Product Range for Packaging Testing Instrument development and construction around testing of the product and packaging quality has to follow these trends and to adapt continuously. Steinfurth as globally well recognized innovation focused company develops automated instruments and solutions for time and cost optimized monitoring of the QA operations in beverage, packaging, food or pharmaceutical industry.
Steinfurth Core Competencies: Strong focus on solutions for combined quality control on beverages and beverage packages. Most optimal product performances by cooperation between our customers and our engineering team. Cost and time efficiency as result of innovation and leadership in engineering services for beverages and packaging industry.
Steinfurth CPA Compact Package Analyzer as customized extendable, modular Mini Lab Concept for combined quality control on beverages and beverage packages (CO2 content, torque, fill height, …)
Steinfurth CO2MS/CDA Carbon Dioxide Analyzer for automatic CO2 measurement and CO2 shelf life studies on packaged beverages
Product Range for Packaging Testing Steinfurth CDA OST & NICO Carbon Dioxide Analyze for non-destructive CO2 measurements in transparant containers. Lab scale and hand-held solutions
Steinfurth TMS 5010 S/SP+APA Tourque Measuring System for user independent, automatic torque (destructive & non-destructive) and application angle measurements on bottle closures
Steinfurth TMS 2000/TorqTraQ Torque Measurement System for manual and mobile torque measurement on bottle closures and capping heads
Steinfurth Orange Bottle Orange Bottle for standardized checking of torque calibration on automatic and manual torque testers and operator training on manual torque testers
Product Range for Packaging Testing Steinfurth OPT 180 Opening Performance Tester for standardized, automatic opening performance test on bottle closures and finishes
Steinfurth BWCT Bottle Weight & Capacity Tester for automatic, multiple package measurement of package weight and fill volume on bottles and cans
Steinfurth LMS Laser Measurement System for automatic multiple package measurement of package dimensions and fill height
Steinfurth IPPS Interactive Programmable Pressure Sequencer as flexible programmable pressure source for various automatic pressure tests on packages
Product Range for Packaging Testing Steinfurth IPPS-IM Interactive Programmable Pressure Sequencer type IM for automatic, accelerated Environmental Stress Crack Test on plastic closures
Steinfurth CT-V6 Closure Tester as safety protected test environment for combined proper application and top load vent test on closures and beverage packages
Steinfurth LCS 710P Laboratory Carbonation System for single sample carbonation studies on bottles and cans
Steinfurth BPT/CPT/BNTP Bottle/Can Pressure Tester & Bottle Neck Pressure Tester for handheld pressure measurements on PET-bottles, glass bottles with crown cork closures and cans
Product Range for Packaging Testing Steinfurth pressure and temperature monitoring Steinfurth Pressure and temperature monitoring in packaging with the DH transmitter and the SF-PT logger
Steinfurth BIT Ball Impact Tester for standardized ball impact tests on bottle closures
Steinfurth TT Tumbling Tester for standardized abrasion test on coated crown cork closures
Steinfurth DCT & Steinfurth SCT Drop Cart Tester and Shoulder Cart Teste for standardized drop and shoulder impact test on beverage cans and metal bottles
Product Range for Packaging Testing Steinfurth UBF + UBM Steinfurth Universal Bottle Filler and Manipulator for testing performance of PET-packages after the filling process - simulation of hot fill process
Steinfurth SWART Side Wall Abuse Resistance Tester for automated & standardized side wall impact test on beverage cans and metal bottles
Steinfurth FTST & RSCT & TSLT Steinfurth solutions for standardized testing sport closures. Rotational load, flow through spout and tension side load tests
Steinfurth PC-Line: BR-7000 The Burst Tester BR-7000 for internal pressure resistance tests on PET- and glass bottles
Product Range for Packaging Testing Steinfurth PC-Line: Automatic Stress Crack Tester (PET) The Stress Crack Tester for automatic stress crack tests on PET bottles. The instrument is available as CR6006 for 6 samples or the CR-6012 for 12 samples version
Steinfurth UPH Universal PET Holder set for flexible adaptation of closure and PET neck finish samples to various pressure and vacuum tests
Steinfurth product portfolio for packaging/sample preparation o.a. Hot Package Tester, Hot Wire Cutter
Visit Us Online:
Your Steinfurth Team
Steinfurth - Headquarters
Steinfurth Mess-Systeme GmbH Electromechanical Measuring Systems Bonifaciusring 15 45309 Essen Germany Phone
Telefax +49-201-85517-20 Internet: E-Mail:
Steinfurth, Inc. Electromechanical Measuring Systems 11390 Old Roswell Rd. Ste. 126 Alpharetta, GA 30009 USA Phone
+1-678-500-9014 & +1-404-918-5061
Telefax +1-678-840-7744 Internet: E-Mail:
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Product Range for Quality Control New beverage types and ingredients, packaging materials and designs, closure solutions, price and cost sensibility are the sources of the actually dynamic changing keys to the consumer satisfaction. The beverage and packaging quality can’t be seen or monitored these days anymore separately – both areas of those are the inseparable parts of the QA influencing each other.
