a mate role on brand new 37.5 metre sailing yacht Escapade based in Southeast Asia. This was my first experience of live aboard owners and it turned out that those who live aboard like to get more involved in the management of the boat’s day-to-day running. You couldn’t write a shopping list without it being scrutinised. Having sailed round the stunning landscapes of Indonesia, Bali and Malaysia, four out of the six crew resigned on the same day and stepped off in Langkawi – myself included.”

Driving M/Y Brodsky – Greece 2013

“I then tried something completely different, 55 metre luxury sailing yacht Adele – a big boat with a big crew. I thought it would be exactly what I wanted, fun, sociable and an entirely new experience, but it was all hydraulic captive winches, joysticks and buttons - not ‘real’ sailing. The internal politics were also terrible - something I had not experienced before. So I did the Atlantic crossing, a few months in the Caribbean and left St Thomas for the UK the day before my 24th birthday.” “By now, I was sick to the back teeth of the yachting industry. Despite my impressive CV, I was still overlooked in favour of male candidates with fewer qualifications. I was often patronised and taught how to suck eggs. But, no sooner had I decided to jack it all in than I was on a plane back to the British Virgin Islands to crew a 70 footer back to Ireland – proper sailing.” “We encountered the worst weather I’ve seen

on an Atlantic crossing. Despite going 500 miles out of our way to avoid it, we still faced 45 to 55 knot winds and ten metre waves over a 48 hour period. It proved to be a really really long journey - but surprisingly enjoyable.” “Contract over, I found myself back home and unsure which way to turn. So, I took on a freelance race crew role with Performance Yacht Charter and did the Round the Island Race, Cowes Week, The Fastnet Race and the Oyster Regatta Palma – plus various corporate events. Most of it was on 40 to 50 foot boats and it took me back to my sailing roots and reminded me why I do what I do. I felt grounded, my heart came alive and essentially I found myself again. It was one of my most memorable summers.” Abby then did a Caribbean delivery trip on an Oyster 72 and spent two days in Antigua, only to be flown back to join Swan 90 Alix in the Canaries for its trip across the Atlantic to

FINALLY leaving Barcelona after completing build on S/Y Seahorse – May 2017




Atlantic Crossing – West to East – S/Y Clare 2014

St Maarten. She stayed on as mate for a busy private and charter winter season but left in May 2016 when the boat went on the market. There followed a period of freelance racing and deliveries, ending with a bona fide skipper role on a 55 footer travelling between Plymouth and Palma, and then a re-encounter with the Russian owner of three years previously. “He’d always hinted at replacing his Princess 85 with a sailing yacht and turns out he did, with a smart Oyster 745. I was quite surprised to receive an invite to race the 2016 Oyster Regatta Palma on board with him. I’d always stayed in touch with the captain, and we are still good friends today, but for the owner to invite me on board came as a shock. We’ve since become friends and I am very much looking forward to racing with him for the fourth time at this year’s Oyster Regatta Palma.”

Off the back of the Palma regatta, Abby was scooped up by an Oyster 885 as a mate/relief skipper. The boat was supposed to be doing the Oyster World Rally, starting January 2017 in Antigua, with the owners living aboard for its entirety. They recruited an entirely fresh crew on the same day with instructions to prepare for the Atlantic crossing in two weeks – no mean feat. “It was an unusual crossing. The owners joined us, along with a handful of mates, none of whom were accomplished sailors. They expected full table-served meals throughout and the owner was reminiscent of my Southeast Asian employers and also prone to a grumble or two. Somehow a fishing rod got snapped and it felt like he didn’t speak to anyone for a week. I invited them to find a replacement and stepped off the boat the day the world rally started.”

Top of the rig on Swan 90 “Alix” – Somewhere in the Caribbean 2016

As that door closed, the peachiest door in Abby’s career opened. “I was invited to join brand new 58 foot Hanse Seahorse as captain. She was in build in Germany and it was a steep and stimulating learning curve. I advised on-site in the shipyard, popped her on a truck down to Barcelona and then put her through a sixweek commissioning process. I got on with the British owners – husband, wife, three young children – like a house on fire and we had a busy summer sailing from Malta to Sicily, Sardinia, Menorca, Mallorca and back to Barcelona for winter. In summer 2018, I returned for more of the same but, by September, he announced the boat was for sale.” “It was his first boat and, as is often the case with first-time boat owners, his expectations were somewhat skewed from the reality.

Catching tuna in the Med – Summer 2017 S/Y Seahorse




Concentrating whilst driving the guests to a dive and snorkel of RMS Rhone – BVI’s - 2013

He’d envisaged spontaneity, announcing ‘I am free this weekend, let’s go sailing’, but it doesn’t work like that. Boats need washing, provisioning and crewing - plus the weather also has a big part to play. It was put on the market, sold and handed over to a new owner in less than a week, with many compliments about how she was in better condition than when she was handed over from the shipyard.” “There was a part of me that was relieved. My learning curve had reached its peak and, with such a small boat, I often worked alone and felt a little isolated. I stayed on in Palma to do the Oyster Regatta and, the morning after the prize-giving, flew back to the UK with a sore head to attend a wedding. I then went back to Palma for some R&R, before returning to the UK in December.” Although she’s certain to cross the Atlantic for

a delivery or two in the coming months, Abby is now looking for her next role. “Ideally, my next step would be to captain on a 70 to 80 foot sailing yacht – something that’s large enough to require more than just me as crew, but small enough to really sail without the help of a joystick and endless buttons. For sure I would love to stay in the industry for the next five years or more. I set myself goals when I started out in yachting, goals I wanted to achieve before I left the industry. Those were to complete ten Atlantic crossings, and so far I have only done eight; to sail 100,000 nautical miles, I smashed that long ago; and to captain a 90ft sailing yacht which, in my opinion, is about as big a boat you can go whilst still being able to achieve the feeling of real sailing.”

on account of the radical, angry, manhating connotations surrounding the word, I do believe that men and women should be treated with equality. Female captains are few and far between and those I chat to have all been on a similar ride to me in terms of discrimination. I would like to see an industry where female engineers and male interior crew are the norm rather the exception. It often feels as though the yachting industry is able to get away with prejudice that would not be tolerated in any other.” ______________________________________ By Sarah Forge

“I also want to do my bit for the girls. While I don’t identify with the ‘feminist’ label,

Concentrating whilst Spinnaker sailing on S/Y Escapade – 2014

Racing on Spirit Yachts “Flight of Ufford” in Panerai BCYC Regatta, Cowes - 2016




STUART PEARCE They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I think avid readers of this magazine would agree. This front cover is no exception. Shenandoha, the classic 54m luxury sailing yacht, built in 1902, is one of many that Stuart has shot for us over the years. The photos are always stunning, exuding energy and colour. They are the embodiment of the superyacht industry and evoke a feeling of awe and wonder in those of us that sail on them, and pride, in those that own them. There are few more majestic sights in the world than a yacht coming round the mark and unfurling its spinnaker and it was at a moment just like that where I first met Stuart. Hair whipping in the wind as he leant out of the Islander chase boat at a simply terrifying


YACHT SHOT angle, he was shouting for Simon to get closer and closer to the mark as one of the glorious Js, Valsheda, was preparing to unfurl her in all her glory. It certainly wasn’t a moment for the faint of heart, but at that point, in that exact moment, I could completely understand why he does what he does. He tells me that he didn’t actually start off in such a high-octane environment, while we sip our much more slow paced tea in Hostal Cuba. He actually started off in the relatively quiet world of stock photography and interiors. This itself wasn’t without its own side of glamour, with Stuart being sent around the word to shoot five star hotels. However, it was with this grounding and training that the quietly spoken, calm man before me really honed his trade.






Angles, light, styling: to make stock images bounce of the page is no easy thing and Stuart clearly has the eye for it. But as with every industry, when you are at the top of your game, you are always looking for more to stretch and challenge you, and most importantly, to inspire you every single day, and so, into yachting Stuart motored and sailed. Together with drone pilot George, the two offer a one stop shop for yacht photography, producing striking images of some of the most beautiful yachts in the water. On race days you can often find him hanging out of a helicopter, soaking up the energy and excitement as the adrenalin of getting that perfect shot drives him on. He says he loves being out on the water, and that love of the ocean clearly flows in the family veins with two of his three sons, Tom and Jack, forging successful careers in the yachting industry, who Stuart has met many of his Captain contacts through, whilst his third, Stroud, is making a name for himself in







cinematography at the prestigious Danish film school in Copenhagen. They are clearly a driven and successful family with Stuart often working alongside his wife Britt as well, who does much of the boats styling for the photoshoots. He absolutely glows with pride when he talks about them all. I ask what some of the ups and downs with shooting yachts are and weather is clearly one of them. It is something completely out of their control and can lead to delays, however due to us having so much sunshine year-round on the island, it is thankfully one of the lesser issues. In fact the Winter here produces some glorious days with perfect light, crystal clear waters and empty bays. Though it can be a little chilly for those underwater and water sport pictures. One of the frustrations they sometimes come across is an ill prepared crew, as it is imperative when shooting the interior and exterior that the boat is perfectly set up, as if the boss were about to board. However though, Stuart says the majority of captains he works with are absolutely stand out, with the crew working







hard to have everything exactly as it should be. He actually gives a shout out to the crew of Excellence V for making his life a total pleasure. I eventually ask if he has a favourite photograph that he has taken and rightfully he says it’s difficult to choose as they are all so different and give him pleasure in different ways. When I won’t take no for an answer he says one of his favourites is the black and white one of the crew of Moka, where he had them copy the famous New York skyline picture with all of the workers suspended in the air relaxing on a girder. In this case however the crew were all sat on the boom and if you look closely you can see they are all holding something that represents the job they do on board, such as a whisk and a sextant. It’s a great shot that oozes personality and fun. It was a genuine pleasure to have the time to sit and talk to Stuart who is so animated about his passion. They say it’s not work when you love what you do and it’s clear that Stuart loves everything about it, from the variety of the work, to the excitement and adrenalin of the chase, to being asked to shoot these most beautiful of boats in the most incredible locations in the world. What a job! ______________________________________ By Victoria Pearce Photos © Stuart Pearce Stuart Pearce Yacht Shot (+34) 619 101 222 www,




VIPER 6.40 A WIND OF CHANGE IN PALMA There is a good chance that over the past couple of months you may have seen a gaggle of new Sportsboats blasting around the Bay of Palma, having the time of their lives. This fleet is the Viper 6.40 and is taking Palma by storm. I can’t wait to have a go and see if they are as much fun as they look. According to everyone I have spoken to, I won’t be disappointed. Personally, I think that the Bay of Palma has been crying out for a boat of this ilk and I am certainly going to get involved, as it looks perfect for our prevailing conditions here in Mallorca. “It’s a perfect balance of dinghy and keelboat” The Viper 640 is a two to four-person, highperformance sports boat. It is FUN, FAST, EASY and AFFORDABLE. The Viper makes highperformance sailing available to everyone. The open transom bails water instantly, even in extreme conditions. The Viper is simple, clean, and comfortable, with no protruding hardware and everything placed for efficiency. The Viper is light enough to be towed behind a compact car and simple enough to be rigged and sailed in under a half hour. The boat can be launched from a hoist or ramp. The 640 is strict one-design with no changes permitted to the boat as supplied by the class approved builder. The only option is sails, supplied by class approved sailmakers and strictly controlled through class rules, which encourages the development of tuning techniques with the help of the best sailors and sailmakers. There is no maximum crew weight limit, so you don’t have to be a racing snake to succeed, 230 – 280 kg all up is the most successful weight range. An Uncompromising Race Boat: • Fine entry, long narrow bow and pronounced flare in the midsection results in unusually low drag. • Bulb keel and wide flared beam at the cockpit provides superior stability and enables a more powerful sail plan. • The combination of fine entry, low drag, and powerful sail plan make the Viper incomparable in light air or chop. The Viper will start planing before any similar class (j/70, SB3, Open 5.70, K6, U20, Melges 20 & 24 etc). • The combination of wide cockpit, superior


stability and a sturdy carbon mast make the Viper fast and secure in a big breeze. • The hull shape means that the Viper does not go ‘bow down’ planing downwind at high speeds. Rondar Raceboats in the UK was appointed the class builder for the Viper 640 in late 2005. The partnership between Rondar and the Viper 640 Class Association is strong and second to none. Rondar has been in business making racing sailboats continuously since 1965, and Paul Young has been President of Rondar since 1991. The quality and consistency of the boats coming out of the factory is second to none. The Viper 6.40 has been+ introduced to Palma by Peter Bresnan, CEO of One Palma. One Palma offer a sailmaking, rigging and composite construction service to the yachting industry in Palma, as well as being exclusive dealers in the Balearics for McConaghy Boats, so their expertise has been invaluable in the introduction of this fleet. One Palma have bought 8 Vipers, no mean investment, and are offering them for event charter and for trial sails at any time. Working with RCNP (Real Club Nautico Palma) they have started a winter series with two weekends already completed to a very high level of satisfaction. The renowned Princess Sofia Regatta is next, swiftly followed by Palma Vela, one of the Mediterranean’s favourite regattas. Attracting teams (all amateur) from the UK, France, Germany as well as locally, the weekends have been a resounding success so far, with the promise of 15-18 boats by Palma Vela. The simplicity of rigging is a big factor in the success of the boats, with just 3 spanners required to completely rig and de rig the boat from trailer to water in around 30 minutes. Peter’s vision for the class is to attract more local sailors and to provide a great social community which is already part of the DNA of the class worldwide. “Viper Life” is at the very core of this principle, providing close competitive racing, friendly competition along with a great social side. This Viper Life has shown its colours by the USA fleet offering free charter of a boat and help with accommodation at this year’s World Championship in Long Beach California in August!! So, who’s up for it?? ISLANDER REGATTA 19TH & 2th April The inaugural Islander Fun Regatta for the VIPER 6.40 will be held on Fri 19th and Sat 20th April. If you are interested in having a go at sailing a VIPER 6.40 come along and try your hand! We will publish a full programme in our April issue as well as on our website and Facebook page asap. All enquiries should be sent to: ______________________________________ By Simon Relph







S U M M A R Y Vijonara recently won the best exterior award at the Boat International Design awards in Cortina, Italy.The 128′ Hoek sloop Vijonara was delivered in spring 2018, following her 18-month build programme in Falmouth. Andre Hoek, her Dutch designer, said “This is the second hull in our ‘Truly Classic 128’ series, and this project in particular has been a fantastic experience from start to finish. The vessel was created for knowledgeable clients with extensive sailing experience. Based on a proven hull specification, the Owners had a distinct vision for her customisation to suit their lifestyle, and she has been optimised extensively for performance. A new addition to the 128’ design is a bow sprit that houses the downwind sails such as A-symmetric spinnaker or a Code sail, as well as paying homage to true vintage sailing yachts.” The project team at Pendennis, with oversight by the Owners’ representatives at MCM, used modern 3D scanning technology to ensure millimetre precision in the yacht’s symmetry. Andre further explained the design specifics of Vijonara, having worked closely with the Owners to create their uniquely envisaged yacht: “The deck layout has been reconfigured in line with the Owners’ requirements, with a helm station positioned in front of the aft deckhouse creating a social atmosphere close








to the centre cockpit, enabling the helmsman and guests to remain in close contact. In doing so the aft cockpit has become the Owner’s cockpit, not only creating privacy but also providing an extension of the aft Owner’s cabin and deckhouse. The central steering wheel with two adjacent side consoles are flanked by winches and hydraulics for performance sailing by a small crew. The stainless-steel steering pedestal is piece of art in its own right, with a classic nighthouse housing the compass encircled by a double spoked wheel with an oval shaped rim.” The Owners played an intrinsic part in the design of the yacht’s interior, and in partnership with Hoek, created a comfortable layout suitable for family cruising. An open plan Owner’s suite, designed for relaxation and privacy, includes his and hers bathrooms, a private seating area and a study, and the unique addition of an oculus with its own underwater lighting through which the Owners can view the underwater world by both day and night. Forward of the Owner’s cabin on portside is a large main salon with a TV and library, which provides a separate social area to the main dining suite. An important consideration for the clients was to incorporate a gym, which is positioned on the starboard side and can be transformed in to a spare cabin, if needed. Luxurious styling is highlighted by Sapele Mahogany flat panelling and traditional detailing, and the floors are laid with Italian Walnut with a 6mm Maple margin seam. To complement the high-quality interiors, a unique decision was made by the Owners to collaborate with Hermès and entrust their bespoke teams with interior fittings including the desk area, several sofas, two club seats, the oculus mounted into a leather-clad table, and a world map made of leather marquetry. These exceptional pieces were designed by the bespoke creative team and handmade by the craftsmen of Hermès in their French workshop, using supple leathers coupled with their worldrenowned know-how. This stunningly beautiful classic yacht showcases an extraordinary level of attention to detail in the interior and exterior joinery, making her a very special addition to the fleet of 30 other bespoke-built superyachts launched over the years by Pendennis Shipyard. Mike Carr, Managing Director at Pendennis, proudly announced “Vijonara will be a fitting complement to the yard’s 30th anniversary celebrations at this year’s Monaco Yacht Show in September.” New Build Slot Availability 2019 Pendennis is promoting the next build slot of the award winning Hoek Designed Truly Classic 128. With the successful launch of SY Vijonara (TC128-2) last Spring, followed by the signing of the K2 project (TC128-4) this proven design provides the perfect platform for any new Owner to tailor a highly sophisticated and proven pedigree yacht. ______________________________________ Photos © Stuart Pearce






CARIBBEAN ISLANDS WELCOME RETURN OF SUPERYACHTS In 2017, the Caribbean was hit by Hurricanes Irma and Maria causing significant damage to one of the world’s most popular cruising grounds for superyachts. Sixteen months later, after a coordinated effort by governments, yacht owners, local companies and aid organizations to ensure help reached those in need, much of the infrastructure has been rebuilt and the winter yachting season is now in full swing. As a leading operator of numerous facilities affected, IGY Marinas remained steadfast in its commitment to keeping yachting in the Caribbean, contributing significant financial and human resources to restore the infrastructure and support local communities.

Mindful that bringing a yacht to the Caribbean is always a big decision, IGY provided regular updates to reassure yacht owners and captains that its marinas would be restored in time for the winter season. “It was a huge undertaking to get the marinas on St. Maarten and St. Thomas back online and rebuilt within the 16 months from September 2017 to December 2018.” said Brian Deher, Regional Director of Marina Operations and Planning (Caribbean). “But IGY is happy to report that we achieved our goals, and not only are the properties as busy as ever for the 2019 winter season but, the facilities themselves also look better than ever.” “It was a true collaboration of effort, not just

to restore IGY’s facilities but also to make important improvements for the future.” said Gili Wojnowich CMM, Regional Director of Operations (USA, Bahamas and Latin America). At the Heart of the Rebuild Process The transformation, little more than a year later, is impressive, with a record number of superyachts returning to the Caribbean islands. “St. Maarten and St. Thomas are experiencing a bumper season as there seems to be pent up demand to return to people’s favourite cruising grounds around St. Barths, Anguilla, and the British Virgin Islands.” said Brian. Further heartened by the support and positive feedback from visiting yachts, the mood at IGY is understandably upbeat. St. Maarten Having witnessed, firsthand, the aftermath of Irma in St. Maarten, Captain Chris Lee on M/Y Sealyon praised the turnaround saying, “We really appreciate the huge efforts to repair our home marina, Isle De Sol Marina; St Maarten. I have stayed in touch throughout and understand the work put in by all to be fully open for winter 2018/2019. A massive effort, well done, because the marina looks great! IGY goes from strength to strength.” Similarly Captain Emile Bootsma from M/Y Blue Moon said, “For most of us, Isle de Sol has always been a second home and arguably the jewel in the IGY portfolio, so the result from Hurricane Irma in 2017 was truly gut wrenching. In true Caribbean spirit, IGY not only repaired




Isle de Sol but used the opportunity to make several key infrastructure improvements to the facility. Isle de Sol now looks and operates better than when it was new!”

history of no major hurricane damage in the area. The southern Caribbean certainly benefited in late 2017 and early 2018 due to all the damage in the north.” said Brian.

Isle de Sol Marina now has several new concrete finger piers, new high-res, digital CCTV security cameras (40% more than before), new generators and electrical infrastructure, plus upgrades to the gym, tennis courts and the Fat Turtle restaurant. The entire property was also repaved and landscaped.

“This resulted in many yachts that have not visited or chartered in the area to venture further south to Rodney Bay and the beautiful cruising grounds in the region.”

St. Thomas “Both of our St. Thomas facilities experienced significant infrastructure damage from the combination of high winds, debris, and heavy rainfall. The most obvious damage to Yacht Haven Grande included several sunken vessels beneath the docks that drifted in from nearby anchorages, mangled fuel and utility lines everywhere, notable interior flooding throughout most ground level spaces and major loss of general aesthetics including signage and landscaping.” said Gili. After significant works, the marina now boasts new hardwood decking, several state-of-theart superyacht power pedestals, reconstructed retail spaces, improvements to guest amenities (swimming pool, gym, etc.), enhanced security systems and new landscaping. Further east at American Yacht Harbor, “The storms caused significant damage to the fixed dock infrastructures, upland storefronts, and an extensive portion of the roofing structure.” said Gili. “The facility was further challenged due to its position on the local power grid which ultimately meant that it would remain on partial generator power for nearly two months.” The property now has a new roof and a repainted exterior, rebuilt interior spaces and an improved infrastructure, sparking a surge in interest for upland tenancy and marina reservations. St. Lucia While the northern islands took the brunt, a number of marinas in the south were left relatively untouched. “Rodney Bay Marina on St. Lucia was not affected by any of the hurricanes in 2017 and actually has a long

At the Heart of the IGY Brand Superyachts remain a core focus for IGY Marinas, the only marina management company with the capacity to handle the largest yachts in the world, including vessels over 150m, at its properties in the US, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Mediterranean. But their strength also lies in their understanding of local culture and knowledge of the experiences available in each region, earning a reputation for the highest standards among the 8,000+ yachts visiting IGY's marinas each year.

Giving Through You” gives back to communities local to IGY properties by encouraging people ashore to connect with local charities and nonprofit organisations. After Hurricanes Irma and Maria this extended to environmental efforts on the ground in St. Thomas, St. Maarten and St. Lucia. In February last year, American Yacht Harbor and Yacht Haven Grande in St. Thomas rounded up volunteers among employees, owners, captains and crew to help rebuild the badly damaged Ivanna Aurora Kean High School's Marine Education Building. Meanwhile in St. Maarten, The Yacht Club at Isle de Sol and Simpson Bay Marina took the lead with volunteers to clean up Simpson Bay Lagoon and Beach. In St. Lucia, Rodney Bay Marina, Greening the Caribbean, numerous volunteers, captains, crew, owners and a youth group cleaned up a 5km stretch of Rodney Bay Beach.

Yet none of this would be possible without the spirit and warmth of the Caribbean people. An integral part of IGY’s mission is the act of giving back time and support to the communities where they operate, and during the recovery process this included widespread support for local inhabitants.

True to their motto, ‘Think Smarter, Think Different’, more than ever IGY is proud of its world-class marinas and of its people, committed to ensuring the best possible experience for owners and guests throughout their network. When a yacht chooses to cruise the Caribbean, Mediterranean or elsewhere, IGY Marinas provides crucial support, exceptional amenities and consistently high level service. ______________________________________

The IGY Community Outreach Project, “Inspire

By OnboardOnline




SNORKELING WITH SHARKS IN RAJA AMPAT There was a playful glint in Arief’s eyes as the speedboat tender left M/Y Latitude far behind on the last day of our one month cruising adventure.

excitement to panic the quickest, the children's or the adults'. "Whattttttt? We are not swimming with sharks, Arief, and not with any as big as whales!" exclaimed the kids.

"Watch this," said the Asia Pacific Superyachts dive guide, beaming, "I'm going to give our young guests the snorkeling experience of a lifetime."

Arief smiled and said, "Don't worry, kids, whale sharks are wonderful, gentle creatures with no teeth. They pose no danger to you at all". The adults, looking sheepish, seemed to also be reassured by this information. Arief then gave a very thorough briefing of protocols of

The guests referred to, two 12-year olds, a 15year old and the adults, were friends with the owners. City slickers who have spent most of their time in the Middle East - far away from the aquatic paradise of Indonesia's Raja Ampat. Arief knew of a secret spot and with this in mind, he insisted the tender's tracker and chart plotter were turned off and directions to the crew were made only with hand gestures and non-verbal cues. After 30 minutes hurtling along on a mirrorsmooth sea, we were starting to get a little skeptical of the ‘secret’ spot. Then, just as the tender tight turned past one of the iconic limestone pinnacles, a great expanse of calm, flat ocean opened up before us, facing the open sea beyond. "My friends swim in this area", Arief explained, "Now let’s get geared up for snorkeling". The captive audience duly complied, excitedly asking, "What lives here, Arief?". "What you are going to see today, kids, is the biggest fish in the ocean: the whale shark!" I don’t know whose faces dropped from

snorkeling with whale sharks, emphasising the key rules of not touching or crowding these magnificent creatures. Within 20 minutes of arriving at the location, one of these majestic creatures suddenly surfaced right next to the tender. "Let's go guys," and before we knew it Arief was in the water. The teenage boy and the girls splashed in after him, with the adults lowering themselves in behind.




Capt Jimmy & kids in Raja Ampat - tender leaving MY Latitude

The thing about diving with whale sharks in the wild is that no description can do them justice. Their pure size and grace in the water has to be seen to be believed. Up close, the detail of their dappled markings and colouration is simply beautiful. The one in view seemed to know exactly where our snorkelers were at all times and stayed far enough away to keep them at ease, but close enough to give them a spectacular underwater viewing session. We ended up staying in the sea for over an hour as the beautiful creature glided through the water around us, mouth open like a huge

pool vacuum cleaner, sucking in by the gallon the nutrient rich waters of Raja Ampat. Afterwards, as we sped back to the mother ship, the chatter from everyone, especially the kids, was at a crescendo above the sounds of the high-powered engines. All were in agreement, this was by far the most amazing snorkeling trip experience they had ever experienced. Arief sat smiling contentedly to himself on the back deck knowing his job for the day was done. It will be hard for him to find something for his guests tomorrow that can reach these

heights, but knowing Arief as we do, I am sure he will come up with something. ______________________________________ OnboardOnline - By Captain Jimmy Blee Authors Note: This is the first of a series of location stories from the recent Raja Ampat cruising trip on vessel M/Y Latitude hosted and organised by Asia Pacific Superyachts Indonesia. All information and photos are supplied with the permission of the vessel Owner. **Photos copyright Captain Jimmy Blee, APS, not for reuse.




specifically built into the ship where, in the event of imminent boarding by pirates, all crew will seek protection. A Citadel is designed and constructed to resist a determined pirate trying to gain entry, for a fixed period of time. Although it is highly recommended that a Citadel is employed as a last line of defence to compliment rather than replace other ship protection methods, there have been a number of well publicised cases where pirates have boarded a vessel but failed to hijack the crew as a consequence of them being safe and secure inside the Citadel.

CITADEL / SAFE ROOM SUPERYACHT INVESTOR On 7th April 2010, the Turkish bulk carrier Yasin C was attacked and overrun by Somali pirates. Aware that the pirates were seeking to take charge of the ship and hold them for ransom, the crew locked themselves in a predesignated safe room. Whilst in the safe room, the crew had control of the ship’s movement. Frustrated by their inability to capture the crew, the pirates started fires on the ship in an attempt to smoke them out. However, after being on board for around eighteen hours, the pirates eventually left the ship and the crew emerged unharmed. With the increased threats to security in the maritime domain, the superyacht sector is consistently looking at ways to improve security and mitigate threat. The lonely isolation of a yacht operating many miles from shore can increase a yacht’s vulnerability, particularly in

waters that are plagued by pirates. Attacks on ships have raised questions regarding the security of vessels and the safety of the crew. Within the past decade, the upsurge of violent attacks on ships led to an increased use of on board safe rooms that in the event of a pirate attack, allowed the crew to retreat to a predetermined area where they could safely barricade themselves in until the attack subsided or external assistance arrived. These safe rooms became known as Citadels and as more ships came under pirate attack, their use became more widespread. The fourth edition of Best Management Practices for Protection against Somali Based Piracy (BMP5) defines a Citadel as: A Citadel is a designated pre-planned area

In recognition of the increased threat coupled with their effectiveness, a number of shipbuilders are now incorporating purpose built Citadels into their vessels. This highlights the fact that security is being taken more seriously by designers, builders and owners. Nevertheless, the majority of existing yachts do not have that facility and any Citadel has to be improvised and incorporated into the yacht’s existing structure. The most effective counter piracy tactic is to ensure that pirates do not board the yacht in the first place. Nevertheless, a Citadel must always be implemented as the final measure as part of a structured layered defensive system. When constructing a Citadel, as a minimum, consideration should be given to the following: • Denial of access to the Engine Control Room (it is vital to deny the pirates any access to the yacht’s propulsion system). • Toilet and Sanitation facilities (sufficient for the entire crew). • Food and water (sufficient for 72 hours) • Satellite communications (2 way communications with concealed antennae). • Power supply for satellite communications (minimum of 96 hours). • Emergency contact numbers. • Crew list (kept up to date to ensure that all crew are accounted for). • The ability to control the yacht’s lighting system so that all lights can be turned off once the pirates have boarded and the crew are safely inside the Citadel. • Lighting equipment such as torches with spare batteries. • Fire-fighting equipment – breathing apparatus, suits, hoses, axes, extinguishers. • Medical equipment – for treatment of physical trauma injuries and for individuals that require medication for specific health conditions. Other Considerations The materials used to construct yachts offer very little protection against a determined attacker. In most cases, locks can be overcome and door hinges can easily be removed. The fibre glass construction and the interior bulkheads of most yachts offer hardly any protection against small arms fire. When designing a Citadel, the installation of ballistic panels along with reinforced doors should be considered. However, owners should be aware that substantial modifications to the yacht’s construction may require prior consultation with the classification society.

The use of on board CCTV equipment serves several purposes. When used in a Citadel, CCTV can assist the crew in determining the whereabouts and activity of pirates on board. Any images can then be used as evidence for future criminal proceedings. Moreover, it must be stressed that once a Citadel has been constructed, without the implementation of strict procedures by the crew, the Citadel becomes totally useless and ineffective. Therefore, it is paramount that pirate attack drills are regularly conducted and every single crew member is fully aware of what is expected of them and compliant with procedures during a voyage through an area of increased risk. Military Response The whole concept of the Citadel is that it provides a safe and secure retreat for the crew until either the pirates withdraw or military assistance arrives. However, having a Citadel does not guarantee a military response. For the military to respond, they must be assured that; • All personnel on board must be secured inside the Citadel. • The crew must have self-contained, independent, two way external communications. Sole reliance on VHF communications is not enough. • The pirates must be denied access to propulsion. Despite their successes in managing to thwart numerous hijackings, there have been some cases where Citadels have been breached. This may be due to a poor location, poor construction or failure of the crew to follow the correct procedures. Therefore, the establishment of a Citadel may be beyond the capability of the yacht’s crew alone and will often require external technical advice and assistance from a maritime security expert. A Citadel alone won’t stop pirates from boarding. It must be the final component of a well-structured, layered defensive system that affords the crew enough time to retreat to and a chance to remain safe preventing the pirates from gaining control of the yacht. In an increasingly dangerous and volatile world, a Citadel is becoming an important component of any ship. The isolation of operating alone on the high seas can increase a yachts’ vulnerability. In recent times, yachts have been targeted by violent criminal gangs in some unlikely places like the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. The implementation of a well designated Citadel coupled with the adherence to strict security procedures will undoubtedly provide a great deal of comfort and reassurance to owner’s, guests and crew and may even prevent any would-be attacker from completely seizing the yacht. A well-constructed Citadel should be a vital component of every yacht. __________________________________________________________ Ed Hill is Managing Director of superyacht security company Intrepid Risk Management. A former sniper in the Royal Marines Commandos, Ed has a Masters’ Degree in Maritime Security. He regularly writes articles for luxury magazines on matters related to security. He can be contacted by visiting




BOOT 2019, DUSSELDORF REPORT Biggest water sports trade fair in the world is the driving force behind the industry

unparalleled demonstration of ideas for leisure activities in, on or by the water.

Almost 2,000 exhibitors filled 16 halls on the exhibition site, with 1,500 sailboats and motorboats, 16 stages and exciting activities for visitors of all ages.

