ipcm® n. 68 - March/April 2021

Page 1

The smart journal for surface treatments


ISSN 2280-6083

ipcm digital on www.myipcm.com 2021


12th Year - Bimonthly N° 68 - MARCH/APRIL



SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) Gütegemeinschaft Anti-Graffiti e. V. London Underground

A NEW FOCUS ON INNOVATION www.adaptacolor.com





complete plants



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© MOI composites


Environmental Awareness and Open Legislation as the Drivers of the Coating Industry’s Recovery

HOW IT’S COATED AMBO’s Finishes and Design: M The Perfect Sea-Evoking Combination

© Falmec

© AB Group
















Sustainability and Lean Production: The Two Pillars of AB’s Transition to Totally Water-Based Coatings

Refrigeration System Manufacturing 4.0: from Series Production to Project Production

Helios Coatings Italia: A New Business Has Stemmed from the Merger of Ecopolifix and Helios Italia, with a Complete Range of Industrial Coating Solutions

SUCCESS STORIES Many Coaters, One Surface Quality





46 56

Dürr Builds a Scalable Paint Shop for Enovate’s New E-car Factory

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Automating the Coating of Designer Cooker Hoods with an Articulated Robot and an RFID Queue Management System: The Case of Falmec

70 72 74

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Highly Automated Weighing and Powder Unit Cleaning Systems Reduce Paint Consumption and Increase Production Output

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Improving Efficiency, Productivity, and Environmental Friendliness with Chemical Paint Stripping: Alumec’s Experience

HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Simpec: Water Treatment Solutions for a Wide Variety of Industries

BRAND NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Everest: Reasons and Advantages of Switching from a Horizontal to a Vertical Coating Line







The Axalta ColourSelector: an Innovative Solution for Colour Selection

Euroimpianti Expands and Opens a New Office in Germany


© Tapematic Spa



INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE IDM II – Inline Decoration Module: Combining Hot Foil Stamping, Laser Decoration, and UV Coating in One Innovative Line

© Maurits Bausenhart on Unsplash

130 86 88 96 104 116

A New Study Unveils the Potential of Melanin-Mimetic Materials

Interpon AM: Innovative Powder Coatings with Antimicrobial Properties






FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Optimising Aesthetic Coating Results with an Infracat® Catalytic IR Pre-Gel Oven: The Choice of RI.S.M.I.

INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE An Innovative Technology for Automatically Shot Blasting the Internal Surfaces of Electric Water Heaters



FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Salvatore Robuschi: Innovative Industrial Choices in a New Line for the Green Coating of Industrial Pumps

utomating the Painting of Infrastructure A Maintenance Machinery to Achieve a Greater Efficiency of The Process: The Choice of RASCO

© eos mktg&communication





The Coatings Industry Under Pressure Due to Developments in the Market of Raw Materials

From the Pilot System into Practice: the TransApp® Coating Technology Becomes Reality

INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE AI Measurement of Spray Variance for Reducing Reject Rates





Colour Choices in Le Rond’s Works of Art and Design

Spies Hecker Gives Contemporary Artwork a Cosmic Look

THE MARKETING CORNER Digital Advertising: the 5 Most Important Trends to Follow in 2021









The ipcm® Academy Courses Are Training New Finishing Process Technicians

The Shortage of Raw Materials is Affecting the Italian Coating Industry

The Sustainability of Finishing Processes

Start with a clean slate Interpon’s AM range of powder coatings have antimicrobial (AM) properties to meet the increased demand for products that support improved hygiene. Interpon’s AM range of powder coatings includes anti microbial additives to reduce issues such as bacteria and mold by up to 99.9% on Interpon AM coated surfaces. They can therefore support in reducing bad odors, staining or material degradation associated with microbial growth. Interpon AM is available for use in a wide range of applications beyond the medical/healthcare environment, including: locker rooms and washroom facilities; sport center equipment; kitchen and catering environments including food preparation areas and appliances; and Self service technologies including supermarket self-service checkouts and ticket machines. With thousands of colors to choose from, we’ve got the winning formula of colors, textures and finishes to ensure you remain unbeatable. Ready. Steady. Coat.



Richiedi la versione in italiano a info@ipcm.it


hree months have already passed since the start of 2021, a year that was as eagerly awaited as it was able to disappoint our rosy expectations of the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. If I had to make an initial assessment of what I have perceived and what air I have breathed in the world of surfaces in this first quarter, I would certainly not use the word crisis, at least not in the economic sense of the word. I have seen many dynamic companies, with a lot of work or with good prospects for recovery. I have breathed an air of confidence and industriousness, as well as a will to align with the demands of a market that has completely changed over the last twelve months. One of the trends that has certainly exploded is the individualisation of products, an approach that goes even beyond personalisation. We have already talked about this on ipcm®: what, if not the surfaces of objects, lends itself to extreme personalisation? On the other hand, there is another aspect that has started to heavily affect industrial production: the consumers’ inability to wait for products. The pandemic has introduced this new element of differentiation in the market: having one’s own products always available and immediately deliverable – an approach that is ill-suited to industrial manufacturing times, which cannot be reduced below a certain limit, but that has also led to an erratic use of the world’s logistical resources. The ipcm® March issue has many focusses. It covers a variety of topics and applications spanning several manufacturing fields, from pumps to cosmetic packaging, from road maintenance machines to boilers. It also includes a comprehensive supplement devoted to the coating of architectural profiles and design objects, with a wealth of innovations especially in the powder coating sector. The common thread linking this variety of topics is the companies’ quest to meet this twofold market need through technological innovation that generates efficiency even with highly customised production and finishing processes, which typically do so less. In this first quarter of 2021, however, despite such industrial dynamism carrying with it the seeds of recovery, the international economic scenario has introduced a third, negative element that risks holding back the upturn of the industry: the scarcity of raw materials. Steel and plastic are in short supply, aluminium has reached unsustainable costs and delivery times, and pigments (including titanium dioxide) and paint resins are scarce. In addition, there are unprecedented logistical issues, which are further increasing costs. The huge problems of maritime trade, for example, are causing severe supply delays, instability, and the inability to plan production over the long term – as I write this, one of the world’s largest container ships has just run aground in the Suez Canal, which alone hosts 12% of the world’s maritime traffic. It matters little whether these problems are caused by international speculation, “force majeure” (such as the closure of production facilities due to Covid-19), or global logistical frenzy. What can companies do to deal with a situation that is certainly cyclical but that, at this sensitive time, risks jeopardising economic recovery? Optimising internal processes, seeking efficiency in other areas of production, searching for new sources of raw materials. In the long term, the solution will be to rebuild a strong European chemical and metallurgical industry, but also to stop relocating production to China while creating new factories, perhaps with a smaller capacity, in Europe. Finally, let us make conscious digital purchases next time, without craving 24-hour delivery.

Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68




Environmental Awareness and Open Legislation as the Drivers of the Coating Industry’s Recovery Interview with André Vieira de Castro, Chairman of the Board of CEPE, the European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and Artists’ Colours Industry

The coatings’ industry is always

800 member companies – of which many are

an effervescent market. Could you

small and medium sized companies – employ

give us an overview of its pre and

approximately 100,000 direct employees.

post- pandemic situation?

As their voice to the European Union, we

As every other sector of the economy, the

discuss with all stakeholders to improve the

coatings’ industry was impacted by the

framework conditions in Europe. We support

COVID-19 pandemic, but it is still too early

policymaking based on science that leads to a

to provide a detailed overview, as most

more competitive, healthier, and sustainable

countries are still or back in some kind of ‘crisis


mode’. If a solution can be found rapidly to

CEPE relies on a valuable network of national

the current increase in prices and shortages

associations and direct member companies

of raw materials it should hopefully only

across Europe. Represented by the Board – of

temporarily affect our business. The impact of

which I am the Chairman – and administered

the pandemic in 2020 was less negative than

by the Operational Board, the major work is

originally feared.

accomplished in over 40 working groups that

he challenges currently facing the coating

On the positive side, the deco sector

monitor relevant issues, analyse, and develop

industry are varied and of different natures:

“boomed” in several countries especially in

recommendations to deliver “one message”.

from the current raw material issues to

those countries where DIY-stores remained

By operating at the European level, we engage

the recent question posed by new regulations

opened. The sector of the artists’ colours

with decision-makers regarding the latest EU

on hazardous chemicals and the green and

also encountered very good results at the

strategies and their implementation, all of

digital transformation that is involving the entire

start of the pandemic. On the negative side,

which are currently paving the way for a green

manufacturing industry, there are many issues

the industrial sector, in particular the vehicle

and digital transformation of the European

on the agenda of paint manufacturers. CEPE,

refinishing field, saw sales decline. Printing inks

economy. With a strong commitment to

European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and

were also on the decline with results in 2020

sustainability (e.g. promotion of the product

Artists’ Colours Industry, a reference point for

lower than in 2019. Q2 was the quarter most

environmental footprint), we have several

European companies, conveys all these demands

badly affected due to the restrictions put in

key topics among which there are the future

and advocates the interests of the sector to

place by European governments.

availability of preservatives, microplastics,


André Vieira de Castro.


food contact materials, and many other

institutions committed to providing tools for recovery and to regulatory bodies focused on

How does your Association position itself

topics. For more information, please visit our

the need to reduce the environmental impact

in relation to the current market?

website: cepe.org.

of production processes and the waste they

The European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink,

generate. We talked about this with André Vieira

and Artist’s Colours Industry (CEPE) represents

What are the sector’s current priorities,

de Castro, the Chairman of the Board of CEPE,

the interests of Paint, Printing Ink, and Artist’s

in general and in terms of legislation in

who transparently analysed the priorities of our

Colours manufacturers in Europe. As such,


industry as well as the association’s upcoming

CEPE combines the interests of over 80% of

The EU political agenda is dominated by the


the value of the respective markets. The about

new growth strategy, also referred to as the


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



EU Green Deal that has two objectives, namely

used paints and the setting up of national

a hazard-based approach for all consumer

for Europe to become the first continent to

extended producer responsibility schemes for

products. There are also the introduction of

achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and to

the packaging and packaging waste of paints,

a mixture assessment factor (MAF) for the

become world leader in sustainability.

which is going to become mandatory by 2025.

chemical safety assessment of substances,

Many of the initiatives stemming from the

Secondly, there is the Chemicals Strategy

the revisions of the REACH authorisation and

EU Green Deal will impact the coatings

for Sustainability (CSS), which announces

restrictions, and the essential use concept.

industry. Firstly, there is the Circular

50+ initiatives that have the potential of

The latter, for instance, seems to run

Economy Action Plan (CEAP) which sets

fundamentally changing the chemical

counter to science-based policy making. The

out 30+ initiatives. Here, CEPE’s focus is on

framework in which we operate. Therefore,

“essential use concept” shall help to assess

the Sustainable Product Policy Framework,

we have decided to contribute, together with

whether the use of certain chemicals is

which concentrates on three aspects: on

other stakeholders, to an impact assessment

necessary. Who would decide what chemicals

greener product design (read: less hazardous

that shall establish further clarity about the

are necessary? The concept’s idea stems

substances), on empowering consumers

impact of the strategy on the chemical sector

from the Montreal Protocol that seeks to

(a broader introduction of the Product

and the coatings industry in particular.

reduce the depletion of the ozone layer

Environmental Footprint, PEF), and on more

Furthermore, among the measures

and thus is much narrower in scope than

sustainable production processes (less energy

announced, several deserve special

EU chemical legislation. While criteria are

consumption). The CEAP also seeks to reduce

attention. There is the generic approach to

not yet defined, the concept will likely be a

waste. CEPE will be focusing on the proposals

risk management, which consists in shifting

veritable market intervention based on highly

establishing separate collection schemes for

from a risk-based approach to chemicals to

subjective or politicised decision-making,

© Adobe Stock

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68




which, of course, is prone to all kinds of

products (BPR), we are increasingly concerned

One of the themes that CEPE holds dear

unintended discrimination.

about the future availability of effective in-

is sustainability. What future do you

Thirdly, there is the issue of food contact

can & dry-film preservatives. The regulation

foresee for coatings with respect to this

materials (FCM). As part of the EU Green Deal

makes preservatives disappear and new ones


and its Farm to Fork strategy, the European

do not come on the market easily. We are

I confirm, sustainability ranks high on the

Commission is proposing to revise the FCM

engaging with biocide regulators to explain

agenda of CEPE and the fundamental

legislation in order to improve food safety

the essential need of preservatives and the

transition of our sector from solvent-based

and public health (in particular in reducing

possible upcoming crisis if these substances

to water-based products is a testament to it.

the use of hazardous chemicals). In early

become unavailable: this would dramatically

Sustainability will continue to play a big role in

2021, the European Commission invited

increase the amount of waste, which goes

the future. As CEPE, we believe that coatings

stakeholders to provide feedback on their

against the EU target of further reducing

are part of the solution to establish a circular

initial considerations and their approach for

waste. While we have achieved momentum in

economy in Europe and to become more

an impact assessment. EuPIA, the printing ink

2019 where regulators accepted the fact that


sector contributed to it. The issue of FCM will

the problem needs to be solved, the issue

Paints are intrinsically sustainable products.

also be of high interest to our can coatings

remains unanswered. Our latest proposals for

Besides their aesthetic appeal, paints act as

sector. The new Regulation is expected to be

a quantitative risk assessment in addition to

a protective barrier to natural weathering

adopted by Q4 2022.

qualitative risk assessment were rejected at

and microbiological degradation for all

In addition, CEPE is continuing to work on the

the technical level and sent back to the political

kinds of substrates thereby extending the

issue of biocides. With the implementation of

level. We will have to continue the discussions

lifecycle, safety, and performance of products

the EU Regulation No. 528/2012 on biocidal

in the months and years to come.

and constructions. In this context, paints

© Adobe Stock


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


contribute to the overall objective of the EU

2022 in the EU, and by 3.8% in both years in the

for more sustainability, by means of increased

Euro area.

durability. In addition, both inks as a support for

Regarding the coatings sector in Europe, the

communication and education and artist colours

construction and industrial coatings fields are

as the main support for art contribute to the well-

slowly recovering, but overall they remain below

being of people and society.

pre-pandemic levels. For 2021, the deco sector is

Despite their positive value to society, coatings

expected to continue to grow sharply in Q1 before

are under threat because they contain chemicals.

levelling off to a more normalised year over year

Indeed, there is increasing concern, amongst

growth. Worldwide, the coatings market is expected

European citizens and decision-makers, about

to grow, with the greatest growth expected to be

chemicals and their negative impact on human

in Asia.

health and the environment. These concerns have resulted in a decrease in the number of substances

Mr. De Castro, you are also the Chairman

available to the industry and I fear that this trend

of the Supervisory Board of APT - Associação

will continue and intensify in the near future.

Portuguesa de Tintas. How did the Portuguese

As a responsible industry, we will cater to these

market face the pandemic period? What are


the forecasts for the

We will continue to ensure the highest levels of

coming years?

safety for health and the environment and we will

One must recognise that the Portuguese market

further innovate to increase sustainability. We

performed very well in 2020 with total sales

are on the eve of a major overhaul in the way our

growing by some 7% in volume. Despite some

products are conceived and produced. In future,

setbacks in the metal (machinery) and wood

we will likely see a further increase of life cycle

(furniture) segments, the sectors of Construction

thinking, innovations with recycled paint content,

and DIY performed very well in the past year. The

and answers to the limited availability of chemicals

good results for DIY can be explained by the fact

with hazard profiles.

that many people were at home for a considerable amount of time. People had both the time to

At the moment, it is difficult to make a

embellish their homes and were keen to do so.

forecast about the economic situation over

Increasingly more people have come to realise

the next year. From the point of view of

how important it is to live in a safe, comfortable,

your Association, could you give us some

and beautiful place. Moreover, despite some

indications of future developments in both

organisational issues linked to the reinforced

Europe and the whole world?

sanitary measures and the fear of a lockdown

In these periods of uncertainty, it is indeed

(which fortunately did not occur), activity in the

very difficult to predict the time and level of the

construction sector increased strongly, thus

economic recovery.

contributing to a positive year in terms of sales.

The EU economic recovery plan and the

The coming years are likely to be challenging,

development and commercialisation of the

but also full of opportunities. The Portuguese

vaccines at the end of 2020 led many economists

Resilience Strategy intends to use the EU funds to

and businesses to be optimistic about the speed

foster some infrastructures with a view to putting

of recovery. However, delays in the vaccination

the country back on track. It will support the

campaigns and the appearance of new variants

tourism recovery and the export industries and

have somewhat reduced the level of optimism.

address the social housing dilemma. These will be

Nonetheless, according to the European

beneficial drivers to our paint industry, which we

Commission “European Economic Forecast”, GDP

will support and where we will help to protect and

is expected to grow by 3.7% in 2021 and 3.9% in


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Ilaria Paolomelo and Barbara Pennati,ipcm


January and February in review Broadcasting innovation.


anuary is traditionally the best month to draw up programs,

If 2020 has given an extra boost to the development of digital,

projects and good intentions. ipcm® also has many news and

ipcm® - which has made digital innovation its strong point within the

projects in store for 2021.

sector - continues to innovate: starting from the number of January/

We have left behind the most atypical and difficult year that the whole

February of ipcm®, you find an interactive index. It’s a small technical

world has ever experienced and which forced the entire population

innovation that greatly facilitates the reading of the digital version.

to stop - at least physically. What did not stop, however, was the work

Furthermore, on the same issue we have inaugurated a new section:

of the editorial staff of ipcm®, which was not discouraged by the stop

The Marketing Corner. Here you find original content, articles,

of trade fairs and trips but took the opportunity to study new projects

trends and best practices to better orient yourself in the world of

that will finally see the light during 2021.

communication and digital marketing.

ipcm® OnAir is the new telecast-like format powered by ipcm® to offer the sector an opportunity to meet and promote technological

February is the shortest month of the year but it wasn’t less

innovations, using an unprecedented new platform.

intense for us. We started traveling again (at least in Italy) to do the

The broadcasts will be recorded in a soundstage, where the real

reportages that distinguish us: this journalistic editorial service is the

and the virtual will meet and will form a backdrop for debates and

trademark of our magazines. The result of the interviews carried out

in-depth analysis.

this month can be seen on the pages of the two magazines published

In January we defined and made available the 2021 training program

in February: ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies and ipcm_Ibérica/

of the training course organized by ipcm® Academy, which, officially

LatinoAmérica, the magazines dedicated to surface finishing for the

presented during the Digital Open Day held on January 20, aims to

Iberian and Latin American markets.

define the problems related to metallic materials protection and

February was also dedicated to the creation and definition of the

finishing, deepening the individual phases of the manufacturing

new ipcm website, which is now available. The new site was created

process, from surfaces pre-treatment to quality control. At the end

with the intent to provide the surface treatment sector with an even

the course, the student will be able to take the final exam and, in

richer and more complete information portal and improve the user

case of positive outcome, will obtain the certification of Technician

experience of visitors, through improved graphics and features, in

of Industrial Surface Finishing Processes recognized at national and

line with the corporate image - a fresh, dynamic image, attentive to

European level.

the latest trends in the digital world.

January in review


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


February in review

Speaking of new projects, the first of two meetings dedicated to ipcm®

mission that we carry out with ipcm_Academy – the division dedicated to

OnAir, the television format dedicated to technological innovation in the

training surface finishing technicians – but that we have also personally

surface finishing sector, was held on Friday, February 26th.

embraced. In fact, a specialized English course offered by the company

In conclusion, those who follow us know how much we believe in the

began in February. All employees will have the chance to take different

importance of training to improve our skills and acquire new ones. It is a

lessons based on their level and duties within the company.

Say goodbye to masking Overspray-free paint application with EcoPaintJet Revolutionary precision in automatic application brings efficiency to product customization. Dürr’s solution EcoPaintJet applies sharpedged paint lines on surfaces, pushing the limits for efficient and resource-saving coating: No overspray, no more masking of your product. www.verind.it


AkzoNobel Supplies Powder Coatings for the Pearl River Delta Project AkzoNobel will provide Resicoat R2 coatings for the coating of potable water pipes’ interior, as part of the Pearl River Delta water resource allocation project in China.


kzoNobel signed an agreement with Guangdong Water

Director of AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings business. “We’re excited to

to provide high-performance Resicoat R2 coatings for the

be contributing to this significant project by supplying products that

Pearl River Delta water resource allocation project, a major

will provide comprehensive protection to the new water pipeline.”

infrastructure project in China, for the coating of potable water pipes’ interior.

About the Pearl River Delta Project

Resicoat R2 Features Resicoat R2 coating is specially designed to be used in the drinking water industry, typically being applied to valves and fittings and water

Designed to ensure the supply of clean and safe potable water to


more than 50 million people, the landmark project will feature the

The product’s high density and high hardness provide robust abrasion

highest water transmission pressure and the longest shield tunnel

resistance, anti-cathodic stripping, anti-bending, anti-corrosion

in the world. It consists of a mainline, a branch line, three pumping

and adhesion, all of which combine to help prolong the lifecycle of

stations and four storage reservoirs. In fact, the Pearl River Delta is one

pipelines. Resicoat R2 has also received the drinking water safety

of the world’s most densely populated areas and the water supply has

product license in China.

to be continuously expanded. The water resource allocation project

“Applying safe, environmentally friendly coatings to potable water

is designed to channel water from the Xijiang River in the west to the

projects is fundamental to ensuring water quality throughout the

eastern Pearl River Delta. As well as helping to prevent water scarcity, it

delivery process,” adds Karen Yin, AkzoNobel Powder Coatings’

will create emergency water reservoir for the Southern areas in China

Regional Commercial Director for North Asia. “Our Resicoat range

including Hong Kong.

can therefore play a vital role in drinking water sanitation and the

“We have rich global experience in drinking water and pipeline projects

reinforcement of regulations and environmental protection.”

and will continue to play our part in improving people’s lives through our eco-premium and high-performance solutions,” says Daniela Vlad,

For further information: www.akzonobel.com

© AkzoNobel


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© AkzoNobel


KOLZER Presents its Alternative Technologies to CrVI-based Finishes KOLZER, an Italian company specializing in designing and manufacturing vacuum coating machines, presents its PVD technologies which replace CrVI-based finishes, the use of which has been prohibited in the functional chrome plating sector with a decorative purpose.


nder the REACH regulation of the European Union, the use of chromium trioxide (EC 215-607-8; CAS 1333-82-0) in the functional chrome plating sector with a decorative character has not been authorized. Its use is limited to some specific fields (aeronautics and tinned steel passivation) and

only until 2024. With the aim of providing companies with an alternative solution to CrVI, while maintaining the quality level unchanged, KOLZER presents its PVD technologies of the DGK® and MK® lines, capable of ensuring the same quality combined with economic savings, and of meeting market needs in terms of sustainability. Furthermore, thanks to the experience gained during the participation in the Alliance of PVD Providers (APP), by presenting a manifesto1 at ECHA in 2018, KOLZER is available to accompany companies interested in the transition to PVD technology. For further information: www.kolzer.com 1




Evonik Invests in chembid to Strengthen its E-Commerce Activities Evonik has invested in chembid, the largest meta-search engine for chemicals, in order to strengthen the company’s e-commerce activities and support the development of an independent marketing platform for the chemical industry.


vonik’s venture

their digital offerings and

capital arm

can ultimately generate new

has invested in

customers and increase

chembid, the world’s

chemical sales via the

largest search engine


and market intelligence

Evonik will contribute the

platform for chemicals, to

knowledge gained from the

strengthen the company’s

development and operation

e-commerce activities.

of its OneTwoChem® digital

The investment supports

marketplace to chembid,

the development of an

discontinuing its own

independent digital sales


platform for the chemical

“Supporting the development


of chembid is an intelligent

The family-owned start-

way to develop our

up, which is based in

e-commerce activities

Oldenburg, Germany, was

© Evonik

initiated in 2016 by BÜFA

further and reach a broader customer base,” said Henrik

GmbH & Co. KG, and has since developed a meta-search engine that

Hahn, chief digital officer of Evonik. “OneTwoChem® taught us much

connects buyers with suppliers, and provides a dashboard of market

about digital customer experience, which is the quality of the online

intelligence such as price trends and demand patterns by analysing

interactions that a customer has with our brand. We are happy to

the search data with intelligent algorithms.

bring in our expertise in this area.”

“As sales platforms gain traction in the chemical industry, it’s

Evonik is also enhancing chembid’s offerings by making its digital

important to be a driver in the digital service space,” said Bernhard

laboratory assistant, COATINO®, available on the platform. Besides

Mohr, head of Evonik Venture Capital. “A strong, comprehensive

its product recommendation engine, COATINO® also offers a voice

and independent platform is desirable for the chemical industry

assistant for the coatings industry, providing answers to questions

as a whole. This investment supports that idea by accelerating the

about formulations and ingredients for paints.

development of the industry’s biggest meta-search engine.”

The inclusion of COATINO® on the platform will drive an increasing

The platform already has over 50,000 users a month from more

number of users to the tool and enable Evonik to accelerate its

than 150 countries, and can count on the STOCKMEIER Group as an


investor since 2019.

“We are very pleased to have Evonik on board as an investor,” said

How chembid works

Felix Thalmann, chief executive officer of BÜFA. “Just like BÜFA, Evonik has a strong focus on innovation and digitalization and so has much

Like other meta search engines, chembid forwards the search query

to offer in the development of chembid. COATINO® is a great example

to a large number of domain-specific search engines and returns a

of how we can boost the quality of the services on our platform.”

unified result. Buyers can find chemical suppliers from all over the

The parties have agreed not to disclose the financial terms of the deal.

world and compare product offers. Manufacturers and distributors of chemicals who engage with chembid increase the visibility of


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: https://corporate.evonik.com


© Nordson

Nordson Launches an Online Virtual Showroom Nordson has launched a virtual showroom as a new way to experience powder coating products.


ordson Industrial Coating Systems has launched an online virtual showroom, which can be visited at www.nordsoncoating.com/showroom, to offer powder coaters a new way to experience powder coating products allowing them to immerse in a virtual powder coating world.

It offers an interactive experience of products, technologies and comprehensive powder applications through a 3D virtual showroom. The online 360-degree view invites users to take an exciting and highly informative tour which informs the visitors on products using images and videos by interactive hotspots and redirect them to the website for further information. It is also possible to contact Nordson experts directly by submitting a virtual business card to a selected application area. For further information: www.nordson.com/hdlv


WAGNER’s IoT Platform Increases with Additional Functions and the Entry-level Version COATIFY.light The web-based information and management platform COATIFY launched by WAGNER in 2019 is used for intelligent visualization of coating systems. This IoT platform has now been enhanced with new features and a special entry-level version called COATIFY.light.


OATIFY provides clearly

• tracing of details of past jobs

visualized key figures, live

including the used recipe,

productivity monitoring,

coating material and other

information on the exchange of


spare parts, operating instructions

• recording and tracing of

with a spare parts list, and an

application data of the EPG

interface to WAGNER’s remote

control units used, e.g. the

maintenance service. The

setting of the air or high

information enables reliable process


control, short response times and

Other new features are:

anticipatory service measures. The

• in addition to automatic

data, collected by the controls and

coating, the percentage

sensors of WAGNER products, are

of manual coating in the

transmitted to COATIFY via a secure

production process can also be



COATIFY platform is easily accessible

• in the Performance

via PC, tablet or smartphone by all

Dashboard, the data are no

those involved in the production

longer displayed only by day,

process - be they operator,

but also by shift.

production manager, service

• the data are automatically

employee, quality or process

updated at regular intervals.


