In Light Times March 2013 Magazine

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IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 3

Contributing Writers

From The


This month I have decided to become Irish; after all, I do enjoy a good ole jig now and then.

Monthly Alan Cohen, author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment.

Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author & speaker on selfdevelopment. Author of over 30 books, is affectionately called the “father of motivation”

Throughout history, traditions have been created to bind societies together in a common ritual. The Irish, Polish, Germans, Italians etc., all honor their long held cultural events in support of their heritage.

Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, is the Founder of the Mystical Realm, a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT).

Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker.

It is more than a celebration; it is going back to their roots…to the beginning. It is recognition of a commonality among the people, a oneness of a community coming together.

Celestial Cycles

As March 17th draws near, the green beer flows, the shamrocks abound and the Leprechauns come out of hiding with pranks and mischief on their minds…enticing us to capture them in order to get their gold. Of course, they vanish in the blink of an eye and our dreams of riches soon turn to the good hearted merriment of the Irish traditions.

by Motavenda

We all need to celebrate; to understand that life is not just about work. There are several ways to change our perspective of the world; for instance, finding joy in others and being optimistic about who we are etc. Having “rose colored glasses” helps us see the world in a more positive light.

by Michele Avanti

The Herbalist

We live in a chaotic society; yet, we need not buy into the chaos that surrounds us. Rather than be a part of the upheavals, we must move beyond them. We can make life a celebration of commonality. We can be a solution to our society by energizing the positive elements…seeing life through glasses of optimism, kindness, love and nonjudgmental attitudes. Adding this type of energy to offset what appears to be a less than positive event, actually makes the subtle changes our world needs. Remember the “100th monkey syndrome” where one monkey decided to do something different and soon the whole clan/ population took up the same practice. Now, let me be clear, I am not comparing us to monkeys; I am simply saying, let us start a movement and have it unfold for the world to emulate.

Empowering Numerology

Kathleen Gould

March Writers Danyelle Belchar Dr. Andrew Jones Dr. Ben Kim Dr. Judith Orloff

Jane Doherty JB Bardot Judi Moreo ToxicDave

What can we create that will bring change? How can we be a driving force for good? What does the celebration of life mean? Perhaps now is a time to experience that celebration. Through one positive choice, our world begins to change. Let’s invite everyone to participate.

Special Announcement NEW & IMPROVED

As for me, I think the celebration of green beer, corn beef and cabbage, plus the merriment of dance and song, is a good start to make my heart soar and set my spirit free. Happy ST. Patrick’s day. Celebrate life my friends, take care. In Love & Light,



PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell


ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett


ADVERTISING 702-259-6843 national ADVISORy councIl Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue


ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups

PAGE 4 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Website IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Lane Henderson, Nev. 89014


a. in the magazine format or

b. within the website itself

c. at the end of each article is a place to comment

• Coming soon, the QRG, subscribe, classifieds and much more. ILT is under construction; so keep checking back.




March, 2013 Enlightening Views 4 Celebrate Life From the Publisher by Michelene K. Bell This month I have decided to become Irish …

6 Crystals & Gemstones by Annette rizzolo, msc.d Aquamarine & Bloodstone.

7 A Critical Gift by Alan Cohen

“…get serious Dave Barry—You can’t earn a living making people laugh.”

8 Failure to Communicate by Judi Moreo Why is communication so difficult?

9 A Stroll Down Memory Lane by Author Unknown Something for the younger generation.

10 Holy or unHoly Relationships by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Think of your relationships as holy or unholy.

11 Living a Passionate Life by Sophia Falke Yes, I’m talking to you!

Our(Ur) Pets & Animals 12 How to Stop Your Dog’s Anxiety by Dr. Andrew Jones Ten Questions When Adopting a Kitten or Cat by ToxicDave Gems for the soul 15 Lincoln Never Quits • School Phone Menu


Feature 16

The Trail of Lost Civilizations to Ancient Egypt by Jane Doherty Health Lights 18 Sclerology & Energy Healing by Danyelle Belchar I am sure you are asking yourself what Sclerology is…

19 Fifty (50) Ways to Love Your Liver by JB Bardot Home remedies to detox and keep life in your liver.

20 Health Benefits of Tears by Dr. Judith Orloff

Crying makes us feel better even when a problem persists.

21 Got Allergies? by Kathleen Gould Oh no, not allergy season again!

22 What to Do For a Fever by Dr. Ben Kim

…it’s vital to understand a fever serves to protect your body against…


Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 25


21 Quick Reference Guide 26 Business Card Directory 27 NEW Astrology•Celestial Cycles 28

7 NEW Empowered Numerology 29

Light Happenings 30 Business Profiles 32

IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 5

AB Enlightening Views

arine quam

March Gemstone

The name Aquamarine derives from the Latin expression for seawater. Aquamarine is a member of the beryl family and is known for its delicate blue or blue green coloring, which accounts for its name. It is known as one of the “Stones of Courage”, and also encourages the innate ability to “always be prepared”.

In ancient times, it was believed that mermaids’ tails were made of aquamarine. The stone was thus coveted by sailors for safety on the water, and to remind them of their loved ones far away. Aquamarine was also said to have a soothing influence on land, especially on married couples. This amazing stone has calming energies to reduce stress and quiet the mind. It also harmonizes its surroundings and protects against pollutants. Aquamarine stimulates, activates, and cleanses the throat chakra, facilitating communication of a higher and more intelligent quality. Psychologically, Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people, and has the power to invoke tolerance of others. It can overcome judgmentalism, give support to anyone who is overwhelmed by responsibility, and encourages taking responsibility for one’s self. It is a durable gemstone that can be worn every day. Aquamarine is the traditional birthstone for the month of March. It is found in many different countries worldwide, including Brazil and Russia. It has also been found in Colorado and Wyoming, right here in the United States.

The healing powers of gems remain a controversial issue. However, they have been mentioned for centuries by healers, shamans and medicine men. Whether it’s factual or a placebo effect doesn’t matter if it helps. The safest approach is to wear the gemstone against the skin to the troubled part of the body. Aquamarine is said to be of help for arthritis, eye inflammation, sore throat and varicose veins. In my opinion, this is a powerful and beautiful gemstone with a noticeable energy.

A q ua m ar i ne

By Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D



Bloodstone The month of March also has another beautiful gemstone called Bloodstone. Bloodstone (also called heliotrope) is green with distinctive red spots that resemble blood, thus giving this stone its name. The bloodstone was used to stop bleeding, especially nosebleeds. There is a legend that says the bloodstone was formed from the blood of Christ dripping on the green earth and solidifying. It was also called heliotrope by the Greeks and was thought to bring change. The bloodstone has been used as an amulet to protect against the evil eye. Bloodstone is the symbol of justice. Psychologically, it offers courage and teaches how to avoid dangerous situations by strategic withdrawal and flexibility. It encourages selflessness and idealism. The healing properties of bloodstone are said to be used for circulation of all energy in the body and helps remove energy blocks. Bloodstone is used in the alignment of all the centers of the body. It can provide one with the centering and grounding energy of the heart and is conducive to balancing the total body in order to help one overcome distress and anxiety. It also aids in the circulation of blood. It is good to have several pieces of Bloodstone in the home to increase the flow of life energy. This is a stone able to calm the mind, dispel confusion, and enhance the decision-making process. It can revitalize the mind if you are mentally exhausted. Spiritually, Bloodstone assists in bringing spirituality into everyday life. This stone can act as an energy cleanser and immune stimulator for acute infections. It has the ability to stimulate the flow of lymph and metabolic processes, rejuvenate and reenergize you when the body and mind are exhausted, also, purifying the blood, and detoxifying the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder. It is said that the ancient Egyptians used this stone to shrink tumors. As an interesting side note, a Bloodstone may be placed in a bowl of water to ensure peaceful sleep. RESOURCES

Love is in the Earth; Crystal Bible; Wikipedia

b l ood s t one PAGE 6 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, and has over 22+ years “in the Biz.” Annette is a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT), Metaphysical Hypnotherapist, Freelance writer, and Founder of The Mystical Realm, a very unique & informative website. Visit: and become Enlightened & Empowered!

Enlightening Views

Monthly Inspirations from

n e h o C n a l A

E = mc Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and other genius inventors were chastised by their early teachers for not paying attention in class. Their minds were about other things. Einstein later declared, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

During an overnight airplane flight I perused the entertainment selections and discovered the audio book, Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte. I liked what I heard and found Ms. LaPorte to be an articulate, poetic exponent of living a juicy, authentic life. She had my attention. One of the ways to recognize your talent and passion, LaPorte suggests, is to consider what other people have criticized you for. I had heard, “What you thought was wrong with you may be what’s right with you,” but the idea of using criticism as a compass to greatness takes the lesson to a whole new level. Consider, for example, humor writer Dave Barry. In junior high school Barry was the class clown, often dismissed to stand in the hall after disrupting the class. One day Barry’s teacher told him, “You’d better get serious Dave Barry—You can’t earn a living making people laugh.” Fast forward five decades: Barry’s weekly columns have been syndicated in over 500 newspapers, he has written 30 popular books, and The New York Times dubbed him “the funniest man in America.” Oh, and by the way—he also won a Pulitzer Prize. “The Dog Whisperer,” Cesar Millan, shy and unpopular as a child, was teased by his friends for spending more time with dogs than he spent with them. They nicknamed him, “El Perrero” —“dog boy.” Since then he has starred in a wildly successful television series broadcast in 80 countries, written five bestselling books, produced a line of pet products, established dog sanctuaries, and donated large sums to charities.

Let’s reframe the verbal and emotional arrows that others cast at us for not fitting in, and regard them as arrows pointing us in the direction we were born to walk. The world rarely welcomes genius in its early stages; more often it is ridiculed. Jonathan Swift said, “When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” Einstein echoed, “Great spirits have always encountered violent resistance from mediocre minds.” Another way to appreciate our holy weirdness is to recognize that our biggest challenges can become our most helpful assets. Nearly all successful teachers have risen to greatness by passing along the skills they gained through overcoming their undesirable traits. The founders of Alcoholics Anonymous had to get beyond their own drinking problem; weight loss teachers were overweight; yoga teachers were stressed; relationship gurus have had bad marriages; and on and on. Our biggest problems offer the most fertile opportunities for personal transformation and service to others. So don’t criticize yourself for your problems or apologize for them. Turn them into rocket fuel for awakening, a dazzling livelihood, and world upliftment.




