U.S. Government to Fund Corrosion and Biofouling Research for Marine Energy Devices The Office of Technology Transitions is funding research to optimise non-toxic coatings for control of biofouling and corrosion on marine energy devices and facilities.
he Office of Technology Transitions of the U.S. Department of Energy
blends of SLIC with solvents, curing agents, binders and pigments to
(DOE) is funding the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
assess tensile strength, shelf life, cure time, and any impact on other
project to scale up, field test, and optimise the non-toxic, durable and
performance metrics.
convenient coatings for control of biofouling and corrosion on marine
The federal funding of $529,000 has been issued through the Technology
energy devices and facilities.
Commercialization Fund (TCF), a programme aiming at helping national
The project is based on a patented technology developed by the PNNL,
lab-based research and development projects on energy.
the Superhydrophobic Lubricant Infused Composite (SLIC), which provides
“President Biden is serious about making sure America corners the clean
antifouling performance and durability while decreasing hydrodynamic
energy market – and that means we need to work with our nation’s
drag without involving toxic materials. So, it can help to prevent biofouling
savviest entrepreneurs to fast-track solutions from DOE’s National Labs
of water power civil works in both freshwater and marine environments.
into commercial-ready technologies”, stated Jennifer Granholm, Secretary
The objectives of the research include a final laboratory-based
of Energy. “These projects will help us deploy game-changing innovations
performance test that will measure SLIC’s saltwater-based durability,
that position us to win the clean energy race, while creating jobs and
friction and compatibility with other paint and primer types. Researchers
opportunity across every pocket of the country”.
will collaborate with experts from the coatings industry (such as from BioBlend Renewable Resources, Dry Surface Technologies, Prometheus
For further information:
Innovations and Lorama Group, as well as PNNL’s Marine and Coastal and
Research Laboratory and Taylor Shellfish Farms), in order to co-develop
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