A further benefit is that, in

In addition to many other WAGNER powder coating systems, now

© WAGNER Group

addition to the comprehensive package, which offers

the SuperCenter powder centre and the E-Line variant, which has

continuous data provision, the user can choose the new version

the maximum control scope of this coating line, can be connected

COATIFY.light, an attractively priced entry-level package with flexible

to the platform. Soon, the entry-level variant of the E-Line and the

billing models, and displaying all data from the last 365 days

SprayPackE automatic control unit will also be compatible with

retrospectively. Depending on requirements, companies can start with

COATIFY. Plans are currently underway to also visualize liquid coating

the lower-priced basic version and have it expanded accordingly as

systems in the future.

soon as the demands on their own production monitoring increase.

The platform has been enriched by several functions that allow to trace parameter settings:


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.coatify.net

© Frost-trol

Frost-trol manufactures and installs refrigeration systems in the most important national and international supermarkets.


Refrigeration System Manufacturing 4.0: from Series Production to Project Production Edited by Nordson Deutschland GmbH Erkrath, Germany


The act of stocking large industrial sized refrigerators now-a-days are a thing of the past. Frost-trol, the Spanish refrigeration system specialist, supplies name-brand supermarkets with brand-specific refrigeration systems configured to the customer’s requirements.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



ndustrial refrigeration systems are used in supermarkets,

The challenge

grocery and convenience stores. In order to develop customized

The task for the powder coating line was to completely reorganize

refrigerated cabinets and cooling systems specific to its customer’s

both the pretreatment and coating processes and to integrate them

needs and to manufacture them economically in small series, the

into the operations of the entire production. “To achieve a constant

Spanish specialist Frost-trol has commissioned a state-of-the-art

material flow, it was essential to determine the process times of all

production facility.

machines and work steps. When coordinating them, it was necessary

“Our current customers are the large chains in the food retail market,

to consider, the workpieces pass through the various plant areas

who no longer just buy equipment from us, but desire tailor-made

at different speeds. Based on this data, we ran through countless

solutions for their very brand-specific outlets,” says Jorge Herreros,

conceivable options and alternatives in extensive simulations and

plant manager at Frost-trol, describing the effects of a change in

in the end calculated the optimum configuration of the plant,” says

strategy at Frost-trol over the past few years. This has also had major

Rubén Cubillas, who is responsible for the coating plant at Frost-trol,

impacts on production: “We used to mass-produce the different

briefly summarizing the planning phase. The result of this intensive

cooling modules and store them until they were sold. Today, we

preliminary work stands in a newly built production hall near Castellón.

produce exactly the elements needed to process an order. This is

“For 25 years, we had a single powder coating line,” says Mr. Cubillas,

highly efficient, but also poses an enormous challenge to the flexibility

“…but the flexibility in production required today can only be achieved

of our production,” says the plant manager.

with a highly automated, integrated production with two lines.”

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

In order to intensify its throughput, Frost-trol installed two coating lines with two coating booths by Nordson.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


The solution Key elements of the coating line are the two ColorMax3 powder coating booths, one of which was built in late 2017, while the second was added the following year. In the place of these two booths, there were three conventional booths before the conversion and although the number of booths has been reduced, the performance has increased enormously: “We consistently rely on Nordson‘s HDLV® dense phase technology,” explains Jorge Herreros, adding as an explanation: “The eight Encore® HD automatic guns spray with a very soft powder cloud that hits our workpieces at a low speed and applies a consistent coating on them. This produces an excellent coating quality that hardly ever requires rework, and we benefit © Nordson Deutschland GmbH

Thanks to the new coating line, the production capacity has increased considerably. A doubled output is achieved and with a reduction in powder consumption of about 20%.

from efficient powder application.” Another advantage is the fast cleaning. “We are prepared for up to 40 product and colour changes a day with this system,” reports Mr. Herreros. “This is only economically feasible if downtime is minimal!”. Powder is transported by the Encore HD pumps, which deliver powder consistently and accurately – a prerequisite for the maximum process control and reproducibility of coating results that Nordson HDLV (High Density, Low Velocity) dense phase technology excels at. “We typically coat at 60 to 70 µ, creating a particularly homogeneous surface that eliminates the need for rework,” Mr. Herreros says. A special feature of the installation at Frosttrol is that two additional PowderPilot HD screens were installed directly on the booths for system control. “This also increases efficiency and optimizes process”, explains Rubén Cubillas. “Depending on where the operator is at the moment, the time in which he can read information about the current status of the plant modules or initiate the next steps are reduced”. The control panels

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

The coating is applied at 60 to 70 µ and at the same time it provides a highly uniform finish that eliminates the need for reworking.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

themselves are Nordson standard and feature icon-driven and intuitive user ability.

The evolution of FASTRIP for an easy, effective and rapid paint stripping of metals. The FASTRIP range is easy to use with adjustable cycle parameters: time setting, heating function, constant temperature control, and real-time temperature display. It is made of high quality steel and the cleaning basket can be supplied in AISI 304 stainless steel. It features a powerful large-diameter transducer with a considerable cleaning effect and an electric circuit insulated from liquids for greater safety.



the range of compact tanks for immersion paint stripping






the range of medium-sized paint stripping tanks with a capacity of 800 liters.

the range on large-sized paint stripping machines with a capacity of 1000 liters.

The r-evolution of FASTRIP from in-line paint stripping of hooks and frames... FASTRIP

ISP Modular in-line paint stripping system for hooks and frames intended for electrostatic coating operations.

...to a new off-line solution for aluminium profiles




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hours a day, five days a week. For powder coating

Development toward Industry 4.0 will increase:

antibacterial powder is used that is somewhat

all plant areas are networked, communicate and

difficult to handle. Nevertheless, the system

complement each other to provide fully automated

produces an uniform quality finish. Refinishing is

production. It enables customers to move

virtually unnecessary. “Consistently achieving this

away from series production and manufacture

quality every time is very important for us, because

the various modules of a refrigeration system

the finished refrigerated cabinets later stand in the

exclusively on a project-by-project basis as

very bright light of our customer’s retail outlets, and


their demands for a perfect finish are quite high.”

The overall production is based on the high

A major advantage of the innovative coating system

flexibility of the individual modules, especially in the

can also be seen with the two new coating systems;

powder coating system. “On average, we carry out

a doubled output is now achieved with a nearly

about eight colour changes per shift. This is a big

20% reduction in powder consumption at the same

step forward compared to the old system; whereas


it used to take around 25 consuming minutes for a

Jorge Herreros concludes, “The new coating line

colour change, it is now done in 10 to 12 minutes,

with Nordson HDLV technology plays a major

without stress and almost automatically,” says a

role in our high demands for quality as well as

pleased Mr. Cubillas.

sustainability of our products and fulfils our

Similar to the entire plant, the dense phase

modern project production with batch size one

powder coating system operates in two shifts, 16

absolutely economically”.

of surfaces that come into contact with food, an



The results: Industry 4.0, top quality and economy


© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

Two additional PowderPilot HD screens were installed directly on the booths for system control.


Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222 info@cmautomazione.it

© Helios Coatings Italia

Ecopolifix mixing equipment at the Riese Pio X factory.


Helios Coatings Italia: A New Business Has Stemmed from the Merger of Ecopolifix and Helios Italia, with a Complete Range of Industrial Coating Solutions From an interview with Bine Pangršič Managing Director and President of the Board of Directors of Helios Coatings Italia

In 2009, Ecopolifix, a long-standing Italian manufacturer of powder coatings with two production plants in the Veneto region (in Tezze Sul Brenta for thermoplastics and in Riese Pio X for thermosetting materials), was taken over by the Ring International Holding, an Austrian industrial group with two very different core businesses: the production and sale of stationery and the production and sale of industrial coatings. Since then, Ecopolifix has evolved and transformed from a family-run company with an exclusive focus on the powder sector and on economy of scale to an industrial business. Today, the brand belongs to the European HELIOS Group, which is part of one of the largest groups in the global coating industry, KANSAI PAINT, currently the tenth largest paint manufacturer in the world.


ith a new name, a new corporate image, an extensive range

Ecopolifix turned into Helios Coatings Italia by merging with Helios

of coating systems, a new customer service paradigm, many

Italia (Gorizia, Italy), while the brand Ecopolifix will stay as well-known

expansion and investment projects in the pipeline, and a

powder brand in the product portfolio. By joining forces and skills and

completely redesigned production organisation, on January 1 , 2021,


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


sharing the KANSAI group’s vision, the new company is now able to offer


a complete package of industrial coating

done an excellent job of keeping Ecopolifix at

coatings annually) and with a much higher

solutions, ranging from liquid and powder

the highest level possible over the years and

efficiency than many larger groups. But as

products for metal to cataphoresis, from

maintaining its shares in the Italian powder

naturally happens in any environment, while

car refinishing products and architectural

market with an excellent quality-price ratio,

Ecopolifix remained at its – albeit highest –

coatings to adhesives, sealants, glues, and

was switched by Helios. Together with Mrs.

level, other companies progressed. Ecopolifix

speciality chemicals, thus presenting itself

Alenka Leghissa, then also managing director

was also the least integrated company in

as an original alternative to the existing

of Helios Italia, we took over the reins of the

the HELIOS Group. It was a successful but

suppliers on the market.

company. Ecopolifix had always been one of

independent company, which did not fully

Let us retrace the steps taken by Ecopolifix

the most successful companies in the Ring

support the group’s mission and vision.”

through the interview that ipcm® has done

International Holding Group and later in the

Adds Pangršič: “Our task, therefore, was

by meeting Bine Pangršič, the Managing

HELIOS Group, because it had a very clear

clear: taking charge of the company,

Director of Helios Coatings Italia, in the Riese

and precise mission, which it followed without

understanding the reasons for its success,

Pio X plant, which deals with the production

ever going off the rails.”

analysing how its portfolio of products and

of thermosetting powder coatings. This has

“This was a good business model for many

customers was changing and what were the

undergone a major restructuring to be fully

years. However, the company had not

new requirements, and fully integrating the

integrated into HELIOS Group.

developed a growth mindset, both in terms

firm into the group by adopting its corporate

“Ecopolifix began its transformation project

of products and of sales and production, thus

values and culture. Helios’ vision has always

in 2018, after the Ring International Holding

making few investments in its assets. It had

been to act with one representative entity

sold the HELIOS Group to Japanese company

been stuck at the highest point of its potential

in each market of interest, through which

KANSAI PAINT in 2017,” explains Bine

for years, working at full capacity (at around

to channel its complete coating product

Pangršič. “Its previous management, who had

7,000 tonnes of thermosetting powder

offering: cataphoresis, liquid, powder, car


for Wastewater treatment & ZLD Plants

MST CHEMICALS develops a wide range of chemical products and solutions for Waste Water Treatment & Zero Liquid Discharge (Z.L.D.) for METAL FINISHING LINES!

refinish, architectural, and wood coatings. This

Finally, the third phase that completed

by this condition (stability, financial support,

philosophy also formed the backbone of our

the creation of Helios Coatings Italia was

a recognisable brand, and a wide range of

project to integrate Ecopolifix into the group.”

the project to include liquid coatings

products) while combining them with the

for metal in its product range, which

entrepreneurial approach and flexibility that

started at the end of 2019, and merging

have characterised Ecopolifix throughout its

The three crucial phases that led to the creation of Helios Coatings Italia

with Helios Italia. “Until then, Ecopolifix

history,” states Bine Pangršič.

The first crucial phase of this transition from

had only focused on thermoplastic and

“The new packaging we have created for

Ecopolifix to Helios Coatings Italia was the

thermosetting powder coatings. Now, we

Helios Coatings Italia’s powder coatings also

implementation of SAP, which radically changed

believe we can offer our customers a full

maintains the Ecopolifix brand to identify all

the way we organize processes and was one of

system of industrial coating solutions.

products manufactured in our Veneto-based

the most challenging processes for the team in

Additionally thanks to its merger with

plants. In addition to our new image, we

the past period. There are said to be companies

Helios Italia, which mainly marketed car

have also invested in raising the level of our

or teams that have already broken down as a

refinish paints, glues, adhesives, and

customer and technical assistance service,

result. “Fortunately, we are still alive and even

sealants produced in the group’s various

by creating a follow-up protocol in the sales

stronger now as a team,” says Bine Pangršič

plants, Helios Coatings Italia with two

pillar and separating the logistics department

with a smile. “Indeed, the implementation of

production sites in the Veneto region and

(which previously also dealt with this activity)

SAP has facilitated us to initiate a complete

a branch office in Gorizia is currently the

from the customer service one and creating a

reorganisation process of functions and

group’s only Kansai-Helios representation

technical assistance department as part of our

departments. Among other things, this led to a

for the Italian market,” explains Pangršič.

R&D pillar. Our typical customers have always

shift from strong and effective but centralised

been in industrial segment; we also have a

management to a four-pillar structure, with

Two cores, one business

employees who are willing and able to support

“Now, at the end of this journey, this firm

especially in Italy, but also in segments like

their own decisions and who can suggest

is fully aware that it belongs to a large

HVAC and electrical equipment, and these are

organisational improvements as an integral,

multinational company, a group that

the areas that we will be investing the most in

indispensable part of the company they work

ranks tenth in the world among paint

terms of innovative products. We have a wide

for. We have let people grow together with the

production companies. The aim is to

array of certifications ranging from Qualicoat

company, thus creating a working environment

make use of all the advantages brought

Class 1 & Class 2 as well as Qualisteelcoat and GSB certifications, U.L. and MED approvals.

in which they can improve both professionally and personally. On February 1st, 2021, the

good market share in the architecture sector,

We recently received also the Qualideco

© ipcm

creation of the four founding organisational

certification for our wood-effect sublimation

pillars of the newly-founded Helios Coatings


Italia led to the identification of several leaders,

“We have found many interesting opportunities

each responsible for his or her own team, which

in the market for both powders and

generated greater collaboration to bring results

cataphoresis products: thanks to an expansion

and create harmony between the people, the

plan for the Riese Pio X factory and the creation

objectives, and the activities of our company.”

of a distribution hub in Milan for both liquid

The second crucial step in the creation of

and powder coatings (which are manufactured

Helios Coatings Italia was the purchase of

in the group’s plants in Austria, Slovenia

the production plant in Riese Pio X. “This was

and Serbia), one of our main tasks will be

important to release the unexpressed potential

to harmonise the powder segment with the

of the company and provide the necessary

industrial liquid coatings one. At the same time,

stability for development. Investment in

we are also investing in personnel to strengthen

productive assets has become the main focus

both our sales team as well as our technical

of our strategy: we increased our number of


powder lines to 6, introducing state-of-the-art

“Market turbulence in times of crisis creates

machines to replace the obsolete ones, and we will continue to improve this aspect to offer everhigher quality products,” says Bine Pangršič.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Bine Pangršič in front of the new mill and with the new packaging box of Ecopolifix powder coatings.

opportunities. Whoever is brave enough to seize them will be the winner.”




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Interview with Gabriele Natale, CEO of Moi composites

© MOI composites

MAMBO’s Finishes and Design: The Perfect Sea-Evoking Combination “To date, MAMBO represents not only the first boat made with innovative three-dimensional production techniques to be used in real navigation, but also a window to a new sea of possibilities and an invitation to reflect on the way in which we judge the realisation of possible or impossible ideas.”


AMBO is an acronym for Motor Additive Manufacturing BOat,

with Professor Marinella Levi created Moi composites as a spin-off, a

the world’s first 3D-printed fibreglass boat. It was designed and

natural evolution of academic research that has reached the necessary

manufactured by Moi composites, a young start-up company

and sufficient maturity to gather the first feedback from the market. Moi

created as a result of an academic research study at the Polytechnic

is currently the only European start-up capable of 3D printing continuous

University of Milan. We interviewed its founder, Gabriele Natale, to learn

fibre composite objects using thermosetting matrices. Its primary

more about the inception and realisation of this project that many people

objective is to industrialise the related machines and promote the use of

considered “impossible” and the role played by finishing in such a unique

AM within the composites market.

and special product. Moi composites has recently become the focus of international Moi composites is a young start-up company whose mission

media attention thanks to the MAMBO project, the first fibreglass

is “redefining composites manufacturing through 3D printed

motorboat to be built using a 3D printing technology patented by

products”. Can you briefly describe how your company

Moi and called Continuous Fibre Manufacturing (CFM). Can you

was established and how it has evolved to gain its current

explain how this innovative production process works?

technological expertise?

The 3D printing system called Continuous Fibre Manufacturing (CFM)

Moi composites was founded in 2018 following an academic research

is a digital process that enables 3D objects to be manufactured from

study started at the Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical

continuous fibre composite material using thermosetting matrices. It

Engineering “Giulio Natta” of the Polytechnic University of Milan. In

consists of three elements that must operate in synchrony: a mechanical

particular, researchers Gabriele Natale (me) and Michele Tonizzo together

part consisting of an articulated robot and a print head, the continuous


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



© MOI composites

© MOI composites

fibre composite material, and software. The cycle starts with a 3D model

metre-long motorboat with a maximum beam of 2.5 metres, built with a

of the object to be produced, which is analysed and processed through

Y-shaped hull that pays tribute to the famous Arcidiavolo boat designed

software and algorithms that are able to program smart and precise robot

by Renato Sonny Levi, the father of modern planing hulls. A one-piece

movements. The fibre is then impregnated with a thermosetting resin and

structure with organic shapes has been built on this inverted tricycle hull,

fed into the machine’s print head, which can deposit this unidirectional

evoking the waves of the sea thanks to its freedom from the constraints of

reinforcement in a controlled manner. As the fibres are deposited by

conventional design technologies (draft angles, undercuts, hull and deck

the print head, a laser irradiates the matrix thus curing it instantly. The

division, etc.). Once the concept was conceived digitally, the executive

key factors of this technology in the production not only of prototypes,

project was realised. The various unidirectional fibreglass sections were

but also of finished components and parts, especially for small series or

then 3D printed using the CFM technology and, finally, the parts were

highly customised products, are manifold. The most important one, as

joined and laminated by the shipyard’s craftsmen. Once the sandwich

always in additive manufacturing, is the absence of any kind of machining

layering operation was completed, MAMBO’s surfaces were sanded and

tool, which guarantees lower costs and shorter lead times and eliminates

then coated with a protective primer, a metallic acrylic-based paint in

any formal limitations imposed by the presence of moulds, above all the

Snapper Rocks Blue, and a glossy protective finish, just like a car body.

possibility of including undercuts.

The peculiarity here is that MAMBO was built without using moulds, which prompted us to apply gelcoat only to the hull, using this procedure to

One of the most striking aspects of MAMBO, apart from a

provide the boat with an additional element of differentiation.

distinctive design, is the aesthetic impact of its finish, which plays with shades to evoke the effect of sea waves. What type of coating

What is the importance of finishing in this project in particular

was chosen and why? How was it applied?

and in AM in general?

MAMBO is an acronym for Motor Additive Manufacturing BOat, a 6.5

For a project like MAMBO, surface finishing is a very important parameter.


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No one would have appreciated a boat with a rough surface texture, and even functionality would have been compromised to some extent. Like any additive manufacturing technology, the CFM technique generates components characterised by a surface roughness that is inherent to the “layer upon layer” material deposition process. This “stair step” effect was then eliminated as one would normally do with a model, using sandpaper and elbow grease. Thanks to the success of MAMBO, with its 6.5 m length and 800 kg weight, it seems that AM has no longer any limits in terms of production possibilities. Do you think this is actually the case? I believe that what has been proved possible is a starting point. We are aware that this is not yet an optimal result, but we are convinced that, by industrialising our machine and software package and by developing new materials, we will soon manage to make further steps towards more efficient automation in terms of performance, time, and costs. The 3D printing technology is evolving rapidly and so is the CFM process conceived by Moi. What developments do you foresee in the immediate future and how will finishing affect the next projects? Undoubtedly, the world of 3D printing technologies is evolving at a considerable speed compared to other production methods created in the past. I believe that the use of increasingly highperformance materials that are closer to today’s industrial standards will play a key role in introducing this type of machinery into production cycles. With regard to surface finishing, in some sectors where aerodynamics or hydrodynamics play a key role or visual impact is a must, the use of post-processing techniques for 3D printed objects is certainly essential. Already now, especially for 3D printing with thermoplastic polymers, certain finishing treatments are used to smooth surfaces through both mechanical processes and chemical treatments. In our case, one upgrade we are working on is to move from a pure additive manufacturing approach to a hybrid additive, subtractive, and finishing approach, with all processes integrated and controlled. Basically, what is currently a robotic system capable of 3D printing fibreglass could become a single machining centre capable of generating a finished product autonomously, while being managed by an individual software package. © MOI composites


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.moi.am

Dynamic contour detection

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Industry 4.0 Ready



Many Coaters, One Surface Quality A Hamburg-based mechanical engineering company in Germany largely transitions its suppliers to system coatings from FreiLacke; now the parent company is following suit.


t takes many individual steps to make sure that beverages safely

Plug & Play in Hamburg

reach their point of sale – and therefore the customer: from

Individual components of the stretch blow moulders are built

designing a suitable container shape and size, to production, filling

externally by different service providers, which also coat and pre-

and labelling and, finally, the packaging process. That is the core

assemble them at their respective facilities. The machines are then

competency of KHS GmbH, a global provider of filling and packaging

assembled in Hamburg using these individual parts. “An expansion

solutions. Since 2008, Corpoplast, the Hamburg-based mechanical

of the procurement structure to all of Europe and an intensification

engineering company, has been part of the Dortmund-based

of our multi-supplier strategy meant that we had to simultaneously

KHS Group and specialises in the development and production of

adapt our coatings”, said Hans-Jörg Heidsiek, who is responsible

systems for PET bottles. Some of these ten-metre-long machines can

for the procurement of the assemblies at Corpoplast. “At the same

manufacture up to 81,000 bottles per hour – that means two million

time, we had to ensure consistently uniform optics”. Because, even

bottles daily.

though each of the manufacturers used a “traffic white” (RAL 9016)

© Corpoplast

KHS GmbH specialises in the development and production of filling, labelling and packaging systems.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Corpoplast

MOULDED PRODUCTS SILICONE and EPDM made TAPES in PET, Vinyl, PI, Creped Paper, Aluminium ... HOOKS for painting and weld STEEL and IRON made DIE-CUTS Standard and Bespoke on tape with liner KNIFE CUTTING with Silicone sheets, Rubber, Foam ... SPECIALS solutions for every masking problem One of the systems for PET bottles manufactured by Corpoplast.

coating, Corpoplast kept encountering significant differences with regard to colour shade, gloss and surface structure. The reason was the different coating systems from different manufacturers that the production companies used for colouring the surfaces. It is important to the suppliers to choose the type of coating – wet or powder – themselves.

Creating uniform surfaces for the machines In order to standardise the quality of the surfaces, Corpoplast conducted market research, which resulted in an initial contact to FreiLacke. With its system coating concept consisting of UV, powder and wet coatings, the coating specialist from the Black Forest focuses on uniform surfaces in spite of different systems, types of application

FINISHING GROUP srl v.le A.DeGasperi, 31 - 20045 Lainate - Milano tel. +39 02 9678 0055 - fax +39 02 9678 2993 i n f o @ e u r o m a s k - s h o p . c o m



and facilities. Customers with multiple production sites, sometimes

powder and liquid coatings that delivered an impressive optic and

even located on different continents, are already using them with great

haptic performance with which the coating specialist convinced the

success. This includes a well-known mechanical engineering company

decision-makers. “We created the initial test plates with the liquid

from Stuttgart, which is also working with pre-fabricated components

coatings GS9180 and GS9141 as well as the powder coating PL9033

and therefore has similar production structures as Hamburg-based

for the chemical tests,” Cordes said.


In March 2020, FreiLacke was chosen as the coating supplier of Corpoplast. The coating specialist supervised the conversions at the

Successful trial runs

different external production companies, which took about half a

In May 2019, Corpoplast initially reached out to Tobias Cordes of

year in total, and provided extensive advice until the new system was

FreiLacke’s northern German sales team. Following positive test results,

solidly applied. Successively, the suppliers at the four other locations

the initial assemblies were coated at two suppliers – one who used

of the KHS Group are also supposed to switch to system coatings from

liquid coatings and one who used powder coatings – in a field test

FreiLacke. “The coating systems boast high quality and homogeneity

with Corpoplast”, Cordes said. “And Corpoplast gave it positive reviews

and have completely convinced KHS”, said Cordes. “We are currently


also in the midst of the transition at the Dortmund location”.

Another presentation at KHS GmbH in Dortmund also convinced the parent company – in part thanks to the sample plates coated with

For further information: www.freilacke.de

© Corpoplast

The coating systems supplied by FreiLacke features high quality and homogeneity.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


The new coating systems at Corpoplast LIQUID COATING / PRIMER Primer FREOPOX ER1912 MRU735 light grey, matt Properties: • Solvent-based 2C active primer • Zinc phosphate provides very good corrosion protection • Excellent adhesion • Practice-oriented application properties • Suitable to be used as a bonding agent • Proven in steel construction • “Wet-on-wet” process.

LIQUID COATING / TOP COATS Top coat EFDEDUR system textured coating GS9141 HK2995 (RAL 9016, traffic white), satin gloss and EFDEDUR system textured coating GS9141H (RAL 9016, traffic white) Properties: • Solvent-based 2C textured coating • Coating system matched to the powder coating • Silicone-free • Fast-drying • For interior and exterior applications • For structure effects in a single work step (orange skin) and in two work steps (sprinkle effect) • Adhesion to NE metal.

LIQUID COATING / TOP COAT 2 Top coat EFDEDUR system HS textured coating GS9180 HK2995 (RAL 9016, traffic white) satin gloss • Properties: • Solvent-based 2C system textured coating • Coating system matched to the powder coating • Silicone-free • Fast-drying • For interior and exterior applications • For structure effects in a single step.

