Inspire Health Issue 39 NA

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Empowering Natural Living


s s e n l u f d n i M A DAILY


Preventing Mommy/Daddy Burnout


contents Issue 39



Stress Relievers FOR KIDS





Super Spirulina

How Sweet it is–Natural Hair Removal


SPRINT - Your Way to a Healthier Heart


Hormone Balance is on the Menu


Turn Up Your Turnip




Pets for Emotional Support Stress Relievers for Kids


Roasted Turnips and Mushrooms


Mindfulness a Daily Practice

20 FASHION Bold is Back


Vegan No Beans Hummus

Blue Spirulina Pancakes with Coffee Agave Sauce




Hormone Therapy for Men Boost Health, Energ y & Libido


Preventing Mommy/Daddy Burnout

g n i t a o l Belly B


Zucchini Lovers Keto Quiche


Super a n i l u r i Sp

super food

By Michelle Fouchi Esneault


pirulina is one of the most ancient lifeforms on Earth and considered one of the greatest nutrient-rich foods. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, dried spirulina is high in protein and has nine essential and 10 non-essential amino acids. It’s also high in beta-carotene, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), iron, calcium, phosphorus, omega-3s, chlorophyll and phycocyanin which is only found in blue-green algae. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that spirulina is good for your body and your brain. Consuming between one and 10 grams boosts energy, improves your immune system and supports your heart, liver and kidneys. Studies have also found that it is a natural detoxifier and appetite suppressant, improves digestion, fights allergies, lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, raises HDL cholesterol and can even help balance the body’s pH, while reducing inflammation. Other studies also suggest that it may reduce blood pressure and balance blood sugar. And if that wasn’t enough, research from the International Journal of Biological Sci-

ence suggests that it may even have anti-cancer properties. So, with all of these benefits, why isn’t it in everything? Spirulina may be the perfect food, but the taste, which is bitter, takes a little getting used to. It can be mild or strong, depending on whether it comes from a saltwater source, which tends to be fishier, or from freshwater. It also turns anything you put it in to a lovely shade of bluegreen. You can find spirulina anywhere supplements are sold in either tablet form or in a powder which is easier to add to food. The Aztecs dried it into cakes in 16th century Mexico. Today you can add it to juices, smoothies and shakes or sprinkle over popcorn, rice, or veggies. Add it to your favorite dessert recipes or to energy balls. It is not recommended that you cook with it as exposing it to high temperatures removes its health benefits. It’s considered safe and effective with no known side effects. You shouldn’t take it if you’re allergic to iodine or if you’re pregnant or on blood thinners. As with any supplement, check with your doctor before taking.

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editor’s letter

LOVE Makes

the World Go ‘Round

As Inspire Health Magazine begins its ninth year, I am proud to reflect on how far we have come. Everything about our magazine has improved and evolved over time through the help and critique of our readers. Thank you. What started as a vegan health hub for women transformed into a natural living magazine for the entire family. If this is your maiden voyage with Inspire Health, we hope you enjoy our inspirational covers and sections that offer everyday practices for improving your health, relationships and mind. January is our love issue. We start the year with loving our body, family and especially our heart. Hormones play a huge role in loving our body and family. Magdalena tells of her journey to proper hormone balance through diet. No pills or creams, simply diet. Dr. Schultis helps men with hormone therapy to increase libido and improve cardiovascular health. We want to hear from you. If you have a topic you wish to see covered in an upcoming issue, do not hesitate to write me. I answer every letter to the editor personally. Peace, Love and Growth, Suzanne Fox


Help us inspire others! We want to know what inspires you to live healthy. You could be published in the next issue of Inspire Health magazine. Email us at

Find us online! INSPIRE


Executive Publishers HAL G. FOX & SUZANNE POLK FOX Managing Editor Suzanne Polk Fox Copy Editor Chad Ruiz Contributing Writers Michelle Fouchi Esneault Courtney Farnet Patricia Danflous Caitlyn Mckey Chad Ruiz Dr. Niket Sonpal Nellie Palmer Dina Zelden

Creative Team Director Dianne Waller Design Tra Pham Production Claire Thomas

© 2019 Jumpstart Publishing, LLC, New Orleans, LA All rights reserved Printed in the USA by Fox Print Services ( The information contained in Inspire Health is intended for educational purposes only. A reader should never substitute information contained in Inspire Health for the advice of a health care professional. Jumpstart Publishing, LLC and publishers of Inspire Health, do not endorse or promote any of the products or services described in the pages of Inspire Health and the publishers do not verify the accuracy of any claims made in the editorial or advertisements contained in Inspire Health. Readers should not use the information in Inspire Health for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or have or suspect they have a health problem. V4

natural beauty


Hair Removal

By Michelle Fouchi Esneault


sed by the Persians since 1900 BC, sugar waxing, or “sugaring” offers a simple and safe way to get your skin smooth and hair-free naturally. Unlike harsh, chemical-based traditional waxing products that can cause inflammation, redness and irritation, there are no side effects to sugar waxing and you probably already have everything you need in your kitchen. The all-natural ingredients cost pennies, it is easy to clean up with warm water, it’s earth-friendly and it’s less painful and irritating because it sticks to your hair and not your skin making it perfect for sensitive skin.

