Welcome to Volume 12 Issue 3 of the Tuskan Times! This issue marks the start of a new chapter for the paper We would like to thank Devaki Menon, former Editor-in-Chief, for her invaluable contributions to the Tuskan Times; her dedication, enthusiasm, and care were essential in the success of the paper and helpedbringittothelevelit’sattoday.
It’snowtimetowelcomesomenewfacestotheteam!Orrather,someoldfacesinsomenewpositions. As of January 2024, the Tuskan Times will be led by Olivia Dick and Elena Sofia Uzielli (Grade 11). The twoofuswilloccupythepositionofEditor-in-Chieftogether Weareincrediblyexcitedtoworkwiththe team this coming year, and we are sure it will be a successful one We joined the Tuskan Times in 2021, in9thgrade,aswriters.Sincethen,wehavebeenwriters,editors,anddesignersand,forthepastyear, theCo-Assistant-Editors-in-Chief
Our Head of Layout, Leela Menon (Grade 11), will begin her second year in this position. Leela joined the TuskanTimesin10thgradeandsincethenshehasbeenawriter,editor,andmostnotablyleaderofthe designteam Hercreativityandexpertiseareunparalleled,assheensuresthateveryissueofthepaper isorganised,clear,andaestheticallypleasing.
Furthermore,wewouldliketogiveawarmwelcometoCocoFerrari-Ross,a10thgradestudentwhowill be filling the role of Assistant Editor-in-Chief. She has been working closely with the Tuskan Times for thepastyearandissuretocontributepositivelywithherenergyandpassion
Lastly, we would like to thank the Tuskan Times supervisor, Ms Hitchcock, for her continued support andguidanceeditionafteredition
Now, with a new year come new objectives. Some of the focal points of the Tuskan Times’ agenda for this coming term include publishing more editions and articles with a wide range of languages This issue contains a range of articles from Audrey Eagly’s analysis of the New Legal battle over Abortion PillsinthePoliticalsectiontoIsabellaMarcellini’sreviewofthePantoneColoroftheYear.
OliviaDick&ElenaSofiaUzielli Editors-in-Chief
Check out some of our community's creative minds through their writing!
By Alisiya Ermolenko ‘24
The tip of the sun began to sink behind the tall cypress trees, and the street began to quiet down It was nice to sit with Mrs. Ricci on her veranda while sipping tea out of the china cups, trying her freshly baked raspberry pie.
The people in the village had warned me several times to avoid the signora, as it was a hard fight to get out of her nets. Her hunting hours depended on the season, but as it was summer, she began her prowl for unsuspecting pedestrians at 7 o’clock in the evening after the heat had subsided. The early end of my work shift allowed me to pass her house unnoticed; however, today my one wrong stitch made Dr Costa extend my practice hour.
"Ah, I recall the sunsets in Mexico," mused Mrs Ricci of the far past "You know that scene in those movie pictures where there are palms on either side of the screen, dolphins leaping out of the warm water, and birds flying into the sunset? It was like that, only even better."
"When did you go there?" I asked
She didn't seem to hear me. Her wrinkled face relaxed, her thin lips moved slightly as if addressing an unknown spirit, and her eyes focused on a point in the sky or maybe far away into the past of her youth when she was beautiful, happy, and wedded Whatever it was seemed to be so intimate and private that I felt obligated to look away and focus instead on the net curtains that seemed to move for a split second from the faded yellow house opposite us
After the fleeting vision of the welcomed past had disappeared, she spoke
"I remember that after the sun set completely, all the people in the village we stayed at closed their shutters, hid their livestock, and didn't come out till sunrise
It's a funny thing, really. Giulio and I were so accustomed to our habit of dining late that we often had to drive an hour before we reached a tourist-filled city that still had its restaurants open. Back at the village, they all feared the chupacabra The devil of the night, whose howls can be heard when he can't find any chickens to devour."
"It's interesting how people come up with these stories to explain the unknown sounds of the night. If they'd only stick out their heads and take a good look, they'd see it's just a wolf or the tricks of the wind," I said after putting down my plate with crumbs and some jam from the pie.
"Oh, no, young man It's no joke to mess with superstitions You young people make fun of the old generations, saying we are childish for following the traditions created by our ancestors, only to be the ones the evil spirits play tricks on. I do not know if you've heard, boy, but we have here what's called la striga. She's an evil old witch who prays on men and children under the cloak of the night while they sleep La striga hunts them down in the form of a bird of prey: big talons, a disfigured head, and screams so bloodcurdling that even a wild boar feels uneasy. Then, after she takes advantage of their weakness, she turns into a beautiful woman before sucking out all the spirit of the victim "
She paused and bent over to get her cup. As she took a sip, the liquid softened the desert of her mouth. She began again
"My uncle died when he was a boy like you, went on a walk, and was never to be seen again. He lived with us at that time, and I remember seeing him disappear behind the dark shadows of the trees, the moon above, and a navy blue sky The stars were beginning to appear Then, I saw something big and dark fly in the sky with the speed of light, with a wail so petrifying I get ants running down my spine every time I remember that night," she paused with her story
"I'm very sorry to hear that," I said and thought twice before continuing.
"Don't you think that there is a possibility that some sort of killer on the loose got to him and made him scream that loud and that the dark thing was a honey buzzard flying low? I saw them once or twice " Her hazel eyes widened with horror, and her brows rose. "No. My grandmother warned him not to go walking around at night by himself, but what did he do? Laughed right in her face, dismissing it as a paranoia of the elderly, and exited through the door," Mrs Ricci said, her voice rising, clearly outraged There was an awkward pause while I ransacked my brain for some excuse to leave.
"I apologize, but I realized I'm needed at home Thank you so much, Mrs Ricci, for the tea and the delicious raspberry pie.”
I thanked the woman and flew down the stairs of her veranda.
"Remember don't disregard the traditions of the past They are there for a reason", I heard her voice say from behind.
She is a funny woman; I'll give her that She is too stubborn in her ways and makes a flavorful raspberry pie with a good crust The definition of an old widow
By the time I reached home, the sun had set completely, though you could see the precise outline of the cypresses against the light blue that faded into darkness in the sky
There was my mother next to the stove.
"Hi Sonny! Why are you so late?", she said, giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"Dr Costa made me do some stitch practice, and then Mrs Ricci made me stop by "
"Ah, poor you," she laughed.
"No, it was fine."
Brrrriiiing The timer went off Mother put on her mittens and took out freshly hot buns from the oven
Just then, the telephone rang.
