ISS/SIC Newsletter May 2019

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Newsletter International Society of Surgery (ISS) Société Internationale de Chirurgie (SIC) May 2019

President’s Adress Andrew G. Hill, President ISS/SIC & Congress President WCS 2019

Dear Friends Greetings to you all from an autumnal Auckland. I have just returned from the ISS/SIC Council meeting in Krakow, Poland. We had a full turnout of Councilors and a very productive meeting was conducted. Several key areas were covered in a strategic planning day led by our Secretary-General, Professor Ken Boffard.

Six main themes emerged: 1. The Society is committed to increasing its value to our members. This will include content on the website, continued reviewing of our membership dues and conference fees, and bringing our conferences and courses to venues closer to our members, and partnering with other surgical societies to bring extra value to their meetings.

View on the Wawel Castle, Krakow

May 2019


The ISS/SIC Council at the meeting in Krakow, March 2019

2. The role of our national delegates. They must be valued as they have an important role in our organization. In many ways they are the heart of the Society and the growth of our membership and the value our members see in the Society very much depends on their work. 3. The financial well-being of the Society. In many ways the future is bright. We have considerable challenges ahead, but our management team and our treasurer have steered the Society well and a successful congress in Krakow will contribute to that. Our membership is showing signs of growing and there is evidence of growth in Lower and Middle-Income countries which are our immediate targets. 4. The focus on Global Surgery has been confirmed. We aim to be a home for Global Surgery. We are involved with many key societies and are seen as a responsible and valued player in this area. There are so many good things going on and we have a role to play. As a ‘neutral’ we have an important opportunity to help bring

these activities together in a more strategic way. 5. Our Journal, the World Journal of Surgery, is going from strength to strength with increasing numbers of manuscripts being submitted (nearly 200 per month) and an increasing impact factor. There are many challenges in medical publishing but our editor, Julie-Ann Sosa, is doing a fabulous job along with her editorial team. 6. We have decided to work towards bringing a leader in surgical education on board. Originally our plan was to accomplish our educational mission through the Academy. Several issues have made it clear that an addition to Council of a leader in surgical education would likely be more effective. This person will coordinate the ISS/ SIC educational and training activities outside of those run by the Integrated Societies.

gress of Surgery. This is promising to be one of our best ever conferences with a fantastic line up of speakers, a massive number of presentations of original research from all around the globe and an exciting programme. You do not want to miss it. I look forward very much to seeing all of you in Krakow in August.

Andrew G. Hill President ISS/SIC Congress President WCS 2019

We were also able to visit the Krakow Convention Centre and reviewed the scientific programme and social programmes for the upcoming World Con-

May 2019


Report Secretary General Kenneth D. Boffard, Secretary General ISS/SIC

This is one of the most comprehensive newsletters yet and reflects the new vibrancy and direction of your Society. As you will see both from the President’s and Treasurer’s reports, and the reports from the individual Integrated Societies, we are becoming active in many more fields. We have a much higher profile in global surgery, and we think that we are the natural home for a lot of the very admirable, but sometimes uncoordinated efforts that are currently taking place around the world. We have active membership of the G4, and as you will have seen, have signed memoranda of understandings with several countries which we hope will benefit both your society and the countries concerned. It is essential that we broaden our membership and we welcome new members from across the globe. See the information from our President, Andrew Hill, further in this newsletter. The Society has also broadened its appeal, with the inclusion of students, trainees, and colleagues involved in the care of the surgical patient, such as Anaesthesiologists and Critical Care Specialists. We feel it is important to recognize the continuum of care, both in training terms from student to senior Professor, and in the comprehensive care of the surgical patient.

come from differing economic and social structures across the world and have different challenges as well. While there are still some disparities, we have elected to remain with the World Bank classification of income of countries, adjust our fees accordingly, and make membership available to a much wider group of passionate people. The same, of course, applies to registration for the Congress. The more members that we can attract, the more we can offer, and the lower we can keep our fees. Please help us in this regard and encourage your colleagues to join. All those individuals who attend the full Congress and wish to join the ISS/SIC for the 2020 membership year will receive free membership for the rest of 2019 as well.

Notice is also given of several further changes to the Constitution to accommodate these, and approval will be sought from the General Assembly which will be held in Krakow on Wednesday 14 August. Elsewhere in this newsletter, you will find details of the changes suggested.

As you know we have also recognized our more senior members with the introduction of a peer review process for the new Fellowship of the International Society of Surgery (FISS), in addition to membership. For those who meet the criteria we would encourage you to apply for the Fellowship, which is by peer review, and recognizes your high standing in our profession. Please note that only those who have been awarded the Fellowship by the Society may use these letters after their names. At the same time, the highest recognition that the Society can give, the award of what until now has been Honorary Membership of the Society, will henceforth become the Honorary Fellowship of the Society – FISS(Hon).

We have sadly lost a significant part of our human heritage, with the passing of Donald Trunkey, and Basil Pruitt, who have left their huge footprints on World Trauma and our Society. Their obituaries are at the end of this newsletter. Trauma and Burns care, and the world will be a poorer place for their passing.

At time of writing, the catastrophic events in Sri Lanka are still very fresh. Our sympathy goes to our colleagues and the people of Sri Lanka, and the victims to whom we wish a speedy recovery. Sri Lanka has been a long-term ally of the Society, we have presented ISS/SIC sessions at Sri Lankan congresses, and it is one of the founder countries of IATSIC’s National Trauma Management Course.

We look forward to seeing you in Kraków in August, and we have already started planning for around 2021 Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where the Congress will revert to its traditional name: International Surgical Week (ISW) – the World’s Congress of Surgery. Kenneth D. Boffard Secretary General ISS/SIC

The meeting in Kraków is promising to be very successful, with a good attendance, and we have had over 1200 abstracts submitted. Kraków is one of the oldest university cities, has a deep and wide culture, and we look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible both for the Congress, and for the extraordinary city itself. As you will be aware, we have had several changes to our membership structure, we have recognized that our members

ISS/SIC Council, Guests and Staff at the meeting in March 2019

May 2019


Report General Treasurer Anders Bergenfelz, General Treasurer ISS/SIC

The Executive and the ISS/SIC Office in ZĂźrich, have worked hard to keep the congress fee in Krakow as low as possible, although a Polish VAT of 23% made this difficult, there is still a substantial reduction of the fee, compared to the WCS in Basel. As of January 1st, 2019, a new fee structure for membership has been implemented, as decided by the ISS/SIC General Assembly in Boston last year.

Essentially this means that members from low- and middle-income countries (as defined by the World Bank) will pay a lower membership fee than members from high income countries.

be fiscally austere, i.e. there will be caps on spending. The general idea is that any new project cost should be offset by cost reduction for other budget items, in order to achieve a positive economic result.

The Council and Executive consider this as an investment for the future, i.e. to be able to grow. We anticipate that this investment will be offset by an increase in membership within a 3-year period. Other investments include memoranda of understanding (MoU) with other surgical associations, especially for lower and middle income countries.