no e r a s e ther e effectr sid suga to xing wa

Sugar wax is made with three simple ingredients: 1 cup granulated white or brown sugar ¼ cup lemon juice ¼ cup warm water 1) Add sugar to a heavy bottomed, medium-sized pot. Then, add the lemon juice and water, stirring to combine. Bring to a light boil stirring frequently. 2) Reduce heat to medium until the mixture comes to a simmer. Continue to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved, making sure it doesn’t boil over. 3) Pull it off the heat as soon as it turns a light honey color or 260 degrees Fahrenheit which is the hardball stage on a candy thermometer. It will continue to darken as it cools and change to a thick, honey consistency. Whatever you do, don’t burn it! Burnt sugar will harden when it cools and be unusable. If it burns, start over. Warning! Hot sugar will burn. Handle carefully and do not use until barely warm or room temperature.

4) Once cooled, knead the mixture by the handful until completely smooth. If it’s too runny, cook for another two to four minutes, then try again. 5) Place the cooled mixture into a bowl then scoop up a small amount with your fingers and roll into a ball with your hands. Apply to your skin in a small strip, about ¼ inch thick and a few inches in length, with either your fingers or a wooden popsicle stick in the opposite direction of hair growth. 6) Remove by grasping the wax and pulling off in a quick movement across your leg, towards the direction of hair growth, keeping your skin taut with your other hand. Re-roll the wax and use again until no longer sticky. After waxing, rinse area with warm water and apply a natural moisturizer. The treatment lasts up to two weeks.

Sprint exercise




printing comes in all forms. For instance, the LES MILLS SPRINT™ is 30 minutes of high-intensity, low-impact training on an indoor bike. Repeated intervals of sprints, power and strength drive intensity. Participants spend 20 of the 30 minutes of class training at or above 85 percent of their maximum heart rate. The remaining time is spent



recovering. Such interval training burns nine percent more fat and is 17 percent more effective than a steady-state cardiovascular workout, like running or long-distance cycling. LES MILLS SPRINT™ is short, but it leaves participants burning calories for up to nine hours post-workout due to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). EPOC refers to the elevation in metabolism and increased use of oxygen to return the body to a resting state after intense exercise.The higher the intensity, the higher the after burn. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University conducted a study on high intensity interval cycling

and its effect on physical fitness and cardiovascular health. Thirty-six trained adults participated. One group of participants replaced a 60-minute cardio workout with two 30-minute high intensity cycling classes, like the LES MILLS SPRINT™, for six weeks. The others continued their normal training routine. The results indicated that two 30-minute high-intensity interval cycling classes per week increase aerobic fitness (VO2 max) by up to 10 percent and reduce LDL blood pressure, total cholesterol and triglycerides. Additionally, body fat mass decreases and lean body mass and leg strength increase. Show your heart some love and incorporate high intensity interval cycling into your weekly routine.


healthy body

IS ON THE MENU Healthy foods target adrenal fatigue, menopause and more By Patricia Danflous

Are you ready to take charge of your life? Imagine what it would be like to live without the PMS “crazies,” persistent fatigue, anxiety, or assorted aggravations of menopause


et’s face it, when hormones are out of control there is little hope for a smooth, well-balanced life. What’s a woman to do? Grandma’s suggestion to try chocolate as a PMS remedy, thanks to its mood-boosting chemical properties, may provide good-tasting, temporary relief. Take a look at your diet for a more permanent solution. According to Dr. Peter Osborne,

founder of the Gluten Free Society, gluten sensitivity screening could be the first step in addressing hormone imbalance issues. Nutritionists also point to the benefits of eliminating dairy and sugar. The phased elimination of certain foods, under the direction of a health professional, may have a significant and positive impact on hormone health. Holistic Health Coach and hormone balance specialist

Magdalena Wszelaki suggests that avoiding certain foods could be beneficial depending on individual needs and appropriate diagnosis. She also advises taking a positive approach by adding hormone boosting superfoods to meal planning. “There is no one food that will reverse a hormonal imbalance,” she said. “However, there are several natural superfoods that are known to relax hormones.”

gluten sensitivity screening could be the first step in addressin g hormone imbalance issues Always check with your physician before making drastic changes to your diet. Each person has different needs. A medical evaluation will determine if you have food sensitivities related to your symptoms and help determine the best treatment regimen.

