WATERCON 2014 program

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American Water Works As n o i t c Se is Water Environment Ass sociat s i o ociat ion Illin nd Illino ion a Welcome to the

Midwest’s Largest Water and Wastewater Conference and Expo

Conference Program

Technical Sessions | Exhibits Awards | Contests | Special Events

March 17-20

How to read through your onsite program


the color blue

the color blue means... WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers

the color GREEN

the color GREEN means...







10:00 AM

Strategic Overview of Disaster Mgmt. - IEPA#7840 ................................................................................................................


Standard Laboratory Protocols for the Microscopic Analysis of Wastewater Sludge Samples Ashley Elmore, In-Pipe Technology Company, Inc

2:30 PM

Doing More with Less: Optimizing Your - IEPA#7829 ...........................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Online Nitrite Measurement for Control of Nitrogen Removal Shortcut Processes Robert Smith, YSI, Incorporated

3:00 PM

Youth Apprenticeship Programs - IEPA#7844 .........................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Alternative Project Delivery for - IEPA#7849...........................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

The Emerging Professional Operators - IEPA#7801 ................................................................................................................

4:00 PM



CH 17


ROOM Optimzat (p.15) ion of En 10:30 AM hanced The Ca Biologica RRB Di l Phosp 11:00 AM et: Centr horous ..... ate Sidest Evaluatio ............... ream Tre n of the ............... atment Anita-Mo ............... ............... x Movin ............... LABO ............... g Bed Bio ............... RATO ............... film..... ............... RIES ILL ............... ............... ............... 2:30 PM INOIS ............... ............... .... ROOM ............... Standard ............... (p.15) ............... Laborator ............... 3:00 PM ......... y Protoc ............... WATER OPERATORS & ENGINEERS Online ols ............... for the Nitrite Microsco ............... RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours 3:30 PM Measurem pic ..... ............... ent for Ion Spe To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water Control ............... cific Ele of ctr ..... Ni ode Me ............... operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for trogen ..... DISIN asurem ............... ............... ent Sem FECT engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions ............... ............... inar..... ION SP ............... ............... ............... 2:30 PM you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this RINGFIE ............... ............... ............... Engineer LD RO completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. .... ............... ............... ing Desig OM (p. 3:00 PM ............... ............... n Consi 16) ............... Use the following scale for evaluations: .............. derations Peracetic ............... Ac for id PAA ..... 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 3:30 PM 1 - Strongly disagree for Disin ............... ............... fecting ............. An Altern 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree ..... Wa ............... stewater ative to 4:00 PM ............... ............... Conventi Name: ..... ..... Baffling onal Di ............... ............... sinfectio Reconfigu ............... ............... Company/Utility: n .......... ration Re ............... ............... ............... scues a NUTRI ............... ............... ............... 430 MG Email: Phone: ENTS ............... .... ............... D .......... GOVE ............... ............... ............... 2:30 PM RNOR ............... ............... ............... ROOM .. Roadm ............... ............... ap Towa (p.16) ............... ............... 3:00 PM rd Energ ........ ............... y & Ch Nutrient em ..... ica ..... Re LAKE MANAGEMENT - WATERSHED DYNAMICS 3:3 SAPPHIRE ROOM (p.14) l Optim ............... moval: 0 PM ization ..... How to .......... Sludge Achieve ............... 9:00 AM Dredging - IEPA#8091 ............................................................................................................................................................. Blanket NPDE ............... 4:00 PM and Aerat S Permi ..... t ..... ............... ion Basin Sustain ............... 9:30 AM Harmful Algal Blooms - IEPA#8092 ........................................................................................................................................ able De ............... Denitrifi ............... sign for ............... cation ..... ............... Ultra-low ............... ............... 10:30 AM Stream Restoration as Part of Urban - IEPA#8093................................................................................................................... ............... Phospho ............... ............... ..... rus ..... ............... ............... 11:00 AM Phosphorus Loading in Watersheds - IEPA#8094 .................................................................................................................... .................... ............... ............... ............... ....... ............... ............... ............... 11:30 AM Stormwater Assessment Pollution Load - IEPA#8095 .............................................................................................................. ............... ............... ............... .... ............... ............... PIPE SEMINAR RUBY ROOM (p.14) ....... 9:00 AM PVC Pipe - IEPA#8048 ............................................................................................................................................................ Online Evaluati 9:45 AM Plastic Pipe - IEPA#8049 .......................................................................................................................................................... on Lin k for RT C/PDH 10:30 AM Ductile Iron Pipe - IEPA#8050 ................................................................................................................................................ credit ho urs ww w.isaw 11:15 AM Wrap Up - IEPA#8054 ............................................................................................................................................................. wa.org/e valuate 67

2:30 PM

3:30 PM



The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject


NUTRI 10:00 AM

The presentation content was relevant

00 .... ........ ........ ING: ............ ............ 8:00 - 12: ............ MEET ............ 12) ........ ............ JOINT NT (p. ............ .......... ............ 9:30 am GEME ............ ............ ............ 8:30 MANA ............ ............ ............ LAKE ............ ............ ............ ....... 00 pm R (p.13) ............ H ........ ............ .... NA .... NC .... 9:00 - 12: .... MI & LU E SE ........ ............ ETING ............ pm PIP ............ ........ .... ME .... 00 .... D .... .... 12: .... .... .... ........ 9:00 A BOAR ING .... ............ ............ ISAWW . MEET ............ ............ 0 pm ............ ITTEE ............ ............ 9:30 - 1:0 ............ COMM ............ ............ .... .... TY .... .... .... FE .... .... SA ... ........ ........ ............ ............ ............ 11:00 am (p.15) .... ............ .... .... .... .... TS .... 00 .... .... .... 10: ........ TRIEN ........ ............ ............ ...... ............ am NU ............ .... .... .... 30 .... .... .... .... .... 11: G .... .... .... .... IN (p.16) 10:00 ............ ............ S MEET SAFETY ............ ............ ..... SINES 2014 ............ ............ ............ 12:00 pm H & BU ING.... 10:00 ............ ............ | SAFETY | LABORATORIES LUNC DISINFECTION IWEA ............ ............ D OPEN ........... ............ ............ GRAN 2:00 pm ............ ............ ............ 12:00 T HALL ............ ............ ............ EXHIBI ..... ............ ............ ............ .... .... 0 pm .... .... .... .... .... 3:0 EN .... .... 2:00 ........ ............ TS OP ............ ........MEANS...WORTH ............THE COLOR....BLUE ............ EXHIBI .... .... credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers .... ... .... .... NS pm .... .... ........ 6:00 ........ BEGI ............ ........COLOR THE GREEN....MEANS...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY worth credit hours for engineers 2:00 ............ .... HUNT ............ ............ LOGO ............ .. CIAN .... ............ ............ ............ 2:00 pm MAGI ............ ............ ............ ERING ............ ............ ............ WAND ............ ........ ............ ............ .... .... .... .... DISINFECTION .... 2:00 pm .... .... .... .... GOLD ............ ............ ............ ............ | WASTEWATER POT OF ............SPRINGFIELD ROOM | EARN UP TO 2.00 PDH’S ... ............ 0 pm ............ ............ ............ N ........ ............ ............ 2:00 - 5:3 ............ FECTIO ............ 2:30 PM ....Engineering ............ ............ DISIN ... Design Considerations for PAA Disinfection of Wastewater ............ ............ 30 pm ............ ............ ............ RIES .... 2:30 -4: ............ ............ Sarah Stewart, CDM Smith ............ RATO ............ ............ LABO ............ ............ ............ .......... 30 pm ............ .... .... .... -4: .... .... .... NT 0 2:3 ........ ........ GEME ............ Wastewater Effluent ............ ............ 3:00 PM ....Peracetic MANA ............ Acid for Disinfecting ... ............ ............ .... Sajana 30 pm ............ Chitrakar, ....AECOM ............ ............ TS (p.15) 2:30 -4: ............ ............ ............ .... TRIEN .... .... .... NU .... .... .... ... GY ............ 30 pm ............An Alternative....to ............ NOLO ....Conventional ........PM Disinfection: Fast Track MBR works for E. coli Removal ............ 2:30 -4: ........3:30 A TECH ............ ............ SCAD ............ ........ Tom Ratzki, Black & Veatch ............ ......... 00 pm ............ ............ TER .... ............ 2:30 -5: ............ ............ CE WA ............ ............ ............ SOUR ............ Reconfiguration K ........ ............ ......... 00 pm 4:00.... PM Baffling ............ S TRAC ............ ............ Rescues a 430 MGD Disinfection Contact Basin at the Chicago Calumet 2:30 -5: ............ ............ ............ ERATOR .... Water Reclamation Plant .... .... .... OP .... .... .... .... ....... ............ 30 pm ............ ............ Thomas Lachcik, ARCADIS ............ US Inc ............ 3:30 -4: ............ ETING ............ ............ ............ I5S ME ............ FF ........ 0 pm ............ ............ OP -O FFLE .... 4:00 - 5:0 ............ UM DR -50 RA ............ MUSE WFP 50 ............ 0 pm EET & ............ SAFETY - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 4:00 - 5:0 ............ ET & GR .... ME .... .... 0 pm ILLINOIS ROOM | BOTH WATER & WASTEWATER | EARN UP TO 2.00 RTC/PDH’S ............ 5:00 - 6:0 S ........ TOP OP 0 pm gram 10:00 AM Strategic Overview of Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities - IEPA#7840 5:00 - 6:0 site Pro Stanley States, TEEX 2014 On RCON WATE 6



........ ........ ........ ... AY ............ T-UP.. ............ ............ MONDpm EXHIBITOR SE ISAWWA & IWEA .... .................................... ................................ ........

Ion Specific Electrode Measurement Seminar Peter Poczatek, Thermo Electron Products Capillary IC: A New Platform for High Throughput or High Resolution Separations of Ionic Compounds Peter Bodsky, ThermoFisher Scientific

WATERCON2014 Onsite Program

WATERCON2014 Conference Program


Advances In Control Strategies - IEPA#7873 ...........................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

SCADA Network Hacking Awareness & - IEPA#7808 ..........................................................................................................

3:30 PM

What I learned in 10 years of Deploying - IEPA#7812 ............................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Network, Control, and Information- IEPA#7832....................................................................................................................

4:30 PM

Unleash the Full Capabilities of Modern - IEPA#7837 ............................................................................................................ Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate

59 59

urs )

The pre sentation conten t was rel The pre evant and comsentation was inn plete in its concluovative The kn owledge sion applied I in my woacquired wil rk enviro l be I would nment a half dayrecommend this semina r or we topic for The con binar at a lev tent was com el that met my municated expectati The con ons tent wa s free of comme Presenter rcial bia s visuals made good materials use of aud io The pre sentation was eng aging The pre sen ter the sub was kn owledgea ject ble abo AC TU ut AL MI (D oes NU TE NOT qu S ali fy for AT TE ND RTC ho ED


The presentation was engaging







........ ............

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials










........ ............


The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

a ule at Sched e c n la G


To record RS PD H SUBM engineers your profes sio ISS you att on your ISA nal developm ION FORM end W comple ed online, ww WA training ent hours (PD ted pap do NO er form w.isawwa.or record, evalua H’s) for T te water op qualify for renat the Registra g/Evaluate or the sessions tion turn erators. ewal tra ining cre Desk. These in this Use the ses dit (RT 5 - Stronfollowing sca C) hourssions le for eva for 4 - Agree gly agree 3 - Neutr luations: 2 - Disag al Name: 1 - Stron ree gly dis agree Compan y/Utili ty: Email:

The content was free of commercial bias

Floor LL 1st IT HA Y EXHIB LOBB OOR Floor 2ND FL ND 2nd or Flo DIAMO D 2nd AL EMER or 2nd Flo or Flo RUBY 2nd HIRE SAPP Floor Z 2nd or TOPA 3rd Flo RNOR GOVE Floor OIS 3rd Floor ILLIN 3rd AMON Floor SANG D 3rd GFIEL SPRIN I 3rd Floor AL PIT Floor CA AL II 3rd Floor CAPIT 3rd AL III CAPIT IV 3rd Floor AL Floor CAPIT AL V 3rd Floor CAPIT 3rd Floor AL VI CAPIT ARD 3rd or LN BO Flo LINCO VIEW 12th r AL 14th Floo CAPIT RDEN ERGA WINT

NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY worth credit hours for engineers

Welcome to WATERCON.............................................................................................04 Special Guests................................................................................................................05 Schedule at a Glance......................................................................................................06 Operator Competitions..................................................................................................12 Conference Activities......................................................................................................13 Technical Sessions: Monday...........................................................................................14 Operator & Small Systems Day......................................................................................18 Student & YP Poster Competition.................................................................................19 Mission Impossible.........................................................................................................20 Scavenger Hunt..............................................................................................................21 Texas Hold’em Tournament...........................................................................................22 Technical Sessions: Tuesday............................................................................................23 Young Professionals Day.................................................................................................30 Technical Sessions: Wednesday.......................................................................................31 Technical Sessions: Thursday..........................................................................................39 WATERCON2014 Contest Sponsors............................................................................44 Exhibit Layout: Main Floor............................................................................................46 Exhibit Layout: Main Floor Lobby.................................................................................48 Exhibit Layout: Second Floor Lobby..............................................................................49 2014 Exhibitors List.......................................................................................................50 Illinois Section AWWA Directory...................................................................................52 Illinois Water Environment Association Directory..........................................................54 WATERCON2014 Conference Sponsors.......................................................................58 Water Operator & Engineer RTC/PDH Submission Form: Monday.............................59 Water Operator & Engineer RTC/PDH Submission Form: Tuesday..............................60 Water Operator & Engineer RTC/PDH Submission Form: Wednesday.........................63 Water Operator & Engineer RTC/PDH Submission Form: Thursday............................66 Engineer PDH Submission Form: Monday....................................................................67 Engineer PDH Submission Form: Tuesday.....................................................................68 Engineer PDH Submission Form: Wednesday................................................................69 Logo Hunt Contest........................................................................................................71



Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


welcome to

WATERCON Illinois’ largest water conference John Van Arsdel Chair 2013-2014 Illinois Section American Water Works Association Welcome to WATERCON2014! I am pleased to welcome you and your fellow water professionals to our annual conference. This premier event for the Illinois Section American Water Works Association and the Illinois Water Environment Association will deliver a multitude of educational sessions and exhibitions designed to provide the best water show in the state of Illinois. The joint conference has something for everyone who works in the water industry whether you are an Operator, an Engineer, a Vendor, or Water or Wastewater Manager. Watch events where people tap pipe, get quizzed on their knowledge of water, disassemble and reassemble hydrants and judge who has the best tasting water in the state. Service providers and equipment providers will exhibit their latest wares and services providing information to help water and wastewater utilities make educated and informed decisions on meeting the future demands of maintaining and improving our water and wastewater infrastructure. Our huge selection of technical sessions will provide continuing education credit hours for attendance as you listen to fellow water professionals detail solutions to problems they encountered in their day to day operations. Whether you are a seasoned veteran of this annual event or a first time attendee, the opportunities for engagement with other water professionals are vast. This is a great experience that you will surely remember! Dan Bounds President 2013-2014 Illinois Water Environment Association On behalf of the Illinois Water Environment Association (IWEA), welcome to WATERCON2014! This is the sixth joint conference for IWEA and ISAWWA, and WATERCON2014 offers more for you than ever before. The planning committees for this year’s conference have done an excellent job designing a program that has something to offer everyone. You are in the place to be for networking with your peers and keeping up with the latest developments in our industry. This year’s conference features the first ever wastewater operator challenge, where teams or individuals can test their skills in operations, maintenance, laboratory, and safety challenge events. Visit the technical sessions to hear from expert speakers in your field, check out the exhibit hall for new technological advancements, and show your support to IWEA’s young professionals who have planned several great events. 2014 is a special year for IWEA, our 35th anniversary. The IWEA Annual Banquet returns to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum for the occasion. Illinois depends on your continued dedication to protecting and enhancing our water environment, and WATERCON is the place to be for the information and connections you need for success. I, as well as IWEA’s Board, committee chairs, and conference planning volunteers, hope you enjoy the conference.