Anders Bergenfelz General Treasurer ISS/SIC

Due to increased costs in 2018 and 2019, the suggested budget for 2020 and 2021 which will be presented at the General Assembly (GA) at the International Surgical Week/World Congress of Surgery will

The ICE Convention Center, Krakow

May 2019


Report Editor in Chief, WJS Julie Ann Sosa, Editor in Chief WJS

Hello and spring greetings from San Francisco to members of the ISS/SIC! This is my third contribution to the newsletter as Editor in Chief of the World Journal of Surgery. It is hard to believe that I already have celebrated my one year anniversary as EIC. Thank you to the leadership of ISS/SIC for the privilege of serving! WJS continues to flourish. From 2017 to 2018, the total number of original manuscripts submitted to WJS increased from 1,865 to 2,052, with a total number of submissions that reached an all-time high of 2,671. With this increase, the editorial leadership of the journal has been able to continue to be more selective in the papers we publish, with an acceptance rate that has dropped from 30% to 19%. In spite of that, the number of manuscripts published in 2018 increased from 482 to 587. In 2018, WJS manuscripts were downloaded a total of 657,422 times; to put that in perspective, there were 1,816 downloads per day from WJS. Five of the top 10 downloads for 2018 were Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)-related; in 2018, WJS became the official publication of the ERAS Society. In 2018, the WJS published new ERAS guidelines around esophagectomy and colorectal surgery; they already are being rapidly downloaded and cited. WJS (and its followers) are active on social media, with 28 visual abstracts, 2 video abstracts, and 199 Tweets circulated in 2018; there was an overall average of 3,181 impressions per Tweet. In one year, our Twitter account went from 2,787 followers to 4,176 followers; we believe that this strong presence on social media will help to augment the overall influence of our journal, its authors, and their scholarship. Thanks to our Social Media editors, Hari Keshava and Mohammad Abbass!

Every year there is a changing of the guard on the editorial board at WJS, when we have the opportunity to thank those who have served faithfully for many years and celebrate new reviewers who will join the board due to their reputation for scholarship and service as ad hoc reviewers. This spring we are saying good bye and thank you (!) to the following Editorial Board members: Herb Chen, USA; Peter Crookes, USA; Quan Yang Duh, USA; Jonathan Efron, USA; Eduardo de Santibanes, Argentina; SV Deo, India; Lars Lundell, Sweden; Steve Swisher, USA; Han-Kwang Yang, Korea; and Michael Yeh, USA. Rotating onto the editorial board will be Stephen Bickler (Pediatrics), USA; Danny Chu (cardiac/thoracic), USA; Rochelle Dicker (global/trauma), USA; Miguel Herrera (bariatrics), Mexico; Lillian Kao (acute care), USA; Carrie Lubitz (endocrine), USA; Mark Shrime (global), USA; Menno Vriens (endocrine), Netherlands; and Linwah Yip (endocrine), USA. We extend a warm welcome to these editorial board members.

Yvonne Chan

Sean Beppler

At the end of 2018, a sad milestone was marked with a ‘changing of the guard’ at Springer, the publisher of WJS: Yvonne Chan announced that she was leaving Springer after having worked together with WJS leadership for 22 years. She was tireless in her support of the Journal, and active in both the Retreats where to progress of the Journal was planned, and the Writer’s Workshop, now held in association with each World Congress. While we will miss Yvonne, we will recognize her service to the WJS in Krakow this summer and award her an honorary Fellowship in the Society. She is so deserving of this honor! She has been replaced by Sean Beppler, with whom we look forward to working. We are planning for the 48th World Congress of Surgery in Krakow, Poland in August 2019; there, we will carry on the tradition of co-sponsoring the Career Development for Academic Surgeons Course with the Association for Academic Surgery, the International Society for Digestive Surgery (ISDS), and the International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (IASMEN) on Sunday, August 11, 2019, and organizing the Writers’ Workshop from Tuesday, August 13 through Thursday, August 15, 2019. I look forward to seeing many of our authors, reviewers, editors, and readers then; safe travels! Julie Ann Sosa Editor in Chief WJS

May 2019


Report LOC WCS 2019 Adam Dziki, President LOC WCS 2019

Dear Friends The preparations for 48th World Congress of Surgery are in full swing! We are looking forward to welcome more surgeons than two years ago in Basel. We also expect a larger number of the countries from which the delegates attend. Moreover, we have received a great number of 1’213 abstracts from all over the world. We are proud that more than 200 abstracts were sent by Polish surgeons, which confirmed huge interest of the Polish surgical community in participation in this extraordinary event. The Executive Committee of the Association of Polish Surgeons keeps informing members of the Polish Society of Surgery about all events and about the fact that the General Assembly of our Association will be held on Wednesday 14th of August during the Congress and presence of every member is deeply appreciated.

The Old Tram Depot where Krakow Night will happen

Perhaps most importantly, we hope that you will develop new friendships and collaborations and that these new relationships will enhance your ability to deliver high-quality surgery and disseminated knowledge among your colleagues. We keep looking for unique places to host networking events during the Congress to build this relationship and create unforgettable memories. One of them is the renovated building of the Old Tram Depot, a unique facility present on the UNESCO World Heritage List, which will be hosting Krakow Night on Monday 12th of August 2019.

For updates on the Congress follow us on social media (Facebook and Twitter). Looking forward to seeing you at the 48th World Congress of Surgery in KrakĂłw. Adam J. Dziki President LOC WCS 2019

May 2019


Report ISS-Foundation Michael G. Sarr, Secretary/Treasurer ISS Foundation

The executive planning committee met in Krakow to plan the final arrangements for the WCS2019 World Congress of Surgery in Krakow, Poland in August. As has happened in the past several decades, the ISS Foundation has offered travel grants for young surgeons <40 years old to attend the WCS. This year we were able to award 20 travel grants of $2000 to help to offset the costs of attending the meeting. There were 54 deserving applicants, and it was a very difficult choice for the ISS Foundation. These grants involve the 16 from the ISS Foundation, 3 from IATSIC, and one from support to the ISSF from the Japanese chapter of the ISS/

SIC. These travel grants are in addition to other travel awards offered by member societies of the ISS/SIC such as the IAES, BSI, the Australian chapter of the ISS, the US Chapter of the ISS/SIC, and another one from the Japanese Chapter of the ISS/SIC. These Travel Scholars come from literally around the world. Our goal is both to expose these young surgeons to the meeting but also to encourage networking and international collaboration between various countries. The emphasis of the ISS Foundation travel awards continues to be focused on the developing world. Two years ago, we supported a spectacular group of Travel Scholars. Through networking of several of these travelers (Drs Anip Joshi from Nepal, Bernardo Borraez-Segura from Columbia, Mariah Anwer from Pakistan, Oluwaseun Ladipo-Ajayi from Nigeria, Francisco Schlottmann from Argentina, and Diem Nguyen Ngoc

Le from Vietnam), a collaborative project called ASSURED has begun which will eventuate in a formal scientific manuscript describing the surgical training programs across these countries; such international education and collaboration can only help to shrink the worldwide House of Surgery to encourage and facilitate more cooperation and interaction between countries and surgeons. The announcement of these awards is sent out in the first week of April. We at the ISSF are excited to meet these worthy young surgeons and continue such collaboration. Sincerely Michael G. Sarr Secretary/Treasurer ISSF

The Auditorium at ICE Krakow

May 2019


Report Administrative Office The ISS/SIC Office is currently working hard to make the upcoming congress a success and we are looking forward to welcoming many ISS/SIC members in person there. We are also aiming to streamline processes as all regulatory guidelines are getting more and more tight. Furthermore, we increased our social media campaigns to ensure that our membership remains informed what their colleagues are doing around the world. Unfortunately, not all ISS/SIC members have covered their 2019 dues invoice by now and we had as per our guidelines to suspend these memberships. Members who do not pay their dues by June 30, lose their membership, will not be subscribed to WJS anymore, nor may they benefit from any ISS/SIC membership service such as membership discounts, especially at the forthcoming Congress in Krakow. If not yet done, please react in covering your annual dues, the administrative secretariat will be happy to help you in case of any obstacle. All hotel rooms blocked in Krakow for WCS 2019 will have to be released on May 22, 2019. If you have not yet made your booking, we recommend you to hurry! We like to point out that a good number of low budget accommodation is available in Krakow. Please consult our website for more detailed information: ISS/SIC National Delegates and Representatives are kindly invited to join the lunch meeting on Tuesday, 13 August 2019 (11:00-13:45) at WCS 2019 for a lively exchange with ISS/SIC Officers. Looking forward to welcoming you in Krakow in August! Your ISS/SIC Administration Team

The ISS/SIC Administration Team

Actual ISS/SIC National Delegates/Representatives Argentina Gustavo


Malaysia Cheng-Har Yip


Michael John




Arenas Marquez





Igor V.




