In LIght Times, July 2012 magazine

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High Wisdom Consultations


with Kathryn Peters-Brinkley

Are you at a crossroads in life? Do you know how to put your imagination in motion?

Benefit from Ancient Universal teachings‌ Discover your passion

Recalibrate your course

Attract your soul-mate

Align your soul-purpose

Improve your health

Revitalize your relationship

Enrich your life

Discern your soul lessons Call or make appt. online


Got Angel?


Hand Crafted Gemstone Healing Angel Jewelry Blessed to Empower the Healing Properties of their Gemstones NECKLACES BRACELETS


$1.00 from the sale of each angel is donated to “BRAINS” a pediatric brain tumor research fund

Confused about Medicare Health Plan?


From The


Well, summer has arrived and with it comes soaring temperatures in some places, hurricanes and flooding in others and even snow in some parts of the country. The summer Olympics will soon take center stage with millions around the world tuning in to watch athletes perform at their best. Then there are people on fast tracks to realize their dreams; to fulfill their career hopes and working on understanding life. We are indeed a society that has not mastered the skill of just letting go and being still. It would seem we continuously fill our plates with things to do and places to go and before we clean our plates of the old and new tasks, we’re adding to our lists of things to be done. When do we learn what life is all about?

We are expanding and are pleased to announce the latest member to the ilt family…

Albie Alexander

Have we become so busy we have forgotten how to live life? Are we in a survival mode that does not allow us to enjoy the little daily experiences? Ask yourself, “am I surviving or am I living the joys of my life?” Is time slipping by so quickly that we can hardly catch our breath? And when you find yourself with any spare time, you go to that place to fill it up rather than enjoy the moment. As we continue on this path of carving out a world of busyness, there is little room for the quality of life. If we are always looking outwardly, we have no time for the inner journey … that place where peace, joy, truth, love resides. It isn’t about keeping up with the rest of society; it all boils down to finding the balance, the Ying/Yang of our purpose. When we find and embrace it, there is no survival…just life. So, as we go about our day, as we get caught up with life’s little challenges, let us remember, we do have a safe haven to weather the outside storm. Go within and you will find your best self waiting. Enjoy the summer, be awed with the Olympics, cheer on the athletics and don’t forget to applaud your own magnificence. Take care, stay cool and enjoy July. Blessings my friends,

Michelene OFFICE

PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell


ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett


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ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups


We are confident that once you meet him, you will have met a friend. Albie will help provide exposure for you and your business…it’s what he does.

So, on behalf of Eugenia and myself…Welcome Albie, let the adventure begin!

In Love & Light,

NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue

Albie will be working hand in hand with us as we move forward to bring In Light Times to a larger audience. With over 30 years experience as an advertising consultant, Albie will play a major role in the expansion.

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July, 2012

Enlightening Views Are We Surviving or Living? Well, summer has arrived …


Michelene K. Bell

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer presents Inspiration & Purpose


When you are inspired by a great purpose, everything will begin to work for you.

The Paint Can of Life!


Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Alan Cohen

My soul was branding my purpose into me as I crossed the threshold from the other world to this one.

The Five Goddesses … by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes

They carry the vibration of love and light, supporting you to heal yourself on all levels.

Who Am I? by Marcela Arrieta

This has been and is a question that has plagued many Lightworkers

Change Our Consciousness … Change the Brain Structure by Peter Baksa After spending time interviewing Tibetan monks … correlations between their rituals …

Taking Delight in Every Experience By Sophia Falke

I remembered being surprised years ago when I first learned many inner city children …

Our(Ur) Pets & Animals Test Your Canine Acumen


Deanna Mascle

Ask Margo by Margo Hecht Adopt Me Pleeze! by All Fur Love

Gems for the Soul

Cupcakes & Rootbeer • Fun Trivia Quiz Questions

Feature Story 16 18

18 19 20 21


Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 25

22 23

The Day After the Great Shift


Kirael thru Kahu Fred Sterling

Lightworkers will be the lead force of the shift into the new dimension.

Health Lights

The King’s Cure-All by Craig Stellpflug

Evening primrose is commonly called Oenothera, “The King’s cure-all,” …

Herbs For Hair Loss by Charles Jerard

Ayurveda, the ancient science of medicine, has been using herbs to cure hair loss effectively for years.

Body Detox Diet … by John Khu

With so many body detox plans offered everywhere, it can be quite confusing which ones to follow.

Discover How To Fight Food Cravings … by Elizabeth Walling It’s easy to make the mistake of viewing food cravings as an enemy …

Easy Tips for Planning A Healthy Diet … by Prof. Celene Bernstein Healthy eating is not about strict nutritional philosophies, staying unrealistically thin or …

Unlocking the Hidden Treasures of the Sea by Prof. Scott Kennedy Seaweed was valued centuries ago for its nutritional and medicinal virtues.

Quick Reference Guide 26 Business Card Directory 27 Clarice’s Mystical Realm Astrology 28

Clarice’s Life Path Numerology 29 Light Happenings 30 Business Profiles 32 IN LIGHT TIMES • JULY, 2012 • PAGE 5

Enlightening Views

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Inspiration & Purpose Presents


hen you are i n s p i re d b y a great purpose, everything will begin to work for you. Inspiration comes from moving back in-spirit and connecting to the seven faces of intention. When you feel inspired, what appeared to be risky becomes a path you feel compelled to follow. The risks are gone because you are following your bliss, which is the truth within you. This is really love working in harmony with your intention. Essentially, if you do not feel love, you do not feel the truth, and your truth is all wrapped up in your connection to Spirit. This is why inspiration is such an important part of the fulfillment of your intention to live a life on purpose.
 When I left the work that no longer inspired me, every single detail that I had worried about was almost magically taken care of for me. I had spent several months working for a large corporation where I was offered a salary three times higher than I had been paid as a teacher, but I was not in spirit. That prodding inner knowing said, “Do what you are here to do,” and teaching counseling became my manifested daily purpose.
 And public speaking, was not a risk; it was something I had to do because I knew that I could not feel happy with myself if I did not follow my heart. The universe handled the details, because I was feeling love for what I was doing, and consequently, I was living my truth. By teaching love, that very same love guided me to my purpose, and the financial remuneration flowed to me with that same energy of love. I couldn’t see how it work out, but I followed an inner knowing and never regretted it. You may think it is too risky to give up a salary, a pension, job security, or familiar surroundings because of a dim night-light in your mind that draws you to see why it is turned on. I suggest that there are no risks at all if you pay attention to that light, which is your knowing. Combine your strong knowing with the faith that Spirit will provide, and you acknowledge the power of intention at work. Your trust in this inner knowing is all you need. I call it faith, not faith in an external being to provide you with purpose, but faith in the call you are hearing from the center of your being. You are a divine, infinite creation making the choice to be on purpose and to be connected to the power of intention. It all revolves around your being harmoniously connected to your Source. Faith eliminates the risk when you choose to trust that inner knowing about your purpose and become a channel for the power of intention. WAYNE W. DYER, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of over 32 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same. To learn more about Dr. Dyer and his works, visit:


Shannon Peck

Enlightening Views

Monthly Inspirations from

n e h o C n a l A

Paint Can of The

! E F I L I recently painted a deck on my house. I enjoy painting, a meditation in being present that doesn’t require much thought but lots of attention. If you tend to live in your head, paint something. Your hands may get dirty but your mind will stay clean. With just a few planks left to color I noticed I was almost out of paint. Looking back and forth between the paint can and the unfinished boards I wondered if I would have enough paint to finish the job. I dipped my brush in the remaining paint and made sure I didn’t drip any unnecessarily. I repeated the process until I was swirling the brush around the inner sides of the paint can to make sure I absorbed every ounce of liquid. After several minutes I was amazed at how much paint I had “squeezed” out of the remaining supply. By the time I finished, the inside of the can was completely dry. It’s amazing how much you appreciate things when there is just a little left, and how much more use you get out of them. I have had the same experience with the end of toothpaste tubes. You can get a lot of toothpaste out of the last few squeezes! The same goes for writing postcards. Have you ever written a postcard while on vacation and filled the space with large letters of banal words? Then, when you realize you’re running out of space, you start writing what you really wanted to say in little letters around the margin. Or have you phoned someone, gotten

their answering machine, greeted them with pleasantries, and just when you were ready to deliver your message you got cut off by an annoying beep? All of these experiences lead to a poignant lesson: Do what’s important first. As Thoreau suggested, “Live deep and suck out all the marrow out of life.” The trick, of course, is to make every moment count before it is your last one. One of the gifts of facing death is to gain the appreciation of life. Many people who have been given a terminal diagnosis shift their life to enjoy every moment so richly their disease disappears. My friend, Shinichiro Terayama, was a physicist who was told he had cancer and but a short time to live. Shin went to a Japanese garden to meditate on the purpose of his life. There he decided to dedicate his life to appreciation and celebration. He began to say “thank you” for everything, including his cancer as a wake-up call. A few months later Shin was pronounced cancer free. That was 25 years ago. Now Shin teaches the power of appreciation. He is like a light bulb, always smiling and shining, teaching by radiance more than word. My friend Bruce told me he remembers his first thought as a child. When I asked him how old he was at the time, he answered, “the moment of my birth.” What was the thought? “Don’t forget,” Bruce told me. “My soul was branding my purpose into me as I crossed the threshold from the other world to this

“My soul was branding my purpose into me as I crossed the threshold from the other world to this one: Don’t forget who you really are. Don’t forget that you are born of Spirit. Don’t forget what you came here to do”. one: Don’t forget who you really are. Don’t forget that you are born of spirit. Don’t forget what you came here to do”. Of course Bruce forgot, as we all do. Like all of us, he fell under the hypnosis of Earth, the belief that we are alone, limited, mortal, and separate from love. It is a rare soul who remembers truth in the face of illusions. Yet Bruce, also like the rest of us, at some point began to consciously remember. He began to reclaim his identity as a spiritual being and recognize the presence of love in a world gone crazy with fear. Exactly what we all need to do and, each in our own way, are doing. Why, then, if we live in a universe of abundant supply, do we experience lack and limits? A sense of limits helps us focus on what we have and use it wisely. People who have little means generally appreciate their assets more than people who have boundless means. My mentor, Hilda Charlton, lived in India for eighteen years. She told me some people in that country are so poor that if they get a tin can they appreciate it as a treasure. They use it over and over again and cherish it. By contrast, I know people who have extraordinary volumes of stuff, but appreciate them little. Who is closer to heaven?

I’m not suggesting we need to live poor or labor under lack or limits. I am suggesting we need to celebrate what we have and make the best use of it. A woman called in to my radio show ( and asked me the difference between right use and consumption. I told her if you value what you have and use it to help yourself or others, that is right use. If you can apply the paint carefully and lovingly even before you get to the last drips in the can, the paint has served you well and you will be at peace with your project. While we seem to have many different projects in life, one theme is the deck on which they all sit: You always have enough if you are using well what you have. That’s what not to forget. Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including the newlypopular ‘Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment”. Join Alan for in-depth Life Coach Training beginning September 1, to become a professional life coach or apply coaching skills to your career or life. For more information about this program and Alan’s other books and free daily inspirational quotes via email, visit, or phone 1‑808‑572-0001.


Enlightening Views

By Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes

Five Goddesses Every Woman Needs to Know


Who Are The Goddesses?


A goddess is a female deity proposed by some as having been worshiped from ancient times. Today, a goddess is the increasing feminine energy striving to balance the masculine energy within each person.

Why would you want to connect with goddess energy? The goddesses will help to amplify your needs and goals as you live your daily life. They energetically surround us and want to help us by healing areas of ourselves that are wounded energetically. They carry the vibration of love and light, supporting you to heal yourself on all levels. Today’s woman should come to know five goddesses if she is to find serenity in her life: Isis, Mary, Green Tara, Lakshmi and Maeve.


The Egyptian goddess Isis can help you maintain balance within your life. She will help you carve out time so you can take a few minutes each day to meditate, pray or read affirmations to strengthen your spiritual awareness. All you need to do is mentally ask Isis to energetically come into your auric field to help you with wherever you need to find harmony. She will also help guide you to the physical exercise that is best for your body and help you treat your body like a temple. Isis can ignite your goddess flame, which burns clearly from your sacral chakra (wheel of light) up and out of your crown chakra. When the goddess flame is ignited, one can stand in her power burning away fear and anxiety. Isis is a powerful goddess to call upon to find the balance in your life to remain healthy, and she will keep you in check when your scales aren’t equal.


Mother Mary, the beloved mother of Jesus Christ, can assist you with selflove. Many women give to others and never give to themselves. This is an old paradigm of being a martyr. Mother Mary will gently whisper to you that your cup is empty and it is time to take some “me” time. Each woman needs to have her own time to rejuvenate and fill herself up with pure divine love. Whatever activity fills you up is what you should do frequently. Many times, we feel the emotion of guilt when we take time for ourselves, but what we don’t realize is that if we don’t take care of ourselves first, we won’t be around PAGE 8 • JULY, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

for others in the future! Mother Mary will guide you to loving yourself first and foremost.


Green Tara is a Hindu and Buddhist goddess whose name means “she who saves.” Green Tara will help you say no to things you may have done in the past out of obligation. She urges each of us to delegate our workload to the spiritual world: When you feel that you have too much on your plate, call on Green Tara to help manifest those people to come forward to help you bring balance back into your life. Remember: When you say no to being superwoman and stop trying to do it all, others will naturally step up to the plate to help out. Until you stop doing it all, others can’t help you.


Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. When you invoke her support, asking her for abundance in your life, she will lead you to follow your passion to receive the abundance in health, wealth, spirituality, love, joy and friendship. When you aren’t receiving the abundance you are praying for, ask Lakshmi to show you the obstacles and lessons you need to learn before the abundance can manifest.

MAEVE Maeve is a legendary Celtic goddess celebrated and honored for her feminine

energy. She is known to help women ease the pain of labor, and she can alleviate menstrual pain and aid in regulating your menstrual cycles and hormones. Women entering menopause may wish to ask Maeve for help with the physical changes of their body. Since she is strongly connected to the cycles of the universe, the moon and the stars, Maeve has the connection with the universal life force that can guide you to balance your feminine cycles. Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes is the author of, “Ancient Secrets of the Goddesses and founder of the Goddess Healing Matrix System™. She certifies practitioners in three levels: Higher Priestess Practitioner™ Levels 1 and 2 and Goddess Master™ Level 3. A Natural Health Practitioner (NHP) and crystal healer, she owns Inner Tranquility Retreat Centre. She has been mentored by Colette Baron-Reid and is an Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Past Life Healer®. She lives in Alberta with her husband and their three “little goddesses.” Visit: www.

Enlightening Views

Who Am I?

Who am I? This has been and is a question that has plagued many Lightworkers who are starting to feel the very first effects of a re-awakening. Many of us loose our true identity to the materialistic jungle known as Earth. Continuous energy shifts affect the mass consciousness, those who are ready to awaken will slowly feel the veils of illusion peel away. We now feel and see beyond, to higher dimensions of knowing and being. Many things, people, activities or beliefs that once brought us great joy and satisfaction will start to fall out from our lives. These no longer satisfy nor answer to the hunger building within us. Many re-awaken abruptly to an inner calling, we start asking within us, “who am I?” This question plays continuously as if it were a broken record waiting patiently for attention. Our newly found perspectives continue to shift and reshape our understandings of the unknown as it provides small glimpses of our true selves. We are guided by a silent voice urging us to find and show our light. This light peeks out like a lighthouse would to a stranded boat, signaling those whom are lost to find their way safe through rugged seas we call life.

Once we start asking the questions, we unknowingly commence our spiritual path. We start where we exactly left off in our previous life. Our hearts become filled with tremendous love, forgiveness and compassion; the strong urge to heal ourselves, humanity, Mother Earth, and all living things, becomes undeniably strong and clear. We see life beyond the physical body, all false illusions and fears start to disappear; all is now possible. As the veils of illusion continue to be lifted, the ego continuously fights for survival. The ego is fear based; its objective is to instill fear and doubt into our everyday life. As we recognize who we are, the ego will try to prevent us from being the perfect soul that we are. As we continue to see beyond the illusion, we are further empowered by the knowing of who we are. We are then willing and able to debunk the egos influence as merely chatter. This chatter no longer bothers us as it holds no place in our life and our purpose. Often we are drawn to research or engage in many modalities, religions, and occult practices. These interests may have not been as intense as they once were, yet we feel they now fulfill a certain inner emptiness. Many of us don’t fixate on any one single practice, rather we acquire learning’s from a broad selection of universal knowledge. We each bring a certain degree of understanding and opening to our ever curious drive for answers. Every lifetime brings new experiences as it does life lessons to be learned. As Lightworkers, we elect prior to incarnation the task of over-taking excessive amounts of karmic lessons and new challenges. This is done with counsel of our guides with the full intention of accelerating our spiritual growth within a particular lifetime so we may fulfill a large part of the souls mission. The minor detail is that once incarnated we temporarily succumb to identity amnesia. As the karmic seeds and life lessons spring up, we are blinded and often loose the knowing of who we are. The ego takes advantage of these circumstances to further entangle us in webs of fear, anger, pain and resentment. Karmic and life lesson events subconsciously push us to seek solutions to our lives. By searching for solutions we are truly listening to the guidance of our highest self and other divine beings; this is known as intuition. We are guided to seek inner healing which, in turn, results in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Each Lightworker has a soul specific purpose, and when we re-discover ourselves and our innate abilities, nothing seems impossible. All of a sudden the universe seems conquerable as the secrets of it lies within each of us. The continuous question we’ve asked ourselves, “who am I?” is suddenly answered. Those feelings of having a mission, but not understanding the details, no longer plaque us. We fulfill our purpose via the soul; nothing is impossible, follow your inner voice and the quest for answers.

By Marcela Arrieta

Each time you ask yourself, “Who Am I?” answer by reaffirming, “I am not the body, nor the emotions, nor the pain. I am the soul, a perfect creation fully capable of undeniable love, compassion, forgiveness and humility”. Marcela Arrieta is an Intuitive Energy Healer who has been on a wonderful spiritual journey for many lifetimes. She is a Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer, Writer and an Angelic and Spirit Guide Channeler as well as a healer of souls. Marcela is the author of the forthcoming self-told book, “A Souls Journey, Coming out of the Spiritual Closet”. Visit:

The Stage Lights Are On

This is such an important time in our spiritual evolution. It is as if our planet’s sun is saying, “Okay guys, it is time to get on with the show. You have had time to learn your lines, and have had numerous rehearsals. It is curtain time, and I am turning on the stage lights.” No attachments to illusion will be able to hide, because the stage lights are bright. If an illusion tries to hide behind the curtain, it will stumble and fall. If it is arrogant enough to come on stage, it will be seen for what it is. So adjust to the fact that only real characters can make it on this new, well lit stage. Staying in character now has a new meaning. It means stepping out of illusionary personas. It means being real in every interaction. It means measuring your words against the lines written on your Heart. It means staying aware of what roles are being played out by the other characters in your drama. To participate on this new stage, you must fully be the real character written in your life script. But you must also

be able to interact fully with the other players. You must work as a team. The light is not there solely for your benefit. This play, in which you are a part, can change the world. Its message is that powerful. The stage is lit and the director has approved the go-ahead. You may have a small case of the jitters, but you are ready. If you weren’t ready, you wouldn’t even be aware that it is time to get the show on the road. Don’t let the cast down. Bring your true spiritual character, stripped of all illusionary costumes, and join the cast of light beings in changing the consciousness of the planet.

Jackie Woods, founder of Adawehi (Ah-dah-wayhee) Institute Healing School and Wellness Center, is a published author and an expert in the field of self-actualization. Visit www.


Enlightening Views

By Peter Baksa

Change Our Consciousness… Change the Brain Structure

Original title: How Does Our Consciousness Change the Structure of the Brain

& Then Our Life?


In addition to the brain giving rise to thoughts, hopes, beliefs and emotions that add up to this thing we call the mind, could it be that the mind also acts back on the brain to cause physical changes in the very manner they were initiated?

fter spending time interviewing Tibetan monks while in Beijing, China, at the Lama Temple, correlations between their rituals and how they aligned with modern neuroplastic science began to surface.

If so, then pure thought (our consciousness) would change the brain’s activity, its circuits or even its structure. Joe Dispensza suggests in his book, “Evolve Your Brain”, that if we choose to rely solely on our inherited circuits (DNA) we are stuck with those traits and patterns, good, bad or indifferent.

I was able to spend time with the Dalai Lama himself and found that he was curious about the question, “Does consciousness in and of itself, force changes in the structure of the brain?”

There are two ways to make new synaptic connections in the brain: learn new things and have new experiences. I am suggesting a third, and that is through observation of our thoughts and refining our consciousness.

Does the mind create physiological change in the brain and then thereby alter life situations in the natural? I decided to find out.

Hence, not only are our brains plastic enough to keep adapting through learning and experiences, we can

choose how to sculpt our minds by altering our perceptions intentionally. This supposition has also led to the discovery that neuroplasticity cannot occur without attention. So, if a skill becomes so routine you can do it nearly automatically, like walking for instance, then practicing it will no longer change the brain. And if you take up mental exercises to keep your brain young, they won’t be as effective if you find yourself able to do them without paying much attention. Like any good exercise, you need to change it up every so often. How we choose to sculpt our minds has actual physical measurable changes etched within the grey matter of our brains. Such practices as meditation and Chi Gong can keep the old mental circuits active and form new ones; leading to a cycle of continual self-improvement. Of course, practitioners of meditation have been saying this for centuries. I asked Erdijanzi (age 23) a thirdgeneration Tibetan Monk, “How much time do you spend in mediation per day?” He said he did not know. It turned out that almost any free moment, even in between interview questions, he would turn to his Mala Beads to quiet his mind. This practice was his chosen method of brain sculpting. It also occurred to me that once the mind was quieted and an intention was inserted, the effect of this intention, at the quantum level, would be magnified and crystal clear; thus allowing for more effective manifestation. Professor Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin in Madison has been working with the Dalai Lama and his Buddhist monks for quite some time, hooking some of them up to machines to see how their brain waves differ from those of student volunteers. In such experiments, eight monks and ten volunteers are wired up to an electroencephalograph to record their brain waves. The volunteers had no previous experience in meditating, save a quick crash course as they walked in the door. The type of meditation used is called “nonreferential compassion,” and involves the meditator focusing on unlimited compassion and loving


kindness toward all living beings. The monks, on the other hand, had decades of experience in the practice. The researchers chose this type of meditation because it focuses on a transformed state of being instead of concentrating on particular objects, memories or images. For the student volunteers, as they meditated their brain waves began to alter; specifically, their gamma waves showed a slight but significant increase. For the monks, their gamma signal kept rising and rising, which was not surprising given their greater experience with the practice. However, in between the meditation sessions when they were at rest, the gamma signal of the monks never fell. Even when not meditating, the monks’ brain waves displayed increased activity associated with perception, problem solving and consciousness. Furthermore, the more hours of meditation a monk had under his belt, the stronger his gamma signal; his Faith Wave. This sort of response, in which higher doses of a drug or activity lead to a greater effect than for lower levels, is what researchers look for to determine a positive cause and effect. This proved to Professor Davidson that mental training could instill lasting traits into the brain. The way we think actually changes the structure of the brain itself. Observe your thoughts. As you change the way you look at a life situation, you are setting yourself up for the next one. Your brain is adjusting and recreating itself to follow your thinking—In alignment with your desires or not. Approach all human transactions from a point of love, compassion, inspiration, and watch how the movie of your life begins to change accordingly. As you do, you etch this into your cerebral hardware and create your future. Peter Baksa is an author, investigative journalist, and professional speaker. He has written several books, including: “The Point of Power”, “It’s None of My Business What You Think of Me”, and “Think Yourself Young”. Visit: www.

Enlightening Views

Taking DELIGHT in Every Experience

By Sophia Falke

…even in the Artichoke I remembered being surprised years ago when I first learned many inner city children had no idea where milk or eggs came from. I learned this from news stories about summer programs that took inner city kids to rural farms. Suddenly


for another. And to take it further, there is something to celebrate in every occurrence in our lives. I think it’s sometimes easy to become a bit jaded about our world, viewing each encounter as “Same o’, same o.” But it’s never the same. It can’t be, because we (our ego selves) are always changing. We are continually processing new information, having new experiences, and (hopefully) reassessing what we believe to be true. No matter what our past, we are able to create a new today and new future. The question is, “What will our today’s and tomorrow’s look like?” One way to find out is to ask yourself, “What do I want today to look like?” “What do I want tomorrow to be?” Whatever your answer, one way to create your more abundant, joyous, loving, healthy life (that is what you want, isn’t it?), is to be continuously and acutely aware of every experience and opportunity that present themselves to you and discern what your reaction to them is. Do you view events in your life as debilitating and painful? Or do you take delight in every experience (no matter how seemingly mundane or tragic)? Yes, I know, sometimes it’s difficult to take delight in something that initially feels painful. I remember attending a friend’s wedding in Phoenix. Kathy had a teenage daughter and was marrying a man who lived down the block from her. He was going to move into her home. When I arrived at the wedding, Kathy was out greeting everyone as they arrived. She ran up to me, gave me a big hug, and exclaimed with excitement, “Guess what? My house burned down!” My immediate response was, “Wow! That’s wonderful!” And she replied, “Yes it is!”

a whole new world was opened up to them, and they responded with awe and excitement. Coming from upstate New York, and having cows and chickens across the street where I grew up, I knew about the basics of milk and eggs, but I enjoyed the joy of discovery these kids experienced. Years later I hosted visitors from a Central American country. They certainly knew about milk and eggs but were amazed at things we take for granted, such as ice-making machines, escalators, automatic doors, dishwashers, and simply how to use a key to lock a door. I enjoyed watching them take delight in every new discovery. I’ve been on the planet for many years, but I enjoy when I discover something new, especially when it’s unexpected. With the Internet, discovery is relatively easy. All we have to do is put the right words into the search engine and up pops the answer. But sometimes it’s fun to stumble on a new discovery. For example, I never thought to wonder about my old friend the globe artichoke. (I know, you were waiting for something profound, but don’t “choke” up on me yet.) I remember meeting my first artichoke years ago when my sister married into an Italian family that ate this Mediterranean vegetable on a regular basis. She came home and taught my mother and me all about preparing and eating artichokes. It was a revelation for us.

Well, the house didn’t actually burn to the ground, but it did have major fire and smoke damage, and the new family couldn’t live there for several months. So what was so wonderful about the fire? Instead of moving into “her” home, she and her husband had the opportunity to create a new home together. It went from her home to their home. I don’t know that Kathy saw this gift at the time of the fire, but she was able to see there was something to take delight in, regardless of outward appearances. I started out talking about milk, eggs, and artichokes. I end with fire. You might say I started with the mundane and ended with tragedy. But I didn’t really, because it’s all about taking delight in every situation. We have a choice. We can look for drama or delight. It’s a choice that determines what our life is today and what it will be in the future. I invite you to join me in taking delight…in every experience. Sophia Falke is a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness ( She is also minister at Unity Center in the Valley ( Email her at or call 702-456-9133.

I am now quite comfortable with the artichoke, confident that I know how to prepare and eat it. But just like the inner city children who didn’t know about milk and eggs, I didn’t have a clue where artichokes came from, other than from a plant probably grown somewhere in southern California. That is, I had no idea until recently when I encountered one in a garden in Long Beach, California. Lo and behold, there was the humble artichoke looking at me from its lofty four-foot perch atop a flowering thistle-like plant. Who knew? (And who, other than me, cared?) I chuckled when I realized that I can still get excited by even the simplest discovery or event. Ah yes, some California natives might scoff at my delight. “Old hat!” you might say, but not to me. And that’s the point. It’s important to keep the wonder of each new experience, no matter what outer appearances may seem. What is commonplace for one is a whole new, wonderful discovery



Your Canine Acumen 1. According to tests made at the Institute for the Study of Animal Problems in Washington, D.C., dogs and cats, just like people... A. Worry about what they will wear to work in the morning. B. Enjoy reading while eating breakfast. C. Need a retirement plan. D. Are either right-handed or lefthanded-or rather favor either their right or left paws. 2. Of the more than 300 breeds of dogs that exist worldwide, how many does the American Kennel Club recognize?

3. Which animal was first domesticated by humans? A. Goat B. Cat C. Dog D. Horse 4. Domestic dogs vary widely in appearance and size, but despite these differences all breeds of the domestic dog are essentially identical in anatomy. Which is NOT an anatomical characteristic of the dog? A. An average of 321 bones in their skeleton. B. Thirteen pairs of ribs in the rib cage. C. A spine with seven cervical vertebrae, 13 thoracic vertebrae, seven lumbar vertebrae and three sacral vertebrae. D. The presence of a dewclaw, an extra digit on the paw. 5. Most dogs have about 100 different facial expressions, most of them made with their ears. However, a few breeds have only about 10 expressions. Can you name those breeds?

By Deanna Mascle

1. - D. Are either right-handed or left-handed-or rather favor either their right or left paws. TBD: Very, very, interesting, don’t you think? 2. - C. 145 TBD: Gee, I wonder why you would have answered 101? 3. - C. Dog TBD: Apparently some argument can be made that the goat might have come first in some areas, but the dog is Numero Uno for most evidence of early man! 4. - D. The presence of a dewclaw, an extra digit on the paw. TBD: Apparently not all breeds have a dewclaw and this why the average number of bones in the skeleton varies! 5. - A. Bulldogs and Pitbulls TBD: Due to their breeding, dogs such as Bulldogs and Pitbulls have fewer facial expressions and so are often misinterpreted by other dogs which leads to fights. Poor misunderstood pooches.



Apparently male Poodles make better pets than female Poodles. Males are easier to train, easier to housebreak, better with children and once neutered at 5/6 mths are not as lazy as females can be. Did you know that some Poodles can actually pick up objects with their paws like hands? Did you know Poodles are considered to be extremely intelligent? In fact they are always ranked in the top three breeds for intelligence in dogs. The three AKC recognized sizes are: 1) Toy Poodle: under 10” at the shoulder (and generally under 10 lbs) 2) Miniature Poodle: Under 15” but over 10” at the shoulder (and generally 12 25 lbs) 3) Standard Poodle: Over 15” at the shoulder (and generally 40-75 lbs) Poodles do not shed and are considered a “hypo-allergenic” breed for people with allergies to dogs?

A. 300 B. 212 C. 145 D. 101

A. Bulldogs and Pitbulls B. Labrador and Golden retrievers C. Poodles and Dachshunds D. Beagles and Chihuahuas

Pet Facts To Ponder

The best grooming supplies are for Poodles are: 1) A Slicker Brush 2) A Greyhound Comb Your companion Poodle should be brushed at least every other day with these items AGAINST the natural lay of the hair. Always brush the hair up and forward. The Poodle is one of the most recognized breeds in the world, and can trace it’s origins back to France? Poodles are the national dog of France and dates back to the 1500’s if not earlier. Dogs have no clavicles. Their disconnected shoulder blades allow them a greater range of motion for running and jumping. Cats are either lefties or righties. Psychologists at Queen’s University in Belfast discovered that female cats were more likely to favor their right paws, while male cats were more likely to favor their left. As with humans, some cats are ambidextrous, too. Dogs’ only sweat glands are between the pads of their feet. They dissipate the majority of their heat by panting, a method far more effective than allowing moisture to evaporate from the skin.

ask Margo

This Month's Great Pix

As owner of Bullseye Pet Supply Margo has spent years researching and specializing in natural foods for pets. Have a question about your pet? Ask Margo.

Q: When should I switch my small breed puppy to an adult dog food formula? Margo: You can switch to the adult food when you feel your pet has reached their full body frame size. This typically occurs around 12-16 months of age for smaller breeds. However, if you are concerned, I recommend speaking with your veterinarian to find out if your dog is ready to make the switch to an adult formula. Q: My dog has loose stools. What’s wrong? Margo: Loose stools or diarrhea can be associated with many causes. Three of the more common ones are over-feeding, switching to a new food too quickly, or a non-food related condition. The reason that over-feeding can cause loose stools is due to nutrient density and highly digestible ingredients. Because of this, you generally need to feed less of our foods than you may have previously been feeding. When an animal gets too much food, it creates a system overload and their body reacts by producing loosely formed stools. By reducing intake to the appropriate feeding amount, the stool returns to normal in a day or two.

Contact Margo at 702-233-4157 if you have any questions or visit www.

In Light Times is sponsoring All Fur Love Rescue Center by featuring various pets that need adoption. They need a home and a family. Please contact All Fur Love and see if there is a pet that you can adopt today.

Adopt Me! Pleez QING

DOB: April 11, 2011

QING is a snuggler who loves to play. He is the first to run up and say hello. He loves lap time and playtime equally! He is not afraid to explore, but does so with caution and reserve. Qing usually stays in your lap for scratches and snuggle time. But look out for your toes — he thinks they are toys too!


DOB: March 23, 2012

STEWIE enjoys the camera and being in the spotlight. He loves to know what is going on and knows how to take the toy away from his siblings when he feels it is his turn. Playing is super fun and when time to cuddle, his purrs make you melt. Please contact All Fur Love Animal Society at: adoptions@, IN LIGHT TIMES • JULY, 2012 • PAGE 13

Books Music &

Books That Make A Difference Recommended Reading


Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online in the In Light Times Book Store

Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health

By Gene Stone, T. Colin Campbell (Foreword by), Caldwell Esselstyn (Foreword by)

WHAT IF ONE SIMPLE CHANGE COULD SAVE YOU FROM HEART DISEASE, DIABETES, AND CANCER? For decades, that question has fascinated a small circle of impassioned doctors and researchers—and now, their lifechanging research is making headlines in the hit documentary Forks Over Knives. Their answer? Eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet—it could save your life.

A Must Read It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

Melissa Hartwig, Dallas Hartwig

It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership Tony Koltz, Colin Powell Zoobiquity: What Animals Can Teach Us About Health and the Science of Healing Barbara NattersonHorowitz, Kathryn Bowers

It may overturn most of the diet advice you’ve heard—but the experts behind Forks Over Knives aren’t afraid to make waves. In his book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn explained that eating meat, dairy, and oils injures the lining of our blood vessels, causing heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. In The China Study, Dr. Colin Campbell revealed how cancer and other diseases skyrocket when eating meat and dairy is the norm—and plummet when a traditional plant-based diet persists. And more and more experts are adding their voices to the cause: There is nothing else you can do for your health that can match the benefits of a plant-based diet. Now, as Forks Over Knives is introducing more people than ever before to the plant-based way to health, this accessible guide provides the information you need to adopt and maintain a plant-based diet. Features include…


Who Moved My Cheese? AN


By Spencer Johnson

WITH WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? DR. SPENCER JOHNSON REALIZES THE NEED FOR FINDING THE LANGUAGE AND TOOLS TO DEAL WITH CHANGE--AN ISSUE THAT MAKES ALL OF US NERVOUS AND UNCOMFORTABLE. Most people are fearful of change because they don’t believe they have any control over how or when it happens to them. Since change happens either to the individual or by the individual, Spencer Johnson shows us that what matters most is the attitude we have about change. When the Y2K panic gripped the corporate realm before the new millenium, most work environments finally recognized the urgent need to get their computers and other business systems up to speed and able to deal with unprecedented change. And businesses realized that this was not enough: they needed to help people get ready, too. Spencer Johnson has created his new book to do just that. The coauthor of the multimillion bestseller The One Minute Manager has written a deceptively simple story with a dramatically important message that can radically alter the way we cope with change. Who Moved My Cheese? allows for common themes to become topics for discussion and individual interpretation. Who Moved My Cheese? takes the fear and anxiety out of managing the future and shows people a simple way to successfully deal with…

Music to Make Note Of

The Journey: The Very Best of Donna Summer DATE:__________________ (required) NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________________ STATE _____________ ZIP ________________ PLEASE PRINT PHONE: _____________________________________ (required) EMAIL:_________________________________________________

Give A Gift Subscription To A Friend NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________

by Donna Summer

‘Love To Love You Baby’, ‘I Feel Love’, ‘Hot Stuff’, or ‘On The Radio’ are only four classics of international electronic pop music the name Donna Summer is well known for. With estimated 130 million in worldwide record sales ( 2008), she is one of the big names in pop history (host Thomas Gottschalk in: TV show ‘Wetten, dass ..?’ ZDF (Germany) 1999).

Ultimate Collection by Whitney Houston

CITY ____________________________________________________ STATE _____________ ZIP ________________ PLEASE PRINT PHONE: _____________________________________ (required) EMAIL:_________________________________________________

During the 80s and 90s, Whitney Houston was an unstoppable force in pop music. With sales estimated to exceed 200 million records, she is one of the biggest-selling female singers ever. Whitney Houston was born to a family with impressive singing credentials - her mother was gospel singer Cissy Houston, her cousin was fivetime Grammy winner Dionne Warwick, and her godmother was the ‘Queen of Soul’…


Gems for the Soul Fun Trivia Quiz Questions

Julie A. Manhan

They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling without saying a word. As it began to grow dark, the boy realized how tired he was and wanted to go home. He got up to leave but before he had gone no more than a few steps, he turned around and ran back to the old woman, giving her a big hug. She gave him her biggest smile ever. When the boy arrived home his Mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked, “What has made you so happy today?” He replied, “I had lunch with God.” Before his mother could respond he added, “You know what? She’s got the most beautiful smile in the whole world!” Meanwhile, the old woman, also radiant with joy, returned to her home. Her son was stunned by the look of peace on her face. He asked, “Mother, what has made you so happy today?” She replied, “I ate cupcakes in the park with God.” And before her son could reply, she added, “You know, he is much younger than I expected.” Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring; all of which have the potential to turn a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Take no one for granted and embrace all equally with joy!