WSZELAKI'S FIVE FAVORITE HORMONE BALANCING SUPERFOODS BRAZIL NUTS – three organic Brazil nuts per day is a sufficient intake of selenium, a key mineral for thyroid and autoimmune health.

CAMU CAMU – a half-teaspoon per day added to smoothies, for example, is a powerful source of Vitamin C to support the adrenal glands and the immune system.

MACA ROOT – this butterscotch-flavored Peruvian product is associated with alleviating menopausal symptoms and PMS as well as boosting fertility. (Start with a very low dose as some women may be intolerant.)

BROCCOLI SPROUTS – studies show that ¼ cup to 1 cup of broccoli sprouts per day improve estrogen-dominant issues such as PMS, endometriosis, water retention, cellulite, weight gain, moodiness and infertility.

FLAX SEED - the protein and fiber in flax seeds assist in the management and reversal of polycystic ovarian syndrome.



Belly g atTOin BloWHAT EAT




egardless of weight or body type, it’s common to see some belly bloat. The foods we choose, how we’re digesting and simply the air we’re swallowing, can all add up to feeling and looking bloated. To help us keep our bellies as bloat free as possible, Dr. Niket Sonpal, shares what to avoid and why. “It’s really important to pay attention to bloat, especially when it either comes on suddenly or is prolonged with pain. It is possible to develop an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine which gives that distended belly and full feeling,” explains Dr. Sonpal. The discomfort caused by bloating is a fixable issue. Watching the choices you are making and the way your body is reacting to them is key.

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SIMPLE CARBS The general population is aware that foods like soft drinks, sweets, desserts, and white bread are not conducive to a healthy diet. Simple carbs are processed into the bloodstream very quickly and have little nutritional value other than the energy they add to your body. When there is an overflow of energy being stored in your body versus what you are burning you begin to gain weight and feel bloated.


PROCESSED STARCHES Limiting pasta or bread to a once per week treat can really make an impact when addressing bloat. These foods are like sponges when it comes to water. When you cut starches, you’ll notice bloat minimizes pretty quickly.


SUGAR SUBSTITUTES AND FAUX SWEETENERS Here’s the catch, you may think you’re doing the right thing by opting for “fat-free” or “sugar-free” food options that say they are “derived from real sugar.” Dr. Sonpal clarifies that these kinds of sugars are actually low-digestible carbohydrates. Our bodies metabolize them differently due to their chemical structure leaving them hanging around in our small intestine leading to bloat.


RAW CAULIFLOWER (and other uncooked cruciferous vegetables). Cauliflower has become the “it” vegetable because it takes on the flavor of anything it’s mixed with. We see recipes for cauliflower mashed, cauliflower pizza, fried “rice,” and even mac and cheese; all created with cauliflower as the main ingredient. When cooked, these vegetables are great sources of nutrition and fine side dish substitutes for pasta, rice, and potatoes. However, when cauliflower is chopped up and eaten raw along with kale, broccoli and Brussels sprouts you can expect bloating to occur. Cooking is key!


SALT If you want to reduce water retention which always leads to a bloated stomach, cut out the salt. In fact, if you have a lunchtime meal you can significantly reduce the bloat and puffiness simply by avoiding salty foods for the remainder of the day. People who are mindful of their salt intake, prepare their own foods and avoid things like canned soups, chips, bacon, sausage, lunch meats will look and feel leaner.


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RIPE BANANAS! What’s not to love about bananas.You can grab one on the go, they are high in potassium which is another thing that rids water retention.



CUCUMBERS They’re known to reduce swelling because they contain the flavonoid antioxidant, quercetin. Cool crisp and delicious, they’re common in salads and they can also be eaten solo as a snack. You can also add them to water.


WATERMELON Watermelons are mostly water, about 92 percent, but this refreshing fruit is soaked with nutrients. Each juicy bite has significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. There's even a modest amount of potassium.

DRINKING FROM A STRAW The mechanisms of straws make it so that you suck air in to take sips of your drink. An excess of this can fill you up with air and cause bloating.


SLEEPING RIGHT AFTER EATING Many people get drowsy right after a meal. The best course of action is to go for a walk or do something that gives you a bit of energy and helps your body process your meal. Going to bed right after eating cripples your digestive process, slowing down the breakdown of your food.


EATING TOO RAPIDLY If you find yourself struggling with bloating, observing the pace at which you eat can help reduce the amount of air you intake while consuming the foods you love. Take more time to enjoy your meal.


