In Light Times

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From The


Time is flying by these days and most are looking forward to welcoming Spring. As winter rotates into the Spring season, so does In Light Times. We have slowly come out of hibernation with anticipation of good things and the renewal of life. As many of you may already know, we are saying goodbye to a dear and most cherished friend…Michele Avanti. And although she will no longer be doing the astrology column, I know that we have not heard the last from her. So, as with any ending, there is always a new beginning…a balance must be maintained within the universe. We are so excited to welcome our new astrologer/ numerologist, Mystic Clarice (Clarice Barrett) who has over 34 years of experience. I am sure it will be a wonderful journey…welcome Clarice. The excitement continues as we, in April, begin our 23rd year and look forward to our plans for expansion. We know, great things are just around the corner for everyone who sees the bigger picture. As we work together, play together and succeed in living to our fullest potential…together, our world will change. Eugenia and I hope you will celebrate with us as we take In Light Times into our 23rd year. Look forward to new, innovative articles and information, a new look and a new and improved website. Have I mentioned…I’m so excited. Take care my friends; peace, joy and many blessings. Oh yes, “Happy St. Patrick’s Day”. In Love & Light,

Michelene OFFICE

PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell


ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett


ADVERTISING 702-259-6843


NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups


WEBSITE IN LIGHT TIMES P.O. Box 12063 Las Vegas, Nev. 89112


~ Enlightening Views




A Message From the Publisher Have I mentioned…I’m so excited!


Embrace 2012


Out with the Old


Freedom by Jeff Guidry





Love Yourself


Alan Cohen

by Judi


Who is the most important person in your life?


“And the Beat Goes On” by Regina Murphy


The Secrets of Mother Earth by Alixandra Peters


Honor Your Own Style By Patricia Spadaro


Creating a Green Lens World by Sophia Falke


An Ending…A New Beginning By Michelene K. Bell

Our young hero started his own life by being taken from his mother and strapped down in an incubator …





It was misty and cold. I went to her flight and jessed her up …


Linda West

… in the years to come we will see increasing change, disorientation, and turmoil as many …



Michelene K. Bell

There’s been a lot of hoopla ‘out there’ about 2012 … For some, the ‘end of the world’ may be good news…




March, 2012

Shortly, the butterfly will begin to stir after the dark months in its cocoon. Life is never a one-size-fits-all formula. If you want to develop and give your …

…we judge and are judged by the lens through which we view the world.

In January of this year, I remember so clearly the phone call.

Gems for the Soul

What Matters in Life • Focus…Why Are Goals Important?

Feature Story

Stress SOS — Management 101


Taleda Giallanza

…on the run grab something quick to eat in the car or at your desk, guzzle down soda or coffee …

Our(Ur) Pets & Animals

Dental Problems in Your Pet Dogs, Cats and Farrets One of the biggest problem causing tooth and gum disease in pets is …


Ron Hines DVM PhD

Chakras and Animals By Lynn McKenzie

…the spirit animal that is sometimes associated with the root chakra is the mole …

Health Lights

The Marigold Brings Natural Health by Barbi Trejo Marigold … is not just a beautiful flower, but also a natural medicine …


Grapes Can Prevent Blindness From Age-Related … by John Phillips


Trehalose…the Smart Sugar by J.C. Spencer


Men and Depression by Dr. James Wright dds

…eating grapes over a lifetime may slow or help prevent age-related macular degeneration as we age. Most sugars and sweeteners consumed lower the quality of health and contribute to … America is becoming a nation of overworked, overstressed, and (often) unhappy people.


Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 26

Quick Reference Guide 27 Claire’s Mystical Realm Astrology 28 Clarice’s Life Path Numerology 29

Light Happenings 30 Business Card Directory 31 Business Profiles 32 IN LIGHT TIMES • MARCH, 2012 • PAGE 5

Enlightening Views

By Linda West

Embrace 2012 T

here’s been a lot of hoopla ‘out there’ about 2012 for so many years. For some, the ‘end of the world’ may be good news; others not so much. Well, guess what, ‘no end in sight’. I have to say, humanity did a pretty good job of not destroying itself so far. This is due to those who have embraced love and joy in the moment and have been in tune enough to embrace the higher frequency now on the planet. Good job; however, where do we go from here?

inspiring and what can be created is unlimited…what needs to be learned is tremendous!!

It has been scientifically proven that the vibration on the planet is higher now than 20 years ago (yes, there are scientists that actually measure these things). This ongoing rise of vibration started with the “Baby Boomers”, completely enhanced by the Harmonic Convergence (August 17, 1987), embraced by the birth of so many Indigo Children and now the rise of ‘The Feminine Creative Energy” which started when 1999 rolled over into 2000. All in all, humanity has allowed for this and it has rocked our world more than I or ‘Them’ ever thought possible. The Angels always told me the time between 2008 and 2012 would be ‘interesting’. Well, to say the least, interesting! I know the ‘Feminine Creative Energy has been embraced at a level not anticipated. This is part of ushering in 2012; it is to bring an energy of balance to the world. You see; our world has been ruled by Patriarchal societies for centuries. This is not an energy of male vs. female. Though it may sometimes appear to be, it is about a yin/yang balance. A hand that reaches across the isle as opposed to domination and control; going with the flow, instead of trying to control it; allowing ourselves to be guided intuitively instead of wallowing in self doubt; an understanding of our oneness instead of each of us being separate…you get the picture.

3. Focus your thoughts on what you want from a place of joy, not what you don’t want. Remember the Universe will create at whatever level you choose to be at.

So here is what is happening. Most of us notice when energy changes and everyone feels it, even though they may not understand it. We do not like change, it scares us, especially when we have no control over the change. This energy shift has caused much chaos ‘out there’ with so much anger and uncertainty for many. For others we have learned to understand what the changes could mean and we celebrate. In this year, 2012 will usher in a frequency that has not been witnessed on this planet since the start of Atlantis. The potential is awe

For us, as individuals, here are some key points to remember as this new energy rocks our world. 1. Very important to be in present moment, this is your point of power. 2. You must choose “Do you live in a friendly or hostile Universe!” Einstein

4. Refuse to judge any circumstances as good or bad, they just are. Change is being created based on your thoughts. 5. Give intent to receive all your good! Love, joy, peace, prosperity and health! Remember, intent is everything and receiving very powerful! Finally, the greatest gift you can give anyone is to allow them their journey! Do not force your thoughts or beliefs. Be yourself in your joy and respect the journey of others. They may choose a path of struggle, but it is their choice to make…bless them! As you embrace these concepts you will find yourself with more joy, going with the flow embraced in the Love energy, this opens the door for others to find their own joy. If each and every individual was in their joy, our world would be a much different place! This is where we are going, my friends. Welcome to Earth, 2012, spiritual being.

Linda West is an internationally renowned psychic medium, author, motivational speaker and BlogTalk Radio show host of “Empowered Life with Linda West”. Her mission, help change your life. She holds a Masters Degree in Metaphysics and is an Angel Therapy Practitioner who received her certification from Dr. Doreen Virtue, Quantum Biofeedback Technician and Theta Healer. Her first book is called 8 Keys – A Special Delivery Message From The Angels”. Visit:


Shannon Peck

Enlightening Views Monthly Inspirations from


n a classic scene in The Graduate, young Ben is at his college graduation party when a friend of his parents takes him aside and earnestly whispers, “Plastics.” That industry will be the next rage, the fellow hints, and if Ben is smart he’ll get in on the ground floor. Fast forward to 2012. A young acupuncturist phones my Hay House Radio show, Get Real, and confesses her fear that she will not be able to earn enough money to provide for her family, including her little child. I whisper to her, “Transformational services” and leave a pregnant pause for the message to sink in. I go on to tell the woman that in the years to come we will see increasing change, disorientation, and turmoil as many social systems and institutions will likely disintegrate. They will be replaced by new systems rooted in truth, vision, and service rather than fear, greed, and illusion. As people are pushed out of old comfort zones and lifestyles they will be hungry for answers, relief, and skills to shift into more authentic and rewarding careers, relationships, and living situations. At such a time anyone connected to spiritual principles and tools will be in high demand and of great service. If you are a teacher, healer, massage therapist, coach, speaker, minister, or counselor offering services to uplift individuals or groups, the universe has a job for you. In the world as we

n e h o C n a l A

Out with the Old original title: The New Plastics

have known it, where many people are clinging to methods and systems based on shallow values and false security, you may not be sought out, acknowledged, or paid well for your work. But in the coming epoch in which people need integrity more than hype, they will be happy to pay you to soothe their journey and accelerate their evolution. Until the deeper consciousness is established, faith is required. The old has died away, or is dying, and the new has not yet come to replace it. Imagine you are at a party where you have grown tired, bored, or disillusioned with the people and conversations in the room. You step out of the room in search of new friends and peers who match your values and offer stimulating, empowering interactions. In the corridor you can faintly hear people in another room, but you cannot see them. As you transition between rooms you may feel alone, insecure, or frightened. You might be tempted to turn back — but you couldn’t even if you tried. The genie is out of the bottle. So you have to just keep moving ahead, trusting you are on your way to higher ground. The trail will become wider and you will find your “just right” tribe. Regardless of apparent chaos, a grand design is unfolding. Upheaval is the turning over of the ground in preparation for planting new seeds. The winter may have been harsh and cold, but the spring will soften the soil.

The ego resists change because it has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, even if the status quo is dysfunctional. Yet the higher mind, or inner spirit, recognizes that anything taken away is replaced by something greater. As Rabindranath Tagore noted, “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”

During this crucial shift we are taking back the power we have vested in external institutions. The only real authority resides in the wisdom and power within you. As you trust your heart and vision more than dogma and dictates, you will have all the guidance you need and the ability to help others access all the guidance they need.

To clarify your role in the coming world, ask yourself, “Where does my passion call me? How can I serve others in the highest way possible? What tools can I offer that will bring them greater peace and aliveness? Regardless of what I was told about how the world is supposed to work, what do I know, from inside out, about how life really works?”

A Chinese blessing suggests, “May you live during interesting times.” That we do. In many ways our times seem unstable and worrisome, but they are also rife with the possibility of change for the better. A Course in Miracles tells us, “All change is good.” Continued On Page 25 *

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Enlightening Views

By Jeff Guidry

It was misty and cold. I went to her flight and jessed her up, and we went out front to the top of the hill. I hadn’t said a word to Freedom, but somehow she knew. She looked at me and wrapped both wings around me to where I could feel them pressing in on my back


This is the kind of story you need when it seems like the world is spiraling out of control. Not many people get a picture of this proud bird snuggled up next to them!


reedom and I have been together 14 years this summer. She came in as a baby in 1998 with two broken wings. Her left wing doesn’t open all the way even after surgery, it was broken in 4 places.

She’s my baby. When Freedom came in she could not stand and both wings were broken. She was emaciated and covered in lice. We made the decision to give her a chance at life, so I took her to the vet’s office. From then on, I was always around her. We had her in a huge dog carrier with the top off, and it was loaded up with shredded newspaper for her to lay in. I used to sit and talk to her, urging her to live, to fight; and she would lay there looking at me with those big brown eyes. We also had to tube feed her, this went on for 4-6 weeks…and by then she still couldn’t stand. It got to the point where the decision was made to euthanize her if she couldn’t stand in a week. You know you don’t want to cross that line between torture and rehab, and it looked like death was winning. She was going to be put down that Friday, and I was supposed to come in on that Thursday afternoon. I didn’t want to go to the center that Thursday, because I couldn’t bear the thought of her being euthanized; but I went anyway, and when I walked in everyone was grinning from ear to ear. I went immediately back to her cage; and there she was, standing on her own, a big beautiful eagle. She was ready to live. I was just about in tears by then. That was a very good day. We knew she could never fly, so the director asked me to glove train her. I got her used to the glove, then to jesses, and then we started doing education programs for schools in western Washington . We wound up in the newspapers, radio (believe it or not) and some TV. Miracle Pets even did a show about us. In the spring of 2000, I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I had stage 3, which is not good (one major organ plus everywhere), so I wound up doing 8 months of chemo. Lost the hair - the whole bit. I missed a lot of work. When I felt good enough, I would go to Sarvey and take Freedom out for walks. Freedom would also come to me in my dreams and help me fight the cancer. This happened time and time again. Fast forward to November 2000, the day after Thanksgiving, I went in for my last checkup. I was told that if the cancer was not all gone after 8 rounds of chemo, then my last option was a stem cell transplant. Anyway, they did the tests; and I had to come back Monday for the results. I went in Monday, and I was told that all the cancer was gone. So the first thing I did was get up to Sarvey and take the big girl out for a walk.


