Airspeed - The Magazine for Aviation Photographers

Page 1

Tora Practice

Kevin Hong

New Orleans Air Show 2024

Dragos Munteanu

Zero Dark Thirty To Yuma

Kevin Hong Jeff Krueger Larry Grace

33rd Annual World War II Weekend

Chaz Teets

Navy Legacy Flight Practice 2024

Kevin Hong Larry Grace

Sun ‘n Fun 2024

Carolyn Hinton

Luke Days 2024 Air Show

Jeff Krueger Larry Grace

Duluth Air Show

Larry Grace

ISAP Member’s Showcase

Brett Schauf Scott Slingsby Rob Tabor José Ramos

How I Got The Shot

Larry Grace

Book Review: The Nature of World War I Aircraft with Phil Makanna

Kevin Hong

Meet Our Members

Angelo Toresani

Airplane Silhouettes

John Ford

Front Cover

Capture the P-51 Mustang Swamp Fox during the eclipse on the ramp outside of B-29 Doc’s hangar in Wichita, Kansas. At its peak we saw an 87% totality in the eclipse which produced a Blue Hour lighting scenario in the middle of the afternoon. Platypod base and ball head were used with a total of five Godox lights.

Camera: Nikon Z9 Lens: NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S

Shutter speed: 1/125 ISO: 64 Exposure: f/125

RAW images processed in Adobe Lightroom edited in Photoshop and ON1

Back Cover

Ercoupe flying in Canada for the Aviation Photo Crew

Camera: Fujifilm X-T3 Lens: XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS

Shutter speed: 1/160 ISO: 200 Exposure: f/9

Processed in Adobe Lightroom edited in Photoshop

Photo by Brett Schauf

Guy Adams

John Agather

Robert Allen

Dalibor Ankovic

Tim Berry

Joseph Cecil

Colin Chatfield

Brent Clark

Gordon Court

Michael Cozad

Gary Daniels

Jeffery Deckman


Laura Falker

Norman Forshee

Scott Germain

Matthew Geleske

Carolyn Hinton

Joseph Jenkins

Philip Johnson

Sam Knutson

Jeff Krueger

Patrick Lalande

Gerard Lamarque

Jason Landolfi

Richard Lessard

Joe Letourneau

Jack Lipscomb

John Love

Ricardo Mejia

Bruce Moore

Michael Mora

Robert Moser

Dragos Munteanu

John Nash

Ponthus Pyronneau

Troy Rumpel

Mindi Russell

Steven Schott

Todd Schannuth

Jason Skinner

Scott Slingsby

Ryan Springer

Robert Stapleton

Charles Swancy

Angelo Toresani

Ben Ullings

Steve Walter

Steven Sumosky

The goal of International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP) is to bring together our members who share a love of aviation, and want to preserve its history through their images. Through our organization, members can seek to enhance their artistic quality, advance technical knowledge, and improve safety for all areas of aviation photography while fostering professionalism, high ethical standards, and camaraderie.

ISAP continues to help our members to better their photography skills, workflow, and set up resources to help with business questions that our members have. Updates are being made to the ISAP website and member portfolio section, and we are showcasing ISAP members’ images and accomplishments on our social media pages.

The new Airspeed magazine will highlight ISAP members and their photography, experiences, and their passion for aviation from around the world. From military and commercial aviation, you’ll be able to see it all while learning about aviation photography, post processing tips in Lightroom and Photoshop, aviation history, air show reports, aviation museums, and more. We look forward to sharing our members’ images and articles with everyone.

Enjoy this issue of Airspeed!


Larry Grace, ISAP President

Kevin Hong, Airspeed Editor

International Society for Aviation Photography •

Airspeed is a periodic publication of the International Society for Aviation Photography and is used to communicate news, functions, convention information, and other information of interest on the local, regional, and national scenes. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and should not be construed as the views or opinions of the International Society for Aviation Photography.

Carolyn Hinton

Every year before the airshow season starts the Commemorative Air Force Tora Tora Tora holds a practice weekend session to prepare for the upcoming airshow season. The City of Muskogee, Oklahoma was the site of this year’s practice. I would like to thank the city for hosting us and supporting the Tora Group for the weekend. During our practice sessions the public was invited to see us practice and we enjoyed interacting with the crowd especially the kids. Tora practice is a time where everyone on the team comes together to prepare for the recreated Pearl Harbor attack you see at airshows across the country every year.

