INYB//Newspaper - Edition52

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TABERNACLE OF THE STARS Celestial Insights - Fortnight Edition | December 21 – January 6, 2016! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Blessed Kwanzaa Fortnight Catalogue of Aspects and Celestial Events Even if you do not feel the energy directly, those around you will! (Energetic indicators felt for 3 days prior and following the culmination of the angle.)

LUNATIONS The Full Moon in Cancer occurs on December 25, 2015, Christmas Day, at 06:11:25 AM EST! The Moon is in trine to Neptune in Pisces as it opposes the Capricorn Sun. Imagination and inspiration see manifestation in this cycle. Touch your paintbrush to the canvas, write the first chapter to your book or take a class in healing to help serve others with your spiritual gifts!

STATIONS Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on January 5, 2016 at 08:05 AM EST and remains so until January 25, 2015 at 09:50 PM EST. It revisits Capricorn in its tour, bringing back some of the unresolved issues toward the end of 2015. Old arguments and emotional blocks may return to haunt you! Know this is a unique opportunity to process through them. Accept the challenge! Uranus stations direct in Aries on December 25, 2015 at 10:53 PM EST. This cycle is interesting and can help us to re‐examine who we really are and what we are about. What facets of our nature have we abandoned and is it possible to reclaim our growth and inspiration as we move forward? Processes more than events are honored in this cycle, Pace yourself, knowing that it often takes time for dreams to come to fruition!

CELESTIAL EVENTS FOR ALL! On the Full Moon, which is on Christmas Day this year, Uranus stations direct and Mercury in Capricorn is in trine to Jupiter in Virgo! Promises you make now are much more powerful than waiting for a New Year’s resolution. Feelings of being blessed are strong, and it is easy to share the love with others! Enjoy the delightful cuisine and conversation on this special day! On December 29, 2015, Mercury in Capricorn is in square to Mars in Libra. If you are going to pick a fight ‐ you better be right! Avoid malicious gossip if at all possible and try to exercise compassion and understanding to offset this aspect. At the very least, you or those close to you can just feel tired and grumpy! Just nod and be still! On January 3‐5, 2016, there are some profound aspects! The Moon conjoins Mars in Scorpio as Mercury is stationing and in square to them! Venus in Sagittarius is in square to Neptune in Pisces and the Sun conjoins Pluto in Capricorn! If you have planets in Aries or Scorpio, this is an excellent time for deep psychic reflection, research and to stand on your truth! The intensity is overwhelming! If you have planets in

Taurus or Libra, you will be very imaginative but quite ungrounded! Keep a sense of humor and even laugh at yourself if need be!

INSIGHT FOR EACH SIGN! This fortnight embraces the Full Moon! Your power lies in completion!

ARIES MAR 20 ‐ APR 20 On the Full Moon, your ruler, Mars, is quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Pisces and in square to Mercury in Capricorn. In the midst of celebration, you may hear troubling news both near and far. Exercise compassion and love but maintain the inner joy and outer celebration of the season. Uranus, in your sign, stations direct on Christmas night. Prepare to ring in the New Year with glee! Your I AM will come to BE! TAURUS APR 20 ‐ MAY 21 On the Full Moon, your ruler, Venus, is in trine to the Tail of the Dragon in Pisces, and in sextile to both Jupiter in Virgo and Mercury in Capricorn. This is a very busy cycle with so many activities happening simultaneously. You will definitely be multi‐tasking, but the creative effort pays off! Food and decorations will be astounding! Recipes and family secrets will be selectively shared in this cycle. Be ready for a few surprises! Expect one person to be a bit late but they will be not the worse for wear! Celebrate! GEMINI MAY 21 ‐ JUN 21 On the Full Moon, your ruler, Mercury, forms a double trine to Jupiter and the Head of the Dragon in Virgo and a sweet sextile to Venus in Scorpio. Love deepens, loyalties emerge out of the blue and you smile deep inside in this cycle. You feel thankful for that which you hold in the palm of your hand and your faith is rejuvenated. Have a fabulous holiday! Spread the joy! CANCER JUN 21 ‐ JUL 22 This Full Moon is in your sign and forms a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces as it opposes the Capricorn Sun. Go BIG with your family traditions for best results. Bump up the volume on your favorite tunes and please your appetite and tingle the taste buds of those you love! Cooking, baking and decorating brings a special glee! Gleam! LEO JUL 22 ‐ AUG 2