In Hood River Oregon, what do you need a license to do?


In Alberta what are you not allowed to Paint (it’s illegal)?


In Wyoming, in June it is illegal to take a picture of what?


In Pennsylvania it is illegal to sell fireworks to whom?


By law in China to go to school you must be what?


In Israel on Saturday it’s illegal to do what?


Pope Clement VII made it illegal for anyone else to eat what?


What is studied in Aerology?


Which character has been played by the most actors?


Where on the human body is the skin the thinnest?


What island group is named after a type of crocodile?


Where was the first police force established in 1667?


What Roman Emperor was the first to convert to Christianity?


How many rings on the Olympic flag?


What is the official state food of Texas?


What is never shown in a Las Vegas Casino?


Federal law prohibits the recycling of used - what in USA?


All living things contain what?


Time Magazine named what as the Man of the Year 1982?


On television what was Flipper?


Who starred as the Six Million Dollar Man?


The band originally called Carl and the Passions changed their name to what?

Cayman Paris Constantine the Great Five Chili The Time - No Clocks Eyeglasses Water The Computer Dolphin Lee Majors The Beach Boys Answers on Pg 27

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Her smile was so wonderful that he wanted to see it again, so he offered a root beer as well. Once again she smiled at him. The boy was delighted!

In Switzerland, what device is illegal on Sundays?

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

When he had gone about three blocks, he saw an elderly woman. She was sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons. The boy sat down next to her and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed the lady looked hungry so he offered her a cupcake. She gratefully accepted and smiled at him.


Lawnmower Juggle Wooden Log A Rabbit Pennsylvania Residents Intelligent Pick Your Nose Mushrooms Planet Mars Sherlock Holmes Eye

here once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with cupcakes, several cans of root beer and started on his journey.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Cupcakes and Rootbeer T


Feature Story

By Kariel thru Kahu Fred Sterling

The Day After the

Part I

Great Shift

KIRAEL: The Great Shift in Consciousness is about entering a new world, a new dimension. To enter this new world, or dimension, you must work with that beautiful brain inside your head by practicing meditation and balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain so your love is heightened. Alchemy, the art of bringing more light into your physical body, other forms of healing, and the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating* [see page 24] are in your reality now, because you will need them to get into this new shifting energy.

you’re talking about. They won’t know about the Shift or even that they’ve been through the “three days of darkness.” These people will be wide awake during those three days and will experience the Earth changes and watch the buildings rocking and rolling. They will be frightened and reluctant to go through the portals after the Earth changes stop.

while people are still on the planet. Even those of you who were in Lemurian consciousness did not experience the Shift this way. You had to go through this third-dimensional journey and work your way into the Lemurian fifth level of consciousness. When you did, you woke up into another focus and started all over again. I’ve come here to this Earth plane as a guardian of this Great Shift in Consciousness from the seventh light, a grand transitional dimension. I and all the masters bearing down on this planet now are here to assist in this Shift. So embrace the journey. Do the journey whether it takes “five steps or fifty” to prepare for this momentous occasion.

Lightworkers will be the lead force of the shift into the new dimension. Do whatever is necessary to prepare for the Great Shift in Consciousness. Your preparation will make this Shift happen. If you’re not prepared to shift into the fourth light, you will get shifted out of here instead. Now what does that mean? Well, roughly six billion people are on this planet and not all of them will make it through the Shift. Those who are not prepared to go through the Shift will go home to the Creator or to other planet systems.

Inside and Outside Portal Workers Q: Will we see the portals that take us to the fourth dimension with our thirddimensional eyes or will we experience the Shift in spirit?

Most who go through the Shift will experience “three days of darkness,” a time when you will be asleep and the Earth will move through the photon belt. You ask, “Why must I go through ‘three days of darkness’ and what will happen to me during that time?” Going through those “three days of darkness” will be the easiest way to get into the fourth light. During that time, while you are asleep, you will receive more light into your body. When you awaken, you will discover that you’re so light that when you jump into the air, it will take about fifteen seconds to come down. You will be thrilled, because you will feel the comforts and the joys of being in a new dimensional process.

However, if you’re aware of the Shift, you will sleep through those three days in order to receive your light particles, and upon waking, you will see the Earth calmed and stilled. You will see the trees refocus their energies and all the grasses grow into another level of consciousness.

You will want to tell people about the Shift and the changes you experience, but some of the people around you will be confused. They won’t know what

No guarantee exists that any of you will get through this Great Shift, primarily because this is a new project for the Creator. It is the first Shift to happen

The Great Shift in Consciousness is about entering a new world, a new dimension.


KIRAEL: This Shift won’t happen in spirit. You will see it, feel it, taste it and smell it. You will be part of it. Your sixth sense will be operational as you come out of those “three days of darkness.” So, yes, you will be aware of the Shift, you will see the portals that take you to the fourth light, and you’ll know what your jobs are. You’ll know what you’re doing from the word go.

You will be either inside or outside portal workers. Outside portal workers will go into the big cities, such as New York, Honolulu, Chicago, and Denver, to dig people out of the rubble. A lot, although not a massive amount, of rubble will be strewn about. The people in the rubble will have gone through the “three days of darkness” while awake. They will not have received all their light particles and will need help making the transition to the fourth light. The teachers, scientists, philosophers, etc., will be

Feature Story By Kariel thru Kahu Fred Sterling

Staying here for this Shift may not sound like the easiest journey, but if you can get through those “three days of darkness,” you will see, feel, taste and smell the real glory of the Shift.

inside portal workers. Inside portal workers will have knowledge they never had before. You might be an inside portal worker who has no knowledge of philosophy; yet, after the “three days of darkness,” you will find yourself in the philosophy department speaking about that subject with some authority. We will have gone back into your other lifetimes and brought the information forward for you. Changed Consciousness in the Great Shift Q: Would you comment on the consciousness of the Great Shift? KIRAEL: As you enter into this Shift, you will be conscious of the shifting consciousness. You will look out a window and see some trees, and recognize that they’re beautiful extraterrestrial energies. The trees have already begun their shift and new trees are coming up through this journey in the Now. The new consciousness is about you being able to see that those trees are present now. Most people see a green mass of leaves on a tree trunk, but if you look at them closely, you’ll see individual trees that you’ve never seen before. You will be aware that your consciousness is heightened. You’re a conscious creator of the Great Shift in Consciousness. Q: How do we prepare for this change in consciousness? KIRAEL: Meditate to help shift your paradigm into the new dimensional journey and to get answers to your questions. The Shift will happen in every part of life on this planet. If you remain in the time and space and consciousness of the Milky Way Galaxy and your Earth plane, you will not be able to see the new dimension. You will not have a new moon or a new sun or anything else, unless you’ve gone backwards, in which case, you’ll see a planet that has two moons…not a good sign. You will be stuck in a time and space that is not evolving. If you meditate, however, you will gain what you need to go forward and you’ll see the fourth light. Your senses will be heightened. You will smell things you’ve never smelled before, taste things you’ve never tasted before, feel things you’ve never felt before and see things you’ve never seen before. Your eyes will be so strong that you will be able to look directly into the sun without sunglasses or any other protection. You will see the sun’s rays, sun spots, and flares with your naked eyes. You Are Needed Here Q: I feel a push and pull in my energy, a longing to go

home to the Creator, yet a need to be here to do my work. Is it time to go home or is it time to start work? KIRAEL: That push and pull you feel is from your angel forces. Plenty of angels are here ready to assist your journey on the Earth plane. The angel world is a force that surrounds you now. What I heard you say is that you want to go home and do the Shift on the other side of the veil. Others have left this Earth plane in order to preface or begin this journey of the Great Shift in Consciousness. If you go home to the Creator, you’ll probably come back to be a part of this journey anyway, whether as part of the angel force, the Elven force, the galactic force, etc. These forces are already committed to come onto the Earth plane for this Shift. Staying here for this Shift may not sound like the easiest journey, but if you can get through those “three days of darkness,” you will see, feel, taste and smell the real glory of the Shift. You will like what you see when you awaken. You will look at your body and notice that your fingers are longer, your body is stronger and your clothes don’t fit or don’t seem right. You will look up and see a wavering energy pattern before you. It will suddenly take form. It might be a nine-foot Elven. You will say, “Oh, my God, I must be on drugs.” You won’t be on drugs. You will actually see the Elven. They will have timetraveled to be part of this journey. If you can, fight off your need to leave this plane of consciousness to start your shift. You can stay here and get your new splinters and keep operating. So, let go of that feeling that you want to go home. You are needed here to be part of the Shift. People will die every day of the week from disease or accidents, etc. You don’t have to be one of them. As far as your readiness to do the portal work, you will have three days to get ready for these changes and you will have help from the unseen forces and the galactic world. Light and information will be downloaded into you during that time. You will have so much knowledge you will feel it as you come out of those “three days of darkness.” You will be smarter, lighter, and able to float and do many other miraculous things. Various Roles During the Shift Q: I feel out of place here on this dimension. What is causing this feeling? KIRAEL: Your reality is more suited to the post-Shift energy. Your physical body is already changing and you can see the changes if you look at your body

now. When you asked your question, your speech was difficult to understand, because you had too much power coming through the telephone. You are a galactic presence. By that, I don’t mean you’re a being from another planet. I mean you don’t belong here on this Earth plane until the post-Shift. You’re already stretching your body and mind; bringing your focus into this light, trying to get clear on what’s happening. You are a scientist in your Earth life, and you’re a scientific officer from another galactic energy outside the Earth plane. You have come here to do this journey using your predisposed scientific energies, but the world is not ready for you yet. In this Great Shift, you will be one of the more focused energies. That is, you will have already solidly brought your Shift energies into alignment in this journey. You’re already there. Just be aware of it. Q: How important is truth in this journey? KIRAEL: The Great Shift happening on this planet depends on the Goddess light awakening within every person on Earth. This is the Divine Feminine within every soul. Many of you will be focused on truth in the Goddess Light as Truth is the foundation of this Great Shift. As a truth Goddess, your job is to work with people who don’t know what truth is. That means you must work on your truth. The truth Goddess’ journey is tough, because you must learn and know truth in order to deal with people who do not know truth. If you don’t know truth, you will get lost in the energies of those who do not know truth. As a truth Goddess Light, you must be aware of those who lie to you and then come up with new verbiage when referring to them. You will not call them liars. Most people who lie don’t even know they’re lying. As a truth Goddess, you can’t tell them they’re lying, because that’s what they have to get through as part of their journey. So, don’t judge them and don’t call them liars. Those who do not know truth are in service to you. They offer you the opportunity to recognize truth and untruth and to respond in love, no matter what. More and more people are showing their lies, their untruths, which are coming to a new focus, melding around them. If you’re in truth, then you must be in love, and if you’re in love, then truth matters for you soul-y/solely. Within this soul/sole truth is everything that you’ve ever wanted to experience. So, don’t pick on the people who are working through their truth. They want to get through this journey just as you do. If you believe someone is telling you an untruth, then you haven’t learned enough about truth. You Continued On Page 24 * IN LIGHT TIMES • JULY, 2012 • PAGE 17

Health Lights


King’s Cure-All

Evening Primrose Oil

By Craig Stellpflug

Evening Primrose Oil


comes from the seed of the evening primrose plant and is great for skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. EPO is used in pregnancy for preventing preeclampsia, starting and shortening labor and preventing late deliveries. Women use evening primrose oil to fight PMS, breast pain, endometriosis, symptoms of menopause and hot flashes. Evening primrose is commonly called Oenothera, “The King’s cure-all,” which is reflected in the wide range of its healing attributes that just goes on and on. In addition to the benefits listed above, EPO is used for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, Raynaud’s syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Sjogren’s syndrome, ADD, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, asthma, cancer, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetic nerve damage, dyspraxia, heart disease, hyperactivity, leg pain, neurodermatitis, obesity and weight loss, whooping cough, and gastrointestinal disorders including ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and peptic ulcer disease. EPO is converted to a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin E1, which has anti-inflammatory properties that act as both a blood thinner and blood vessel dilator.