POWDER COATING FREOPOX powder coating: PL9033AK2995 (RAL 9016, traffic white), satin gloss Properties: • Good mechanical resistance and surface hardness • Uniform surface structure across a range of 70 to 120 μm • Gas oven-resistant setting.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



Sustainability and Lean Production: The Two Pillars of AB’s Transition to Totally Water-Based Coatings Monica Fumagalli ipcm


AB, a leading company in the design, construction, installation, and maintenance of on-site power generation plants, has recently revised and updated its production flow with a view to lean manufacturing. One of the main points of its revamping project was the switch to water-soluble coatings, for which the company has relied on Inver, a part of The Sherwin-Williams Company.


ean production” is commonly defined as a production

biomethane upgrading plants is a challenge that AB (Orzinuovi,

process management system that aims at reducing

Brescia, Italy), a company specialising in the design, construction,

waste to the point of eliminating it, leading a company

installation, and maintenance of these particular products, has

towards production excellence through efficient work organisation.

decided to tackle to improve its processes, including coating. In order

Incorporating this philosophy within a multifaceted, complex

to do so while maintaining a production capacity of about 140 plants

production system such as that of industrial cogeneration or

per year and a high coating quality degree, currently equal to those


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


soluble systems. It started by analysing the characteristics of the

AB: the experience of the leading manufacturer of cogeneration plants at the service of the development of green technologies in biofuel and emission treatment solutions

most innovative products offered by the market, in order to get to

“AB’s business was started in 1981 based on an idea of Angelo

choose the coating systems that best suited its needs and each of its

Baronchelli, a young specialist in the electrical sector who is still

application phases.

the president of the Group,” says order management team leader

AB chose as its partner in this delicate transition Gianmaria Guidi, a

Claudia Bosio. “In 1992, our company produced its first containerised

sales agent of Inver SpA, belonging to the Sherwin-Williams Company,

natural gas and biogas cogeneration modules called ECOMAX®. This

and the owner of Germedia Srl, consulting company in the field of

strengthened its market position and enabled its business to expand.

industrial painting and anti-corrosion products, who analysed the

In 2010, in the framework of a corporate restructuring process, AB

company’s entire coating process together with the AB staff, with the

began acquiring new production and logistics facilities, thus creating

technical support of Raffaele Stifani from Inver.

the world’s largest industrial hub devoted entirely to cogeneration

First of all, they identified the anti-corrosion and aesthetic


performance expected by the AB’s target market in compliance with

Recently, the company has further confirmed its leadership in the

ISO 12944, as the essential starting point for the development of

cogeneration sector with the development of systems for siloxane

a new coating concept. As a result, it was possible to suggest the

removal and landfill biogas treatment. It has also strengthened its

optimisation of certain phases, such as pre-treatment or dosing

commitment to the use of biofuels by developing systems for the

and mixing in the paint management unit, and the use of new paint

purification and liquefaction of biomethane. Such “green” philosophy


has led AB to embark on new avenues – starting with the treatment

required in the ACE sector, two years ago the firm started a revamping project precisely involving its coating operations. In particular, the firm decided to replace its solvent-based paints with 100% water-

of atmospheric emissions, with the strategic acquisition of a firm © AB Group

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AB is a world leader in the design, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of on-site power generation plants. Cogeneration systems use the heat dispersed by industrial plants to simultaneously produce electricity and heat.

The internal components of cogeneration plants are also coated with Inver products.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


specialising in the design, construction, and installation of pollutant abatement equipment. AB currently boasts some impressive figures: 1,000 employees, 1,450 plants worldwide, sales subsidiaries in more than 21 countries, and an installed energy production of 1,650 MW. “In addition to their modular structure, which guarantees great flexibility, rapid handling, and quick system installation,” indicates Bosio, “one of the aspects that made the success of ECOMAX® and other products in its range is the fact that they are standalone machines, independent of the facility for which they recover and produce energy and, therefore, not subject to the binding building permit requirements of other types of energy production plants.” AB’s production structure is complex: the company manufactures the containerised modules starting from the sheet metal in a © ipcm

plant located in Villachiara (Brescia, Italy) and it assembles its containers at its main site

The cleaning tunnel.

in Orzinuovi. The production flow continues with the setting up, cleaning, and coating of the containerised modules, the insertion of motors, the wiring and assembly of electrical and hydraulic elements, testing, and shipping.

AB’s new water-based coating system passed all field tests “In order to apply the lean management principles to our pre-treatment and coating processes as well,” explains Bosio, “first of all, we carried out market analyses and research activities to find suppliers that offered suitable products to enable us to switch to fully waterbased coating systems and characterised by a corporate structure that would ensure not only their solidity but also their international presence. Our quality department, and in particular our employees Jessica Gozzi and Leonardo Doldi in collaboration with our industrial director Franco Bonetta, identified a number of important quality tests to be © ipcm

The inside of a coating booth.

carried out, including salt spray, humidistat, and UV-condenser tests. They then had different metal sheets coated with the


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


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A phase of coating a containerised module.

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Lesta Srl products provided by the selected suppliers, using the process traditionally carried out in AB; these were subjected to quality

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controls by an external accredited laboratory. The final choice fell on Inver’s coatings.” “Testing products in the factory is different from doing the same test in the lab,” notes Gianmaria Guidi. “In a laboratory, external conditions are always optimal, but it is on the job that one can see the actual quality results guaranteed by a coating. AB was clear about the quality degree it wanted to achieve and assessed which paints came closest to this value by testing them in its daily activities: there is no better way to identify the most suitable product for one’s own needs.” AB’s aim was to optimise its cycle while making it more efficient and, at the same time, more sustainable by replacing the solvent-based primer used up to then. However, this could not be achieved with the choice of new paint products alone. “This called for an overview of the whole process that AB traditionally carried out,” states Guidi, “in order to be able to identify the most suitable solutions and technical measures. So we started from the beginning, looking at how to improve the entire coating process from the pre-treatment operations, that is, the preparation of metalwork in compliance with ISO 8501-3, as the cornerstone of the company’s corrosion protection activities.”

So is this



Subsequently, sheet steel is then chemically pretreated by degreasing and phosphating in a tunnel. “The system is automatic, but some retouching is done manually due to the complex geometry of parts. Afterwards, the preparation phase prior to coating involves filling and sanding to eliminate any unsightly defects, such as external markings on the sheet metal due to tack welding operations.”

ACE level finishing quality Implemented in January 2021, the resulting optimised coating process replaced the previous cycle, which included water-based primer + drying + one or twocoat solvent-based enamel, with a system consisting © ipcm

of a water-based zinc phosphate epoxy primer, a polyurethane enamel specifically formulated for outdoor applications, and a high-gloss finish (about 85 gloss). “With the help and experience of Raffaele Stifani from Inver,” says Guidi, “we chose a two-component epoxy primer from the IDROXINVER series, which guarantees high anti-corrosion standards. We also selected the finish based on the outdoor resistance characteristics of the Inver products already approved by the major ACE manufacturers and we customised them to AB’s requirements. After receiving the results of the laboratory tests carried out, the Inver team confirmed the formulation of its INVERPUR series, guaranteeing an only negligible coating degradation rate under solar radiation. The thicknesses applied in the three manual coating booths vary according to

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the program selected, ranging from 130-150 µm to 320-340 µm for the containerised modules intended for very harsh environments or that are going to be shipped by sea.” Following its overall revamping vision, Inver’s team optimised not only the cycle used by AB’s paintshop, but also those of the external contractors that process and coat a few parts of the containerised modules on behalf of AB. “As these external carpenter’s shops are not equipped with ovens for curing water-soluble coatings, we supplied them with a super-high solid, solvent-based, anti-corrosion primer,” adds Guidi.

The revamping of the mixing system Once the coating cycle had been defined and © ipcm

optimised, the mixing system also had to be modified From top to bottom: manual coating of some components, coated parts and Wagner’s paint management unit.


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to meet the new requirements because, as Guidi explains, “using the best paints available is not


enough: all devices must also be improved to achieve complete application efficiency. I therefore suggested that AB upgraded its application equipment and I personally supervised the whole revamping project. I worked closely with AB coating department manager, Stefano Meleddu, and with Wagner S.p.A., AB’s chosen partner and the supplier of the original plant, to achieve this goal.” The application system was thus automated and adapted to the new water-soluble coatings. The plant was updated by integrating each booth with a Wagner Intellimix Touch Plus 2K DFS panel, which allows managing both fluid sections by separately proportioning the epoxy primer and the polyurethane enamel. The products come from a circulator that keeps them properly mixed inside 200-litre containers, featuring a lid equipped with an agitator and a lifter. The switch from the previous low-pressure device to an Aircoat system made it possible to increase the thicknesses applied in a single coat, which was one of the project’s primary objectives, in order to ensure the best possible performance degree. “The benefits of

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this change were also evident from the reduction

A detail of the pumps.

in our consumption, thanks to the greater transfer efficiency level that is typical of the Wagner’s Aircoat system, as well as from the increase in our productivity, thanks to greater speed of execution,”


explains Wagner area manager Fabio Mandelli. Finally, the coating booths are connected to a water treatment plant designed and supplied by


Hydro Italia Srl (Medicina, Bologna, Italy). “This


Hydrofloty 12M system,” indicates Enea Bignami, sales technician at Hydro Italia, “was devised for


continuous removal of paint sludge through a coagulation and flotation process and it treats 12


to 20 m3/h of waste water and approximately 35 kg/h of overspray. The removed sludge is further dewatered with a fabric filter Hydrofilter 810 placed immediately downstream of the floater, in order to guarantee maximum performance.”

The next project phases “We are currently defining the next phases of our coating process’ revamping project,” states Bosio. “The first one concerns the optimisation of energy consumption. We are assessing whether

© ipcm

Green is one of the hues that Inver has customised for AB’s workpieces.


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The assembly of components into a cogeneration plant.

the energy produced by the cogeneration plant that powers our entire

impact of our processes. For a sustainability-oriented company like ours,

Orzinuovi industrial hub can also serve our coating department and,

it was more than a duty: it was almost a mission. We have also simplified

specifically, its drying oven. By increasing the oven temperature, we can

the management of our paint application operations, which have become

reduce the drying time and further speed up production, thus meeting

easier thanks to our new automatic system, and the treatment of the

another of our objectives. “Thanks to the collaboration of Inver’s staff

waste water generated by our booths through a plant supplied by

and Guidi’s proactive advice, we have achieved our goals and made our

Hydro Italia. Finally, both our quality control division and our customers

coating department leaner. Furthermore, thanks to our totally water-

are very pleased with our coatings’ resistance and quality degree. All

soluble coating cycle, we have improved our working conditions to protect

this contributes to confirm AB as the world’s leading engineering and

the health of our employees and we have reduced the environmental

manufacturing hub in the on-site power generation sector.”

© Hydro Italia

The water treatment plant provided by Hydro Italia.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


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Dürr Builds a Scalable Paint Shop for Enovate’s New E-car Factory To support Enovate in the manufacturing of its e-cars at the company’s new plant in Changsha, China, Dürr built a scalable paint shop, which features EcoProFleet automated guided vehicles (AGV), RoDip® E and EcoDry X. © Dürr


ith the aim of promoting an intelligent and green mobility, e-car manufacturer Enovate has

invested in a new plant, which is designed for an initial annual capacity of 60,000 units. To be able to quickly expand its production in response to rising demand, Enovate opted to rely on Dürr’s expertise to build the new paint shop.

Flexible conveyor technology Enovate’s new plant features EcoProFleet by Dürr, the first automated guided vehicles (AGV) specifically designed for paint shops. AGVs are a flexible conveyor technology that is not bound to cycle times and can be easily extended as production figures grow. Resistant to paint and solvent, equipped

Flexible transport of the car bodies by EcoProFleet AGVs from Dürr.

with an integrated laser scanner and a safety speed limit, Enovate’s four AGVs are © Dürr

used to convey bodies between the manual workstations and the intermediate storage area over an area of 60 by 36 metres. AGVs do not require breaks for charging, therefore they are ready for use around the clock. Charging points are installed at those points in the plant layout where the AGVs are stopping anyway to hand over or pick-up bodies. In just 90 seconds they draw enough power to cover the next section. Dürr developed different adapter solutions for transporting the bodies to the AGVs and handing them off smoothly between the AGVs and other conveyor technology, for example from a roller track to an AGV. With the right adapter solution, the AGVs can be used both with skids, as at Enovate, and without skids.

After drying of the car bodies, the EcoProFleet AGVs take over their transport.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

RoDip E, the electrically driven dip coating Enovate’s new paint shop is also the first in China to rely on the RoDip E rotational dip process in pre-treatment with a thin-film process and in cathodic electrocoating. Unlike the RoDip M product variant RoDip E is electric. This means that each trolley can be individually programmed for a car body, allowing to define an optimized immersion curve in terms of

UHS platform technologies VOC-compliant coating

turning and travel speeds for each body type, resulting in the best possible draining and minimal carryover. All RoDip variants have a comparatively short immersion tank with a small tank volume to keep consumption of water, chemicals, and energy as low as possible.

Environmentally friendly overspray separation Dürr’s EcoDry X system is installed for the topcoat spray booth. It uses cardboard filter boxes as a separating agent for overspray, and is therefore more environmentally friendly than processes that use a mixture of water and chemicals. The process air is redirected to the air recirculation system, which reduces the total energy consumption of a paint shop by around 30% compared with a conventional wet scrubbing system that is operated without air recirculation. EcoDry X also scores when it comes to handling since the disposable cardboard filters can be easily replaced, if necessary, even while production is still underway. For further information: www.durr.com

© Dürr

UHS-Systems The conversion from solvent-based to water-borne coating systems is often linked with high investment costs. The new ultra-high-solid platform technologies from FreiLacke can significantly reduce solvent consumption, even without system conversions. The rotational dip process RoDip® E by Dürr is used at Enovate for pre-treatment and cathodic electrocoating.

FreiLacke is now using its new ultra-high-solid systems (or UHS for short) which entirely meet the demands for a reduction in the VOC content in paints and coatings. With a solids content of up to 80 percent by weight, they have a VOC value of less than 350 g/l. www.freilacke.com

© Scott Webb on Unsplash










72 74

Highly Automated Weighing and Powder Unit Cleaning Systems Reduce Paint Consumption and Increase Production Output

Improving Efficiency, Productivity, and Environmental Friendliness with Chemical Paint Stripping: Alumec’s Experience

Automating the Coating of Designer Cooker Hoods with an Articulated Robot and an RFID Queue Management System: The Case of Falmec

Simpec: Water Treatment Solutions for a Wide Variety of Industries

BRAND NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Everest: Reasons and Advantages of Switching from a Horizontal to a Vertical Coating Line





84 86 88

The Axalta ColourSelector: an Innovative Solution for Colour Selection

Euroimpianti Expands and Opens a New Office in Germany

BRAND NEW HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Interpon AM: Innovative Powder Coatings with Antimicrobial Properties


international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


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Some of the parts treated by Oxicolor Srl, a specialist in aluminium surface treatments for almost fifty years.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



Highly Automated Weighing and Powder Unit Cleaning Systems Reduce Paint Consumption and Increase Production Output Monica Fumagalli ipcm


Oxicolor, a company specialising in the anodising and powder coating of aluminium since 1974, uses around 250 kg of powders per day. In order to optimise paint consumption in its paint shop, it has chosen the complete application system offered by Wagner (Valmadrera, Lecco, Italy).


n an economic climate where rising raw material prices heavily affect

“Careful production management is also based on the attention paid to

paint production and, therefore, the costs beared by end users, using

the smallest details in our systems’ concepts,” he states. “We have been

the most appropriate equipment to ensure maximum savings in

treating aluminium as a contractor for the window, door, furniture, and

coating application is a strategic advantage. This is also the opinion of

curtain wall sectors since 1974. However, nowadays, the experience

Luca Malfatti, the owner of Oxicolor Srl (Mezzolombardo, Trento, Italy),

gained over time alone is not enough to make us competitive, as

a company that has been specialising in aluminium surface treatment

markets and stakeholders change their requirements very quickly.

processes for almost fifty years and that consumes 250 kg of powder

Having a production system in our plant that features the latest

coatings daily.

technologies in terms of equipment and devices and that is managed

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The storage buffer in the anodising and pre-treatment department.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



through the most advanced software gives us an automation degree that guarantees not only high quality results, but also a reduction in the products consumed for our surface treatment processes. The combination of our staff’s know-how and our production systems’ automation level is what has made Oxicolor a benchmark in its area of expertise. “Our experience is based on almost half a century of activity in the window and door industry,” indicates Malfatti. “With the beginning of the new millennium, we started a thorough revamping of our production systems. This was completed in August 2020 with the start-up of the new anodising plant, following that of the coating one, which had reached full operation in

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The control PLC manages operations in the oxidation and pre-treatment tanks.

January of the same year. In the replacement of our coating system, we were supported by Wagner (Valmadrera, Lecco, Italy), belonging to the international group J. Wagner GmbH, who presented us with a complete application solution that was thought out down to the smallest detail and perfectly suited to Oxicolor’s production concept.”

Oxicolor: almost half a century of experience in the aluminium industry Since its foundation, Oxicolor has made continuous progress in terms of process technology, quality research, and professional expertise. “Since the beginning, growth has been steady,” confirms Malfatti, “and we have established ourselves as a qualified supplier to designers and manufacturers of windows, doors, and aluminium components for architecture and the industry. In 1999, the ownership of Oxicolor Srl passed from the Bernabè to the Malfatti family, of which I am a member, continuing its aluminium surface treatment activity. Until a few years ago, the production chain of which we are a part worked differently than it does now: we received extruded material from a few

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A detail of one of the tanks for the pre-treatment of aluminium products.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

wholesalers and, after the required processing and surface treatment operations, we


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P25 column standard or customizable system to hang from the smallest parts to heavy 6-metre long bars

Manual pre-retouching is one of the strategic steps of Oxicolor’s coating process. The PLC controlling the manual touch-up phase (on the right) is located close to the operator’s workstation.


© ipcm

delivered the parts directly to small window and

4 automated overhead travelling cranes – 1 for

door manufacturers in our area. Currently, however,

the warehouse, 2 for the anodising station, and

more and more wholesalers are insourcing their

1 for the pre-treatment line – interact with each

surface treatment processes in order to be more

other, controlled by a single PLC to facilitate the

competitive. This is why we decided to differentiate

management of the production flow. “We can

our business and start serving the furniture and

thus also manage inline the titanium oxide flash

curtain wall sectors. At the same time, this meant

process, as an alternative to the traditional cycle with

that we had to specialise in the treatment of

titanium-based passivation, which is a type of non-

customised parts and metal sheets and panels up to

chromic pre-treatment, and deliver the pre-treated

7 metres long and 2 metres wide.”

products directly in front of the coating plant. Oxide

A perfectly integrated production system In the anodising and pre-treatment department,

flash is one of the most expensive pre-treatment technologies currently available, but it is among the best performing and most durable ones.”


The company carries out controlled processes in



© Focchi Spa



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TIGER 075/70258 highest UV stability 4000 hours of weathering zero VOC emissions 96% recovery

The inside of Wagner’s SuperCube coating booth.

compliance with the technical guidelines of European quality labels. “For the architectural sector, our anodising process is QUALANOD certified and our painting process is QUALICOAT certified. In addition, we have recently received the QUALICOAT SEASIDE certification for the anti-corrosive effectiveness of our titanisation cycle.”

Strategic pre-retouching for optimal coatings A two-rail conveyor picks up the workpieces to be painted from the buffer located between the pre-treatment tanks and the coating plant. The coating line consists of 2 booths, i.e. a SuperCube machine linked to a Wagner SuperCenter EVO powder management unit and a booth recovered from an old line. “99% of our production is handled in the SuperCube booth. We use the second one only in emergencies,” notes Malfatti. “Thanks to the two-rail conveyor, we





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The lower guns’ efficiency is often compromised by the powder extraction system at the booth’s bottom: Wagner has developed a side suction system that solves this problem.

have the possibility to send each load bar to either one or the other booth in real time. When a customer presents us with an urgent request for the surface treatment of a small batch of 3 to 5 m2, we avoid stopping the main system and use the second booth. This enables us to meet customer demands without losing productivity.” The SuperCube machine is equipped with 2 reciprocators featuring 6 PEAC4 XL guns each, 2 manual pre-retouching stations, and 1 post-retouching station. “We generally favour pre-retouching,” says Malfatti, “because accuracy is of the essence, especially in the case of metallic colours. The operator’s hand cannot guarantee the



same consistency as the automatic application, so we first intervene manually in a direction perpendicular to that of the reciprocator application. Then, automatic application evens out the layer, so that no overlaps or stretches of paint in opposite directions are visible



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on the workpiece at the end of the coating process.”

The state-of-the-art powder management unit optimises consumption “The powder management unit installed,” says Marco Spada, Sales Manager of Wagner, “is the latest version of our SuperCenter EVO, updated just recently. Its main innovations are the two load cells housing the virgin powder boxes, which are placed under the loading container, and the fully automatic cleaning system, managed by the powder unit itself and connected to both the booth and the guns.” “The combination of these two aspects – the automatic weighing and cleaning systems – was the decisive reason why we chose Wagner’s solution,” emphasises Malfatti. “Both the high degree of automation and the completeness of its application concept The new generation SuperCenter EVO powder management unit.

convinced us. We were looking for a system that was perfectly integrated, efficient in every technological aspect, and thoroughly designed in every detail and Wagner’s project was the most complete one.” “Thanks to weight detection, the quality and quantity of powder in the container are constant, as is its feeding flow rate to the booth,” states Marco Spada. “We accurately analysed the timing of Oxicolor’s colour change operations, which are very frequent, up to 10 per day. In this way, we determined that they needed to perform quick changeovers, which now take about 7 minutes – up to 11 minutes if the tint difference is drastic – and constant cleaning operations.” “With our old line,” explains Malfatti, “we used a powder management unit without load cells, but equipped with a pumping device to recover paint. However, we found a problem in the mixing of recovered paint, because, especially in the case of medium to long cycles for the application of metallic coatings, the powder’s metallic component was altered in

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the long run despite the use of bonded paints The storage buffer after the curing oven.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

specially designed for recovery. Thanks to


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The inside of the power management unit.

the load cells and the weighing system, we no longer run this risk,

to the interference of suction in the application phase. That often

precisely because it is possible to quantify the percentage of powder

calls for the subsequent manual touch-up of the lower surface areas

present in the mix and maintain a constant ratio between recovered

of workpieces. This issue has been solved by Wagner’s side suction

and virgin powder. This guarantees a high quality output even in the

system, which guarantees fluodynamic balance and does not hinder

delivery phase.”

the efficiency of the guns. In this way, it is possible to reduce the

When details make the difference

number of touch-up operations and, therefore, assign the workforce to other tasks.

“Within such a complex production system, small details make

“The piping that connects the booth and the recovery cyclone is also

the difference,” says Malfatti. “For example, the positioning of the

one of the most innovative aspects of the new application system:

PLC controlling the manual application on board the booth in the

its design includes elbow bends that, thanks to their 90° inclination,

retouching area may seem a secondary aspect; however, it actually

enable the powder flow to reach the cyclone directly, without forming

has a significant impact on the daily work of our operators, who

any swirls as is usually the case with conventional pipes. This reduces

can easily change the guns’ parameters while on the job. With our

the risk of sedimentation and subsequent corrosion of the pipes’

previous system, they had to reach the management unit to make

inner walls, thus avoiding periodic maintenance by shot blasting.”

the necessary changes. Therefore, this gives us more control over the

“Another detail of this line that I would like to highlight,” states Malfatti,

operation and greater production efficiency.”

“is the positioning of the touch-up platforms outside the booth, which

“A further innovative aspect of the SuperCube booth,” indicates

enables to clean the guns for the colour change operation without the

Spada , “is the suction system located on the side walls instead of in

need to access it. This improves the ergonomics of the operation and

the middle, as in traditional machines. This solution is the result of

simplifies the retouching area’s cleaning phase.”

a detailed research study carried out at Wagner’s headquarters in Germany, according to which the area of the booth where the powder

At the end of the coating cycle, the parts enter a hot air curing oven

is most “torn off” is the central one. In fact, the delivery of the lowest

and then they are placed in a final storage buffer. “Thanks to the

positioned gun, which works close to the booth’s bottom, where the

design of the two-rail conveyor,” notes Malfatti, “we have been able to

suction system is generally positioned, is the most critical one due

create a storage buffer where the parts can stay longer than average.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



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The cyclone for powder recovery.

Coated aluminium profiles.

This is important for us because the class 2 or 3 powders that we buy

the case of a switch from black to white. Thanks to such automation,

from AkzoNobel, of which we are certified applicators, require higher

our operator only has to clean the booth and no longer the powder

baking temperatures and therefore longer curing times. Incidentally,

management unit. The powder removed during these cleaning

we use class 3 powders rarely, usually to meet the AAMA 2605

operations, as well as that collected from the containers and pipes, is

specifications of the US market, while class QUALICOAT2 powders are

also recovered and therefore never reaches the final filter. Previously,

increasingly in construction sector’s demand.”

we collected 12 big bags of around 700 kg per year in the final filter, now

360° cleaning

only 8, which means 30% less powder to dispose of. In times like this, characterised by strong fluctuations in the price of raw materials due to

“In summary,” says Malfatti, “the automatic cleaning process of our

the health crisis, we can only be pleased with the application system we

SuperCenter EVO has improved our colour change-overs’ management.

have chosen. We are now equipped with all the tools that enable us to

This takes place with 3 pre-set cycles, from the least intense one, if

maintain our high quality standards in terms of both coating results and

similar colours follow one another, to the most in-depth one, e.g. in

surface treatment processes.”


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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Improving Efficiency, Productivity, and Environmental Friendliness with Chemical Paint Stripping: Alumec’s Experience Alessia Venturi ipcm


Reducing process times from two days to two hours, eliminating the use of aggressive and dangerous chemicals, reducing disposal costs, and increasing treatment quality. We are talking about the chemical paint stripping of part-hanging hooks and the results that Alumec, a company specialising in the extrusion and powder coating of aluminium profiles, has achieved through its partnership with Alit Technologies (San Bonifacio, Verona, Italy).


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© ipcm

© ipcm

Alumec designs and extrudes aluminium profiles of any shape. Above, the extrusion of a profile.


he quality and efficiency of the paint stripping of hooks and

in the extrusion, machining, and finishing of aluminium profiles for

hanging equipment are crucial to obtain good powder coating

architecture and industry, can testify to the effectiveness of this

results, but they are often underestimated. Coating users, both

approach. After years spent stripping its profile-hanging hooks on

on their own behalf and on behalf of others, tend to consider this

a vertical system in a two-day process using an aggressive product,

ancillary phase of organic coating treatments as a mere maintenance

about three years ago it implemented a new chemical technology

operation, which does not require careful planning or the use

from the Metalstrip range of Alit Technologies (San Bonifacio, Verona,

of particularly advanced technologies. Reality, however, proves

Italy), achieving excellent results in terms of both quality and process.

otherwise, especially in powder coating. Failure to strip hanging hooks and even sketchy stripping can greatly affect the quality of the

Alumec: extrusion since 1972

applied coatings, because they prevent proper electrostatic charging

Alumec has been working in the extrusion sector since 1972,

of workpieces, with major consequences in terms of production

designing, industrialising, and manufacturing aluminium profiles for

waste and rework. Other aspects that tend to be overlooked in

a variety of industrial and architectural applications. Founded by

relation to paint stripping, especially with chemical products, are its

two families currently no longer in business, in 2012 the company

healthiness and environmental impact: it is still common to observe

began its new course with a younger and more dynamic ownership

the use of aggressive and dangerous chemical solutions in unsuitable

structure that sets new, ambitious market and development targets.


“Alumec sees new projects as an opportunity to grow together with

Designing their paint stripping operations as an essential step in

its customers,” states general manager Marco Cattaneo. “We make

their coating processes, therefore, enables companies to improve

aluminium extrusions of any shape upon request, following the

efficiency, reduce their activities’ impact, and, above all, lower their

project from profile design to finishing. The first step after design is

costs. Alumec Srl (Rudiano, Brescia, Italy), a company specialising

to make a customer’s idea “extrudable”, so we assess its feasibility

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



© ipcm

with our technical department. If the result of this check is positive, we have the die made by our supplier, we make a sample of the raw profile and, once the sample is approved, we extrude and cut the profile. If any machining is required, we entrust it to one of our contractors. Finally, the profile is finished – in-house if it needs to be powder coated or by a contractor if it requires anodic oxidation. Our customers have become attached to our working method and the impeccable, comprehensive service we offer. This has enabled us to grow by more than 50% since 2016, moving from 10,000 tonnes to over 16,000 tonnes of processed aluminium and from a turnover of 35 million to almost 60 million Euros. We have three presses: a 1,600

© ipcm

one (soon to be replaced by a 3,400 one), a 2,700 one, and a 500 one, which we use to produce micro-extrusions from 30 g/m, a field in which Alumec is a European leader.” “Alumec’s sharp growth over the last five years has been due to multiple factors, including some long-term market choices that initially created quite a few difficulties,” says Cattaneo. “I am referring, for example, to the decision no longer to serve profile traders, who previously accounted for 30% of turnover, but now for only 2%. Indeed, we chose to focus on customised profiles, avoiding making standard products such as a round or square tubes. We have retained the so-called “advanced traders” and companies selling their own systems or products that also undergo some in-house processing. In terms of production assets and in addition to extrusion, we chose to maintain the processes we inherited when we took over from the first owners, the cutting machines, and the vertical coating plant, which is also going to be revamped in the near future.”