During the winter months everyone in the airshow industry takes a break. For the pilots, narrators, and the pyro team, we collaborate together to prepare for the upcoming airshow season. Even for myself as a Tora photographer I always try to attend Tora practice to remember everything that goes on during the entire act from the minute they launch to the awesome wall of fire and photo passes at the end. It’s also a time where new pilots can be introduced to learn more on how the attack works and what patterns to fly during the act.

I always get asked how safe Tora is and I tell everyone that the act is very safe not only due to the practice but the set pattern everyone flies for each type of airplane. It’s like an orchestra in the sky where you have all these different elements come together to create this one beautiful piece of music. Each day the veteran pilots would work with the new pilots to

learn how the act works. We have some amazing new pilots coming in that will continue to keep the Tora legacy for many years to come not just entertaining the crowd but continue to educate and remind everyone why we still fight to keep the great country of the United States free.

This year we did a series of flights that were broken down into the different types of aircraft. We have the Zeros for the attack pattern, Kates for the torpedo bombing pattern, and the chase consisting of the P-40 or P-36 Hawk being chased by a Zero. With all three patterns and the pyro going off throughout the act it is something to witness the full Tora act with all the planes at some of the airshows around the country. After each flight the pilots would come back and debrief with each other to work on any issues with communications or flying the pattern.

During our practice you may see some other T-6s fly in the formations and not the Tora planes and in this case some of the pilots who own their planes fly in for the practice so everyone can be able to fly and train some of the new pilots coming into the group.

For many years I have been shooting photography for Tora and hope the act will continue for many years to come. We had a blast this year flying some of the sponsors and hope to see everyone at an airshow this year for the 2024 airshow season.



Article and photos by Kevin Hong / Airspeed Editor
Kevin Hong
Kevin Hong
Kevin Hong
Kevin Hong


Article and photos by Dragos Munteanu

The New Orleans Airshow 2024 was organized at NAS JRB NOLA in March 2024. It was my first time on this air base. Getting on base was easy and I particularly appreciated the way cars were parked - allowing the first cars in to be the first cars out. This may seem a small detail but this does not always happen at airshows in Europe.

The statics included Marine Cobra and Venom helicopters, F-18 Hornets also from the Marines, A-10s and F-16s from the USAF and a heavy presence from the US Navy. The Navy showcased a P-3 Orion from the Naval Research Laboratory, a CH-53 Sea Stallion, and a C-130T. The local NOLA actors were present with the ANG F-15 Eagles and the US Navy F-5s. The flying program started with the Bayou Militia F-15s which performed a series of amazing low approaches, and the Navy Aggressors VFC-204 F-5s tactical demo. The US Navy F-35C demo was very impressive with two F-35s performing. Warbirds were also present with demos from a B-25, P-51 Mustangs, and an SBD-5 Dauntless - aircraft type I saw for the first time.

The Louisiana State Police delivered a simulation of a car chase in which an Iroquois helicopter played a major role. The show ended with the Blue Angels which was a blast as always. Even with the backlit sky due to the location, a Blue Angels demo is a superb experience especially for spotters based in Europe which rarely get a chance to see them. The conclusion - the NOLA airshow is an event highly recommended, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Louisiana State Police Bell UH-1H Iroquois.

Dragos Munteanu
Dragos Munteanu
Dragos Munteanu
Dragos Munteanu
Dragos Munteanu
Dragos Munteanu

Cobra and Venom helicopters.

Dragos Munteanu

Every year Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma has an airshow early in the airshow season. Since I had never been there before I didn’t know what to expect. Larry Grace, ISAP President, invited me to shoot with him and meet up with another fellow ISAP member, Jeff Krueger. Yuma was a few hours a way from Phoenix however one of the things we did was leave in the middle of the night to get there. We’ve all done it before however I’ve never driven in the desert at night and was completely blown away by how dark it is out there. Luckily Larry and I took turns driving but it’s something I will never forget driving on the road in total darkness.

I have heard some great things about the show. I was excited to see the base where the Commemorative Air Force Tora Tora Tora Pyro Team set the World Record for the longest wall of fire in the world, a distance of 16,046.5 feet. After getting on base and looking around I could clearly see why this location had the real estate to make this great record happen.

I had a great time being able to see some of the Marine Corps assets I never get to see at other airshows. This was actually the first time for me to see the F-35B perform the full demo. It was also great to see the old F-5s perform and even watch “RaZZ” pop flares during the F-22 demo which was amazing to watch. Just wish it was during a twilight show but nevertheless we were very fortunate to see it.

