Ischia 4 Seasons Estate 2016 - La luce di Ischia

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Lisa Divina Venerdì Friday

I take a taxi (I could take the bus but I prefer

Ito take a taxi (I could take thethe bus butIt’s I prefer get comfortable right up to local). to get comfortable right up to the local ) . It is 23.00. Oh well. It matters little. Timidly someone 23.00 . Oh well. It matters little . populates the outerpopulates space, to the tune of music Timidly someone the outer space I also rapper Clementino (hemet is ,outdoors. to the tune of met music outdoors . I also the rapper Clementino Caesar's friend ! ) Cesare’s friend!). Up to 1 is(aisconstant coming .and Up going to 1 isofaboys constant coming and goingmy of and music accompanying kids and music while accompanying my second moscow mule. I just move a little. There second Moscow Mule . I move a little ' more is any The restaurant. “Saturnino” -The that "likeable in the restaurant. . Is there any name - the "“Sciantosa” and “Romantica” Saturnino - that likeable name - the struck " chanteuse " and " Romantic " struck me me particularly. They are really cute. Perhaps particularly. They are . Perhaps I come back, perhaps in really one of cute the three (if it we return, perhaps in one of the three (if it was me I would dine again, they have described was me I would dine again , I have the dishes and to me described the came dishes andhungry. came Phew, to meyou cannot!). Phew, you can not ! ) hungry

Lisa Divina Venerdì

Prendo un taxi (potrei prendere l’autobus ma preferisco arrivare comoda fin sotto al locale). Sono le 23.00. Vabbè. Poco importa. Timidamente qualcuno popola lo spazio esterno, sulle note della musica all’aperto. Ho conosciuto anche il rapper Clementino (è amico di Cesare!). Fino all’1 è un continuo andirivieni di ragazzi e la musica intanto accompagna il mio secondo Moscow Mule. Mi sposto un po’ più in la. C’è qualche ristorante. Il «Saturnino» – che nome simpatico – , la «Sciantosa» e la «Romantica» mi hanno colpito in modo particolare. Sono davvero carini. Forse ci ritorno, magari in uno dei tre (se fosse stato per me avrei cenato un’altra volta, mi hanno descritto i piatti e m’è venuta fame. Uff, non si può!)


Mi piace




Lisa Divina Sabato

Questa sera, dopo una giornata in spiaggia a Cava dell’Isola torno sulla Riva Destra. Il «Porto51», locale che avevo notato quando sono passata la prima volta, è giovane, molto trendy, ed è possibile mangiare panini, toast e piccole pietanze anche se non troppo sofisticate, ascoltare musica e bere drink fino a notte inoltrata. Magari ci passo più tardi. Devo cenare qualcosa. La volta precedente sono stata da Lucianna e Gennaro a i «Ricci» il cui menu presenta piatti a base di pesce e ottimi i crudi. Passo a salutarli. Mi sono rimasti impressi per la loro simpatia (e per la cucina, da non sottovalutare).

Lisa Divina Sabato Saturday

This evening, after a day at the beach of

This day theDestra. beachThe Cava Cavaevening, dell’isola, after I backaon theatRiva Island back on the Right Bank.

“Porto51” which I had noticed when I went the first "Porto51" time, is young, veryI trendy, and you can eat The Local had noticed when I sandwiches, and dishes went the firsttoast time, is small young, veryalthough trendy, not and you can eat sandwiches, toastand anddrink small too sophisticated, listen to music late dishes although not sophisticated, listen in the night. Maybe I’lltoo come back later. I have to music and drink drinks well into the night. to eat something. The previous time I was at Lucianna and Gennaro and the “Ricci” whose menu Maybe there later step. features dishes of fish and good raw ones. I greet I them. have Ito eatbeen something. previous time I have impressedThe by their friendliness was Lucianna Gennaro in the "Ricci" (andatcuisine, not toand be underestimated). whose menu features dishes of fish and good raw. Step to greet them. I have been impressed by their friendliness (and kitchen , not to be underestimated).

Mi piace



1,4 mila

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