Painting and paint stripping: both necessary for the quality of coatings Alumec’s vertical coating installations by Trasmetal (on top) and a powder coating application with Trasmetal’s patented technology OFB disc.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Alumec owns a vertical coating system supplied by Trasmetal (Milan, Italy), which


has undergone numerous upgrades over

© ipcm

the years, particularly relating to its pretreatment tunnel, now including three stages, its drying and curing ovens, and, above all, its application equipment. It is a coating plant using an OFB disk, recently upgraded to the latest evolution of this Trasmetal patented technology. “The plant is equipped with a single powder application booth,” explains area coordinator Ilaria Aceti. “Therefore, we organise production around large-volume batches in order to fully exploit our coating potential. We are organizing in order to also optimise the coating of small batches. We mainly apply Qualicoat Class 1 and Class 2 polyester coatings for outdoor use. In the last period we have also added antimicrobial powder coatings in response to customer needs due

Ilaria Aceti and Marco Cattaneo.



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to the health emergency.”

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As is well known, the type of powder applied to workpieces also has a great influence on their hanging hooks’ paint stripping process. Indeed, polyester coatings, particularly the architectural ones, have a higher degree of adhesion to the substrate than ones with a different chemical nature and, therefore, they are also more difficult to remove. “We have always taken the subject of paint stripping very seriously, aware of its importance for the quality of our finishes and the efficiency of our process,” indicates Alumec coating plant manager, Manolo Brunotti. “Until three years ago we were using a system that was costly and inefficient in terms of time. The hooks were immersed in a caustic soda bath for a long time, cleaned of any residues with a high-pressure cleaner to remove the “soaked” paint, and finally hung up on the line again. The process was inefficient, and it also involved high disposal rates as we were Alumec paint strips hundreds of hooks every day.

using caustic soda, that was unhealthy for operating environment. “I decided to contact Alit Technologies, an expert in paint stripping technologies, who

© ipcm

presented me with its environmentally friendly chemical solutions for metal stripping. Their product immediately proved to be efficient, less aggressive and dangerous than caustic soda, as well as very quick. Now, it only takes us two hours to paint strip our hanging hooks. We immerse them in the solution, which works in a temperature range of 65 to 70 °C and is kept in constant agitation, and, after about 90 minutes, we simply rinse them with running water to remove any traces of product.”

Metalstrip’s product features “Alumec uses Metalstrip 2011, one of the low-toxicological profile products in our high-performance, low-impact range, which has been designed to meet the processing requirements posed by the various materials The paint-stripping tank containing Alit environmentally friendly paint stripping solutions of the Metalstrip range.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


and processes currently used in the industry,” says Michele Merlo from Alit Technologies. “The range includes cold paint strippers, hot paint strippers for aluminium, zinc, and light alloys, high temperature products, hot paint strippers for iron and steel, products for the newly-conceived two-phase stripping processes, and products developed specifically for our in-line chemical stripping systems FASTRIP. Three years ago, Alumec did not need to include an in-line paint stripping process. Therefore, they only asked us to supply a suitable chemical, which the company uses in a self-built off-line tank equipped with an agitator and thermostat. “Metalstrip 2011 has been designed for hot working and it is never exhausted: its users simply have to compensate for any drag losses and reactivate the bath with Metalstrip Aktivator 2550, which we supply with the product. The process therefore produces very little sludge, which Alumec can dispose of as liquid waste classified as

 

special waste two or three times a year. The paint stripping process with Metalstrip can be easily upgraded to a FASTRIP in-line process, with a tank attached to the conveyor in the profile unloading area so that the hooks move automatically into the stripping solution without being detached from the chain.”

© ipcm

The paint-stripping product works at a temperature between 65 and 70°C.




© ipcm

Cleaned hooks: Metalstrip guarantees a perfect paint-stripping result.

The advantages of chemical paint stripping with Metalstrip

process is more effective: we clean all our line’s hooks every two or

“The advantage of Alit Technologies’ complete FASTRIP system is that

three passages in the booth, when accumulated dirt threatens the

it further reduces the manpower required for the paint stripping

effectiveness of the electrostatic charge, whereas previously the

phase, as well as cleaning times. However, reducing our treatment time

cleaning process was more frequent”.

from two days to two hours was already a huge achievement for us, together with the increased environmental friendliness and internal

The commercial strength of service

safety guaranteed by the Metalstrip chemical product,” states Manolo

“Today’s average buyer is the child of Amazon,” says Matteo Cattaneo

Brunotti di Alumec. “The benefits in terms of production efficiency were

from Alumec, “and therefore accustomed to receiving their purchases

obvious, above all we saw a significant increase in paint removal quality:

within 24/48 hours. The ability to wait for a product, whatever its

caustic soda produced uneven results and it was more aggressive on

quality, has disappeared. Unfortunately, industrial times cannot fall

ferrous materials. With Metalstrip, our hooks do not lose structural

below a certain line, even if we wanted them to. The recovery of two

stability cycle after cycle, although the product is also very effective with

days’ work on an ancillary and essential job such as paint stripping is

Qualicoat Class 2 approved polyester coatings, which are known to be

now enabling Alumec to work in an increasingly efficient and focussed

much more difficult to remove.

way for providing a timely, comprehensive service to its customers in

“Paint stripping frequency has also been reduced, because the

Italy and abroad.”


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Falmec

For forty years Falmec has been manufacturing cooker hoods of premium quality.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



Automating the Coating of Designer Cooker Hoods with an Articulated Robot and an RFID Queue Management System: The Case of Falmec Giorgia Ricchiuti ipcm


Implementing an articulated robot and an advanced RFID queue management system for their coating programs can enable firms to improve their production in terms of quality, efficiency, and labour savings. This was the result obtained by Falmec, which has been producing domestic cooker hoods for the medium-high end of the market for forty years, thanks to the installation of a 6-axis Epistolio self-learning robot and of an RFID system.


t a time when design and aesthetics are becoming more

the world. The company exports mainly to the European, US, and

and more important factors for consumers, manufacturing

Australian markets, countries with very different tastes and customs.

companies are forced to meet the demand for innovative and

It is present in Europe with six exclusive sales branches in Germany,

functional products while also giving them an aesthetic value that

Poland, Denmark, England, the Netherlands, and Russia. “It is a way

is in line current trends. This is also the belief of Andrea Poser, the

of being closer to our customers and guarantee continuity of work,”

production manager of Falmec Spa (Vittorio Veneto, Treviso, Italy).

states Andrea Poser.

Established in 1981, this company has been active in the Italian and international cooker hood market for forty years with design products

The production process

of premium quality, transforming itself over the years from a small

The cooker hood production process starts with the arrival of raw

artisan business to a world leader

materials, i.e. iron, stainless

in the sector. It still produces its

steel, or galvanised metal sheets,

entire range in the Vittorio Veneto

which then undergo laser cutting,

plant, which employs around 190

bending, welding, cleaning, and

people and manufactures around

coating. Subsequently, motors and

800 hoods a day, placing it at the

electronic push-button panels are

highest level of Italian excellence in

applied. The process ends with the

the world.

assembly of the end products.

Falmec supplies various

Currently, aesthetic coating

technological solutions to provide

accounts for around 20% of

its customers with attractive

the company’s production

products for domestic use that

volume. Falmec’s added value is

also have a high design content.

undoubtedly the fact that, unlike

The Falmec catalogue includes

other competitors, its production

around 130 types of cooker

process involves coating also

hoods, including ceiling-mounted,

components inside its hoods – a

wall-mounted, worktop, island,

qualitatively and aesthetically

built-in, and so on, in addition to

better choice for premium

exclusive types that are in particular demand in certain markets around

products. “Not all products in our hood range require painting of

© Falmec

The Falmec’s cooker hood from the series Spazio 130.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



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© ipcm

exposed materials,” says Poser. “For instance, many of them are made of glass or stainless steel and only their internal components are coated.”

Flexibility in finishing “The most popular colours in our market are black and white, although some customers, generally from Eastern Europe, look for different and unusual tints such as gold or copper. We produce a wide range of products to accommodate the numerous customer requests we receive and we also offer a specific range of highly decorative hoods that are fully liquid-coated rather than powdercoated, an operation that we entrust to a contractor. Usually, however, we offer a colour chart that meets most demands, and only rarely do we apply customised finishes for a single customer,” indicates Falmec production © Epistolio


Top left: The coating booth installed by Zeus Electrostatic. Top right: The robot supplied by Epistolio with the control panel. Above: Overview with robot, reciprocator and control units of dispensers.

Application automation The line’s coating booth, dispensers, and powder management unit were supplied by


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Get more from water Turn key solutions for industrial wastewater treatment Design and manufacturing of plants and chemicals for industrial wastewater treatment Chemical-physical plants Sludge treatment and compactor systems Ion exchange demineralization systems and reverse osmosis systems Oil separators Filtering systems Batch type systems Flotation units Chemicals and spare parts for water treatment

Zeus Electrostatic Systems (Argenta, Ferrara, Italy), with which Falmec has been working for many years. At the start, Falmec had two operators coat its hoods completely manually. The plant, however,

Technical service, support and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants

has been automated over the years, at first with the addition of reciprocators and then again in 2020 with the implementation of an articulated robot for both the pre-retouch phase (previously manual) to support the application with reciprocators and the complete coating of certain types of parts. “On this occasion, we retrained our operators, who are now in charge of managing the robot and coordinating the information coming from the coating system and the whole process flow,” says Andrea Poser. The robot chosen by Falmec was developed by Epistolio Srl (Casciago, Varese, Italy) and it was installed in February 2020. Industry 4.0-oriented, this machine revolutionised the Falmec’s cooker hood coating process. It also provided the company with automated coating recipe management via an RFID system and software for managing the coating program queue.

The robot’s ease of use and the RFID technology “The RFID read and write system is used to manage the loading queue of the programs to be executed by the robot – in Falmec’s case, with software interfaced with the company’s management system,” explains Epistolio sales manager Luca Venturini. “It consists of an antenna located before the coating booth that detects

Beware of imitations, buy the original!

information on a mobile tag (chip) loaded on the first workpiece




(hook or bar) of the batch to be treated. When

© Epistolio

the operators load a new batch matched to a different programme, another tag is placed on the hook or bar, which passes the information to the robot via the reading antenna. Tag information is easily processes by a tag writer positioned with a PC at the loading area, which is provided with the daily printout of the orders to be coated. In this way, information is exchanged between the company’s management system and the robot’s PC and vice versa. Special tags are used to withstand the high temperatures reached in the drying/ curing tunnels. Finally, a second RFID antenna at the end of the coating line handles the unloading and storage of painted parts.” “The robot is equipped with six controlled axes and a reading encoder located on the conveyor chain’s motor to detect the speed set by the coating program. It can be easily self-programmed by Falmec’s coaters: there The antenna of RFID system.

is no need for technicians or engineers to operate it,” states Venturini. “The benefits of this articulated robot are numerous,” notes Andrea Poser. “First of all,

© Epistolio

it frees up skilled labour for other activities. Secondly, it can be programmed quickly, making it easy for all our operators to access the software management activities and the procedure for teaching the robot the coating movements required for each component. Our aim was precisely to simplify and speed up painting operations by installing an easy-touse machine.” The Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology used by the Epistolio robot to identify and store information is now used in many automation and logistics fields. Its advantages compared to traditional systems, such as barcodes or laser marking, lie in the fact that transponder information can be supplemented, modified, or deleted and it can also be read or written even if there is no direct line of sight between the transponder itself and the read/write module. In order to enable remote control and transfer of Detail of the robot arm.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

information, the robot relies on UHF systems


Hyper Durable Powder Coatings - Your Finishing Foundation for the Architectural Market Colors shown are an approximative match

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that generate a high frequency enabling the transmission of large volumes of data in a short time. “The operating frequency is 860-940 MHz”, explains Luca Venturini. “Transponders (tags) are passive, as they have no built-in battery. The required operational energy is transmitted by the read/write module in the form of an electromagnetic wave.”

Conclusions The most significant benefit that the Epistolio robot has brought to Falmec is labour savings because, out of a number of people who were initially in charge of manual coating, only one operator is now needed to monitor the machine. “Our production flow has remained the same,” notes Andrea Poser, “but we have replaced manual work with automation, which was a great achievement.” Despite the serious pandemic that struck the planet in 2020, and the consequences it has had on the economy, Falmec managed to end the year in the black. In the lockdown months, the company actually increased its sales, also thanks to the fact that the world’s population was forced to spend a long time © ipcm

indoors, choosing to invest in improving and beautifying their homes. “Despite the

The robot by Epistolio.

Covid-19 pandemic, last year was a very good year for us and all the conditions are in place for 2021 to be a good year, too.”

The touch screen.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68

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© Simpec

The headquarters of Simpec Srl in Nova Milanese, near Milan (Italy).



Simpec: Water Treatment Solutions for a Wide Variety of Industries Francesco Stucchi ipcm


Waste water treatment technologies are one of the core elements of the circular economy: they offer the chance to recycle process waters or, at least, to limit water consumption. Simpec Srl is one of the historic companies in the field of waste water treatment systems intended for a wide range of industries, particularly the aluminium one.


he treatment of coating waste water is an anything but generic

technologies they offer are always geared towards recycling water,

subject. There are dozens of companies operating in this

limiting its consumption, and minimising the waste to be disposed of

specific sector in Europe, which over the years have specialised

– in two words: circular economy.

in the purification of water coming from pre-treatment stations

Treatment technologies for booth waste water include skimmers,

and the overspray abatement veils of liquid coating booths. The

dirt separators, and sludge dewatering systems, whereas the plants


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


devoted to the treatment and recycling

for a US company, in Colorado, for the purification of

“In the packaging industry, for instance,

of chemical pre-treatment water are

pre-treatment water from a horizontal coating system

this noble material is replacing plastic.

normally chemical-physical, adsorption

devoted to aluminium profiles.”

In the food sector, aluminium is being

filtration, ion exchange resin filtration,

“Aluminium is becoming increasingly popular in many

increasingly used in a wide range of

and biological purification systems.

sectors,” adds Bottini.

applications, in the form of both cans (for the food & beverage field) and

Simpec Srl was established by

coils (used for canned goods or bags

Ferdinando Bottini in 1993. It currently © ipcm

has about 40 employees and operates

and packages). A surprising aspect

from its new headquarters in Nova

is that hexavalent chromium-based

Milanese, just outside Milan (Italy).

chemicals are still sometimes used in

The facility boasts over 600 m of

these sectors: this chemical element

technical and administrative offices and

has been completely eliminated in an

almost 1000 m2 devoted to production

industry as demanding in terms of

and the in-house laboratory. This is used

outdoor resistance as the automotive

for basic analyses, whereas for more

industry, but the same has not yet been

in-depth analyses the company relies

achieved in the treatment of coils for

on its subsidiary Tecnologie d’Impresa

food packaging. On the other hand, as

Srl (Cabiate, Como, Italy), which, with a

regards water treatment, chromium is

staff of more than 150 employees, audits

one of the easiest chemical pollutants to

management models and systems for

remove from waste water, as opposed


firms and public administrations in the

to elements that are more ‘harmless’ to

Andrea Bottini.

humans and the environment such as

fields of safety, the environment, quality, social ethics, and food hygiene.

© ipcm

organic substances, complexing agents,

Initially, Simpec mainly manufactured

or surfactants.”

treatment plants for the electroplating

Another important target sector for

and coating industries. Then, many

Simpec is the electroplating industry.

years ago, it began to diversify into

“In galvanic operations, water treatment

the pharmaceutical, food, mechanical

is essential. Currently, more and more

engineering, and other sectors. Over

companies are replacing their old

time, it has also specialised in membrane

water purification systems with modern

plants and biological and chemical-

ones and looking for products that

physical systems for the treatment of

are less hazardous and have a lower

primary, process, and waste water.

environmental impact,” indicates Bottini.

One of Simpec’s main target sectors, as

For Simpec, exports account for around

export manager Andrea Bottini explains,

50% of global turnover and the surface

is aluminium, especially profiles and coils

treatment sector accounts for 60-70%

for architecture and industry.

of them. “We worked well in 2020 and

“There is currently a lot of demand from

started well in 2021,” states Andrea

the aluminium sector. We are building


a large plant for a company in Bulgaria

“I think we will see a recovery that will

for the treatment of water coming from

help us grow further. The decision to

a vertical profile anodising and coating

change location has also had a positive

plant. It consists of a 30 m /h chemical-

impact on our performance over the last

physical system and two demineralisers

three-four years, because it conveys a


capable of treating 15 m /h of liquid

sense of prestige with customers and,

each (in a closed loop) to feed the

above all, enables us to work adequately

demineralised water rinsing stations. We

in proper, larger spaces.”


have recently developed another plant

A part of Simpec’s internal laboratory.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68




Guardian AM Medical: The First Powder Coating to Receive the CATAS QUALITY AWARD Certification The Guardian AM Medical Series 3010H, a white polyester powder coating with a gloss finish and antimicrobial properties, developed by Stardust Powder Coatings, has received the prestigious CATAS QUALITY AWARD certification for application on health facilities furniture (CQA HFFC 01).


uardian AM Medical Series 3010H obtained the prestigious

a gloss finish. Further tests to obtain the CATAS QUALITY AWARD

CATAS QUALITY AWARD certification for application on

certification for Guardian AM Medical polyester powder coating with a

furniture intended for health facilities (UNI 11780:2020

matte finish are currently underway.


To obtain the certification, Stardust has undertaken a testing process

The certification is the result of a lengthy testing process that returned

that entailed – and will continue to entail every year – specific controls

positive results for Guardian AM Medical Series 3010H, a white

by CATAS technicians on random product samples, as well as regular

polyester powder coating currently available in white RAL 9010 with

internal tests, which results are regularly sent to CATAS, a certification

© Stardust Powder Coatings


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


body with a laboratory that has been dealing since 1993 with tests, analyses, physical and mechanical tests on raw materials, components and product used in various industrial sectors. Compared to the laboratory test carried out only on one sample selected by the customer, the product certification extends its valence to an entire production and, consequently, to the production process from which it derives. “The CATAS QUALITY AWARD brand represents another important milestone for Stardust, not only because this is the first time a powder coating product obtains the CATAS certification but also because it testifies to Stardust’s commitment to the development of high value products, certifying their compliance over time with specific technical requirements, subject to constant verification”, states Guido Pozzoli, CEO of Stardust Powder Coatings. Launched in October 2020 by Stardust, the Guardian AM Medical range of antimicrobial powder coatings, in addition to integrating BioCote® technology, has specific features for the healthcare sector: resistance to light1, penetration of cold liquids (cleaning/disinfection products)2, wet heat and dry heat3, as well as mechanical resistance4 and absence of migrations of dangerous chemical elements such as antimony, arsenic, mercury, chromium etc5. “The Medical product is part of the Guardian AM range, which is the result of an intense development process that has led to the creation of coatings with antimicrobial properties, formulated with

Superior Technology – Significant Savings Significant powder savings and productivity gains from: higher application efficiency, uniform coating thickness, faster color change and minimum maintenance downtime.

facilities», explains Pozzoli.

With over 1,000 global installations, Nordson HDLV® technology has proven its multiple benefits in the most challenging applications. Our spray systems deliver top performance at the lowest operating cost.

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n Highest application efficiency with soft spray

BioCote® additives. Now, with Guardian AM Medical and the CATAS QUALITY AWARD certification, we have given the product even more specific features for application in critical contexts such as health

n Superior coverage of recessed areas 1 2 3 4 5

EN 15187 EN 12720 EN 12721, EN 12722 EN ISO 2409, EN ISO 1520 EN 71-3

n Long lasting performance with minimal maintenance and operating cost n Automatic purge and high-quality color change in seconds Explore the unique features of our powder coating systems in our new VIRTUAL SHOWROOM at


Performance by design

© Everest SHPK

Loading and unloading area of the SAT vertical coating system for aluminium profiles manufactured by Everest.



Everest: Reasons and Advantages of Switching from a Horizontal to a Vertical Coating Line Alessia Venturi ipcm


Increased productivity and maximum operational flexibility: if these are the objectives of investing in a coating line to treat aluminium profiles for industry and architecture, the choice of a vertical plant is a winner. If the vertical system concept is integrated with a state-of-the-art application booth that saves powder and provides excellent surface coverage, then the optimum in aluminium finishing is achieved. This is what happened at Everest, an Albanian company that extrudes and finishes aluminium profiles for various applications, which relied on SAT’s technology and expertise for a new coating line.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



verest is a company based in Kamëz (Tirana, Albania) that

years that followed, Everest allocated an increasingly large budget

designs, manufactures, and markets aluminium profiles for

to improve its technological equipment, thus raising its production

windows, doors, façades, and other architectural applications.

capacity and product quality in order to obtain certifications from

Through the synergy of excellent quality, competitive prices, and a

the most prestigious international bodies. These choices have

focus on continuous improvement, Everest serves architectural firms,

brought numerous unquestionable advantages, and in just a few

construction companies, aluminium system manufacturers, and end

years Everest has positioned itself in an increasingly broader market

consumers by always providing them with ideal solutions.

alongside European giants with a decades-long tradition in the

In Albania and the entire Balkan area, Everest holds a leading


position in the aluminium market and it now aims at becoming an

It started exporting to the Balkans, Europe, the USA, Canada, South

increasingly important player in the European as well as the global

America, and Africa; to date, it exports to more than 30 countries


worldwide. In 2016, the automotive sector was also added to the

Building excellence since 1997

company’s market share. Also in this case, new investments were needed to improve both the company’s technological level and

Everest began its activity in 1997. Initially active in the civil and

production capacity. In 2018, it implemented a foundry department

industrial construction sector, in 2000 it started selling aluminium

and, in 2021, it started up a vertical coating plant designed, supplied,

profiles. In 2005, it installed its first profile extrusion press and a

and installed by SAT (Verona, Italy).

horizontal coating line. 2010 was a crucial year for Everest in terms

For several years now, the company’s mission has been to offer high

of positioning in the domestic and foreign markets, as it decided

quality products and services on the market while maintaining highly

to invest in new, more efficient systems for architecture. In the

competitive prices. At the same time, its vision is to continue on the

© Everest SHPK

© Everest SHPK

Loading area.

Pre-treatment tunnel.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



path towards ever-higher quality standards, in order to increasingly

quality degree, especially in terms of layer uniformity. As one of the

take a leading position in the market.

world’s leading designers and suppliers of vertical coating systems for aluminium profiles, SAT was able to provide Everest with all of

From a horizontal to a vertical coating line: the reasons for this investment


After using a horizontal line for more than ten years, Everest

The supplied line

felt the need to find a plant solution that would give it greater

SAT offered a state-of-the-art coating line capable of working at a

production flexibility. Indeed, a vertical system can coat any type of

speed of 1.5 metres per minute with an output of 1,5 tons per hour

extruded profile, without the need for hanging hooks and special

considering 10 colour changes per shift.

supports. Another important objective was productivity: a vertical

Thanks to its special layout with guns facing each other, the use

line has a much higher production capacity than a horizontal one

of this booth has brought a very important advantage: powder

and it requires fewer operators; in addition, production can be

consumption has been significantly reduced.

further increased with minor plant modifications, without totally

As for the electrostatic equipment, Everest received significant

revolutionising the system. Finally, Everest needed a higher coating

support from Gema, thanks to the acquisition of SAT by the Swiss

© Everest SHPK

© Everest SHPK

V-shaped booth.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Coated profiles exiting the curing oven.


company in 2018 and the consequent belonging to the same group.

to the extreme flexibility of its line, Everest is now able to meet the

In particular, it was provided with an OptiCenter OC04 powder

needs of all its customers, offering an excellent service in short

management unit, equipped with 16 OptiGun GA03 automatic guns

times. “SAT was readily willing to understand Everest’s needs and

featuring G07 injectors.

create a customised solution,” states SAT CEO Andrea Trevisan. “We

The advantages gained

developed the entire line together and we followed Everest step by step through the design, assembly, and commissioning process.”

The acquisition of this new, advanced technological solution has

A couple of months after the plant went into operation, Everest is

enabled Everest to significantly improve the production capacity

very pleased with the route it has taken and the choice it has made.

of its Tirana plant. However, the most important benefits obtained

With regard to the possible future developments of its finishing

have been undoubtedly the higher quality of its end products and a

department, the company plans to invest very soon in the powder-

reduction in overall operating costs, thanks to lower consumption of

on-powder (Ezy) coating technology to produce aluminium profiles

chemicals and powders. In this way, Everest has achieved one of the

with a wood effect and an in-line brushing machine.

goals of its vision, namely to take better care of the planet by using a totally environmentally friendly coating solution. Finally, thanks

© Everest SHPK

© Everest SHPK

Heating system.

Coated profiles unloading.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68




The Axalta ColourSelector: an Innovative Solution for Colour Selection Edited by Axalta Coating Systems GmbH Basel, Switzerland


Relying on the support of job coaters and applicators is usually the preferred option when it comes to selecting powder coating colours and finishes for metallic substrates on buildings and exterior objects. Axalta Powder Coatings has chosen a different approach to support its customers with the newly developed ColourSelector to facilitate the professional and representative presentation of suggested colours. The elegant display is available to selected partners in European countries and it revolutionises the process of colour selection.


olour turns buildings and objects into whatever they are

better. So, we have been looking for a solution to make the colour

supposed to be and what they have to say. Selecting the perfect

presentation for our partners more professional and representative.

shade and texture for them is therefore a crucial design factor

The outcome was the newly developed ColourSelector,” explains Markus

for which both architects and product designers rely on the support

Koenigs, Marketing Communications Leader EMEA at Axalta Powder

of job coaters and applicators. However, providing customers with


the optimal advice on colour is often very difficult because different colour samples must be collected from fan decks and colour cards in

Elegant display with impressive features

various sizes as well as brochures put together for the discussion. Once

The new ColourSelector is an elegant, sleek display with 490 powder-

agreement on the colour has been found, there is usually no additional

coated aluminium colour sample panels presented in chromatic order.

sample left for the customer. “At Axalta Powder Coatings, we are always

The choice of colours, effects, finishes and gloss grades encompasses

on the lookout for innovative solutions to support our customers even

a range of the most popular products on the market of high-quality

The colours, effects, finishes and gloss levels have been chosen from the most popular products and current trends in powder coatings. © Axalta Coating Systems GmbH


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


powder coatings, e.g. in super-durable quality. The selection is geared towards the latest developments and trends in architecture and design. Each of the smartly designed panels features a rounded front and curved corners. The panels can be removed for a closer look and feel of the finish. Two powerful daylight LED bars integrated into the display put the colours in the right light. The sturdy display is made of steel and was given an unobtrusive finely textured look with white coating. The ColourSelector will be installed on site supported by the Axalta sales team. It can be placed freely in the showroom or close to a wall - in both cases, neither fixings nor tools are required. Individually customised with the partner’s logo, it could become the central piece of the showroom

© Axalta Coating Systems GmbH

and an attractive eye-catcher, underlining the company’s competence in colours. “Enabling our partners to provide their customers with the best possible service creates a win-win situation for both parties,” states Markus Koenigs.