Going to military shows around the country is something I love to do minus coming through the security checkpoints at the gate getting on base but one thing I truly enjoy are the swearing into service ceremonies watching young men and women take the oath to join our military. Shooting photos of that moment and watching the families and friends rejoice makes me happy that I am an American living in the great United States of America.

I had an amazing time and even though this was just a one day show I had a great time talking to some of the Marines and vendors who live in the area. No airshow is ever complete without having statics and weapons to look at including being able to watch the Marine Corps Honor Guard and hearing the sound of a Marine Corps band. Watching the kids do a portion of the PT test and getting photos of that is always a must have on my shooting list.

Even though the weather was pleasant, the dry and higher altitude was a little bit of challenge since I’m used to totally different weather in Houston. And as always, I had a great time hanging out with Larry and Jeff. If there is ever a time for friends to get together at an airshow do it before it’s to late. Hopefully I can come back again to Yuma Airshow. And next time I won’t forget to stay hydrated.

Zero Dark Thirty to Yuma

Article and photos by Kevin Hong/ISAP Editor, Jeff Krueger, Larry Grace/ISAP President

The 2024 MCAS Yuma airshow was unique as it is a one day show with a lot of pride in the United States Marine Corp air capabilities. This was my first time visiting and actually one of the most fun events on many levels. The crowd was huge and all of the demo flights and capability demonstrations were well presented It was the first time I was back in my room going through images before dinner. This was not a bad thing. Along with all that I had the opportunity to meet up with a number of ISAP members I’ve worked with in the past. This was well worth the trip and I hope to attend again.

USAF Heritage Flight P-38 Lightning and F-22 Raptor.
Captain Samuel “RaZZ” Larson getting hyped up in the F-22 taxiing out.
Jeff Krueger
Jeff Krueger
Jeff Krueger
Jeff Krueger

A member of Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance (FORECON) jumping in for the opening ceremonies to start the show.

Jeff Krueger

Kids waiving to Steve Hinton Jr. flying the P-38 Lightning.

Jeff Krueger
RaZZ lighting up the sky with flares during the F-22 Demo.
Jeff Krueger
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace

33rd Annual World War II Weekend

Given that this year’s Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s 33rd Annual WWII Weekend aligned with the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I anticipated it would be particularly memorable. Despite a few aircraft cancellations due to maintenance issues, the event turned out to be a great success!

Last year marked my inaugural attendance at this event, so this time around, I was eager to fully immerse myself by opting for the photography package ticket. I want to express my gratitude to Dave and Christina Brown for organizing this opportunity for us shutterbugs.

On Friday, June 7th, I chose to forgo the photo pit as the airshow that day was a condensed two-hour affair. Opting instead to shoot photos from the far end of the crowd area towards the end of runway 31, it yielded some excellent opportunities. Later, after the crowd dispersed, I moved closer to the center fence to capture close-ups of the Commemorative Air Force aircraft taking people for rides. The day concluded with a sunset walk for photographers over to the B-29 Superfortress FIFI. The sight of it, illuminated by the setting sun peeking below clouds near the horizon, was truly breathtaking.

Throughout all three days, the weather remained consistently fantastic. While the wind posed a minor challenge for the lighter trainer/ reconnaissance aircraft and the paratrooper demonstration, resulting in one paratrooper seemingly caught in a thermal updraft and landing outside the airport perimeter, the skies were bright blue with fluffy cumulus clouds.

On Saturday and Sunday, I remained in the photo pit among a wonderful group of aviation enthusiasts. It was a delight to experience the show from this vantage point. Undoubtedly, the highlight of the flying demonstrations was Thom Richard’s performance in his TP-40 American Dream. He flew it with such gusto all three days and even took to the skies multiple times in the CAF’s P-51 Mustang Red Nose

Personally, I relished the opportunity to see several aircraft I had never encountered in person before, such as the Grumman Avenger torpedo bomber and the replicas of the Nakajima Kate and Mitsubishi Zero The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum also showcased its P-61 Black Widow on static display, offering a glimpse of the ongoing restoration efforts. It’s shaping up beautifully, and I eagerly await the day it takes flight.

For this show, I opted to rent a Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens. Having only delved into aviation photography seriously for a little over a year, I’m still exploring different lens types. My plan for this year is to experiment with renting various lenses for different shows to determine my preferences.

If you’ve never experienced WWII Weekend before, I highly recommend it! It’s held every first full three-day weekend in June.