It was misty and cold. I went to her flight and jessed her up, and we went out front to the top of the hill. I hadn’t said a word to Freedom, but somehow she knew. She looked at me and wrapped both wings around me to where I could feel them pressing in on my back (I was engulfed in eagle wings), and she touched my nose with her beak and stared into my eyes, and we just stood there like that for I don’t know how long . That was a magic moment. We have been soul mates ever since she came in. This is a very special bird. On a side note: I have had people who were sick come up to us when we are out, and Freedom has some kind of hold on them. I once had a guy who was terminal come up to us and I let him hold her. His knees just about buckled and he swore he could feel her power course through his body. I have so many stories like that. I never forget the honor I have of being so close to such a magnificent spirit as Freedom. Hope you enjoyed this!

Jef f Guidry Visit:

Love Yourself! By Judi Moreo

Who is the most important person in your life? If you instantly thought of someone other than yourself, you may want to pause for a moment and re-think the question. The single most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves. It is the foundation upon which all other relationships are built. Loving and caring for ourselves is the prerequisite to having lasting, loving relationships with others. Many of us spend a good deal of time comparing ourselves to others, wondering if we are “good enough” and perceive ourselves to be lacking in some great, lovable characteristic. We then set about proving to ourselves how unlovable and unworthy we are. Why would anyone want to be with us? If we don’t love and honor ourselves, why would anyone want to be loved by someone so unworthy as we perceive ourselves to be? Loving yourself does not mean being arrogant or egotistical. It doesn’t mean putting yourself first at the expense of others, always winning or only looking out for “number one.” Learning to love ourselves is not a selfish act. When we understand and honor our values, set boundaries and are willing to give love to ourselves, we are teaching others how to treat us by showing them how we treat ourselves. It is easy to love others when we understand and honor our values, set boundaries and come from a secure, loving place. To give love, we must have love. We can’t give something we don’t possess. To have love, first love yourself. It is then you will love others for the pure joy of loving them… and they will love you. Judi Moreo may be contacted for speaking engagements, training programs, and coaching through Turning Point International, 702-896-2228 or learn more about Judi at

Enlightening Views

“And the Beat Goes On”

By Regina Murphy

A Mother’s Personal Story

Do you know of anyone who would spend Valentine’s Day with young strangers, hugging each one, giving them $20 in a card and a box of See’s candy? I do…he was a 19 year old “tough” guy with a giant, loving heart. This act of unconditional kindness actually occurred at a facility for children with emotional problems. These children had no family environment in which to live and they were cared for by the State of Nevada. So, that you can fully understand this unusual event, let me tell you more of the story. Allow me to start at the beginning… Our young hero started his own life by being taken from his mother and strapped down in an incubator, under excruciatingly bright lights, due to a rare liver complication. Isolation in the incubator prevented him from being held by his mother; denied of the deep comfort of her voice and touch. The emotional damage caused by this separation from his mother, at birth, affected the rest of his life. By seven years old he was put on medications, including Zoloft, for his behavior (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), and those drugs nearly caused him to have renal failure at the age of 8. Yet, this little boy fought back. Although he lived with extreme depression and anxiety, he always reached out to help those less fortunate than himself.

my son, the “tough” guy, touched my heart. What a wonderful thing he had done. This is how he spent his last Valentine’s Day. After John’s death, I did what every mother does: I agonized over what went so terribly wrong. Despite my tremendous grief, I was intuitively drawn to two things: his early birth trauma, and how sound and vibration had worked so well. I came to the realization that the sounds babies are most familiar with are heartbeats, intrauterine sounds, and the mother’s voice. I remembered how music was the ONLY thing that would stop John’s screaming, as an infant in the middle of the night. Subsequently, I began researching sound with specific vibrations and discovered a technique called Vibroacoustics several years ago. In my search, I met Suzanne Jonas, Ed.D. Together we have developed Baby HeartSongs. Just to show how truly amazing coincidences are: the year John was born, Suzanne was doing her doctoral internship in counseling psychology, and creative therapies in several units of a general hospital in Springfield MA. One of the units was a NICU where she was placing little tape players in the cribs, that played intrauterine sounds, heartbeats, and soft lullabies. The staff and parents would watch, in amazement, as the babies quieted and fell asleep; they progressed more rapidly than the other babies…being sent home sooner. That was the beginning of her path into Musical Medicine, before it was a recognized field. It was no accident we met for this joint project. Baby HeartSongs is the successful culmination of decades of research and experience in sound therapies. The benefits derived from nourishing newborn Continued On Page 25 *

After he was taken off the medications, he started taking guitar lessons at age 10; playing the guitar seemed to relieve his depression and anxiety. In fact, it got to the point he would not leave his house without first playing the guitar. It was his way of self medicating; the vibrations from the guitar stings helped soothe him, for unknowingly, he always carried the cellular memories of being tied down and blindfolded in the NICU. Yet, these heretofore unconscious remembrances surfaced when he was hit by a car and needed complicated knee surgery. As he was being strapped down and moved from the pre-op area to the operating room, the movement of the bed triggered such a vivid recollection that he responded with panic, ripped out his IV and started screaming. Emotionally he was simply out of control. Responding quickly, a therapist in pre-op tapped under his eye, using what is known as Energy Psychology, and he was instantly calmed. However, this experience made it quite clear that birth trauma isn’t over or erased when the baby is taken home. Our young hero’s name was John, and he was my son. Incidentally, I was the therapist in the pre-op room. John’s life was music and being a sound therapist, I began studying alternative therapies as a result of John being prescribed so many medications for the challenging behavior of his youth. Sadly, my son’s life was cut short, yet his life remains the inspiration for my life’s work. I have spent tireless hours doing something that has never been done before, except in hospital studies. I do not know if it will ever reach the mothers and babies that need it, but I can feel John, in my heart, pushing me to keep on going. Now back to the story! Those many years ago, when John and I had been invited to the Oasis Center Christmas party, he insisted on choosing his own gifts for the children. He brought Christmas cards with $20 in each card. Then, when we were invited to their Valentine’s party, he repeated his $20 gifts but, as a special bonus, he wanted to give each child their own box of candy, See’s candy, no less! On the way home, from that party, I remember John cried because one of the boys was being punished and had not been allowed to attend the party. John felt having no home and having to live at the Center was enough punishment. I passed this on to the director of the Center, who was also very touched. She later informed me that this policy was changed, after it was brought to the attention of the upper management, who agreed with John. This generous gesture from IN LIGHT TIMES • MARCH, 2012 • PAGE 9

Enlightening Views

By Alixandra Peters

Secrets of Mother Earth

Practical Magic:


“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.”

~Quoted by Lewis Grizzard


pring will soon be awaking from her deep winter slumber. We can already see hints of her awakening in the blossoming of the Purple Leaf Plum and Bradford Pear. Mother Earth is ready to stretch her legs and get the party started for the summer months ahead, and so are we. This has been a long, harsh and very cold winter for many of us and many more are still dealing with the remnants of some historically unprecedented winter storms. But, do not distress, change is on the winds. Soon we will be dancing in the bliss of spring. Our companion on this new journey of transformation, and change, is the butterfly. Shortly, the butterfly will begin to stir after the dark months in its cocoon. It will revel in the first taste of spring’s sweetness in the coming weeks. We, too, will be prompted to venture out from our winter dens to initiate our traditional celebrations for the renewal of life. One such tradition is spring cleaning. We clean both our homes and our lives; in doing so we are showing the universe that we are ready to welcome change. This change does not have to be traumatic or challenging. In fact, with the help of the butterfly, this transformation can be joyful.

The butterfly is considered the symbol of the soul.

The butterfly is considered the symbol of the soul. Who could think of a better symbol? Butterfly is graceful, joyful and ever so amusing. Our souls will go through many metamorphoses during our lives, just like the butterfly. The butterfly must shape- shift though four different stages before it reaches its most empowered state. You could compare this to the changing of the four seasons. Each season or stage has a different meaning and message. What stage of life are you in right now? Examine where you are now; are you the caterpillar, pupa or are you in full bloom as the butterfly itself? So, on the spring equinox March 20th, light your fire and ask the butterfly to help transform the necessary area in your life. Pay very close attention to where its fluttering wings want to lead you. Ask that it may help you lighten up and not take life so seriously. We take things with such seriousness sometimes that we tend to overlook the joy in the little moments. Therefore, allow the butterfly to lead you into the dance we call, Life. Will you chose to waltz or is a jazzy salsa more your style? Think it over carefully - the choice is all yours! One thing is for is time for all of us to emerge from our cocoons and show our unique, beautiful souls to the world around us. We were born to grow, create and experience bliss. With the renewal of spring we can turn over a new leaf , or actually be born anew. Dream a new dream and invite your soul’s butterfly in to celebrate. Be free! Spread your wings and fly into the dawn of a brand new tomorrow. Be blessed and always remember to explore your Mother Earth.

Alixandra Peters, a naturalist and horticulturist, is the owner of Practical Magic Garden Coaching which mentors and consults home owners in Las Vegas how to properly maintain their landscape and create sacred space. In her spare time, Alixandra enjoys being a freelance photojournalist and outdoors enthusiast. She resides in Las Vegas, Nevada with her three adorable cats; Skye, Jasmine and Chamile. Please feel free to contact Alixandra with any questions or comments at: or 702-249-7337. “Where sacred meets sustainability”. PAGE 10 • MARCH, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

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Enlightening Views By Patricia Spadaro

HonorYourOwnStyle Life is never a one-size-fits-all formula. If you want to develop and give your gifts (after all, that’s why we’re here, isn’t it?), you must honor who you are and celebrate your own voice. That means embracing the paradox that, while it’s important to value the mentors and role models who guide us, we must also honor our own style. Depending solely on others is like taking a long walk in borrowed shoes. If you’ve ever hiked in new shoes that don’t fit quite right, you know what I mean. If the shoes are even a bit too big or too small, they can be very uncomfortable. If you walk long enough under those conditions, you’ll get blisters. Eventually the pain becomes so bad that you can’t go on. That’s what happens to you when you force yourself into a mold that isn’t your own. The remedy: walk at your own pace and in your own shoes. Admittedly, I’ve been somewhat recalcitrant on this point, and therefore life has generously given me many lessons to teach me to trust myself and to be myself. One dramatic lesson came in an equally dramatic landscape. I was hiking in the beautiful Teton Range near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, with two friends. Both are taller than I am and they walked briskly, covering more ground more quickly than I could. At the time, I didn’t think about the fact that nature had endowed both of these women with long, strapping legs that could scramble up the steep path like mountain goats. Instead, I blamed myself for not being able to match their pace.

“Insist on yourself; never imitate…. Do that which is assigned to you, and you cannot hope too much or dare too much.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson • Are you trying to keep up with someone or fit into someone else’s mold or way of doing things? How? • Is that making you uncomfortable or limiting your expression of your true self? • What one step can you take to break out of that mold, honor your own style, and be more of your authentic self?

Patricia Spadaro is the author of the award-winning book, Honor Yourself: The Inner Art of Giving and Receiving, an inspiring guide to giving your best gifts to your loved ones, your community, and the world by learning to honor your own needs, celebrate your unique voice, and let go of painful endings. Her books are available nationwide and have been translated into more than 20 languages around the world. To learn more, visit Patricia Spadaro at

“Something is wrong with me,” I thought to myself. “I must really be out of shape. If I just push a little harder, I can keep up.” So that’s what I did. I pushed, and then pushed some more. My strategy worked, but halfway through the hike, the consequences set in. I pulled a muscle in my hip without realizing it. The ache I felt at the time was tolerable until we started the long descent down the mountain. At that point, every single step I took was painful. It hurt so much that I couldn’t even tolerate the weight of my small backpack, which my friends had to carry for me. The long ride home was a painful blur. There I was in one of the most stunningly beautiful vistas you’ll ever see. But I don’t remember much about the sights, smells, or sounds of that day. I don’t remember much of anything except the pain. I forfeited my ability to enjoy the trek by struggling to keep up with someone else. But I did learn an invaluable lesson: if you don’t walk at your own pace, you will only end up hurting yourself. Over the years, when I’ve been tempted to take an action that doesn’t honor my own style, speed, or destination, I’ve thought back to that experience. In a few cases, I wish I had recalled that episode much sooner. It might have saved me the anguish of another long practice session in self-reliance.

Whose Role Will You Play?

When you are walking in someone else’s shoes, at someone else’s pace, or on someone else’s path, you are not honoring your authentic self. And when you are not honoring yourself, you cannot be at peace. That can be a hard-earned lesson for those of us who have found ourselves living the lives our parents, spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, bosses, or business partners say we should live, only to wake up one day wondering why we are miserable. Walking on your own path and being “at peace” does not mean that you won’t experience challenges. You will. Like a wise and demanding coach, life will always push you to stretch beyond your current limits so you can increase your ability to give and receive. When you commit to living and giving in your own way, though, the challenges that greet you will be part of your own inner blueprint and not another’s. You are meant to create your own formula for self-discovery and self-expression. The answers, and even the questions themselves, are never the same for any two of us.

