Spring 2024 Guide to Wellbeing

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“spring spring is nature’s way of saying is nature’s way of saying ‘let’s party!’” ‘let’s party!’”

Spring Self Care Quick Tips Editors’
Dimensions of Wellbeing: Tools & Tips Community Spotlights 3 4 5-8 9-12
Note & Contributors

Welcome to our Wellbeing Guide - Spring Edition!

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We have been busy since our Wellbeing Guide Winter Edition working on our exciting new wellbeing project. Thank you so much to all who contributed their ideas to the New Wellness Room Padlet - we are excited to culminate your input as we move into the design phase and will be working closely with our wonderful Campus Support Team on creating two adjoining spaces that provide a sanctuary for recuperation, regulation, reflection and connection.

In-line with our community CPI Community and Classroom Culture work, last week’s DEIJ and Wellbeing Roundtable Discussion was on continuing to cultivate positive school culture. Thoughtprovoking insights and experiences were shared amongst colleagues and, as always, a huge thanks to all who attended to continue these important and meaningful discussions.

This edition zooms in on social and spiritual wellbeing, with Community Spotlights from our fabulous ISB Social Committee Team who very kindly volunteer their time to create a variety of social events for our community throughout the school year. Thank you to each of you for all that you do for our community!

Happy reading!

Louise, Mandy, Leigh, Loretta, LaTyia


Louise Franklin - Whole School Occupational Therapist

Mandy Cowan - ES Learning Support

Leigh Heglund - HS Assistant Head

Loretta Stanley - ECC Assistant Head

LaTyia Rolle - ES Head

Aaron Williams - MS Learning Support

Angela McCarthy - Athletic Coordinator

Caroline de Kloe - ECC Pre-School

Kaitlin Barry - MS ELD

Karalyn Yu - ES Grade 5

Kathleen Axel - Finance Manager

Katie Burgess - ES Grade 3

Petal Jaffrey - ECC Counsellor

Tony Passaro - Director of Bands and Jazz Ensembles

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Info Video

Our internal mindset for how we approach socialisation and social interactions personally and professionally. Internal focus helps us start to build awareness, develop social empowerment and create thoughtful choices about social interactions beforehand.


What kind of social interactions make me feel good? Bad?

What kinds of social settings do I enjoy? Make me feel uncomfortable/overwhelmed?

What stops me from being social?

Am I at my best/most balanced visually? Kinaesthetically? Auditorily?

What visually, kinaesthetically, and auditorily makes me feels out of balance?

Who are the people I interact with that make me feel whole and at my best?


info Video

Our external mindset refers to activities and interactions that we engage in with other individuals both personally and professionally


How can I integrate at work socially without draining energy and time?

How diverse are my social interactions?


Infuse diversity of thought

Take a walk with others (listen and share)

Volunteer for a cause you really care about

Sign up for a course or class

Participate in company/community sponsored events

Engage in online games, classes or events

Turn off technology from time to time and connect with real live people



The next ISB Social Committee event will be a May Day Happy Hour at Fox Food Market on 2nd May Bring your ISB badge for service at the bar from 16:30 until the money runs out!

Each year, neighbourhoods around Brussels host a Fête des Voisins (Neighbour’s Day) in the spirit of bringing people together in good humour and conviviality This year’s celebration is on 31st May - check it out!

International Festival will be returning on June 9th where ISB opens its doors for the entire community, as well as their families and friends to enjoy a day full of experiences on campus The International Festival is all about celebrating people, cultural diversity and internationalism - plus the food is really good too!

Our vast Employee Activity Program provides weekly sports and activities to all With options such yoga, volleyball, jewellery design, a menopause support group, StrongBox and many more, there is bound to be something for you!

This year’s Summer Food Truck Festival is on June 14th on the upper field. There will be several new food trucks, a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, music, and much more. The festivities begin at 16:00 so no need to go home first and no need to travel anywhere. Just finish the work week and come join the fun - spouses, partners, and school-aged children are also invited to participate!

Do you have a social hub, favourite local foodie spot, sports club, or familyfriendly activity that you’d like to share for others to enjoy too? Add your recommendations to this Padlet!


Perhaps the most unfamiliar, and probably the most personal, spiritual wellbeing and how we each find a sense of meaning and purpose will vary widely. Spiritual wellbeing can involve religious activities, connecting with nature, spending time with others, or being alone.

The practice of spiritual wellbeing could be something deeply familiar to you, completely new and unknown, or have no place of interest in your life. Below are just a few ways to incorporate spiritual wellbeing practices that you might like to try if this dimension is something you’re keen to learn more about.

16 Best Spiritual Books to Help Nourish Your Heart and Soul

brussels mindfulness workshops

Connecting with nature for spiritual wellbeing


Just a 30-minute drive from ISB, we are so lucky each year to be spoiled with the Hallerbos‘The Blue Forest’ who blooms into a beautiful purple carpet of bluebells each spring The most important and extensive forest area between Zenne and Zoniën, you can see the colourful forest floor which is only visible for a few weeks, around mid-April each year There is also a forest museum open a few Sundays in April too The Blue Forest is a wonderful opportunity to connect with nature and definitely a sight worth seeing if you enjoy spending time outdoors!