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

Doug Brinkman 2013 - 2014 Vice-President AWWA Doug Brinkman is a Senior Project Manager with Black & Veatch Corporation in Gaithersburg, MD, with 40 years of experience in design and construction management of water and wastewater facility projects. On the water side, his projects have included studies and designs of treatment plants, intakes, pumping stations, storage facilities, dams, tunnels, and pipelines. He has served in many committee chair and officer positions of the Chesapeake Section AWWA, where he currently serves as Director, and in committee chair positions of the Virginia Section. He served as Chair of AWWA’s Water Facilities Design and Construction Committee, which produced the AWWA/ASCE Water Treatment Design Handbook, 7th Edition, and is currently a Trustee in AWWA’s Engineering and Construction Division. In addition to these activities, he has organized and led Sunday Workshops at ACE and has made many technical presentations at AWWA section and national conferences. He is a Life Member of both AWWA and ASCE and is the Chesapeake Section’s recipient of the George Warren Fuller Award in 2006. A graduate of Iowa State University (BS) and University of Missouri (MS), Doug is a licensed professional engineer in Kansas, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. He lives in North Potomac, MD with his wife Susan. He has one son, Josh (a lawyer), a daughter-in-law, Bethany, (a water engineer) and a new granddaughter, Margarette “Meg”, who will undoubtedly grow up to be a water professional.

Jenny Hartfelder 2013-2014 Board of Trustees WEF Jenny Hartfelder is a member of the 2013-2014 Board of Trustees for the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international organization of water quality professionals headquartered in Alexandria, Va. Jenny currently serves as the Rocky Mountain Client Service Leader for MWH in Denver, Colorado. In this role, she provides strategic planning and leadership for the business development activities for the water sector in the Rocky Mountain region, covering Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. She also serves as a project manager and design engineer on numerous water and wastewater projects including master plans, preliminary and detailed designs, and engineering services during construction. A WEF member since 1997, Jenny has held multiple leadership and committee roles within the Federation. She has served on the Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) Committee and the Public Communications and Outreach Committee for many years, chairing the SJWP Committee. Jenny also has served in the House of Delegates as the Speaker of the House, Chair of the Ways and Means Workgroup, and as a member of several HOD workgroups and committees. She is a member of the Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers and a recipient of the Arthur Sidney Bedell Award. Also an active member of the Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association, Jenny chaired several committees including Public Education, Nominations, Awards, and the Joint Annual Conference Committees, and has moved through the MA officer chairs serving as the President in 2006-2007. Jenny is a registered professional engineer in the states of Colorado and Washington and is certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as a Project Management Professional (PMP). She received a B.S. in Civil Engineering in 1990 from Michigan Technological University, and an M.S. in Civil Engineering in 2002 from the University of Colorado - Denver.

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate



Exhibit Hall 1st Floor 2nd Floor Lobby Diamond 2nd Floor Emerald 2nd Floor Ruby 2nd Floor Sapphire 2nd Floor Topaz 2nd Floor Governor 3rd Floor ILLINOIS 3rd Floor SANGAMON 3rd Floor SPRINGFIELD 3rd Floor CAPITOL I 3rd Floor CAPITOL II 3rd Floor CAPITOL III 3rd Floor CAPITOL IV 3rd Floor CAPITOL V 3rd Floor CAPITOL VI 3rd Floor LINCOLN BOARD 3rd Floor CAPITOL VIEW 12th Floor WINTERGARDEN 14th Floor

Schedule at a Glance

8:00 am - 12:00 pm Exhibitor Set-up................................................................................................................................ 8:30 am - 9:30 am joint meeting: ISAWWA & IWEA...................................................................................................... 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Lake management - watershed (p.14)......................................................................................... 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Pipe Seminar (p.14)................................................................................................................................ 9:30 am - 1:00 pm ISAWWA board meeting & Lunch................................................................................................. 10:00 am - 11:00 am Safety Committee Meeting........................................................................................................... 10:00 am - 11:30 am nutrients (p.15).................................................................................................................................... 10:00 am - 12:00 pm safety - emergency management (p.15)..................................................................................... 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm IWEA Lunch & Business Meeting.................................................................................................. 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Exhibit Hall Grand Opening........................................................................................................ 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Exhibit hall open.............................................................................................................................. 2:00 pm Logo hunt begins (p.13 & 71)........................................................................................................... 2:00 pm silent auction begins (p.13)...........................................................................................................


2:00 pm - 6:00 pm wandering magician........................................................................................................................ 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm pot ‘o gold........................................................................................................................................... 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm laboratories (p.15)............................................................................................................................. 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm disinfection (p.16).............................................................................................................................. 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm management (p.16)............................................................................................................................... 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm nutrients (p.16).................................................................................................................................... 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm scada technology (p.17).................................................................................................................. 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm source water (p.17)............................................................................................................................. 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm water operator challenge (p.13 & 17)....................................................................................... 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm I5S Meeting............................................................................................................................................ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm museum drop-off.............................................................................................................................. 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm meet & greet & wfp 50-50 raffle.................................................................................................. 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm top ops (p.12).......................................................................................................................................... 6

WATERCON2014 Conference Program




the color GREEN

the color blue means... WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means... NOT WORTH credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers


Exhibit Hall 1st Floor 2nd Floor Lobby Diamond 2nd Floor Emerald 2nd Floor Ruby 2nd Floor Sapphire 2nd Floor Topaz 2nd Floor Governor 3rd Floor ILLINOIS 3rd Floor SANGAMON 3rd Floor SPRINGFIELD 3rd Floor CAPITOL I 3rd Floor CAPITOL II 3rd Floor CAPITOL III 3rd Floor CAPITOL IV 3rd Floor CAPITOL V 3rd Floor CAPITOL VI 3rd Floor LINCOLN BOARD 3rd Floor CAPITOL VIEW 12th Floor WINTERGARDEN 14th Floor

the color blue

8:00 am - 9:00 am operator & small systems (p.18 & 23).......................................................................................... 8:00 am - 11:00 am operations (p.23).................................................................................................................................. 8:00 am - 11:30 am energy management (p.23)............................................................................................................... 8:00 am - 6:00 pm museum open........................................................................................................................................ 8:30 am - 5:00 pm management (p.24)............................................................................................................................... 9:00 am - 10:00 am poster session set-up (p.19)............................................................................................................ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm water efficiency (p.25)...................................................................................................................... 9:00 am - 5:00 pm watershed management (p.25)........................................................................................................ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm exhibit hall open.............................................................................................................................. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Logo hunt continues (p.13 & 71).................................................................................................. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm silent auction continues (p.13).................................................................................................. 10:00 am - 12:00 pm poster session judging (p.19)........................................................................................................ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm small systems (p.18 & 26).................................................................................................................... 10:00 am - 4:00 pm operator (p.18 & 26)............................................................................................................................. 10:30 am - 11:30 am minute to win it................................................................................................................................. 10:30 am - 11:45 am stretch your education............................................................................................................... 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm water taste test (1st floor lobby) (p.12).............................................................................................................. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm box lunch.............................................................................................................................................. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm iepa advisory board meeting....................................................................................................... 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm mission impossible (p.13, 20 & 27)................................................................................................... 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm energy case studies (p.27)................................................................................................................ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm hydrant hysteria competition (p.12)................................................................................................. 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm wastewater operator challenge (p.13)................................................................................................... 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm engineering (p.28)............................................................................................................................... 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm water commissioners meeting................................................................................................... Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


TUESDAy continued

Exhibit Hall 1st Floor 2nd Floor Lobby Diamond 2nd Floor Emerald 2nd Floor Ruby 2nd Floor Sapphire 2nd Floor Topaz 2nd Floor Governor 3rd Floor ILLINOIS 3rd Floor SANGAMON 3rd Floor SPRINGFIELD 3rd Floor CAPITOL I 3rd Floor CAPITOL II 3rd Floor CAPITOL III 3rd Floor CAPITOL IV 3rd Floor CAPITOL V 3rd Floor CAPITOL VI 3rd Floor LINCOLN BOARD 3rd Floor CAPITOL VIEW 12th Floor WINTERGARDEN 14th Floor

Schedule at a Glance Continued

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm engineering (p.28)............................................................................................................................... 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm water distribution meeting....................................................................................................... 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm scavenger hunt (p.13, 21 & 27)......................................................................................................... 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm texas hold’em dealer training................................................................................................. 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm water efficiency meeting............................................................................................................. 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm water utility council meeting................................................................................................. 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm iwea nutrient removal/recovery............................................................................................ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm young professional reception.................................................................................................. 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm education committee meeting................................................................................................. 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm small systems committee meeting.......................................................................................... 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm meet & greet & WFP 50-50 raffle.................................................................................................. 9:00 pm - 12:00 am Texas hold’em tournament (p.22)...............................................................................................

Wednesday 7:30 am - 8:30 am friends of ipsi breakfast............................................................................................................... 7:30 am - 8:30 am past chair breakfast........................................................................................................................ 8:00 am - 9:00 am yp breakfast & workshop (p.30).................................................................................................... 8:00 am - 12:00 pm exhibit hall open.............................................................................................................................. 8:00 am - 10:00 am logo hunt continues (p.13 & 71).................................................................................................. 8:00 am - 10:00 am security (p.31)........................................................................................................................................ 8:00 am - 10:00 am treatment (p.31)................................................................................................................................... 8:00 am - 11:15 am silent auction continues (p.13).................................................................................................. 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Distribution (p.31).............................................................................................................................. 8:00 am - 12:00 pm engineering (p.32)............................................................................................................................... 8:30 am - 10:00 am science fair (p.32).................................................................................................................................


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

the color GREEN

the color blue means... WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means... NOT WORTH credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers

Wednesday continued

Exhibit Hall 1st Floor 2nd Floor Lobby Diamond 2nd Floor Emerald 2nd Floor Ruby 2nd Floor Sapphire 2nd Floor Topaz 2nd Floor Governor 3rd Floor ILLINOIS 3rd Floor SANGAMON 3rd Floor SPRINGFIELD 3rd Floor CAPITOL I 3rd Floor CAPITOL II 3rd Floor CAPITOL III 3rd Floor CAPITOL IV 3rd Floor CAPITOL V 3rd Floor CAPITOL VI 3rd Floor LINCOLN BOARD 3rd Floor CAPITOL VIEW 12th Floor WINTERGARDEN 14th Floor

the color blue

8:30 am - 11:30 am Digestion (p.33)..................................................................................................................................... 8:30 am - 11:30 am new products (p.33)............................................................................................................................ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm green infrastructure (p.34).......................................................................................................... 9:00 am - 10:00 am yp toastmasters workshop (p.30)................................................................................................ 9:00 am - 11:00 am backflow committee meeting................................................................................................... 9:00 am - 12:00 pm collections (p.34)............................................................................................................................... 9:00 am - 12:00 pm museum open........................................................................................................................................ 9:10 am - 10:25 am stretch your education............................................................................................................... 10:00 am Fluoride awards - idph booth #67 (p.13)......................................................................................................... 10:00 am logo hunt ends (p.13 & 71)............................................................................................................... 10:30 am - 11:30 am operations (p.35).................................................................................................................................. 10:30 am - 12:00 pm career fair (p.30).................................................................................................................................. 10:30 am - 12:00 pm meters (p.35)........................................................................................................................................... 10:30 am - 12:00 pm yp mock interviews (p.30)................................................................................................................ 11:15 am silent auction bidding ends (p.13)............................................................................................ 11:30 am - 4:30 pm new products (p.35)............................................................................................................................ 11:45 am logo hunt winner drawing (p.13 & 71)................................................................................................ 12:00 pm exhibit hall closes.......................................................................................................................... 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm IWEA Board and Committee Lunch........................................................................................... 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm fuller lunch....................................................................................................................................... 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm tapping team meeting..................................................................................................................... 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm engineering (p.36)............................................................................................................................... 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm mac committee meeting................................................................................................................ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm backflow forum (p.36)...................................................................................................................... 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm outreach committee meeting................................................................................................... Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


the color GREEN

the color blue means... WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means... NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY worth credit hours for engineers

Exhibit Hall 1st Floor 2nd Floor Lobby Diamond 2nd Floor Emerald 2nd Floor Ruby 2nd Floor Sapphire 2nd Floor Topaz 2nd Floor Governor 3rd Floor ILLINOIS 3rd Floor SANGAMON 3rd Floor SPRINGFIELD 3rd Floor CAPITOL I 3rd Floor CAPITOL II 3rd Floor CAPITOL III 3rd Floor CAPITOL IV 3rd Floor CAPITOL V 3rd Floor CAPITOL VI 3rd Floor LINCOLN BOARD 3rd Floor CAPITOL VIEW 12th Floor WINTERGARDEN 14th Floor

the color blue

wednesday continued 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm safety (p.36)............................................................................................................................................. 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm source water committee meeting........................................................................................... 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm water museum pick-up..................................................................................................................... 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm wfp Committee Meeting................................................................................................................ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm biosolids (p.37)..................................................................................................................................... 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm wet weather (p.37).............................................................................................................................. 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm meter madness team meeting..................................................................................................... 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm treatment (p.37)................................................................................................................................... 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm water quality (p.38)............................................................................................................................ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm travel channel (p.38)........................................................................................................................ 4:45 pm - 8:00 pm meter madness competition (p.12)............................................................................................. 4:45 pm - 8:00 pm tapping contest competition (p.12)..........................................................................................

thursday 7:30 am - 9:00 am Awards breakfast/officer installation................................................................................................................... 9:00 am - 12:00 pm regulatory (p.39).................................................................................................................................


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

Illinois Water Environment Association

Please Join Us for the

35th Annual Awards Banquet Monday, March 17, 2014

LOCATION Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum 212 N. 6th St. Springfield, IL 62701

BANQUET AGENDA 6:00-7:00 pm Cocktails 7:00-8:00 pm Dinner 8:00 pm


Monday March 17th - Thursday March 20th Crowne Plaza Hotel, Springfield, IL

Special Offer for the Illinois Lake Management Association Members

Discounted One Day Registration is only $100 with Discount Code LakeMgmt2014

Thank you to the • Your one day Monday registration includes Illinois Management Association the IWEA Lake Lunch and Business Meeting.

Register online at www.isawwa.org/event/WATERCON2014

For• the development the WATERCON2014 Track: After the technical of sessions, stay and visit Management - Watershed Dynamics” - See page 13 for details! “ Lake over 200 exhibitor booths. Watershed Dynamics Session Monday M•ark calendars ! the entire 9:00your am to 12:00 noon. View

pre-conference pdf at www.isawwa.org/

WATERCON Illinois Lake Management Association’s 29th Conference April 10-12, 2014 • Want to attend more than one day? Timber Creek and Discount codeInn is valid for Suites, any one orin Sandwich, IL multiple day registration, equivalent to For More Information Illinois Section: AWWA member rate Room Accommodations Timber Creek Inn and Suites, Illinois Lake Management Association 3300 Drew Avenue, P.O. Box 20655, Springfield IL, 62708 Questions?(access Call 866-521-3595 ext. 3 Sandwich, Illinois, 60548 Tel: 800-338-6976 01) Ph. 630-273-6000 FAX: 815-653-5097 Email: ilma@ilma-lakes.org

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


WATERCON2014 Operator Competitions



Monday, 5:00 pm, Exhibit Hall The TOP OPS challenge tests the everyday knowledge of water treatment plant operators as part of a team in a fun, fast paced Q&A tournament. The winner of the final round will represent the Illinois AWWA at the ACE Conference in Boston, MA in June 2014.