Jason Capra and Vintage Wings Inc brought

The Delaware Aviation Museum’s B-25J Panchito fires up early Friday. Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T7 Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II ISO: 800 Shutter speed: 1 second Exposure: f/3.5

Chaz Teets

The “Jersey Jerks” in their SNJ Texans.

Chaz Teets
CAF Airbase Georgia’s P-51 Mustang Red Nose runs up the engine before a flight.
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T7 Lens: Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II ISO: 100 Shutter speed: 1/80 second Exposure: f/10

CAF Airbase Georgia’s B5N2 Kate replica during the night shoot.

Canon EOS Rebel T7 Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55MM f/3.5-5.6 IS II ISO: 800 Shutter speed: 1 second Exposure: f/5

Peek-a-boo! I see you! An aviator in a Boeing Stearman looks down at the photo pit.
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T7 Lens: Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II ISO: 100 Shutter speed: 1/100 second Exposure: f/13
Chaz Teets
Thom Richard & his TP-40 building up speed for a high-speed pass.
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T7 Lens: Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L
100 Shutter speed: 1/400 second Exposure: f/9
Chaz Teets
The Kate looked great against the backdrop of flamethrower smoke during the Pacific theater demo.
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T7 Lens: Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II ISO: 160 Shutter speed: 1/250 second Exposure: f/5.6
Chaz Teets

three days.

The TP-40 with Thom Richards piloting was the highlight of the flying demonstration all
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T7 Lens: Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II ISO: 100 Shutter speed: 1/200 second Exposure: f/9
Chaz Teets

The Navy Legacy Flight Foundation program matches today’s front line military fighters with their predecessors in close flight maneuvers at air shows nationwide. The F/A-18F “Rhino”, EA-18G “Growler” Electronic Countermeasure aircraft, and F-35C Lightning II are the modern US Navy jets that fly off the wings of World War II, Korean, and Vietnam era fighters in an amazing tribute to Naval Aviators both past and present.

The Navy Legacy Flight practice was held at NAS Lemoore in California where two F4U Corsairs, F6F Hellcat, and FM-2 Wildcat came up to attend. The Navy approves a select group of civilian pilots to fly their warbirds in formation with the TACDEMO and F-35 aircraft. Here at the practice the civilian pilots flying the warbirds and Navy pilots train together to ensure a safe and enjoyable demonstration showcasing the Navy Legacy Flight demo all over the country. From flying in formation to getting the Navy pilots certified to fly the demos at the airshows,

there is a lot of preparation that goes into making sure everyone is ready for the long airshow season.

While the Navy pilots attend this practice it is worth noting to the public that even though they fly the jets with the warbirds they are not dedicated to flying the airshows every weekend much like the Air Force demo teams. The aircrew, maintenance personnel, and aircraft are always on active duty flying on and off the carriers stationed all over the world and flying airshows is unfortunately secondary for the mission of the Navy.

Even though the weather did not turn out as well in years past I always have a great time working with the young men and women of our armed forces. I hope everyone will be able to see the Navy demo teams and enjoy watching the various formations and high speed passes while listening to the sound of freedom.

Article and photos by Kevin Hong/Airspeed Editor and Larry Grace/ISAP President
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Kevin Hong
Kevin Hong
Kevin Hong
Kevin Hong

Like many things, Sun ‘n Fun started small. In 1974 a few folks in central Florida held a Fly-In event with the goal being to raise money for the local aviation school. This April, the Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo celebrated their 50th anniversary of what has become one of the largest airshows in the nation. Over 200,000 people attended in 2024, from every state in the U.S. and 71 additional countries.

The first day kicked off with a concert featuring Sara Evans, and the show followed with a week full of all things aviation. From military jets to STOL, and everything in between. The performer list featured some familiar names, the USAF Thunderbirds, the Titan Aerobatic Team (formerly the Aeroshell Aerobatic Team), Patty Wagstaff, Michael Goulian, and others. The event also included the debut of the Polaris Ghost

Squadron Team, an eight ship aerobatic team led by a Mig-29. And it would not Sun ‘n Fun without two incredible night shows. Those in attendance this year will not soon forget.

As one of their photographers, one day I was assigned to document a luncheon for what they call their “Pioneers”. At this event the president of Sun ‘n Fun, Gene Conrad, spoke and handed out awards for those who had been part of Sun ‘n Fun for all 50 years. It was amazing to see the love and passion these folks had for this organization. And incredibly humbling to feel part of it in some small way.

And while the goal remains the same, the stories people have (myself included) will continue to grow.