Boot 2019 with 1,500 Sailboats and Motorboats

The home port was in a festive mood: Boot turned 50 and the whole of Düsseldorf joined in the celebrations. The show was in tremendous shape and broke several records. The halls were full, with a wider selection than ever before of sailing and motor yachts, the latest trend sports and holiday destinations for water sports enthusiasts. boot Düsseldorf 2019 was an event that set new standards. Almost 2,000 Exhibitors From 73 Countries Took Part With around 2,000 exhibitors, 60 per cent of them from 73 countries outside of Germany, including the exotic and idyllic diving locations of Bonaire, Palau and, for the first time, Oman, the 50th boot made its anniversary event a breath-taking display. The boot motto “360° watersports experience” said it all: no end of fun and action covering 220,000 square metres of stand space in 16 halls. Whatever visitors were interested in – sailing, motorboating, diving, surfing, paddling or simply relaxing at the waterside – they were able to enjoy an

boot Düsseldorf is the only trade fair in the world that offers such variety, in such depth. The range of products on show was unique, with manufacturers from all parts of the world. 1,500 sailboats and motorboats were on display and it wasn’t only the exhibitors at the trade fair who had such international backgrounds, but also the visitors. Water sports enthusiasts from more than 100 different countries arrived in Düsseldorf over the nine days of the event. This means that boot is not merely a spectacle for visitors from the region, but more than that: it is a prestigious international B2B event for the industry. Decision-makers from major chartering companies used the trade fair to obtain a comprehensive insight into the market, to establish direct contact with manufacturers and to make comparisons between them. Trend Towards Luxury Tenders and Chase Boats The luxury segment at boot was bigger than ever before this year. Beside large superyachts, luxury tenders, or what are known as “chase boats”, have become increasingly popular. Prominent suppliers of such boats at boot included Sacs, Wally and Skipper. Large-scale manufacturers like Fairline, Princess, Cranchi, Fjord and many others, presented their latest

developments in this field too. Growing Demand for Shared Ownership of a Luxury Yacht A different option at boot was of great interest to anyone who does not want, or is unable, to invest in a large yacht of their own. “Fractional ownership” is the term for the collective ownership of a yacht. Respected agencies provide this service, while shipyards also offer it themselves. It is possible to buy a 1/9th, 1/6th or 1/3rd share in the boats. They can then be used for ocean trips lasting between 6 and 8 weeks per year. We saw an increasing demand for these more flexible options at the show. Sailing Halls 15 to 17 were Full All the stand space was full in the sailing halls, which still form the heart of boot, even after 50 years. The well-known shipyards were exhibiting boats of all sizes and classes. Among the exhibitors a trend seemed to be developing towards large sailing yachts. As early as 3rd January, an Oyster 675 from Southampton arrived in Düsseldorf on the biggest pontoon that has ever brought boats to the trade fair. Nautor’s Swan, the supplier of large sailing yachts, also exhibited a magnificent example of its skills: the Swan 65 was a world premiere at boot and was the second-largest sailboat at the trade fair after the Oyster. The Italian shipyard Solaris presented the 44, an outstanding new boat suitable for both long-distance and competitive sailing and Bavaria was also back exhibiting its impressive sailing yacht range. Multihulls – catamarans and trimarans – were also in great demand again. Clipper Race is an Exciting Regatta for Adventurous Sailors There was a spectacular new feature in the sailing field as well: the organisers of the Clipper Race presented their exciting regatta, which takes adventurous sailors across the world’s oceans for 11 months, at boot 2019. Not only professionals but also passionate amateur sailors are welcome to participate in the race. ( Prince Albert Ii of Monaco Presents the “Ocean Tribute” Award boot is more than just boats, however! It is


not just a significant economic forum for the international market, but always keeps a close eye on ocean and water protection issues too, and has supported ocean protection projects for many years now. This has, in the meantime, led to activities of its own, such as the “ocean tribute” Award and the “love your ocean” campaign, which generated broad media coverage and drew people’s attention to this highly controversial and existential issue. boot Düsseldorf has a successful and high-profile ambassador in the British sailor and ocean activist Emily Penn who also spoke at the conference about her experience running the all-female crew on her ExEpedition expedition. Since 2017, the “love your ocean” stand has also been presenting ocean protection activities and ideas, providing advice about water quality and inviting research-minded children to get involved. The “ocean tribute” Award was launched in 2017 and was presented for the first time at boot 2018. The participants in the project are the Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco, the German Ocean Foundation and, as a sponsor, the underwater scooter manufacturer Seabob. Prince Albert II of Monaco, a long-standing boot supporter, came to Düsseldorf in person to present the prizes this year at the “blue motion night”. Boot Düsseldorf Messe Düsseldorf CEO Werner Matthias Dornscheidt summarises his impressions as follows: “I have experienced numerous events here in Düsseldorf, but this boot was unique. A tremendous atmosphere in the halls, people in holiday mood on the stands and highly BOATBUILDING OSCARS 2019 “European Yacht of the Year 2019” • Best Family Cruiser: Oceanis 46.1 - Beneteau • Best Performance Cruiser: Arcona 435 • Best Luxury Cruiser: Sunbeam – 46.1 – Mattsee • Best Multi-hull: Astrea 42 – Fountaine Pajot • Best Special Yacht: Lite XP “European Powerboat of the Year 2019” • Up to 25 feet class: Nordkapp Noblesse 660 • 35 feet class: Nimbus Weekender 9 Outboarder • Under 45 feet class: Cranchi T 36 Crossover • Over 45 Feet: De Antonio Yachts D46 Open • Length-independent displacement hull craft: Steeler NG 65S “Innovation Award 2019” Garmin Panoptix LiveScope “SEAMASTER Award” Dutch sailing professional Carolijn Brouwer for her win of the 2018 Vlvo Ocean Race, when the 45 year old wrote history. She was the only woman to have completed each leg of the prestigious round the world race – and won the last leg as well as overall with team Dongfeng.

satisfied exhibitors. Which means that we definitely reached our objective: everyone will have outstanding memories of this marvellous anniversary edition of boot.” In Summary boot 2019 set a new record, with almost 2,000 exhibitors from 73 countries and displays



covering 220,000 m² of stand space. Nearly 250,000 water sports fans (boot 2018: 247,000 visitors) came to Düsseldorf from over 100 countries: clear confirmation of the position boot holds as the leading event anywhere in the world. ______________________________________




liked it so much he decided to relocate here permanently in 2017. A mechanical engineer, Andrew has good technical knowledge, speaks fluent French and the Spanish is…. getting there! Paul Wilshaw has had a long career at sea, the most recent post being Captain of M/Y Sunbeam. A long-time resident of Mallorca, Paul knows the marine industry very well and brings extra marine experience to the company.

CATHODIC PROTECTION IN PALMA Marine Control has been supplying anodes in Mallorca for over 25 years. The company has forged a reputation for providing quality products and services and our van has long been a familiar sight in all of Mallorca´s ports and marinas. One of the key elements in Marine Control’s success has been building up a large stock of all shapes and sizes of anodes and cutlass bearings. The aim being to make sure that we have exactly what the customer needs for same day delivery or collection, even at the busiest times. Because time is money and few boats want to wait weeks for their order to arrive. We can usually deliver orders to the boat on the same day. Marine Control also has a fully equipped machine tool shop meaning that we are able to custom manufacture one off anodes of any shape and size with extremely short lead times. Our experts are on hand to ensure that the size and fit are perfect.

The company is also able to provide a range of high performance, low weight, low drag anodes for racing yachts looking to squeeze every knot of speed from their boat. We deal exclusively with the best companies in the business to ensure the highest quality and minimum problems. They are MG Duff UK, Exalto UK and Polipodio Italy. Marine Control is expanding to cover new products such as ropecutters and flexible engine exhaust tubing and have long been recognized as a prime supplier of cutlass bearings, crucially again, holding a large stock of all sizes so as to avoid lead times that are typically 4 weeks plus. Andrew Bernard became the new owner of MC in 2018 and was joined by Paul Wilshaw in January 2019. Andrew came to Mallorca through cycling and worked for a while as a cycle guide. He

Nick Shortland has over 16 years’ experience of anodes and bearings, which is second to none in the Balearics. He is ‘the anode man’! He can find even the most unusual anodes to fit your boat and can custom make whatever shape or size you require. He is a familiar sight in the Palma dockyards with his distinctive van and Gina the collie dog. Feel free to stop him and ask any anode or bearing question that you might have! He also carries a selection of small anodes in his van at all times, so you can also ‘stop him and buy one’! Marine Control is committed to maintaining high stocks and quality service so as to be the most reliable anode and bearing supplier in the Balearics. ______________________________________ Marine Control T. (+34) 971 719 816 M. (+34) 629 144 202 Calle Poima 13, Can Valero, 07011 Palma

M +34 609 393 146 T. +34 971 721 877 Servicios Técnicos Portuarios (STP) Muello Viejo S/N, Edificio Espigón Exterior 07012 Palma de Mallorca




year: a total of 28 companies will be present to launch ‘break-the-mould’ products and talk about tried-and-tested services. "Palma Superyacht Show ideal for meeting captains and engineers" Although the majority of R&R exhibitors is made up of returning participants such as Huisfit and Metalnox, some, like BARCO, will be brand new to the show. BARCO offer a comprehensive list of services, from managing an extensive 6-month refit to the delivery of spare parts, swiftly and at a competitive price to boot. BARCO co-owner Alex Casares enthused to be: “looking forward to bringing BARCO's local experience and proven track record in the repair and refit business forward". He added that: "The Palma Superyacht Show is the perfect platform to promote BARCO as it's ideal for meeting captains and engineers".

WHAT TO EXPECT FROM MALLORCA’S 7TH EDITION OF THE PALMA SUPERYACT SHOW An extended show-area, a greater selection of bigger yachts and a 72m floating bridge were much spoken about (by visitors and exhibitors) in the wake of the 2018 Palma Superyacht Show’s unequivocal success. A lesser-known fact is that the show continued to weave its magic throughout the year in the shape of yachts sold or chartered as a result of the event. Three yachts were sold by Northrop and Johnson, two by Camper and Nicholsons and three charters were purveyed by Burgess, to name but a few fruits of our 2018 edition – the year that catapulted the show onto the industry’s international map.

will also benefit from an improved lay-out this year. A relocated bar/restaurant area will see the Refit & Repair area getting the attention it truly deserves: stands will be easy to spot and the new set-up will make for a better viewing experience overall. Furthermore, Refit & Repair, now going into its third year, will feature 10% more stands in comparison to last

The pick of last year’s highlights, from a visitor’s standpoint, was undoubtedly the floating bridge which connected STP shipyard to Palma's iconic fisherman's dock. Those visiting in order to scope out the show’s annual line-up of nautical eye-candy will be glad to know that this 72m pontoon will make a reappearance this year, allowing for a circular route, improving visitors' flow and viewing experience . Refit & Repair area to benefit from improved lay-out and more stands Refit & Repair, a sector which distinguishes itself from the rest of the show by specifically targeting yachting’s experts and professionals,

Condition & Valuation Surveys Damage Surveys MCA Compliance Surveys Tonnage Measurement

Paseo Maritimo 44 - Local P18 - Palma de Mallorca T. (+34) 971 403 370 F. (+34) 971 703 076

The show will take place in the heart of Palma de Mallorca, from the 27th April – 1st May. Companies keen to exhibit at the show need to get in touch with us immediately as there are only a few more stands available. ______________________________________ Photo Below © RecBlau Audiovisuales Keep up to date with our latest news via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter




He has already secured the commitment of Pinmar Supply and is looking for others to get onboard. “The yachting industry is surrounded by incredible luxury and it’s very easy to forget that people are struggling right on our doorstep,” says Nick. “Employment in the Balearics is often seasonal and low-paid, making it hard for people to pay rent as well as put food on the table. EAPN says that 87,000 people, 7.8% of the Balearic population, survive on just 355 euros per month. Whether yacht crew or service businesses, we are fortunate to make our living from some of the wealthiest people on the planet and are therefore in a position where we can easily give something back to this beautiful island community we call home.”

Founder of Yachting Gives Back - Nick Entwisle

YACHTING GIVES BACK LAUNCHES EASTER CAMPAIGN The superyachts, luxury villas and performance cars hide an altogether less becoming side of the Balearics, and that’s poverty. According to the Balearic branch of the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN), almost 25% of the Islands’ population, around 276,000 people, is at risk of social exclusion – and that figure is rising. Yachting Gives Back, a concept founded by GYG’s Nick Entwisle, hopes to help close the stark disparity between rich and poor. After 27 years running the annual Pinmar Yachtsman’s Golf Tournament, Nick will retire from GYG in May and is keen to stay involved in the yachting community and be more handson in his charitable endeavours. Nick plans to use his extensive industry contracts to enlist support for his Yachting Gives Back initiative.

Yachting Gives Back plans to work with several local charities, including Shambhala Fundación which works with vulnerable young people, and Associació Tardor and Mallorca Sense Fam (Mallorca Without Hunger) who both deliver foodstuffs to those in need. Currently much of this food is sourced from Mallorca’s Banco de Alimentos (Food Bank) which itself plans to collect 1,400,000kg of food this year to help the 20,000 or more workers or retirees who cannot make ends meet. Tracey Miller, General Manager of Pinmar Supply, commented, “I think Yachting Gives Back is a fantastic initiative and one that Pinmar Supply is delighted to partner. We plan to collaborate with our wide network of yachting customers and fellow industry service companies to put together a huge food-raising drive. Customers can take cardboard boxes from our Pinmar Supply outlets, including our delivery vans, and fill them with foodstuffs, hygiene products and other useful items. We will also deliver boxes to local businesses.

General Manager Pinmar - Tracey Miller

When they’re full, Nick and his team will be happy to collect them. The plan is to run three campaigns a year - Easter, end of summer season and Christmas – although, of course, we will be very happy to collect donations at any time.” Yacht catering and provisioning company Delicioso has also lent its support to Yachting Gives Back. It will offer its clients the opportunity to add a contribution to their orders and then deliver the donation directly to us - with 20% more food given by Delicioso themselves. Yachting Gives Back is asking for nonperishables such as pasta, rice, flour, tinned vegetables, milk, fruit juice and pasta sauces, alongside hygiene products like shampoo, soap and toothbrushes. For more information please email nick@ or see Yachting Gives Back’s Facebook page. ______________________________________ By Sarah Forge In association with:

Supported by:

Sample food donations




MC PALMA SHOWROOM AND EVENTS MC (Marine Centre) Palma is a showroom, conference facility and community dedicated to the yachting industry set up by the affable and always entertaining Russel and Ben. By showcasing some of the best marine brands on the market to captains, crew and yacht owners MC Palma allows customers to test/touch/ sample products before they buy them. The space appeals to brands in the marine industry that want to get their product in front of the right audience. Whether it’s as an experience centre, large stand or just a small, simple set up – they provide bespoke packages to suit all budget needs. If clients have agents who need a base in the superyacht hub of the Med who want to set up meetings for customers to discuss their latest range, MC Palma can provide a non-exclusive space for everyone! We all know what it’s like when we have bought crew clothing online and found the quality to be poor or the sizing to be wrong. And then there are those other important products that have proven to be a bad choice because we were unable to physically see them. The genius of MC Palma is that it solves that problem! Located just a stone’s throw from all the shipyards and marinas in the bay of Palma, customers are able to come to the showroom and peruse the brands that are exhibiting there. Clothing can be tried on; blinds, lighting, etc. can all be tested, enabling the right decisions to be made about purchases. With regular events such as the Wednesday Social, held on the first Wednesday of every month, for the yachting community in the showroom and outside terrace, MC Palma aims to not only help clients and customers with their product choices, but also create a thriving marine community and network. The first social took place in February and was a raging success.

At time of going to print we are excited to announce that we have confirmed that The Islander, with assistance from El Toro foods, will be sponsoring the April Wednesday Social to be held on April 3rd from 5pm to 7pm. We hope to see lots of you down there for drinks and the chance to learn more about the venue and what the MC Palma guys do. In the meantime, here are a few testimonials from some of their clients: MSOS – Amanda Beaver: “I’ve been working in training rooms around Palma since 2010 and genuinely I have not found one better than MC Palma. When you are teaching, it’s important to have good light, good ventilation and good AV equipment. I’ve taught in one room that by 11am in the morning, people had to wear sunglasses in the room. I’ve taught in places where building work has started up and I’ve had to shout and scream to be heard and other places, you walk out dusty because the ventilation has been so poor. Another important one for me is SPACE! I like to recreate a ship’s hospital and make it as real as possible. The MC Palma conference room is a seriously decent size and with the additional factor of sound proofing, it means that I can really make the set up as realistic as possible. Other factors such as parking and being able to get lunch are also important and again MC Palma ticks those boxes too.” Applelec Yacht – Darren Thrower: “We have found the MC Palma to be the best way to put our products on display in

the Mediterranean’s superyacht refit hub without the need of our own office base. With our production facilities being in the UK and Germany there is little need for this unnecessary outlay. We are available to meet clients at the showroom or onboard. The showroom is growing week by week with many more new companies exhibiting alongside us 365 days of the year. We’re looking forward to the many events due to be scheduled throughout the year.” Digital Yacht: Nic Guerin, head of business development at Digital Yacht commented "Our growing range of internet access, AIS and iPad navigation products fit well into superyacht electronic solutions. Spec sheets and brochures are fine but physical displays and expert advice are still vitally important when designing complex systems. Our space at MC Palma provides just that for us and our local installers and you can pick up a phone and get a real person expert in seconds." Eoil Alchemy (Natasha Ravanello) & Viveco’s Hannah Russell: “MC Palma was the perfect place for us to launch our products to the yachting industry. Not only did they create a bespoke package for us, we were able to hold our ‘Reduce Plastic & Green Cleaning’ night at their conference facility and tap into their marketing resources. We will definitely be holding further events with them moving forward.” ______________________________________ MC Palma (+34) 697 821 931 (+44) 7990 602 696 Follow them on Facebook to find out about all the upcoming events.




SEWAGE TREATMENT ON SHIPS We, from Precision Marine Engineering, would like to put the focus on a topic which sometimes is taken too lightly, the sewage treatment and the suspicious conformity of some equipment for it, through a very interesting article published on “The Maritime Executive”. If you need advice or assistance with this issue, then please just visit us at our STP office. As the official Hamann agents in the Balearics we are in the No.1 position to assess and successfully resolve any situation regarding sewage treatment.

produces sewage sludge. It is science, and it is a fact.

Sewage Treatment with No-Sludge Production – A False Claim, and a Non-Conformity

Magic boxes are easy to spot, there is an absence of sludge separation features within the treatment process.

Article extracted from the publication of Wei Chen on “The Maritime Executive” on 2019-02-09. Sewage pollution control is one of the first environmental initiatives in human history. Sewage treatment plants protect the aquatic environment of our cities, towns and villages. They turn raw sewage into clear and less harmful effluent. They also produce sewage sludge as a by-product. The treatment technologies are supported by wastewater science and engineering [1,2], whilst their compliance performance is assured by effective regulatory frameworks. A significant part of wastewater industry concerns sewage sludge: its characteristics, production, management and disposal [1,3], including possible re-use as a natural resource [4,5]. Sewage treatment

Some people in the marine industry disagree. Some marine manufacturers claim their sewage treatment plants do not produce sludge. Unfortunately, conformity assessment bodies have approved their equipment by crediting them with IMO and MED certificates. Thus, they have certified impossibilities, and created certified “magic boxes.” These magic boxes contravene science. They are non-conformities.

The sewage sludge, instead of being separated from the treatment process, is flushed out in the effluent. These magic boxes would not be able to perform no matter how well they are operated. Many are concerned about their poor performance status [6]. MEPC.227(64) Guideline tried to tighten the abusive use of dilution water during performance tests, and yet this has not stopped the impossibilities from being “proven” by “good laboratory results.” Certificates have become licenses to pollute. Something is very wrong, and we all need to know why, what and how. As a way of keeping the status quo, some say none of the Guidelines explicitly prohibits nosludge claims. This is farcical and brings the approval regime into total contradiction to

the IMO’s intentions. Meanwhile, the nonconformities are spreading; the gap between rules and realities is widening [7]. Over the years, these magic boxes have become popular and influential. Consequently, valid technologies are under competitive pressure, and some have resorted to mimicking the nosludge claims and been forced into a race to the lowest levels of functionalities. It’s been awkward, to say the least. There is a lot at stake: the credibility of the approval regimes, the liabilities to shipowners and yards, a level playing field, the IMO’s environmental aspirations and ultimately, the marine environment that we have agreed to protect. It may be time for the IMO, its Member States and the assigned approval assessment bodies to identify and to acknowledge this issue, to undertake transparent and timely reviews and to conclude what has happened and how to prevent such non-conformities from reoccurring. ______________________________________ References: [1] Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse, 4th ed, Metcalf & Eddy (2004) [2] Wastewater Treatment: Concepts and Design Approach, 2nd ed, G.L. Katia (2013) [3] Sewage Sludge Management: From




the Past to Our Century, A. A. Zorpas, V. J. Inglezakis (2012) [4] 86/278/EEC, EC Directive on the Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture (1986) [5] US EPA, 40 CFR Part 503 Rule, Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge (1993) [6] MEPC 64/23; MEPC 67/8/1; MEPC 71/14/2; MEPC 71/INF.22; PPR 6/14. [7] Sewage from Ships – Rules and Realities editorials/sewage-from-ships-rules-andrealities-1

green A4 sheet of paper (certificate) with your NIE on it • CHANGE YOUR DRIVING LICENCE – a quick trip to Tráfico, but be prepared to hand over your British driving licence and undergo a medical. Also, you (sometimes) need your Residency paper to do this. (Better to be safe than sorry).

Co-authored by (in no particular order): Dr. Wei Chen, Future Program Development Manager, Wärtsilä Water Systems Ltd, UK Mark Beavis IEng IMarEng FIMarEST, Managing Director, ACO Marine s.r.o., Czech Republic, ACO Marine Systems GmbH, Germany Dr. Elmar Dorgeloh, Manager Director, Development and Assessment Institute in Waste Water Technology at RWTH-Aachen University (PIA), Germany Holger Hamann, Managing Director, Holger Hamann Consulting GmbH, Germany Matthew MacGregor, Executive Director, TEiTesting Services, LLC, USA Dr. Daniel Todt, Project Manager R&D, Ecomotive AS, Norway Niclas Karlsson, Managing Director, Clean Ship Scandinavia AB, Sweden Mark Mellinger, President, Headhunter Inc., USA Endorsed by (in no particular order): Benny Carlson, Chairman and owner, Marinfloc, Sweden Antony Chan, Engineering Manager, Victor Marine Ltd., UK Helge Østby, Senior Technical Advisor, Jets Vacuum AS, Norway Melissa Nacke, Specialist, Arctic Shipping and Marine Conservation, World Wildlife Fund, Canada Tjitse Lupgens, Advisor Environmental, Boskalis, Netherlands Markus Joswig, Head of Marine Department, Testing Institute for Wastewater Technology GmbH (PIA GmbH), Germany Tobias Kaulfuss, Manager, Marine Sewage Treatment, RWO - Veolia Water Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Germany Dr. Gerhard Schories, Head of Institute, ttz Bremerhaven, Germany

BREXIT AND YOU…… British? Resident on the island? Want to stay here? Fed up of people claiming to know what’s happening but not actually knowing? Well, straight from the horse’s mouth, here is what you need to do to REMAIN here in the Balearics. On Monday 4th February around a hundred people, (with a hundred more on the waiting list), were invited to attend an event, sponsored by Real Homes, at the OD Portals entitled ‘Brexit and You’. A panel of government officials from Britain and Spain were flown in to give anyone interested, as much information as possible about what may, may not, and will, (hopefully) happen. • Rosa Maria Canameras, Director, Centre Balears Europa • Ferran Tarradellas, Director EU Commission, Barcelona • Lloyd Milen, British Consul General to Catalunya, Andorra and the Balearic Islands • Paul Clark, Economic and Labour Affairs Attaché, British Embassy

On behalf of all our crew readers I asked the allimportant question regarding crew and where they stand in all this mess and mishap, but unfortunately, they didn’t know the specifics. Instead we were steered to where there is a wealth of information tailored to each of our individual needs, whether we are crew, trading with the UK or simply confused and living here. I have in fact looked myself and the answer wasn’t there so I have emailed the British Consul General directly and will keep you updated. So where do we stand right now? Should we all manage to agree and leave the EU with a ‘Withdrawal Deal’ it will mean that the status quo will mostly remain until 31st December 2020 with freedom of movement and trade largely unaffected. It has also been confirmed that the UK state pension will continue to be uprated, both for those of pensionable age and the generations coming behind. Pensioners will also be able to download the S1 form which guarantees free healthcare in EU countries outside of the UK. For family and friends visiting after the 29th March it has been recommended that they take out comprehensive travel insurance as the EHIC card will no longer be valid. In the event of a No Deal…. well, I’m not religious, but let’s pray to Poseidon that that never occurs, because if it does, the world will be a very different place, with border controls, visa requirements and the status of a ‘third country’ placed upon us. The EU commissioner described it as a cliff edge situation, and it’s a cliff e do not wish to be stood on the edge of.

I was sceptical at first, even posting on the Facebook event page, “what can they possibly tell me as nobody in Britain seems to have a clue what is going on?”. However, I am very glad I attended, as in a short two hours a fair amount of information was imparted that, for the first time in six years, and disregarding Brexit (what must now be the most hated word in the English language) explained in simple terms what we need to stay here.

Of course we do also have the option to stop all of this in its tracks, meekly apologise and stay in the EU, but I think that is, sadly, a pipe dream.

And it’s truly simple:

Photo © Phoenix Media Mallorca

• BE ON THE PADRÓN – town hall register

By Victoria Pearce

• GET YOUR RESIDENCY – register with the national police and get your green card or

So, in the meantime, follow the above points and get your PADRÓN, RESIDENCY & SPANISH DRIVING LICENCE!!!! For crew…watch this space… ______________________________________




to our Key Account Manager for Europe, Nathalie Ottenheijm

e3 SYSTEMS NEWS Off To A Flying Start All the e3 teams came together in January for our annual “Start the Year’ event. It was an extremely fruitful few days, with excellent presentations, information sharing, a marshmallow challenge and even a mindfulness session. Airtime showed us all what an innovative range of VSAT and 4G products they have to offer, our Support Operations Centre focused on the enhanced support that our customers can expect in the coming months, and the creative department highlighted just how extensive our marketing support is. We don’t often get the chance to see the big picture and an idea of how much work goes on in each department. It made me realise just how much we have achieved and what we are capable of moving forward. Get Ready For Exabytes One of the areas covered was that of 4G data SIM cards. We were blown away by all the work of the airtime team and at the wealth of SIM cards out there, including, surprisingly, a number of country-only SIMs which remain popular with a number of our clients. Our extremely successful BIG DATA EUROPE SIM was launched last year and the usage figures are quite staggering. On average there was a 200% increase across the year, while in August there was a 400% increase in data usage. Average use by our customers increased from 100TB in 2017 to 300TB in 2018, with an increase of 76% more GB per SIM, although as is happening right across the industry, the price per GB was down. One of the main drivers behind this success is that BIG DATA customers do not have any time or usage restrictions. This ‘commitment free’ feature allows our customers usage to grow organically, paying for just what they use, knowing that not only will there be no overage charge, but that they actually pay less per GB the more data they consume. According to the Ericsson Mobility Report 2018, data growth is all set to accelerate with usage expected to increase by a factor of five over the next six years. This means we will be consuming 136EB per month by 2024. For those of you who struggle with GBs, an exabyte

or EB is a cool million terabytes. That’s a lot of data and we’re looking forward to providing a sizeable chunk of it. Get Your BIG DATA Discount! Talking of BIG DATA, we have some great news for e3 customers. Those who have the full HYBRID airtime package (Inmarsat, VSAT and BIG DATA) will receive a 10% discount on all BIG DATA invoices raised form 1 February 2019. That’s 10% off your spend on BIG DATA EUROPE, BIG DATA CARIBBEAN AND BIG DATA GLOBAL SIM cards for existing and new clients. Nathalie Ottenheijm Key Account Manager, Europe Developing a close and fruitful working relationship with our network of partners is something we take very seriously and demands someone who knows a lot about the business and is respected within the industry. Offering these skills and much more besides, I am delighted to introduce readers

Nathalie, or OT as she is known to her friends, is responsible for expanding and supporting e3’s European partner network. Based in The Netherlands, her work takes her all over Europe including regular trips to HQ here in Mallorca, where she says she really enjoys working with such a talented team who have quickly made her feel at home. She arrived at e3 last September, bringing with her a wealth of experience, as she explains, “Having spent 16 years with a leading systems Integrator, I have built a strong network in the superyacht market - helped by the fact that living in The Netherlands there are worldfamous yards literally just around the corner! I am therefore able to reach a wide range of customers, including many who may be less familiar with e3’s products and services, such as architects, management companies and yacht builders.” In addition to the fabulous golfing opportunities here in Mallorca, Nathalie was attracted to e3 by our shared passion for technology. “I have been following Kymeta developments for the past few past years and I really believe they can change the way yachts look and also how they use their satellite communications, especially when used with e3’s fantastic HYBRID solution.” She is lucky enough to live on a canal that is


part of the Standing Mast Route, which means all sailing vessels travelling through Holland have to pass by her house. So, when not travelling across Europe, Nathalie likes to kick back and literally watch the yachts go by with her husband, Coen, from the comfort of their renovated farmhouse. M/Y Il Sole Case Study One of our recent European projects was the installation of a single Kymeta panel on M/Y Il Sole, a 44.6m Benetti, in Port Denia. The work was carried out this February by one of our Certified Distribution Partners, E Yachts. This being their first installation, e3 engineers were on hand to support E Yachts’ technical team as part of their Kymeta training, as well as to

commission the panel once installed. The one panel configuration was installed on the wheelhouse roof where there would be no issue with shadows. It will be used to meet all the yacht’s bandwidth needs when sailing out of the range of 4G and is sufficient to meet the needs of owner, crew and guests when under charter. You can find out more about this installation in the news section of our website – along with other fantastic case studies and all our other exciting news. ______________________________________ Roger Horner - E3 Systems



For further information on e3 VSAT or SUPER DATA: (+34) 971 404 208




ETO /AVIT ENGINEER OR SHORE SIDE SUPPORT COMPANY? Robertson ETO’s delves deeper into this interesting topic providing some helpful insights. How did we get to where we are? To understand a little history we rewind back to when ships required RO’s (Radio Officers) onboard to look after and take care of all radio communications between ship and Shore. The Radio Officer was a highly esteemed role, sadly nowadays the Radio Officer role is almost unheard of as there is no longer work available, Radio Communications have become simpler and operator certificates obtained by bridge navigational officers. Step forward to 2010 – 2020 and we see a massive surge and demand for technical crew to look after and maintain the state of the art electrical and AVIT systems found on-board ships and super yachts. What exactly is an ETO and how has the name been miss used / miss understood in the industry: • In the true sense of the acronym, ETO stands for Electro Technical Officer. The ETO is a licensed position forming part of the Engineering team who reports to the Chief Engineer. To be an ETO you must pass and obtain your ETO CoC (Certificate of Competency). This certification is fairly new and traditional “ETO’s” who have been signed on as “ETO’s” and who have more than 12 months sea time prior to Jan 2016 can be grandfathered in as an ETO following the “experienced ETO route” by completing advanced modules, written examinations and an oral interview. • AVIT Engineers or ITO’s (IT Officers) main role is to look after and upgrade all AV IT and broadcast systems found onboard a super yacht. Size matters! • Depending on the size of vessel, this will govern how many ETO’s / AVIT engineers you’d expect to find onboard. Smaller yachts, less than 60m generally do not carry ETO’s / AVIT engineers, this responsibility is usually delegated to a senior crew member who is most interested and capable to handle it. Pro’s and Conn’s of employing an ETO / AVIT Engineer:

• Salaries – ETO’s / AVIT Engineers are not cheap! Depending on experience, size and complexity of the vessel, they can be earning top dollar salaries. Some ETO’s may be at a certain point in their career with family commitment or lifestyle choices and may only be looking for rotational work. Rotational crew cost the boat more with extra flights, insurances needing to be accounted for. • Having an ETO / AVIT Engineer onboard and at the ready may be priceless to the Owners and Guests. If something were to go wrong with time sensitive incident like a TV broadcast or internet connection going down in the middle of a major sports game or business deal the ETO / AVIT engineer would be able to resolve immediately. • ETO’s / AVIT Engineers are known for bringing great ideas and technological improvements onboard. They are constantly learning and seeking new ways to improve systems. • Shore side contractors and technical service providers are absolutely essential to the smooth operation and running of AVIT systems on yachts. Traditionally shore side service providers can be hugely expensive but increasingly they are offering monthly / annual care packs to maintain and support systems for a reduced rate compared to pay as you go service. If you are not able to run with ETO’s / AVIT engineers onboard, then having a shore side AVIT company look after and maintain all your systems is a logical strategy. • What happens if you employ ETO’s / AVIT Engineers and you still have to rely on shore side contractors? Usually this happens on new builds when the yachts are still under warranty and installers / integrators are ironing out warranty issues. After the warranty period is

over, it depends on the Owner / Management / Captain whether or not they deem it feasible or not to continue with support contracts. Deciding to continue with support contracts depends very much on boat to boat. Some Owners may have a large fleet and having one company maintain and look after all AVIT certainly makes sense. In conclusion ETO’s / AVIT engineers and shore side support contractors have their work cut out for them! There is much to do and lots of opportunity out there. Jason Robertson, Director at Robertson ETOS has more than 17 years of combined AVIT and ETO experience on-board some of the industries most renowned and recognised superyachts. Comment at ______________________________________ Robertson ETOS




Back to our “space” where within our network we have one more acronym to be aware of, VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network). All the previous “LAN” were quite physical, i.e they had to do with something physically onboard or the world beyond. The VLAN is a virtual network that is programmed into the local network. It is a method to keep communications between devices separate. Think of it like different roads that do not have intersections, running parallel to each other. Only the Router can decide if packets of information should transverse between these roads. This way your guest internet traffic can be separated from your crew traffic. Devices on one VLAN cannot be accessed by a device on another VLAN without explicit permission programmed into the Router.

WASHING BASKET OF ACRONYMS In the world of IT (Information Technology) the number of acronyms seems to grow by the day. Although many say they are there to make life easier when talking about them, for the ones living outside the IT world they simply become a set of letters to be confused with others. Here are a few of them that you will probably see if you’re tasked with making changes with your network onboard. Firstly, let us remember what an IT network is, and the 3 basic components that you will face. The LAN is the Local Area Network, i.e. the network that connects everything within your space, being the vessel, home or office. The LAN has a part that is called the WLAN being the Wireless Local Area Network, i.e. the Wi-Fi portion that allows your smartphone or smart watch to connect. You may also find that some printers are connected wirelessly or even security cameras (not recommended!). Once you go outside your space, and connect to the internet, you become part of the WAN, (world) Wide Area Network. I added the word “world” just to give it better significance to you, as you are most likely connecting to the internet or WWW (World Wide Web). In summary you have your wireless network, WLAN; your wired network, LAN; and the network you become part of when you connect to the internet, WAN. The connection to the WAN normally is provided by an ISP (Internet Service Provider). It does not matter as to how, be it by satellite, cellular, wired landline or Wifi. Although not acronyms, I will quickly touch on 3 items in your network, that also need to be understood. Firstly, you have a “router”, which basically looks at the traffic on your network and decides/routes the traffic to where it should go. i.e. It sees a packet of information, and from its “header” routes it locally (i.e. when you are accessing a NAS (Network-Attached Storage), a local Server, or a local printer) or to the internet (i.e. if you are browsing something online like youtube or accessing your files on “dropbox”. A popular router in use on vessel is the Kerio Controller. You also have “switches” in a network, these

are either managed or unmanaged, the difference being if they are programable for specific LAN setups, or simply dumb units that permit any connection. And then you have the WAP (Wireless Access Points, sometimes simple named AP) which in effect is also a type of switch, but for your wireless devices! Again, in summary, the “router” is you traffic management unit, managing both internal as well as external traffic. A Switch is there to connect devices to each other, this can be managed or unmanaged, and finally you have WAPs to connect your wireless devices to the network as well. Cellular connection also comes in various flavours. As a basic they originally come in 2 flavours. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). Don’t worry about remembering what each stands for, just get that in previously the USA was principally CDMA and the rest of the world (with exceptions!) was GSM. GSM being the more popular version has come along as 2G, 3G,4G… (2nd Generation, 3rd Generation, 4th Generation, you get my drift...) but this line now has a new acronym which is LTE (LongTerm Evolution, and commonly marketed as 4G LTE or Advanced 4G). Note that the technical forums are now all buzzing about 5G… the 5th Generation.