Tuesday, 12:00 pm. 1st Floor Lobby Who has the best-tasting water in Illinois? Come watch as Illinois regional taste-test winners from throughout the State compete for the Best Tasting Water. We will have taste and odor experts discuss the intricacies of delivering great-tasting water. The winner of the state competition will compete at ACE for the Best of the Best.

hydrant hysteria contest Tuesday, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, Exhibit Hall

Join us for this inaugural fast paced competition where you put together a fire hydrant. Similar to Meter Madness, but on a BIGGER scale. The winning team receives a trophy to proclaim their victory. Competitors who sign up ahead of time get a free conference Tuesday registration with Box Lunch at WATERCON.

Tapping Contest

Wednesday, 4:45 pm, Exhibit Hall Tapping Contest is where water utility teams race to open a cementlined, ductile iron pipe and install a tap. The winning team will then compete at the ACE Conference in Boston, MA June 2014.

mETER mADNESS CONTEST Wednesday, 4:45 pm, Exhibit Hall

Meter Madness is a fast paced contest that puts competitors against the clock to assemble a water meter from a bucket of parts. The winner of this competition is eligible to compete at the national level Meter Madness contest during the ACE Conference in Boston, MA in June 2014


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

WATERCON2014 Conference Activities

operator challenge Monday, 3:30 - 4:30 pm, Diamond Room Come to the Operator Challenge and test your knowledge, similar to the “Top Ops” competition, but without the clock and without getting points taken away for a wrong answer. Included will be questions that might be on a certification test. We will ask the question, give the answer and then work through the problem. logo hunt Monday - Wednesday, Exhibit Hall The MAC Committee is sponsoring a logo hunt contest again this year for WATERCON attendees. Pick up your LOGO Hunt form at the Conference Registration Desk. Entrants with the most correct answers will be placed in a drawing to win an IPAD! Contest ends 10:00 am on Wednesday with the winner announced at 11:45 am. Silent auction: water for people

Monday - Wednesday in the Exhibit Hall Consider participating in our Silent Auction event.Your donation will help the Section raise the funds needed to benefit thousands of people in developing countries. Bidding ends on Wednesday at 11:15 am.

stretch your education Tuesday, 10:30-11:45am Exhibit Hall Wednesday, 9:10-10:25 am, Exhibit Hall Get your renewal training credit & professional development hours on the exhibit floor. Travel with a small group of fellow water professionals to different hands-on demonstration of hot topics in the water industry. Visit conference registration desk for details. wastewater challenge Tuesday, 1:00 pm, Exhibit Hall

First ever IWEA Wastewater Challenge which will be a fun but educational experience! Choose from 4 challenges: Laboratory, Maintenance, Safety, and Operations. Laboratory challenge is a low level chlorine analysis. Maintenance is work on a rotary lobe pump. Safety is a confined space entry simulation. Operations is a quiz developed by ERTC.

mission impossible Tuesday, 1:00 - 2:00 pm, Springfield Room

Test your problem solving skills and ability to partner effectively with other water professionals in this unique interactive session. Do you have the technical knowledge, planning and assessment skills to unravel a complex conundrum in a short period of time? Your mission, should you decide to accept it, promises to be interesting and challenging. e Join th YP er g n Scave ge Challen

YP SCAVENGER HUNT Tuesday, 2:30-3:30 pm, Springfield & Exhibit Hall Team up with other students and YP’s to solve a water-based engineering problem. Together you’ll explore the exhibit hall and visit booths that can provide the technical solutions you seek. Texas Hold’em Tuesday, 9:00 pm, Diamond Room

ISAWWA & IWEA are sponsoring a Texas Hold em Tournament to benefit both associations’ scholarship funds.To play, you must have a joker card. Each table sponsor will be given 8 joker cards to distribute to anyone they wish. Look for signs in the exhibit booths of the table sponsors and ask for a joker as your entry ticket for the event.

Fluoridation Awards Wednesday, 10:00 am, IDPH Booth #67 Fluoridation Awards will be given out by the Illinois Department of Public Health on Tuesday at 10:00 am at the IDPH Booth #67 in the 2nd floor lobby.

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Monday, march 17 lake management - watershed dynamics | pipe seminar


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers

LAKE MANAGEMENT - watershed dynamics

sapphire room | water & wastewater | earn up to 2.50 rtc/pdh 9:00 AM

Dredging - IEPA#8091 Peter Berrini, HDR

9:30 AM

Harmful Algal Blooms - IEPA#8092 Gregg Good, IEPA - Break Stream Restoration as Part of Urban Development Planning - IEPA#8093 Bryan Cross, Prairie Engineers

10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM

Phosphorus Loading in Watersheds - IEPA#8094 Kelly Deem, Lake County Health Department

11:30 AM

Stormwater Assessment Pollution Load Model - IEPA#8095 Jeff Boeckler, Northwater Consulting


RUBY room | water & wastewater | earn up to 3.00 RTC/pdh


9:00 AM

Practical Considerations When Selecting and Installing Water Mains and Sanitary Sewers: PVC Pipe - (45 minutes) - IEPA#8048 Steve Cooper, PVC Pipe Association

9:45 AM

Practical Considerations When Selecting and Installing Water Mains and Sanitary Sewers: Plastic Pipe - (45 minutes) - IEPA#8049 Camille Rubeiz, Plastics Pipe Institute

10:30 AM

Practical Considerations When Selecting and Installing Water Mains and Sanitary Sewers: Ductile Iron Pipe - (45 minutes) - IEPA#8050 Paul Hanson, Ductile Iron Pipe Institute

11:15 AM

Practical Considerations When Selecting and Installing Water Mains and Sanitary Sewers: Wrap Up (45 minutes) - IEPA#8054 Larry Thomas, Stanley Consultants

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

Monday, march 17

nutrients | safety - emergency management | laboratories


governor room | WASTEWATER | earn up to 1.50 pdh 10:00 AM

Optimzation of Enhanced Biological Phosphorous Removal Process Using Current Infrastructure at the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant Yvonne Lefler, MWRDGC

10:30 AM

The CaRRB Diet: Centrate Sidestream Treatment Tackles High Ammonia in a Small Package John Fraser, Carollo Engineers

11:00 AM

Evaluation of the Anita-Mox Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Process for Sidestream Deammonification at the Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility, Denver Colorado Meg Hollowed, Clark Dietz, Inc

SAFETY - Emergency Management

ILLINOIS ROOM | water & wastewater | earn up to 2.00 rtc/pdh 10:00 AM

Strategic Overview of Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities - IEPA#7840 Stanley States, TEEX


ILLINOIS room | WastewateR | earn up to 1.50 pdh 2:30 PM

Standard Laboratory Protocols for the Microscopic Analysis of Wastewater Sludge Samples Ashley Elmore, In-Pipe Technology Company, Inc

3:00 PM

Online Nitrite Measurement for Control of Nitrogen Removal Shortcut Processes Robert Smith, YSI, Incorporated

3:30 PM

Ion Specific Electrode Measurement Seminar Peter Poczatek, Thermo Electron Products

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Monday, march 17 disinfection | management | nutrients


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers


SPRINGFIELD room | wastewater | earn up to 2.00 pdh 2:30 PM

Engineering Design Considerations for PAA Disinfection of Wastewater Sarah Stewart, CDM Smith

3:00 PM

Peracetic Acid for Disinfecting Wastewater Effluent Sajana Chitrakar, AECOM

3:30 PM

An Alternative to Conventional Disinfection: Fast Track MBR works for E. coli Removal Tom Ratzki, Black & Veatch

4:00 PM

Baffling Reconfiguration Rescues a 430 MGD Disinfection Contact Basin at the Chicago Calumet Water Reclamation Plant Thomas Lachcik, ARCADIS US Inc


EMERALD room | water & wastewater | earn up to 2.00 rtc/pdh 2:30 PM

Doing More with Less: Optimizing Your Utility for Long Term Success - IEPA#7829 Ryan Nagel, ARCADIS US Inc

3:00 PM

Youth Apprenticeship Programs - A Win-Win for Everyone - IEPA#7844 Scott Thompson, NEW Water

3:30 PM

Alternative Project Delivery for Self-funding Projects - IEPA#7849 Matthew Yonkin, ARCADIS US Inc

4:00 PM

The Emerging Professional Operators - IEPA#7801 Gavin Moore, Association of Boards of Certification


governor room | WASTEWATER | earn up to 2.00 pdh


2:30 PM

Roadmap Toward Energy & Chemical Optimization Through The Use of Mainstream Deammonification at Enhanced Nutrient Removal Facilities Kam Law, AECOM

3:00 PM

Nutrient Removal: How to Achieve NPDES Permit Limits While Maintaining Sustainable Operations Jane Madden, CDM Smith

3:30 PM

Sludge Blanket and Aeration Basin Denitrification for Achieving Low Cost Phosphorus Removal Improvements Leon Downing, Donohue & Associates

4:00 PM

Sustainable Design for Ultra-low Phosphorus: Lessons Learned CJ Strain, P.E., Blue Water Technologies, Inc.

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

Monday, march 17

scada technology | source water | water operator challenge


RUBY room | water & wastewater | earn up to 2.50 RTC/pdh 2:30 PM

Advances In Control Strategies - IEPA#7873 Michael Minkebige, Donohue & Associates

3:00 PM

SCADA Network Hacking Awareness & Prevention - IEPA#7808 Matthew Cowell, Phoenix Contact

3:30 PM

What I learned in 10 years of Deploying Firewalls on Control Systems - IEPA#7812 Michael Firstenberg, Waterfall Security Solutions

4:00 PM

Network, Control, and Information Security - Should you care? - IEPA#7832 Jerry Penick, Rockwell Automation

4:30 PM

Unleash the Full Capabilities of Modern Control System Technologies in the Water Industry IEPA#7837 Thomas Schaefer, Rockwell Automation


SAPPHIRE room | water & wastewater | earn up to 2.50 RTC/pdh 2:30 PM

Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Tool for Sustainable Water Supplies in Illinois - IEPA#7824 John Jansen, Leggette, Brashears & Graham

3:00 PM

Identifying Human Pathogenic Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria from Local Wastewater PostChlorination Effluents Compared to Local Rock River: A Two Year Longitudinal Study - IEPA#7839 Troy Skwor, Rockford University

3:30 PM

Assessing the Health of the Urban Watersheds of Rock Island & Moline, IL (60 minutes) IEPA#8149 Mike Reisner & Jessica Flondro, Augustana College Source Water Award Presentation - IEPA#8158 Robyn Doescher, Illinois Section AWWA Source Water Protection Committee Chair

4:30 PM

Water Operator Challenge

DIAMOND room | POTABLE WATER | earn up to 1.00 RTC/pdh 3:30 PM

Water Operator Challenge (60 minutes) - IEPA#7939 Kyla Jacobsen, City of Elgin

3 See p.1 ils! for deta

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


& Small Systems r o t a er Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Day p O Combined morning track: SAPPHIRE ROOM IEPA Meet the Staff 8:00 - 9:00 am Mike Crumly & Andrea Rhodes, Illinois EPA - Exhibit Hall Break 9:00 - 10:00 am


Sapphire Room Renovation Realities of a Lime Softening Treatment Plant 10:00 - 11:00 am Jeff Freeman, Engineering Enterprises, Inc., Michael Pubentz & Jack Rosenstiel, Village of Montgomery

Small Systems:

Capitol View room Fire Hydrant Operation, Maintenance & Repair 10:00 - 11:15 am Andy Zeaman, Illinois Meter Company

Sampling: How to Sample, What to Avoid 11:15 - 12:00 pm Upgrading a Water Plant from the 60’s to Meet Lori Stenzel, Illinois American Water Today’s New Standards -Break 11:00 - 11:30 am Electronic Submission of Monthly Operating Reports Dennis Ross, Otter Lake Water Commission (eMOR) 1:00 - 1:30 pm City of Freeport: Where did it Start, Where does it End Steve Wilson 11:30 - 12:00 pm Thomas Glendenning, City of Freeport How to Fix a Water Main Break -Break 1:30 - 2:15 pm Never Look A Gift Horse In the Mouth - Unless You Scott Bailey, City of Monticello Want to Make Sure It Is Not A White Elephant 1:00 - 1:30 pm Water Main Repair Products Carolyn Grieves & Harry Harman, Baxter and 2:15 - 3:00 pm Woodman Andy Zeaman, Illinois Meter Company -Break City of Elgin, Airlite Street Water Treatment Plant Bus Trip to Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour 1:30 - 2:30 pm 3:30 - 4:00 pm Eric Weiss & Mike Bourgerie, City of Elgin & Stephen Crede, Burns & McDonnell Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour -Break 4:00 - 5:30 pm How to Renew an Aging Water System 3:00 - 3:30 pm Small Systems Committee Meeting Michael Sturtevant, City of Chicago 5:30 - 6:30 pm This Old (Well) Hours...Converting From Gas to Liquid Chlorine in and Old Well House 3:30 - 4:00 pm Chuck Freeman, Village of Cherry Valley


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

P Poster Compe Y & t den am, Tuesday, March 19, tition u t 20 S 0 10:0


2nd Floor Lobby

Adhesion of Pathogenic Legionella on Copper Surfaces Lance Langer, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Bioremediation Project, Tangxi River, China Youen Lin, Northwestern University Comparing Cytotoxic Aeromonads Populations within the Rock River Compared to the Rockford Wastewater Effluent Sarah Stringer Rockford University Elucidating the Cause of Cytotoxicity among Environmental Bacterial Isolates from the Rock River and Wastewater Effluent Jenilee Johnson Rockford University Inuences of Multivalent Cations and Natural Organic Matter on Inactivation of B. Subtilis Spores by Free Chlorine Mallory Bell, Northwestern University; University of Washington Photodynamic Treatment with Metalloporphyrins Demonstrates Bacteriocidal Effects on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Brianna Schardt Rockford University Potential Human Pathogenic Strains of Aeromonas hydrophila and A. veronii Predominate Amongst Multi-Drug Resistant Aeromonas Isolates from the Rock River and Local Wastewater Reclamation Plant Lauren Hyser Rockford University Retention, Survival and Growth of E. coli and C. jejuni in Mixed-Species Biofilms Under Nutrient-Limited Conditions Alessandro Culotti Northwestern University The Optimization of the City of Moline’s Surface Water Treatment Plant University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Ryninta Anatrya, Anurag Chandak, Li Cui, Hui Xia, Dailei Zhang Use of United States National Sewage Sludge Repository to track the flow and fate of emerging chemicals of concern Arjun Venkatesan Arizona State University Visualizing Groundwater Flow with Pressure Sensitive Paints Kimberly Huynh Northwestern University

2014 Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate



WATERCON2014 Conference Program

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


ld’em Tournam o H s e a Tex 0 pm, Tuesday, March 18, 201 nt 9:0


Texas hold’em diamond ROOM

The Illinois Section American Water Works Association and Illinois Water Environment Association are sponsoring a Texas Hold’em Tournament to benefit both associations’ scholarship funds at WATERCON2014. We are inviting all who are interested to play regardless of your skill level. THERE IS NO COST TO PLAY! Table sponsorships are being sold to help offset costs and generate proceeds for the scholarships. In addition, Water Well Solutions, Inc. has generously offered to be the event sponsor and provide some tap beer and commemorative glasses for the event. Prizes will be awarded for many of the lucky winners (and first out). How do I sign up to play? Each table sponsor will be given 8 jokers to distribute to anyone they wish. Look for signs in the exhibit booths of the table sponsors and ask for a joker as your entry ticket for the event. We are limited to 120 people so be sure to get your joker early before they’re gone. If you have not received a Joker card, we will also have a sign up list at the registration desk you can add your name to. Players with Joker cards will be given first seating and the players on the sign up sheet will be filling open spots starting at 9:10 pm. You must show up by 9:00 pm to play. You will begin the tournament at the sponsor’s table from whom you received your joker. As the evening progresses, tables will be consolidated as necessary to a final championship table. As stated earlier, prizes will be awarded to the 2nd, 3rd and first out players. The Grand Champion will be presented with the WATERCON2014 Texas Hold’em Trophy. Don’t be bashful about playing; it will be a very friendly and enjoyable experience for rookies and experts alike!