Van Slycke


Menno R.



Gilles Donat


New Zealand

Grant Robert






Sebastian Okwuchukwu Ekenze





Jon Arne




Mendez Catasus





Lars Bo



Carlos Alberto G. Mesquita


Cristian G.

Aspiazu Briones

Rep. of Korea













Pavel G.



Pauli Antero


Saudi Arabia







Li Tserng



Norbert J.G.M.


South Africa






Sri Lanka

Ranil F.



Marco Antonio





Hong Kong

Simon Ying-Kit



Walter Richard



P.S. Venkatesh






Abdolhamid Mirza-Hessabi











Giuseppe R.








United Kingdom Dileep



Awad M.









Saydiganikhodzha Ismailov

Lithuania Romualdas Maskelis

May 2019


Social Media

Keep up to date with ISS/SIC and WCS 2019 on social media

Report IAES Gerard M. Doherty, President IAES

Janice L. Pasieka, Secretary/Treasurer IAES

Since our last update in our December newsletter, the IAES has been busy preparing for the Kraków meeting. In total, the program committee reviewed 273 abstracts. Dr. Meei Yeung, Chair of the Program Committee, has put together a diverse and comprehensive program that includes 40-podium presentations and 58 poster abstracts. The topics cover all aspects of endocrine surgery with 17 thyroid papers, nine parathyroid papers, seven adrenal papers and neuroendocrine tumors and basic science make

up the remaining seven presentations. Twenty-two different countries will be represented in our program. We are excited to see that the IAES continues to foster and support the next-generation of endocrine surgeons. There will be 26 presentations from our Trainees. These individuals will be competing for at the prestigious Charles Proye and Selwyn Taylor awards for the Best Clinical and Best Basic Science podium presentations. These presenters can also apply for one of the 10 IAES Travel Awards given to trainees who attend the meeting to present their work. Our program will kick off on Sunday afternoon with the ever-popular Interesting Cases presentations. Following this session we will move to the opening ceremonies of the World Congress of Surgery. This year the IAES program will feature Dr. Megan Haymart who will give the Peter Heimann lecture. Dr. Haymart is a worldclass endocrinologist from the University of Michigan. Not to be missed will be our two State-of-the-Art lectures given by Dr. Carrie Lubitz from Harvard University and Dr. Peter Stalberg from the University of Uppsala. Dr. Jerry Doherty will be giving his Presidential address on Mastery of Endocrine Surgery. Back by popular

demand is the Eye-Opening video session on Wednesday morning, which will highlight teaching videos on various aspects of endocrine surgery. This year, Dr. Barry Inabnet has organized the session. The videos will be a great opportunity for members to learn new techniques and to see some of the newer innovations in endocrine surgery. Our IAES program also includes two panel sessions on The Surgeon’s Well-being, moderated by Dr Sally Carty and a teaching session on Endocrine Surgery Without the High-Tech Bells and Whistles - back to basic, moderated by Dr Tobias Carling in conjunction with ASAP. New to this year’s program will be an IAES sponsored luncheon symposium highlighting Basic Science Research in the field of endocrine surgery, by IAES surgical scientists. We will also be trialing ‘invited discussions’ for four key papers presented during the free paper sessions. These discussions will help focus and highlight the papers being presented. If the manuscript is accepted for publication in the World Journal of Surgery, the discussant’s editorial will be published alongside it. We are hoping this new initiative will enhance the discussion of the paper during the meeting as well as provide additional editorial com-

May 2019


Although we are saddened by the resignation of 10 of our members this fall, the IAES continues to grow and has enticed both the young and the ‘young at heart’ to join. We were able to reinstate 12 members who had for various clerical reasons, not renewed their membership for many years. In addition, the IAES membership committee has welcomed 24 new members in the past 6 months. Current we are 420 members strong… Our INTEREST programs continue to flourish. In early December, at the invitation of the Malaysian Government, Drs Rob Parkyn and Noor Hisham Abdullah, traveled to the Malaysian Field Hospital in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh. This hospital services the refugee camp caring for 1.2 million Rohingyans in an area of only 300 acres. The experience was invaluable and allowed for interaction with numerous other relief agencies. The one common theme was a need for volunteer surgeons. Our INTEREST program will focus on establishing a database of interested IAES surgeons available for such work. Rob reports that this work is challenging but extremely rewarding. The surgery is performed under tentage in the camps, including thyroidectomies performed for massive obstructing goitres. The role of the volunteer surgeons would be to not only provide treatment to the Rohingyan people, but also teaching to the Malaysian Army Field Surgeons. IAES members considering volunteering for this project need to contact Rob Parkyn at On behalf of the IAES Council we look forward to seeing old friends, forging new friendship in Krakow this summer… Janice L. Pasieka Secretary/Treasurer IAES Exploring Krakow surroundings by boat tour

mentary for the final published manuscript. The IAES council has been busy working on the upgrade of our website. We encourage all members to login and visit the new website which went live in March. We are indebted to Dr. Fausto Palazzo, and his committee revamping the new site, which we hope will be continually enhanced with input from the membership. It is a work

in progress so any ideas or content the membership would like to see on this web site, they should contact Fausto. The goal is to have a useful resource for our members that includes teaching videos, recent publications in Endocrine Surgery, listings of the international fellowships in our specialty as well as a place to network with colleagues from around the world.

May 2019


Report IATSIC Christine Gaarder, President IATSIC

Report on activities since Boston, October 2018 Developing a strategic plan will be on the agenda for Krakow; both during the IATSIC Executive Committee meeting and a separate workshop planned for Sunday, August 11, 2019. We have actively been working on the following: Education (Chair Ian Civil, chair elect Scott D’Amours) • DSTC – 48 courses run in 2018 › Chair Scott D’Amours, chair elect Tarek Razek › The DSTC committee is in the process of formalizing its tasks › A new edition of the DSTC manual has been submitted to the publisher (Editor Ken Boffard) and will be ready for Krakow. › Since 2017 the DSTC committee has been working on a major revision of slide sets for lectures and cases; the slide sets will be submitted to the office shortly and a pilot course is planned for Oslo, May 2019 › The course director manual has been revised with major input from DATC • DATC (Chair Chris Bleeker, chair elect Jonathan White) › Anaesthesia involved in an increasing number of DSTC programs › Becoming more formalized and aligned with DSTC › Developing strategies for increased number of international faculty to catch up with a number of countries/ courses.