FERMENTED FOODS Kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, and kombucha. These high probiotic, bacteria-friendly fermented foods are key to maximizing digestion and maintaining a healthy gut.


DRINK WATER AND GREEN TEA! Since carbonated beverages contribute to bloat, stick to water and flavored teas. Sipping on these beverages throughout the day keeps the digestive system moving. When you deprive your body of water, it will hold on to the water already in your body without excretion leading to bloating.

ABOUT THE DOCTOR: Dr. Niket Sonpal is Adjunct Assistant Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Clinical instructor at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, Brooklyn and on the board of the NY‐ American College of Physicians (NYACP). He is completing his Fellowship in Gastroenterology at Lenox and has spoken and presented at over 25 national and regional conferences on his research and is a regular participant in national courses.


eat fresh




t’s the purple power food that deserves a lot of attention. It fights cancer, improves immunity, increases blood flow, prevents heart disease, supports digestion, regulates your metabolism…heck, about the only thing it doesn’t do is turn silver into gold! Bursting with nutritional value, the turnip ranks as one of the healthiest, least talked about foods on the planet.What makes this cruciferous a contender is the fact that its leaves and bulbous root provide far-reaching health benefits. One vegetable, two sides, two sources of power. Like it’s cruciferous cousins, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, etc., turnips are rich in nutrients and low in calories, making it a great Eat Fresh option for weight-loss. TOUTING THE TURNIP Grown in cooler climates across the globe, both the turnip root and leaves sport numerous nutritional benefits rich in vitamin C, iron, carotenoids, fiber, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and many other useful minerals. These veggies also boast cancer-fighting phytochemicals, antioxidants and glucosinolates, all of which help the liver filter toxins and protect the body from carcinogens. Some studies show that regularly consuming turnips and other cruciferous vegetables lowers your risk of certain cancers including prostate, lung and breast, according to the National Cancer Institute. The high concentration of vitamin C in turnips, 42 percent of the recommended daily consumption in one medium turnip and 55 percent in one cup of greens, strengthens your immune system and just about every other structure in your body. One analysis released by “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” who compared nine studies involving more than 290,000 participants observed that individuals who consumed 700 milligrams of vitamin C daily had a 25 percent lower risk of heart disease.

You can find these superfoods at most grocery stores year-round thanks to their long shelf life. Pick small to medium turnips for their sweeter taste. Larger crops deliver woodier flavors.

Cut them into cubes and use in stews or boil then mash with chives, bacon and cheese.You can also enjoy them baked, boiled, sautéed, steamed or even raw.

Raw turnip greens (leaves) are bitter. They taste great when sautéed in olive oil with onions and garlic. Cook them as you would collard greens. Remember to rinse and clean your veggies prior to cooking. Store turnips as you would potatoes, in a cool, dry place.

Turnip Cooking Tips

Turnips make great substitutes for potatoes because they deliver more nutrients with fewer calories and carbs. One cup of potatoes contains 154 calories and 35 grams of carbs compared to one cup of turnips containing 42 calories and 10 grams of carbs.

For children or picky eaters, use a spaghetti sauces or chili to “hide” your greens.

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts



Turnips Servings Size 1 cup

Turnips Greens Servings Size 1 cup,chopped

Amount Per Serving

Amount Per Serving

Calories 42

Calories 29

Calories from Fat 1.4 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 0.1g Saturated Fat 0g

0% 0%

Trans Fat 0g

0% 1% 3% 16%

Sugars 5.8g

1% 0%

Trans Fat 0g

Cholestrol 0mg Sodium 42mg Potassium 292mg Total Carbohydrate 6.3g Dietary Fiber 5g

0% 2% 8% 2% 20%

Sugars 0.8g

Protein 1.4g

Protein 1.6g

Vitamin A


Vitamin C


Calcium Iron

Saturated Fat 0.1g

Monounsaturated Fat 0g

Monounsaturated Fat 0g

Total Carbohydrate 9.8g Dietary Fiber 3.9g

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 0.3g

Polyunsatured Fat 0.1g

Polyunsatured Fat 0.1g Cholestrol 0mg Sodium 31mg

Calories from Fat 3

4.9% 1.9%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higer or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Vitamin A


Vitamin C


Calcium Iron

15% 6.4%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higer or lower depending on your calorie needs.