LAN – Local Area Network WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network WAN – Wide Area Network WWW – World Wide Web VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network ISP – Internet Service Provider WiFi – alternative marketing name for WLAN NAS – Network-Attached Storage GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access LTE - Long-Term Evolution (closely linked to 4G mobile networks) Oh, you may have heard of IoT (Internet of Things). This is simply a lazy term to say anything (any device) that is connected to the Internet… Often with the word “smart” attached. The fridge that tells you it is missing something inside… do you want to order it online? The thermostat that turns on when you approach your home, etc. I hope this has helped shed some light, and yes it only scratches the surface, but will allow you to understand a little more about what you have installed and when a techy speaks IT! This article was written by Tim Gorter, Tim focuses in Audio/ Video installation support and maintenance. Providing Wifi surveys and troubleshooting for your entertainment systems. ______________________________________ By Tim Gorter AV/IT Technical Integrator

Custom entertainment integrators for smart yachting projects Official Distributor For: Showroom: Montcades 2, Palma (next to Jaime III)

(+34) 629 609 680

(+34) 971 724 951




Christophe Harbour’s private beach club, The Pavilion, for a sushi workshop. There were a number of department specific workshops for all crew throughout the rest of the day. Thursday evening was free of scheduled activities, so crew could explore a variety of recommendations from the Christophe Harbour Concierge. Most crew flocked to the nearby SALT Plage for sunset, and enjoyed “Lobster Thursdays” offering some of the best “braaid” lobsters you will ever try. Friday commenced with beachside yoga - with a turnout of over 20 crew members practising their inner peace! Meanwhile, workshops were conducted in the customs house. A delicious buffet was served for lunch on the lawn prior to the much anticipated “Crewfest Games”.

IS THIS THE NEXT CARIBBEAN SUPERYACHT HUB? St. Kitts is one of the lushest of the Caribbean islands, so why is it not up there on every Caribbean cruising itinerary? With the luxurious Christophe Harbour development on the south peninsula of the island boasting a naturally-sheltered superyacht marina and a 30 year expansion plan, St. Kitts makes a great destination for both crew and guests. The Marina’s recent developments include a gourmet provisioning market, brand new crew amenities, complimentary bicycles, as well as a planned fitness centre to be fitted with all the latest machinery. Upon arrival, the experienced Christophe Harbour team greet you with a discount to all the “crew hotspots” on the island. As an ex-superyacht crew member, now working for ACREW, I have the opportunity to travel to many a marina. I found the Christophe Harbour staff to be some of the most friendly and helpful people I have ever come across. From the management team to the ground staff, I have never before felt so welcome. Christophe Harbour is home to the yearly “Caribbean Crewfest” in partnership with ACREW. This year marked the 4th edition of the event, held from 16th - 18th January 2019. Crewfest invites superyachts to experience four days of free berthing, whilst crew attend workshops, tours, social activities, an endurance contest (the Crewfest Games) and parties. This year’s theme was “Discovering the hidden gems of St. Kitts, Nevis and Christophe Harbour” which allowed the crew to explore all that the sister islands have to offer. Some of the most prestigious superyachts in the industry were in attendance, including the reputable M/Y Joy, M/Y Baton Rouge, M/Y Lucky Lady and M/Y Sherakhan. Crew members also flew in from the nearby islands of Antigua and Sint Maarten to attend the fun-filled and educational event. Wednesday evening began with a tour of the

nearly completed state of the art Customs House and crew lounge - a beautifully designed building that will house Marina Operations as well as other services. Here we conducted a captains briefing with the numerous partners who support the event, including Lürssen, Quantum Stabilizers, Crew-Glue, KVH, Liquid Yacht Wear, United Advisers Marine, IMM and FKG. This was followed by a “Welcome Cocktail” for all crew, where they enjoyed complimentary food and beverages as well as local entertainment provided by the St. Kitts Tourism Authority. Up bright and early on Thursday morning, the day kick-started at 9am with fitness and mountain bike activities, interactive workshops and island tours of both St. Kitts and Nevis. Crew were ferried to Nevis by water taxis for the excursion, and others enjoyed a full day of golf at the Four Seasons Resort. The day continued with chefs heading to

The Games saw each yacht put together a team of four to compete in the ultimate endurance test. Team Baton Rouge claimed the 2019 trophy with M/Y One More Toy coming in close second place! The celebrations continued into the evening with a “Glow in the Dark” beach party sponsored by ISS GMT featuring a full barbequed dinner spread, and free-flowing beer and rum all evening, sponsored by Carib Beer and Shipwreck Rum. After visiting the harbour, I highly believe St. Kitts is going to become the next superyacht hub of the Caribbean, and I would recommend anyone to visit the smiling faces of the island. Make an account with today to stay in the loop for our upcoming event in the Caribbean “Sint Maarten Rendezvous” on the 7th and 8th March 2019. For more information about Christophe Harbour and its marina visit We look forward to meeting you at one of our events in the near future! ______________________________________ ACREW Izzy Richardson Marketing and Communications




MOTOR CRUISING IN STYLE As we welcome the arrival of spring following a chilly winter, we also welcome the demand for motor cruising training and charters. Whilst the tranquillity and artistry of sailing can be pure joy there is an argument for the convenience, and speed, of motor cruising. As I was once told “it’s point and go’ and the motor cruising students were always well in to their second pint before the sailors arrived. At Aigua Sea School we have a little announcement to make and you’re reading this news first here in The Islander. Our search for the perfect motor yacht for training has finally come to fruition and, after some works in the UK, a crew of Aigua instructors flew off to the mainland early last month to bring home the latest member of our team. A huge thanks to Sam, Nathan and Steve who came with me to bring ‘And So To Sea’ home to Palma. Owning our own, fully commercially coded, 12m motor yacht provides a flexibility to run the full variety of courses of the RYA motor cruising scheme, plus provide refresher training days, training and assessment for the International

Certificate of Competence and the shorter ‘starter pack’ courses of ‘Start Motor Cruising’ and ‘Helmsman’s Course’ throughout the year. The RYA scheme begins with ‘Start Motor Cruising’, a one-day stand alone course (or two days when accompanying other courses) with a minimum age of student set at just 8 years old, so ideal for family cruising plans. The ‘Helmsman’s Course’ is next on the ladder, teaching boat handling and seamanship over two days with the aim for the candidate to feel confident in general boat handling. With a minimum age of 12, it really opens the opportunity for the younger members of crew to play a useful role onboard. The four-day Day Skipper course is the most sought-after certificate as it proves a level of competence required in the application for the much-coveted International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft, the ICC. It must be understood that a level of navigation theory must be held before pursuing the Day Skipper practical certificate and this can be achieved through online or classroom course. Consult

with your training centre to find the best solution for you. Our lovely new training yacht also provides the flexibility of providing even more of a service to our Yachtmaster candidates. In some cases, where skippering experience has been acquired on vessels above 7m but less than 10m, whist still meeting the RYA/MCA criteria can leave the candidate lacking in ‘bigger boat’ handling skills. A weekend spent on a 12m twin engine motor yacht with high and spacious flybridge, prior to the full exam training week will alleviate any concerns of a candidate’s ability in close quarter manoeuvring skills. Training without pressure! The RYA Cruising Scheme is clearly represented on their website at and the courses are ready to book on the aiguaseaschool website, just click on MOTOR. ______________________________________ Aigua Sea School (+34) 871 230 373




freedom to sort and find, and multiple tags can be applied to individual items. Imagine you have an inbound stewardess who’s indicated she’s a size 8. Searching the ‘Size 8’ tag will pull up a list of every uniform element in that size. You can also search via numerous filters or by clicking the relevant letter of the alphabet. Inventory with stock located in multiple locations is clearly indicated, making it easy to see that, for example, you have 12 dinner plates in the port side salon cupboard, 6 more under the owner’s bed and another 4 in storage in Ft Lauderdale.

INVENTORY: TICKING ALL THE BOXES Wine, sodas, uniforms, toiletries, medical supplies, dry stores, cleaning products, not to mention all the precious luxury items it takes to make a Superyacht run efficiently… So many things to keep track of and so little time to check it, over and over and over again! The problem with inventories is that they’re only as good as the people maintaining them, and not everyone views inventory maintenance as important—and some simply don’t want to do the work. I think I only ever joined one yacht that had a complete and up-to-date inventory in my entire 20 years of crewing! High crew turnover can have a disastrous impact on inventory accuracy and make it very hard to identify whether there’s been any theft… right up until the owner asks for an item and is very surprised when it cannot be found.

up-to-date, it is essential that the inventory system be easy to use. 2. The fields need to suit the needs of all departments. (Unfortunately, many other systems are created by engineers, for engineers.) 3. Multiple locations (including off-boat) should be easy to track and understand. 4. A damage log should record when and why numbers are reduced. 5. Crew need to be able to filter, search and find items and export partial or full inventory with ease. 6. A built-in ordering system should autoupdate the inventory.

We gave all of that considerable thought and sought additional insight from industry peers, and it became clear that:

We used that information and our personal crewing experience to create the Luxe inventory module. (Total Superyacht’s module is similar but contains additional features.) We tried our best to stay away from the typical format seen in other yachting platforms and instead drew inspiration from our own expertise and imagination as well as some of the more popular inventory apps.

1. If you want the crew to keep the inventory

Custom tagging provides crew with unlimited

A non-editable history is maintained for each item, showing when more stock was ordered, how much it cost, who ordered it, where they ordered it from and on what date. The history also documents every time stock numbers are reduced, who reduced the number and why. Stock numbers cannot be reduced without recording history. Adding an item to the Damage Log is optional via a check box. The Damage Log provides an overview of what or who needs attention or training. (I’m kind of glad this much-sought-after feature wasn’t around back when I joined my first yacht and found those fragile Lalique glasses so challenging to dry!) Orders can be created by checking a box beside each inventory item you want or filtering to the items you wish to order and checking the “Order all” box. You can also add items to existing orders. Once the order is created, you can select the suppliers you wish to get a quote from. Luxe will send them an email with a PDF attachment that appears to have come from your email address. When the supplier responds with a quote, you can upload the attachment into the quotation section of Luxe with the total price, currency, supplier name and your comments about the quote. When all the quotes are entered, the HOD or captain can approve the appropriate quotation. An email will be sent to that supplier confirming the order (with their quotation attached). When the delivery arrives, the crew can process the order in, which automatically updates the inventory numbers. If only part of an order arrives, you can accept those items and leave the balance open until receipt. Inventory may not be the sexiest aspect of the superyacht world, but it’s vital to every operation on the ship. The Luxe SOP system’s expert-driven, elegant design and flexibility makes it as comprehensive yet painless as possible! ______________________________________ Superyacht Operating Systems Jodie Clarke Spain +34 672 043 882 USA +1 954 9188382




which is fully residential and offers a variety of accommodation. Our training facilities include modern lecture rooms, engineering workshops and two bridge simulator suites which provide an invaluable virtual learning environment. The Transas and ARI simulators enable students to practise command skills while learning about radar systems and all-weather navigation, and our facilities are accessible in the daytime, evenings or at weekends. Our instructing team has been selected for breadth and depth of maritime experience and consists of highly-skilled industry experts from the Royal Navy, Merchant Navy and superyacht sectors. Captain Bill Tate, UKSA’s Head of Maritime Training, is a Master Mariner who has taught MCA Yacht modules for 20 years and has been sea-proficient for over 30 years. As well as overseeing all MCA training at UKSA, he is a member of the MCA Yacht Qualification Panel and Chairman of the IAMI Small Craft Group. Are you looking for crew?

UKSA – TAKE YOUR CAREER TO NEW HEIGHTS We are one of the world’s foremost providers of MCA yacht certificates with all-inclusive residential courses approved by the MCA and STCW. The courses range from Safety, Security and Engineering Training to MCA Deck Officer and Master training for superyachts and workboats. We offer extensive flexible training options for crew and officers needing to plan their career progression and training around busy schedules, and we can provide bespoke training to meet your crew’s individual needs. We have a diverse range of exciting career courses accredited by the RYA and MCA including the Superyacht Cadetship, Professional

Yachtmaster Offshore, Superyacht Crew Training and Superyacht Interior Foundation. Our free-of-charge recruitment service is part of our charitable purpose and we work with Trinity House and Seafarers UK to provide bursaries for students with the drive and motivation required by industry employers. “I want to reach the top in my career and climb as high as possible in the industry. UKSA is the best route into it.” Matthew Dykes - Cadet UKSA’s unique, all-inclusive environment Based in Cowes, a town globally renowned for yachting, we operate from a waterside base

If you’re an employer looking for crew then we can help you to find the ideal applicants. We can match graduates to jobs because we ensure that we get to know students during their mentoring and industry guidance sessions – additionally, if you use our services we make certain that we understand your expectations of the positions that you want to fill. Through our partnerships with Nautilus and CrewFO, our graduates all receive excellent preparation for employment within the yachting industry. Interested in finding out more? If you’re interested in our training courses or if you’re seeking high-calibre crew, please contact us. ______________________________________ UKSA (+44) 1983 203001




MAKING THE MOST OF THE OFF SEASON The pre-season period is considered by some as ‘downtime’; Christmas has been and gone and the ‘crazy season’ of back to back charters is a mere memory. Your work list is ticking over, and things are generally looking pretty ship shape. BUT, are you making the most of this window of opportunity? Many people use this time to undertake the mandatory courses that help them to progress along the career ladder. Yet one of the biggest complaints we hear from senior crew, is that newly qualified Officers have all the tickets, but lack real experience and the ability to transfer theory into practical application. They have crammed all the knowledge and passed exams, but when they step back on board they are not ready to step up. 80% of learning occurs on the job, so using the quiet time is the perfect opportunity to invest in your crew, call it training, mentoring, coaching, leading; helping crew to apply the newly acquired skills and knowledge is key to bridging the gap from classroom to on board operations, whatever the level. Tips for Developing Crew • Set them a small assignment, where information has to be researched and presented back to the team. • Part of the research assignment can be to find YouTube clips of right and wrong ways of

doing things – we recall far more of what we see. • Run quizzes – share out the writing of the questions. • Work shadow someone senior / or junior! / or even from another department. • Invite a supplier aboard to present to the crew. • Keep it fun and interactive – this helps with memory retention. Management Tool: 1:1s Dedicating just 30 minutes of uninterrupted 1:1 time, can be invaluable. By asking open questions you can gauge their progress and what their next steps should be. If they are looking to move up, even if you are not able to offer them the promotion, you can still help them to start preparing for that next position and gain the practical experience that they need. Meet regularly to see how they are progressing (at least once a month) and use an agenda such as the sample below. In time everyone will know what is expected from them and they will come prepared. Those 30 minutes of exclusive time with you talking about themselves, helps individuals to feel valued and in turn motivated – how important is that?! Sample 1:1 Agenda • What has been working well? (add your feedback afterwards)

• What has not worked so well? (add your feedback – if necessary) • Progress – towards specific goals (no more than 3 at any time) o What will help them move forward? o What support do they need from you? • What will they do before your next meeting? • Summarise all action points and they should leave feeling positive Encourage them to drive the agenda. Every few 1:1’s discuss their career and progress. If there is a performance or attitude issue, deal with it early and give the constructive feedback. Don’t forget to be a good listener and be as open and honest as you can. We recommend that the meeting is documented – ask them to e-mail you a summary, which will strengthen their ownership of the process and action points, as well as save you time! Even if you are helping them to move on and find that next job, give them your support - you’ll have the added bonus of truly understanding why they left. You never know, they may help you find their replacement and train them up too! Impact Crew is here to help you on your leadership journey. Call us to find out how we can bring leadership and management tips and tools to your yacht and crew. ______________________________________ Impact Crew Karen Passman T. (+44) 1425 614 419




YPI CREW RELEASES 2018 YACHT CREW RECRUITMENT DATA YPI CREW, the global authority in yacht crew placement, has published its 2018 data, which gives invaluable insight into the yachting industry. The annual statistics are a key resource for all everyone involved in yachting. Once again, the figures indicate that the industry is expanding. The number of job requests on yachts increased by an impressive 16% compared to 2017. For the fourth consecutive year, the majority of jobs were on yachts of 71 metres and more in length. These represented 40% of total crew positions and an increase of 18% compared to 2017. Positions on yachts of between 51 and 70 metres was the second busiest segment, with a 30% share of jobs. This is a slight drop on 2017’s figure of 32.2%. The share of jobs aboard motor yachts rose once again, representing 94% compared with 90.5% in 2017. Consequently, the percentage

of jobs on sailing yachts dropped slightly to 6%. These figures are coherent with the global yacht market. Jobseekers who are weighing up the benefits of working on a private yacht versus a charter yacht will be interested to learn that 66% of jobs in 2018 were on private yachts. This clearly indicates that crew should interview for private yacht jobs and not wait around for charter positions. Captain jobs represented only 4% of jobs while the remaining 96% were crew jobs. Officer registration hit a record high in 2018, which raises the question of whether there will be enough captain jobs in the future. The number of new candidate registration has increased by 8% in the past 12 months and by 23% over 24 months. This again points to the growth and appeal of the yachting industry. The year 2018 was the busiest ever in terms of steward and stewardess registration.

YPI CREW’s data also reveals that in 16 years, 2018 was the second busiest in terms of engineering registration. As in 2017, most candidates were seeking rotational contracts. For YPI CREW, 2018 marked a milestone: the leading yacht crew recruitment agency registered the highest number of job orders and placements made in its 16 years of existence. Laurence Lewis, Managing Director of YPI CREW, comments: “2018 was a productive year for YPI CREW; all the recruiters were fully engaged. This is the second consecutive year that we have registered record figures for job orders and placements. The yachting industry is flourishing. Finding qualified and experienced crew is hard, so captains and hiring managers are turning towards our crew agency to find solutions.” For experienced crew members or those who are new to the industry, YPI CREW’s yacht job descriptions are an invaluable resource for finding exciting new challenges.




THE ART OF THE SAILOR IS TO LEAVE NOTHING TO CHANCE This time of the year we do a lot of deliveries, bringing yachts to their summer cruising grounds. These trips at the beginning and the end of the season reminds many of us, Pocket Superyacht crew, why we made sailing the 50ft to 100ft range of luxury yachts our job; The true love for offshore sailing. In the middle of the summer the Mediterranean sailing conditions can sometimes be a little too comfortable and benign. The focus shifts to keeping the yacht clean, to technical maintenance and of course to hospitality. Conditions are so easy that we stand the risk of becoming complacent towards safety until a September storm sends us a (not so) gentle first reminder. Bringing the yacht to the next pick up point for guests is done under time pressure which, in combination with light airs often prevents crew from quenching their sailing thirst. But a delivery in March or April, that takes you through the Bay of Biscay or the Golfe de Lion, can put your salty sailors skills to the test again.

I feel we are not doing this enough. I sense that most sailors are optimistic people. That most of them started sailing in the Optimist class may be an indication. But you don't have to be a pessimist to imagine all the things that can break or go wrong when you're navigating, inshore or offshore on a sail- or motor yacht.

The art of the sailor is to leave nothing to chance. This is a quote by Annie Van de Wiele which I saw on the American Sailing Association's Instagram. First of all, I didn't know who Annie Van de Wiele was but a quick Google search revealed to my surprise that she is a fellow country woman of mine born in Belgium in 1922. She was a writer and a sailor who circumnavigated the world with her husband in 1950. How come I hadn't heard from her before?


The quote, however, did ring a bell, very much so in fact. In our online training videos for How To Work On Pocket Superyachts we explain that a truly professional yacht captain is continuously thinking about all the different things that can go wrong and how to react to them.

Safety should be the number one, two and three priority of every pro! Recently, Nathan Skinner created a really on-point post on the Palma Yacht Crew Facebook group about going aloft and the use of two halyards and other safety measures. It’s worth to have a look at what he wrote and the reactions he received. He pointed out how he's worked on some yachts where a macho culture prevented some basic safety measures to be taken. But how can you possibly look stronger than when you (male or female) master the art of the sailor and are keeping your crew safe at all times? Jens Oomes - (+34) 674 83 83 68 Skype: Jens Oomes




Nathan Skinner

NATHAN SKINNER- SAILNG INSTRUCTOR So how did a boy from Milton Keynes (which is about as far from the sea as you possible can be in the UK) become a sailor?

winter months, however I achieved instructor qualifications which I viewed as a ticket out of my home town.

It started around age 4; I remember sailing on my dad’s Enterprise dinghy then being pushed out in an Optimist on a small bit of water, an overgrown pond really.

Three weeks after my 18th birthday I left and spent a year in Antigua at a beach club working for one of the largest holiday companies. It was a world away from my previous experience. Eventually I returned to the UK, working for one of the leading RYA dinghy training centres. At the end of the season I gained further instructor qualifications including RYA Senior Dinghy and Powerboat Instructor.

At aged 10, I took part in an RYA Dinghy sailing course on the Isle of Wight. By the end of the week I was able to come alongside moored boats, recover man overboard and even sail backwards. Our instructor made a huge impression on me. So much so that once the course had finished, I proclaimed I wanted to be a sailing instructor! I stuck with sailing and at age fourteen began to volunteer as an assistant instructor. I did this for several years in a row and found it enjoyable, although I do remember capsizing a Wayfarer full of kids. In my defence I was told they were basically un-capsize’able. Filled with ambition I left school and enrolled onto an NVQ in Outdoor Leadership, based at an Outdoor Education Centre that catered for disadvantaged children. Under the watchful eye of the resident instructors I gradually took a leading role. We offered activities including climbing and archery as well as water sports including sailing, kayaking and windsurfing. It was challenging, particularly during the

Yacht Surveyors & Legal Consultants based in Palma and with our head office in England. We have associate offices located throughout the UK, mainland Europe and further afield. We believe in offering our clients a professional but affordable service. As well as comprehensive survey work we are able to provide legal advice on all yacht ownership issues including ownership structures, VAT, flagging and project management of new-builds and refits. We provide a one-stop shop service to clients wherever they may be.

Armed with my new tickets, and keen to avoid spending another cold winter in the UK, I was offered a job at a sailing club in Dubai. I spent two years appointed as their Senior Instructor and gained much from the experience, getting my first taste of cruising and offshore racing. This got my eyes fixed on the superyacht industry. I went dock walking at the Dubai International Boat Show and was offered a temporary job on a 60m M/Y which would be heading for the MED. We had armed guards onboard and had some close calls with pirates in the Gulf of Aden. I spent some time working on different size yachts, building miles and experience. I then found myself back in Dubai for a further three years running RYA training centres and also as Captain on a 75 foot Turkish Gullet.

I decided it was time to move on which was when I fell in love with Mallorca. Linda at Aigua Sea School offered me a week’s trial to teach an RYA Day Skipper course and I haven’t hung up my Aigua shirt since! Through the support of Aigua Sea School I achieved Yachtmaster Instructor for Sail, Personal Watercraft instructor certificate, my conversion to Certificate of Competence in Power and, recently my Cruising Instructor (power) ticket. This development in my own range of qualifications means I take pleasure in teaching a range of courses including Yachtmaster theory and practical, Advanced Powerboat and the personal watercraft courses. I find working within the Aigua Team extremely rewarding and look forward to this, my fifth year, with the team. Simon, the Editor, has kindly given me the privilege of writing a page in The Islander each month; I aim to write articles to help new yacht crew find their way. I have some interesting subjects lined up including tips for finding your first job, advice on how to keep it and sharing my thoughts on keeping safe in what can be a very dangerous work place. As my girlfriend Nelli and I live on a sailing yacht, I hope to include some anecdotes about living our lives onboard. I post almost daily on my personal blog which you can find at facebook. com/NathanSailing. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my content. All the best for the month ahead.


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______________________________________ Brought to the Islander by ADRP

HP Racing LifaLoft Midlayer ............................................ The new all-purpose marine-designed HP Racing Midlayer from Helly Hansen delivers the ideal amount of warmth with the use of Lifaloft™ insulation. The exterior is constructed with waterproof, windproof and breathable Helly Tech® fabrics that, combined with the insulation, provide full-stretch performance. The highly technical and versatile jacket is designed to meet the needs of the elite level sailor as well as an everyday solution for those looking for authentic marine style.

Lagoon catamarans join the Sunsail charter fleet in the Caribbean .......................................................................................................... Sunsail, a worldwide leader in the charter industry, has welcomed the award-winning Lagoon brand of catamarans to its charter fleet in 2019. Lagoon is an industry leader in cruising catamarans built for a spacious life aboard. The new Sunsail 464 (Lagoon 46) and Sunsail 424 (Lagoon 42) will be complementing the existing fleet of Robertson and Caine catamarans throughout the Caribbean. Currently in production, these models are expected to arrive at their designated bases for yacht charter holidays in early winter, 2019. Guests can begin booking these yachts immediately and charter yacht ownership opportunities are also now available.

SRP £160.00

Hydromoc Slip-On Shoe ....................................... New for spring 2019, the Hydromoc is a low profile slip-on shoe suitable for sailing, watersports or an active day near the water. Available for both men and women, the shoe features an EVA midsole for comfort and structure, and a podular outsole with HellyGrip rubber for unrivalled traction on slick decks, docks and rocks. The upper includes a strap closure and open mesh fabrics engineered to provide the perfect blend of stability, protection, support and breathability. SRP £70.00

The Moorings introduces new charter destination: Martinique .................................................................................................... Premier yacht charter company, The Moorings, has introduced Martinique to their expansive menu of top-rated holiday destinations. Located in the heart of the Lesser Antilles’ Windward Islands, the volcanic-formed island of Martinique is a mountainous region that is part of the French Republic, making it a mecca for French-Caribbean culture, maritime history and world-class sailing. Bareboat and skippered charters aboard sail and power yachts are bookable now for winter 2019 departures. The Martinique fleet will feature mid-size Beneteau monohulls and spacious sailing catamarans from Robertson & Caine, including the award-winning Moorings 4500, and the flagship 514 Power catamaran.



Jim Acher - Sales & Charter Broker M. (+34) 667 678 357 Calle San Juan 4, Palma

Bluewater is an international, full service brokerage company specialising in sales, charter, management, crew training and crew placement.

2019 has seen a busy start and there is some very good early data. We will get a better idea on how the year might unfold over the next quarter, but it certainly seems that macro-economic and world news issues are not having much impact right now. An increase in the number of vessels reduced in asking price was certainly expected, but the good news is that the number seen is one of the lowest Januarys in the last decade.

I am expecting this to climb over the coming months and as mentioned before, I would hope to see a plateau start in April/May. The chart below shows all the vessels sold globally in January. I was expecting January to show a fall in completions as usual, but 2019 has surprised with a very strong month. In some further good news, 70% of the vessels sold had never been reduced in asking price (up from 50% in December and 38% in November). Examining the relationship between vessels sold and reductions in asking prices prior to completion, 26% of all completions had had a price reduction with the last 12 months (37% in December) and 18% of the total had seen a price reduction in the past 6 months (23% in December). 12% of completions were sailing vessels (17% in December); all but one were less than 24m. The USA proportion has had a small fall to 41% in January, down from 43% in December. The chart below shows the new entrants to the brokerage market.

New entrants to the market normally increase in January and this year did not disappoint, but the percentage rise was smaller than usual, due to a very high number in December. The USA’s share has increased to 40%, up from 30% in December and 41% in November. Again, this should not surprise, as one of their major yacht shows begins in days. Sailing vessels accounted for just 5% of the new entrants (down from 15% in December) and sail versus power in the overall market remains constant at 14%. Looking at the Mediterranean charter season, in the 30-45m motor vessel segment, there are 242 vessels currently available for charter in the West Med. The figure with no bookings (including owner use), is currently at 44%, which considering the time to the start of the season is very good news. We are seeing a much higher volume of enquiries for the Med. season than in previous Januarys and I will continue to monitor this data going forward. As always, please do not hesitate to let me know if you need any assistance or advice into any facet of yachting.

All figures are given in good faith, but Bluewater Yachting and The Islander take no responsibility for any error.

The USA’s share of these price reductions has stayed in-line with November and December 2018 and accounted for 55% of the total. With the Miami Yacht Show just around the corner, I would not have been surprised had this risen. Looking at how long vessels had been on the market before reducing their asking prices, the good news continues. 15% of January’s reductions had been on the market for less than 6 months (the same as December) and the percentage only rises to 18% for those who had been on the market for a year or less; (31% in December). This is good news and still shows overall support in pricing and values. 11% of total reductions were sailing vessels, with all but one less than 32m in length. Looking at the total market of vessels that have been reduced at one time or another since being offered for sale in the chart below, there has been an expected rise this January (0.8% up).





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FLIR: BOSTON WHALER AND MERCURY MARINE ARE MARINE INDUSTRY’S FIRST TO DEMONSTRATE RAYMARINE DOCKSENSE FOR OUTBOARD PROPULSION system includes multiple FLIR machine vision cameras, a central processing module, and the DockSense App running on Raymarine’s Axiom navigation display.

Today, Boston Whaler, the leading manufacturer of unsinkable family fishing boats, and Mercury Marine, the world's leading manufacturer of recreational marine propulsion engines, are the first to demonstrate the Raymarine DockSense™assisted docking system on an outboard-powered Boston Whaler vessel at Mercury’s Lake X testing facility. Launched last month with Prestige Yachts at the Düsseldorf Boat Show, DockSense is the recreational marine industry’s first intelligent object recognition and motion sensing assisted docking solution. Docking a boat can be a stressful experience, even for the most experienced captains. The DockSense system uses cameras and video analytic technology to create a Virtual Bumper™zone around the vessel and assist boat owners in tight quarter docking.

DockSense continuously monitors the vessel’s surroundings, keeping the autonomous system updated with real-time detection of objects like pilings or another vessel. Mercury’s autonomous system works in concert with DockSense and its own joystick piloting system to avoid the object and assist the captain in guiding the vessel to the dock. The DockSense

Mercury’s powerful autonomous system will support a wide variety of future uses for assisted and semi-autonomous functionality, as it can be integrated with sensors like vision systems. This demonstrator provides an example of how Mercury’s technology is both high-performing and adaptable to partner systems, like DockSense, to make boating easier. ______________________________________ To learn more, visit:

EXPANSION TO SUPPORT GROWTH OF SIRENA, AZUREE AND EUPHORIA BRANDS To cope with demand and give it the ability to build larger yachts, Sirena Marine will later this year take on a new shipyard in Istanbul, Turkey. Few details are known at this stage, but IBI understands that more information is forthcoming in a few months’ time. The builder of Sirena motoryachts and the Azuree and Euphoria sailing yacht brands continues to expand. Sirena already has the successful Sirena 58 and Sirena 64, and the new 27m (88ft) Sirena 85 will launch later this year. Sirena is displaying one model from each range at Düsseldorf – the Sirena Yachts 64 with a new interior from Cor D Rover, the Euphoria 54 and the Azuree 41. To date, 12 Sirena 64s have been sold and are either completed or in build. Demet Yesilaltay, Sirena Marine’s marketing and corporate communications manager, told IBI : “Sirena Marine is mainly focusing on the new Sirena 85 and the new models for Euphoria. We will be opening the new shipyard in Istanbul later this year and this will build the larger Sirena models, the 64 and 85. All the other models are built at our other yard, which is about two hours by car from the new yard.” In an expansion of its dealer network, Sirena Yachts has also appointed Sweden’s Marstrand

Yachts as its official distributor for the Nordic European countries – Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Marstrand, which has more than 10 years’ experience selling long-distance cruising yachts in the region, has a successful track record of working with major yachting brands. The company enjoys strong regional connections in the marine industry, a large database of prospects, and a full understanding of the commercial and practical considerations of boating in the region. It has branches in Marstrand and Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm.

“We are honoured to be appointed as Sirena Yachts dealers for the Nordic European countries and be able to offer our discerning clientele a modern, quality brand that has been missing in the region,” said Peter Johansson, CEO of Marstrand Yachts. Ali Onger, commercial group manager of Sirena Marine, commented: “At Sirena Marine, we continue our dealer network expansion by appointing Marstrand Yachts. This collaboration surely will create a great synergy to reach a fruitful and successful partnership.”




HISTORIC CITY AIMS TO BECOME KEY SUPERYACHT DESTINATION A new Venice Boat Show has been announced and will take place in the Arsenale, in the nautical heart of the historic city, from June 18-23. The announcement was made recently at the Düsseldorf boat show in a joint press conference that included representatives from three Venetian marinas, the mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, and Ferretti Group CEO Alberto Galassi. Galassi highlighted the city’s unique characteristics that, coupled with its direct access to the Adriatic, give it the potential to become “fundamental” in the annual European show calendar. Venice was the location for the Italian’s builder’s 50th anniversary celebrations last year, and Galassi indicated the new show would have the builder’s full backing, adding

that the event would be the only Italian show it would invest in in 2019. He added that Riva’s new 50m in steel would be presented there and urged other builders to join the event. The new show, organised in association with Vela, a company responsible for various commercial projects in the city, will be situated in the Arsenale, which features a 40,000sq m water basin with 500m of wharfs and piers; up to 100 moorings and 100 ground standings. There’s 5,000sq m of indoor and a further 5,000sq m of outdoor exhibition spaces. The announcement follows a failed attempt to launch a show in the city back in 2016 – plans that ultimately unravelled because of timing issues with ExpoVenice. The city is now

actively looking to promote itself as a leisure destination for big superyachts. Venice is under increasing pressure from tourism with calls now for a more selective approach to its tourist initiatives – quality, not quantity appears to be the new mantra. The three marinas – Venezia Certosa Marina, Venice Yacht Pier and Marina Santelena, present at today’s announcement – are now working together to lure superyachts to Venice. They had a joint stand at the Düsseldorf show and are presenting themselves as Venice Superyacht Destination. The new boat show and Venice Superyacht Destination describe themselves as complementary messages aimed at reviving the ancient nautical tradition of ‘La Serenissima’ as Venice is known.


