Issue 04 | Volume 02 September 27, 2010
In this issue: Reminders and Announcements
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Fun stuff this term!
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Conversant Program off to a great start! Page 3 Find Zero!
Center Director Amy McGowan and students from Thailand pose for a group photo at the new student welcome reception. Photo courtesy of Theresa Hogue.
Smooth sailing!
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Talla Ndiaye: A friend who will be missed Page 3 Orientation week Photo Montage Page 4
The first week of school is finally here! After last week’s whirlwind orientation, getting into a regular routine will be a blessing for all of us, including our new students. Any day now the leaves on Jefferson Way will turn their familiar orange and red hues and cover the sidewalks, announcing the arrival of fall. This term is full of excitement and activity on campus—football games, trips, parties, zombie wars, you name it!
Upcoming events: Pathway Classes Begin TODAY, September 27th
There is no shortage of things for students to do in the fall! While they
Academic English Classes Begin
are in the “honeymoon phase,” it’s a great time to encourage them to
Thursday, September 30th
get out and try new things! Likewise, it’s a great time to try new things yourself! Have YOU ever attempted Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance
Welcome Party
Friday, Oct 1st
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FUN STUFF THIS TERM! Our students have a lot of fun stuff to look forward to this term. Staff members: if you have any interest in getting involved in these events, please inquire at Heckart Front Desk!
• Zombies, pumpkins, Americans, we may not realize what a weird holiday Halloween is! Let’s help mentally prepare our students for some of the bizarre things they may see during this festive time of year.
• Speaking of Zombies we are trying to
Reminders and Announcements Here’s the scoop on late arrivals: Pathway Late Check-in: Monday, Sept. 27th--TODAY • 8:30-9:30am: Late Admissions & Finance Check-in. Reed Lounge • 10:00am: Late Testing. Heckart 3rd Floor AE late check-in:
get our students involved in the “Humans vs. Zombies” game this term. It’s a week-long elaborate sock-throwing, nerf gun-toting game of tag played on college campuses all over the country. Follow the link for details: http://humansvszombies. org/ Begins October 22nd.
• INTO International Fair—November 16th. Our International Fair is certain to be even better than last year...and last year’s event was pretty spectacular!
• Homecoming week—October 27-30th.
Tuesday, Sept. 28th
The week’s activities include a tug-of-war, homecoming pep rally, bonfire and BBQ.
• 9:00 – 11:00am: ONID OSU Email Activation & Late Testing Heckart Learning Center
• NBA Trip—Saturday, Nov 20th.
Wednesday Sept. 29th • 8:30 am – 9:30am: Late Admissions and Finance. Reed Lounge • 9: 00 am – 10:00am: Late Advising/Registration. Reed Lounge • 2:00 pm – 3:30pm: Late Orientation. Heckart Room 209 Check the white boad in Heckart for last-minute changes!
Portland Trailblazers vs. Utah Jazz! Tickets are hard to come by, but we’ll do our best to get good seats!
•Thanksgiving Holiday Resort trip—Nov 26-28th. Stay at the magical Sunriver Resort for a weekend of snow and holiday festivities!
•LA & Disneyland Trip—Dec 11-16. Signups start early! It’s a great value and a great opportunity!
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Conversant Program off to a great start! Students gathered in Peavy Auditorium last week to learn all about the INTO Conversant Program. The program is a great opportunity for INTO students to meet American students, make friends, and practice conversation. This year, the program is combining with the Pathway Scholar Mentor Program, so it is open to Academic English and Pathway students alike. General English students can participate in the GE lunch groups hosted by student volunteers once per week for group conversation. Here’s how it works: in the coming weeks, students will receive slips of paper in their class telling them when and where they can meet their partner. Once they meet, they can set up a regular meeting time and place of choice. With very few exceptions, conversation partners are usually the same gender. In some cases, students will be paired in groups of three, depending on volunteer availability. Our conversant volunteers are OSU students and community members who are interested in talking with international students. They make a generous commitment to spend an hour a week talking with our students. We are fortunate to have such a great volunteer base here at INTO OSU! Thanks, conversants!
Find Zero! Can you help find Zero? Our exceptional Undergraduate Pathway Engineering graduate, Zero (Heling Cui) has her own Powered by Orange banner.... SOMEWHERE on campus. Have you seen her? Encourage your students to find her--if they can take a photo of themselves with Zero’s banner, and either send us the photo or post it on Facebook, they can win a $10.00 gift certificate to the bookstore!
Conversant partners Eunhye Chang and Rikki Bryant. Photo courtetsy of Jan Sonnemair.
A friend to INTO OSU who will be missed All of us at INTO OSU were deeply saddened by the news that Talla Ndiaye, one of our English Access Microscholarship participants, passed away on September 16th, 2010. “Tall Talla”, as he was known here at OSU, is survived by his wife and two young children. He taught school in Senegal, where teachers are assigned by the government to teach in whatever location they are needed, and with seniority, work their way to where they prefer to live and work. “I am really amazed by the things I see here,” Talla told the Barometer, OSU’s student newspaper, of his experience here in the US. He was very proud of his country and was happy to share history and culture with anyone who was interested. We are thankful we had the opportunity to know Talla. He will be greatly missed.
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Orientation Week Re-mix! A big pat on the back to everyone who contributed to such an EPIC orientation week! Great job, everyone!
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INTO Oregon State University Oregon State University, 2900 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA T: +1-541-737-2464
For more orientation highlights visit: