Airspeed - The Magazine for Aviation Photographers

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JIM CHUNG Hi everyone, this is Jim and I’m both a part-time health provider and a part time professional sports and wildlife photographer. I live in Toronto with my family and I got my start as a serious digital photographer by first becoming a serious digital astro-imager. This is a term I coined to differentiate terrestrial photos from astronomical images which are always conducted at infinity focus and take many hours of exposure to accomplish. I lived in that world for a decade and stepped back from it after too many years of sleep deprivation having achieved a level of competence that was now being hindered by my geographic location. Astro imaging is highly dependent on the weather and the quality of the atmosphere that you look through since none of us can afford our own space telescope.

If your interest is sufficiently piqued, you can read about my adventures in a book I wrote in 2015, “Astro Imaging Projects for the Amateur Astronomer – A Maker’s Guide.” I decided to work less at my main job as a health provider and pivoted to become primarily a tennis and motorsports photographer. Both are sports that I have played and I think that’s essential to understanding the nuance of each sport and to be able to capture those moments of drama that are unique to each sport. There are no parallels to a double fault or a pit stop crisis anywhere in the sporting world. Wildlife photography was just one of those happenstances that life delivers, you just have to recognize them. My wife and I would often go for nature hikes in the Don River valley that runs through the middle of Toronto and is a protected wildlife region and I would always bring a camera just in case.

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