cover story




Now, not later. agdalena Wszelaki’s mantra for living to the fullest is short and powerful. She might have used such a statement during an advertising career that included Nike, Johnson& Johnson and Volkswagen as clients. It was a glamorous lifestyle that took her around the world with dinners at the finest restaurants and opportunities to vacation in Spain and run in the Great Wall of China Marathon. That was then. The days when her fast-paced and seemingly enviable professional success masked pain and discomfort of Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, digestive disorders, PMS, and a host of on-going infections. “Don’t forget lumpy breasts,” she said with a smile. Things are different today. No longer a high-powered executive pitching campaigns to Fortune 100 companies, a symptom-free Wszelaki is a highly-acclaimed certified holistic health coach. She’s a blogger, Facebook live host, podcaster, speaker, nutrition consultant, founder of the Hormones Balance online community, and author of the recently released “Cooking for Hormone Balance.” “I feel better today in my mid-forties than I did in my twenties,” she said. “As women, we push ourselves to our utter limits in the workplace to gain confidence, self-esteem and validation. This can be one of the leading causes of hormonal imbalance.” Recognizing that “hormone balance” was the answer to a life of frustration, illness and fatigue, she is now a leader on the journey toward hormonal balance. Based on personal experience, continued research and education, Wszelaki emphasizes a natural way of appetizing and healthy


For more information on Magdalena Wszelaki and hormone balance, start at her website www.

eating with a focus on bio-individuality. A native of Poland and daughter of a Polish diplomat, Wszelaki lived around the world before settling in Boulder, Colorado. “There’s quite a big business start-up culture with very health-minded and mission-based entrepreneurs,” she said. “I moved here temporarily to finish my cookbook but then I fell in love with Boulder and thought, ‘why would I want to move away from this health conscious and environmentally conscious community?’ That’s really important to me.” Finding a new home was relatively easy. It took a few “aha” moments before she changed career directions. “I was living in Shanghai and in the midst of a booming career,” she recalled. “It was ten years ago, but I remember this like yesterday. I walked into an endocrinologist’s office and told her that the thyroid issues I had in my twenties seemed to be back on.” Following a panel of tests, Wszelaki learned she had Hashimoto’s Disease, the autoimmune condition that causes hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. “That explained why I was feeling so tired,” she explained. “I had to have two strong cups of double expresso to get me going in the morning. I was completely exhausted all the time. It’s hard to explain thyroid-related fatigue. It’s not what you feel at the end of the day or when you went for a run or a five-hour hike, you just feel literally like your whole energy in your life has been sucked out of you. You’re totally empty from inside.” With little hope or compassion from the medical world and the start of anxiety attacks, Wszelaki realized she was in over her head. “Imagine that you know who you are as a person and then suddenly, you are having irrational fears about your clients or about your own future,” she said. “I just became a totally different person. With no medication prescribed to control Hashimoto’s, I felt incredibly powerless. Ten years ago, I could only find one book on the disease with a recommendation to avoid eating soy and chocolate.” Desperate enough to consider a $10,000 flight to Venezuela to consult a doctor specializing in Hashimoto's, Wszelaki took a step back and saw a traditional Chinese physician. Although herbs helped, she realized that thousands of years of Chinese medicine did not address the stress, food sensitivities, toxicities, sugar dependency and environmental pollution of today.

If you balance your blood sugar level first thing in the morning, you feel very satisfied, very grounded. Forfeiting a million-dollar payout in a three-year contract, Wszelaki quit her job. “I was a million dollars poorer, but it was one of the best decisions I had made for myself,” she said. Noting that every part of her healing journey incorporated dietary and lifestyle changes, Wszelaki says the decision to pursue a holistic-oriented career is founded on her belief in sleep, emotional healing and good, clean food with no restricted dieting. Her comprehensive cookbook, “Cooking for Hormone Balance” is filled with diverse and savory recipes utilizing hormone-supporting superfoods and super herbs. In addition to the easy to prepare suggestions, Wszelaki provides a guideline to rebalancing hormones based on research and experience. “One of the things you'll see in the cookbook is that the recipes are either very low in sugar or they're savory in nature,” she said. “The breakfast recipes are an inspiration from my global travels and having lived in Asia for 22 years. Western breakfasts are full of carbohydrates, and sugary foods. A savory breakfast is profoundly changing to most people. If you balance your blood sugar level first thing in the morning, you feel very satisfied, very grounded. It’s what I do and I don't crave anything. Sometimes I don't even eat lunch. It's a different way of eating and it works.” You may not have Graves’ or Hashimoto’s Disease, Wszelaki noted. “But what woman hasn’t had lumpy breasts?” she asked. “That condition disappears with hormonal balance. Get started eating right today – don’t wait until later.” For more information on Magdalena Wszelaki and hormone balance, start at her website




WITH COFFEE AGAVE SAUCE RECIPE FOR ONE STACK  Ingredients: 4 oz spelt flour 6 oz water 2 tsp blue spirulina Sweetener of your choice Coconut oil for the griddle  How to make it: Whisk everything in a medium bowl.