"Hello? Sonny speaking "
"Good, you're home. Listen, I am in Acone at the Colombos' house, and I need your help performing an urgent operation. Think you can be there in 10 minutes?"
I said yes
He hung up.
I often watched and even gave the tools to Dr Costa while he performed simple stitches on open wounds, but never a serious one.
I often watched and even gave the tools to Dr Costa while he performed simple stitches on open wounds, but never a serious one
I said I would be home as soon as possible and grabbed my bicycle by the gate.
All the shutters of the houses I passed were closed, yet light from within seeped onto the road in dark and light stripes. Some conversation and laughter could be heard.
The road became dark because of the lack of street lamps, and I could only navigate my way because of the bright, crystal-white moon high above the treetops The air was still warm from the hot day, and everything seemed very still, very quiet, and very lifeless except for the town lights coming from the valley I passed the massive territory of a farm with its citizens all asleep, huddled side by side. The chicken coop was empty, but though it was dark, I could tell the outlines of the pigs and sheep dispersed and mixed together, laying in peace.
Suddenly, a hair-raising scream pierced the stillness of the night. A vixen appeared in the middle of the road That's what it was -
A long field spread out behind a stretched fence, the dark green trees lining the curve in the road in uniform A stream flows down the slope of the hill, under the bridge, and further down the mountain along the line of trees bridging them from the pasture. By the side of the gray road, a crowd of people gathered next to the fence They all stared at the bike stuck in the barbed wire of the pasture and the body of a boy
The women in the back of the crowd shared murmurs and speculations about what could have happened while the men waited for the local police to arrive.
"It was la striga I tell you", one woman whispered, crossing herself
In this section, our readers explore topics relating to politics around the world.
By Elena Sofia Uzielli '25
When the word “feminism” comes up in a conversation, there are generally two possible, and opposite, reactions. One is tied to negative connotations, the other to positive connotations. But what gives rise to this polarised spectrum of the perception of the word, and consequently the concept of feminism?
A possible, and plausible, explanation for this phenomenon is society’s gendered construction of the world The fact that feminism, especially as a political ideology, exists, is proof that we, historically and presently, divide and label based on sex.
But what is feminism? According to the Oxford Dictionary, feminism is “the belief and aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men; the struggle to achieve this aim.” (Oxford Learner’s Dictionary). Other widely appreciated dictionaries and resources, namely Encyclopedia Britannica, Collins Dictionary, and Cambridge Dictionary, all have similar definitions
A recurring aspect of these definitions is the focus on women’s rights in relation to men rather than solely women’s rights For instance, the aforequoted definition states: “women should have the same rights and opportunities as men” rather than “women should have more rights and opportunities”. This comparative tone indicates an arguably rather progressive view on the matter of feminism
The outdated perception of feminism as a ‘prowoman and anti-man’ movement has been incredibly detrimental to its goal, and has contributed to it being refuted societally for fear of tipping over the edge into the area where feminism entails anti-man sentiments.
"Excludingmenfrom issuesofwomen’srights hinders,ifnotaltogether halts,theperpetuationof feminismandpreventsit frombecoming successfullyandpositively institutionalisedsoasto enactchangesin mentality,legislation,and civilandpoliticalrights.”
This is far from true and is a view that is, debatably, counterproductive For radical social change to occur, society as a whole must move forwards. Excluding men from issues of women’s rights hinders, if not altogether halts, the perpetuation of feminism and prevents it from becoming successfully and positively institutionalised so as to enact changes in mentality, legislation, and civil and political rights. Before delving into the intricacies of feminism as a moral and political ideology against the contextual backdrop of 21st century society, it is important to distinguish between two major themes of this article: feminism and radical feminism
Feminism is an extremely broad sociopolitical movement and ideology that aims to achieve gender equality within existing societal structures, such as through changes in legislation and policy, civil rights reform, and gender-based activism
Feminism then branches out into a myriad of subtypes, for instance: liberal feminism, Marxist and socialist feminism, queer feminism, intersectional feminism, ecofeminism, etc Under the umbrella of feminism, these ramifications all aim to challenge social and gender norms in order to reach full sexual equality.
In contrast to the pragmatic approach taken by liberal feminism, radical feminism aimed to reshape society and restructure its institutions, which they saw as inherently patriarchal (Britannica). Radical feminism originated in the 1960s and 1970s, principally in the United States of America Some of the most notorious proponents of the movement were Kate Millett, Shulamith Firestone, and Ti-Grace Atkinson. They saw liberal feminist approaches as insufficient for eradicating genderbased discrimination and prejudice Radical feminism seeks to fundamentally alter societal structures, and places the patriarchy as an overarching evil that must be destroyed, hence phrases such as “smash the patriarchy”. Radicals often want to dismantle the concept of gender itself, questioning it and demanding its abolition This being said, what is it that makes extreme or radical feminism counterproductive in 2024?
Feminism, like all things, if taken too far, loses its appeal There are a plethora of moral, social, and political reasons for which feminist extremism acts as a countering force to the progress of women's rights and full emancipation across the world, particularly in Western countries which is where the movement originated
On a moral level, radical feminism disseminates ‘anti-men’ ideas, which go against the feminist goal of gender equality since they place men on a different level entirely – often inferior This leads targeted people, often men, to develop conflicting views which compromise understanding of the concept of feminism itself. The “I hate all men” mentality is detrimental to the goal of gender equality since it is indicative of a close-minded approach to obtaining it On a moral level, this is counterproductive because it shifts the focus away from the core concepts of feminism and towards an unproductive alienation of the male sex This mentality is also the fruit of generational ang th t h b ilt ithi d an em ble, but
On to cha es, estranging one sex and excluding it from social activism and progress While it is true that historically one sex has had the role of the oppressor and the other of the oppressed, it is also true that adopting this mentality once again will create both an unbalanced gender status and be seen as hypocritical, hence diminishing feminism’s credibility It would create an inferiority/superiority gradient which is the exact aspect of society that feminism aims to upturn. Radical feminism can also marginalise individuals to render activism more female-exclusive, hence creating more tension and being counterproductive to the goal
“Onasociallevel,radical feminismfuelsinertiato change.Itcreatesan abyssbetweenthesexes, estrangingonesexand excludingitfromsocial activismandprogress.”