• NTMC ainly run in Sri Lanka and Kazakh›M stan and a few other countries lan to introduce NTMC in other ›P African country in cooperation with AO alliance • Broadening the educational scope to countries where DSTC/DATC is not possible ›M ore tailormade educational programs have been piloted and are to be formalized ›M odules to be available and updated and can be combined according to need ›D isaster preparedness generic course/training – not started yet but will be considered Global commitment • MoU with ICRC signed (committee 3 from IATSIC and 3 from ICRC). However, Andreas Wladis just resigned. Waiting for new contact ooperation about educational ma›C terial (ICRC war surgery protocols etc) ›E ducational programs for conflict and austere conditions utual use of instructors ›M xploring potential cooperation with ›E other humanitarian agencies Krakow • Varied program in place…..until the end (immense feedback) • Increased focus on and number of speakers from LMICs including the Don Trunkey lecture, plan for publications • Three travel scholars to be selected via the ISS Foundation infrastructure • IATSIC hotel in place – Hotel Unicus Palace (contact: • Society dinner venue – • Educational workshop planned Sunday afternoon › DSTC/DATC › NTMC ›O ther educational concepts • Plan for workshop Sunday: The future of trauma including the role of IATSIC

Research • IATSIC as a potential research hub for trauma research in LMICs • We are exploring potential funding in order to perform an EGM (Evidence Gap Map) of trauma research in LMICs as a publication and basis for funding applications • Ad hoc working group includes so far Charlie Mock, Elmin Steyn, Tina Gaarder. Will be expanded in Krakow depending on possibilities for funding. Networking • AAST decided in San Diego to have formal IATSIC representation on the International Relations Committee, and this will be the President of IATSIC. • Potential for more cooperation with ESTES to be considered – guest symposium 2018 on disaster preparedness was a success. Guest symposium for ECTES 2019 in Prague covers trauma system topics • Website content and who will be maintaining it – needs to be addressed › Social media – will be addressed • Update of bylaws is on the agenda well before the 60 day deadline before Krakow • Funding strategies Membership and recruitment strategies • We are welcoming the new membership fee structure for ISS/SIC, allowing more members from LMICs • Current number of active members: 330 • Change since Basel: 34 new members • We wish the following strategy for increasing members to be considered: implementing routine that international faculty and course director can be sponsors and DSTC/DATC participants can be offered free membership until the end of the first year after joining IATSIC. Sincerely Christine Gaarder, President IATSIC On behalf of the IATSIC Executive Committee

May 2019


Report IASMEN Takashi Higashiguchi, President IASMEN

Dear Colleagues and friends Greeting from IASMEN It is the best time for cherry blossom viewing in Japan now. We can enjoy this fully blooming lovely flowers only for a week. If it rained, it would start falling earlier. They are surely fugacious. That’s why we Japanese become ecstatic about cherry viewing every year. I took a risk of missing this precious yearly event and attended ASPEN (American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) meeting in Phoenix the end of March. Of course it was really worth it. In the field of nutrition and metabolism, meetings always bring together physicians, dietitians, pharmacists, nutritionists, scientists and nurses involved for an exchange on the latest advances and practices happening within the parenteral and enteral nutrition research and clinical community. There are several PEN societies in the world. Yes! A lot of members from our IASMEN also attended and enjoyed this meeting. All of us have promoted firm basis of collaboration and friendship. The second day of ASPEN meeting, "Multi-national perspective in malnutrition diagnosis" session was conducted. It was a novel and out of ordinary session since GLIM has been launched for global diagnostic consensus of malnutrition. GLIM is an abbreviation of Global Leader Initiative of Malnutrition and has established global standard of malnutrition diagnosis by considering ethnic characteristics of physique and body composition. This session included four presentations of GLIM representatives from ASPEN, ESPEN, FELANPE, and PENSA with markedly international audience. We discussed our current situation and future prospective of each PEN society. Thus, our field of nutrition and metabolism is quite advanced in internationaliza-

tion. By the way, don’t worry. I enjoyed a cherry viewing party after ASPEN since it has been cooler in this year’s spring here in Japan. It is my great pleasure and honor to extend this warm invitation to you to participate the 48th World Congress of Surgery in Krakow, Poland. IASMEN will offer several exciting sessions that you should not miss. Through state-of-the-art sessions, keynote lectures and joint sessions with related societies, the congress will have a special focus on nutrition and metabolism in basic and clinical research. ISDS/ IASMEN collaborated session will be focused on Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, ERAS which is a paradigm shift in perioperative care, resulting in substantial improvements in clinical outcomes and cost savings. IASMEN/FELAC joint session will also contribute this topic from different point of view. For the purpose of expanding our knowledge of metabolism in surgical field, both IASMEN/ISBI and IASMEN/IATSIC collaborated session will be focused on the nutrition and metabolism of patients with severe trauma and major surgery. We have also accepted fantastic abstracts from all over the world

Cherry trees are fully blooming

about wide variety of topics related to nutrition and metabolism from clinical to basic research. I sincerely look forward to meeting you at 48th World Congress of Surgery in Krakow, August 2019. Do not miss any of our outstanding sessions during this meeting. Takashi Higashiguchi President IASMEN

GLIM leaders in «Multi-national perspective in malnutrition diagnosis» session at ASPEN 2019 (Phoenix, Arizona, The U.S.A.)

May 2019


Report BSI Omar Z. Youssef, President BSI

collaboration and convivial interaction with our fellow Polish faculty and delegates. We have received over a hundred research abstracts from which will be selected our BSI paper and poster prizes as well as our much sought-after BSI travel grants. Young scholars are the lifeblood of our organisation and we look forward to welcoming them in Krakow.

Owen A. Ung, Secretary General BSI

BSI programme at WCS Krakow August 2019 The program is well advanced with a theme of breast cancer in young women. There will be 2 preconference workshops on Sunday 11 August 2019, one on Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery, and the second workshop on Innovative Surgical Procedures. This year we honour our Umberto Veronesi Lecturer 2019, Professor Kerstin Sandelin, who is a founding member of BSI and Honorary Fellow of the International Society of Surgery. In particular, we look forward to

BSI Scientific Meetings and Workshops The Annual conference of Association of Breast Surgeons of India (ABSI) was held 9-11 November 2018. The meeting was convened by Professor SVS Deo, Treasurer ABSI and BSI. Breast Surgery International (BSI) was one of the academic partners for the event and represented by Prof Gaurav Agarwal, President elect BSI and Prof Mikael Hartman, who delivered the BSI key note lecture. Four hundred delegates and faculty attended novel scientific sessions including a cadaver course on Breast Oncoplasty and Reconstruction. BSI Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course was held during 3rd BREASTANBUL Conference on 11 October 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. This was the third occasion

of a BSI partnership with BREASTANBUL, which is one of the leading events on multidisciplinary breast cancer management at its region. This one-day skillbased course hosted over 100 surgeons from amongst the over 1’000 participants for the main conference from 73 countries. During this special course, BSI faculty delivered key lectures and participated in discussions on panels relating to different aspects of contemporary oncoplastic breast surgery techniques. BSI faculty also participated as guest speakers, panelists and session moderators at other main sessions within the BREASTANBUL Conference. The cooperation with SENATURK (Turkish Academy of Senology) - main organizer of BREASTANBUL, provided an opportunity for BSI to increase its network to a broader extent. The first BSI Oncoplastic Course held in Hong Kong in 2016 marked an important milestone for the collaboration of BSI and the Hong Kong Society of Breast Surgeons HKSBS. It provided a platform to share experience, grow collective knowledge with global networking, and received tremendous positive feedback. The partnership continued with BSI President Prof Omar Youssef and Scientific Committee Chairman Prof Mikael Hartman being invited to the HKSBS 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting to deliver the keynote lecture and update in breast cancer management on 1 September 2018. This meeting is one of the leading events in Hong Kong and involved more than 100 members of the society. BSI faculty were also involved as adjudicators for HKSBS scientific papers and video presentations, which allowed an in-depth interactive exchange of ideas. The BSI president also visited local hospital, the Kowloon East Cluster Breast Centre, extending the network and connections to a broader extent.