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SANLORENZO TURNOVER UP 27% IN 2018 Sanlorenzo names two new CEOs; forecasts 20% further growth for 2019 based on ambitious plans for new products, facilities and acquisitions. Keeping pace with the growth and expansion of Italian superyacht builder Sanlorenzo has been an integral part of covering the Italian marine market over recent years. It appears the momentum will be maintained going forward, as the group announces future plans that include further expansion, more investment, diversification and new acquisitions. The driver behind all this is chairman and CEO Massimo Perotti, who just prior to Boot Düsseldorf announced that Sanlorenzo had become a totally Italian-owned company after he bought back the shares held by Chinese and Italian companies. He now controls 96% of the business through a family trust, which includes his daughters. Management holds the other 4%. Following the successful 60th anniversary of Sanlorenzo in 2018, the group has what is described as ‘an ambitious and strategic plan’ to go forward. The plan, a company statement says, has been approved by the board. An increasingly strong financial performance is an integral part of the future of Sanlorenzo. Sanlorenzo’s future growth is based on further expanding the core activity supported by the inclusion of new product lines, the development of the Bluegame brand acquired last year, and by the diversification into different segments and products complementary to the core business. New acquisitions are also on the horizon.

In addition, a strategic reorganisation and strengthening of management are underway to face the new challenges. This strengthening includes Ferruccio Rossi, former managing director, assuming the position of CEO of Sanlorenzo Spa. He is also appointed president of Sanlorenzo Superyachts, the company division dedicated to metal models over 40m, which in recent years have recorded particularly significant production volumes and a significant increase in revenue. The strengthening also involves Carla Demaria, who has been co-opted to the Sanlorenzo Spa board following her departure from Monte Carlo Yachts last November where she was president of the Groupe Beneteau division. Demaria is also current president of UCINA, the Italian marine industry association, and her career has included 20 years with the AzimutBenetti Group. At Sanlorenzo, Demaria will oversee the development of the new business opportunities envisaged by the plan and the current extra-core business activities of Sanlorenzo. In particular, she assumes the position of CEO of Bluegame. As regards Sanlorenzo’s financial performance, Perotti has added much clarity to this in recent years and in 2018 the group reported turnover of €380m, a rise of 27% over 2017. For 2019, €460m is forecast, a further 20% increase which is based on an order backlog of over €500m extending into 2019, 2020 and beyond. Sanlorenzo will have put €100m into facilities, product development and R&D and branding during the 2017-19 period.

At Düsseldorf, Perotti reported “Over the next two years we will launch a new model line – the SL Sport Coupe, which will have models of 13m (42ft), 16m (52ft) and 19m (62ft).” The first model of the Sanlorenzo Open Coupé line is already in preparation, a segment in which the brand believes it can provide a strong renewal momentum and major investments. In addition, new lines are envisaged for the Bluegame brand. Perotti told IBI that this will bring the BG50, BG60 and BG70. Sanlorenzo sees that the launch of this new SL model range and the new BlueGame models will be accelerated by acquisitions, allowing diversification and expansion of the group’s product offerings. These acquisitions are currently under consideration. One further area to grow is the new Sanlorenzo Academy, which was launched last year to provide both qualified workers and crew opportunities across the group. In Düsseldorf, Perotti explained that a dedicated facility for the Academy had now been acquired in La Spezia. “We plan to increase the numbers in the Academy from 60 last year to between 120 and 150 through this year. This is essential to provide the people that we need for building the yachts and crewing our yachts. We are developing six lines of courses to meet all these needs.” ________________________ By David Robinson IBI Plus




GREECE EXTENDS MARINA PRIVATISATION PLANS Greece’s privatisation agency, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), is moving forward on two more marina privatisation projects in Mykonos and Rhodes. The news follows the acceptance, earlier this year, of an improved bid for Chios Marina. Meanwhile, the finalisation of the Alimos Marina privatisation is still awaited. The HRADF is now seeking bids from consultants to handle the commission of technical and legal matters linked to the award of concessions for the two marinas in Mykonos and Rhodes. It is hoped the privatisation will move forward during the summer. Both marinas should generate lots of interest, considering they are based in popular tourism areas within the Aegean Sea. The concessions will be for at least 25 years, perhaps longer, and bidders will be asked to submit investment plans for both marinas, which also have land available for commercial and other developments. Mykonos Marina is a small facility, whereas Rhodes offers around 600 berths for yachts from 9m-64m (30ft-200ft) and a dry stack with 200 slots. It is equipped with a 600-tonne travelift and its berths are served by an extended fibre-optic network that provides each berth with TV, telephone, internet and remote-control monitoring of electrical and water consumption. The marina’s land area extends to 120,000sq m.

In another recent move, the Greek Infrastructure Minister, Christos Spirtzis, has announced plans to move forward on developing a marina at Nea Makri in eastern Attica, relatively close to Athens airport. The Minister’s proposal is based on the marina being developed through a private-public partnership. Funding of €144,000 has been approved by the Minister to appoint a technical consultant to oversee the process for an official tender. Once appointed, the chosen contractor will then have two years to draw up a master plan, which will include all the marina works and any required urban upgrades, licences and environmental impact studies. A location for the new marina has been chosen based on a study undertaken by the

Athens Polytechnic Civil Engineering School. It is hoped that construction of the marina will begin by 2021. One of Athens’ leading marinas, Astir Marina on the Vouliagmeni peninsula, is due to be renovated following completion of the upgrade to the Astir Palace Hotel. The latter is set to be relaunched as the Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel in March and the marina renovation will follow that. This renovation project will include the provision of a new 150m (492ft) berth. Currently, Astir Marina offers 103 berths for yachts up to 45m (148ft) plus one 60m (196ft) berth ______________________________________ By David Robinson IBI Plus

fitted out at the Viareggio shipyard and will be delivered to her owner on the first half of 2020”. Diamond 145 is a yacht with a discreet sense of luxury that amazes even the most demanding owners when it comes to style, comfort and safety. She is an elegant yacht, with proportions and details that suggest important interior and exterior volumes, as well as conveying a sense of strength and power. The sleek, clean exterior lines designed by Giorgio M. Cassetta embrace the proportions of a big yacht, with superstructure masses that are refined and dynamic, high hull sides high and an extremely long reverse sheer line.

FIRST DIAMOND 145 UNIT SOLD Benetti is pleased to announce the sale of the first unit of the Diamond 145 model, the 44-meter displacement yacht presented last September during the Cannes Yachting Festival 2018. The exterior lines, featuring huge glazed surfaces that accentuate the length of the yacht and ensure that the interiors are flooded with natural light, are the work of Giorgio M. Cassetta. The interiors feature light colour shades to decorate the yacht’s roomy, welcoming settings. The year couldn’t have got off to a better start

for Benetti. The Shipyard proudly announces the sale of the first Diamond 145 unit. The new flagship in the Class product line is a yacht that symbolises power and balance. Benetti’s CEO Franco Fusignani expressed his great satisfaction at the signing of the contract: “Diamond 145 was presented only four months ago but right from the design stage we realised it was a model with incredible potential, representing the perfect synthesis of the core features of the Benetti Displacement Class across its entire history. BP001 is currently being

The interiors, customised to reflect the owner’s tastes, features curved lines uniting big, welcoming settings flooded with natural light. In here, light colourways bring a cosmopolitan sophistication and elegance to a timeless yacht. As well as the spacious interior volumes, another feature of this yacht, are the extensive glazed surfaces not only in the saloons, but also in the guest accommodation and the owner’s cabin. The Master-cabin is full-beam, with a big wardrobe, a full-beam bathroom and an office, and occupies the bow area on the Main Deck. Two 1,400 hp Man engines drive BP001 to a top speed of 15 knots and at a cruising speed of 11 knots the yacht has a range of 3,800 nautical miles.




SPIRIT YACHTS CONFIRMS ORDER FOR P40 SUPERYACHT TENDER Modern classic yacht builder will launch 12m tender in 2020 British modern classic yacht designer and builder Spirit Yachts has confirmed an order for a 12m superyacht tender, which will go into build later this year. Launching in spring 2020, with capacity for eight people, the Spirit P40 design is already turning heads for its eye-catching, curved seating arrangement in the stern. Spirit Yachts head designer Sean McMillan

commented: “The P40 combines classical 1930s elegance with the performance and practicalities required for superyacht guests and crew. She is fully customised, from her vintage aircraft inspired instrument dials to the mood lighting in the exterior seating area.” Spirit Yachts managing director Nigel Stuart added: “We are seeing increasing demand for modern classic tenders for superyachts. The misconception has previously been that wooden boats were slow and heavy, but Spirit Yachts’ lightweight construction coupled with

engineering expertise means we are delivering on performance as well as style.” The flared bow rises up to meet a long, flush foredeck with a hatch down to stowage for luggage and fenders. Raised margin boards create subtle toe rails without disturbing the clean lines of the deck. Signature Spirit Yachts’ fan windows sit on a slightly raised coachroof forward of a three-pane, curved glass screen, which provides protection from sea spray. A removable mahogany and stainless-steel mast with the necessary lights and aerials sits forward of the windscreen. Raised helm seats are positioned to port and starboard, with all controls and touchscreen Simrad instruments on the starboard side. A Simrad plotter is housed in the port side dashboard to facilitate navigation from the helm seat. Two Mercruiser TDi 370 engines and a 550-litre fuel tank will deliver a cruising range of 320 nautical miles at 30 knots. Directly aft of the helm seats is a luxurious, upholstered-leather seating area for up to six guests with the option for a bimini. On the stern are two ski tow brackets and a swim ladder, which folds down over the low swim/boarding platform on the transom. Underwater lighting and a Fusion marine stereo system complete the superyacht-style accessories. A central walkway between the helm seats to double mahogany doors, which open up into the air-conditioned interior space. Fan windows allow natural lighting into a leather seating area that can be converted to a double bed if required. Hanging storage is to starboard and on the port side a 100litre fridge sits below a small bar area with a laminated mahogany basin. ______________________________________ Spirit Yachts (+44) 7544701715




The organisers are hoping to attract around 12,000 visitors, and Williams confirmed that builders will be allowed to show no more than three models in an attempt to broaden the brand, type and size of boats on display. The Docks has capacity to show around 60 boats of up to 35m and there is room for eight superyachts adjacent to the Docks. The decision to rebrand and evolve London Yacht Show into a world class luxury event in the heart of the capital has also been welcomed by Colin Capewell, Managing Director of Princess Motor Yacht Sales, who said: “To be able to showcase our boats in this iconic setting, on-water, is a great platform for us to reach our customer base. We look forward to supporting this event and seeing the new audience that is delivered.”

MORE THAN 10 BRANDS ALREADY ONBOARD FOR NEW EVENT THAT RUNS FROM MAY 8-12 AT ST KATHARINE DOCKS The newly relaunched London Yacht Show, to take place from May 8-12 at St Katharine Docks in the heart of London, is being billed as a ‘boutique’ event, with a VIP preview day very much setting the tone for the show that will focus on high-end luxury products. In the two weeks since the event was relaunched as London Yacht Show, Sunseeker, Princess and Fairline have joined more than 10 brands that have signed up to exhibit their boats & yachts including: Azimut; Bayliner; Bavaria Power & Sail; Chris Craft Boats; Discovery Yachts; Greenline; Hallberg Rassy; Malibu Boats; Sunsail Yacht Ownership and Sealine. More brands are expected to be announced in the coming weeks, with the organisers in close discussion with at least another eight builders. Addressing media at a press conference in London, Andrew Williams, president,

Maritime, Informa Markets, said: “The decision to completely relaunch this event was not taken lightly so to get the immediate support of such significant brands is a true reflection of the confidence the industry has that London Yacht Show will be an important platform in the international boat show calendar.” The relaunched show replaces the London On Water Boat Show, which was acquired by Informa in late 2018, and will be organised by Informa Markets with partners, British Marine and St Katharine Docks. “This will be a significantly different show to previous years,” added Williams, “and follows on from extensive research to ensure we are delivering the right audience to the exhibitors while providing a great on-water experience for visitors.”

Keeping the venue as the historic St. Katharine Docks, London Yacht Show will host two floating villages with full size event marquees including a Platinum Pavilion, featuring luxury yachting and lifestyle products and a Monument Marquee, featuring boating accessories and toys. The Yacht show market is not new to the Informa business which has a portfolio of world class maritime events including the prestigious Monaco Yacht Show in Europe as well as the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show and Miami Yacht Show. Informa’s extensive visitor database will no doubt play an important part in ensuring the event attracts the HNWIs to live up to its billing. Tickets will be available for visitors to purchase in mid-February through the website: www. ______________________________________

VIAREGGIO REFIT EVENT The ninth edition of YARE, the international aftersales and refit event dedicated to the superyacht sector, is returning to Viareggio next month for another four-day run. From March 20-23, around 100 superyacht captains will descend on Italy's yachting capital for a series of B2B meetings with Italian and international aftersales and refit companies. Viareggio itself is home to 13 shipbuilders and around 700 companies from five industry subsectors - shipyards, refit, suppliers, ground and marine services. The Tuscany region, which is almost exclusively dedicated to the superyacht supply chain, comprises 4,000 nautical/ marine companies (3,000 in yachting), 18,000 workers, 70 specialist branches (production and services) and a sales volume of €2bn. Once again, YARE will host a workshop to discuss the latest market news and trends. The Superyacht Captains' Forum, organised by The Superyacht Group, will engage around 500 insiders and analyse the state of the industry, its dynamics and outlook, while looking at data

from an international point of view. YARE is organised by NAVIGO, a research and innovation service centre for the nautical sector, supported by the Distretto della Nautica

e della Portualita Toscana (Tuscany's port and nautical district authority), endorsed by SYBAss, the international superyacht builders association, and by other important partners and sponsors.

For more information on these or other used tenders: (+34) 971 694 373

565 DieselJet Sport - 2015

445 Turbojet Sport – 2015

Yanmar 180HP diesel engine only 100 hours. Fully customised. Raymarine Plotter & VHF. Tracker system, full sunbathing area, bimini cover, overall cover and much more. 75,000 Euros - Tax Paid

Textron 850MPE - 120HP with 335 hours. Carbon grey tubes, grey upholstery, teak inlay, depth sounder, quick release steering wheel. 28,500 Euros - Tax Paid

505 Dieseljet - 2015

385 Turbojet - 2008

Yanmar 110HP diesel engine under 5 hours running!! Excellent example. Accessories include spray dodger, Raymarine chartplotter, Raymarine VHF radio. Towing points on bow, overall cover. 42,500 Euros - Tax Paid

Weber 750MPE - 143HP with 154 hours. One owner from new. Serviced annually. Excellent condition for the age. Overall cover navy blue. 15,650 Euros - Tax Paid

565 Dieseljet - 2015

325 Turbojet - 2017

Yanmar 4BY 150HP diesel with 158 hours. Ivory tubes with Oyster vinyl upholstery & white teak inlay. Accessories include underwater lights, Garmin Plotter and VHF, LED deck lights and Fusion music. 57,500 Euros - Tax Paid

Textron 850MPE - 100HP with 65 hours. Fully serviced & ready for the season. Teak with grey inlay, taupe upholstery, LED deck lights, Fusion music, bathing ladder and much more. 26,450 Euros - Tax Paid

For new models please visit or full colour and accessory options available




INTRODUCING A NEW WAY TO BRING SENIOR CREW AND YACHTING SUPPLIERS TOGETHER Superyacht Supply Chain is a new concept for the yachting industry, providing a unique platform for on-board Heads of Department to meet with the suppliers that are most relevant to their yacht’s specific needs.

tailored programme of face to face meetings, all under one roof, with carefully selected suppliers who have been matched with the Captain or crew member according to the yacht's specific needs for the season ahead.

and an unparalleled opportunity to promote their services to decision-makers who have explicitly expressed an interest in what they offer, in an environment dedicated to mutually beneficial meetings.

Superyacht Supply Chain was formed out of the desire to facilitate the buying process for both sides of the yachting supply chain, saving time, money and effort for Captain and the supplier alike.

In order to ensure that our events are mutually beneficial for both buyers and suppliers, each attending Captain or crew member will be asked to specify the areas that are of most interest to them and the yacht. Matches will then be made to allocate each individual with a bespoke itinerary of meetings for the day that reflects their personal preferences.

In addition to the focused meetings between buyers and suppliers, our events also feature other group networking opportunities in the form of seated lunches, evening receptions and entertainment.

For the Captain, building strong, personal relationships with the suppliers they choose to use is of paramount importance to the quality of the result for the yacht. Similarly for the supplier, one of the most effective ways of promoting products is through direct face time with on-board decision makers. However, having attended multiple events ourselves, both as representatives of Captains and crew AND as suppliers to them, we realised that many existing events such as boat shows and seminars are not always the right scenario for Captains to sit down with companies to discuss their needs for the yacht. We saw a gap in the yachting calendar for a new type of event, in which Captains and other Heads of Department can come to one place, free of charge, to have focused discussions on products that are of actual interest to them. Taking place in key yachting hubs around the world, our events offer on-board buyers a

If a Captain is particularly interested in, for example, paint, they would be paired with three different selected suppliers in that field. Each on-board buyer would have 15 focused meetings, allowing for 3 different suppliers in 5 key areas of interest to be spoken to during the course of one day. For the Captain, this allows like-for-like comparisons or quotes with three competing companies offering services they actually need, all in one day and all under one roof, saving time, effort and money. The event also allows an opportunity for Captains to see existing providers in the flesh to renegotiate terms and ‘keep them on their toes’ whilst two of their direct competitors are present. For the supplier, it ensures direct contact

Have your say – Take our Captains’ Survey A key component of Superyacht Supply Chain's ethos is ensuring that our events are led by the needs of the Captains and crew attending. In order for us to get the balance of suppliers right, we would be very grateful if you could spare a few moments of your time to tell us what you would want to see if you were to attend such an event. The short survey can be found on our website ______________________________________ Superyacht Supply Chain @superyachtsupplychain Additional Information: Our first two events are taking place in October 2019, kicking off in the South of France on the 9th and 10th, and followed by Barcelona on 23rd and 24th October. If you are interested in attending one or both events as either a supplier or a buyer, please contact us. Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for updates. South of France: 9th – 10th October 2019 Barcelona: 23rd – 24th October 2019





that being part of our competitive advantage as we go forward.”

The 50-year-old from Annapolis, Maryland has racked up countless world championship titles during his career and has played senior roles in four America’s Cup challenges as well as over the last few years acting as the lynchpin to two of the highest profile professional campaigns – Doug DeVos’ Quantum Racing TP52 and Hap Fauth’s Maxi 70 Bella Mente.

Hutchinson says the America’s Cup is very much unfinished business as far as he is concerned. In 2007 he made it to the final as tactician with Emirates Team New Zealand before being beaten by the Swiss team Alinghi in Valencia. He was named skipper of the Swedish syndicate Artemis Racing for the 34th Cup in San Francisco but chose to step down before the racing began.

Hutchinson’s first challenge as leader of the new American team was to find a way to scale up the winning ethos that had proved so successful in the Quantum Racing and Bella Mente campaigns to the much larger group American Magic was assembling from around the world to try to win sailing’s biggest prize.

Unsurprisingly then, when DeVos and Fauth along with fellow business titan Roger Penske pooled their resources to put together a challenge for the America’s Cup with the New York Yacht Club, Hutchinson was their

“I think when I look around our team, inside of American Magic, it’s unfinished business for a lot of folks,” Hutchinson told me during an interview of the latest episode of the Yacht Racing Podcast. “I think we’re all relying on



“One of the drivers behind the American Magic team is to develop a group of people that understand each other,” he said. “And given everybody’s strengths and weaknesses, to be able to work through those and really develop a system that allows us to race the boat in a manner where we continually improve upon




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American yachtsman Terry Hutchinson is no stranger to success at the highest level in the sport of yacht racing.




the day before, or the race before.” Among the first to be signed up by American Magic were several of Hutchinson’s core team who have worked with him across several campaigns in recent years, including the Quantum and Bella Mente squads – a factor he says helps with getting the culture right. “Bella Mente is a 30-person team from shore support to the bow,” Hutchinson said. “You grow this team [American Magic] out and we’re around a 100 people, and so developing that culture takes a lot more time. Developing a certain work ethos amongst a multinational team is tricky. “Good thing is we have time to do that. A lot of our early decision making with American Magic, brought in people that we had worked with in the past so we could circumvent a lot of those relationships. “What we are aiming to have is an environment where there’s good self-evaluation, so that as you make mistakes you get better.” Hutchinson intends to fill the tactician role aboard the boat but says he recognised early on that he needed to resist his competitive instinct to want to steer the boat himself. Instead he brought in Kiwi America’s Cup legend Dean Barker the man he raced alongside to win the 2007 Louis Vuitton Trophy at the 32nd Cup with Emirates Team New Zealand. “The first conscious decision was to step away from fighting the instinct of wanting to steer the boat and work within my wheelhouse of strengths,” he said. “And then also hand those responsibilities off to somebody else who was motivated, who has something to prove, and who is also has the skillset to do that job.” Hutchinson says he has tried to grow the American Magic team based on that philosophy. “I’m incredibly excited by the group of our shore team, of our design team, of our production team, and of our sailing team,” he said. “I can look across all areas of it and see unbelievable potential. And, as we continue to measure ourselves, if we have successes on the water we’re going to know why and if we have failures on the water we’re going to know why.” When I asked what it is like to sail aboard the American Magic scaled down 38-foot test

boat – known as The Mule – Hutchinson had this to say: “The first day that I was on the boat when we foiled it was quite windy and some of the systems weren’t operating perfectly. And so the boat was a bit loose and we were a bit out of control – and that was exactly how it felt. It was almost like getting into a car with my 16-year-old son driving for the first time. Just wondering what could possibly go wrong.” “As you evolve and as you listen to the communication between Dean and Andrew [Campbell] and Goodie [Paul Goodison] and hear the level of calm that’s in their voice, what you quickly realise is the level of experience that you have and that we have as a team. “Very quickly you go from nervous anticipation to getting into the routine of just doing your job on the boat. Sitting up in the front of the boat and learning how to go fast, for me it’s a really, really, unbelievable experience. It’s probably some of the most fun that I’ve had just sailing, because the boat is so different. “The sensation of speed is impressive, and yet I’ve spent the better part of a month now sailing around at 30 something knots, and it’s becoming normal.” Hutchinson says the American Magic sailors

will continue to milk everything they can out of The Mule in terms of learning and raw data collection to feed the design and build process of the team’s first full-size AC75 which is due to be launched in the middle of the summer this year. “After that we will be slowly working through the process of getting that boat up to speed,” he said. “From there go off to a regatta in late October [the Italian heat of the America’s Cup World Series]. Between now and then we have to decide how we’re going to use our time and what the regatta schedule looks like in 2020. “In 2019 we have to focus on developing a fast sail boat,” Hutchinson declared. “Then in 2020 we’ll have to work on finding opportunities to go and race, and in a lot of a ways, redevelop the racing skills at high speed. “But if we don’t have a fast boat, I’m quite certain it doesn’t matter how well we race a slower boat, you’re probably not going to win. So we have to make sure we work hard on developing a fast boat.” You can listen to the whole of this interview on Episode 7 of The Yacht Racing Podcast. It’s available on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and most other major podcast hubs. ________________________ Photos © Armory Ross By Justin Chisholm Partner - BLue Media Events (+34) 680 985 838




SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY - YOUTH IN THE RORC CARIBBEAN 600 Young up-and-coming sailors will be racing alongside and against some of the world's best professionals in next month's RORC Caribbean 600. The race is a huge opportunity for their growth, to learn and master the sport.

have been there forever. Take a local Antiguan, Louis Sinclair who is now a Volvo and America's Cup legend. Still to this day he is always one of the hardest workers on the boat and ashore it's worked pretty well for him!"

"Any young sailor who has been given the opportunity to do this race is clearly already a good sailor, so now it's up to them to see where this talent will take them," commented Mike Sanderson (NZ), crew boss of Maxi 72 Bella Mente (USA) and twice winning skipper of the Volvo Ocean Race. "My advice is be the hardest worker on the team, both on the water and on the shore. Do the jobs nobody else wants to do, be the first on the bow for a sail change, be the first to bail out the bilges and tidy the boat. Don't be the one who turns up at the boat having had a late night. Too often I see young people get the opportunity and then just immediately hang out with the guys who

Pete Redmond (GBR) is the project manager for the British TP52 Tala for the RORC Caribbean 600. The 24 year-old will be trimming main and also one of the drivers. Pete has already taken part in two editions of the race, four Rolex Fastnet Races and the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race. On board Tala for the race is a wealth of talent including Volvo Ocean Race sailors, Campbell Field (NZ), Paul Wilcox (RSA), and a number of highly experienced sailors.

VAN DEN HEEDE RECEIVES HUGE WELCOME BACK IN LES SABLES D'OLONNE Jean-Luc Van Den Heede wrote his name into the record books by not only winning the 2018 Golden Globe solo non-stop round the world race today but becoming the oldest in history to complete such a race. The 73-year old French veteran of six solo circumnavigations

Bernie Evan-Wong (ANT) will skipper RP37 Taz for the 11th edition of the race. Bernie is the only sailor to have competed in every RORC Caribbean 600 as skipper. This year, the

Antiguan dentist has some "secret weapons" on board his Antiguan carbon flyer in the form of seven promising sailors, all around 18-22 years old with ambitions to get into the Volvo Ocean Race under 35 category. They are: Elad Jaegermann (ISR), Jelmer Van Beek (NED), Rosalin Kuiper (NED), Jorden Van Roiijen (NED), Niels Van Raam (NED), Joakim Romell (SWE) and Nicolas Hein (USA.), Greg Williams (GBR) is just 18 years old and will be racing as part of his traineeship on Performance Yacht Racing's British Grand Soleil 43 Quokka 8. Supported by his parents, Greg took a job delivering milk to fund the investment for the course with the Cowesbased yacht racing school. -- Louay Habib ______________________________________

takes over both titles from Britain's Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, the sole finisher of the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race 50 years before. Until the finish gun fired at 09:12 UTC, Sir Robin had held the title as the oldest solo circumnavigator in a race, after completing the Velux 5 Oceans Race in 2007 at the age of 68.

to welcome Van Den Heede at the finish, said: "Jean-Luc is to be congratulated for a magnificent performance, made all the greater by the jury repairs he had to make to his mast to stay in the Race. I'm sorry to lose my record as the oldest to race solo around the world, but it couldn't go to a better person."

Age is clearly no barrier, for Van Den Heede has led this race ever since rounding the Cape of Good Hope. At one point he and his Rustler 36 yacht Matmut had built up a 2,000 mile lead over second placed Dutchman Mark Slats, until pitch-poled during a ferocious southern ocean storm some 2,000 miles west of Cape Horn. He and his yacht survived the ordeal but when she righted herself, Jean-Luc was devastated to find that the pressure on the bolt holding the lower shrouds had torn a 10cm long hole down the mast section.

The original Sunday Times Golden Globe Race in 1968/9 had 9 entrants and only one finisher - Sir Robin Knox-Johnston who became the first to sail solo non-stop round the globe. This race has also had a high attrition rate with five of the original starters still in the hunt. Jean-Luc's performance has beaten Sir Robin Knox-Johnston's time by 100 days - a remarkable achievement. Four gave up for personal reasons, one suffered steering failure and five were rolled, dismasted and rescued in the Southern Ocean, including British yachtswoman Susie Goodall. Another set a jury rig and successfully made it to Cape Town unaided, and two more were forced by circumstances to stop in Australia.

His first reaction was to head north to the Chilean port of Valparaiso to replace the mast, which would have put him out of the running for the main prize, but two days later, he had worked out a way to repair the damage and headed back towards Cape Horn once more under reduced sail. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, one of the first

_____________________________________ Photo Š Christophe Favreau/PPL/GGR

DEBUT OF THE 470 MIXED EVENT The 50 Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar will see the debut of the 470 mixed event with views to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games The Majorcan regatta begins the implementation of the gender equality requirements demanded by the International Olympic Committee From 29th March to 6th April around one thousand sailors from approximately 55 nations will meet in the bay of Palma, distributed in the traditional ten Olympic fleets. But in this edition, the 470 Men and Women will be joined by the 470 Mixed, with crews formed by one male and one female, acting either as skipper or crew. This new category that will sail with the 470 men at the Sofia Iberostar will have its world debut in Majorcan waters. It will be the first key test towards the Paris 2024 Olympics where, for the first time, it will be included in the Olympic programme following the IOC guidelines to foster gender equality in sport. Club Nautic S'Arenal will be the venue for the 470 fleet at the 50 Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar, together with the Finn, 49er and 49er FX and, as a novelty this year, it will also host the RS:X men and women. Club Marítimo San Antonio de la Playa (venue for the Laser, Laser Radial and Nacra 17) and Real Club Nautico de Palma (ORC and One design) are also organisers and venues of the Majorcan regatta that will celebrate this year half a century of life in a historical edition: at sports level for the exceptional participation expected, both in quantity and quality and in the social area with the celebration of several parallel commemorative events. __________________________________________________________ Photo © Jesus Renedo




of the history of classic yachting. We will give many of these stunning boats a new lease of classic racing life.” Comments Falcone. Changes to the Courses The most important aspect of Classics is that every sailor enjoys the Regatta, and it is competitive. However, there are very different styles of boats competing. The race committee will lay different courses for the various classes.

Fleet Racing in Antigua - © ELWJ

ANTIGUA CLASSICS LOOKS AHEAD It is always encouraging to see regatta organizers listening and responding to feedback from participants. In 2018, Carlo Falcone was appointed Chairman of Antigua Classics. Falcone has been competing in the Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta for the last 25 years, racing and winning with his beautiful vintage 1938 Mylne-designed Fife Mariella. He owns and operates Antigua Yacht Club Marina and Resort and he is an expert on the island , the visiting superyacht requirements and understands most importantly what participants want.

Together with his new Steering Committee Falcone recently announced three new updates and improvements for the 2019 Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta 17-23 April: The Historic Class “The idea of the Historic Class came about because I have raced in classic yacht regattas all over the world that allow some of the more recent classic boats to take part and race against each other in their own class. I believe that there are some beautiful boats built or designed before 1976 that are an integral part

W - Class Racing Yachts & Wild Horses is sponsor of Antigua Classics - © Tobias Stoerkle

The International Dragon Class will be reintroduced into Antigua Classics in 2019. Eight Petticrow Dragons are available for charter. The winner of the Dragons Class in 2019 will have his entry fees waived in 2020. Join America’s Cup sailor Mike Toppa , the two-time winner of the Antigua Dragon Yacht Club Challenge in this highly competitive fleet . The courses will be mainly windward-leeward, and the Dragons will join the whole fleet on the final day. These are just a few strategic changes for the event. Falcone is keen to implement these first three changes with a long-term view to welcome back to Antigua the classic Schooners and The J-Class Fleet. They are ready to accommodate all racing requirements of the big boats. Owners will be sure to respond to improvements and we expect to see increasing turnout in the future. Columbia Available For Regatta Charters in Antigua and St Tropez. The magnificent American schooner Columbia is available to charter for Antigua Classics Week and for the first time at Les Voiles de St Tropez 28th September – 6th October.


Columbia is a 43-meter superyacht built in 2014 by the Eastern Shipbuilding Group. She pays homage to the great Grand Banks Fishing Schooner of 1924 marrying traditional looks with modern comforts.



Columbia is available to charter at Antigua Classics and Les Voiles de St Tropez © Eastern Shipping Group

Columbia was one of the standout competitors at the Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta in 2018 coming second only to Aschanti IV in the CSA Division A and has just completed modifications to improve her performance. She promises to return to the regatta in exhilarating style this April. You will be luxuriously accommodated for up to 12 guests in wellappointed staterooms with marble clad en suites, and up to 10 crew. If you are looking for the exhilaration of racing Columbia is a beautiful yacht that will give you something very special to look forward to in 2019. Charter Rates are: $65,000 & Expenses for Antigua and $75,000 & 20 % French Tax + Expenses for Les Voiles de St Tropez. Due to the close timing of Antigua Classics the charter fee may be subject to negotiation. Do get in touch if I can help you plan your superyacht regatta campaign for 2019, I am taking bookings now for 2020. Columbia will be available to charter for racing in The Mediterranean for the first time - © Eastern Shipping Group

Alice is a regatta manager on the superyacht circuit offering a first-class racing experience. A keen yachtswoman and self-confessed island-hopping addict, preferably by boat. Meet our Classic Yacht Columnist. Are You Race Ready? The 2019 - 2020 International Regatta Calendar for both Classic Yachts & Superyacht Racing can be downloaded FREE at www. Don’t miss a beat or a Bulletin and sign up today.




