ISP Annual Report 2017-2018

Page 34

Mexico City. Five students, along

The 39 Steps: After participating

and decided that ISP had to put

with two mentors, attended,

in the terrific Fall theatre

it on. The problem, though, was

flying down on a fully sponsored

production of Tom Jones,

that Vicki Close, our incredible

trip this past August where they

a number of the cast and

Theatre teacher, already had too

placed 8th out of 161 teams, an

crew had had such a powerful

much on her plate and couldn’t

incredible achievement for the

experience and had formed such

take on another production. The

students, their mentors and the

a tight bond, that they decided

solution? The students decided to

entire ISP community that has

to continue working together.

do everything themselves!

supported them. Their success

Dimitri Maksimovic, an 11th

is proof of what students can

Grader at the time, had become

achieve when their curiosity and

fascinated with physical comedies

passion is allowed to flourish.

and theatrical farces and after reading a number of these plays, he came across The 39 Steps



The result was a 100% student led, directed and designed school play. The older students recruited their friends and peers who had taken other

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