Heat a lightly oiled griddle over medium heat. Scoop per pancake 2 tbsp onto the griddle. Cook each side for 1-2 minutes. RECIPE FOR THE COFFEE SAUCE  Ingredients: 1 tsp superfood coffee Shine 1 tbsp hot water

2 tbsp agave syrup  How to make it: Combine 1 tsp superfood coffee Shine (powder) and 1 tbsp hot water in a small bowl and mix very well till the powder dissolves. Add agave syrup and mix again. Top your pancake stack with the sauce.



y p a r e h T e n o m r Ho for Men


BOOST HEALTH, ENERGY AND LIBIDO By: Chad Ruiz Men, how is your energy level? Does it feel like you’re running on empty? Has your libido flown south for the winter…3 winters ago? A decline in energy, sex drive, mental capacity, muscle mass and even hair are all symptoms of low testosterone (and other hormone) levels. And those are just the short term effects! Few people know about the serious conditions caused from longterm low levels. These include brittle bones, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, respiratory disease, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In fact, “The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism” recently concluded after an 11-year study that men with insufficient testosterone levels were more likely to die sooner than their counterparts. What’s that you say? You’re too young for a drop in testosterone? Believe it or not, testosterone levels begin their descent as early as 30! “Both men and women, at some point in their life, will begin to experience the normal decrease in hormones,” said OBGYN Dr. Stefanie Schultis, a board certified physician and surgeon who has been in private practice since 1989 in Louisiana. “Many begin asking themselves, ‘What’s happening to me?’ A decrease in hormones for men more commonly occurs in their 40s but I occasionally have treated men in their 20s and 30s with low testosterone levels. It really interrupts their quality of life.”

While hormone therapy has been around for more than 50 years in the form of pills, creams and gels, it’s been accepted more among women. Thanks to the popularity of the “pellets,” Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) appeals to both women AND men. “After so many years of recommending pills, creams and gels, what became obvious is that the pellet mode of dispensing hormones is often more beneficial because we get a more consistent, steady-state level of absorption which we see through clinical response and lab values,” Dr. Schultis said. The process is simple and painless. First, your doctor evaluates your physical health, your current symptoms and your current hormone levels. Once they qualify you, the doctor tasks a pharmacy to compound the appropriate hormone mix. Then, during the follow-up appointment, your doctor injects the pellet(s) under your skin—usually in the hip. The pellets last for several months. Increased hormone levels could help more than your looks. Studies highlighted in the Harvard Medical School’s “Harvard Men’s Health Watch” suggests a link between low testosterone levels and mental decline, like this one from

the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging: “A 2004 report evaluated 574 men over a 19-year period. Low free testosterone levels predicted an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, even after other dementia risk factors were taken into account.” Other studies also observed that individuals with higher testosterone levels displayed sharper cognitive acuity and quicker memories. Dr. Schultis warns that several disorders may cause reduced hormone levels so it’s always best practice to undergo a full checkup by your doctor before seeking hormone replacement therapy.

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E m o ti ou pnpaolr t S


support animal. There is a process that should be taken up with your local licensed mental health professional. During this impenetrable between pets process, it is very important to and their owners that both be as honest and open about sides would risk their own your mental state, the state of lives for each other. It’s no wonder pets can be certified your pet and your relationship. Benefits of having an emoas emotional support animals! I’m sure you’re wondering tional support animal can vary quite extensively, but ultimately, what an emotional support it enhances your quality of life. animal is and what exactly When suffering with a mental, they do. Emotional support animals support their owners emotional or physical disability, it’s crucial to have someone with emotional, mental and who holds no judgement and physical disabilities by giving companionship and affection. provides unconditional love for Training in any particular task you. This is why pets fit that is not necessary for certifying role so well. When certified through the correct process your pet as an emotional

By Caitlyn McKey

ost pets have an unconditional love for their owners. Can you blame them? We are the main source of their care, the biggest celebrity of their life. We provide them love, happiness and well-being. If you are a pet owner and you love your pet as if they were your own child, then you already understand the healing effects of your relationship. You can feel it just about every time you interact with them. There can be a bond so

(really do your research), your support animal can accompany you on flights and live with you if you are renting your home. If you are considering getting an emotional support animal, it is important to remember that this animal is a family member. They are dependent upon you for their overall well-being, which poses its own set of responsibilities— and even stress for some. Just like a child though, the more you love and respect them, the more they will return the feelings 100 percent! Having an emotional support animal can change your life. So, if you are someone who is suffering with an emotional or mental disability, consult with your mental health professional about your options and how they can help you through the process!