NEW COMMODORE ANNOUNCES UPDATED IRC RULE & NEW AUTHENTICITY CLASS AT BCYC The British Classic Yacht Club was formed in 2001 to promote the ownership, knowledge and appreciation of classic yachts and to preserve the enjoyment of them for future generations. The club hosts regattas and supports the lively classic scene on the South Coast of England. Luxury watchmaker Panerai are title sponsor of the club’s annual flagship event, British Classic Week held in Cowes, in June. The Royal Yacht Squadron run the racing and host a reception. Panerai will end the sponsorship following the 2019 event as they have chosen to end their partnership with the international classic yacht regatta circuit. The 80 members of the BCYC are the classic yachts themselves, owned and privately maintained. The preservation of these yachts therefore depends on the dedication and energy of individuals, families, friends and non-pro crews. Members stay a lifetime, moving from boat to boat and value highly the experience the club brings. The yachts are actively engaged in an increasingly growing and competitive racing circuit which the club supports. Cowes Spring Classics launched in May 2018 and this year sees the inaugural Lymington Classics & BCYC Weekend in July. Something is in the water as the classic community is thriving. Unlike the Mediterranean regatta circuit, it is largely Corinthian with a small number of professional crew. However, there is plenty of punch and competitive racing. The result is charming, cozy, intimate. Meanwhile, back at BCYC the membership and Club still needs to evolve and stay firmly in the 21st Century if, like us all, it is going to survive let alone thrive. The first two Commodores, BCYC founder Tim Blackman and then David Murrin, owner of Cetawayo set the bar extremely high with many years of dedicated service. The appointment of Jonathan Dyke, Managing Director of Suffolk Yacht Harbour as Commodore of BCYC demonstrates the club is firmly focused on the future whilst protecting the heritage of the past. Dyke has been a member of the BCYC committee since 2003 specializing in the criteria and originality of yachts. He is passionate about wooden boats racing his own classic yacht Cereste in regattas in the UK and participating himself in classic yacht regattas in The Mediterranean. He trained in Boat Yard Management and has been a dedicated

Top Photo: BCYC Commodore Jonathan Dyke Š Emily Harris Bottom Photo: BCYC Set Sail on a new course for 2019


member of the yachting industry for 38 years, 37 of which have been at Suffolk Yacht Harbour. Experienced and responsive he is an active member of British Marine and currently finds himself exploring ways to engage the next generation in the aspirational yachting lifestyle. SYH invests in marketing and he understand the nuances of social media, impressive for anyone aged over 20! Suffolk Yacht Harbour is a private marina with 550 berths. SYH also owns and operates Classic Marine who are based on site and sell classic boat chandlery, fittings and equipment, shipping worldwide including to many boats based in The Mediterranean. An annual classic yacht regatta is also held at the marina all of which bring Dyke into close contact with the classic yacht community. Clients include many club members and the superyacht builders Spirit yachts who are neighbours. He is extremely well placed for his new role as Commodore. It will be a significant year for the BCYC who adopt a new IRC rating rule this season. The club has always strongly supported the IRC rating, and this is refining the results and taking things one stage further. An ongoing study of shared information and dialogue with RORC has been set up with data coming back from the IRC certificates of the members yachts following adjustments made on DLR (Displacement – Length – Ratio). The RORC and BCYC are hoping the result will be a more optimized and balanced IRC rating for these classic yachts. The second part to this is the introduction of an Authenticity Class. Points will be rewarded for authenticity. It will be judged separately to the pure IRC results. A panel of independent experts will be rewarding points for the original preservation of the yacht. Yachts will be recognized that are sympathetically restored and rebuilt over those that are heavily modernized. Therefore, there will be results for all the participating yachts under IRC plus those boats that are eligible will also receive results within the new Authenticity Class. It is an exciting move and the classic yacht community will observe with interest. Dyke is a born natural to head this up. He is bred to be loyal to the tradition of heritage, paint and patina and with his agile approach to the future and diplomatic character we expect only good things. _____________________________________ By Alice C I’ A Widdows

Top Photo: Classics and Modern Classics mingle happily at The BCYC Middle Photo: Under the new Authenticity Class BCYC yachts will be rewarded for authenticity and originality Bottom Photo: The BCYC week has enjoyed many years of title sponsorhip by luxury brand Panerai






SUPERYACHT RACING ROUND UP – THE NEW & NOTEWORTHY Tawera and Silvertip stoming across the bay on the kite run - © Jeff Brown Breed Media

• Fact: Chairman Bruno Finzi and Zoran Grubisa of the ORC Rating were racing onboard the yachts to gather data and work with the organizers. • Fact or Fiction? Whose bowman wore a white sarong rounding the first mark on the final day of racing giving spectators a proper treat? • News: The J - Class have agreed to their participation at The NZ Millennium Cup 2021 confirms Event Director Stacey Cook and yachts are heading to the Pacific for The America’s Cup “We are taking entries already for the next two years.” Cook confirms.

The NZ Millennium Cup 2019 • Winner: 28-meter Ron Holland designed Alloy built ketch Tawera takes victory during the 2019 edition. • Noteworthy: Local NZ boys Jeff Brown and Robert Gleed of @breedmediacreative for providing fabulous photography and filming of their Motherland. Follow @jeffbrown. breedmedia for some awesome inspiration. • Notable: Swan 90 Freya wins points for her performance on the water and bright canary coloured crew kit matching her kite. On - Trend for Summer 2019. There was absolutely no mellow yellow about this boat during their first regatta down in NZ and we are looking forward to seeing her pack the same punch in the Mediterranean this summer. Freya is first to the top mark on the first day sponsored by Orams Marine - © Jeff Brown Breed Media

Loro Piana Superyacht Regatta

• New: The new 5-day format will allow for more race days around the Maddalena islands. It is a sailors’ paradise. • Fact: Multihull boats over 50 feet in length will be allowed to compete in a dedicated division in 2019. Classifications will be styled using the new ORCmh rating system specially developed for these types of yachts. Is the future superyacht a foiling catamaran? • Noteworthy: Additions to the social program include a wives and partners program for guests. Expect oodles of glamour.

The fleet love to race through the natural marks on La Costa Esmeralda - © YCCS _ Borlenghi


All Change - The Superyacht Challenge Antigua will take place in March 2020 - ©



• Points Mean More Prizes: The crew of Kawil collected their barrel of rum as winners of the best theme for the Cook Off. They received their prizes resplendent in fuchsia floral shirts and also won the loud shirt prize from the Caribbean night. • Birthday Girl: 42 meter Frers Ketch Rebecca celebrated her 20th birthday on the final day of the regatta. She received the spirit of the regatta prize, The Gosnell Trophy voted on by all participants for her contribution on and off the water. • New: 45 meter Dubois Ketch Catalina was runner up in The Buccaneers Class and was also winner of a new Spirit of Tradition Trophy, donated by Rebecca and Pendennis Shipyard.

The Superyacht Challenge Antigua

• Noteworthy: Date Change! The 2020 event will take place 11 - 15th March . “Next year the regatta will be held just before St. Barth’s Bucket, when many superyachts are already in race mode...” said Event Organizer Paul Deeth. “The format of racing and parties will be the same, but we also have a provision to include a Round Antigua Race, should conditions permit.”

• Winner Buccaneers: 34 meter Sparkman & Stephens sloop Kawil wins The Buccaneers Class taking four perfect bullets. She was the best starter of the entire fleet over the four races. Well deserved. • Winner Corsairs: Nilaya the 34meter Reichel Pugh designed sloop, with Filip Balcaen at the helm won the last race to win The Corsairs Class. • Quote From The Boat: Bouwe Bekking of Nilaya recognizes the importance of Antigua as the Caribbean season opener. “This is a really good kick-off regatta. The sailing is important, but the fun also helps put your team together, which is good for the owners and the crew because we have a good time, and that is what it is all about. “

Winner Takes All - Kawil cruises into a comfortable first overall - ©

Porto Cervo - Sardinia 3 – 8th June 2019

• Notable: Captains and crew will enjoy water sports activities. Guaranteed fun. • News: A provisional entry list includes a Fleet of Wally Yachts, The Southern Wind Fleet, My Song, Perini yachts Silencio and Sailing Yacht Q, and a Class of multihulls. • Are You Race Ready? Contact me at www. if you want to be in Porto Cervo in June. Don’t Miss Out! _____________________________________ By Alice C I’ A Widdows The regatta attracts a number of high profile performance superyachts - © YCCS _ Borlenghi




THE SUPERYACHT GATHERING MARCH 27-29 2019 The Superyacht Gathering is the brainchild of two passionate yachting industry women Linda Berry and Ellie Brade, with the inaugural edition hosted in Auckland, New Zealand. The 2019 will see an engaging line up of speakers including: • Gerard Dijkstra – visionary naval architect whose projects include yachts such as The Black Pearl and Maltese Falcon. • Neville Crichton – prolific superyacht owner and Maxi racer • Sir Michael Hill – repeat superyacht owner, avid sport fisher who will be showcasing his new exploration motoryacht • Sam Sorgiovanni – award-winning superyacht designer – project alternative powered trimara • Bianca Cook – Volvo Ocean Race sailor / Turn the Tide on Plastic – Hetairos / Northwest Passage Voyage • Patrick Whetter – Founder of The Superyacht Cup, Palma – key driver of The SeaBridge campaign to assist the South Pacific during natural disasters • Captain Mike Gregory - Fleet captain of The Fly Fleet including 74m Dragonfly • Tracy and Mike Mahoney - Owners of S/Y Tawera. Ownership adventures and plans for the future. • Sir Bob Harvey - On 'his' Auckland.

Above: Gerard Dijkstra's projects include The Black Pearl and Maltese Falcon Right: Designer Sam Sorgiovanni Below: Superyacht Owner Neville Crichton

Influencers, owners, designers, senior crew and industry figureheads will come together in an exclusive environment, with limited numbers, to enjoy an experience-based threeday event that will focus on people and stories. A busy program, designed to be interactive and inspiring, will include a welcome event, oneday symposium, and a relaxed social day on beautiful Waiheke island. The event will share a love for the sea, environment and superyachts with people who feel the same. Every edition of The Superyacht Gathering will focus on being as low-impact as possible, will profile inspiring and philanthropic efforts happening in the industry, and will donate a percentage of any profits back to chosen local water-related charities. _____________________________________ By Alice C I’ A Widdows More information can be found at:






St Barth’s Bucket Regatta

21st - 24th March

St Barth’s, FWI

The Loro Piana Superyacht

3rd – 8th June

Porto Cervo, Sardinia

The Superyacht Cup

19th - 22nd June

Palma de Mallorca

The Candy Store Cup

25th – 27th July

Newport, RI

Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup

2 – 8 Sept

Porto Cervo, Sardinia

Les Voiles de St Tropez

28th Sept – 6th Oct

St Tropez, France

Click to download this SUPERYACHT RACING CALENDAR 2019 at




The RCNP has included the class as part of its real time competition, “We are still including the other One Design classes, but we have seen that the Viper is creating a great deal of interest, and believe it could work really well, both in our regional events, and others such as the Princesa Sofía Iberostar and Sail Racing Palma Vela,” added Fraga. With four months to go, Sail Racing PalmaVela has already received registrations in almost all the classes: Wally (1), ORC (8), IRC (1), Box Rule (6), Dragon (2), Flying Fifteen (6), Viper (1), Classics (1) and Disabled Sailing (5). “These are significant figures considering that it is just under two weeks since we published the Notice of Race. The interest for this regatta is huge, and we are sure that we will equal or even better last year’s 132 boats from 26 countries.”

SAIL RACING PALMAVELA SETS SAIL FOR ITS SIXTEENTH EDITION The Real Club Náutico de Palma's regatta, to be held from 8th to 12th May 2019, has already registered nine different participating countries. The sixteenth edition of Sail Racing PalmaVela, organised by the Real Club Náutico de Palma, has kicked off with the publication of the Notice of Race and the pre-registration of the first 31 boats, already representing nine different nations. The competition will be held in the Bay of Palma at its traditional time of year, between 8th and 12th May, and will be hosting many different kinds of sailboat, ranging from the smallest adapted class for the disabled, to the great over 30-metre “maxis.”

and is sailed by two to four crew members. Manu Fraga, sporting director of the RCNP describes the class as, “an ideal alternative for fans of fast, speedy sailing, due to its lightness and the rig with a large gennaker (asymmetric spinnaker), making it incredibly swift, particularly downwind.”

The sheer number and types of boats involved, make the organisation of Sail Racing PalmaVela a true logistical challenge for the Real Club Náutico de Palma, with up to four different race course areas, and up to 150 people involved in the shore crew and on the water teams. ______________________________________ Alejandro Varela +34 609 800 218

“PalmaVela is one of the major events on the Mediterranean calendar, and well established in all the different classes. Organised at the start of the season, it is also one of the opening events, just a few days after Palma celebrates its international Boat Show,” explains Vivi Mainemare, sporting coordinator for the Real Club Náutico de Palma. As a new feature this year, the One Design class will be including the Viper 640 alongside the J80, Dragon and the Flying Fifteens. The Viper is 6.40m long and 2.5metre wide, cabin-less

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FLYING FIFTEEN MALLORCA Once again we come to the quiet period, when there‘s only one regatta between the two print dates. Unfortunately, Lliga de Invierno 2, planned for February 2, was blown off by the tempests that swept Mallorca that weekend.

we have this year’s Hugh Wilson Trophy, which takes us around Pollensa bay, with lunch between legs 2 and 3. This is really a bit of a rally, and Le Mans starts are not unknown! Always a fun day.

We’re now ramping up for a busy summer, with March and April seeing the completion of the Lliga de Invierno series, followed by the Spring Points Series in Pollensa.

In July, we have the fuego series, with its famous triangular courses, which place the emphasis on crew-work and boat handling. The month ends with the Scandy Cup, sponsored by Scott and Andy of Ffiel Good.

We then load up or trailers for the annual trek to RCNP and Palma Vela. This is always a great regatta, and this year is shaping up to be a real nail biter as crews use this competition to prepare for the Worlds in September. At the time of writing, we have more boats entered than the J80, Dragon and Viper fleets combined – and more still coming! June sees the Mallorca Championships – which again will be close series with crews eager to qualify for the Worlds. At the end of the month,

And so to the Worlds; these will be at the beginning of September, in Dún Laoghaire, Ireland. The venue is close to Dublin and we have six places allocated to Spain. Hot contenders for the places are Ffiel Good, fuego fatuo, Puffin, Stormtrooper IV and Wight Flyer, with several other boats vying for a place in the squad. Team fuego will be chartering a boat in Ireland, the others plan to make the long trip in convoy. Ferry to Barcelona, drive across Spain and France, then an 18 hour ferry to Ireland.

Or maybe the 26 hours ferry from Santander to Cork – less driving! Of course, we’ll also have our regular weekend regattas throughout the year, culminating in the Balearic Championships on October 18. Come join us, arrange for a trial sail in The Original Sports Boat! Next up 16 March: Lliga de Invierno 4 - Pollensa 30 March: Spring points series 1 - Pollensa 9 May: Palma Vela - Palma 8-9 June: Mallorca Championships - Pollensa 2 September: World Championships Dún Laoghaire, Ireland 18 October: Balearic Championships - Pollensa ____________________________________ Our 2019 calendar is on our website Visit us on Facebook @f15spain




REFIT CONFERENCE OF THE NAUTICAL SECTOR AIMED AT PROFESSIONALS AND SUPPLIERS LINKED TO THE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF BOATS It will take place on March 26 at the facilities of Mataró Marina Barcelona. Varador 2000, the Barcelona Clúster Nàutic and Daevi organize the I Refit Conference, a training and networking event for the nautical industry that will be held on March 26 in Mataró Marina Barcelona. The conference is aimed at all professionals and suppliers linked to the sector of boats repair and maintenance in Catalonia, and will include training sessions and networking space for participating companies.

possibilities of introducing new technologies in this industry, and in particular 3D printing to develop some of the spare parts.

The present and the future of the refit in Catalonia and the training needs in this sector will be the topics that will open the conference, in a round tables format opened to the participation of the public.

In between, there will be sessions where the participating companies will present their services very shortly. This format facilitates networking contacts and accelerates work efficiency.

The new regulations on antifouling and the advantages of using the mask in the refit will be the most technical training presentations, the first one by Jotun and the second by Daevi, specifically by its CEO, Joan Ribot. In addition, the I Refit Conference will cover the

The I Refit Conference will be attended by the Manager of Ports of the Catalonia Government, Joan Pere Gómez; by the president of the Consorci de Promoció Turística Costa del Maresme, Joaquim Arnó, and by the president of Barcelona Clúster

Nàutic, Toni Tió. It will also intervene the CEO of Varador 2000, Xiqui Mas, and the captain of Mataró Marina Barcelona, Ignasi Bendicho. The training sector will be represented by the director of the Nautical Institute of Barcelona, Feliu López Vidal, and by Sergi Novo, coordinator of the intermediate training cycle "Maintenance of sports and leisure boats" at the Miquel Biada Institute of Mataró. ______________________________________ Check the full program of the Day at: detail/199/i-jornada-de-refit

This year's challenge for the Chefs' Competition has been revealed and it is all about preparing a delicious vegetarian meal. To be precise, the starter and dessert should be lacto vegetarian and the main course vegan. 30 minutes is all the time that participating yacht chefs will have at their disposal to impress the judges and it will be interesting to see how they rise to meet a very contemporary challenge inspired by the increasing number of charter guests with vegetarian/vegan requirements. A Table Service & Wine Pairing competition for the interior crew will also run in parallel with the Chefs' Competition. A warm thank you to the competition sponsors, Yachts International magazine and World Wine Services, who are joining us for the second consecutive year.

MYBA CHARTER SHOW AT BARCELONA The countdown to the 2019 MYBA Charter Show has officially begun. We would like to begin by welcoming back BWA Yachting as the Official Show Sponsor for the third consecutive year. It is always a pleasure to work with a team that understands, respects and appreciates the mission of the MYBA Charter Show and we look forward to working together to offer an even more productive and enjoyable Show for our quality audience. We will soon be in a position to start announcing the names of yachts that have registered and been accepted by the MYBA Charter Show as

the first payments have already been made. What we can say at this point is that there will be a lot of new names;) Some new to the global fleet and others new to the charter market. The first announcements will be made via our social media accounts so make sure that you are following us. Apart from the yachts, exhibitors are a very important part of the Show and this year will see those who are long standing supporters rewarded. There is a "Loyal Exhibitor" scheme already in place and well-deserved privileges will be awarded to companies that have attended the MYBA Charter Show for at least 10 years before 2016, and at least once from 2011 to 2016. You will be seeing many of them in social media posts as well!

A new edition of the "All Hands-on Deck" competition will also be taking place during the 2019 MYBA Charter Show, providing the whole crew with the chance to demonstrate their ingenuity, sense of hospitality, talent and knowledge. With particular focus on the deck team, this competition is about keeping charter guests of various ages and very different interests entertained for a whole day while at anchor. We are looking forward to seeing you at OneOcean Port Vell in Barcelona from the 30th of April to the 3rd of May 2019! ______________________________________

FRENCH CANADIAN TEAM TAKE THE SPOILS IN KRAKEN CUP Whilst most of us were nursing hangovers, New Year’s Day in Zanzibar saw an international field of 22 teams (made up of 66 sailors), set sail in the Kraken Cup, which, in the modern age of fibreglass hulls and carbon fibre sails, strips things back to basics. The Cup tests the seamanship of sailors to the max as it races in Ngalawas, traditional African fishing boats whose hulls are carved by hand from mango trees and outriggers lashed on. To add to the adventurous spirit of the race, the course, which is made up of a series of compulsory checkpoints, includes a of couple ‘free-sailing’ sections. Sailors not only have to contend with the challenges of sailing ngalawas but also find somewhere to sleep for the night - roughing it on uninhabited islets, camping on islands with inquisitive locals or staying in a traditional fishing village. Racers are encouraged to ‘bring a hammock’. The sixth edition of the Cup wound its way 500km around the coast of Tanzania, between the Zanzibar Archipelago and the stunning Lindi region. The route takes in some of best sailing in the Indian Ocean and, for the first three days of the race, it appeared some of the calmest sailing too, with little wind and still seas. Then things changed dramatically, with ferocious gusts and big swells rolling in. The change in weather resulted in numerous capsizes and battered and broken boats and crew, and with one team diverting course to help rescue three local shipwrecked sailors, with only 13 teams remaining in the main race on the final day. It was Team Village Monde, made up of Canadians Charles and Bastien Mony, a father and son pairing from Quebec, and Gilles Lamire from Brittany in France, who managed to make the most of the treacherous conditions. Their ability to handle the primitive boats in rough waters resulted in them crossing the line as victors, ahead of Team Southern Exposure from the USA, who just pipped British team Krakin’ Up for second place. Tired but happy, the winning team members, who were sponsored by Vaolo, summed up the race in one short sentence: "The Kraken Cup is the perfect mix of solidarity, craziness and sports" ________________________ For more information on the next Kraken Cup, due to take place in December/ January 2019/20, head to

The winners of the Kraken Cup 2019 team Village Monde: Charles and Bastien Mony from Quebec and Gilles from France.




once again we were sliding closer and closer to what would not be a good way to end a race. At this point, a pretty big RIB appeared on the scene but the man at the helm of the chase boat was unable to pass us a towline safely. One of our crew volunteered to jump (and I do mean literally jump) into the RIB to attach the towline, and after about 45 minutes, we found ourselves out of the weather and in a cute little cove that was dead flat. A few months later, Elethea had a new custombuilt rudder and all seemed well with the world again. We discovered after communications back and forth with Beneteau how the rudder most like broke off and incorporated those learning’s into building a replacement rudder. As with any sailing ‘’experience,’’ there are opportunities to learn.

Elethea the authors First 38 in better times!

RUDDER WOES IN THE CARIBBEAN Charles Dickens must have been thinking about racing a sailboat judging by the opening lines of one of his greatest books, “it was the best of times and the worst of times.” Most sailboat racers would probably agree with this description of the adventures of sailing. In 2011, eight friends, who were semi-professional crew, and I embarked on a circumnavigation race around Antigua in my Beneteau First 38, Elethea. The race began in Falmouth Harbour, and the plan was to race around the island in an anti-clockwise direction. The first 3 hours were challenging, but truly the best of times, and we were second or third position. We had been beating hard to weather, when, well, it suddenly became the worst of times. Shortly after rounding Man-o-War Point, there was a huge “bang” sound, and in an instant, we had lost complete control of the boat. The wind was ripping across us at about 25 kts and our helm simply spun around. The boat rounded up and in a flash, it was possible to see the rudder semi-floating amongst the breaking waves as they went gushing past the boat. All the theory of sailing doesn’t prepare you for the loss of a rudder on a sailboat, and the feeling that washed over us along with the three-metre waves was that this truly was the worst of times. We were about one-quarter mile off the coast of Antigua, but the wind and waves – typical of the trades – were out of the east, pushing us toward the rocky coast of the island. We did start the engine, but when your boat is rudderless, and being pushed incessantly toward a rocky shoreline, having power isn’t exactly the solution to the problem. As we had guessed that we were in second or third when the rudder separated from the boat, it seemed logical that we would attempt to signal one of the boats behind us and request

some assistance. Ten of the eleven boats behind us in the race apparently didn’t feel compelled to help us, and as the rocky coast became closer, our options were decreasing pretty rapidly. We all did have our life jackets on, and although two of the crew (the youngest, least experienced of them) were ready to jump into the sea, it was important for all of us to stay together on-board. My assumption was that at some point, my boat would crash into the rocks and then we would be able to almost walk off of her, which was far more appealing than having crew in the churning sea. I would have deployed Elethea’s heavy anchor and chain, but to lighten the boat for the race, we had left that behind and only had a light kedge anchor with us. This anchor only lasted ten minutes before the rode snapped and we continued our pounding slide toward shore. The boat (an O’Day 32) that was in last position in the race did come along and after recognising our dilemma, did come to our aid. After three attempts to pass a line to the assisting boat, the line was secured and the small O’Day’s engine began to pull us away from the looming shoreline. The growing wind and waves however resulted in the towline snapping and

• Regardless of you being a weekend or casual sailor, or a pretty hard-core racer, performing on-going due diligence on your boat is important. It really doesn’t matter if your boat is new or old, custom-built or production built – make sure that you inspect all parts of your boat annually. It might be smart to open an area of your rudder every ten years to see if the framing structure is still sound. • Do not let yourself become lulled into a sense of complacency, just because your boat has been performing well previously. As the expression says, shit happens, and owning a sailboat means that it can happen to you. One of my mistakes was that in order to lighten my boat a tad for the race, we took off the heavy anchor and much of the seriously heavy anchor chain. We also stripped off the life raft to save weight. We were, after all, sailing in the wonderful, warm, clear Caribbean what could possibly go wrong. Well, a lot went wrong and if we had had the life raft and the anchor and chain, the risk to the boat and the crew would have been diminished. Be prepared for any contingency that might happen. Check your steering cables and rudderpost regularly; check all your fittings; and make sure you and your crew will know what they need to do in case things go horribly wrong. • Think about what you could do in an emergency. We attempted to make a temporary rudder with a spinnaker or whisker pole and something flat, but we didn’t have the right materials on the boat. • Always do a safety briefing before you set out. It really doesn’t make a difference if you are embarking on a race or just an afternoon sail with friends. If you have friends and/or crew onboard, do a safety briefing before you depart. • Ensure that someone who is on land knows your sailing plans. ___________________________ Richard Gormley Jolly Harbour, Antigua




PORT LOUIS MARINA IN GRENADA TO RELEASE 90 NEW BERTHS FOR 2019 Camper & Nicholsons Marinas is delighted to announce plans for the expansion of its Port Louis Marina in Grenada commencing in Spring 2019 with berths ready for occupation by August 2019. Port Louis Marina is the superyacht and cruising hub in the Southern Caribbean, situated below the hurricane belt, the marina currently has 160 berths for vessels up to 90m in length. Superyachts enjoying our Caribbean hospitality Working closely with ponton manufacturer Marinetek, Camper & Nicholsons in house technical team have designed a further 90 berths, ranging from 12 metres to 22 metres on 2 new piers forming part of an exciting expansion development for Port Louis Marina, boosting greater opportunity for a larger number of yacht visitors, and long lease berthing options in the marina. Owned and managed by Camper & Nicholsons

Marinas, Port Louis Marina overlooks the historic capital of St. Georges and is designed to reflect the traditional Creole architecture. The marina has transformed Grenada’s yachting facilities, providing an ideal base from which to explore the unspoilt cruising destination of the Grenadines and the Windward Islands of the Southern Caribbean. With a full list of facilities and technical service support, international connections plus the added benefits of the Camper & Nicholsons Standard, the marina is a haven for superyachts and yachts throughout the year. Glynn Thomas, General Manager at Port Louis Marina comments, “We have seen a greater interest in large catamarans visiting our marina and anticipate this trend in the Caribbean to grow even further. The new pontoon layout will enable us to accommodate more of the catamarans and give us greater flexibility for small to mid-sized boats all year round.”

Dan Hughes COO, C&N Marinas comments, “It is an exciting time for Camper & Nicholsons and particularly for Port Louis Marina on the southern Caribbean island of Grenada. The business continues to grow and as a result, further investment and the expansion of our facilities is necessary. The additional 90 berths will not only allow us to accommodate those we turn away but will also help us support the required space for many international events that we are proud to host including the RORC Transatlantic Race, World Arc, Oyster World Rally along with more regional boat and charter shows. The choice to place an order with Marinetek in November 2018 for the additional 90 berths was an easy one to make. Their professionalism, expertise and willingness to work to a tight timetable gives us continued confidence in the Marinetek team and their products and we look forward to continuing to work with them on our other projects around the world.”




NEW WINDS FOR THE VALENCIA BOAT SHOW The Valencia Boat Show, Valencian boat show, has already confirmed that it will be held from October 30 to November 3, 2019 in La Marina de València, with an expanded and very renewed offering, incorporating open access areas, and new exhibition areas dedicated to sectors such as innovation, training or sustainability. The Union of Nautical Companies (UEN), association responsible for the organization of the Valencia Boat Show with the Marina de València, has appointed a new management team for the event, which for the first time, will operate independently to the board of directors of the association, which is made up entirely of nautical women entrepreneurs, who will participate in this and other relevant projects for the sector. Nacho Gómez, New Director Among the first actions carried out by the new management team of the UEN is the election of a new director for the Valencia Boat Show, a position that for the first time will be separated from that of president of the Union of Nautical Companies, which is an important step towards the professionalization of the room. The person in charge of the contest for 2019 will be the journalist Nacho Gómez-Zarzuela, who is expert in the sector of the nautical and the sailing of competition, after spending 21 years in the newspaper Marca, and having been the press officer in Spain for the last edition of the Volvo Ocean Race. Gómez-Zarzuela will launch an ambitious project, which will revolve around the sale of new boats and new features of the year, services, engines and accessories, which has been the key to the success of the show in the last three years, but with important new features, such as the expansion of activities and sections of culture, and gastronomy, or the incorporation of a specific area dedicated to the offer of water sports such as paddle surfing, windsurfing, diving, fishing, or kayaking, among others. "The Valencia Boat Show is an irrevocable project because of the incredible possibilities it has.

Nacho Gomez

A nautical show that is held in one of the most privileged environments in the world and has a huge potential that makes it one of the most beautiful challenges in the sector, "says the new director of the event. Renovated Project The manager of the UEN, the Marina de València, and the director of the contest are already working on the new exhibition project that focuses on open spaces, with free access to the public during the five days of exposure with nautical innovation, sustainability , training, leisure and culture, in order to attract a greater number of visitors. Another of the objectives of the contest is to attract the national public, especially from Madrid, and the international, boosting nautical tourism in Valencia. "We face this challenge with the hope of incorporating new initiatives to the event, demanded in large part by the sector, by exhibitors and visitors, whom we must listen to try to get a Valencia Boat Show that represents us," says Isabel Gil, new president of the UEN and member of the manager of the event.

New Innovation Section The director of Consorcio Valencia 2007, managing body of La Marina de València, Vicent Llorens, highlights the involvement that this year will have in the event all the companies located in the maritime area, both those dedicated to gastronomy and nautical and accelerators , launches and entrepreneurs that contribute to define La Marina as an innovation district. "The nautical 4.0 will definitely tie in the next edition of the València Boat Show, which will be consolidated as a benchmark for innovation in the nautical sector," says Llorens. In addition, the 2019 edition of the show will feature a sample of the wide range of nautical activities that this historic dock offers, such as paddle surfing, kite, wind, surf, jet sky, kayaks, sailing, or rowing. From October 30 to November 3 The nautical show will once again take advantage of the festive bridge on November 1, which usually has a pleasant climate that allows you to enjoy the exhibition outside La Marina de València, an area that has more than 16,000m2 of space, of which 4,000 are covered in the newly renovated Tinglado nº2. In addition, the facilities of the Valencia dock allow for sea trials with the boats on display, which is a powerful incentive for potential boat buyers, turning València into a decision and purchase room. The accessibility of València and its marina, which has a courtesy pier for visitors to the event and the city, also allows boat users to enjoy the event by sea. The Valencia Boat Show will be present next week at FITUR with La Marina de València, to announce the new project of the event for 2019.


IN SEARCH OF INSPECTOR MONTALBANO. When we first planned this Mediterranean cruise we had decided that a visit to Sicily would not be complete without a visit to Inspector Montalbano's house. For the cognoscenti of a certain age and disposition Salvo Montalbano is THE Italian detective hero for fat middle aged men who dream of sharing delicious beachside lunches with Italian beauties. (He is not young, he is beefy and bald, but women love him). So it was with some excitement that we weighed anchor at Taormina and headed to Ragusa, which is the real town used for Montalbano’s fictional city of Vigata. Our next stop on our way to this Montalbano Mecca was the anchorage a Brucoli. The location was beautiful but a swell got up from the south which made for a very uncomfortable night. In the morning we took the tender ashore for lunch and came upon an Italian war memorial. We realised that Brucoli had been the site of fierce fighting in July 1943. The shocking thing was how many members of the same family and how many women’s names were on the memorial. Modern warfare is indiscriminate.

Later that day to avoid the swell we weighed anchor and made for the ancient and beautiful port city of Syracuse. It is easy to understand why the ancients made Syracuse into such a fabulous port. A narrow but well buoyed entrance opens into a huge and relatively shallow lagoon which is flat as a millpond. The pilot book instructed us to call Syracuse VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) to ask for permission to anchor. A very professional female voice came back giving the precise LAT/LONG to three decimal places of where we were to anchor! We were soon launching the tender and heading for shore to re-provision and test the quality of Syracuse's gelaterias - excellent! The following day three new members joined the crew of three to make it six up. After a further night at Syracuse exploring ancient monuments and beautiful buildings we left port heading for Ragusa Marina. It was a very pleasant and lively sail which I thought was a good introduction to sailing for one crew member who, until last night, had never stepped onto a sailing yacht before. Ragusa Marina is an enormous new marina with modern facilities and even a golf buggy shuttle



service to ferry crews across the vast complex. It wasn't long before we had worked out which bus we had to catch to take us to the beach at Punta Secca where Montalbano’s house is located. The following morning we boarded the bus and the driver was all smiles as I confirmed with him that the bus would indeed take us into Montalbano territory. It was lovely to discover that the beach and house were just as depicted in the TV series. Montalbano’s connection has clearly changed this beachside village for the good bringing some chic restaurants, restored and preserved buildings and of course the ubiquitous gelaterias. After yet another granite (a delicious lemon iced drink) we lay on the our hero's beach to contemplate life. The series never depicted this as a popular tourist destination but here was an example of fiction changing reality! Later we rode a bus in the other direction to Ragusa town. It is a stunningly beautiful city clinging to the side of a hill. Within the city walls there are more magical buildings and exquisite restaurants. It's no wonder that Salvo does not move far from Vigata. It's picture postcard perfect. ______________________________________ Boatshed Gibraltar (+34) 667 666 753

To book a berth and Grand Harbour Marina or for further details please contact us on: (+35) 621 800 700 or




STEW OF THE MONTH: PAULA DAWRANT - CHIEF STEWARDESS friendships. Working along-side my partner running a boat now is great but only problem is he can throw me over board and get away with it if I annoy him. What are the best and worst parts about working onboard? I love my job as the reward in making people smile is a reward in itself. Being able to visit places that dreams are made of and cruise without paying the fuel is a bonus! But 20 hours a day that people out of the industry don't realise and back to back guests through a long season are the hard and missing family gatherings and friends’ parties are draw backs of the job. How do you keep sane on charter? Ummmmmmmmm sane? I have a so called " Paula face " which manages to be the same no matter what challenges/ tantrums or obscene requests get thrown at it. But this face can stay the same even after a long season, but cracks do appear towards the end of the season and not always because of the sun! Going the extra mile keeps me going but also knowing that there maybe a little down time in between guests so that a Tia Maria can make a small appearance. What are your best strategies for spoiling charter guests?