2014 22

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

Tuesday, March 18

operator & small systems | operations | energy management

the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY worth credit hours for engineers

operator & small systems

sapphire room | potable water | earn up to 1.00 rtc/PDH 8:00 AM

IEPA Meet the Staff (60 minutes) - IEPA#8170 Mike Crumly & Andrea Rhodes, Illinois EPA

8 See p.1 ils! for deta


ruby room | wastewater | earn up to 2.00 PDH 8:00 AM

Rehabilitating a Wastewater Treatment Plant In Service: The Hillsboro Experience David Cavender, Horner & Shifrin

8:30 AM

Vortex Grit Removal Notes on Design Isaiah LaRue, Smith & Loveless - Break Multi Use Advanced Oxidation Piloting Demonstrates AOP’s Use for Many Applications Kevin Flis, Wedeco, a Xylem Brand

9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM

Filter Upgrade: Improved Performance with an Accelerated Project Timeline at a Lower than Budgeted Cost Thomas Steinke, Bilfinger Water Technologies & Jospeh Renn, City of Napverille

energy management

illinois room | wastewater | earn up to 2.50 pdh 8:00 AM

Energy Neutral Water Resource Recovery Facilities: Results from Recent WERF Research Stephen Tarallo, Black & Veatch

8:30 AM

Overcoming the Barriers of Energy Recovery: Developing WLSSD’s Energy Vision Mike Gerbitz, Donohue & Associates - Break WRP Resilience: Balancing Aeration Demand, Effluent Quality, and Influent Perturbation Junjie Zhu, CAEE Department, Illinois Institute of Technology

9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM

Where is my Payback? Economic Barriers to Biogas Projects Terry Boyer, Clark Dietz, Inc

11:00 AM

Net Zero Energy and the Energy Audit for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Glen Johnson, Greeley and Hansen LLC Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Tuesday, March 18 management


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers


emerald room | water & wastewater | earn up to 6.50 pdh 8:30 AM

Developing Fair and Equitable, Long Term, Wholesale Water Purchase Agreements for 12 Wholesale Water Customers with Lake Michigan Water Allocations - IEPA#7881 Randy Rogers, P.E., BCEE, CDM Smith Inc. & Larry Deetjen, CM, Village of Oak Lawn, IL

9:00 AM

Do You Know You’re an Asset Manager? - IEPA#7884 Paul Schumi, Wachs Water Services

9:30 AM

Contract Formatting Issues for Asset Management Programs for Water Tanks - IEPA#7856 Keith Dixon, Dixon Engineering, Inc. - Break Reinventing the Water Service Application Process - IEPA#7882 Kyle Saunders, City of Rockford & Tonia Howard, City of Rockford

10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM

After 1 Million Valve Assessments: What We Have Learned So Far - IEPA#7883 Paul Schumi, Wachs Water Services

11:30 AM

A Guideline for Planning Effective National Drinking Water Week Activities - IEPA#7853 Lara Biggs & Catherine Hurley, City of Evanston - Break Intro to GIS and GPS for Utilities - IEPA#7836 Tom Rogers, Seiler Instrument

12:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM

Heavy Lifting in GIS: Going Beyond the Map - IEPA#7818 Jonathan Hodel, Cloudpoint Geographics, Inc.

2:00 PM

Contract Operations: Is It Right for You? - IEPA#7800 Ray Ames, Stanley Consultants - Break Public Private Partnerships: Guaranteed Savings Using Performance Contracting - IEPA#7848 Derek Wold, Baxter and Woodman, Inc. & Ermin Arslanagic, Johnson Controls

2:30 PM 3:00 PM


3:30 PM

Condition Assessment: A Foundation for Asset Management - IEPA#7826 David Koch, Black & Veatch

4:00 PM

Evaluating Equipment with the End in Mind - How Do We Get the Equipment We Want? IEPA#7841 Scott Stearns & Dan Small, Strand Associates, Inc

4:30 PM

Review of As Built Data Capture Technologies - IEPA#7835 Andrew Robb, Seiler Instrument

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

tuesday, march 18 water efficiency | watershed management

water efficiency

diamond room | potable water | earn up to 2.50 rtc/pdh 9:00 AM

Water Efficiency Committee Presentation - IEPA#8176 Sarah Hasan, APEX Companies

9:30 AM

Inaugural Water Saver Award Presentation - IEPA#7859 Danielle Gallet, Center for Neighborhood Technology & Kristin Rehg, City of Evanston - Break The AWWA Water Audit: A Simple How to Perform an Audit - IEPA#7890 John Van Arsdel, M.E. Simpson Company, Inc.

10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM

Non Revenue Water Reduction: From Audit to Action - IEPA#7880 Michele Piotrowski, Engineering Enterprises, Inc. & Mike Pubentz, Village of Montgomery

11:30 AM

Water Loss Management: Pulling Together for Sustainable Water Resources, Happy Customers and a Healthy Bottom Line - IEPA#7886 Gary Trachtman, ARCADIS

watershed Management

governor room | water & wastewater | earn up to 6.00 PDH 9:00 AM

Integrated Water Resources Management - Current Options and Approaches for Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Permitting - IEPA#7802 Dan Bounds, CDM Smith & Matt Bardol, Geosyntec

9:30 AM

Storm Water NPDES Permits History and Compliance: Chasing Dirt - IEPA#7807 Charles Corley, IEPA

10:00 AM

Water Quality Standards Update - IEPA#7803 Bob Mosher, IEPA

10:30 AM

TMDL and Nonpoint Source Program Update - IEPA#7805 Amy Walkenbach & Scott Tomkins, IEPA

11:00 AM

Watershed Open Forum Discussion (60 minutes) - IEPA#8168 Steve Zehner, Robinson Engineering, Ltd. - Break DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup Update (60 minutes) - IEPA#8099 Steven McCracken, The Conservation Foundation - Break Fox River Study Group Update - IEPA#8100 Robert Trueblood, Fox River WRD

12:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM

Hickory Creek Watershed Planning Group Update - IEPA#8101 Dale Schepers, Village of Tinley Park

4:00 PM

Kaskaskia Watershed Association Update - IEPA#8102 Steve Jurgens, Kaskaskia Watershed Association

4:30 PM

Cache River Watershed Group - IEPA#8103 Keith Livesay, Union County S&WCD Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Tuesday, March 18 small systems | operator


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers

small systems

capitol view room | water & wastewater | earn up to 4.00 rtc/pdh 10:00 AM

Fire Hydrant Operation, Maintenance & Repair (75 minutes) - IEPA#8147 Andy Zeaman, Illinois Meter Company

11:15 AM

Sampling: How to Sample, What to Avoid (45 minutes) - IEPA#8173 Lori Stenzel, Illinois American Water - Break -

12:00 pm 1:00 PM

Electronic Submission of Monthly Operating Reports (eMOR) (30 minutes) - IEPA#7897 Steve Wilson, Illinois State Water Survey

1:30 PM

How to Fix a Water Main Break (45 minutes) - IEPA#8159 Scott Bailey, City of Monticello

2:15 PM

Water Main Repair Products (45 minutes) - IEPA#8148 Andy Zeaman, Illinois Meter Company

8 See p.1 ils! for deta


sapphire room | potable water | earn up to 4.50 rtc/PDH 10:00 AM

Renovation Realities of a Lime Softening Treatment Plant (60 minutes) - IEPA#8090 Jeff Freeman, Engineering Enterprises, Inc., Michael Pubentz & Jack Rosenstiel, Village of Montgomery

11:00 AM

Upgrading A Water Plant From the 60’s To Meet Today’s New Standards (30 minutes) - IEPA#8081 Dennis Ross, Otter Lake Water Commission

11:30 AM

City of Freeport: Where did it Start, Where does it End (30 minutes) - IEPA#8082 Thomas Glendenning, City of Freeport - Break Never Look A Gift Horse In the Mouth - Unless You Want to Make Sure It Is Not A White Elephant (30 minutes) - IEPA#8058 Carolyn Grieves & Harry Harman, Baxter and Woodman

12:00 PM 1:00 PM

1:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM


City of Elgin, Airlite Street Water Treatment Plant (60 minutes) - IEPA#8085 Eric Weiss & Mike Bourgerie, City of Elgin & Stephen Crede, Burns & McDonnell - Break How to Renew an Aging Water System (30 minutes) - IEPA#7918 Michael Sturtevant, City of Chicago This Old (Well) House...Converting from Gas to Liquid (30 minutes) - IEPA#8199 Chuck Freeman, Village of Cherry Valley

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

tuesday, march 18 mission impossible | energy case studies

mission impossible

springfield room | water & wastewater | earn up to 1.00 rtc/pdh 1:00 PM

Mission Impossible (60 minutes) - IEPA#7938 Greg Swanson, City of Moline

0 See p.2 ils! for deta

energy case studies

illinois room | wastewater | earn up to 2.50 pdh 1:00 PM

Moving Toward Net Zero Energy at Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Feasibility, Practice and Case Studies Scott Stearns, Strand Associates, Inc & Dan Small, Strand Associates, Inc

1:30 PM

Get It While Its Hot: Sewage Heat Recovery Technology Assessment Michael Harvey, ARCADIS US Inc

2:00 PM

Efficient Design of High Efficiency Blowers: Dynamic Modeling and Control Strategies to Reduce Costs Eric Cockerill & Kendra Sveum, Donohue & Associates - Break Optimizing Digester Gas Usage at the Benton Harbor: St. Joseph, Michigan Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant Robert Kulchawik, AECOM

2:30 PM 3:00 PM

3:30 PM

The Search for Energy Savings: Optimization of Existing and New Pumping Systems Vincent Hart & Len Rago, Carollo Engineers

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Tuesday, March 18 engineering | engineering


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers


diamond room | potable water | earn up to 3.50 rtc/pdh 1:00 PM

Revitalizing the CLCJAWA Water Pumping and Transmission System - IEPA#7891 Preston VanDeusen, CDM Smith

1:30 PM

From Initial Thoughts to a Completed Building: Springfield Avenue Pump Station - IEPA#7865 Steven Hall, AECOM

2:00 PM

Using a DAF System to Overcome Hydraulic Overloading Problems of Conventional Sedimentation Facilities - IEPA#7895 Robert Wiley, Leopold, a Xylem brand - Break From Zero to Bid in 90 Days: Fast Track Design of a New Water Treatment Plant for Bay County, MI - IEPA#7894 Mark White, CDM Smith

2:30 PM 3:00 PM

3:30 PM

Construction and Start Up of Gilberts Barium/Radium Pre Treatment System - IEPA#7866 Harry Harman, Baxter & Woodman, Inc.

4:00 PM

Life Extension Program for Sewage Lift Stations (water & wastewater) - IEPA#7811 Jim Dooley, Corrpro Companies, Inc.

4:30 PM

Developing a Water or Wastewater Treatment Plant Coating Maintenance Program (water & wastewater) - IEPA#7941 Jim Orr, Dixon Engineering, Inc.


ruby room | wastewater | earn up to 2.00 pdh 1:30 PM

Maximizing your Odor Control Resources: Optimizing Granular Activated Carbon for Odor Control to be a Good Neighbor Andy Martin, Greeley and Hansen

2:00 PM

Submersible Pump Design and Selection Considerations Mike Schizzano, Metropolitan Industries & Ken Turnquist - Break Incorporating the Triple Bottom Line (Sustainability) to a WWTP Improvement/Relocation Brent Perz & Carl Fischer, Baxter and Woodman

2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM


Building the Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Future Christy Crites, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

Tuesday, March 18

March 17-20, 2014

engineering | scavenger hunt


off site | wastewater | earn up to 1.50 pdh 4:00 PM

Meet at the bus outside the hotel at 3:45pm

Springfield Sanitary Metro Tour (90 minutes) Cristy Crites, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.

scavenger hunt

springfield room & exhibit hall | water & wastewater | earn up to 1.00 rtc/pdh 2:30 PM

Scavenger Hunt (60 minutes) - IEPA#7937 Greg Swanson, City of Moline & Amrou Atassi, CDM Smith

1 See p.2 ils! for deta

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Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Professionals Da g n u y Yo day, March 19 es Wedn

, 2014

Come One, Come All! Sponsored by the YP Committee

Develop Your Own Personal Strategy YP and Student Breakfast Workshop

8:00 – 9:00 am in the Governor Room Laurie Dougherty CAE, Illinois Section AWWA Executive Director Fuel up for the day and spend some more time getting to know students and young professionals you met at the activities the day before. Participate in workshop to help you develop your own personal life strategy.

Toastmasters Workshop

9:00 - 10:00 am in the Governor Room Capital City Toastmasters Looking to develop speaking and leadership skills? Ace a job interview? Ignite your career? Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Their speaker will teach public speaking and presentation skills in this interactive workshop.

Career Fair

10:30 am - 12:00 pm Capitol III, Capitol IV, Capitol V Rooms Several companies and water/wastewater utilities will be represented at the career fair. Submit your resume and learn more about what water industry employers look for in new hires. Career Fair Companies Participating: American Water Company Badger Meter City of Highland Park Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Swan Analytical USA

Mock Interviews

10:30 - 12:00 pm Mock Interviews: Governor Room Concurrent with the career fair, experienced water industry employers will be holding mock interviews to give you a better idea of what to expect while job hunting.

Fuller Lunch

12:00 - 2:00 pm in the Diamond Room Special Young Professional tables will be reserved. 30

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

wednesday, March 19 security | treatment | distribution

the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY worth credit hours for engineers


emerald room | water & wastewater | earn up to 2.00 rtc/PDH 8:00 AM 8:30 AM

Creating Resilience in Water and Wastewater Utilities - IEPA#7842 Michael Steinle, ARCADIS Understanding your Water/Wastewater Facility Storm Preparedness: An Electrical System Focus - IEPA#7816 Brian Goldman & Kadijah Latiff, Greeley and Hansen

9:00 AM

Standby Power: Considerations for both Large and Small Services - IEPA#7846 Brian Westendorf, AECOM

9:30 AM

Water and Wastewater System Security: A Technical Analysis - IEPA#7833 Tom Powell, Greeley and Hansen LLC


diamond room | potable water | earn up to 2.00 RTC/PDH 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM

9:30 AM

Improving Water Quality, Reducing Chemicals and Residuals, and Increasing Capacity Using a Magnetic Ion Exchange - IEPA#7878 Monica Pazahanick, Carollo Engineers, Inc. Let The Bugs Do It: Biotta, An Innovative Biological Water Treatment Solution - IEPA#7860 Thomas Gillogly, PE, PhD, Carollo Engineers, Inc. Got Bugs: An Overview of the Design and Regulatory Issues Associated with the First Biological Filter for Groundwater in Wisconsin - IEPA#7862 Jerry Groth, Baxter & Woodman UV in Romeoville: The Journey Continues - IEPA#7889 Chris Ulm, Strand Associates, Inc.


ruby room | potable water | earn up to 3.50 rtc/pdh 8:00 AM

Distribution Maintenance: A Project Management Approach - IEPA#7869 Aaron Horbovetz, M.E. Simpson Company, Inc.