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Enlightening Views

By Sophia Falke

Creating A Green Lens World Have you ever had the experience that nothing you do or have ever done seems to be “right” in the eyes of another? Or perhaps you have someone in your life whose past actions evoke painful memories that you bring up over and over again, either with the other person or in your own mind. Whether you are the receiver or giver in these situations, it is generally a painful experience. And it seldom has anything to do with the facts of a situation. Rather, we judge and are judged by the lens through which we view the world. Often the same action or remark is interpreted quite differently, depending on who observes it. I remember hearing sisters talking about their experiences at the dinner table when they were growing up. The parents would ask questions and invite their children to participate in the discussion. One viewed the experience as painful and abusive, that she was always being put on the spot or put down. Her sister thought their

parents were wonderful to offer their children a stimulating atmosphere every evening where they could learn, debate, and expand their awareness of the world. Same situation, different interpretation.

simple. We (as individuals, family, social groups, and communities) see the world through different lenses and then decide whether to put on our “green lens” glasses or our “red lens” glasses.

Why is this? How can people label the same situation so differently? That we

A “red lens” set of glasses tells us that people are broken and need to be fixed;

We (as individuals, family, social groups, and communities) see the world through different lenses and then decide whether to put on our “green lens” glasses or our “red lens” glasses. do have such divergent viewpoints, or filters, is why attorneys are so careful when they screen prospective jurors, why our political campaigns and who we elect are more about interpretation than about fact, why relationships fail, and why wars are fought. Again, why is this? It’s actually very

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that they are not committed, they drain us, and it’s up to us to give them the “right” answers. These are people we point our fingers at, saying that they are the problem and everything would be all right if only “they” would change. But, of course, when we point one finger out, three are pointing back. Issues we have with others tend to be things we don’t like about ourselves. And it’s generally easier to point out than look within. Our invitation is to identify what we don’t like about the other person and look at how that reflects what we don’t like about ourselves. Why are we looking at ourselves through the red lens? When we recognize the red lens effect and begin to look at why we choose this set of glasses, we begin our journey to seeing ourselves and the world through a more eco-friendly green lens. Looking through a green lens means we see people as making a contribution and recognize they have ideas, concerns or questions that are very important to them. We see them thriving when they are learning something new. They have the same hopes, aspirations, and fears we do. Looking through a green lens means we see that others have dreams, goals, and intentions that are important to them. What would it be like to look at ourselves in this way? To turn ecofriendly, green lens eyes on ourselves? To love who we are and celebrate the contributions we make in the world? For many, it’s scary to look at themselves in a positive, loving way. We live in a world where others are more likely to point out what they see as our flaws rather than our true greatness and where we are often encouraged to denigrate ourselves and others. It’s


an easy trap to get caught in, and we can find plenty of company there. Plus, in this electronic age, it is easier than ever to project outward our inner feelings of inadequacy and frustration instead of looking within to our own hurts and fears. In his book The I of the Storm, Gary Simmons points out that when we live in turmoil (the storm), the “I” is at its heart. “The person or situation is not against you, at least not insofar as being an obstacle to your highest good. The person or situation is actually for you, mirroring the part of you that is not connected to your wholeness and worth.” When seeing through the green lens, we see ourselves and others as whole and worthy. We recognize our own pain as an invitation to reconnect to the pure essence we each have within us. The green lens does not excuse inappropriate behavior. It does, however, focus on the good and builds on it, seeing everything that happens in our life is actually for us. For the month of March, I invite you to put on your green lens glasses to view every person and situation that crosses your path, both mentally and physically. If a thought comes up about the past, present, or future, look at it through a green lens, especially if it brings up fear, resentment, or anger. Look within to see what might be missing. Love yourself. Work to reconnect with your wholeness and worth. And after you have done your own healing work, notice how the people and situations around you, the ones that caused you pain or discomfort, are actually a blessing. Sophia Falke is a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness ( She is also minister at Unity Center in the Valley ( You can reach her at Sophia@ or by calling 702-456-9133.



Stellar Influences

An Ending


Enlightening Views

A New Beginning Mystic Clarice

Tribute to Michele Avanti Clarice Barrett and

In January of this year, I remember so clearly the phone call. On some level I was expecting it and yet, when it came, I wasn’t quite prepared. You see, Michele Avanti was calling to inform me that she was planning to retire from the column at the end of 2012. After all, she had been writing Stellar Influences for thirteen years and she wanted to get back to some of her passions…writing books and completing the series, GreeHee, Journey of Five; bringing global peace and solutions to a seeking humanity. Her “bucket list” is too extensive for the space available. Suffice it to say, it is quite long. Back to our conversation. As we were ending our call, she let me know that if I found someone sooner she was fine with that. Of course, that is the second part of the story. When I moved to Las Vegas in 1992, I met Michele shortly afterwards and must say, the “jury was out”. I wasn’t quite sure about her and yet, I felt a sense of familiarity. Now, eighteen years later, I consider her to be one of my closest friends. Her passions for life, her wisdom and knowledge, her integrity and her many talents make up the essence of this soul known as Michele Avanti. I believe there isn’t anything she would not do for someone. For me, she is such a strong support system and I am grateful for all that I have learned from her. She is indeed a Master on so many levels…although she is uncomfortable with the term, “Master”. We’ve had so many long conversations over the years. We have laughed and we have cried. We have traveled across the globe on a trip that we will not ever forget. We have gone to movies where her infectious laughter brought tears to the eyes of the moviegoers as well as more laughter in watching Michele. She is my friend, my sister and my comrade. She has a strong sense of “Spirit” and her course in life has always been to listen and follow the guidance of the “Spiritual Beings” that she became aware of as a very young child. Her basis of reality is strongly entrenched within the realm of Spirit and I know her purpose in life is to make a difference. Although it saddens me that she is moving on, I also celebrate her decision to follow her dreams. And, even though she will be doing other things, I know I can count on her at anytime. In fact, I told her she could have two months off before I expect the first article! J Michele, you are indeed the Wise Woman, the Sage, the Crone, the Shaman, the Medicine Woman, the teacher and Master. You are all these, and from time to time I love to throw in Genius. My friend, it has been a wonderful journey and I look forward to traveling a different path with you in the years to come. Eugenia and I both, wish you all the best; may you continue to make a difference in our world and touch the hearts of humanity. We love you Michele. Many blessings.

“Now, for the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey use to say. Each day, when synchronicity crosses our paths, we are being given an opportunity to grow; to walk through a new doorway. That happened recently when I spoke with my friend, Annette Rizzolo, about needing to find a new astrologer. I could hardly believe it when she just so happened to be working with Clarice Barrett Msc. D., an esoteric astrologer and numerologist. Of course, we needed to see a sample of her work. Again, I found myself amazed that by the very next day, Clarice had finished the March astrology column. It was then that Eugenia and I made arrangements to meet with Annette and Clarice. The minute we got to the restaurant you could feel the excitement. Her energy was upbeat and high; her confidence off the chart. “I can do this” she so aptly said. As the meeting continued, she did some numerology on both Eugenia and I; must say, she was right on. At that point, we made the decision to incorporate a numerology column in conjunction with the astrology. According to Clarice, “it’s all about educating people as to the science of astrology and numerology. Both support each other and when you combine the two, they reveal one’s life with great accuracy.” In fact, when I first reviewed the March column, I learned a few new facts; same thing with Life Path, the numerology column … a good start. We are so excited about Clarice and what she brings to In Light Times. Over 34 years experience; author of 11 books on the ancient secrets of the universe, a radio and TV personality, lecturer/speaker and is also a renowned, award winning mystic. More about this remarkable woman: Clarice understands the Technology of the Ancient Arts and how to optimally use the law of attraction to live “The Secret”, and attain our ultimate purpose. Clarice has many years of expertise in the higher realm of consciousness, “The Metaphysical Realm”, also known as the Sacred Cosmic Laws of Geometry, Science and Spirituality, “God”. She is an, Esoteric Christian, (Ancient Hebrew teachings). She is a Spiritual Mystic, Empath and Intuitive, since birth, and carries the knowledge of the Ancient Mysteries. Since the age of 15, she has been an Existential Researcher, analyzing man’s existence. Her knowledge also covers Ancient Spiritual Astrology and Numerology. In addition, she has been recognized as a visionary inventor in solar electrical products. Clarice was trained by, Stacey Dean, PMAFA, C.C.Ht. at the Academy of Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, in Las Vegas, NV. She continues her work for the betterment of humanity and their connections to “God and Christ,” along with all the mysteries. You will find unequaled knowledge in her books, and she has received many awards for her visionary work. She has performed spiritual readings for VIP’s around the world, and is available to all those who seek higher wisdom. And there you have it. In one short phone call, we found the next person to take up the mantle and join the ILT family. Welcome Clarice; may we have a wonder-filled journey as we begin this new adventure.

Michele Avanti, CAP

Mystic Clarice, Msc. D.


702.982.2263 IN LIGHT TIMES • MARCH, 2012 • PAGE 13

Books Music &

Books That Make A Difference Recommended Reading


Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online In Light Times Book Store

Yes! Energy


By Loral Langemeier

The strongest energy always wins. That’s it! That’s the key to moving from your current situation, any situation, into the life you’ve always wanted.

A Must Read

Yes! Energy presents the power of the “Energy Equation,” which you can employ to attract abundance to all areas of your life.

201 Organic Baby Purees: The Freshest, Most Wholesome Food Your Baby Can Eat!

This formula can help you lead your life to achieve financial freedom; center your actions around a spiritual core of certainty and confidence; up-shift your attitude into consistent optimism; commit to engage with others at the highest, most satisfying levels; create the enterprise you’ve always envisioned; and dust off your dreams.

Bean By Bean: A Cookbook: More than 200 Recipes for Fresh Beans, Dried Beans, Cool Beans, Hot Beans, Savory Beans... Even Sweet Beans!

Best-selling author and entrepreneurial speaker Loral Langemeier developed this simple and straightforward methodology, which is revealed explicitly in these pages, because she needed it herself. Knocked to her knees more than a few times on her true-grit journey from farm girl to multimillionaire, she knows what it’s like to hit obstacles hard. Yet despite the blows, she still stands, and she still delivers.

The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards

So, if you want to learn how to tap into infinite, productive energy; extreme optimism; and calming, clarifying spirituality to improve your life in any way . . . this is the book for you! Harness the Energy Equation and supercharge your life!

Tamika L. Gardner

Crescent Dragonwagon

William J. Broad

Use Your Brain to Change Your Age By Dr. Daniel G. Amen

THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH IS BETWEEN YOUR EARS. A healthy brain is the key to staying vibrant and alive for a long time, and in Use Your Brain to Change Your Age, bestselling author and brain expert Dr. Daniel G. Amen shares ten simple steps to boost your brain to help you live longer, look younger, and dramatically decrease your risk for Alzheimer ’s disease.

Over the last twenty years at Amen Clinics, Dr. Amen has performed more than 70,000 brain scans on patients from ninety different countries. His brain imaging work has taught him that our brains typically become less active with age and we become more vulnerable to memory problems and depression. Yet, one of the most exciting lessons he has learned is that with a little forethought and a brain-smart plan, you can slow, or even reverse, the aging process in the brain. Based on the approach that has helped thousands of people at Amen Clinics along with the most cutting-edge research, Dr. Amen’s breakthrough, easy-to-follow ant aging program shows you how to: • Boost your memory, mood, attention, and energy • Decrease your risk for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia • Eat to live longer • Reduce the outward signs of aging and make your skin more beautiful • Promote the healing of brain damage due to injury, strokes, substance abuse, and toxic exposure…

Music to Make Note Of

Grammy Nominees 2012 by Various Artists The Recording Academy®’s GRAMMY Recordings® and Universal Republic Records have joined forces to release the 2012 GRAMMY® Nominees album on Jan. 24, 2012. The 18th edition of the best-selling series showcases many of this year’s GRAMMY-nominated artists and songs. A portion of the proceeds from sales of the album will help support the year-round efforts of the GRAMMY Foundation® and MusiCares® Foundation -- two charitable organizations of The Recording Academy.

Soul 2 by Seal After the success of his platinum-selling album Soul, amazing British vocalist Seal has now turned his attention to classic ‘70s Soul records for this followup. Bringing his recognizable voice to tracks such as Rose Royce’s ‘Wishing On A Star’ and Bill Withers’ ‘Lean On Me’, Seal brings soul back to Soul music. Over the course of a remarkable career that spans more than two decades, Seal has sold more than 15 million albums worldwide and enjoyed success across numerous genres of music. His emotional, romantic love songs such as “Prayer For the Dying,” the Grammy Award-winning “Kiss From A Rose,” and “Don’t Cry,” (all from 1994’s Seal II), and “Love’s Divine” (from 2003’s Seal IV), delighted fans and…



Gems for the Soul HAT MATTERS IN LIFE

The Great Truths of Life


Are Goals Important?