I know many who have either quit or been fired from “straight” jobs because they couldn’t survive as a cubicle dweller. Then they went on to become successful entrepreneurs, selling unique products and services they never would have developed if they remained in their cube. Sherrie


with you. Self-criticism is based on illusion. A Course in Miracles asks us to remember, “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved,” and then, “Let me recognize that the problem has been solved.” Every experience is a gift, including

Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and other genius inventors were chastised by their early teachers for not paying attention in class. Their minds were about other things. Einstein later declared, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Baxter became sick living and working in the rainy Northwest. She contracted “Seasonal Affect Disorder.” In finding her way back to health, Sherrie discovered full-spectrum light bulbs that compensate for lack of natural sunlight. As a result, she now has a thriving business ( providing SAD sufferers with the products that helped revive her. In the New Testament we are told that Jesus told a sick person, “This is not an illness unto death, but unto greater life.” Thus we might regard the barbs and pains you have been dealt for not fitting into the cookie cutter mold. That mold is appropriate for some cookies, but not for all. There is nothing wrong

criticism. If criticism is valid, you can take the feedback and improve. If it is not valid, affirm your strength and purpose to the contrary. Thank the world for criticism. It is your arrow to positive destiny.

Alan Cohen is the author of many popular and inspirational books, including the newly-released, Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. Join Alan beginning September 1 for his acclaimed ‘Life Coach’ Training Program. For more information about this program, Alan’s other books, free daily inspirational quotes, and his weekly radio show, visit, or 800-568-3079.

You will gain far more by authenticity than by conformity. Conformity is safe but boring; realness is risky but empowering. After I gave a lecture an audience member told me, “I took a course in public speaking, and as I observed you giving your talk, you violated eight of the ten rules of public speaking. But of all the speakers I have heard, you are my favorite because you are the most authentic.” I took his statement as a compliment. (I didn’t ask him which rules I broke. I refuse to spoil my career with training.)

IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 7

Enlightening Views

Failure to

By Judi Moreo

Communicate tell us, we can’t fully experience

“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” This statement was made

their feelings, because we aren’t the

famous by the prison warden in the

one experiencing it. We don’t have

1967 film, “Cool Hand Luke.” In almost

the same background, upbringing,

every business, organization and home

or memories they have. Even if we

today, we have that same problem…the

are experiencing the same event, our

failure to communicate what it is that

perception of it is probably totally

we really mean.


Our communication style is simply

By assuming we understand, we might

a series of behaviors. We have the

actually cause other people to be

power to choose words and actions to

defensive. Don’t say things like, “I know

communicate the message we want

exactly how you feel.” You don’t know how

to send. Ask yourself, “Is the way I am

they feel. You aren’t them. Their feelings

are different than yours. You will never

communicating now aiding or hindering

fully understand how they feel. And for

my relationships? Is my behavior aiding or

goodness sake, don’t jump in and start

hindering whether or not I am trusted or

telling the other person about a similar

respected? Am I showing respect to others?

thing that happened to you. First, show

Am I showing others that I value them? Am I getting the results I want in my life? If I’m not, why not? Which of my behaviors do I need to change?” Why is communication so difficult?

Consider this: there are eight realities

“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.”

about our communication that exist at any one time:

• What I mean to say •

What I actually do say

• What you heard me say •

What you thought you heard me say

• What you mean to say •

What you actually do say

• What I heard you say •

some compassion.

There’s no question about it: what

you say and how you say it will

reveal who you believe you are. It’s imperative for you to keep your emotions under control when

conversing with others. Be sure you are showing the emotion that you want to show at the time and place you want to show it. Your attitude strongly influences the quality of your voice and your ability to communicate effectively. Make sure your entire demeanor is saying what you mean.

Power belongs to those who have shed their insecurities and who react to life in an active and positive manner. Therefore, be the warden of your own communication prison, free yourself of insecurity, and unlock your ability to communicate effectively.

What I thought I heard you say

Is it any wonder we misunderstand each other? Quality communication only happens when the intent of the message is understood by both parties.

When attempting to communicate with another person, don’t just assume you

understood what they said or they understood what you said. Clarify instead. Ask questions until you know what you heard and understood was indeed what

the other person meant. Ask questions to be sure the other person understood what you meant.

Judi Moreo is a Motivational Keynote speaker who doesn’t just talk about success but lives it! A speaker of both substance and style, Judi combines her wealth of knowledge and expertise with the inspiration of a motivational speaker and the humor of an entertainer to bring you a program guaranteed to enrich the lives of all who hear her. Visit:

We never know what another person is thinking or feeling. Even if they PAGE 8 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Enlightening Views

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

Author Unknown


for the

Younger Generation

later years they had something called a revolving charge card. The card was good only at Sears Roebuck. Or maybe it was Sears & Roebuck. Either way, there is no Roebuck anymore. Maybe he died. My parents never drove me to soccer practice. This was mostly because we never had heard of soccer. I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 pounds, and only had one speed, (slow). We didn’t have a television in our house until I was 19. It was, of course, black and white, and the station went off the air at midnight, after playing the national anthem and a poem about God; it came back on the air at about 6 a.m. And there was usually a locally produced news and farm show on, featuring local people. I was 21 before I tasted my first pizza, it was called “pizza pie.” When I bit into it, I burned the roof of my mouth and the cheese slid off, swung down, plastered itself against my chin and burned that, too. It’s still the best pizza I ever had. I never had a telephone in my room. The only phone in the house was in the living room and it was on a party line. Before you could dial, you had to listen and make sure some people you didn’t know weren’t already using the line. Pizzas were not delivered to our home but MILK was. All newspapers were delivered by boys and all boys delivered newspapers -- my brother delivered a newspaper, six days a week. It cost 7 cents a paper, of which he got to keep 2 cents. He had to get up at 6 a.m. every morning. On Saturday, he had to collect the 42 cents from his customers. His favorite customers were the ones who gave him 50 cents and told him to keep the change. His least favorite customers were the ones who seemed to never be home on collection day.



son asked me the other day, “What was your favorite fast food when you were growing up ?”

Movie stars kissed with their mouths shut. At least, they did in the movies. There were no movie ratings because all movies were responsibly produced for everyone to enjoy viewing, without profanity or violence or most anything offensive. If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren. Just don’t blame me if they bust a gut laughing. Growing up isn’t what it used to be, is it?

“We didn’t have fast food when I was growing up,” I informed him. “All the food was slow.”

“C’mon, seriously. Where did you eat ?”

“It was a place called ‘at home,’” I explained ! “Mom cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn’t like what she put on my plate I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.” By this time, my son was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to suffer serious internal damage, so I didn’t tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table. But here are some other things I would have told him about my childhood if I figured his system could have handled it : Some parents NEVER owned their own house, never wore Levis, never set foot on a golf course, never traveled out of the country or had a credit card. In their IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 9

Enlightening Views

H oly or unRH oly? Wisdom from Wayne

The Deep Nature

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.”


Relationship Between Ourselves


Holy relationships facilitate the power of your divine connection at a high energy level for everyone involved. Unholy relationships keep the energy at the lower, slower levels for all concerned. You’ll know your own potential for higher love when you start seeing the perfection in all relationships. When you recognize others’ holiness, you’ll treat them as expressions of the divine nature we all share and you’ll want nothing from them. The irony is that they become co-creators manifesting all your desires. Want nothing from them, demand nothing from them, have no expectations for them, and they’ll return this kindness. Demand from them, insist that they please you, judge them as inferior, and see them as servants, and you’ll receive the same. It is in your best interest to be acutely aware of what you truly want for others, and to know whether you’re in a holy or an unholy relationship with every person you’re involved with.

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(Newsletter Excerpt)


f you desire peace for others, you’ll receive it. If you want others to feel loved, you’ll be the recipient of love. If you see only beauty and worthiness in others, you’ll have the same returned to you. You’ll only give away what you have in your heart, and attract what you’re giving away. Your impact on others—whether it be strangers, family members, co-workers, or neighbors— is evidence of the strength of your connection to Source. Think of your relationships in terms of holy or unholy.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

One truth I’ve recognized during the years of my own growth is that it’s impossible to know my own connection to Source if I’m unable to see and honor that same connection in others. The ability to see yourself as an expression of the Divine and to see yourself in all of humanity is a characteristic of the holy relationship. It’s the ability to celebrate and honor in others the place where we’re all one. Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Author of over 30 books, he has created many audio programs, videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting messages, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. If you would like to receive Wayne’s newsletter visit:

Enlightening Views

Living A

By Sophia Falke

Passionate Life Yes, I’m talking to you! living “out loud.” Living passionately would be embracing all our parts (the good, the bad, and the ugly) and being authentic, vibrant, vulnerable, committed, truthful, spiritually naked, grateful, accepting, and abundant. The possibilities are endless.

I was on my way to an event and got no more than two blocks from home when I turned around and came back. I remembered thinking that what I was heading for was not supporting my passion. It would have been an interesting event, but it would have taken me from my intentions for the week. Do you ever find yourself distracted from what is important to you? Or more basically, do you know what is important to you? In December I invited you to let go of any old “stories” or beliefs that were holding you back. In January, I challenged you to “Get off the pot!” and move toward what you want to see show up in your life. I asked you to think HUGE. I then offered some tools and action steps. (If you want to review those articles, go to Now I’m wondering how you are doing. Yes, I’m talking to you! How’s it going with releasing what no longer serves you? Have you identified what is important to you and what you want to accomplish? Have you set goals and enlisted the support of people who want to see you succeed? Have you investigated what actions to take and then begun them? And are you filling your consciousness with positive and inspirational messages? Those are some of the basic steps we can take. They are simple but we often complicate them because we don’t know how to receive our good. I’ve been reading a powerful little book by Amanda Owen called, “The Power of Receiving”. It reminded me of how often we turn our good away, how often we have the opportunity to live passionately and receive our abundance but prevent ourselves. Why? Sometimes it is because we have bought into the programming of “It’s better to give than

to receive,” forgetting there can only be a flow of abundance if someone receives. Sometimes we are too focused on those parts of ourselves we don’t like. For example: too fat, thin, ugly, handsome, old, stupid, depressed, happy or I work too hard, work too little, etc. It doesn’t mean these parts are good or bad. We just don’t like them and we concentrate too much energy on suppressing or disowning them. If this is our focus, we aren’t likely to notice when abundance comes knocking.

I know some are nervous about sharing their passions. What will other people think? Will I look foolish? Is it a dumb idea? Will I get knocked down just as I’m ready to courageously step forward to follow my passion? We can always find someone wanting to knock us down. But we also have people who will build us up, encourage us, and help when we need it. What is wonderful is that once we identify our passions and visualize what living a passionate life would look like, the ideas, resources, and people we need rush to us from expected and unexpected sources. It is amazing!

Write your passion down. Share it with someone who will support you. If you can’t think of anyone right now, share your passion with me. Just put “My Passion” in the subject line and in the body tell me what your passion is and what living a passionate life would look like. Is living a passionate life important? Yes, of course, because to know and say yes to what you are passionate about is to keep your soul alive.

Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Information on programs at Unity Center can be found at www.,, or Sophia is a certified coach, seminar leader and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness (www. You can reach her by calling 702-755-7064.

Another block to living passionately is allowing ourselves to become distracted. I remember a story about Erma Bombeck, a popular author and humorist from the 1960s. Her friend called Erma to invite her out to lunch. Erma said, “No, I can’t. I have to work on my book so I meet the deadline.” The friend apologized for interrupting Erma’s writing and asked, “When’s the deadline?” Erma responded with a date that was several months away. “If you have that much time,” the friend said, “why can’t you have lunch today?” Erma responded, “Because, if I allow myself to be distracted today, what will distract me from my work tomorrow and the day after that?” Erma had a passion for writing, and that’s where she focused her energy. What’s your passion? Do you know? Are you in touch with what excites and revitalizes you? Are you willing to live it fully, like Erma Bombeck, without apology for being as great as you truly are? You can only express your passion if you know what it is. If you don’t know, could it be you are afraid to look at your passion? Living passionately would be living outside the box of other ’s expectations, our personal doubts and fears, and a lifetime of conditioning that we should not strive for our highest and best. Living passionately would be

IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 11

How To Quickly Stop Your Dog’s Anxiety With These 7 Natural Remedies


og noise anxiety, or fear of loud noises, such as fear of

thunderstorms or f i re w o r k s , i s v e r y common. Pets have especially sensitive hearing. Veterinarians have estimated that your dog can hear 10 times better than you can. The loud crack of thunder is terrifying to many dogs. In some cases, the loud noise has been associated with an unpleasant experience. My family dog Max had his tail slammed in a door by the wind during a thunderstorm; any subsequent storm produced a hiding, shaking Max. This article will reveal effective holistic ways to quickly stop your dog’s anxiety. Most of us are aware of the signs and symptoms of a dog with noise anxiety. Your pet changes her personality in response to noise, especially thunderstorms. She may cry and whine, hide in the basement, begin to chew anything in the house or run away. Some dogs become destructive, and many a house has been damaged during a thunderstorm or fireworks. Other dogs may just tremble, pant excessively, or constantly whine or bark. For long-term success, effort must be put into training your dog to be less anxious in addition to anti-anxiety supplements. Do not positively reinforce the fearful behavior by being too kind. The next time that Lewis reacts to noise, give him a quick scratch then go about your normal household routine. If you act calm, then he may act calm. The next time that your pet begins to act nervous, distract her with a favorite squeaky toy or tasty treat. You are teaching your pet to associate noise with a positive experience. When your pet acts less nervous, then give her lots of praise, and then the next storm could become less stressful. A very simple, safe home remedy is milk. It contains a natural chemical called tryptophan, which tells the brain to relax. Some pets may get diarrhea, so begin with a small amount (1/4 cup) at first. Increase this to 1/2 cup of warm milk given to your anxious Labrador when the fireworks start. Many dogs tend to be less fearful in a small confined space, such as a crate. Crates act like a den in

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By Dr Andrew Jones

nature, making your pet feel safer and more protected. This does not work for all dogs, as some may hurt themselves in an effort to get out of the crate. Try to crate train your dog before a storm, then stay close by to let him out if things do not go so well. A type of therapeutic touch, called Tellington To u c h h a s h e l p e d many pets with noise a n x i e t y. T h e m o s t effective area is the ear. Gently hold the earflap between your thumb and forefinger. Gently stroke from the base of the ear to the ear tip; repeat the motion several times covering different sections of the ear. Use the same fingers to draw tiny circles at the base of the ear. Try both of the techniques on your dog when he is calm. If he reacts well, then try it the next time a storm approaches.

Questions to Ask When Adopting a Kitten or Cat


By ToxicDave

ach year in the United States millions of unwanted cats and kittens are euthanized because there are simply not enough homes for them all. This is a very sad but true fact. If you are planning on adding a new furry friend to your family, won’t you please consider adoption first? If you want a purebred cat, such as a Maine Coon or a Siamese, no need to worry, there are many cat rescues in the United States that specialize in the adoption of specific breeds. The Siamese Rescue Organization, for example, has saved over 15,000 cats nationwide. They are truly dedicated to finding homes for misplaced, abused and abandoned Siamese. They have rescue centers located in California and Texas as well as in the Pacific and Rocky Mountain regions of the country.

Valerian is an herb that acts on the neuroreceptors in the brain. It may decrease anxiety in your pet, but it must be given for 2 weeks. The dose is 50 mg per lb of the dried herb or 1 drop per lb of body weight twice daily of the extract. A shirt wrapped around your dog can help. One product called Thundershirt claims that the gentle, constant pressure has a dramatic calming effect for most dogs if they are anxious, fearful or over-excited. The pressure has a calming effect on the nervous system. Using pressure to relieve anxiety has been a common practice for years. You can make your own “Thundershirt’ by using a small shirt that is wrapped tightly around your dog’s chest and over his back. You should now have a good understanding of dog anxiety, including why so many dogs react to loud noises, such as thunderstorms and fireworks. Now you can recognize the common signs of noise anxiety in your dog; trembling, vocalizing, trying to hide, and chewing. I encourage you to consider some of the above remedies the next time your dog reacts to the loud noises, helping to calm him naturally at home. Dr Andrew Jones is the author of a NEW Free Ebook, Dog Health Secrets, which gives you over 100 safe, natural and effective at home remedies to solve your dog’s health problems quickly and easily at home. He reveals what Vaccines to AVOID and what to give, The BEST food to feed, plus HOW to save money on veterinary fees. Visit:

If you are interested in adopting a kitten, springtime is the best time! Though shelters receive kittens all year long, they are usually over-run with kittens in the spring. Though kittens are adorable, please don’t forget about the wonderful, older felines that need homes too. Older cats are often harder to place and, therefore, at greater risk of euthanasia. If you are interested in adopting a solid black cat, be aware that most shelters and rescue organizations do not allow the adoption of black cats around the Halloween season. Unfortunately, there are people in the world that do not treat our furry, black, four-legged friends very nicely, especially around this haunted holiday. Once you have decided that adoption is the best option for you, it is a good idea to have a list of questions prepared before you walk into the rescue shelter. Knowledge is power, the more you know about the

This Month's Great Pix


Questions to Ask When Adopting a Kitten or Cat (con’t) cat or kitten you are about to adopt, the better! Questions to ask when adopting a cat:

1. What is the adoption fee? 2. How much human contact has the kitten received since it has been at the shelter? 3. Is the kitten or cat litter box trained? 4. Is their health and/or background information available? 5. If they were given up by an owner, what reason did the owner provide for relinquishing his pet? 6. If they do have health problems, what are they and what will the cost be to you? 7. Does the cat or kitten get along well with other animals? Have they had contact with other animals while living at the shelter? 8. How has the kitten been living while at the shelter (cage, foster home, open playroom? 9. What is the background of the organization you are rescuing your cat from? Are they a no-kill organization? If for some reason things do not work out with your cat or kitten, what is their policy regarding the return of the animal or its transfer to another owner? 10. May you spend some time with the cat or kitten in a quiet room to see how it interacts with you?

In Light Times is sponsoring All Fur Love Rescue Center by featuring various pets that need adoption. They need a home and a family. Please contact All Fur Love and see if there is a pet that you can adopt today.

Adopt Me! Pleez

Nicolette Breed: DSH Tabby DOB: March 19, 2011

NICOLETTE is very shy at first and takes her time to get to know her surroundings. She will need a quieter home with lots of love an attention. She enjoys other animals as well as her own time with her human. She hopes you find the patience to help her come out of her shell and surprise you with a whole lotta loving!

Villetta Breed: Tortoise Shell DOB: March 28, 2011

When it comes time to add a new kitten or cat to your family, adoption truly is the best option. It is a noble and wonderful thing to do! When you choose adoption, not only do you give a homeless cat or kitten a new lease on life and a forever loving home, you allow another animal to be saved from certain death. If you are not in a position to adopt, then consider making a donation or becoming a foster parent. Most animal rescue organizations and shelters depend solely on donations and the kindness of others in order to operate.

VILLETTA loves to greet you at the door! Enjoys all toys, and hopes her new family has lots of them for her to play with. She enjoys computer work (which means she loves to walk across the keyboard) and knows how to work the “mouse” to her advantage. She hopes to go home with another kitty in the home to play with.

ToxicDave - Among other blogs, David writes for, a blog devoted to adopting and caring for kittens and cats.

Please contact All Fur Love Animal Society at: adoptions@, IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 13

Books Music &

Books That Make A Difference

Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online in the In Light Times Book Store

Recommended Reading

to a Young Brother: 1 Pound a Day: The Martha’s  The Blood Sugar Solution  Letters Cookbook Vineyard Diet Detox and Plan MANifest Your Destiny By Hill Harper

for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating

By Dr. Mark Hyman

By Roni DeLuz, James Hester

A Must Read From Mama’s Table to Mine: Everybody’s Favorite Comfort Foods at 350 Calories or Less Bobby Deen and Melissa Cla Drinking and Tweeting: And Other Brandi Blunders

Brandi Glanville Leslie Bruce


The Genius of Dogs: How Dogs Are Smarter than You Think Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods

O f f e r i n g inspirational advice in a downto-earth style, this unique compilation of letters provides wisdom, guidance, and heartfelt insight to help the reader chart their own path to success. Based on the author’s motivational speaking at inner-city schools across the country, the letters deal with the tough issues that face young people today. Harper set out to dispel the stereotypical image of success that young people receive today and instead emphasizes alternative views of what it truly means to be a successful male, such as educational and community achievements and self-respect. Intended to provide this frequently regarded “lost generation” of young men with words of encouragement and guidance, Harper ’s deep-rooted passion regarding the plight of today’s youth drove him to write this book, sure to change the lives of readers for years to come.

From the authors of the New York Times bestseller “21 Pounds in 21 Days” comes an effective thirtyday program to detox your body, achieve your weight loss goals, and improve your health for life. Since the runaway success of 21 Pounds in 21 Days, authors Roni DeLuz and James Hester have received enthusiastic feedback from detoxers everywhere. Now that they have established a loyal fan-base that includes such well-known TV personalities as Robin Quivers, Steve Harvey, and Wendy Williams, the authors are making their simplified program available to detoxers everywhere. Now anyone can experience the rejuvenating and restorative effects of detox—one day and one pound at a time. This is not just a cleanse—it is the start of a lifetime of supercharged energy and optimal health.