Meet the legend

Evening primrose is a wildflower that grows throughout North America. The evening primrose plant gets its name from the flowers on it that bloom after sunset or extremely overcast days in the months of June through September. In North America, the use of Evening Primrose goes back to early Native Americans who used the seeds for food and made poultices from the whole plant to speed healing in wounds and bruises. European settlers took the root back to England and Germany and used it as a food plant. Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of the evening primrose plant and EPO is an excellent source of the essential fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).

or stopped their NSAID pain relievers while measures of disease activity did not worsen. Once the patients went off the EPO they all relapsed. EPO has been studied for treating eczema, reducing symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, reducing symptoms from Raynaud’s phenomenon and it has been found to improve blood flow and nerve function by lowering blood lipid risk factors.

EPO available forms

The peppery young roots of evening primrose can be eaten like a vegetable or the shoots can be eaten as a salad. Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant, which contain up to 25 percent essential fatty acids belonging to the omega-6 family of fatty acids. Most North Americans get too much omega-6 fatty acids in their diet and the body needs a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil) to stay healthy. Taking EPO is a wise supplement choice. EPO is available in a liquid or in capsule form and should be kept refrigerated and out of direct sunlight to prevent rancidity. The higher- quality oil will be certified organic, bottled in light-resistant containers, refrigerated, and marked with a freshness date. The better EPO is standardized to contain 8 percent gamma-linolenic acid.

EPO as a medicine

At one time EPO was even an approved medicine used to treat eczema and breast pain. Wouldn’t you know that being a natural and un-patentable “drug” it didn’t last long before the Medicines Control Agency withdrew the licenses for using evening primrose oil products as prescriptions for medical treatments. In a controlled study at the Center for Rheumatic Diseases, patients received 540 mg of EPO daily which brought less inflammation and significant improvement over 12 months compared to no improvement in the placebo group. By 12 months the patients receiving EPO and EPO/fish oil had significantly reduced PAGE 18 • JULY, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Craig Stellpflug is a Cancer Nutrition Specialist, Lifestyle Coach and Neuro Development Consultant at Healing Pathways Medical Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. http:// With 17 years of clinical experience working with both brain disorders and cancer, Craig has seen first-hand the devastating effects of vaccines and pharmaceuticals on the human body and has come to the conclusion that a natural lifestyle and natural remedies are the true answers to health and vibrant living. You can find his daily health blog at and his articles and radio show archives at (NaturalNews)

Health Lights

By Charles Jerard

Herbs for Hair Loss Ayurveda

, the ancient science of medicine, has been using herbs to cure hair loss effectively for years. These herbs are derived from natural plants and are free from side effects. Listed below are some of the herbs that can help combat hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth. These are proven to be practical, natural, and effective for centuries.

Eclipta Alba (known as Bhringraj in India) is an ancient herb used for health of hair. It prevents baldness and premature graying. Fenugreek, also called Greek hay in English and Methi in India, is another remedy for hair loss. Fenugreek work by increasing the dilation of blood vessels to the scalp, which improves blood circulation, and nutrient supply to this area. Fenugreek seeds have very beneficial effects on hair growth. It has a unique mix of constituents, which contribute to maintaining healthy-looking hair and a well-nourished scalp.

Emblica Officinalis or Indian Gooseberry is one of the best-known natural products for overall health of hair. It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. Gooseberry also strengthens roots of hair, maintains color and luster. Eating fresh fruit or applying its paste on hair roots improves hair growth and color. It is popular as Amla in India.

Shikakai is also one of the Ayurvedic herb used for its strengthening & conditioning properties on the hair. It controls dandruff, promotes hair growth and strengthens hair roots. It is popularly known as “fruit for the hair” as it has a naturally mild pH that gently cleans the hair without stripping it of natural oils.

Soap Nuts (sapindus mukorossi) herb liquid can actually be used to clean hair in place of your regular shampoo. Popular

as Reetha in India, Soap nut is an excellent hair tonic and used as a natural cleanser for washing hair, and forms a rich, natural lather. It is still being used as a naturally produced shampoo by the rural folks in India for washing their hair.

Henna is another excellent herb for the maintenance of healthy hair. Henna or Lawsonia Inermis can enrich color and enhance overall health of hair. It is a powerful and natural hair conditioner that can help heal the hair shaft by repairing and sealing the cuticle, protecting hair against breakage and loss of shine.

Indian Neem or Azadirachta Indica helps remove dandruff and has a detangling effect on the hair. It possesses antidandruff, antibacterial, anti viral and fungicidal properties and therefore protects or fights off infections of scalp.

Aloe Vera or Barbadensis Miller is considered to be one of the best herbs for hair loss. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent hair loss and are even beneficial for curing Alopecia. Moreover, the herb is also known to stimulate hair growth. Herbs contain healing compounds that can help rejuvenate unhealthy hair, restore its shine and balance, and combat hair loss. With these natural and safe alternatives one can not only take care of hair but also keep away from harmful products full of harsh chemicals. Charles Jerard is a writer for the site. For more insights and additional information about Hair Loss Treatment as well as finding many hair loss treatment options and resources, please visit our web site IN LIGHT TIMES • JULY, 2012 • PAGE 19

Health Lights

By John Khu

Body Detox Diet Do’s & Don’ts

With so many body detox plans offered everywhere, it can be quite confusing which ones to follow and which ones to avoid. For something as important and as sensitive as a whole body detox,
 you should be able to arm yourself with the right kind of information. A good way to start is to get in touch with a body detox diet that you know you can be confident with. So, what should be in and what should be out of your body detox
diet? While there will be some types of food that will be completely shunned from your meal plate, there will also be those which will still be included… but to a minimal degree. The goal really is to include those that will enhance the natural body 
detox mechanism of the system as well as boost the immune structure to make it strong against diseases. Approved Body Detox Diet Principles

• Include bioflavonoids in your meals. Bioflavonoids may sound new but it just actually pertains to the healthful nutrients that can be found in citrus fruits, buckwheat, onion, and garlic. They contain antioxidants that prevent toxic free radicals that damage the cells in the body. • Eat more of the pulses, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods include a number of nutrients but are especially rich in Vitamin B. Vitamin B helps keep a healthy liver, which is the main body detox system responsible for cleansing the blood from toxins and impurities. • Go natural and organic. There are foods that are great as they are than when they are cooked. This is especially true when it comes to tomatoes, peppers, cabbages, grapefruit, and oranges. All of them are rich in Vitamin C that is the winner in achieving a strong immune system.


Eliminated/Minimized in Body Detox Diet 1. Lots and lots of salt. Some people have been so used to the salty taste in their meals they don’t find it delicious unless it’s saline. What they are not aware of is that they will come to appreciate the natural taste of the food combination more when they do not add salt to their meals. Besides, salt is definitely toxic! 2. Processed sugars and combined carbohydrates. After every meal, it is tempting to get a candy from the jar or finish off with a bag of chips. While these foods give zero calories, they also cause the insulin levels in the body to get unstable. So if you don’t want to be a victim of depression, shun junk food from your body detox diet permanently. 3. Bottles or cases of alcohol. When it is time to party, the temptation to

drown oneself in alcohol and enjoy the instant euphoria can be very strong. Meanwhile, it is also common knowledge that many people suffer from liver diseases or worst, liver cancer. So, if you are totally serious about your body detox 
program, enjoy the party without the alcohol and wake in the morning feeling fresh and happy. Certainly, adhering to a body detox diet is not an easy job. But once you get started, you will feel this new lifestyle is much better than your old one. John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook titled, “Body Detox Tips”. He is devoted to educate others on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the owner of the website called which provides complete and up-to-date information.

Health Lights By Elizabeth Walling

Discover How to FIGHT Food Cravings with These Supplements


Cravings can also point to underlying emotional and psychological issues.

easy to make the mistake of viewing food cravings as a n e n e m y, b u t in many cases these urges to eat a particular kind of food can provide specific insight into where your diet may be lacking. Cravings can also point to underlying emotional and psychological issues. It’s important to find the root of your cravings before trying to fight them, but once you’ve made the decision to go head to head with your food cravings, there are a few supplements that can help. CHROMIUM This mineral can reduce cravings by regulating your blood sugar. If you experience low blood sugar, you could crave foods with carbohydrates, sugar and caffeine to counteract the feeling. Chromium works to balance your blood sugar so these types of cravings are greatly reduced. In addition, the Journal of Psychiatric Practice published a study in 2005 which showed chromium was effective in relieving carbohydrate cravings for individuals with atypical depression. L-GLUTAMINE Like chromium, L-glutamine can be used to combat cravings related to blood sugar levels. L-glutamine stabilizes the brain’s blood glucose and acts quickly to eradicate cravings right where they start. Taking a 500-1,000 mg dose of L-glutamine at the time cravings occur most can be especially helpful. Many people notice cravings diminish within moments of taking this amino acid. MAGNESIUM Frequent, intense cravings for chocolate is often a sign of magnesium deficiency. And since magnesium is necessary for many vital functions in the body, getting enough is important for everyone. Increasing your magnesium intake can also help you handle stress and get a better night’s rest, both of which will curb those cravings. Magnesium citrate is the most common form of supplemental magnesium, although topical magnesium oil is steadily gaining popularity as well.

PHENYLALANINE Often we indulge in unhealthy comfort foods because we are craving the sensation of elevated brain chemicals. Phenylalanine is an amino acid which raises endorphin levels naturally. Taking this supplement can be especially beneficial to those who struggle with emotional overeating. TRACE MINERALS One set of nutrients commonly missing from our modern diet is trace minerals. Our body requires these minerals - even if just in minute amounts - to perform a variety of functions. Processed foods and produce grown in poor soil simply won’t carry the same mineral content as wholesome, natural food choices. When we are deficient in these important nutrients, we can crave salty or sugary foods. High-quality unrefined sea salt is an excellent source of trace minerals, and there are also supplements available to make up for any deficiency of these important nutrients. TRYPTOPHAN AND 5-HTP Serotonin is a powerful neuro-transmitter which provides feelings of well-being and satiety. Low serotonin levels can be caused by stress, dieting, lack of rest, poor nutrition, and certain medications. A lack of serotonin can cause an increase in appetite as well as carbohydrate and sugar cravings as the body tries to replenish this crucial brain chemical. In addition to correcting lifestyle habits that may be causing low serotonin levels, you can also supplement with the amino acid tryptophan and its derivative 5-HTP. Both of these are precursors to serotonin, and have been shown to naturally increase serotonin production. Calcium, magnesium and the B-vitamin complex are also helpful for boosting serotonin levels naturally. Elizabeth Walling is a freelance writer specializing in health and family nutrition. She is a strong believer in natural living as a way to improve health and prevent modern disease. She enjoys thinking outside of the box and challenging common myths about health and wellness. You can visit her blog to learn more: welcome.html.


Health Lights By Prof. Celene Bernstein


ealthy eating is not about strict nutritional philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible–all of which can be achieved by learning some nutritional basics that I am going to share with you and using these basics in a way that works for you. Having healthy eating habits can boost your energy, sharpen your memory and stabilize your mood as well as reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other health issues TIP NO. 1 SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS Start thinking about a healthy diet as a number of small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. If you approach the changes gradually and with commitment, you will have a healthy diet sooner than you think. Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, think of your diet in terms of color, variety and freshness. Focus on finding foods you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious. Changing everything at once usually leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of different color vegetables) to your diet once a day or switching from butter to olive oil when cooking. You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet. The long term goal is to feel good, have more energy and reduce the risk of cancer and disease. Don’t let your missteps derail you—every healthy food choice you make counts. TIP NO. 2 MODERATION IS KEY People often think of healthy eating as an all or nothing proposition, but a key foundation for any healthy diet is moderation. If you are drawn towards sweet, salty, or unhealthy foods, start by reducing portion sizes and not eating them as often. Later you may find yourself craving them less or thinking of them as only occasional indulgences. TIP NO. 3 IT IS IMPORTANT HOW YOU THINK ABOUT FOOD Healthy eating is about more than the food on your plate—it is also about how