Some people understand life better. And they call some of these people “retarded”... At the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-yard dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win. All, that is, except one little boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. Then they all turned around and went back every one of them. One girl with Down’s Syndrome bent down and kissed him and said,”This will make it better.” Then all nine linked arms and walked together to the finish line. Everyone in the stadium stood, the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story... Why? Because deep down we know this one thing: What matters in this life is more than winning for ourselves.

What matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course.

Author Unknown

On the best sunny day, the most powerful magnifying glass will not light paper if you keep moving the glass. But if you focus and hold it, the paper will light up. That is the power of concentration. A man was traveling and stopped at an intersection. He asked an elderly man, “Where does this road take me?” The elderly person asked, “Where do you want to go?” The man replied, “I don’t know.” The elderly person said, “Then take any road. What difference does it make?” How true. When we don’t know where we are going, any road will take us there. Suppose you have all eleven football players, enthusiastically ready to play the game, all charged up, and then someone took the goal post away. What would happen to the game? There is nothing left. How do you keep score? How do you know you have arrived? Enthusiasm without direction is like wildfire and leads to frustration. Goals give a sense of direction. Would you sit in a train or a plane without knowing where it was going? The obvious answer is NO. Then why do people go through life without having any goals? Author Unknown


herry Blossoms are an American tradition and one of the most beautiful sites to be held anywhere. 3,000 Cherry trees were a gift from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo to the city of Washington DC in 1912, honoring the friendship of Japan and the United States. First Lady Helen Herron Taft and the wife of the Japanese ambassador, Visountess Chinda, planted the first two trees on March 27, 1912 on the north bank of the Tidal Basin in West Potomac Park. In 1965 Lady Bird Johnson accepted 3,800 more cherry trees. In 1965 the United States shared cuttings from these cherry trees to Japan to replace all the trees that had been destroyed in a massive flood. Answers on Pg 26


Feature Story

By Taleda Giallanza


Stress & Management Stress, what is it? Do you know? I guarantee if you asked 10 people you’d get 10 different definitions, at least! If we simply look at the definition of stress, it depends on the provider of the definition; The Free Dictionary online says “a. A mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression. b. A stimulus or circumstance causing such a condition.” That about sums it up! Do you know there is a website expressly for the definition of stress? Not surprising…it is: www. The site defines: “Stress is a physical, mental, or emotional response to events that causes bodily or mental tension. Stress is any outside force or event that has an effect on our body or mind (they forgot spirit). Stress is one of the top health hazards we face today. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to go through life without the irritations that make us tense.” The leading cause of death in the USA, according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in 2010 was Heart Disease, in both men and women. Causes of Heart Disease come in two categories: Major Risk Factors (MRF) and Contributing Risk Factors (CRF). Different sources list MRFs in various orders, but they all include: High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Obesity and Overweight, Smoking, Physical Inactivity, Gender, Heredity, and Age. The same for CRFs, which include: STRESS, Alcohol, Diet and/or Nutrition, Sex Hormones, Birth Control Pills. I used the American Heart Association for this information. Some Of The Causes Of Stress You could probably list quite easily the 10 causes of your own stressors; the things that cause you to feel stress. Remember, stress isn’t the “cause” it is the effect or consequence. Take a sheet of paper and list the first 10 things that pop into your mind that cause you stress. Don’t think about it, just do it. Now ask yourself “how many of these can I get rid of or change?” I bet over half of them. Leading Stressors Several websites included the same stressors and I list them below. Are any of these on your list? Not Having Enough Time Who does these days? Multiple jobs, commuting, family, home responsibilities and that elusive “time just for me” adds up to far more than 24/hrs per day. If you need to spend time on the internet for your work, like I do, before you know it hours have gone by and you are still at home! Unhealthy Lifestyle Proper nutrition or lack of goes hand in hand with #1; on the run grab something quick to eat in the car PAGE 16 • MARCH, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

or at your desk, guzzle down soda or coffee hoping for a bit of sugar or caffeine energy. Commuting between jobs, rushing the kids to and from their activities or just plopping finally in front of the tube; too exhausted to cook the good stuff, you grab a handful of chips and wolf down a carb, fat packed sandwich that could unhinge the jaws of a crocodile. Or…who just doesn’t eat? Who doesn’t even drink enough water? Taking On Too Much You just can’t say NO to this project or that request or that little side job or the weekend robber of a part-time job. Conflicts In The Workplace This is a biggie, I’ve been here more times than I care to remember; if you spend most of your time at work and it’s miserable time spent, what could possibly be healthy about that? Demanding ridiculing Boss of Bosses, all about me co-workers, impossible Human Resources that sees the bottom line rather than what’s really written in-between the lines. You either put up and shut up or face being written up. Conflicts In Personal Relationships It’s bad enough when your workplace atmosphere sucks, but when your home life is like four wheel driving thru rocky terrain, you get to feeling like there is NO place that isn’t a miserable mess. Inability To Accept Things As They Are Well if the above 5 are what you have difficulty accepting GOOD FOR YOU!! The world isn’t perfect, your Life certainly isn’t perfect but neither has to be Hell on Earth. Failure To Take Time Out Do you stop to ever smell the roses? Do you pause to reflect on the blessings in your life though they may be hard to see? Do you ever just give yourself the gift of uninterrupted Breathing? World Issues War, Global Warming, Famine, Drought, Poverty, Religious atrocities, Disease, Homelessness, Violence, Political duplicity, Taxes, Unemployment, depletion of world resources for financial greed … have I left anything out? Lack of Compassion and Humor When was the last time you laughed? I mean REALLY laughed? When was the last time you felt compassion? When was the last time you received compassion? Death of a Loved One A child, a parent, a sibling, a husband, a wife, a lover, a family member, a pet, a friend … What do you do about any and/or all of these? What can you do? MANAGEMENT 101 First, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Check out these


OLD statistics: 75% of the general population experiences at least “some stress” every two weeks (National Health Interview Survey). Half of those experience moderate or high levels of stress during the same two-week period. Millions of Americans suffer from unhealthy levels of stress at work. (A study several years ago estimated the number to be 11 million—given events since that time, this number has certainly more than tripled— studies in Sweden, Canada, and other Westernized countries show similar trends.) Worker’s compensation claims for “mental stress” in California rose 200-700% in the 1980s (whereas all other causes remained stable or declined!) Stress contributes to heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, and other illnesses. Stress also affects the immune system, which protects us from many serious diseases. Tranquilizers, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety medications account for one fourth of all prescriptions written in the U.S. each year. Stress also contributes to the development of alcoholism, obesity, suicide, drug addiction, cigarette addiction, and other harmful behaviors. The U.S. Public Health Service has made reducing stress by the year 2000 one of its major health promotion goals. Well, I’d say the U.S. Public Health Service has failed. Perhaps their goal was too stressful? I’m just sayin’… Ok, so 75% of us experience moderate to high levels of stress every two weeks. We have overly medicated those who seek legal coping agents; who knows how many multi-million stressed out folks seek illegal medications just to get thru each day. Some of the coping agents are in fact stressors in themselves! You know that list where you wrote your 10 stressors, now write 10 stress relievers; what do you do to relieve, minimize, and get rid of the stressors in your life? And how’s that working for you so far? Pay Attention To Time How hard is it really to reset your alarm clock even 15 min earlier in order for you to be more time prepared? How difficult is it really to set the alarm on your watch or phone to buzz 10 min before lunchtime so you have time to put a pause on a task? Then leave. Go eat or take a walk, stretch out, meditate, listen to music, who cares, IT’S YOUR TIME. Indulge it; don’t work thru it, don’t take your phone with you, don’t tell anyone where you are

Feature Story


Stress 101 Management going. You’ll be back in an hour. Then be back in an hour. How difficult is it really to tell your Boss of Bosses “its 5:00. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Then leave. Unless you are paid to work overtime and you’ve agreed to work overtime and you understand and accept and embrace the consequences, why are you staying? Don’t enter conversation with him or her; you are an adult—you don’t have to ask permission to go home. GO. Toxic Relationships Spouses, Lovers, Family, Friends, Neighbors, Coworkers…we’ve all had them. Some still endure these relationships that are slow killers. Why? Oh, the reasons are hundreds. But it boils down to one: Love of Self. When you Love your Self you will protect your Self from the hurt others inflict upon you. Then you will dispatch that toxic relationship right where it belongs; into the biohazard bin. Look in the mirror and ask your Self “Am I treated with Love?” If the answer is no — you are in a toxic relationship. If the answer is yes — you are well on your way to healthy relationships. It isn’t easy getting out of toxic relationships; it doesn’t matter if you are male or female. So much and so many to consider. Or is there? Aren’t YOU the only one that matters? Isn’t YOUR happiness more important than anything or anyone? Isn’t YOUR health and vitality a priority? Children can be especially toxic; I’m no authority, so seeking professional help with toxic children is important not only to your health but theirs. Friends who mean well but provide meanness aren’t friends at all. Re-examine what they are doing for you; if it isn’t positive, they aren’t friends. Unhealthy Lifestyle When was the last time you stretched? When was the last time you broke into a sweat? When was the last time you were out of breath? When was the last time your body ached from being exercised? When was the last time you looked at the ingredients on the labels of your canned, boxed and bagged food? When was the last time you knew what those ingredients were? When was the last time you put back something unhealthy and replaced it with something healthy? When was the last time you had a complete physical including blood, urine and stress testing? When was the last time you said, “I need to go on a diet” instead of saying, “I’m going to Live-It?” When was the last time you felt really GOOD? When was the last time you looked really healthy? If you can’t remember when to any one of these … It’s time you started to remember.

World Issues My Mom used to say, “If you can do something about it then stop bitching and do it. If you can’t do something about it then be quiet.” We each can do our part for so many world issues that, as a whole, we could make a difference. Michael Jackson said, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror.” Gandhi said, “Be the difference you wish to see in the world.” Perhaps world issues begin with your own issues. Conquer your own, and then conquer the world’s.

Do not let others interfere or decide what is right for you to feel and when. Hold off important decisions until the Mind Body and Spirit are in accord and clarity flows like a smooth creek in all your manners.

Inability To See Things As They Really Are I was a dreamer. My Dad used to say, “Taleda, you look at the world thru rose colored glasses. You see it the way it should be, not the way it is.” Beauty, kindness, goodness, and gentleness is everywhere. Rose colored glasses allow me to see thru the ugliness, dirtiness, misery, and the hurt. To see thru to what is, really.

* Do more and less * Do more of what makes you happy * Do more of what makes you feel good * Do less of what makes you unhappy * Do less of what makes you feel miserable * Be around the people who give your Spirit peace * Stay away from people who engulf you with negativity * Walk a true Path * Never lie to your Self * Breathe * Consider time * Be kind to your Self first * Be compassionate to all living things * Find Humor in one thing every day * Touch with Love * Provide comfort to the weary * Trust sparingly * Give generously * Don’t be afraid * Smile * Share wisdom * Feel empathy not pity * Offer your glass half full * Sing often * See with your Heart * Know with your Mind * Believe with your Spirit

Speak the truth and shame the devil. Be honest. Be direct. Say yes and mean it. Say no and mean it. Say I love you and mean it. Say it’s over and mean it. See hunger and feed it. See thirst and quench it. See shame and wash it. See fear and embrace it. See sorrow and destroy it. Give and Receive. That is real. Lack Of Compassion And Humor Spend a day in an animal shelter; you will feel and give compassion. Spend a day with handicapped children; you will laugh. Spend a day with the Elderly; you will learn. Spend a day with the homeless; you will know gratitude. Spend a day with a Soldier; you will understand Freedom. Spend a day with your Higher Power; you will find Peace. Taking On Too Much When there is no time left in each day. When you’ve not given to your Self but all others have been served. When you are holding your breath. When your shoulders feel bowed from the weight of your load. When you sigh so many times you annoy your own ears. When the deadline has come and you’ve not met it. When his key is in the door and you are still in your pajamas. When the child asks for help and you’ve nodded off again. When the dog barks from thirst and his dish is bone dry. When Enough Is Enough Death—It is the last part of the cycle of Life. It is inevitable. No one escapes it. It is either after a long life or comes too soon. But it will come regardless. How death is greeted is different for each person. It is different for those around the dying one. Death should be greeted with kindness; like the changing of a season, it cannot be held at bay so greet it with acceptance. For the people left behind, sorrow can be overwhelming. Frustration, fear, anger, disbelief can prevent the mourning of the heart. There is simply too much to comprehend even when prepared. There is no right or wrong; there is no time reference of what to do when. There is only an emptiness wherein the depth of blackness has no end. Honor all that you feel.