I n T H E B LO O D SUGAR SOLUTION COOKBOOK, Dr. Mark Hyman shares recipes that support the BLOOD SUGAR S O L U T I O N lifestyle. In 1900, only two percent of meals in America were eaten outside the home; now it is over fifty percent. Dr. Hyman calls for readers to take back their health by taking back their kitchens. The major culprit of diabetes, obesity and heart disease is insulin imbalance. Following Dr. Hyman’s scientifically based program for rebalancing insulin and blood sugar levels, this cookbook presents 175 delectable recipes that are free of allergens and harmful inflammatory ingredients. Readers will exchange toxic factory-made foods for nutritious and easy-to-make dishes such as Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce, Mexican Shrimp Ceviche and more.

Music to Make Note Of

Les Miserables:

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Highlights From the Motion Picture Soundtrack Anne Dudley (Musical Producer), Anne Dudley (Additional Music), Alain Boublil (Lyricist), Alain Boublil (Liner Notes) Les Misérables is the motion-picture adaptation of the beloved global stage sensation seen by more than 60 million people in 42 countries and in 21 languages around the globe and still breaking boxoffice records everywhere in its 27th year. Helmed by The King’s Speech’s Academy Award®winning director, Tom Hooper plus many more…

The Blue Room By Madeleine Peyroux

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PAGE 14 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

“The only thing that matters is the song,” says singer-songwriter Madeleine Peyroux. That conviction along with a ‘one of a kind’ voice, has carried the Jazz artist from busking on the streets of Paris, all the way to mainstream recognition. Through intensely distinctive renditions of old classics and modern tunes by the likes of Leonard Cohen and The Beatles, Peyroux has proved to be an uncannily insightful ‘interpreter’ with her consistently impeccable choice of material...

Lincoln Never Quits

Gems for the Soul Happy

Abraham Lincoln Didn’t Quit

Probably the greatest example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln. If you want to learn about somebody who didn’t quit, look no further. Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown. He could have quit many times - but he didn’t and because he didn’t quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country.

Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up. Here is a sketch of Lincoln’s road to the White House:

1816 His family was forced out of their home. He had to work to support them. 1818 His mother died. 1831 Failed in business. 1832 Ran for state legislature - lost. l832 Also lost his job - wanted to go to law school but couldn’t get in. 1833 Borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the end of the year he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life paying off this debt. 1834 Ran for state legislature again - won. 1835 Was engaged to be married, sweetheart died and his heart was broken. 1836 Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months. 1838 Sought to become speaker of the state legislature - defeated. 1840 Sought to become elector - defeated. 1843 Ran for Congress - lost. 1846 Ran for Congress again - this time he won - went to Washington and did a good job. 1848 Ran for re-election to Congress - lost. 1849 Sought the job of land officer in his home state - rejected. 1854 Ran for Senate of the United States - lost. 1856 Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party’s national convention get less than 100 votes. 1858 Ran for U.S. Senate again - again he lost. 1860 Elected president of the United States.

St. Patrick’s Day

School Phone Menu ... California School Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making a selection:

Answers on Pg 25

• To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1 • To make excuses for why your child did not do his work Press 2 • To complain about what we do - Press 3 • To swear at staff members - Press 4 • To ask why you didn’t get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you - Press 5 • If you want us to raise your child - Press 6 • If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone Press 7 • To request another teacher, for the third time this year - Press 8 • To complain about bus transportation - Press 9 • To complain about school lunches - Press 0 • If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behavior, class work, homework and that it’s not all the teachers’ fault for your child’s lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day! IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 15

F eature S tory The

By Jane Doherty

Trail of

Lost Civilizations To

Ancient Egypt

Could the ancient Egyptian culture have been seeded by survivors of the lost civilizations?



recorded history are legends about the existence of two ancient civilizations called Lemuria and Atlantis. Both sunk under the surface of two oceans without leaving a trace of verifiable information. References to their existence can be found only in myths recounted in ancient writings. These ancient civilizations understood their records would not survive the ravages of time. Therefore, they relied on oral storytelling to record their histories. Eventually, those oral stories became part of ancient legends. Whether these tales are fact or fiction can’t be verified by the standards of documented history. However, legends of the past can’t be dismissed as completely false. There are elements of truth in all myths. Ancient tales often inspire research by people open to explore the myths that traditional researchers do not believe. Alternative researchers are on the trail of clues that could solve this giant ancient history puzzle about the lost civilizations of Mu, Atlantis and ancient Egypt. As you study information about the lost civilizations, the Meso Americans and ancient Egyptians, you begin to see remarkable shared connections between them. Some common denominators are:

p All built Pyramids, stone structures and worshipped the Sun as a primary god.

p Their pyramids or structures had inner chambers that resonated different sets of harmonics.

p Pyramids and structures were aligned with star systems; particularly the Pleiades and Orion Belt, which shows precise astronomical knowledge.

p They had knowledge of Sacred mysteries and similar creation stories about a flood.

p Science, magic and religion were practiced together. p They used crystal and alternative healing techniques. Unraveling The Ancient Trail

The trail starts with the ancient civilization of Lemuria/Mu that existed off the PAGE 16 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

coasts of Central and South America. Legends, writings on stone in South and Central America, and ancient texts all describe a sunken land mass under the surface of the Pacific ocean. Some scientists date the Lemurian catastrophe to 15,000 BC. In the Tibetan sacred texts, the ancient Tibetans remembered the civilization as Ra-Mu. Inscriptions on the continents of the Americas refer to it as the lost Motherland of Mu. Famous American Prophet, Edgar Cayce, calls it Muri or Lemuria. This Mu-an culture was supposedly centered in Peru, but later developed colonies in nearby Guatemala, Bolivia, and Mexico. Eventually, Lemuria became an expanded settlement that reached across the South Pacific and included Hawaii, Easter Island and Japan.

Remnants of Mu

Tiahuanaco in Bolivia is a remnant of the Mu-an civilization. This sacred center is laid out to coincide with the star constellation of the Pleiades. Other areas within the site are aligned with major astronomical events. In fact, one stone pyramid gives off a strange, incomprehensible magnetic energy. Arthur Posnansky, a German-Bolivian scholar, studied Tiahuanaco ruins for almost 50 years. He was able to date the ruins at about 15,000 BC. Scientific studies show a cataclysmic flood did occur around 12,000 years ago. According to the Secret History of Consciousness, this suggests that these ruins may be a fragment of a civilization that included Teotihuacan in Mexico, and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Nearby, in Puma Punka, there are inner chambers in the structures of the ruins that emitted sets of pure harmonics, like the inner chambers of the Yucatan pyramids at Chichen Itza and the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

The Lemurians

Lemurians were light beings that came from another dimension. As they stayed on the Earth, they became denser and eventually became solid matter as a physical body. However, they retained access to the consciousness and spirituality they had before entering the Earth environment. Continued On Page 24 *

IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 17

Health Lights

Sclerology &


clerology can be defined as the study of the red lines in the sclera, also known as the whites of the eyes. This science is extremely accurate and has been practiced by the Chinese and Native Americans for thousands of years. Sclerology allows the practitioner to see diseases developing in the body long before a doctor would be able to diagnose the disease. The eyes are known for reflecting a person’s health and vitality. For example; a healthy young child has clear bright eyes, but as they get older the eyes will often become less vibrant and clear. This is due to environmental toxins, eating habits, emotions and stress. Another example you may be familiar with is the fact that when the liver is congested or compromised, the eyes will become yellowish in color. The Sclera or whites of the eyes quickly reveal constitutional or genetic predispositions. This means that the markings in the sclera show the weakest organ systems. The sclera’s information is causative, meaning that it often shows the cause of a person’s symptoms. If a person often gets headaches, the sclera would reveal where the body is struggling to maintain balance. For example, a premenstrual headache could show up in the female reproductive system region in the sclera. If a person is struggling with their weight this could show up as a marking in the thyroid region of the sclera. Another example is that a person that is often fatigued would most likely have markings in the immune system, liver, and endocrine system. Sclerology is very useful in getting to the cause of symptoms. There are many reasons why Sclerology is a very valuable and useful modality. For example; Sclerology provides an early insight, and thus allows a person time to correct dietary habits before a condition becomes chronic. The lines in the sclera will change as health conditions change, for example the lines will often fade and get lighter in color as healing takes place. Thus Sclerology is an excellent way to confirm that a natural therapy is working. The sclera’s patterns reveal the weak links in a person’s body. The person is empowered with self-

PAGE 18 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

By Danyelle Belchar

Energy Healing

I am sure you are asking yourself what Sclerology is and what does energy healing have to do with it.

knowledge that can prevent a genetic weakness from manifesting. Sclerology helps prioritize health treatment programs because when the main stress patterns are addressed, the body’s inherent wisdom can heal many other conditions. Sclerology is an excellent second opinion to other health modalities such as live and dry blood analysis, kinesiology and medical lab testing. Sclerology’s window into the body provides a clear view of the body’s health conditions. Sclerology is growing rapidly as an accurate and insightful way to understand a person’s health. What is Energy Healing? Energy healing is a direct transmission of spirit energy from one person to another. This spirit energy is often called life force energy and chi. Energy healing balances and restores the energy field that surrounds the human body. This field is often called an aura. The energy field is mentioned in many cultural traditions around the world, and is the key to many alternative healing modalities. A person’s energy field is believed to influence their health well-being. Most physical problems start as a spiritual problem, which means disturbances start in the energy field. The energy field can be healed through a transmission of energy and this improves the physical. A true practitioner is a channel for healing energy.

The ego has to get out of the way in order for the true healing to take place. As food is a necessity for the body from birth, spirit energy is food for the soul. Spirit or light energy preserves the bodily energy and saves it from decay. Healing also works as a cleanser and helps the body in discharging toxins, thus rejuvenating the body. I have trained and worked with many spiritual healers and light workers. I have also strengthened and cultivated my abilities through meditation and yoga. I combine all my skills into one session. For example, I would first examine the eyes and discuss some things with the patient. Then I would recommend certain herbs to correct specific conditions in the body, and then I would perform an energy healing to assist the body in its healing process.

From Danyelle Belchar: I have been studying alternative medicine and healing practices for over 7 years. I have also studied and work with professional naturopathic doctors who have taught me a lot about the growing field. I have been certified in Sclerology by Dr. Jack Tips, the founder of the International Sclerology Institute and am also a certified energy practitioner. I have always had a passion for natural healing and I find it to be the most effective. Visit:


Health Lights

Ways to Love Your Liver Home Remedies to Detox and Keep the Life in Your Liver


our liver is your body’s primary organ of detoxification; when it’s not well, neither are you. The human liver filters drugs, nutrients and toxins from the body, produces bile to help digest fats, and removes toxic bilirubin from the blood. Home remedies, foods and alternative treatments keep your liver happy and keep your body healthy.