After its seven-year “Canines and Childhood Cancer Study,” the Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing found that frequent visits between their therapy dog and children with cancer improved the patients’ and families’ mental state of mind.


Stress Relievers

mighty kids

FOR KIDS By Dina Zelden


hildhood was once a time of unstructured afternoons, hours of imaginative play, and even the occasional boredom. Today’s children have nearly the complete opposite as their time is scheduled to the minute with an overload of school work and activities. It’s no wonder many children are feeling anxious and stressed. Believe it or not, of the diseases that afflict children, mental health disorders are the most common, according to the Child Mind Institute. While it’s important to know the specific triggers and reactions to stress to which your child is prone, there are many effective strategies and techniques that may help. Help your child gain control over the physical reactions to stress in their body. One simple way to calm their body is with breathing techniques Teach them to focus on belly breathing by placing their hand on their belly to feel it rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. Help them calm their thoughts and emotions with mindfulness exercises. Guided meditation is another

way to help a stressed child feel less anxious. It is also helpful to focus their thoughts on an enjoyable task which requires lots of concentration. Puzzles, crafts, or another activity can help a child gain control over their thoughts while letting go of stress. Consider the positive effects of fresh air and a change of scenery. Get them outside and moving. Quick bursts of aerobic activities can help them feel more in control. Time spent in nature can also calm frayed nerves. Encourage your child to notice the beauty of the world around them. Get them to use their senses by asking: What do you see, hear, and smell? Another great mood changer is music. Encourage your child to put on their favorite tunes and sing or dance along. They will be smiling before they know it! Be sure your child has a close friend or relative with whom they can share what is troubling them. Talking about it can help them gain perspective and feel encouraged. They may offer a new solution and help your child see the

problem in a new light. Playing with a family pet is another positive way to deal with stress. Snuggling with a furry friend provides distraction and unconditional love. Lastly, when it comes to connecting to others, never underestimate the power of a nice, long hug which assures children that you are by their side and there to help. While chronic stress requires discussion with a health professional, many children can learn to successfully incorporate their favorite stress-busters into daily life. And who knows, while sharing these ideas with your child,YOU may find yourself feeling better as well!

Be sure your child has a close friend or rela tive with whom they can sh are what is troubling them




You will notice there are no measurements for the ingredients. The reason is, you don’t need to measure. Make a lot for a crowd, or simply cook for one


• Turnips, peeled and diced • Mushrooms, washed and sliced • Sea salt • F resh ground Black pepper • F resh rosemary sprigs • Olive oil DIRECTIONS

 Once you have peeled and diced your turnips and washed and sliced your mush-

rooms, place them in a large bowl. Remove the rosemary leaves from the sprig by running the sprig through your fingers against the growth. Place leaves in the bowl along with olive oil, sea salt and black pepper. Toss to coat the turnips.

❷ Place in a baking dish. Bake at 400° for 45 minutes, or until tender.


s s e n l u f Mind

healthy mind



By: Caitlyn McKey

ave you ever found yourself walking into a room and completely forgetting why you went there in the first place? Or maybe you lost your keys, only to find them in the freezer. How about driving home and completely blanking on what the journey looked like? Don’t worry, you’re not losing your mind. In fact, most people I know experience this on a daily basis. Now there might be some of you sitting there thinking, “How can I fix this?” Or maybe you’re wondering what you can do to avoid being unaware. The simple answer is to start practicing mindfulness. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is slowing down, paying attention on purpose, taking your awareness and bringing it to the present moment, bringing awareness to what is happening in the mind and the body, and bringing awareness to your surroundings. When practicing mindfulness, it is important to be non-judgmental, compassionate, to have patience, trust, acceptance, and to be non-striving. There is absolutely no rush in mindfulness. How can you start practicing mindfulness? Just like yoga practice, or

practicing a sport, it’s best to practice mindfulness on a daily basis. Think of mindfulness as a workout for your mind. However, unlike yoga or sports, it doesn’t have to take an hour out of your day and you won’t have to go to any fancy building and pay someone to teach you how to practice. This is something you can do in a matter of 30 seconds to an hour. Really practicing mindfulness can take however long you desire. I recommend starting off slowly. Like with any new endeavor, start with the basics.

head. Notice if there is any tension that you are carrying there and release it. Move lower to your ears and give them a wiggle, notice how your body responds to this. Furthering down to your neck and shoulders. Again, notice if you are holding any tension there. Give them a tight shrug, then release the tension. Slowly bring your attention to your chest. Feel how it rises and falls as you breathe in and out. Next, bring your attention to your hands and slowly give your fingers a wiggle noticing all

of the little muscles in your hand. Following along to your toes having the same awareness. Finally, take a deep breath in and upon releasing your breath slowly begin to open your eyes and smile. Congratulations! You’ve just completed a mindful moment!

Mindfulness Practice: Body Scanning One of my favorite ways to practice mindfulness is through body scanning. This is a mental practice, and only requires a chair or laying down on a comfortable surface. If this is your first time trying this out, I recommend going to a quiet space to better focus your attention. Once you are in position, close your eyes and begin to focus your attention on your breath. Focus on the small area between your nostrils where you can feel your breath coming in and out. Do this for a few breaths. Feel gravity pulling on your body. Begin to focus on the crown of your


fashion Bold textures, bold color, bold patterns. It’s obvious that the designers were thinking out of the box with this year’s spring designs. It’s almost like anything goes.



Casual wear has become day to night wear with chiffon and satin on everyday wear. Go shopping, for coffee and then for dinner later that evening, all in the same convertible outfit.

You will see business suits in bold patterns and colors, and don’t be surprised if you see sequins and bling on a tailored suit at the next board meeting.




NO BEANS HUMMUS  Ingredients ® 1 medium head of cauliflower, cored and separated ® 1/4 cup tahini ® 6 tablespoons avocado oil ® 1/4 cup lemon juice ® 4 cloves roasted garlic ® 1/2 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt ® 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin ® 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese ® fresh parsley (chopped for garnish, optional)  Directions  S team cauliflower in double boiler with steamer. P lace cooked cauliflower, tahini, 4 tablespoons avocado oil, lemon juice, Parmesan, garlic, salt and cumin in a food processor. Pulse until smooth.  Place in serving dish and sprinkle with parsley. (optional)





eing a parent is tough. The to-do list never ends. The tasks can be mind-numbing and the appreciation is fleeting. Mommy and daddy burnout is a real problem. It can, however, be avoided by incorporating these tips: KNOW YOUR PARENTING “WHY” We live in a hypercompetitive culture. We spend lots of time on social media—nearly an hour per day for most adults according to influencer marketing agency Mediakix. It is easy to compare ourselves as parents and our children with what we see online. Over-the-top birthday parties, children’s achievements, grades, sports accolades are all paraded online for us to see. It is hard not to feel pressured to keep up, to fall into the comparison trap. When you are grounded by the “why” of your parenting choices, you can guard against falling into this trap. Decide what you want out of life for you and your children. When you are comfortable with those decisions, you realize there’s no need to keep up or compare when you already have what you want. SCALE BACK How much is it humanly possible to accomplish in a day? Make lists and be reasonable. Prioritize. Require your children to pitch in. Teaching them household chores will give them life skills. Team work can be learned at

home just as well as on the sports field. Many moms and dads suffer from FOMO—the fear of missing out—and unconsciously pass this on to their children. They do not have to participate in every activity, attend every party and be on a different sports field all year long. Consider what is important to your family. Give yourself permission to slow down and take it easy. Set boundaries on your time as well as your children’s schedule. It is important for everyone’s sanity. Leave time each week for unscheduled downtime. GAIN PERSPECTIVE Nurture relationships with moms and dads of older or adult children. They have been where you are and can relate and show you what lies ahead. While it may seem you will never have time to yourself or get to the bottom of that laundry pile, this too shall pass. Remember that being a parent is more about your relationship with your kids than it is a job. Stop and smell the roses because before you know It, they will be grown. The laundry piles will be gone but the memories you made will warm your heart forever.

pare m o c o t y It is eas ents r a p s a s e ourselv n with e r d l i h c r and ou ee online s e w t a h w



 Crust 2 cups almond flour 1 large egg 2 tablespoons melted butter crisco 1/8 teaspoon finely ground sea salt  Filling 1 cup heavy cream 4 large eggs 1 tablespoon mayonnaise 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon white pepper 1/2 cup shredded Swiss cheese 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese


KETO QUICHE By Nellie Palmer  Topping Roasted Zucchini Chips 1 zucchini 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese  Directions P reheat oven to 350 degrees and spray mini quiche pans with cooking spray.  I n a large bowl, combine almond flour, egg, crisco and salt. Mix with a fork until blended. D ivide dough into quarters and use to line each quiche pan. P lace pans on a cookie sheet and pre-bake for 12 minutes.


 Prepare filling by combining heavy cream, eggs, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Whisk until well blended. Fold in Swiss cheese and Parmesan cheese.  S poon into crust, dividing evenly. Do not over-fill, or it will spill over while baking. Allow room for the mixture to expand when baked. (If you have mixture left over, you can spoon into muffin cups and bake. Keep in the refrigerator and heat in microwave for a quick breakfast on the go.) P lace zucchini chips on top of each quiche. B ake 30 to 40 minutes (depending on the size of the pans.)

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