am magazine

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Annemarie is a highly professional

Art Director with strong communication

skills. She is very creative and comes up

with great (and implementable) ideas

at the same time as being a very fine craftsman with a strong sense for details. She masters all facets of creative agency work, eg. conceptual work, art directions, graphical work, hand drawings, photographing etc. etc. Ingrid Juanita Falch Marketing Manager Malt & Overseas Markets at Royal Unibrew

She has a conceptual understanding to projects followed by an exceptional detailed eye. She was my favorite Art Director when I worked with her as a client, and the favorite among the customers when I was working with her, as a college.” Mette Willingshøj, “Annemarie is Marketing Team without doubt the Manager at Coop most talented art director I’ve worked with. She is not only a creative genius; she is also a good sparring partner with a strategic mind-set, which customers as well as colleagues benefit from...

“I have worked closely with Annemarie as a colleague, I have hired her for various tasks in my new company and should I one day have the opportunity to put together a creative team, I would not hesitate to put Annemarie in charge.” Anders Sølgaard, CEO at 74Pharma

“Her art direction skills are of the best Danish caliber. Clear, confident and extremely tasteful. She is a great leader and works remarkably well with copywriters as well as photographers and designers.” Lars Jorgensen Creative Director Grey, New York

Pü et oprør hav er det godt at bevare roen I en turbulent verden af stramme deadlines, høje krav til fornyelse, involvering og udvikling er det en fordel at kunne bevarer roen. Hvis man mister den, forsvinder overblikket.

Ro kommer af viden og erfaring. Først når man ved, hvor i processen man befinder sig, så ved man også hvad der forventes. Og ikke mindst, hvordan man kan leverer det.

Et udpluk af virksomheder, jeg

g har arbejdet for...

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