An exemplary service for partners and customers This new tool comes with a web-based application to render working with it easy and cutting-edge for Axalta’s ColourSelector partners. After discussing the best colour alternatives for the project at hand, customers can choose their favourite colour samples, which will then be sent to them by Axalta directly. “In this context, we assume the function of a service partner for our ColourSelector partners and take care of shipping the selected samples to their customers,” adds Markus Koenigs. The ordering process is simple. Each panel has a sticker on

© Axalta Coating Systems GmbH

the back indicating all the necessary product information and a QR code. To start the ordering process, the QR code of the selected colour samples is scanned with the app. Then the customer’s address data must be entered either using the app’s scan-to-lead function or manually. The order is then transmitted directly to ‘COLOUR it’, Axalta’s European panel service.

From top to bottom: - The ColourSelector gives representative samples of a vast number of colours. - The elegant display will become a central piece of the customer’s showroom. - Powerful daylight LED bars put the colours in the best light.

© Axalta Coating Systems GmbH

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



© Axalta Coating Systems GmbH

The customers of the ColourSelector partners will receive the requested colour samples within a few days, depending on their location.

Service including continuous support “In the meantime, we have already installed a large number of ColourSelectors throughout Europe at selected partners and the demand is steadily growing,” reports Markus Koenigs. Which does not come as a surprise, because the impressive colour selection display gives Axalta partners the opportunity to offer just the perfect solution for every project in an unique and exclusive way and will strengthen the ties with their customers. © Axalta Coating Systems GmbH

Additional support is offered by Axalta in the promotion of this new service, providing frequent news and information on tool features and activities in close collaboration with the ColourSelector partners. A dedicated website section including a geolocator will help customers quickly and easily find the nearest ColourSelector partner. Various communication channels will be used to boost the ColourSelector’s visibility and benefits for the partners. “I am quite confident that the ColourSelector will make a change and will be a huge success. It will help us achieve our goal of being both pioneer and leading supplier of colours in architecture and design,” confirms Markus Koenigs.

© Axalta Coating Systems GmbH

From top to bottom: - For a closer look and feel, panels can be taken out of the display. - The sticker on the back of each panel indicates all necessary product information. - To start the ordering process, the QR code of the selected colour sample is scanned with the ColourSelector app.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



Euroimpianti Expands and Opens a New Office in Germany From an interview with Gianluca Baruffaldi, CEO of Euroimpianti and Kevin Eckert, Sales Director of Euroimpianti Deutschland


ince when it was founded in 1976,

where coating of aluminium and iron metallic

the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, which

Euroimpianti Srl has achieved a

pieces is required.

brought the global industry to a standstill

series of successes that have made

First established in Villafranca and then

with major repercussions on the economies

it one of the world’s leading coating plant

moved to Valeggio Sul Mincio (in the province

of almost every country, Euroimpianti has

manufacturers. In its 45-year history, an

of Verona and a stone’s throw from Lake

not stopped and it has developed another

anniversary falling precisely this year,

Garda, in Italy), where its recently expanded

important project completed in 2021: the

Euroimpianti has made its modular,

headquarters is still located1, Euroimpianti

opening of its third European office after

expandable coating plant concept its strong

has grown over the last ten years, opening

the Italian and Spanish ones, this time in

point. Its product range includes automatic,

operational and sales offices in all major


manual, and semi-automatic equipment for

western markets: in Brazil in 2012, in Spain

We met for a double interview Gianluca

the application of both liquid and powder

in 2016, and in the United States in 2018.

Baruffaldi, the CEO of Euroimpianti Srl, and

coatings even on large-sized workpieces, as

Although 2020 will be remembered as

Kevin Eckert, the sales director of the newly

well as both horizontal and vertical systems for painting aluminium profiles with its patented, newly developed booths. This enables it to serve virtually all industries

created Euroimpianti Deutschland, to ask “Thirty years of Euro90: the creation, evolution, and future of the modular coating system concept”, ipcm® Vol. XI, no. 61 January-February 2020, pp. 60-64


about the implementation of this project and its development horizons. “The project started last year in August,” says

© Euroimpianti Deutschland

The headquarters of Euroimpianti Deutschland in Donaueschingen.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© Euroimpianti Deutschland

Kevin Eckert. “After a year of collaboration

In Germany, however, Euroimpianti is

on the German market to promote its

facing strong competition.

firm’s technology, Gianluca offered me

“In this market, we have two levels of

to open an office that would become an

competition: the large automotive plant

integral part of the Euroimpianti group,

builders, although we come up against

serving the DACH region, i.e. Germany,

them very rarely, and the few other

Austria, and Switzerland. I already knew

companies that share our markets, with

the market, the different product lines

excellent technologies that, however,

and technologies, and many potential

are also very different from ours. Our

customers very well, so I was excited to

technologies, in fact, are more flexible and


able to support our customers’ growth

“In order to better serve German-speaking

and increased production volumes thanks

markets, but also to create a bridge

to the modular and expandable concept

to Eastern European markets, such as

typical of our range,” states Baruffaldi.

Poland, where many German companies

“Every customer wants a tailor-made

are relocating their coating operations,

project: each system must be like a suit of

especially in the aluminium profile sector,

clothes that fits like a glove. Euroimpianti’s

which is one of our target sectors, we

strength is its ability to offer standard,

have decided to create a sales and service

modular, expandable plants, which

branch. It has a small showroom for

are largely open to modification and

our customers to see the materials and

integration in a simple manner throughout

Kevin Eckert.

construction details of our systems, a

the service life of a finishing line.”

spare parts warehouse to offer fast service to the whole area, and a representative

an office in Germany would be a winning USP compared

What are the objectives of the newly

office,” adds Baruffaldi.

to our competitors.”

founded Euroimpianti Deutschland?

“We chose Donaueschingen, a town

“Despite the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has

“Since the office has already been opened

in Baden-Württemberg near Stuttgart,

opened wounds in the Germans’ unshakeable

and made operational, our short-term

because this area of southern Germany

confidence in their own economy and also left some

goal is to set up a team of four or five

is densely populated with paint-related

tangible scars, the DACH region is now open for

people, with a couple of technicians and

industries: automotive, metalwork

investment,” states Eckert about the current market

service personnel,” says Kevin Eckert. “In

fabrication, aluminium, and liquid and

situation. “Admittedly, some companies are still

addition, we want to take full advantage

powder contract coating,” explains Eckert.

somewhat frightened by the continuing pandemic

of another strength of Euroimpianti: its

“Therefore, it is the perfect location to have

situation, but the German central government’s aid

excellent relationships with local suppliers

big customers close by and close to Austria

packages to the industry for the purchase of innovative

and partners, such as paint and chemical

and Switzerland”.

technologies and production systems are coming

manufacturers, with whom we work

“We already have several coating lines

soon and they have already prompted many potential

on individual projects. In Germany, we

installed in Austria and Germany, both

customers to look to the future and undertake new

sell lines by purchasing German-made

in the aluminium and steel sectors,

investment projects. Furthermore, some German

components and choosing suppliers locally:

partly because the distance between

companies that were already familiar with and used

this is also very much appreciated. Against

our headquarters in Italy and this area

our technology here in Europe have opened branches

this background, I am confident that we

is limited. However, we have realised

in Eastern Europe or overseas, in the USA and

will have good market opportunities in the

that customers in this European region

Canada, and have again turned to us for their coating

near future. Our technology is reliable and

appreciate Italian technology for its


widely appreciated, so we can fearlessly set

flexibility and ingenuity, but also like to

“And we were ready for it, thanks to Euroimpianti’s

ourselves the goal of doubling the number

interface with technicians and salespeople

American office in Florida, which manages the entire

of lines we supply each year to German-

who speak their language,” notes

North and South American markets, and the new

speaking markets within a short period of

Baruffaldi. “This is why we felt that having

German office,” says Gianluca Baruffaldi.


international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68




Sherwin-Williams Launches Echelon, a New Hyper Durable Powder Coatings Line Echelon is the new hyper-durable powder coatings collection developed by Sherwin-Williams for architectural applications.


herwin-Williams has launched Echelon, a new line of hyper

the company gives customers access to the colour cards, the product

durable coatings for metal surfaces used in the building sector,

data sheets, and building information modelling (BIM) materials,

which provides exceptional UV and weathering resistance.

in order to demonstrate the benefits and unique features of each

The Echelon products, that are part of Syntha Pulvin® powder coatings

high-performance solution.

series - the premier architectural coatings’ portfolio by Sherwin-

Finally, Sherwin-Williams is expanding its Approved Applicator

Williams - deliver excellent long-term aesthetic performances, require

network, which is a program that ensures coaters meet company

minimal maintenance, and allow for easy cleaning.

requirements and AAMA specifications when applying Syntha Pulvin®

“The new Echelon product line is designed to meet the AAMA 2605

powder coatings.

performance specifications, and it successfully passed the strict Florida

The Sherwin-Williams Technical Service team works directly with

exposure tests,” said Christophe De Paepe, Sherwin-Williams Building

applicators to guarantee the highest performance and the optimum

Products Segment Manager. “The Echelon series provides excellent

appearance of the finished product.

gloss retention, and resistance to chalking and colour fading.”

“We are further cementing our legacy in the building products

Furthermore, Sherwin-Williams integrated its Syntha Pulvin colour

market,” said Christophe De Paepe. “These unique product selection

palette with a new pigments’ series featured by darker black tones to

tools and specialized programs help to better serve our customers by

accommodate customers seeking deep, rich black colour. All colours

providing guidance and support.”


of the Syntha Pulvin® powder coatings portfolio are the result of an extensive colour trends research.

For further information:

For each line of its Syntha Pulvin coating systems, including Echelon,

www.synthapulvin.co.uk and oem.sherwin-williams.com


© Shutterstock


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Your surface protection. 1/5

We care. Surface treatments and nanotechnologies




Interpon AM: Innovative Powder Coatings with Antimicrobial Properties Giuliana Fernandez AkzoNobel Coatings SPA – Como, Italy


Thanks to its long-standing experience in the field of antimicrobial products, AkzoNobel can now present a wide range of powder coatings that combat the proliferation of bacteria on surfaces. These are intended for a number of sectors, from those that have always been particularly at risk, such as hospitals and places of public use, to architecture.


kzoNobel, a leading manufacturer and

of antimicrobial technologies for a wide range

ranges from a few minutes to a few hours

technological researcher in the field

of applications. This partnership has led to the

and that the antimicrobial technology inhibits

of powder coatings, has over twenty

creation of Interpon AM, an innovative range

bacterial proliferation, it follows that, between

years of experience in the development of

of powder coatings that serves consumer

cleaning cycles, the use of Interpon AM gives

products with antimicrobial properties. It ranks

needs and their growing concern for health

the treated surfaces an additional defence

among the first Groups in the industry to have

and hygiene while meeting any decorative and

against the development and contamination of

identified a range of antibacterial products

functional design requirement.

the most known bacteria, including Escherichia

(Interpon AB) that counteract the proliferation

The BioCote antimicrobial technology they

Coli O157 and Staphylococcus aureus.

of bacteria and improve the cleanliness of

contain reduces the spread of microbes

Wherever we are – on the street, in public or

coated surfaces. It has long since successfully

such as bacteria and mould by up to 99.9%

private transport, in our offices or homes – we

marketed this particular type of finish in many

on painted surfaces. This is made possible

inevitably come into contact with thousands of

different sectors.

by the presence of silver ions in their

microbes that are deposited and reproduced

Over the years, the expertise of AkzoNobel’s

formulations, which bind to the key proteins

daily on the various surfaces we touch.

specialists has then led to the gradual,

of microorganisms thus depriving them of the

Keeping them clean, therefore, means not only

thorough improvement of these coatings’

ability to breathe and reproduce. Considering

preserving ourselves and our health, but also

technical and performance aspects, thus

that the average life expectancy of a bacterium

ensuring greater durability and functionality of


products, which, if not properly protected, risk

making it possible to create products whose efficacy is now widely recognised worldwide.

© CentralITAlliance

deterioration through the action of mould and

This is evidenced by the company’s extensive

bacteria that are directly responsible for decay,

network of commercial relations with

bad odours, and stains.

important partners in Italy and around the

The action of Interpon AM guarantees

world, for which it is a leading supplier of

24/7 protection along the entire service

highly functional and durable state-of-the-art

life of products and its effectiveness is not


compromised even after continuous surface cleaning operations. As a result, it is ideal in

Interpon AM: partnership with BioCote® has resulted in an innovative range of antimicrobial powder coatings

all spaces with a high degree of humidity and

Aiming to achieve the highest levels of

medical and hospital facilities – just recently,

in all areas where maintaining a good level of cleanliness, and therefore a low level of microbes, is essential. Some instances are 2350 handles were treated with products

quality and environmental sustainability, in 2012 AkzoNobel embarked on an important collaboration with BioCote®, an independent certification body specialising in the provision


Lift doors are just one of the several interior surfaces that can be protected with the new range of architectural powder coatings Interpon D AM.

N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

from this range for a clinic in Abu Dhabi – but also places used for restaurant and catering activities, schools, universities, airports, sports


and leisure centres, public transport, ATMs,

innovation for the market, as well as an

and other places with a high concentration of

excellent solution for architects and designers


all over the world who wish to integrate

Interpon D AM: the revolution for the architectural sector

further important functionalities (especially for the current period) into these already high performing products. Indeed, Interpon D AM

Interpon AM is an example of how much

guarantees excellent antimicrobial protection

attention AkzoNobel pays to developing and

on a wide variety of architectural components,

improving its products in order to respond

including interior surfaces such as frames,

promptly to customer requests and meet

panelling, office partitions, handrails, metal

a wide range of market requirements. This

doors, and lifts. All this is achieved without

is why the Interpon AM powder range does

compromising the renowned quality level

not only offers high quality cosmetic finishes

of Qualicoat Class 1 and Class 2 certified

combined with a wide choice of colours, but

products in terms of colour retention and

it has also been designed for a wide variety

weathering resistance.

of applications, up to recently including the

All products in the Interpon AM and Interpon

architectural sector.

D AM ranges created in cooperation with

The addition of paints with antimicrobial

BioCote Ltd are subject to antimicrobial

properties to the architectural powder coating

efficacy testing, in compliance with

ranges Interpon D1000 and D2000 is a real

ISO 22196: 2011.


© AkzoNobel

The AkzoNobel plant in Como, Italy. To the right stands the PTC Powder Technology Center, Europe’s largest research and development centre in the industry.



Additional Scratch Resistance for Interpon’s Superdurable Architectural Coatings AkzoNobel Powder Coating helps build reputations with additional scratch resistance for Interpon’s Superdurable architectural coatings.


kzoNobel Powder Coatings is taking the performance of

more obvious. It gives architectural specifiers even more avenues of

Interpon’s superdurable D2525 range to the next level with

enhancing the beauty and longevity of their buildings, without the

its X-Pro technology, to give high-quality architectural features

concern of any part of their design, such as a window or door, being

even greater resistance to scratching and marring. X-Pro technology,

scratched in transit or during handling and installation.

which is already available in Interpon’s D1036 range, has now also

Bob Dirks, Global Segment Manager Architectural, AkzoNobel Powder

been extended to the satin and matt finishes of the superdurable

Coatings, expects this X-Pro extension to be well received: “Our

Interpon D2525. This X-Pro line already includes 150 finishes that are

powder coatings help architects create the buildings they imagine

Ready-To-Ship (RTS).

without having to compromise on finish. With a superdurable powder

Daniela Vlad, Business Director of AkzoNobel Powder Coatings,

architectural assets are protected during handling, transport and

knows that reputations are built on stand-out designs and architects

assembly and retain their superior finish for the years to come.”

in every corner of the globe depend on Interpon: “Architects trust

The enhanced gloss retention and scratch resistance of Interpon

in our innovation, and in our ability as a global leader to protect

D X-Pro have been verified using the industry standard Martindale

their creations with highly durable coatings that have a quality,

Test, which simulates various kinds of marring to measure superficial

reliability and performance that is second to none. Extending the

surface imperfections.

X-Pro family into Interpon’s superdurable range demonstrates our

The new D2525 X-Pro is available for customers in EMEA and will be

ongoing innovation strategy and our commitment to keep giving our

launched in South Asia later this year. Dark colours are in stock and

customers access to even more durable coatings in the widest span

Ready-To-Ship, and other colours are available on demand.

of colours and finishes to satisfy any imagination.” The new extended range is available in a collection of colours,

For further information:

including those darker colours where physical imperfections are


© iStock


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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BRAND-NEW © Tiger Coatings


Discover TIGER ArchiPrint: Digital Printing on Powder Coating The trend towards product customization and individual solutions has led the industry to deal with “batch size 1” requests. TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co KG’s latest release is a technology that combines super durable powder coatings and digital printing to give an individual finish to aluminium surfaces used in architecture.


IGER ArchiPrint is the latest technology of TIGER Coatings, manufacturer of powder coatings & digital printing solutions that offer protection, function, colour, effect, gloss and texture to its

customers’ products. TIGER ArchiPrint brings together the merits of two technologies in one system for personalized individualization and “lot size 1” architectural and interior design applications. TIGER ArchiPrint is a combination of powder coating technology (TIGER Drylac® Series 168) with digital printing

technology utilizing UV-LED outdoor inks (TIGITAL® Series 134/1.1) to print your desired motive on aluminium or other substrates. The technology has been designed with durability, superior UV and colour resistance in mind for maximum decorative aesthetics while protecting architectural investments. This system has then been subject to stringent quality tests and subsequently awarded with IFO certification according to Qualideco specification, Class 1 and Class 2, including cleaning certification according to DIN EN ISO 105-X12. TIGER offers a Limited System Warranty of up to 10 years.

Perfectly matched system components • Competent project consulting: from the initial idea to the finished object, TIGER supports a project from the very beginning, starting from the design and colour selection to its technical implementation. • Unlimited options for design: TIGER ArchiPrint allows any image to be printed on an object. • Powder coating with TIGER Drylac® systems: they offer function, aesthetics and value retention over many years. For the coating of façades SuperDurable TIGER powder coating is recommended. Numerous colours


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



© Tiger Coatings

and effects as well as a limited warranty are available.

designs or flexible information (such as logos, QR codes and so on).

• Customization with digital printing: state-of-the-art digital

This innovation provides added value and competitive differentiation

printing with UV and colour-stable TIGITAL Inks focuses on and

on the market.

underlines the aesthetics of the object or the building.

TIGER develops TIGITAL® Inks, highly durable, innovative digital inks

• Versatile, creative, eco-friendly: TIGER ArchiPrint combines the

and digital powder solution for industrial print systems for both

advantages of the green powder coating technology with innovative

interior and exterior applications (Chematronix® solutions), for printer

digital printing solutions. The results are easy-to-clean, super durable

manufacturers and system integrators specializing in the engineering

aluminium surfaces with character and format.

of industrial printing solutions. TIGITAL® high performance inks offer


industry leading abrasion, chemical, moisture and UV resistance for

TIGITAL® + Superdurable powder coatings for a perfect and durable result

For outdoor & architectural applications, the use of TIGITAL Inkjet Ink

The greatest advantages of digital printing technology lie in the

Series 134/1.1 + Powder Coating Series 168 provides an individual

flexibility of production, the customization options and the ability to

and durable finish.

the most demanding industrial print applications.

inexpensively refine even short runs. Digital printing can be used to refine and increase the value of standard products with coloured

For further information: www.tiger-coatings.com

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



IDM II – Inline Decoration Module: Combining Hot Foil Stamping, Laser Decoration, and UV Coating in One Innovative Line Antonio Scotti Tapematic Spa, Ornago (Monza e Brianza), Italy


Extreme customisation, fast service, elimination of distances, and higher quality levels are the market requirements that are increasingly pushing towards the vertical integration of numerous process steps within production companies, in order to reduce waste, minimise logistics times, and shorten time-tomarket. With IDM II, a new turnkey decoration line for cosmetic packaging, Tapematic meets all these requirements with a modular, innovative, fully automatic concept that can be easily integrated into any type of production structure.


nsourcing production phases means improving product quality. It

Another market variable driving this trend towards vertically

increases the possibility of monitoring process parameters and,

integrated production and process insourcing has been introduced

above all, it minimises the handling of workpieces and therefore

by the Covid-19 pandemic: a completely different consumer view of

the risk of damaging the treated surfaces, thus reducing scrap rate.

the market. In fact, it is as if the real market had shifted to the virtual

This trend has long been present within the industries using surface

world, in a sort of cloud that has cancelled out consumers’ ability

treatments. The cosmetic packaging sector, and particularly its

to wait for a product. Online shopping deludes us into thinking that

prestige segment, are among them because up to three different

everything is always at our fingertips and immediately available.

suppliers can be involved between plastic moulding and decoration,

However, this clashes with industrial production times, which cannot

with very high levels of product contamination.

be reduced below a certain threshold. The inability to wait has

© Tapematic Spa

With Tapematic’s new line IDM II, packaging manufacturers can obtain countless decorations and customisations to create unique pieces with an easy-to-manage, in-line process.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


therefore created a huge logistical problem. This is another good reason for the vertical integration of all production steps within a company. Tapematic has been designing and developing machinery for industrial production since 1970 and UV coating and metallising lines for the packaging industry for more than a decade. Building on the success of its PST LINE I and PST LINE II1, which integrate coating and 3D sputtering in a modular system, this firm has recently developed a system combining further process steps


typically used in the high-end cosmetic packaging sector into a modular, compact line suitable for use even in environments that are generally far from surface finishing. This is the IDM II Inline Decoration Module, a fully automated modular decoration system integrating pre-treatment, hot foil stamping, laser decoration, and UV coating.

Technical characteristics of the Inline Decoration Module The development of this machine was driven by the needs of major

with a complete service that includes system design manufacturing installation technical support chemicals

brands in the cosmetics industry, which are continually raising the bar for quality in this historical period. The need to constantly monitor and control not only one’s own manufacturing process but also the whole supply chain has generated a tendency to insource as many production phases as possible. With IDM II, Tapematic offers the possibility for packaging manufacturers to take care of the finishing of their products themselves, thus minimising the risk of surface defects and rejects caused by excessive handling. Each customer can configure Tapematic’s IDM II - Inline Decoration Module to suit its own needs. The most compact solution, specifically intended for the packaging decoration sector, includes a surface cleaning and pre-treatment module, a hot foil stamping module for the side and head of products, a laser module for the ablation of some parts of the hot foil decoration aimed at creating graphics and/or variable data, and a UV coating module to protect the resulting decoration and making it glossy. The Tapematic IDM II module can also be perfectly integrated into a standard PST II line, which is very compact and fully automated to allow for oneman operation. This system’s low environmental impact, thanks to the use of a green metallising process such as sputtering and the application of paints with a low solvent content, make IDM II also attractive to companies that do not have the space or environment


to install a traditional coating and metallising line.


“Limitless Innovation Capacity: Tapematic’s In-Line Coating and Sputtering Systems Conquer the Cosmetic and Beverage Packaging Market” in ipcm® 65, Vol. XI, September-October 2020, pp. 110-114

Via E. Torricelli, 79 - Z.I. Fossatone 40059 MEDICINA (BO) Tel +39 051 856263 info@hydroitalia.com www.hydroitalia.com

© Tapematic Spa

The compact, modular line IDM II.

Product customisation: the future of decoration

packages being processed, such as the serialisation number of a

Industrial production is no longer just about large volumes, because

limited edition or a QR Code certifying the originality of products,

the trend towards customisation permeates virtually all sectors.

thus making them unique pieces.

In addition to their standard high print-runs, the brands of the release a few customised or limited-edition products throughout

Extreme configuration flexibility to create tailor-made systems

the year in order to keep their customers commercially active. This

The modular structure of IDM II guarantees maximum flexibility and

is why China is no longer a focal point in the relocation strategy of

the possibility of creating customised systems that meet the needs

large companies. In order to cope with any immediate demand for

of each customer. Tapematic has always been at its users’ side,

customised products or for products that may have been intended

without imposing rigid configurations for its machines. This enables

for one market but are then sold in other countries through

it to accommodate its customers’ wishes by integrating one or more

influencer marketing, companies are setting up fully integrated

process steps into a single, compact, automatic, easy-to-manage

production sites in many different geographical areas, so that

(because it does not require specific operator training) turnkey line.

they can meet unexpected market demands in very short times.

The new IDM II system is a further evolution of Tapematic’s concept. It

Thanks to the integration of the laser ablation module following

incorporates process steps that are complementary to metallisation

hot foil stamping, the IDM II plant meets this demand for extreme

sputtering and coating but also further away from them, in order to

personalisation with the possibility of adding variable data to the

guarantee high-profile, durable, and personalised decorations.

cosmetics packaging sector, and especially of its prestige segment,


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Salvatore Robuschi: Innovative Industrial Choices in a New Line for the Green Coating of Industrial Pumps Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm


With the aim of accelerating its coating process with a view to continuous growth in production volumes, as well as increasing quality and reducing costs for paints, Salvatore Robuschi, an Italian firm active in the pump sector since 1935, entrusted a pool of companies with the creation of a Smart Factory paintshop. Verind designed and supplied its innovative applications system of 2K paint products, CMV designed a new coating plant, Franchi&Kim provided suitable water-based coatings, and CMA Robotics was responsible for automating the line with its articulated robots.


irst created in the 3rd century BC by famous mathematician

are vital for the correct functioning of the machinery housing them, they

Archimedes, industrial pumps are the beating heart of many

must be subjected to a protective coating process that enables them to

machines in a wide range of sectors, including the petrochemical,

withstand the harshest environments and corrosion attacks and, at the

textile, food, tanning, automotive, and metal industries. By using

same time, ensures greater durability and functionality of the products

mechanical organs in rotary or rectilinear motion, these components

in which they are inserted.

have the function of lifting, moving, or collecting fluid material. As they

A company in this industry that places coating at the core of its


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production flow is Salvatore Robuschi, which has recently invested

versatile, modular pumps: their individual components are stored in our

in a new paintshop with an automatic, smart application system. For

warehouse and, as soon as a new order arrives, they are picked up and

this project, it has relied on Verind, belonging to the Dürr group, for

assembled with a tailored production process that meets each individual

the supply of the automatic and manual systems for the pumping and

requirement. Our customers can also count on an efficient after-sales

application of 2K paints, on CMV Srl for the design of the new plant, on

service, characterised by fast delivery and replacement of spare parts,”

Franchi&Kim for the supply of water-based paint products, and on CMA

says owner Michele Robuschi.

Robotics for the line’s automation with articulated robots.