Steinfurth Core Competencies: Strong focus on solutions for combined quality control on beverages and beverage packages. Most optimal product performances by cooperation between our customers and our engineering team. Cost and time efficiency as result of innovation and leadership in engineering services for beverages and packaging industry.
Steinfurth CPA Compact Package Analyzer as customized extendable, modular Mini Lab Concept for combined quality control on beverages and beverage packages (CO2 content, torque, fill height, brix, pH, conductivity, …)
Steinfurth CO2MS/CDA Carbon Dioxide Analyzer for automatic CO2 measurement and CO2 shelf life studies on packaged beverages
Product Range for Quality Control Steinfurth CDA OST Carbon Dioxide Analyzer for non-destructive CO2 measurement in the area of CO2 Shelf Life Studies on packaged beverages (PET & Glass bottles)
Steinfurth CCT/TCT Cup/Tank Carbonation Tester for standardized, handheld CO2 measurement on beverage dispensing systems, tanks and KEGs
Steinfurth BPT/CPT Bottle/Can Pressure Tester for handheld pressure measurement on PET-bottles, glass bottles with crown cork closures and cans
Steinfurth TMS 5010/4010/4000 Torque Measurement System for user independent, automatic torque measurement on bottle closures
Product Range for Quality Control Steinfurth TMS 2000/TorqTraQ Torque Measurement System for manual and mobile torque measurement on bottle closures and capping heads
Steinfurth DV Digi Vacu for handheld vacuum and pressure measurement on closures, bottles & cans
Steinfurth TS92.5 Pressure Calibrator for mobile and flexible calibration of manometers and various pressure measuring instruments
Steinfurth Silver Bottle TS CDA-Silverbottle Silver Bottle for standardized checking of pressure and temperature calibration on CO2 testers based on Henry-Dalton physical law
Product Range for Quality Control Steinfurth Orange Bottle Orange Bottle for standardized checking of torque calibration on automatic and manual torque testers and operator training on manual torque testers
Steinfurth SF-PastControl Logger system for monitoring of the pasteurization process in tunnel and chamber pasteurizers
Steinfurth SF-Control B System Pressure and Temperature Logger system for monitoring of pressure and temperature in containers
Steinfurth SF-CleanControl Logger system for monitoring of the cleaning process on returnable bottles in bottle washer machinery
Product Range for Quality Control Steinfurth Rotech KEG Logger system for monitoring of the KEG washing/sterilization and filling process in KEG filling lines
Steinfurth LCS 710P Laboratory Carbonation System for single sample carbonation studies and preparation of tasting samples in bottles and cans
Steinfurth SFT Foam Tester for automatic foam stability measurement on beer foam
Steinfurth Sampler Sampling device for CO2 loss & safety protected beverage sample extraction out of glass bottles, PET-bottles and cans
Product Range for Quality Control Steinfurth AS380C Automatic Sampler for multiple CO2 loss & safety beverage sample extraction out of glass bottles and cans
Steinfurth AS380CP Automatic Sampler for multiple CO2 loss & safety beverage sample extraction out of PET-bottles
Steinfurth LabShaker Laboratory Shaker/Tumbler for beverage sample preparation and homogenization
Steinfurth OPT 180 Opening Performance Tester for standardized, automatic opening performance test on bottle closures and finishes
Product Range for Quality Control Steinfurth SWART Side Wall Abuse Resistance Tester for automated & standardized side wall impact test on beverage cans and metal bottles
Steinfurth 2 CDA-Mk6 Carbon Dioxide Analyzer for automatic CO2 measurement and CO2 shelf life studies on packaged beverages - twin container version
Visit Us Online:
Your Steinfurth Team
Steinfurth - Headquarters
Steinfurth Mess-Systeme GmbH Elektromechanische Mess-Systeme Bonifaciusring 15 45309 Essen Deutschland Telefon
Internet: E-Mail:
Steinfurth, Inc. Electromechanical Measuring Systems 11390 Old Roswell Rd. Ste. 126 Alpharetta, GA 30009 USA Telefon
+1-678-500-9014 & +1-404-918-5061
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CO2 monitoring in packaged beverages The content of CO2 is one of the most important influencing
Other significant requirements according to the customer
quality parameters affecting taste and shelf life of beverages.