8:30 AM

Distribution System Renewal for Kansas City, MO - IEPA#7885 Paul Schumi, Wachs Water Services

9:00 AM

Essential Operations for a Reliable Water Distribution System - IEPA#7872 Owen Keenan, ME Simpson Company

9:30 AM

Hydraulic Modeling and Implementation of a Water Main Flushing Program - IEPA#8059 Theresa O’Grady, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. & Rick Munson, City of Aurora - Break Maintaining and Boosting Chlorine Residuals in a Multizone Water System - IEPA#7864 Brian Hackman, P.E., Strand Associates, Inc.

10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM

Analyzing System Performance Issues through Field Testing - IEPA#7857 Steve Kochaniec, Flowserve

11:30 AM

AWWA Tank Standards 101: What They Are and What They Are Not - IEPA#7887 Penni Snodgrass, Tank Industry Consultants Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


wednesday, march 19 engineering | science fair


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers


illinois room | potable water | earn up to 3.50 rtc/PDH 8:00 AM

Antennas & Water Towers: Why or Why Not? - IEPA#7867 Joe Hoban, Dixon Engineering, Inc.

8:30 AM

Challenges of a New Transmission Main for an Alternate Water Supply - IEPA#7961 Paul Moyano, MWH Americas, Inc

9:00 AM

Metal Versus Elastomer Seated Valve in Wastewater and Potable Water Systems - IEPA#7871 Roger Johnson, American R/D

9:30 AM

Distributed Control System (DCS) Implementation at the Springfield Water Purification Plant - IEPA#7893 Michael Watkins, CDM Smith - Break -

10:00 AM 10:30 AM

Village of Matteson Raises High Water Line by 19’ on an Existing Tank and Educates the Community on the Importance of Public Works - IEPA#7874 Thomas Nagle, Robinson Engineering, Ltd. & Bart Gilliam, Village of Matteson

11:00 AM

Energy Efficiencies with Active Front End in Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drives - IEPA#7960 Jeffery Mills, Rockwell Automation

11:30 AM

Power Reliability Practices In the Water and Wastewater Industry - IEPA#7852 Jay Bielanski, Greeley and Hansen LLC

science fair

sapphire room | potable water | earn up to 1.50 rtc/PDH


8:30 AM

What’s in Your Water? - IEPA#7879 Cameron Pedersen, St Mary School

9:00 AM

Building an Efficient Egg Based Antibacterial Water Filter - IEPA#7863 Anna Gupta & David Lisk , Illinois Math & Science Academy

9:30 AM

Got Clean Water? - IEPA#7861 Annelise Goldman, Science & Arts Academy

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

wednesday, March 19 digestion | new products


capitol VI room | wastewater | earn up to 2.50 pdh 8:30 AM

Improved Biosolids Stabilization Utilizing Temperature Phased Anaerobic Digestion Amy Underwood, Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc.

9:00 AM

Primary Sludge Gravity Thickening Facilities at the MWRDGC Stickney Water Reclamation Plant Barry Klepp & Maria Winegar, AECOM

9:30 AM

Primary Digester Complex Improvements, Sanitary District of Decatur Joseph Pisula, Donohue & Associates, Inc. - Break Oxygen Transfer: How to Get the Most Out of Your Aerobic Digesters Scott Trotter & Jillian Goodlove ,Trotter & Associates, Inc

10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM

What You Don’t See is What You Get: Rehabilitating Anaerobic Digesters Andrew Hess & James McCleish, Horner & Shifrin

new products

springfield room | water & wastewater | earn up to 2.50 rtc/PDH 8:30 AM

Algae in Your Troughs, Spillways, and Pipelines is not a Growth Opportunity! - IEPA#7823 Jim Allen, The Sherwin-Williams Company

9:00 AM

Optimization of Water Treatment Plant Operations Using Computer Models - IEPA#7898 Alex Yavich, Optimization Solutions Environmental, LLC

9:30 AM

Swan Turbiwell Case Study - IEPA#7888 Randy Turner, Swan Analytical USA - Break Control Valves with Magnetic Flow Meter Option - IEPA#7855 Wes Caudle, Singer Valve

10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM

CoMag Pilot Experience in WI for Ultra-low Phosphorus Removal: Case Study & Performance Results - IEPA#7876 Sergio Pino-Jelcic, Evoqua Water Technologies

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


wednesday, march 19 green infrastructure | collections


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers

green infrastructure

sangamon room | water & wastewater | earn up to 3.00 rtc/PDH 8:30 AM

Understanding Sustainability Standards for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants - IEPA#7822 Glen Johnson, Greeley and Hansen LLC

9:00 AM

Unique Approach to Regional Green Infrastructure Planning - IEPA#7845 Mike Waldron, Strand Associates, Inc.

9:30 AM

Successful Green Infrastructure Planning: A Micro Scale Modeling & Field Investigation Approach IEPA#7814 Hazem Gheith & Hunter Kelly, ARCADIS - Break Golf + Road Construction + TMDL = Water Re-Use Project - IEPA#7830 Bridget Osborn, HR Green

10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM

Combining Wastewater Treatment with Community Involvement - IEPA#7820 Meg Hollowed, Clark Dietz, Inc

11:30 AM

Stormwater Management with Groundwater Recharge - IEPA#7810 Chris Dagiantis & Joel Koenig, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.


capitol II room | wastewater | earn up to 2.50 PDH 9:00 AM

The Price of a Dry Basement: The Cost Benefit Justification for a Sanitary Sewer Backup Reduction Program Vinnie Bergl, RJN Group

9:30 AM

Odor and Corrosion Issues in Wastewater Collection Systems: Solving Both by Ventilation: Case Study: Upper Des Plaines Pumping Station Louis Storino, MWRDGC - Break Pipe Bursting Sewer Mains: Proper Planning Promotes Success Timothy Sumner & Henry Schmitz, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.

10:00 AM 10:30 AM


11:00 AM

No Dig Manhole Rehabilitation Knowledge Gaps Firat Sever, Structurepoint, Inc

11:30 AM

Crossing the Line: Secrets to a Successful Private side Lateral Rehab Program Jim Shelton, ARCADIS US Inc

WATERCON2014 Conference Program


March 17-20, 2014

wednesday, march 19 operations |

Meters | new products


capitol view room | potable water | earn up to 1.00 rtc/PDH 10:30 AM

Maintenance and Care of Plant Control Valves - Hands On Workshop (60 minutes) - IEPA#7877 Jim Ozimek, RMS Utility Services


emerald room | potable water | earn up to 1.50 rtc/PDH 10:30 AM

Three Simple Stages to AMI: Advanced Metering Infrastructure - IEPA#7851 William Baumann, Metrics AMI Consulting Group, Inc

11:00 AM

Understanding RF Propogation of AMR/AMI systems - IEPA#7870 Tina Odum, Badger Meter, Inc

11:30 AM

Going Beyond the Meter: Expanding Traditional Data Collection Methodology to Increase Revenues - IEPA#7899 Gary Ziegler, Itron

new products

springfield room | wastewater | earn up to 4.00 PDH 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM

High Solids Cake Produced by Advanced High Performance Screw Press Tom Welch, Schwing Bioset & Nathan Davis, Crawford Murphy & Tilly, Inc. - Break Continuous Rotating Belt Filtration for Primary Treatment and CSO CJ Strain, P.E., Blue Water Technologies, Inc.

1:30 PM

Hydrogen Sulfide Control in Municipal Wastewater Collection Systems Bruce Wilbee, Evoqua Water Technologies

2:00 PM

Acoustic Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines to Prioritize Cleaning Operations Alex Churchill, InfoSense, Inc.

2:30 PM

Successful Pilot of MicroC 2000TM as Substrate for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal at Two ENR WWTPs Bradley Hice, Environmental Operating Solutions Inc.

3:00 PM

Improved Nutrient Removal Efficiency During Cold Water Temperatures Bulbul Ahmed, In-Pipe Technology Company

3:30 PM

Evaluating Different Blower Technologies on a Wire to Air Basis Andrew Van Winkle, Houston Service Industries, Inc.

4:00 PM

Digestivore: Killing Four Birds With One Stone Bryen Woo, Ovivo USA, LLC Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


wednesday, March 19 engineering | backflow forum | safety


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers


ruby room | water & wastewater | earn up to 3.00 rtc/PDH 1:30 PM

Phase Converters: Still Playing a Role in Water and Wastewater Systems - IEPA#7815 Thomas Giordano, Ronk Electrical Industries Inc.

2:00 PM

Pipeline Condition Assessment: Calculating Remaining Structural Integrity Using Non Intrusive Technologies - IEPA#7834 Jeff Rice, Echologics LLC

2:30 PM

Corrosion Control: Cathodic Protection - IEPA#7827 Herbert Koch, Cathodic Protection Mgmt

3:00 PM

GIS Databases for Creating Hydraulic Models: Is Your Database Good Enough? - IEPA#7821 Hillary Holmes & Paul Moyano, MWH

3:30 PM

Building Information Modeling and the Water Industry - IEPA#7838 Sergio Sierra, Greeley and Hansen

4:00 PM

Owner Developed and Supplied Master Specifications: Benefits and Lessons Learned - IEPA#7902 Aaron Hutton, ARCADIS-US & Michael Kiester, City of Fort Wayne

backflow forum

sangamon room | water & wastewater | earn up to 1.00 rtc/PDH 2:00 PM

Backflow Never Happens Here (60 minutes) - IEPA#7944 Tom Weathers, Village of Glencoe & Dan Eisenhauer, Backflow Solutions


emerald room | water & wastewater | earn up to 1.00 rtc/PDH


2:00 PM

Confined Space Entry: Do’s and Don’ts - IEPA#7806 Jennifer Coon, Tank Industry Consultants

2:30 PM

Arc Flash Hazard Mitigation: An MCES Case Study - IEPA#7831 Cora Pauli & David Tucker, CDM Smith

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

Wednesday, march 19 biosolids | wet weather | treatment


capitol II room | wastewater | earn up to 2.00 PDH 2:00 PM

Environmental Performance of Solids Treatment in Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study in St. Louis Missouri, US Isam Alyaseri, SIUE

2:30 PM

What Can Solids Do for You: Shifting towards Solids as an Energy Resource Eric Auerbach, ARCADIS US Inc & Thomas Kunetz, MWRD

3:00 PM

Bio-P, Digestion & Dewatering: Unexpected Consequences? Leon Downing, Donohue & Associates

3:30 PM

50 Shades of Sludge: Evaluation of Solids Disposal at Henderson, Kentucky Andrea Bretl, Clark Dietz, Inc.

wet weather

illinois room | wastewater | earn up to 2.50 PDH 2:00 PM

Indianapolis Deep Tunnel and Dewatering Pump Station for CSO Control Thomas Weber, AECOM

2:30 PM

Big City Wet Weather Treatment in a Small Town in Illinois: The Rock Island Story Brian Till, Symbiont Science Engineering and Construction

3:00 PM

Real Time Data Results in Real Cost Savings: The City of Lorain, OH Real Time SSO Monitoring System Gunilla Goulding, ARCADIS US Inc

3:30 PM

Quantification of BOD5 Removals via Biological Contact Reactor and Ballasted Clarification System for Wet Weather Wastewater Treatment Matt Cotton, Kruger, Inc.

4:00 PM

Fourteen Years of an Enhanced Native Clay Wet Weather Retention Facility Roger Linde, Greeley and Hansen & John McDonnell, Thorn Creek Basin Sanitary District


diamond room | potable water | earn up to 1.50 RTC/PDH 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM

Upgrade Your Lime Softening Plant with Reverse Osmosis - IEPA#7858 Benjamin Finnegan, CDM Smith On Site Hypochlorite Generation: A Safe, Sound, Clean & Green Disinfection Option - IEPA#7854 Brian Branch, Process Solutions, Inc. Reducing the Cost of DBP Precursor Removal with Ballasted Flocculation & PAC Recycle - IEPA#7892 Blake Warner, Kruger Inc. Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


wednesday, march 19 water quality | travel channel


the color blue means...WORTH credit hours for water operators AND WORTH credit hours for engineers the color GREEN means...NOT worth credit hours for water operators ONLY WORTH credit hours for engineers

water quality

sapphire room | potable water | earn up to 1.50 rtc/PDH 3:00 PM

The Impact of Drinking Water Lead Levels on Chicago Children - IEPA#7868 Andrea Holthouse Putz, City of Chicago Department of Water Management

3:30 PM

Lead and Copper Corrosion Assessment Without Homeowner Intrusion - IEPA#7850 Amrou Atassi, CDM Smith

4:00 PM

THM Control Following Rainfall Using Online THM Monitors - IEPA#7896 Tom Williams, Enebio Ltd

Travel Channel

Emerald room | water & wastewater | earn up to 1.00 rtc/PDH 3:30 PM 4:00 PM


A History of Water Purification: Three People That Every Water Professional Should Know About IEPA#7817 Michelle Harrod, Midwest Water Group Benefits & Costs Of Student Oriented International Engineering Projects - IEPA#7847 Ann-Perry Witmer, Foth Infrastructure & Environment & Keilin Deahl, University of Illinois

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

March 17-20, 2014

thursday, march 20 regulatory


emerald room | potable water | earn up to 3.00 rtc/PDH 9:00 AM

Illinois State Water Survey, Water Supply Planning Initiative (30 minutes) - IEPA#8172 Steve Wilson, Illinois State Water Survey

9:30 AM

U.S. EPA Regulatory Update (60 minutes) - IEPA#8171 Miguel Del Toral, U.S. EPA Region 5

10:30 AM

Legislative Update & Water Utility Council Report (30 minutes) - IEPA#8157 Maureen Mulhall & Terry Steczo, Government Strategy Associates & Gerald Bever, WUC Council

11:00 AM

Illinois Clean Water Initiative & IEPA Regulatory Update (60 minutes) - IEPA#8156 Marcia Willhite, Illinois EPA


axter & Woodman is an industry leader in all areas of water supply, treatment, storage,

distribution, planning and conservation.

Serving clients throughout the Midwest 815.459.1260 • baxterwoodman.com

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Be sure to catch CDM Smith experts on these topics during WATERCON: Lead and Copper Corrosion Assessment Integrated Water Resources Management Lime Softening Plant Reverse Osmosis Upgrades Nutrient Removal Arc Flash Hazard Mitigation PAA Disinfection of Wastewater Revitalizing Water Pumping and Transmission Systems Distributed Control System (DCS) Implementation Fast Track Design of Water Treatment Plants Developing Fair and Equitable Wholesale Water Purchase Agreements Chicago • Carbondale • Lisle • Springfield


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

Water Environment Transportation Energy Facilities

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate



WATERCON2014 Conference Program

For such a simple substance, it poses many complex challenges. At ARCADIS, we share a single purpose: to improve the environments and lives we touch. A lofty goal, but one we deliver on every day. From source to tap, and then back to the environment, we are driven to create innovative, balanced solutions that provide safe and adequate water supplies to help communities and industry thrive.

Together we can do a world of good.