Ignore those who attempt to guide you with intuitions and visions and knowledge of YOUR feelings—they do not know. And they are liars if they say they do.

There is no one as beautiful as You. Believe it.

Taleda Giallanza, is a massage therapist and owner of Sanctuary Massage. She specializes in stress relief through Bodywork Therapy treatments and massage from Deep Tissue, Swedish, Therapeutic Hot Stone massage aromatherapy, body wraps and so much more. Step into a peaceful atmosphere and tranquil music as aromatherapy greets you as you walk in the door. For the ultimate spa experience, visit: For questions call: 702-917-3845.


Dental Problems in Your

Pet Dogs, Cats and Ferrets

By Ron Hines DVM PhD

if you begin this when your pet is a puppy or kitten so that it will learn to accept it without a struggle. When you brush, concentrate on the side of the tooth that is closest to the cheeks.


Remember, dental and gum disease is basically a matter of prevention. There is no cure – once it has begun we can only slow its progress. In toy and smaller breeds, ultrasonic or manual removal of plaque may be necessary. Some pets are good natured enough to let you remove the tartar at home with a dental scraper - but most are not. If you do so, let a veterinary technician instruct you how and begin when the pet is very young. ne of the biggest problem causing tooth and gum disease in pets is that pet diets are formulated and textured to meet the desires of the pet’s owners – not for good oral hygiene.

The villain in tooth and gum disease in pets and people is plaque. Plaque is a mixture of remaining food, and salivary minerals mixed with bacteria and acids produced by the fermentation of food. These products slowly irritate the gums (periodontal disease), dissolve the teeth and cause bad breath. Food particles tend to cling to the nooks and crannies which exist between the teeth. Some breeds of dogs and cats (Maltese terriers, Siamese Cats, etc.) tend to have more dental disease. Feeding canned or soft diets increases the rate at which plaque is formed. In Ferrets, poor nutrition of the mother (the Jill) or exceptionally large litters and a lack of dietary calcium all contributes to later dental disease. So does feeding dog chow rather rather than cat or ferret chow – the kits (babies). Many products are available to prevent and control tartar and gum disease in pets. T/D is a dry food, produced by Hill’s Company. It is engineered to reduce plaque and tartar accumulation. But if the teeth are already loose, this food may cause the problem to get worse rather than better. Another product, C.E.T. Chews produced by VRx Pharmaceuticals, is a freezedried fish treat that provides abrasive cleansing action as well as antibacterial enzymes to combat gingivitis other prescription chew brands are available. The most important thing you can do to preserve your pet’s teeth is to include plenty of crunchy ingredients in your pet’s diet. It’s simply a matter of mechanics. A crunchy diet massages the gums and wears off plaque. The second most important thing you can do is to purchase an ultra-soft pediatric toothbrush and brush your pet’s teeth twice a day with a toothpaste designed for pets. Some pets prefer the poultry flavor, others the beef. It is best PAGE 18 • MARCH, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

What Causes Tooth and Gum Disease in Cats? Bartonellosis: Some Cases of gum inflamation in cats are due to infection with an organism called bartonella . That is probably why some cats with mouth problems get better when given the antibiotic, doxycylcine. When this is your cat’s underlying problem, the medication of choice is azithromycin. Feline granulomatous gum disease: Feline granulomatous gum disease causes an inflammatory reaction around the roots of all teeth. The loss of gum tissue is most noticible around the cat’s fangs. This disease is quite common in Siamese cats and cats that are positive for the feline AIDs virus (feline immunodeficiency virus). Some veterinarians have been successful in controling this problem using feline omega interferon. Plasmacytic-Lymphocytic Stomatitisis In this condition, gum disease surrounding the bases of teeth of cats causes very bad breath, drooling and redness around the base of the teeth. These cats are often reluctant to eat and loose weight. This condition is caused by a number of factors, including feline calicivirus and some that have yet to be discovered.

Ron Hines DVM PhD has a vast variety of excellent articles for your pet’s health. Visit:

Bulls Eye Pet Supply provides a great selection of holistic and natural pet foods, chews and supplies. Benefit! They provide samples and deliver to your door in the Clark County, Nevada area. See advertisement on next page

Our(Ur) Pets & Animals

Chakras and Animals

By Lynn McKenzie


hile teaching my most recent Teleclass entitled Healing and Understanding Animals through the Chakras, I have been sharing with my students the different issues and imbalances related to each particular chakra. I thought I’d give you a sampling of that information here, in hopes that it will be relevant to you, or your animal companions. I’ve chosen the root chakra, sometimes known as the base chakra, to write about today, as it is one that relates to so many of the issues facing our animal companions. In case the concept of chakras is completely new to you, they are simply energy voticies or portals, which enable our animal companions to absorb and assimilate universal life force energy. The root chakra is all about safety, trust, security, individuality, grounding, health, courage, and status in the pack, or herd. Imbalances in this chakra can occur in so many ways including abandonment, abuse, stays in a shelters or small stalls, or even not having enough access to the healing energies of mother earth. Our animal companions are so connected to nature and require varying amounts of connection to the ground to maintain their equilibrium. You know you own animal companions best, and will know instinctively if they are requiring more contact with mother earth.

This Month's Great Pix

It’s interesting to note that the element that relates to this chakra is the ‘earth element’ and the spirit animal that is sometimes associated with the root chakra is the mole, and where do we find the mole I might ask? The ‘spirit medicine’ of the mole is all about learning to respect our dependence on the alchemy of the earth. It is this alchemy of the soil; after all, that supports all life. I feel it is a safe bet to deduce in fact, that in order to keep all of our root chakras healthy, we must protect this alchemy of the earth. If you have an animal companion that you suspect has an imbalance such as un-groundedness, excessive fear or timidity, hopelessness, apathy or any issues related to their individuality or their place in the pack, you can help them in the following ways. The color red is a balancer for the root chakra and you can simply place that color around them, in bedding, or on collars or halters. You can also place a crystal such as garnet or hematite near them (always thinking of safety first, of course). Or, you can simply get them out on mother earth to soak up her rays, more frequently. Please Note: Animal Communication and Healing is not a substitute for good Veterinary care, however it is an excellent reinforcement.

Lynn McKenzie is an internationally acclaimed Animal Intuitive and publisher of ‘The Divine Mission of Animals’ newsletter. She specializes in helping others to attune and awaken to the teachings and wonder that all sentient beings wish to share. Lynn offers regular Teleclass training, an instructional DVD on communicating with animals, a flower essence line, as well as private consultations. She can be reached at (512) 827-0505 ext. 8642 or through her website at © 2008 Lynn McKenzie All rights reserved IN LIGHT TIMES • MARCH, 2012 • PAGE 19

Health Lights by Barbi Trejo

Not Just a Beautiful Flower The Marigold Brings Natural Health


arigold (also known as Calendula officinalis) is not just a beautiful flower, but also a natural medicine for many conditions. The marigold has now been placed in the books of cancer and anti-cancer cures because it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The marigold is also able to help in the treatment of wounds. It is excellent in healing burns, stings and impetigo (a contagious skin infection.) It is also wonderful in the treatment of warts, corns and calluses. The flowers are also used in the treatment of many skin conditions from eczema to varicose ulcers.

…in books of cancer and anti-cancer cures… antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties…help in the treatment of wounds… healing burns, stings and impetigo…of warts, corns and calluses…skin conditions from eczema to varicose ulcers… This wonderful garden flower is used to line gardens and is found on many mountains. The calendula offcinalis is taken from the Latin word Kalendae, (1st day of the Roman calendar). The marigold blooms all year round and is also known as “flower of rain.” The flower will not open if it is going to rain. One should be careful not to confuse the Arnica flower with the Calendula, as the Arnica can be toxic and should be used only under supervision. The Arnica tea can be harmful to heart patients. The Calendula grows up to 40 cm in height. The flowers are yellow to orange and the leaves have a sticky feel to them. It is a good rain doctor also. If the flowers are closed in the early morning, it will rain that day. When picking the flowers, you should only pick in the bright sunshine and in the middle of the day. The best month to pick the marigold is in August. PAGE 20 • MARCH, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

The marigold can be juiced from fresh flowers and leaves or made into a tea using the dried flowers. The easiest way to use marigold is in a tea. In this case, you would dry only the flowers and use them to make the tea.

 Making Tea To make tea or infuse the flowers, make sure that you boil the water and then add 1 tablespoon of the flowers to the pot of tea and let it steep. Do not add the dried flowers to cold water and then let it boil. The tea purifies the blood, so drink this tea regularly. Remedies for the use of the marigold tea:

Inflammation of the intestines Diarrhea Liver problems Expel worms Herpes and glandular swellings Hepatitis

Mixture of the tea and horsetail (use half and half) Cancer and tumor growths Cracked feet and ulcerated legs Non healing wounds

Sitz Bath, Fresh Juices, Ointments and Tinctures…

continued on page 25

Health Lights


By John Phillip

Study finds can prevent blindness from Age-Related Macular Degeneration


ge-related macular degeneration is a progressive eye condition, leading to the deterioration of the center of the retina, called the macula. It is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly. The result of a study published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine finds that eating grapes over a lifetime may slow or help prevent age-related macular degeneration as we age. The antioxidant actions of grapes are believed to be responsible for these protective effects, as they are shown to specifically target the eye to provide a protective shield against repeated assaults perpetrated by exposure to the sun and high-intensity light sources. Silvia Finnemann, principal researcher from Fordham University in New York commented, “A lifelong diet enriched in natural antioxidants, such as those in grapes, appears to be directly beneficial for retinal pigment epithelium cells and retinal health and function.” Red grapes found to offer significant protection against AMD and blindness. The study compared the impact of a diet rich in antioxidants on vision in mice

prone to developing retinal damage in old age in much the same way as humans do. Mice either received a grape-enriched diet, a diet with added lutein, or a normal diet. Researchers found that the diet enriched with grapes offered dramatic protection, as it was shown to protect against oxidative damage of the retina and prevent blindness. While a diet supplemented with lutein was also effective, grapes were found to offer significantly more protection. Dr. Finnemann noted, “The protective effect of the grapes in this study was remarkable, offering a benefit for vision at old age even if grapes were consumed only at young age.” The result of this study determined that age-related vision loss is a result of cumulative, oxidative damage over time. A diet rich in antioxidants, especially those provided by lifelong consumption of red grapes are directly beneficial to retinal health and function. This study showed that adding grapes to the diet prevented blindness in mice by significantly decreasing the build-up of lipofuscin and preventing the oxidative damage to the retina. Red grapes contain the powerful antioxidant, resveratrol that has been demonstrated to provide essential support for optimal brain function and heart health. Consuming several ounces of red grapes each day may provide an important key to prevent eye damage and blindness from AMD.

Grapes contain powerful anti-oxidants: Resveratrol, helps protect against cancers of the colon and prostate, coronary heart disease (CHD), degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral/ fungal infections. Anthocyanins, in red grapes has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer activities. Catechins, in white/green varieties has also shown to have these health protecting functions.