On a political level, radical feminism debatably undoes the progress made by more moderate – if more effective – forms of feminism. Objectively, most policy-makers in today’s geopolitical situation are males, and if feminists want to enact radical social change they must take this into consideration Unfortunately, policies must appeal to men, since they hold most of the political and legislative power. Hence, making feminism femaleexclusive or ‘anti-men’ will only serve to promote opposing and contrary attitudes and consequently actions
In conclusion, feminism and radical feminism share the same ideological basis but are implemented and expressed in different and differently effective ways Feminism and radical feminism, respectively evolutionary and revolutionary, can be seen as positive forces in today’s fight for full equality of the sexes. However, while feminism works from within existing societal structures to create radical change, radical feminism aims to upturn these structures Radical feminism can be seen as counterproductive in today’s society, since it creates the same gender imbalance it denounces, appearing hypocritical hence losing credibility. Radical social change must be enacted through full gender equality, which does not entail moving men to an inferior position in the status quo This is often the aim of radical feminism, which is not well seen and consequently can’t be well implemented in a male-dominated society. Men should be involved in feminism, and extremism does not allow for this to occur So, while feminism at times has negative connotations, it is important to distinguish between progressive, constructive feminism and sexist, counterproductive radical feminism
“However,whilefeminism worksfromwithin existingsocietal structurestocreate radicalchange,radical feminismaimstoupturn thesestructures.”
By Audrey Eagly-Cummings ‘25
Less than two years after the Supreme Court issued one of its most controversial decisions in history, reversing the fifty-year old right to abortion in Roe v Wade, abortion is back on the Court’s docket This time, the issue involves the legality of the “abortion pill”–with significant stakes for abortion access and federal regulatory authority more broadly.
“IntheUnitedStates,there aretwowaystoreceivean abortion:throughaninclinicprocedureperformed byadoctororthroughselfadministeredmedication knownasthe“abortionpill.”
In the United States, there are two ways to receive an abortion: through an in-clinic procedure performed by a doctor or through self-administered medication known as the “abortion pill.” The abortion pill actually contains two different medicines that are taken together to end a pregnancy The first is mifepristone, which works by blocking the hormone progesterone and thereby stops the pregnancy from developing. The second medicine, misoprostol, causes cramping and bleeding to empty the uterus There are different reasons a person might choose the abortion pill For one, it allows an abortion to be performed where the person feels comfortable instead of in a doctor's office. In addition, many people do not have an inclinic abortion provider close by or area clinics may be difficult to access and so abortion pills are effectively the only method available to them. The abortion pill is also more affordable and confidential as it could be used in the privacy of the patient's home as it does not involve a procedure in a doctors office (Planned Parenthood)
The pill, which has been available for over twenty years, has recently been put at the centre of the fight over abortion access in America. In 2022, the United States Supreme Court eliminated the constitutional right to abortion after almost fifty years in a case called Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization Dobbs overturned the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, which had guaranteed the right to abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy (Liptak).
After Dobbs, many states passed restrictive laws that limit access to both in-clinic and medication abortions, including complete bans. Fourteen states have banned abortions except in cases of rape or incest (Guttmacher Institute). In some states, accessing abortions has even been criminalised (Pregnancy Justice) Access to the pill abortion regimen is currently legal in some form in 36 states and Washington, D.C.. In 21 of these states there are no restrictions, while in the remaining 15 it must be prescribed by a doctor, not other clinicians (Cui and Jefferies)
“Thenewlegalchallengeto theabortionpillfocuseson whetherthemedicationit containsreceivedaproper safetyapprovalbythe federalgovernment.”
The new legal challenge to the abortion pill focuses on whether the medication it contains received a proper safety approval by the federal government. In order for a drug to be sold legally in the United States, it has to receive approval from the federal government through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Drug approval requires an extensive legal process with studies and reviews. In 2000, after conducting those reviews, the FDA approved mifepristone (Cohen) In the time since, studies have shown that mifepristone is highly safe and effective and serious complications are rare (VanSickle). When the FDA first issued its approval, it was under specific conditions. In order to obtain the pill, which could only be used during the first seven weeks of pregnancy under supervision of a doctor, a person had to visit a doctor three times and could not receive medication by mail. In 2016, after more than a decade of challenges to the initial approval, the FDA reapproved mifepristone In doing so, the FDA reduced the number of doctor visits required and increased the period of use to ten weeks.
The FDA is the federal authority on all pharmaceuticals distributed throughout the United States, meaning that once the FDA approves a drug, states typically do not have the authority to independently ban or regulate it differently However some legislators and governors in Republican-led states have argued that they can ban abortion drugs as they have the authority to regulate the practice of medicine (Cohen)
Since the abortion pill was approved more than two decades ago, it has become the most common method of ending a pregnancy in the United States, as opposed to in-clinic abortion In fact, the pill accounted for 54% of abortions in 2020 (Jones et al.). During the pandemic the FDA temporarily removed the requirement to dispense the pill containing mifepristone in person, eventually allowing patients to order abortion pills directly from pharmacies, since people were trying to limit their visits to medical offices, and the Biden Administration moved to make the move permanent. This allowed patients to receive abortion pills by mail or pick them up at their local pharmacy after they had a telemedicine appointment with a provider (Abrams)
Obtaining abortion pills by mail is perhaps the most convenient way to access a medical abortion After the FDA removed restrictions on mail order in 2021, mail order was officially made available. However, some states that restrict abortion have also passed laws to ban mail order access to abortion pills by either banning them entirely or requiring a doctor to be present when the pills are taken (duRivage-Jacobs). In fact, some states passed laws that ended access to mail order abortion on the same day that the Supreme Court decided Dobbs (Kimball) There are ways that people in states with abortion pill bans could still obtain the medication, including by getting the medicine from abroad. For example, there is a group known as Aid Access in Austria that will provide abortion pills by mail, including to pregnant people in states in the United States with bans (Baker)
There has been a surge in popularity in the pill, especially as Republican-controlled states are increasingly restricting abortion access after Dobb v Jackson Due to this, medication abortion access has increasingly become the focus of the legal fight over abortion rights in the United States and is now the centre of a firestorm of controversy over access to abortion in the United States (VanSickle)
Anti-abortion activists are now seeking to end access to safe and affordable abortions by banning access to mifepristone. In addition to statewide bans on accessing the drug, states are now requiring that a medication abortion be provided by a physician, or that the patient meet with a physician in person before taking the abortion pill. A recent challenge has now brought into question whether the abortion pill will be able to be accessed at all If successful, the suit could ban or limit access to the drug throughout the entire county.
Two cases led up to the Supreme Court’s decision to evaluate the FDa’s approval of mifepristone The first case challenging access to mifepristone was called Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM) v FDA, was filed by anti-abortion doctors and organisations in a federal trial court in Texas. This case built on legal challenges dating back to the original 2000 FDA approval of the drug, which essentially argued that the approval process was flawed and that the drug is unsafe, and thus mifepristone should be removed from the FDA list of approved drugs.