Chicago Hoffman Estates

Imagine the result www.arcadis-us.com

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Thank You To Our watercon2014 contest sponsors! Contest schedule TOP OPS Monday, March 17 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm 1st Floor Lobby

nt Hysteria Hydra

hydrant hysteria Tuesday, March 18 from 1:00 - 4:00pm Exhibit Hall

pipe tapping Wednesday, March 19 at 4:45 pm Exhibit Hall

meter madness Wednesday, March 19 at 4:45 pm Exhibit Hall

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Spons ors

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WATERCON2014 Conference Program

RCON2014 WATnE ess Contest

Spons ors

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Meter Madness

CON2014 WATER ontest Sp

gC Tappin


Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


exhibit hall layout


main floor



2:00 pm.................. Grand Opening of the Festival of Exhibits LOGO Hunt Begins Pot of Gold - NEW!!! Silent Auction Begins Wandering Magician

9:00 am....................... Exhibit Hall Opens for Day 2 Silent Auction Continues LOGO Hunt Continues

5:00 pm.................. Top Ops Meet & Greet WFP 50-50 Raffle: Half of the money collected goes to Water for People and the other half to the winner


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

10:30 am..................... Minute to Win it - NEW!!! 12:00 pm.................... Water Taste Test (1st Floor Lobby) Box Lunch 1:00 pm...................... Hydrant Hysteria Competition Operators Challenge -NEW!!! 2:30 pm...................... Scavenger Hunt 5:00 pm...................... Meet and Greet Water for People 50-50 Raffle: Half of the money goes to Water for People and the other half goes to the winner

March 17-20, 2014 Wednesday 8:00 am............... Exhibit Hall Opens Silent Auction Continues LOGO Hunt Continues 10:00 am............. Entries due for LOGO Hunt at Conference Registration Desk 11:15 am............. Silent Auction Bidding Ends 11:45 am............. Drawing for the Grand Prize Winner of the LOGO Hunt

exhibit hall layout main floor

12:00 pm............ Exhibit Hall Closes 4:45 pm.............. Tapping Contest: Utilities compete to see who can tap a pressurized pipe and connect a service to a meter yoke Meter Madness: Competitors get a bucket of meter parts and race the clock to see who can assemble the meter first Water for People 50-50 Raffle: Half of the money goes to Water for People and half goes to the winner

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


exhibit hall layout


main floor lobby

Sales Office Restrooms

Registration 1


2 Plaza Level SCHULTE SUPPLY Main Entrance











WATERCON2014 Conference Program



Greeter Table







March 17-20, 2014

exhibit hall layout 2nd floor lobby

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


2014 exhibitors 3m - isawwa backflow & t-con committees



3M.............................................................. 58 Aclara.......................................................... 1109 Adaptor, Inc................................................ 704 ADS Environmental.................................... 221 Air Diffusion Systems.................................. 62 All Service Contracting Corp...................... 411 American Flow Control............................... 1016 American Public Works Association............ 56 APEX Pumping Solutions........................... 303, 304 Applied Technologies, Inc........................... 501 Aqua Backflow............................................ 905 Associated Technical Services Ltd................ 114 Association of Boards of Certification.......... 207 AY McDonald............................................. 1018 Backflow Solutions...................................... 204 Badger Meter............................................... 606 BakerCorp................................................... 7 Baxter & Woodman.................................... 115, 116 Brenntag Mid-South................................... 57 Brooks & Associates.................................... 234 Burns & McDonnell................................... 703 Cady Aquastore........................................... 911 Caldwell Tanks............................................ 61 Cardinal Pump............................................ 6 Carus Corporation...................................... 500 Cascade Waterworks.................................... 215 Cathodic Protection Management............... 220 CB & I, Inc................................................. 707, 708 Clark Dietz................................................. 300 Cla-Val Company........................................ 711 Cloudpoint Geographics............................. 914 Clow Valve Company.................................. 231 Coe Equipment........................................... 1104 Control Plus, Inc......................................... 209 Corrpro....................................................... 232 Covalen....................................................... 117 Crawford, Murphy & Tilly.......................... 510 DIPRA........................................................ 1005 Dixon Engineering...................................... 1019, 1020 DN Tanks................................................... 503 Doonan Environmental LLC...................... 109, 110 Dorner Company........................................ 1107 Drydon Equipment Inc............................... 48, 509 Duke’s Root Control................................... 1106 Eaton Mechanical Sales............................... 802 50

WATERCON2014 Conference Program




Edenbros..................................................... 1101 EH Wachs................................................... 401, 402 EJ................................................................ 1007 Enviroscience, Inc....................................... 702 Energenecs, Inc........................................... 603, 604, 605 Engineering Enterprises............................... 710 Environmental Operating Solutions, Inc..... 223 Environmental Resources Training Center...... 225 Pumping Solutions...................................... 10 Farnsworth Group....................................... 407 Ferguson Waterworks.................................. 1017 Fer-Pal Construction................................... 96 Fischer Harris & Associates......................... 506 Flo Systems, Inc.......................................... 99, 200, 201 Flolo Corporation....................................... 1011, 1012 Flow-Technics, Inc...................................... 1008, 1009 Ford Meter Box Company........................... 713 Foremost Industrial Tech............................. 46 Gasvoda & Associates.................................. 100 - 106 Giant Maintenance and Restoration, Inc..... 1015 Grundfos..................................................... 1002, 1003 Hawkins, Inc............................................... 202 Heartland Controls..................................... 217 HMG Engineers.......................................... 804 Hobas Pipe USA......................................... 54 Hoerr Construction..................................... 1105 Horner & Shifrin, Inc................................. 508 HR Green................................................... 601 Hydrant Hysteria Competition................... 1, 2 Hydro-Aire.................................................. 705 Hydro-Kinetics Corp.................................. 119 IDEXX Laboratories................................... 408 IEPA - Drinking Water............................... 66 IEPA - Groundwater................................... 65 IEPA - Pollution.......................................... 68 Illinois American Water............................... 122 Illinois Department of Public Health.......... 67 Illinois Electric Works................................. 216 Illinois Public Service Institute.................... 55 Illinois Rural Water Association................... 51 Illinois State Water Survey........................... 40 Indelco Plastics............................................ 8 Induron Protective Coatings........................ 212 Industrial Network Systems......................... 43 ISAWWA Backflow & TCON Committees.49

2014 exhibitors

March 17-20, 2014

isawwa education & water efficiency - xylem





ISAWWA Education & Water Efficiency.... ISAWWA Membership & Total Water Committee ISAWWA Safety Committee & ILWARN.. ISAWWA Water Distribution Committee.. ISCO Industries......................................... IWEA........................................................ JCM Industries.......................................... Jim Jolly Sales............................................. JM Process Systems.................................... Johnson Controls....................................... Kamp Synergy............................................ Kupferle Foundry....................................... LAI, Ltd..................................................... Lake Management...................................... Layne Christensen...................................... Lee Jensen Sales.......................................... LoPrest Water Treatment Company............ M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.............................. Marshall-Bond Pumps................................ Master Meter.............................................. McGard..................................................... McHenry Analytical................................... McMahon Associates.................................. Memeco Sales............................................. Merrell Bros............................................... Meter Madness Competition...................... Metropolitan Industries.............................. Midwest Water Group................................ Mississippi Lime......................................... Molycorp................................................... Mueller Company...................................... Mueller Systems......................................... Municipal Equipment Company................ Municipal Well & Pump............................ National Wash Authority............................ Neptune Technology Group....................... Northern Filter Media................................ Panner Company....................................... PDC Laboratories...................................... Peerless Midwest........................................ Peterson and Matz, Inc............................... Phoenix Fabricators.................................... Poster Display and Judging......................... Prairie Analytical........................................ Preload, Inc................................................

42 63 711A 11 706 60 210 233 917 45 409 915, 916 111-113 59 504 910 1108 1013, 1014 700 901 909 602 224 120 403 50 400 1021, 1023 410 230 211 226 608-610 600 900 701 214 908 607 95 107, 108, 505 64 52, 53 302 709

Pro-Dive...................................................... Progress Environmental............................... Pure Technologies........................................ RE Pedrotti................................................. Red Flint Sand & Gravel............................. RJN Group, Inc.......................................... Rockwell Automation.................................. Ronk Electrical............................................ Rotork Controls.......................................... Schulte Supply............................................ Seiler Instrument......................................... Sensus USA................................................. Sherwin-Williams Company........................ Shive-Hattery.............................................. Evoqua........................................................ Singer Valve................................................. Smith Ecological......................................... Spectrum Contracting................................. Stanley Consultants..................................... Stanley Hydraulic Tools............................... Stewart Spreading........................................ Suburban Laboratories................................ Swan Analytical........................................... Swanson Flo................................................ Symbiont.................................................... Tank Industry Consultants.......................... Test, Inc...................................................... Tnemec /Taylor Coating............................. Trotter & Associates.................................... Trumbull Industries..................................... Underground Solutions............................... Underwriters Labs....................................... United Systems & Software......................... Utility Service Company............................. Val-Matic Valve & Mfg Corp...................... Visu-Sewer of Illinois.................................. Wachs Water Services.................................. Water Products Company........................... Water Remediation Technology................... Water Solutions Unlimited.......................... Water Well Solutions................................... Westfall Company....................................... Wilson Bohannan Padlock Company.......... Woolpert..................................................... Xylem..........................................................

5 1103 219 1006 118 611 1102 904 47 4 213 511 1010 44 123 913 228, 229 9 406 903 305 502 1024 218 906 712 97 507 1000, 1001 3 121 803 41 405 203 1004 222 912 301 208 404 227 902 907 205, 206

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


Illinois Section AWWA Directory Board & Trustees: 2013 - 2014

Chair...................................................... John Van Arsdel

COMMITTEE CHAIRS: 2013 - 2014 ACE2016............................................... Terry McGhee

Chair Elect............................................. Theresa O’Grady

Awards................................................... Terry McGhee

Vice Chair.............................................. Greg Swanson

Backflow ............................................... Mike Eisenhauer

Secretary-Treasurer................................. Chad Laucamp

By Laws.................................................. Angela Podesta

Past Chair............................................... Kevin Lookis

Education............................................... Jeff Freeman

AWWA Director.................................... Kyla Jacobsen

Exhibit Hall........................................... Terry Locke

Executive Director.................................. Laurie Dougherty

Finance.................................................. Michael Winegard

Trustee at Large...................................... Chris Ulm

Fuller Award 2013.................................. John Donahue

District 1 Trustee ................................... Ashley Bernard

Greeter................................................... Len Rago

District 2 Trustee ................................... Don Jensen

History................................................... Ken Ficek

District 2 Trustee ................................... Andrea Putz

Illinois Public Service Institute............... Steve Page

District 3 Trustee ................................... Ray Weller

ILWARN................................................ Jim Strutz

District 4 Trustee ................................... Lori Stenzel

MAC...................................................... Terry Locke

District 5 Trustee ................................... Larry Coloni

Membership........................................... Randy Lusk

Welcome new officers: 2014-2015

Chair...................................................... *Theresa O’Grady Chair Elect............................................. *Greg Swanson Vice Chair.............................................. *Ted Meckes Secretary-Treasurer................................. *Chad Laucamp Past Chair............................................... *John Van Arsdel AWWA Director.................................... *Terry McGhee (June 2014) Executive Director.................................. Laurie Dougherty Trustee at Large...................................... Chris Ulm District 1 Trustee ................................... Ashley Bernard District 2 Trustee ................................... Don Jensen District 2 Trustee ................................... *Andrea Putz District 3 Trustee ................................... Ray Weller District 4 Trustee ................................... *Lori Stenzel District 5 Trustee ................................... *Randy Vanderworf * Indicates Newly Elected

incoming committee Chairs ACE2016.................................................. Terry McGhee IPSI........................................................... Allen Persons Fuller Award 2015..................................... John Callan SPLASH................................................... Nadine Miller Technical Program 2015............................ Ted Meckes 52

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

Meter Madness....................................... Bruce Vaickus Moderators............................................. David Said New Products Demonstration................ Paul Schumi Nominating............................................ Kevin Lookis Outreach................................................ Kristin Rehg Safety/Emergency Planning.................... Carolyn Grieves Silent Auction........................................ Dennis Ross Small Systems......................................... Jon Meyer Source Water Protection......................... Robyn Doescher SPLASH................................................ Melanie VanHeirseele Student Activities................................... Kristin Rehg T-CON.................................................. Doug Strempek Tapping Contest..................................... Tony Cuzzone Technical Program 2014......................... Greg Swanson Texas Holdem........................................ Randy Patchett Top Ops................................................. Larry Thomas Water Distribution................................. Owen Keenan Water Efficiency..................................... Danielle Gallet Water For People.................................... Dennis Ross Water Taste Test..................................... Nora Bertram Water Trailer.......................................... Matt Overeem Water Utility Council............................. Gerald Bever Young Professionals................................ Brian Kooistra

Illinois Section AWWA Directory PAST illinois Section Chairs 1927.................... 1928.................... 1929.................... 1930.................... 1931.................... 1932.................... 1933.................... 1934.................... 1935.................... 1936.................... 1937.................... 1938.................... 1939.................... 1940.................... 1941.................... 1942.................... 1943.................... 1944.................... 1945.................... 1946.................... 1947.................... 1948.................... 1949.................... 1950.................... 1951.................... 1952.................... 1953.................... 1954.................... 1955....................

PAST Fuller Awardees 1938..................... 1939..................... 1940..................... 1941..................... 1942..................... 1943..................... 1944..................... 1945..................... 1946..................... 1947..................... 1948..................... 1949..................... 1950..................... 1951..................... 1952..................... 1953..................... 1954..................... 1955..................... 1956..................... 1957..................... 1958..................... 1959..................... 1960..................... 1961..................... 1962.....................

1956.................... G. Davis 1957.................... C. Baylor 1958.................... T. Larson 1959.................... A. Lund 1960.................... J. Vaughn 1961.................... K. Steel 1962.................... W. Downer 1963.................... M. Gamet 1964.................... E. Healy 1965.................... L. Domke 1966.................... J. Whisler 1967.................... H. Merz 1968.................... O. Hallden 1969.................... NJ Davoust 1970.................... R. Engelbrecht 1971.................... P. Farrington 1972.................... W. Holmes 1973.................... C. Reich 1974.................... Bob Sasman 1975.................... L. Madden 1976.................... N. Knuttel 1977.................... W. O’Connell 1978.................... Harry VonHuben 1979.................... D. Loveland 1980.................... Robert Shierry 1981.................... Ken Ficek 1982.................... Howard Peskator 1983.................... Mike Curry 1984.................... Allen Panek

C. Habermeyer C. Roos C. Knowles M. Enger M. Enger J. Baylis J. Woltman L. Birdsall W. Polk C. Spaulding F. Amsbary, Jr. W. Gerber F. Gordon G. Prindle H. Gerstein F. Hartmann C. Fore W. White H. White J. Harris S. Anderson H. Frye J. Moomau W. Geltson E. Alt O. Gullans H. Hudson C. Klassen C. Abplanap

Charles M. Roos John R. Baylis Charles H. Spaulding Frank C. Amsbary, Sr. Herbert E. Hudson, Jr. Louis R. Howson Winifred D. Gerber None Adolph E. Anderson Clifford H. Fore None Harold E. Babbitt Lewis I. Birdsall J. J. Woltman William J. Downer Arthur M. Buswell Wilford W. DeBerard Hyman H. Gerstein Edward E. Alt Horace R. Frye Dewey W. Johnson Gerald L. Davis John P. Harris Thurston E. Larson Oscar Gullans

W. R. Gelston, Jr Kenneth A. Steel Fred G. Gordon James C. Vaughn L. C. Domke Merrill B. Gamet Clarence W. Klassen James W. Jardine Edward R. Healy Otto S. Hallden Norbert J. Davoust Richard S. Engelbrecht William C. Ackermann Robert T. Sasman Walter Ginsburg Lawrence M. Madden Ira M. Markwood Howard W. Peskator Barbara G. Fox Jack Knauss Arthur W. Horwitz William H. Richardson Michael D. Curry Vernon L. Snoeyink Kenneth J. Ficek

1985................... 1986................... 1987................... 1988................... 1989................... 1990................... 1991................... 1992................... 1993................... 1994................... 1995................... 1996................... 1997................... 1998................... 1999................... 2000................... 2001................... 2002................... 2003................... 2004................... 2005................... 2006................... 2007................... 2008................... 2009................... 2010................... 2011................... 2012................... 2013...................