Eighty-six years of experience in the pump industry and a focus on customer satisfaction

From prototypes to production “A lean production process is a crucial prerequisite to meet customer requirements with a high quality degree and on time. However,

The story of Salvatore Robuschi began back in 1935, when its founder,

manufacturing customised products requires more attention than

Salvatore Robuschi, decided to start his own business by opening a

mass production. This is why, over the years, we have strived to make

small workshop devoted to the production and repair of pumps in the

our production process as linear and smooth as possible,” says the

centre of the city of Parma, in Italy. The company grew quickly and it was

company’s owner.

able to structure itself by expanding its range with centrifugal vacuum

The production flow begins with the development and realisation of a

and bronze pumps. Now managed by the third generation of the

prototype by the firm’s in-house technical team, the improvement of

Robuschi family, the firm currently has a factory of 9000 m² and it has

its properties and final validation. Machining operations of the semi-

come to produce a wide range of pumps for a variety of industries, such

finished products are outsourced but we perform strict controls on the

as chemical, textile, food, tanning, pharmaceutical, galvanic, and water

components before they are stored in the warehouse and then tailor-

purification and treatment.

assembled and tested upon end user request. The production process

“A focus on quality and attention to the needs of our end users have

ends with the coating, quality control, and shipping phases.

always characterised our philosophy and they now translate into

“For Salvatore Robuschi, the coating process is an essential step both in

extreme product customisation. To this end, we have designed very

terms of quality and in order to meet delivery deadlines and provide our

© Robuschi

© Robuschi

A bird’s eye view of the Salvatore Robuschi’s headquarters, located in the S.P.I.P. industrial zone on the outskirts of Parma.

Salvatore Robuschi has been active since 1935 in the production of pumps for a wide range of industries and sizes. Pictured is one of the largest products manufactured by the Parma-based company.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


© Robuschi

© Robuschi

The coating plant installed by CMV Srl in collaboration with Verind and CMA Robotics.

Pumps loaded onto the coating line.

customers with an efficient and timely service. The entire production

device for checking the hung parts, capable of collecting information

flow is managed and tracked by computer systems to minimise errors

on the pumps’ dimensions and recording them together with their

and meet individual specifications,” explains Robuschi.

position in relation to the specific anchorage points. This process

The new coating plant: Industry 4.0 and system digitalisation

significantly reduces the time it takes the operator to configure the cycle settings, eliminates any errors, and speeds up the coating operations.

“We decided to install a new coating plant because we previously

The paintshop includes four coating booths: two devoted to the

used a manual carousel system that required a 24-hour wait between

primer application, of which one is manual and one equipped with

the primer and top coat application. The need to speed up our

an articulated robot, and two devoted to the top coat application,

coating operation with a view to continuous growth in production

of which one is manual and one automatic. A flash-off phase occurs

volumes, as well as for increasing quality and reducing costs for

between the application of the primer and that of the top coat.

paints, led us to choose a pool of companies to help us design a high

“By combining automatic and manual coating stations, this system

productivity, automatic coating line that was also flexible, efficient,

enables us to perform an extremely flexible process and not to be

and environmentally friendly, as we have also started using two-

bound to a single process mode. About 60% of our products is coated

component water-based products,” indicates Robuschi.

with our CMA Robotics’ self-learning robots, whereas the remaining

The new plant installed by CMV Srl features a Start&Stop one-rail

part, made up of occasional and completely customised orders, is

conveyor interfaced directly with the SAP management system, from

painted manually by our operators,” explains Robuschi.

which it receives instructions on the coating cycle, the RAL colour to

With the aim of making unit production costs integrated and

be applied, and the dimensional specifications of parts, which, in turn,

decreasing them while increasing the efficiency of the entire coating

are linked to the characteristics defined by the product configurator

process, Salvatore Robuschi has relied on Verind’s technology for its

(series, size, motor size, etc.). Every load bar can accommodate up to

pumping, mixing, dosing and application equipment for 2K water-

3 parts, each of which can be associated with a different program. The

based liquid paints. The engineering concept was developed to

system automatically matches the right self-learning coating programs

connect machines and devices via a dedicated software in order to

to the SAP codes. The plant is also equipped with a 3D scanning

make plants self-organising and logistics systems autonomous. “The


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© ipcm

Manual coating of a pump.

main objectives of the project for this new Smart Factory paintshop,” says Verind industry sector sales manager, Alessandro Soba, “included as follows: • Setting up a coating system managed according to the digitalisation, integrated control, and automation principles and interfaced with robotised painting and manual retouching stations. • Achieving the best application and surface finishing results by entrusting the management of the 2K coating products and of the process as a whole to a specific, integrated automation system. • Monitoring and making available on a line-specific interface information about productivity and any deviations from the set standard, in order to prompt any corrective actions. • Integrating EcoDose 2K electronic dosing and mixing equipment in its remote work version with fibre optic flow meters, suitable for handling two-component, water-based epoxy and polyurethane coatings with an electrostatic application system. • Providing remote assistance and enabling predictive service and maintenance actions.” “Salvatore Robuschi’s surface finishing process is complex and articulated, given the large number of variables involved,” adds Verind area sales manager, Giovanni Benevelli. “We are committed to ensuring that all our new products and solutions contribute to lower unit production costs and increase efficiency, as well as ensuring the environmental friendliness and safety of working environments

© Robuschi

© ipcm

The electronic topcoat dosing and mixing system with Verind EcoDose 2K equipment.

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© ipcm

The pumps unit.


Automatic coating by a robot.

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The EcoDose 2K electronic primer dosing and mixing system.


by and, last but not least, the high quality of coated parts. In this factory, we created a flexible and modular plant that combines electrostatic


application equipment with an automatic 2K paint dosing and mixing system using the fibre optic flow meter technology. The EcoDose 2K machine is an advanced electronic system for the stoichiometric dosage and mixing of 2K water-based paint products.” As for the automation of the coating application phase, Robuschi chose to install two articulated robots, one for the primer and the other for the top coat, in order to complement the manual booths and finish the bulk of the company’s production volume. Given the large number of different parts painted by Robuschi, the choice fell on CMA Robotics’ GR-650 self-learning robots, which are electronically controlled machines with 6 degrees of freedom, designed to perform automatic spraying operations in general. The robots’ arms guarantee maximum manoeuvrability thanks to a coupling system and perfect pneumatic balance, in addition to the use of special light alloys. Further flexibility is guaranteed by the particular configuration of

High performance modified alcohol cleaning machines

their wrists, which allow easily reaching any point of the part being processed through the 360° rotation of each axis. “Our robots’ self-learning process occurs by means of joysticks attached directly to the machines’ wrists and connected to their

High pressure waterjet deburring and cleaning systems

control panels,” explains Marco Zanor, the technical director of CMA Robotics. “In this way, the operator performs an actual coating cycle on sample parts. The great advantage is that, during programming, one can see the final result on the workpieces and modify the operation in real time. The joystick includes all controls, such as program start/stop, program saving, gun opening and closing, part rotation, robot movement, and others, so that one person is enough to program the robot. The programming time is the same as the painting cycle itself, normally no more than a few minutes or even less, depending on the size of parts. Moreover, programming is carried out at low a speed but, when the robot acts automatically, the speed can be increased and the cycle time reduced.”

Complete integrated in-house build automation

“CMA Robotics’ systems have enabled us to dramatically reduce our programming time despite the great variability of our pumps,” notes Michele Robuschi. “Programming is very fast and precise and it does not require a specialised operator: our coaters themselves can do it, because the system is very simple and quick to learn. Another advantage found in CMA’s robots is the presence of the CMA Mix device, the control and interface panel for the use of electronic paint mixing systems, a hardware and software solution for communication


with external units developed according to the needs of mixer manufacturers. This particularly facilitated the connection of our robots and with the Verind EcoDose 2K system.”




An environmentally sustainable coating cycle An important part of the process of setting up the new Smart Factory


paintshop was the choice of a paint system including only water-

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based products. “Franchi&Kim designed and developed an advanced coating system for Salvatore Robuschi, composed of two two-component waterbased products: the polyacrylic anti-corrosion primer AQUAPRIMER PLUS 2K Serie 2151 and the glossy polyacrylic top coat AQUACRIL Serie 1399. The formulations of these individual products have been customised to meet the customer’s coating requirements in terms of application, aesthetics, and performance. In addition to the excellent technical characteristics of coverage and resistance, the system guarantees the formation of a compact, homogeneous film with high gloss and distension properties. In terms of performance, it meets the exact requirements of centrifugal pump coating processes, such as high drying speed, good corrosion and chemical resistance, and perfect adhesion to different materials such as iron, galvanised surfaces, cast iron, and light alloys,” explains technical manager of Estalia Performance Coatings Lab, Piergiorgio Savoldi. “Tests carried out in the laboratory ensure a salt spray resistance value of 400-500 hours and, © ipcm

above all, a remarkable resistance to the Q-UV test, equal to 1,000 hours with specific reference to UVA rays: this results in high light and weathering resistance with excellent gloss retention. “In addition, the coating system adopted is perfectly compatible with the installed plant, working with self-catalysing volumetric flowmeters and articulated robots. Another undoubted advantage is the use of the same catalyst for both the primer and the top coat, which optimises logistics and coating times. Finally, this water-based coating system guarantees a considerable reduction in the VOC released during application and drying, without having to give up the high performance degree of a solvent-based system.”

Conclusions “Although we have started up the new coating line only recently, we are pleased that we have made our coating process, and in broader terms our whole production system, compatible with the Industry 4.0 principles. The new plant also enables us to timely meet our customers’ requests, © ipcm

while increasing the quality of our products and reducing the costs of coatings,” states Michele Robuschi. “With our old carousel system, we were already using a two-coat system. The implementation of flexible mixing and application equipment, able to handle both the manual and robotic application of both layers with one plant, has been a huge success for us, especially in terms of raising the quality of our surface finishes together with increased productivity.”

From top to bottom: - The coating line’s PLC. - From left to right: Ilaria Paolomelo from ipcm®, Verind area sales manager Giovanni Benevelli, Salvatore Robuschi owner Michele Robuschi, and Verind industry sector sales manager Alessandro Soba. © ipcm


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

- Salvatore Robuschi customises every pump it produces. Pictured are pumps with a two-tone finish.

PIROMAX Where effectiveness meets gentleness. With PIROMAX ovens thermal paint-stripping is performed only through heat, paint is incinerated without altering the piece dimensionally or mechanically.


+39 059 386012



© ipcm

High-quality finishes are the primary objective of RI.S.M.I. Srl.


Optimising Aesthetic Coating Results with an Infracat® Catalytic IR Pre-Gel Oven: The Choice of RI.S.M.I. Monica Fumagalli ipcm


RI.S.M.I. is a liquid and powder coating contractor treating plastic and metal components. In order to solve the problem of airborne powder, one of the most common issues of the curing phase, it has installed an infrared oven equipped with Infracat® catalytic panels developed by Infragas Srl, which has been designing and manufacturing catalytic gas infrared panels for surface heat treatment since 1971.


irborne powder is one of the most common critical issues

The problem, however, can be solved by introducing a gelling step

in powder coating: during hot air curing, powder grains

before curing: this is done by means of infrared panels that enable to fix

are deposited upon the film and not yet adhering to it and,

the applied powder and avoid its dispersion once it enters the ventilated

therefore, they scatter inside the oven. This leads to a high risk of colour

area of the curing oven. We asked Marco Bria Berter, the General

contamination in the event of a colour change-over and a consequent

Manager and CEO di RI.S.M.I. (San Mauro Torinese, Turin, Italy), which

possible deterioration in the aesthetic qualities of the coating.

has been offering contract powder and liquid coating services since


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1963, to explain the issues involved and how these can be resolved. “The risk of loading a ventilated curing oven with a workpiece on whose surfaces powder is only “resting” by electrostatic forces, but not yet adhering, is that the hot air flow precipitates such powder, thus contaminating other surface areas of the component or fouling the inside of the oven. When a colour change-over takes place, the remaining powder residues may also be deposited on the surfaces of the following part, thus leading to its rejection. In order to overcome this critical issue, the solution we have developed with the staff of Infragas Srl (Mappano, Turin), a gas catalytic IR technology expert, was the installation of a gelling

© ipcm

oven equipped with Infracat® catalytic panels before the curing oven. We have thus reduced our scrap rate, increased our production capacity, and adopted a solution with a low environmental impact.”

RI.S.M.I.: coating experts since the 1960s RI.S.M.I. has been active in the automotive supply industry and beyond since the 1960s. “We are a Tier 2 supplier of companies such as Ferrari, Maserati, Porsche, Iveco, Mercedes, and FCA. However, we also have customers from the household appliances, civil and industrial electromechanics, and telecommunications sectors,” states Bria Berter. “We provide all of them with high-aesthetic quality parts

© ipcm

in small and medium batches. We liquid coat both plastics and metals producing soft-touch finishes in any colour, as well as metallic, textured, two-tone, coloured transparent, and mirror-polished finishes. We also apply powder coatings in various colours after chromating and cataphoresis processes carried out by external companies.” In order to meet the needs of such a diverse customer portfolio, RI.S.M.I. has equipped its plant with the necessary flexibility. “We receive already pre-treated parts, which we simply clean in order to prepare them for coating. As far as the application of liquid paints is concerned, we handle our products in two machines. In the case of mass production batches, we use a continuous-flow automatic plant consisting of two pressurised booths with a size of 5x3.5x3.5 m and an articulated robot; in the case of smaller batch sizes, we prefer a pressurised manual

© ipcm

From top to bottom: A bird’s eye view of the factory with the automatic powder coating plant; Manual liquid application; Workpieces leaving the powder coating booth.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


coating system, which has a footprint of 8x4x3.5 m. All liquid-

© ipcm

coated products are then taken to a drying oven with a maximum temperature of 150 °C. As for powder coating, in 2017 we installed a continuous flow automatic plant capable of treating products with maximum dimensions of 500x500x1800 mm; these are then cured in an oven with a maximum temperature of 210 °C, which we are in the process of replacing after many years of operation. We also have two one-colour pad printing machines for both small parts (75 mm diameter print area) and large parts (115 mm diameter print area).”

The solution with Infracat® catalytic IR panels “As with many other powder coaters,” explains Infragas Srl marketing manager Francesca Marabotti, “one of this customer’s most critical issues was the scattering of powder in its ventilated curing oven.” The catalytic panels installed belong to the Infracat® series. “The very name chosen for these panels emphasises the combination of infrared energy and catalytic technology,” notes Marabotti. “Their surface temperature can be adjusted from 180 °C to 550 °C and, depending on their size, their power ranges from 1.5 kW (1290 kcal/h) to 17 kW (14617 kcal/h); they are designed to generate a

© ipcm

power density of 20 kW/m2 with a medium to long wavelength (2 to 10 μm). This guarantees effective infrared radiation because the longer the electromagnetic wave stays on surfaces, the better the organic material absorbs it, while leaving the substrate’s characteristics unaltered. “In particular, RI.S.M.I. was supplied with Infracat® 18x48 panels with a power range of 6 to 10 kW, depending on the size of the workpieces: thermal radiation must be calibrated according to the characteristics of each part treated, as it must be able to fix the powder on its surfaces without stressing them. This is why a preliminary study focused on customer needs is essential. Sometimes Infrared technology is wrongly considered too aggressive for newly applied powder layers but, if correctly adjusted and calibrated, as in the case of RI.S.M.I., it may prove to be the most suitable solution.”

The advantages of the combined action of gelling and curing ovens “The choice to install a gelling oven was motivated first and foremost by the need to reduce our scrap rate of high-aesthetic quality components,” indicates Bria Berter. “However, it has also had significant effects on other aspects of our production: a cleaner oven has resulted in a reduction of our production times, thanks to the possibility to cure parts coated in different colours without stopping the system to clean it and to the higher curing speed on already The inside of the gelling oven with catalytic IR panels supplied by Infragas Srl and a detail of Infracat® panels.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

pre-heated products. We currently work with an average takt time of one metre per minute. In addition, gas heating is more efficient


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Become a winner with Atotech’s efficient paint removal processes Master Remover® 7000 paint removal process, together with Master Remover® ESPRIT integrated equipment, provides a powerful in house solution for powder paint removal.

© ipcm

Free of hazardous solvents

Coated parts.

• Fast powder paint removal at rapidly increasing the component’s temperature, thus reducing the environmental impact of our processes. Finally, the combined action of the infrared pre-gel oven and the conventional curing one is effective in achieving maximum coating quality, even on threedimensional workpieces with particular and complex shapes. This is a further advantage guaranteed by our contract coating service to the customers with which we interface on a daily basis and which require increasingly high performance levels. In order to meet these needs, RI.S.M.I. will soon install a new powder coating system. In addition to the pressurization of the entire system, and the air heating and

• Simplified operation and control with Master Remover® ESPRIT plug and play equipment • Consistent performance, all day everyday • Efficient use of energy and space

cooling in the application zone, it will include a pre-gel oven with gas infrared panels supplied by Infragas. This is the further evidence of the conviction that this technology is useful to achieve high quality objectives”.

Atotech Group info@atotech.com



Automating the Painting of Infrastructure Maintenance Machinery to Achieve a Greater Efficiency of The Process: The Choice of RASCO Barbara Pennati ipcm


In order to automate the painting process and reach an even higher quality level, Croatian infrastructure maintenance machinery manufacturer RASCO installed a new automated painting line provided by Eurotherm.


he one we are about to tell, is a story that portrays the resilience

Soon, a company that needed spare parts for road maintenance

and ingenuity. It all starts in 1990, when two engineers, Frane

machines approached the two engineers. Yet, the timing could not have

Franičević and Darko Paviša, founded a craft workshop that dealt

been more off: the war had started and importing machine parts was

with fixing parts of agricultural machinery and refurbishing tool machines.

very difficult.


Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Kalinovac (Croatia), RASCO manufactures infrastructure maintenance machinery, such as snowploughs, salt spreaders, crane mowers, compact sweepers and multi-purpose vehicles.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


This is when RASCO’s founders decided to try their hand at producing

with the finished product, including electronics, hydraulics and

spare parts for road maintenance machines, soon realizing that they

mechanical parts”, states Ivan Franičević, the son of one of the two

could actually manufacture the entire machine by themselves.

founders, Frane Franičević, and CEO of RASCO. “Our production

By 1994, they built their first snowplough and the first salt spreader,

includes several different products, each with its own peculiarities

paving the way to the production of infrastructure maintenance

and specifications, especially when it comes to the painting process.

machinery, which is to this day the core business of RASCO.

When we started an investment project to expand our production

In fact, after the war, reconstruction in Croatia begun, starting with

facility, we also wanted to find a solution in order to install a

roads, which were in need of maintenance equipment.

new automated painting plant that could help us reduce human

In 2000, from a local business RASCO became an established,

manipulation as much as possible, without compromising on quality”.

structured company, exporting its machinery abroad, establishing

For the installation of the painting installation, RASCO relied on

its presence in several different markets and employing about 100

Eurotherm, a manufacturer of coating lines based in Turin (Italy).

people by 2010. Today, the company counts 400 employees, two factories – one

RASCO’s production process

in Croatia and the other in Serbia – and a distribution network

“The production process at RASCO starts with raw materials, which

that covers over 40 countries, offering about 70 products for

undergo machining operations such as cutting, grinding, drilling,

infrastructure maintenance, such as snowploughs, salt spreaders,

bending and welding. After the mechanical processes, the pieces

crane mowers, compact sweepers and multi-purpose vehicles.

are ready for the surface protection process, which consists of

“We have a fully integrated process. This means that the production

mainly two steps: chemical and mechanical pre-treatment and liquid

process takes place in-house, starting with the raw metal and ending

painting. Once the pieces are painted, they are assembled and

© Eurotherm

The liquid painting line with the automatic Power&Free overhead conveyor designed by Eurotherm.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


the final product is ready to be delivered”, explains Ivan Franičević. “RASCO’s product portfolio comprises of more than 70 products. This entails different painting processes according to the product’s quality specifications and end use. We usually employ different painting systems, from the monolayer (direct-to-metal) one to the three layers (primer + basecoat + topcoat) one. However, we also have painting systems that have been specifically developed in collaboration with our suppliers to achieve extremely high levels of corrosion protection. For example, for the salt spreaders, which work in the worst possible environment for any metallic part, due to the constant presence of salt, moisture and abrasion from the materials they’re spreading, we have an anticorrosion system specifically designed for this application, which can reach thicknesses of over 400 microns”. “We’ve always taken great care of our surface treatment process, investing a lot in it: guaranteeing product quality is a must for our business and it’s not only a matter of achieving a good aesthetic quality but © Eurotherm

first and foremost of ensuring the durability

© Eurotherm

The automatic power&free overhead conveyor (on top) and the loading and unloading area.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


of the product itself, since they are usually employed in tough

also integrate the new system into the new structure while it was


being built. We found this partner in Eurotherm, which acted as a

“However, ensuring optimal quality has to go hand-in-hand with cost

system integrator, designing the entire system and coordinating all

and production efficiency. This is why, even though we know the


difficulties posed by the very nature of our products, we embarked on a journey to automate the surface treatment process as much

The new painting line

as possible. We reached our goal with the installation of a new

After undergoing a chemical pre-treatment process to remove

painting line that allowed us to maintain a high level of quality while

any residue from machining operations that could jeopardize the

eliminating the most time-consuming steps of the process, which

efficiency of the mechanical pre-treatment, the pieces are brought to

required human intervention, i.e., moving the pieces from one stage

the new 60-metres long painting line installed by Eurotherm.

to the next”.

The pieces are loaded onto the Power&Free overhead conveyor,

“Therefore, once we started to expand our production space,

equipped with two elevators and with a step-by-step advancement.

it became clear that it was time to start thinking about a new

Then the parts are moved to a buffer where they are stationed,

automated painting installation. We needed to find a partner

waiting to be painted.

that could not only deliver a project for our scope but that could

When the time is right, the parts pass through a continuous through-

© Eurotherm

© Eurotherm

The entrance of the automatic shot blasting machine with turbines supplied by Cogeim.

The blowing zone after the shot blasting.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


© Eurotherm

One of the two pressurized painting booth.

feed, suspended load GTU shotblaster provided by Italian company

first pressurised painting booth, in which Rasco applies the primer

Cogeim, capable of treating them up to the SA 2.5 degree with a

and /or the basecoat. Afterwards, there is a flash-off area and the

depth of approximately 60-80 microns.

baking oven, which operates at 80° C. Once the parts leave the

The plant has been equipped with two abrasive elevators in order to

baking oven, there is a cooling area and then a second pressurised

make it more compact in height, given the limited space available in

painting booth, dedicated to the application of the topcoat, followed

the Rasco factory.

by a second flash-off and baking oven. Both painting booths are

The system, integrated into the coating line by Eurotherm, also

equipped with a desolvation chamber. Then, the power&free

features 8 high-efficiency single-disc turbines, each with an installed

conveyor brings the pieces to a buffer. Once they are cooled off,

power of 11 kW, and an automatic grit recovery, cleaning, and

the components are unloaded from the conveyor and sent to the

selection system, which ensures that the abrasive used is always free

assembly lines or to other production processes.

of slag and impurities.

“Before installing the new painting system, we had three finishing

Moreover, the machine includes a touch-up and blow-off chamber

lines: two with manual shot blasting and manual painting and one

with an operating dimension of 3 x 6 x 3 h m and a suction system

with automated shot blasting and manual painting. The new painting

for cleaning any residual abrasives from the workpieces. The

line by Eurotherm did not only expanded our production capacity

maximum size of workable parts is 1500 x 4000 x 1500 h mm. In

but it also allowed us to shut down the old lines and recover that

order to minimize sound pressure, the system has been equipped

space for other production processes. Moreover, the new coating

with a soundproof box. For greater filtration efficiency, in addition to

installation is completely automated and allows us a greater degree

a self-cleaning cartridge filtration unit, it features an absolute filter for

of flexibility: we can choose to apply one, two or three layers,

the second abatement stage.

according to the product requirements” explains Franičević.

After undergoing the mechanical pre-treatment, the pieces enter the

The liquid paints used are solvent-based, marine quality ones.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



towards the future

“We use marine quality coatings, usually from the Sigma Coatings brand by PPG, in order to provide a higher corrosion protection. In fact, we have anticorrosion systems that can reach up to 4000


hours of resistance in the salt spray test”, adds Franičević.

One global supply for an easy-to-manage system “The purchase of the painting new line happened in parallel with the construction of the new building so we needed a supplier able to deliver good quality technology, understand our needs, deliver everything on time within the specifications we provided but also support us during the construction phase of the building itself. Another pivotal aspect for us was that we did not want to have © Eurotherm

Epistolio Srl.

Via Piemonte 120 21100 Varese (VA) ITALY Ph: +39 0332 212692 Fax: +39 0332 223666 info@epistolio.com www.epistolio.it Publierre_Milano

The flash-off tunnel.


© Eurotherm

The paint kitchen.

Close up on Graco’s Merkur pumps used for the paint supply.

to deal with several different suppliers. In Eurotherm not only did we

obtained with this new painting line is that we can now handle the parts

find a reliable partner who perfectly understood our needs, delivering

quicker, without the need of human intervention. This contributed to

everything on time, but one that also acted as a system integrator,

increasing the quality of the end product, as well”.

coordinating the entire project”, explains Ivan Franičević.

“The line has been working for about three months now and we are

“All the technologies that make up the painting plant – from the

very satisfied with it. The new line does not include the chemical pre-

conveyor to the shot blasting chamber up to the application booths and

treatment phase because we already had a system for it. However,

the ovens – can be managed from a single touchscreen control panel.

we are currently installing a new chemical pre-treatment system,

This allows us to be very flexible, setting the process parameters and

provided by Eurotherm, as well. It will be ready in about three months

adopting the most effective painting system according to the specific

and installed right next to the new painting line, to allow us even more

requirements of the pieces to be coated. Another major advantage we

flexibility”, concludes Franičević.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


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An Innovative Technology for Automatically Shot Blasting the Internal Surfaces of Electric Water Heaters Davide Silva ITF Srl, Mesero, Milan, Italy



oating the inside of their tanks is essential to protect electric

product. The coating lines required for finishing boilers can be semi-

water heaters from corrosion, since, by their very nature, their

automatic or automatic. These are faced with several critical issues,

internal surfaces are cyclically in contact with water, whose

including the significant dimensional variability of tanks, the need to

aggressiveness increases as the operating temperature rises. Typically,

work with a continuous flow and a high efficiency degree, and the high

indeed, the finishing cycle of these devices for domestic use focusses

coating quality required.

on the internal surfaces of their tanks and it involves mechanical pre-

ITF, a company active in the production of shot blasting, industrial

treatment through shot blasting and enamelling with a liquid or powder

cleaning, and deburring equipment, has developed very innovative,


The shot blasting system designed and manufactured by ITF for domestic boilers.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


advanced automatic shot blasting lines for electric water heaters that have already been installed all over the world. These are highly efficient and they can be easily integrated with downstream process steps (i.e. enamel application and curing), thus creating fully automatic enamelling plants manned by a few operators who handle the loading and unloading of tanks.

Main features of the automatic shot blasting system

Efficient and reliable solutions for surface coating since 1988.