This would effectively make mifepristone illegal to sell in the United States. The trial court ruled to suspend the approval of mifepristone pending full judicial review of the legal challenges, which is called a ‘stay’ of the FDA approval and meant that the drug could not be sold. The FDA appealed to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which has the authority to review trial court decisions from Texas The appellate court rejected the stay, holding that the initial approval of the drug was valid. However, it blocked later changes that had made the drug easier to access through the mail and without a doctor prescription.
A second case, called Washington v FDA, was filed after the ruling on AHM v FDA by Democratic states claiming that the Fifth Circuit's restriction on mifepristone did not apply to them because they are not geographically within the Fifth Circuit and therefore people in their states should still be able to get abortion pills through mail without a doctor prescription The federal trial court judge in this case, sitting in Oregon, agreed with the FDA and blocked the restrictions in those states. Because of these conflicting decisions from different circuits, the Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal from AHM v FDA on December 13th, 2023 to determine whether FDA approval of mifepristone is valid and the pill should remain available–either under current FDA rules or on more restrictive terms Until the court issues a decision, which is expected by late June, the FDA’s approval of mifepristone will remain in place (VanSickle).
If approval of the drug is rescinded, this will not only mean that anti-abortion activists will succeed in stopping the majority of abortions The decision would impact not only the states that have restrictions, but also states that want people to have access to safe and affordable abortions through medication As a result, the lawsuit would deny essential healthcare to millions of young people
Even if the decision does not result in a complete ban, it could result in making the abortion pill harder to access, which would also result in denying many people safe abortions For example, one of the things at issue is whether mifepristone can be prescribed over telehealth appointments and available through mail order or at the pharmacy.
Going back to a world where scheduled appointments with a medical doctor and taking the abortion pill under supervision of a doctor is required would make abortion more expensive and much harder to access. These barriers would be particularly great for people living in states with abortion restrictions, as well as for low-income and women of colour around the country
“Thesebarrierswouldbe particularlygreatfor peoplelivinginstateswith abortionrestrictions,as wellasforlow-incomeand womenofcolouraround thecountry.”
More broadly, should the Supreme Court approve the challenge to the drug, it could lead to other challenges to drug approvals It could open the door for groups to challenge other safe drugs because conservatives politically oppose the uses of these drugs, and not because of the drugs’ safety. One area that could be targeted, for example, is the use of hormone therapy and puberty blockers for transition-related care for transgender children. Republicans have tried to ban the use of these drugs in a range of statelegislation–but the challenge to the abortion pill that is happening now before the Supreme Court could open the door to them seeking to challenge the FDA’s authority in other realms as well This would fly in the face of the longstanding authority of the government to make decisions about the safety of drugs. More importantly though, it would undermine individuals’ ability to determine how and when they access healthcare
Persons concerned about abortion rights and personal choice should watch the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision closely. At stake in this case is the future of abortion access throughout the country And, the case could foreshadow copycat challenges to other essential drug approvals.
By Luisa Eldridge’ 26
"January15of2024marked the38thannualcelebration ofcivilrightsactivistand martyrDr.MartinLuther KingJr."
Since 1986 when this holiday was first celebrated, it has become a day for Americans to reflect on the legacy that King has left behind. King was a religious leader as well as a pioneer of the civil rights movement in America. He was instrumental in bringing a legal end to segregation in the south, as well as in other parts of the United States.
He was inspired by Gandhi at a young age, and reflected this admiration through his advocacy for change through peaceful civil disobedience. This took the form of boycotts and sit-ins, but most famously in peaceful protests, such as the march on Washington in 1963- during which he delivered his iconic “I Have A Dream” speech. For his efforts to achieve racial equality, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
He continued his work until he was assassinated in 1968 Despite the fact that King is one of the most widely respected people in history now, his ideas and work made him incredibly unpopular during his life. In 1966, 63 percent of Americans had an unfavorable view of King, which was vastly improved from the 37 percent in 1963 (Newport)
“Kingday”isannually recognizedintheUSAon thethirdMondayof January.”
Efforts to observe a holiday in his name began shortly after his assassination, though they were not recognized in terms of federal legislation until 1983 The first time this holiday commemorating the activist was observed was in 1986, but a nationwide celebration did not occur until 2000
However, King is not the only one celebrated on this date. In the states of Alabama and Mississippi, banks and businesses also close down to commemorate Robert E Lee, the infamous confederate general, whose birthday falls around the same time as the holiday.
Lee day has been celebrated since the 1800s in states such as Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida and Arkansas, though in many of these states, it has been revoked as a state holiday This leaves only Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Florida who celebrate it to this day, although it is only Alabama and Mississippi who have only one holiday for the 2 men
In the two states, this combination of celebrations has not been popular. There have been multiple bills designed to separate the 2 holidays, such as the House Bill 825 and 360, however, all attempts have died in committee (Washington) The main reason stated for this insensitive pairing is convenience. Having 2 holidays in the month of January would force businesses to shut down twice, and so bureaucratically, it worked. However, in the words of a 2017 Smithonian Magazine Article,
“Thetwomenwereborn 122years,fourdaysandan ideologicalworldapart” (Eschner)sowhyarethey celebratedonthesame day?”
By Lyra Gomes '25
Ecuador, a country previously known as “an island of peace”, has been recently overtaken by fear. On the 7th of January, a notable gang leader known by the name Adolfo Macías escaped from his cell in Guayaquil, the country's largest chief port and city This caused immense chaos in the country Maciás is the leader of one of Ecuador's most powerful and feared criminal gangs; Los Choneros. Los Choneros is believed to have connections with the Sinaloa Cartel from Mexico, an international criminal organization recognised for its dominant drug trafficking syndicates worldwide. In response to Macías’s escape, President Daniel Noboa announced a 60-day state of emergency, which consists of a nationwide curfew, allowing the military to patrol streets and take full control of prisons
“LosChonerosisbelieved tohaveconnectionswith theSinaloaCartelfrom Mexico,aninternational criminalorganization recognisedforits dominantdrugtrafficking syndicatesworldwide”
Due to Macías’ escape, incidents erupted in at least six prisons. Other criminal groups have launched a series of aggressive assaults as a demonstration of power, deterring any attempts to restrain their operations In Guayaquil, a minimum of eight individuals lost their lives, and multiple police officers were abducted. Authorities further apprehended 13 individuals, confiscating firearms and grenades, for attacking the police station
Furthermore, on Tuesday the 9th, during a live news broadcast on an Ecuadorian TV channel named TC Televisión, a group of masked gunmen carrying grenades and sticks of dynamite entered the studio and held staff at gunpoint. The staff were then forced to participate in a video urging the President to refrain from intervening in the situation The motives behind the attack became apparent as one of the attackers mentioned the repercussions of “messing with the mafias.” However, the police force acted swiftly, preventing the attackers from achieving their objectives. Nonetheless, at that point, the nation was clearly entering a new and dark chapter in its relatively young history
Following up on the TV channel incident, a car was set on fire at a gas station in Quito, in addition to seven police officers being kidnapped and explosives utilized in attacks in Los Ríos and Esmeraldas, two of the most impacted areas. Moreover, a jailbreak was also reported in Riomaba, and five hospitals were taken over by armed gangs This series of events unfolded with more rioting in at least six jails on Monday, which once again included the kidnapping of guards who were allegedly threatened if the military continued the curfew.