John Phillip is a Health Researcher and Author who writes regularly on the cutting edge use of diet, lifestyle modifications and targeted supplementation to enhance and improve the quality and length of life. John is the author of ‘Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan’, a comprehensive EBook explaining how to use Diet, Exercise, Mind and Targeted Supplementation to achieve your weight loss goal. Visit My Optimal Health Resource (http:// to continue reading the latest health news updates and to download your Free 48 page copy of ‘Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan’. IN LIGHT TIMES • MARCH, 2012 • PAGE 21

Health Lights

Trehalose... The Smart Sugar

Lack of knowledge has caused millions to perish since the beginning of time. The Romans prided themselves with their sophisticated aquifer system, but had no idea that the lead pipes would cause them to go mad. The British Navy (Limeys) conquered the seas with the knowledge that vitamin C in limes and lemons cured scurvy while other seamen perished. Today, diabetes and its complications are epidemic because of the results of sugar damage. Most sugars and sweeteners consumed by Westerners lower the quality of health and contribute to obesity, diabetes, and other diseases. Again, people are perishing from lack of knowledge. Contrary to common thought, sugars are unique and functional beyond just supplying energy to your body. Some sugars are beneficial in their function while many are harmful in their effect on the body. The function of some specific sugars is to actually make up the Operating System (OS) of your whole body. The really good sugars, which I call “Royal Sugars” or “Smart Sugars” that can actually help modulate your immune system and balance your hormones. A Brief Overview of Trehalose…the Smart Sugar Trehalose is a naturally occurring sugar that is about 45% as sweet as sucrose and has a clean profile which means it has no aftertaste. Trehalose has known protein and cell membrane stabilizing capabilities and may preserve and protect multiple normal biological systems by protecting the cell proteins and interfering with the production of protein cluster aggregates. Trehalose may maintain and help the body’s natural cellular processes of protein turnover and reduce neurological cell stress. Trehalose is determined to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use in foods in general in accordance with the current good manufacturing practices. Canada approved trehalose as a food in 2005 and trehalose is now approved as a food in over 40 countries world wide. “Sugar’s [table sugar] potential for abuse, coupled with its toxicity and pervasiveness in the Western diet make it a primary culprit of this worldwide health crisis.” So says a Report from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), published in the Feb 2, 2012 issue of Nature, that document the dangers of table sugar. The Report argues that sugar is far more serious than just “empty calories” that make people fat. Table sugar changes metabolism, raises blood pressure, critically alters the signaling of hormones and causes significant damage to the liver. In fact, sugar health hazards are closely related to the effects cause by alcohol, which is the distillation of sugar. The report continues to outline that table sugar is fueling a global obesity pandemic, contributing to 35 million deaths annually worldwide from non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. According to the UN, non-communicable diseases are a greater worldwide danger than infectious diseases. We, that’s US, spend 75% of our healthcare dollars addressing the non-communicable disease challenge. The public must be better informed about the emerging science of sugar. The authors of the Report, Robert Lustig, MD, Laura Schmidt, PhD, MSW, MPH, and Claire Brindis, DPH, understand that education is the key to turning around the crisis and conclude that for society to shift away from high sugar consumption. “As long as the public thinks that sugar is just ‘empty calories,’ we have no chance in solving this,” said Robert Lustig, a professor of pediatrics, in the division of endocrinology at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital and director of the Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health (WATCH) Program at UCSF. “... [Table] sugar is toxic beyond its calories.” Lustig continued. “There are good calories and bad calories, just as there are good fats and bad fats, good amino acids and bad amino acids, good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates.” While we agree completely with the harmful health effects of table sugar, education and personal self-control is the answer. Here is a brief list of sugar warning and the benefit of the Smart Sugar…Trehalose.


By J.C. Spencer

…table s

excerpt: Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life

ugar is to xic its calorie beyond s.


• Sugar contributes to obesity. • Sugar can cause less effective functioning of albumin and lipoproteins, which may reduce the body’s ability to handle fat and cholesterol. • Sugar can contribute to diabetes. • Sugar increases the systolic blood pressure. • Sugar can increase the size of the liver by making the liver cells divide. • Sugar can increase the amount of liver fat. • Sugar can suppress the immune system. • Sugar can cause hypoglycemia. • Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users. • Sugar upsets mineral relationships in the body. • Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children. • Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides. • Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection and infectious diseases. • Sugar causes tissue elasticity loss and function The more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you lose. • Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins. • Sugar leads to chromium deficiency. • Sugar leads to cancer of the ovaries. • Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose. • Sugar causes copper deficiency. • Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium. • Sugar can weaken eyesight. • Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitter ’s: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. • Sugar can produce an acidic digestive tract. • Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children. • Sugar can cause premature aging. • Sugar can lead to alcoholism. • Sugar can cause tooth decay. • Sugar intake levels that are high increases the risk of Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. • Sugar can cause arthritis. • Sugar can cause or be a factor in asthma. • Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans yeast infections. • Sugar can cause gallstones. • Sugar can cause heart disease. • Sugar can cause appendicitis. • Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis. • Sugar can cause hemorrhoids. • Sugar can cause varicose veins. • Sugar can lead to periodontal disease. • Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis. • Sugar contributes to salivary acidity. • Sugar causes decrease in insulin sensitivity. • Sugar can lower the amount of vitamin E alpha-tocopherol in the blood. • Sugar can decrease growth hormone. • Sugar can increase cholesterol. • Sugar causes drowsiness - decreases child activity. • Sugar interferes with protein absorption. • Sugar causes food allergies.


• Trehalose sugar inhibits fat cell enlargement. • Trehalose sugar inhibits progression of Type 2. Diabetes. • The sugar Trehalose protects cells from Electron Beam Damage. • Study shows Trehalose more stable than other sugars. • Trehalose has enduring source of energy. • New research study explains HOW the sugar Trehalose inhibits Alzheimer’s. • Trehalose helping in diabetes, triglycerides, kidney diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases? • Trehalose can extend shelf life of other sugars.

Editorial Note: These are just a few of the benefits from Trehalose; to get a complete overview download JC’s free e-Book, Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life @ www. and learn all about this remarkable sugar. Or you can visit J.C. at:

Health Lights By Todd Patkin & Dr. Howard J. Rankin

Men & Depression Now traditionally, men have been reluctant to acknowledge that they’re feeling depressed, and even more unwilling to seek medical help. However, depression is not a sign of weakness—it’s a medical condition that men need to know about and watch for. It’s a matter of health!

Most people don’t realize it, but you can gain some control of your brain’s biochemistry if it becomes dysfunctional, which can have a huge impact on your mood and behavior. That control comes mainly through medications, but lifestyle also plays a big role, too.

There’s a prevailing opinion in our society that depression—not feeling a bit down in the dumps, but clinical depression—isn’t something that should happen to men. “Real” men, the thinking goes, should be able to power through discouragement. Tough guys don’t let their emotions “get the better” of them. And even if a man is having a bad day, he’s certainly not supposed to cry and complain about it. If he’s strong, he’ll eventually snap out of whatever funk he’s in.

America is becoming a nation of overworked, overstressed, and (often) unhappy people. More than that, though, increasing numbers of Americans are being diagnosed with depression—and that includes men.

Seven things all men should know about depression: 1. Depression is more prevalent than ever.

If that’s how you tend to think about depression, you’re making a dangerous mistake. The truth is, over six million men are affected by depression each year in the U.S. alone, but many don’t seek treatment because they don’t want to be seen as weak or defective. Men need to understand that being diagnosed with depression isn’t a cause for stigma, and ignoring it can have devastating consequences for them, their spouses, kids, careers, and more. After dealing with feelings of anxiety and stress throughout my life—despite achieving outward success, wealth, and respect—I suffered a devastating breakdown at the age of thirty-six. My breakdown was the most devastating experience of my life. I couldn’t work, exercise, laugh, or even reason. I didn’t think I’d ever be normal again—and I didn’t see any of it coming. Luckily, that breakdown was my breakthrough. I realized I had been pushing myself too hard and looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. I got the medical help I now realized I had needed for quite some time, and revised my outlook on my life in general and on my mental health in particular. It’s vitally important for men to educate themselves about depression so they can recognize its symptoms and be prepared to seek help if necessary. Depression is influenced by your brain biochemistry, and that’s not something you naturally have control over. Depression is a medical illness you can’t just ‘get over’ on your own, so the public perception of depression as a shameful cause for stigma must change. It may come as a surprise to hear, but depression isn’t technically sadness—it’s a loss of energy. And when energy is low, you are less able to cope and less likely to do other things that are necessary for a healthy physical and emotional life.


When you’re constantly worn down, anxious, and unhappy, you’re essentially training your brain to be that way—and eventually, your brain’s biochemistry becomes locked into this pattern.

I’ve learned you can be prone to depression because of your genetics, but also due to life circumstances. I’ve thought for years that the way we live and work in America is unhealthy. And I know the recent economic downturn and the fact it caused a lot of people to lose their savings and jobs hasn’t helped our outlooks and mental health. 2. Men experience different symptoms from women.

Continued On Page 24 *

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Studies show each generation is more likely to become depressed than the one that came before it—and more likely to become so at an earlier age, too. Not surprisingly, antidepressant use in our country continues to grow.

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Health Lights By Tom Patkin & Dr. Howard J. Rankin

Continued From Page 23

Men & Depression If you were asked to picture depression, you’d probably think of someone who is quiet, sad, apathetic, and lethargic. Those symptoms are characteristic of depression, but they’re more commonly seen in women. Because most people don’t realize depression manifests differently between the sexes, many men fail to even suspect the true nature of what is bothering them. Women are likely to internalize their negative feelings and blame themselves for their problems, while men more commonly act out on their emotions. Depression manifests itself differently in men because their emotional circuits and brains are designed differently. So instead of getting tearful, a man who is depressed might become irritable, hostile, and fatigued. He might dive into his work or a hobby until he literally can’t carry on. He’s also likely to blame other people or other circumstances for his problems, rather than admit that he is experiencing troubling symptoms. 3. There’s a connection between depression and stress. None of us like stress—that’s a no-brainer. On the flip side, though, stress is so prevalent we tend to ignore it and write it off as normal, despite the fact we’ve all heard the statistics about how chronic stress can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems. But did you know long-term stress can also increase your risk of becoming depressed? While depression can be related to genetics, it can also be caused by long-term stress—especially if you’re not handling it well. When you’re constantly worn down, anxious, and unhappy, you’re essentially training your brain to be that way—and eventually, your brain’s biochemistry becomes locked into this pattern. If you are plagued by constant stress, or you’ve been diagnosed with depression, I firmly believe exercise is the best mood manager because it naturally releases endorphins. When I was in training many years ago at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, the consultant running the mood disorders unit (which housed numerous depressed people) had all of the patients exercising morning, noon, and night. This was before the term ‘aerobics’ was coined, and everyone wondered what he was doing. Turns out this man was ahead of the curve in realizing the crucial role of exercise in mood management. 4. Depression can damage your physical health. You may consider depression to be a disorder that’s rooted in the brain. But that doesn’t mean it can’t affect your body, too. Depression is accompanied by a loss of energy. It can also cause muscle pain, joint pain, digestive problems, headaches, reduced sex drive, and more—and it’s easy to see how those symptoms can disrupt your life. If you’re depressed, it’s very possible you’ll feel exhausted and in pain all of the time. It’s actually not uncommon for patients to be misdiagnosed at first because they and their doctors think the unpleasant symptoms have another cause. That’s why it’s very important to understand depression isn’t just ‘in your head,’ and to be completely open with your doctor. 5. Depression can also hurt your family. Don’t make the mistake of believing depression affects only you. To put it bluntly, if you’re lacking energy or if you’re anxious, irritable, or in pain, your family will notice. And their daily lives—in fact, their basic well-being—will be impacted, too. Your spouse and children might feel they have to walk on eggshells around you, for example, and might become anxious themselves because they can’t ease your burden. You won’t be able to give them the attention, support, and love you used to, either. In hindsight, one of the worst things about my depression and breakdown was how much I am sure it scared and upset my wife. Also, I simply couldn’t be the dad and husband I wanted to be. Please, if you’re reluctant to get help for your own sake, do it for the people you love. And remember, if your kids see you moping around every day, they will be much more likely to grow up the same way, thinking an unhappy life is simply the norm. That’s not something any father wants to leave as a legacy for his children…and then for their children after them as well. 6. Depression is not a cause for stigma. Depression is not something to be ashamed of. While clinical depression is very different from a disease like cancer, they have one major thing in common: No one chooses to suffer from either, and no one can power through these ailments unaided.


Untreated, depression can be just as devastating to you and your family as any other major illness. I understand why men feel it is their job as the head of the household to ignore their depression and just continue on. But doing so can ruin your life and even lead to suicide. I’m very glad to see our society’s view of depression is finally changing, albeit much too slowly for my liking. Today, scientifically we know more about it, and more and more people are becoming aware of its symptoms. I’m passionate about bringing the reality of depression into the public conversation, and I’m not the only one. Well-known figures including Terry Bradshaw, George Stephanopoulos, and Mike Wallace, to name a few, have also opened up about their own struggles with this illness in order to raise awareness and dispel myths. 7. Depression is treatable. With a combination of counseling and medication, most people are able to completely regain their quality of life. However, it’s also important to understand that psychoactive drugs are not onesize-fits-all. Antidepressants narrow the range of emotion so you can’t feel as low. However, some claim that antidepressants can reduce their ability to feel life’s highs as well. The answer is finding the right medication in the right dose for each person—and this can take time. Once you and your doctor do find the combination of medication and/or counseling that works for you, I promise you’ll be astounded by the results. It’s possible just one pill a day can make you feel like a whole new man again! When my doctor and I found a medication that restored my brain chemistry, I felt like my old self in just three weeks’ time. If you suspect that you might be suffering from depression—or even heading toward it—I promise you that talking with your doctor is the best thing you can do for your health, your family, and your future. About the Authors:
 Todd Patkin, author of his latest book, Finding Happiness, is a motivational speaker and grew up in Needham, Massachusetts. His main passions: philanthropy and giving back to the community, spending time with family and friends, and helping more people learn how to be happy. Todd lives with his wonderful wife, Yadira, their amazing son, Josh, and two great dogs, Tucker and Hunter. Visit: Dr. Howard J. Rankin is the creator of and founder of the American Brain Association. He is a licensed clinical psychologist with a private psychotherapy practice, the Rankin Center for Neuroscience and Integrative Health, on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. He has written five books and coauthored two more. Visit:

Heart Attacks & Drinking Warm Water This is very interesting. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attacks.
 The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating. 
 For those who like to drink cold water, this is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal; however, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff you have just consumed and will slow down the digestion. Once this ‘sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting . Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive.