What did you do before yachting and how did your yachting career first begin? My childhood years with my father is where my passion for the sea all began. I was born in Liverpool many moons ago but raised in North Wales, in a small historic castled walled town Caernarfon lying along the Menai Straits. Summer holidays and weekends spent upon my father's boat taking paying guests on fishing and diving excursions in all weather is where my fondest memories lie. But as I got older, alcohol became a greater attraction and the urge for a faster pace of life and the excitement of running lively action bars won over the quietness of the ocean. At 19 I became a trainee manager and learnt all aspects of the hospitality industry from chamber maid/receptionist to sous chef

including every part of hotel life. I excelled, succeeded and accomplished what experience I wanted and needed to progress in the leisure and tourism industry. But the urge for freedom at sea was too great so I jumped ship…well no, I got on a plane and moved to Almerimar in mainland Spain to become a water gypsy and basically lived abroad my parents motor cruiser. Long story short I meet a guy, left Spain and went sailing on his catamaran, arrived in Mallorca and never left!

Doing things out of the ordinary without anybody asking! Learn to read your guests. A top Capitan once gave me the best advice, use the 5 Ps. Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance and if that doesn't work… Surprises! Everybody loves a present at turn down time! What’s the coolest thing you have done for guests?

What has been your favourite boat you’ve worked on and why?

A regular activity I like to do, is to throw a pirate themed fancy-dress pirate party which includes decorating the boat like a pirate ship, telling pirate jokes and creating my own variety of Davy Jones cocktails…but it’s not a party until you make your guests walk the plank!

Crew make a boat. A Happy crew is a happy boat. I can't say I have a favourite as many boats hold various memories and some great

Top memories were also holding a party for a foreign Princess upon a boat in portals. I introduced her to games like pass the parcel

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and musical statues but best of all was teaching her to dance to Gangnamstyle and how to walk like Rhianna! I'm not sure she ever got over it but it was lovely to educate the younger generation with some British craziness! What is your signature cocktail? As my previous employment (mentioned earlier) was drinking… sorry I mean preparation of beverages, I do have various favourites. But love to keep it simple and refreshing as time is sparse. The summer drink has to be a Hugo with a fresh sprig of mint and a raspberry for a touch of colour and a few cubes of fresh ice. Perfection! What is your favourite yachting destination? As I have had the pleasure of living here in this beautiful Island I couldn't wish for much more however, a few lucky charters away in the Seychelles and St Lucia with heavenly beaches and more importantly top fishing If you owned a superyacht, what would you do differently? I wouldn't I would simply charter no hassle! What is your on-board pet hate? I have a few but the worst is when you get a new crew member or employ a day worker and they start with " on my last boat..." If not that, then the amount of waste that is seen in the ocean. What career achievement are you most proud of? Now That's a question! Mmmmmmmm I'll have to get back to you on that one! Best housekeeping tip/hack? Sit where your boss does and look around. Even if it's sitting on his/her throne (head) ha ha ha! Also, if it smells clean logically, it probably is. Tell us about your funniest embarrassing moment on board? I'm a Scouser and a team player so embarrassing moments come hand in hand. I was once working aboard a boat moored in Ibiza. We had a few let's say putting it nicely escorts on board that had treated me like I was a servant.

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After many hours of serving them drinks and being hospitality friendly I was asked to show them off the boat. To my disgust the girl didn't like to be asked not to put her stiletto heels on the teak deck and hurdled abusive language to me. So, payback was sweet as I jumped up and down on the Passarella as she disembarked allowing the deckhand to catch her falling body. What’s your favourite adventure in Mallorca? Every day is an adventure here upon this beautiful Island. If you could give your 20yr old self one piece of advice, what would it be? Do it earlier and travel the world, it's your

607 988 659

oyster. There are no boundaries, aim high and save money. But keep your feet firmly on the ground and remember your roots, you might work on a luxury yacht, but it's work not your life…remember it's a job. What’s your plan for the future? Nobody knows what the future holds. Life is precious and short so enjoy the moment. My favourite saying which I also have a tattoo of, so I never forget is “Carpe Diem!” ______________________________________ Interview By: Melanie Winters (+34) 646 897 378




FROM SHIP TO SHORE: COUPLES - ABIGAIL NOLSON DOMINIC THACKERAY This way we could still continue to build our business whilst fully supporting the crew. We understand more than most, exactly how crew health is affected by the work they do (call it field research). I’ve continued with a few other roles but I soon realised my own personal health and wellbeing was beginning to suffer which took me away from my profession and passion of health and wellness!

How long did you work in yachting? Can you tell me about your yachting career, highlights and low points? Abigail: Previously living in Australia, I had the bug to travel and to be closer to home (UK) but not to leave the sunshine behind, so I chose Mallorca as a destination. I’d heard of yachting and sort a position in a yacht hub (Corner bar) to find out more information about the industry and make connections. I became aware that my skills in beauty therapy, massage therapy and personal training were highly desired on board so I began to look for a yacht job which I landed shortly after, as a PT/Stew. However, my yachting career was short lived on board as I quickly realised the services I wanted to provide were better managed for me, living on land and visiting the yachts, which Dominic and I did last summer.

Dominic: During my short time in yachting, I’d say my highlights were winning the maxi world Rolex cup with Open Seasons. I’ve worked closely with crew and yachts for 4 years, after first being introduced on an internship with a popular trainer in STP. This enabled me to build relationships with captains, crew and owners creating my career path with stints on board as well as helping them manage their health and wellbeing needs on-land in Palma. How did you know it was time for you to make the move to land? Abigail: I was working with a friend of mine Sam Jeffs and I was really looking forward to taking on the season but once again, I was met with the reality that by taking this position, I was moving away from my wellbeing background. Dominic and I had just begun to form a great community together here on land in Mallorca and I knew this would suffer if I left, so this led to me making the gut wrenching decision to stay ashore and work on my passion. Dominic: We decided our skills were better suited to working together from one point on land, so we went from being on different journeys with separate yachts and crew to now only focusing on building our community after normal ‘working hours’. We made the joint decision to purely focus on yacht crew in Palma, all day every day enabling us to give the best service possible and we could be available for them around the clock. What was the most difficult thing about the transition? Abigail: Building a life from scratch whilst following and pursuing my passion, the real STRESS of everyday life. Dominic: Personally, I found the transition not too challenging, as I have always had an

established land base. This made dipping in and out of yachting easy for me. On the other hand though, leaving a land based set up to travel on board was more challenging without Abigail. I would have not had the support of someone to care and continue to look after crew in Palma. What was the best thing about it? Abigail: Travelling, meeting new people from all walks of life along with the sense of pride from working on board a beautiful Superyacht. Dominic: Traveling and seeing cool places. I loved working with a variety of regatta teams in regard to pre-regatta training and further racing. I enjoyed having the common ground with everyone in different areas of the world.

What do you miss most about yachting? Not having to worry about all aspects of life, the fixed income, travelling to awesome places and having someone cook all your meals for you! What do you do now? Both Dominic and I are working together and have spent the last year building up our business, merging our ideas and experience to bring together what we know to be best service, predominately for the yacht industry and surrounding communities. We help yacht crew here in Mallorca maintain their health and fitness but also continue to support them when they are at sea and also their families. Now after a year full of surprises, including becoming our very own family, we are relaunching and re-branding ourselves to continue on our journey of helping people prioritise their health and fitness, for a longer, happier and healthier life. Watch this space! Do you have any advice for fellow Yachties about going land-based? You can achieve success outside of the comfort of yachting, if you believe in yourself and show desire. If from your experience in yachting, you see a problem and you have the solution then tell everyone about it and pursue it. Supporting and helping your local community is the most rewarding thing you can do. Throughout your career in yachting you will have learnt expert customer service skills and teamwork. This, in turn will help you hugely in transferring both your skills and knowledge‌from ship to shore! Congratulations to Abigail and Dominic on the recent birth of their baby boy from Melanie & The Islander Team __________________________________________________________ Interview By: Melanie Winters (+34) 646 897 378

Cotoner, 21bj Santa Catalina, Palma

MARCH COOKERY COURSES 11th 2-week yacht cookery course 12th Vegan 13th Indian 14th Gluten free bread 15th Fish & seafood

18th 21st 25th 25th

American bakery Japanese food Rice 2-weeks yacht cookery course 27th Ceviche, tartar & carpaccio

Fore more information please contact: The Galley Club - Katy Rosales - (+34) 662 348 306




STEWARDESS’ PICK OF THE MONTH FROM RIALTO LIVING -OUR FAVOURITE LIFESTYLE STORE IN PALMAYacht-chefs looking for inspirational cookbooks for the upcoming Mediterranean season should definitely browse Rialto Living’s mouthwatering selection. Especially if cookbooks bursting with original recipes and envyinducing photography get your creative juices flowing. The store’s lip-smacking line-up stars books for the novice and competent cook that are well laid out and feature trendsetting ingredients and cooking styles. Top picks include Super Veg which shines the spotlight on 25 of the world’s healthiest veggies, Coastline, a collection of stories and recipes which explores the Italian, French and Spanish cuisines and Captain’s Dinner, which induces the same kind of happy vibes as being in a boutique hotel by the sea. You can almost hear the seagulls and smell the sea through this wonderful volume’s imagery, stories and authentic fisherman's recipes. With more and more charter guests (and crew members) requesting vegetarian/vegan food, chefs will be glad to know that Rialto Living also

Helm Baxter. This gem will have you whip up delicious desserts that look and taste like you’ve been slaving over a hot stove all afternoon. Desserts that are ready in a matter of minutes aren’t only great if you’re cooking for indecisive guests (Oh, actually we would like something sweet) but will also benefit your on-charter sanity, perhaps enabling you to relax for an hour or so, instead of spending it prepping and baking. stock a whole range of hardcovered vegan/ vegetarian help. Impress crew members and guests by rustling up a miso-grilled aubergine and cucumber rice bowl or epic vegan lasagne at a moment’s notice. Or, even better, wow the judges of the Chefs’ Competition’s at MYBA’s upcoming Charter Show. Participating chefs will need to prepare a lacto vegetarian starter and dessert and vegan main course in 30 minutes. Other life-saving cooking companions include books such as 10 Minute Desserts by Anna

Rialto Living, conveniently located on Carrer Sant Feliu 3, is just a stone’s throw away from Palma’s STP and sells a wide selection of eyecatching super yacht must-haves. Have a snoop around and see for yourself. And if you make a purchase don’t forget to flash your STP (or other) entry card so you can relax in their leafy, oasis-like café and sip on a complimentary ‘cafe con leche’ before you head back to the boat. ______________________________________ Photos © Sofia Winghamre

come together over a cup of herbal tea and some oil infused snacks at Bikini Beach where Natasha from Eoil Alchemy talked about how they can use certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils that will empower them to take care of their family's health, home and happiness over the winter months. There was an opportunity to make and take a blend to protect their immune system. I have personally had a huge amount of success with essential oils this winter. We have found both in the spa and at home that the oils: • Boost your immunity, gut health and respiratory function • Combat common ailments • Promote relaxation and restful sleep • Soothe sore muscles and joints • Reduce head tension • Support emotional health, stress and anxiety.

WELLNESS ESSENTIAL OILS Feeling run down? Want to keep you and your family healthy so that you feel good this winter and make it through winter unscathed? This is how we approached parents in February and invited them all to

For the next few months we will continue to have different workshops on how to make the most of essential oils and their benefits. Email for the workshop schedule. ______________________________________ Bikini Beach Boutique and Spa Paseo Mallorca 10, Palma (+34) 871 577 836




Group1: You are confident that these wines are perfectly drinkable. This can go straight back in the wine cooler…. you do have a wine cooler, right? Let’s assume you do. Group 2: These are the wines that are surely bad. These include previously opened bottles or bottles of wines you are sure cannot be drunk, such as that 10-year-old bottle of Pinot Grigio. Group 3: These are the wines, you are unsure of. Let’s call this group the ‘interesting group’. They may be totally off, simply past their best (which could be perfectly fine for some people) or absolutely amazing and would have been a sin to have thrown away. Below are some general rules to go by when deciding which group, the wine belongs to. Rose Wines Rose wines are meant to be drunk early, often within the first year or two of purchase. Therefore, most rose wines older than 2 years usually lose the required freshness and fruitiness and are said to be past their best. However, the more premium rose’s such as Minuty ‘cuvee 281’ or the Chateau D’Esclans ‘Garrus’ and ‘Les Clans’ can often be enjoyed 3 or even 4 years after production (the vintage year shown on the bottle), always assuming storage conditions were good. Champagne and Sparkling Wines

TO BIN OR NOT TO BIN? THAT IS THE QUESTION WHEN TO THROW AWAY YOUR WINES Last week I received a question on how to tell whether some particular wines on board are still drinkable or should be thrown away. It’s not the first time I’ve been asked this question, so I thought this would be a fantastic topic to discuss in my next article. ‘I’ve recently joined a new boat without much handover from the previous stewardess. The boat is loaded with a huge stock of wine some of which are old. How do I know whether they are still drinkable or not?’ – Hannah, Chief Stewardess on board a 35M MY Hannah’s concerns are totally understandable,

and it is in fact quite a challenge to decide whether to bin the wine or not. In reality, you can only be 100% sure whether a bottle of wine is good or bad by tasting it. Furthermore, what may be bad to one person, may in fact be delightful to the next. However, as much as we’d love to open and taste each wine before serving, it is often not possible. Thankfully, there are certain criteria and indications found on the bottle that suggest the wine is off. I would start by separating the wines into three separate groups:

Non-vintage sparkling wines are one of the trickiest of the whole lot, because it is impossible to know when they were released from producers. Assuming your wine provisioner had stored the wine for a relatively short time, the best way to approach these non-vintage wines is to check the dates of purchase. Non-Vintage Champagnes and Cava should preferably be consumed young, within 3-4 years from purchase, whereas non-vintage prosecco should be drunk even earlier, up to 2 or 3 years. On the other hand, vintage champagne can be kept for up to 10 or even 20 years for fantastic vintages. I suggest keeping all your vintage Champagnes, even if older than that, since they may even have been intended to drink when mature. The very mature Champagnes often lose the fruit flavours and vivacity of the wine but can still be drinkable.


Vintage Cava and Prosecco (by vintage we mean they usually have a year on the bottle), can often age more their non-vintage cousins and if they are produced in the Méthode Champenoise, can hold their sparkle for several years, but often less then Champagnes. A general rule of thumb wold be to go by price, where the more expensive the vintage sparkling wine is the longer it can keep. White & Red Still Wines White wines are notoriously known to be drunk within the first year of purchase, but this is not always the case.

The next step to determining whether the wine is still drinkable would be to individually analyse each bottle of wine for exterior signs of damage or faults. Cork: if the corks seems to be pushed up or bulging through the capsule, the chances are the wine is ‘cooked’ or was stored incorrectly. This is a pretty sure indication that the wine is off.

Similar to rose, I would recommend consuming the easy drinking, entry level wines such as your basic Pinot Grigio within 1 or 2 years of purchase. Conversely, more complex white wines can keep for a few years before having to throw out. The more mature wines are not enjoyed by everyone, but it is wrong to assume that the 4-year-old Chablis premier cru at the back of the shelf is past its best. The hard bit is to decipher which of the white wines are still fine. Premium Chardonnay wines including burgundy whites are fantastic to keep for the long haul – sometimes even up to 15 or 20 years, whereas the lighter and fruitier Sauvignon Blanc is meant to be drunk within a year or two. As a rule, oak aged wines can usually last longer then unoaked, fruitier style wines and the more premium the wines are, the your safer they remain to keep.

Hopefully at the end of the selection process you are now left with a few wines, that you are unsure whether to serve to your guests or not. You can either ask a wine expert or your trusted wine provisioner to help you out, or you can do your own research using professional websites such as , however bear in mind that on the more premium wines, these websites can often indicate a life expectancy less than the potential.

In similar fashion to the white wines, easy drinking entry -level red wines are not the best candidates to keep for the long haul, whereas the more premium wines can withstand longer ageing. Again, the rule of thumb falls down to the level of the wine – If it is Premium, then it may well be fine, and I would not risk throwing it away.

My final and preferred suggestion would be to have fun with these wines – always with the owner’s permission of course.

Sweet and Fortified Wines In general, sweet and fortified wines can last much longer than dry wines and often even improve with age. These wines can usually be


put straight back into the wine cellar with a certain amount of confidence.

Level of wine: The level of the wine in the bottle is another good indicator that the wine may have been oxidized. Young wines should have the wine level all the way up the neck. The more mature the wine, the more likely that some wine may have evaporated, and level of wine reduces. There is no hard and fast rule, but if a 5 or 10-year-old wine has the wine level down to mid-shoulder (top of the curvature of the bottle or lower) this is a sure indication that oxygen has seeped in and the wine is faulty.

Though Premium and super-premium red wines such as Bordeaux, Burgundy, super Tuscan or Californian Cabernets can often age 20 or even 30 years, these wines become more fragile as the years pile on. Unless they are stored in optimum conditions with minimal vibration and temperature fluctuations, I recommend serving wines older than 10 or 15 years of maturity during the upcoming season – Many a time, a yacht is not the ideal place to store your favourite wines for the long term. Some provisioners offer storage space for a small fee, which I believe will serve the wine well in the long run.


Lastly, I recommend that before opening any one of these wines at the table, it may be good to explain that due to the age of the wine, the risks have increased, but you feel it may still be perfectly drinkable and would be a waste not to open it. If you are confident in your palate, you may taste the wine yourself before serving, or let the owner make the decision. If the wine is good, you’ve just made the meal a tad more interesting, but if the wine is bad you will simply uncover the alternative wine you’ve been hiding behind the station, change the glass, and continue where you left off. ______________________________________ Andrew Azzopardi - General Manager No12 Fine Wines and Provisions

NEW WINTER CREW FOOD MENU Choose Daily from: • 3 Freshly Prepared Meals including accompaniments • 2 Healthy Salads • 2 Sandwich & Wrap Options Meal Deals: • Sandwich Lunch + Fresh Meal Dinner €19.50 • Salad Lunch + Fresh Meal Dinner €22.50 • Weekly & Monthly Orders win Crew Treats Delicioso Lazy Gourmet Frozen Meals: • Large 8 Portion Lazy Gourmet Meals delivered in reusable Pyrex €55 - €60 • Plus 16 individual dishes and range of accompaniments Here are just a few of our new dishes for you to try this winter: Fresh Dishes delivered with all the accompaniments €13.50: • Pork Fillet Medallions with a Dijon Mustard & Mushroom Sauce, Creamy Mashed Potatoes & Buttered Carrots • Smoked Salmon, Broccoli, Pea & Pasta Bake topped with Breadcrumbs & Gruyere Cheese • Tandoori Marinated Chicken Curry, Basmati Rice & Naan Bread Salads served with Bread Roll & Butter €13.50: • Chicken Salad with Broccoli, Beetroot, Walnuts, Lambs Lettuce + Pesto Dressing • Rainbow Slaw Salad (Red/White Cabbage, Carrot, Kale, Pumpkin Seeds), Caesar Dressing made with 0% Natural Yoghurt • Quinoa, Spinach, Chickpea, Olive, Feta, Peppers, Olive Oil & Balsamic (V) Sandwiches & Wraps Meal Deal incl. fruit and drink €8.50 • Pulled Pork in BBQ Sauce with Crispy Slaw • Cajun Chicken & Cheddar Cheese with Spicy Tomato Relish • Brie with Salad & Cranberry Sauce

ORDERS: T. 971 699 221 M. 620 854 899




GALLEY GODDESS Brexit..... a cereal you eat when you are constipated or a reveller who decides to leave the party early, but first pees all over the furniture and then argues about who shall pay the damage? How should we, on our small island in Spain be preparing for an inevitable and impending Brexocalypse? Frantically hoarding tins of baked beans, PG Tips and Hob Nobs? Can we see a future where we will have the luxury of dunking custard creams into our tea? Although British cuisine and long been categorised as dull for it’s supposed poor food, lack of imagination and stodgy’s not all chewy lumps of yuckiness poorly hidden under shitty pastry, or sickly sweet deserts that manage to remain bland while giving you diabetes. It’s not that beastly........really. Yes, yes, the Brits are known for a love of all things beige and it has been a long standing joke that just before a Sunday lunch is put in the oven, the veggies are put on to boil, hilarious, but I suspect at least back in the 70’s, true. Not forgetting the adorable habit of dousing fish and chips in vinegar, a condiment with taste bud killing properties....... But, please allow me to sing the praises of the traditional British food....the simple joy of a humble yorkie pud, the masterpiece that is a full English and the undeniable charm of a cornish pasty. British food culture has come a long way from overcooked vegetables .and salad cream. What with dishes to snigger about with names like faggots, spotted dick and toad in the hole, what isn’t there to love? Go on, have a gander and jolly well enjoy these recipes...... Spare some sympathy for the British public...... no more delish croissants for them, they are going to be stuck with crumpets forever. Hasta.... Galley Goddess _____________________________________

POMMY STEAK AND KIDNEY PIE 50g unsalted butter 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 onions, chopped 250g portabello mushrooms 800g beef chuck steak cut into 2cm cubes 200g veal or lamb kidneys 2 tablespoons plain flour, seasoned 2 garlic cloves, chopped 330ml bottle of stout (Guinness) 375ml good quality beef stock 2 bay leaves 2 thyme sprigs, leaves picked, plus extra for garnish 1 tablespoon tomato paste 2 tablespoons HP sauce 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 375 puff pastry 1 egg beaten Melt butter and oil in a casserole dish over medium to high heat. In batches, fry the beef until browned on all sides. Set aside.

Toss in the onions, stirring for 2 - 3 minutes. Add mushrooms and cook until softened. Remove and set aside. Toss the kidneys in flour, add 1 tablespoon oil to pan and cook kidneys for 2 - 3 minutes to seal on all sides. Return beef, mushrooms and onions to pan and add the stout, bring to boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 8 - 10 minutes until reduced by half. Add stock, herbs, tomato past and salt and pepper, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low. Partially cover and simmer for 1 and a half hours, stirring occasionally until the meat is tender. Remove meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon, discarding the bay leaves, then simmer sauce over medium heat for 5 - 6 minutes until reduced to about 1 and a half cups. Stir in the HP sauce and parsley and return the meat and veg to the pan. Allow to cool. Preheat your oven to 200C. Either divide the mixture between 2 one litre pie dishes or on one large dish. Sit the puff pasty over the top and trim excess. Seal edges with a fork and brush with the egg. Top with thyme sprigs, then bake for 25 minutes until puffed and golden. That’ll put hair on your chest.

BREAD & BUTTER PUDDING 85g sultanas 2 tablespoons brandy 5 eggs 300ml pouring cream 300ml milk 55g caster sugar 1 orange, finely grated rind only 1 vanilla bean, seeds only 1/2 ground cinnamon 8 x 1.5cm thick slices of day old bread 60g soft butter, plus extra for greasing 1 tablespoon demerara sugar Icing sugar and vanilla ice-cream or cream to serve Combine sultanas and brandy in a small bowl and set aside to marinate. Meanwhile, combine eggs, cream, milk, caster sugar, orange rind, vanilla seeds and cinnamon in a jug. Whisk vigorously to combine and set aside. Spread both sides of bread slices with butter and half lengthways.

Scatter one third of the brandied sultanas in a lightly greased 1 litres capacity ovenproof dish. Trim bread to fit dish and layer, scattering remaining sultanas between each layer. Pour cream mixture evenly over bread slices and stand until bread has completely absorbed cream mixture - about 1 hour. Preheat oven to 180C. Scatter demerara sugar over the pud and bake until golden and custard is firm (30 - 40 minutes) Serve immediately lightly dusted with icing sugar and scoops of vanilla ice-cream. Looooovvvvvlllleeeeeee


CHIP BUTTY WITH FISH FINGERS Thickly sliced soft white bread A few Maris Piper potatoes of similar size (frying potatoes) Salted butter at room temperature Sunflower oil for frying Crushed sea salt Slice edges off each potato so you’re left with rectangular or square sections all the same size, removing all skin. Cut into equal-sized chips. Rinse and gently run the chips in cold water to remove the excess starch, dry in a tea towel, then allow to dry for a further 30 minutes, spread on a tray in the fridge. In a deep fat fryer, heat your oil to 135C and add a small batch of chips. Hold the temperature at 130C for 3 minutes. The chips will have a visible crust but should not be much darker than a plain raw potato. Lift them out, shake dry and arrange on paper towel. Bring the oil up to 195C. Smear each slice of bread with a thick slab of butter. Drop in a handful of blanched chips and keep them there for about 7 minutes. When a chip looks ready, whip it out. When the chips have reached a golden colour lift out with a slotted spoon into a sieve. Sprinkle liberally with salt and toss to distribute. Carefully arrange the chips in neat layers across the bread. Apply your sauce of choice, slice in half and eat, immediately, standing up with your fish fingers. 500g white fish fillet Half cup fresh dill, chopped 100g panko breakcrumbs 4 tablespoons flour 2 eggs, beaten Oil for frying Knob of butter Slice the fish into chunky fish finger shapes, sprinkle lightly with salt then cover and pop in the fridge for 30 minutes. Finely chop the dill and mix with breadcrumbs in a shallow tray. Put the flour in another tray and season with salt and pepper. Put the egg into a bowl. Using kitchen paper, rub any excess salt off the fish. Dust the fish in flour and give them a small shake. Dip in the egg, make sure all sides are coated then into the breadcrumbs they go. Press the fish and the breadcrumbs firmly to adhere. In a heavy based frying pan over medium heat and enough oil to cover the base. When hot, shallow fry the fish fingers on each side for 3 minutes until golden brown. Add the butter towards the end of the cooking to help the fingers crisp up. Drain on paper towel and season with salt and pepper. Scrummy!!






end of cooking, in order to retain their full flavour, colour and nutritional content - e.g. parsley, chervil, chives, basil, mint, coriander and dill. One of the first things I was taught to make in the kitchen was a classic “bouquet garni”. This is a bundle of herbs that is added to casseroles, stocks, sauces and soups. It traditionally comprises parsley (or parsley stalks, which have lots of flavour), a few

sprigs of thyme and a bay leaf. These herbs may be bundled into a strip of leek or a piece of celery stalk, or tied with string, to keep them together during cooking and allow easy removal before serving. ______________________________________ Marc Fosh - Michin Starred Chef

THE HERB GARDEN I’m already looking forward to the arrival of spring, the season of hope and imagination. For cooks the new season brings about a need to change. Our imagination is fired by a lighter touch with delicate herbs, young tender leaves, fresh peas, broad beans and sweet, succulent strawberries all coming into season. Mallorca has rich and fertile soil and local ingredients heavily influence our cooking. But rather than just focus on local suppliers, this year we are taking it a step further by creating our own vegetable and herb garden at the beautiful Son Mir finca. While it is still early days, we hope that very soon our garden will be supplying many of the herbs and vegetables that you'll find on your plate at Marc Fosh restaurant. As a young chef, I was influenced by the great French chef Marc Veyrat, who uses a lot of alpine herbs and flowers in his cookery and I firmly believe that a few fresh herbs can greatly enhance the taste, appearance and nutritional value of practically all the food we eat. With the arrival of spring, it’s a good time to take a look at your herb garden at home. By growing just a small selection of herbs, even in pots or a window box, they will always be on hand when you need them and when you’re planning to plant your plants or seeds, it’s important to choose herbs that you personally enjoy cooking with. For our restaurant herb garden, we are planting a few more obscure, almost forgotten herbs such as burdock, lovage, woodruff, hyssop, borage, summer savoury and rue, alongside other favourites such as parsley, chervil, tarragon, mint and lemon balm to complement the sturdy Mediterranean herbs like rosemary, sage, thyme, fennel, marjoram and oregano. When to add fresh herbs to your cooking depends not only on the herb but also on the sort of flavour you’re trying to achieve. The basic rule is herbs with tougher leaves generally have a stronger flavour and are usually added at the start of cooking - e.g. sage, rosemary, thyme, winter savoury. These herbs can also be added towards the end of cooking, but in this case they need to be very finely chopped and used sparingly. Whole sprigs can be added to soups, stews, casseroles, roasts and marinades, but they should be removed before serving. If the plants have soft, lush leaves, add them at the

BOUQUET GARNI 2 sprigs thyme 1 large bay leaf 2 parsley stalks Gather together the thyme, bay leaf and parsley stalks into a small bundle and secure tightly with kitchen string. HERB CRUSTED PORK LOIN WITH SAFFRON-APPLE COMPOTE Cooking time: 1 hour Prep time: 40 minutes Serves 4-6 750g loin of pork, trimmed 60ml olive A small rosemary sprig 4 garlic cloves, crushed Salt & freshly ground pepper FOR THE FRESH HERB CRUST 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 bunch fresh parsley leaves

A small sprig of fresh thyme A small sprig of fresh rosemary 1/2 tbsp Dijon mustard 2 tbsp olive oil 50g breadcrumbs Salt & freshly ground pepper Place all of the ingredients for the crust into a food processor and pulse several times until it looks like a nice, green crust. Season with salt & pepper. Heat oven to 200c. Season the pork loin well with salt and pepper. Heat a little oil in a large frying pan and colour the pork on all sides. Transfer the pork to a flat tray with the garlic cloves and rosemary sprigs. Drizzle with olive oil and roast in the oven to cook for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and cover the top of the pork loin with the herb crust, pushing down with your fingers to create an even crust. Turn the oven down to 170C and cook for another 20 minutes until the pork is still slightly pink in the middle. Remove from the oven, transfer the pork to a rack, and let it rest for 10 minutes before carving.

SAFFRON- APPLE COMPOTE 4 red apples, peeled & chopped 2 large shallots, finely chopped 2cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 2 tbsp olive oil Good pinch saffron strands 80g sugar 2 tbsp cider vinegar Seasoning Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over a gentle flame and add the chopped shallots, ginger and garlic. Cook for 2-3 minutes to soften without colouring and add the saffron, apples, sugar and cider vinegar. Cover with a lid and cook gently for 15-20 minutes. Season to taste, mix well and remove from the heat.




• Pain that radiates down your leg, into your buttock or even the groin Most back pain will diminish with time and rest. Mild pain relievers such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen, application of warm moist heat or gentle massage can help relax the irritated muscles and nerves. Acupuncture, yoga and stretching exercises with well -trained instructors can be very helpful to relieve and prevent further episodes. Avoid sitting for long periods of time. If pain is prolonged, severe and unresponsive to simpler interventions, you are encouraged to seek medical care. X-rays or scans may be needed to properly diagnosis the cause of pain and direct treatments. Stronger pain medication or relaxant drugs may be prescribed. These medicines carry risks and can impact one’s ability to work, drive or operate machinery safely.

BACK PAIN – THE PRICE OF WALKING UPRIGHT Back pain is something most of us will experience in our lifetime. It could be severe and debilitating or a temporary, minor discomfort. As I was told by an orthopaedic surgeon many years ago, it is the “price we paid for walking upright”. One Paleoanthropologist compared the development of the human spine to “stacking 26 cups and saucers on top of each other (vertebrae and discs) and then, balancing a big head on top”. Back pain is the leading cause of missed work and is a leading cause of disability worldwide. It is the most common reason people visit the doctor. When your back hurts, everyday tasks like getting out of bed, brushing your teeth or tying your shoes can be an agony. Back pain can be experienced at any age but is more common as we grow older. Often due to weak and unused muscles in your back and abdomen, excess weight or obesity, arthritis,

degeneration of spinal discs and osteoporosis. Back pain is commonly experienced in the low back but can also be felt mid-range between the shoulder blades or in the neck and between the shoulders. Most commonly it occurs because of improper body mechanics when lifting, pushing and pulling. Instead of using our legs, we use our back, which results in muscle strain or even herniation (bulging) of the disks between vertebrae. Accidents and falls can result in soft tissue injury or damage to the bony vertebrae of the spine. Swelling and inflammation can irritate the spinal cord and nerve roots. Symptoms may appear immediately or worsen over time. • Muscle ache and shooting or a stabbing pain that worsens when bending, lifting, standing or walking. • Pain that improves with lying down

Physical therapy has been found to be one of the most effective treatments for dealing with chronic, recurrent back pain. Surgery is becoming less common and may be recommended only if structural anomalies exist that result in total immobility, loss of bowel or bladder function due to nerve compression and damage. Back pain recurrences can be prevented through lifestyle changes such as: • Stretching and regular exercise to strengthen back, abdominal and leg muscles • Employ “Sit-Stand-Lift Smart” body mechanics when lifting or performing physical tasks • Maintaining a healthy body weight • Quit smoking Back pain is so common, there are now many products available to minimize back pain and discomfort such as adaptive furniture, cushions & pillows, back support braces, special shoes, etc. Remember, think before you lift! ______________________________________ By Rebecca Castellano, RN Medical Support Offshore, Ltd




SEVEN STEPS TO MAKING A NEW GOOD HABIT Establishing daily habits or imprinting changes you want to make on a daily basis is a great way to make healthy decisions and actions naturally. Researchers showed habits are formed and can be changed by using the 7 steps blueprint specified below. It’s never too late to change but you have to really want to make the change and then persevere, never give up. Here’s Your Blueprint: 1. Keep it simple “Goals are useless unless they guide you to make specific behaviours easier to do. Don’t focus your motivation on doing Behavior X. Instead, focus on making Behavior X easier to do.” (Fogg) If you want to sign up for a sports event, then begin by working out the small steps that build up to the big event. If it’s running, then try the walk - run training program. If it’s an obstacle course, then work in strength progression. Stay on track by focusing on the short-term goals; as you achieve them you will become more confident. 2. What are your triggers? Our triggers are mainly visual or audio; almost 50-70 percent. These triggers formulate that habit, be it positive or negative. So, reinforce the good triggers; stay away from tea breaks if you know the biscuit jar comes out and you are trying to be healthy. Stay away from people

who nag you to go down to the bar after work and you need to get your training in and ditch the people who tell you you´re crazy , stupid or you will never succeed ,one barrier to that early morning run may be fumbling for your workout gear so have it all ready to go the night before - or sleep in your gym kit.

brain where it becomes automated. The brain’s behaviour pathways need to be strengthened to form a habit, which can happen in as little time as a week. Track your progress - strength gains, swim time, weight or body fat, prove to yourself you are improving; reinforce your good habits.