To make the situation even more dire, unverified videos on WhatsApp allegedly showed guards being lynched. After declaring a state of emergency, Noboa closed down schools, public buildings, and stores The gangs responded with a video of a guard reading a message with a gun to his head; “you declared war, you will get war. You declared a state of emergency. We declare police, civilians, and soldiers to be spoils of war ”
Additionally, UNICEF (the United Nations Children's Fund) has reported a staggering 640 percent increase in child and adolescent fatalities in the last four years, indicating that the crisis is reaching the new generation of Ecuadorians. Not only are these armed groups targeting adolescents, but they are also obstructing access to healthcare, education, and protection of many others Meanwhile, the temporary closure of schools nationwide has left over 4.3 million children without crucial educational opportunities.
“Notonlyarethesearmed groupstargetingadolescents, buttheyarealsoobstructing accesstohealthcare, education,andprotectionof manyothers.”
President Noboa, a centre-right politician, promised a tough stance against gang violence He has officially declared an “internal armed conflict” within the nation, directing security forces to take decisive action against several criminal groups accused of perpetrating violence Noboa also disclosed authorization for security forces to regain control over the prison system, which he asserted has been lost to disorder in recent years.
Concern has also been raised throughout Latin America due to the seriousness and the wider implications of the situation. Countries like Colombia and Peru have shown public concern and offered assistance to Noboa’s administration in reestablishing order. Authorities in Peru have declared that a state of emergency will be imposed along the whole country’s northern border with Ecuador The National Police have also been given instructions by Peru’s interior minister to strengthen border security. Additionally, a US State Department official voiced support for the Ecuadorian people and reaffirmed the US government’s willingness to help Ecuador in a statement
As for UNICEF, they are committed to building protective environments for children and adolescents, especially in areas facing vulnerabilities This entails equipping young people with vital skills in conflict resolution and violence prevention, while also providing crucial support to educators and establishing dedicated support centers offering psychosocial and legal services. For instance, they are collaborating with the Ministry of Education to enhance the “Safe Schools Plan,” which focuses on preventing violence and promoting mental health support.
This sudden outbreak of violence in Ecuador, sparked by the escape of the notorious gang leader, Adolfo Macías, is raising many questions about the power and influence of armed gangs in the wider political and military spectrums within the country The recent state of emergency declared by President Daniel Naboa is likely to last until a long-lasting solution arises. As the numbers show, children and adolescents, despite efforts by UNICEF and other stakeholders, are likely to pay the highest price
By Leela Menon '25
The start of a new year brings about a certain excitement in the film industry, with the highly anticipated awards season taking place during January and February, just around the corner. The year 2023 was incredibly successful for the box offices, with almost 9 05 billion dollars worth of profit generated through U S ticket sales - the highest amount made since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2023 also boasted the release of incredibly high-grossing films; Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer were crowd favourites, bringing a combined total of more than 2 billion dollars to the box office. As we traverse through iconic awards ceremonies - such as the Emmys, Golden Globes, Oscars, and Critics Choice Awards - that celebrate the success of our favourite films, it is clear that the 2024 award season promises to be one of much anticipation and glamour!
“Theyear2023was incrediblysuccessfulfor theboxoffices,with almost9.05billion dollarsworthofprofit generatedthroughU.S. ticketsales”
Succession's leading actors also swept the stage, with Matthew Macfadyen, Kieran Culkin, and Sarah Snook securing Emmys for their performances. Additionally, American director Christopher Storer achieved similar success, receiving two screenwriting Emmys for his hit show The Bear, along with stars Jeremy Allen White, Ebon MossBachrach, and Ayo Edibiri securing wins in their respective categories The major success of The Bear and Succession was paired with a plethora of awards for Lee Sung Jin's Beef and nominations for Ted Lasso.
The Emmys Award Ceremony kicked off the 2024 season with a bang, honouring a range of talented actors, actresses, and shows The competition was fierce, as hit show Succession triumphed over series including The Crown, The Last of Us, and House of the Dragon.
Soon after the Emmys, the celebrations continued at the Golden Globes. Oppenheimer's producers and actors took home 5 awards out of 8 nominations, including Best Director for Christopher Nolan, Best Performance as a Male Actor in a Drama for Cillian Murphy, and Best Original Score for Ludwig Göransson. Additionally, stars from Succession, The Bear, and The Crown emerged victorious The Critics Choice Awards followed suit, nominating a variety of incredible performances, of which Oppenheimer, Barbie, and The Holdovers achieved a majority of those awards. For television series, the Critics Choice Awards followed a similar trend to the Emmys and Golden Globes: Succession, The Bear, and Beef led the headlines
Looking ahead, all attention is now on the upcoming Oscars and BAFTA ceremonies to conclude the 2024 awards season with a bang. With a roster of highly-rated pictures, series, actors, and actresses, the stage is set for an exhilarating conclusion to an already sensational season. Although public opinion regarding the nominations is varied, the excitement is palpable for another breathtaking celebration of the finest talents and performers in the film industry
“TheCriticsChoiceAwards followedsuit,nominating avarietyofincredible performances,ofwhich Oppenheimer,Barbie,and TheHoldoversachieveda majorityofthoseawards.”
“Witharosterofhighlyratedpictures,series, actors,andactresses,the stageissetforan exhilaratingconclusionto analreadysensational season. ”
By Miyu Li '25
With the start of the new year, the social media app TikTok has seen a new wave of discussion points The phenomenon of “Sephora kids” has taken the app by a storm. But who are the Sephora Kids exactly and why have they become a viral sensation for the worse?