Foods that strengthen the liver

• Organic foods supply nutrients without pesticides and chemicals • Vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage increase liver enzymes to flush carcinogens • Beets and carrots promote increased liver function with beta-carotene • Healthy fats such as olive, coconut and flax seed oils protect against gallstones • Garlic and onions activate liver enzymes flushing toxins • Dark chocolate -- 85 percent cocoa or better -provides antioxidant protection against cirrhosis • Drink half your weight in ounces daily in filtered, fluoride-free water • Avocados and walnuts provide glutathione to cleanse toxins • Apples are high in pectin removing toxins from the digestive tract, protecting the liver • Two tablespoons of lemon juice daily with water alkalizes the blood and detoxifies • Non-GMO lecithin supports the liver and gallbladder in fat digestion • Leafy green vegetables stimulate the flow of bile

What damages the liver? Some foods and additives flood the liver with chemicals, interfering with its ability to adequately clear the body of toxins. • • • • • • • • •

By JB Bardot

Genetically modified foods (GMOs Trans fats and hydrogenated oils High fructose corn syrup Sodas loaded with chemicals and artificial sweeteners MSG, a food additive and flavor enhancer found in almost all processed foods Alcohol, especially if you have liver disease Processed and fast foods devoid of adequate nutrition Soy-based foods, unless fermented Medicines that can overload the liver causing long-term damage.

Lifestyle Lifestyle changes support the digestive system,

helping to strengthen liver function and lessen the burden on detoxification. • Regular exercise stimulates digestion • Chew food well to release digestive enzymes • Encourage sweating to remove toxins through the skin, relieving the liver • Maintain intestinal health by avoiding toxin buildup in the bowel • Avoid smoking cigarettes • Use chemical-free, cleaning and personal care products • Avoid chemical yard and bug sprays

Liver treatments Herbs, supplements and homeopathic remedies repair damage and maintain liver health. Consult a natural health practitioner for dosing guidelines. • Milk thistle fights oxidation and free radicals reversing cirrhosis • Burdock root cleanses the liver and assists detoxification • Green tea is high in catechins that support liver function • Dandelion is a natural detox flush • Turmeric reduces inflammation relieving symptoms of cirrhosis • Cinnamon reduces blood levels of glucose and fructose slowing development of fatty liver disease • Aloe vera is a digestive tonic and pain reliever • Alpha Lipoic Acid possesses antioxidant properties; supporting healthy liver function • Activated charcoal protects the liver by absorbing toxins • Ayurveda suggests cleansing the liver with highly alkaline sugarcane or pomegranate juice • Mix turmeric powder with milk and drink daily • Chewing fennel seeds after meals aids digestion • Avoid supplementing with iron unless under medical supervision

Homeopathic remedies • Nux vomica -- Indicated for enlarged livers due to alcohol abuse • Carduus marianus -- Indicated for jaundice, headache, nausea, vomiting and a white tongue.

Relieves gallstone colic. • Natrum Sulphuricum -- Dissolves gallstones and relieves hepatitis • Ammonium muriaticum -- Used for pinching, shooting pains in the upper right abdomen • Taraxacum -- Indicated for hardened livers, accompanied by jaundice, bilious diarrhea, and gastritis • Chelidonium -- Indicated for an enlarged live, sharp stitching pains worse on the right side extending to the right shoulder blade • Rumex Crispus -- Stimulates digestion and cleanses the gallbladder and bile ducts • Bryonia -- Relieves stitching pains in the right side of the abdomen made worse with movement. Relieves jaundice brought on by anger. • Podophyllum -- Used to increase the flow of bile and relieve congestion and jaundice accompanied by diarrhea

JB Bardot is an herbalist and a classical homeopath, and has a post-graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. You can find her on Facebook at php?id=100001364941208&ref=tn_tnmn or on Twitter at jbbardot23 or Read More of Jean (JB) Bardot’s articles: Natural News: www. The Best Years in Life: AlignLife: Real Health Talk: www.

IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 19

Health Lights

Health Benefits


or over twenty years as a physician, I’ve witnessed, time and again, the healing power of tears. Tears are your body’s release valve for stress, sadness, grief, anxiety, and frustration. Also, you can have tears of joy, say when a child is born or tears of relief when a difficulty has passed. In my own life, I am grateful when I can cry. It feels cleansing, a way to purge pent up emotions so they don’t lodge in my body as stress symptoms such as fatigue or pain. To stay healthy and release stress, I encourage my patients to cry. For both men and women, tears are a sign of courage, strength, and authenticity. In “Emotional Freedom,” I discuss the numerous health benefits of tears. Like the ocean, tears are salt water. Protectively they lubricate your eyes, remove irritants, reduce stress hormones, and they contain antibodies that fight pathogenic microbes. Our bodies produce three kinds of tears:

reflex, continuous, and emotional. Each kind has different healing roles. For instance, reflex tears allow your eyes to clear out noxious particles when they’re irritated by smoke or exhaust. The second kind, continuous tears, are produced regularly to keep our eyes lubricated­— these contain a chemical called “lysozyme” which functions as an anti-bacterial and protects our eyes from infection. Tears also travel to the nose through the tear duct to keep the nose moist and bacteria free. Typically, after crying, our breathing, and heart rate decrease, and we enter into a calmer biological and emotional state.

High Wisdom Consultations


with Kathryn Peters-Brinkley

Are you at a crossroads in life? Do you know how to put your imagination in motion?

Benefit from Ancient Universal teachings… Discover your passion

Recalibrate your course

Attract your soul-mate

Align your soul-purpose

Improve your health

Revitalize your relationship

Enrich your life

Discern your soul lessons E-m ail m e for an

ap p t.


PAGE 20 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES



Emotional tears have special health benefits. Biochemist and “tear expert” Dr. William Frey at the Ramsey Medical Center in Minneapolis discovered that reflex tears are 98% water, whereas emotional tears also contain stress hormones which get excreted from the body through crying. After studying the composition of tears, Dr. Frey found that emotional tears shed these hormones and other toxins which accumulate during stress. Additional studies also suggest that crying stimulates the production of endorphins, our body’s natural pain killer and “feel-good” hormones.” Interestingly, humans are the only creatures known to shed emotional tears, though it’s possible that that elephants and gorillas do too. Other mammals and also salt-water crocodiles produce reflex tears which are protective and lubricating. Crying makes us feel better, even when a problem persists. In addition to physical detoxification, emotional tears heal the heart. You don’t want to hold tears back. Patients sometimes say, “Please excuse me for crying. I was trying hard not to. It makes me feel weak.” My heart goes out to them when I hear this. I know where that sentiment comes from: parents who were uncomfortable around tears, a society that tells us we’re weak for crying--in particular that “powerful men don’t cry.” I reject these notions. The new enlightened paradigm of what constitutes a powerful man and woman is someone who has the strength and self awareness to cry. These are the people who impress me, not those who put up some macho front of faux-bravado. Try to let go of outmoded, untrue, conceptions about crying. It is good to cry. It is healthy to cry. This helps to emotionally clear sadness and stress.

By Dr. Judith Orloff Excerpted from “Emotional Freedom”

Crying is also essential to resolve grief, when waves of tears periodically come over us after we experience a loss. Tears help us process the loss so we can keep living with open hearts. Otherwise, we are a set up for depression if we suppress these potent feelings. When a friend apologized for curling up in the fetal position on my floor, weeping, depressed over a failing romance, I told her, “Your tears blessed my floor. There is nothing to apologize for.” I’ve been this enthusiastic about crying for years. In fact, during my psychiatric residency at UCLA when supervisors and I watched videos of me with patients, they’d point out that I’d smile when a patient cried. “That’s inappropriate,” they’d say. I disagreed then; still do. I wasn’t smiling because my patients were depressed or grieving. I was smiling because they were courageously healing depression or other difficult emotions with tears. I was happy for their breakthrough. In my life, too, I love to cry. I cry whenever I can. Wish I could more. Thank God our bodies have this capacity. I hope you too can appreciate the experience. Let your tears flow to purify stress and negativity. Dr. Orloff, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and has helped patients find emotional freedom for over 20 years. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality to achieve physical and emotional healing. Dr. Orloff passionately asserts that we have the power to transform negative emotions and achieve inner peace. Her bestselling books, “Emotional Freedom”, “Second Sight”, “Positive Energy”, and “Guide to Intuitive Healing” offer readers practical strategies to overcome frustration, stress, and worry. Visit

Health Lights Herbalist

Kathleen Gould, rh


Got Allergies?

Oh No, Not Allergy Season Again!


Now that winter’s nap is done and everything is waking up are you looking forward to getting outside and enjoying spring? Hiking, biking, gardening or just lazing in the old hammock in the backyard. These are the joyful things we all look forward to after being cooped up in our houses all winter long – that is unless you are one of the thousands of people suffering with allergies.

any folks believe their only options are those nasty allergy medications with their myriad of side effects. The Huffington Post (January 27, 2013) listed the following as the most common side effects of allergy medications: low libido, increased appetite, altered taste and smell, long-term health issues, infertility in women, anxiety, impairment of thinking, depression and sleepiness among others. Wow, it seems the drug cure may be worse than the ailment! Luckily, as herbalists have always known, Mother Nature has provided us with a huge array of great herbs to help with symptoms of allergies. But even better, did you know there are also herbs to help us clear up the underlying reasons for the allergies so we can clear them forever? Simple, abundant herbs like Elder flowers, nettle leaf, dandelion leaf, goldenrod are just waiting to help clear up our allergies and get us back to enjoying all the fun activities spring offers . Elder flower, as an example, is used to strengthen the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract, increasing resistance to allergens. Drinking elder flower tea in early spring can help reduce symptoms of hay fever later in the year. Goldenrod is used in alleviating chronic congestion in the nasal passages. Here is a great herbal allergy protocol that works nearly every time. WHEN ALLERGIES FLAIR UP • Immediately begin taking Echinacea Tincture. Traditional dosage: 1 dropper full every waking hour for 3 to 4 days to stimulate the immune system.

Kathleen Gould your liver. Think of it like the filter in your home. If you let too long a time pass before changing your filter, it becomes filled with the toxins from your home; once you change it, your whole house feels more clear and clean. IN BETWEEN FLAIR UPS Simply drink 2-4 cups daily of a tea containing liver detoxing herbs to help clear congestion from the liver; herbs such as dandelion root, burdock root, yellow dock root, pau d arco, licorice, milk thistle seed etc. Herbs are one of the simplest and most effective remedies when it comes to allergies. Give them a try – you may be surprised at your results. Final word of caution: Some allergic reactions are severe and can be life threatening. If your throat begins to close up, you start swelling or have other extreme symptoms, get medical help immediately.