Frank Lewis Robert Stanberry Garold Fields Chuck Smith Gerald Bever Ellen Flanagan Kurt Wirth Larry Thomas John Boll Ellis Sanderson Dennis Leslie John Donahue Lou Allyn Byus Mike Winegard Angela Podesta Craig Cummings Karen Cooper Sue Atherton R. J. Fischer Melanie VanHeirseele John Callan Kyla Jacobsen Tom Skelly Jeff Musinski Terry McGhee John Smith Dennis Ross Kevin Lookis John Van Arsdel

1988..................... Donald C. Renner 1989..................... Robert S. Shierry 1990..................... Clarence A. Blanck 1991..................... Franklin D. Lewis 1992..................... Allen F. Panek 1993..................... Ellis W. Sanderson 1994..................... Charles H. Smith 1995..................... Ellen P. Flanagan 1996..................... Lawrence E. Thomas 1997..................... Joseph Szawica 1998..................... Dennis Leslie 1999..................... Allan L. Rae 2000..................... Roger Selburg 2001..................... David Wyness 2002..................... Robert Martin 2003..................... Gerald Bever 2004..................... Michael Winegard 2005..................... William (Burr) Koepsel 2006..................... R. J. Fischer (Jeff) 2007..................... Harry Von Huben 2008..................... Melanie VanHeirseele 2009..................... John Donahue 2010..................... John Callan 2011..................... Laurie Dougherty 2012..................... Kyla Jacobsen 2013..................... Thomas Skelly 53 Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate 1963.................... 1964.................... 1965.................... 1966.................... 1967.................... 1968.................... 1969.................... 1970.................... 1971.................... 1972.................... 1973.................... 1974.................... 1975.................... 1976.................... 1977.................... 1978.................... 1979.................... 1980.................... 1981.................... 1982.................... 1983.................... 1984.................... 1985.................... 1986.................... 1987....................



President.............................................. President Elect...................................... First Vice President............................... Second Vice President.......................... Corporate Secretary.............................. Treasurer.............................................. Delegate 2016...................................... Delegate 2014...................................... Past President....................................... Executive Director................................

Charter Members, 1981 Paul W. Clinebell Hugh H. McMillan Jeremiah F. Reynolds Lawrence M. Madden Miles Lamb George H. Stevens John J. Fomeris Carl D. Wright Ralph E. Pfister members 1981....... William H. Busch, Ralph Evans, George Hankammer, Leo Rehm, Edward C. Rubin, Kenneth S. Watson 1982....... Harold I. Goldsmith, Edward L. Marek, John T. Pfeffer 1983....... Harris Chien, Larry N. Hughes, Gregory L. Maxwell 1984....... Toby H. Duckett, Robert M. Randolph, Raymond R. Rimkus 1985....... G. Tim Bachman, Robert B. Klausegger, David R. Zenz 1986....... Theodore R. Denning, William L. Munch, Don R. Ort 1987....... Gregory J. Brunst, J. Mark Crump, Lawrence E. Ziemba 1988....... Charles Corley, Donald Harper 1989....... Greg Cargill, Richard Eick 1990....... Abbot Burton, Dave Sullivan 1991....... J. Michael Botts, Lloyd Lamberton, Charles Muchmore 1992....... Herb Anderson, Richard Schultz 1993....... Timothy Kluge, Gayle O’Neill 1994....... Michael Burnett, Richard Helm 1995....... Robert Brummond, Norman Rose 1996....... Patricia Schatz, Tim Zook 1997....... Andrew P. Ftacek, Jr., Jay Patel 1998....... Fred Dale, Prakasam Tata 1999....... Mary Johnson, Laura McGovern 2000....... John Drake, Terry Jenkins 2001....... Charles Williams, Russell Baker 2002....... John Lamb, Lou Kollias 2003....... Shirley Burger, Tony Bouchard 2004....... Eliana Brown, Sam McNeilly 2005....... Amanda Withers, Dennis Priewe 2006....... Kathy Cooper, Greg Garbs 2007....... Mark Halm, Linda Smith-Vargo 2008....... Al Hollenbeck, Kam Law 2009....... Debra Ness, Mark Termini 2010....... Lou Storino, Tom Granato 2011....... Dan Bounds, Krishna Pagilla 2012....... Laurie Frieders, Rebecca Rose 2013....... Tom McSwiggen, Kendra Sveum

Dan Bounds Kendra Sveum Lou Storino Mark Termini Mary Johnson Debra Ness Mary Johnson Tim Kluge Krishna Pagilla Laurie Frieders

IWEA Committee Chairs 2013 - 2014 Annual Conference............................... Lou Storino Awards.................................................. Pat Schatz Bisolids.................................................. Dan Collins Collection Facilities............................... Tom Woods Electrical Power, Energy & Controls..... David Tucker Governmental Affairs................................ Lou Kollias Industrial Pretreatment.......................... Jim Czarnik Laboratory............................................ Rebecca Rose Local Arrangements............................... Carlee Scharnhorst MAC..................................................... Peter Lynch Marketing............................................. Cheryl L. Kunz Membership.......................................... Fred Wu Newsletter............................................. Kathy Cooper Nominating........................................... Krishna Pagilla Nutrient Removal & Recovery.............. Mark Halm Plant Operations................................... Lee Melcher Program................................................ Eric Berggren Public Education & Student Affairs....... Norm Rose Safety.................................................... Mark Termini Scholarship & Charitable Giving.......... Mary Johnson Small Systems........................................ Joseph Pisula Student Chapters.................................. Lou Storino Watershed Management........................ Steve Zehner Website................................................. Mary Johnson Young Professionals............................... Dan Small


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

Honorary members 1981..... Charles H. Jones 1982..... E. Jack Newbould 1983..... Earnest F. Gloyna 1984..... Harry A. Tow 1985..... Henry Gerry Schwar 1986..... Carl V. Huber 1988..... James E. Abbott 1989..... Beth A. Turner 1990..... Arthur W. Saarinen 1991..... Roger Dolan 1992..... Charles B. Kaiser, 1993..... Dr. Charles A Sorb 1994..... Philip E. Gerwert 1995..... Billy G. Turner 1996..... Michael Pollen 1997..... Stanton Le Sieur

1998..... Albert Goodman 1999..... C. Dale Jacobson 2000..... Rhonda Harris 2001..... Joe C. Stowe, Jr. 2002..... James H. Clark 2003..... Erwin J. Odeal 2004..... Robert McMillon 2005..... Lawrence Jaworski 2006..... Lynn Orphan 2007..... J. Michael Read 2008..... Mohamed Dahab 2009..... Adam Zabinski 2010..... Rebecca West 2011..... Paul Bowen 2012..... John Hart 2013..... Scott Trotter

Illinois Water Environment Association Directory IWEA Past Presidents

WPCF Past presidents

Paul Clinebell ..................................................... 1979 - 1980 Paul Clinebell ..................................................... 1980 - 1981 Larry Madden..................................................... 1981 - 1982 George Stevens.................................................... 1982 - 1983 Ralph Evans........................................................ 1983 - 1984 Robert Randolph................................................. 1984 - 1985 William Busch..................................................... 1985 - 1986 Harold Goldsmith............................................... 1986 - 1987 Toby Duckett...................................................... 1987 - 1988 Ted Denning....................................................... 1988 - 1989 Don Ort.............................................................. 1989 - 1990 David R. Zenz..................................................... 1990 - 1991 Charles Muchmore.............................................. 1991 - 1992 Ralph Pfister........................................................ 1992 - 1993 J. Mark Crump................................................... 1993 - 1994 Gregory D. Cargill.............................................. 1994 - 1995 Gayle O’Neill...................................................... 1995 - 1996 Gregory Brunst................................................... 1996 - 1997 Richard Schultz................................................... 1997 - 1998 Timothy Kluge.................................................... 1998 - 1999 Richard Helm..................................................... 1999 - 2000 Andrew Ftacek, Jr................................................ 2000 - 2001 William L. Munch.............................................. 2001 - 2002 Charles E. Corley................................................ 2002 - 2003 Mary Johnson..................................................... 2003 - 2004 John Drake.......................................................... 2004 - 2005 Larry Ziemba...................................................... 2005 - 2006 Lou Kollias.......................................................... 2006 - 2007 John Lamb.......................................................... 2007 - 2008 Kathy Cooper...................................................... 2008 - 2009 Amanda Withers................................................. 2009 - 2010 Dennis Priewe..................................................... 2010 - 2011 Mark Halm......................................................... 2011 - 2012 Krishna Pagilla.................................................... 2012 - 2013

Paul Clinebell 1979 ............ 1958 - 1959

IWEA Past Delegates John J. Foneris.................................................... 1980 - 1983 Hugh H. McMillan............................................. 1981 - 1984 John T. Pfeffer..................................................... 1983 - 1986 Raymond R. Rimkus........................................... 1984 - 1987 Robert M. Randolph........................................... 1986 - 1989 Earl W. Knight.................................................... 1986 - 1990 William H. Busch............................................... 1989 - 1992 Hal Goldsmith.................................................... 1990 - 1993 George Stevens.................................................... 1992 - 1995 David Zenz......................................................... 1993 - 1996 Ralph Pfister........................................................ 1995 - 1998 Paul Clinebell...................................................... 1996 - 1999 Gregory D. Cargill.............................................. 1998 - 2001 Gregory Brunst................................................... 1999 - 2004 Toby Duckett...................................................... 2002 - 2005 Rich Helm.......................................................... 2003 - 2007 Charles Corley.................................................... 2006 - 2009 Ted Denning....................................................... 2007 - 2010 Lou Kollias.......................................................... 2008 - 2011 John Lamb.......................................................... 2010 - 2013

IWEA PAST SECRETARY/TREASURERS Ralph Pfister.......................................................... 1979 - 1984 Toby Duckett........................................................ 1984 - 1986 J. Mark Crump..................................................... 1986 - 1989 J. Michael Botts..................................................... 1989 - 1992 Herbert Anderson, Jr............................................. 1992 - 2001


Herbert J. Anderson, Jr.......................................... 2002 - 2005 Mary Johnson....................................................... 2005 - 2008


Dennis Priewe....................................................... 2002 - 2007

PAST WASTEWATER OPERATIONS DIVISION CHAIRS Larry Hughes Ralph Pfister Timothy Cardella Tim Bachman Lloyd Lamberton

Russell Baker Gerald Olmstead Michael Burnett

GOLDEN MANHOLE RECIPIENTS George Stevens Greg Brunst Laura McGovern Mike Jankovic Alan Hollenbeck Dan Petersen Doug Severson

Gregory D. Cargill Mike Turley Bob Voss Tony Conn Cathy Morley Tom Woods

THE FOUNDING MEMBERS OF THE ILLINOIS WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION Paul W. Clinebell John J. Forneris Miles Lamb Lawrence M. Madden Hugh H. McMillan

Ralph E. Pfister Jerimiah H. Reynolds George H. Stevens Carl D. Wright

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


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WATERCON2014 Conference Program

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visit www.isawwa.org/ace2014 for details on how you can become a sponsor! Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


ERCON2014 WAnT ference Sponsor Co


Gold sponsors

ARCADIS Arrowhead Brass Baxter & Woodman, Inc. CDM Smith Clow Valve, Co. Engineering Enterprises, Inc. M.E. Simpson, Co., Inc. McGard, LLC Mueller Company Ray Lindsey Trotter & Associates U.S. Pipe Fabrication Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc.


Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. East Jordan Iron Works Flolo Corporation Ford Meter Box Company Illinois American Water Mid American Water UL LLC Ziebell Water Service Products

bronze sponsors Aqua Illinois Flow-Technics Inc. RJN Group, Inc. Smith-Blair, Inc.

2014 58

WATERCON2014 Conference Program


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree Name:

The presentation content was relevant


monday, march 17 lake management - watershed dynamics sapphire Room (p.14) 9:00 AM

Dredging - IEPA#8091..............................................................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Harmful Algal Blooms - IEPA#8092.........................................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Stream Restoration as Part of Urban - IEPA#8093....................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Phosphorus Loading in Watersheds - IEPA#8094.....................................................................................................................

11:30 AM

Stormwater Assessment Pollution Load - IEPA#8095...............................................................................................................

pipe seminar ruby Room (p.14) 9:00 AM

PVC Pipe - IEPA#8048.............................................................................................................................................................

9:45 AM

Plastic Pipe - IEPA#8049...........................................................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Ductile Iron Pipe - IEPA#8050.................................................................................................................................................

11:15 AM

Wrap Up - IEPA#8054..............................................................................................................................................................

safety - emergency management illinois Room (p.15) 10:00 AM

Strategic Overview of Disaster Mgmt. - IEPA#7840.................................................................................................................

management emerald Room (p.16) 2:30 PM

Doing More with Less: Optimizing Your - IEPA#7829............................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Youth Apprenticeship Programs - IEPA#7844..........................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Alternative Project Delivery for - IEPA#7849............................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

The Emerging Professional Operators - IEPA#7801.................................................................................................................

scada technology ruby Room (p.17) 2:30 PM

Advances In Control Strategies - IEPA#7873............................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

SCADA Network Hacking Awareness & - IEPA#7808...........................................................................................................

3:30 PM

What I learned in 10 years of Deploying - IEPA#7812.............................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Network, Control, and Information- IEPA#7832.....................................................................................................................

4:30 PM

Unleash the Full Capabilities of Modern - IEPA#7837............................................................................................................. Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate

59 59


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree Name:

The presentation content was relevant


monday, march 17

source water sapphire Room (p.17) 2:30 PM

Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Tool for - IEPA#7824.............................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Identifying Human Pathogenic Multi- - IEPA#7839................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Assessing the Health of the Urban - IEPA#8149.......................................................................................................................

4:30 PM

Source Water Award Presentation - IEPA#8158........................................................................................................................

water operator challenge diamond Room (p.17) 3:30 PM

Water Operator Challenge - IEPA#7939...................................................................................................................................

tuesday, march 18 operator & small systems sapphire Room (p.18 & 23) 8:00 AM

IEPA Meet the Staff - IEPA#8170.............................................................................................................................................

management emerald Room (p.24) 8:30 AM

Developing Fair and Equitable, Long - IEPA#7881..................................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Do You Know You’re an Asset Manager? - IEPA#7884.............................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Contract Formatting Issues for Asset - IEPA#7856..................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Reinventing the Water Service - IEPA#7882.............................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

After 1 Million Valve Assessments: - IEPA#7883......................................................................................................................

11:30 AM

A Guideline for Planning Effective - IEPA#7853......................................................................................................................

1:00 PM

Intro to GIS and GPS for Utilities - IEPA#7836.......................................................................................................................

1:30 PM

Heavy Lifting in GIS: Going Beyond the - IEPA#7818............................................................................................................

2:00 PM

Contract Operations: Is It Right for You? - IEPA#7800............................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Public Private Partnerships: Guaranteed - IEPA#7848..............................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Condition Assessment: A Foundation - IEPA#7826.................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Evaluating Equipment with the End in - IEPA#7841...............................................................................................................

4:30 PM

Review of As Built Data Capture - IEPA#7835.........................................................................................................................

60 60

WATERCON2014 Conference Program


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree Name:

The presentation content was relevant


tuesday, march 18 water efficiency diamond Room (p.25) 9:00 AM

Water Efficiency Committee - IEPA#8176...............................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Inaugural Water Saver Award - IEPA#7859...............................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

The AWWA Water Audit: A Simple - IEPA#7890....................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Non Revenue Water Reduction: From - IEPA#7880................................................................................................................

11:30 AM

Water Loss Management: Pulling - IEPA#7886.......................................................................................................................

watershed management governor Room (p.25) 9:00 AM

Integrated Water Resources Mgmt.- IEPA#7802......................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Storm Water NPDES Permits History - IEPA#7807................................................................................................................

10:00 AM

Water Quality Standards Update - IEPA#7803.........................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

TMDL and Nonpoint Source Program - IEPA#7805..............................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Watershed Open Forum Discussion - IEPA#8168....................................................................................................................