Article and photos by Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton
Carolyn Hinton

Luke Days 2024 was a very well organized and attended event. The skies were a challenge at times, but that’s part of the fun of aviation photography. Kind of like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll get…

The schedule was a great balance of military and aerobatic aircraft with of course the Thunderbirds, A-10 demo team, combat demo and Heritage flight. Along with those, the Mini Jet, Ghostwriter Airshows, Folds of Honor and Red Bull, just to name a few. We were also privileged to see the USAF Honor Guard perform their flawless routines.

One of the highlights of the event for me anyway, was the opportunity to help stage some special photos with the USAF Honor Guard and the USAF Thunderbirds. To the best of my knowledge, it was the first time the two units worked together and we got some great images.

The base PAO office did a really good job of creating a very functional location for the media/photo pit and as with Yuma, a number of ISAP members were there to record the event. This was my first time at Luke for this airshow and I can’t wait for the next one.


Article by Jeff Krueger
Photos by Jeff Krueger and Larry Grace/ISAP President
A-10 thunderbolt II Demo pilot Maj Lindsay “MAD” Johnson showing how close air support works.
Jeff Krueger
Heritage Flight with P-51, A-10 and F-35.
Jeff Krueger

“Iceman” Brian Ernst with the USAF Honor Guard.

Jeff Krueger
Mini Jet Airshows pilot Tom “Lark” Larkin speeding past the crowd.
Jeff Krueger
Jeff Krueger
Jeff Krueger
Demo lighting off some flares for the crowd.
Jeff Krueger

Thunderbirds getting ready to party.

Jeff Krueger

Thunderbirds showing off their skills crossing each other.

Jeff Krueger
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace
Larry Grace



Each year I have the opportunity to be a part of this airshow and it was a return back to Duluth, MN to see old friends and make new ones. Returning this year to perform were the USAF Thunderbirds and the last airshow for announcer Rob Reider at Duluth and his final year announcing on the Airshow circuit.

This year performers showcased the USN Rhino Demo Team USAF C-17 & KC-135 Demo, Minnesota Air National Guard (MNANG) 148th FW “Bulldogs” F-16, Skip Stewart, Jerry Conley, Britt Lincoln, Michael Trehfer, and Hometown manufacturer Cirrus aircraft showing off two of their demos, the SF-50 and SR-22.

This year the airshow was held in May and for Duluth this time of year there could be snow. Well this year the weather gods were with us. It started out fog, rain and a little colder but by mid morning the weather turned out to be great in Northern Minnesota.

Another fun weekend with everyone from the airshow staff and team, the spectators who attended, performers who showcased their skills of flight.

Looking forward to next year as the 2025 airshow will be on July 5th - 6th and will feature the return of the USN Blue Angels.

F/A-18 Super Hornet East Coast Rhino Demo Team VFA-106 Pilot / WSO LT Marty “Grouse” Wilson and LT Vicky “Trash Cat” Gibbons showcasing the Super Hornet high speed photo pass.
Skip Stewart displaying his mastery of the air flying his Pitts for the crowds.
Larry Grace
KC-135 crew of the Altus Joint C-17 Globemaster II & KC-135 Stratotanker demo team.
Larry Grace
MIG-17F Michael Trehfer of Fighter Jets Demo Team flying the MiG-17 Demo.
Larry Grace
The C-17 crew of the Altus Joint C-17 Globemaster II & KC-135 Stratotanker demo team.
Larry Grace

Members of the F/A-18 Super Hornet East Cost Rhino Demo Team taking time to pose with two young fans.

Larry Grace
Duluth Airshow staff members Ryan and Lindsey Kern, Air Show Announcer Rob Reider and Air Boss George Cline.
Maverick and Iceman pose with the Duluth Airshow ground crew staff.
Larry Grace
F-16 from the 148th Fighter Wing “Bulldogs” The Minnesota Air National Guard’s 148th Fighter Wing, an element of Air Combat Command.
Larry Grace
The Altus Joint C-17 Globemaster II & KC-135 Stratotanker Airshow Team on their joint formation pass.
Larry Grace
Britt Lincoln flying through the Duluth skies showcasing her aerobatic skills in her Extra 330SC for the crowds.
Larry Grace
The De Havilland DH-115 Vampire flown by Jerry Conley showcasing his aircraft for the crowd. This aircraft is the world’s oldest flying jet fighter.
Larry Grace