Easy Tips For Planning A Healthy Diet And Sticking To It you think about food. It is important to slow down and think about food as nourishment rather than just something to gulp down in between meetings or on the way to pick up the kids. Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths. Ask yourself if you are really hungry, or have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty instead of hungry. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly. TIP NO. 4 FILL UP ON COLORFUL FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet—they are low in calories and nutrient dense, which means they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. The antioxidants and other nutrients in fruits and vegetables help protect against certain types of cancer and other diseases. Aim for a minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Always eat a small salad before anything cooked. By the way, never eat fruit straight after a meal – it can bloat you. TIP NO. 5 EAT MORE HEALTHY CARBS AND WHOLE GRAINS Choose healthy carbohydrates especially whole grains - include, brown rice, millet, quinoa, and barley as well as beans, fruits, and vegetables for long lasting energy. In addition to being delicious and satisfying, whole grains are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants, which help to protect against coronary heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. These carbs are digested slowly, helping you feel full longer and keeping blood sugar and insulin levels stable. TIP NO. 6 CHOOSE HEALTHY FATS Good sources of healthy fat are needed to nourish your brain, heart and cells, as well as your hair, skin, and nails. Foods rich in certain omega-3 fats called EPA and DHA are particularly important and can reduce cardiovascular disease, improve your mood and help prevent dementia. These foods include fatty fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines. I suggest you


eat these at least 3 times per week. If you don’t eat these kind of fish I suggest you use Fish Oil supplements. Also add olive oil , avocados and raw and unsalted nuts. Avoid Saturated fats, found primarily in animal sources including red meat and whole milk dairy products. Also avoid Trans fats (heated fats) found in vegetable shortenings, margarine, crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, baked goods, and other processed foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Read your labels – you will see the word hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated. TIP NO. 7 FOCUS ON GOOD QUALITY SOURCES OF PROTEIN Fresh fish, free range chicken or turkey (free of hormones and antibiotics), tofu, free range eggs, beans, lentils or unsalted, unroasted nuts are good choices. Most people eat too much protein. Try to move away from protein being the center of your meal. Focus on equal servings of protein, whole grains, and vegetables. This will also help balance your blood sugar levels. TIP NO. 8 INITIALLY TRY AND LIMIT SUGAR AND SALT If you plan your diet around fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats, you may find you naturally cut back on sugar and salt and eventually you will not be including this in your programme of eating. Check food labels carefully. Sugar is often disguised using terms such as: * cane sugar or maple syrup * corn sweetener or corn syrup * honey or molasses * brown rice syrup * crystallized or evaporated cane juice * fruit juice concentrates, such as apple or pear * maltodextrin (or dextrin) * Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Maltose, or Sucrose Most of us consume too much salt in our diets. Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure and lead to other health problems. Try slowly reducing the salt in your diet to give your taste buds time to adjust. A very good salt to use is Himalayan salt — it helps bring down blood pressure TIP NO. 9 INCREASE WATER INTAKE Water helps flush our systems of waste

products and toxins. If you don’t drink water, there is a chance you could become dehydrated. This causes tiredness, low energy and headaches. Most people mistake thirst for hunger, so staying well hydrated will also help you make healthier food choices. TIP NO. 10 DON’T FORGET ABOUT EXERCISE Choose an exercise you enjoy and do it at least 3-5 times per week. The benefits of lifelong exercise are manifold and regular exercise may even motivate you to make healthy food choices a habit. CONCLUSION: Healthy eating starts with great planning. You will have won half the healthy diet battle if you have a wellstocked kitchen, a stash of quick and easy recipes, and plenty of healthy snacks around. Prepare your own food and eat these foods regularly. To make things easier in the beginning, prepare large amounts of the right food and freeze them. Cooking ahead saves time and money, and it is gratifying to know that you have a home cooked meal waiting to be eaten. If you suffer from low blood sugar, always combine protein and unrefined carbohydrates together. • Eat 5 meals per day • Drink lots of water rather than your fruit juices and cold drinks • Don’t be hard on yourself if you haven’t done well on certain days – just remember its not what you do now and again, that’s going to harm you, its what you do on a continual basis i.e. eating high sugary, salted, and fatty foods. Eating is a social activity and I don’t want to take that away from you. You can lower the goal posts when dining out. • Remember, it takes time for your taste buds to change. The most important issue today, is that there is a great urgency to change our pattern of eating to more healthier foods because of the diseases that are manifesting even in our young children. We have to teach our children the right way, so they can teach their children and their children’s children. Célène Bernstein is the author of Health Seekers. She gives lectures and seminars on topical health issues and has had many articles published in various magazines.

Health Lights

By Scott Kennedy

Unlo cking the Hidden Treasures of Sea Vegetables Could These Amazing Ocean Plants Be Mankind’s Salvation For A Broken Health Care System? When it comes to real health care and supplying your body with essential nutrition there is nothing more powerful and complete than sea plants or what you might call seaweed. Sea plants can literally change your health and are the only plants in the world that possess the full array of minerals, trace minerals, enzymes, co-enzymes, vitamins, chlorophyll, growth hormones, phytonutrients and other organic compounds necessary for cellular metabolism and human survival. These important nutrients are found in concentrated amounts and in highly bio-available form, within these miraculous plants, which mysteriously resemble the organic make-up of our very own tissues. Sea vegetation has long been acknowledged as a detoxifier and a balanced source of nutrients. For centuries many have believed sea vegetation works as a miraculous healing agent. This belief has been proven accurate in thousands of Clinical and Anecdotal Studies, most of which originate outside our borders. Sea vegetables are the most nutritionally potent and mineral-rich family of plants on Earth. Since humans can not directly consume the rays of the sun, nor drink nutrient-dense seawater, we can rely on ocean plants that concentrate the energy from these two powerful sources through the miracle of photosynthesis. By ingesting these plants we bring the Power of Sun and Sea to our biology! Sea plants are more potent than any land plant salad and contain hundreds, if not thousands, of naturally occurring plant compounds known as phyto (plant) nutrients. Many of these natural compounds are necessary for proper cell function, but are missing from our diets due to our consumption of overly processed foods, and land plants grown in mineral deficient soil across America. Crusador Magazine Not as sexy as pomegranates or as exotic as turmeric or chia seeds, yet the unassuming seaweed packs more punch than all of these Superfoods combined. Giant sea plants earn a near perfect 10

from scientists, nutritionists and health practitioners alike. Sea vegetables are gaining a whole new respect here in the west as a powerfully effective regenerative body tonic. Rich in minerals, vitamins, trace elements and hundreds of lesser known bioactive substances, edible sea plants are now considered to be the healthiest and most nutritionally dense vegetable substances known to man. Seaweed was valued centuries ago for its nutritional and medicinal virtues. Records exist from ancient civilizations in Iceland, northern Europe, along the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, in China, Japan, and North America. These miraculous plants have long been a staple in the diets of the longest living and healthiest cultures…like the Japanese. Today, scientists are rediscovering its unparalleled nutritional content, and health advocates are experiencing its amazing, organic effect on the body and mind when taken daily as a whole-food dietary supplement. There are some amazing characteristics of these beautiful underwater plants, which sets them apart from land plants in significant ways. First, they are “upside down” plants, in that they gain their nutrition from light (and seawater of course), by creating their own balloons called Pneumatocysts, filling them with gas and then pulling themselves up to the light! Out of over 10,000 species of red, brown and green sea plants, only about 25 are certified in Europe as edible. How do they stay in one place if they aren’t rooted, you might ask? While they are up on top eating light and blending the light and seawater into powerful vegetable compounds, they send fiber down the stipe (stem) and at the bottom, they create “Holdfasts” which look like giant hands that are hanging onto rocks, thereby anchoring them.

These giant “kelps” (just a cultural name for brown sea plants) can grow up to two feet each day, and they do this without any roots. Think about your house plant growing two feet a day!

Hyperthyroidism Insomnia Lymphoma Ovarian Cysts Skin Cancer

Because these plants are buoyant and have no root structure, they do not have the non-digestible fiber content of land plants like spinach (85% fiber) which is there to hold them up and anchor them against the elements. Sea Plants are 85% concentrated nutrition and contain up to 60 times the nutritional density of any known land plant. They are by far the most nutrient rich plants on Earth, so when eaten each day, even in small amounts, they feed our bodies like nothing else on Earth. These plants are the true “Superfood.” Grass and fresh water blue-green micro algae’s, such as Spirulina or Chlorella, pale in comparison to sea plants. In addition, fish do not eat grass, Spirulina or chlorella, only sea plants and other fish that ate sea plants. This is why fish are a health food, and this is where they get the building blocks of their fish oils.

Properties of Sea Vegetables: • They are the only plants which synthesize any significant vegetable Vitamin D in their tissues, as humans do through their skin (Recent studies indicate most Americans have a deficiency in Vitamin D, which is linked to the prevalence of auto-immune disorders today).

We are salt water creatures in that our blood has the same salinity as the ocean, and our cells are breathing under blue saltwater right now. Sea plants (Macro Algae) provide 76% of the worlds oxygen. So 3/4 of every one of our breaths, is a sea plant compound. When our cells can eat and breathe sea plant substances and compounds (like fish do, and now we know why they are health food) every day, they then can go about their predetermined and preprogrammed duties and move towards homeostasis, which means balanced health. It could be that we were designed to be healthy, and then the world and convenience and science and progress all get in the way of our better health. Maybe eating sea plants every day can make a profound difference in our biological health, because it is logical, to feed our biology good food every day. There is no food on Earth more powerful than macro marine algae, otherwise known as Seaweed. On the scientific side, there is significant scientific agreement that sea vegetables have a positive effect on: Allergies Candida Diabetes Heart Disease High Cholesterol

Breast Cancer Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia Hemorrhoids Hypertension

IBS Lung Cancer M.S. Prostate Cancer Weight Mgmnt.

• They contain the most bio-available and absorbable calcium, containing 90% Calcium and Magnesium in the perfect amounts • Sea Vegetables contain organicallybound vegetable iodine, so necessary for proper thyroid and brain function, healthy hair, nails, skin, proper sleep, weight normalization and overall metabolism. (This crucial nutrient is not found in the Western diet because it is not found in the soil, but is abundant in the sea. This lack prompted the government to add pharmaceutically manufactured Potassium iodide (not iodine) to the salt supply in the U.S.) • The sea plants contain every nutrient known to man • They absorb up to 60 times the nutritional density and 10 times the mineral content of any known land plant • Sea Vegetables are pH balanced at 7.3, like human blood, and contain minerals, trace minerals and salt in the same ratio as healthy human blood Overlooked in the western diet since Emperor Nero said “no noble person should ever eat that slimy plant,” the vegetables of the sea are now becoming known as man’s strongest and richest ally because of its unparalleled nutritional density, which is drawn from the power of the sun and the sea. Scott Kennedy, for 28 years, has committed his professional life to the study and promotion of sea plants. He is a national health speaker and the leading sea vegetation advocate in America today. As the Founder and President of FarmaSea® Health, Scott is a pioneer in the harvesting of sea vegetation and the production of whole food sea plant dietary supplements for adults, children and pets. Visit:


Health Lights Continued From Page 17

The Day After the Great Shift

By Kirael thru Kahu Fred Sterling

see, everything you hear, everything that is spoken, will have an element of truth. If someone says to you, “You’re a green person,” and there’s nothing green about you, they may be seeing something they cannot understand. So, don’t get caught up in the fact you’re not green. Don’t judge what they see. Just hear it and go on from it. You must know how to get into your own truth every time. If you get to the point where you love everything about everybody you come across, you will have fully embraced being a truth Goddess. You will know truth and will recognize that everybody and everything is your teacher. As a truth Goddess, your truth is the most important truth of all the truths, and even you must come to learn that truth. Rereading the Blueprint to Your Signature Cell

Q: After the Shift, will we have a new blueprint in our signature cell? KIRAEL: The signature cell, which is deep inside your pineal gland, doesn’t have to change. Instead, it has to reread your blueprint. Everybody on this plane of consciousness, whether going through the Shift or not, has two blueprints actively working within the body. You all came into this plane of consciousness with a fourthdimensional blueprint available in the Now. That blueprint is woven into your omni brain, which is now tied into the local brain. You have weaves of energy going through your brain and into the space where your higher self is waiting for you. This weave of your blueprint is solidly projected into the new paradigm. Being aware of and understanding this blueprint is powerful.

Suppose you have a friend who is not vibrating to the same space and time as you, and you think to yourself, “There’s something wrong with this person.” Well, with that thought, you have immediately gone back into your own third-dimensional local brain, in which case, you will tell yourself you’re seeing things you don’t know how to deal with. In the present, you might think he’s a little crazy, but you will understand him in time. If you want to suggest that you have a better way of doing things, suggest it to yourself first. You will understand that it’s about your journey, not the other person’s. Before you tell anyone how you can do something better, understand why that person is doing what he’s doing. Maybe it’s because someone asked him to do it and he’s allowing the person who suggested

it to have that journey. Many things are happening around you that you don’t understand. Relax and know that everything’s absolutely perfect. Many different journeys will be available to you after the Shift, but fear won’t be one of them. I have no room at all for fear in my journey. It is time for you to take fear out of your journey. Start now. I’ll be standing on the side of the light and that’s where you should be. Walk toward all things light and I’ll be there. You’ll see. Kahu Fred Sterling is an author, minister, medium and Internet talk-radio host. As a medium for Kirael, together they provide information for global peace and love. Please visit or call 1-800-390-1886. Part 2 - August

*The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are powerful tools of awakening. When studied and practiced, they allow you to create the life experience you desire. Whether you’re healing a physical condition or looking for that perfect relationship, the Ten Principles can show you the way. These deceptively simple principles can help you run a business, find a new home, awaken your psychic abilities, or dramatically change your financial situation.

which all reality extends and the basis of your light on Earth. Truth is the integrity of thought, word and deed that creates the freedom to be who you truly are. Truth is the foundation of the other nine Principles.