Health Lights Continued From Page 7


with the

Continued From Page 20

Not Just a Beautiful Flower


In another classic film, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Ferris phones his friend Cameron to ask him if he wants to skip school and go out and play. When Cameron complains that he’s too sick to get out of bed, Ferris tells Cameron that he just can’t think of anything worth getting up for. If the world or your life seems sick or tired, it may be only because we have accepted a world that doesn’t offer us anything to get up for. But, if we recognize something new and wonderful is calling to us, we will find the energy and means to create what

By Barbi Trejo

Alan Cohen we would choose rather than what has been cast upon us. Transformational services. Tools to awaken. Deeper connection and expanded aliveness. The new plastics. Get in on the ground floor. Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including the justreleased Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. Join Alan for Metaphysics and Miracles, May 30–June 3 at the Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado. For more information visit www., or 808‑572-0001.

If the world or your life seems sick or tired, it may be only because we have accepted a world that doesn’t offer us anthing to get up for. But, if we recognize something new and wonderful is calling…we will find the energy and means to create what we would choose….

By Regina Murphy

Continued From Page 9

“And the Beat Goes On”

A Mother’s Personal Story

babies with carefully selected sounds and music are numerous: higher oxygen saturation levels in the blood, better nutritive sucking, quicker weight gain, fewer indications of distress [crying], and a masking of the sounds in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Three separate and highly specialized programs have been compiled for babies: Natural Baby, for babies who have experienced a natural birth; PreMature Baby, for babies who are born prematurely; and Babies with Addictions, for babies who are born with an addiction issue. They are offered as CDs, Uncompressed Downloads, or a HeartSong Pod, [speaker and loaded MP3 player]. They are available at: Baby HeartSongs is also being offered as trial programs to hospitals as free downloads. If you are connected with a hospital, please send me an email explaining your interest. I will send you the information for the free downloads. Our goal is for every baby to be nurtured with these programs. They are our future and they deserve the very best welcome, into this world, that we can possibly provide. Regina Murphy L.M.T. is founder of Emotional Sound Techniques Association and a provider for NCBTMB, the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. She is owner of Excelsis LLC, the company that produces much of the music for Vibroacoustic devises worldwide. She is a researcher in Sound Therapy and a Sound Therapy Practitioner. Email murphyfour77@ or visit: For more information: Suzanne Jonas, Ed.D. E-mail:, website:

The Marigold Brings Natural Health

Sitz Bath

What is a sitz bath?

A sitz bath is a bath you sit in. Sitz baths are being used for many things from healing the wounds of stitches after childbirth to hemorrhoids, vaginal infections, genital herpes and bladder infections. The use of the sitz bath is an “old fashioned” way of treatment, but still a very effective one. Place one or two cups of dried or fresh flowers in some cold water for one day. After one day, heat the flowers and liquid to just before boiling and add to the warm bath that is up to your hip. Relax in the soothing sitz bath as long as you can. The aroma alone will soothe your spirits.

 Fresh Juice In order to juice the marigold, you may use both the flowers and the stems. Wash both of them and juice them. It is a strong juice and you can add this to some carrot and apple juice to ease the flavor. Remedies that you can use for the juice: Warts (note: use the fresh juice with no mixture here on the warts) Scabies


Chop some fresh flowers and add it to some coconut oil. Heat slightly and then let cool. The ointments are good for pains. To make the ointment easy to spread, you can add some vegetable oil to the ointment. Some will recommend lard instead of coconut oil. Remedies using the ointment:

Athlete`s feet Nose scabs Varicose veins Eczema and skin infections

Tinctures When making tinctures, you can either use alcohol or raw apple cider vinegar. Dr. Schultz and Dr. Christopher both

used the alcohol, such as Vodka. But many for religious purposes prefer something without alcohol, so they use raw apple vinegar. Raw apple vinegar must be cloudy. Real apple vinegar will never be clear. Place some flowers in the vinegar or the alcohol and let it sit in the sun for 20 days. After twenty days, drain the vinegar from the flowers and you have your tinctures. Remedies that the tinctures are used for: Regulating menstrual periods Treatment of anemic patients

Cold Infusion is used for the eyes.

A cold infusion is basically the tea, which is left to cool and placed in the refrigerator. Use a cotton pad and dip the pad in the infusion and lay it on the eye, changing the pads regularly. The leaves can be used in salads or as fresh vegetables and eaten to heal tuberculosis. The marigold is a benefit and a treatment for so many illness and diseases, and should be used daily. Many local herbalists carry dried marigolds and they are also easily accessible. Always be careful from whom you purchase your dried herbs – always go with a reputable supplier.

Barbi Trejo is a natural hygiene foodist and loves the medicine of the earth. After being diagnosed with MS and early onset dementia last year, she cured herself using herbs and juicing from the earth. She now spends her time helping others. Barbi is writes for Suite101, Break Studios and Associated Content. She moderates four forums and six blogs in her spare time. She has just released her first eBook entitled, “Everything You Would Ever Want to Know About Black Seeds” (Nigella sativa) and more. View at http://nigellasativa. Barbi is also a Twitter Manager for many of the top Natural Health Writers on Natural and Corporations. To learn more about how Twitter can benefit you, contact her at and make sure to put Twitter as the reason for the email.

When making tinctures, you can either use alcohol or raw apple cider venegar.


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Clarice’s Mystical Realm Astrology HappyBirthdayPisces! Personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.

It’s important when reading your Sun sign to also read your Rising and Moon signs in order to have a full picture for the month. I cover the ancient Esoteric knowledge of astrology and numerology, your Celestial DNA through “Sacred Geometry” in these readings. I am so excited to be a part of In Light Times and look forward to providing information in the Mystical Realm of Astrology. Enjoy. LUNAR ACTIVITY: Full Moon-March 8th in Libra, opposition to the Sun; New Moon-March 22 in Aries. Last Quarter Moon-March 14th in Sagittarius, and First Quarter Moon-March 30th in Cancer, opposition to Pluto. MERCURY RETROGRADE 03-12-12 and stations direct 04-04-12. Key Effect: Mixed Communications/Transportation and World Trade. The Sun signs, Gemini and Virgo’s ruling planet is “Mercury” and the Number (5) in Numerology. Also if either of these signs is located in your natal chart, expect Mercury to create indecision and change of plans. It also requires more caution and orderly thinking. Mercury is also known as the original, “trickster,“ of the Zodiac. While Mercury is Retrograde, it is not the best time for major purchases such as new homes, autos, boats, computers, etc., because these items are usually financed and/or require signing a contract. Signing a contract during Mercury Retrograde can bring regrets stemming from things said that are misunderstood or misrepresented. Avoid beginning new projects; expect disruptions, delays in business matters, especially communications or transportation. Back up all data on computers. Companies in retail can expect sales on the slow side, including personal items stolen. Relationships can go awry due to miscommunications. Also, lies and deceptions can come to light.

SOLUTION: The best action to take during a Mercury Retrograde period is to spend the time reviewing the past three months. It is not the time to go forward with new plans or goals. It is the time to “re-view” what is happening in your life and make necessary course corrections. A good rule to remember is, any word you can put “re” in front of, and have it make sense, do it; examples: re-evaluate, repair, rethink, rewrite, replace, reschedule, revise, review. Then correct any misunderstandings, etc. I know that life continues on, and it makes it difficult. Yet if you need to move on any of these items listed above, just be aware of the effects that Mercury could have and be more detailed. We have three planets Retrograde this month, including Mars, and Saturn. For more details on the effects of these planets go to Remember, with all retrograde planets there is a 10 day influence before and after their station dates. Stay positive and focused, and you will get thru the month with ease.

ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

February 18/19 to March 19/20 “I BELIEVE”

Ruling Planet: Neptune • Rules: The feet Symbol: Two fish swimming in opposite directions, not seeing each other. One fish reaching to the spiritual divine and the other facing the Earth (material world) Lesson: To balance the two directions Colors: All colors of water, sea greens, blues, and lavenders Key Personality: Sensitive, strongly intuitive, emotional, and compassionate Spiritual Flower: Lotus Gems: Nuummite, (The Magician’s Stone) Tanzanite, and Aquamarine Most Compatible Signs: Water signs, depends on Rising & Moon

Welcome to 2012 Pisces, if you are still standing, congratulations! The past 12 years have been difficult. We still have one more planet to continue our lessons, long term (Saturn) until June 2012, which is of focus and discipline to reach our goals. Hurray! Then you’ll have many blessings for the next 13 years. You should have seen some light coming through as the New Year began. In the sign of Pisces, unstable, flowing water combines with the mutable ability to easily drift through change. This makes Pisces the most fluid sign of the zodiac. The introverted nature of the negative polarity is predominant here, which makes Pisces the most sensitive of all the signs. Piscean people have very strong and deep emotions and are much too impressionable and susceptible to outside influences; they often need to escape. Ruled by the nebulous planet Neptune, Pisceans can be quite difficult to understand. It helps to remember that they operate on an intuitive level, and often are the empaths of the zodiac, and attuned to subtle “vibrations.” They need to retreat to maintain their equilibrium. They cannot be understood through analysis, logic or pressure. They can give vast amounts of compassion, are self-sacrificing, and one can best understand them with mercy and mutual caring. They are often kind, receptive, sympathetic, intuitive and humble. However, they can also be vague, indecisive, secretive, careless, and not very adept at dealing with the physical world, unless they learn to balance the spiritual/material “emotions.” LIBRA ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

You’ve been frustrated with your career and money lately. Stay focused, be patient. Positive Tip: You are strong, keep your faith. This day should pass as all others. Remember what you perceive is what you’ll manifest! Mind Focus: Life is full of grace and beauty.

You feel the love flowing through you – and everyone else can see it! Whether you’re on the prowl or happily mated, you look good and feel even better. Positive Tip: Learn to communicate private thoughts with your mate and family. Mind Focus: Listen, don’t guess.

TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20

SCORPIO ~ Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

GEMINI • May 21 to June 20

SAGITTARIUS ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

With expansive Jupiter moving through your sign, the glass of your life has indeed become bigger than ever. Positive Tip: Use your inner wisdom and practicality to solve the problems. Mind Focus: You can correct it by knowing one’s own mind, your beliefs and desires.

One obstacle after another pops up to interfere with this month’s progress, but don’t despair – it’s just a short run of obstacles, and it doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong path. Positive Tip: Adversity breeds strength. Mind Focus: Use your intuition to know the limits.

You and your mate need to talk things out – otherwise, life could get out of control. Make sure that you’re listening as well as talking, or things might get really confusing. Positive Tip: Your opponent is complacency. Mind Focus: Get up, and start changing things.

You should speak up – you might not get a better time to say what’s really on your mind! Things might still be difficult for a while, but as long as everyone knows what’s up, you can manage. Positive Tip: Make one correction. Mind Focus: Be willing to learn from challenges.

CANCER ~ June 21 to July 22

CAPRICORN ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

LEO ~ July 23 to Aug. 22

AQUARIUS ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

This month focus on career issues, you’ve got quite a bit to deal with, but you’re in the right place to make bold moves and impress all the right people. Positive Tip: Getting back to a routine you can live with is essential now. Mind Focus: Every great goal begins with a desire.

You need to deal with the past in some way. It could be a parent, it could be a family trauma or it could be your own old desires coming back for a little visit. Positive Tip: You need to clear this up soon! Mind Focus: Think, and reconnect with your wisdom within.

VIRGO ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22

PISCES ~ Feb. 19 to March 20

Your interpersonal energy is buzzing. Positive Tip: Facing karma. Mind Focus: It is time to face any monsters hiding in the closet, in facing fears the beautiful butterfly emerges from its cocoon. Visualize yourself giving a warm, Cancerian-style hug to the entire Universe.

You and your mate, business partner, are getting along better than usual, and you may find that the two of you have even more in common than you had realized. Positive Tip: Realizing nothing is black and white. Mind Focus: Express your stress through imagination.


The sun is shining on you this month. Your consciousness and awareness is awakening. Spirit is moving you to lift unnecessary burdens or responsibilities. Positive Tip: Change is coming. Mind Focus: The desire to add more meaning to your life propels you.

You may need to shake things up a little in order to get people to really listen! Your energy is stable enough that you can do so without much risk. Positive Tip: Rely on your intuition. Mind Focus: You can’t predict what your next creative venture will be at the moment.