While in transit from Charleston, SC to Georgetown, SC in B-29 Doc, P-51 Mustang Swamp Fox joined us for a formation photo shoot over the coast. The photo shoot started with Swamp Fox in trail being photographed from the tail gunners station. As we transitioned over the USS Yorktown CV-10, he positioned the Mustang low off the B-29’s right wing allowing for this image to be captured from the right gunners blister on B-29 Doc

Camera: Nikon Z9 Lens: NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S ISO: 200 Shutter speed: 1/200 Exposure: f/14 RAW images processed in Adobe Lightroom edited in Photoshop and ON1


This was one of those days I knew I just should have stayed in bed. The trip was supposed to go from Cleveland’s Burke Lakefront Airport to Teterboro, New Jersey. About the time we ready to takeoff we saw the storm clouds forming along with frequent thunder and lightning. You know what they say, discretion is the better part of valor. We waited this one out for over two hours as the storms trained right over the top of the airport.

Camera: Nikon D3S Lens: NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 ISO: 2000 Shutter speed: 1/160 Exposure: f/11 Processed in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom


Article and photo by Rob Tabor

A C-5A taking on fuel over the Pacific Ocean, This was taken from a KC-10 boom operator’s position.

Camera: Nikon D2Xs Lens: Nikon 12-24mm f/4 ISO: 100 Shutter speed: 1/640 Exposure: f/5

Processed in Adobe Photoshop


Hoser Blanton in a Dassault Mirage F1M from Draken USA joins on a Seymour Johnson based F-15E from the 4th TFW at the completion of an air combat training mission in the warning areas off North Carolina coast. Operating from Kinston, NC, Draken provides critical Red Air support for the USAF’s Strike Eagle and Cherry Point based Marine Corps F-35 training programs.

Article and photo by José Ramos



USAF Honor Guard and The USAF Thunderbirds

Here’s where a plan comes together, no practice and one chance to make this image. It was an opportunity to work alongside the 56th FW PA photographers and Video. Attending meeting with the 56th FW Air show team, Air Boss, and others about the how to make a image for the USAF Honor Guard with the Thunderbirds similar to a image like what the USMC Honor Guard did with the Blue Angels C-130 “Fat Albert”.

After reviewing the airshow box and looking at the location on the field, lighting, and what formations could work well. A formation was decided, location approval was, and a look during the morning practice flight on the direction the Thunderbirds will fly during the afternoon demo.

The Honor Guard, 56th FWPA staff, and I met up and I reviewed safety with everyone and had the Honor Guard show us the formation and we came up with three to work with and the main one for the photo pass. A plan was made to set up the formation to do a demo while the Thunderbirds passed by us, but at the last minute, the team taxied a different way from what was taken earlier that day.

Oh well then as a last-minute plan, we had the Honor Guard set up and attempted to place them so that on a few passes we could try to see if we could capture a few attempts as they flew over. I had the team set up in different spots to maximize our opportunity as we had only one shot. I got the call “Last Pass” as that was my signal to get the formation ready and everyone ready to go. As the formation approaches you could hear the camera shutters go!

After the formation flew over us, a lot of high fives and quick looks to see if we got it. Everyone captured something that showcased the opportunity we took part in. Thanks to the teamwork with Luke AFB 56th FW PA staff, USAF Honor Guard, and USFA Thunderbirds to create images for the USAF Honor Guard team.

Camera: Nikon Z9 Lens: NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S ISO: 720 Shutter speed: 1/1600 Exposure: f/11

Processed in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom


Javier Arango owned and flew 24 authentic World War I aircraft. Two of his original aircraft, his Sopwith Camel and his VanDersarl Blériot, are in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution today. I flew with Javier for 17 years. We made three books about early aviation. Javier left us when a cable separated in his Nieuport 28. This book has been published in his memory.

Philip Makanna





$30 plus SHIPPING

8” x 10” — 227 pages

Available exclusively from

The basis of Javier Arango’s work with the airplanes of World War I— apart from his sheer love of them—was the idea that to understand history we must know not only what happened but also what people at the time thought was happening. His airplane collection was not a museum of inert historical artifacts. It was an active, living reconstruction of the past that allowed him, and the few others who flew his airplanes, to experience what that past felt like to its inhabitants. Armed with that experience, he sought to mine from the written records of the time nuances that might otherwise have escaped an historian. “The knowledge that comes from direct experience,” he wrote, “transcends the particular object and provides insights into history in general.”

About the Blériot:

A Blériot does not take off. It levitates. It runs on the grass, bouncing slightly. Suddenly, without pitching up, it is airborne.