The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are evolutionary. There is no end to the gifts they offer. No matter what level of success you attain, the Principles are always there, waiting to take you to another level. They are eternal tools of wisdom and guidance. How do they work? Essentially, each Principle is a key to unlocking higher levels of conscious awareness and tapping into your own powers of creation.

Passion is the core energy by which you feel the presence of your own Creator Light. Passion is the realization that you are a limitless being of light. It is the force that allows your life journey to continually evolve.

The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are a way of life. Here they are in their simplicity:

Trust is an inner knowing which comes from the Truth that you are part of the Creator and connected to all levels of reality, the understanding that everything in your life unfolds in perfection.

The Three Commitments Clarity in its simplest form, Clarity is the acknowledgment that your physical self is part of a greater, nonphysical power. Clarity is the knowing of your own truth, which guides you to consciously create your life.

Trust Clarity Completion Meditation Masterminding

Communication is the exchange of energies and information (including words) between humans, between your physical self and the essential or higher self, and between you and the unseen forces of light.

The Three Keys Truth is the essence of Love from

Completion is the knowing that the conclusion of an experience, a process or a journey exists on multiple levels of

Truth Passion Communication Prayer Sleep-state Programming


understanding. Each completion opens to the beginning of a new experience, process or journey. The Four Pillars Prayer is a communication between your human self and the unseen forces of light, which can include your own higher self, the Creator, angels, guides, etc. Prayer need not be a religious act; it is an opportunity for you to define your thoughts, feelings and desires in your daily life’s journey. In Master Kirael’s words, “Prayer is the asking; meditation is where you hear the answers to your prayers.” Meditation is the practice of quieting your mind such that you are able to consciously receive information, wisdom, and guidance from nonphysical sources. Sleep-state Programming is the practice of enlisting your higher self, or essential light, to contact and communicate with the higher self of another during sleep state. Masterminding is the act of creating a collective consciousness focused on manifesting a particular experience or outcome. This collective consciousness can be comprised of physical humans, human higher selves, angels, guides, and other unseen forces of light. A Brief History: 
The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are tenets of

ancient wisdom which were nearly lost in the burning of the Alexandrian Libraries several thousand years ago, when between 400,000 and 700,000 books and scrolls perished. According to Master Kirael, some 200,000 volumes survived the fires. Of these surviving scrolls, a select few were retrieved by the Guidance Realm to be re-introduced at a point in the evolution of the planet when they would be best understood and utilized by humanity. The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating were recorded in one such document, and predate the Libraries at Alexandria. These Principles were practiced by enlightened ancient societies, such as Lemuria, some 50,000 years ago. Why are these Principles being reintroduced at this time in humanity’s history?
 The Ten Principles are here because we are experiencing a Great Shift in Consciousness. They are here because We the People are raising our global consciousness to a critical mass, where the entire Earth plane and her inhabitants will undergo a fundamental shift in dimensional awareness. They are here because we are at a period in human evolution where we can create— consciously—everything that we desire in our lives. As Master Kirael explains, “Everything starts as the Creator, and everything ends as the Creator.” With the Ten Principles we recognize that we are not separate from the Creator. We are the Creator.


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Visit: IN LIGHT TIMES • JULY, 2012 • PAGE 27

Clarice’s Mystical Realm Astrology

Personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D. Hello Stargazer’s. The summer is here! This month will be interesting, astrologically speaking. If you can time your moves to coordinate with the planets’ movements, you can succeed and find fulfillment. When July begins, the Moon is in its lunar phase, and includes four retrograde planets through July: Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Important, read Sun, Rising & Moon signs to have a full picture.

Lunar Activity: Full Moon – July 3rd in Capricorn, New Moon – July 18th in Cancer, Last Quarter Moon – July 10th in Aries, – First Quarter Moon – July 26th in Scorpio.. Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (feminine energy) June 4th, 2012. An eclipse of the moon will center more on the prominent women in your life (mother, wife, female boss, or even a friend for instance). Emotions are high at this time. Mercury Retrograde: (station date R) 07-14-12, (station date D) 08-07-12. Key Effect: Mixed Communication and Transportation issues. Gemini and Virgo’s Ruling Planet is “Mercury” and the Number (5) in Numerology. If located in your natal chart, expect indecision, change of plans, and this requires more caution and orderly thinking. While Mercury is (R), it is not the best time for major purchases, because these items are usually financed and/or require signing a contract. Signing a contract during Mercury Retrograde can bring regrets stemming from things said that are misunderstood or misrepresented. Expect disruptions or delays in business matters. Back up all data on computers. Relationships can go awry due to miscommunications. SOLUTION: The best action to take during a Mercury Retrograde period is to spend the time reviewing. It is not the time to go forward with new goals. It is the time to “re-view” and make necessary corrections. A good rule to remember is, any word you can put “re” in front of, and have it make sense, do it; example: “re-evaluate.” Uranus Retrograde: (station date R) 07-13-12, (station date D) 12-13-12. Key Effect: Sudden changes of all kinds. It rules the Sign of Aquarius or anyone who has a number of signs in Aquarius in their chart, and the number 4 in numerology. It covers; revolution, earthquakes and all natural disasters. It also governs utopian ideals. Its actions are sudden, in a blink of an eye. Uranus breaks from tradition. It is neutral and sexless, and considered by many astrologers to be the upper level of Mercury; it is the first of the transcendental planets. Still Retrograde: Neptune & Pluto: Due to the Sun and Lunar Eclipses of May and June the main focus will be on dealing with the major changes of directions in life. For more detailed information on Retrograde planets & Eclipses, and their effects, go to, for Mystic Clarice’s feature articles.

Happy Birthday Cancer! June 21st to July 22nd “I FEEL”

Ruling Planet: Moon ~ Rules: The Breast & Womb Symbol: Crab; Duality ~ Element: Water ~ Feminine Energy Lesson: Learning to balance emotions Colors: Green & Silver ~ Gems: Opal, Pearl & Moonstone Key Personality:: Sensitive, empathetic and intuitive Spiritual Flower: Delphinium Most Compatible Signs: Taurus & Pisces; depends on the Rising & Moon signs

The Cancer’s star element is water and, if checked astrologically, represents emotions as deep as the water flows; as deep as the Cancer’s individual feelings. They are the most emotional of the signs. Being very sensitive, when you touch a nerve, you will know about it. Due to this sensitivity, they are natural empaths and have psychic abilities. If this is strong in the individual it can cause trouble until they learn to balance their feelings. They are almost too soft for the realities of the world. This, this is what the claws of the crab are about; for protection and clinging onto things of the past. Just like how the moon changes, so does the Cancer’s moods, one time happy and full of life, the next week tired and depressed. Cancer’s ruling planet, the moon, controls the ebb and flow of the waters of the Earth. It goes through rapid stages of change each month, passing through every sign which accounts for the changeable emotional nature of Cancerians. Great memory and retention power is a strong trait displayed by those individuals as they recall events that date years back as if they just happened yesterday. Cancer people are down to Earth with no frill or air about them. They are kind and loveable individuals who love to be pampered through speech, touch or attention. They are known also as the “Oedipal Complainer,” with two principal characteristics: the love of family, which always comes first, and the constant complaining about the insensitive treatment they receive from others. They are as sensitive to insult, as they are to sentiment. Cancerians are the most overtly emotional and sensitive of the water signs and must be handled carefully; they wear their emotions on their sleeves.

ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

LIBRA ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

You are ambitious, responsible and committed. Born as a natural leader, you need to relax. Allow others to lead sometimes. Positive Tip: Put your special talents to work where they can be of the greatest benefit. Mind Focus: This month will be focused on relationships of all types.

You are energetic and ready to try doing new things. Look for new ways to use your creativity; perhaps through hobbies, work, or artistic activities. Positive Tip: Keep in mind Mercury (R). Mind Focus: Don’t let minor problems get you down, stay focused on your goals, and then move forward.

TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20

SCORPIO ~ Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

GEMINI • May 21 to June 20

SAGITTARIUS ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Jupiter in the financial sector promises a year that’s good financially. At the same time, Mercury is making a challenging aspect to both Uranus and Pluto, reminding you that money isn’t everything. Positive Tip: Mercury rules communications … caution. Mind Focus: Careless comments can offend.

Honest, intelligent, and cool. Ruling this month in communications, and during the next five months, you can win respect from associates. Positive Tip: You will be making major decisions this year. Mind Focus: But, wait until Mercury goes direct, and do not sign any agreements until then.

CANCER ~ June 21 to July 22

You are deep, intense, and individualistic. Choices made during the next few years can have long-lasting effects. Stay on track. Positive Tip: Don’t let negative people distract you from goals. Mind Focus: Someone may enter your life that will change you forever, learn from this experience as best as you can.

You are daring, unpredictable, and courageous. The next six months choose activities that increase your knowledge of the world. Positive Tip: Increased self-confidence enables you to complete a task. Mind Focus: Be less erratic in your temperament; learn from past mistakes. Explore new options.

CAPRICORN ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

An unexpected event the last few months has tested your strength of character and gives you a chance to use your leadership skills. Positive Tip: Be strong, do the right thing. Mind Focus: New experiences and new found knowledge helps you make a key decision this month, wait until Mercury goes direct.

You are honest, realistic, unyielding. You can make a dream come true if it is a top priority. Positive Tip: Be calmer in your emotional temperament. Learn lessons from past mistakes. Mind Focus: Learning new methods and making new friends helps with this process. Spend time with intellectual people.

LEO ~ July 23 to Aug. 22

AQUARIUS ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

This can be a year of achievement. Choosie a path that makes you happy and earn a good living. Positive Tip: You have a delightful uniqueness that can be useful in this career. Mind Focus: You are a winner at heart, and will become an expert on many levels. Grab this opportunity with all your strength.

You are strong and self-reliant…usually. In the past couple of months you have had to lean on others to achieve your goals. Positive Tip: This won’t last forever, it is a positive move. Mind Focus: Grab this chance to improve your life, your uniqueness in your professional life will show through soon!

VIRGO ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22

PISCES ~ Feb. 19 to March 20

You are diligent, industrious and professional. Family matters and other relationships have your attention this month due to Mercury. Positive Tip: Creative endeavors bring pleasure and perhaps extra income. Mind Focus: So put them into use and prosper this month with your new education.


You are charismatic, serious and deeply complicated to some. It’s time to finalize a project so you can move onto something new. Study, travel, or a foreign associate offers fresh perspectives on a subject you have studied. Positive Tip: Look at this as stimulating. Mind Focus: A new future is coming.

Clarice’s Life Path Numerology A personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D. Neptune, the number 7, rules this month: Seven is a number of completions, and also an extremely holy and magical number. The vibration of 7 is about higher thought and unique balancing in your life between material, spiritual and emotional needs. The 7 vibration is sure to make your life interesting by throwing curve balls at you, but the kind you really want to retrieve. As long as you are open to anything life tosses your way this month, you are bound to have some really great adventures. The key idea is refraining from saying “no,” or to rejecting a new idea or suggestion the moment you hear it. On the contrary, be spontaneous and say “yes” to things that you never would imagine you would have participated in. Due to Uranus bringing sudden changes, experience life to the fullest. However, please wait until Mercury goes direct before making any moves. The Birth Path number describes the nature of this journey through your life. We will be covering the number 7 for the month of July. Below you will What Is Your Life Path Number? find how the number 7 affects the rest of the numbers 1 The Life Path is the sum of the birth date of an individual, and remains throughout through 9, including the number 5 for Mercury and the your life. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that number 4 for Uranus. In the ancient practice of numerology, your Life Path number is your Birth Date, and is the most important number. The Birth Path number describes the nature of this journey through your life. We will be covering the number 7, for the month of July. The number 7 is ruled by the planet Neptune. Below you will find how the number 7 affects the rest of the numbers, 1 through 9 this month.


Life Path – Sun Rules Self-determinism – Leadership – Exploration and Independence. You have the strength to overcome fear and resolve old problems. You can improve your relationships and enjoy them more. The easiest way to accomplish this is by being sensitive to the needs of the people that are close to you. People sense they can trust you. This is helpful in all areas of life, but don’t take it for granted, be understanding.


Life Path – Moon Rules Cooperation – Teamwork – Diplomacy and Intuition.

