In Laredo Magazine Issue 4 Oct. 2012

Page 7

Guns & Ammo Shelter Zombies, as we all know from watching movies, can only be killed by destroying their brain. They cannot function without their brain so that means no biting or eating perfectly healthy Laredoans. I recommend you load up on guns and ammo. Zombies differ from humans since the stopping power of a powerful gun does not affect a zombie. The only thing that affects a zombie is a shot to the head. Because of this I recommend you get guns that hold many bullets in their clips and always carry a back up gun in case you run out of ammo. Once you are armed and loaded you can now travel.

Some of you might think that if you were caught in the Z.A. the first place you’d take refuge is at Mall Del Norte. I mean, they have a Starbucks, Chikfila, Taco Palenque, and of course the Chinese food place that loads up your plate if you ask for it to go. At first it might seem like a good idea until zombies start crowding the mall like shoppers during Christmas season. So where do you go? You need to find a smaller shelter that is easy to defend and that also has a few escape routes. If things get hairy you need to escape and fast.


Laredo is home to food that you just can’t find anywhere else. So how will you stay accustomed to the foods that you’ve grown to love after the Z.A. arrives? I suggest you stock up on corn, mayonaise and cheese. Nothing will make you forget about zombies like a good ol’ corn in the cup. Also you might want to order extra when you go out to eat. Next time you visit your favorite suhi place or go out to get some tacos order more than you can eat. When you get home you can freeze dry your favorite tacos and that way they will be good to eat come time of the Z.A.



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