needs are easy operation, low maintenance requirements, ef-
A continuous monitoring of the carbon dioxide content is there-
ficient workflow management and easy integration in already
fore essential to ensure a consistent quality. Essential requi-
existing quality control systems.
rements on industrial CO2 measurement in bottled beverages
The only instruments in the market most optimally fulfilling
are the optimal sample preparation and measuring procedure,
these requirements are the Steinfurth CO2 testers. Where for
repeatable results and consideration of all package influences
other technology providers fulfilling of all these essential requi-
to the beverage quality.
rements in one instrument solution is not possible, the Steinfurth CO2 tester additionally to its unique combination of dyna-
The continuous dynamic trend to newer and if possible less
mic sample preparation and direct in-package measurement
expensive packaging and package materials is especially im-
also complementarily simulates the beverage tasting situation
portant to be considered in modern CO2 testing equipment.
by the consumer. Its high precise and repeatable measuring results support very efficiently the most optimal monitoring and adjustment of the beverage quality in bottling process.
Steinfurth, Inc.
Elektromechanische Mess-Systeme
Electromechanical Measuring Systems
Bonifaciusring 15
541 Village Trace
45309 Essen
Bldg. 11, Suite 102
Marietta, GA 30067
Phone +49-201-85517-0
Phone +1-678-500-9014 & +1-404-918-5061
Telefax +49-201-85517-20
Telefax +1-678-840-7744
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Steinfurth Mess-Systeme GmbH
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Perfect CO2 monitoring in beverage bottles and cans Flexible data interfaces assure an easy integration of the Steinfurth CO2 testers in the existing quality management systems. Easy adaption to all packaging and closure types complete the perfect instrument solutions „Made in Germany“. Benefits • Reduced process time and costs by outsourcing of the QA from laboratory to the filling line • Consideration of all package influences • Combined evaluation of product and package quality • Fully automatic, user independent measurement process • Dynamic sample preparation (CDA) • Perfectly adjustable to individual requirements and measurement standards & procedures • Space-saving through All-In-One system concept (sample preparation and measurement) • Suitable for all kind of packaging and closure types CPA – Compact Package Analyzer as combination of CDA-MK6, Torque Tester TMS 4000/4010 and CPA-Scale
• Very easy integration in existing quality control systems • Very flexible documentation and PC connection possibilities • Local service and support partner on every continent
Continuous adaptation and improvement of the Steinfurth CO2 tester technology to the individual customer needs worldwide combined with maximal process efficiency are the mayor keys for the perfect instrument solution. The unique combination of optimal sample preparation, piercing system and measuring device saves not only the simply unnecessary purchase of several single purpose instruments, but also the process time and space in laboratory and at the filling line. Furthermore the Steinfurth CO2 tester considers all kind of package influences to the beverage, which for example are completely ignored by optical, or outside of the package executed CO2 measuring methods. Additional interference factors that apply when transferring the liquid for measurement outside of the package can be completely ignored due to the direct measurement in the packaged beverage. A fully automatic measurement process with extreme precise results are just basic characteristics for nearly every Steinfurth measurement device – as always in combination with the high repeatability and very easy, user independent operation.
Steinfurth CO2 Tester CDA-MK6
Automatic CO2 measurement in bottles & cans Customized and medium optimal measuring procedures are ex-factory programmed and executed fully automatic. The flexibly programmable control unit transfers all parameters as test protocol to the internal memory, containing in detail CO2 content, pressure, temperature, date, time, current test number, and the serial number of the instrument with the specific test sample code. The base unit‘s integrated color touch screen shows all essential test results as perfectly visualized quality parameters for the operator. In combination with the barcode scanner and customized configured data interface the CDA can be very fast and automatic setup for changing samples and operators - essential for most optimal process efficiency and safety. Pre-setup for the Steinfurth CPA-concept is complementarily available in every new instrument. The CDA-MK6 measures pressure and temperature simultaneously, calculates the CO2 content and transfers the measu-
ring results via data interface to the base unit. A dynamic sample preparation, low maintenance requirements and easiest
The Steinfurth CDA works based on the physical law of
calibration complement the high-precision measurement.