BSI Outreach

Amazing rooftop scenery in Krakow

On 1 November 2018, two concurrent MOUs were signed at the Ministry of Health Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. The first MOU was between the CSAMM, signed by Professor Rosmawati Mohamed and the Ministry of Health, signed by Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah. Under this MOU,

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CSAMM will organise the course while the Ministry of Health will provide the facilities and support the participants from the Ministry of Health. The second MOU was between CSAMM, signed by Professor Rosmawati and Professor Emeritus Dato Dr Yip Cheng Har, immediate Past President of BSI and ISS/SIC National Delegate for Malaysia, on behalf of BSI. The MOU was subsequently signed by the IAES representatives, Professor Inne Borel Rinkes and Dr Schelto Kruijff. Under this MOU, CSAMM will organise the course, while BSI and IAES will appoint two faculty respectively to deliver lectures at the course. Both these MOUs were signed in the presence of the Honourable Minister of Health, Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad. Following the MOU, the 6th Breast and Endocrine Surgery Course was held in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre or 2-3 November 2018 under the able chairmanship of Associate Professor Dr Shahrun Niza Abdullah Suhaimi. This immensely successful course was attended by more than 200 participants. The first day was on Breast Surgery, with two BSI faculty from abroad, Dr Sharon Chan

from Hong Kong and Professor Mikael Hartman from Singapore, supported by two local faculty, Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr Yip Cheng Har and Professor Nur Aishah Taib. The second day focussed on Endocrine Surgery, with IAES faculty, Professor Inne Borel Rinkes from Utrecht Medical University in the Netherlands, and Dr Schelto Kruijff from the University of Groningen, Netherlands. It is hoped that the strategic partnerships and collaborations between the two integrated societies of ISS/SIC (BSI and IAES), CSAMM and Ministry of Health Malaysia will continue to grow in the future. Breast and endocrine surgery is a rapidly developing subspecialty in Malaysia and international networking between local and international societies will help to bring further recognition to Malaysian surgeons. This is coherent with Malaysia’s vision to be the hub for specialty and subspecialty training in the region. We are very proud to announce that the prestigious Martin Allgower Lecture on the first day of the 48th World Congress of Surgery in Krakow Poland 11-15 August 2019 will be delivered by Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah from Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, represented

by CSAMM, has won the bid to hold the 49th World Congress of Surgery (to be renamed to International Surgical Week) in Malaysia in August 2021.

Membership There has been a gradual and steady flow of new members. With now just under two hundred active members, we are lean but well represented by high calibre breast surgeons from every corner of the globe. As some BSI council members will be retiring at the 2019 Krakow meeting, we look forward to welcoming new applicants to council and the provision of diversity in representation.

Social Network BSI has created a Facebook page, and now there are 126 followers. We believe it will be an excellent platform for breast surgeons across the world to share together so many interests: https://www.facebook. com/breastsurgeryinternational). Omar Z. Youssef President BSI Owen A. Ung Honorary Secretary BSI

Report ISDS Hiroyuki Konno, President ISDS

utive meeting on October 21, 2018 in San Diego, we finalized the ISDS program and the Executive members discussed the recent activities of ISDS.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Basic surgical principles and advanced surgical skills will be discussed in the ISDS main sessions to contribute to the education of medical students and young surgeons.

I would like to invite all ISDS members across the world and surgeons from Poland and neighboring countries to join the 48th World Congress of Surgery (WCS), to be held August 11-15, 2019, in Krakow, Poland. Since the last WCS in Basel in 2017, the ISDS Executive Committee has been working hard to put together an outstanding program. At the last ISDS Exec-

To foster discussions in the cancer sessions, the ISDS will launch Tumor Board type sessions involving the entire spectrum of specialties in cancer care with a large participation from physicians from Poland and neighboring countries. Scientific and educational presentations followed by productive discussions will be carried out. According to the Local

Organizing Committee, a large number of Polish surgeons is expected to attend the meeting. I am certain that presentations and discussions in the scientific sessions and informal get-togethers will promote cultural exchange with our Eastern European colleagues. The ISDS Executive Committee has worked hard to make sure that ISDS will continue to be an integral component and contributor to the development of ISS/SIC and to work to support the success of ISS/SIC. As a part of our efforts, a team of ISS/SIC and ISDS surgeons recently attended the Peruvian Surgical Society Annual Meeting in Lima in March 2019, in conjunction with Prof. Andrew Hill, the President of ISS/SIC. Our participation was well received.

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The ISDS will continue to contribute to develop surgery and education of young surgeons in low and middle income countries as an integrated society of the ISS/SIC. If you are interested in global digestive surgery, I strongly encourage you to become a member of the ISDS and ISS/SIC.

For our society, the 48th WCS 2019 has a special meaning, as the ISDS was incorporated in 1969 as the Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae Digestivae (CICD). At the WCS in Krakow, the ISDS will celebrate its 50th anniversary of incorporation. We are preparing a special event to celebrate this important milestone at the ISDS Presidential session.

Aside from the scientific program, Krakow is very beautiful city, and I am sure you will enjoy your stay in Krakow. Together with the ISDS Executive Committee Members, I look forward to seeing you in Krakow.

the President’s Session on Global Surgery and the ACS Lecture on “Gender Equality as a Prerequisite for Ensuring Global Access to Safe Surgery and Anesthesia”, which will be delivered by Dr. Hilary Sanfey. Both of these featured sessions take place on Thursday, August 15th and the ASAP program runs throughout the four days of the World Congress – we hope you will make your travel plans accordingly to participate in the full program!

for the meeting and related events soon for the best pricing (regular registration rates available through April 30) and to ensure your hotel choices - https://www.

Sincerely, Hiroyuki Konno President ISDS

Report ASAP Kathleen M. Casey, President ASAP

I hope everyone is excited for the upcoming 48th World Congress of Surgery in Krakow Poland this August (11 -15). I’ve recently returned from Krakow where the ISS/SIC Council had the opportunity to tour the beautiful ICE Krakow Congress Centre, which overlooks the magnificent Wawel Castle and the Vistula River. Krakow is an impressive historic city easily navigable by foot as well as by public transit. I think everyone will really enjoy visiting in August.

Also be sure to reser ve time in your schedule for the joint ASAP / IATSIC dinner at Restauracja U Ziyada on Tuesday evening, which promises to be a special evening in a spectacular setting (http:// Be sure to register

The past several months have been quite active. ASAP was an official co-sponsor of the 2018 annual College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) conference held in Kigali, Rwanda in December 2018. We were afforded a prime spot in the first day’s programming on the main stage for a moderated discussion on the topic of “COSECSA: Collaboration with International Organizations.” Following an introduction by ASAP President, Kathleen Casey, the panel was moderated by COSECSA President, Dr.