The lasting memory is not of flight in the modern sense of acceleration, power, and performance. It is of how impossibly slow this airplane flies and how absolutely improbable it is that such a machine can actually levitate above the ground. This is one of the earliest expressions of man’s ability to achieve mechanical flight.

Balance and control seem to be barely sufficient. Lift is completely miraculous. Its flight’s dimensions are alien to modern pilots; they are on a human scale. Height is in tens of feet, speed is that of a fast horse, and the whole event takes place within one field of vision. The pilot has no instruments. The sound is a slow staccato from the engine, mixed with a whirlwind of rushing air.

This was a dedication and insert about a book Philip Makanna had worked on with a dear friend. He asked if I could review the book for Airspeed and I am so thankful for Philip to not only share this book with us to review but also be able to share with all of our readers why they should purchase a limited copy of World War I aircraft book before they are all sold out.

When I received the book and took it out of the box I was intrigued by the title of the book, The Nature of World War I Aircraft. Everything Philip has done over the years has been nothing but amazing and this book was just that. Another amazing book that not only has his beautiful photography in it but some amazing historical information that takes you back to not only the basics of flying but to a time where aviation and craftsmanship collide.

Phil Makanna continues to produce amazing aviation calendars from World War I and World War II his collaboration of his photography with the essays of Javier Arango in this book are remarkable. The book is not just about Javier Arango’s collection of different types of World War I aircraft but also knowledge about World War I aircraft design, the development of technology, and most of his life’s work learning anything and everything about World War I planes and the pilots that flew them.

captured flying in the air by Philip Makanna. You may even start to think about the Red Baron as you’re reading this.

I hope everyone can get a copy of this book before they are all gone. After reading this book from beginning to end I thought about how far we have come from World War I to today’s technological advances in aviation. I had a great time reading this book and learning more about

Philip Makanna
Philip Makanna

Born in a little town near Milan, in 1963, I started photographing landscape and wildlife when I was young. With my father I began visiting airports. With adulthood and the first complete photographic kit, I moved on shooting civil and military aircraft.

I became a professional photographer in 1998 but I had already been working in aviation for many years. I have been working in Italian and European specialized publishing for 25 years now.

I work in Milan (Italy), after a specialized school. From very young age I shoot wildlife and ambient/landscape around my residence area included in the Ticino river national park.

From the beginning, led by my father, I photographed civil and military aircraft, favored by the proximity to some airports and air bases. From 1998 I write for some Italian and European aviation magazines, but my job is essentially based on civil and religious ceremonies. My aviation experience accounts for many events held all over the world.

I have been a Canon user since the beginning, but I also use Sigma lenses from the professional series (ART and Contemporary series). I shoot indiscriminately in both RAW and jpeg formats, with post-production through Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, without going overboard. Colleagues, clients and friends recognize my dry and clean style, very careful about the composition of the images with a natural feel.

I have known about the International Society for Aviation Photography for a long time. I don’t know why I decided to sign up now. Maybe, I’m a very private person who doesn’t share what I do so easily, but it’s possible that my considerable experience can teach something to younger people.

Angelo Toresani
Angelo Toresani
Angelo Toresani
Angelo Toresani


Identify these aircraft. The answers are found next to the Kenyon Gyro Ad.

ISAP Merchandise

If you wish to purchase any ISAP merchandise please email

Send your name and current address and you will be invoiced via PayPal. Shipping cost will be added to your invoice.

Members with an international address will have a higher shipping rate.

ISAP Challenge coin - $15 + shipping

ISAP safety vest (Small to X-Large) - $28 + shipping

ISAP safety vest 2XL - $31, 3XL - $34, 4XL - $38 + shipping

ISAP membership patch - $7 + shipping

Limited patch version with Velcro backing - $12 + shipping

KelbyOne is an online education community for creative people to help them create the type of images they’ve always wanted.

We are driven by a passion to provide incredible training, with over 800 courses. Our HD-quality lessons, are available to stream 24/7 and taught by world-class industry instructors. Online Access also includes digital editions of Photoshop User magazine and Lightroom Magazine, guided learning tracks, a community forum, brushes, presets and so much more.

As Diverse As Mother Nature Herself

From snow-capped peaks to teeming tropical tide pools, SIGMA’s telephoto lineup is equipped to bring Mother Nature close.

500mm F4 DG OS HSM

F5-6.3 DG OS HSM

150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM

60-600mm F4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM

120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM

100-400mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM

100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS

70-200mm F2.8 DG OS HSM Visit the website to see included accessories.