Clarice’s Life Path Numerology A personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D. Welcome to my “Life Path” Numberology. In this column I strive to make it fun and informative. Down through time, numerology has enhanced (fined tuned) the astrological signs of the Zodiac. Like astrology, numerology provides you with an overview of your life, the challenges you face and the opportunities that await you. Using this column in conjunction with the astrology column will bring a new understanding and clarity into one’s life. Enjoy what the ages have afforded you in this lifetime and realize that the many life lessons we experience are but one journey among the many. Do enjoy the adventure.

What Is Your Life Path Number? March is the number (3). The number 3 is all about communications and creativity of all forms. With the Planet Mercury Retrograde which is the number (5), during the month of March it will also affect the numbers (3 & 5), which means you’ll need to be more detailed and focus in all forms of communications and contracts due to Mercury’s retrograde. Normally, without Mercury Retrograde, the month of (3) is high energy, having a good time, and expressions in all forms. This column will highlight each month number and how it will affect your 3 primary numerology birth numbers that will never change.


Life Path – Sun

What is your “Hero’s” Journey? To state this is your time to step on the path of your personal journey is an understatement. Do not worry if there are times that you feel lost. You will find yourself in an adventure that will help transform you towards embracing a new life. You will realize a greater purpose and meaning in the coming months; stay positive.


Life Path – Moon

It is time to face any of the monsters in the closet, in facing fears the beautiful butterfly emerges from its cocoon. Have you ever felt as if you were trapped in the belly of a whale and waiting until you are spit out and freed again to be tossed around in the ocean? Take control, you are the Master of your life. Improvement is coming.


Life Path – Jupiter

There is a place of rest, an inner center, which once found, you will not be torn apart in always seeking something more. Find your center and you will have the resources you need to accomplish whatever you want regardless of what others think or believe. Do not be ruled by desires, fear, or social commitments. Do what’s right for you, stay centered and focus.


The Life Path is the sum of the birth date of an individual, and remains throughout your life. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you carry with you through life; no individual has the same fingerprints, so, by adding your numerology number to your astrology sign makes you a totally unique individual. In numerology you have three primary numbers, your Life Path, Day and Attitude numbers. As you figure out your numbers, read all three to get a complete picture

How To Find Your Life Path Number

To find this number add all the numbers in your birth date. First, convert the month to a single number, and then add this individual digit, to the birthday, and the individual digit of the birth year. The individual digits are again added together, as necessary to reduce the total sum to a single digit 1 through 9. In this column I am not covering your personal year number, only for each month how your basic birth number is affected. If you are interested in the year number 1 through 9. You would add your month and day together to a single digit, and then add it to the existing year, to know the year number you are in. Example: Date of Birth: February 8, 1939 (2-8-1939). Add the month (2) to the day (8) plus the total of the digits in the year, (2-8-22 = 32 = 5.) The Life Path number is 5. To get the attitude number you add the month to the day to a single digit. This person’s numbers are: Life Path 5, Day 8, and Attitude number is 1. For your convenience I’ve listed the basic meaning to the numbers below; this will also help you know what numbers you are compatible with.

The Basic Numbers and their Meaning

1-5-7 Are the mental numbers, they ask the big questions in life.

2-4-8 Are the financial numbers, they are concerned with security issues. 3-6-9 Are the communication/creative numbers. 3-4-7-9 Are the Spiritual numbers, the numbers 4 & 7 are the genus numbers, and covers all talents.

Life Path – Uranus

The reason you now have such a superb chance of climbing to the higher echelons of your profession and gaining respect and admiration from other leaders is that Jupiter, the great planet of happiness and growth, has journeyed into your life including Neptune, illuminating your tenth house of honors and higher creativity. Your efforts’ will start to pay off by early May, and will only increase.


Life Path – Mercury


Life Path – Venus


Life Path – Neptune


Life Path – Saturn


Life Path – Mars

Compatibility Numbers Your Nbr.

Natural Fit Nbrs.

Compatible Nbrs.

Challenge Netural - Can & Requires Go Either Way Compromise Nbrs. Nbrs.

Investments are best left alone this month, and try to keep a low profile. Sudden changes could result in estrangements. Self-improvement projects will pay off in more ways than one. Anything you can put (re) in front of — do. Re-think everything, and move forward after April 23. You are on the right track for future gains. Stay focused and positive during this month is a must.

If you manage not to carry the weight of the world, but to take care of your own needs and interests, you will have a good month ahead of you. The planets help you wherever possible to move all hindrances out of your way. Now, you can set the path for the future. Get everyone on board with your plans. Listen to your heart’s desire.

This month is good news. It should remind you that you are a super powerful being and that your powers are never higher than when you are connected to Spirit and to your knowledge that life is as good as we make it. Enjoy, for you have worked hard for this blessing. For everything is set for a bright future. Neptune and Jupiter have arrived.

Your strictness starts to eat away on your well-being. You pretend that this is normal, but your soul can’t be fooled. Allow for feelings and passion. You might be surprised how positively your content will influence your private as well as your professional life. Let go of demanding such strict behavior from yourself. Sometimes silliness or mercy is appropriate. It will improve your outlook on life.

This month correlates with your house of career and status. It is therefore going to be a major focus for you this month. Your intellectual strengths will be tested in your career environment. But things acted upon prior to March will benefit from the creativity for writers. You’ll be reminded this month of why it’s so important to keep working hard on all your important relationships.

Mysteries of the Ancients Renowned Award Winning

Mystic Clarice

Author of 11 Books • 34 years experience

• Astrology • Numerology • Existentialist • Spiritual Consultant call


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Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.


Light Happenings

March, 2012 Happy St. Patrick's Day!

3-4 SAT-SUN WAY OF THE SHAMAN: Shamanic Journey, Power & Healing, 3-4; Learn classic methods of the shaman for healing and problem-solving. Discover your power animal and spirit teacher. Awaken dormant spiritual abilities. Experiential workshop with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Michael Harner, PhD, Director. Information/ Registration Beth Beurkens, M.A. 541.708.0473 11 SUNDAY YOGA + TEA + CHOCOLATE, 3-5pm; $20; A sensual yoga experience with QiGong filled with a closing cup of tea, dipped fruit, & a sampling of chocolates. Northwest Yoga 7810 West Ann Rd #110 Las Vegas, 89149 26 SUNDAY RELEASE, HEAL & PROSPER 6:30pm; Love offering with Dr. Robert Moldowan. 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS CENTER OF LIGHT, Monthly meetings dedicated to studying Real Ascended Masters teachings. Spiritual healings. Call 702-792-3873 for dates, times and location. NANDAGIRI PATH OF SELF-REALIZATION, 10am Service. The teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Meditation Classes, Yoga. Visit: or call: 702-534-8413. UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Youth Ed 10am. Meditation & Metaphysical Discussion. Mar. topics: 4th Say YES! to Adversity; 11th Say YES! to Forgiveness; 18th Say YES! to Let Go, Let God; 25th Say YES! to Abundance; 6375 S. Pecos Rd. #218, LV. 702-435-3289. ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. March topics: 4th Discover the Source of All Life; 11th Do I Make a Difference to God?; 18th Dream Your Way Home to God: A Blessing from God; 25th Eck Masters: Our Spiritual Companions and Guides; Community Hu chant song at Eck center, 6:30pm third Friday or fourth Friday at Pure Health 6:15pm; 7575 W. Washington. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702-362-6184. TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 11am; Friendship Circle and meditation. 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904 on Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. TUESDAY METAPHYSICAL BOOK STUDY, Teachings from the Pleiadians, 6:30p-8pm. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held in private home. Call for directions. www. 702-435-3289. REIKI HEALING CIRCLE, 6:30pm; Donation; Rated Las Vegas Best Inspirational Healing Circle. Open to everyone. Call: 702-252-3502 or visit: www. WEDNESDAYS UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, Release, Heal & Prosper 6:30pm every 4th Sunday with Dr. Robert Moldowan. 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone 702-530-3250 or website TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. MINDSHIFTER SUPPORT GROUP, 7pm. Free yourself from emotional pain and experience release and joy. Unity Center in the Valley,3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289.

LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: (subject Line, Calendar) PAGE 30 • MARCH, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES





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Bullseye Pet Supply 702-702-233-4157 Bullseye Pet Supply offers High Quality Products, holistic, natural pet foods, unique pet treats, quality kitty litter, pet toys and more…and at competitive prices. Better still, you will save time and gas as we deliver to your home or office for free; no more heavy lifting. Go to and order online. It’s easy, fast and convenient. Brand named pet food available. We work with clients and the recommendations from veterinarians. Your pet needs to be on a diet? Let us help. Call today 702-233-4157 or visit: See page 19 & 31

Got Angel? 716-316-9123 Gemstone Healing Angels were created to combine the Metaphysical (healing properties of gemstones) and the Spiritual (praising the angels around us). Each angel is prayed over before it is sent out on its mission. We have, pendants, necklaces, bracelets and more. Gemstone properties include: healing, support, faith, abundance, light, career, communication, awareness etc. $1.00 from each sale is donated to “BRAINS“, a Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund No matter what we may be experiencing, angels are here to help, just ask. Visit: www. See page 2

The Mystical Realm 702-473-5121 Are you curious about all things Mystical, Metaphysical, Spiritual and Magickal? Have you had a desire to further your knowledge and enhance your life? Do the Ancient Mysteries intrigue you? Looking for true answers to your most important questions? Visit this unique website and take a journey into fascinating realms. Delve into up-todate information on subjects of interest from the comfort of your home. Collect knowledge, enjoy attractions and browse the on-line store! Members and NonMembers alike will learn valuable secrets and gather “tools” to help with every area of your life! There truly is something for everyone! You will always see something new, as the site continues to evolve. Please sign the Guestbook and check back often! Dr. Annette Rizzolo, Msc. D., and Founder of The Mystical Realm, is back, and doing what she does best; teaching and inspiring others. Her captivating topics may just change your life forever! Also, exclusive to the Mystical Realm and the In Light Times is, “Mystic Clarice.” Clarice Barrett, Msc. D. is a Spiritual Astrologer, Numerologist, Researcher, Teacher of Ancient Mysteries, and author of 11 Books. Visit a “good energy” website, where questions will be answered, concerns put to rest, and curiosities satisfied. Realize the power you have inherent within you, and use it for your greater good! Bring a little enchantment into your life! Cross the bridge to Enlightenment and LifeEnhancement! See page 3

Transform Your Life! Reiki Master & Clairvoyant, Janet 702-808-8784

Janet Handley Reiki Master & Clairvoyant 702-808-8784 Are you looking for answers? Do you realize there is more to life than what you experience? Imagine your body feeling relaxed and calm. Being able to make decisions from a place of confidence, balance and harmony can take you to new heights. Janet Handley was born and raised in England. With 20 years experience in the healing arts, Reiki Master Janet utilizes the healing power of Reiki and her clairvoyant skills to bring understanding, guidance and wisdom. She conducts classes and gives individual readings. Her goal…bring healing, spiritual growth and peace into our lives. You’ll love her accent & you’ll love Janet! See pages 2 & 31

Makeup By Rebecca 702-259-4667 Rebecca Bryant is a Certified Permanent Cosmetic professional since 1993. Her atmosphere is friendly and personal, focusing on your comfort, safety and satisfaction. Rebecca will evaluate your skin tone and facial features to enhance your look with natural, custom contours and colors. Topical anesthetics and a gentle healing touch will keep you surprisingly comfortable. Whether active or unable to apply your makeup, permanent makeup is the key to looking your best, all the time. Visit: www. See page 12

May the rainbow of life bring you joy, beauty, love and the remembrance of the good things to come. May too, the “Luck of the Irish” be yours. Happy St. Patty’s Day.

Do you have psychic abilities that need developing? If yes, then join me for a weekend or a six-week course of Psychic Development and Meditation. This safe and fun course will set you free from the stress around you. Learn to apply your intuitive tools to unlock your hidden abilities and make your life a joy. Call me to learn more or visit See pages 23 & 31

Unity Cntr in the Valley Rev. Sophia Falke • 702-435-3289 Unity is a positive path for spiritual living, offering a loving, joyous environment where you can feel accepted while you experience personal spiritual growth. Sunday morning Worship & Youth Ed at 10am & 4th Sunday Healing Service at 6:30pm. Join us at our NEW LOCATION at 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, Las Vegas. Find out about classes & workshops or listen to a Sunday message at See page 7

Valarie Zuvuya Shaman Healer 702-499-1811 Valarie Zuvuya, a Shamanic Healer, uses her abilities to remove the imprints of trauma and cellular memories which may cause pain, stress, disease, depression and anxiety. Through entering the luminous energy field and journeying into different planes of existence, Valarie, with the help of power animals and spirit guides, initiates Soul and Destiny retrieval at the original source. Her clairvoyance and knowing can release stored traumas and memories. Need a house blessing, clearing of unwanted energies or Soul & Destiny retrieval? Call Valarie today. Visit: See page 7

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