You’ll be a better communicator if you’ll listen more, research key issues, and ask questions. This is a time of growth and learning. Learn how to use your knowledge in the most effective way. To lower levels of stress in your life, don’t be controlling. Walking or meditation may be helpful at this time. Use the inner wisdom that you have.


Life Path – Jupiter Rules Socializing – Optimism – Inspiration – and Artistic. Your views on life are changing; with new knowledge and increased self-confidence you make an important decision. Choices made now can affect you for a long time, and those around you. Deal honestly with issues related to work and relationships, by doing so, it will teach you how to deal with serious matters and learn valuable lessons.


Life Path – Uranus Rules Systematic – Workaholic – Reliable – and Responsible.

Your relationships and obligations keep you busy this year. Aim for balance in all areas of life. Don’t let minor problems get you down. Stay focused on your goal. For the next six months, choose to increase your knowledge of the world. After that, focus mainly on your career and specialty. Spend time with intelligent people who inspire you to greatness.


Life Path – Mercury Rules Freedom of Communication Expression – Varity. Duties and goals are emphasized. You may gain satisfaction through meeting obligations. Bring more structure to your friendships and business connections. Communication and learning are important. Think new ideas. Keep in touch with people who have been helpful and supportive through your life. Stay grounded and calm.


Life Path – Venus Rules Trustworthy – Paternal or Maternal – Teacher – and Healer. Hurray! Venus is back direct this month. But you are still dealing with miscommunications during that time frame. You are a romantic at heart; be careful about giving your love to anyone unworthy. Take care of your basic needs before buying fad items. Keep in touch with people from your past that are connected to you emotionally.


Life Path – Neptune Rules Analytical – Questioning – Spiritual – and Intuitive.


Life Path – Saturn Rules Enterprising – Realistic – Authoritative and Efficient.


Life Path – Mars Rules Humanitarian – Idealistic – Visionary and Dramatic.

Persistent and masterful, tremendous inner reserves help you in times of stress. Keep this in mind if jealous people attack you. Have faith in yourself, even if worldly success is slow to arrive. A male will come into your life that changes you in some way, learn from the experience. Believe in yourself, even if others that are close to you don’t.

Driven, reliable, and talented, you are a winner, although success may take time, and lots of hard work. Stay focused on your goal. Avoid negative thinking and people who depress you. You can succeed in many professions. Use your talents where they can be most effective. Loyalty is a must in any kind of partnership, but it must go both ways.

Dynamic and strong-willed, make this a year of intellectual expansion. Don’t be fixed in your thinking. Be open to new ideas. Explore different places, beliefs and cultures. You need balance in your life. Give the same time and attention to your work or other interests that you give to your personal life. It must be both ways.

you carry with you through life; no individual has the same fingerprints, so, by adding your numerology number to your astrology sign makes you a totally unique individual. In numerology you have three primary numbers, your Life Path, Day and Attitude numbers. As you figure out your numbers, read all three to get a complete picture

How To Find Your Life Path Number

To find this number add all the numbers in your birth date. First, convert the month to a single number, and then add this individual digit, to the birthday, and the individual digit of the birth year. The individual digits are again added together, as necessary to reduce the total sum to a single digit 1 through 9. In this column I am not covering your personal year number, only for each month how your basic birth number is affected. If you are interested in the year number 1 through 9. You would add your month and day together to a single digit, and then add it to the existing year, to know the year number you are in. Example: Date of Birth: February 8, 1939 (2-8-1939). Add the month (2) to the day (8) plus the total of the digits in the year, (2-8-22 = 32 = 5.) The Life Path number is 5. To get the attitude number you add the month to the day to a single digit. This person’s numbers are: Life Path 5, Day 8, and Attitude number is 1. For your convenience I’ve listed the basic meaning to the numbers below; this will also help you know what numbers you are compatible with.

The Basic Numbers and their Meaning

1-5-7 Are the mental numbers, they ask the big questions in life.

2-4-8 Are the financial numbers, they are concerned with security issues. 3-6-9 Are the communication/creative numbers. 3-4-7-9 Are the Spiritual numbers, the numbers 4 & 7 are the genus numbers, and covers all talents.

Compatibility Numbers Your Number

Natural Fit Nbrs.

Compatible Nbrs.

Netural - Can Go Either Way Nbrs.

Challenge & Requires Compromise Nbrs.














































Mysteries of the Ancients Mystic Clarice Renowned Award Winning

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Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.


Light Happenings

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19 THURSDAY MESSAGES FROM SPIRIT, 6:30pm; an evening of communication with the spirit world, love & healing with international mediums Louise Hermann from Australia & Jennifer Wallens. Don’t miss this opportunity to see two of the most respected Evidential Mediums in the World. A limited number of audiance members will receive a message. (Please arrive early) At the Spiritualist Church of Eternal Life at NE corner of Tropicana & Pecos, Las Vegas. Register at www. See page 3. 22 SUNDAY RELEASE, HEAL & PROSPER, 6:30pm with Dr. Robert Moldowan. Unity Center in the Valley @ 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS CENTER OF LIGHT, Monthly meetings dedicated to studying Real Ascended Masters teachings. Spiritual healings. Call 702-792-3873 for dates, times and location. NANDAGIRI PATH OF SELF-REALIZATION, 10am Service. The teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Meditation Classes, Yoga. Visit: or call: 702-534-8413. UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Youth Ed 10am. Meditation & Metaphysical Discussion. JULY topics: 1st Say YES! to Igniting the Fireworks; 8th Guest Speaker Charli Douglass; 15th Say YES! to Going N.U.T.Z.; 22nd Say YES! to Calming the Inner Self; 29th Say YES! to Flexing Your Inner Spiritual Muscle. 3037 E. Warm Springs. #300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289.

July, 2012

SUNDAYS ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. JULY topics: 1st How Love Reveals Truth; 8th How Our Spiritual Lessons Come; 15th Experience the Light & Sound of God; 22nd How to Listen to the Voice of God; 29th Taking the Next Step to Spiritual Freedom. Community Hu chant song at Eck center, 6:pm third Friday or fourth Friday at Pure Health 6:15pm; 7575 W. Washington. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702-362-6184. TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 11am; Friendship Circle and meditation. 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904 on Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. MONDAYS GOLD LIGHT YOGA (YOGA + QIGONG), 745-9:15pm; Donation. Classical Ashtanga yoga combined with QiGong created for new and intermediate students. Blue Sky Yoga, Arts Factory 107 E. Charleston Blvd Downtown Las Vegas, TUESDAYS METAPHYSICAL BOOK STUDY, The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, 6:30p-8pm. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held at 3037 E. Warm Springs, Ste. 300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289. WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone 702-530-3250 or website TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. MINDSHIFTER SUPPORT GROUP, 7pm. Free yourself from emotional pain and experience release and joy. Unity Center in the Valley,3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289. UPCOMING EVENTS GRAND OPENING AND 5TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, Sunday, August 5 at 10 am Worship, followed by reception/potluck. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, Las Vegas. 702-435-3289 BENEFIT CONCERT WITH RED ROSE & THORN: Classic Rock, 7pm; August 11th Saturday. Family Fun! Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, Las Vegas. 702-435-3289

DID YOU KNOW? The first three weekdays of any 31-day month are repeated 5 times within that month. So, any month that has 31 days and begins on a Friday has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. The month of July was named for Julius Caesar July Flower + Meaning Larkspur means an open heart and ardent attachment LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: (subject Line, Calendar) PAGE 30 • JULY, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES


Kathryn Peters-Brinklessy All Fur Love Animal Soc. 702-362-5617 All Fur Love Animal Society is a non-profit rescue, rehabilitation and adoption organization. Our vision, to rescue animals which have been abandoned and provide them extra love and care until new, forever loving homes are found. We are dedicated to the pursuit of animal happiness and welfare and treat them with immeasurable love and respect. You can help by adopting a pet; volunteering or making a donation. Let’s create a “no more homeless pets community”. Together we can save lives, one pet at a time! Visit: See page 13

Allan Martin Osman Spiritual Counselor-Teacher 702-473-0163 Allan helps you: break negative habits, release negative emotions, improve relationships, make better decisions; and develop Receivership from God within. Allan offers Counseling, Stress Relief, Guided Meditation and Home Study by phone, Skype or in office. Allan is practical, non-judgmental and experienced. Call or email: First session is FREE. See page 27


For over two decades, Spiritual Wholeness counselor and teacher, Kathryn Peters-Brinkley, author of “Jewels for the Soul” and co-author with Dannion Brinkley of “Secrets of the Light”, has been assisting clients find their divine purpose, balance their four-body aspects (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) to function fully confident and empowered. Kathryn can help you clarify issues and overcome challenges in any life arena such as career, relationships, health, consciousness and/or finances. Personal mastery is just a phone call away. Sessions are conducted via telephone only. Schedule a reading today. 702-818-3729 or email Kathryn at QMPWisdom@ See page 2

Valarie Zuvuya Shaman Healer 702-499-1811

Valarie Zuvuya, a Shamanic Healer, uses her abilities to remove the imprints of trauma and cellular memories which may cause pain, stress, disease, depression and anxiety. Through entering the luminous energy field and journeying into different planes of existence, Valarie, with the help of power animals and spirit guides, initiates Soul and Destiny retrieval at the original source. Her clairvoyance and knowing can release stored traumas and memories. Need a house blessing, clearing of unwanted energies or Soul & Destiny retrieval? Call Valarie today. Visit: See page 7

Vince Link - OMD

Eckankar 702-369-0101 The teachings of Eckankar define the nature of Soul. The goal of Eckankar is spiritual freedom in this lifetime, after which you become a Co-worker with God, both here and in the next world. Karma and reincarnation are primary beliefs. Key to the ECK teachings is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. He has the special ability to act as both Inner and Outer Master for ECK students. The prophet of Eckankar, he is given respect but is not worshiped. 3160 E. Desert Inn, Suite 14. Visit See page 3

Go Raw Cafes

702-444-4775 • Oriental Medicine Heard about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine? For over 3,000 years, oriental medicine has been an effective system of healthcare for naturally treating acute conditions and as a preventive strategy. A qualified practitioner can detect a pattern of disease long before the symptoms manifest by asking the right questions, physical examination, observation of the tongue and pulse diagnosis. If you are taking prescription drugs and tired of the disturbing side effects while just masking your illness symptoms, call and learn how the natural approach of acupuncture and herbs can help prevent and treat your current condition(s). See page 27

Wallens & Hermann

Two Locations • www.GoRawCafe




Go Raw Café is your place for fine raw vegan cuisine. The highest quality ingredients are used to create delicious, healthy, pizzas, burgers, salads, soups, samplers, wraps, fresh juices, smoothies, desserts, coffee and more. Enjoy the bookstore, specialty superfood and supplement market inside the cafes. Monthly raw prep classes offered for $30. Learn how simple it is to fuel with the finest. Check calendar for monthly meetup group events & free lectures @ See page 2

Join us for “Messages from the Spirit World” July 19th @ 6:30-9pm. Please arrive early–doors close promptly at 6:30. Spend a wonderful evening of Communication with the Spirit World. Let International Mediums Louise Hermann, our special guest on her World Tour from Australia & Las Vegas TV Psychic Medium Jennifer Wallens, bring insights from the other side. Held at: The Spiritualist Church of Eternal Life at NE Corner of Tropicana & Pecos, Las Vegas. Cost: $30 prepaid, $40 at door if available. Due to size of audience, not everyone guaranteed to receive a message from Spirit, but all will enjoy Healing & a fun-filled evening. Register at: www. See page 3

Jennifer Wallens

Your Healing Hands




An International Psychic Medium, Jennifer was selected as one of the final four Psychics on the popular TV show, “Battle of the Psychics”. She was also recently chosen to be on the cover of a new book “America’s & World’s Best Psychics & Healers Who Care Most About You” As a practicing Spiritualist Medium and animal communicator, Jennifer, who provides evidential information, helps people who wish to communicate with those who have passed on, including pets. On a psychic level, Jennifer can relay information regarding physical conditions, life path, careers, relationships, family, finances, and future trends. Reserve your space See page 30

Michael Stellitano, Energy Healer 702-734-4777 At a very young age, Michael Stellitano recognized that he possessed a unique spiritual gift. In his early adulthood, he began to utilize the power he sensed to heal the pains and illnesses of people he encountered. He has spent the past 22 + years in the active practice of healing. Thousands of people have sought his assistance and have walked away relaxed, happy and free of pain. Michael does both in-person and remote/distant healings by phone. “I can show you how to heal yourself and others. Call today.” 702-734-4777 or order my DVD Your Healing Hands at: See page 27

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