It is unknown who coined the term in the first place, however, Sephora Kids are mainly apart of generational alpha, ranging between 12 or even as low as 8 years old, who are taking over makeup store chains like Ulta and Douglas, however the main chain they are attracted to is the French company Sephora, hence the name.
It is crucial to note that generation alpha is the first generation raised in the era of technology and social media, which are factors that seemingly have influence over the way they are brought up. In the past couple of weeks, in fact, the social media app TikTok has exploded with viral videos from both adult shoppers and staff, telling stories of their encounters with the so called Sephora Kids. They are known to cause disruption and chaos in makeup stores, from contaminating testers and actual products, to being rude to both shoppers and staff
“Itiscrucialtonotethat generationalphaisthe firstgenerationraisedin theeraoftechnologyand socialmedia,whichare factorsthatseemingly haveinfluenceoverthe waytheyarebroughtup.”
Said experiences were shared to the internet and the amount of content produced on the phenomenon seems to have yet to cease, as the hashtag “#SephoraKids” currently has more than five thousand videos.
The emergence of the phenomenon has once again raised the question of the negative impact of both social media and influencers on children, who are said to have had their childhood stripped away from them Skits and videos are created to ironize on the situation, having prompts similar to “me as a 10 year old vs 10 year olds now” or “POV: you are shopping in a Sephora”.
It can be presumed that such a phenomenon happens due to the excessive contact that younger kids have with media and the amount of free time they possess in comparison to older generations, which exposes them to content that isn’t made with them in mind, which may at times be inappropriate content
The Sephora Kids’ obsession with skincare is possibly related to their constant presence on social media, as they are seen buying large quantities of products that they don’t necessarily need or that could actually damage their skin barrier
Said products that interest the minds of young children usually come at a relatively high price point, which makes many people skeptical and raises questions about the parents who are buying them for their kids. Not only are the latter accused of bad parenting, as many claim that the bad behavior of the kids is a result of their environment and upbringing, but they are often considered as enablers.
With the rise of technology, many parents of younger generations have been accused of giving their children electronics to alleviate the stress of parenting. They are criticized by people on TikTok for not disciplining their children properly, which would explain their lack of respect towards authority and the parents themselves Different cases occur, ranging from the kids’ aggressive behavior being unknown to the parents, to them fully enabling the children and giving the same rude attitude to the employees. Many argue that in extreme scenarios, the parents need to be held accountable and should take responsibility over the actions of their children
On the other hand, parents tend to point their fingers at various content creators on social media apps who have younger followings, claiming their content may not be suitable to vulnerable minds However, said creators counter the argument by stating that they produce videos that are made with an older audience in mind and have no control over the audience it eventually reaches Instead, they criticize the parents for the lack of attention they pay to their children and the content they consume.
Moreover, there has been a minority of people online that instead turn the blame fully to the kids themselves, often insulting or degrading them However, said opinion is not shared by many and it is actually bashed for the insensitivity of it, as many maintain that kids’ minds are easily manipulated by what is trending or cool, as a way to fit in with our consumerist society Some content creators blame consumerism as the source of the conflict, stating that the constant change of trends and the focus on it disguised as “self-care” is now reaching even the more vulnerable amongst us
The idea of Sephora Kids at its core isn’t a new concept, as lately more and more kids have been impacted by society’s rampant consumerism and the chase to fit into societal standards The light shone on these kids has been intense People are realizing the gravity of the situation and fear it may worsen, but will simple awareness cause change for good?
“TheideaofSephoraKidsat itscoreisn’tanewconcept, aslatelymoreandmore kidshavebeenimpactedby society’srampant consumerismandthechase tofitintosocietal standards”.
By Isabella Marcellini ‘27
Pantone is a universal color system widely used by creatives Whether in graphics, interiors, fashion, printing, or industrial design, Pantone colors ensure consistency across different media, countries, and production runs.
A well-known brand that relies heavily on a very specific blue, 1837 Blue, to be exact is Tiffany & Co., with 1837 referring to the year the company was founded. Tiffany wanted to ensure that their iconic blue would be reproduced consistently anywhere in the world and in any medium Thanks to Pantone’s Custom Color Program, Tiffany’s bags, boxes, brochures, ads – everything – are the right blue.
Indeed, Pantone’s color-matching system is known as the best in the world One of their biggest marketing efforts is their Color of the Year program, which began in 1999 and was started as a savvy way to educate the world about the importance of color Pantone’s trend prognosticators analyze art, fashion, and design trends worldwide to choose a color they think will represent the year to come. Colors can be powerful and evocative. They influence how you feel, as well as how others perceive you
“Colorscanbepowerfuland evocative.Theyinfluence howyoufeel,aswellashow othersperceiveyou.”
If you wore red, for example, it might make you appear more confident or seem more powerful, whereas, if you wore blue you might feel more comfortable and focused
Colors can increase consumer popularity for a brand, or company, or in this case, influence trends and a certain mindset As Pantone puts it, “As a globally recognized visual language, color can say what words cannot.”
Pantone’s color for 2024 is Peach Fuzz. They proclaim it to be a beacon of community, collaboration, and togetherness Peach Fuzz is meant to be sweet and comforting, healing in a world filled with increasing violence, hatred, and division. Peach Fuzz has a vintage, nostalgic vibe, yearning for a kinder, simpler past. Peach Fuzz by Pantone is meant to soften the realities of our world
“PeachFuzzbyPantoneis meanttosoftenthe realitiesofourworld.”
But how can one color, especially with a name as disturbing as ‘Peach Fuzz’ do all that? It is an indecisive shade that is cautiously stuck between pink and orange. Pantone says that Peach Fuzz is a good option for all skin tones as a blush, contour, and lipstick; but that’s not really true It may look good on pale or dark skin tones, but probably not for the in-between, or more yellow undertones. It’s long been the default color for Caucasian skin in your standard box of crayons, though thankfully, Crayola has embraced diversity with a new 24pack of: “Colors of the World Skin Tone Crayons ”
Will Peach Fuzz be the most popular, it-color of the year? Time will tell. Last year, the color of the year was Viva Magenta, and was said to have predicted the Barbie-pink trend Meanwhile, florists are already designing peachy bouquets, Architectural Digest is promoting peach accents to implement in our homes and Peach Fuzz apparel is hitting spring collections. I am not a fan but maybe Pantone knows best– that we all just need something warm and fuzzy right about now, however we can get it.
“Meanwhile,floristsare alreadydesigningpeachy bouquets,Architectural Digestispromotingpeach accentstoimplementinour homesandPeachFuzz apparelishittingspring collections.”