ASAP’s program during the WCS will represent the full spectrum of global surgery, inclusive of anesthesia, obstetrics, trauma, education, policy, and financing, with fully half of our invited speakers hailing from LMICs. We’re pleased to present joint sessions with IAES, BSI, IATSIC, the Association of Women Surgeons (AWS), the Global Initiative on Children’s Surgery (GICS) and with the International Association of Student Surgical Societies (IASSS). Together with a strong selection of abstracts presented orally and with posters, the program will be quite robust. Additional notable Global Surgery related highlights in the ISS/SIC program include

Market place, Krakow

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Pankaj Jani and showcased the existing and evolving partnerships with the International Society of Surgery (ISS/SIC), the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA), the Global Alliance for Surgery, Obstetrics, Anesthesia and Trauma (G4 Alliance) and the Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) as presented by each organization’s leadership, including President Andrew Hill on behalf of the ISS/SIC. ASAP also facilitated a full day parallel meeting of the Rwandan Anesthesia Society (RAS) within the COSECSA conference. ASAP Council member and RAS President Paulin Banguti successfully oversaw the planning for a program which featured several ASAP members as speakers and nicely augmented the COSECSA agenda. This was very well attended and well received. Later in the conference, President Hill and Dr. Casey participated in an International Leaders Forum which yielded productive dialog on several topics through the lens of priorities in the COSECSA region. Wide support and congratulations were expressed for the efforts underway with COSECSA’s new Centre for Global Surgery which envisions a coordination role for partners, collaborators and stakeholders across education, training, and research; and a leadership role in advocating with Ministries of Health for national surgical planning and implementation. In February 2019, Dr. Casey represented ASAP and the ISS/SIC in the Global Health Council's advocacy efforts in Washington DC around the launch of their 2019 Briefing Book (https://ghbb. This biennially published resource for US government representatives includes overviews of 20 priority issues within global health, along with key policy goals. For the first time, global surgical care is highlighted as a global health priority. Multidisciplinary small groups met with 40 members of Congress and the House of Representatives to discuss the essential role of surgical care and showcase the work and impact of ASAP, the ISS/SIC, and other organizations contributing in this realm.

Street Scene in Krakow

In March 2019, there was strong ASAP representation and participation in the Global Surgery Satellite conference at the Consortium of Universities of Global Health (CUGH) in Chicago, Illinois. In addition, a Gender Equality Matters in Academia satellite conference was inaugurated at this meeting (Dr. Casey is a member of CUGH’s Gender Equality Working Group). Both programs were highly successful and the events provided rich opportunities for networking.

There is much to look forward to leading up to our Krakow meeting as the ISS/SIC further defines its commitments to Global Surgery, strengthens its LMIC representation and expands its membership to students and trainees. See you in Krakow! Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Casey President ASAP

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IASSS News We are working closely with our affiliated Student and Trainee Society, the International Association of Student Surgical Societies IASSS. Please find their News at:

The ISS/SIC and Global Surgery Andrew G. Hill, President ISS/SIC & Congress President WCS 2019

The term ‘Global Surgery’ is on everybody’s lips at the moment. There is much activity and enormous energy being put into helping the 5 billion people without access to safe and accessible surgical and anaesthetic care. The ISS/SIC aims to be a major contributor to these efforts and is aiming to use its considerable reach and our strengths in education to contribute. Other than the long history of involvement of our Integrated Societies in improving surgical standards we have taken the following steps to play our part. We have formed, with the American College of Surgeons, a Global Surgery Taskforce aimed specifically at contributing to the coordination of educational and training efforts of Colleges, Societies and Academic Institutions. This will take the form of a global mapping exercise seeking to bring needs and resources together. This group has met a number of times by teleconference and aims to have its first face to face meeting at the World Congress of Surgery in Krakow. This face to face meeting will also seek to further develop the International Surgical Leaders Forum first started by the American College. The ISS/SIC has joined G4, the Global Alliance for Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma and Anaesthesia Care. We are one of approximately 100 organisations who

Signing of the MOU with the Peruvian Society of General Surgeons, President Dr. Flores

are seeking to advocate for safe and accessible surgery and anaesthesia for all. As part of this we are contributing to a project aiming to produce safe-surgery guidelines for hospitals in Low and Middle Income Countries. We have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Society of General Surgeons of Peru (see pho-

to of signing of the MOU by Professor Andrew Hill and Dr Flores, and of new members of the ISS/SIC from Peru). This MOU provides reduced membership fees to Peruvian General Surgeons, scholarships to the World Congress for younger surgeons, prizes for outstanding trainees and commits the ISS/SIC sending a team to the Annual Meeting on alternate years. In March we sent a team from the

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The team in Peru: Dr’s Andrew MacCormick (NZ-ISDS), and Jamie Murphy (UK-ISDS), Associate Professor Avital Harari (USA-IAES) and Professor Hermann Kessler (USA and Germany-Treasurer of ISDS) along with Senior Committee Members of the Peruvian Society

ISS/SIC and ISDS to Lima for their annual meeting. The team (pictured) included Professor Andrew Hill and Dr Andrew MacCormick from Middlemore Hospital and the University of Auckland in New Zealand, Dr Avital Harari from UCLA in the USA, Professor Hermann Kessler from the Cleveland Clinic, and Dr Jamie Murphy from Imperial College, London. The team gave 14 presentations on topics ranging from Surgical Decision Making to Recurrent Rectal Cancer. Dr Jaime Herrera from Peru is our new National Delegate for Peru and he coordinated the visit and, along with the Peruvian Society, provided outstanding hospitality. Professor Hill was awarded Honorary Membership of the Society.

We plan to sign similar MOU’s with the Egyptian Society of Surgery and with the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and will add others over time. These are opportunities for the ISS/SIC to get to where our members are, to provide education and to build relationships. This is what our Society is all about.

These are exciting times to be a part of the ISS/SIC. There is still much to do but the ISS/SIC aims to be at the forefront of Global Surgery. Andrew G. Hill President of the ISS/SIC & Congress President WCS 2019

Our Global Surger y Councillor is Dr Hisham Abdullah from Malaysia. As the Director General of Health in Malaysia he coordinates outreach surgical care for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. He is looking for volunteers to be involved in this well organised and well appreciated humanitarian work. If you are interested in this opportunity contact the ISS/SIC office and they will be able to put you in touch with Hisham.

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ISS/SIC GENERAL ASSEMBLY The ISS/SIC General Assembly meeting will take place on Wednesday, 14.8.2019, 12:15-13:45 at the ICE Convention Center in Krakow. All ISS/SIC members are invited to join this meeting. Here the planned changes in the ISS/SIC Constitution and Internal Rules the GA needs to vote for: PROPOSED CONSTITUTION CHANGES The following changes will take place to the Constitution and the Internal Rules of the Society. The approval of the membership for these changes will be sought at the General Assembly of the Society on Wednesday 14 August 2019. See below. Section 2.2.3 Remove the words: “Through the Academy of the Society (‘The Academy’), which is responsible. Will now read: 2.2.3. To promote and facilitate education regarding all aspects of care of the surgical patient worldwide, in association with the Integrated Societies, for promoting, coordinating and facilitating the educational activities of the Society, including regional scientific meetings and courses to be held jointly under the auspices of the Society, and the local organization. Section 2.2.4 Remove the words: “In association with the Academy” Will now read: Section 2.2.4 To assist in providing ISS scientific sessions within other conferences of general and global interest to surgeons, anaesthesiologists, and other physicians across specialties. Section 3.4. Individual members Add Medical Students in active study at a School of Medicine, may join as members.