Henry & Dalton. The packaged beverage is placed in the sample container and with closing of the measuring head automatically pierced. Measurement with integrated dynamic sample
Technical specifications Application:
Beverages industry, Packaging Industry
preparation are initiated by pressing the START button. The harmonic overhead tumbling of the sample delivers optimal physical equilibrium of the sample and assures perfect repea-
Measuring results:
CO2, Pressure, Temperature
tability and accuracy of the measuring results.
Package type:
Bottles (PET & Glass), Cans
Just after the state of equilibrium is reached the CO2 content is
Quality control, packaging testing
Extension into CPA:
Yes (ex-works on board)
Sample preparation:
Integrated & dynamic
Duration of measuring:
approx. 5 – 10 sec
Data output:
Power supply:
115 – 230V / 50 – 60 Hz
Accuracy (pressure):
± 0.02 bar (± 0.29 psi)
Accuracy (temperature):
± 0.3 bar (± 0.54 °F)
CO2 repeatability:
± 0.05 g/l (± 0.03 vol)
Max. pressure:
10 bar (145 PSI)
610mm x 500mm x 640mm
ca. 20 kg (44 lbs)
automatically calculated and stored in the memory (available as digital fingerprint of the test with all recorded parameters for transfer to the PC or directly into the network).
Steinfurth CO2 Tester CO2MS-2
Steinfurth CO2 Tester CO2MS-1
The CO2MS-2 is equipped with a high precise digital mano-
The CO2MS-1 is equipped with a precise analogue manome-
meter which displays the equilibrium pressure at the end of the
ter which displays the equilibrium pressure at the end of the
shaking process. The temperature is measured subsequently
shaking process. The temperature is measured subsequently
with a thermometer and the carbon dioxide content calculated
with a thermometer and the carbon dioxide content calculated
or read from a customized CO2-chart.
or read from a customized CO2-chart.
Semi-automatic CO2 measurement
Technical specifications
Semi-automatic CO2 measurement
CO2 Tester CO2MS-2
CO2 Tester CO2MS-1
Beverages Industry, Packaging Industry
Measuring results:
Bottles (PET & Glass), cans
Package type:
Quality control, packaging testing
Usage: Extension into CPA:
Not possible due to missing PC interface
Sample preparation:
Time-controlled: 15 – 60 sec
Measurement time:
Time-controlled: 60 – 180 sec
Data output:
Analogue display
Power supply:
115 - 230V / 50 - 60 Hz
Accuracy (pressure):
± 0.05 bar (± 0.73 psi)
Accuracy (temperature):
Manually with a thermometer
CO2 repeatability: Max. pressure: Measurement:
± 0.1 g/l (± 0.5 vol) 10 bar (145 PSI)
6 bar (standard) 610mm x 500mm x 640mm approx. 20 kg (44 lbs)
STEINFURTH NICO – NON-DESTRUCTIVE CO2 MEASUREMENT – IN FILLED BEVERAGE CONTAINERS As part of the NICO unique analysis technique, the packaging influences are continuously analyzed and taken into account along with real time data for pressure and temperature, which is also displayed on the measurement screen. The rapid measurement cycle of approximately 10 seconds, is completed once the device has collected sufficient information to make its analysis. The final pressure, temperature and CO2 results are automatically displayed on the touchscreen and captured in the instruments on board memory for retrieval when required.
Both taste and shelf life are influenced by the amount of dissolved CO2 gas in beverages. A reliable measurement method is the key to accurate and diagnostically conclusive monitoring of the in-pack CO2 content. NICO uses a unique laser-based measuring technology developed and patented by Steinfurth. The instrument operates independently of packaging related parameters and headspace diameter. A global first, NICO is the only non-invasive handheld CO2 analysis solution on the market.
TRANSPARENCY COUNTS The extremely fast and non-invasive measuring principle allows measurement of the CO2 content throughout the complete supply chain of sealed transparent beverage containers - NICO enables the possibility for QA monitoring at different stages of the beverage production cycle from bottling, storage, transport and in market testing. Despite of the unique technology all measuring results are 100% comparable with traditional CO2 measurement data (by using the reliable calculation of the CO2 content from equilibrium pressure and temperature – based on the Henry’s law).
NICO SCORES WITH EASE OF USE NICO analysis steps are simple. Create equilibrium at the time of measurement, by briefly pre-shaking the container. Then simply place the NICO on the bottle closure and move back and forth horizontally over the headspace area of the container. NICO will do the rest.