Answers to Airplane Silhouettes

1. B-25J

2. Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress

3. CASA 2111

The Professionals Source

Professionals in the world of imaging rely on the professionals of B&H for their equipment needs. We have experts ready to give courteous service with a phone call, a click of the mouse or a personal visit.

Our SuperStore

We pay tribute to the wealth of possibilities available for photography, videography and other media industries. We make the wonders of technology available through our complete lines of photo, video, audio, lighting, pro accessories, computers, data storage, optics, entertainment, projection and surveillance devices, to which we add a wonderful, personal experience for professionals, hobbyists and consumers alike.


We opened our original storefront in 1973. Our reputation for extensive inventory and intelligent conversation about photography began with our first customer. We grew from a small photography shop in Manhattan’s Financial District to a major supplier of photo, video and audio equipment on 17th Street, with customers returning again and again for our low pricing and high reliability. The new millennium’s explosion of affordable technology for pros and consumers alike brought new lines of computers, home entertainment, and consumer devices at our location or online at

We continue to expand to meet your needs with showrooms, classes, educational and social media, and more.

Photo by John E– PAUL’S Team member

Delkin’s New BLACK CFexpress™ Type B Cards

Deliver Up to 1700 MB/s Sustained Speeds

POWAY, CA, MARCH 30, 2021 – Delkin Devices, a manufacturer of flash storage solutions and camera accessories, announced today the newest addition to their top-selling line of memory cards: BLACK CFexpress™ Type B memory cards. Specially designed to meet the ever-growing demands of today’s broadcast, cinema and photography industries, Delkin’s BLACK CFexpress™ cards leverage today’s latest technology in order to provide the fastest speeds on the market.

Other competing CFexpress™ Type B cards may state a maximum write speed, but BLACK takes things further with sustained sequential write speeds of at least 1400 MB/s (higher depending on capacity). This sustained speed versus potential write speeds is what guarantees flawless cinema-quality video capture, including DCI 8K RAW 12-Bit @ 30fps (2600 Mbps) in the Canon R5. This is especially valuable during events like weddings, sport meets, concerts and other situations you cannot redo. The cards are also capable of offloading data at speeds reaching up to 1730 MB/s, ensuring the quickest, most efficient data transfer from card to computer for immediate file access and sooner post-production.

“With more camera manufacturers deciding to integrate support for CFexpress™ Type B memory cards into their new camera models, we felt the need to provide camera owners with a card that they could trust to protect and preserve their precious memories” says Jenn Sherry, Delkin's Retail Sales & Marketing Manager, “As cameras continue to advance and new data-heavy modes are introduced, it has become even more important for storage mediums to be able to keep up. We believe that BLACK CFexpress™ is the solution for complete video capture, just as the creator envisioned.”

Each BLACK CFexpress™ Type B memory card has undergone extensive testing to ensure full functionality and performance in today’s high-end cinematic hosts, including ones from Canon® (C300 Mark III, C500 Mark II, 1D X Mark III & R5) and Nikon® (D6, Z6 II & Z7 II). Select hosts originally designed with native support for XQD cards can also accept CFexpress™ Type B cards via firmware upgrade.

In addition to their “Lifetime Warranty” policy, Delkin continues to offer a unique built-in insurance policy for their BLACK memory cards, known as the “48 Hour Replacement Guarantee”. Delkin will replace any non-working BLACK card within 48 hours or less (not including weekends - in the US and UK), prior to receiving the non-working card. Cards can also be replaced over-the-counter at any authorized Delkin BLACK reseller. Additional information on Delkin BLACK can be found here:


Delkin Devices’ consumer group manufactures storage devices and digital accessories for the photography market. Delkin has been in business since 1986 and has offices in both the US and UK. If you would like more information regarding this product or any other Delkin product, please contact Jenn Sherry at

ISAP Board Members

President and Board Chairman Larry Grace

Vice President and Vice Chairman Jim Wilson

Treasurer Gary Edwards

ISAP Board Member George Kounis

ISAP Board Member Kevin Hong

ISAP Staff Member John Sepp

Chairman Emeritus Jay Miller

Airspeed Editor Kevin Hong

Airspeed is a periodic publication of the International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP) and is used to communicate news, functions, convention information, and other information of interest on the local, regional, and national scenes. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and should not be construed as the views or opinions of the International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP). Please contact us at

Airspeed is a publication to showcase our members’ work in capturing aviation events.

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