Section 4.6.3. The Society will additionally consist of the following ex-officio members without voting rights. To remove The Dean of the Academy. Section 4.8.3 The following Subcommittees of the Council Section The Global Surgery and Education Subcommittee

PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNAL RULES Section 2.1 Change “Individual Members” to “Active Members” 2.2 Student Members Individual Members shall have the same rights and duties as Active Members except the right to vote and to serve as officer of the Society. Section 2.3: New Clause Fellows of the Society. Fellowship of the Society will be by application, and may be awarded to Members of the Society who fulfil the following: 2.3.1 Criteria to be awarded: • Graduation from a medical school acceptable to the International Society of Surgery. • Full membership of the ISS/SIC for at least five (5) years. • C linical practice of five (5) years after the completion of all surgical/anesthetic training. (training appointments such as resident, registrar, fellow, etc., do not count as practice). • A current appointment as a specialist on the surgical/anesthetic staff of your primary hospital, and a current clinical practice that establishes the applicant as a specialist in that discipline, with no reportable actions pending that could adversely affect staff privileges.

ll applicants are expected to be A clinicians who have primary independent responsibility for the treatment of patients, in these disciplines. • C ertification by an appropriate national surgical/anesthetic board from the country where you are currently practicing, confirming your completion of specialist training. • A full and unrestricted license to practice in your country. • A Certificate of Standing from the Medical Board which registers you in your country (issued within three months of the date of receipt of the application). •

2.3.2 A once-off, non-returnable administration fee will be charged for processing the application 2.3.3 Applications for Fellowship of the Society will be considered by the Council of the Society, and if awarded the Member will be notified, and may use the letters FISS after their name. 2.3.4 The Fellow will retain all membership privileges and will pay the same annual membership fees as all other members. Section 2.3: Honorary members. Honorary Members. Upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee, the Council may grant Honorary Membership to individuals of undoubted international reputation who have rendered distinguished service to the Society or to international surgery. Honorary Members shall enjoy all the privileges of Individual Membership but are exempted from having to pay annual dues. Will change to Section 2.4: 2.4 Honorary Fellows. Upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee, the Council may grant Honorary Fellowship FISS(Hon), to individuals of undoubted international reputation who have rendered distinguished service to the Society or to international surgery. Honorary Fellows shall enjoy all the privileges of Individual Membership but are exempted from having to pay annual dues.

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Section 4.1 The Nominating Committee 4.1.1 The Nominating Committee is chaired by the President of the Society, and consists of the President, the President-elect, the immediate Past-President, the Treasurer, and the SecretaryGeneral. Further officers may be asked by the President to join the Committee. Will now read: 4.1.1 The Nominating Committee is chaired by the President of the Society, and consists of the President, the President-elect, the immediate Past-President, and the Secretary-General. One to three Society members will be chosen by the President to join the Committee for a single two year term. Section 5.1.3 5.1.3 The Global Surgery Subcommittee interacts and collaborates with other organizations, to develop and coordinate postgraduate surgical education, in association with the ISS/SIC Academy. Will now read: 5.1.3 The Global Surgery Subcommittee interacts and collaborates with other organizations, to develop and coordinate postgraduate surgical education. Section 6 The Academy This section is deleted

The Wawel Dragon (Smok Wawelski) required weekly offerings of cattle, if not, humans would have been devoured instead.

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Obituary Donald D. Trunkey 1937–2019 – (ISS/SIC Honorary Member 2007) Donald D. Trunkey MD, Professor of Surgery and Mackenzie Chair in Surgery, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon. It is with sadness that we report the passing of one of Trauma Surgery’s greatest icons, Dr. Donald D. Trunkey on 1 May 2019. Dr. Trunkey was the Chair of the ACS Committee on Trauma from 1982-1986, and President of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma 1986-1987. In 1976, Dr. Trunkey led the COT’s efforts to publish the Optimal Hospital Resources for the Care of the Seriously Injured, and Dr. Trunkey was a pioneer in trauma system development, publishing seminal work on the impact of trauma systems development on preventable death. A critical moment in Dr. Trunkey's career was when he published a paper in 1979 on death rates of trauma patients in the more rural Orange County, California compared to those in San Francisco County. It was one of the earliest, most persuasive pieces of evidence on the effectiveness of trauma centers. His message was unwavering: «injured patients deserve the best trauma care available, and the best care includes an organized trauma system». He had a very large impact on the International Society of Surgery. Our integrated Society, IATSIC was founded in 1988, and Dr Trunkey was its first President. His contribution is recognized in the IATSIC eponymous Donald D Trunkey Lecture, delivered at every International Surgical Week. In 1993, Dr Trunkey was one of the Founders of the Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC™) Course, one of the world’s most advanced open surgical courses, and second only in size to the ATLS® program. DSTC™ has been presented by IATSIC in 32 countries, and 7 languages. As always, his comments were succinct, directed, sometimes controversial, and always passionate.: “It is my contention that failure to care for the surgical patient is the most powerful disincentive to know the science of surgery. A surgical resident who has not been exposed to the trauma patient and to intensive care is incompletely trained, unqualified, and unprepared for surgical practice or specialty training.“ Dr. Trunkey grew up in rural Eastern Washington and studied at the University of Washington Medical School. He did a rotating internship at the University of Oregon and then served in the US Army from 1964-1966. He completed his surgical training at UCSF. He was Chief of the Burn Center at UCSF and had established a laboratory to study mechanisms of shock at the cellular level. He served as the Mackenzie Professor and Chair of the Department of Surgery at the University of Oregon from 1986 – 2001. Five years into his term as Chair, Dr. Trunkey was activated from reserve status to active military to serve in the first Gulf War in 1991. He was stationed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield. He dealt with a several operational and cultural obstacles that prompted him to publish a commentary in the March 1993 edition of Archives of Surgery called "Lessons Learned." This document paved the way for how the U.S. Department of Defense trains its trauma personnel today. In 2008, he received the King Faisal prize in medicine for his research improving trauma care. He has many other awards including Distinguished Service Award of the American College of Surgeons, Honorary Fellowships of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of England, Ireland, Edinburgh, Glasgow, South Africa and Brazil, Medal of the Royal College of Medicine of England and Honorary Professorship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. In 2005, he delivered the Scudder Oration on Trauma entitled “Trauma in transition: A Fantastic Voyage”. In 2018, he received the Icons in Surgery award from the American College of Surgeons.: In his 1989 Scudder oration entitled, “What’s Wrong with Trauma care?” Dr. Trunkey states, “We must reestablish our values, insist on fairness, give more attention to purpose, and choose a life, not a lifestyle. We must set up a system of trauma care that is designed for the benefit of the patient — not for the hospital, and not for the surgeon”. Above all, Dr. Trunkey is remembered for his kindness, support, and mentorship to more than a generation of trauma surgeons across the world. We offer his wife Jane and their 2 children and grandchildren our heartfelt condolences.