The second complementary habit – is the habit of a forcing ourselves to do something regularly. Make a regular appointment with yourself to work out on specific days the longer you force yourself to stick with this routine the more you are reinforcing this positive behaviour and, the less likely you are to break it. The routine of adding one more day to your set appointment becomes the reward. Keep a journal and write down how you feel afterwards looking back and realizing that “wow I felt like I could fly “after your last workout .... or “I feel so crap for eating that pizza” reminds you how great your habits make you feel and how bad you respond when you do not stick to them.

4. Expect setbacks

Remember it’s always harder to do that workout than sit on the sofa or eat that portion of chips than pick the salad but it’s the long term we focus on not short-term gratification which does not serve us well in the long-term picture.

Life is a rollercoaster you will have bad days. The one thing we all have in common is that we will all die, and we will all suffer and just have bad days. Many individuals perceive a good streak that ends as a failure, and they let it become the start of a new, undesirable habit that easily replaces the positive habit they were working to create. In your training you may experience injury, you will plateau, your weight loss will slow up and life may get in the way, but this is life and you must be flexible. Just dust yourself off and get back on the train 5. Remove potential negative triggers

3. Patience and persistence .... Give it a week, or more

Because triggers work both ways, we often set times. The longer you continue this for the more likely it is to stick. When you come across a negative trigger remove it. Clean out your kitchen of junk food, ban the TV outside certain times get to bed early so you are fresh and awake the next day, minimize drinking to one day a week.

The average new habit takes 66 days to establish, to move it to the background of our

The more we learn about what our triggers are, the easier it can be to avoid a cue that stops


our progress. You might not have made it out of bed for the morning run but don t let that lead you to the biscuit jar, then the bar - make it positive - you were tired you needed the extra sleep but resolve to get that work out in another day - make an appointment and stick to it this time. 6. Don’t go at it alone Believing that you can make a change is one of the primary factors in achieving success. Surrounding ourselves with a group who has already made the same change we are seeking to achieve can support us through the early stages of habit formation and can provide tips to make the journey easier. Find a running partner, or an online club, or make a friend at the gym who will hold you accountable. Take on a personal trainer www.katiehandyside. com let’s It builds a sense of community and engagement that becomes another complementary reward and habit.

7. Build on successes Step one tells us to begin simple, but as a habit changes for the better and becomes more automated, it is important to reassess the “new normal” and continue to build on a positive change. Mastering your baby steps means you can increase the load - 3 workouts instead of 2 per week? Move the goal posts and switch things up. Many people complain to me that they are not seeing results - if you keep doing the same thing your body will no longer elicit change. Step up the challenge. You have now mastered a mile a day and are ready for a new challenge; increase daily mileage or sign up for a local 5K race.

achieve. Prepare yourself for hard work but lots of rewards! Shouting out to all health care practitioners to please drop me a line if you are interested in expanding your network or looking to enhance your practice ______________________________________ Katie Handyside Personal Trainer (+34) 636 322 959

Wherever there is a will there is a way. Whatever the mind CAN conceive the body can

The most common cause of lumbago is from a repetitive strain or a single overloading (such as a bad lift) of the soft tissues and musculature of the lumbar spine. The pain from the injury causes muscle spasm and muscle spasm itself is painful and so a slow downward spiral begins to take effect ultimately resulting in the postural deviation. Self Help for Lumbago Try to keep moving as much as possible. Prolonged periods of inactivity such as an extended drive or long dinner party will only tighten the back further.

Lumbago describes a low back pain which may vary from a constant dull ache to shooting pains in the lower right or left lumbar quadrants. It can manifest as an acute pain with a sudden onset, or present over a period of several months as a nagging chronic pain which has failed to improve either by itself or with medication. Symptoms of lumbago also include stiffness in the lower back when getting out of bed or standing from sitting for a while, pain on prolonged standing such as in a queue. There will be a loss of flexibility and


Replacing good habits with bad is very empowering. Knowing and believing you can change your body, lose weight, do an Ironman, put on muscle changes the way you approach all your problems

the patient will be guarding against any sudden movement. Pain or tingling can often radiate into the buttock region. Occasionally muscle spasms can be so strong that your posture deviates to one side or forwards so that you are unable to stand up straight.



A heat pack will help the muscles to relax. All lifting should of course be avoided until the painful spasms subside.

Physiotherapy The first aim of physiotherapy treatment is to ease the muscle spasm and reduce the pain. Heat packs, massage and passive stretching techniques can be used and electrotherapy treatments such as ultra-sound and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TeNS) may be used to reduce pain. A lumbar support belt can give immediate relief as it helps take some of the strain off the muscles and will also help protect from further muscle spasm. Once the pain is under control (which may take more than one appointment) The physio will then be able to check if there has been any loss of range of movement in the spine. It is quite common for a recovering painful back to be left with some limitation of flexibility, especially if a lumbar support belt has been used. A treatment of vertebral mobilisation and lumbar quadrant techniques (such as Maitland’s Method) will help to regain any lost flexibility.

Most cases of lumbago will resolve themselves in a few days however if the muscle spasms persist then it is time to seek help.

Lumbago does not usually present with lower leg pain and so if you have any symptoms in the legs such as numbness, tingling or referred pain, then it is best to see your physiotherapist as soon as possible for a full back assessment. ______________________________________

Your GP will be able to prescribe non-steroidal ant-inflammatories and a muscle relaxant. Occasionally an X Ray may be ordered but is not always necessary to diagnose lumbago.

Tracey Evans The Physiotherapy Centre (+34) 609 353 805

Gentle stretching will also help to reduce the muscle spasms.

TRACEY EVANS - MCSP SRP COFIB T. 971 405 769 M. 609 353 805 C/ Joan de Saridakis, 1 (opposite Marivent Palace)




NOURISH’S WELLBEING ROUND-UP Spring has sprung! Finally the island is starting to thaw and we couldn’t be happier or more ready for a little warmth. Things are in full swing as the season and work ramps up on the island, but that doesn’t stop us making self-care a priority. Here’s Nourish’s wellbeing round-up for March. EAT At Nourish we love to eat seasonally and March means it’s the season for wild asparagus (or ‘Trigueros’ as the Spanish call them). You can find us with the locals scouring the fields and roadsides for the lovely thin stemmed, intensely flavoured asparagus variety that pops up all over the island this time of year. Delicious simply boiled or steamed, you can also try grilling or roasting them for a nuttier flavour. Douse in olive oil, salt and pepper, and a squeeze of lemon and it’s a winner! If you’re looking for a healthy and tasty meal on the go, or perhaps somewhere to pick up lunch for the whole crew, then Canteen 14 is the spot for you. With a range of nourishing bowls for vegetarians, vegans, and meat eaters alike, the slogan ‘a bowl for every soul’ is very fitting. We love the ‘Bangkok Bowl’ a warming Massaman chicken curry served with brown rice and green vege. Make sure you pick up a sweet treat (the gluten free peanut cake is drool worthy) for that afternoon snack too. Find Canteen 14 just one street back from the Paseo Maritimo along Carrer de la Llotja in La Lonja. Phone orders welcome on +34 692 02 52 92.

RESTORE Before the season is well and truly underway why not treat yourself to some pampering? We love escaping away to Bikini Beach Boutique and Spa located within easy reach on Paseo Mallorca in Palma. Indulge in a delicious facial or heavenly massage and experience the beautiful Comfort Zone range of products. These products are made from the finest natural-origin ingredients, and meet the highest standards of transparency and responsibility for the environment (bonus - they smell delish!). With many other treatments on offer including waxing, manicures and tinting you can start the season looking and feeling fab. Find Bikini Beach on Facebook or call +34 636 475 543. In the super yacht industry where personal grooming is paramount and appearance is important, having a nice smile is a real asset. However it is estimated around 75 per cent of adults have some level of fear when going to the dentist. Are your pearly whites suffering because of fear or procrastination? Then you need to visit Clinica Dental Peralta Silverstone conveniently located in the centre of Palma. As a holistic dental clinic they have a different approach to dentistry. Holistic dentistry and The Neurofocal Dentistry approach involves treating your overall health and well-being, not only the visible symptoms but the root cause. This could include utlising acupuncture, kinesiolgy, kobido, nutrition and more alongside your regular dental treatments.


islander Due to a large demand, we are now offering a postal subscription for the magazine. This is being offered at cost price.

• UK & Europe 15 eu per issue • USA & Rest of the World 25 eu per issue A minimum order of 6 months to be paid in advance. Payment by Credit/Debit Card

Daniel and his team will put you at ease with their dedicated care and knowledge within a comfortable and relaxing environment. Find out more at CELEBRATE With a large Roman Catholic population, Mallorca celebrates the beginning of Lent with a carnival on Sunday 3rd March. There will be plenty of celebrations all over the island, but you will find the largest fiesta in Palma. Sa Rueta is the children’s parade which happens from 10.30am to 1.30pm, followed by the adults parade, Sa Rua, in the evening from 5pm. Soak up the atmosphere and get involved with the street parties, live music and costumes. Foodies can sample local delicacies like Ensaimada con Tallades - a traditional pastry stuffed with pork loin, and butifarrón a Mallorcan sausage. Processions will march down La Rambla, C. de La Riera, C. de la Unió, Pl. del Rei Joan Carles I and Av. de Jaume III. See you there! Wishing you a happy and sunny March, The Nourish Team.x ______________________________________ Nourish The Guide FB ‘Nourish the Community’ Use #nourishmallorca to be featured on our Instagram feed - @nourishtheguide





fracture incidence in their population Cow’s milk is an excellent food source for calves. Weighing about 50kg at birth, a calf typically gains eight times its weight by the time it is weaned. But unlike humans, once calves are weaned, they never drink milk again, the same applies to other mammals. Today, milking cows are given antibiotics and most are also injected with a genetically engineered form of bovine growth hormone (rBGH). A man-made or synthetic hormone used to artificially increase milk production, rBGH also increases blood levels of the insulingrowth factor 1 (IGF-1) in those who drink it. Higher levels of IGF-1 are linked to several cancers. However, at least organic milk is from cows that are not given antibiotics or rBHG. Excellent alternative sources of calcium are kale, spinach, tahini paste, sesame seeds, almonds, tinned sardines, tinned salmon, sea vegetables, spinach and broccoli – all easy to include daily. Also, if supplementation is necessary look for only bioavailable and organic calcium, rather than the carbonate form. Options like MCHA (Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite), glycinate, aspartate and malate.

HOW IS YOUR BONE HEALTH? Do you rely on dairy products to optimise your calcium levels? The milk myth is based on the belief that this protein and calcium-rich drink is essential to support good health and bones. It is easy to see the confusion about milk’s benefit, the fact that it contains calcium – around 300 mg per cup. Years of research has shown various detrimental health effects linked to milk consumption, not only do we barely absorb the calcium in cow’s milk (especially if pasteurized), but it actually increases calcium loss from the bones. For decades now studies contradict that milk and dairy consumption help reduce osteoporotic fractures and studies demonstrating that milk and dairy products fail to protect bones from fractures outnumber

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studies that prove otherwise. “Consumption of dairy products, particularly at age 20 years, was associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in old age. (“Case-Control Study of Risk Factors for Hip Fractures in the Elderly”. American Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 139, No. 5, 1994). Like all animal protein, milk acidifies the body pH. Calcium is an excellent acid neutralizer and the biggest storage of calcium in the body is in the bones. But the calcium that our bones need to stay strong is utilized to neutralize the acidifying effect of milk. Once calcium is pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via our urine, that results in a calcium deficit. Statistics show that countries with the lowest consumption of dairy products have the lowest

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Magnesium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Zinc and boron are also vital for optimum bone health My favourite milk substitutes are coconut, oat and unsweetened almond milk, versatile and tasty, - yes it can be an acquired taste especially in tea and coffee, but for porridge, cereal, making yogurt and cooking they are perfect substitutes. Keep your dairy intake to a minimum and look after those bones!! For further advice, dairy-free recipes and support on bone health contact Suzanne or follow on facebook and instagram ______________________________________ Suzanne Garaty Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist dipCNM mBANT (+34) 647 397 501


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to the Chinese government and there are fears of a mythical ‘kill switch’ built into the technologies. Specifically the fear is that if things aren’t going China’s way they can switch off another country’s autonomous car, power grids, and communications networks, and use those data networks to intercept government business for nefarious purposes. Foreign governments also may wish to slow down Huawei’s exponential growth to allow their own domestic firms to catch up a bit. Australia and New Zealand have already banned spending on Huawei equipment in their own national infrastructure, and the US has been threatening trading relations with foreign governments that use Huawei kit. But banning their presence is also fraught with problems.

5G - WHO IS REALLY GOING TO BE IN CHARGE OF YOUR TOASTER? 5G is on the way, and it’s going to be amazing, but its birth looks like it maybe more than a little problematic. 5th generation mobile technology promises ultra-quick data speeds, you will be able to download an HD movie instantly for example, and a level of interconnectedness we have never seen before. It looks likely to become the platform on which the 21st century will be built. It will facilitate autonomous vehicles and the drone that will deliver your pizza, it will allow your cupboard to talk to your fridge, and allow you to switch on your toaster from the other side of the globe, which I have yet to fully understand the benefits of, but I’m sure I won’t be able to live without it as soon as I have the ability. No doubt there are countless innovations that will spring from the technology that most of us are unable to conceive of right now. Some countries will auction off their 5G networks this year, no doubt for eye watering sums, and you can expect to see handsets in shops before next Christmas, but the full networks are still a couple of years away. The industry is expected to be worth $123 billion in five years’ time, so as you would expect that the race to dominate the technology is on, and is ultra -competitive. The early leader, by quite some margin is

Chinese firm Huawei, and it is making a few western governments feel a little uneasy. Huawei’s rise has been spectacular, from a small time player in the domestic market, it has rapidly risen to become the third largest manufacturer of smartphones in the world, and it looks likely to take the top spot before too long as it out innovates Apple and Samsung while keeping their prices a couple of hundred dollars cheaper. Apple is struggling with sales in the Far East, as Huawei takes their market share in huge chunks, but it is in the manufacture and development of the hardware behind 5G network that Huawei enjoys a huge lead over all other companies. If you want a 5G network for your country any time soon, you have little choice but to buy the kit from Huawei. Here is the problem, and it’s a big one. The Chinese government requires Huawei, and all Chinese firms, to share data with it’s national intelligence services upon request. Late last year Huawei’s chief financial officer was arrested in Canada, charged with money laundering, breaking sanctions with Iraq, and industrial espionage, specifically the theft of the intellectual property of German firm T-Mobile amongst others.

There are few competitors that come close to Huawei for leading 5G technology, so if you try another route, the chances are that you may miss the boat, hobbling your national economy while you try to play catch up. Banning Huawei and other Chinese firms also runs the near certain risk of kicking off a trade war. Since China’s economic rise of the last two decades, there are very few global firms that don’t rely on selling into the Chinese market for a good chunk of their bottom line. Germany is a good example of the precarious position any Western government are in. The country has some of the slowest internet in the developed world, it needs 5G badly to ensure that it keeps it’s competitive edge, but companies like BMW have huge markets in China, and have signed joint business ventures in the country. Ban Huawei and you can bet China will ban BMW, meanwhile the German government is under pressure from the US government not to get too close to Huawei, particularly as the US has a significant military presence in the country and doesn’t want to have its communications routed through Huawei infrastructure. 5G looks set to change the world in some pretty profound ways in a handful of years at most but thanks to Western firms being asleep at the wheel it is going to come at a cost. Is it a cost worth paying? Only time will tell. ______________________________________ Phil D. Coffers The Islander Economics Correspondent

Western governments are understandably reticent to allow 5g infrastructure to be provided by a firm that potentially tells tales

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In the Balearic Islands, there are reductions available of up to 99 percent under certain conditions for Inheritance Tax which means an effective tax rate of 1%, and 7% for gift or donations. These reductions were in principle only applicable for tax residents however EU Court resolution from 2014 and the following Spanish High Court Tribunal Supremo resolution forced to change the Inheritance and Gist Tax Law with the Disposition Additional 2ª extended said tax benefits also to non-residents since 2015.

INHERITANCE AND GIFT TAX FOR NON-RESIDENTS IN THE BALEARICS Within the last years we have observed an increase on the transmissions by or in favour of non-residents subject to the Inheritance a Git Tax in Spain. First of all, we must know that the Inheritance and Gift is levied in one of the following three cases: a) by acquisition by individuals of any type of real estates, goods, or rights, through an inheritance or legacy. b) by acquisition by an individual of goods or rights as a gift or donation. c) For any kind of amounts received by the beneficiaries of life insurance contracts when the contracting party is a different individual than the beneficiary. The taxable base is normally the net value of the goods and rights and the the tax rates depend on Spanish Region or Comunidad Autonoma where the goods are located, the amount involved, the degree of family relationship between the deceased/donor and the heirs/ recipients and the previous net worth of the last ones.

In case of decease of a person, technically, the whole inheritance procedure is ruled according to the national Law of the deceased however tax consequences are applicable in Spain if in this country is located any real estate, good or right and depending the residence for tax purposes of the deceased and of the heirs. So, when a person dies, and the heirs are resident for tax purpose in Spain, they would have the obligation to declare, file and pay inheritance tax not only for the estate in Spain but also for the whole estate – world wide - of the deceased no matter in which country he goods or rights are located. On the other hand, if the heirs are resident for tax purposes outside Spain they would have to declare, file and pay inheritance tax only of the estate located in Spain. However, if the non-resident heirs are going to be taxed also for the worldwide estate of the deceased (including the house in Spain) they would have the right to deduct the tax paid in Spain for the property located here in order to mitigate the double taxation as Inheritance and Gift Tax in not included in Double Tax Treaties. Normally each legislation establishes tax deduction or tax savings facilities that reduces the final tax burden but the double taxation on the same property does not disappear totally. For example, in our Spanish legislation if a tax resident heir receives from a non-resident owner an estate that include properties located in other countries he might deduct the effective Inheritance Tax paid in said countries to the limit of the amount that he would been obliged to pay in case he were resident for tax purposes in Spain. It was quite common I the past the case of a

foreigner in Spain with a property or estate in Spain and as by being non-resident for tax purposes at his decease the heirs were forced to sell it in order to pay the very high inheritance tax and the local capital gain tax on the land value (“Plusvalía Municipal”) otherwise they could not get the change of ownership in the Property Registry. This has changed as we already mentioned. For practical purposes, being the heirs nonresident in Spain they have previously to do the following: • Apply a Spanish Fiscal Number or NIE if they do not have one. • Apply a Certificate of Last Wills from the Dirección General de Registros y Notariado del Mº de Justicia. • Grant Public Deed before Notary accepting the will or file a legalised and notarized acceptance of the will or the correspondent judicial declaration of heirs. • Once paid the Inheritance Tax they are obliged to file in the Oficina Nacional de Gestión Tributaria in Madrid the tax returns 650 y 651 (c/ Infanta Mercedes, 29). The deadline is 6 months after the decease, however this deadline might be extended another 6 months. • Finally, they would have to appoint a tax and legal representative, normally, the Lawyer or Tax Adviser who deals with the Inheritance. We can affirm that in general Inheritance Tax is lower than the Gift Tax but there are interesting institutions as the donations in life with inheritance agreements - a kind of anticipation of the will - that might mitigate under certain circumstances the taxation. However as this dispositions also affects other taxes like Income Tax and the still “living” Net Wealth Tax and due to the reason of the particular and casuistic of this tax we recommend to foresee and set up an effective tax planning and also to grant a will before Spanish Notary for the goods, properties, real estates and rights (golf shares, berths, bank accounts etc. ) located in Spain in order to clarify and ease the whole procedure and also to contact any specialised Lawyer or tax adviser in order not to pay much taxes. ______________________________________ Carlos Espinosa Solicitor and Tax Adviser (+34) 627 41 32 01




Moreover, the shift to electric cars is already gathering pace much faster than expected. Until July this year, the NIO EP9, a Chinese-manufactured electric supercar, held the production car lap record for the Nürburgring, before top spot was reclaimed by a Lamborghini.3 “In 2015, the transition towards electric cars was seen as a 2030 story if we were lucky,” says David Winborne of Impax Asset Management, manager of the St. James’s Place Sustainable & Responsible Equity fund. “The technology was perhaps there but the infrastructure wasn’t. But over this relatively short period, the transition to electric cars has come to be seen as a 2025 story, not a 2030 one. One of the drivers has been government policy – another has been improved battery life.” As if that wasn’t already enough, car manufacturers may be facing a still more fundamental threat, with the very concept of car ownership now in question.

ROY DUNS: IS DISRUPTION CHANGING EVERYTHING? Technology is disrupting everything from cars to healthcare, but that does not mean successful brands have lost their emotional power. In a year of rapid political changes, it is all too easy for investors to miss important shifts elsewhere. Among these, few themes have been more important than technology, which has continued to disrupt traditional business models across a range of industries. In the UK, a slew of retail redundancies, store closures, negative earnings announcements and bankruptcies cannot be put down to Brexit pressures alone, even if political uncertainty may have been a factor. Many long-standing High Street chains continue to suffer from the disruptive impact of online shopping – dubbed “the Amazon effect”. The pace of change has led to warnings that the High Street itself may not survive in its current form.1 “The rise of the internet presents headaches for big brands,” says Michael Collins, investment specialist at Magellan Asset Management. “One challenge is the ease of price comparison either via apps such as ShopSavvy and BuyVia or by checking on This development limits the ability of Big Brands to charge premium prices.” Yet if the consumer retail sector is often the most visible victim of technological disruption, it is very far from being alone. Take dentistry, and the time-saving impact of a new device called a CEREC that is being sold by Dentsply. If you’re missing a tooth or need a tooth replaced, the CEREC machine allows the dentist to take a scan of your mouth – and makes you a new

tooth there and then in the dentist’s office. “Historically, the dentist would take an impression, make a cast, send it to a lab, the lab would send it back, and then you’d come back once or twice to have the new tooth installed, whereas now they can do it all in one stop,” says Dan O’Keefe of Artisan Partners, manager of the St. James’s Place Global fund, which owns Dentsply. “That’s why the penetration of the machine has doubled from 10% of dentists in the US to 19% – it’s a fantastic machine. And there are hundreds of millions of people worldwide who are missing a tooth.” Some of the areas facing disruption are fundamental to everyday life, among them transportation. Indeed, the biggest car brands are facing once-alien pressures, from the rising importance of a car’s software (as opposed to hardware) and even from new upstarts. Not long ago, the established players felt relatively secure, given the time it takes to build a successful auto brand and the complexity of their manufacturing processes – the average car has 30,000 parts.2 Today, that security is fast evaporating. “One of the biggest themes in the future will be mobility,” says Mark Baribeau of Jennison Associates, co-manager of the St. James’s Place Balanced Managed fund. “In the third quarter of 2018, Tesla’s Model 3 was the number one selling automobile in the US by value – and was fifth by number of units. This upstart with an underdeveloped concept is already leading in terms of sales in a very large economy and it’s upsetting the auto industry because they’re going to be left behind.”


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“You almost never actually use a car, so why own it? Why not just hail a ride on your smartphone?” says Baribeau. “And that’s what’s happening. You specifically see it among millennials, where car ownership is lagging.” Yet in some areas, technology is going further still, not merely disrupting old industries, but disrupting the broader market by introducing entirely new ones. “There’s a kind of disruption that is creating an entirely new business or industry that didn’t exist before,” says Sunil Thakor of Sands Capital, co-manager of the St. James’s Place Global Growth fund. “That’s what’s happened in the world of genomics, an industry being pioneered by Illumina, an American company. Illumina can sequence all of your 20,000 genes and unlock your genetic code. Its tools play a big role in the pharma R&D business.” Capitalism has long been associated with “creative destruction”, a term popularised in 1942 by Joseph Schumpeter, an Austrian finance minister and political economist (although the concept was derived from Karl Marx and possibly even Charles Darwin). However, the rate of that destruction has been notable in recent years – and even the disruptive technology giants aren’t immune. “Who’s going to compete with Google, Facebook or Amazon? They basically have won the war and the competition mechanism no longer works,” says Tommy Garvey of GMO, co-manager of the St. James’s Place Balanced Managed fund. “These are valid points. Every decade, you could invest in Fortune’s top ten companies, go away and do nothing about it.” “But if you look at the top companies in 1999, seven of them went bankrupt and three had big scandals. So we accept that things have changed and some of these companies are genuinely exceptional. But we would rather understand companies and pay what we believe to be fair prices.” The brand is dead? Amid all this change, it is tempting to conclude


that the old brands are on their last legs, merely waiting for the next technological whirlwind to rip away their market share. Michael Collins of Magellan believes the big brands face no fewer than six major threats: health concerns; escalating trade disputes; complaints and campaigns on social media; internet-facilitated price comparison; growing vulnerability for the franchise model (given retail disruption); and the potential for tighter antitrust rules. Yet Collins also sees great strengths in some of the established brands. Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, once said: “I don’t know if, in 50 years’ time my iPhone will still be a success but… everyone will still drink Dom Pérignon.” Collins agrees with the sentiment and gives the example of Robert McNamara, who was US defence secretary from 1961 to 1968. Strictly rational in his approach, McNamara had previously worked for Ford, where he pushed the concept of efficiency above all else – and at the cost of style and elegance. His approach was not successful. “He failed to grasp the insight the consumer giants had gained at that time; that marketing emotion was how to sell quality goods when competing against other worthy goods,” says Collins. “To create ‘category leaders’, titans such as Proctor & Gamble and Unilever studied their products and customers to form ‘branded propositions’, or marketing strategies, that tugged on emotions to magnify product advantages or nullify deficiencies. Philip

Morris’s Marlboro Man, for example, was designed to overcome the view that filtered cigarettes were effeminate.” “Appeals to self-esteem, aspiration, winning and optimism succeeded in two ways, as long as product quality held; they helped build market share and allowed companies to charge more. Retail chains noticed this success. So they developed brands, which spawned ‘own’labelled goods.” For investors, technology may be disrupting established industries left, right and centre, but they are not yet altering human nature. In short, reports of the death of the brand may be exaggerated. Artisan, GMO, Impax Jennison, Magellan and Sands Capital are fund managers for St. James's Place. The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested. The opinions expressed are those of Artisan, GMO, Impax, Jennison, Magellan and Sands Capital and are subject to change at any time due to changes in market or economic conditions. This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research, or investment advice, and is not a recommendation, offer



or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or adopt a strategy. The views are not necessarily shared by other investment managers or St. James’s Place Wealth Management. 1 whosegonebust.php, accessed 21 December 2018 2 Source: Japanese Motor Works, accessed 21 December 2018 3 Source: Digital Trends, accessed 21 December 2018 The Partner Practice is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp. our-products-and-services. The ‘St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the titles ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. "Scrimger & Oakes is a trading name of Scrimger & Oakes Ltd." ______________________________________ St. James’s Place Wealth Management Roy Duns (+44) 191 3851530



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De Ronde, Ronde van Vlaanderen • Rider with most wins: Tom Boonen, Fabian Cancellara, Johan Museeuw, Achiel Buysse, Fiorenzo Magni, Eric Leman (all three wins)

THE MONUMENTS: CYCLING’S FIVE BIGGEST ONE-DAY RACES The Spring Classics are a unique collection of deeply entrenched, historic one-day races that span Northern Europe - Italy, Belgium, Holland and Northern France to be precise. From the cobbles of Paris-Roubaix to the punchy bergs of the Tour of Flanders, they are a part of cycling’s tradition and provide some of the most exciting and memorable moments in the sport's history. These iconic races are a world away from the challenges the riders face in the Tour de France and other Grand Tour races. Usually defined by bad weather, they use minor roads and cobbled sections, which often resemble farm tracks. The classics are known as races for the hard men of the peloton, testing physical, mental and mechanical resilience. The five oldest, longest and most prestigious one-day races in professional cycling are grouped together under the heading ‘Monuments’. Milan-San Remo, the Tour of Flanders, Paris-Roubaix, Liège-Bastogne-Liège and Il Lombardia all boast a rich heritage and are the races that every rider wants to have in their list of victories. Only the Grand Tours – the Giro d’Italia, Tour de France and Vuelta a España – command as much kudos. Each of the five races has its own special character that marks it out among the long list of professional races that take place every year. Such are their significance, that riders will tend to target them specifically, make one or more their main aim for the season – riders like Peter Sagan, Greg Van Avermaet, Philippe Gilbert, Sep Vanmarcke and Michal Kwiatkowski. All five are part of the UCI’s top-tier WorldTour race calendar, and as

such they command a full field of the biggest teams and leading riders. For cycling fans, they are the most hotly-anticipated races of the year: always entertaining and action-packed. Milan-San Remo - March 23, Italy • First edition: 1907 • Also known as: La Primavera, The Sprinters’ Classic • Rider with most wins: Eddy Merckx (seven wins) The first Monument of the cycling season, aptly called La Primavera – in English, The Spring – is the longest one day race on the professional calendar. Milan-San Remo marks the real start of the classics season and is often viewed as a sprinters classic with the fastest man over the Poggio in the front group likely to come out on top. The total distance of Milan-San Remo often stretching out over 300km as the neutralised zone takes the peloton out of Milan's inner city. The distance so early in the season hasn't been an issue for the riders, in recent years however, the snow, sleet and rain as the weather conditions have ensured La Classicissima remains one of the hardest one-day races on the calendar. Tour of Flanders - April 7, Belgium • First edition: 1913 • Also known as:

The second monument of the season, the Tour of Flanders holds a special place in the hearts of the Flemish, but it isn't solely reserved for the Belgians. First held in 1913… Sunday, 7 April 2017, brings the 103rd edition of the Tour of Flanders. The gruelling race is teeming with short, sharp and steep climbs. The riders will leave from Antwerp. The last 75 kilometres are a replica of recent editions, so the finale is marked by the cobbled climbs up Oude Kwaremont and Paterberg. The gruelling route takes in some of Flanders' most iconic short cobbled climbs, which, packed into the latter half of the race, ensure that only the strongest - and those who make and respond to the right moves - emerge at the finish with a shot at victory. Paris-Roubaix - April 14, France • First edition: 1896 • Also known as: Hell of the North, Queen of the Classics, La Pascale • Rider with most wins: Roger De Vlaeminck, Tom Boonen (four wins) Paris-Roubaix, 'queen of the classics', dates back to 1896 and sends riders over cobbled roads that only open for one day of the year, and finishing in the Roubaix velodrome. ParisRoubaix is loved and lauded and hated and despised with equal measures by the riders who have taken part in the race. The cobbled sectors of Paris-Roubaix make the race with names such as Trouée d'Arenberg, Mons-en-Pévèle and Carrefour de l'Arbre just three examples. Varying in length and difficulty, the cobbled sectors initially were used out of necessity - there were no other roads the race could use. With the advent of live television coverage of the race, there were fears that the cobbled roads would reflect badly on Northern France with suggestions the local councils couldn't afford new roads. Thankfully the cobbles remain, there is even 'a friends of the cobbles society - Les Amis de Paris Roubaix - who now look after the sectors and ensure they remain intrinsic features of Paris-Roubaix. The rough terrain it covers in the north of France, near the Belgium border, has earned the Paris-Roubaix the nicknames “l’Enfer du Nord,” “the Hell of the North,” and




“A Sunday in Hell.” It is the third of The Five Monuments of Cycling. Where the Tour of Flanders is often a test of the strongest rider in the race, ParisRoubaix can be a lottery by comparison with mechanicals ending the hopes of hundreds of the cyclists over the years. The unpredictability is also a further drawcard for spectators who line the roadside for the final cobbled classic of the spring. Since 1977, the winner of Paris–Roubaix has received a “sett,” or a cobble stone. The terrain of the race has led to the development of specialised frames, wheels and tires. Punctures and other mechanical problems are common and have often been a deciding factor in the race. Liège-Bastogne-Liège - April 28, Belgium • First edition: 1892 • Also known as: La Doyenne • Rider with most wins: Eddy Merckx (five wins) The 105th edition of Liège–Bastogne–Liège will be held on Sunday 28 April. The fourth Monument in the season is one of the oldest Classics on the cycling calendar. The 2019 edition amounts to 256 kilometres and – after years of finishing in the suburb of Ans – actually travels from Liège to Bastogne and back. The route takes in elevens of the toughest climbs in the Ardennes. The majority of the race’s climbs are packed into the final 100km, providing a relentless barrage of climbing that barely allows any respite for tired riders. Despite its position as the final Classic, it can

still be affected by bad weather to add to the riders’ misery.Country: Italy Il Lombardia - October 12 2019 - Italy • First edition: 1892 • Also known as: Giro di Lombardia, Tour of Lombardy, Race of the Falling Leaves • Rider with most wins: Fausto Coppi (five wins) Rider with most wins: Fausto Coppi (five wins) The only Monument to take place in the autumn rather than spring, the Tour of Lombardy is very different than its northern European cousins. The picturesque route takes riders around Lake Como in a testing war of attrition. Like LiègeBastogne-Liège, Il Lombardia has a reputation for being a climber’s classic, taking in longer ascents than the power climbs of the Tour of Flanders. It’s often the final outing for Grand Tour riders seeking to take one final victory

before the season ends. Paris - Nice One other race to keep an eye on in March is the 77th edition of Paris-Nice, which starts with an out-and-back stage in Saint-Germain-en-Laye on Sunday 10 March. The race concludes on Sunday 17th. The famous Col d’Eze is featured in the finale of the last stage, which obviously runs to Nice. The penultimate stage concludes with a 15 kilometres ascent at 7.3% to the top of the Turini Pass. ______________________________________ Dan Marsh Owner & Founder (+34) 616 529 111




She still said “yes” 20 years later!!

Me and my ladies!