By Coco Ferrari-Ross '26
This journey of fulfillment began with the Nalgene, then the S'well, and later the Hydro Flask, which famously became almost impossible to obtain without paying obscene amounts of money to online water bottle dealers or begging target employees.
"Thismetalcontraption trulypeakedGenerationZ’s desirewiththelimitless socialmediacampaigns, endlessinfluencercrusades ofadvertisementsand incessantPinterestsaves."
This holiday season we witnessed the rise of a new water bottle: the beloved, frenzied Stanley cup Each holiday season, we are told by popular social media apps such as TikTok and Instagram the must-have, trendy items that should be occupying our wish lists and minds: makeup products, technology, clothing, but for the past few years, hydration has been in. Each year we are gifted with one must have water bottle. A tradition passed down to Gen Z from the millennials.
However, much like every other water bottle, the Hydroflask had its end Despite being the most sought after product in the vast industry of water bottles, the Hydroflask met its defeat. This treacherous battle of hydration ultimately resulted in a new product emerging victorious among Generation-Z and generation Alpha This product is the infamous Stanley cup.
Surfacing at a whopping 45 centimeters tall in limited edition Barbie pink, this water bottle truly set the tone for the water bottle culture craze
Lines of people began to gather in the streets outside of department stores who were restocking their Stanley cups Piles of desperate twelve year olds began to mosh on the floors of starbucks, hoping that they too could win the lottery of life and receive their own glorious Stanley.
This sparks the question - how did the primarily blue-collar camping targeted company, which has been selling products for 111 years, suddenly increase their yearly revenue from 93 million in 2020 to 750 million in 2024?
Big, colorful tumblers and water bottles aren't a new revelation. In fact, there isn't inherently much that differentiates their products from those products of Hydro Flask, Nalgene, or S'well Sure, the popular “Cup” edition has a handle and a straw, but what really makes a Stanley so exemplary?
In November, Stanley gained attention after a woman posted a video on TikTok showing that her Stanley cup survived her car catching fire, and still had ice in it The video racked up over 92 million views, and the company’s president even offered to give her a new car.
The immediacy of social media and the addition of influencers helped fuel this current frenzy Social media, particularly theTikTok platform, has amplified the widespread desire to have the latest popular item, which, at the moment, is this water bottle.
"Companiesare encouragingthisbehavior andwanttohavethat limited-editionitemthat willcreateaviralbuzz amongconsumers. "
The pink, shiny, colossal Stanley achieved just that. Advertisers aren't getting the same amount of audience using traditional advertising tactics as they had in the past, so they've started to take more eclectic approaches, with the main goal of stimulating much younger audiences. Women are the biggest and most influential consumer marketing demographic for companies, in particular women in their 20s and 30s This has a lot to do with them being much more likely to post on social media, and not only are they able to influence on social media, but they are also able to influence romantic partners, family members, and friends into buying products
Some consumers will buy the item for themselves to enjoy, or some may buy it to start a collection, which could lead to it having value some day Or they may buy it to resell it Indeed, some Stanley cups bought for $45 are being listed and sold for $200 on reseller sites.
Of course, with popularity comes criticism, and some have taken issue with a few things about the culture surrounding dear Stanley
"Theaddedpeerpressure ontopofscarcityand popularityonlyamplifies thedesireforyoungpeople to“notmissout”onthis opportunityforhydration."
Starbucks and Target employees have become the victims of harassment and verbal abuse, and there have been multiple reports of arguments and physical altercations over Stanley’s products This has led people to ask whether it’s a cult or a cup Many have also taken issue with those who collect Stanley cups, wondering why they would own so many iterations of an item that is made to be reused during one's lifetime
It’s not just that consumers are buying Stanley’s. Some consumers have gone so far as to fill their cabinets with a rainbow of Stanley cups, adding to their collections when a new colorway or limitededition drop comes out
But the company Stanley can turn to so many colors. Eventually, our darling Stanley will become less and less popular As we have seen Stanley enter the arena, we must also witness its end
Though we may not be there as of now, I myself will miss my cherished Tumblr.
My only question is: how big is the next water bottle going to be?
By Olivia Dick ‘25
The Night Sky is fabulously filled with phenomena: from eclipses to meteor showers, a new event is always just looming on the horizon. In 2023, we witnessed incredible supermoons of a wide variety of colors, including “The Ring of Fire” solar eclipse, and the Comet Nishimura which won’t be seen again for another 400 years (Osborne) This year, another incredible array of celestial events are set to happen and will be visible in areas all over the world If you happen to find yourself in the right place at the right time, stargazing is an easy and wonderful experience for all
2024’s myriad of celestial events started with the Quadrantid Meteor Shower in December of 2023 and reached its peak on the night of 3 to 4 January. This meteor shower is remembered and celebrated for its quick but intense height that lasted only a few hours
Visible in the Northern Hemisphere and primarily during the pre-dawn and night hours, the Quandratid meteor shower provides a dazzling view of bright, colorful, fireball-like meteors. (Chasan)
2024 will be graced with a total solar eclipse – an event in which the moon passes directly and completely between the Sun and the Earthblocking the Sun’s light from reaching the planet, and creating a spectacular and rare sight. TotalSolarEclipse–8April
This year’s total eclipse will have a period of totality of four minutes and be visible across the North American continent, starting on Mexico’s Pacific coast at 11:07 a.m. PDT and reaching across much of the eastern half of the USA, spreading into states such as Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. The path of the solar eclipse will exit continental North America in Newfoundland, Canada at 5:16 p m NDT At any given location, a total solar eclipse happens only once every 375 years – this isn’t one to miss. (“2024 Total Eclipse: Where & When”).