On the Full Moon, your ruler, the Sun, is in Capricorn simply opposing the Moon in Cancer. A simple balance of devotion response‐ability and will bring you to a tender bliss! Appreciate all that others do for you and know you will be honored by others for all you bring to the table. Meet the challenge of bringing the wallflowers in the gathering into the limelight. The results will be nothing short of spectacular! Thank me later! VIRGO AUG 23 ‐ SEP 22 On the Full Moon, your ruler, Mercury, forms a double trine to Jupiter and the Head of the Dragon in Virgo and a sweet sextile to Venus in Scorpio. Love feels like a magnificent symphony at this time. Romantic love deepens but also the love you share with others is magnified in joyful embrace! You are very present in each conversation and a marvelous observer! WOW them! LIBRA SEP 23 ‐ OCT 22 On the Full Moon, your ruler, Venus, is in trine to the Tail of the Dragon in Pisces, and in sextile to both Jupiter in Virgo and Mercury in Capricorn. The thoughtfulness of others is so profound toward you just now. They may remember your favorite scent as well as your favorite musician or songwriter. Small gifts from friends and co‐workers may just appear. You are a gracious receiver now as well as a generous giver! Enjoy! SCORPIO OCT 23 – NOV 22 On the Full Moon, your ruler of event, Mars, is in Libra and is quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Pisces and in square to Mercury in Capricorn. Pluto, your ruler of process, is in sextile to Chiron in Pisces. You will find yourself separating from the troubles of the World and will desire to enjoy a pleasant and relaxed holiday. Good friends, good food, good fun! Find the most comfortable chair in the room! Relax! SAGITTARIUS NOV 22 ‐ DEC 20 On the Full Moon, Your ruler, Jupiter, is

lined up with the Dragon, in trine with Mercury in Capricorn and in sextile to Venus in Scorpio! You can do no wrong! You are delightful to be around and the perfect words come to your lips ‐ no matter where you find yourself. Practical matters and concerns that pop up are interesting and informative. You make important connections now! Reach for the stars! CAPRICORN DEC 21 ‐ JAN 19 On the Full Moon, your ruler, Saturn, is in square to Neptune but is also approaching a trine to Uranus in Aries as it stations and prepares to move direct on Christmas night! Nothing seems to surprise you just now and you take even starting news in stride. Your mentorship blossoms in your workspace and brings comfort and support to those in your home space. Rest on your laurels a bit once all the preparations are in place. Invite others to pitch in and share the joy of the feast! Take a bow! AQUARIUS JAN 20 – FEB 19 On the Full Moon, your ruler, Uranus, is in square to Pluto but is being approached by Saturn in Sagittarius to form a trine in the weeks ahead. Late on Christmas Day, Uranus stations direct and the excitement of the New Year begins to form in the heart of many! Travel can be an exciting adventure, especially if you are reuniting with family and close friends! Be the life of the party and be sure to have a toast prepared! Celebrate BIG! PISCES FEB 19 ‐ MAR 19 This Full Moon is in Cancer and in trine to your ruler, Neptune occupying your sign! Neptune is in square to Saturn in Sagittarius, causing a persistent impatience to realize your dreams. Allow yourself to embrace your inner child. Focus less on obligations and more on response‐ ability in each and every moment. Share your dreams for the future even if they seem like a long way off. You give them life and form in the ethers and others will cheer you on! Shine on!

Aphrodette North is the founder of Inner Mysteries Profiled, a full spectrum astrological entity as well as an organization devoted to enlightenment through metaphysics. INNER MYSTERIES PROFILED is dedicated to research and development of the unique Spiritual gifts inherent in everyone. Aphrodette is ever inspired to offer guidance to those who seek direction and development in the true unfolding of a fulfilling and prosperous life.

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