1:30 PM

DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup - IEPA#8099..................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Fox River Study Group Update - IEPA#8100...........................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Hickory Creek Watershed Planning - IEPA#8101....................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Kaskaskia Watershed Association Update - IEPA#8102............................................................................................................

4:30 PM

Cache River Watershed Group - IEPA#8103............................................................................................................................

small systems capitol view Room (p.18 & 26) 10:00 AM

Fire Hydrant Operation, Maintenance - IEPA#8147................................................................................................................

11:15 AM

Sampling: How to Sample, What to - IEPA#8173....................................................................................................................

1:00 PM 1:30 PM

Electronic Submission of Monthly - IEPA#7897......................................................................................................... How to Fix a Water Main Break- IEPA#8159...........................................................................................................................

2:15 PM

Water Main Repair Products - IEPA#8148...............................................................................................................................

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate

61 61


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree Name:

The presentation content was relevant


tuesday, march 18 operator sapphire Room (p.18 & 26) 10:00 AM

Renovation Realities of a Lime Softening - IEPA#8090............................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Upgrading a Water Plant From the 60’s - IEPA#8081..............................................................................................................

11:30 AM

City of Freeport: Where did it Start - IEPA#8082.....................................................................................................................

1:00 PM 1:30 PM

Never Look A Gift Horse In the Mouth - IEPA#8058............................................................................................................. City of Elgin, Airlite Street Water - IEPA#8085........................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

How to Renew an Aging Water System - IEPA#7918...............................................................................................................

3:30 PM

This Old (Well) House...Converting - IEPA#8199...................................................................................................................

mission impossible springfield Room (p.13, 20 & 27) 1:00 PM

Mission Impossible - IEPA#7938..............................................................................................................................................

engineering diamond Room (p.28) 1:00 PM

Revitalizing the CLCJAWA Water - IEPA#7891......................................................................................................................

1:30 PM

From Initial Thoughts to a Completed - IEPA#7865................................................................................................................

2:00 PM

Using a DAF System to Overcome - IEPA#7895......................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

From Zero to Bid in 90 Days: Fast Track - IEPA#7894...........................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Construction and Start Up of Gilberts - IEPA#7866................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Life Extension Program for Sewage Lift - IEPA#7811...............................................................................................................

4:30 PM

Developing a Water or Wastewater - IEPA#7941......................................................................................................................

scavenger hunt springfield Room (p.13, 21 & 27) 2:30 PM

62 62

Scavenger Hunt - IEPA#7937....................................................................................................................................................

WATERCON2014 Conference Program


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree Name:

The presentation content was relevant


wednesday, march 19 security emerald Room (p.31) 8:00 AM

Creating Resilience in Water and - IEPA#7842.........................................................................................................................

8:30 AM

Understanding your Water / Wastewater - IEPA#7816.............................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Standby Power: Considerations for both- IEPA#7846..............................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Water and Wastewater System Security: - IEPA#7833.............................................................................................................

treatment diamond Room (p.31) 8:00 AM

Improving Water Quality, Reducing - IEPA#7878....................................................................................................................

8:30 AM

Let The Bugs Do It: Biotta, An - IEPA#7860............................................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Got Bugs: An Overview of the Design - IEPA#7862................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

UV in Romeoville: The Journey - IEPA#7889..........................................................................................................................

new products springfield Room (p.33) 8:30 AM

Algae in Your Troughs, Spillways, - IEPA#7823........................................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Optimization of Water Treatment Plant - IEPA#7898..............................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Swan Turbiwell Case Study - IEPA#7888..................................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Control Valves with Magnetic Flow Meter - IEPA#7855..........................................................................................................

11:00 AM

CoMag Pilot Experience in WI for Ultra- IEPA#7876.............................................................................................................

distribution ruby Room (p.31) 8:00 AM

Distribution Maintenance: A Project - IEPA#7869...................................................................................................................

8:30 AM

Distribution System Renewal for Kansas - IEPA#7885.............................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Essential Operations for a Reliable Water - IEPA#7872............................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Hydraulic Modeling and Implementation - IEPA#8059...........................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Maintaining and Boosting Chlorine - IEPA#7864....................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Analyzing System Performance Issues - IEPA#7857..................................................................................................................

11:30 AM

AWWA Tank Standards 101: What They - IEPA#7887............................................................................................................ Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate

63 63


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree Name:

The presentation content was relevant


wednesday, march 19 engineering illinois Room (p.32) 8:00 AM

Antennas & Water Towers: Why IEPA#7867..........................................................................................................................

8:30 AM

Challenges of a New Transmission Main- IEPA#7961..............................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Metal Versus Elastomer Seated Valve - IEPA#7871...................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Distributed Control System (DCS) - IEPA#7893.....................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Village of Matteson Raises High Water - IEPA#7874...............................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Energy Efficiencies with Active Front - IEPA#7960..................................................................................................................

11:30 AM

Power Reliability Practices In the Water - IEPA#7852..............................................................................................................

science fair sapphire Room (p.32) 8:30 AM

What’s in Your Water? - IEPA#7879..........................................................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Building an Efficient Egg Based - IEPA#7863...........................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Got Clean Water? - IEPA#7861................................................................................................................................................

green infrastructure sangamon Room (p.34) 8:30 AM

Understanding Sustainability Standards - IEPA#7822..............................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Unique Approach to Regional Green - IEPA#7845..................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Successful Green Infrastructure Planning - IEPA#7814............................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Golf + Road Construction + TMDL - IEPA#7830...................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Combining Wastewater Treatment with - IEPA#7820..............................................................................................................

11:30 AM

Stormwater Management with - IEPA#7810............................................................................................................................

64 64

WATERCON2014 Conference Program


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree Name:

The presentation content was relevant


wednesday, march 19 operations capitol view Room (p.35) 10:30 AM

Maintenance and Care of Plant Control - IEPA#7877.............................................................................................................

meters emerald Room (p.35) 10:30 AM

Three Simple Stages to AMI: Advanced - IEPA#7851..............................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Understanding RF Propagation - IEPA#7870...........................................................................................................................

11:30 AM

Going Beyond the Meter: Expanding - IEPA#7899..................................................................................................................

engineering ruby Room (p.36) 1:30 PM

Phase Converters: Still Playing a Role - IEPA#7815..................................................................................................................

2:00 PM

Pipeline Condition Assessment - IEPA#7834............................................................................................................................

2:30 PM

Corrosion Control: Cathodic Protection - IEPA#7827.............................................................................................................

3:00 PM

GIS Databases for Creating Hydraulic - IEPA#7821................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Building Information Modelling and the - IEPA#7838............................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Owner Developed and Supplied Master - IEPA#7902..............................................................................................................

backflow forum sangamon Room (p.36) 2:00 PM

Backflow Never Happens Here - IEPA#7944...........................................................................................................................

safety emerald Room (p.36) 2:00 PM

Confined Space Entry: Dos and Donts - IEPA#7806...............................................................................................................

2:30 PM

Arc Flash Hazard Mitigation: An MCES - IEPA#7831............................................................................................................

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate

65 65


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations

RTC/PDH Submission Form for Credit Hours To record your renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators, or professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Conference Registration Desk. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree Name:

The presentation content was relevant


wednesday, march 19 treatment diamond Room (p.37) 3:00 PM

Upgrade Your Lime Softening Plant with - IEPA#7858............................................................................................................

3:30 PM

On Site Hypochlorite Generation: A Safe - IEPA#7854...........................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Reducing the Cost of DBP Precursor - IEPA#7892..................................................................................................................

water quality sapphire Room (p.38) 3:00 PM

The Impact of Drinking Water Lead Levels - IEPA#7868.........................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Lead and Copper Corrosion Assessment - IEPA#7850.............................................................................................................

4:00 PM

THM Control Following Rainfall Using - IEPA#7896.............................................................................................................

travel channel emerald Room (p.38) 3:30 PM

A History of Water Purification - IEPA#7817........................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Benefits & Costs Of Student Oriented - IEPA#7847................................................................................................................

thursday, march 20 regulatory emerald Room (p.39) 9:00 AM

Illinois State Water Survey, Water Supply - IEPA#8172............................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Regulatory Update - IEPA#8171...............................................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Legislative Update & Water Utility - IEPA#8157.....................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Illinois Clean Water Initiative - IEPA#8156..............................................................................................................................

66 66

WATERCON2014 Conference Program

(Does NOT qualify for RTC hours)


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations


The presentation content was relevant

ENGINEERs pdh Submission form To record your professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Registration Desk. These sessions do NOT qualify for renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree

Monday, March 17 nutrients Governor Room (p.15) 10:00 AM

Optimzation of Enhanced Biological Phosphorous...................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

The CaRRB Diet: Centrate Sidestream Treatment...................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Evaluation of the Anita-Mox Moving Bed Biofilm....................................................................................................................

laboratories illinois Room (p.15) 2:30 PM

Standard Laboratory Protocols for the Microscopic...................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Online Nitrite Measurement for Control of Nitrogen..............................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Ion Specific Electrode Measurement Seminar............................................................................................................................

disinfection springfield Room (p.16) 2:30 PM

Engineering Design Considerations for PAA.............................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Peracetic Acid for Disinfecting Wastewater................................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

An Alternative to Conventional Disinfection............................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Baffling Reconfiguration Rescues a 430 MGD.........................................................................................................................

nutrients Governor Room (p.16) 2:30 PM

Roadmap Toward Energy & Chemical Optimization...............................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Nutrient Removal: How to Achieve NPDES Permit.................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Sludge Blanket and Aeration Basin Denitrification...................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Sustainable Design for Ultra-low Phosphorus...........................................................................................................................

Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


(Does NOT qualify for RTC hours)


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations


The presentation content was relevant

ENGINEERs pdh Submission form To record your professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Registration Desk. These sessions do NOT qualify for renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree

tuesday, march 18 operations ruby room (p.23) 8:00 AM

Rehabilitating a Wastewater Treatment Plant In........................................................................................................................

8:30 AM

Vortex Grit Removal Notes on Design......................................................................................................................................

10:00 AM

Multi Use Advanced Oxidation Piloting Demonstrates............................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Filter Upgrade: Improved Performance with a...........................................................................................................................

Energy Management illinois Room (p.23) 8:00 AM

Energy Neutral Water Resource Recovery Facilities...................................................................................................................

8:30 AM

Overcoming the Barriers of Energy Recovery............................................................................................................................

10:00 AM

WRP Resilience: Balancing Aeration Demand..........................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Where is my Payback? Economic Barriers to Biogas..................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

Net Zero Energy and the Energy Audit.....................................................................................................................................

energy case studies illinois Room (p.27) 1:00 PM

Moving Toward Net Zero Energy at Wastewater.......................................................................................................................

1:30 PM

Get It While Its Hot: Sewage Heat Recovery.............................................................................................................................

2:00 PM

Efficient Design of High Efficiency Blowers: Dynamic............................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Optimizing Digester Gas Usage at the Benton Harbor.............................................................................................................

3:30 PM

The Search for Energy Savings: Optimization...........................................................................................................................


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

(Does NOT qualify for RTC hours)


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations


The presentation content was relevant

ENGINEERs pdh Submission form To record your professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Registration Desk. These sessions do NOT qualify for renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree

tuesday, march 18 engineering ruby Room (p.28) 1:30 PM

Maximizing your Odor Control Resources................................................................................................................................

2:00 PM

Submersible Pump Design and Selection Considerations.........................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Incorporating the Triple Bottom Line (Sustainability)...............................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Building the Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Future............................................................................................................

engineering off site (p.29) 4:00 PM

Springfield Sanitary Metro Tour................................................................................................................................................

Wednesday, march 19 digestion capitol Vi room (p.33) 8:30 AM

Improved Biosolids Stabilization Utilizing Temperature............................................................................................................

9:00 AM

Primary Sludge Gravity Thickening Facilities at th....................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Primary Digester Complex Improvements, Sanitary.................................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Oxygen Transfer: How to Get the Most Out of Your................................................................................................................

11:00 AM

What You Don’t See is What You Get: Rehabilitating...............................................................................................................

collections capitol ii room (p.34) 9:00 AM

The Price of a Dry Basement: The Cost Benefit........................................................................................................................

9:30 AM

Odor and Corrosion Issues in Wastewater Collection...............................................................................................................

10:30 AM

Pipe Bursting Sewer Mains: Proper Planning Promotes............................................................................................................

11:00 AM

No Dig Manhole Rehabilitation Knowledge Gaps....................................................................................................................

11:30 AM

Crossing the Line: Secrets to a Successful Private side................................................................................................................ Online Evaluation Link for RTC/PDH credit hours www.isawwa.org/evaluate


(Does NOT qualify for RTC hours)


The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject

The presentation was engaging

Presenter made good use of audio visuals materials

The content was free of commercial bias

Company/Utility: Email: Phone:

The presentation was innovative and complete in its conclusion The knowledge I acquired will be applied in my work environment I would recommend this topic for a half day seminar or webinar The content was communicated at a level that met my expectations


The presentation content was relevant

ENGINEERs pdh Submission form To record your professional development hours (PDH’s) for engineers on your ISAWWA training record, evaluate the sessions you attended online, www.isawwa.org/Evaluate or turn in this completed paper form at the Registration Desk. These sessions do NOT qualify for renewal training credit (RTC) hours for water operators. Use the following scale for evaluations: 5 - Strongly agree 3 - Neutral 1 - Strongly disagree 4 - Agree 2 - Disagree

wednesday, march 19 new products springfield room (p.35) 11:30 AM

High Solids Cake Produced by Advanced High........................................................................................................................

1:00 PM

Continuous Rotating Belt Filtration for Primary.......................................................................................................................

1:30 PM

Hydrogen Sulfide Control in Municipal Wastewater................................................................................................................

2:00 PM

Acoustic Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines to..........................................................................................................................

2:30 PM

Successful Pilot of MicroC 2000TM as Substrate for................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Improved Nutrient Removal Efficiency During Cold...............................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Evaluating Different Blower Technologies on a.........................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Digestivore: Killing Four Birds With One Stone.......................................................................................................................

biosolids capitol ii room (p.37) 2:00 PM

Environmental Performance of Solids Treatment......................................................................................................................

2:30 PM

What Can Solids Do for You: Shifting towards.........................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Bio-P, Digestion & Dewatering: Unexpected............................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

50 Shades of Sludge: Evaluation of Solids Disposa....................................................................................................................

wet weather illinois (p.37) 2:00 PM

Indianapolis Deep Tunnel and Dewatering Pump.....................................................................................................................

2:30 PM

Big City Wet Weather Treatment in a Small Town....................................................................................................................

3:00 PM

Real Time Data Results in Real Cost Savings............................................................................................................................

3:30 PM

Quantification of BOD5 Removals via Biological.....................................................................................................................

4:00 PM

Fourteen Years of an Enhanced Native Clay Wet.......................................................................................................................


WATERCON2014 Conference Program

Exhibitor logo hunt contest enter for your chance to win an iPad! Name: Company/Utility: Phone: Email:



exhibitor logo hunt contest enter for your chance to win an iPad!

Name: Company/Utility: Phone: Email: LOGO HUNT RULES: This contest is for conference attendees only. Sorry, exhibitors are not eligible. All logos have been modified to remove the name of the company they represent. Your goal is to locate as many logos as you can and ask the exhibiting company for a sticker to place on this logo hunt sheet. Once you have found and placed all of the stickers on the sheet, you will turn the completed sheet into the Conference Registration Desk on the ground floor lobby. Make sure to put your name and contact information on the sheet also. All entries must be turned in to the Conference Registration Desk by Wednesday March 19, at 10:00 am. In the event that there are multiple entries that contain all the correct company names, the MAC Committee will draw a winner from all the correct entries. The announcement of the winner will be at 11:45 am on Wednesday, March 19 in the main Exhibit Hall. The winner need not be present to win but it would certainly be more fun that way.


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