NICO‘s BENEFITS AT A GLANCE • • • • • • • • • •
Non-destructive CO2 measurement Compact & mobile design Rapid analysis (approx. 10 sec) Rechargeable standard battery Data transfer via QR code & in-built Wi-Fi hotspot HTML interface for database access Complex mathematical model for precise pressure, temperature, and CO2 determination Easy operation Shelf-life testing capability on the same container Usable along the entire beverage supply chain from the bottling facility, through warehousing & transport till delivery to the consumer
0 - 20 g/L (0 - 10 vol)
Pressure 1 – 6 bars (14.5–87 psi) Temperature Measuring time Dimensions Weight Laser class
< 1.2 %
< 1.5 %
< 0.5 %
5 - 35 °C (41 – 95 °F)
< 0.25 °C < 15 s
160 x 220 x 110 mm (6.3 x 8.7 x.4.3 inch) (H x W x D) 1200 g (with battery) 1M
TMS 5010 SP
TMS 2000
Steinfurth Closure Torque Testing Technology The opening torque of containers with screw-caps is an impor-
highly precise & flexible programmable measurement devices
tant quality parameter in the food, beverages and pharmaceu-
are needed, which are applicable for packaging and closure
tical industry and vital for customer satisfaction. The trend to
development, as well as approval of closures und packages.
newer and if possible less expensive packaging and package
Additional instrument options are manual or mobile devices for
materials requires more detailed controlling of package specific
torque measurement.
quality parameters. Steinfurth offers a wide range of torque instruments, optimally In case of industrial torque measurement on the one hand high
adapted to the individual customer requirements. Independent
precision, full automatic measurement devices are needed,
of location, Steinfurth solutions guarantee perfect results com-
which are user independent and usable for measurement of
bined with easiest operation, low maintenance requirements
opening behavior directly at the filling line. On the other hand
and maximal process efficiency.
Steinfurth, Mess-Systeme GmbH
Steinfurth, Inc.
Elektromechanische Mess-Systeme
Electromechanical Measuring Systems
Bonifaciusring 15
11390 Old Roswell Rd.
45309 Essen
Ste. 126
Alpharetta, GA 30009 USA
Telefax +49-201-85517-20
Telefax +1-678-840-7744
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Phone +1-678-500-9014 & +1-404-918-5061 #(
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TMS 5010
Accurate and precise automatic torque measurement with extensive testing possibilities The equipment is not only equipped with industrial standard test procedures, but also with flexible programmable measuring procedures exceeding the usual applications. Different limit, extreme and abuse situations can be simulated, which especially are important for the construction and dimensioning of screw caps. The TMS 5010 also measures application angle automatically. All measurement results are immediately available via a customizable data interface and at the same time visualized on the integrated display. An easy adaptation of the TMS 5010 to all available closure types and forms is assured with a wide range of customized closure chucks. Customer individual measurement procedures are pre-programmed ex-factory, but flexibly adjustable by the operator to changed testing requirements. With its efficient and extreme precise measurement process, compact dimensions and extensive testing and documentation possibilities the TMS-Series from Steinfurth is the international reference for automatic torque testing devices. Especially by focusing optiThe Steinfurth TMS 5010 is the perfect instrument for deve-
mal closure analysis in the area of package development and
lopment, design, dimensioning and approval of screw caps,
quality control during the production of closures and beverages
powerful tool for closure manufacturers and at the same time
the Steinfurth TMS 5010 is the most recommended solution.
optimal test equipment for package analysis and approval in beverage, pharmaceutical and food companies.
The TMS 5010 fully automatic machine enhances by its ex-
The constant Top Load is adjusted and the sample specific tes-
tensive testing possibilities the analysis of any kind of closures
ting program is chosen before the testing sequence is started.
(also child proven closures in the pharmaceutical industry).
The test sample is fixed in the clamp mechanism of the TMS 5010 and afterwards with activation of the test automatically
Technical specifications Industry: Measurement: Application: Usage: Measuring range: Accuracy: Resolution: Torque units: Memory:
TMS 5010
opened or closed. During the opening/ closing process the re-
Beverages, Packaging, Pharmacy
active torque is measured and its maximum value and the tor-
Torque Bottle closures Measuring & Calibration 0 - 50 in-lbs, both directions ±0.25 % FS 0.03 in-lbs (50 in-lbs version) adjustable Yes (depending on configuration)
Data interface:
RS 232 / LAN
Power Supply:
115-240 V, 50-60 Hz
Humidity protection: Dimensions: Weight:
qus graph stored and displayed.