This meteor shower is one of the oldest known and recorded meteor showers. It boasts records from 687 BC in China. Unfortunately, this year’s Lyrids meteor shower will most likely be obstructed by the full moon which will occur just after the peak of this shower However, the meteor shower will otherwise be partially visible in the Northern hemisphere and reach its peak activity on 23 April. (“Lyrids”)
The Eta Aquarids are active every year and are a result of the Earth passing through Comet Halley’s debris. The Eta Aquarid shower is one of the more powerful, brighter ones available to see The meteors are speedy and may leave behind glowing “trains.” It is most visible in the Southern hemisphere and closer to the equator, however, still visible in the Northern hemisphere. This year, the shower’s peak (6 May) will align with the new moon, making for ideal viewing conditions (Osborne)
PerseidMeteorShower–11 to13August
The Perseid meteor shower should be a spectacular show. The meteors will be bright and quick and the summer air will feel refreshing. Optimal viewing conditions seem to be early morning until dawn of 13 August, with 50 to 100 meteors per hour Swift-Tuttle, the comet that causes the Perseid meteors shower, is “the largest near-Earth object to cross our planet’s orbit.” It is also 2.5 times larger than the comet that was believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago (Osborne)
–15Aprilto27May Lyridsmeteorshower–16
A partial lunar eclipse is a result of a part of the Moon moving through the Earth’s shadow Due to the Moon orbiting the Earth at an angle close to five degrees, the shadow usually isn’t visible. However, twice a year, when the moon is full, the angle is right for an eclipse. People across the globe, in Europe, Africa, North and South America will be able to observe a partial lunar eclipse, starting on 17 September at 10:12 p.m. EST. The eclipse will peak at 10:44 p.m. EST and end at 11:17 p.m. EST. (Osborne)
CometTsuchinshan-ATLAS passesclosetoEarth–12to 19October
The Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, also referred to as A3, will pass the Earth and the Sun from about 44 million miles away in the autumn of this year. This comet was discovered in January, 2023 by the Purple Mountain Observatory in China It shows promising signs for displaying a high brightness, however, due to the spontaneous and unpredictable nature of all comets in general, this isn’t certain (Osborne) Nevertheless, a chance to see such a comet shouldn’t be taken for granted
Like the Eta Aquarid showers, the Orionid meteor shower is also a result of the Earth passing through the Halley Comet’s debris. In October, the shower will be at its peak on the night of the 20th and morning of the 21st Unfortunately, the shower will compete with the waning gibbous moon, in the process of shrinking from the full moon, just days before the shower. (Osborne) Even so, if the meteors are visible, they will ignite the whole sky, creating a beautiful and unforgettable display
To round off 2024 is the Geminid meteor shower –a spectacular display of luminous meteors. The shower will peak on 14 December, at which point approximately 120 meteors per hour will be visible. Interestingly, and unlike most meteor showers which originated from comets, the Geminids are derived from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon. (“Geminids”)
While 2024 is still uncertain, the celestial events of the year are unquestionable And experiencing meteor showers and eclipses such as the ones listed above, can make us feel small, and with that our problems as tiny as they often really are. So, the next time you find yourself in an ideal location for viewing a shower or even just looking up at the stars, do it. Feel just that tiny bit smaller than normal – it’s good for us.
By Ezra Pavoncelli ’ 25
Most people start their morning with a cup of coffee or tea, but little thought goes into what it takes to bring that drink into being The cultivation, the transportation, and the packaging are often overlooked. Understanding the level of exploitation paints a clearer picture of the link between economic systems and their consequences
According to the Food Empowerment Project, labourers in coffee cultivation may earn 2-10% of the retail price of coffee As this is not a living wage, parents who work in these industries are often forced to take their children out of school to work. Not only is the pay entirely insufficient, labourers are exposed to harsh sunlight for 8-10 hours, in addition to dangerous equipment and exposure to agrochemicals However, the exploitation in the coffee industry has devolved into far worse abuses.
Slave labour in coffee plantations is extremely prevalent and little effort is made to address it People are enslaved through debt peonage In other words, people are forced to work to pay some kind of debt. Plantation owners will employ a permanent workforce who live on plantation property and often only have access to stores owned by the landowners due to the long labour hours, lack of transportation or inability to leave the plantation
The workers will often earn far less than minimum wage and are forced to buy products at inflated prices, thus only bringing home a fraction of their wage while funnelling money back into the plantation
This brings forth the following questions:
“Wheneventhemostbasic dailyitemshavebeen inextricablylinkedwiththe sufferingofpeople,isit possibletoliveethically?”
What causes these products to have such horrific impacts? Why does the production of our daily needs necessitate the exploitation of millions, if not billions, of underpaid or unpaid labourers?
Well, simply put, it's the endless pursuit of profit. Capitalism works based on the private sector, meaning that it requires the existence of shareholders, stockholders, etc that are separate from the state. Fundamentally, capitalism is the movement of commodities. But, to produce a commodity, you need someone to create it or oversee the machine that creates it This person is the labourer This is where the exploitation begins
To achieve maximum efficiency and profits, corporations and plantation owners will attempt to pay the least amount of money for the most amount of labour possible The lack of effective legislation on these practices often results from lobbying, corruption, or apathy. The impacts of capitalism are not few and far between, however, they’ve simply changed. For instance, during the Industrial Revolution in Britain, many children were forced to work in factories to make money for their families While legislation in European states now prohibits child labour, the pursuit of capital remains and thus the labour is simply “outsourced.” This is the process of labour being exploited in less economically developed countries Outsourcing is done by an enormous, possibly unimaginable number of corporations to reap more capital without being subject to harsher regulations or higher minimum wages.
“Thisisnottosaythatan attemptatethical consumptionisentirely futile,butrathertobring awarenesstothefactthat theeconomicsystems preventthetrulyethical consumptionof commodities.”
Consumer responsibility still exists. However, the extent to which a consumer truly controls the process it takes to produce the consumables is minimal This is indicative of a flaw that cannot be effectively addressed without large-scale systemic change that prevents an economy perpetuated by the violation of human rights, a denial of the fruits of one's labour, and the overaccumulation of wealth at higher echelons of society Unfortunately, boycotts are unable to reform entire sectors of the industry
This article isn't intended to critique the consumer or the changes they intend to create, but rather, an appeal to those who want to see change The betterment of our global community may not simply be the result of one corporation changing the process of making one product. True change necessitates a critical view of how our economic system promotes the violation of human rights in the endless and mindless pursuit of profit Addressing the issue of the inhumane treatment of people is good, however, it’s not solving the root cause of such vile abuses.
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Cui, Jasmine, and Danica Jefferies “Map: Where Medication Abortion Is and Isn’t Legal ” NBC News, 21 Feb. 2023, www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/map-pills-medicationabortions-are-legal-rcna70490.
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Kimball, Spencer “Women in States That Ban Abortion Will Still Be Able to Get Abortion Pills Online from Overseas ” CNBC, 27 June 2022, www.cnbc.com/2022/06/27/women-in-states-that-ban-abortion-will-still-be-able-toget-abortion-pills-online-from-overseas.html.
Liptak, Adam. “In 6-To-3 Ruling, Supreme Court Ends Nearly 50 Years of Abortion Rights.” The New York Times, 24 June 2022, www nytimes com/2022/06/24/us/roe-wadeoverturned-supreme-court html
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