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Obituary Basil A. Pruitt Jr. 1930–2019 – (ISS/SIC Honorary Member 2013) Basil A. Pruitt, Jr., MD, FACS, FCCM, MCCM, Professor of Surgery and Dr. Ferdinand P. Herff Chair in Surgery, UT Health San Antonio We are deeply saddened to announce that Basil A. Pruitt, Jr., MD died peacefully on the afternoon of March 17, 2019. Dr. Pruitt had a major and sustained international impact on the fields of surgery, burn care, trauma and critical care. His contributions in these fields were transformational and directly led to dramatic improvements in patient care marked by improved survival, decreased complications and improved health. Dr. Pruitt graduated from Harvard College (1952) followed by Medical School at Tufts (1957). He completed his initial surgical training at the Boston City Hospital under the tutelage of C. Gardner Childs (1957-1962). From there he completed his surgical residency at Brooke General Hospital in San Antonio (1964). From 1967-1968 Dr. Pruitt served as Chief of Surgery and Chief of Professional Services at the busiest evacuation hospital in Vietnam (400 to 500 major operations a month) and then Chief of the Trauma Research Team, where he studied the cardiopulmonary responses to injury in combat casualties. Dr. Pruitt became the Commander and Director of the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research where he served for the next 27 years. He went on to literally change history by revolutionizing the management of trauma, burn and critically ill or injured patients worldwide. Dr. Pruitt retired from the US Army Medical Corps in 1995 and accepted a faculty position as Professor of Surgery at UT Health San Antonio, where he held the Dr. Ferdinand P. Herff Chair in Surgery. In his role at UT Health San Antonio, Dr. Pruitt has been a cherished, respected and loved mentor and colleague. He has supported the development of hundreds of residents, students, faculty, staff and leaders at UT Health San Antonio. As a faculty member at UT Health San Antonio, Dr. Pruitt remained an active contributor to the US Army Institute for Surgical Research (USA ISR), and served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Trauma for 17 years. Over the past half century, Dr. Basil A. Pruitt, Jr., a great citizen, surgeon, innovator, scientist, mentor, and leader, transformed our world through his dogged commitment to science, translation of this science into dramatic care improvements and his service to humanity. This is the gem crafted by Dr. Basil A. Pruitt, Jr. This work transformed the fields of burn care, trauma and surgical critical care. His awards include 11 honorary memberships, the Metcalfe Award, the Curtis P. Artz Memorial Award, the Harvey Stuart Allen Distinguished Service Award, the Baron Dominique Larrey Award for Surgical Excellence, the National Safety Council’s Surgeons’ Award for Distinguished Service to Safety, an International Honorary Professorship of Surgery at the Third Military Medical College People’s Republic of China, the Danis Award from the Société Internationale de Chirurgie, and the American Surgical Association’s Medallion for Scientific Achievement. In 2000, Dr. Pruitt was recognized with the Distinguished Investigator Award from the American College of Critical Care Medicine along with the G. Whitaker International Burns Prize. The Tanner-Vandeput-Boswick Burn Prize was awarded to him in 2006. In 2007, he accepted the Roswell Park Medal and received a lifetime achievement award from the Society of University Surgeons. As a co-winner of the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine in 2008, Dr. Pruitt was honored in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In 2010, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the American Burn Association; later that same year, he was inducted as the first foreign honorary member of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine. In 2015 Dr. Pruitt received the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2017 he was selected as the 2nd Vice President of the American College of Surgeons and later in the same year, he was honored as an Icon in Surgery by the American College of Surgeons. In 2018 Dr. Pruitt received the BioMed SA Lifetime Achievement Award. He was the Founder, and long term president of ISBI, the International Society for Burn Injuries, and a Participating Society of the International Society of Surgery.

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Obituary Masaki Kitajima 1941 - 2019 – (ISS/SIC Honorary Member 2013)

Professor Masaki Kitajima graduated from Keio University School of Medicine in 1966. After receiving the M.D. degree in 1975, he spent two years as a fellow at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital. He returned to Japan and was appointed professor at Keio University School of Medicine in 1989, founded the Department of Surgery, and became its Chairman. Twenty surgeons from his department have been appointed as professors. He became Professor Emeritus in April 2007 and was then appointed as President of the International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) at Mita Hospital in Tokyo, and Vice Chairman Board of Trustees, Honorary President and Professor. During his exceptionally rich scientific research working life, he dealt with such topics as the impairment of the gastrointestinal tract after stress-effects, microcirculatory changes observed during the transplantation process, biochemical factors of metastasis formation, and the gene therapy of malignant tumours. His pioneer studies on the detection of early gastric and colon cancer, the role of sentinel-node mapping of these fields and the successful introduction of robotic surgery have meant a new chapter in the history of surgery. By connecting the lessons of modern pathological studies with minimally invasive surgical procedures, he achieved excellent results in the treatment of malignancy. Professor Kitajima’s scientific work has produced two hundred books, and some 1135 published papers. He was an Editorial Board Member of the New England Journal of Medicine, the World Journal of Surgery and 30 other medical journals He was a member or president of 54 national and international scientific societies, an Honorary Fellow of the Hungarian, Italian, German, Polish, Surgical Societies, American Surgical Association, and an Honorary Fellow of the of the Royal College of Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons. As the Past President of the International Society of Surgery, he was instrumental in increasing our Japanese membership to be the second largest group in the Society, and the strong support we have received from our Japanese members has been one of the keys of the success of our Society. Professor Kitajima’s personality and willingness to help and guide the Society was always welcome. He was an excellent surgeon, scholar and scientist, and his passing leaves the Society poorer. We will miss him.

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We have received the following request from Prof Pakaj Jani, on behalf of the College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA), which is an Associated Organisation with the ISS, regarding training and visiting in Africa: Dear Colleagues, Our trainers are few and doing a sterling job, however we need assistance and visits some of our hospitals as Visiting Faculty (VF). We have witnessed that a well-structured VF Program and assistance for our trainers. can lead to great improvements in QUALITY in this area of Global Health. We request for a minimum period of 2 weeks. Our approximate numbers of accredited hospitals are in Kenya (26), Uganda (8), Tanzania (6), Zambia (12), Zimbabwe (6), Malawi (4), Ethiopia (8), Mozambique (4), Rwanda (5), Burundi (2), Namibia (4), Niger (1), Cameroon (1), Gabon (1), Somaliland (1), Lesotho (1), and the Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC (1). If possible, my humble request is to get a list of those interested in becoming Visiting Faculty before the meeting in Krakow. Then, if necessary we can hold a separate meeting with all those signed up (and any others in doubt) and try and kick off the program. I believe that a face to face meeting in Krakow with those interested can have a great impact and we should not miss this opportunity. If need be, I am willing to assist in any way to MAKE THIS HAPPEN, so pls do not hesitate to write to me. Pankaj Jani President: COSECSA

INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SURGERY Administrative Office (ISS/SIC) Seefeldstrasse 88 CH-8008 Zurich Switzerland Phone: +41 44 533 76 50 Fax: +41 44 533 76 59 E-Mail: Web:

May 2019


Deadline for Abstract submission: 24 January 2019

International Society of Surgery / Société Internationale de Chirurgie (ISS/SIC) and its Collective Member Societies: IAES - International Association of Endocrine Surgeons IATSIC - International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care IASMEN - International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition BSI - Breast Surgery International May 2019 ISDS - International Society for Digestive Surgery ASAP - Alliance for Surgery and Anesthesia Presence



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