Kathleen Gould, Herbalist RH (AHG) has studied, taught & lived herbalism for 30+ years. She is a professional member of the esteemed American Herbalist Guild. She has lectured at holistic, alternative and health organizations, environmental groups, herbal symposiums around the country. Specializing in Bulk Medicinal Herb Classes, Consultations by appointment, Kathleen is national renowned for her knowledge as an herbalist. E-mail:; visit: www.SWHerb. com or call 480-694-9931.

• Begin drinking a high quality Sinus/Allergy Tea blend. 1 cup 3-4 x day to help dry up without drying out the sinuses. • Vitamin C to bowel tolerance. Start with 1000 or 2000 I.U. Vitamin C 3 x day. If you do not get diarrhea then increase until your stools become loose then cut back until diarrhea stops. For pain, swelling and congestion use a Neti Pot to irrigate sinuses, followed with a simple steam. To make a steam, simply fill a small pot half way with water and bring to a boil. Add 1 drop of Eucalyptus essential oil. Place pot on the table and drape a large towel over your head and pot. Caution: make sure you are at least 12 inches away from the steam to avoid burning your face. Next, close your mouth and eyes and inhale deeply. GETTING TO THE SOURCE OF ALLERGIES Our fabulous liver performs over 500 known functions. It filters our blood to remove harmful substances from everything we eat, drink, breath or ingest in any way. If you have allergies, your body is creating lots of mucus which congests IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 21

Health Lights

By Dr. Ben Kim

What To Do For A Fever

Of all the concerns that parents have contacted my office about, the most common one has been what to do with a child’s fever.


n addressing this concern, it’s vital to understand that a fever serves to protect your body against infection and trauma in three major ways: 1. A fever stimulates your immune system into producing more white blood cells, antibodies, and a protein called interferon, all of which work to protect your body against harmful microorganisms. 2. By raising your body’s temperature a few degrees, a fever makes it harder for invading bacteria and viruses to survive and flourish. The higher your core body temperature is, the harder it is for harmful microorganisms to survive in your body. 3.

A fever helps to shuttle iron to your liver so that it is not readily available to fuel the growth of invading bacteria.

During a talk I gave several years ago on the health benefits of fevers, a biology teacher in the audience mentioned that cold blooded animals like lizards will intentionally seek out warmer spots to lie on and rest to give themselves a fever when they are ill. He went on to explain that all living creatures in the animal kingdom use fevers to strengthen their immune systems when they are ill. The most common cause of a fever is a bacterial or viral infection, the vast majority of which your body’s self-healing mechanisms can conquer with proper rest and nutritional support. Heatstroke and poisoning can also cause fevers, more often in children than adults. If you suspect that a fever is due to heatstroke or poisoning, I recommend that you go to the emergency room of your local hospital immediately. A fever cannot cause brain damage unless it reaches 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius) and stays there for an extended period of time. Since your brain has a built-in thermostat that does not allow your core temperature to rise above 106 degrees Fahrenheit (41.1o C) during an infectious process, it’s virtually impossible to experience brain damage from a fever caused by a bacterial or viral infection. The majority of fevers don’t reach 105 (40.5o C) degrees. The highest temperature that I have encountered thus far has been 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit (40o C) in a 6-year old boy who had suffered a heat stroke. A small percentage of children can sometimes experience short-lived seizures Continued Next Page * PAGE 22 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Continued From Page 22

Health Lights

What To Do For A Fever

when they have a fever, called a febrile seizure. These seizures are caused by a rapid increase in body temperature, not by a specific temperature. There’s no need to worry if your child experiences a febrile seizure, as they end quickly and do not leave after-effects. Although it is usually best to allow a fever to run its course and to rely on your own self-healing mechanisms to get you well, I recommend that you seek medical attention for fevers that are accompanied by: • Difficulty breathing • Vomiting • A stiff neck • A persistent cough that lasts more than a week • Unexplained heaviness or weakness in your legs or arms • Unexplained irritability, confusion, listlessness, and any other behavior that is out of character for you or your child If none of the above symptoms are present, a fever is best treated by getting plenty of rest, drinking healthy liquids, eating lightly, and making sure that you are not increasing your core temperature by wearing too much clothing or using too many blankets. If a fever is preventing you from getting restful sleep, a minimal dose of acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) can help reduce the fever slightly, which can help you get enough rest to possibly justify temporary use of these pain killers. If you take a dose that completely eliminates your fever, you might feel better in the moment, but you should expect to experience a longer recovery period than if you take a minimal dose or none at all. And please be aware that though the risk is very slight, there are potential negative effects to taking these medications, especially in little ones, so heed all warnings on labels and stay vigilant with symptoms. For more information on managing fevers in children, I recommend reading How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn.

Dr. Kim is a chiropractor and acupuncturist. He helps to educate people on health issues. Visit:

IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 23

Feature Story


Continued From Page 16

st C

by Jane



liza tio ns

The Atlantean people were adept at engineering, architecture and technology. Huge crystals powered their work and they understood the concept of electromagnetic frequency. According to Edgar Cayce’s past life readings, Atlanteans supposedly had flying machines and understood the chattering tonal language of the dolphins and communicated with them.

They were intelligent and nurturing. The Mu-an shared everything with each other and had no interest in material possessions. They had an excellent ability to govern and were leaders in religion and philosophy.

painting the history of how the Maya came from Atlantis. This mural is painted on the Miami University building.

Over time, some Lemurians started on a power path; however, they did not succumb to greed. Instead, they continued to follow the Sacred mysteries. When they emerged from the disaster with their spiritual beliefs intact, the Mu-ans spread out across the planet to teach the mysteries to others and to seed future civilizations.

In the Codexes Troanus and Cortesianus the Maya refer to the sinking of the land of Mu.


Maya References To The Lost Civilizations

In the jungles of Guatemala a German archaeologist discovered a temple with stone carvings that depict a remnant of a pyramid or temple slipping into water.

This is a legendary island first mentioned in Plato’s dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, about 360 BC. In the Critias, Plato claims that his accounts of ancient Athens and Atlantis came from a visit to Egypt by Athenian law giver named Solon. Solon, one of the seven Greek sages, met a priest of Sais who translated the Egyptian hieroglyphics into Greek.

Montezuma told the Spaniards that his distant ancestors came from a land to the east called Aztlan (Atlantis), which was in the sea.

According to the story, Atlantis was located to the west of the Straits of Gibraltar in the Atlantic ocean. There has been much speculation about the location of Atlantis, but no accepted evidence has been found. There are some people who believe the location is near Bimini in the Bahamas, including famed American psychic, Edgar Cayce. Supposedly, the Atlantean survivors made it to Poseidia to seek refuge, which indicates the area near the Bahamas could be the location of Atlantis.

There is artwork in the underground caves in the Yucatan, Guatemala and Belize that reflect the Lemurian and Atlantean society of the early inhabitants. Symbols such as circles, spirals, swastikas, ankhs and equidistant crosses, which later were also used by ancient Egyptians, are painted on the walls.

Famous underwater explorer, Jacques Costeau, explored Andros, the largest island of the Bahamas. He found a huge grotto with large stalagmites. When the sediment on the walls of the cave was tested, the results confirmed the cave was above water before 10,000 BC. There are also many caves with hieroglyphic writings on their walls. These test results suggest this area could be the area of Atlantis. The Atlantean people were adept at engineering, architecture and technology. Huge crystals powered their work and they understood the concept of electromagnetic frequency. According to Edgar Cayce’s past life readings, Atlanteans supposedly had flying machines and understood the chattering tonal language of the dolphins and communicated with them.

Le Plongeon, who could translate the Maya language, claims that on a temple in Uxmal were writings indicating the building was constructed in memory of Mu.

According to Murry Hope in The Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis, similarities between Mayan art forms, symbols, culture, science and those of ancient Egypt have led some scholars to conclude both nations have drawn their inspiration from a single source…Atlantis. Frank Joseph, who has done extensive research and has written numerous books on the ancient civilizations, has uncovered some facts that make a strong connection between Atlantis and Egypt. In his book, Survivors of Atlantis: Their impact on World culture, Frank cites several facts that connect the dots. The following points are just a few cited by Frank Joseph:

Atlanteans also had chambers in their structures. They used light, color and sound to create harmonic combinations in these chambers; which were used for healing and regeneration, much like the chambers in Lemuria and Egypt.

The Mayan calendar lists the date of the new world as in the year 3113 B.C.E. (Before Common/Current/Christian Era) Remarkably, the date the dynastic civilization in Egypt began was in the same year.

The Destruction

Hierakonopolis’s famous Narmer Palette, named after the first pharaoh of the First Dynasty and the illustrations of the first Aztec monarch, Montezuma I, in Mexico’s Codex Mendoza, show identical depictions of men grabbing the hair of a defeated enemy with one hand while raising a war club in the other.

Mesoamerican pyramids strongly resemble the early Egyptian step pyramids. On the vernal equinox at dawn the Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza and Egypt’s Great Pyramid are in shadow and then become increasingly illuminated as the rays of the sun move north, crossing the zenith at noon. This is something that only occurs on the first day of spring.

According to the book, Atlantis and Lemuria author Shirley Andrews, describes the changes which contributed to the destruction of Atlantis. In the later days, the Atlanteans used their advanced knowledge to obtain wealth and power at the expense of others. Their emphasis on technology had a dehumanizing effect and the Atlanteans lost respect for each other and for the Earth. They became greedy, competitive and power hungry. The Atlanteans are said to have started to experiment with lasers to gain power. Some Atlanteans drilled small circles into the Earth and shot lasers into the holes. This caused earthquakes and ultimately the island’s destruction.

The Meso Americans Ancestors

During a certain period of time, Atlantis and Lemuria existed at the same time. The Lemurians visited Atlantis and vice versa and interbred. Mu seeded Atlantis but it mutated and became its own brand of Atlantis. The most notable of the Meso Americans were the Maya. They were known for their fully developed written language, as well as, for its art, architecture, mathematics and astronomical systems. The Maya civilization shares many features with other Meso American cultures because of their interaction with each other. Talking to one of the Mayan elders, Hunbatz Men, he explained how the Maya ancestors were from Atlantis. The Maya elder believes Atlantis is off the coast of Cuba towards Cozumel. He also explained how there were three groups of survivors who went to different places. The Itza Maya went to the Yucatan area and the Naga Maya went to Egypt. The third group of survivors went to Tibet. There is a famous 86 year old Mexican Muralist, Diego Rosales, who just finished PAGE 24 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES


The lost civilizations and Egypt are clearly connected. Edgar Cayce predicted the proof of Atlantis is in the hall of records under the Sphinx. Scientific research indicates there are caverns under the Sphinx, but exploration has been stopped. According to Cayce, the Hall of Records will be found by the reincarnated “Children of the Law of One” from Atlantis. Do you have the mark of Atlantis etched in the palm of your hand? If you can see an M in the lines of your palm, you are probably one of those children from Atlantis and connected to ancient Egypt.