Electric water heaters consist of a carbon steel tank with an enamelled inner surface. Shot blasting enables the tank’s metal surface to be properly prepared for subsequent enamel deposition, especially when using the powder enamelling technology. The plant developed by ITF is a multi-station system (four or more, depending on production requirements) with a stepby-step movement that does not involve rotation of boilers. After being loaded onto the overhead conveyor, the tank stops at an external station where sensors perform a dimensional check to select the most appropriate shot blasting recipe; this includes specific movements for each lance, which depend on the tank’s diameter and height. This guarantees the use of the right program, thus avoiding any selection errors by the operators.

electrostatic systems for liquid painting

Afterwards, the tank is transferred to the first station of the shot blasting chamber. Each station has a centring system to align the bottom hole of the tank with the shot blasting lance. The lances feature special nozzles at their upper end; each plant actually

electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating

comes with three different types of blast nozzles that differ in the angle at which the grit is ejected, in order to guarantee total coverage of the tank’s inner surface. Each lance is attached to a motorised shuttle positioned under the

pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting

shot blasting chamber; the shuttle enables the lance to be moved vertically and it is controlled by a laser system, in order to respect the positions set in each recipe and ensure that the tank is only moved when the lance is out of the way. A rotary joint attached to

IR and UV drying systems

the shuttle enables the lance to rotate as it moves in and out of the tank. Such combined movement guarantees a homogeneous shot blasting process on every surface area. Each tank is processed in several consecutive stations to prepare its whole surface.

robot and reciprocators

After shot blasting, the tank stops in a station similar to the previous ones, where compressed air is used to remove any dust and grit deposited at its bottom. This means that the tanks leave the shot blasting chamber correctly prepared for enamel deposition and free of any impurities that could pollute or hinder the following stages integrated in the line. The subsequent powder enamelling process occurs within a multi-station system conceptually similar to the shot blasting one. The powder deposited in this way is transformed into enamel temperature of 850 °C. After leaving the oven and cooling down,



by moving the tank though a curing oven with an operating

CM SPRAY s.r.l.


Multi-stage powder enamelling machine.



Furnace for enamel conversion.

Chamber view of shotblasting machine with eight stations.

the tank is unloaded from the conveyor and sent to the assembly

interfere with the blast chamber’s centring devices during rotation.

line. All HMIs of the machines in the line are interfaced with each

The use of rotary joints also simplifies the design of the conveyor’s

other for just-in-time exchange of signals.

hooks, thus reducing the investment cost and guaranteeing a much

Lance rotation: a guarantee of quality

more stable system. All these advantages translate into a stable, accurate process not only

The use of a rotary joint on the shuttle that moves the shot blasting

in the shot blasting machine but also along the entire enamelling line.

lance is a special feature of ITF’s shot blasters for domestic boilers.

Finally, ITF’s system is designed according to a modular concept. The

This technical choice was dictated by the will to avoid the rotation

number of stations is determined by the productivity required by each

of boilers because these are never perfectly balanced due to the

user, while the distance between one station and the other and the

presence of side connectors, which complicates the alignment

height of the chamber are defined by the maximum size of the tanks

between the tank hole and the lance; moreover, the connectors may



N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

New 2021 by Imel

The 4.0 center for the small parts painting MES by Imel Production Orders



3 1. Recipes 2. Historical production data

1 2 Modification of working recipe: I want to save it!

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ROTOVER i4-220 2

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The Coatings Industry Under Pressure Due to Developments in the Market of Raw Materials Edited by CEPE European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and Artist’s Colours Industry


The European paint, printing inks and artists’ colours industry is under increased pressure due to rising raw materials prices. A complex mix of demand, capacity issues and scarce transportation resources of key raw materials is enhancing uncertainty in the supply chain. Despite the enormous impact for the industry, the coatings industry is striving to reduce risks to customers.


fter a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, our

conditions and the closing of several plants causing suppliers of raw

industry faces serious challenges again in 2021 due to the

materials to invoke force majeure. In addition, transportation costs

rise in raw material prices”, said André Vieira de Castro,

are on the rise resulting from the sharp increase in oil prices. André Vieira de Castro pursued “The burden for the industry is immense,

increasing demand for raw materials due to the anticipated economic

as raw material prices account for more than half of the cost. Since

recovery, a shortage of raw materials available due to bad weather

January last year, costs for key components like epoxy resins have

© Adobe Stock

Chairman of CEPE. There are several reasons for the increase, namely


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


risen by 60 percent in Europe. The situation

The situation is exacerbated by capacity

Green Deal. It is essential for Europe to have a

is similar for solvents, where the price of

issues. Disruptions at producers in Asia

strong chemicals industry with factories based

acetone and n-butyl acetate alone rose by

and Europe - either due to factory closures

in Europe in order to be more self-sufficient,

123% and 91% respectively.”

or plant accidents – have significantly

otherwise it is the European economy as a

The current situation stems from Europe

tightened supply. Another cost factor

whole which is under threat” concluded André

and Asia and especially the unexpected rapid

are scarce transportation resources. The

Vieira de Castro.

V-shaped recovery in China which is fuelling

COVID-19 pandemic led to erratic demands

demand for essential raw materials. Next

for international trade which affected

to epoxy resins, the list of highly demanded

the shipping container movements. The

petrochemical raw materials includes

current global shortage of containers in the

inter alia polyester resins, polypropylene

right places has led to a sharp increase in

glycols, acrylic acids, acrylic resin, UV

transportation costs: prices of containers

resins, polyurethane resins, and solvents.

between China and Europe have risen more

In parallel to petrochemical raw materials,

than 400% since Q4 2020.

global pigment raw material costs (including

While the coatings industry seeks to cope

titanium dioxide, red and yellow iron oxide)

as much as possible with the current

have also seen sharp increases. Key drivers

uncertainties, the world market pressure

for the increases include high demand

should give European decision-makers pause

across all industries, greater domestic supply

for thought.

requirements in producing countries, generic

“Increased sustainability is undeniably the

supply and demand imbalances and higher

way forward, but global competition should

pigment component costs.

not be ignored in the measures of the EU

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



From the Pilot System into Practice: the TransApp® Coating Technology Becomes Reality Edited by Transapp Technologies GmbH Klaus - Austria


Instead of powder spray guns, an electrostatic fluidizing bed is used for the powder application: this is the result of the research developed by TransApp Technologies GmbH based on patents by the Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart.


ransApp Technologies GmbH was founded in 2015 with the

specific application is one of the most important initial tasks for the

aim of introducing the TransApp® coating process from the

TransApp team.

pilot system into practice.

​The core competence of the Austrian company lies in the customer-

The TransApp® coating technology

specific powder application system using the TransApp process.

TransApp® coating technology is based on the principle of the

Advising customers on the most suitable coating method for their

electrostatic fluidized bed process and therefore does not require


© TransApp Technologies GmbH

The TransApp® coating technology is based on the principle of the electrostatic fluidized bed process.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© TransApp Technologies GmbH

The powder coating of escalators with the TransApp® technology.

© TransApp Technologies GmbH

The coating of carbon fibre.

© TransApp Technologies GmbH

The coating of wires.

spray guns. The powder is brought into a liquid-like state in

A 7 m linear unit and various coating units are available for this

the fluidized bed and electrostatically charged via high-voltage

purpose. If required, coating samples can be cured and subjected to

electrodes. As soon as grounded workpieces move above the

all common coating thickness and general quality tests.

fluidized bed, the powder moves directly towards the workpiece. This results in the smallest amount of overspray. Thanks to the high

Application examples: the coating of escalators

flexibility of the system, extremely compact and high-speed sytems

What hardly anyone notices, escalators are also powder coated -

can be realized. The application areas range from flat surfaces to

even highly efficiently by means of the TransApp® process.

complex geometries. Ideally, the application is suitable for single-

If you did not know that escalators are powder coated, you are not

sided coating of flat substrates that are coated from below. The

alone. The escalators’ powder coating poses challenges due to the

application shows its advantages especially with high quantities of

presence of Faraday cages, especially in the grooves of the tread

similar parts. In contrast to the hot dip powder coating process, the

surface. Coating using classic powder guns struggles to coat the

workpiece is not dipped in the powder, but transported over the

groove base thinly and uniformly.

coating unit without contact.

The TransApp® coating scores with excellent, thin and covering

In addition to classic powder coating examples, there are numerous

coating of the groove base. The problem of the Faraday cage can

other materials that can be coated with TransApp®, such as

be controlled very well with the TransApp® process, which means

decorative papers, carbon fibre or medical products. Besides the

that geometries such as these can be coated highly effectively and

frequently used colour powders, there are also applications such

efficiently. This process also scores with coating speeds of up to

as powdered adhesives, release agents or baking powders. The size

12 m/min, which have been successfully tested in this application.

of the application is also flexible: while the smallest coating unit has

Higher speeds were not previously necessary, but are feasible.

basic dimensions of 140 x 140 mm, the largest available is 400 x 1800

Due to the horizontal workpiece conveying above the coating

mm. This means great variability and a wide range of applications,

unit, it is also ensured that hardly any overspray is deposited on

whereby the limit of feasibility has not been reached.

the non-visible side of the stairs. This significantly reduces the

In the in-house pilot system, it is possible to carry out coating tests.

material consumption of powder coating, which is also reflected in

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


• Booth: due to the modular design, the booth can be varied. It can

correspondingly reduced production costs.

simply be placed on the coating area and its openings are adapted to

The coating application as a “box”

the workpiece if necessary.

The box as a concept was originally tailored and developed specifically

• The composition of the components is modular, so that individual

to customer requirements. This system’s concept consists of a 3-part

components can be exchanged depending on customer requirements.

structure, which is made up of a high-voltage zone, fluid zone and booth: • High-voltage zone: the most suitable for the application is selected

This form of coating application as a “box” allows efficient and effective

from various high-voltage assemblies.

coating of high-volume small part series.

• Fluidizing zone: here the powder coating is fluidized and charged.

© TransApp Technologies GmbH

Depiction of the TransApp® box.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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P O W D E R C O AT I N G S I N C E 1 9 8 2

© AOM-Systems GmbH

SpraySpy is a miniaturised measuring device that is placed directly on the nozzle. This is a particularly profitable innovation for robotic applications.


AI Measurement of Spray Variance for Reducing Reject Rates Edited by AOM-Systems GmbH, Heppenheim – Germany


In many industrial spray processes, surface defects are often detected too late or not at all. This translates in high reject rates, resulting in high follow-up costs and expensive claims for damages. Measurement technology specialist AOM-Systems GmbH offers high-tech solutions to control coating spray quality in real time and use AI for preventive fault detection.


OM-Systems (Heppenheim, Bergstraße, Germany) has

(AI) technologies. “With our innovative laser-based SpraySpy

developed an automated control system called SpraySpy

technology, we can measure individual droplets in a spray jet and

ProcessLine, which can monitor coating processes inline and in

assess its quality degree with AI-based algorithms we call SprayAI. This

real time through laser, high-precision optics, and artificial intelligence


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

method is based on the light scattering of moving particles and it can


be used for monitoring sensitive production processes in the surface

requiring a great deal of manual effort and time. With its SpraySpy

treatment, pharmaceutical, chemical, automotive, and consumer goods

ProcessLine, AOM-Systems offers an alternative that is faster, always

industries,” states Meiko Hecker, the Sales Manager of AOM-Systems.

accurate, and cheaper in the long term.

Lightning-fast fault detection and valuable data for Industry 4.0

The SpraySpy ProcessLine system monitors the spray operation inline and in real time and its in-built AI device can detect even the smallest deviations, up to less than 2% from the setpoint. When the SprayAI

In fractions of a second, the SpraySpy device can measure and record

algorithms detect such a deviation, the device can send an error

the size and speed of the droplets as well as the flow rate and spray

message to the plant control system or send an alarm to the process

angle in a spray jet. Data is then generated from this through patented

operator’s mobile device. In addition, all parameters are continuously

algorithms, which provide plant operators and quality managers with

monitored and stored as a quality assurance measure: this data can

valuable production information in real time, e.g. whether the coating

in fact used in-house or as a support for quality management at a

process meets its quality specifications or whether the production results

contract manufacturer.

are positive or negative. This also enables to detect any faults in the spraying medium or hardware, as well as any system contamination at an

Successful applications in numerous fields

early stage. In other words, it produces information that can determine

In the surface treatment sector, SpraySpy ProcessLine can be used

– in a matter of seconds and right during production – whether the

in wet coating processes, among other things, to generate spray

parts are to be accepted or rejected, thus guaranteeing significant cost

digital images in the so-called false colour technique, which serve as

savings. The data obtained can also be used for numerous Industry 4.0

an upstream quality control step. Alternatively, the system can be

applications, e.g. error pattern recognition, predictive maintenance, and

used as an inline spray quality measurement device. The first OEMs

automated control of application parameters.

to implement it are already employing it as a predictive maintenance

A reliable alternative to visual controls Quality control is still carried out visually in many production processes,

tool, e.g. to predict nozzle wear and take preventive action, but also to develop self-regulating systems for their application parameters with the help of artificial intelligence. Other firms are using this technology

© AOM-Systems GmbH

Screenshot of the control software program. If the blue measures lie within the red setpoint limits, the spraying process is occurring properly (green signal light).

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


© AOM-Systems GmbH

© AOM-Systems GmbH

Screenshot of the database. Users can access their measurement results from anywhere and in real time through the internet.

The laser light detects even the smallest deviations from the setpoint in the spray jet.

to detect dirty or worn equipment as well as any deviations

the problem that air caps would get dirty and worn out at irregular

in viscosity; for this purpose, deviations from the setpoint are

intervals: the resulting fault was only noticed a few minutes after the

continuously measured. Indeed, thanks to the SpraySpy ProcessLine,

cycle had been completed, which regularly led to the production of

spray defects are detected directly in the coating process and not

considerable amounts of waste. The SpraySpy ProcessLine device

during the inspection of finished parts. This saves time, material, and

installed, on the other hand, detects even the smallest deviations in

money in the long term.

the quality of the spray jet, so that the user can preventively clean or

An impressive example of the practical benefits of the SpraySpy

replace the air caps before the fault occurs. As a result, the “first-run-

ProcessLine range can be found at multinational company BOSCH.

no-touch” rate has increased significantly.

One of its branches needed to apply a precisely defined minimum This could not be guaranteed by its existing plant, so much so that

Production process and quality degree always under control

the process ran with a safety factor of up to 20%. However, this made

With its SpraySpy ProcessLine range, AOM-Systems can guarantee

production slower and more costly due to increased overspray and

several direct and indirect benefits wherever elaborate visual or

valuable resources were consumed inefficiently. BOSCH decided to

manual quality controls are necessary or a production process

critically test the SpraySpy technology: the result was convincing and

with spraying operations is to be monitored. “The easy-to-handle

the system has been already integrated into a first coating line.

monitoring of the spray quality level and the possibility to detect any

A manufacturer of electronic devices in the personal care sector

unwanted spray variance with the SprayAI algorithms measurably

uses SpraySpy ProcessLine to predict the wear of air caps within

increase process quality and prevent expensive production errors at

an automatic plastic coating application. This client used to have

an early stage. In this way, users reduce their production and follow-

amount of coating material for a specific component painting process.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


up costs and the investment in these devices pays for itself in a short

the spraying robots, will expand the application field of the SpraySpy

time,” says Meiko Hecker to summarise the advantages brought by

systems exponentially. With this new, compact device, AOM-Systems


will be able to offer a very efficient and user-friendly fault detection

The next evolution step of the SpraySpy series, which is about to enter

system to the users of small quantities of robot-guided pneumatic

the mass production phase, is the miniaturisation of the detection

spray guns. This will ultimately enable every company to make the

device. The newly developed laser detector, to be attached directly to

quality control of its production processes more reliable and safe.

© AOM-Systems GmbH

An example of a spray digital image. The image at the top shows the volume flow in the cross-section in the direction transverse to the jet. The image at the bottom shows the velocity distribution of the spray droplets in the direction longitudinal to the jet.

© AOM-Systems GmbH

Spray variance measurement in an automatic spraying cycle. Above, the spray variance value lies within the tolerance thresholds. Below, the spray variance deviates too much from the setpoint. The red/green signals can be output via optical signal transmitter or data interface.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


© Maurits Bausenhart on Unsplash


A New Study Unveils the Potential of Melanin-Mimetic Materials Edited by the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Sengen, Japan


A new study by the Chiba University, inspired by the colour changes in a peacock’s feather, revealed how melanin-mimetic materials, such as polydopamine, could lead to anti-counterfeit and sensing applications.


y studying structural colour, which is a colour derived from

appearing white. But when melanin is interspersed within these

optical interaction between light and a microstructure, often

structures, some of the scattered light is absorbed, producing various

seen in nature, i.e. in peacock feathers, chemist Michinari Kohri

colours. Scientists are looking for ways to mimic these so-called

of the Chiba University in Japan published a research about melanin-

‘structural colour’ changes of living organisms in synthetic materials.

mimetic materials and their potential applications1.

“Vivid structural colours can be obtained by constructing

What is melanin Melanin is a dark pigment that gives hair and skin its colour. It is also essential for the bright colours we see in some organisms. When light

microstructures containing a light-absorbing black material made of natural or artificial melanin,” says Kohri. “Research in this area is progressing rapidly worldwide.”

interacts with the structures of feathers, wings and shells of many

The research on melanin-mimetic materials

organisms, like peacocks, butterflies and jewel beetles, it is scattered,

One of the melanin-mimetic materials that scientists are studying is a compound called polydopamine (PDA), which is made of a material




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naturally found in the body, so it is biocompatible, and is also dark,

so it absorbs light like melanin. Scientists found they could control

substances that are present in the living body, it may be useful to

polydopamine’s iridescence, that is, how much the colour changes as

develop applications such as cosmetics that come into contact with

the angle of light hitting it shifts, similar to a peacock’s feather. They

the skin.

achieved this by altering the particle size or by adding compounds

Tests have also been made using electrophoretic deposition (EPD).

that react to a magnetic field. Scientists are also investigating particles

By performing EPD of silicon dioxide particles in the presence of the

formed of a polystyrene core and a polydopamine shell. Changing the

precursor of PD Maurits Bausenhart A (pre-PDA), a structural colour

diameter of the inner core, for example, leads to different colours.

film was obtained on the flexible PET substrate.

Making the polydopamine shell thicker causes the particles to be

The pre-PDA enhanced the mechanical properties and enabled

less closely packed, leading to non-iridescent structural colour, which

flexibility of the structural colour coating with bending resistance,

remains the same regardless of the light angle. Scientists have also

showing the possibility of application to flexible displays.

toyed with controlling colour and angle-dependence by changing

In addition to being used in inks and colouring agents, also to dye

the shapes of polystyrene/

fabrics, these melanin-

polydopamine particles,

mimetic materials could

making them hollow on the

help prove a product is

inside, and adding multiple

real versus counterfeit

coatings to the external shell.

by shifting colour with strong light, wetting, or

The potential of melanin-mimetic materials

temperature changes. Finally, scientists have found that adding these

Polydopamine particles

particles to rubber causes

are showing potential for

it to change colour when

a variety of applications.

stretched or relaxed, which

For example, since PDA

could be useful for sensing local stress and strain in

is a highly biocompatible polymer that utilizes

© Chiba University


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© Le Rond

The FR2+FN+L8 series, where art and design meet.


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Colour Choices in Le Rond’s Works of Art and Design When not dictated by clients, artists’ colour choices reveal their character and personal preference for one hue over another. Through this second interview with Le Rond, we explored the relationship between art and colour in the work of this eclectic art-designer.


hen observing a contemporary work of art or design inside

In the interview we conducted in January last year, you

a museum or outside, in the street, in squares, or near

emphasised the importance of colours. What are your criteria

important public and private buildings, have you ever

for choosing the tints for your works of art in general and for

wondered why the artist or designer chose a particular colour and

your design objects in particular?

how they achieved a particular coating effect?

I strongly confirm the essential role of colour. With the type of

After the interview we published on the occasion of the tenth

materials I use, particularly if you think of iron and wood, one cannot

anniversary of Eos Mktg&Communication , we went back to ask

renounce colours!

Giovanni Lamberti, aka Le Rond, a few more questions, in order to

My criteria for selecting my hues fall into two categories: one is my

understand what leads him to choose the tints for his works and how

long-standing predilection for a few precise colours, the other relates

he applies them.

to design. With regard to the first category, I have long circumscribed


the number of shades I use, based on my artistic experience and M. Fumagalli, “Materials Come to Life Through Colour: An Interview with Artist Le Rond” in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 61 (January/February 2020), pp. 138-140.


my personal inclination: these are red, grey, and black, followed by

© Le Rond

© Le Rond

The intense orange shade of FAV.


international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


orange, blue, and yellow. As for the second

© Le Rond

• feasibility of the coating with respect to

category, in my role as an art designer, I focus

available tools;

on finding colours that enhance the brightness

• attention and care in execution;

of my works or objects of design.

• repeatability of objects.

The combination of these two categories In the first case, how do you select your

determines my current colour choices.

coating application technique? How important are coatings for your work?

Over time, I have acquired the necessary

As already mentioned, coatings are crucial:

knowledge about the technique to be used.

except on rare occasions, for me it is not

I am certainly not an expert in the field, but

conceivable to use materials, particularly

I think I am an artist who knows the basics

wood, in their natural state.

to carry out suitable coating operations. I

Here, I would like to mention Itten’s “Colour

am referring in particular to the preliminary

theory”, in which colour choices were

cleaning and degreasing activities. In the

associated with human types for the first time.

case of iron and steel, for example, I perform

According to this theory, the tints an artist

them with a thinner to remove residues of

chooses correspond to their physical and

silicone or dust, then I apply a primer and

character traits: without going into detail, I can

two coats of paint, usually with a spray gun.

assure you that this element is also relevant in my choices. In turn, this aspect also further

The particular combination of colours in the work of art LV3+LA3+FA8.

In the second case, how important are the companies to which you entrust the

enhances the importance of coatings.

implementation and coating of your Looking at your collections, one notices


the great variety of bright colours for

Regarding the implementation of my works, I

smaller design objects, compared with

only rely on third parties in a few cases, due

the more sober shades (white, black, and

to the large size of objects or certain parts

grey) of furniture components such as

of them or to the repeatability of identical

bookcases and shelves. Can you explain

components. I only ever outsource certain

the reasons for this difference?

stages of my works’ implementation, because

I have already partially answered to this

I am particularly jealous of the manufacturing

question: I believe that brightness must

and assembly phases following the

especially imbue design and tabletop objects,

tormented, pleasant preliminary planning

that is, pieces limited in size. In addition, larger


pieces of furniture must obviously be suitable

On the other hand, I choose coating

to the context in which they are placed and

companies very carefully based on elements

the space they occupy.

that guarantee maximum quality. Sometimes, my clients or partners recommend the

Do you take care of the coating of your

type of paint product: for example, for the

works yourself or rely on specialised

recent creation of a work to be placed on


the stand of a partner of mine at the Green

Both solutions. The choice of whether to take

Pea in Turin, the Pantone 361 C colour

directly care of it or entrust a specialised

was suggested by the client as it is the

company depends on the following factors,

representative tint of the event.

appropriately combined:

The results obtained through coating confirm

• size of the work or object of design;

and enhance the quality of the operation and, therefore, the reliability and relevance of

• immediate availability of the chosen colour; • quantity of objects to be treated;

© Le Rond

A bar table.


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the company involved.



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Spies Hecker Gives Contemporary Artwork a Cosmic Look For his first large outdoor artwork, established American contemporary artist Ricardo Paniagua used Spies Hecker to achieve a visually striking, high-quality and durable finish.


olar Radiance is the first large-scale

Base Coat, a vehicle refinishing basecoat that is

Monika Weil, Colour Services Manager for

outdoor artwork by contemporary

available in regions where VOC legislation does

Axalta in EMEA, says, “Bright yellow and

artist Ricardo Paniagua, who is based

not prohibit its use. In the EU, under current

turquoise are not necessarily obvious colour

in Dallas, Texas, USA. The modern work

VOC legislation, its use is limited to industrial

choices for passenger cars and commercial

resembles a three-dimensional plus sign

finishes and other special applications. To give

vehicles, but the option is there. You only

featuring three distinctive colours that

the hypercube its perfect glossy finish, he then

have to take one look at this stunning

Paniagua created with Spies Hecker refinish

used a versatile and weather-resistant VOC

artwork to see what an impact the right

paint, one of the global refinish brands

compliant high-gloss clear coat, that is not

finish can make. We are so pleased to have

of Axalta, a leading supplier of liquid and

available in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

played a small part in this wonderful work of

powder coatings.


art and we wish Ricardo well in continuing

Self-taught Paniagua says, “My sculptures,

“For my colour choices, I was inspired by Vedic

to build his outdoor sculpture collection. We

paintings and mixed media works are

mythology, which has its origins in India,” adds

can’t wait to see what else he might create

usually created for indoor environments.

Paniagua. “The vibrant yellow represents Jupiter,

with Spies Hecker.”

This is my first large steel hypercube, which

while turquoise symbolises the planet Mercury.

Taking six months to create, Solar Radiance

will find its permanent outdoor home in El

The dark grey illustrates Ketu, a descending

was commissioned by The Canyons at

Paso, Texas, where it will be subjected to

lunar node that is often referred to as the

Cimarron in El Paso, a stylish lifestyle hub

extreme environmental conditions such as

shadow planet. It is important that the colours

that combines work, life and pleasure. Solar

intense heat and humidity, as well as colder

stand out and Spies Hecker delivered that.

Radiance will go on permanent, public

temperatures in winter. It was therefore

Using this easy-to-use paint in an industrial

display as part of The Canyons at Cimarron’s

critical that all the materials I used could

application enabled me to achieve the absolute

public art programme.

withstand the harsh extremes they are

highest possible standard in hard edge

exposed to.”


About Spies Hecker

Solar Radiance measures 1.82 m in height,

Spies Hecker, a global refinish coating brand

width and length, and is constructed from

from Axalta, develops optimum and practical

urethane on steel, which gives the base of

paint system solutions that make bodyshop

the structure immense water and weather

work easier and more efficient. Originally

resistance. “I did careful research and

from Cologne, Germany, and with over 135

development in my studio, but it quickly

years of success behind it, Spies Hecker’s

became clear that Spies Hecker’s versatile

high-quality product systems, customised

products were perfect for coating this,

service and tailored training demonstrate

the first of my fledgling outdoor sculpture

its partnership with the refinish industry.

collection, as they would give me a wide

The paint brand is one of the world’s leading

range of beautiful colours and, crucially,

vehicle refinish brands, and is available in

durability,” adds Paniagua.

over 75 countries worldwide.

Solar Radiance is made up from three For further information:

perfect blends of yellow, turquoise and

www.ricardopaniagua.art and

grey that Paniagua custom-mixed himself. He applied Spies Hecker Permacron® 293


© Ricardo Paniagua

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© Ricardo Paniagua

© Ricardo Paniagua

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The ipcm® Academy Courses Are Training New Finishing Process Technicians Giorgia Ricchiuti ipcm


The editorial staff of ipcm® has interviewed a newly certified Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologist. Let us take a closer look at the opinion of the second trainee to receive this certification.


pcm® Academy, the training division of

and European levels. We have interviewed

the goals I set myself was to enrich my

the ipcm®_International Paint&Coating

one of the first certified Industrial Surface

technical background, because I had never

Magazine, deals with the training and

Finishing Process Technologists, who has

attended a course that delved into such

continuing education of industrial surface

obtained such recognition precisely by

aspects, having chosen a different course

finishing specialists on the topics of greatest

attending an ipcm® Academy course: Marco

of study. After graduating in economics,

interest to those who work with installations,

Cangi, who works as a Project Manager at

and before joining my family business, I had

paints, and coatings in their daily activities.

his family’s company, Cangi Verniciature

several professional experiences abroad.

Since September 2020, the qualification

Industriali Srl (Pistrino, Perugia, Italy).