IP 65 approx. 600mm x 400mm x 900mm approx. 25 kg / 55 lb
Benefits • User independent, precise torque measurement • Integrated industry standard procedures (like these of the ISBT & CETIE) • Destructive and non-destructive removal torque meansurements • Very flexible, interactive programmable test procedures • Easiest operation (in the lab or directly at the production line) • Adjustable standardized Top Load (via complementary standard weights) • Complementary calibration kit • Graphic visualization of torque moment • Integrated measurement of closing angle (optional)
STEINFURTH CPA CONCEPT - Compact Package Analyzer Integrated monitoring of beverage and package quality
Every TMS 5010 is delivered ex-works with complementary CPA Master functionality on board. The automatic torque tester Steinfurth® TMS 5010 is a unique instrument equipped with capability to be connected with other instruments to create a customized mini lab. It is designed to analyze the opening performances of all kinds of screw-caps and also measures automatically the application angle. With its very easy, intuitive operation via touchscreen or barcode scanner every measurement is user independent and executable directly at the production line.
Carbon dioxide, opening torque, brix and fill level are parameters that significantly affect the product quality of beverages recognized by the consumer. A continuous monitoring of these is therefore essential to ensure a constant and repeatable quality of bottled products. The Steinfurth Compact Package Analyzer (CPA) as a Mini-Lab concept optimizes dramatically the workflow in the modern quality control (replacing or extending the so far mostly decentralized and inefficient monitoring of these parameters). The heart of the Steinfurth CPA concept is the “Master”, an instrument which acts as the control center for all other devices linked with it (“Slaves”). The “Slaves” which can also be existing devices from other manufacturers need as their only requirement a serial data interface.
Benefits • Customer specific instrument combination (new and existing
Global sample and procedure adjustments for the complete Mi-
devices adaptable)
ni-Lab can be executed via the control panel of the CPA Master
• Automatic sample specific program and tolerance adjustment
module. This can be done automatically via barcode scanner,
(via barcode scanner)
or manually via the integrated touch screen. Subsequently the
• User independent, automatic functionality and flexible
measurement results of all linked devices are collected and
configuration of all linked instruments
stored on the hard drive of the Master. A central transfer of the
• Integrated optimal sample preparation
measurement data is enabled at any time (via Ethernet inter-
• Designed for operation directly at the production line
face directly into a PC network).
• Maximal reduction of process times • Combined and centralized monitoring of beverage and
The CPA concept develops its maximal benefits with outsour-
packaging quality
cing of the quality control test operations to the production line.
• Easiest operation via color touch screen
Especially Steinfurth instruments integrated to the at the line
• Data transfer via integrated FTP-Server, CAN-bus, or serial
operated Mini-Lab convince with their robust construction and
interface (RS 232)
automatic, extremely easy and user independent operation.
• Robust construction and integration in customized QA software setup • Operation by line personnel (no lab skills required)
TMS 2000
SF - TorqTraQ
Manual closure torque measurement
Quick mobile torque measurement
The manual torque measuring device TMS 2000 is perfect for
The TorqTraQ is perfect for quick quality checks on filled pro-
routine quality check on closures, where no special testing pro-
ducts at the line or in warehouse or during maintenance of
grams are needed. An easy calibration, very compact dimen-
capping machinery. The need of a mobile and easy applicable
sions, integrated overload protection and robust construction
device for torque measurement led to the development of the
create optimal benefits at an attractive price.
TorqTraQ. By the customized closure chuck a user independent connection between the measurement sensor and the
The test sample is fixed in the clamp mechanism and then ma-
bottle closure or capper head is assured. The TorqTraQ is con-
nually opened or closed. During the opening/closing progress
nected with the closure chuck to the test sample (fixed with one
the reactive torque is measured and the maximum value dis-
hand). By twisting the device with the other hand in counter-
played and stored.
clockwise direction the opening torque is measured. During the opening/closing progress the reactive torque is measured and the maximum value displayed and stored.
Technical specifications
TMS 2000
TorqTraQ-SF Beverages, Packaging, Pharmacy, Food Industry
Measurand: Application:
Torque Bottle closures
Usage: Range:
Measuring & Calibration 0 - 50 in-lbs
0.1 in-lb
Torque units:
Data Interface:
adjustable 4000 results
250 results
RS 232
Humidity protection: Battery life time:
2 - 50 in-lbs ±0.5% FS
Bottle closures & Capping heads
IP 54 approx. 1 week (rechargeable)
approx. 5-6 h (rechargeable)