Jane Doherty, named “One of the Top Twenty Psychics” by Dr. Hans Holzer, is author of Awakening the Mystic Gift, starred in the international TV show, “Dead Tenants”, and featured on Coast to Coast Radio, numerous radio, TV shows and magazines. Jane will lead spiritual workshops for inner awareness during a 14-day tour visiting Egypt’s ancient sites in September 2013. Discover your own gifts and true essence on this empowering tour to Egypt. For tour info:

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702-259-6843 IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 27

Celestial Cycles by Motavenda

My thoughts on “Spirituality in the New Age”. As we move forward together in search of a more beautiful world, we must reach beyond the known and align with higher divine principles to guide us. Looking at the state of our world, it is clear we must find new ways to bring our creations into more harmony with love. This will be a process of both personal and collective transformation. Through separating out of the pool of humanity and reconnecting with divine love, we can merge again with life, bringing higher understandings into the world. by Moti

Important, read Sun, Rising & Moon signs to have a full picture. So, what’s up the with heavens? The Sun, traveling through Pisces, softens us to open more fully as we dwell in deeper states of sensitivity… until it enters Aries on the 21st; marking the Spring Equinox. New energies stir within us. The New Moon on the 11th, also in Pisces, finds us tuning into the more subtle messages as we listen with care to our intuition. The Full Moon, on the 27th in Libra, brings reminders of the importance of self-love when it comes to coexisting in service with others. Venus, the planet of love and values, moves through Pisces forming a square to Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, in Gemini, on the 4th. We ask ourselves, “How can we better move forward to unfold and engage with the world through exploration while holding true to our deeper spiritual values?” Venus then conjuncts Chiron, the comet of the shaman and reveals how, when we heal our own wounds, we become capable of helping others who face similar challenges. What have we healed? How can we work in healthy and safe ways to guide others? Mercury conjuncts Venus on the 6th and Chiron on the 8th in Pisces. We are entering new times where it will be essential to communicate from places of deep truth born from a union with the divine. Saturn, traveling through Scorpio, guides us in structuring what we need in the physical world to support our souls here and, as it sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on the 8th, we see more clearly how and where the existing structures fall short when it comes to affording us true and genuine support. As Mars enters its natural sign of Aries on the 12th, those reservoirs of energy, we had all but forgotten we had, suddenly become visible and accessible again. We must find channels both wide and strong enough to move our life-force through to avoid frustration and conflict. Mercury turns direct on the 17th as communications happen easily and Venus, entering Aries on the 21st, reaffirms the importance of honoring ourselves. Sacrificing ourselves is not a truly loving act, and as Mars conjuncts Uranus on the 22nd, we recognize new doorways to freedom. The month closes with Venus squaring Pluto as we tune into places of stress resulting from the oppression of our divine feminine nature. We can use this valuable awareness to guide us forward in love to create a more empowering world for us all to share in.

ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

You consider what is possible in the sacred space of higher unions now Aries. The more we know ourselves and develop a strong relationship to our own souls, the more capable we become of experiencing love with another. We can only truly hold space for others that we have come to honor within ourselves.

TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20

Moving back and forth into and out of intimacy is the natural organic flow of life. You are able to move with grace both toward and away from others Taurus. Give yourself the space you need to both breathe unencumbered as well as share yourself if and when your heart desires to form connections.

GEMINI • May 21 to June 20

You are naturally adept at exploring multiple realms with ease. Now, you work to bring your attention into a more singular focus. You can take all that you have learned and gathered in your explorations to understand specific things more fully. This is a great benefit of being open to a life of experimentation.

Cancer ~ June 21 to July 22

You can take advantage of the full force of nature’s energy by simply tuning into the flow of life Cancer. There is no need to work hard to generate things. Instead, you can bring about change simply by making yourself available to what is already underway and finding a workable point of contact.

Leo ~ July 23 to Aug. 22

You search for and achieve a state of perfected success with ease these days Leo. You are able to tune into, and align with, that sweet spot where things unfold in ways that are obviously for the highest good of all involved. Trust the good as you bear witness to the beauty of divine order.

Virgo ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22

You have no choice but to unleash the potent creative energy within. If we don’t let our life-force move us forward uninterrupted, we end up exhausted from the effort spent in holding ourselves down. Listen to where you want to take yourself and let yourself go there without question. You deserve fulfillment.

Libra ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Motavenda “Moti” Melchizedek is an artist, writer and astrologer specializing in the areas of personal empowerment, family of origin issues, personal dreams and destiny. She is a student and teacher of the principles of “Divine Love” and can be reached at 575-534-1024 or visit:

Happy Birthday Pisces! February 19th to March 20th “We merge with the Divine; we are One”

Ruling Planet: Neptune ~ Rules: Feet ~ Symbol: Two Fish ~ Element: Water Energy: Feminine ~ Quality: Mutable ~ Color: Purple ~ Gem Stone: Amethyst ~ Flower: Chrysanthemum ~ Most Compatible Signs: Gemini, Virgo & Sagittariusi ~ High Manifestation of Pisces Energy: Connecting to the divine through dissolving boundaries and inspiring others to connect to their own spiritual nature ~ Shadow Manifestation of Pisces Energy: Loss of self. Becoming swallowed up and overwhelmed by the energies of everyone around you ~ Full Spectrum of the Virgo/Pisces Axis: “I know myself apart from the collective through individuating so that I might know my own divinity and merge with others in health and wholeness.” Pisces energy holds an important and invaluable key to our personal and collective transcendence. This sign helps us to connect to our intuition, our psychic abilities and our innate sense of knowing. There is a deep well of wisdom inside our souls that we all can access and use to guide us through life. It is simply a matter of honoring it. The challenge with this sign is in finding the balance between being open with others and maintaining a sense of self that is strong and clear and independent of the mirror others project toward us. We can delineated ourselves apart from the collective and still dwell in divinity. We must know ourselves and exist in a boundaried state fully and completely enough to experience our own souls in order to coexist with others in truly high exchanges. We each must come to know our own souls and heal out false beliefs and injuries before we are capable of existing in pure states of love in our relationships both in this and in the spirit world. Pisces energy shows us how to enter into the higher frequencies of this pure and true state of love. There are so many false beliefs in our current definitions of “love” which are moving and motivating us in directions that are not in harmony with divine love. It is through separating ourselves out of the pool of humanity and coming to know our own souls completely, that we become capable of truly loving others and holding a space for ourselves and our fellow man to move to higher places of personal and collective sharing.

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New experiences in love are among the greatest gifts life can give us. Keeping your heart open to new things that come your way is key now Libra. Experiences that ignite your passion and soften you into new states of undiscovered pleasure are worth the risks that the unknown can bring.

Scorpio ~ Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Creating things that are for your own benefit is important to allow time and space for Scorpio. We can end up at the end of the day finding we have spun our wheels or become drained from having our life-force harvested by others. Be sure to give yourself room to recognize and tend to your own longings.

Sagittarius ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

You find you can do things for others that truly help to empower them toward making great strides in their own evolution these days, Sagittarius. Reach into that big heart of yours and share what you have learned through your life’s journey with those who could benefit from a such a beautiful mirror as yours.

Capricorn ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Sometimes, what we expect will be a pinnacle of achievement; turns out to be a stepping stone to a larger more comprehensive and inspiring unseen vision. All is not visible at the start of the journey. You, more than most, understand the value of the new vantage points we have after traveling a great distance.

Aquarius ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

One of the gifts of self-control and discipline, comes in the letting go. As you reenter a fluid state, you are reminded of your mastery, Aquarius. This is the nature of grow. We center and ground only to surrender again to the unknown for greater learning and the chance to know more ecstatic states.

Pisces ~ Feb. 19 to March 20

Own your power, Pisces. It is through grounding a strong sense of self, that we are able to embody our clarity and wisdom and hold steady when we are with others, regardless of their soul condition. It is possible to be both spiritually high and firmly planted on the earth all in the same moment.

Empowered Numerology by Michele Avanti Alpha Numeric Numerology Chart Throughout our lives we experience numbers, yet most people are not aware that they have power and that the frequency of a number actually can direct or energize our focus. Last month we examined the number one, so now we will see the various energies of the number: Two, 2, II. Where One is individuating, the number, Two is all about balancing. As Creation expanded beyond the pure positive God worlds, it broke into two distinct energies, light and dark. In the very first levels below pure light, one can barely perceive the difference, much like being at the paint store and choosing between snow white and Navajo white. The colors of white are many, but the differences are insignificant compared to what we will see as we move deeper in creation. As one continues to lower levels of density, colors take on deeper and deeper shades, until here, in the physical, we can see the color black. Yet, when we understand black, it is a combination of all colors. So this, then from a metaphysical understanding, is the loop of infinity, a return to Itself, from white light or what appears to be ‘No color,’ to black which is all colors in the physicality, a reflection of the frequency of light itself which, in its greatest brightness, contains all colors. Two is the number of balance of light and dark, male (positive, pro-active force) and female (negative, receiving vessel) energy, action and dream, the light filling the crucible, or the fire capturing the air. This is the number of physical creation, because until we separated into two different polarizing energies, we could not pro-create in the physical universe. It is the action of opposing forces that create a whole invincible power in the physical reality. So, when we focus the number two, we focus on balance, and creation through balance, or creation through the inner constructs into the physicality. It is also a number that asks for prudence, as one who is not prudent will not make it across the great divide, the tightrope that passes from chaos to harmony or from the chaos of mind to the light thread of Spirit. Let us look at the original number, which consists of two sticks, or two plain vertical lines. Because there are two sticks, we now have a third part of creation, the space between them. This space is a new energy, a funnel and a unifying space, which shows how Spirit creates. By sharing this space, two is a unifying creative force and requires balance to manifest. The modern number Two, in numerological reduction, becomes 13, which is 4, and thus we have a miracle of multiplication hidden in the number two. This, of course, shows how the consciousness of humanity has expanded over the centuries. You can help bring yourself into balance by chanting the power word for the Number One: OM, twice every hour, or 20 to 22 times in the morning or night. It is interesting to note that there is no number combination that will reduce to the number two outside of the number 20, because all other combinations will reduce to either the master number 11 or the master number 22. Looking at the many ancient words of Divine Power, I have only come across one that reduces to the number 2 and that is the ancient Goddess of Creation & Destruction, Shiva. So calling upon Shiva, when you seek balance, is an excellent choice. Shiva knows balance like no other God for the entire act of creation or destruction is within her frequency.