The cake was a masterpiece!

GOODBYE FEB AND HELLO MARCH!! Spring is around the corner and everywhere you look, people are working away getting their house or business ready for the season. And we are no exception, closing for 2 weeks in February to replace the deck and many more repairs and maintenance projects still underway too, including a new Al Fresco kitchen and BBQ area which will be ready in time for summer. Everyone loves a good BBQ and with all our outdoor space, we are one of the leading choices for big parties and events but equally can cater for several smaller gatherings in different areas. So this month, I thought I would talk parties…… starting off with our own family gathering! Feb 1st 2019 marked quite the day for us as we were celebrating a big milestone birthday, The Boathouse being 5 years old and getting engaged 20 years ago – yes I surprised Deb and proposed at her Mum’s 50th birthday party so it felt only right that I did it again – thank goodness she still said yes!! It was a small and intimate affair with close family and friends, most of who flew from the UK, and one from Canada to spend the weekend with us and even the weather didn’t dampen our spirits. We were quite worried the day before when airports were being closed that people wouldn’t make it but all OK in the end after a few fraught flight changes. Eternally grateful to our friends Paul and Tony for making it over and entertaining us all night, as they have done at all our family events over the years including our wedding!.

The dynamic duo Paul Dobie and Tony Benedict!

Having them with us made the evening even more special – the icing on the cake for sure, which by the way was a piece of art and made by another friend Shelley Haynes so big thanks for that too. It was truly an amazing night. Everyone gathered for cocktails and canapes, followed by a delicious sit-down dinner and dancing long into the night with the highlight being three generations dancing on the table – wouldn’t expect anything less from the ladies in my life!! I have to say it was quite emotional for me taking it all in and appreciating the people who have been in our lives through all the ups and downs and was fantastic to be able to enjoy our own party for a change and even though I say so myself, was a great venue for the occasion. Everyone stayed in local hotels so no car rental necessary and easy access from the airport and on-site parking for the locals. In fact, the next day turned into another impromptu get together as everyone arrived at different times to collect their cars – what started out as a small table of 4 for a full fry-up ‘morning after’ breakfast turned into a table of 14 for birthday cake and cava for afternoon tea!

how big or small, give Cristina a call and she will help you in any way she can to put together your perfect party. Enquiries come in everyday so whether it’s a work ‘do’, shindig with the crew or friends and family affair - reserve your date now to make sure you get the day or night of your choice. Well that’s about it from me this month – have a great March and keep up to date with what’s going on via Instagram and facebook. Stay Anchored Maconeye! ______________________________________ The Boathouse Bar & Grill (+34) 971 734 114 Event Architect - Cristina Rehfeld T. (+34) 971 220 990 M. (+34) 634 331 605

Have to say a big thanks to my team for a job well done. A great time was had by all and scored mega brownie points with the motherin-law for a memorable birthday!! So if you have an event coming up, no matter

Morning after the night before!

Dales big birthday bash!

Memorable Milestones!




ALLEN GRAHAM CHARITY MOTORBIKE RIDE & HARD ROCK CAFÉ PARTY – 7TH APRIL The Allen Graham Charity 4 Kidz was founded in 1992 and is dedicated to helping disadvantaged children and young adults in Mallorca who, through no fault of their own, do not have the opportunity to develop the skills that ensure a secure and safe future. Every year in Mallorca hundreds of children of all nationalities, colour and creed, are either fostered by families or cared for in one of the 27 residential centres on the island. They have been abandoned, badly treated, abused or, for various reasons, have parents who are unable to care for them. The charity provides homes and life skills for those who have been in care homes for most of their lives and suddenly, at the age of 18, have nowhere to go. The aim is to assist them develop in such a way as to be able to achieve the things they want in life. Just like their contemporaries in “normal families”, they need to feel they have a future, one that is full of opportunities, hope and happiness. To help raise money for these children the Allen Graham Charity will be hosting an event that will take place on the 7th April. This special event includes a motorbike route around the Island leaving from STP at 10am and finishing 13/13:30 at the Hard Rock Cafe.

The Hard Rock Café will be playing host to Food, Drink & Music. Entry is €20 per ticket which includes a main meal & 2 drinks with a live band and DJ. Moto Centre & Hog Chapter will be taking part in the Route, and when they reach the Hard Rock Café there will be time for lots of photos

and for the children to see all the motorbikes! Rosemary, the President of the charity will also be holding a raffle as well. ______________________________________ For more information please contact: (+34) 971 700 980




environmentally friendly, while in reality the claim is false or overestimated in relation to the product’s (or company’s) actual impact on the environment.

MARKETING STUDENTS WORKING FOR MARINE CONSERVATION Have you ever thought about the way in which, and to what extent, your mood, your desires and your actions are influenced by marketing? In a world where we are constantly exposed to both direct and subliminal advertisements and commercials wherever we go, and where we are bombarded with it whenever we’re online, this question becomes increasingly important. This last month, at Asociación Ondine we turned this question around and asked marketing stu-dents if they had thought about the way in which their work has the power to influence the mood, desires and actions of others in unexpected directions. In many ways, effective marketing in a globalised world has an immense power to influence not only individuals and groups of individuals, but society as a whole.

We have all seen it many times, and as consumer demand for “green” products and environmen-tally responsible companies is on the rise, it is noticeable how this marketing power is increasingly being used in relation to environmental issues - for good … and for bad. Effective campaigns to demand social and environmental responsibility from polluting companies are on the one hand extremely important for a change to take place. At the same time, many companies who feel the pressing need to “go green” in order to attract customers may misuse their marketing power to engage in so called “Greenwashing.” Greenwashing is a huge subject, fit for a whole other article, but in short it means that companies are providing customers with misleading information which portrays a product (or the company itself) as

Through a collaboration with ESERP Business School in Palma, we recently got the chance to work together with their marketing students to teach them about plastic pollution and marine conserva-tion. We talked with them about the negative impacts of misleading marketing on environmental progress, and discussed important topics such as the responsibly that comes with the power of in-fluence, and the positive impact that marketing can have when used for the long term benefit of the community. After a few very interesting classroom sessions, the ESERP students undertook a beach clean and conducted a scientific survey on plastic pollution, obtaining results that surprised them all. Once back in the classroom, the students analysed the results, drew conclusions and split up into groups in order to begin working on a month long marketing project for marine conservation. During this period they have been helping Asociación Ondine by developing creative marketing and communication plans to be used within our Balears Sense Plàstic project (meaning Plastic Free Balearics). The BSP project is a collaboration between Ondine and 45 local companies from all sectors (ho-tels, restaurants, schools, offices, markets, yachts, event organisers etc.). The companies work to-gether with Ondine to evaluate their use of single-use plastics and foster a behavioural change which works towards the elimination of the assessed items while simultaneously raising awareness among their customers. As soon as temperatures rise, the ESERP students who present the best project will be awarded a boat excursion to a Balearic MPA together with the O- team, to connect with nature and learn even more about local marine conservation. Join us for a Dos Manos beach clean! Throughout the year, we organise public beach cleans to gather scientific data and raise

aware-ness among the public about plastic pollution and its solutions. This month we’ll be getting togeth-er to clean the beach in Ciutat Jardin, Sunday 10/3 starting 11AM. Asociación Ondine’s beach cleans are all about communities getting together to socialise, share knowledge and take action to protect the environment. In addition to removing the waste we find on the beach, these events are educational activities which raise awareness of the increasing problem of plastic pollution in our environment. As a volunteer you will participate in citizen science by helping us to collect data for a scientific survey whilst spending a fun Sunday morning in great company on the beach! Bring reusable gloves and we’ll see you at the beach! Can’t make it in March? Check out our 2019 calendar and join us for any of the coming clean ups! Follow us on Facebook where we publish detailed information about each of the events. __________________________________________________________ Asociación Ondine Brad Robertson - President

Thank you to all our Corporate Partners and Material Supporters for your donations, with special acknowledgement to our Silver and Gold Members:


AGRA TANDOORI – A MODERN INDIAN WITH A TRADITIONAL HEART It’s a beautifully clear evening as we take a stroll down the Paseo Maritimo beneath the palm trees and bright stars. It’s such a spectacular location for a restaurant, with views over to the traditional Mallorcan LLaüts moored up alongside their somewhat larger and shinier superyacht sisters. The feeling in the air is one of joy that an evening in February can feel so like summer and the mood is perfectly set for the delicious meal that is to come. As we enter the restaurant, which turns one on the 24th February, we are greeted with beaming smiles from the three friends and owners, Sukheet, Jaspal and Surinder. We are quickly shown to our table and it is clear from the outset that they are passionate about what they do, each bringing a different skill set and part of their personality to the restaurant. They originally started out in a restaurant in Soller, however it was clear to see that the seasonal effect on the area made it impossible to remain open all your round. Instead they looked to the city and a choice of two different locations, one in Molinar and the one in which we are now sat, on Paseo Maritimo. It was an easy choice to make when you consider the

location and the sheer number of potential customers from locals, to expats to tourists. In fact, when we are there, there is a big party of English speaking yachties enjoying the exclusive use of the upstairs dining room and they certainly seemed to be having a good time if the laughter and chatter was anything to go by. What I like about Agra are the clean lines and untypical décor. It is much more modern in its styling that traditional Indian restaurants and this was done on purpose. The three want to bring a more contemporary feel into the restaurant, bringing Indian cooking to a higher class. It’s safe to say by the diners who were

enjoying their meals alongside us that it is achieving its aim. It’s not always easy though, and the first three months were tough, but all of their hard work paid off in the end as they achieved the coveted number 1 spot on TripAdvisor, within only six months of being open. And they are massively protective of that position, saying it’s not always the 5-star reviews (which are obviously much appreciated) that help them the most, but those lower marked reviews, from which they can learn and make improvements when necessary. For them it is all about customer satisfaction.






tandoori restaurant

Avenida Gabriel Roca 23 971 101 504 661 793 400 Once settled and enjoying our window seat, Anouska my ever-faithful photographer and best friend, and I turn to the important business of the evening, eating. I had already had several people who have visited recommend the Chicken Shaslik as a main, so we requested that one dish. Everything else we left up to our hosts discretion, whilst pointing out that we do like our food spicy, British spicy that is. As ever we had to reassure them that we weren’t completely out of our minds and so a spicy Madras sauce was added to the order. We started out with Pakoras. Two different types, firstly the beautifully golden chicken fritter that was perfectly fried, creating a deliciously crunchy and satisfying opening dish. Next up were the vegetable pakoras, darker in colour than their brighter sisters but equally mouth-watering. All served alongside the wonderful traditional dipping sauces of tamarind, mango, mint and spicy onion. Delicious! But now it was time for the main event which we could hear sizzling as it approached our table. The smells and sounds were wonderful and had us hungry with anticipation. We were not disappointed. The chicken was succulent and wonderfully spiced, the onions and peppers really popping from the plate. Coupled with the madras, it was totally on point with spiciness. We greedily dug in, mopping up the juices with one of the best plain naans I have had on the island. The portion sizes were incredibly generous as well, so much so that I am finishing the rest of last night’s feast as I type. And it is just as satisfying the following day. We thoroughly enjoyed our experience. We were looked after, entertained and invited to some delicious food. I think the modern feel will really lend itself to the yachting community looking to find that traditional Indian heart, but in a more contemporary surrounding. __________________________________________________________ By Victoria Pearce Photos © Anouska Foss Agra Tandoori Indian Avenida Gabriel Roca 23, Palma Available for dining, take-out and delivery. Open seven days a week 12-23:00

YOUR LOCAL CREW BAR IN PALMA Placa Drassana 9. La Llonja. Palma. 07012 (+34) 971 714 900




With a 70 year tradition this emblematic restaurant in the fishing port of Palma “La Lonja” Can Eduardo offers you their speciality on fresh fish, rice dishes, & Shellfish, with spectacular views of the Cathedral

Menu of the day every day Tapas Salads Breakfast

Where the Yacht Crew Meets Situated in the STP Shipyard

Beef & Fish Specialty Wide Selection of Wines Available

Calle Fábrica 60, Santa Catalina, Palma de Mallorca (+34) 971 288 332 -

T. 971 224 994




ADVERTISE FOR FREE FOR SALE FOR SALE: Transporter van 1.9 diesel T5, 2005, white. Less than 200,000 miles, new ITV January, taxed very good runner, new battery just fitted. Double rear doors, sliding side door, some body dents 5.750.00 €. Please contact Mike on 630 613 245 FOR SALE: Storage. 3.7mL x 2.7mH x 1.7mH. Safe and clean. Light and electricity. Bendiate Sa Vinya. Leaving the Island €12k Make me an offer. (+44) 773 948 7237 / (+34) 673 406 107 . FOR SALE: Garage space in Bendinate suitable for ONE expensive car or otherwise in the complex of SA VINYA. Leaving the Island. Suit car belonging to a Captain who goes away in the summer or long periods or space for 2nd car. Very useful for a collector. It will have great company with other awesome cars!. €22k Make an offer. (+44) 773 948 7237 / (+34) 673 406 107 FOR SALE: 2 x very heavy duty mooring whips (suit boat to 15,000 kgs.) 5 mtrs long in two pieces (with threaded aluminum couplers). Made by Mooring Products Worldwide in Ft Lauderdale. 250 €. T. 679 440901.

If you have anything for sale or wanted - boat bits, household, etc. Strictly no trade ads (except jobs), or property ads (except private rentals) please! By email to:

FOR SALE: Peugeot 207cc HDI - Diesel Cabriolet 2007 - only 130,000 kms new tyres and cam belt. Very Good Condition, Immaculate well loved! €5490 ONO - Tracy +34 681 175 818. FOR SALE: MG TF sports car British racing green.. Black interior. Two seater, Coup'e. In beautiful condition. ITV to August 2019. 4.800 € o.n.o Tel 699 761 149 - Palma. FOR SALE: Fully Functional Flying Fifteen, start sailing and racing from the day of purchase. Many sails (none new!). Wooden deck needs repaint but not an obstruction to sailing. Road trailer, cover etc. Low cost of ownership, best value for money sailing on the island. € 2000 no offers. 616 949 353. FOR SALE: Freehold commercial premises old town Palma 5 mins STP. 50 sq mt fully reformed. Double door entry- ideal workshop/secure storage. €150.000. 653 894 588. FOR SALE: 2,3 m carbon fiber yacht gangway. 700€ o.n.o. (new 1.500€). 609 672 344.

FOR SALE: Road bicycle. Aluminium frame. Carbon fork. Full Shimano Ultegra. Size L. In perfect condition and always maintained by a professional team. Many extras. In Palma. Just 900.-€. WhatsApp: 688 926 629.

FOR SALE: 12ft Classic 2 person rowing skiff/Sailing dinghy. Clinker built on oak frames. Needs some equipment. Reduced to 1200 €. +34 627 287 863.

FOR SALE: Sailboat Hunter 336. Perfect condition and very equipped. Ready to navigate. Oceanic classification. Safe and comfortable. Great interior habitability. See in Real Club Nautico Palma. R4-4. Price: 59.800 €

FOR SALE: Porsche 944, British reg. 1989 RHD, 3 owners, lively little classic. Parked undercover storage. Treat yourself to a New Year...Black beast. Sensible offer please! T. 634 161 551. FOR SALE: Rolex submariner watch. 2007 gold and stainless steel strap, azzure blue face and gold bezel. As new in box with all papers. 6000 €. Paul 607 597 098 Port Andratx.

FOR SALE: Pocket barometer, Sterling silver. Made in London by Philip Woodsman. Year 1891. Highly collectable. WhatsApp 634 371 189. 600€


Contact: Tel: + 34 607 911 898

This fine example of the superbly built Delphia 33.3 is from 2011 but had very little use in the past 5 years. 6 berths with a good-sized heads/ shower, large saloon with very good headroom and a super cockpit, ideal for those evenings at anchor. Brand new 4-man dinghy and new Mercury outboard engine. Comes with loads of extra kit and a mooring in Puerto Portals until late July 2019. Must be seen to appreciate. Offers around 75,000 eu.

FOR SALE: Yardam JO6HD outdrive installer jack little use 150 Euros ono. Please contact Mike on 630 613 245

FOR SALE: Laika Kreos 5009 2,999 cc. Diesel Automatic 2014 left hand drive. The Flagship of the Kreos Low Profile range, the 5009 series is the epitome of Italina style mixed with German Engineering. This proven layout of single Orthopaedic beds in the rear that convert into a huge double is extremely popular. It also has a massive garage to carry a m/bike in load bay. The Kitchen is brilliantly appointed with only the finest fittings and fixtures. The Lounge is one of the largest in its class. The Laika 5009 is fully double floored with interior heating, meaning it can be used in any conditions throughout the year. The vehicle includes 3 litre engine automatic, with extra large fuel tank, Swivel Driver and Passenger ‘Captain’ Seats, Air Conditioning, sat nav/ blue tooth,Solar panel, 2 x TVs, Automatic Sat dish, Gas warning system, Automatic gas fill system, and Pull out 4mtre Awning/ Canopy plus much more. Cost over 100,000€ will accept 58,000 ono. A viewing of our vehicle is essential. Call on +44 (0)7739 487237 or +34 699 242 659.

FFOR SALE: Carbon Passarelle, length 5 meters, width 60cm. very stable. Stock item for sale at greatly reduced price. Email:

FOR SALE: Mazda MX-5, 2004 soft top, 1600cc. Low mileage of under 77,000 kilometres. Taxed with ITV until end of May, 2019. Dark green with a sparkle, black roof, tan leather seats, radio/CD, heated rear window. Only lightly used. 5,900 €. Call 639 700 797



FFOR SALE: VW Transporter van 1.9 diesel T5, 2005, white. Less than 200,000 miles, new ITV January, taxed very good runner, air conditioning, central locking, electric windows, Kenwood CD/ radio, new battery just fitted. Double rear doors, sliding side door, some body dents 5.750.00 Euros. Please contact Mike on 630 613 245.

FOR SALE: J97 Injenious. We have decided that “Injenious“our much loved J97 is for sale as we embark on new projects. She is currently berthed in Palma and race ready so perfect for the early summer Palma regattas. Palma Vela, Copa del Rey etc. Huge sail wardrobe plus virtually new 4T Forte 115R by One sails. Main and 3 foresails. 1,2 & 3. 4 x North A 2 and 3 sails. Code 0 by One Sails. Plus Dacron Delivery sails. Also full set of North 3DL tired but serviceable. Injenious has an IRC endorsed TCC and ORC international so fully compliant. 95,000 €. Mike Crompton on (+44) 7785923306

JOB VACANCY: Marivent Yachts, a leading company in the Yachting Sector is selecting After Sales Staff. The Job involves the Inspection, Preparation and Set Up of new Yachts for Handover to the Owners. The Maintenance, Repair and Management of these vessels as well as their delivery between ports is also a fundamental part of the job. Medium level English and High level German are compulsory. CV to Tel: (+34) 607 140 849. JOB VACANCY: Looking for caretaking job, South West Mallorca, to include accommodation for 2 mature persons (non-smokers). Experienced handyman and engineer, cars and boats. Please call 639 700 797. JOB VACANCY: Whites International Yachts is recruiting for an experienced multi-lingual Yacht Broker. The Broker we are looking for is an energetic, born networker, who has the ability to develop and maintain client and yacht business relationships and increase the number of the motor yacht sales. The successful candidate ideally is; business minded, self-employed, marine professional, result oriented and has excellent commercial and communication skills. We also encourage marine professionals who admire a shore-based lifestyle on Mallorca to apply. Required skills; multilingual (English, French and German a must). We offer professional back office sales support, commission-based salary and a future partnership (due to nearing retirement of one partner). We are open-minded to discuss possibilities. Start date in consultation. Please send your CV and application to

JOB VACANCY: Versilia Supply Service is looking for a Secretary/ office administrator, English language required along with Spanish and computer literacy, a clean driving licence and good communication skills with clients, salary to be agreed upon according to experience. Please send CV to JOB VACANCY: Full time sales executive – Palma based. The successful candidate will become an integral part of our growing DWD Palma Sales Team, with a main focus on yacht uniform sales and customer service, involving direct Yacht visits in and around the Palma area and Southwest Mallorca marinas. Other aspects of this role include Showroom Sales, attending Yacht Shows and events, and supporting the entire team in many areas of the business. The successful candidate will report directly to the Palma Sales Manager and work to achieve quarterly sales targets. The candidate should be a confident driver with a full clean driving licence. Knowledge of the local area is advantageous. Fluent English and basic Spanish is required. Proven Sales experience or a Super Yacht background is desirable for this role, as well as good organization and strong computer skills. For more details about the position, please send a cover letter and your CV to JOB VACANCY: Skilled welder/ fitter required. We are looking to recruit a welder/fitter for our marine welding company based near palma. Do you have experience working to high levels of accuracy with Mig and Tig, in the nautical sector, using stain-less, steel and aluminium? A knowledge of English and Spanish? Then we would love to hear from you. Send your CV to:



JOB VACANCY: Sunseeker Technical Engineering. Sunseeker Mallorca are always looking for strong technical and engineering staff to join their after-sales and warranty team. If you have strong experience as a Carpenter, Boat builder, Marine Electrician, Marine Engineer or Finisher and feel that you could enhance an already strong and experienced engineering team then we would like to hear from you. 2019 will see Sunseeker Yachts Spain continue to deliver yachts from 50' to 131' into Spanish territories. As the model range evolves this year and next, 2020 will be even more exciting. Our small field based technical team pride themselves on finding solutions in order to deliver a world class and unrivalled customer experience. Mallorca is one of the busiest territories in the world for Sunseeker yachts and therefore the range of yachts we work with is diverse and encompasses all the latest technologies. Sunseeker Mallorca offer a great range of benefits and very competitive salaries. We are always looking for passionate and talented individuals. If you think you can add to our technical team? If you are a strong problem solver? If you are excellent at what you do? then please get in touch in confidence to jody@ JOB VACANCY: Horizon Marine Electronics. We currently have a full time vacancy within our administration department at our facility in Palma. The successful candidate will be in charge of accounting, taxes, invoicing in collaboration with productive departments, control of supplier invoices and creditors including their payments, bank reconciliations including credit cards, expenses, monitoring time sheets, etc. A high level of both spoken and written English and Spanish is essential. Please apply in writing to




ADVERTISE FOR FREE JOBS / EMPLOYMENT JOB VACANCY: Evac Group is looking for Field Service Technician that regularly travels and performs tasks aboard docked and/or sailing vessels. Knowledge of reverse osmosis as technology or incinerating process in marine applications is preferred. Responsibilities include various activities associated with performing service, job reporting, record & compile data for analysis, technical support to end customers and other general customer service tasks. Requirements: Prior knowledge of waste treatment or fresh water generation; Travel heavily with domestically and international required. Work performed will regularly include onboard sailing vessels and sailings. Often work nonstandard schedules at field locations. The usual duration is 5-10 days; Degree in engineering, engineering technology with equivalent level of experience, or equivalent experience within the Marine Industry; Good electrical and mechanical skills; Prior experience in PLC’s and PLC programming is preferred, but not required; Must be able to read blue prints and schematic drawings; Good verbal and written communication skills in English; Must possess Class B driving license; Ability to maneuver up and down ladders several times per day; Customer focus and result oriented attitude. Salary to be agreed upon, according to experience and qualifications. Star date: Immediate hiring. Send you CV to JOB VACANCY: Yacht Brokers required. Ancasta Palma are looking for experienced Yacht Brokers and new boat sales people to work in their offices on Mallorca. Ancasta have 15 offices throughout Europe and are Balearic dealers for Prestige Motor Yachts. Experience in brokerage OR new boat sales is essential as is written and spoken English, any additional languages would be an advantage. Salary is dependent on experience and commissions are uncapped. If you would like to join our team please send a CV with introductory email to

If you have anything for sale or wanted - boat bits, household, etc. Strictly no trade ads (except jobs), or property ads (except private rentals) please! By email to:

JOB VACANCY: Fairline South Mallorca is seeking to recruit a junior/semi-skilled field engineer to join our expanding team. This is a varied role that will require you to work alongside a senior engineer when needed, and at other times you will be expected to be able to complete other tasks unassisted. Requirements: Working experience onboard yachts; Able to complete everyday repairs & jobs; Engine & generator servicing experience; Be able to apply antifoul; Possess a clean drivers licence; Able to work unsupervised; Computer literacy; Able to complete basic reports with attention to detail; Fluent in English. This is a customerfacing role, need to be clean & presentable, and be able to communicate easily with our clients. Other skills and languages are desirable.The salary is commensurate with experience. A vehicle, phone and uniform will be provided. Please send your CV & a letter explaining your suitability for the role to: Andrew Colborne - After Sales Manager JOB VACANCY: Product Manager - STP Shipyard Palma. Responsible for monitoring the shipyard’s production (haul out-launching vessels, travelift movements, berths, space on land, customer service management, etc.). Customer mgmt. Organising assigned staff. Coordinating team of apprx. 25 employees. Reporting directly to General Manager. Requirements: Naval engineering training or similar; Merchant Marine Yacht Master qual; Experience as a Yacht Captain, Shipyard Product Manager, Merchant Seaman, Chief Engineer or similar; Knowledge of Excel spreadsheets and Autocad; Languages: Spanish and very fluent English, preferably native; Profile: Customer oriented, ability to handle stressful situations, proactive, organised, ability to interact with different departments/teams. Conditions: Indefinite term contract following a trial period; Salary to be agreed upon according to experience and qualifications; candidates will not be ruled out for economic reasons; Immediate hiring. CV to

JOB VACANCY: Echo Marine Service is looking for a service Technician preferably with yacht experience. Good written and spoken English essential. Knowledge of reverse osmosis and electric knowledge will be appreciated. We would value experience of working on board. Will become a member of a professional team dedicated to the installation and repair of water treatment systems on board. Salary to be agreed upon, according to experience and qualifications. Send your CV to

FOR RENT LOOKING FOR ACCOMODATION: Mature professional lady, nonsmoking, looking for house or apartment share, no more than 20 minutes’ drive from Puerto Portals. Needs good sized bedroom and parking. Or studio flat. Call Denise on 639 700 797. FOR RENT: Mooring For Rent 8x2,6m in the Club de Mar in Palma including parking and pool use for 8.500€ / 1 Year. Alexander Paul - Mobil: (+49) 17610333771. FOR RENT: Studio Apartment Costa de la Calma: quiet res area with sea view. Recently renovated with furniture. Good location with shops, restaurants and public transport. €520 plus elec. Clive Walker (+34) 636 335 043. FOR RENT: Spacious 2 bedroom apartment to rent all year round – Palmanova. Just around the corner from the beach, Approx. 80m2 fully renovated with new double glazing, new fitted and equipped kitchen and bathroom, 2 bedrooms, terrace south facing, furnished. 900€ per calendar month. David (34) 678 463 953 FOR RENT: La Bonanova – 75m2 unfurnished ground floor flat in detached villa completely renovated 2018. 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, fully equipped kitchen, central heating an A/C, garage. Quiet residential area with public transport, sports centre and local amenities Long term only, 1500€/month plus elec. Etc. Info: 654 059 309. FOR RENT: Berth For Rent - 9x3 mars. Santa Ponsa, Mallorca 7500 euros. Tel: +34 626 566 731.

FOR RENT: La Bonanova –75m2 unfurnished ground floor flat in detached villa, completely renovated 2018. 3 bed, 2 bath, fully equipped kitchen, central heating an A/C, 25 m2 garden. Quiet residential area, public transport, sports centre & local amenities. Long term only, 1500€ /mo. plus elec. Etc. 654 059 309. FOR RENT: Accomodation on a 26ft Sail Boat moored at Puerto Portals suitable for single person or young couple. 100 € per week including electric, water & parking. Must have proof of being in yachting industry & have a current STCW cert.

FOR RENT: Professional People only need apply. Beautiful 2 bed, 2 bath 1 en-suite., flat to rent in the centre of Palma (close to Clinica Rotjer, Plaza España, STP,)long term availability. Refundable deposit, 1 month´s rent in advance. Rent: 1500€ + running cost. +34 615 992 203.

MISCELLANEOUS GO SAILING: Would you like to join in with the Flying Fifteen fleet in Mallorca. Exhilarating dinghy sailing in the safety of a keel boat. Join our racing fleets in Pollensa & Palma. Buy a boat, come and crew or borrow our club boat to give it a try! All ages 18 - 80.

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‘TAKARA' 2016 Sanlorenzo SD126 12.500.000 € VAT Not Paid Barcelona, Spain

Est. 1987

C/Benito J. Feijóo, Local 7, Puerto Portals Calvia, 07181 Mallorca, Spain Tel. +34 971 676 845 | +34 609 609 520 |

SL: 78 - 86 - 92 - 102 - 118 SX: 76 - 88 SD: 96 - 112 - 126 SY: 44Alloy - 500Exp - 52Steel - 64Steel The exclusive Sanlorenzo dealer for Spain and the Balearic Islands

CENTRAL AGENCY Sanlorenzo SD126 ’TAKARA’ was built in 2016 and is powered by twin MTU 1469 hp engines. She has been extensively customised for her owner and boasts an impressive extras list and a unique interior design as a result. She features luxurious accommodation for 12 guests in 5 cabins with a full beam master stateroom on the main deck. There is additional accommodation for up to 7 crew members in crew cabins on her lower deck and in a separate captain's cabin on her upper deck. RINA Commercial Classification. Spanish Lista 6ª registration with Matriculation tax paid.

Jongert 110’ 1994 2.900.000 € VAT Paid

Jochen Brill Broker Edificio Dux - Calle Porto Pi 4, 1ª Palma De Mallorca, 07015 T. +34 971 707 900 F. +34 971 707 775 +34 627 542 554

FIDELITAS is beautifully preserved explorer vessel, built for sailing in all weather conditions, be it Mediterranean cruising or as far as the North Pole! She can cross the Atlantic, under power, without having to stop to re-fuel. Being of a steel hull, you are re-assured of this yacht looking after you and keeping you safe. She is hull number 2 of the PASSEPARTOUT series, where, in total, only 3 were built in Holland. She has only had two owners, who have lovingly kept up with all maintenance and up-grades works. Uniquely, FIDELITAS also has a flybridge, providing a further relaxing area for guests, whilst the yacht is either in the bay or out sailing.

Delphia 33.3 2011 75,000 € - ono

It is nice to step aboard a boat where everything is in the right place, looks maintained, and looks in order. This is one such boat. Rather lightly used, and with a great spec, this boat could take you around the Baleares, and very much further. Slab - reefed main, cabin heating, nearly new outboard (one hour ONLY, run on it!), and a nice tender. These and many more features add up to a splendid package. The boat comes with berthing until the end of July, in a very desirable Palma Bay marina. And there is a possibility of extending this, should you so wish...

Ladenstein 1998 495,000 €

T: (+34) 971 402 911 M: (+34) 634 342 444

De Valk Palma Port Cala Nova, Avda. Joan Miró, 327 07015 Palma de Mallorca

This spacious yacht is built to the highest standard, hence the renowned Ladenstein reputation. The interior carpentry and quality of built material are rarely found on a yacht of this size. The large fly bridge boasts a well laid out and comfortable lounging area, plus a Jacuzzi under the sun lounger. Each cabin is en suite, with the owners cabin featuring yet another Jacuzzi in a stylish marble bathroom. The bed folds neatly into the bulkhead creating a private lounge. Good sea keeping adds to create the perfect base for all your cruising.




X-YACHT X-55 2007 445,000 € VAT Paid

X-Yachts X-55 for sale: QUICKSILVER VII OF ST PETER PORT is still in her first ownership by a very experienced yachtsman and professionally maintained and regularly and knowledgeably upgraded with an open cheque book. A new teak deck was fitted to cockpit, decks and coach roof in 2018. She is a beautiful performance cruiser that offers full comfort and a safe and homely feeling while underway or in a marina, presented in excellent condition. White painted Nordic Mast carbon fibre mast, carbon pole, folding anchor launch arm for a clean/modern bow profile, hydraulic mast jack system, three cabins, with three en-suite heads. Air-conditioning and heating throughout, watermaker, and a comprehensive B&G instrument pack are just some of her features.

GRAND BANKS 42 1999 249,000 € VAT Paid

This Grand Banks 42 Motoryacht built in GRP is a distinct seaworthy flybridge cruiser capable of making long passages in all comfort. She is powered by two 350hp Caterpillar diesels and equipped with a bow thruster, generator, telescopic electro-hydraulic passerelle, stainless steel Davits, dinghy with outboard engine, Epirb, dodgers, covers, complete navigation package at fly bridge and lower helm, air conditioning, heating, etc. Designed and built to cruise. View our comprehensive photo album on:

Monte Carlo Yachts 65 2017 1.850.000 GBP Tax Paid Monte Carlo Yachts 65, 2017, luxury Italian built motor yacht. Twin MAN 1,000hp diesel engines, stabilisers, stern and bow thrusters, carbon hard top on flybridge, generator, air conditioning, watermaker, and much more. Sleeps 6 guests in 3 en-suite cabins, crew cabin with facilities for 2. Very spacious inside and out with super bow ounge area. Private use only, sellers trading up. Ready for the season. Lying Italy, priced at £1,850,000 GBP Tax paid.

Beneteau Oceanis 43 2010/11 115,000 € Tax Paid Lying South of France

+34 971 67 63 92 Puerto Portals, Local 10 - Mallorca Beneteau Brokerage Specialists

60 & 76

Simon Crutchley: +34 656 949 244

Beneteau Oceanis 43, 2010/11 with Yanmar 50hp diesel engine, bow thruster, solar panels, in-mast furling, sprayhood and bimini, tender and outboard engine, dinghy davits. 2 cabin layout both cabins en-suite, ideal for sharing with another couple. Only privately used, in super order. Lying South of France and priced at €115,000 euros Tax paid.

If you consider you can HELP FUNDACION JOYRON to HELP THE BALEARIC CHILDREN IN NEED, be it by a financial donation, (we are approved to issue tax deductible donation certificates if desired), or by giving time to assist us, in the organisation of fund raising events, in order bring levels of joy, provide degrees of comfort and essential support to the children in need, please contact us. Ronald: 608 531 211 - -




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