Afterwards, I decided to return to Italy and continue my career at Cangi Verniciature

© Adobe Stock

of Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologist is included in the Framework

What was the motivation behind the

Industriali Srl, where I currently work in a role

of Professional Standards of the Lombardy

choice of ipcm Academy?

related to my expertise. While working here,

Region and it is recognised at the national

As I work in a coating company, one of

however, I have always felt the need to learn



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more about the technical aspects of this ever-

two individual training days.

changing sector: the course of ipcm® Academy

I then realised that this course is accessible

has perfectly met my need to approach

to everyone and a good opportunity for

industrial processes in which I had received no

growth, including the achievement of the

specialist training.

official certification as a Surface Finishing Process Technologist. Its most positive aspects

What do you think about the course’s

certainly include the possibility of choosing

teaching aspects? Did the fact that the

to participate in individual modules and not

lessons took up the last two days of the

necessarily in the whole course: this is a very

week help you?

important factor, for those who have a role

My judgement is very positive, despite the

related to some specific topics.

fact that the current difficult situation forced us to conduct essentially the entire course

Would you recommend this course to

remotely. I was initially sceptical about this

someone who has just started working? Surely, if a young person starts working in this

method but I changed my mind thanks to its eminent lecturers, who explained everything in an impeccable and thorough manner.

© ipcm

field and finds it interesting, this course has all the credentials to help them understand,

Marco Cangi.

for example, why certain processes are

After each lesson, I never had any gaps or

carried out or why one production process is

doubts about any subject. Despite my basic starting level, the teachers’ explanations were

In September, while you were still

chosen over another: all elements that can be

always extremely comprehensive. One of

undergoing training, the role of Industrial

subsequently seen first-hand on the job.

the positive aspects of attending the whole

Surface Finishing Process Technologist

course remotely was that we had the flexibility

was officially recognised. How did you

The coating industry is constantly

to organise our learning activities according

experience this opportunity?

evolving. Do you think you will attend a

to our work requirements: I managed it all

Originally, I was concerned that the course

similar course again in future?


was too advanced for me and that it was

Absolutely, I would consider another refresher

aimed at people who had already been

and training course, especially if it could bring

working in this sector for years. Before

added value to my company. My experience

enrolling my employees, I preferred to try it

with ipcm® Academy has been positive. I would

out personally and have them attend one or

recommend this course to anyone who, like me, would like to keep abreast of the ever-changing world of surface coatings, to young people who have just started working in this industry, and even to entrepreneurs, so that they can see first-hand the difficulties encountered in their companies on a daily basis.

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The Shortage of Raw Materials is Affecting the Italian Coating Industry Edited by Assovernici, the Italian Association of Coating Manufacturers info@assovernici.it


ssovernici, the association representing Italian manufacturers of

• despite these serious supply difficulties, the companies represented

paints for construction and industry, reports serious difficulties

by Assovernici are deploying all their resources and they will do

in the supply of many key raw materials for the production of

their utmost to secure deliveries and not compromise the business

coatings for the building and industrial sectors.

continuity of their customers.

The association would like to emphasise some key points as follows: • this difficult situation is affecting Italy, but also the European and global

“Coating manufacturers have been facing serious raw material supply


problems for several weeks, in a context already marked by the

• caused by a complex mix of factors, such shortage prompted raw

difficulties linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been going

material producers to apply the force majeure clause;

on for a year now,” states Assovernici President Massimiliano Bianchi.

• the lack of sufficient quantities, combined with the simultaneous

Supply difficulties are caused by a very complex set of factors,

recovery in demand in this first quarter of 2021, is pushing up the price of

including plant maintenance issues and technical incidents, also

many commodities and their related raw materials;

due to adverse weather conditions, which have imposed temporary


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© Adobe Stock

cessation of production at certain sites in

is a factor hampering recovery,” adds

Europe, Asia, and North America; logistical

Massimiliano Bianchi.

difficulties caused by the increased use of international commercial transport due

About Assovernici

to COVID-19; and China’s rapid recovery,

Assovernici is an industrial association

which is also catalysing demand for

active in the paintings industry and open to

essential raw materials for the coating

all companies that produce and distribute

industry. Supply difficulties are concerning

painting products and to all sectors

chemical formulations that are essential

involved in the coating tasks: building,

for paint production, such as numerous

industrial, wood, naval, nautical, and car

types of petrochemicals, e.g. resins and

refinish fields.

solvents, but also pigments, for which there

With regard to its members, Assovernici

is a clear increase in demand from a variety

carries out information, technical and

of industries globally. It is not possible to

legislative updating, training and technical

predict how long the shortage will last,

expertise enhancing, working in a concrete

nor is there any sign of stabilisation in the

and promptness way.

commodities market.

Assovernici works to represent and

“At Assovernici, we are concerned about the

promote the Italian market, its excellence

situation that has arisen: after the period of

and its peculiarity, with a significant and

stagnation, in such an important phase for

proactive presence in both national and

the upturn of the Italian economy and at

international institutional environments.

a time when the government has initiated

Assovernici is a member of CEPE, The

various incentives for the construction and

European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink,

restoration market, raw material scarcity

and Artist’s Colours Industry.

Assovernici President Massimiliano Bianchi.

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© Adobe Stock


The Sustainability of Finishing Processes Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy



t often sounds like a slogan: talking about sustainability has

on every individual energy-consuming step, through technological

become a mantra, a way of gaining visibility and doing marketing.

research aimed at achieving the same results as in the previous

One might wonder, is there anyone who considers sustainability

process by preventing any already forecast production errors. For

as an actual goal to be pursued through precise actions? The answer

example, tricationic phosphating in the pre-treatment phase has

is undoubtedly yes. Otherwise, the energy targets set for 2020

been replaced by nanotechnology conversion, dry scrubbers have

would not have been met. And a perhaps very small but important

taken the place of water scrubbers, specific handling systems for pre-

contribution has been also made by the developments achieved in

treatment and cataphoresis have been developed, and numerous

the finishing industry.

other innovative measures have been implemented.

Let us take a concrete example: coating is the most energy-intensive

The technological level attained, on the other hand, has not held back

process in car manufacturing and, over the last 15 years, it has been

further research studies aimed at “continuous improvement”: indeed,

reduced by around 70%. Plant users therefore needed to lower

these have gone beyond the topic of energy savings, also focussing

paint consumption, in order to both green their production lines and

on energy efficiency.

reduce their running costs. How could they make it? Initially, not only

This have been achieved by improving insulation and reducing

the energy cost per car body was assessed (obtained by assigning

energy losses, optimising the ventilation of coating plants and

an economic value to the energy consumed in coating one body),

cycles, developing more efficient paint management and application

but also the kilograms of CO2 generated per body produced (i.e.

systems, adopting high-efficiency electric motors, using inverters

the amount of carbon dioxide released during the painting cycle of

instead of belt drives or dampers, installing LED lights, and

one body). The whole operation was analysed at every step and the

implementing heat recovery systems linked to oven air extraction

advantages, disadvantages, and effects of any potential energy saving

units – all of which, at the same time, has further contributed to

action were evaluated.

lower the energy consumption of plants. Finally, the use of renewable

By assessing the reduction of direct (motors) and indirect

energy sources was the “icing on the cake”, finalising a work that

(compressed air and refrigeration units) electrical consumption, as

has enabled numerous steps forward to be taken on the subject of

well as thermal consumption, such business process reengineering

energy consumption in coating. In this development process, the

undertaking eventually enabled to quantify the energy savings

Italian finishing sector can become a flagship at the international

that could be obtained while maintaining high quality production

level, recognised as a strong promoter of environmental sustainability

standards. Thus, with a development roadmap, it was possible to act

in all fields of application.


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© eos Mktg&Communication


Digital Advertising: the 5 Most Important Trends to Follow in 2021 Ilaria Paolomelo eos Mktg&Communication Srl

What will happen to digital advertising in 2021? Will there be an increase or decrease in advertising budgets? How and where should marketers invest most? And what will be the main strategies to reach the right target? Here are some trends that will accompany us in the year following that of the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, which we would prefer to leave behind but that we must take into consideration as it is strongly linked to the trends that we present in this article.


hile we are still facing the early months of 2021, one thing is

Those who work in the field of marketing and communication know

clear: digital advertising will be one of the most encouraging

it: when you are in critical economic times, one of the first choices

and inspiring channels available to marketers this year.

a company makes is to compress the budgets for these areas. Not

The Coronavirus pandemic has radically altered the global advertising

surprisingly, during the year characterized by the spread of COVID-19

landscape: on the one hand, in the early months of 2020 marketers

there was a sharp decline in the advertising campaigns of some

had to reduce the budget allocated to traditional channels and increase

companies that were particularly affected by the crisis. Let’s think, for

the one planned for digital channels, accelerating the transition to

example, of the tourism, transport, event and entertainment industries.

digitization. On the other hand, some companies have been forced to

Fortunately, there were exceptions: the food and pharmaceutical

decrease, or even suspend, the advertising spending planned for 2020.

sectors went against the tide, significantly increasing their advertising


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investments. Postclick (www.postclick.com), a global

© Postclick

leader in digital advertising, conducted a market research in October 2020 that involved managers, directors, marketing experts and chief executives to define the key trends and forecasts that should dominate the digital advertising of 2021. We present them to you in this article.

1. Digital advertising will continue to grow in 2021 The Coronavirus, in addition to having radically changed our daily life, has made profound changes in the way we work and interact with other people. Having access to the Internet today is essential to be able to stay connected with the world around us. The exponential increase in the use of software and video conferencing programs

33% of the experts interviewed stated that the impact of COVID-19 will last not only in 2021 but also in the following years.

to attend lessons and meetings, of social media to stay connected with our acquaintances, of online purchases

© Postclick

on e-commerce websites are just some of the examples that show us how the pandemic has accelerated the spread of digital among users and companies’ transition to digital. But will the impact of the pandemic last for the next few years? Statistics say so! Taking into account the propagation of the web in our daily lives and the forecasts of the experts, this year marketers could cut part of the budget allocated to traditional channels (print advertising, TV commercials, direct mail, ...), increasing advertising spending on digital and allocating it to sponsorships on social networks and search engines, email marketing and to the creation of particularly creative and engaging content such as videos. But beware, as in any market, an increase in demand leads to an increase in prices. Consequently, to maximize the return on investment, it is advisable to choose carefully where and what to promote. An anonymous marketing director said he expects that “costs will increase as more and more brands shift their budget to digital. This will lead to the need to be extremely efficient at every stage of the process, from creation to publication and diffusion”.

2. Choosing the right platforms to invest the budget on Based on what has been said above, marketers will find themselves forced to evaluate which platform to invest their budget on to make the most profits possible

Expected budget’s changes per marketing channel.

and achieve their goals. Goals are one of the aspects

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


© Postclick

to be taken into consideration when choosing the right platform. When creating a strategy, we must ask ourselves what we want to achieve in the short and long term: increase brand awareness? increase sales? or increase inbound traffic on a website? These are some of the questions to ask yourself when planning your digital strategy. Two other fundamental aspects to take into consideration are the target audience you want to reach - which social network do users who might be interested in our business use? are they part of a narrow niche? and the most suitable tone of voice.

3. What are the platforms to bet on in 2021 according to experts? According to the people interviewed in the market research conducted by Postclick, Facebook and Google will continue to impose their supremacy in the advertising field also in 2021. Over 87% of the respondents said they use both Google and Facebook, identifying them as the best platforms on which you can get the highest ratio between advertising spend and performance1. On the third step of the podium, we find Instagram: the visual and captivating content typical of this social media is still able to communicate emotions immediately and effectively and is still the right tool to keep a high level of user engagement and attention. Finally, this year marketers will also bet on TikTok, the Expected platforms’ uses in 2021.

free mobile app that allows you to record short videos (between 15 and 60 seconds) and which is a great

© eos Mktg&Communication

success among Generation Z, but not only2. Although experts have indicated Facebook, Google, Instagram and TikTok as the best platforms to invest this year, no one will be able to predict which of these will be the most successful. The advice of the experts is to distribute the budget on multiple platforms in order to have more chances to understand which is the most suitable platform for your brand and the one that generates the most engagement. We have said it several times now, in marketing there is no right or wrong recipe. Marketing is made up of constant trials and tests. For this reason, before betting everything on a single platform, it is best to try several different ingredients to find the right recipe for success.

Google Tools: 5 must-have tools for digital marketing | EOS Mktg&Communication (eosmarketing.it) 2 TikTok: What is it, how it works and how to use it for business | EOS Mktg&Communication (eosmarketing.it) 1

Video advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


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3. Exploiting the potential of video ads

© Postclick

For some years, video advertising has been a major player in the advertising scenario and an annual growth of 4.8% of the dedicated advertising budget is expected3. The spread of smartphones and their advanced technology will be the main drive in the next few years in video advertising: for example, the high mobile processing power and the new 5G Internet connection speed will allow for the creation of increasingly profitable video ad strategies. Consumers affirm that videos are the winning format. Not only do they prefer to watch videos online over traditional commercials, but 84% of them also said that after watching a video of a brand they made a purchase. Time spent watching videos online is also expected to grow: users will spend an average of 100 minutes per day4 - which equates to 12 hours per week while in 2018 the average was only 67 minutes per day. Companies therefore have the opportunity to communicate with consumers through video messages like never before and to achieve excellent results. In line with this trend, social platforms are introducing new video formats to foster new and deep forms of engagement on their sites and apps, offering brands new business opportunities. But beware of the downside. The success of video advertising will lead consumers to be inundated with it every day. Consequently, in order to stand out, attract the attention of a fragmented audience and generate

Digital advertising priorities in 2021.

conversions, it is essential to produce authentic, creative and engaging videos.

© eos Mktg&Communication

4. Setting the priorities straight What are the priorities indicated by marketers in terms of digital advertising for 2021? Increase the conversion rate This year, marketers will focus their attention on the so-called Conversion Rate, i.e. the ratio between the number of visitors who access a page or website and how many of them perform a certain action. To increase their profits, they will focus on taking a holistic approach to digital advertising (without focusing solely on getting more clicks - an approach known as “get more clicks”)

Video Advertising - United States | Statista Market Forecast Online Video Consumption Continues to Rise Globally - Marketing Charts

3 4

Screenshots of Yahoo on smartphone and on computer taken at the same time.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68


and designing advertising campaigns that cover the entire customer

almost certainly find different advertisements. Or the ads you see may

experience, providing customers with the opportunity to interact with

also change based on the time of day you look at a particular site.

the brand and strengthen customer care.

Artificial intelligence helps advertisers in this activity by resorting to big data and machine learning software that allow us to precisely

Increase the return on ad spend

identify the target to turn to, based, for example, on the demographic

In 2021, as the demand for digital advertising will be in strong and

aspect (i.e. if I live in Rome it is plausible that I might not be interested

perennial growth, as previously written, the costs will increase and

in an event that takes place in Milan) and behavioural aspect (the

the performance will decrease. But marketers are already focused on

searches carried out, the interactions on social networks and the

studying new ways to optimize the results of their ad campaigns and

websites visited communicate what our interests and needs are). All

maximize the return on ad spend.

this information defines a unique “user profile” for each of us and therefore allows us to show the message not only to the right person,

Improve segmentation and targeting

but also to use the most effective advertisement at that particular

After Safari and Mozilla Firefox, recently Google as well announced

time and on that particular screen, thanks to the sophisticated

the disappearance of third-party cookies on Chrome, the most used

machine learning software algorithms.

web browser in the world. This is a decision that will mark the end of

The experts interviewed by Postclick stated that in 9 out of 10 cases,

tracking user behaviour and interests.

personalized ads generate profits. However, despite the advantages

Third-party cookies are tools widely used by many advertisers to track

of programmatic advertising, it is not easy to carry out this activity:

user visits to all the websites on which they offer their services. These

3 out of 4 marketers say the cause is the lack of internal resources

cookies are also useful to carry out monitoring and targeting activities

because “to effectively personalize your ads on a large scale, you need

that allow advertisers to target their ads accurately by exploiting data

the right team, the right data and the right tools.”

contained in the user’s history.

It is therefore no wonder that this year one of the main trends

It is therefore not surprising that, given the imminent death of

in digital advertising is the investment in technologies that take

this type of cookie, experts must focus on creating new strategies

advantage of artificial intelligence and that will require fewer

to identify the audience segments to which to target their online

resources to achieve greater performance.

advertising campaigns

5. Programmatic advertising and artificial intelligence

Conclusions In the year of the spread of the Coronavirus, digital advertising is

Personalization will be one of the keywords for marketers committed

experiencing unprecedented growth which, according to experts,

to reaching the right target for their online ads. Because advertisers

will continue to increase this year. The pandemic will also lead to an

are increasingly committed to maximizing their investments, they will

increase in companies investing their budgets in online advertising

try to find the right strategy to always show the right message to the

campaigns and new trends in consumer behaviour, technological

right person, at the right time and also on the right device.

advances and regulatory changes.

Once, in a more or less anonymous way, one is identified as the target

To excel in digital advertising, marketers will need to research new

of a certain advertising message, ad hoc technological platforms come

strategies to stand out from the competition and be able to reach and

into play including Google Ads, Facebook/Instagram Ads and Apple

communicate appropriately.

Search Ads.

But, fortunately, they will have a large number of platforms on which

You may have already noticed that if two people open the same

to manage their campaigns, innovative and engaging formats, and

website from their personal computers at the same time, they will

advanced and sophisticated technologies.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n C a r B o d y F i n i s h i n g s i n c e 1 96 4


Upc om ing events


AMERICAN CONGRESS September 28 & 29

Detroit (MI)


Powder Coating Week 2021 Postponed to July 13-16, 2021 Due to the ongoing concerns regarding the pandemic situation and travelling, the Powder Coating Institute (PCI) decided to postpone the Powder Coating Week to July 13-16, 2021.


he Powder Coating Week 2021 is now scheduled from 13 to 16 July

us to find dates later this summer,” notes Kevin Coursin, PCI’s Executive

2021 at The Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida

Director. “It’s the place that our entire industry comes together for

(USA). The week will start, as scheduled, with the Powder Coating

education and networking each year. We want to have as many industry


101 Workshop: Powder Coating Done Right - The Basics and the Custom

professionals as possible in attendance at Powder Coating Week and we

Coater Forum on Tuesday, July 13 and Wednesday, July 14. The Powder

are hopeful that the later dates will provide the opportunity for that to

Coating Technical Conference & Tabletops will follow on Thursday, July 15


and Friday, July 16. “We are very fortunate that the Renaissance has been willing to work with

For further information: https://conference.powdercoating.org/

Eastern Coatings Show Rescheduled to November 2021 The Eastern Coatings Show (ECS), the largest regional coatings show in America, has been postponed to 17-19 of November 2021.


he Eastern Coatings Federation announced the Eastern Coatings

partners for the continued support for a successful Eastern Coatings

Show (ECS) has been rescheduled to November 17-19, 2021

Show 2021”.

at Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City (USA). With the well-being

The Eastern Coatings Show is committed to the health and safety of

of attendees, sponsors, and staff as the number one priority, the

all attendees and will work closely with the facility to ensure a safe and

conference is being postponed until November 2021 to provide

sanitary environment for the conference. Harrah’s Resort is in strict

additional time for mass distribution of the vaccine.

compliance with stringent health and safety protocols. The exhibit space

“The safety of our exhibitors and attendees is paramount. Rescheduling

and meeting facilities are among the best in the area and a great fit for

to November allows a longer period for vaccine distribution and an

the gathering of industry leaders, technical experts, innovators, producers,

opportunity for our customers to travel and conduct business in a

distributors, and other key figures in the industry.

safe environment” said ECS President Chris Mangano, Aegis Polymers & Additives, LLC. “We want to thank all our members, sponsors and


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.easterncoatingsshow.com


NASF Announces New Show Dates for SUR/FIN 2021 SUR/FIN event (Detroit, Michigan – USA) has been postponed to 2-4 of November 2021.


he National Association for Surface Finishing is moving its

successful show.

annual SUR/FIN event and Manufacturing & Technology

Benefits of moving the show to November include:

Conference from this summer to November 2-4, 2021.

• Significant Medical Breakthroughs. On the heels of several major

The tradeshow and conference, originally scheduled for July, will

announcements regarding vaccinations and therapeutics, the outlook

remain in Detroit, Michigan at the TCF Center.

is bright for live events in the third quarter of the year.

“While moving the event from its scheduled date in July to November

• Confidence in the Ability to Hold the Event. The state of Michigan

was not a decision that the association took lightly, we believe that

restrictions on large gatherings are expected to be lifted in the second

moving the event to the third quarter of 2021 will show a trend


towards a more normalized environment and lead to a very successful

• Easement of Travel Restrictions. Many corporations are still under

SUR/FIN 2021,” said Steve Smith, Chairman of the NASF SUR/FIN

significant travel restrictions, several of which are expected to be lifted

Steering Committee.

in the second half of 2021.

NASF SUR/FIN’s goal is to provide the finishing community and the

• Gives Attendees Time to Plan. By making the announcement of the

broader market with a live surface finishing show in a comfortable and

date change now, attendees will be able to save the very important

safe environment. Given the current picture, we also want to ensure

new dates on their calendars.

we have sufficient time to plan the best event and experience possible

• Gives Venue and Event Industry Suppliers Recovery Time. The event

for exhibitors, speakers and attendees.

industry has been devastated by this pandemic, and the date change

This year’s event will be an excellent opportunity for the industry to

gives the industry and the convention centre a chance to implement

come back together after its hiatus last year, and the association is

best practices in our “new normal.”

eager to work with our SUR/FIN exhibitors, customers, members and colleagues in the broader surface technology value chain to put on a

For further information: www.nasfsurfin.com

© TCF Center

SUR/FIN 2021 venue in Detroit, Michigan, USA.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



Finishing Industry Will Set Off Again in Shanghai SFCHINA exhibition will take place from November 16 to 18, 2021 in Shanghai, P.R. China.


he 34th edition of SFCHINA is returning to Shanghai from

finishing market growth in 2021, with robust demand from end-user

November 16 to 18, 2021 at the Shanghai New International

industries such as automotive, construction, electronics and hardware.

Expo Centre (SNIEC), P.R. China. This year a total gross exhibition

area of about 10,000 square metres has been planned. With 3

2021 Virtual Show coming soon in a brand-new look

exhibit zones covering the entire industry, including ‘Electroplating &

To allow exhibitors and visitors who were not able to attend 2020

Finishing Technology’, ‘Environmental, Safety & Protection’ and ‘Coating

Guangzhou Ground Show to still take part, the Organizer launched a

Applications & Coating Products’, SFCHINA2021 allows exhibitors to

brand-new Virtual Show for industry players to continue participating in

consolidate their presence in Asia especially China, and seize new

a hybrid format last year. Exhibitions being held in hybrid format looks

opportunities during economic recovery.

to have become a ‘new normal’ to the exhibition industry. SFCHINA will

Finishing industry is poised for rebound in 2021 Asia, particularly China, is anticipated to rebound in 2021 and continues

continue to offer an online platform for exhibitors to highlight their products and technologies virtually to visitors this year.

to be the world’s fastest-growing surface finishing market. Market

An exhibition you can’t afford to miss

projects GDP of Asia to grow by 6.8% while China’s GDP is expected to

SFCHINA has been offering a platform for the industry to leverage

rebound to 7.9% in 2021. China’s economy grew more than expected

market potential and pursue business growth since 1983. The 2020

last year by reporting 2.3% GDP growth, exceeding RMB¥100 trillion for

Guangzhou edition managed to attract over 4,000 trade visitors from 7

the first time. The pandemic has hindered finishing market growth in

countries/regions, together with over 160 exhibitors from 13 countries/

2020 as supply chains were impaired due to reduced transport options

regions. On the surface, both visitor and exhibitor data were far lower

and demand from end-users declined due to lockdown measures

than previous editions. But under the effects of global pandemic, the

imposed by governments globally. The rollout of vaccination campaigns

results could be considered acceptable. SFCHINA2021 will be staged at

should allow economies to get back on track, paving the way for rising

Shanghai again to facilitate exhibitors to showcase their products and

demand for finishing materials, tools and equipment. In fact, global

negotiate with partners.

manufacturing industry has gradually recovered in the second half of 2020. Asia-Pacific region will continue to be the leading contributor to

© Sinostar-ITE International Ltd.


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.sfchina.net

© Sinostar-ITE International Ltd.


‘We talk’: New Series of Events Organized by UCIF is Underway “We talk”, the new series of meetings organized by UCIF, will start on April 21st with a digital event dedicated to the theme of human resources management in this particular historical moment.


e talk’ is the new project of UCIF, the Italian Surface

speeches of the day:

Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, with

• Pierangelo Albini, Director of the Confindustria Labour, Welfare

which the association organizes both digital and face-to-

and Human Capital Area and Counsellor at the National Council of

face events for members.

Economy and Labour (CNEL) with the report: “Employment contracts,

“For this series of meetings – Marcello Zinno, UCIF Marketing

welfare and personnel management in pandemic and post-pandemic

Manager, says – we thought of a name that would reconcile the


spirit of belonging to the association (WE) and the idea of interactive ​​

• Marco Vergeat, Chairman of Asfor, the Italian Association for

communication (TALK): not a simple one-sided information, but a

Management Training Chairman of the Summit Group with the

communication with several voices”.

report: “The social and psychological effects on people: how to re-

On 21 April the first meeting “Personnel management in Covid era:

motivate your staff”.

between psyche and contracts” will take place online and it will focus

Participation is free for UCIF members, subject to mandatory

on one of the most current and heartfelt topics by companies dealing

registration confirmation via email to the following address:

with the global health situation.


“All companies, both small and large, traditional and innovative,

“Also, more than one person per single associated company may

have been overwhelmed by the global pandemic” – states Zinno.

participate” – points out Zinno. “The event on 21st April is aimed

“In addition to markets, which have profoundly changed, people

in particular at general managers, human resources managers,

and relationships within the companies have changed. This is the

team managers, project managers and sales managers. This first

reason why we have decided to investigate this delicate issue by

appointment will represent the springboard for future opportunities

involving two important experts who will join the event by providing

for meeting and deepening. With “we talk” we will continue to meet

information, tools and suggestions on how to manage one of the

and exchange ideas, projects, information in a more active and,

fundamental resources for our companies in this period and which,

hopefully, participated way”.


in 2021, will make the difference: people”. Starting from 4.30 pm you will be able to connect to listen to the two

For further information: www.ucif.net

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - N. 68



Hannover Messe: the Appointment is in April in a Completely Digital Format Hannover Messe, the leading fair on industrial technologies, scheduled from 12 to 16 April, this year will be held exclusively in digital format.


o make it possible to carry out Hannover Messe in total safety,

tutorials and video presentations even in delayed times.

the organizers of the fair have designed a new digital dimension,

Visitors will be able to get in touch with exhibitors through video calls,

supported by huge technological investments that allow to

planning appointments.

make the most of the advantages of this approach:

Exhibitors will also have a live streaming service available to present

• indexing of products and solutions

their products and services live, offering a virtual tour of the company

• dedicated search engines for in-depth consultation of the offer

or discussion sessions with visitors of the virtual stand.

present at the fair • comparison with examples of good practices, best-case applications,

For further information: www.hannovermesse.de/en/

© Deutsche Messe


N. 68 - MARCH/APRIL 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Adobe Stock

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EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:

Kevin Biller

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics

The Powder Coating Research Group

Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies

Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design

Prof. Paolo Gronchi:

Dr. Fulvio Zocco:

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section


The smart journal for surface treatments

ALESSIA VENTURI venturi@ipcm.it


ISSN 2280-6083



Environment and quality

ipcm digital on www.myipcm.com


Prof. Stefano Rossi:

12th Year - Bimonthly


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The smart journal for surface treatments

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