March &

its frequencies March reduces to 25, which equals 7 and when we add the year 2013 to it, it totals 13, which equals 4. While Mar. equals 14 or 5 and with 2013, it equals 11. So this month we will experience the frequencies of 11 and 4 along with the overall year frequencies of 6. Here’s what to expect; this should help you focus to achieve the most benefits in this 31 day period. Remembering this year, 2013 is all about choices. In March we should focus on:

This chart allows you to quickly access the number related to any letter. Thus you can identify what numbers are active through a name, or address. When looking at the chart, the letters listed below each number will activate that frequency and you can add them together to find the power of a word. For example, the name, Art. Look at the column with number one at the top. There you will find A, thus A=1, R is located in the 9 column, so R=9, and T is located in the 2 column, so T=2. Thus for Art we would add, 1+9+2=12, which when reduced = 3. Allowing our dreams to speak to us. Under the frequency of eleven, we have the opportunity to create a strong connection with Spirit, angels, guides, etc., through the dream state. The dream state is active not only when you sleep, but also whenever you are in an automatic mode, e.g., washing dishes, driving a car, in the shower, brushing your teeth, etc. For some people it can be while you watch television, though it is a strange way to connect. I have personally received incredible information from Spirit while in that TV stare. Become aware during this month of how your goals form through your dream connection…your visions. In this month we increase our ability to make our dreams come through by actively and consciously participating in them. The four asks us to examine how we take control of situations and people. It asks us to remove the links or holds we have put on others, to honor the way other people in our world choose to experience life and to let go and let them. At the same time it asks us to focus on taking control of ourselves. Focus on what you want and take action to get it. If you need someone else to help, ask, but remember, don’t tell them how or what to do. Allow them to choose the how and what. By doing this, we become more grounded and find a new level of mental and emotional security. • The ancients believed there was a pole that held up the heavens, and that information was sent back and forth to heaven through this mighty pole. • In numerology, all numbers are added together and then reduced to a single digit, unless after adding them together the result is a number with double digits, such as: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. These remain intact and are called Master Numbers. • Master numbers are all numbers that consist of replicating digits, such as 11, 22, 111, 222, 444,444, etc. Master numbers activate the originating frequency to a higher octave and thus empower the individual exponentially.

We welcome any questions about the meaning of a name, and will be addressing names in this column later in the year.

Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She has taught in many areas of metaphysics and is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations and Online courses. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at for an appointment. To learn more about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 29

Light Happenings March is ST. Patty's Day Did you know that March is named for the god Mars?

Celebrate ST. Patty's Day March 17th

3 SUNDAY EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE, with Regina Murphy. 12–2pm. Take control of your health & wellbeing. Learn to release impediments to your healing; Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 LV., 702-435-3289. 7 THURSDAY MEDITATION with Deeksha followed by KIRTANIYAS, an Intl’ Kirtan Group leading us in chanting the Sacred names of the Divine. 7pm (Mediation); 8:30pm Kirtan. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV., 702435-3289. 10 SUNDAY DIVINE LIGHT HEALING & MEDITATION, 6:30pm with Rose Catmull, Release Old, Attract New, Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. www.UCiV. org, 702-435-3289 9-10 SAT. SUN. Beauty Health & Fitness Expo, Saturday/Sunday 10a-6p. Henderson Convention Center. Over 100 vendors, free health screenings, all day door prizes & much more. Visit: or call 702-331-1350.

March, 2013 12 TUESDAY SHIVA & RAMAKRISHNA LECTURE with Swami Atmavidyananda, 5pm, RamakrishnaVedanta Center. Call 646-4889 for information. 14 THURSDAY ARATI & GITA CIRCLE, 6:30pm. Ramakrishna-Vedanta Center. Call 646-4889 for information. 15-16 SATURDAY reiki I weekend course, Join Reiki Master Janet Handly for this two day basic Reiki I course. Learn how to reduce stress and anxiety. All are welcome. Call 702808-8784 for details. The Monroe Institute Excursion Workshop, Experience for yourself the altered states of consciousness that give you access to the vast powers of your own being. Call Cindy 970-683-8914 or visit 16 SATURDAY DISCOVER YOUR INNER POWER SEMINAR with Dale Halaway & Dr. Greenawalt, $47; 9am-6pm. Discover a new approach to empowerment, recognize and clear interference patterns that block you from being your authentic self. Reserve your space today; only 50 tickets available. Register at: 702-254-7730. 28 THURSDAY “DIVINE LIGHT” HEALING & MEDITATION, 6:30 pm with Rose Catmull, Release the Old, Attract the New. Unity Center in the Valley @ 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. Ongoing Events SUNDAYS ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. Topics: Mar. 03rd The Eck Masters: Our Spiritual Companions; Mar. 10th Finding Your Spiritual Mission; Mar. 17th God’s Love In Action; Mar. 24th How Do We Know When God Speaks To Us?; Mar. 31st HU: The Key To A Happy Life. Community HU Chant, Friday Mar. 22nd 6:15pm at Pure Health Foods, 7575 W. Washington Ave. The HU Chant is open to the public and students of Eckankar. UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Children’s Programs 10am. Meditation & Metaphysical Discussion. Topics: Mar. 3rd Bringing Receiving & Giving Into Balance; Mar. 10th Your Ongoing Receive Practice; Mar. 17th Guest Speaker; Mar. 24th Celebrating Love & Joy & Life!; Mar. 31st Rise Above & Transform. 3037 E. Warm Springs. #300, LV. (Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern) www.UCIV. org. Call 702-435-3289. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702362-6184. TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 11am; Friendship Circle and meditation. 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904 on Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. TUESDAYS METAPHYSICAL BOOK STUDY, The Power of Receiving by Amanda Owen, 6:30pm-8pm. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held at 3037 E. Warm Springs, Ste. 300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289. WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone 702-530-3250 or website TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702645-0904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. TRANSFORMATION SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30pm. Based on, “Why Is This Happening To Me… Again?” ~ laws of forgiveness. Unity Center in the Valley,3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289. FRIDAYS Arati and book study, (How to Know God) 6pm. Ramakrishna-Vedanta Center. Call 702-646-4889 for information. Upcoming Events your soul mastery: the 8 keys, join psychic-medium Linda West for this life changing event on Saturday, May 4th. Visit:

LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: (subject Line, Calendar) PAGE 30 • march, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

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IN LIGHT TIMES • march, 2013 • PAGE 31

Terry Newbegin

All Fur Love Animal Soc. 702-362-5617 All Fur Love Animal Society is a non-profit rescue, rehabilitation and adoption organization. Our vision, to rescue animals which have been abandoned and provide them extra love and care until new, forever loving homes are found. We are dedicated to the pursuit of animal happiness and welfare and treat them with immeasurable love and respect. You can help by adopting a pet; volunteering or making a donation. Let’s create a “no more homeless pets community”. Together we can save lives, one pet at a time! Visit: See page 13

Terry L Newbegin, born in 1948 in Caribou, Maine, now lives in Johnson City, Tennessee. Terry is a successful entrepreneur, author, and a channel in New Energy Consciousness. Terry’s greatest passion is teaching others to explore what lies beyond conventional beliefs. Terry has written three books on the subject: “Genesis: Your Journey Home”, a book that teaches you the core essence of God. “The Book of Revelation: A New Beginning”, a book that opens up the gates of your soul memories, and “Unlocking The Consciousness of Your Soul”, a book that takes you all the way back to the first creation and how it relates to “who you truly are and where you truly come from.” If you are ready to move beyond your suffering, your concerns about the future, and your pain forever, then Terry can help you connect to the wisdom of your soul. Visit See page 2

The Healing Trinity

Eckankar 702-369-0101 The teachings of Eckankar define the nature of Soul. The goal of Eckankar is spiritual freedom in this lifetime, after which you become a Co-worker with God, both here and in the next world. Karma and reincarnation are primary beliefs. Key to the ECK teachings is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. He has the special ability to act as both Inner and Outer Master for ECK students. The prophet of Eckankar, he is given respect but is not worshiped. 3160 E. Desert Inn, Suite 14. Visit See page 20

Four Seasons Med Spa 702-309-4600 • 281-9900 (text) Dr. Kathleen Smith, administers all Botox, ($349 for 50 IU) Juvaderm,($349 syringe) Restylane, Radiesse and Bioidentical Dermal Filler, which contains growth factors to stimulate the body to repair and restore tissues using it’s own natural processes. Your skin heals faster with no allergic reaction and rejuvenates skin for a longer period of time. We have the “Best Price on Botox & Cosmetic Injectables…by our MD”. Call to schedule a Complimentary consultation with one of our MD’s. Also offered from our Medical Aestheticians are wonderful Facials and various treatments that meet our patients needs, from restful luxurious facials and wellness treatments, to our newest high tech anti-aging stem cell facials. Our products include OBAGI, IS Clinical, Clarisonic, SeneGence, Product B and other fine quality products. Visit: See page 3, & 23

702-496-7300 Mystics spoke of my destiny to become an extremely powerful healer, of thousands of people. I was to serve as a vessel for Spirit Beings to purify people of dis-ease. I studied many spiritual, energy modalities. I met two women whose spiritual journeys duplicated mine. Our gifts of healing were multiplied by the sacred number three. In gratitude, we became The Healing Trinity. We offer classes, mystic counseling, private and group healing sessions for your four bodies. We celebrate your divine nature, as we support your enlightenment and ascension. This is our divine path, for which we are uniquely qualified. See page 10

Well of the Moon 702-666-7200

Well of

the Moon An eclectic blend of spirituality and Middle Eastern dance expressions. Our product line includes everything you need to follow your path to enlightenment. We have ritual supplies, bulk herbs for magick, gifts, jewelry, books and tarot, festival wear, incenses, oils and statuary. We host open classes, seasonal rituals and special events that cover many esoteric topics. We also carry belly dance costumes and accessories for the Tribal, Fusion or Traditional dancer. Our costume styles are suitable for salsa and ballroom dancers too. In our classroom you can take belly dance classes. Our classroom is also available to rent for workshops. Visit: See page 31

Vince Link - OMD


702-444-4775 • Oriental Medicine 702-865-5219

Janee Powers, Energy Worker, can promise you Relaxation & Stress Relief when entering into her uniquely designed session. As an energy worker she may include, Reiki, EFT, EST, aromatherapy, color therapy, crystals and gemstones to create a powerful “LIFE CHANGING” experience. She combines Earth energy with the Divine & believes being grateful for all life’s challenges and loving yourself are the first steps in awakening the mind and body. Visit See page 3

Heard about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine? For over 3,000 years, oriental medicine has been an effective system of healthcare for naturally treating acute conditions and as a preventive strategy. A qualified practitioner can detect a pattern of disease long before the symptoms manifest by asking the right questions, physical examination, observation of the tongue and pulse diagnosis. If you are taking prescription drugs and tired of the disturbing side effects while just masking your illness symptoms, call and learn how the natural approach of acupuncture and herbs can help prevent and treat your current condition(s). See page 27

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