Another floral display each year just outside of the city is the Floralia Brussels at Kasteel van Groot-Bijgaarden From the beginning of April until the start of May, you can buy tickets to explore the exhibition in the park and greenhouses of the castle You will find over 400 varieties of tulips, as well as hyacinths and daffodils, splayed over 14 hectares of luscious ground Dogs are permitted on a leash, and the park is accessible to persons with reduced mobility


ISB Social Committee!

We are very lucky to have an enthusiastic and vibrant social committee team of social butterflies dedicated to organising social events for all employees, and sometimes friends, of ISB. As one focus for this edition is the concept of Social Wellbeing, we thought it very fitting to hear from Aaron, Angela, Caroline, Kaitlin, Kary, Kathleen, Katie, Petal and Tony! Thank you to each of you for volunteering your time to our community - we appreciate all that you do for us!

Aaron Williams

Aaron is a Learning Support teacher in the MS team, and has been here for 6 years now Aaron is also our incredible Special Olympics Coordinator! As many of you know, Aaron is a HUGE music lover and tries his best to see or play live music a few times a month.

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

“Try to separate work and life. When I am with others in a non-work related context, I try to not bring up "work talk", but instead, make conversation around other elements of my life separate from being a teacher.

I know that when I am feeling down and out I need one of the following things:

A friend to talk things through

A generous chunk of time to distract myself from the pressures of work

A walk, run or bike ride outside to clear my mind”

What are your favourite ways to socialise?

“Outside in a park (weather depending)

At a friend's place

At a bar or restaurant

With a guitar in my hand”

Angela McCarthy

Angela has been at ISB for almost 6 years, working in the Athletics department as the Athletic Coordinator Angela LOVES her dogs and two cats, and is most happy when outdoors - whether that be packrafting, trail running, gravel biking or snowboarding - Angela says “bring it on!”

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

“Time in nature keeps my head in check”

What are your favourite ways to socialise?

“A dog walk, a run, or a bike ride in the forest followed by food and drinks!”


Caroline de Kloe

Teaching our youngest students at ISB, Caroline is the ECC’s Preschool teacher, and has been at ISB for a staggering 17.5 years! Caroline loves animals and nature, and enjoys being creative with arts and crafts

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

“Staying connected and having fun with family and friends”

What is your favourite way to socialise?

“Going out to dinner, and comedy nights with friends!”

Petal Jaffrey

Petal has been our wonderful ECC Counsellor for 10 years now She enjoys loom knitting, theatre and thrifting

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

“Check in with yourself about how you’re doing and be proactive in taking time to recalibrate at the first signs of stress”

What are your favourite ways to socialise?

“Good food, any event with bubbles, and attending comedy nights!”

KKaitlin teaches Social Studies and is currently head of department in the MS. In her spare time, Kaitlin enjoys pottery, board games, reading and crocheting.

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

”I try not to take too much work home, so prioritising the most important tasks for a week with a Must Do, Should Do, Could Do list helps me to budget my time more effectively”

What are your favourite ways to socialise?

“Playing Board Games or eating good food at a fun restaurant together”

(Kary) Yu

Kary is in her 5th year at ISB, currently teaching grade 5. Kary’s favourite things to do are travelling off the beaten path, cooking, DIY design and crafting.

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

“Get outside as much as possible, even in Belgian weather (invest in a good raincoat and windproof umbrella) Find a workout buddy or group”

What are your favourite ways to socialise?

“Over good food and drinks!”

Kathleen Axel

Kathleen is our Finance Manager, and has been at ISB for 8 years Kathleen loves reading, dancing, doing puzzles, and enjoys chaperoning CAS students to an retirement home Kathleen has a full life, with her three children also keeping her busy!

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

“Get out whenever I can! And always remember that when I say YES, I don’t say NO to myself”

What are your favourite ways to socialise?

“I love going out, as a family, with my husband, with friends I love visiting friends abroad, I love breaking the routine to find excitement in the little things”





Katie Burgess

Katie teaches Grade 3 and has been part of the ES team for 4 years. Katie is a BIG foodie, and loves trying new restaurants and eating delicious foods!

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

“Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you”

What are your favourite ways to socialise?

“Around a bottle of alcohol or an activity that gets people laughing!”

Tony Passaro

Tony is our Director of Bands and Jazz Ensembles, and has been an instrumental music teacher at ISB for 8 years now, working with students in the ES, MS and HS Tony is also currently teaching Grade 4 General Music Tony’s passions lie in all things Italy, live music, specialty coffee, water polo, and exploring new places for good food and beverage Tony is currently involved in the specialty coffee competition group “Coffee Community Belgium”, and plays for the Royal Brussels Poseidon water polo team

What are your top tips to maintain social wellbeing?

“Social wellbeing has always been a top priority for me! Where I find passion is through creating opportunities for myself and others to nourish our own individual social wellbeing needs. My advice is to explore your interests and seek out communities related to them. For instance, I am passionate about specialty coffee and live music. By frequenting cafes and attending live shows, I've connected with like-minded individuals and the community at large, further providing enriching social opportunities”

What are your favourite ways to socialise?

“I love socializing over good food and drink in interesting places (especially if there is some sunshine on a good rooftop!)! Food can spark so many interesting conversations, and trigger memories for everyone I'm also a self-proclaimed "sunchaser", and will take advantage of a sunny day any chance I get Whether that be at a cafe, in the park, or just walking around our energetic city, you can always run into a familiar face doing the same! ”

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